EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-PAY." NO. 220. estacott REGULAR MEALS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. SROHT Have just imported a beautiful lot of ' TO. I LET SETS In prices to suit your purse. See them. ayi. MUTUAL CONTINUOUS OPTION POLICY, Offer the greatest protection and safely to those seeking Life Insur ance. Every Policy in the Massachusetts Mutual guaran- tees Cash Paid up Values every year. Send for SAMPLE POLICY. J. L. MITCHELL, H. G. COLTON,Gen'l Agt, ' Salem, Or. 233 Stark St., Portland. RCDIE MASON. General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, C. N. CHURCHILL ' T S. BURROUGHS CHURCHILL & BTJBIiOUGrHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; ' 'i SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. Salem Truck & Dray , eni Iron works. Drays and trucks tru corner of State and Commercial street. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Blffi & Pi) Z6i Plumbers and Tinners, 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete lino of Stoves and Tinware. Tin roofing nnd plumbing n specialty. Estimates for Tinning und Piumblug Furnished. TAI KT Tho place to get a Saddle horse, Livery 8 1 1 1 J II I J riS. Express, Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, vunu Mnl feed or goojl woU rotted 3kfaimr6f load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on liyan & Co., back of "Willamette hotel. Prompt and caieful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. . f. DRAKE, Proprietor. T G. PERKINS, Gwersl Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, SA.I.EJM, oteapoN. , Manufacture HTEAM ENGINES, Mill Outau. Water Vbcti Govero..r,Frult Drying Ontnu, Traction Engines. Crrstli'lf.ef. .rmjmucMutnmnpTr OeneralaginUananianutoctureisof the celebrated WahUtrom Patent Middlings Purifier and Reel. Fann machinery roadt and repaired. 9 BROOKS & LEGG, JOO State THONG'S RESTAURANT. "Baking and & 271 Commercial Street.- . muu TLie Massachusetts -IN THEIR NEW- A. Ii. SMITH a3P IrCrWe OREGON. Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of- V fico State St., opposite Sa- may be found throughout the dav at LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded uy or uigbt, Street, Confectionery.- Irwin, Proprietors. INSURANCE To I deslro to have a new barn. 30x11, built, nnd desire bids lortbe construction. Plans can be seen at W. D. Pugh's olllce. Rids to be opened at 2 p. m. Saturday. i-ept. 10. 0 6-td A.R.dMITU. From Terminal or Interior Points the Jnuflinnn Po Is the line to take To.all Points East and South. It Is thadlnlnc car route. Itruns through vestibule trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No chance of cars.) Complied of dining curs unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both tree and fur nlshed for holders of first and second-class tickets, and: ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A. contlnuot s line counostlng with all lines, affording direct ard uninterrupted service. Pullman sit ej rr 'wrvat Ions can bete cured In adviLf t' iOUjh any agent of the road. Through tickets to and from all points in America, England and Europe can be purchased ut any ticket, ofllco of this ooro puny. Full luformatlon concerning rates, time of tralns.rontesandotherdetal Is furnished on implication to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agont. No. 121 Klrtt street, cor. Washington! Port- Und.Oiefroa SHAW & DOWNING, Agents. ON TO WASHINGTON! NATIONAL 2th ENCAMPMENT Grand Army of the Republic, WASHINGTON, D. C, SEPTEMBER 20i To soth. 1802. THE Wisconsin Central Linns AND Balt'more & Ohio Railroad hove been selected as the Official Route" between It. Pad, SUnoeafolU and Wash All dWruos of taslnpradTaritnge. ut I be universally' Imw lUlta" should w lint tluli tickets rd via IbU Jtoutr." ami secure their deeping car uieoiix-diitlwi lo advance. . , Fur fall partleuUrs address G.F.KcNEILL.CilyP.mdT. Aft, 19 Nleeilet Howe R'ocif, MluDKipolU, Mlun C. E. STONE, City P. awl T. Agt., Iti ljut Third HU, W. Paul, Alloa. COMPANY WANTED. Recruits for the Artlllory Service of the United States Army. The conditions of enlistment In the army are now unusually favorable, and a spnt lnl recruiting rendezvous has been etab llabed In this city for the purpose of nllord- lng me youug men oi mis stciion nu r nortunltt (or enlistment. Applicants mut bo between the nges of 21 and SO years of age, nuie uoaieu, puysicany sounu, ana able to read and write the Entrllsh Ian gunge. To any one Interested a full expla nation will be afforded by the recrutUug officer, room ft. Exchange block, tiilem, Oregon. AI.VIN H.BYDKNIIAM, (MO-dw-tf 2d Lieutenant, 6th Artillery. Authorized Capital $00,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W.A.CUS1CK. PresTrW. W. MARTIN, Vice Pres. J. H. ALBERT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking buslocm. In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMU President Wit. EH UUAND Vice Prcsldon HUOH McNARY Cashier. . DIRECTORS: Geo. Williams, Win, Kng laud. Dr. J. A. Richardson. J. v . Hodson j, a uaser. Hank In now Kxchango block on Com mercial street, 8:15-11 K. K.HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. Office at Cbas. Calvert's Mllllonery store, Kaleru, Oregon. Only One. Chance for a colony. 1G00 acres of best bottom land, on.'-hair la cultlvatioii, has small streams and lakes, has t'WW crop on now, buildings, etc. Is five miles from Hulom, Oregon, Onf-tblrd cash, and bal ance In five yearly payments wlih i per cent, interest at tM per are. IW-tf JOIIN M. PAYNB,Agt. J. H. HAAS, TILE WATOmtAKER, 215K Ccmnsrclal St, Stltm, Ortgoa, "(Next door to Kleln'n.) ypeclalty ot Bpectaclea, and repair! D Ulock. WaUboi and Jewelry, Wood Saw. Kerybody cets Cbarle Hmllh's steam wood saw, 'Ihe KusUer." Orders at. 271 ( font street. mills great re X Jnedyforthe (Tsf m rwult ior from weak. BtNHi ooaomon to women, la the pbysieUa who has made th diseases the lu4y of hi life. tmtwm ww wJi" ainny jnn 7iiinuHiiuu iitTeH'mie. rarttburst bloek. Cowmeraial M, ssUhi, Ottgea, MT-lBMlw ntOFEWIONAL CARDS. LK. CONN, Attorney ot law, room 7, . Murphy Bloclt. T J. 811AW, M W. HUNT. O , HUNT, attorneys at law. SHAW A OOlce over Capital National b ink, HaIpio, Oregon. G T. Bush I T. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law, ofllco up xtntrsln front rooms or now i block, corner Commercial and Court streets, mt:em, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law. Rooms 3 and -1, Lada & Rush's b ink building, Balem, Ort-gen 8 1 lyr B. V. UONHAM. W. U. II01.MK8. Bonham Hor.xns, Atlornnys at law. OlHce In Uuhh's IiIucr, between State and Court, on t'om'lHt. flllLMON PORI, atlornoy at law. Salem, J. Oregon. Olhce up-stulm In Patlou't block. B1I. BRAD3UAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Hiirgeon, valem, Oregott, ultlco in nusu-Hreymau block, upstairs ResldeiKi corner Btatcand 8. K corner t inter street. XT M. YOUNG, M. D., OlHce Tonncrly VV . occupied by Dr. Itowland, corner Court and Liberty streets. Telepliubo No. 45. Olllcti heurs: 8 a. m. to 12; 2 10 4 p. ni , and 7 to V p. m. Re-ldenco lsth Rtreet on electric car Hue. Telephone No. 0. IU w. H iiui 1, pnyslclau and sur gcon. Office In hldrldge RIock, tie em. Oregon. Office hours 10 to U a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. r DR.ilINTAH. A. DAVIS. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 11 a. in.; 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. iy or night calls promptly attended to. Hpeclnl attention gi eu to diseases of wom en and children, ulllce In A ew Rank 111k., Sub Commercial street. Residence same. JAR. T. V. SMITH, Dentist, 92 3UUo street, Xj Halem, Or. Finished dental opera, nuns of every description. Painless opera tlous a specialty. T D.PUOH, Archltcot, Plans, 8pocl Y , flcatloun und superlntendonco tor all classes or buildings. Office 2UU Com mercial St., up stairs, 0, A: R013ERT, Architect, room 421. Mar qnain building, Portland, Oregon. HUSINKSS CARDS. PJ. LARHEN & CO,, manufacture of all , kinds of vehicles. Repairing a special y, tiliop 46 rtlato street. i"1ARPET-LAYING.-I wake a specialty oi j au pet-sewing and laying; carpels l.ilieu unaud relaid with irreal euro. Hhado mid curtain pole hanging. lioavn orders with J. u. Liuun, Ruien a Sou or White Corner. J. G.LUHRMAii. Proposals ior Stationery. Offi eor IhoKfor UryofSlalp. MALKU, Ur goii, t-ept 3, HUZ. Sta 1 nrono'-u s wl'l bo n colved at this office until ui'On, Novtnib-rS, 18UA to fur nUh tbo lolluwlug artlclu for the buuo of Oregon. iu reams legni cip, u u,.io.v runng,wuito luui, trcam, cu.u ter ouu. or hcoicu iiaen 20 l eatns Anil-ilnKS pkus.. No. 7 ruling. hlte Inid, congress note, 71b 1 1.01)0 No. b4 whlto envo oi ea. COlb No. 1. rag, XXX. jigiosraiiroiasiccipcup, rso. na. 10 gross union's steel pans. No 40, 1 glut Gillo'tt's steel punt, No. i.0:). 3 gro' ICuerbronfc "J" pons lOdi.z lVcb. -toViL Wilcox's Inkstands. No Ms. 4 doz. Peck, fatow a Wilcox's Inkstand", No 634. ,!0d z.Ptck,HtowA.Vllcc,x's Inkstands, No.JJ) Udoz Ixmy folders, Otiuli ttandird. 4 doz. ivory foldcu, 10 Inch congress. 4 doz. mucllfco euro. No. 8. Alorcin's pilcnu Wd.u niucllnfrastnndj. lcscrvolr. No. (i. Morg in's luttnt. 3 reams i'arkorN treasury blotting paper, llOUis assoited colors. 2 KroPb No. 2 Kjgle Recorder lead pencils. style mi. 1 doz Hanford's premium fluid, squirts. 2!4 d.-z. Stallo.d's writing Hum quurts. in doz. gummed stub files, No, 21 11x15 Inches, HO pages. 15 doz. Inipiux cupboard letter cllp. 10diz Ruber's rnbbe- ruler. 11-luchfl it. 15 doz. stotl erastrs, Roger's No. 18, 14'), bone. 3uoz. slcel emsers, '"ogir's No. 1, 140, ebony. JJ boxes Pa bet's No. COO rubber b-iuds, assorted slzen. 5gro I-'abei'sled perclls, No. 2, hex agon gilt. m gross b'ancrs icqd pencils, in o. 2, round gut. 15 5 doz. Knber's nalent ink. and nancll rub. uer umsurs. juuuiiiioiu. SOW McQiU's patent paper fasteners, No. 2, Hat head. WX) .McGHl's patent paper fuctyners, No. 4, Hat head. 15 diu. inblo parts to hold paper, 111x31 inches, strong rather tips. 12 doz. wasto paper baslcsts, cross bar No. 4. SO pounds hemp twine, No. 12 4 doz. Hanford's muclluge quarts. At the same time separate bids will be received for 15 doz-m tlnu penknives to be described by trade numbers, samples to be exhibited. lllds should be marked "Proposals for Samtlouery." None but the best quality ot ?oods will be accopttd. Tho rlzlit to reject any oral! bids Is re served. All tbo above iirtcles to be deliv ered at Salem on or bifore December 20. 102. UiiO. W. McilltlDR, 92m Secretary of fctact- MONEY TO LOAN. Kpeclal Inducements for the next SO days on good farm loaDs. FEAR & HAMILTON. Itooin 14, Rush Rank block. 6 12dw tTAPAI-TBSiS 1" mer . CURB A now and Complete Treatment, consist Ingof suppositories, ointment lu capsules, also a box aud pill.; a posltlie cute lor ex ternal. Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, and many other diseases und female weak, neises; It Is always a gnat benefit to the general health, 'the first discovery ( a mtdlcal cure rendering an 0eratloii with the knife itiiiiKwiury htieuller. This remedy has never been known to fall. SI per box. o for i'i; sent by mall. Why suffer from this terrible dl.fu.ui when a written guarantee u glcn with (I boxes, to refund the money It not cured. Pcud Mump for free sample. UuantnuulMUtd by WoouAitn, Vlaukk & Co., wholesale and retail drug gliU, sole ugents, Portland, Or. 6-2-ly-d w Atlniiiijhlrator's Notice. In tho County Court of the Stale of Ore gnu for the county cf Alurlou. In the matter of the estate of H'lo V. Reezley, deceased. NOTJOKTO CRttimOHH. h(ato of hllas W. liteiley, deot-ased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned udmlnlstMtor of tho eatute of titlus W, JW-nley, dcettffeed, to the creditor of, and til person baring claims against tbo said deceased, to present them with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date oftnUnotleoto the administrator, al the offlco ol tl. D. Young, city of Halem, state oi Oregon, Dated thU UOth day of August, IMS. P.U.M4tim, Administrator of the estate of rillas VT. iloeiley, deceased, tl 8-6UW -PROTECTION IHJOKNO 2. A.O U.WV r Meet la Ibwr ball la nlule Insurance buJtdlug, every Wtdi.eMUur evening. J. A, MEiV.VeOD, Recorder. ' ' TMPROVXD OKDKR OK Ki: MliN, 1 KawlAkun 1 nb', No. i, llm. Hold wHioisi every Thurxiay vulg, at 7J, Hlgwftw la t.i I nsunuteM lull, . .,., . c- -KMi. Prophet. yKVNK It. n AlbK'i.C'blei otKsewtf ft.u. fSix"U 15T W Ujmn u1 x. UQUMltl M. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. PUBUSliEDDAlLY.KXClJTdUND. Y UT TUK Cap'tal Journal Publisliing Company. (Incorpo rated.) Ofllco, Commercial Street, In P.O. Uulldlnv Kntered nt the postofflce at Salem. Or.,a sciLiKilaU ti slui. TUK TRANSPORTATION O.CESUON IS 1IRINQ SOLVKI). It la evident that tlio long-ucoded frfiulit reductions nu tratift-coutineii. tal Huea is about to cotue. The he tton of the tuercliauts of Kan Frnn olsuo lu encouruglug slilpiucut of freight by sailing; vessels around Capo Horu called nlteutlou to tlio low freight rates which cnu bo se cured in that way. It was found tbut dried fruit could bo Bent from Culifornia to Kniiku City ohcajier ly way of Cae Horu und New Yo,rk thau tlltvctly ucross tho coun try. The lebult has been a great diverslou of freight from tho rail roads to tho slower but cheaper route. This has convinced the Southern Pudilo that it must lower Us freight rates. When tho Great Nortern establish ed lis Hue to Spokane it secured concession In tho shape of right of way, etc., practically worth millions of dollar. In return President Hill promised that ho would give them a new deal iu the freight lutes. Up to this tlnio tho merchants of Spokauo have been compelled to pay upon all freixht received from tbo eust the amount of freight from the east to Tucoma or Portland with the local rate from Tacoma or Portland back to Spokano added. President Hill's promlbe to abolish this practice i about to be carried out apparently, as tho Great North ern has given notice of its withdraw al iroiii uio 'lrituEcontiuentui asso ciation. If the Great Northorn cSr ries out tho promises of President Hill it will mean lower rates for all portions of the "Inland Empire." The Cuuadluu Pacitln hrs given notice of Its withdrawal from the tho Transcontinental association, and tho outlook is good for a goner al rate war between transcontinen tal lines. IIRiN3 IN F.tRHia. Although the wheat crop of the Paollu coast is not up to the average this year a great many largo yields are noted. Even in localities whole the general averugo is very low some big i lelds are heard of. Theto largo yields oro probably generally attributed to peculiar circumstauces and this Is often true. Man can, however, control thesa conditions and circumstances to a much greater extent than Is generally believed and tho problem which confronts tho farmer whoso wheat now aver ages, taking from year to year, fif teen bushels per aero is how he c'au bring that average up to thirty bushels per acre. That It does not require a high degreq of Intelligence to msrelv ralso wheat for tho mar ket Is proven by tho great amount produced in Russia und India, but for all that there is, a gruad oppoi- tunlty for brains and skill in wln-nt raising. There Is not tho slightest reason to doubt that oven In Oregon und Washington It is practicable to doublo tho average yield of wheat. A Leader. Since its first IntroductIon,ElectrIo Bitters has gained rapidly in popu lar fayor, until now It Is clearly in the lead among puro medical tonics and alternatives containing noth ing which permits its use as a bev erage or Intoxicant, it is recognised as tho best aud purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will euro Sick Head uclio, Indigestion, Constipation, and drlvo Malaria from tho system, Satisfaction .guaranteed with each bottle or tho money will lie refund ed. Price only 60c per bottle. Sold by Duu'J. J. Fry, 225 Com'l. St: Tho manufacturing of grain Bags at tho Washington penitentiary at Walla Walla has proven a success. There have so far been manufac tured 170,000 sacks which aro being sold at Oj cents each. Tho price heretofore has been ubout two cents more than this. The saving by the farmers of tho Paclflo Northwest as a result of the peultenllury factory will amount to u inrgo sum. Guaranteed Cure. We authorise our advertised drug gUt to sell Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Couch and Cold, upon this condition, If you uru afflicted with u Cough, Colder any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, und will use this retnc-ily as dnected, giving it a fair triul, und experience uo benefit, you may return the bot tle and have your money lefundrd, We could not make thhtDuW did we not know that Dr. King's New Dis covery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Tilul bottles free at Danl. J. Fry's drugstore, 225 Com'l. St. Large alee 60o. and tl.OO. Huekleu' Arslen Plre. The Hest Salve la the world far CaU, HruiN, -jrts, Ulur,Kilt RbouHi, Pever Whim, TctUr, t,'lwpirt II au, Chilblain, Corns aBd all bln KrupHiHis, eait il- lively cure Pl.e, of BO pay rrfUlrd. It lecwumateeBl Mi gve t-etfwet Mtttstttefkm aid. pik, wmiu wr I rteB'lJry,'JiU8tK. Ihm, Fersetebri Highest of nil in Leaveninij Power. Latest U. S Gov't Repqjt' SBSQ NORTHWEST NEWS. Clippings from Sorno of the News papers of This Section. The Albauy city couucll has ap propriated about $500 for tho pro tection of the piors of the tridgo across the Wlllumetto at that place. Great complaint is made at Tho Dalles that tho Sau Jose scale liter ally covers sorno of tho fruit shipped Into that' place from California. Two shipments of lemons, lu par ticular, recently received there wore iuteoted with this destructive pest. September 14th uboutl2:15 o'clock, the hop house and content, belong ing to John Brown, tho veteruu hop raiser, Uvlug thrco miles north of Eugene, was completely destroyed by Are. About 7,120 pounds of hops were destroyed. The Eugene branch of tho Mer elvtnts' Retail Commercial Agency, organized on the 13th at tho city hall. The followiug oillcera were elected: Wm. Edrls, piesident; R. M. Day, vice president; E. K. Ileu dercon, secretary; G. W. Grltlln, treasurer; E. C. Smith, S. H. Friend ly and Wm. Prestou, executivocom mittec. Tho membership is fair. The opouing of the present school year found all tho teachers who had been duly elected by tho hoard ut their post of duty, iu both the Geary and Central schools. Tho attend auco aggregates in 650 lu both schools as agalnBt 602 last year. As tho attondanco was Increased 180 during tho first mouth last year, a corresponding Increaso may be looked for thlsyear.- EugenoGuard. '"j.'wo Souls with hut a Singlo - Thought." Aa they sat sldo by slilu, they sigh ed. "Oh, my IdoU" ho said, nnd then Idled. "Dear Lulto," suld she, as she looked, "I will wed tho If thou wilt," and ho wilted. Tho honey-moon passed iuun exceis of Joy. Excess lu eating rich food brings Indigestion, tick headuchc, and frequent attacks of dlzzluess. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets will euro all of these. Thoy aro tiny, sugar-coated, nnd easy to swullow. No otuor preparation compares with thorn ns n Llvor Pill. Thoy aro guaranteed, and otto Is u dose. Tho dense forests uloug tho Ore gon coast are a paradlso for the huutir. All kinds of gamo can be found roaming about and to take a few days' shootlug among tho big trees Is much liko ono reads about of tho earlier duys, when whito men woie scarce In this country and only the natlvo Indian waged wur ngulust the elk and bear. Several Pittsburg gentleman havo been spending tho summer at and around Cathlamet and WcH'.port and report a splendid result on their various shooting trips. , Saved HIa Ohllld's Life. A.N, Dllferbough, York, Neb., says: "Tho other day I camo homo and found my little boy down with cholera morbus, my wife scared, not knowing what to do, I wont straightway and got a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlalu'evollo, choloru aud diarrhoea remedy, and gavo It ac cording to dliectlous. You nover saw buoIiUi change In a child. His limbs and body wero cold. I rub bed his limbs und body twlth my hands, aud after I bad clvenlhlm the sccoud doso ho went to sleep, as my wife says, "from a doulh bed ho was up playing In three hours.'' It saved me a doctor bill of about th'reo dollars, and what is better, It saved my child, I can recommend It with it clear conucloiire." For sale by Buskott AVanSlypo. Before Going East Enquire About Tho limited express trains of the Chicago. Milwuukeo & St. Paul railsvuy liPtwrni St. Paul and Chi catro ami Omaha nnd Chicago, These truiiiH are vontltiulwl, olcc trlo lighted und Bieiiiii heutcd, with tho'lticBt dining und iheplng oar eervlco In the world. Tho elvctrlo readlui: light lu each berth In the bucccseful uoyelty of this progn-fcslvo age, and Is highly appreciated by all regular patrons of this line. We wish others to know Kb merlin, as the Chicago, Milwau kee & tit, Paul railway Is the only lino Ju the west enjoying the exclu sive use of thix patent. Fur further Information apply to nearest coupon ticket ugent, or ad dress C. J. Eddy, General Agent. J. W. Oaskv, Truv. Pm. Agt, 225 Shirk St., Portland, Or. 6-30 If Mr-Usaer'n RewwwtinlatU. Mr. J. A. Lander, a prominent el tlsen of Clarkuburg, Me., aud widely known I ti that etate,ay of ClMWuber Iain's Colic, Cholera aud -Dkrrhoaa Retnedy: "I have Men IU good re ulU4 and eu reooaiiiK'iid It." For aw by 'Uwkttt 4 Vau iJyne Drug gU, Baking Powder LUTjELYPURE Tho Dalles Handicapped. When wo consider that this great Niagara falls tunnel enterprise to which Buffalo Is so soon to be har nessed was commenced less than a year ago, an enterprise which Ib a marvel of engineering and has cost more than a million dollars,' our hand palsies in this comparison with tho death-like pace at Cascade locks, and with upturned eyes, we supplicate Almighty God Iu serious prayer for asslstanco to bring about it change of somo kind that will causoa move for deliverance from . tho thralldom of the mercenary cor porate influences which have so de layed a work of so much lesser, tnaf; uitudo as to keep the people of the Inland Empire circumscribed for 18 years. Behoving that our day of dollveranco will now speedily come, let us hope and work on. The cas cades must and shall bo opened to . freocompctlon; nnd with this ac complished, few peoplo can have any adequato idea of tho extent and Impetus which will bo given to the development of the commerce of the Columbia river. All along her banks will rlfio towns and cities of wonder ful resources, aud here at Tho Dalles will rlso a great city rivaling sea coast cities lu tho toiinano and num ber of vessels that pass in and out upon this great inland artery of trade.- Dalles Chronicle. "It Happened Yesterday." A business man got out bis life poli cies, on which ho had mado many payments, to negotlato a ,loan with tho company. He wns sur prised when Informed that the poll. cles had no cash value whatever. - Tho Massachusetts Mutual Ufa In--1 surauco Co. endorses caHh and paid- up values on every policy. It coBts no more to have this advantage. For further information apply to H. G. Colton, general agent, 233 Stark ' street, Portland, Oregon. 0-12-tf - Marblu aud Granite.- -I havo Just received a stock of marble and gmnito monuments and grave stoues which during tho next SO duys(sharp)I will sell at prices nover ocfore oflored In this State. Call early If you want u bargain. Second door west of the State Insurance building, J. James. 0-13-lw How'a This? Wo offer ouo hundred dollars re ward for any cuso of catarrh that cunuoJLbo cured by taking Hall's catarrh cure. P. J. OIIF.NNE1 a Co., Prop., Toledo, o. Wo, tho undersigned havo knowu P. J. Cheney tor tho last lllteea years, nnd be lluvtj him perfoctly honorable in all busl. ncss transactions, and (lmiuclnlly able to carry out any obligations made by then arm. Wist A Truax. Wbolesalo druggists. T ledo, O. Wuldlng, iCInuan ta Murvlu, WUolosale druggists, Toledo, O. r Hull's catarrh cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upou the blood und mucous surfaces of the system. Testlmoulula sent free. Prlco 7Co. per bottlo. Sold by all drugglite. b'avrii a Woman's l(t. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, wrl'5nK from Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two tcuspoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Choloru and Dlarrhoja Reme dy saved tho llfo of Mrs. Jaue Thomas, of this pluco," Ho also stutes that several other very bari cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by Buskott & Vau Blypo Druggists. Baby cried, Jiolher blghod, Doctor prescribed t Castorte Not ouo In twenty aro free from sente Utile ailment caused by luaelkm ef tl liver. Use Carter's I.lttlo Uver Pllle. Tbo result will bo a pltwiut surprise. TlMflf give iiosltlve relief, Will tiosltlvely euro sick headache and prevent it return. Carter Utile Uver Pills. Thl Is not talk, but truth. Use pill a dose, heo advertisement, Small mil, Hmall dose, Hmall prlee. i'nln from lndlsestlon. dvettessla. aud too hearty eatlug, 1 relieve by tMslow ono of Carter's lilltle Liver PIIU IwtcesU uuly after dinner. Don't ftirgel thU, For Sale, Cheap, Anuuibernflrlosol lliU i OUIU HOi.K.HWUtK IJtng.lUtll uuiu iwuii annum. iiiMtn horu, aud lrtrUge IXxrlilus, .all tiiofough bredetoek, tHty early, (HtveexnirwcUsriH andgettheuiekat (mwmmou. I toll per trioibaxea ar ettiiMawaL.. AMreM lttWKftfleiiJQe. "misI il' i