' AFTERNOON DISPATCHES. by the Associated Press Reporters. JXK AMD JOHN TO BOX L, Aeeepts Coruett's Offer to Box Tour Bounds. ElW.YoKK, Pt'U 13. The bIkiw tfent ww given last .ulght at the Mdtot Square Gulden by W. A. Srdy, the manager of Jumea J. Oorjiett, mid called a reception to tWbett, "the champion of the world" was a Biiccese. Tuere were tone unoccupied scats at tho further ends of tho Mr house, but fully 4000 poople were present. Some esti mates made it 7000, but It la very fsy to exaggerate where a number ot persona is to be considered. A show of boxers preceded the appearance of the cliamplon, and several of the boots wore very good. It It worthy of note that Cal, McCarthy, the New Jersey featherweight who was M ' long considered tho feather. W.'lgut champion of the world, and abi'Jt whom there are tnauy who ,' till brieve that ho can "lick the Iriggec," iQeorgo Dlxou) if he wM ooly train faithfully, appeared as u oommou "mixer" with thu other otf.tir and lecoived his $5 for sparr lug' with Billy Kenuoy, ev Keuuoy did. ' Aft r the boxing show, Manager lirady weut upon the stugo und STRBST OAR ACCIDENT. Tea People Lose Their Lives and Thirteen are Injured. Bx Louw, Sept. 13. A street rail way acctderit occurred this morning, two people were killed, and thirteen more or less injured. The accident was caused by the conductor losing control of an electric car. To Protect. Washington, J). C. Bept. IS. tiectetary of the Treasury Foster has placed Dr. Hamilton In charge of Camp Low. bandy Hook, with au thority to secure such medical force ttH Is required. Tho secretary has instructed tho life saving service to secure and burn all bedding and ar ticles which might bear cholera germs found floating upbore in or tiear Sandy Hook. sight. A noto found on tho Inxly stated that llfo was a wreck, and that he bad consumption and timid not live long. The deceased leaves a wife and three children. THE 0A8E IS Portland SETTLED. Er-Chief Militia Leave for Fire Island. NKwYonk, Sept. 13, The 09th reglmentand naval reserve battalion embarked on a steamboat for Fire island at 11 o'cclock this morning md the Fourteenth and Forty teveuth Regiments left for the in me place by tbo Long Inland rail road at eight o'clock this morning. Quarantine Bulletin. Quaiiantine, Sept. 13. The offi cial bulletin reports sick in the hos pital yesterduy 14; suspected CO; leaths 1; convalescent 12. Iu ad dition two deaths occurred on board tho Wyoming, ono child due to bronchitis, tho other unknown. read the following from a memoran dum' be held In his baud. Ladles and Gontlemcn: I havo lu my huud a letter from John L. Sullivan cheers' who for twelve years has held tho title of "Cbara- ; jrion of the world." Great cheers. I On thoday following Mr. Sullivan's - defeat tho champion sent him a note ' offering to spar In this place on Sat urday oveuiug. Mr. Corbett has nothing but tho kindliest feelings ""' towards Mr. Sulllvau more cheer- "f lag, and no ouo recognizes mure stliau the now champion the sterling s. worth of (ho man whom ho bus do- rteJ. Mr, Corbett hopes that Mr. Sullivan's benefit will ho a tremon- A! Mr. dotis success. I will now read Bul'.lvun's latter. t " To Mr. James J . Corbett, Coleman Hu, City: In reply toyour letter dated New Orlcuus, September 8, 18)2, will suy I uccept your proposi ti , tton.to spur at tho Madison Squaro Cwrdeu ou Sept. 17th. Awaiting iJUl .Mvf ii:aiuuiiuii, John L. Sullivan. Aseoou us Sullivan's naiuo was m pronounced as tho signer of this note, tho house got up nud yelled. ,'r-;,x Corbett was climbing upon tho stage at the time, but that made no dlller- ii UQ3 with the crowd., Tho people were with John L. Sulllvau aud Corbett know It. Tho new cham pion la a wlso young man, however, , and lie clambered through tho ropes with no ludlcutlou of nervouuess or worry nnd toak his coruor In n dlg ,fhxl manner. Judge Barnard No Qood. Alhany, Sept 13. The attorney general has wired Governor Flower that Judge Barnard's Injunction ugalnst tho uso of Flro island for quurautlno purposes Is not binding. Tho Gerrymander. Hufi'AIX). Sopt. 13. Opinion of Judge Rutnsey of tho Supreme court declaring tho reapportionment In Montreo county unconstitutional was today affirmed. Justice McCo mack dissent! eg. Oholora Passengors Landed. Qoahantine, Sept. 13. The first Normauln passengers were landed at 3:80 this afternoon. Passongers of Belgeuland aud LaChunigagne were released this afternoon. They started for town Immediately. Will Not Sue Parrish. Portland Sept. 13. Judge Shat tuck resumed business In his depart ment of the stato circuit court yes terday with a full house of attorneys before him. When his honor took his seat not fewer than 80 luwyers were before him and esch had an oar which ho was eager to dip Into the stream of legal events. The most Interesting caeo to be brought to tho attention of the court was that of the City of Portlaud against Samuel B. Parrish, ex-chief of police. It will be remembered that Mr. Parrish, as chief of police, held $15,- 000 in bank which ho had collected as city taxes, but which he refused to turn over to the city treasurer till he had been paid hjs regular per centage on tho collections. City At torney Mulr garnlshshecd tho money on an action brought In the circuit court to compel Purrlsh to turn tho money Into the city treasury. In order to give Parrish tlmo to repent and also to await the action of the polico commlswiou, a secoud uctiou Identical with tho first was com menced. Yesterday City Attor ney Mulr appeared before Judge Hhattuck and moved for n dismissal and withdrawal of all the papers. To the throng of spectators about the court room the motion was clouded in mystery, but to a Tele gram reporter Attorney Mulr said: "The fact U, Purrlsh has worked a big bluff on the city, but the result would have hceu tho same hud he not taken tho stand he did. It will be remembered that lust December there was not sufficient money In tho police fund to pay the.policemen, so Parrish advanced the necessary sum. As this wus not instantly forthcoming, he concluded that the city would uy lo bent him out of It, so ho held tho tax money. At tho last meetln" of tho commission It was decided to lucorporuto the amount advunoed by Mr. Parrish among tho expanses for this year, hence Mr. Punish will get his mon ey lu that wuy. As he was not after uny commissious, ho Is through with the money In the bank aad has Just drawn up his check in favor of tho treasurer for that amount, aud us ever,) thing else is Btralght his bondsmen will bo ex onerated at once." mmrtmsmai j ummmmmmin jti ii Kl Pple hen have been made In sane by tho exercise of power. They have been appealed to In tho name of God to permit tho oldest women nud youngest childeru to to taken to the hotel fir tho night, that if their reqnt Is granted their lives might betnved, but it was refused with lirutiil Jeers. Events since nightfall have Ilfpiuyed'a degree of cruelty well nigh inconceivable. After the Cepheus had como to anchor two police officers rowed to the landing and asked that a letter be taken to Dr. Volght. The mob refused to allow the letter to be brought ashore, and drove tbo polico oir Willi threats. As it was growing dark lost night a boat came from thedircction of tho steamer. It was rowed by two policemen, and In the stern stood a gioybaired man, Robert M.Thomp snt As tlo boat approached the landing, the mob gathered threat eningly. Mr. Thompson asked to bo heard on behalf of two hundred women nnd children on tho steamer who were suffering from hunger, exposure nnd exhaustion. After some minutes of Insulting retort by the mob, he was allowed to speak, bo said the men of the steamer did not ask to land; the young women would remalu If necessary, but the old women, some of them grand mothers, und the children, suffer ing not for comforts, bnt for decent care, should be allowed to land. They would be returned to the s'eamer after night's rest and one meal. "Thick and Glossy." THE PRODUCTION of on abundant growth of hair, f a sllk-liko texture anil of tho original color, often results from the use, by those who have become bald or gray, of Ayer's Hair Viger: "I was rapidly becoming gray and hald : but after using two or threo bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair 2(1."- Canaan Centre, K. II. grew thick and glossy anil the origi nal color was reiureu. -. Aiutiuii, "A trial of Ayer's Ilair Vlcorltas con vinced mo of its merits. Its use has not only caused the hnlr of my vrifo and (lmifzhter to bo abundant and glossy, but It has given my rather stunted mus tache a rcspectahlo length and appear ance." K. Brltton, Oakland, Ohio. "I havo used Ayer's Hair Vigor for tho past four or five years and find it n most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It Is all that I could desire, being harm less, causing tho hair to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hnlr easy to ar range" Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles st., Haverhill, Moss. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rntriRED sr Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by DruggUU and Perl umeri. tWIClAND AND ORCHARD CO. FOR TOWN LOTS FRUIT TRACTS AND -FARMS. $2.00 1'erdozcn fortheflnost finished PHOTOailAl'IIH In thetlty. M0KTEE BROS., J89 Comnifcrclnl Street, F, B. S0DTI1W1CK, Contractor and Builder. Salem, - - Oregon. Injunction Vacated. jnkw xoK, i8pt. 18. The gen- oral term supremo court of Klnge county have vncated tho temporary Injunction restraining Governoi Flower und Health Officer Jenkins in tho (junruutluo station. A Political War. Caddo, I. T., Sopt. 13. Soven men tiro reported to havo been mur dered sluco yesterday morning in tho Choctaw nation Incidental to tho political wnr now raging there, .FJR0H FIRE ISLAND. ' The Militia has been Oallod out to Protect tho Landing. NW York, Sept. 18. Tho rumor circulated last night that tho gover nor would call out tho naval reserves . to protect Flro Island und cover the landing or tho cabin pauougers, was confirmed this mornlug nud arraugaraonUi arc- now being made to trausport tho 09th reglmqut nud 1 Uie naval reserves nrtlllery to the itUad, The Cophcua with her cargo of lielpleees women ntul delicate children, Is still uuohored iu tho bnuel oft Flro Island, Tho suffer- f lag during tho night nto dcsorlbcd a having been meet Ititougo. PVHia nwuliuwlltiira jf t Iwl tint. I, tail .OT jr.VVn.U...(k. . -.w ,, IB Nttietiug the lauding or imsscn fWM on Fire Island Iseondomued on 11 Hideo. It Is believed that though jtodf IJaruard'a Injunutlon may "fcold good, it earrles with It no war- to forcibly resist thu lauding. A clu between buy men aud thu xullitht ie expected today, uu i the bay men give way, There i no usw cwee of cholera yeter. 4qr t quaNBtltie and It 1 already that the plague has Ueu out Vfktm Df, Jekla, oh board the mmmmm rri "w """ " ikOtphM, aud be aaflouned who faundM paswugers, In- 1 wotiKD, crowua aitiug ine Iffamttiiii "Ye eaoHUdre), you all tbla hi your dolHie." 'jJkK It b l jiitd jIowh, the 0oe- ia uaqprnm rrWM uovernor t, M-iu M if n'wo;i Vaaifl,fM,lli44 with JMidiug uf M,tmwi At 'r Frosts in tho North West. Wabhinoton, D. 0., Sept. 13. Frosts are reportod In tho Dakotau, Minnesota and Nebraska last night. A Princess Born, Ukulin, Sopt. 13. Tho empress gave birth to a daughter. This Is the seventh child. The Maine Election. Augusta, Maine, Sept. 13. The latest returns indicate tho Republi can plurality to bo ten thousand. It wtiB thu first election under tho Australian Uollot system and ap peared to be satisfactory except that It delays the count. Mlllcan and Boutelle an undoubtedly elected In the third and fourth districts. Patronize the - 1 j. -of thc- A Leader. Since its first iutroductloElectric Bitters has gained rapidly in popu lar favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among puro medical tonics nud alternatives containing noth ing which permits Its use as a bev erugo or Intoxicant, it Is recognised as the best aud purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Sick Head ache, ludlgestlou, Constipation, and drivo Malaria from tho system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the monoy will bo refund ed. Price only COc per bottle. Sold by Dan'l. J. Fry, 225 Com'l. St: MARKETS. LADIES AID SOCIETY of tho Presbyterian church of Balem. All service is voluntary, performed by Ihe ladles of tho church. Meals, Table-D'Iiote, - 25c. Meals to Ortler, - - 50c. Near the Alain Entrance to Fair around.. i T. J. KKESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 23th and Chemeketu bttccl. BICYCLES. lull bull bearing bufely UT cyclei". The lowest prlceil wheel lutbe rrwrkct. The best In tbe world for tuo price, all. Drown Agent.'jlS uommcr clal 8t A, H. F0RSTNER & CO. Machine Shop, Guns, Sporting Goods, Etc., SCM Coramorcial Street. RADABAUGH & EPLEY. Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, 41 Htato Htrcet, STEEVES BROS., California Bakery THE BEST. 101 Court Street. H0EYE & MILLS. PORCELAIN BATHS BIIAVING IJAnLOR3, Only 1'orcclnln Hath Tuba In tho city. 2U9 Com. St., Balem, Or. J. J. I xiM, Horseshoeing. Scientific OPPOSITE FOUNDKY On State Street. J. L. BENNETT- & SON. CANDIES, I'rnit and Cigars, P. O. Bloolc. THE Salem Haclim an is II, rOULE. Best Lino In tbe City. Court Street. J. E. HTJIIPHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NORTH BALKM. AIKb. B. C. KOK0. Baths for Ladies, IIAIB DKESSING PARLORS, 124 Court Street. K. T. AlViUPilKiiYS, Cljfars nnd Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, 243 Oom'l Street. T. W. TH0RNBURG, The Upholsterer, Remodels, re-covers nnd rennlm upholatered lurnlturo. Flrkt tlusg worli. Cbomclteta street Btnte Insurance block. ' ODDS AND ENDS. REMOVED The E. M. Walto 1'rlnilne Company tan rcmoTcd Into the new nrkk, Ilush'n lim k Eeform begins at homo. If swallows fly lower than nsnal. ex pect rain. The wearing of creen veils is sni.l to bo injurious. Tho cotton gin was tho work of Eli Whitney in 17D3. Postal cards aro now made to bo used as blotting pads. Farinelli, the wouderfnl malo soprano, tvas the son of si miller. It is rare in deed to find a blue eyed person who is olor blind. Tho middle verso in the Biblo is the eighth verso of the 1 18th Psalm. Tho most cottly of the motals is diily nium, which sells at $1,500 a pound. Administrator's Notice. KOTICK is hereby given to till whom it maycoacern, that the undersigned, 11. J. Grim, has been duly appointed by :ounty uoun oi tue niaiBuiurcgu for tho County of Marlon, Administrator for tho County of Marlon, ndmlnistratorof the estate ol J. W. arlm. deceased. Aud all persons having claims against said es- te, are hertby notified lo present Ihe same duly verllftd, lo tbe undersigned a bis residence near Aurora, In Clarion County, Oregon, within six months iroiu the dato of this notice. And all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby requited to make Immediate settlement thereof, to tbo undersigned. Dated this aoptember 6th. 1F0J. ii. J. GRIM, Administrator of the Estate of J. W. Grim, diseased. 8-10 'w Citation. In the County Court of tho Btnte of Or ;on li r ihe C'ouut of Alnrlon, In the mutter ot tbe Estate) of puliation. SIHs W. Be(zley,decensFd,J T.irinnrfrrt . Up. lpv. llnir.rtf-ln w nffinlfl Twenty mull in ncres of the land of dcccnili-nt.Johu I. Retzicy und all other block, up stairs. dvr P OHTI.AH d, Sept. 13. Wheat valley, $1.22 $1.?5. Walla Walla, $1.15 1.17J. San Francisco Cal., Sept. 13. Wlieiit, Dec. $1.83. Chicago Ills., Sept. 13. Wlieit 73. When tho Trap is Sprung Upon us, ns it sometimes Is, in a most unexpected manner by disease, we appre clato the fsrt that It Is ft most Insidious foe, nnd that not only Is It necessary to combat It by tbe mo.t notout medlelnnl agencies, but to prevent Us manifestation at nil by counteracting the causes that produce it. Thin, exposure-In wet wentb or, theenforied wuiring of damp clothes during n storm, a thorough draught, uu accusiomod dlil und waur, bodily or mental overwork, hio breeders of disease, but Hosteller's ftomiich Hitters will pre vent their Inducing it. Tbls medicine fortifies tho systoiu against th ' usured eltects such causes would otherwlkO pro duce To tho mariner, minor, the outdoor lnboicr, the sla o of tho desk and pen, and thnoverworkedeonernllv.lt lsoi thu ut. most advantuge. Dyspepsia, klduey trouble, malaria, btllousnoss.all yield lo IU COMMITTED-SUICIDE To Escape Boing Mndo to go to School. Tacoma, Sopt. 13. A special to tho Lodger from Buckley my a tlmt town was thrown Into u fever of ex oltfiinont by tbo HUloIdo of Imudsomo Misa Autilo Plgonwluli Suiulny ovi nlng. Annie, although only 11 yearH of age, was tv preposeualng young lutly, and It waa wlilsperod hIiu luul not few adnilrera. Her odtio.itltiti hud been uiully neglected, und hor inotlier Inalwted on her Kolng to Huhool, wliloli blio refused to do, giving at an oxoiuo tlmt plie wna too big ntul would bo liuulo a laughing utook of tlio boya. Finally hIiu was ordered to go to tho public toliool or bo soiit to tho reformatory. Upon thla threat sho replied that sooner than oomply she would end hprllfo. Sunday evening she was found lu convuUtoiiH about two luiudred yuul-i from her homo. Dr, Shoots was called, but to no avail, aa alio died In a few mluutctt, Sho informed nil present that uho had taken poison to cheapo going to tho reform wliool. W&a, SUPPOSED SUIOIliE. Tli9 Remains or Oscar Davis Found Near Albany. Ai.UANV,Or., Sept. IS. Yesterday moriilm; A, T, V.U, who r.ldes hvr Anderson bridge, canio to thU olty Ineearuliof his son. Ho said Ills sou,Osoar Davis, left homo about two weeks Kgo with tho Intention of golUK to Portlaud, Iiavlug in his poMewlou wvorul hundred dollars, TlieAithsr iMtnml hero that the RiMnX mail had Uen ten In this olty oa W'wlutMiluy of hwt week, but ho further ttveo of hlm ooutd lie rtH)d,Hud tli fnther returned honik. Yttfdsy MfVtrttooti tho dconmpoM wl rwusliw of (KHvar Davis were feuu4twrMS tfut river In Dsutou MUMty. Th body Imi UIu so louir L) lsH tlMtt U wtw u slakvulHtf PROM PIRE ISLAND. Tho Conflict Between tho People and the Stato. Fire Island, Sept. 12. At the hour (5 p. ni ) last night tho Ceph eus anchored- about two hundred feet from tho dock. As she run alongside tho dock tho first tlmo, a hundred voices shouted "You cnu not land here; go back to New York." Others shouted tlneuts of throwing tho men overboard if they stepped from tho vessel onto tho dock. A hawser was thrown to tho pos-t, which wns immediately thrown back Five policemen on tho Ci-ph-eus climbed to the guuwalo und motioned as though to draw revol vers, but wont no further. C. L. Wall, whom governor Flower auth orized to take charge of tho hotel, who wns also nboard tho Copheus, nsked tho mob to listen to hlm, and then said: "I represent tho stato of New York, nud am authorized to land lioro und uesutno clmrge." The crown siiouicu, "anow us your authority" He thereupon produc ed a paper, which ho began to read, but could not bo hcutd. Tho first row of passengers that lined tho deck of the Cepheus put out both bauds and cried, "Shame, Shame!" You who call yourselves Auierlcaup. shame I" and as tho steamer again backed from tho dock an English actress ):ited her hand and smiled. After tho Cepheua uuchored, a boat was lowered, and Wall and Cant. Tilpplo rowed In It to tho dock, but tnoy were uot allowed toslopusliorc. Mr. Wall said ho debited to confer with tho committee, whereupon soveral persous shouted, "Supervisor xoung leprosonts us." "Then let mo ashoro Supervisor Youug and I will talk the nmttor over," Bald Mr, Wall. A fccoio of voices auswered, "No, no; you can't como nshoro here. Oo back to New York. Tho bout returned to tho Cepheus, whero tho dejected passengers' spir its were being kept up by n baud of music playing "Tho Star-Spangled llunnor," "God Savo tho Queen" und Yuukco Doodle." Tho boat camo oil" again, und Mr. Wall asked to l.uvo provisions sunt aboard thu Cephous. Somo In tho "crowd shouted, "All right; let them havo all tho provisions they want;" but tho greater number answered, "No, uojglvo them nothing, Lei thorn go back to Now York." Dr, Volght lias stuted that ho has been Informed that Governor Flower telegraphed Bherli! A. 1). Darling, ofHulliblk county, to como hero with deputies aud keejt the stato property clear of in trudors ami protect tho Cepheus paoseugem lu lauding, Many threats nro made of burning or cut ting down tho dock If lutsMMigers be gan to laud, aud a number of men procured axes with which to cut away a luftloltuit portion of the dook nr the kotel to prevent par sons reaching thft latter place. Kvttrvthliii 1m In la iIiubm In tlw hotel for the iu re oT iW -. A rtore nd UrkwUh shoo re n1o nuiu lor inevareui ew pasutJHjfsrs at tb invra oi Abkay, u n-tle kouth of ou thnt'epl.vus wmvw tlwyare MSjJJRSfttf.K!..?l!2!!'i lautkd. A earte4 Ot imivWoua WWrla.Ofrri,ata uvrmlU Uulldlint. i r..... K..V!, 1P . MaMH . onwl. . Aa&nit JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Gils j"itl Window Glass, Wall Pi pcr and Uordor, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shiiurles, Hay, Feed aud Fence Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T OST A gold bangle pin, with mono- XJ gramu..l.H. L,tavo at tills oltlce and the United Sta.es are held by English men. More United States vessels visit the Mexican ports than thoso of all other nations combined. Habits tiro coon assumed, bnt when wo strive to fctrip them off 'tis being flayed alive. Cowper. Tryiinowspnner over your chest bo-' lite belonging to , how .deceased a. , -tt.. j.. :-"r ""!,.: "A,.-.... :r. v: '-.'".-vv " ounny-oiue riuii jfarm ro. is in Marion i uuiu y, Htate of Oregon , And i nut a copy oi tbls ell ntlon be pub lished In the CAl'iTAI. W .Kkt, .loUKNAI. ntletsttour t-ucccsslve ucekk, fatdLAW tai. Journal being a i.ewppnper printed nud published at iheClly of Salem, county porsouB interested in said Estate. , UKKini.VU: lit theWnmuof tbe Stato of Orrgon, you I are hereby cittd and required lo appear In Ihe County Court oi thu SUto ot Oregon, lor tbe County of Marlon, at the Court re jm thereof, at tbo City of alom, in the I Count of Minion, ou tbe 17th dayofOe- i tober, 1HI2. at 10 o'clock, loienoon.ofthat , day, then and tbcro to show cause, If any 1 you have, why an order should not be I granted to F. U.Hmith, tbe Administrator ol sal d estate. 1 o sell tho follow lDg described receive rewind. U-12-Jt iir AT Wanted. Salary nnd expenses. JUiu rermanent place. Apply now. Only growcrw of nursery stock on both Aiuci lean and Canadian soils. Hardy -varieties our specialty. imowN nuoa.co., tWi-d-tiSs-wt Nurserymen, Chicago. For Salo. Blxtv-ncre tract nearthncltv. Allclcnrfid. Will produce anything that grows In Oregon. aiso n cooa 7 room nouse, and barn. Pure well water, 2 choice loU. A bargain. Also desirable lota and blocks In Weas antllome Addition on easy terms. Other tine City Property. Kuqulre at m K lliirio's office, over Barr Pctzel'n, tint slda Coiomerclal at., Salem, Oregon. mttt ROOFING. OUM-BLABTIC U30FI.VU KELT costs only 12.00 nor 100 square feet. Makes a iood i oof for yeuis, and any one can put It ou. Uum-K'astlo Paint costs only no cents per gal.lu blil. lots, or CI SO for 5-gal. tubs. Color dark icd. Will htoji leaks In tin or Iron roofs tlmt will laf t for j ears. Try It. Hend stamp loi sample and lull parUcu- iura. Guv Fr.AKTio Roofing Co , SI) A -11 Wet Broadway, Mew York. Local Agtn s Wjntor'. l).12lra-wJm The Chiet Ilrnnon for tns great tn tess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In ta irtlclo ltsuU. It la merit that wins, and th tact that Hood's S&rsaparllU actually a eonipllshes what Is claimed tor It, Is hl has given to this medicine a popularity an ule grciter th.rn that ot any other sartapt. Mprlt Win; rllIlx or bl00d pnrV I VI CI II VV III6 flcr before tho pubUa, liotHt's Stiwiwllta cures Scrofula, Ball Klioum m,d i.ll Humors, Dyspepsia, Stea fleadaiho, lUlIouiucss, overcomes Thai rtred l'tivllus, creates an Appetite, strength ins the Ken c-i, builds up tho Whole BystNt; IBooii' ,Nrnpurllln Is soul by all drag tlits. JUslxtoria. Prepared by a I. Um( 'X, AtHilheoarls. Lowell. Mass. Ohas, W0I2:, GERMAN MARKET, 'i I2U State St. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. If OR FAIR WEEK, Commencing Monday, Sept. 12. The Wilber Co. BupporthiB J AS. IJ. McUANN And LIZZIE KENDALL, I'resontlng to following lieperwtr: Monday Streots of Niiw Vork. Tuesday.......shadows of a Ilmue. Wednesday Tho Octoroon. Thursday Teu .S'ltchu In a Pa 'room. The jjreur teuiporaucti play. Friday . ltlp VunWlnklo Haturdny IuIdn's PIcuIc. Matinee, Saturday, a o'clock.-lu Honor jiounu, 31 y uncad win nud 1". Ann. Seats ou sale at Patton's. ..nilopo neath your coat, ns a chest protector, iu extremely cold weather. A German jjcolouist estimates that the Dead se.i will Lo ouo mass of solid salt within loss than COO years. Claudo LoiTfdno, the gveut landscape painter, was tho son of a cook, and him self learned tho art of pastry. It is claimed that a preparation made of tvo-thinls lemon juice to one-third Jamaica rum will remove freckles. Tho pleasmesof tho tablo have been highly appreciated and carefully culti vated iu all countries and in all ages. Tho charming town of Dijon i3 cele brated for somo timo honored and curi ous industries pills, mustard and gin gerbread. Tho original portrait of Pocahontas, painted in 10f2, now owned by a Lon doner, will bo exhibited at the World's fair. If thero was but ono potato in the world, a careful cultivator might pro duce 10,000,000,000 from it in ten years. and that would supply tho world with seed again. Charles Dickens writes to an English paper that tho originals of his father's admirablo characters, tho Brothers Cheery ble, we:o tho Brothers Grant, manufacturers and merchants in Man chester, A Startling Coincidence. In tho year 1CC1, on Dec. 5, tho Eng lish ship Menai was crossing tho Eng- 1iL 1 i - nan cinuiiiui wuen sue was capsized by a gale. Of the eighty-ono passongers on boird but one was saved, and his name was Hugh Williams. On tho same day of tho month, in tho year :735, a pleas ure yacht waa wrecked on tho coast of tho Isle of Man. Thoro were sixty per sons on tho boat, among them ono Hugh Williams and hi3 family. Of the threo scoro nono but old Hugh Williams sur vived the shod:. On tho fith day of August, 1820, a picnicking party on tho Thames wero run down by a coal barge. There were twonty-ilve of tho picnickers, most of them bding children under twelve yeara of age. Littlo Hugh Williams, a visitor from Liverpool, only five yeara old, waa tho c.Jyono df tho merry party that liwd to tell tho talo of tho disaster. Now comes tho most biugular p.ut of this. Miigular story. On Aug. 10. 18S0, n Lee " i coal bar;;er with nine roeu foun li n d off tho coast of Scotland. Two of the-u men. boih Hugh Williamses, an uncle and nephew, wero rescued by somo fiaheimen, and wtro tbe only men of the crow who survived the calamity. Every fact recorded above can be substanti ated. Philadelphia Press. JOHN I1UVIN, Carpenter and Builder, Shop 05 Stale street, StoroFittirj(Z8 a Specialty EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best, Tho place lor young Indies nndl gentle, men to tecure a thorough education Is the old, but ever new. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Lone nnd sltll tho leading Institution of the North West. Better than ovcrl New course of instruction in Oratory, Theology and I'ost-Grnduated. HTUUlLH. Normal, Buslnehs, Academy, Collepo, and Law courses greatly enlarged nud improved. Faculties Increased nnd Improved. For ('at'ilopno of OolltGe of Ijiw write Dean a T. Hlcbardson. Khq , Salem, Or. For Catalogue of Collego of Medical and l'hnrmacy write Sean Ittchmond Kelly.il. IX. Portland, Or. ' For geneial Cutalosuo write Rev. Geo. Whltnkcr, D. D., President, Salem, Or. 7-:&3in-dw Of Marlon. Bln0 of Oteiron, Dated this Gth day of September, 1892, 9Mw V. C. HUUlJAhD, Judge of bald court. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE Is herebv given to a'l whom it mayconceru ihut the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Henry Gelbs, deceased, has this day tiled his final account or said statu In tbe County Court ot the State of Oregon lor Aim Ion county, and that Saturday, October Ktb, lfcU2,al 1 o'clock of said day In the Court room ol said Court has been fixed as the time and place lor hearing the ame and objections thereto. T. c. hiiaw. Administrator or tho Estate ofilenry Gelss. deceased. Dated at Ha'em, Or., September 8, 1692. U-12-5w FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will bo opened to students Hcpt. 13, lf02. Oilers Ihu most practical cources of study otany school in lb Hiale.vlz: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Enyineering, Electrical Engineering, Acadcnilo and Grammar school couibcs Students pructlco dally Iu wood shop, machine bhop, and labora tories. Tuition anil Board per Year, 81CO. Special Inducements to a few joung men who wish to wotlc for tbelr board und tui. lion during vacations. For prospectus and lurther inloi matlun, address EDWIN MOH1USON, M. S , Prcsdent, teiiltm, Or. Conservatory of Sheriff's Sale. ATOTICE Is hereby given that by JLl of an execution duly lsued virtue out of tbe county court oi tho slate ol Oiegonfor mo cuuuij ui .mirion, auu to me unecteu, on the Snli day of August. 1692, upon a Judgment duly rendered, entereu of record und docketed In anil by said county court on tho 2'jth day of August, U6.J,!n a certain suit then In t.ild court pending wherein L. andE. Hlisch weie plalmllls nud B. F. Vaughn waa defendant lu iaor of plain till and against defendant, by which exe cution I am commanded that out of the personal property or said defendant or 11 mi ilicicut cannot be found then out of tho l eil propei t in said county belonlngto said defendant on or after the Cth day of Auk- kuiji, nrvj. o sailsiy tho sum of AMU. ntyfour and E6-UX) dollars. witu interest tnereon at the rate of I: reai. per annum irom mo utli day ol All- WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. The course most complete anil tho high est grado of any muslo school In the Northwest. Best and newest methods of teaching. Enlarged facilities and new plan for Instruction of beginners for tho coming school year. Diplomas granted ou completion of course. Next term begins September 5, 18W. z. M. PAItVIN, Send for catalogue. Muslo Director. 7-U-d2m-wlm gust, 1KS3, and tho further sum uf S1M5. I igetber with Interest thereon from the uin aa or August. 1I-8J, nt tho inte of 8.Prc.e-nt,i,erauuum al,1 the further sum of $10 to, together with costs of and uion said execution, I have levied upounnd will on Satnrday, tho 1st day of October, A, D., 1892, nt the hour ol 1 o'clock p. ni. or said day ut the west door of the county court house r"16".1' In.ll0.n county, Oregon, sell to tho h-ghest bidder lor cash in hand on the d iy ot sjle.alltbe right, title, Intel est and tKlato which fralil defendant. U.F. Vauahu. had on or alter the Oltiday of August 1. i, Jn and iu the following described leal pioj,erly, to-vlt: Beginning at .b norlh. ffuV0."101;,01 '"a southeast quarter of seitloi j.t.U, a. it. 2 w.; thence east (AM rods; thence nouth U rods; thence Me-stdlJ? rods; theneo north tods to the place ot lets; and aUo all or tho donallou land v2 Sifif r?.CDj8In,n .,lu'flin "1 Elizabeth . .r . I, . '" , bvb aim ex. $ l ! , ?. ',w '. frisi JmlM. to- . .-. Y7u"ub .o uuiinui corner oi tho southeast quarter or section 4, r. Us. . 2 west of the Willamette Meridian rbl?n2 ,ueU 'M cl,,a,n-: thence Jbti?i r1in.8J th.e n,rtheaRt corner of lianas Cook's donation land claim; thenco alone eastern boundary of said Cook's douatlofi and cla in to chains; theoceeast l.Wchnlns t tbe place of beginning, contalnin" ! acres, more or less. ' ""- "!n Datod at Salem, this Auguiitsit.lN)2. i. i..t,mc!ir' Marlon Oouuty, Oregon. uy f. r. v wGHTMAs, Deputy. 7 net jVIiss BalloLi's KINDERGARTEN. THIHD YEAR Opens Monday, Septemucr liJth, at Kin. dergarten Hall, oppotlto opera Louse. Chihlren received nt threo years of ago andoer. A connecting class will bo c tablhhpd lor advanced Klndergaiten pt lils nnd tin so beginning primary wort. Ouly the best modem Kindergarten n etll ods employed. Finng's sjstein ol drawing and color ork Introduced. Miss Annie Thornton, Graduate ol thoDiefden Conservatory ot Muslo (Germany) ivlll ojien her noms, 0 and 7, i nuk bunding, bepton-btr Jst. Instructions iu voeal and Jlsih mental music, also In German and French. S-5-U Select School, MI-8 KNOX will begin her select rhool the flrbt Monday in Septen.er, nt the Little Central school building. IDITII SI. HABH1S, Teacher of Voieo li Piano and Oigun. May be set nut the C'onscratoiyornt her home, tWiMinimer street. j,, w 3S58S rfS&V- jift&iiW f?i w; Just 24. I'ru delivery. All kinds of meat mm unuiuiro. Low price. Old iatruu aru rv- ijiiwieu iu cumo hccouuu ana renew bust uc. A Good Opening. IuJut2IhourJ,V. arcltevcicoustipatlon iiiilffc hcndnchci. Alter it geti tho tysfera miner control an occasional doso pre i-cnti re turn. Wo to for by permjwlou to W. II. lUt thnll, Brutuirlck Iloute, a F.; Ceo, A. Wer ner, &U CallfornU St, 8. F.; Mm. p. Melvln, IW Kearny t,, a K., and many otnert who tinye found relief from comclpatlou and tick lea Jacket o, Y, Ylnccut, ot C Terrene Coart, S. V. wrtti; "1 ata W yar ol ago anil Iiav had conKlpatlou jeers. I uu tudttcol to try Jay'a Vcgc'uSjlo Sarraj-arllla. I recogutieii Iu It au herb the Mcxlcani Cd to give u In the early M' for bowel tumble. I cawatoCal."tu 1S3:',) and ( know It would help we aud It li, lor tho lint line in can I eaunWp veil aud lay j1em U iNtutar. Tbe eW ileilcau h.-tb iy thla rciuody aw a eitrtain ewe In eowtMpatloa and lywl . Ak tt bMjuM Krrivvd fruin New York, TWHiiiMtir. Asff , Or, 2ls Vegetable uOyi Sarap9rilla Far Mh by Da'l J, Fry. m C- AddrvM I - -- Wl-Jt-W t WW1' "! Rrttlkh 'Womcii Doctors. Tho British iledicalussociation passed a resolution ut its meeting last week ad mitting women doctors to membership. Tho vote wj.8 on n motion to espungo air nvticlo iu tho constitution providin" that "no female shall bo eligible for olection as a member of the association." Tito mover of the resolution, Dr. Galton, said times had changed in tho past tweuty years, und where in 1878, when the article wns adopted, there wero only eight women doctors in Great Britain, there tiro now 133. Ho said tho battle against women in tho medical profession was over, nud theyshonld extend tho hand of fellowship to the women, Tho resolution was carried by a large majority, The seconder of the resolu tion wanted it amended to rpnd in ,... of tho admission of more women into the profession. Thcro are 180 women students in tho London school this year There are uUo two schools in Edinburgh' two in Glasgow and ono in Dublin London Letter. Administrator's Notice. 25c Want Column. .Notices Inserted for ONK CENT W21 WOltD EACH 1NBIJV1ION. o advff tlsemcminberted lu this column for Jcs than twentv-flvo coins. ?Ol HALE. A bou-otobo moxid.ii.a.t X'befoldnto-ito. IJIgbaryaln. iuq d-e oi Iiuwnid, tliohoiihu movci. te-ai LOsT. A Mileao tewjli o 4iU a main lng the nuuiu ol A, H, heal, ln. derpli use leave utAitkon J: IJaljiiei' Bio cery.audberowmded. 8-7-lt Uoalloj.d BporU Little Dick-Papa, 1 wish you'd Imy maafishpole, f -The Bh in that LiMle DJck Well. , . .. W t . i.. i:v:L.T- iu". wo i3yJ-'' -!. NOTP.h s,llerc1by Klven that the under signed has been only appointed nil. u.luisttalor to the estate rf Cilill Vb. late fLi,ar,on unty, Oregon, deci-abcd. by rVr MViUty court o1 tu5 B," ororfgon. f.ir MatloH county. All persons ImCine c ulms nLMlnst said estate will present them to the underslenni .ii.u. Ji.i Br.s?r his homo In hnglewood addition to the ?.! ?L? "lt,ni. n ilarion niuty. Oregon nijuiuuixinonins nam the date of thla Linf,wnIiVU per1ms Indebted to earn Dated this August 8th. ISi)2 1 nil mntt -....- Ade?eStUed.at,ror the " Kteli, Capital City Itafayraiii Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm M at All Hours ol (lie h) d(sii,JyiiSuUUntul n,eal "nt-Twenty-nva cents per meal. WAITED.-Boamstrfss to do repairing , , und help ou new ork. Apid to w-tf i t. HAitr, Tailor. WAMtD.-To rent a' cood farm ot Y about 113 ucres, by a tuorougn farm er. Good icfereuccs el en flee. Cullu this of- e-l-nn TXTAM'EIJ A plrl to do general hom ii mhi. v;an ui tui uneiiy Bi. btWt TTTIWTWn .. . , .. j - . . lf ., i.u, OHUUUOU io UIIVU I Itaiu, VV. take care ot horses or do general JW. Wages no object. Address iuu umco ri. T." n-a-Ji 0 TL'EGEMTLEJlAK'SFflJENB. ' White's No. 60, oajju.h'o LXEST TJiUt'K wdy &r JmMa .&, t OarntRFECTlOS BYEIXOEfrw ithrtrr W lltloa. rx. notBTAlV. 1-nEVESTS BTKICTl'RK Cnna COSORjaiOX-t lul OLEET U Ox U JVr J! A C.P1CJ CUBS loc LEUt-OIlRUCEA or WUJIIA 6UI.7Ul)r.CC018TS- Ernttou.rAilrulortl(i.. MAt,T3C"t 3:tKVf n nrtinu X, LAKf ' i7' 1- e)'Q TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE Whep you see these new 1891 designs in Bookc 4 and 5, "Houses and Cothges," Blz83 MlnoSiM. t'Btiilmnewi,.filrr, ,.,tWfis"fi,n"M l'M '0 r'sintns No ', !" rtvln cl.tklflJ from '0 up w i ' "ul 'ill urur fmn Si, a wic iauuRrelsiuj ofilvrtllnn ravttUB over iki jp - frrm Sl9fi up to Vm. Mnpy iuwr. uthcrni!rrua-jrtsiilsof boat. JH ttie-evf ks. Tf ftirh.ortbet fi-rfi.-a D. S. HOPICINS ArcMtect, GfjFM) RpWj, Mch, n & 8' m -i t .N.