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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1892)
'A itTOiWN WATCDES, Vit&ttMm i -'Sy mmSm fek :&. i li it fc iMjijirj iM f -j----- JMUiriniiT ifltlflf-'-tTf by itift "Associated Press Reporters, TOE ODD FELLOWS. -fc frrogtamforSalvrday.Kttnday tad Monday. Portland, B-pt. 10. -The pro- fgteaj of thetntert-iinment and fea- "tafMofUieetHy of the Odd Frllowft rtilleln the eil.V Ims been Issued ' tt m.tbehPailqunrltrH of Ibe com- tniiUe. This program was publish ed about three moutba ago, but fluce tiieu cliuugi-a have been made ftitd'tlie program litis been reurraug d, It is publtdbed iu coiicta form, but tile full doUUa of tucli day will be Huoojoced In duo season ns the , Vi'ulrt niaiOriallze: fcATUKDAY, SlSlTllMHtlil 17. IftcUralou to the mouth of tl e Columbia river. 8lfiinier T. J. Fol iar wilt lenve Ashttruotdock prompt lyH,7a hi. 8U.NMAY, HHITEM11EB 18. A ilny of rest. !No apodal rcllg- fou fw'rvlcca. All churches In the rtty eh'nd a cordial Invitation and hearty wtlcome to visitor. " .MfllAY, SBPTBMHEB 10. i30 a. hi. Kecpptlon to tho of- Pjleers nud members of tho sovereign gfjpitiid lodge, at the Mnrquum opera keu?. Add reps of welcome by his iMCOIItthcy Gov. Penuoyer, on be ",hlffof tUtf stnt-:; Hon. W. S. Mason, j'jniyiir, in behulf oftheeltyjHiud bj Hon. Joihua J, Walton, P. G' M.,on Litthatr of the Odd Fellows of Oregon. Hefi')ne by Hon. Giiurlus M. Quebec, grand sire. After wlileh the sovereign graud lodge will be cnr(ud to Arloti hall by Cunlon Fortlaud, No. 1, patriarchs militant, where the annual session will be firniully opened. 2:33 p. in. Graud parade, com Uprising iho sovereign graud lodge, f pjr archa militant, grand subordl XHX ODD FXLLOWf . They are Coming from All Direc tions to Portland. , POKTX.AND, Sept. 10. The main party, composed of the national officers of tho order, 'are enroute to this city over the Northern Pacific railroad.1 They will reach Tacoma this morning at 0 o'clock. There they will be entertained by the local clubs and chamber of commero witu a drive throughout the city, and will leave thero about 4 o'clock to day, for this city, arriving here a fow hours later. At Tacoma a reception will be held at Odd Fellows' hall. Lunch will bo served to the visitors at tho rooms of tho Elks In tho Wallace building, under the auspices of the Kebeckah lodge. The rooms of tho Commercial club will be thrown open to them, and free excursions will bo given on the street-car lines. A special concert will be glveu in tho afternoon at the exposition building, beginning at 2 o'clock. Seattle will not be visited. HAWAIIAN LEGISLATURE. ThoLoulsana Lottery Bill A Dead Lock. 91 Honolulu, Hept. 10. Thero is i dead lock in the Hawaiian leglola mre. Tho Juouiaana lottery bill wiu rend in the legislature ou August 30th granting the exclusive franchise, to 1). H. Cross, of Chicago, B. W. B. Davenport, of St. Louis, and Jno. P. Phillips, J. J. Williams and Dr. Gilbert Footo, of Honolulu to estab IJsh a lottery in Honolulu for v term of twenty-five years, the com pany to pay for the frauchlsu five hundred thousand dolars each yeai In quarterly installments. Bill hab created much dlsscusslon nud though thero is streng: opposition tho present nppoarances are in favoi of the passage of tho bill. Iiato fudged and encampments, and Itebeknh lodges. tf:30 p. in. Complimentary enter- ,tli.ment (o tho officers and tncm- em of Iho sovereign graud lodge riitl their friends at tho Manjuam Irntid opera-noune, where will be pmwnted- that amusing comedy PYon YouHon," THE CHOLERA. i Thero Are no Symtoms of Panic ' In the City of Now York. Ni:v Yohk, Sept. 10. Tho morn- "ii Is clear aud chilly, and it Is be- om!ug evident that tho froat Is not t away. No Bymtoms of panic Htomiptiolera la reported from any partor i no city, nuu ovcryuociy np- & v , ipMrs moat hopeful. The street !leatilng department is hasteulng letlurtc, und the odcr of disln- BJUnU'la upon tho air everywhere, awing that individuals aro doing lrpart. Funds for protection are Host up dally; the chamber of ltnerco has raised $150,000. Bo- Sfcluu alt tho local bllbrt Is tho proven ptrength of tho state, aud its blunt id posltlvo executive. Njbw Yoiik, Bopt. 10. Tho board 'health this morning issued a bul In stating tho only suspoalert puso 'holoraln tho city alnco tho last illetlu Is Edward Hoppe, who died terday. His oaho is under inven tion. MKANTJNK, N. Y., Sept. 10. Bynm (elegraplis that he has Met) tho Bohemia, There aro 033 rage passengers, 10 cabin pirn- igent and crew of 77 aboard tho all apparently well. Tho adlUou of tho vessel na regards illueea Is first rate. There were a deaths at sea, ten of thorn n. raw Yoitic, Kept. 10. JSloyen jou tho voyago of tho Ilohquilu , aooordlug to all appeal nucca, i to KfiHUlue Asiatic cholera. She ttbe plague stricken city nHam- ;Spt. Sd. Four of tho sick on , have been rrtnovi'd to Swim i Wand. If WOT QUA ANT INE. f trasded at Quebec, i Jfest lack to Europe., mwa, Out., Sept. 10. Tho tut ban been apprised of i arrival at Qwtwe of a number rtaMaJftaaU from Europe with i tiuki to the Uultwl States, eowpuu'.iu aUoluUly re- 4 eJlow the IwwIgwutH to tte tmh m1 ImtuIgrMitls t$ttiM U Uie provlneJal IN ANNUAL SESSION. Convention of tho National League of Republican Clubs. . Bui'faix), Sept. 10. Tho national Itupubllcan league convention today Loulsvlllo as tho placo nud tho second Wednesday in May ao the time for holding tho next an nual convention. Tho report of tho commit too ou resolutions endorses and commouds tho administration of Presldont Hairison and approves the platform adopted by tho nation al convention at Minneapolis. J. S. Clurkson of Iowa watt ro-elocted president for tho eusulng year.' A. B. Humphrey was ro-elcted secretary, aud Treasurer Lnuusbury was also re-cleoted treasurer. White- law Reed was escorted into the hall' and niter an ovation, made u brief speech congratulatory of the good work of tho Republican league clubs throughout the country, Buffalo, Sept. 10. Tho national Womana' Republican ussociatlou met this morning Mrs. J, Ellen Foster, presiding. DIPLOMATIC CRUISE. Admiral Qherardl Will Sail Some Time Next Month New Youk, Sept. 10. Rear-Admiral Bauarofl Gherardl, who is to command the special squadron from San Francisco to New York, re turned from Washington with his sailing Instructions, and left here for Ban Francisco. Ho will be accom panied by Lieutenants William P. Potter and Rldgley Hunt, who were his personal staff on the Phila delphia, and who will act as his secretary and flag lieutenant, re. spectlvely, on tho Baltimore, which is to bo his flagship. Within a few days after Admiral Gberardl's ar rival at San Francisco, ho will go to San Diego with tho cruisers Balti more, Charleston and San Francisco to'take part In the IGOtli unulver- Viry of tho discovery of that harbor by Cabtillo. Tho vessels will remain here uutil joined by the cruiser Boston now on her way back from II molulu, and the gunboat York town, which Is at present cruising in Behring sea. Tho five vessel will then begin. their special ordljv lomatio cruise. This will be along tho Mexlcau coast, with stoppages Mazutlun, Manzanlllo and Tehunn tepee; then at Panama, Guayqull, Clmtnbo'e und Lima in Peru; thence to Vnlp ralfto, nud In the interval Admin 1 Gherhnrdi will visit Bantl ago to cull upon i hi- President of Chili, tn whom, as to the authorities in other countries, he will present tho rep) ectsof the president of the UnlU'd states, and give n special In- VUatlot to President JMontt to a re ception on board tho Baltimore. After le-ivlug Valparaiso, tho vessel will go through the ritrults of Ma gellan und slop at Buenos Ay res and Rio Janeiro. At each of the pluces a', which ho stops, Admiral Ghero-dt will make a special visit to the government officials to present an invitation from the president to paitlcipite in the naval review. Hi expects to ariive at home with his lleet in tho latter part of February. MARKETS. Portland, Sept. 10. Wheat valley, $1.22J 1.25. Walla Walla, fl.lG $1.17J. Ban Francisco Cal., Sept. .10. Wheat, Dec. $1,333. Chicago Ills., Sept. 10. Wheit 72g. A wind storm near Petersburg, Va., unroofed a number of bousis and caused considerable damage to property. No loss of Ilfo Is reported. THE RIBBON HOLDERS. Continuation of tho Premium Awards For 1892. ILLICIT WHISKY. tho Moonahinors Discovered, in Hoartof New York. New Youk, Sept. 10. Moon bhluora aro doing an extonslvo busi ness light iu tho-very heart of Now York. Thoy have beon discovered by tho United Statea internal reve nue officers. Tho inoonshluera ea oaped arrest.- MRS. HARRISON. Hor Condition Was a Groat Doal Worso At Noon. ' Loon Lakij, N. Y,, Bopt 10. Mra. Harrison's condition was un changed this morning, but at 11 o'clock Mrs, Ilarrlson'a condition bocamo worse. It was necessary to perform another operation to relievo ho.r Normania's Passengers. Ni:w Youk, Sopt. 10. Tho storm buffeted passongers of tho Normaula woro released from quarautluo this morning and landed in Now York this afternoon, Governor Watts Dead. Montoomkhy, Ala., Bopt. 18. Ex-Governor Tiioturi H. Watta died this morning. Ho was uttor-uey-generai In tho Confederate cnbluut. 111 Witt prAably only by Ui. OttMMklp tMMN lfclny IImi M0o)w ImmiK to Serious Floods in China. SAtf Fhanoisco, Bopt. 10, Chi iii'so advices b&y serious Hoods oo- curred in Northern China irly iu Auguttt, resulting iu oonslderablo losa of life aud property. lAdlai at Raleifili. Itu.Hiuit, N. C. Sept. 10, Hon. A. it, SUveitMiu accompHUled by Mrs. Steveiwon arrived this morn iHgfroM) Athvlllc. The Union Tiaatfer warehoiiM at IdwuaKIU w dMtryd by lire, Lsu taOO.OOU. It U nuiiiHMl to 1 kAY txu ot lueemliary wlglu, Tlie following is more of the premium list as taken from the en try boeks: SBBKF AMERICAN MEKINOS. It. W. Cari-y, Maoloay, 1st on ram over 2 yra, ram over 1 yr, pair ram lambs, pair ewo lambs; 2d on owe over 2 yrs, ewo over 1 yr, pair ram Jambs, pair ewo lambs. 5aa. Witbycauibe, Portlund, 1st on ewo over 2 yrs, Bamo 1 yr; 2d on yearling ram. CHOSS DIIICKD. Eugene Halloy, Salem, 1st on owe overOyis, saino 1 yr, pair ram and pair owe lamb?. aitADUD FINU WOOL BItEKP. R. O. Halley, Salem, 1st ou ewo over 2 yre, snmo 1 yr, pair ram pair ewo lambs. IiEIOKSTKIlS. J, W. McKlnnoy, Turner, 1st on ram over 2 yrs, ewe same, yearling owe, pair ram lambs, ewe same; 2d on owo over 2 yrs aud yearling owe. Mayro McKlnuey, Tumor, year ling ram, 1st, COTSWOIiDS. I R. Scott, Mllwaukio, 1st on pair ram 1 iambs; Ud yearling ewe, pair ram lambs, pair ewe lambs. : John Redmond, McMlnuvlllo, 1st on pnlr ewo lambs; 2 1 on ewo over 2 yrs ami jearllng ram. i Jos. Wtthycombe, Portlaud, 1st ou ram over 2 yrs, yearling nuns,ewo over 2 years, yearling ewe; 2d ou jam over 2 yrs. NIIW OXFOUDSUHIKS. J. 1). Nairn, Bellevue, let on -pair nuu lambs aud ewe over 2 yrs and 2d on ewo over 2 yrs. BOUTllDOWNS, Chas. E. Ladd, Portlaud, 1st on ram over 2 yrs, yearling ram, ewo over 2 :yrs; 2d on ram over 2 yrs, ewo uamo. J. W. Curtis, Turner, ram over 2 yrs, list. R. W. Carey, Maoleay, yearling nuns, 1st. (IllADED FOK LONU OK MIDDLE WOOL R. Scott, Mllwaukio, 1st on ram over 2 yrs, ewo same, yearllug owe, pair ram lambs, ewe over 2 yrs nud yearling ram. J. V. Curtis, Tumor, 1st on pair owo lambs, 2d on yearllug ram and pair ram lambs. T. 11. Went, Jelloraon, ram over 2 yrs, 1st; owe same, 2d. iHiitsirr 1IOHNK. It. Bcott, Mlhvaukle, lstou ram over 2 yrs, ewo same, yearling owe, pair ram iambe; 2d on ewe over 2 yra and yearling ewi . ANCIOUA (IOA1B. David Croig, Afaclt'Ay, lot on year lltit buek.ewo over 2 yrs, yearling ewe, pair but-l: laint)., wo Mime. Matthew '-'mull, Hilwrlon, lai on stallion 4 years old, 1st. Wm. T. Mlddleton, Eugene, same, 2d. CI HANI) DHAFT. J. A. Tanner, Balem, stallion 4 yrs and over, 1-t. S. R. Scott, Balcm, Htnlllou 3 yrs and over, 1st. E. L. Smith, Natron, Or., stallion 2 yrs aud over. 1st. James E. Davis, Moumouth, mare 4 yrs and over, 1st; same, 2d. Adam Miualer, Turner, yearling stallion, 1st. ROADSTERS. Thomas Chuppel, Eugene, stallion 4 yrs and over, 1st. E. A. Welds, Eugene, pair driving mares, 1st. FARM TEAMS. Lewis Savage, Salem, pair carriage horses, 2d. JomesE. Davis, Monmouth, pair farm horses, 1st. Mayro McKlnuey, Turner, pair car riage horses, 1st, SUCKLINO COLTS. Ed. T. Judd, Turner, best colt with out regard to blood, sweepstakes. JACKS, JKNNEYS ANE MULES. V. A. l'lotcher. McMlnnvilIe, jack 1st. T. L. Price, Kings Valloy, same 2d. POULTRY. Llllle Kiugs!ey, Salem, trio Laug- shans, 2d, M. J. McCoy, Salem, pair frizzled fowls, 1st. Mis. D. M. Mcllhaney, Whlteaker, same, 2d. M, J. McCoy, Salem, trio Lang shuns, 1st. David Bteiner, S.ilt-rn, trio bull cochins, 1st; trio Wyau (lottos, 2d. George O. Savage, Balem 2d on trio partridge cochins and same liufl cochins. Archie Cluggett, Salem, trio golden sea-bright bantams, 1st. Harry Beak, Balem, trio cochin bantams, 1st. Keller Bros,, Balem, trio block Leg horns, 1st. . U. w. Uiaggi'tt, Balem, trio game bantams, 1st. J. M. Garrison, Forest Grove, 1st on light Brabmas, partridge cochins, silver spangled Ham burgs, brown Leghorns, white Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Wy audottes, Houdnns, best display poultry; 2d on light JJrahams, game buoiums, silver spangled Hnmhuigs, brown Leghorns, I'l,) mouth Hocks. TURKEYS. J. W. McKliiney.Turner.pair bronze turkeys, 2d. Mrs. M. T. NuIrn,B.iliiatonl8uine1lBt. OEESE, J. M. Garrison, Forest Grove, 1st und 2d ou pair wild geese. PIOEONS. Frank P. Litchfield, Salem, 1st on Jacobius, Turbets, Pouters, car riers; 2d ou Fautails, Tumblers, Quakers, Starlings. R. T, Stingley, Buena Vista, 1st on Starlings, Quakers, Fautails, Tumblers; 2d on carriers, Pouters, Turbets, Jacobins. . HAHI1ITS. Mrs, L. L. Whlteaker, Iudepen dene, pair labbits, 1st. Howard Jones, Salem, same, 2d. NATURAL HISTORY. A, F. Ml lor, Sellwood, best display North Pacilio coast wooda.lst, J30. Mrs. L. L. Whlteaker, Indepen dence, collect Ion f.iuoy birds, 2d; collection llvo birds, 1st. Allen Rhodes, Salem, collection fancy birds, 1st. Mrs. J. D, Jordan, display minerals, 1st, $.50. Mrs.E. T. B. Thomas, Molalla, same, 2d, $2o. Mrs. J. D. Jordan, Salem, display North Pacific coast woods, 2d, $23. FARM PRODUCTS. Mrs. Ann Wllkins Coburg, 1st on spring wheat, Canada whlte.Gold euchafl, French wheat, spring club, wheat of any kind, side oats, Scotch dim oats, oats of any klud, slieaves winter, sheaves ot outs, display grain. sample of peas. Charity grauge, Coburg, .exhibit grains, same grasses, 1st $40 each. Mrs B. Condlt, Auimvllle, buck wheat, 1st. C. M. Beak, Balem.wluterbarley.lst. O. G. Savage, Ohomawn, display sweet corn, 2d, II. W. Savage, Salem, 1st ou pop com, Held corn, sweet com, white beans, sample peas. C. II. Chapman, Salem, pop corn, 2d, tobaoo, 1st, W. M. HUloy, Salem, tobacco, 2d, C. II. Chapman, Salem, 1st on ex hibit, vegetables, $10; 2d ou white beans aud sample jH'as. J. A. Dem psoy, Rlekreall, stalks corn, 1st. W. L. Slmoral, Macleay, sample wheat, 2d. OREOON MANUFACTUUES. Corvallls Carriage aud Wagon Co., Corvallls, 1st on ouo horse top buggy, same opou, exprts wagou. Salem Cauulng Co., Salem, largest aud best display canned goods, 1st. J, E. Murphy, Balem, draining tile, 1st, V. J. Troyer, Woodburn, furniture, 1st. Balem Flouring M1IN, Salem, 1st on best flour aud best display flour. Mr. K. O. blmeral, Maoleay, soap, 1st, lard 2d. O, J. Blmeral, Macleiy, ;ate, 1st. Mrs, J. Condlt, Turner, 2d on soap, eanuies auu oom meal. Phelps & Bill, IIIHsboro, catrlnge harness 1st. S P. D. & L Co., Grants Puss, sash, doors, blind, exhlH, lt. Cbemawa Indian hcho it, two horso wagon, 1st. J, W. Bwaypgood, Suleui, washing machine, 1st. J. A. Hnrklns, Salem, exhibit black smith work, 1st. FKUns. Mrs. E. C., Maoleay, plate prunes, Ud.B ( K. L. HlbbMrd, Silera, lstou exhib it prunes and plate prunes. -! A. M. LaFoIlett, Y lieatlaiid, exhibit peache?, let. I Geo. M. Grilley, Sul-m, largest speci mens penrs, 2d; exhibit pruncs2d; exhibit qiilnets, 1st. Willie Higley, b'aieui, !rns, l.t. L. E. Prutt, Balem, laigest pears, l"t. E. Sohindler, Silem, exhibit quinces, 2d. FLOWERS. Mrs. J. V. Taylor, Salem. 1st ou roses, climbing plums, now i;r tare plants, ferns, rex hegonlns, flowering begonias, abutllou, lily, cana, double white fuuhslu, helio trope, red rose, piuk rose, red ole ander, white same, climbing plant, lemon verbena, new cactus, varie gated leaved plant, brunujaMa ui borea, palm, variegated pitt4isporum variegated phlox, acuh', vnilcujut ed abutllou, carnations, HCniiel flowering plants, lilies, Hue hang lug baskets, hanging baskets, bo quet of roses, of actors, of geran iums, rose buds; 2d ou double ger aniums, shi'le same, double red fuchsia, slnjio white same, new same, white rose, yellow rose, La dy Washington geranium, double white geranium, pink same, dark heliotrope, new rose, draeuena, hibiscus, rex begouia, wax plant, blue or purple Uowerplants, white same, pansies, gladinlas, mixed bouquet, cut flowers. Mrs. M. E. Harts, Salem, 1st ou scarlet geranium, trio colored same silver leuved same, flowering be gonia, now hydrangea, rose ger anium, gladiolus; 2d on fuuhlas, abutilou, lily, heliotrope, new cao lus, variegated pnlox, red fuchsia, carnations, searlet floweriug plant, lilies, fine hanging baskets, bang log basket. Mrs. M. A. Bridges 1st on fuschisas, double and single geraniums, double red fu-clisia, single white same, new same, white rose, yel low rose, Lady Washington gerani um, double white same, double piuk same, dark heliotrope, new rose, dracoena, hibiscus, rex be gonia, wax plant, red fuchsia, blue or purple fl wering plants, white satno, mixed boquet; 2d on roses, climbing plants, new or rare plants, ferns, -rex begonias, flower ing same, carina, doublo white fuchsia, red aud pink rose, doublo scarlet geranium, white oleander, tri-colored geranium, silver laced saihe.olimblng plant, lemon verbe na, vurlegaled leaved plant,brug miisia arboreu, plain, variegated plt taspolam.acuba.llowerlng begonia, variegated abutilon, rose gerani um, carnations, scarlet flowering plants, lilles,flve hanging baskets, hanging baskets, dahlias, boquet of geraniums. Mrs. M. J. McCoy, Salem, red olean der, 2d. Miss Daisy Lockley, Salem, pansies, 1st. Mrs. F. A. Wolf, Falls City, 1st on boquet of dahlias, display same, display cut flowers; 2d on boquet rose', same astors, display rose buds. Ruth Ytiger, Falls City, display dahlias, 2d. OREGON WOOLEN OOODS. Eaglo Woolen mills, Brownsville, best and largest display Oregon manufactured goods, 2d. Salem Woolen Woolou Mill Co., same, 1st, $103. DOMESTIC WOOLEN MANUFACrUBES. Mrs, Kato Wicbser, Cunyouvll!e, woolen stocklugs, 1st. Mrs. G..M. Kinsey, Aumsvllie, 2d on stair carpet aud rag carpet, 2d on hlt-and-mlss. Mrs. A. L. Leach, A'gentic, 1st on woolen carpet, rag carpet, stair carpet. 2d on hlt-and miss. Mrs. B. A. Condlt, Aumsvllie, 1st on home-made yam, white aud colored, 2d on woolen stockings nud secks: Mrs. W. O. Bun, Forest Grove, woolen socks, 1st. Mrs. E. Roselter, Salem, pair blan kets, 1st, woolen sheets, 1st. Mrs. M. J, McCoy, Salem, whlto yarn, 2d. Mrs. A. D. Palmer, Salem, woolen I sheets, 2d. Mrs, M. E. Tulle, Barlows, pair blankets 2d. PACIFIC LAND AN FOR TOWN LOTS FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS. in )mtiimimn ti' t tnuwiiX! numnm D ORCHARD CO. $2.00 IVrdozen (orthe finest flnHhtd PJlUTOOItAl'II-4 1" theclty. MONTEE BROS., JM) Comtjiticlal Mreet, I B. SOliTHWlCK, . Contractor and Builder. Salem, - - - Oregon. T. J. KIIESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, '1 an and Ulii-muVeU bi t-ul. BICYCLES. "Villi lull, (bearing "jartty' UI cjulex. Tlio lowest priced wheel lutlie murfict. In tbe wuiid for me price. C.U, lirowu Agent,24tl uommer clal at. A. H. FORSTNER & CO. Machine Shop, Gum, Sporting Gocds, Etc., SOB Commercial Btreet. RADABAUGII & EPLEY. Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, 44 nUitehtiett. STEMS' BROS., Caltfovn !a Bnlicvy. THE BEST. 101 Court Sticet. "HOEYE & MILLS. PORCELAIN BATHS AND -BHAVINQ PAKLOIH, Oulyl'orcelam Bath Tuba lu the city. 209 Coin. Bt., Balem, ur. J. J. Scientific Horseshoeing. OPl'OSlTi; FOUNDllY On Statu Sstroot. J. L. BENNETT & SON. CANDIES, ' Fruit and Cigars, P. O. Bloolc. TIIK Salem llacJcman is ji, roiiLi:. Best Line lu the City. Court Street. J. K MJItPHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOIITII BALKM. SIKb. L. C. ROACO. Baths for Ladies, HAIK DKHSSINQ PAKLOKS, 124 Court Street. It. T. IIUaiPIIRGYS, Cigars and Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOK, 243.Com'l Street. T. W..TH0RNBURG, The Upholsterer, Homodcls, re-covers and repnlrs upholsU'rcd lurulture. Flttt clnps work. Chompkctn street Btnte IiiBurnuco block. ' JOHN IIUVIN, Carpenter and Shop IS Btulo street. Storo Fittings a Specialty l-JOW WOMCN WERE EXECUTED. Durlnij tho Rt Ign or Terror tho Number Killed Dally drew from 1 to 03. During tho Reign of Terror tho fir.'t capital sontenco on a women was passcJ 'm April 12, 1703. Catherine Closiv, n domestic sci'ant at Valen cienncy, fifty-five years of age, was found at night in the streets of that town, shouting "Vivo le Roi" and Binding revolutionary songs. Prob ably it was a case ot in vino Veritas, albeit her master assured tho tribu nal that during five months in his" service bIio had shown no anti republican sentiments; and there was no evidence of her having meddled iu politics. No.t day two members of the con vention, horrified at tho infliction of death for to light an olfonso, urged a rcupite, but tlio convention declined to interfere, and it is said that oven while tho brief discussion was going on the guillotine did its work. Two months later three Breton women, aged twenty-four, twenty fivo and twenty-seven, implicated with twenty men in a royalist plot, detected by the digging up of papers m a garden, Buffered tho same pen alty. A fow weeks inoro, and it was tho turn of Charlotto Corday. By this timo tho Parisians had bo come accustomed to tho "equality of tho sexes" before the guillotine, and tho monthly statistics I follow tho Jacobin calendar show a terrible crescendo of executiens: Veudemi airo, 3 women (including Marie An toinette) and 7 men: Bruniairo, 3 women (including Mmo. Roland) and 62 men ; Friniaire, 10 women (includ ing Mmo. Dubarry) and 57 men; Ni vose, 10 women, 51 men; Pluviose, 8 women, CO men; Ventoso, 11 wom en, 103 men; Germinal, 12 women, 143 men; Florial, 27 women (includ ing Princess Elizabeth), 327 men; Prairial, 33 women, 470 men; Messi dor, 1)3 women, 703 men ; Thermidor, 1st to 9 th, no women, 283 men. If Robespierre had not been over turned, and if Thermidor had con tinued as it had begun, tho monthly number of women would have risen to 177. As Edgar Quinet remarks, tho longer tho system lasted tho mora tho Terrorists wore doomed to pro long it; an eternity of murders would have been necessary before .the fa vorable moment for clemency was found. It should also bo mentioned that tho acquittals, which at first considerably outnumbered tho con victions, becamo after Pluvioso a dwindling minority, and that of tho 5,000 persons still in prison when Robespiorro fell wo may assume ono third to have beon women. National Roviow. Patronize the of tbe LADIES AID SOCIETY iftho Presbyterlnn church of 'nlera. All erv'co is voluntary, perlormed by he ndlcsof thechuich. Meals, TaMe-b'liote, - 25c Meals to Order, - - 50c. Near the Main Entrance to Kalr Grounds. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. Tho placu for young IndleH and' gentle, men to secure n thorough education Is tho old, but ever new. Ml JOHN HUGHES, Dciilcr in Groceries. Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artiste' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEAV ADYKUTIBKMENTS For Sale. Sixty-acre tmct nearthoclty. Allc'eared. Will produce anything that grows In Ore gon. Also a good 7 room houso, and barn. Pure well water, 2 clioico lots. A bargain. Also deilrable lots aud blocks In Pleas ant Home Addition on easy terms. Other fine City Property. Enquire at Wm B Rurke's ofUre, over Uarr t Petzel's, East side Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. II .-,.. iuoKVHrayr'siiHiv wuno, a Coudlf, Aumsvllie, 1st ot corn W, D. ClftKgctt, Batetu, illplfiMMi oh mel, buokwlwtt Hour, caudles, single ewe, 3d ou yearllug ewe jrd. and yearllug lu k. ( jw. Fluuy & Bone, Brooka, grubbing HOWJHH FHKNUK AND 1JNSLWK maohlue, 1st, OOACK and CLSVKtAND HAY8. Oregon Chilled l'aw Ce., Pt!aud, Nlekota 4 Ilnetes Brou., AHBy, 14 ou cultivator and pfow. Thick and Glossy." rTIIE rKODUCTION ot nn abundant 1 growth ot lmlr, ot a sllk-llko texture ami ot the orifilnnl color, otten results from tho use, by those who hare become Xialil or gray, ot Ayer's Hair Viger: " I was rapidly becoming gray and bald ; but after uslii two or threo bottles ot Ayer's Hair Vicor my hair grow lines unu Riossy nuu tue oriel ual color was restored," M. Aldriuh, Canaan Centre, N, II, " A trial Of Ayer's JTnlr Vigor has cop- vlnced aie oi its merits. Its usa has not only eausett tho halr'of my wife aud daughter to be abundant and glossy, but it lias given my raiuer siumen mus tache a res lec table length nud appear ance." K. Brltton, Oakland, Ohio. I have used Ayer's Hair Vlftor for the past four or five years and Und tt a most satidfaetory drtsslnn for the hair. It is all that I could desire, being harm less, oftHitHg the hair to retain IU natural color, and rulrlng but a small quantity t rsadsr the lialr easy to ar rauae." Mm. M. A. Bailey, S) Charles st.,IIarrktll.HaM. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rasiMasa t Dr. J. C. Ayer t Co., Lews, Maw. fbU fcf )w4liti i r-w hwa, This nildtllo Georgian. Tlio Middle Georgian, always n politician, u froo, often clamorous, sometimes n fighting' voter, seldom aspired to tlio legislature or other positions vhoroin, besides being ridiculous, ho might have proved a nuisanco. HisBoeial rivalries began in country, commonly called "old field," echools. Children of all condition-) attended them during thoir fonnativo years until a fow left for college, and tlio rest for tho plow and tho hoo, or for tho working tools of tho artisan. Hero began intimacies and affections thatnoeubscqucut dif fereuces iu culture or fortune worn destined to change. Indeed tho first settlers in Middle Georgia, although among them wore soino ns well born ns any who over camofrom thooldbtates, or remained therein, organized society on a scale of simplest democracy. In general, every noighbor used to sit at overy other neighbor's lioard, neither feel ing thnt ho was impttrting or receiv ing favore other than such as flow from tho needs and enjoyments of social existence, pi-oud of nothing so much as living iu a region specially blessed by heaven. Colonel It. M oouusion in uoutury. Tho "Plus Hat" in Prance. Tho tall hut, varioiibly called "clvhnuoy pot." "stove nino." m-nn. der" and what not, becamo fasliion ablo in Paris, in 1790, soon after tho death of Franklin, iu whoso honor it was known as "chapeau Franklin." Iu spito of uumberlesa changes of stylo it has maintained, its ground ever sinco, unexpected aa such a re sult would havo seemed at its first introduction. For a time this stylo of hat was considered revolutionary in Germany and Russia, Any one wearing a "cylinder" was liablo to punkliment; but the evil reputation soon passed away, and tho tall, sUff hat, Uio ughest head covering Uiat was over wora and tho most ridi SoutUves all other etylea, YoutU's Cottpanioo. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. FOR PAIR WEEK, Commencing Monday, Sept. 12. The Wilber Co. Supporting J A8. E. McUANN And LIZZIE KENDALL, Presenting to following Ilepertelr: Monday Streets of New Yorfc. Tuesday shadows of a Home. Wednesday The Octoroon. Thursday Ten Nights In a Barroom. The grear temperance play. rlday Rip Van Winkle. Jxjnjr nud still tlio leading Institution of the North West. Hotter than ovcrl New course of instruction lu Oratory, Theolnsy and Post-Graduated. hTUDlES. Normal, Ilusluess, Academy, College, and I .w courses greatly enlarged aud linpioved. Faculties lui'ieased and Improved. For CaUilOKUb of College of hnw write ilenn H T. UILhHrdon. J-q , .i.ilein, Or. Tor Ctttaln;uo 01 College of Mcdlea' ni d l'uannauy vilte Dean ltichmond Kelly.M. U 1'ortland, Or. For geneinl Ontiiloue wrlto Hov. Ueo. Whltnkcr, U. D.. l'rexldent, Salem, Or. 7-US-Jm-dw FRIKNDS POLYTECHNIC INSTfTCTB Will be opened to htudents Bept. 13, 1MJ2. Otleis llirt tmikl piaetlc4il coi rtes of u'tiidy ot any school In ihe Stftte. viz: iKchuulcal Knglueerluu, Civil Kngluterlut;, Kleclrhl Knalneerliifc', cadLiule pud (.raimnnr schoiil coursis Studeuts pnwtlco dally In wood shop, machluo Khop, uud labora tories Tuition and Iloird per Year, 81GO. Special Inducements to a few jouug men who wish to work for thoir board und tui tion during vacations. I'orprospectiiband fuither lnlorinntlon. nddress KUNv'IN MOUUIHON.M.S . 1'iosdent, balem, Or. Conservatory of WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. The course most completo and tho high est grade of nny niu&lo bchool In tbe Northwest. Host and noweht methods of teaching. Enlarged locllitks and new plan for Instruction of beginners for the coming school year. Diplomas granted on completion of course Next t-rm begins September 5, 189-2. Z. Si. I'AHVIN, Send for catulogue. Muslo Dlreetor. 7-2U-d2m-wlm Saturday Muldoon's 1'lcnlc. Mrtlluoe. Saturday, 2 o'clock. In Honor Jiouud.My Uncle's Will and i'eni lope Ann. r Beats on salo at Patton's. iMiss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Septemuer lt)lh, at Kin dergarten Hall, opposite opera house. Children received nt three yeais of age and over. A connecting class will bo es tablished lor advanced .Kindergarten pu pils and those beginning primary work. uuiy uiu uusi raonern luuaergarten metn ods employtd. Prang's s Hteiu oi drau lug und color work lntioduced. IMiss Annie Thornton, (iraduate ot thoDiesdcn Uonserva iry ot Mustof Germany) will open her rooms, tt and 7, iiank building, September 1st. Instructions in vocal and instrumental music, nlso in German and French. IS-S-U ROOFING. GUM-ELASTIO HOOFING FELT costs only per 100 square feet. Makes a g( d roof for years, aud any one rai put It auin-Elastio Paint costs only fO cents rer sa I. In bbl. lots, or jta fof - gal. tube. Uilur dark red. Will stop leaks in tin or iron roors that will last for years. Try it ( Kend btamp lor sample aud lull particu- u . ,?SM ,E.,,ASTi Roofinq Co., saa 11 bt Hroadway, ewYok tocal Agents Wanted. lM2-dlin-wJni White's No. 60, SALESI'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business, specialty. Careful work a J. F. WH1T15. Administrator's Notice. NT T,hl!reby.,Blyei; tonU wh h IT t iKMi"cet!' tha.t ,th0 undersigned, f!:01m bccn aill' nppolntwl by tUdCouutv Pnnrt rf ih.'m. 1.I.E1 "' thoVMairo,7 w Mr?r.l0n "1min.str.uSro in ?ISJ J.J" )V' Grlmi decoated. Anil all perbons having claims against said es IV.?,' 2r(! hcre.'yr "otiflod to present the fame duly verified, to tbe undersigned at li ,,1i'cnce near Aurora, in Marlon Uuuiy, Oregon, within six months irom heduleof this notice. And all persons udebted to said estato are hereby ra?uncd ih-Tn'W 8Cl,10Weu, ,U to Dated this September 6th. If9. AdDilnhlnin. r .i. J):A' a111, ... Gr'.mTdecsT. I" "' '"" iJ""lu i W.. w. Select School, MI-8 KNOX will begin her select Ehool tbe first Mondayln biptemer. at the Utile Central school bulldlDg. IDITHM. HAIiniB, Teacher of Voice !A Wano and Organ. May be seen at the couseivuloryof nt her home, !H0 8umnior street. -S-2w 25c WantColumn. .Notices Inserted for ONE CENT VSli WOKD EACH INSERTION. No adver tisement Inserted In this oolumu for leal than twenty-flve cents. LOST A gold gram U.J, receive reward. bangle pin, with n:un 8, Lcavo atthls o.'lli o t ud y-i? St WANTED. Wo want tho services ot energetic men nud women to lerrc sent "Tho LadloV Home Journal." Wa oirer employment that will pay fur bMter than cleric ships. Addiess " D. "caro tho Oregonlan. M 3t f-la-5w For Sale. 320 AcresSaf Wane, timber. wmSulrUp5rUt,i&' on reasonable tVrinn. " Lnari 1 O Hot! WAUNKK. Salem. Or. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Balchelor, Prcp'r. WamMatAUflcursrIMi) f&ti&Z jtdtati.,, Mn anted. Salary ami expenses. Permanent placo. Apply now. . .. owers of nursery stock on both American uad Cnnailian si!n. Jlmily va rlHIcsoursKclulty. HHOW.N J1HO.S.CO., l)-12-d-tAs-J6t Nurserymen, Chicago. Olt HAM:. A hoiiFQ to be moved, must X' bo old .U nuce. lllg bargain. Inquire eif Howard, the Souse mover. f OVf. A Mileage bcokNo.U), contain J J lng tho name ot A. B. Heal, tin der plraso leave at Aitken & Palmer's gto eery, and bo rewarded. 0-7-lt TXT ANTED. Seamstress to do repairing !.i, . "u -ueii on new work. Apply i r, 'juiio tHMf i T. Hart, to ilor. WANTfcD. To rent a good farm "t about ISO nerrs, by u tlioi oncU faun r Goodrtfcreutejgivva. caltu tills of rtve. F-12-lm "ANTKD H tuatlon lodrUo a Icmn, t. lukecjrtj ot ii. itet or d. kenfa' wo i'. vvbsrkuuotjttv. this. lit. a Aitdrem -rt. T. ' IKIit tstabllibmrnt. 'Cm. aly-flv ceuu pr meal, K K E it lv. ej ,H p. TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Hpuses and Cottages." Hie, 8 s 10 inches. Contain new dcslirns, f w ktf ler, Utf-it ideas in planning. No. liami5drlnscUfkIBiM frarn 1M up to 1SC0, atom hull under 10. No. 6 eon talus (tl elk-uii of dwellings (vwtlug over tl0. a uyfjoniflMO up to tawe. Many i'CWNiu'L.ruorit-M-itstjltar coatu lu thep rurk i'r i,f eaeli,ortatwofnr JI.'O. D. S. HOPKINS ArjMtcct, Grand Rapl4t, Hkh, v ifc VI A .