Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 12, 1892, Image 4

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    41 iNM3 HIGHWAY
Adrteo t rrepte Who Ar H-ek-
Hr tin. tMthwy t Salvation Mr.
Virrit Ititt Spot Wliern llio
i Kmhitf ktjt for tti Now World.
Sept. 11. Another busy
1 of Dr. Tftluiave'fl preachlne tonr
i ftut muted. After coyidnotfng mix
(before immense audiences Ht 8 wan-
Exeter and Bristol, he lirenclH-d
tttaaee in Plymouth to the lament
imxtonKut ever. witnessed in
i dty. Before lettvfnfr Plymouth the
r, t h public nieotlttir nt which
my clenrYineii Tvuru jret,ent, thanked
the American pvoaclior for tho treat
fooA his sermons had produced in
fcwakening tho community. Dr. Tal-
tange on the day of his departure was
driven to the wharf,aiid alighted nt the
top of the flight of stone ptepn down
which the pilgrim fathers went when
they embarked on the Mayflower to Book
the New World.
The sermon selected for today ii en
titled. "The King's Highway," the text
chosen being Isaiah xxxv, 0-10: "And
an highway shall be there, and a way,
ail it shall bo called the way of holf
neas.'the unclean ultull not ihm oti:r il;
but it shall be for th03o; tho wayfuring
men, thougli fools, shall not err therein.
Ho lion shall be thoro, nor any rav. -ions
beaut shall go up thereon. It shall not
be found thoro, but the rudeomed shall
walk there, and tho ransomed of tho
Lord shall return and come toZion with
ongs and everlasting joy upon their
bead; they shall obtain joy end t.lad
Bess, and sorrow and sighing filial 1 fleo
.There are thousands of people hero
thto morning who want to find the ijght
rood. Vou sometimes see a portion hr.lt
log' at cronsroads, and you can to. I by
his looka that ho wishes to ask a ques
tion i&a' to what direction ho bad better
tke. And 1 aland in your tnosuncu this
; morning conscious of the fact that (hero
many of yon hero who realize that
there, are a thousand wrong roads, but
onlv'hllB rlcrlit one. mid I t.ikn II for
v -Z.' J' j.i.n :..:; ..," ' , r ,
ffrnurou iim you uuvu cume in to osk
which one it is. Iloro ia ono road lhat
open. widely, but 1 have not much faith
to ii Thoro are u great many uxpenaivo
tollgates scattered all along that Way.
Indeed at every rod you mn3t pay in
' Ltears, or pay in liagellations. On that
,road, If you get through it nt all, you
Jiavoto pay your own way, and einco
this "differs so much from what I have
heard in regard to tho right way, 1 bo-
, t lievo it U tho wrong way.
Hero is another road. On ollhur side
of it aro houses of sinful entertainment,
and invitations to cOitlo in and dine and
.rest, but from tho looks of tho people
girt who stand on tho piazza I urn vory cer-
tain that it is tho wrong house and tho
" Wrong way. Hero is another road. It
Is yory beantif ul and macadamized. Tho
boraoa hoofs clatter and ring, and they
who ridb oyer it spin along tho highway
nntil euddonly they find that tho road
breaks over an embankment, and thoy
try 'to halt, and thoy saw the bit in tho
mouth of tho iiory steed and cry "Whoa!
whoal" But itistoolato, and crash!
they go over tho embankment. Wo shall
turn this morning and seo if wo cannot
find a different kind of a road.
ti 'KVrtii liairn linnvl rtf 1in Aftrilnri Wnv
It was thrco hundred and lifty inilos
. long, It was twonty-four foot wide, nnd
'o on either sido tho road waa n path for
foot passengors. It waa mado out of
Crocks cut in hexagonal shapo and fitted
i together. What a road it must have
been! Mado of smooth, hard rock,
three hundred nnd fifty miloa long. No
, V wonder that in fho construction of it tho
I treasure of a wholo ompiro woro ex
, hauBted. Bocauso of invndors, and tho
. elements, and tlmo tho old conqueror
Who tears up n road as ho goes over it
there is nothing loft of that structure
excepting a ruin. But I hnvo this
morning to toll you of a road built bo-
v, fore tho Appian Way, and yot it in iw
'' good aa when first coiiBtiuotod. Millions
of souls hnvo gono ovor it. Millions
wsore will como.
, The prophets anil apostles, too,
Puraued tills ronil whllo hiiro helowi
. ' We thereforo will, without illsmuy,
, 61111 walk la Christ tho uood old u
" "An highway shall bo thoro, and a
,Wy( and it shall bo called tho way of
'holiness; tho unclean shall not pass over
its but it Bhall bo for thosos tho way
faring mon, though fools, shrill not err
therein. No lion shall bo thoro, nor any
ravenous bos Bt shall goupthorcon. It
shall not bo found thoro, but tho ro
deemed shall walk thoro, nud tho ran
somed of tho Lord shall roturn, and
eomo to Zion with songs and ovorlaBliug
Joy upon their honda; thoy Bhall obtain
joy and gladnoss, and sorrow nud sigh
ing shall fiy away!"
First, this road of tho toxt is tho
king's highway. In tho diligonco you
dash ovor the Bernard ynsu of tho Alps,
wile after milo, and thoro is not so
much as a pebble to jar tho wheels.
Htm go over bridges which croau uiifiilua
..that mako you hold your broaths under
"projecting rocks along by dangerous
precipices! through tunuols adrip witli
the lueltlugrt of tho glnoiors, and, por
hps for the first tlmo, leant tho majesty
of road built and supported by govern
went authority. Well, my Lord tho
Mug decided to build u highway from
Mth to heavou, It should span nil tho
btwins of liuiitttu wretchedness, it
tumid tunnel all tho mountains of
earthly difficulty; it should bo wido
enough and strong enough to hold fifty
UmwMHid millions of tho human raco, if
0 many of them should over bo born.
It should be blasted out of tho "Rock of
gea," and cemeutod wfth the blood of
the Grots, and be lifted amid tho shout-
t&c o( angels and the execration of dev-1
The King wnt his Bon to build that
road, " He put head and hand and heart
to it, and after the road was completed,
waved hia blistered hand oyer tho way
rjrtag,'"ItkflulliHir Napoleon paid
fftam million t ranee for the building of
the&iinplen road, that his cannon might
go over for the devastation of Italy, but
our King, at a great expense, has built
a road for a different purpose that tho
banners of heavenly dominion might
come down over it and all the redeemed
of earth travel up over it.
Being n King's highway, of course it
5fl well bniit. Bridges Rplenrlidly arched
and bnttraseed iiavo given way and
crushed tho passengers who attempted
tc ero?s them. But Christ, tho Ring,
would build no such thing ns that. Tho
-work dona, ho mounts the chariot of his
love, and multitudes mount with him,
and ho drives on nnd up tho steep of
heaven amid tho plaudits of gazing
worldsl Tho work Is done well done
gloriously done magnificently donol
Still further this road Bpoken of is a
clean road. Many a lino road has bo
como'mlry nnd foul because it has not
boon properly cared for; but my toxt
says the unclean shall not walk on this
one. Itoom ou cither sido to throw away
your sins. Indeed, if yon wont to carry
them along, yon nro not on tho right
road. That bridgo will break, those
overhanging rocks will fall, tho night
will como doyn, leaving you at the
mercy of tho mountain bandits, nnd at
tho vory next turn of tho road you will
perish. But if you nro really on this
clean road of which I havo beeu speak
ing, then you will Rtop ever and anon to
wash in tho water that stands in tiio
basin of tho eternal rock. Ayo, at al
most every stop of tho journey you will
ho crying out, "Creato within mo a clean
If yon havo no such aspirations as
that it proves that you havo mistaken
yOur way, and if you will only look up
and seo tho fingerboard above your head
you may read upon It tho words, "Thero
is a way that seemoth right unto a man,
but tho end thereof is death." Without
holiness no man shall sco tho Lord, and
if you havo any idea, that you can carry
along your tins, your lusts, your world
liness and yet get to tho end of tho
Christian raco you aro eo awfully mis
taken that, in tho namo of God, this
morning 1 shutter tho delusion.
Still furthor, tho road spoken of is
a plain road. "Tho wayfaring mon,
though fools, shall not err therein"
that is, if a man is threo-fourths an
Idiot ho can find thin road just aa well
an if ho wore n philosopher. Tho im
becile boy, tho laughingstock of tho
street, and followed by n mob hooting
at him, lias only jiiht to knock onco at
tho gato of heaven and it swings open,
while thoro has beon many a man who
can lecture about pneumatics nnd choni
istry, and toll tho story of Faraday's
thoory of electrical polarization, and yet
has been shut out of heaven. Thero has
beon many n man who stood in nn ob
servatory and swopt tho heavens with
his toloscopo, und yot ho has not boon
able to seo the Morning Star.
Many a man has boon familiar with
all tho higher branches of mathematics
nnd yet could not do tho simple cum,
"What ahull it profit a man if ho gain
tho wholo wot Id and loso his own soul?"
Many a man has been a fine reader of
trogedloa und poems and yot coold not
"read his title clear to mansions in tho
skies." Many a man has botanized
across tho continent and yot did not
know tho "Roso of Sharon und tho Lily
of tho Valley." But if ono shall como
in tho right spirit, ur.king tho way to
heaven, ho will iiiid it a plaiu way. Tho
pardon in plain. Tho poaco is plain.
Iivorything is plain.
JIo who tries to get on tho road to
lioavon through tho Now Testament
teaching will got on beautifully. Ho
who goes through philosophical discus
hion will not got on at all. Ulnist says,
"Uomo to mo, and I will take all your
Binn away, und I will tako all your
troubles away." Now, what is tho ubo
Of my discusiiug it any innro? Ia not
that plain? If you wanted to go to Loin
don, und 1 pointed you out a highway
thoroughly laid out, would I bo wleo in
detaining you by a geological discussion
about tho gravel you will paso ovor. or
n physiological discussion about tho
muscles you will havo to bring into play?
No. Aftor this Bible has pointed you
tho way to heaven, is it wiso for mo to
detain 'ouwllh any uUcnsalou about tho
nature of tho human will, or whether
tho ntonomout is limited or unlimited?
Thoro is tho road goon it. It is a plain
"This is a faithful saying, nnd worthy
of nil acceptation, that Chtist Jesus
enmo ino the world to snvo sinners."
And that is you, ami that U mo. Any
little child hero can understand this as
well as I can. "Unless you becomo ns
a littlo child, you cannot seo tho kiug
dom of Uod." If you nro saved, it will
not bo as a philosopher, it will bo as a
littlo child. "Of BUoh is tho kingdom
of hoavon." Utiles you got tho spirit
of littlo chlldreu, you will novor como
out at tholr glorious doatiny,
Still further, this road to hoavon is a
eufo road. Somotimcs llio trnvoler in
those auoiont highways would think
hlmsolf porfectly eecnro, not knowing
thoro waa a Hon by tho way burying his
head deep botweon his paws, and then
when tho right moment enmo, undor tho
fearful spring, tho man's lifo was gono
nud thoro was n mauled carcass by tho
roadside. But, says my toxt, "No lion
r.lmll bo thero." 1 wish I could mako
you fool this morning your entire se
curity. I tell yon plainly that ono min
ute after a man has bocomo a child of
Uod lie is ns safe is though ho had boon
ton thousand years in hoavan. Ho may
slip, ho may slldo, ho may stumblo, but
ho cannot be destroyed. Kept by tho
power of God through faith unto com
plete ttnlvntlou. Everlastingly safo.
Tho severest trial to which you can
subject a Christian man is to kill him,
and that Is glory. In othor words, the
worst thing that can happen a child of
God ia heaven. Tho body is only the
old slippers that ho throws nsldojust
beforo putting on tho Bandals of light.
His soul, you cannot hurt it. No fires
can consume it. No floods can drown
it. No devils can capture it.
Firm nud unmowd nru thoy
Who runt their touli on Uod;
Finn! n tho ground whero lliu Id utood
Or wluTO Uiti ark oIkkIh.
C lb BAN!
It ye would b clotm and linyp yourolothoe dono up
19 til MfttoriMel dmsiwt manuor, take them to the
Alt work m 4, m' by wluU IhW nnd in tho moat
Ljlwty Htpk
His soul is pafe. His reputation i.
jfe. Everything Is safe. "But," you
ay, "flt.pposo his stole hums up'"
Why, then it will only Ikj a change of
Investments from earthly to heavenly
lecuritics. "But," you say, "Bnppoc!
his namo goea down nndcr tho hoof of
loom ami contempt?" Tho namo will be
io much brighter in glory. "Suppose
his physical health fails?" God will
pour into him tho floods of everlasting
health, and it will not make any differ
ence. Earthly subtraction is heavenly
addition. Tho tears of earth are the
crystals of heaven. Ab they tako rags
and tatters and put thom through the
paper mill and thoy como out beautiful
r.'hite sheete of paper, so often tho rags
qf eat thly destitution, under tho cylin
ders of death, como out u wldto scroll
upon which shall bo written eternal
Thero wan ono passago of Scripture
tho force of which I never understood
until wte day nt Chamonnix, with Mont
Blatiuon ono hido and Moutanvent on
tho oilier, i opened my Biblo and read,
"As tho mountains nro around about
Jerusalem, so ia the Lord around about
them that fear him. Tho surroundings
woro au omnipotent commentary.
Though tronbtos urjsall nnd dancers affright.
Though friends should nil (Ml and foes ull
Yet ono thine secures u, whntover botldo
Tho Hrrlptures oesure us tho 1itA will provldc
Still further, tho road spoken of is a
pleasant road. God gives a bond of in
demnity against all evil to every man
that tre-uls it. "All things work to
gether for good to thoso who lovo God."
No weapon formed against them can
prosper. That is tho bond, signed,
realed and delivered by the President of
tho uinveme. What is tho use of your
hotting, O child of God, about food?
"Bohold tho fowls cf tho air, for they
sow not, 11911110? do thoy t dip. nor gather
into harm?, yet your heavenly Father
f ccdoth them." And will ho tako care of
the sparrow, will he tako euro of tho
hawk, and It t you die? What is tho uso of
your fretting about clothes? "Consider
tho lilies of tho field. Shall ho not much
moro clothe you, O yo of littlo faith?"
What is tho uso of wotrylug for foar
i.owo thing will happen to your home?
"Ho bltt-sch tho habitation of the just."
What is the uso of fretting lest yon will
bo ovorcomo of temptation!)? "God is
faithful, who will not suffer you to bo
tempted above that yo aro ablo, but will
with tho temptation alco make n way to
escape, thut yo may bo ablo to Itear it."
Oh, this king's highway! Trees of
lifo on either sido bending over until
their branches interlock and drop mid
way their fruit nnd shade. Houses of
entertainment on oithor side tho road
for poor' pilgrims. Tables spread with
a feast of good things and walls adorned
with apples of gold in pictutes of btlver.
I start out on this icing's highway, and 1
find a harper, and 1 say, "What is your
namo? Tho br.rpor uiaku no responro,
but leaves mo to guess, us with hi.i oyes
toward heaven and M hand upon tho
tlemhling s'riiv.s tl!i tune comes rip
pling out on tho air: "Tho Lord is my
light and my inilvatijii. horn shall I
feat? Tho Lord is tho ntten,;th of my
lifo. Of whom ehull I bo afraid?"
I go a littlo farther on tho camo road
and meet a trumpeter of heaven, and I
nay, "Haven't you got somo imiaio for n
tired pilgrim?" And wiping his lip and
taking u long breath, ho puts his mouth
to tho trumpet und pours foith this
strain: "Thoy shall hunger no more,
neither shall they thirst any moro,
neither shall tho sun light on thom, nor
any heat, for tho Lamb which is in tho
midst of tho tlirono f hall lead them to
living fountains of water, and God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes."
I go a little distauco farther ou tho
Bamo road, and 1 mootamaidenof Israol.
Sho has no harp, but she has cymbals.
Thoy look as if thoy had rusted from
soa .spray, and 1 Bay to tho maiden of
Uraol, "Ilcuo you no song for a tired
pilgrim?" And like tho clang of victor
shields tho cymbals clap as Miriam be
gins to discourse, "Sing yo to tho Lord,
for ho hath triumphed gloriously; tho
horso nnd tho rider hath ho thrown into
tho eca." And then I beo a whito robed
group. Thoy como bounding toward
mo, and 1 say, "Who uro they? Tho
happiost, and the brightest, and tho fair
eat in all hoavon who nro thoy?" And
tho answer comes, "These aro thoy who
camo out of great tribulations, and had
their robes washed and mado whito with
tho blood of tho Lamb."
1 pursue this subject only ono etop
farther. What ia tho tet minus? I do
not caro how fine a road yon may put
mo on, 1 want to know whero it co7nes
"out. My toxt declares it, "Tho re
deemed of tho Lord como to Zion."
Vou know what Zion was. That was
tho King's palace, it was a mountain
fastness. It waa impregnable. And so
heaven is tho fastness of tho uuiver&e.
No howitzer hits long enough raugo to
shell thoso towers. Lot all tho battorics
of earth and hell blazo away; thoy can
not break In thosogotes. Gibraltar was
taken; Sebastopol was taken; Babylon
foil; but thoio walls of heaven shall
never hurrumlor either to human or sa
taulo beniogoineut. Tho Lord God Al
mighty is tho defense of it. Great cap
ital of the universe! Tot minus of tho
King's highway!
Dr. Dick said that, among other
tilings, ho thought in heaven wo should
study chemistry nnd geometry ami conio
sections. Southoy thought that in heavou
ho would havo tho pleasure of seeing
Chaucer and Shakespeare. Now Dr.
Dick may havo his mathomatics for all
eternity, nud Southoy his Shakospearo. 1
Glvo mo Cluist and my old friends
that is nil tlio heavou 1 want, that is
heaven enough for mo. 0 garden of
light, whoso leaves never wither, and
whoso fruits novor fail I 0 banquet of
God, whono Bwcetnesa novor palls the
taste, and whoso guests are. kings for
ever! O city of light, whoso walls aro
salvation, and whoho gates nro praise!
O palace of rest, whero God Is the mon
arch and everlasting cges the length of
hla relgut O song louder than tho surf
boat of many waters, yet soft a the
whisper of cherubim I
When my last wound is healod, when
tho last heartbreak is ended, wnon in
last tear of earthly sorrow is wiped
i-vv.iy, und when tlio redeemed of the
Lord shall como to Zion, then let the
harpers tako down their harps, and all
tho trumpeters tako down their trum
pets, and nil ncron heaven thoro b
chorna of morning stars, chornn of
whito robed victor, chorus of nartyr
from under tho throne, chorus of ages
chorus of worlds, and there bo but oni
King sung, nnd but one name spoken,
and but ono throne honored that of
Jesus only.
Admirable Training.
A man who has a well deserved repu
tation for discovering ndinii-.iblo trnitc
in people was asked ono day how ho had
acquired the happy faculty.
"It isn't a faculty," said the v ntle
man, with a quiet smile. "It i n habit,
ind it sprang from tho early training of
mothor who nlways said, 'Tin-re U
jood in evory mnn, woman and e'-il 1 in
thia world; you havo only to lo-ik well
o find It.'"
This gentleman, as n boy, wto one of a
family of tevcu children. It w.u an un
written law of tho hoUbehold that "peo
ple" wero only to bo discnf.e-ed at ono
time, namely, at tho supper hour, when
the whole family was assembled. By
"pcoplo" wero meant private individ
uals. Public characters, tho .o who had
namo end fame, wero regarded as
"thiugs." to bo talked of with books,
mubic, games and other matters of in
. crest at any time.
If any ono hud comments on friends
or acquaintances to inuko theso wero
'reserved for teatitno. Then perfect
freedom of expression was allowed; but
it wns well understood that tho purposo
of the talk was to find good points in
thoso under discussion and to throw as
thick a veil of charity us possible over
their faults and failings.
It was surprising to reo how speedily
tho person who ra.T'o an unfavorable
criticism wns routed by tho etorm of
contrasting statement which rattled
about hia head. Wrong doing was never
mado light of, but bonio good was sure
to bo found end mentioned.
"Wasn't thero some danger of incul
cating flattery and insincerity?" inquired
tho listener whoso first question had
called forth these fact3.
"I hardly think so," replied tho other
with a somewhat quizzical expression.
"I havo found in my enperienco that
flattery is soldom watted on tho absent,
nnd Insincority has Blight hold in a
spirited family discussion." Youth's
South or.WtllaiEnatto Iotl,
ttXfeBM ... ORKOCN
Iwlih!tel&y to my euttomrrs In tfaa
lumber tntiT that I have roKWud niy p.
IUou In iko 1uimii,IouUq A 10. hnnb-r
yard af, but tUU iuk th ;ttua ot
lh Mllaf, and 1 vrlll try to ume It
to every outs lutawl to am oti me Mint
rrt uy pfebtMFwrbazhMwbr.
kum)U g4 IumImnt m mi ta Oragea
A Woman IJobbor.
My mother can remember Betty
Finch, a very masculine sort of wom
an, being llio "bobber" nt Holy Trin
ity church in tho year 1810. Sho
walked very majestically along tho
aiflleB during divino sorvico, armed
with a great long stick like- a fishing
rod, which had a bob fastened to tlio
end of it, and when sho caught any
slooping or talking they got a
"nwloro." Notes and Queries.
U uaxBsrxssa wa
ffyrai ij, i."i.ima
Statistics ehowthnt ono In rotm hoi n lrenk
or dlnoaiod Heart. Tlio tlrst trniiitoras are nhort
tircath, oppression, fluMcrlnir, fnlnt nml
liiiDtrryspeUs.pntn tnftluo.tliciibtuolhcrlitir,
ivollnii unklcs. dropsy (und tlcntli. for
utilch int. MILES' KEW 11KAJVK CtTltB
Is a nmrvoloiu remurtj-. "I liuvu bven troubled
Willi heart disease (or rears, wj left pulso wns
err weak, could nt tfiuca ecirrelr fil It, tua
smallest oxcltoruont would oUthj-s wculton mr
nones nnd heart und n tear of ImpontSint; death
Hired mo In tho face for hours. 1H. UIIiUS'
NKUVINK nntl NEW 11BAKT eUllli
Is lua onlr tuedlelno that has proved ot nn bene
fit and cured me. I.. M. Dyer, cioTcnhtle, Md.
Jir. Miles' Llvrrl'IIU nro a Buro remedr (or
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Kfl cents. Fine book on Heart Ulseoso, wltls
wonderful euros Free at druggists, or address
DR. MIUE3 MEDICAL CO., Clklinrt, Incts
Hold by D. J.Fry, diugglBt.SnlonJ.
gold by D. J.
Act on new prlnclpla
rcrcalcte tlio liver, etoui&cb
anu buwi'la throuyh the
ntrtfs. Da. JIilbs' Pills
tptedtly cure blllousnoea,
torpid mer end constipa
tion. Smallest, mildest,
tiuroull Opdopea.Sfteta.
Krmules trie at rtrmrulstfl.
lv :tsMctC,u.hatt.b4.
Fry, druggist, Salem
Sas and OasoliM
. .Hnva forrer parts, and r
t flsltisff w I.1BS1 tfl .il.iin ... mi
,rnr,nl...JTrw""VV'Vi"""t.""W ."?""
uivmniHiBtiitj uiurr ku, urgnsumioruKiiiea iiuw
tMu ,?"" 'W"t tho buruir. turu the wiiccl, tuul U
ruiis cU day.
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uureliitblo cpatk.
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X'or Simplicity It Hants tho World.
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2to Jlnttorloa or Klcctrlo Bprk.
tl ruiia wltU ct Cheaper Orado of UasoUns than any
ether rugino.
ran MMcnir-rivu ciuculaili aitlt to
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for Bnfants end Children
"Citor la Is so well adapted to children that
X recommend It as superior to any prescription
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Ill Eo. Oxford Et., Brooklyn, K. T.
"Th uso of 'Cnstorln Is so unlrersat and
its merits so well known tint It seems a work
of gupercrozallontoendorsoit. Fow nretlia
Intelligent families wbo do not keep Castorla
within easy reach."
New York City.
Late Pastor Bloomlnndalo Iteformod Church.
CiwtoTU cures Colic, Oonstlpatlon,
BourBtomoch,DIaiThcc, Eructation,
Kills Wormn, gives sleep, and promotes o
Without Injurious medication.
" For several years I have rocommendea
your ' Castoria,, and shall always continue to
do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pardbz. JI. D.,
Tho Wlnthrop," KSth Street and 7th Are.,
new jorKuikj-,
Tna Cntadi Coupakt, 77 IIotiiiav BinKnT, New York.
Salem Abslraet and Loan Co.
The only Abstract books of Marlon
county. Kenl rstute orders
lulled promptly nnd
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl
dent to a bilious state of the system, ouch ni
Dizziness, Nausea. UrowelucBS, Distress aftei
eating. Pain In the Hide. fie. While their most
remarkable succesi liai been shown In curing
ITeidnci a. yet C'.hi"i 3 Little I.rvctt Tills
iro eqiullv lalnr'nu in Constipation, curing
lndprevetitinstl-l annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach
itlmulatn the liter and regulato the bowels
?vtn If i tnly cured
f3 I J I'T'li
'h" tl,cy would ho ulmr" priceless to those
tio suffer from this distressing complaint;
ut fortunately their goilnf"i does not end
re, rr-1 thoso who one try them will Und
io5o IlitiopllUvahmblo In bo many ways that
icy "ill not bo willing to do without them
ut aiicr all tic!c head
f h h tr of .o many ii-1. lhat hei-e Is where
..!!: i xir Krcu.t bo,--t. Oar pills cure It
hit- ot!w,r t'o nit.
CAUTtfu't" Lptm: I.ivrn Pit ls are very small
ml very o.ts" to take. Oio or tw o pills make
doon. Thoy nro Ftriclv vegetable and do
.ot cripo cr puege, I ut by their penth) action
titt.v u!l who issi t'i. in. In vials at 25 cents;
've for $1 Sold pi ,tv ni i e, or sent by malL
ciskb ia:.'.5;s C8., Wew Twi.
M fill. U M hall Ah
TTtUnr WIUssI MstMu.
Mtslsms (MSlltet DM
etttitisUM st Vrsls,Mc,s (,tHi,iiHu m IssUcmlM.
miMu.luihrt, , MisiUs, (mmsI til ..lis
s s4 stss, us. drsifti. Uw, s,r,
rsssuii,ss, su
HWf. Us(sr, rissBMiUH,
'4tWS,ISjBISMtk. lKb( I
Jilt. .If. 1
ft. Ulll J lil
rartr s tof.U ,oo, ui .hi tn sllif tViV
4IMUM H V. TsssmsI. Uts Wa tu4 tr (Sl mat
t.i.n UmUH tiiH sit a,r rssii,s fsiWi, si
(K, ku4r4 s( UuliwaUU Is U l rjr .llu- .ulfc
uvptwrn iimwis sLSATMir isrstwKi, is
WWW . 1 UMV. ,HfSS fcAlSA;
S tU tMkf rttf SHU. fcUisJ. IhM. few. AMI MS
Wsiy FifH Ct.iPOfXTUNi
Church Directory.
CuMnKKi-AND 1'BKsnYTERiAN. Salem,
Oregon, Udv. .1. E. Jilulr, Pastor. Sunday
cliool every Sunday, 1 " m- Preaching
every' rinnday, 11 n. in. and 7:30 p. m.
Oilmen house on High street, between
Marlon and Union. Everybody welcome.
MetuodistKi'iscopal. Services onSab
bath nt ldSO nnd 7:30. Sunday school at
12; Epworth Leagues at (i:15j Prayer meet
ing every Thursday evening. Bev. C. L.
Kollcrnmn, ppstor.
Evanoelicai,. Corner of Liberty and
Center dtreets. Sunday services 10:30 a, m.
And 7:30 p. m., Sunday fccliool 12 m., Y. P.S.
C. E, 0:30 p. m.; 1'raytr meeting Thursday,
7.S0p. m. J, lioweisos, paster, residence
427 Liberty street.
PnKsnvTKiitAN. Church street, between
Cbomcketa and Ctnter. Preaching morn
ing and evening; Sabbath school at 12 m.;
Y. P. S. C. E, ut .30 p. ni.; prayer meeting
Thursday at7:S0p. m. ltov. F. 11. Q wynno,
D, 1) pastor.
Tub Chukcii ok God. Holds religeous
servlcos In the Good Tompler's hall Tues
day, Thursday und Frlduy evenings. Sun
day s nt 10:30 a in. and 7:30. Sunday school
at 3 p. in. Hider N. N, ilathews, pastor.
Si'. JodKFlI'S Catuolic Cuubcii. Chc
nieketu und Cultugo. Huuday services: Low
mass 7:j0 a. m.; high mass 10:30; Sunday
school 3 p. m.; vesprj 7.30; week days, low
mass 7 a. m. Rev. J. 8. White, pastor,
CoNonr.aATtos.vi.. C.rner Center and
LILcrty Sorvlces Sunday ut 10:30a.m. nnd
7 p, in.; Sunday tchool 12 tu., Y. P. 8. C, E
at 6 :J) p. m.; pruycr intctliig7:30p.in.ThiirB
duj-. Itev. C. L. Corw In, pastor.
Br. Paul Episcoi-ai. Cruucn. Corner
C'auich uud (.lieiiukelu. Bei vices 10:30 u.
in. uud7 p. in.jMinauy bchool 11:45 u. ni.;
tervlca Tbuuduy 7.0 p. in. Rev. W. Lund,
Film' II.utist. Liberty and Marlon.
Services 10:J) a. m.nnd 7:0U p. ni.; Sunday
kchool 13 iu.; youug pcoplu's meeting ut (l
p. in.; jnuj i r meeting 7.10 Thursday. Rev.
Robi.it WliltuUci, pastor.
Fhkk JlKTiiowsr. llev. II, F, f mnllcy
piulor. Services Sundny morning uud
evening, Sunday school at 10 a m.; prayer
meeting Frlduy night. Church opposite
North Balem school.
FiUKNDi At Highland parkou ctrllne.
Services lu.0 n,in. und 7.30; p. in.; kunduy
school 13m.; Christian Endeavor 0 p. m,:
prayer meeting Thursday 7:S0p. m. Rev,
F. U. George, pastor.
Qkimian ILvi'risT. Sen'Ices Iu German
lloptist church north of CottHge sticet
BuudayschooltitlOu.nl. Prcutulu illl
a.m. Evening service ut 7;30. Itev. Jidm
Feohtcr, pastor.
CllKibTiAN. High and Center. Kur.dny
school 12 in.; preaching 10.30 n. m.; jonuj
people's society ti.S0 p, in,; proncliiug 7;oJ
p. in. Rev, V7. H. Williams, pati.r,
Qkuman ltEFOiutBn. Capital una ilnrl
ou.; huuday service 11 a, iu.;ditminy bouool
10 a, m.; prayer meeting Wednesday 7u p.
iu, Uov.J.Muellhaupt, pastor,
Inriun nail at 10:0 n.iujiua 7:30 p m ; t'ab
bath school lliu,; lllble study Thu.ti'ny
UniTABiAN riiuncil. Services at 10:; a.
m. auu :ju p. in. oui uay fciux'i ul li in.
All luvlied. S.-ulstiiH). ttvv.ll. tl.Uruktu.
South Saw.m-M. 11 church Prench
lug every Sunday at IhSO a. m. end 7::0 p
ui. J. II. llooik, jaitor.
t.KitiiAN l.inrilKCK. North Cottage ft.
Service on 1st uud 3d huuday rf tacli
month at '! p. m. Rev, G. K. iltycr psstur.
Avbicas iltriiontsT. North Salsm.
Services at U u. in. nud 7:30 p. in. Uiuduy
school at 1 r. iu. Rev, Q, While, piulor,
Temperauoo gospel meeetlngs el i o'elck
riunday ut W, C, T, U, hsjl.
aM Fwcy Grefcrif?.
Crookvrr. Ulauwsrc. La u-s. ",tn,
nt Wll!o vans. AllklriU o niUl.rM
a.jMVcewitMaaciiTuit la wir svuon
For Locating Mines.
Dr. II. Fmtth is now solo agent In Ore
icon for the i-nle of Marshall's Electro Mag
netic rods lor locating n inen of Gold or
Silver, Thl Instrument has become tho
mo! eilieent force lu delecting the pm
emn of olri and Silver deiiosits whether
In the form ut hidden coin or qunitz lock,
rhoinnker claims thiit n cnn-lul ItiM'Nii
gntlon issiiro to lend one'.n t lie eiucl Jo
enllty of thn treasure. For farther Infor
mation please address
7-2U-U Fnltni, 'iiegfii.
Largo siivk of common Brick ntway ( o'i
hand. Pretscd and ornamental brick
mado to order.
Leave orders ftt G. Stolz, 64 Stat Micet,
Goodhue St Cuhlll, 115 Stato street, or ai the
yard, opj osto State Prison.
Res'denee S82 Church St.
J. J.
Decorator, Kalsominer and Pa
per Hinger.
T.enve orders at A. B. Euren A Son's Fur
niture store or Sroat & Gilo, Grocers.
Pacific Route
Shasta. Line
:. p. m.
9.18 p. m.
.'1:15 u.m.
'North; "
lv. P.irtiHnd -ir. I 7:d5a. in
Lv. .Salem Lv. I 8:28 n, in
Ar. Sin Friin. l.v. 7:00 p. m
Above trains stop only ul iollowlug bin
lions north of ltose'iuu', East Portland
Oregon City, Woodburn, fulcra, Albany
Tangent, rthedds, Hiilftey. Unrrlbburg
Junction Ity, li inp nnd Eucene.
UifeSllUKCJ HAl.l, ilAll.V,
8 SJ n. m.
11:17 n. m
5 50 p. 111.
Albany lWitl, Jl.-illy Except Sunday.
Ar. I 4.o p. m,
Lv. I 1:40 p. m.
Lv. 7:00 a. m
i'O p. in.
7-j2 p.m.
' fi p. ni.
Ar. 1 10: ,0x111.
Lv. I TM u. m
Lv, tSXQ a. m.
Second Class Sleeping Cars
ForaccommodHtiou oi niRdengcrs holding
second c.ass llc'utts ulUchedto
eiprc-s tmlcb.
est Side Divisb, Between Portland
and Cervallis:
JIO i. m.
Ar. I 5:-Wp. m.
1 v. 1 12:55 p. m.
It Albatiy Mid CorM.!''. counect wltn
Italns of L'uvon Pnoilo Itallrnjd,
KypiiKJ-iAry (i,ML VrcvisuNDTv
4-Bp7m. rLv.l'oilli,ii
4- K) p. in. r Lv.WtKii irA T. rK:ida.'
7:i P. in. I Ar.McMlnuvlHy v. Lsij5rL
Through Tickets
To til points
FOr tlCllO'S Cndtnll infnr,r.,,,nn ........
J?Xr,il'?m''!''et&tn-r''-v ". fompal
ny agent M.leni, tW.?.
M Tickets
Citv, St. Paul'
Aaltll PUlt
Etist, North and
Wowncs rortte-d o x, Frr.elfevJtKTfrr
ru or p.tdrew. Z .-u
ihrtVKewiBtMaaaiTttit la wir svuon A'. i) inn mt-r. i.T, -. . .
WstHt iteMef jwirMtfemfic, aVjWMhlcston Bt-
f mmvMHnH IVktlasd, Okecon
5 el" CO -.
cr. hLDO
. Sr-
Si. ST
O - w -
05 5-115
i- M -T-
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to B. ct- cf
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E" EJ. -!
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S" trf ii
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S3 B- to .-t P
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2.5 rPh-g
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-CD g g M
O. . P S'H
m -d Q- i"
m ew
,- CQ
P r-l
P s
J ar
t"""'T j
Itntcs, S?2.50 to $5.00 per Day
Tho bi-it holel bi tween Portland andean
Franeleo. i"lil-cU.h9 In till ItB tipiiolnb
ments. lt tables uro served T.lih the
Choicest JPruitH
Uniwn.lu llio liiunielta Vulley.
A. i. WAGNER, Prop.
Within one-hnll mllo of two eleetrlc street
car lines nml Inti'Kronnds station nnd post
olllce Only two nnd onc-qmirter miles
from thoceiilei tif Hitlciu. ilealthy, beau
tlful lociulou. feoil cxtri;ood, well drained
nnd rich. Price low ifnrt Ipiihh ensy.
WO-tf II. Y tXilTLE.
Alisolutcly - Hnfe - Investment.
$10,000 FOR $6,000
The new two-story brick store building
und giohud occupied by Geo, F, Hmllh.on
Commeielttl stieet. For snie fur iO.OOO, If
niniu soon, itrnisju per ceni. on mat
nnd will bo worth $10,010 In less
than llvo years
IJcl'oro Slarling on n Journey
A person usually clef Ires to gain Fon-.o In
formation bs to the most desirable toute to
tale, and will piirehabo tlchets via the ono
thutl)l u lloiil Lliu the Quickest auu best
service. UefoieBtartlugon a tilp to chl
caRoornuy point East, jou should provide
yourself Willi a map ana timetable of the
VrUcunMn (.cntial Lino. Tho trains run
on this route are ' estlbule and are eaulppcd
with Pullman's latest mewing Itoom a.tep-en-,
elegant 1 ay Coaches and Dining ( am
of latest design, built cxpressl loi mister
vice, and are exquisite lu lurnlshlngs nnd
convenient nnd comlorlablo in urrnnge
meul and s eoniplete lu eveiy detail that
they hae no surerlorln comioit and ele
gance. Tho ilimiif,' car service is pronoun
eed by all tho moot elegant ever Inaugur
ated, and Is operated in the lutti est ot lis
Fust trains via the Wisconsin Central
Lines leave Minneapolis dnily at 12:45 p.m.
and 6:2b p m., and bt. Paul at 1:10 p. m.
ana 7:15 p. m., mailing favorable connec
tion with all ualns iiom the est and
For tickets, maps, pamphlets and lull
Inlormatlon apply to O, F. Mclselll, C. P.
jnd'i. A ,21Inneapolls, Minn ,nnd to Jas.
C. Pond, General PaFsenger and Tleliet
A(,enl, Chicago, 111. 1-16-ly
And Oregon Devcloi ment compnuv's
ste.mshlp lino. '? miles hluuter, IX) hours
less, tune than bj any othci loutc. Hisl
cmss thiough purnciiRer and lreight line
troni Poitlnnd aird ull ri"lr. In tho V, 11
lametto vallev to and licni (-au Piaucscr
TIME SCHEDULE, (h-ieept Kunuujsj.
Leave Albany 1:00 PM
Leave Con allls -, lMOPM
Arrive Yaqulnn ....... 6:30 PJI
Leave Yiiqulmi - --.-.. .(.:43 AM
Leave Corvallls 10:iSA M
Arrive Albany - - 11:10 AM
O. A O. trains connect at Albanj and
Tho above trains connect at YAQUIMA
lth the Oiegon Development Co's Ju
MBteninshlris between Yanuina und hn
H. H. Passengers lrom Portland and all
Willamette Vulley points can make close
connection with the trains of the
VAQUINA HOUTE at Albany or Corvallls
and if destined to San iranUseo, Ehould
arrange to arrivo at Yaquina tho evening
before date of sailing.
faismger and Freight Kates Alwsjk (Le
liowtst. Tor lnfoimatlon apply U ilessrs
HULMAN & Co., Fielght and Ticket
Agents 200 and 02 Front sf.. Portland, Or.
O.O. HOGUK Ao't Geu'l Frt. & ''
Pass. Agt., Oregon PacUlo It. It. Co
CoiTcllls, Or
C.H.HABWKLL.Jr.Hen'l Irf, &
Pass. ; Agt. Oregon lieioloxmenl
Co.. "M Monleomt it st.;!
Is the Oriental salutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist without a
healthy Liver. "When the
Liver is torpid tho Bow
els aro sluggish and con
stipated, tlio food lies
in tho stomach undi
gested, poisoning the
hlood; frequent headache
ensues; a feeling of lassi
tude, despondency and
nervousness indicato how
tho wholo fcystem is de
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator lias been tho
means of restoring moro
people to health and
happiness by giving thom
a healthy Liver than any
agency known on earth..
It acts with extraor
dinary power and efficacy-
As a general family remedy for tlyspcpifi,
TorpIdXIver, Constipation, etc., I hardly etet
use anything else, and havo never been dis
appointed in tho effect produced; it seems to
be almost a perfect enro for oil diseases of the
Stomach and Dowela.
W. J. KcEutoY, Slacon, Oa.
ttV f&f
vT TsVM i 9u
,VC AN n i p i
fii- AVMMHa
o,3?ICnKU Gollen Balsam No. I
Sores on tho Legs and Body; Sore Lara,
E?5l,..?"?t lo-,UPIer-coIored Biotchea,
Syphilitlo Catarrh, diseased Scalp, ard air
ES5W ioi?i ' th dlseas "own
nn.'i'S'JK G.Wen Balsnm No. 5c
S?'f JrTf,rt,uTi MercurlaiqyplilliUo Khou
SJi'i. r"s In the Bones, rains In th
rwTt c K?,'Jba Ketki Ulcerated Set
fiS 6rT,mt!o, ""h, tumps ail con
iSi ,torJ?. Stiffness of the Umbs, anJ
endicotM all disease from tho system,
whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse
kLtJSS ,?"1? th9 blood pur ani
X.e ltlcliau'a Qolaen Hpanlsh Autl.
S2; .,,ortho pw f Oonorrhaa, Clctt,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or deal
y,rnement. Prlca 94 00 per
l;",,cha' Coldest Spanish Xn.
jecitoa, forseTere ease of Gonerrboea,
..? "J?,t OoUT Ointment
for the effective healing yphllitlo Sores
.iDdniUttl0'i rt ebper Box.
MBralatretaet! lou of phmieal povr
g exs or CTtMrork, tfMmUoo.eta.
? 'T"sa Q.3, Mmtiir saakac!