JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." 8ALEM, OBEGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1892. "TO-DAT'S NEWS TO-DAY," wo. am EVENING CAPITAL f.Tl estacott REGULAR LOOK WELL TO YOUR Call at OSBURN'S RACKET STORE and look over In addition to their women and children. They .lumpers. Hate. etc. T lev the school children. In Gloves we have Kid, Silk, Cashmere and Taffeta. Tinwear, Frying PanB, Clothes Wring ers, Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs, Purses, and everything you can think of in the notion line. PRINCESS CURLING IRONS 15c. Toilet and Laundry Soaps in great variety. GIVE US A. CALL. E. F. SOBURN, - - 261 Commercial Street. TbL MUTUAL Offer the ance. J. L. MITCHELL, Salem, Or. RCHIE MASON. BdASOlT SD SEvilXr General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &o. All work promptly done. SALEM, C. N.CHURCHILL . T S. BURROUGHS. CHUKCirLLL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Cbemeketa Street. Salem Track & Drav em Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the day at the corner of State and Commercial streeU. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS 1 LOCKS ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr & Petzel , Plumbers and Tinners- 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a epeclalty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. FOUND load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor, SALEM Purifier and luShi. Parm machinery made BROOKS & LEGG, STRONG'S RESTAURANT. Baking and Confectionery. & Irwin. Proorietors. 271 Commercial Street.. MEALS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. being increased. usunl stock of BOOTS and SHOES, HOSIERY and also carry Yarns, Boys' Suits, 1JJSLT1VEL.Y have the BEST lOe socks in Salem. Slates. Tablets. Pencils, etc. tor e Massachusetts IF IN THEIR NEW- CONTINUOUS OPTION POLICY, greatest protection and safety to those seeking Life Insur- Every Policy in the Massachusetts Mutual guaran tees Cash Paid up Values every year. Send for SAMPLE- G. A. B. SMITH OREGON. Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice Stato St., opposite Sa- LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. HINGES I Tho place to get a Saddle horse, livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, Mill ffip.rl or crood well rotted Manure. and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. T. G. PERKINS, Geniral SuperinUndesL IRON WORKS, -, nnitnnN. and repaired. PRESCRIPTIONS r&refullr compounded Usr or fgbt, PURCHASES. their stock Mens' Oottonade Pants, Boys eoon-V- H. COLTON, INSURANCE 233 Stark St., Portland To Contractors. I deslro to havo ft now barn. 80x13, built, and desire bids lorthe construction. Pinna can bo seen at W. D. Purd "b office. Bids to be opened at 3 p. m. Baturday. 8pt .10 OE-td A. B. BMITH. Fiom Terminal or Interior Points tho Is tUe line to take To all Points East and South. It Is the dining car route, ltruna through vestibule trains every day In the year u ST. PADL AND CHICAGO (No change or cars.) Composed of dlnlngcare unsurpassed, Pnllman drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that con bo constructed and In which accommodations are both tree and fur nished for holder of first and second-daw tlckets.andj ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuoc line connostlng with all lines, aflordlng direct wd uninterrupted Horvlco Pullman sUorf-TT'Ionscan bese cured In advisee t,-i3,u any agent ol the roaa. Through tickets to ana rrora su pwuu In America, Knguna ana auroiw . purchased at any ticket office oJ this can be com- P Full information concerning-.rates, time of tralnsjoutea and other detail famished On,?,anyafentor Assistant General Passenger Agent itfo. 121 First street, or. Wathlngton; Port- laSHAvV& DOWNING, Agents, ON TO WASHINGTON .1 NATIONAL 2(th ENCAMPMENT Grand Army of 'the Republic, WASHINGTON, D. C, SEPTEMBER 20m To 86th. 1802. TUE Pap Wisconsin Central Lines AND Baltimore & Ohio Railroad have been seleced as the "Official Roule" between Bt. Paul, Minneapolis and ash. lDAHeiro'us of taking ndvaalygn of the universally Lo lute." should w thai their ttckunad via Ibis JU.ute." and secure tbelr sleeping car awiiwHlation In advance. . . For fuU partleuUrs ad drew G. F. McNEILL, City P. and T. Agt., 19 Nleollrt House Bloc, Minneapolis, Minn C, L STONE, City P. and T. Agt., m Kaatlhln) 81., M. Pnul.Mlnu. which is constantly UNDERWEAR for men, and Mens' Shirts, Overalls . Gen'l Agt., WAITED. Recruits for tho Artillery Hervlce of the United Blates Army, Tho conditions ol enlistment In the army are now unusually favornblo, and a sp lul recruiting rendezous has been estab lished In tills city for thepurpohoof nllord lng tho young men of this section an op-nnrtnnit..- nr imiutnipnt Annllcantsmust be between thenars of al and SO ywus nf age, nolo Drmtea, pnysicauy wjuuu, nuu able to read and write the English lan guage. To any ono Interested a full expla nation will be afforded by the recruiting officer, room 6. Kxcbange block, Kaletn, Oregon. Al.VIN U.BYDISNilAM, (MO-dw-tf 2d lieutenant, otn Arxiuery. Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W.A. CUSICK, PresTrW. W. MARTIN, Vice Pres. J. B. ALBERT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business: In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMB President W l-M Ml. A Nil Vlce Proslden tliulilnr. HUGUMcNAltY- DIIIECTOBS: Geo. WMlatns.Wm. Eug Utnd.Dr.J. A.HIcbnrdson, J. W. Hodson. J. A Baker. Bank In new Ezchango block on Com mercial street. l-t! Paper Hangerand Decorator. Office at Cbaa. Calvert's Mllllonery store, Balem, Oregon, Only One. Chance for a colony. 1800 acres of beat bottom land, onn-balf Jn cultivation, has mail streams and lakes, has I7UUO crop on now, buildings, etc. Is Ave miles from Halera, Oregon, One-third cash, and bal ance In five yearly payment with 4 per cent. Intercut at tJO per aire. iW-tf JOHN M. PAYNK.Agt. J. H. HAAS, TX1J5 WATCHMAKER, 215K Ccmmtrclil St., &alem, Oregon, Next door to Klein's.) HH-clalty ot SptHtaoles, and repalrlns Clocks. WalrliM and Jewelry. Wood Saw. V.canbodv tmim I'harlM Smith's SWm wikmI saw. -'rue Rustler." Ordtrs at 2T front street. mills sreat re I medyfortbe dlieasts result ins from weak. neM ooramoB la women, is th 'dloovw7 of a pbysMan who has made tbM diseases the stu4y of hit life. Ladles we ear diatly lavlt yea nil to nail and invert 'gut. OHleJoTsr New York-Kaeket more, Uittl. rarfcbMtt WOM, COWBBwetai m, wws, Oitwa. MMb4w Oftjea. COMPANY VKOTOSSIONAXi cards. F. CONK, Attorney at law, room 7, , Murphy Block. T J. BHAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW 4 V . HUNT, attorney at law, Offloeover Capital National bank, Balem, Oregon. CJ T. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law, IQ. office up stairs in front rooms of new Hush block, corner commercial and Court streets, Balem, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law. Rooms 8 and 4, Ladd A Hush's bank building, Salem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr B. K. BONHAM. W. H. HOLMES. BomiAit A HoLxm, Attorneys at law. Office In Bush's block, between Slate and Court, on Oom'IBU TILMON FORD, attorney at law, Salem, Oregon, Office up-stnlrs In Patton's blook. BH.B11A.D3UAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Hnrgeon, Halcm, Oregon. Office In iiUhh-Ureynian blook, upstairs Rtwiilenee corner Statcand B. K. corner Winter street. WH. YO0NQ, M. D.. Office formerly , occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner Uoun and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. Office heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to i p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Residence lsth street on electric car line. Telephone No. 9, "pvlt. W. S. MOIT, physician nnd sur- Iem, Oregon. Office hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2to4p. m. TVR. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Office hours, I 9 a. m. to 11 a. m.: 2 n. m. to S o. m. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Bpeclul attention given tu diseases of worn, en and children. Office in new Bank Blk., 80a Conunerolal street. Residence same DR. T. O. SMITH, Dentist, OT Stato street, Halem, Or. Finished dental opera tions oi every description, fairness opera' lions a specialty. D. PUOH, Architect, Tlans, 8pecl- r T uutuuiu uu oupuriuiuuuouix) iu all Classes of buildings. Office 290 Com mercial bt., up stairs, CA. ROBERT, Architect, room 421, Mar . quam building, I'ortlaud, Oregon. BUSINESS CARDS. PJ. LAR8EN A CO,, Manufacture or all . kludsof vehicles. Repairing a special ly. Shop 45 Statu street. CAKPET-LAYING.-I malto a specialty oi carpet-towlng and laying; carpets lutren up Hurt rnlnid with grcut care. Shade and curtain pole hanging. Leave outers A'lth J, 11. Lunn, Buien A Son or White Corner. J. O. LUHRMAM. Proposals for Stationery. Offireof tho Seer, tary of Stato. 4AI.KU, Oregon, fept 3, 1692. Sen id propoum will be received at this oillco until noon, November 3, If di, to fur nUh Itio. following urtlclt-H for the State of Oregon. 10 1 earns Ugrri cap, llll),No.7 rullng.whlte laid, cream, i hatter ouk, or bcotcb 20 iritnn flrst-clxns congiebs note, 71b ik"H., so. 7 ruling, white laid. 13.C t No. . whito euvo opes, 001b No. 1, rag, XXX. n gi-uns rallro'id steel pent, No. 140. SO gross Ulllott'H steel pens. No 401. 4 gnvtt Qlllott'j stocl pons, No. COS. ygio s I'steibiook "J" ppus lOdcx.Peck.Mow it Wilcox's Inkstands, r4 o7nr. l'OK, Hluy .r.r.-. - ..-. , 10 d. z.rcclt. Slow & Wilcox's InkstnndK, No 4J0. 12 iluz. Ivory folders.OlutH standard. 4 dots. Ivory finders, 10 Inch congress. 4 dor. mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's lOdox mucllose standi, resorvolr, No. 0, Morgan's patent. ., ... K vuaius l'Kiltur's treasury blotting paper, llolbsttssoitrd colors. 2 crow. No. 2 Kiiglo Recorder lead pencils, stylo (i00. ldoi banlord's premium fluid, squirts. 2S dos. Stnllbrd's writing liuld ouurt3. 1 doz. gummed stub files, No, 21 llxlo Inches, bO pages. latHjt. Duplex cupboard letter clips. 10 doz. Kuber'H rubber ruler, ll-lnclilnt. in doz. stet It rusors, Roger's No. lis, 149, sooz. steel erasers, Roger's No. 18, 119, ebony. a i boxes Tuber's No, 10 rubber bands, absorted sizes. , ...., 5 gross Faber'a led pencils, No. 2, hex agon gilt. .. .. j, 13 gross Faber's lead pencils, N o. 2, round 16 doz. Faber's patent ink and ponoll rub ber ornsers. mammoth. 000 Mcutlls patent papor lasiencrs, eiu. 2, flat head. s;O0O McGIU's patent paper fasteners, No. Vllatbead. ,,, , , 10 uoz. inQie pniis iu iwiu iHj'ci, .ia. lnehes, strong featbor tips. 12 doz. tostu paper baskets, cross-bar No. 4. . to pounds nemp iwino, no. vt 4 doz. Banford'a mucllago quarts. At. llinuiunn tlmokenarato bids Will be received for 15 doz-n lino penknives to be described by trade numbers, snmplcs to bo exhibited. . , , Bids should bo marked "Proposals for Satatlonery." .. . . ,., None but tho best quality ol loods will bencceptcd. . . , The right to reject any or alt olds Is ro served. All the above articles to bo deliv ered at Balem on or before December 29, lK9i UhO. W. MCBRIDK, 9xm Secretary of btaet MONEY TO LOAN. H pedal Inducements for the next SO days on good farm louns. FEAR & HAMILTON. Room H, Bush Bank block. 6 I2dw OAPANBSJL $Z" CURE Anew nnd Complete Treatment, conitit lne of HiiDoosltorie. ointment In capsules, aUo 1 box and plllf; a p wlllte cure lor ex ternal, internal, onuu ur uiccuiuk, ikuihb, curoulc, recent or hereditary Piles, and many other diseases und female weak nesses; IUo1wau great benefit to the general health. Iho first discovery ol a indlcul cure reudcrlng an operation with the knife unuiccary heiealter. This remedy has never been known to fall. 11 per box,BforS3; sent by mall. Why suffer from this frrlble dKeose when a written I'tiurntitralanlven with 0 boxes, to refund the money linol cured. Head stamp for free sample. Uuari-ulw) Issued by Wuoimhv, UiMUKEdt Co., wholesale and retail drug gUts, solo ugenH, Portland, Or. 6 S-ly-d w Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of the HUilo of Ore gon fur the c-ounly of Marlon. Iu tuo mutter of the estate of BU.-ui w. Beczley, deccad ... ... Wl'lUti TO CBKDlTOItH. ltat of Mlas W. Htzley, deceased. Notice Is limby nlveu by the underslgnm! administrator of the eslute ot Hllns NV. Bitib-y, dtcesed, to the creditors of, aud mi n.rK(ir.ii imirlnif ulaluis axalnsl the said deceased, to present them with the proper vouchers, wllblnslx montbsfrom the date of this notice to the administrator, at the office ot U. D. Young, city of Waleui, stato oi urncon. Ikitji itiliHTMh Auirast. 12. K. it. bill m, Administrator of the estate of fellas W. Beezley, deceased, H-S 6t-w EROTEOTJONMHHIBNOS.A.O U.W. Meeu In their hall In HUte Insurance Ma ewVrDDvaT?: w, J. A. HKLWGOD,'Keeordr. rMPROVED OHDKK OK KKO MKM- Kamlttkva 'lrlboo.H, Halmi. Uokts Ktusil every Thursday evealn, at I'M). VKwwa Iu bUUt luturaueo hall, KraMAKKBiPr-wost. JrKa.NK f, WATBIW, Chief of Kseords Sv AICMil "SPVx 3 W 1 1 JjefPnri UUaaJ & I1rf FT-r ISaSmAMii -1L mtemammmomm THE CAPITAL JOUMAL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors, PUBLISHED DAILY.KXOEPTSUNDAY, BTTHl Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Offlco, Commercial Btrest, In P. O. Building Entered at the poeloffioe at Salem, Or., as ttcohu-class matttr. GREAT TALLErS NATURAL ODTLKT New Orleans is gaining a largo portion ot the grain trade of the great Mississippi valley, a trade that naturally belongs to that city, but will never bo largely possessed uu til more enterprising and energetio men are called into tho business cir cles of that port. The natural, eheapest and best outlet all the surplus grain of tho world's greatest producing valley is down tho Mis slsslppl river to the gulf of Mexico, but the sluggish blood of tho South land has never produced mon who were equal to tho great opportunities. They have been content to operate lotteries for all the world and to harboriuc, but have not developed great and enterprising business men to develop their resources, build up their home markets and extend tbeir trade to all the naturally tributary country. This year, however, when nearly every locality and every business has been mora prosperous in con sequence of wise Republican legis lation, New Orleans foreign grain trade has increased nearly 800 per cent! For tho year ending Sept. 1. 1891, Now Orleans exportod 1,739, 583 bushels of grain, but for the year ending Sept, 1. 1892, her grain exports increased to 15,201,804 bushels. This grain poured in upon them, with no ellect upon the part of the dealers of that city, and un til It overflowed tho capacity of all their elevators, and all sorts of makeshifts havo been adopted to store the grain until it can be ship ped. New elevators tiro building but tlny are not keeping up with the lncreno in receipts. Kansas and Missouri are sending millions of bushels of wheat down the Mis sissippi In barges, which is loaded on the ocean vessels by floating ele vators, and thus started to Europe more cheaply than it cau bo shipped Iu any other manner. New Orleans has the opportunity trade of the Mississippi valley, just as it 1ms been within ber grasp for over a century, but she caunot gain it without enterprise. She needs men of sulllolont vigor und capacity to handle the grain and pay Now York prices for it, and to sell goods at Eastern shoro values. Iowa grain ought to bo placed in New Orleans for less than one-half tho cost of shipping it by railroad to Eestern seaboard ports und it should command as high values at New Orleans as at any port of tho United State. Eastern capital has always struggled for tho Western trade, and has found it very profitable, while nil our Southern ports havo been content to tako nil that will flow thoir way Just as they have always tardily endeavored to make a sufficient egress for tho surplus water of tho great valley that has flowed out to the sea through their sluggish channels. The United States of America sends thirty-two ministers and 1,004 consuls abroad every year. Tiiebe are 7,000 moro operatives In pearl buttton factories now thuu there was before tho McKlnley law went into eflect. That shows the law was In tho interests of labor. The old question as to whether tho upper part of a carrlngo wheel in motion moves faster than tho lower part seems to hove been de finitely settled by instantaneous photography, which shows the top spokes indistinct, tho bottom clear cut and well defined. Blaine Is right. A much larger proportion of the free list of the Mc Klnley tariff should have been brought under tho reciprocity pro visions of that law. We are now Importing many millions of dollars worth of foreign products for which we receive no adequate return Iu trade. Guaranteed Ouro. Wo nulhorlso our advertised drug gist to sell Dr, King's Now Discov ery for Consumption, Coui-bs and Cold?, upon this condition. If you are nflllctt-d with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, uud vi 111 use this remedy us directed, giving It a fair trial, uud experience no benefit, you may return the bot tle and havi your mouoy icfunded. We could not mako this oiler did we not know that Dr, King's New Dis covery could he relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bo'tles free nt Daul, J. I'rj'a drugntore, 225 Com'l, St. Large size 60c. un J tl.OO. Hucklen's A rate Salve. The Best Balvt la the wnrld tot Cutf, Biuwai,Hors, lJlM-ri,Hlt Hbeunit t'erw HotMt Tetter, Chappert Hhiww, C'Hilblalas, Uoius und all Sim EiuptkuM, and pol llvoiy wmPliw, or no pay rwtHfred. it UsuuraBtMMl tu KiYs imtutH aaHsfttnilou or woay refunded. . PrKw, cmu mc box, irorsalebyDsn'U. , wry, wm vnm m. Royal Baking Powder makes hot bread wholesome. Perfectly leav ens without fermentation. Qual ities that are peculiar to it alone. NORTHWEST NEWS. Clippings from Some of the Nows papers of This Section. Albany men in from the Quartz- vlllo mines report that the flro be tween the mines nnd atea devasta ted 15 square miles of valuable tlm ber lands. Tho Tangent drug store has been sold at sheriffs salo. Tho stock of drugs sold for $105, and the lot and building for $125. Tho warehouse at Tangent is still receiving grain, but it will soon all bo in. Tho Farmers' company have put a uew roof on the varchouseand otherwise improved its appearance, A Leader. Since its first introduotion,Electrtc Bitters has gained rapidly iu popu lar fayor, until now it is clearly In tho lead among pure medical tonics and alternatives containing noth ing which permits its use as a bev erage or intoxicant, it is recognised as the best and purest medicine, for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drlvo Malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with caoh I bottle or the money will bo refund ed. Price only 60o. per bottle. Sold by Dau'l. J. Fry, 225 Com'l. St: The statement that one of tho pa per mills at Oregon City has pur chased 1200 tons of straw from tho farmers near Champoeg nnd Butte vllle, at $5.60 per ton, Is proof of the bouellts the agriculturists derive from tho establishment of manu factures. Except as It might be used about (he farm, straw has been valueless to Oiegon farmers, and Is still to most of them, yet even this shows of what anvamngo it-m- bo to tho farmers of tho stato were there moro industries established, supplying a market foi much that now goes to waste, or lor new pro ducts not now cultivated nt all. Fruit and wgetablo canning at sev eral points in tho stato is also help ing to relievo farmcts from ntisoiuie depondouco upon tho wheat market, and tho gradual increase In the homo consumption of a great many things is working In the sumo direc tion. She was Willing to Give Up All. When Queen Elizabeth of Eug land, found death nppronchlng ber, sho cried dosparlngly, "All my possessions for n moment of time ! " There aro wealthy ladles todav, tho world over, who would gladly ex change their riches for sound health. Many are made well nnd happy by Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription, a never falling cure for diseases bo common to womon. As a corrective for all functional weaknesses It is of universal roputo among tb,o Rox.antl thousands of palo, worn-outt en feebled victims havo been changed into vigorous women nnd girls by its UM. Guaranteed to glvo satis faction, or price refunded. Drug gists have it. Savod His OhiUd'a Life. ' A.N. Dllferbough, York, Neb,, nays: "The other day I camu homo and found my lltllo boy down with cholera morbus, my wife scared, not Knowing what to do. I went straightway and got u 23 cent bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy, aud gavo It ac cording to directions. You never saw such cliango in n child. His limbs and body were cold. I rub bed his limbs aud bqdy .with my bauds, and after I had clven;blm the eecoud doee ho went to sleep, as my wlfo says, "from u death bed ho was up playing In tlirco hours." It saved mo a doctor bill of about three dollars, and whut Is better, It savtd my child, I can iccommend it villi a clear conscience." For sale by Busketl ti VauSlync. Before Going East Enquire About The limited extrtS4 trains or tuo Chicago, Milwaukee fc Ht, Paul railway between St. Puul und Chi caco und Omaha uud Chicago, T(ieee trains au vostltiulfd, cleo trlo lighted and steniu heated, with the finest dining aud slecplugwr service in tho world, The electric reading light Iu each berth is the successful uoyelty of this progressive age, aud Is highly appreciated by all regular patrons of this line. We wish others to know IU mrIU, us the Chicago, Mlhvau kee &'Ht, Paul railway la the only line In the west enjoying the exclu sive use of tbWt patent. For further lnfortkw apply to nearwt ooupou ticket ageut, or tu (lrww 0, J. DDY, General Agent. J. WOasky, Trav. Paw. Aft. 316 Stark St., Portktad, Or. &&V ctW Used His Wife's Monbv. Tta Corvallls Times, of the 18th, con tains the follewing: "Fred Boor, the scrub who drew out of the bank (275 of his wife's money, about two weeks ago and skipped for parts uuknown, leaving his wife and child almost destitute and 'heait-. brokoti, sought an Interview laet'' Friday with the woman he hart promised to cherish and protect, and begged her to let him return to her homo and affection. Ho bad spent -nil tho money and repented Lis rash act. The woman refused tif havo anything to do with him, but, notified the officers of his where abouts. Before the law could gV Its clutches on bim ho skipped, again but iu nil likelihood he will soon be snubbed up and made to "auffer"for"' his crime." The fellow was takeUJ back to Corvallls this (Thursday) morning having been arrested her' while at work for McCoy, the bridge ' builder. SbeiilD. A. Oaburrt, of! Corvallls, camu dowu aud returned, with him. if't ' KicurriN Septembcb. Geo. W. Thompson, who resides in the'sul urbs of tho city, brought to our office ono day last week a fine" bunch of " strawbenles grown in his garden They were largo and 1 libelous and the vines have been beuiiugcoutlnu- ' ally over elnco early last spring.' They are of the ever-bearing variety nud they aro well entitled to the, name, Corvallls Times. "It Happened Yesteuday." -r' A buoluess man yot out his life poll--uies, on which he bad mtulo nmuy payments, to negotiate u ioau with the company. Hti was sui- prised when informed that the poli cies hud no cash vumo wLuteveiV1 The Massachusetts Mutual Life In surance Co, endorses canb. und pajd- iinjuuurajin nyervririiiuv Ji-jjoi i'or rurtiieriuiormatiou appiy5to j G,' Coltou, general ngonl, 233 Shirk street, Portland , Oregon. 0-12-i f Mauble nud Gkanite. I have just received a stock of marble and graulto monuments and grave stones wbloh during tho next ,40 days(sharp) J will soli at prjees nevw before offered in this State. Call early if you want a bargain, Second door west of the Stato Insurances building. J. JAaiKSo 0-13-lw How's This? y Wo offer ouo hundred dollars rv ward for any cuso of catarrh that; cannot be cured by taking Hall's caturrh cure. V J. CJHwmci A Co., I'lOju., Toledo, O,' We, the undrrslgned have known K.J. Cheney tor the, lani tlfteeu years, and be llcvd him perfectly honorable In all busl-1 news transartlonsnnd llnanclully able to curry out any obligations made by their, firm. Wtstiklmax, Who'esale druggists. Tc, ledo, O. Wuldluif. Klumin Marvin, W holesalo druggUu,Tolbdo, O, r Hall's catarrh cure is taken luter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the systera., Testimonials sent freo. Price 76. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Saved a Woman's Lift'. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgopd, writing from Georgetown, Delaware, say "Two teaapoonfuls of Chamberlalu'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item-" dy saved tho life of Mrn. Jane Thomas, of this place." He ao states that eeveml other very bad cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by Baskett Ac, Van Slype DruggleU. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed i Carter k Not ono In twenty are freo froij lit 1m altnibnt MumiMt tiv luaetlau H liver. U'o Carter's Little Liver Plito- resultulllbo u pleMHtut surpriw, give positive relief. Wilt positively cure sick headaeh auA prevent Its return. . Carter' Utile Llvwr Pius. This is not talk, but train. imiiu a doe. he HdvrtlMuenl. Biull pLU, l'ulnlrom IndlgesUoii. dyspOpsl. too hourly outing, hi rllvea Ly Ml onooriariers i.uue i.iver rnw iwi uiely after dinner. Don't forget thl For Sale, Cheap. A number of WKm ottHM hum horn, and WrtHdOtKSlt.'ikUtl uteawvMtK. imv 9u.riT,rvmwLimmMm und get the ltC OI UVfl IMMfWH 0 V trw:tox(ft ski Klr; For Sale. -OOA A'L-.I OdA) AUItJS. w4l iWAHKmM r,o, Mm ZSJaum HWSW lOO State Street.