C EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. w. VOL. 5. ctm THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1892. "TO-DAT'S .NEWS TO-DAY." NO. IT. Westacott REGULAR LOOK Call at OSBURN'S RACKET STORE and look over their stock which is constantly being increased. ' In addition to their usual stock of BOOTS and SHOES, HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR ior men, wotiu'n and children. They also carry Yarns, Boys' Suits, Mens' Cottonade Pants, Boys and Mens' Shirts, Overalls .Jumpers, Hats, etc. They POSITIVELY have the BEST 10c socks in Salem, Slates, Tablets, Pencils, etc. for the school children. In Gloves Ave have Kid, Silk, Cashmere and Taffeta. Tinwear, Frying Pans, Clothes Wring era, Hnir Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs, Purses, and everything you can think of in the notion line. PRINCbSS CURLING.IRONS 15c. Toilet and Laundry Soaps in great yariety. GIVE US A CALL. E. F. The MUTUAL CONTINUOUS OPTION POLICY, Offer the greatest protection and. safety to those seelcing Life Insur ance. Every Policy in the Massachusetts Mutual guaran tees Cash Paid, up Values every year. Send for SAMPLE POLICY. J. L. MITCHELL, Salem, Or. KCHIE MASON. General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &o. All work promptly doue. SALEM, C. N. CHURCHILL T S. BURROUGHS. CHURCHILL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. Salem Track 4 Dray Co. em Iron works. Drays and trucks the corner of Stale and Comroemitti atrpets. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. KAILS ! LOCKS ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr 4 in Pek 211 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hope and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tiunlng and Plumbing Furnished. FOUND The place to rig, express, . ri Mill feed or load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on liyan k Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. n, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, Gtntrsl Suyerintwdtnt, SALEM IRON WORKS, SAbBM, - OKltOON, . Manufactures BTEAM KNOINUH. Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governor, Fruit Drying Outfits, Traction Engines, Cm-tine. etc. t arm niKclilnery uuoutMTrpna. General agenU and manutastureis of t ho fre brattd V alilMrow i'ultnt Mlddllnti Pnriner and Reel. Farm machinery made and repaired. RRfifllQ R FPP PRESCRIPTIONS DllVUlXO (jL LL-ViUf tarefuUy compound, d day or lOO Statu STRONG'S RESTAURANT. -"""-"Baking and 271 Commercial Street. MEALS TWENTY-FIYE CENTS. LL TO SOBURN, - - Massachusetts LIFE INSURANCE -IN THEIR NEW- G. A. II. SMITH OREGON. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of- V rice Btate St., opposite Sa- may be found throughout the dav at LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. HINGES I Plumbers and Tinners, get a Saddle horse, Livery T- m 1- l I TJ urayor xtuck, ivoou, j-xity, srood well rotted Manure, Strast Confectionery.' Irwin, Proprietors. YOUR PURCHASES. 261 Commercial H. COLTON, Gen'l Agt., 233 Stark St., Portland I desire to have a new bnrn, SOxSl, built, and desire bids lortheconttructlon. Plans can bo seen at W. J. Pngh's office, llldg to be opened at 3 p. m. Saturday, Bent. 10. 0-td A.B.HMITH. From Terminal or Interior Points the Is the line to take To all PoiDts East and South. It Is tbedlnlng car ronte. Itruns through vestibule trains every day In the year 10 ST. PAUL 11 (No change of cars.) romped of dining curs unsurpassed, 1'ulluiau drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Ilest that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both lree and fur nished for holders of first and second-cIas tickets, and; ELEGAKT DAY COACHES. A. continuous line conni;tlne with all lines, atlordlnr direct und. uninterrupted service. i'ullman sit " 't' Ions can bo so rured in advi . r tt.rn any agent of the road. .. , . 'through tickets to and from all polnU In Amrnca, England and Kuropo can be purchased at any ticket oBtce of this company- Full information concerning rates, tlnu of tralns.routes andotlier details furnished on &rDllcation to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent, -No. 121 First streot, cor. Washington; Fort land. Oroiron SHAW & DOWNING, Agents. ON TO WASHINGTON ! NATIONAL 2th ENCAMPMENT Grand Army of the Republic, WASHINGTON, UC, SEPTEMBER 20th To 20th. 1803, TUB Wisconsin Central Lines AND Baltimore & Ohio Railroad have been selecled as the 'OfflcUl Iloate" between HU Faal, JllnneapolU and Wash ington, U.C. ., . ... All desirous of laXIcfr ndvaaUge of tbe o"tverally'-ly)r llttrt" should see tltsl their tlckiu read via this nut," ,"d secure their bleeping tar accomodations In advance. . . For full particulars address G. F. McNEILL, City P. and T.Agt., 19 Nloollet House Block, Wlnnea polls, Minn C. E. STONE, City P. and T. Agt., 1H Kast Third W., tH. FaHl, iltaa. Street. i 'is COMPANY WANTK1J. Hecrulta for the Artillery Hervlco of the United Btates Army. The conditions ol enlistment In the army arn now unusually favorable, and a spec ial recruiting rendezvous has been estab lished in this city for the purpose of n fiord ini; the young men of this section an op Dortunltf for enlistment. Annllcantsmut be between the ages of 21 and SO years of nee, UDio ooaiea, pnysicaiiy sounu, ana able to read and write tbe English lan guage. To any one interested a full expla nation will bo aflorded by the recruiting otllcer, room 6, Exchange block, Bulero, Oregon. AX.VIN II.&YDENHAM, fi-JJ-dw-tf 2d lileutenant, Stb Artillery. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,008 Transact a general banking buslnessi In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wit. EN GLAND Vice Freslden II UGH MoN AltY Cashier. DIItECTOUE: Geo. Wllltams.Wm. fine laud.Dr. J. A. Richardson, J. W. Uodson, J. A Maker. Bank in new Exchange block on Com mercial street. 8:lJ-tf Authorized Capital 500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W. A. CUBICK, Fres. IW. W. MAHTIN, Vice Fres. J. H. ALUFJtT, Cashier. Btate, County and City Warrants bought at Far. dw Paper Hangerand Decorator, Office at Chas. Calvert's Mllllonery store, Balem, Oregon. Only One. Chance for a colon. MOO acres of bett bottom land, one-half In cultivation, has small stnains and lakes, has tTUOO crop on now, buildings, etc. Is five miles from Balem, Oregon, One-third cash, and bal ance lu five yearly payments with i per cast. Interest at to) per acre. 8tf JOllN M. FAYNE,Agt. J. H. HAAS, THIS WATCHMAKER, 215K Cemmtrcltl St., b'jlem, Oregon. (Next door to Klein'.) Hpeclaity of Spectacles, and repalrlnt Clock. Watche and Jewelry, Wood Saw. Everybody gets Charles Hmllh's stmra wood aw, The Kutler." Order at 271 Frcnt street. mills great re L medyforlhe aiseHses retilt lag fro ii weuk. BtsM common to women, is the dktovM-y of a physlalan who has made tbs diseases the stusr of his life. LadlM w r. dlally lBVlUyoIllooallaiidluit'fat. Oflra otr New York HaakM Wore, Urtlle FarkLiml Week, Oommwud uL. HaIm, Oita. -lHiir fSj s iffn. B PKOFKSSIONAI, CARDS. F. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, , Murphy Block. J J. 811 AW, M. W. HUNT. 8IIAW A . HUNT, attorney at law. Office over Capital National bank, Balero, Oregon. 1 T. IUCHAItD90N, Attorney at law, ). office up stairs In front rooms of now tub. block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon, JOHN A. 0 ARSON, Attorney at law. Rooms 3 ana 4, Ladd & Hush's bank building, Salem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr II. V. BONHAM. W. II. HOLMES. Bonham A Holmea, Attorneys at law. Office In Bush's block, between Btate and Court, on Oom'ISU 31ILMON FORD, attorney at law. Salem, Oregon. Office uptalrs In Patton's ock. J H.BRAD3HAW, PHYSICIAN AND ). Burgeon, Halom, Oregon. Office In ush-Urcyman block, upstairs Residence corner Stateand 8. K. corner Winter street. WH. YOUNG, M. D., Office formerly , occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. Office heurs: 8 a. in. to 12; ii to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Resldenco 18th street on electric car line. Telephone No. 9. TR. AV. 8. MOTT, physician and Bttr- F KCUUi vuiit. " uiuiiuga uiwn, os tein, Oregon. Offico hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 p. m. TvR. MINTA H. A. DAVI8. Office hours, 1 v a. m. to ii a. m.; i p. in. w o p. ra, Iwy or night calls promptly attended to Special attention given to dlseiisos of wonv en and children. Offico In Mew Bank 111k., 303 Commercial street. Resldenco same. 1-vlL T. O. SMITH. Dentist. 92 State street. J Halem, Or. Finished dental opera tions or every description, rainless opera (Ions a specialty. WD. POOH, Architect, Plans, Sped , llcatlona and superintendence lor all classes of buildings. Office 20 Com mercial St., up stairs. CA. BOBERT, Architect, room 421, Mar , quam building, Portland, Oregon. BUSINESS CARDS. jr J. 1.ARS SNA CO.. Manufacture of all ,Y Jl. kludHOf vehicles. Repairing a special- ?ur. -y, Bhop 15 Slate street. GAUPET-LAYING.-I make a specialty oi carpet-sewing and lay lug; carpets taken up and relaid with great care. Bhade and curtain pole hauglug. Leave orders with J. II. Lunn, llureti & Bon or Whlto Corner. J. G.LUHltMAai. Proposnls for Stntionory. ' OflUJof thoBferftnry of State. HAI.r.M. Oregon, fept 3. 1SU2. Scaled proposals will b received at this office until noon, November 3, WV2, to fur nish the following articles for tbe Stale of Oregon. ID reams legal cap, Ulb,No.7 rullng.whtto laid, cream, chnrter oak, or Scotch linen. 20 reams flrst-class cong.-ess note, 71b pics.. No. 7 ruling, white laid. 13,ai0 No. (U white enve.opes, COlb No. 1, rag, XXX. 13 gross railroad steel pons, No, 110. 20 gross union's irteel pens. No 4U1, 4 gross Glllott's steel pons, No. 203. Itfero'S Katerbrook "J" pans. lOdnz I'eck, t'tsw & Wilcox's Inkstands, N6-85J. 4 doz. Feck, Btcw a Wilcox's Inkstands, No 651. 10 dn. Feck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstands, .NO. -ifJ. 12 doz. ivory folders,0 lticlt standard. 4 doz. ivory folders, 10 Inch congress. 4 doz. mucllugo cups, No, 8, .Morgan's patent. 10 doz. mucilage stands, reservoir, No, 0, Morgan's patent. 3 reunos Parkers treasury blotting paper, HOlbs a-SBorted colors. 1! groab No. 2 Eagle Itecorder lead pencils, style J0. 1 doz Sanford's premium fluid, squirts. 2 doz. HtafIo.-drs writing Uuld quarts. 10 doz. gummed stub files, No, 21 11x15 Inches, bo pages. 15 doz. Duplex cupboard letter clips. 10 doz. Kaber'a rnbber rulers, 11-Inch flit. 15 doz. steel erasers, Roger's No. 18, 143, bone. 8 doz. steel erasers, Roger's No. 18, 110, ebony. 30 boxes Faber's No, 300 rubber bands, assorted sizes. , 5 gross Faber's led pencils No, 2, hex agon gilt. 12 gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, round gilt. 15 doz. Faber's patent Ink and ponoll rub. ber erasers, mammoth. ST jo McGIU's patent paper fasteners, No. 2, flat head. KOOOMcCllirn patent paper fasteners, No. 4, flat boad. 15 doz. table pads to hold paper, 19x21 innlies, strong leather tips. 12 doz. waste paper baskets, cross-bar No. 4. 20 ixmnds hemp twine, No. 12 4 doz. Haniord's mucilage quarts. At the same time separata bids will be received for 15 dozen fine penknives to be described by trade numbers, samples to he exhibited. Hids should be marked "l'roposala for Batatlonory." None but the best quality of floods will be accepted. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. All the above art clesto bo deliv ered at Salem on or beforo December 20, 1MI2. UiiO. W. McllKIDE, U-S-'Jm Secretary of stacf MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 30 days on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, loom 14, Hush Hank block. 5 12dw JTAPANESJS H HU-E CURE A new and Complete Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, ointment In cansule. also a box and pills; a poeltlio euro lor ex ternal, internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, cliroulc, recent or hereditary Files, and many other dUeascs and lemalo weak nesses; It Is always a great benefit to the general health. The first discovery of a neuicai cure renaeriug an operation wuu the kulfo unnecessary heieatter. This remedy has never beou known to full. II per box. o for S'r, scut by mall. Why suffer from this Urrible disease when a written guarantee Is given with 0 boxes, to refund t ho money il not cured. Bend stamp for free sample. Gu'irrnteoUsued by Woodauo. Ulaukk dc Co., wholesale and retail drug- gists, soie agents, roruanu, ur. o z-iyKtw Administrator'H Notlco. In tbe County Court of the State of Ore gon for the county of Marlon. Iu tbe matter of the estate ofH'las W, lleezley, deceased. NOTIOKTO CHKDITOIW. Estate or Hllas W. Uoezley, deceased, t.otlco is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Hltus W. iezley, deceused, to tbe creditors of, and ail persons having claims against tbe utld deceased, to present them with the proper vouchers, wlihlnslx montlwfrom the date of this notice to the administrator, at the office ol u. D, Young, oity of 6alem, state ol Oregon. Dated thU 3&th day of Augist. 18W. . . . K.It.HHIl'11, AdralnUtrator of tbe esuto of Mlas W, Bezly , d eeeased, 9 K 6U w T)ROTKOTIONIX)DaKK02.A.O U.W I Meets in t tin r hall in Kt.ite Iiisuranee building, evtry Wdus4ay evenlog. , . ' H. A. MeFAUDtN, M. W. J, A. BKLWOOD, IUeordtr. TMPKOVKD IOHDER OF T.KD UFN 1 Kaialakua Tribe No. 8, Hla. Holds eauMU evrry 'IhNmday evlB4;,irt7; Vdtmm l Mt ItMeraaAe ball. OiittlP TOE CAPITAL JOMAL H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. rtniLWltEDDAILY.EXCKriSUNDW, BT TIIK Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated. Office, Commercial Street, in 1. O. Building Entered at the posloffloo at Salem, Or., as sucnC-claes n.atttr. WAGES AND LADOH. If there bo auy adverse criticism to bo passed upon President Har rison's singularly ablo letter of ac ceptance it must bo that ho has wasted powder n little on tlio topio of wages and labor. Out of abun dant caution, probably, he has massed facts, ilgures and argument to buow the American workiugmau that tho policy of protection is his natural ally and best friend, while it may be shrewdly suspected that tho intelligent American wage earner has already discovered that fact for himself. Tho President has availed himself with perfect propriety, of tbe recent ly published report of tho Democrat io Labor Commissioner of the state of New York, which shows that in the year immediately following the passage of tho tariff uct of 1800 the aggregate sum paid in wages In that state was 0,377,075 in excess, and the aggregate production $31,315,130 in excess of the preceding year, There is no reason to believe that New York is in auy respect an ex ceptional state, nor has that asser tion been made in reply to Labor Commissioner Peck's showing. The statement of tho letter with regard to tariff and wages is so con- cle and lucid that it buouM he quoted literally. The president says: "No intelligent advocato of the pro tective tariff claims that it is able of itself to maintain a uniform rato of wages, without regard to flucuatlons in the supply of and demand for the product of labor, but ll is confiden tially claimed that protective duties strongly tend to hold up wages and are the only barrier against reduc tion to the European scale." That is the claim of protection iu a uutsholl. A fenco around a flower garden does not mako tbe roses bloom any more beautifully or lav ishly, but It prevent their destruc tion by tramps and lawless boys. Tho grass in n meadow may be no sweeter or richer than than that outsiue, lout tbo farmer's cows are fatter and yield more milk than stock running at largo. Tho Amer ican workingtnan, as we have said, appreciates, protection, and while he will recognize the feeling that prompted the president In writing this part of his message will not willingly agree that it was at all necessary. Chronicle. Prohibition Party Inconsistences. When one cousldors the National prohibition party, its contrasted presldental nominees and its plat form, it is seen to be the most comi cal concern ovor known in Ameri can politics. The platform is down on largo holdings of land, but Gen. Bldwell has sorrio 23,000 acres in a heap. They all havo much to say about tho "home" and yet it was open talk at Culco, whou wo wero there, that in early days tbo general utilized fcquaws plural number, not singular, and ftmiinlne gender as wives, and Miss Wlllard, that Eml nent Examplar of Virtue, with a big V, and tremendous proper person, stands all that. Ono of our best larmers used to live out iu Chico, and repeats tho talk then and there current, so wo are told, that when me general uiu nnaiiy many a Whlto woman in orthodox fashion, they had to watch tho old squaw, fearing she would kill tho whlto lady for infriuglng her patent. Can thvso things be, and overcome us as a summer cloud without our special wonuer mat sister wiunru auu so good a man as lion. 8. B. Glasgrow can condouo it. Then the party It down on liquor liko 1,000 of hard burned paving bricks, but Hid well miido his pile and hangs to it dis tilling before ho dug up his grapo vines, Moreover they denounce tho old parties as corrupt, but Detnorcst indwell's rival for the nomination was accused of trying to bribe and buy up delegates to vote for him. It Is all Just to funny for any uso, Washington, Iowa, Press. Here Lies I Epltapuy Is a demoralizing klud oftalXy. It appears ou the tomb stone, and eulogizes the dead almost to the very stars, Tlio usual method of beginning, is: "Here lies." Very suggestive, for the Men are frequently quite astonishing almost enough so to both amiibe and arauzo the dead of whom they are written. A truth, ful epitaph, In many instances, would be: "Here lit one who omit ted to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery," If slok and suffer ing, and dreading premature death, tett tbe potent remedy. It cures all cbroulo, liver, blood, and lung disease, as biliousness, skin and seolp dlao, scrofulous sort aud swelling, salt rheum, tetter, erysip el, ami even wrofula of the lutnji (or Consumption), If takes la Urn. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S jGov't.RepMt RoYal s&ss&m ABSOLUTELY PURE NORTHWEST NEWS. Clippings from Somooftho News papers of This Section. The population of Eugene, as taken by a directory man, says the Guard, Is about 8,450. Horace Craln, of Eugene, says the Roglsbr, picked 300 pounds of peaches a few days ago from a trco only four years old. Plalndcaler: It Is announced that tho Eoscburg & Coos Bay It. It. is to be completed to Coquille City this fall. Tho roadbed is now graded to that point and rails are laid to within ten miles of that place. There are some very queer things found in tho Cascade mountains. Near tho summit of tho range east of Itoseburg, were recently found por phyry boulders that bo closely re semble water melons in size, shape and color, that it would puzzle an expert to tell tho difference without putting his hands on them. The Umatilla reservation allot ment commissioners will probably finish the field work by tho last of this month. Ao there will doubt less bo the usual department delay in acting upon tho documents sub mitted, tho Indians will not have an opportunity to voto at tho coming presidential election. They will bo voters at the next general election In this state, however, East Oregon. Ian. Stayton Times: In tho vicinity of Green Basin, Blowout Lake and Brletonbush forest fires havo been raging for several days and at thii writing show no signs of abatemeu t. Much valuable limber bos beou des troyed and the squatters are becom ing alarmed at tho prospeut of see ing tho valuable part of their cher ished claims swept from the face of tho earth. Tho champion hop plokera so far (we deolino to give names) consisted of a company of eight from Lebauon who were gono four days and plott ed soven boxes. Joseph Was- sou will replace his pruno orchard this fall, which was destroyed this summer by an application of coal oil on tho recommendation of the state board of horticulture. ..An altercation occurred last week among tho Indians In one of tho hop yards, which resulted iu a badly-disfigured face. Lebanon Ad vance. GRANT COUNTY. Items From tho Columns of tho Canyon City News. Patches of snow still. adorn Straw berry mountain's brow, but scarcely any exists on Dixie and Old Green horn. Farmers In this valloy are harvest ing their grain crops which have es caped frost and will yield hand somely. Huckleberry parties In tho mount ains meet with good fortuno when they nd a patch of this excellent fruit that has not been run ovor by a band of Gilliam or Morrow county sheep. Tho telephone lino has been com pleted from Baker City to MoEwan, and now Canyon City is within only fifteen hours rldo of lightning com munication with tho outside world, Earmora In this valloy and Its tributaries have put up many tons of good hay, and accomplished tbo task without having to cut their fenco corners pompadour with a pair of shears, as was tho case in somo of our neighboring counties, Fossil romalns of tho hugo animals that Inhabited theso wooded plains where rolls tho Oregon hundreds of years ago are found in tlio placer mines ubove Prairie Cltv. A huge tooth several luohea across tho crown was picked up h few days ago, while early In tho summer the immense skull of home ancient species of ani mal was found near the same place, Bheep from the counties bordering on Grant havo Invaded tho mountain ranges to such an extent that freighters from the railroad eaunot Hud a grazing spot for their teams uow, but must feed or buy pasture for them. Pity but Grant county could realize some revenue from these outsiders, and protect her own stock ranges, as well as the Interests of tbe men whose livelihood Is trained by teaming. Freighters are pondering ever tbe advisability of taking a new route to the' railroad. The Idea k to leave the stage road at Uncle Tem HohW eaulo, this side of Middle Fork, and go by way of Nelson's straight to MeMwaB, tins avoiding the mount, aim raig4M, mvImj about ten wiles tmvel, asd Audllg exeelleat graea Baking Powder and water all the way. Mr. Nelson, is thinking of putting the road in Bhape as an inducement forAthm to travel that way. ' " How's This? Wo offer oue hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh ' that cannot be cured by taking Hall's, catarrh cure. 0 F.J.Chknnkh k Co., Vropi., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F.J. Cheney lor the last fifteen years, and be lieve him perfoctly honorable In all busi ness transactions, and financially ablet-) carry out any obligations made by their Arm. West & Truax, Wholesale druggist. To ledo, o. waldtng, Klnnan A Marvin, Wholesale, druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's catarrh cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 76ft per bottle. Sold by all druggist. i Wllholt mineral springs were discovered about twenty-rlve yearn ago by two hunters named John Cline and Horace Dibble, They', camped near the springs and upon drinking tho water Dibble'' found that its taste was Blmilar,to " that of soda springs he had been, fa- (t miliar with in the east. A few years later John Wllholt, wboCwn- 7 ed a ranch of 1000 acres flyo miles ; down Book creek from tho springs,- ; took an interest In them. Mr. Wil-lif; holt catno to this country from Iowa In 1852 and settled in that wilder- . nesa fifteen miles from town. He is now sevonty.olght years old. Ore- ' gon City Enterprise. . , Saved His Ohilld's Life. A. N. Dilferbough, York, "Neb., ' says: "Tho other day I came home' . and found my little boy down wltfi -cholera morbus, my wife Beared, not knowing what itodo. I ,weatw straightway and got' a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's collo, cholera and diarrhoea remedy, and gave it ao-. cording to directions. You never . saw suchja change In a child, ilia limbs and body were cold; Irub- bed his limbs and body Jwlth my hands, and after I had irlvenjh'lm the second doso he wentto sleep, sa my( wife says, "from a death bed he was up playing In threo hours." It saved me a doctor bill of about.thrte dollars, and what is better, It saved"' my child. I can recommend "It with a clear conscience." For sale -by Baskott &VanBIype. Before Going East Enauire About -The limited express trains of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St, Paul railway between St. Paul and Chi cago and Omaha and Chicago. These trains are vestibuled, elec trlo lighted and steam heated, with the finest dining and sleeping ear, service In tbe world. Tho electric reading light in each berth is tbe successful novelty of this progressive age, and is highly appreciated by all regular patrons of this lino. We wish others to know its merltB, us tbe Chicago, Milwau kee & St, Paul railway is the only line in tho west eujoylng'tho exclu sive use of this patent " For further information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or ad dress O. J. Eddv, General Agent. J. W. Oabkv, Trav. Pass. Agt. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or, 8-3otf Saved a Woekib's Life. Mr, J. E. Thorougbgood, writing from Georgetown, Delaware, says; "Two teospoonfuls of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy sayed tho llfo of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this place," He also states that several other very bad cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale:' 1y Baskett & Van Blype DruggMe. Mr.Lander's ReeemaieBdatiM. ' Mr. J, A, Lander, a prominent ! tlzon of Clarksburg, Mo., and widely known In that iate,seys of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy: "I have seen Its good re sults and can recommend It." For sale by Baskett & Van Blype Drag gists. Not one In twenty are free Aum m Utile ollment caused by Inaction of I liver, use uauer wive &iver rjue. result win be a ptetnani surjte. give positive reiii, Will positively oure slek heatUebe and Prevent lu return. Carter's I4M Uver ills. ThU in not telle, but Wuth. Chse bU a dose, see advertieeceeat, faMOl pal. Miuall dose, Huaall Prtoe. l'alafroa Indigestion, dyi too hearty eating. Is relieve iwauf Curler!! Little Liver I ately after dlauer, Dou'l ( For Salt, CHp. A Buwber of trio ol tfale h ottitiiwec, born, and 1' SfWDWIH. ejstekol Ke STW Ml trto, For Sale, 320 AcresOSTJ iMrifUMfl iin&btW Will My ttU MT IMNTfa MMLftfl r o. Seaeft ft3f.ft- fc& MM4MI fflimi i J J 1 JsAJMMfcsW lrasa ;