Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 15, 1892, Image 4

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lB ottf pMhmlttr in evwy city, with
Qui ca-opvration of all honest men,
amid image wr again; the Iniquitous
WMttaf Bywrn. It is the deadly para
fltto fafeteutil on honest la1or and ehonld
1m extonnhiittotl by r vigorous hand.
America bids fair to supply tho roar
keta of the world. A regular auction
AMf to to be established in London for
OsYttforni fruit, which will be shipped
by ppeoW train to New York, then
ttMMferred to the refrigerators of the
fMt aieaners And so reach Europe in
good ooadifckm.
AattwkrlsjM are baffled In the search
lor be origin of the "sausage." It
Monafo be a very ancient institution
and was a favorite dish among the
Oreefcs and Eomans. The bologna pan
age ifl a descendent of the ancient
' Roman sausage and so is oldor tlmn the
historic ''wiener wurst."
President Harrison.ex-PresidentClovo-land
and other eminent statesmen of
both political parties have warmly in
dorsed tho proposal for a public i.ehool
celebration on Columbus Day. This
.movement appeals to every true Amer
ican. It brings togothcr in n common
cause individuals among whom on most
.subjects there is wido diversity of
thought and opinion.
The unfortunate Marquis of Lorno
seems to systematically have fallen from
favor, if he ever attained it in tho eyes
of the queen. His last escapade of pre
senting himself for election to. iarlio
numtas a LiboraMJnionist ud being
ignomjniously defeated has raado him
.appear at a great disadvantage. Ever
since his marriage with tho Princess
Louise bo has been relegated to tho end
of a royal procession. Now it is feared
. that he "will not be in it."
A Common Misnomer.
Nothing is inoro common than tho np
' plication of tho word "brutal" to tho
miscreant who murders his neighbor,
kicks or kills his wife, beats his chil
dren or shoots his sweetheart. A late
article on tho awful riot in Nov? York
in July, 1808 an articlo written by a
brilliant newspaper man who was henr
ly murdered at that time by tho infuri
ated mob says, "Human nnturo wae
transformed into, that of boasts." "With
all deforenco to. that writer, and the
thousands of other scribes who daily
commit this involuntary injustice for
it is a cruel injusticoto boasts let us
say that there is nothing in tho nets or
motives of a mob of bloodthirsty, do
moniacal, furious, dostrnctivo and mur
derous men which lain tho leant liko
tho nets and motives of tbow creatures
which it pleases us to designate as "the
lower animalB."
Even tho most dangorousnnd fiorco of
wild creatures lions, tigers, grizzly
bears, panthors and wolves novor wero
known to band togethor to destroy nnd
terrorize their own kind, No naturalist
student of 'wild animals overknew'or
heard of such n thing as n fowdisuf
footed lions or tigers, angry nt soino
real or fanciod wrong, fomenting trou
ble with thoir disgruntled boon com
panions and combining in a body to
slaughter tho peaccablo and inoilonsivo
of thoir kind. It is not recorded that
any of thoso, or other flcrco four footed
creatures, over was yot known to attack
the lair and family of Ids neighbor, or
indood to fall upon any utterly inoffon
slvo croaturo of its own or another race,
and slay it for tho inero sako of slaying.
It is of courao a law of tho very bo
tng of carnivorous creatures a law that
must always seem cruol and inoxpllcablo
to tho softer hearted that thoymust
kill to livo. It is not their fault, but
their necessity; a inero measure of solf
preservation. It is doubtful if thoy
over kill from moro wanton love of kill
ing that proud distinction bolongs to
man alono. And thoro is cortainly
nothing in tho least "beastly" in a war
against proporty into whioh most mobs
finally resolve thomsolvcs. If a hun
gry man should snatch a. loaf of bread
from his uoighbor and run away with
it, tho act would justly bo likouod to
that of a boast for only in such cir
cumstances does a beast meddlo with
his fellows' property.
It is a still sharper injustice to tho
"lower animals" to call tho wretch who
kicks, beats or kills his wifo "a brute."
No bruto, if by this wo mean a crcnturo
with four foot and "no soul," was oyer
known to nbuso his mato. That is an
othor distinction which bolongs to tho
malo of tho human species. Even n mad
dog, agonizod nnd driven out of his real
nature by tho dlsoaso of rabies, will
never, it is said; blto ft female dog. Ho
loathes his ordinary food, ho simps nt
the hand that would help him, he for
gets tho master whom ho had lovod for
years, he attacks his best friends, just
as human maniacs sometimos do, but
he novor bites tho femalo of his own
kind, even though Bho may bo n stranger
to him. It does not appear tliot the
tiger, when he comes deuwnrd at night,
after a day's roaming, nud finds that his
spouse has not hunted anything for sup
per, ever falls upon hor and kilts hor for
that reason and men havo killed their
wivea for that and even lesser sins.
So let us invent somo other and juster
adjectives for designating nnd condemning---6y
stigmatizing tho worst crimes
and most monstrous sins of mon, nnd no
longer insult their betters by calling
wek deeds "brutal" nnd "beastly."
WJwr the erne! lulsuoiuer is not utterly
earelsM attd tkonghUmu, it is thorough
ly owaiaHdfalw
MiM Eide De Wolfe will boa member
of the Ramsay Moi ris Comedy company,
during the coming season.
Mr. Thomas W. Kfeno's repertory
will consist of "Uichnrd III." "Ham
let." "Othello." "Louis XI" and "Rich
eHon." Fanny Davenport expects to arrive in
New York from Europe about Oct. 8.
She Will be seen onlyin "Cleopatra" this
A silver train of real Unmas is one of
tho features of "The White Squadron,"
which in having u remarkably success
ful run at the Fourteenth Street the
ater, New York.
"Ye Earlie Trouble," Mr. Henry Guy
Carleton's romantio comedy of the
American Revolution, will be presented
for four weeks at Proctor's Twenty
third Street theater, New York, begin
ning Oct 1U.
The complications arising from tho
marriage of a young artist to a girl who
proves to be his sister furnishes tho plot
of tho play, "No Use for Money," which
is to bo tried at Proctor's Twonty-third
Strcot theater, Now York, on tho after
noon of Sept. in.
M. Uuibal, u French conjurer, and
Afllo.GrovillearG at tho Eden Mu ice, New
York. Mile. Grovillo is a mind reader.
M. Guibal places her in a trai ce, after
which he collects written or w hispored
question from the audience, it is her
province while blindfolded to answer
these- questions and also to locrv o things
hidden by pooplo in the audience.
T. B. Richardson, 2:lGXtis now spond
Inbi3 tenth summornt the meet, and
ho can trot amilo now a littlo letter
than his record.
C. J. Hamlin- tho sage ot Village
farm, Buffalo, says that "EdwcrdGeers
nt $20,000 a year would bo tho chcupost
man in tho training business."
Ed Geers has cjiristened the pneu
matic sulky "Tho Ghost." G.:er8 says
that tho present wooden sulky wheel
will soon bo a thing of tho past.
Tho groat stallion Sultan, 3:23, by Tho
Moor, daxn Sultana, dropped duiiil at Ab
dallah park, Cynthiana, Ky., itf ter be
ing drivtm a inilo. His ownorn recently
refused $40,000 for him.
Gcorrgo Starr has received tho stout
hearted, brown stallion, Gold Leaf,
U:1G4, to campaign. Tho horse is n
grandson of Wcdgowood, 2:10, and his
speed and courage are not to bo won
dorod at. -
Dr. Whltwell, tho vetorinnrian who
was called to treat Allerton, nays thnt
tho stallion will start no moro this year.
Tho muscles of his leg wero so badly
wounded as to incapacitate him for
further work for a long timo at least.
Tho trotting string at Palo Alto farm
Includes tho record horsea Advertieer.
2:10; Electricity, 2:17?; Azmoor, 2:20)
Truman, 2:22; Norhawk, 2:20Jf: Bernal,
2:24; Langton, 2:20.f ; Bell Bird, 2:20)4
as a yearling; Novelist, 2-J37H; Lucy
noor, 8:37; Orphina, 250; Rowena,
2:87 as a yearling, and WavoLot, 2:20.
Tho first horso railroad wao built in
J. A. Slnegard has been appointed gon
oral manager of tho Philadelphia and
Reading railroad.
Mr. Henry C. Gould has boon elected
vico president nnd general mnnngor of
tho Gould Coupler company.
F. B. Hnrrlmnn has boon appointed
superintendent of tho Fremont division
of tho Illinois Central railroad.
M. W. Cooloy has nssumod tho duties
of ongiueor of maiutonnnco of way of
tho Toledo and Ohio Contral, with head
quartors nt Bucyrns.
A now bridge Is to bo built across tho
Ilaokonsack river nour Jorsoy Citybj
tho Pennsylvania railroad. Tho struc
ture will bo about 1,000 foot long and
will cost nt least $100,000.
It is now Raid to bo anthoritatlvoly
denied thnt tho "Littlo Wizard" is after
tho Tohuanlepoo railway or that a con
cession lins boon granted to him by tho
Mexican government for n liuo from
Jnaroz to Mazatlan.
A paragraph on tho script of notables
says, "Lillio Dovereaux Blako writes a
tnnglo of curls and whirls that defy
A blnclc poarl nccklnco worn by Lady
Ilchestor at a roccnt ontortniumont Is
said to bo worth $123,000. Thoro is
only a singlo row of tho goms.
Ton-year-old Edith Brill, of Wool
wich, Eugland, bus received tho Royal
Humane society's medal for saving ono
of two littlo boys who foil into King
William's dock.
Mrs. Ricks, tho venerablo negro wom
an from Llboria who rccontly shook
linnds with Queen Victoria, attended a
Salvation Army meoting in London a
fow days ago, mado a speech and danced
a jig, to tho groat delight of tho army.
Mrs. Augusta M. Rodgora, the first
woman inventor in thu United States, is
still living a very beautiful nnd strik
ing porson, whao hair has beon snowy
whlto for many years. She lives with
hor married daughter in Jacksonville,
It is stated that 40,000,000 of Oneen
Victoria's! subjects in Iudia never know
What it is to get enough to eat
Richmond, Ind., has nn organization
known as tho "1827 society," composed
entirely of porsons lorn in 1827.
In Gorinnnv married men wear wed
ding rings, a custom which mauy writ
ers havo advocated in othor countries.
Tho littlo town of Cumberland in
Rhode Island boasts of a meoting house
which was built in 1740. Tho late Pnl
dont Uarfleld's mother worshiped in it
in her youth.
v Ir yowifould Im clwm and haye yourolothoa demo jiip
is Um a4wrtitd lrewiect munnor, tako them to tho
vki ftll work ii don by white labor and in tho moat
Surprised Ur.
"Yesterday I went out to catch crabs.
I saw a hole in the sand that looked as
if there might be crabs in it. 1 felt
around in the water carefully, when all
atouce 1 was almost scared to death.
What do you think, grandma, 1 pulled
out of the watert" said Johnny Fizzlo
top to his grandmother, who Is very
"What was it, Johnnyr
"A bloody human foot."
"Mercy on us! Horrible! horrible!
Do the police know about it?"
"Why, nd, grandma, it was only my
own foot. A crab bit mo on my little
toe." Texas Sif tings.
ill kawsAraWr
Ho If I were to try to kiss you, what
would you do?
She Scream.
He Do you mean it?
Sho (impressively) Indeed I do, so
you had better wait until wo are out of
hearing of tho hotel. Brooklyn Life.
Who Owned tllo Vvw.
"If you had como and nsJrert mo for
them you might havo hd all you
wanted and welcome." This, if story
tellers nre to be trusted, is v hat farmers
always say wbou thoy find b td boys rob
bing their orchards. And It Is true be
yond qncstion thnt peoplo in general
Hko to havo their righto as proprietors
respected, oven in tho most trifling mat
ters. So it was with an Irishman of
whom a roportor tells a littld story.
There was a Bpecial celebration of
some kind in tho church whore ho
owned a pow. Tho building was
crowded, and just as tho so.vico begai
this proprietor mado his wa down th
nislo to tho door of his pow. which was
only two seats from tho front. In it
wero two or thrco ladica, htraugors to
Thero wim still abundance of room
near tho head of tho seat, but ho stopped
at f 10 door, laid ono hand upon tho back
of tho pow next in front, nnd with an
imprcssivo wave of tho other said, In a
voice loud enough to bo heard all over
tho church:
"Como out of that nowl"
Thihadies, surprised and greatly con
fused, obeyed with nil hasto, but r.n
Boonor was tho last ono out in tho nK'o
than tho man waved his hand gin
"Now in wid yez again," ho romarked
londor than heforo, "an make ycrselvca
ter homo. Oi only wanted yez to know
wno owned tho pew."
His tono nnd gesturos and stnllo were
so pollto and reassuring that tho ladies
resumed their seats 'and tho priest weuf
on with tho Borvico. Youth's Com
panion. An Expcnulvo I.ampalitule.
Higgins, tho street car conductor, wn.1
on tho night turn last week and ho did
his sleoping in tho daytime.
When he woko up from his much
noeded rest ono afternoon his industrious
littlo wifo hrought out for his admira
tion a lampshade mado of colored tis
buo paper. She had mado It with her
own protty hands, nnd its scalloped bor
dor was perforated with innumerable
little hole3, through which tho light of
tho parlor lamp would fall on tho table.
"Tell mo if you think it is protty,"
demanded Mrs. Higgins, holding the
shade out for hor husbnnd to inspect it.
"It looks lovely," began tho man, but
a3 his oyes fell on it moro closely ho
turned palo and Baid, in n hoarse voice,
"Yon raado thoso holes with my boll
punch?" "Yes, dear, whllo you wero asleep.
But what makes you speak that way?"
asked tho littlo woman, grently alarmed
nt tho sudden chango thnt had como
over tho nufortunnto Higgins.
"Oh, nothing," ho said, "only you've
rung up ouough fares on that lamp
shade to use up a year's salary. Every
one of thoso holes will cost mo live
conts, that's nil."
And tho unhappy man groaned.
William Henry Siviter in Harper's Mag
azine. Tho Volco of ISxperluneo.
"Whnt," said tho locturor, warming
to his subjoct, "what will unman u
bright youth more, what will destroy
his ambition quicker than tho calamity
of being thrown ovorboard by tho object
of his worship?"
"Marrying hor," piped tho henpecked
man In tho tear of the hall, nnd tho an
ilicnco tittered and oven tho lecturer
6milod. Capo Cod Itom.
The Host Wajr.
no You know every ono is Baying
that I am going to marry hor for her
inonoy, and 1 feel so badly about it
Can't you suggost some way of stopping
people's tongues?
She (thoughtfally) There's only one
way I can think of nt present.
Ho (eagerly)-What is that?
Bho You might break off tho engagement.--Brooklyn
Why Mi fipoltr.
Tntter 1 didn't suppose your Bister
would remember me, but tho other day
slio spoke to mo quite pleasantly.
Von Bluinor Thnt was tho day you
wero both at tho seasido, wasn't it? Now
York Herald,
Btrvlng a l'urjo.
Clara What nro you wearing suoh a
hoavy veil on tho plcnio for? Why, you
can't boo through it, .
Maud I know it. I got it to offer to
tho chaperon. Cloak Roviuw.
BoutH eOVlllannatt Hotl,
Iwik!teay to wy ruttarom lu tbe
lamWtfMl&Ml htv rleie4 uty thk
Ittaa ta tho Ituaiu, I'imWii A Cn, luw&vr
fftnlMfW, but ttlll Mk thn patromw V1
he ooatreeiow, h4 I win try to mue 'A
(wye teUrt to mil on hi b4
Mt mmt wtom M nhaMiv i"f lfir.
I cmA m a4 hMtMr u ts l Ofea
awa "5ritauiwii.
A Sclcntltlc Ctilrl'nniist,
"He i5d ins cranks down," was Bald
of the late Colonel John C. Bundy, editor
of The ReUgio-Philosophlcal Journal, of
Chicago. With equal truth it might be
eaid that he held the frauds down as
well. Ho wns uunlternble in his convic
tion of tho reality of communication Ikv
tweon spirits in nud out of the flesh, but
no man over pursued fraudulent "mo
dlums" nnd manifestations more merci
lessly than ho. Ho held that tho cause
of spL-itualism could in no way be bet
ter served than by unearthing the frauds
and tricksters that have bo ga'hered
about it as at times to well nigh disgust
all decent people with its pretensions.
No.materiallsti ecientint, no strict or
thodox priest or preacher ever moro
zealonttly hunted to tho or.rth the fVuuds
practiced on tho public in the name of
spiritualism than John C. Bundy did.
He was, moreover, ono of tho clearest
headed, coolest, most intelligent men of
his time, with a brain parked full of
ehrewdnosd nnd common sou. . Yet ho
held that after a thorough lifting and
exposure of all the tricks and cheating,
whereby unprincipled piofcsMonal me
diums raako a living off a pabliu that
dearly loves to bo gulled, there still re
mains undoubted ovideuco of communi
cation between departed spirits and those
hi the ilesh. Ho certainly had a right
to beliuvo so if ho choe.
To the Fcientific establishing of his
faith and to psychic research generally
he devoted his lifo and his paper. His
unquestioned sincerity and his trained
power of scientific reasoning fitted him
peculiarly for tho task he had under
taken, and his death mu it therefore bo
a great loss to psychic research in
America. The increasing number of
authenticated facto' in hypnotism, clair
voyanco, thought transference, as well
as the remarkablo cures of disease
by no known medical means, show
there is a wonderful field opening be
fore the investigator of Mental science.
Whether ono goes in for spiritualism
'or not ho must regret tho death of a
man whose journal was devoted to the
examination of such psychological facts.
Colonel Bundy was president of the
council which wns organizing a world's
psychic congress, to meet during the
fair at Chicago.
It is pleasant to recall that Colonel
Bundy was a man of pure and gentle
life, dovoted to his family, and an ad
mirable member of society in every re
spect. Of him it may be said that ho
believod in spiritualism and hated hum
bug. Whore Green Snow Is round.
Thore nro three places known
whoro ercen enow is found. Ono of
tliCBO places is near Mount Hocla,
Iceland, nnotuer lourteon miles east
of tho mouth of tho Obi nnd the third
near Quito, South America. Boston
wgaa.. r nl
Rtatistics Bhoir Hint ono In roon has a wenk
or dUOBBiKl llcatt. Th Hrt Brruitoms are abort
lirenth, opprculon, Hutlcrinir, ftilut and
awollcn nnklca, drooay (mill ilrnth.J for
Ian marreloiia remedy. "1 hnvo boon troubled
with heart dlscnao for jreara, riy laft pule m
Tory weak, could at times aciirrcly feel It, tho
malleat excitement would always weaken mr
norros and heart and a fear of Inipondiim death
stared rao In the face for hours. 1H. 31 J J.J-S
Is tho only uiedlclno that has prorod of any bune
fitand cured mo. I.. M. Drar, CloTcrdale, Md.
Ir. Mllca' JCIvrr l'lllinie it sure remedy for
Jllllouancaa unil Torpid X.Iver. GO lloaea
SO cents. Fine book oa Heart Disease, with
wonderful euros free at drutgl'ts.or address
Sold by I, J.Fry, druggist,8nlem.
Act on a new prlnclplo
regulate the IWer, stomach
and bowl3 through (As
nertvi. Dit. Mnsr l'ria.8
ipctdily cr lilllouenees,
torpid liver and constipa
tion. Smallest, ralldpet,
pnreatl BOdoBss,20ct3.
Shmolra free at druuulsts.
uEei. fs.ElkhuLlnl
fold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Salem
Bas and Gasolim
llnva tcKnr parta, an4 are
thoroffin InaM Iflcnlv to mtoul
01 orucr man any omer Raa or gasoline enannea now
built. Just light the burner, turn th wheel, and U
runs all day,
If o doable or falsa explosions, so freaucaS with ttst
uurellable spars,
Tor Blmpllelty It llents tho World.
Ik Oil Itself Automatically.
No Dnttorlra orElcotrlo Bpark.
Zi rnas with a Cheaper Orailff of Gasoline than an
othor Kuglne.
ran paacmrTiTK ciucvutnn AirtY to
PALMER & REV, Manufacturi
Son fras-wj. hi mi Mai, tej
WW tmn Wltt V.4WU. untnkim twaUtaf ria
etiruitU.a .( rala.s.rc. Ihiu,hhuh h IslUtrnlM,
u t.issl tkt.itUa, 4n4si. lM.vatri6i c.MMty. .
Iwiw, Ur. ikHUlUa, lMoJ. I"' ttaiScl
MtNalau. Iuh auk. lmtM, siIm. oaul ti;-t.ilik
u. Tata tMrt tH HlUluWHMllni ! fr
anisi,aaail,aa rustu.t U (uHauy felt art.
tur,.abM ti.040, iW ta.'a ail wvi.
t)M laTala afur all tkw r.w.atw a.ut, &as v
In kaa4r4i ot tajUatai4l la Uta .! "JU
wX'M tiraunu Eurrai
rwiMiMa imtftnl mn m
E.lta &H.1 .LttlM. illu.iL IMIA
ta I.t Uiuuu4 Faaitawa, niFtf. '!'' tt-t, Mmu
muijmaxu mxaemxo oo
law nwww rn..
lalkWU If".HIU
HiUints iuivwi'iji
Bull Durban?
Smoking Tobacco
Situated in the immediate section of country that produces a grade
of tobacco, that in texture, flavor and quality is not grown elsewhere
In the world, and being in position to command the choice of all offer
togs upon this market, we spare no pains nor expense to give the trade
When In want of the best; ask for
Bull Durban?.
Sold everywhere. None genuine without the
Trade Mark of the Bull on each package.
f I rVTItUCWf, IMl
iver gMB
Sick Hendache and relieve al 1 tho troubles Incl
dent to a bilious ntftto of tlio sjrtem, such at
Dizziness, Nausea. Dronsinesfl, DUtross after
eating. Tain in ttm Plilc, Ac Wliile their most
remarkublo bucccra 1ii3 been shown In curing
Headacut), yet Ci.rr.i' Littix I.ivck Pilu
iro equ.ill Til lahlu In Constijiation, curing
mil prerontlnB till annoying complaint, while
they also correct nil disorders of the stomach,
rtlmulate the liver and regulate tho bowela.
tven tf they only cured
4che they would bo almost pricolesa to tho-.e
vho suffer from this distressing cemplaint:
nut fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
those little pills valuable In so many ways that
thoy will not be nllUnR to do without them
Out after all sick head
s tho hane of ao many Uvea that here is where
it- nl our Rrrat boast. Our pilU cure it
while othPis do not.
Cahtim's Loti." Liven Tills are very small
nd ryotsy to take, Ono or two pills male
i dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
ot fftllio or puree, but by their eentla action
jlwifaoall ho iiso them. In vlalsatsacenta;
Ivo for SI Sold oreryhen, or sent by mail.
CA:TI2 IffiSUIMS CO., Hew Tori.
MK Mte, Small &
rinirch Directory.
Oregon, Kor. J. K. BUIr, raster. Sunday
school every Sunday, 10 a. in. Preaching
every Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Church bouse on High street, between
Marlon and Union. Everybody welcome.
MethodistEpiscopal. Services onHab
bath at 10:30 and 7:30. Sunday school at
12;Kpworth Leagues at 6:16; Prayer meet
lng every Thursday evening. Rev. C. L.
Kellcrman, pastor.
Evangelical. Corner of Liberty and
Center streets. Sunday services 10:30 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m., Sunday school 12 m., Y. P.S.
O. E. 0:30 p. m.; Prayer meeting Thursday,
7:30 p, m. J, Bowersox, paster, residence
427 Liberty street.
Presbyterian. Church street, between
Chemeketa and Center. Preaching morn
ing and evening; Sabbath school at 12 m.;
Y. P. S. C. E, at 0:30 p. m.; prayer meeting
Thursday nt 7:30p.m. Kov.F. H. Gwynne,
D, 1) pastor.
The (Jnuitcir or God. Holds rcllgeous
sorvlcea In the Good Templer's hall Tue .
day, Thursday and Friday evenings. Sun
days at 10:30 a m. and 7:30. Sunday school
at 3 p. in. Elder K. N. Mathews, pastor.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Che-
meketu and Cottage. Sunday services: Low
mass 7:30 a. m.; high mans 10:30; Sunday
school 3 p. in.; vespers 7:30; week days, low
mass 7 a. in. Rev. J. 8. Whlto, pabtor,
Conqrkoational. Ojrner Center and
Liberty Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and
7 p. in.; Sunday tchool 12 m., Y. P. 8. C, E
day. Rev C. L, Corwlu, pastor.
St. Paul Episcopal C'Ukcu. Corner
Church and Chemeketa. Beivices 10:30 a.
m. nnd 7 p. m.;Huuduy school 11:45 a, m.;
service Thursday 7.S0p. hi. Rev. W. Lund,
First Uaptist, Liberty and Marlon.
Services 10:30 a. in. nud 7:00 p. m.; Sunday
school 12 m.; young peoplu'u meeting at 6
p. m.j prayer meeting 7:U) Thursday. Rev
Robert WhltaUer, pastor.
Kkee Methodist. Rev. R. F, Bmnlley
pastor. Services Sunday morning a.nd
evening, Sunday school at 10 a m.; prayer
meeting Friday night. Church upposlte
North Salem, school.
Friends. At Highland park on car lino.
Services 10:30 a.lm. and 7.80. p. in.; Sunday
school 13 m.; Christian Endeavor 0 p. rn.:
prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Rev,
F. M. George, pastor.
GEiutAN UAiii8T.-Servlces in German
Baptist church north of Cottage street.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11
a.m. Evening service nt 7.30. Rov. John
Fechter, pastor.
Christian. High and Center. Sunday
school 12 rru; preaching 10:30 a. in.; young
people's society &S0 p. m.; preaching 7:30
p. m. Rev, YV. R. Williams, pattor.
Geiuian Rkj-oiuikd. Capital and Marl
on.; Sunday service 11 a, tn.;Sunday school
10 a. m.; rrayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.
111, Rev. J. Muellnaupt, pastor.
OintlsTXAN Science. Services In Uni
tarian hall at 10:20 a.mjtnd 7:30 p. m ; Sab
bath school 13 rn,' Bible study Thursday
Unitarian rnuRat-servlces atlfrSO a.
m. and ": p. m. mi n day sehool ut 11 m.
All InvlteU. Seats free. Rev. 11. II. llrowu,
South Saux-M. K. cburcU. Preach
ing every Suudty at 1CWM a. m. and 7iSO p.
m. J. 1L Rootk, iuator.
IiEkxan Luthbun. North Cottage Bt.
Uervlreanu Ux nnd !M Sunday of each
month at 3 p. lu. Rev. G, E. AJej er.pastar.
Avbicun UKrnoniBT, North Halem.
Servicer at 11 a. in and 7:90 1. m. Sunday
ahool ut 1 p. lit. Uov, O, W, White, pastor,
TemrKraucgtMfelmeetlngt4 o'clck
Sunday at W, O, T. U, hall.
Stifle Farcy Groceries,
HrAAkATV ntAACUrarA turner uru4.k
B4 WJraw trare. AilVlcds Wmliifeod,
tfS !! $ w BUy wuduefc '
Salora Abstract and Loan Co,
The only Abstract books of Marlon
conntv. Real estate orders
filled promptly and
For Loca
jug Mines.
Dr. H.Smith Is now sole nirent in Orc-
netio rods for locating miner- of Gold or
Silver. This Instrument has become the
most emcent iurce 111 oureuB "" !
enco of Gold and Silver tlepoiits whether
t .1... rn.m nr VitHrfan niln nt ntmrtK lYielf.
The matter claims that a cn:e(ul Investi
gation is sure to lean one in 1 n eaun iu
culltyof Uie treasure. For f irther infor
mation please aaarebs
Salt ro, Oregon.
Large stock of common Brick always on
hand. Pirssed and ornamental btlck
made to order.
Leave orders nt G. Btolz, 51 Stale street,
Goodhue A Cahlll, 05 State strict, or at the
yard, opposite State Prison.
Residence 382 Chun h St.
Decorator, Kalsomiuer and Pa
per Hanger.
Leave orders at A. B. Buren A Bon's Fur
niture store or Sroat & Glle, Grocers.
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta Line
;7:00 p. in.
0:18 p. m.
8:15 a.m.
Lv. Portlunu Ar. I 7:o5 a. m
Lv. Salem Lv. I 5:28 a. m
Ar. San Finn. Lv. 7:00 p. m
Above trains stop only at lollowine sta
tlons north of Roseburg, Eatt Portland
Orgon City, Woodburu, Salem, Albany
Tangent, Shedds, Ualsey, Harrlsburg
Junction City, Irving and Kugene.
8:3U a. m.
11:17 a. m
5:50 p, in.
Lv. Portlund Ar. J 4:S0 p. m.
Lv. Salem Lv. 1:10 p. m.
Ar. Roseburg Lv. 7:00 a. m
Albany Local, Dally Kicont Sunday.
fM) p. m. Lv.
7a p.m. Lv:
9.00 p. m. Ar.
Ar. 1 10:.) turn.
Lv. I 7:30 p. m
Lv, I 0:30 a. m.
Second Class Sleeping Cars-
For accommodation ot passengers holding
second class tickets attached to
express trains.
tYest Side Division, Between Portland
and Cor vail is:
"7au a. m. LV. Portland A"r7
12:10 p. m. 1 Ar. Corvallls Lv.
6130 p. in.
12:55 p. m,
At Albany and Corvallls ctmuect with
trains of Oregon Paciflo Railroad.
4.i p. m.
7.25 p. m.
TOT. I'ortland JCrT
Ar.McMlnnvllle Lv.
"E20a. m
6:45 a. m
Through Tickets
To all points
EAST and 80UTH
For tickets and lull information regard,
lng rat maps, etc., apply to the Oompa.
ny's agent Salem. Oreiron.
K.P.ROQKRS. Asst. O. K. nnA P..
cr. mjuara.
Kansas Citv, St. Paul'
And all Palnti
East, North and South,
Af.'n ntwrnc.
Bteomert Portlaaa to Bn FraneltcoJEvery
i Days. '
KfH" rlAa Wrt anaHlU.fh .......
aKMiSaZZr- """-"v""ii6au
V. A HULSORT, Awt, Qea PaM. Art I
IWMhlBtea8u; J
m p
w 01 Q
ttmO P.
" iS n to
SL 01
B 2 p
8 p
a p
; p
o p
S en-
5 I
cd b a
"5 a
CD hj
Cm I1
rr o
P It-!
B 3.
1 rV
CO 2.
cr po
IMcfl, 2.50 to $5.00 per Dny
The best hotel belwcenTortland and Ban
FrmiclHOi. Klrst-clKfla in all Its appoint,
ments. Its tables are served with Uie
Choicest Fruits
Grownllnthe Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
WItbtn one-halt mile of two eloctrlo street
car 111ns ami tmr grounds station and post
olllco Uiily two ud one-quhrter miles
fiom thnceiitei of Snlcm. Healthy, beau,
tifui loculo ,. r-o 1 i-xtritgood, wtllilrhiued
ami rich. 1 iiUMuWiindteitnseitHv,
r-'.t-it 11. W.lOlfLK.
Absoln oly - .Mnfo - Investment,
$10,000 FOR $6,000
TIih n.nr ItviLfifnMf tiplnlr atrm K..IU.
nun ground occupied by Geo, F. Hmlth, on
Uimnierclal street For pale fer 6,000. If
taken soon. ItiutslO per cent, on thnt
amount, and will bo woith 8I0.C0O In lies
ihnnflvnVPIin. It. W. rVlTTf.V
JJol'oro Sliirting on a Journey
A perton usually oeslies topilu some In
fciinullon us to the most (IcMiaLle muti to
tnau, and will purchase tickets in the one
thai will nlloid U1111 the qnlilicst am: best
service, licloie starting on u trip to Chi
cago or uuy ptiiut Knt t, s ou should provide
yourself Willi Hinup una time table of the
sM.scoiihln LTutnil Line. Tho trains tun
ou this route oieettiliule and are equipped
with Pullman's li.leetDrHWlng ltootu uiup
ir, clrgaiit' ay Cohohcs and Dining (are
oriiilHetclislyn.liilitrapicsglj for this nr
Vic.', uud ore -xnuiiltc In turnlshlngs aud
convenient and comfortable In arrange
ment and b loinplcto lu every delall that
they hnonosuerlorin 'oujloit and elt
gunce. The dining cur cervico is pronoun
ted bj nil tho most elegant over luaugur
ultd, nud is operated In the lutPi est 01 lis
Fast trains via tho isoousin Central
Lines leave Allnnenrolls dally at 12.15 p.m.
aud Br6 p. 111,, and tst. Paul at Imo p. m.
and 7:15 p. m., muklng favorable touncc
Hon with nil unius liom the West and
sou thu est.
Kur tickets, maps, pamphlets nnd full
liilermutiunaiply toG.K. ilcNdll, c. p.
biidT. A , Mlui-uipoUa, Minn , and to.Ip.s,
C. I'ond, Oeneial I iifcfeuger and 'ticket
Aycut, Chicago, 111. MR-ly
Sheriff" Sale.
NOTICE 1h hertby given that by virtue
ot nn oxcuttou duly Usued out ofthn
county eourt ot tlio state ol Oi egon lor the
couut ol Marion, on the 1:0th day ot Aug
gunt, lbUJ.undto mo directed upon a Judg.
ment duly reudorcd, entered ot rtcordoud
docketed In and bj B.iUt cunt, on tho 0th
day nt AU(,Uht I8r J, In a eerUiu nuittlien
in bald court, pending Wherein L. und K.
IliibcU weiepluintills.und c.liHilesvHiij;ha
was deltndeut in fvor 01 plahatliu nnd
ug.ilnst defendant, by which execution I
am commanded that out of the per
gonal property ot said deieudunt,
or If suMkient cannot be found then
out oi the u-al pioperty belonging to
said delendan lu said county, on or after
the Clh day August, 3B8J, tobatlsfy thesum
ol SH2.30, together with Intel est thereon at
the rate ot 10 per cent, per nnnum, fiom
the 6th day of AugUbt lfesJ. and tholurther
sum ol SI'.! 85, together ultli interest from
the 6th day of Augiibt, lbb3, and the fur
ther sum of lb-bO and nlso cot,ts and ex
penses of snid execution. I have levied
upon, und will, on
Saturday, the 1st day of October, 1892,
at tho hour of 2 o'cloc k p. m. of Fuld day at
tho west door of the county court house la
Salem, .Marlon county, Oregon, sell
at public unction to tho highest
bidder tor cash in hand on the day
ol sale, all the right, title, interest and es
tate which hald dofcudant,CharleHVaugbn,
bad on or after the ulh day or Aug. lbW, in
and to tho lollowlng debcrlDcd real prop
erty, to-wit: Beginning ut the northwest
corner of tho southeast quarter ol stctlcra
4. T, 0 H , It. a west; thence east Bli iods;
thence south 14 rods; tbenco wcbtfHK rods;
thence north 14 rods to the place of Begin
ning, containing Js acies more or less.and
also all of tho donutlbn land claim of lien
Jamln Vuughn nnd Elizabeth Vaughn in
V. i) 8., It. 2 west, save and except the fol
lowing described piemlb-B, to-wlt: Begin
ning at the bouthu est corner uf the south
east quarter of section 4, T 0 8, It. 2 west
of Wlllumette Meridian; thence north SO
chains; thence west 2,19 chains to the
northeast corner of Isaac Cook's donation
land claim thence along eastern boundary
of saldCook's donation land claim to chains;
thence east 1.00 chains to the pace ol be
ginning, containing 6 acres, more or )if a.
Dated ntaalem.lBlHMlst day of Aiu.,'iiiiK.
Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon,
By F. T. Wkiohtman, Deputy. 7-14-M.
And Oregon Development company'
steamship lino. 225 miles shorter, 20 houri
lesu tune than by any othei loute. Ilrst
ciuss through passcngei and ft eight lln
irom Portland and all points lu ILenll
lametteullev to and Iron, ban .tiMLCiscn
TIME SCHEDULE, iKxceptHunflayb).
Leave AlDany l.C01M
Leave Corvallls 1:40 1 M.
Arrive Ynqulna 6:t!PM
Leave Vuqulna t:45AM
Leave Corvallls IOwAM
Anlvo Albany 11:10 AM
O. & u. trains connect at Alt any and
The above trains connect at VAQPINA
with the Oiegou Development t'o'b Lin
)I fiUaiiishins lietween "innnlna and M
Frannlscn. . .,
K. . Passengers lrom rortland and au
WlllHiuctte Valley points can make doM
connection with the train" of tm
VA()U1NA ItODTEatAlbanj orCorvalUi
and If destined to San Fraudno, shoold
annnge to nrrlve at Yaquina the evming
before date of sailing.
VtntngtT nd Freight Katu AUnu 1"
LowMt. T'or Information apply to Mmi"'
UUIIAN A Co., Freight and Tlck
Agent 2C0 and 202 Front at, Portland. ON
O B7lf 1
CO. HOGTJK Ac't Gcn'l Frt. .
Pass. AgU, Oregon Pacif 0 H. It. Cf;..
f H. UABWlJiL, Jr. Gen'l Frti ,
l-asa., Agt. Oregon Developrntnt
Co., 8M Monteomf ry sUI
z-xm .ny
. vu ryvi v Jt
V.lf AN
I,e IUchau'a Qolden Bnlenm a, i
Cures Chancres, first and second UJ
Bores on the Legs and Body; Sore EM
Lyes, Nose, etc., Copptr-colored Blotches,
Syphllltlo Catarrh, diseased Scalp, ard all
Srtmary forms of the disease known u
yphills. Price, S5 OO per Ilottle.
L lllchnu's aolden Hulsnin No.s
Cures-Tertiary, JIcrcurlalyphllitio Khe'J
raatlsm, rains In the Bone, rains In IM
Head, back of tha Neck. Ulcerated SC-t
ITiroat, SyphlUtlo Itasb, tumps aid cca.
trotted Cords, BthToeM of the Limbs, aai
eradicates all disease from tho sysi3
whether caused by lodlafretlon or st"15;
ol Mercury, leavlnif the blood pore w
braltby. Vrlee S3 OO per IloUle.
bo lttchau's Golden Hpatnlsli Anti.
dota for the cure e( OonorrbaA, C4ei
IinUtlonOravel,n4 all Urinary orOH
tU dlsarraogetaeaU. Prlcn $& SO F
ur Klchmu'a Ooldea Sp-nlsU In
jection, for torero oases of OeDanD
lnrUminatory Gleet, Stricturtfltc l'ri
1 so pr Bottle. . A ...
ue Ktchaa's QoUT Olntml
fortimeffcctlrsheauiar wyphlliUo Sores
andtrupUoav Irtr(,l OO per B
, Itlchait'a Goldou PU'f-f1"?
and Brain tteatawnt) losotpbrP2i
er. nctm or orer-work, VtoUtne, "
Prtc. 00 BsrBMtt,
tauio man juarriaicb .
Sect Terrl,aaa,a3W4J
run fticrusos iwut oa.,A3
V ill IUKUT rt'i
rn nmiifi g
ibsrtv 8tr9Y
M UIIHaatrt
F -l
' tfi'