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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1892)
mmvmmmamf mmk0mitkmmmm&miii tllC T'N OF THE BOAO. "tt tire it I ieftm of rtMted ireld, AkI v I ; f or wn etaltted wall, C lit !.- ,i idod nr m, here .. ij.aickad itwf. buddies low; And a Hy i!I Loldom Ml B-it IU i -sl'troa, bent and old. Blnie-rriL.t htllr and Thtle red shawl, Throuxh !! : u-k Supped doorway fares, Vor;- f:?.H bjiJ !;: and email. And li.jxur.' uuUftwt lend With a fdltorlnit foot be bmri Si Twixt lli tiUt bank to and fro, knit br ttp wiil ever atey En tk turn of lh road Nw rwteb tr, ran might enem TbuttLe) It. ff,r foebleneiM, . Till you licAr trnr story told. For the "TIm children all Are avrry wttlla nwaj'; Vuftrs Join hIsch 1 watched them go T wlt?n dny' mutm glimmering cold HowkI tl turn of (he. rood; And I'm xie-Jotno left behind: Yet fliso rivi-t . fA.t or slow, .' Ami thryVo i V home nomo day. 1'll i nr.ij laefc xu we, they wild: JuAttltlunorn lLal'a overhead It might cliaticg for aught I know. Ami tUftl's always in my mind, i'ut t dream It l:i my aleep, Asd 1 think It It ben I wake. And When out of doom I creep Toward tile turn of the road, Tina a ntcp I hardly make. Rut I'm raying nil the while, a Kieau.HJier minute's gone, I may puo them there, all three. Coining home, poor lads, to me, i fl'innd (lis turn of the road. Dot a stnuo's throw farther on. If I'd creep to where It showed Llko . riband stretched a mile, ) And Ibn longest look I'd take 8.ijv naught ntlrrluifon ln white, Huru my heart w-eia (11 to break. Ho before I come lu night, Home 1 set my face again, - Lest I'd lo;,o tho thought that's HcL-t Thro' the darkromo day. And thou a If I And tlio houso so still Tliat my Iieail bfclun to ache Hro my foot Is oVr tho Mil, 1 rail think 1 needn't fret. If thoy'ro maybe near me yet At tho turn of the road." Jano Harlow In Dookman. TIIE STILL. . 'Thero'rt no two cooldng nny more .' conchs, Tlioo, I can't eat auotlior jnoutlnr.l of nny thing till Ihavosoiuo ,Watei Corao down to tho boat." i. Theo, a brawny nej?ro boy of eight een or twonty, bnrel'ooteci, with his ti'oitriora rolled to his leneoa, his shirt oJeu tit tho throat and a tattered uirawhrtt on hia head, followed to a boat that lay well up on tho beach with n groat hole utovo in her Hide. "I brought you down hero," Baid Harry Watertford, leaning his back against tho boat and looking serioiiBly nt tho colored boy, "because I don't Want Sansom to hear what I say. But thiri tiling is coming to an end. "i You boo how Sansom aits there with . hirt head on his knees, looking r.t tho vatcr? Ho'fi boon that way all day. That u tho thirat. Ho feels it worso than wo do bocauso ho io a mulatto, and thoy haven't tlio strength of n trttro black or n puro white. But wo'H bo tho samo wa'y by tomorrow find Sansom will bo worse This is the tliird day without water, and in another twonty-four hours we'll not . p bo ablo to holp ourselves." "That's true, boss," Theo replied; .. "conqha iB salt, and thoy mako a pow erful thirst; but what aro wo going itodo?" ' - , "I am going to throw tho ballast ' out of this boat, patch her up and ,'try to tako her to NiiEsau. It is n fFHlim chance, but I might ao well drown as tuo horo of thirst." j They woro on Pelican island, theso i ,boyfl, only twolvo miles from Nao- nail, in tho Bahamas. But in tho ' terrific hurricane that, was blowing ' they might an" weli havo ibeoira thou sand, milos" rtway, oven if thoy had ? UUV UlltA LA1U14 lUtVb ft llllV iltllUAU on tho island. Harry Watorford, an Ameriam hoy sponding tho winter iu tho hotel in ITassau with hia father, had gono '. out fibhiug witli tho two colored t boatmon, and when tho storm sud- ' denly broke up thoy had managed to reach Pelican island, with no food, ' . and with their water jug washed full of Halt soa water. ' Tho lack of food was a small mat ter, for plenty of concha aro to bo found near tho Bhores of thoso is- & lrmila niiil putiplm ivlinn nronovlv nm- ; pared aro nH wholesomo to clams. But' tho water I Pollcan island was , not moro tltrm an aero in oxtont, n solid limestono roJr, with thin Boil on ' ton and not n drop of fresh water. w.Thoy had Biifl'orod terribly for r throo'days and now thoy had readied tho dangor point. "Might as well throw yourself into tho sea at onco, boas, " Thoo anaworod. "Thoro in no small boat mado could live in thia sen. And tho wind would ' pick it right out of tho water. This u what wo call n long palotho wind " keeps in tho Bamo quartor. It may blow so for fivo or Bbc days. Thcro wouldn't no Nassau bontmaji Qomo out whilo it lnets for no money." "I itm going to try it," Harry re plied. "It is sure death to stay horo. You and Sansom can do as you liko, but I havo mado up my mind to go. Tho wind blows dead for Nassau, and I shall lanh tho sail over this hole in tho side and try it with a doublo roofed jib." "You'll go down, boss, sure," Theo expostulated. "How can bIio sink if wo throw out tho ballast?" Harry asked. "If sho fills who'll still flout. She'll bo as good as a raft." "You don't know what a eca is breaking on tho Nrmsau shoi,ol"Thco argued. "No." said Hairy, "but I know what a thirst is killing us hero. Givo mo a hand with theso planks, and wo'H get tho ball.ust out." Hurry picked up tho end of ono of tho planks that formed a false bot tom for tho boat, under which tho ballast lay, and Theo, seeing it use less to expostulate, seized il o other cud and tho plank was thrown over tho side. Harry did not stoop to lift ' m.thcr plank. Something lay there in tho bottom of tho boat that .ie eyes fixed upon. Ho looked and looked us though fascinated and J .-ceding to movo lest ho find it all a i lis.ako. "What's tho matter, boss.'" Theo asked at longth. "What is this boat ballast d with. Thoo?" "Lead pipe," Theo answer- A. "It was better than sandbags, b causo it took less room. Wclf.v.'jht tcutof" tho big Spanish Bteamer tl at was wrecked a year atro." "And didn't I" Harry's throat was bo pare led and ho was so much excited ho c uld not speak. "What ia it, boss? Thatpla lk'nu'.t havo been too heavy for y )U. Sit down a few minutes and resl." "Oh, I'm all right. Didn" I neo a teakettle in tho locker?" "Yes ; wo always bring that copper tcakittlo along. Most boatmen liko cofi'eo, but wo liko tea." Boforohohad finished Hrrryhad jumped out of tho beat and vas wav ing his hat frantically. "Hurrah I Watort Water! Oh, I can tasto it already I" "Tho fovor's took ye, bos," eaid Alice, following Harry out of tho boat nnd grasping his arm. "NoiiHenso," Harry shouted. "It's water. I tell you wo shall havo all tho water wo want insido of -two hours. Don't think I'm crazy: I'm oil right. Lead pipw and a teakettle. Don't you Luow that lead pipo and n teakettle aio uo good as a spring? Go and routio Sansom and get to work and you Bhall soou havo all tho water you can drink." Theo walked off toward Sannom, but not without looking doubtfully ovor his shoulder at Harry, whoso midden excitement ho could not un derstand. Harry climbed back into tho boat and drow out a picco of half inch lead pipo about fifteou feet long. Ho wont into tho littlo cabin and found tho copper kettlo, big enough to hold two gallons. "Now, Sansom," ho cried, "you tako tho hntchot nnd get plenty of firewood a big pilo enough to last all night. Theo will stay hero to help mo." Saimoni took tho hatchet and started for it thickot, keeping within tho sholtor of tho rocks that shioldcd him from tho fury of tho hurricane "Hero, Thoo, look at tho end of this pipo. Now I wish you to mako mo a plug out of ihe hardest wood you can find, with tho small ond just big enough to fit snugly into tho pipo and the largo end threo tunai as big." Harry tu istcd tho pipo fivo times around a broken limb of a treo that lay near, fivo or six inches in diamo tor, and thus mado u coil, leaving about two foot of tho pipo straight at tho top of tho coil and a foot or moro at tho bottom. "Hero's tho plug," said Thoo, re turning with it. "Yea, and now I'll Hhowyou,"Hnr ry Baid. "Clot mo that hatchot from BauHoiu for a minute Now thon I" Ho inserted tho email end of tho plug in'o tbo end of tho pipe and Btmok it ulx or eight Binart blows with tho hatchot. This drovo tho plug in and onlarged tho bora of tho ond of tho pipo to moro than doublo' its origiiul uico. Thon ho took tho plug out. "Now got mo a big cpikooutof tho boat and drivo tho end into any picco of. wood for xt Uanjllo, vou know. Then heat tho spiko redhot in tho fire" Whilo Theo wa3 doing this Harry fitted tho enlarged end of the pipe to tho Bpoutof tho teakettle, and gently pounded it down enug and tightwith tho hatchot. When tho Bpiko was hot enough ho melted the edges of tho pipo, and thus soldered it to tho kettle. "Now bring the water jug out of tho boat, and that rusty tin pail you uso for bailing," ho ordered. Thoo brought, pail nnd jug, and Harry managed to cut a Bmall hole through tho sido of tho pail, almost at the bottom, through which ho thrust tho straight end of pipo from tho lower part of tho coil, thus fix ing tho coil in the pail, and stuffing pieces of his handkerchief into the hole besido tho pipe to make it water tight. Thou ho bent down about three inches of tho end of pipo that pro truded from tho pail Uko a water spigot "Now, Theo," eaid tie thirsty young scientist, "you build mo a lit tlo hearth of stoneo to hold tho ket tlo just where it is now; and you, Samson, get that other old pan out of the boat and dip mo up some water." Harry scraped away sand on tho sido of tho pail farthest from tho firo until tho mouth of tho water jug was brought on a lovel with tho bottom of tho pail, with tho bent end of tho pipo running into it. In it few minutes thero vas a roar ing firo under the kettle, fi r fuel was plenty. 4 "Hi, boss, that kittlo'll soon begin touingl" Theo shouted as tho fire crackled and roared. "Kettlo I" said Harry. "Thero is no kettlo hero." "Why," Theo answered, "there's my old copper kittlo that I mako my tea out of." "No," Hnrry correctedhim. "That 13 ue: a x;eino any moro; itua'ie tort.' This coil of pipo is a 'worm.' Tho water jug is a 'receiver.' Tho wholo apparatus is a 'still.' I am go ing to distill water now, and you shall both havo a drink hi a very fow minutes." ' A fow minutes later tho kettlo be gan to sing. Too much steam es caped around tho lid, and Hairy toro a picco of lining from his coat, wetted it in tho pail and placed it ovor tho joints. Thon ho lay down on the sand and put his car close to tho water jug. Drop, drop, ho heard; but ho said not a word. Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop it was steady now, though slow, and ovory sixty of thoso drops a spoon ful! It was tho sweetest music ho over heard, tho falling of thoso drops of life. It was tho binging of birds in green meadows, tho dashing of cascades over mossy rocks. "Moro wood on tho iiro, Theo. Keop her hot." "What got into tho jug, bosa?" Theo askod after tho firo had been replenished. "Fresh water!" Harry cried. "Oh, no, boss; you can't turn salt water into fresh." "Can't I? Go bring mo a tumbler and a tablespoon out of tho boat two tumblers." Theo brought tho tumblers and threo tablespoons, and Harry lifted the jug from undor tho end of tho pipo, putting ono of tho tumblers in its place. "Hold your spoons!" Theo and Sansom stood each with a spoon in his outstretched baud. Harry emptied tho jug into ono of tho tumblers. Such a tiny bit I Ho filled Theo's spoon, filled San Bom's and had only a fow drops loft for himself not half a spoonful. "Now tasto it." It was warm, but sweet as tho water from any well. To tasto was to swallow to boys in thoir thirsty condition. It moistened thoir parch ed throats, gave them now lifo. Even San3om revived. "That beats mo, boss," eaid he "That's something Sansom never saw clono before But there's so littlo of it!" "If wo can mako a spoonful, wo can mako a pailful," Baid Harry. "We've only to keop tho firo going and water in tho kettlo. It's tho almplost thing in tho world. Tho heat turns tho wntor into Bteam, which trios to escape by tho pipo. Tho water iu tho pail koops tho pipo cool and tho Bteam is condensed into fresh water and runs into tho jug. It'aonuof thq first thingaj learned 'TirTWrtlraiiiinHwrunini HBH T JITHli1' iOSLH ITO'U WIEiXJK;? nR.CANDENSF 1JF Urmmr'B I AN v miii i m m ! iiiiBMimii '. !i r wt m v i 'nrr iiiBiH'fiwfni.cirs' Kjgijj VEAIEMjj mtficyiwBUeii k.rtKTuuiUQir,mmf3 f cvzmrri 'Mi mMriiMi 'tt i'"I'-mmt t rr' t inr ' LEcrac MELT D M'-Jay p O in chemistry; uomo uso, isn't it?" "It saved threo lives," said Theo solemnly. "Now wo mil koop watch night and day," eaid Harry; "four hours on and eight off. tho man on watch to keep the lire going and keep water in tho kettlo. Put a littlo moro wa ter in now, Theo; about a pint at a tune Never have the kettlo moro than a quarter full nnd novor let tho firo go down. Now, go and cook some moro conchs for supper." At supper timo tho boys had a good half tumbler of water apiece. Tho kettlo was kopt steaming all night, and next morning tho jug was moro than a quarter full. For four days after tho making of tho still tho bdys lived on conchs and distilled water. It was not a gener ous diet, but they mado no com plaints. Tho Btoi-m abated on tho fifth day that they woro on tho island. But for two days moro tho sea was too rough for them to venture out in the broken boat. On tho seventh day thoy heard a steam whistlo closo by and a fow minutes later tho steam tug City of Nassau was pumng off their beach with Harry's father on board, and tho men on her cheering at sight of the threo boys alivo and well. Mr. Waterfowl was hardly on tho island before ho saw tho still, and ho know at n glance what it meant. "Who mado that still 1" ho asked. "Mr. Harry mado it, cir," Theo an swered. The father had Harry in his arms. "My boy," he said, "youhavo often been told that knowledge is power, without paying much a.tention to it. Now you know that knowledge is life." Hairy learned afterward that hi3 father had offered u Treat sum of money while the stoim was raging to any boatman who would go in search of him, but no ono would venture Tho tug was tho first boat out after tho storm. Tho still was boxed and sent to New York, and Theo aud Wamson soon afterward had a beautiful now boat, supplied with any number of copper kettles. William Drysdalo in Boston Globe. A v"or' . Mr. John n. V. Ann Id has done an enormous amount c t private il lustration, and his collection is among tho most celebrated of tho city. His most renin rliaLio work hud for its foundation Joseph N. Ireland's "Rec ollections of the New York Stage." In 1882 Mi Arnold had oxtonded Mr. Ireland's work to twonty volumes, had expended upon it upward of $9,000, and had supplied it with 5,C00 illustrations of persons and scones ranging over tho period from 1750 to 18C0. New York Sun. . j iA m w fc. .Of m MtfStf very Smoker's Nose knows when It Is pleased. It is always pleased with the fragrant and peculiar aroma of BlackwelPs Bul3 Durham Smoking Tobacco Which has been for more than a quarter of a century the desire and delight of comfort lovers everywhere. It strikes the taste of many fastidious smokers. Try it. Blackvell's Durham Tobacco Co., DURHAM, N. C. 2m I r"AlL F . 5T rim jr yya Ar S r Tlic Doctors Are Conk fJACltiltS, vi ! . j" Salem Abstract and Loan Co, The only A bi tract books of Marlon county. Heal erlato i.rders filled promptly and mkly. W. H. H. WATERS, MANAOBK. PJPflRT nifFAQF! 1 r j'.ffl1l UE7ES52K Statistics Bhowtliat ono In rorn has a weak or diseased lluiirt. The tint symptoms are abort broutlt, oppression, fltittvi luff, fttlut and hunirrysstells.pala In atdsitticaemotherlnir, swollen unities, ilrnitay (mvl dentil, for Ttlilcli 1K. BULKS' NBW IU1A11T Ctntll Is a marrolous remedy. "1 huvu boon troubled wlih heart dtsoasa for yonrs, uy lclt pulso irns Tory neat, could at times satrcely feol It, the smallest excitement would always weaken rcr nerxes nnd heart and a fear of ImpendlnK rtontli slnrcdmain the face for hours. Jill. MIII'."1' NKllVINIl nnd N1YW 11CAILT C'tlltE Is tho only inodlclno that has iirovrd ot any bene fit and cured mo. 1.. tl. Uyer, Clovertlalo. lid, Jr. Mllos' Liver Pills are a euro remedy for Ulllousness und Torpid Liter. SO Doits BS cents. I'lno book on Itoort Dlaeate, wltk wonderful cures Tree at drueslsts, or oddreu OR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind Bold hy D J.Fry, drugR!Bt,Snem. mrasumnus Act on a new principle rogol.its the livor, stomach end bowela thtoug the nnws Dit. Mii.ns' TrLxj si'CidUv cure biliousness, torpid liver and constipa tion. Smallest, mildest, t'lrwtl Cpd3uua,SQct3. 6si"iil" uee At rtruu'uicta. iet. C,tlktrt.litll. gold by D. J. Fr, ilutirglat, Salem pOSESKX SOeaaiiMWOTnuMs' FOWEH SUSPENSORY FOFL mi KJHEN Biww r rl!f and cure our Ignorant of iTtcti Itwity whUU U mkM u leaitiita thus ' imgAi ami viKr will I ol. m m tncMir rounccu. Or. 8oleu'a KUtrlc dS II other MwMnWwUJat tMtifjr, and tromfmutf i"4 A sWullUs.SS VHO ARE DEBILITATEQ AND SUFfERING from Nervous DebilitV Seminal wfak NEsa Losses Drains. Impotfncy on. jlosT Manhood, Rheumatism, Lame iBack. KidneV Troubles. Nervoi jsnf.k SlEPLESSNESaFboRMEMORVs GENERAL IllTIeALTH the eRects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. For tachsuffercn 8as aod OasoliN MINES ITnvo tnnr porta, and are T 1IU llisd 1(1 .iliitn . nut ofprUcr than a.ny ptUor kuj or .wutoliu eugtnoa now mm ttU day. 3IAKCS NO HMi:r,I. OK DIRT. Ifo doublo or fulse rxptoslonso request wltfc tit UU1VU.UJ1U ftllK, Ifor Simplicity It llont tho World. It Oils Itself AutoKiiitlcuilIy, No ItnttorJos or Klcctrlo Bpark. IV rnns wttlt a Cheaper Orae of audUno tlum ear other Ermine Dr. Geo. W. Williams, Formerly of Quccn'H il ip till, London, undiiEkl-tutitF, will ii-nlD !"lt SALEIVE, Tliiirsdjiy, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 22d, 23d and 24Ui. AT THE WILLAMETTE HOTEL nnd enn bo consulted free of chnree. Throe Illustrious physicians can name vour diseases without asking n auction. Go and consult thorn this day, It will cost you Nothing, nnd may save vou years ol BUtlering and perhaps your life. $1,000 IN GOLD Given for nny cose tliev tulio nnd cannot cure. And another $l,noa for any cose you ever heard of tlmt they undertook and failed to relieve. Yoang, Midlc-Agcd and Old Men, ho may bo sufTerinfr from Youthful Fol lies or the excesses of matured life should consult at once, before it Is tco late; these veteran practlonors, who have no ennuis In the United Htntes ns they can and will reatoro you to perfect health when all oth ers havo failed. llKOKnX-DOWN CONSTOTITIONS are rejuvenated nnd manly vigor rstored yj i.n iwy uiiu wiMiuunui nibinoaa oi trnmnpnt Va iitininiin ..,n .. -.. W orn out Imilness inon, call for advlco, es- wij ti j vu uiw nuucnug irora NKUVOUS DE11ILITV or nilliiff power, of nny diseases of tho eve, ii' ..j1 ". .'""( ueurt, Hiornacn, skin, kldnoys, or b'ndder. 11LO0D DISEASnS cured In tho shortCHt time bvvegctnble '""'" vnuiMuuuucnnsniupiiUD posi tively cuicd by t hair now German method. LADIES Who suffer from nervous pros tration, sleep Icssneis, despondency. IndlRcstion, constl pntlon, iHssltudo, pains lu the luicV or sides, and diseases peculiar totlirlrsex, canwusult theso physlclnm in tho utmost confldenco. ?or Loeatii Mines. u Dr. XI. Hmitli is now file ni'eut in Ore gon (or tl c fsle ct Atbislifc'IV Kiwtro Mne ncii lods lor.locutlug n li'ft of Gnld r -Ilor, This lUbiiuuitut ins become the osl flhii'rt l.noH in dit'(tli-s tba piei- i nee of Isold nnitumtr ai,;o''tts xuicwcr in th fmni i-f hidden coino- fjuettz rocl. I heii.nker cl.iliiiH that u (i')'lul invcsi' i.itlon Issuri! toitad on i" llin rxnrt ln n'ltyof Ihe treasure. Kir f rther infm mutloii pleasonddiehs DR. H. SMI H, --c-'i rulfti, 'Tegnn. iunon Bros, STATE BTREKT RICK Largo stock o! common Krii i; always on hand. 1'nercd und ornuinLnUil brick mudu to order. Lveordcis at O.Rtolz, Si Plate street, Ooodhuo & Cnhlll, (5 Statu htrett, or at the yard, opposite State l'rlson. Residence 382 Chun h St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AKD HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, Kalsominer and Pa per Hanger. Leave orders at A. n. Buren A Bon's Fur niture store or Broat & Glle, Grocers. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Routs Shasta. Line CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN RUN BAILT BETWEEN PORTLAND AND S. P. Houth. .7:w;p. in. Lv. I'omaua 0:18 p. m. Lv. Kalera 8:15 a.m. Ar. Ban Fran . "fflmalT; Ar. I 7:S.) a. m Lv. I 6:26 a. m Lv. 7.00 p. in iron Bucmrrirn ciucdum Arrt-T to PALMCR & PEY, MANUFACT0RIRi !u Fraarisca. CiL and fotiui, Or ' Hrrco REMEMBER THE DATES, September 22d, 23d and 24th, Dr, Williams' Medical and Surgical Institute. 0n4iMnwn pnllcnts trcnlf d wllU tinfoil ln,., T,ec' x throiich correspondence. Medicines sent safely und ftce tiom obscr atlon to nny part of tha ooumrr. W ite il 'nyiupto . blunk to nil out, and n letter fully jixpin Inlnp your disease, Ktving nd. vice, Ac, will bo returned free. AddrtM all letter plainly to QKO. W. WJLLIAMP, 400, Geary St., Sau Frnuo'Bco, Cnliforuln. A VitTi ittniika L4jhw .la. n f --ll n..i- . a Ongon City, Woodburu, tjalcm, Albany Tangent, Hhedds, Jinlbcy, Harrisbuie Junction City, Irving and Kugtne. ltOaKMUHO MALI. DAILY, 8:J0 u. m, 11:17 a. m 5:60 p. ro. Lv. Portland Ar. I -1 SO p. m. Lv. Haiem Lv. ( 1:40 p. m. Ar. Iloseburg Lv. 7:00 u. m Albany Local, lnlly ilicept Sunday. 6 UU p. iu. I Lv. 7:63 p, m. I Lv: 9.-00 p.m. Ar. Foitlaud salem Albany Ar. HM0n.m. Lv. 7:3J a. m Lv, b:30a. m. PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation ol passengers holding second Class tickets attached to express trains. iVest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: PAtLY KTCErT SUNDAY). IjM a. in. I Lv. Portland Ar.'rE-wrp.Tn. txirvallls Ia . R6& n. m. laiOp.iii. Ar. At Albany and Cnr allls connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Uallrue.d. KXPIlESa TRAIN (DAILY EXCFlT5tJN"5'lY 4:ll) p. in. I Lv. Portland Ar." 7:25 p. m. Ar.McMlnnvWeLv. "E2oa, in 6:45 a. m la our marrclouit invention, which require but a trial to convince the mast Up!lc.l. IeotrIeIty-and thus caused your woaknew or lack of force. If you replicc Into youj i or by excescM, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of netv forci ieciri&tiy--anu inu causeu your woaknei or JacK ot lorcc. it you replace Into youi drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and la a natural way, This is our plan anil treatment, and we tniarnntec a rmi for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free j cnt by mall, scaled, Blt is no experiment, at we have restored thousand to robust health and vigor, falhxl, as can be shown by hundreds of casta throughout this State, who would sladli whom wc Lave strong letters bearing teathnony to tbeir recovery after using our Belt, THB VflW DR, SKNDBN BLECTRIO BELT m onippwt gawae bamry, watM low a lK so M to De easily worn during work or at rt, nnl give toathUtr, pingw eurrcats , fMlk urn humudy Uk tbioujfbout Uv weak parts, or we forfeit $5.OO0. It has an Jstmrovod Woetrla its.jary, the M Man vnt five wmk men, ami we,wnHi it io ewe any oi uie aeore weatnetws, ano 10 rnirf. MtratiitM nmw, r mM, or wr lstfWU&. They are era Jed is strewtlt to sneet all stufta of weakftew Ih younir, 2 IvU'lc-iitW r W men, ad M ewe W$m Mt mh h tw or ltr wJm, AdOnss ) ANBBN ILKCTRIO CO., I7S First St., PO: -LAND, OKIOOM, 15 Chias, Wote, GERMAN MARKET, IU3 Stota St. PrM rl.illVMrw All bl-l, . .. "" low prices. Uld ratrous aro re. iueted Uivh'seiM'couutsBad renuw bul WnSTPATtNT3?:TtHRWITH EtECTKS B!ST 5L? MACNITIC lUWOVWtNTS. ffl SlJsrciiSMY. IflllMl ,41lo iIihiu lilllu tnn M hiI jik.MC... SiUti. luMun,,, A.WiiVy i'., J lui.n Unwi. itstH.iUM, ll.j, 1, ,.- . i Likjiir IHtm,ulilm iimutM U ls.iu.Ur (tiitrUt (Its stain s f imUmkii ( u, , ,,4 T4,, fI ,ui , o. mrinu hkii? si TiVrur. Notlpo ot Finn! Selllemcut. Vrt'TI!'; U Verelir r.lvtn to all whom It il , crvn lnu thn ncdets'itned Adtrlulnu'.oc , r the Fi.!atii tX llenrv JeUs, d iwn.m s, hi thin day Btl Ul rlnil ItiMAIIIlt ill- 1.4 Lil, " . ttMoitstr.f Urn lr Marion muniv. P? ,,',,t"!VT,J" ,el'-r Mb. uw,at I r,'l.c!tofald djy n iho CVurtrcomol ratdt;.nrt h-tn ndathetln.aud ci&Suts: ' """t ' " s?wWr mt Through Ticke To all points EAST and SOUTH For tickets and lull lnicrmaticn regard, ing rates ru'iM. etc., uj.ply to the Compa nya agent Salf m, Oresoit. v PirMViK; Au . . and Pa's. Ae't It. KOHULKlt. .Msnajer Citation. IntheConuty Court nrtlieMatoorOid. cou for the tvmutv of Marion U' lntbe matter of the litatc biIb.w nSL .,......, rHtaUou. ?"fZe.vvI- "Ify; Heir uWawof sail uCT.euuuui.jonu t. u izey and all other tiflnnna fnia,A.i. ,1 ... " vutr Uklwinoi " '" ba,a ttUile- inthBanroofthe Htato of Orfeon von lor tl eTo'unly-or in on? a', thecouVt room thereof, at tho city of "iloiu. i "ha Oouutj nraturion. 00 tho nth Uavofo lku-i .1 in ..V.i... . "" uaJ "IIIC- dayVher.uV,heV0'To-:iXcauTo7rl,n!Vl you uae, hy an order tlwuld nil hi Krantedt.F U.8nilU The Admlnib.rato? "I salvl etale, in ku ihefollowl "g i" scribed And IliMl tt i..a, .. at t. . .... ni.:.Ti,r7i.n .,' f.i" ,iu. . va v pub. TALJOUHN.VI. hClD O UOMHiar.lT frliVltrt DaldtUU5iUdyir-ieii:o"aer 1S-' ,,.;" Judgootmiaouuit. IV. T. R NEMAN DIALER tx Sliple 8d! FiEff Gtchitrfcs, I &,?,, Uloixwa- Imr. Ves.t n 1 SlH2wF .A'l kind. I fWuf?. I ksnsnnrasRs taaMis THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALE2T, OltMGON. Bates, $2.50 to $5.C0 per Day Tho bent hotel between Port laud audBan Francisco, Find-clam In nil its appoint, inentt. lta tables are Reived with the Choi cent J'Tuiia Grown J In tho WUluuibUe Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. trr-j . MO trOH 3 s o g -- - , C5 "S3 35 ST ft- ' fji -H B w w (Tl . . V o cd & re -j tc s-o , o Z? eu ss IP' w? M e fi3 r - ChSss w a n z y ' CZ P o ro . !75 5. : a" z : o hr. r U S hi 1 i-r r- O .i 'J o3 -i H i- U . E O " mT t h r- C o m "" S" 3 ii2 rn CpoSgfL gu" fS'2 & 3 slp -w - a $ S S ii 2 S re 2 pu S p - S" . 3 -9 re 0 - . p re 5 1 ro a Pre m rrLtSX. rn" T t-4 -' r n s - g-p-lp 2." e o s,aS s- w m Q p- HH O re m r lJ to C?3 IB R'U PcO rr ar -h 1. N-- a P 8-S-5 3oq.S p &La ?r c a o 5 n re M p vS hrj "3 s p cc o tu re m g E? re w " o5 r-s w ". ?5 " t? PJ55DTre o re pig. cFJ Cti K t-1 a w . iU C2 Cj M?02O . w ' til. wi j- ii a w re ci- cr i i m P or v re re -d m O T' .- w o "3 V.8 1 p a S H 2, ei- ro a p 2 p 2 S l-S 2J -. . C t-!2 1 1 tj tr 3 o aj 5 i ? ...a rJ. L ert- O re -t. re f o b- o ct- i-t -r1 ro M " P 3. w re m a o7 if- a 3 n d'P a rn" -t F a-.o o o j? c c " ft 1 m ?T -3 00 03 S2. bRT- 2P FOR SALEI CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND FRLIT GARDENS, Within oue-hnit mile of mo electric Mittt car llniHinirt inlruioutidH station and jion" ofllee Only two and one-quarter nilUx from tliecentei or Salem, liuuthy, beau, llful location. Ho.) ixtrtiKOod, wclldrulutd and rich. 1'rlcelowaudlennsuiiiy. 8-llMf II. W.IXJITLE. FOR SALE. Absolutely - Sufo - Investment. $10,000 FOR $6,000 'llieuow ttto-f.tory bilck store buildlne nnd frohiul occupied by Uco, F. Uuilth, on Comintrclal fitrttt. Forxale fur tUCOU If tnlienMou. ItpnTBlO ptr cent, ou that amount, aud will be worth SiU,(X0 In kkg than tie yeais. II. W. L'OTaLK. b-iatr .Before Starting ou a Jouriny A pcreon usually dt-Mixs to gain tome In. formation as to the most dCKlinhleicuteto take, und will put 1 hneu tickets ia t he ono that h 1)1 nlloid li'.m tho qulrktstanu b(Ht bcnice. Uelore titnrtius on a trip to chl cuKOoruuy puliit Juiel.jou should prolUe yourtell vitun map and tlmolablu of the . lhcouhln Ltutinl Line. The trains ruu on thlKiouttnieviEtlbuletintfaietQUlpi td with Pullman' lnlcKt lira wlni; Itoom nit cp. en-, ekisant j'uy Coi.cliraaud LMnlnf ims of luteht diHlgn, built ispu-ssb lor this m. vloe.uutt me tiquisltulu luiulshlngs and Louvcnleiu and comlortabio in airaiim... ment and bsiioiuplt-tolu oery detail tlmt they lmc no Bupeiloi In i-omlort und i-le-gaute. The dining cur service Is pronouu. ccd by all tho ii.ol elegant ever Inaugur ated, aud Is operated In the iul-iLbt ul lu patrons. Fast linliis via the Wisconsin ('eiilml Lines lta oilliiiicapollb dully at j2.15 p.m. und 0:'Ji p, m., i.ud ht. 1'aul ut l;b0p. in, and 7:15 p 111., muhlui; favorable (ounce, tlon with all unlns lroiu the V, tht and aoiUhut'Si. For tlcltcta, maps, tamphlcto und lull lntoiinailou 111 ply to U. F. JMcNclll, C. I. and I'. A,, MlLiui.irolls, .Minn ,aud to.lut, V. Fond, Ueiieial I'assehger HLd 'llckct Attnl, Chicayo, III. M-ly Sheriff Sale, NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue ol nu cxclitum duly issued out oftue uiuuty uourt ol tho blale ol Oiegon lor the count of Micrlim.oip iheiBth day of Aug. gust, l&M.uud to 1110 dlrt-ctcd upon a Judg ment duly ruideied, entered ol ucoiuuuti docketed in Hiid by Mild (Xiurt, on theUili diyol August iKrti, inaieit.tiu suit tneu in said court, pendim; v.heit-Iu L. aud K. lilrbch weiop'uintiiN,iiijd Hi ulfsvuighu vas delendeul in l.ivo ot plnlntlir-, and ugiilubt defendai.t, b which uxccatluu I am rommunded tin-1 out of tho per nal projony of i-ald defendant, or If tulllclent cnnnol bo found then out ol tho ruil pioperly belonging to snid delendau in mid o.iuuty, on or after thd (i.h day August, 1&SJ, tosatiffy thesum ol S14-.W, teether with lmerei-t thereon at theiuiool 10 per cent, por annum, lrom the 0th day ot August llvi.!. and thelurther sum ol 8U 3"), ti KUherwitb Interest from tho (Jtlidiiy of August, lbU, and the fur ther sum of 10-U0 aud albO costs and ex penses of taid execution, I have levied upon, nnd will, on Saturday, the 1st day of October, 1892, at this hour of 2 o cioik p. tu, of eaid day at tho west door of tho county court house in Bulcm, i'.arlon county, Oiegou, tell ut public unction to the highest bidder lor cash iu hand ou the day of sale, all the right, title. Interest and eb tnte which bald delendant.Charles'Vaughn, had on or after the 0th day or Aug. 1K1, in and to the loilowlng described real piop-erty,to-wlt: Beginning nt the northwest corner of tho southeast quarter ol sjction 4. T, 0 b , It. -i west; ttienee east Mji leds: thence south 14 lods; thence westWJf rods; thence north 14 iodi to the place oi begin iiluir. contnlnincrtftacifiiinoiBor k umi also all ol the donation land claim or 1 11. Jamlu Vaughn nnu Elizabeth Vaughn in I T. S 8 , II. 2 west, bave aud except tbo fol lowing uescriueapicmisf'S, to-witi Jiogin nlng ai ihe southwest corner of the bouth easl ouurter of section 4, T 1)S., It. 2 west of V. illmnetle Meridian; thence north ISO chalusf thenco west 211) chains to the northeast comer ol Isaao Cook's donation land clain; thenco along eastern boundary of salilUook's donation laud clalinJO chains; thence east 1.00 chains to the p'ace ol be ginning, contain) ug , acres, more or less. Dated ut fuleio.thL. .list day ol Au.,"!tsS)2. JOHN KMi.Hr, Bhi'rlir of Jlai Ion County, Oregon, By F. T. WitiaiiTMAN, Deputy. 7-U-5t THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. 25 miles shoiter, it) hours les3 time than by uny otbet loute. Fliel ciusb through paficcger nnd freight ))c lrom Portland und all points in lhc"l) lametle vallcv to and liom br.u tisncin" TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Hundais). Lcii-vuAinar.y I:ltlli4 Lruvo Con Kills l:ldl'il Arrive Ynquinn f:t(''M Leave Yr.qnlnn t:45 A JI I.cnc Corvallis low Ail An lo Albany 11:10 A U O. A C. trains connect at AJlony and toivnllls. The a bo tuning connect at .MIV1VA T.llh tho Ounon Development Cot Lin jfhK'iwslilrir.liftwpon 'iuouina and Ha Frsncibft-i. .,N; E. rrisstngers troni Portland and nil lllanictto Valley points can make close !l5i,on vlth tho tialns of the AQLINA UUliTKat Albany 01 Co:-alliu end li dPstl.ed to fan rmiitJfco, sl-ould ai!at.,' (oiirrfrctit nqc)i.n the evening 1 :. l-JUMCt,! IHlllUy srd Irtish' !,, .lirsu tW t-rr.t. 1 or luuiimatlou apply to iletrs IK'LMAN fn, Irclgl.t and licUel At-infiwuinrtauaifronl St., 1 ortianu, Or,; VI f c. noo ok Ae't oin'i rn. l,a.A(rt,,Oiegon I'aioCclt.It. Ci'.. ,. .1 ,,.... Corvt'fclF.C'r f H.H.KVWJj,Jr.en,I Krt; d ""r Aij;. tiregt." )'eilivifm.t '.. ltt ','. w !.:' t. J?JI? ? -T- T TI,i.N 'fa. Tin. KaJSfqi? e mm MM m& HEALTH. ?. n,claa ' Oolelon Balsam Wo. I Cares tlmncrct, flnt nd ascond auj.s oorcs en tho Lees and Bedy: Sore Er Fypliilitlo t'Atirth, dUcased Scalp, nrd -'! primary fonna of the dlseasa known at Syphlilf. Price, f 5 OO per Uottlo. bo Ittchau' Goldou HuIiuiu No.! .?,"T?.tt,Iarl "orcuriaiaypliliitic Hheu tnatUra, Pains In the Uonct, I-ains lu thi Held, back ol tho Nak, Ulcerated S- t fhroat. Byphllltio Itash, Lumps ai d con tncua Cords, Btlffnesa of th9UmbanJ (radicate all diseaso lrom th s.-steta. wiictUer cauied bylndUrrttlon cr abuse ct Mercury, leavlnjt tho blod pure aud t tby. VrlcB s OO per Ilottlo. IjO Jiiclinu'a Golden rJnunUU Antl. JlS:0..'0'1"8 r si Conorrboa, Cleet, Irritation Orael, and all Urinary or ami Vyd'!"neacnta. Price $4 So poi - clio Oolttea Spanish In. jection, forsrcra nursol Oonorih-B. liirumiruuiryGlotLBtrlcturrttc. relet 1 J ; per Bottle. . It'chun'a Goljr OlntinetsI lir t).o l)fslli wyphilitio bar.-' aad.?!urUona- i'rlctl 00 per Box ' klcflau' OoldoH rili-Nrrt JU4 Braiq Ueataiact, fawo!rylcalp3' fslto S4 1 00 per Hex, "T" route and Korrlaa. WL BICKAJDSIW CO, A.wU H . ill SUtMMXT T., J.p w' 1 . , :,2"