x . it ' v AFTERNOON DISPATCHES. Iiy the Associated ta Reporters, TO D1KAD1D gOOTOCH!. ' TImm will to Tea Thousand People to fee Oared for at New York. Nbw YoRk, Sept. 12. Gov, Flow er arrived thlo morning and 1m- mediately began ad Investigation of the cholera troutlea. He Bald the ' ate would take possession of Fire IIan 1 at once. He la prepared to take any step no matter how string ent, t keep cholera away from New York City. There are now 350O people In quarantine and before tho flood of Immigration ceases then will be about ten thousand people to be card for at the gates of New York. The LuChainpague urrlvid this morning from Havre, one of the Btokerd manifest cholera symp toms There Is a movement to prevoilt Immigrant destined for other slates from leaving this city. Railroad and st amship lines have begun re fusing to take them over their lin and It looks us tliojgli luimlgran ? , landed at Ellis island would be obliged to remain iu New York. , -"' JuoUo Barnard, of the supreme court at Brooklyn today issued an '- Injunction restraining Qoveruor , Flower, and Dr. Jenkins aud others -from Itiudlutr quarantined passen ' gera on Fre island. This applies to tfiwn oflsllpln particular. THE M'WHIRTER CASE. V The Fresno Lawyer Was Undou&t edly Murdered. Fntas'o. Cal.. Bept. 12; Tho Mc- . Wlilrti r inquest was resumed yesterday morning and occupied t tho .olo day. Tho testimony : elMUl disposed most thoroughly of thusulcldo theory, to tho greut dissatisfaction of those who havo all along been so industriously pressing it. It was, therefore, no surprise wheu the Jury, a r tho testimony ' l was clced, and after they hud vls- ... 'ltcd the premlscT forn final inspec tion, brouicbt In a verdict that ' "MoWblrter had come to his death ! y a guushot wound inflicted by V tome person or peraons unknown to !'..'.' -The verdict wp unanimous, but it was ascertained that one Juror, George H. Bernard, had en tertained the suleldo theory In the beginning. Ho wri soon brought to tho view of tho others, however. THE CHOLERA. The Fire Island Kick Against tho Quarantine FiRB Island, N. Y. Sept. 12. Up to eleven o'olock no demonstration has b-eu mado by tho health ofllcors and citizens towards opposing tho use of Flro Island us a choleru sta- tion. Dr. Baker, health officer at Isllp has accepted tho declaration of Secretary Batch of tho stato board n. that tho looal board of health has no authority to interfere and has counselled his fellow members against further resistance to lauding the Nnrmaulas passengers, but others havo declined to accept this advice and n report comes this , morning that 200 or 3CD bay men aud others will make an armed ' demonstration when tho Cepheus arrives. Sho is expected about noon. IKE UNITED STATES ON TOP. Fir Degrees Fuithor Noith Than any Other Discoverer. . .Washington, D. C.,- Sopt. 12. The uavy department tc lay re riowved the following telegram from .Lieutenant Peary, at St. Johus, N. B.i "The United Statea navy claim the highest d Isco verlrs ou tho G reeu land e "t coast. Independence Bay IS north latitude, 31 wrst longi tude, discovered July 4, '02. Greeu land lee eape ends south of Victoria Inlet The highest point heretofore We I tied ou the caU coast, is 75 or 77 degnti, aud w- mado by Hold wUtyr, a German. Oelerade Democrats, DMrVMt, Cel., Sept. 12,-The DHneeMtto state convention meets I Jhb!a ieday there are two fao MM. m repr Jeutlug Cleveland M4 Um ether representing Weaver, aett : eilver Dewocrat. There will i an atiewpt to UHlte the foatlona. Fertal Clerk. p. Loom, Set. 1. The Hut low poafeUett ef jwtl olerku oHwd ilMav, ' i Latest Trom Fire Island. QUAKAntink, New York, Kept. 12. Dr. Jenkins has been informed by telegraph that the Cepheus is an chored at Flro Island. 303 armed men oppose the landing of passen gers. The doctor has requested Governor Flower by wire tocall out the militia. At 3:40 p. m. two at tempts were made ti land passen gers oft of tho Cepheus which were successfully opposed by the bay men. The vessel is now anchored in the channel opposite the hotel. Odd Fellows Coming. On Their Way to Portland to At tend the Convention. Denver, Colo., Sept. 12. A spe cial train of ten Pullman cars ar rived hero this morning, bearing Eastern delegates to the sixty-eighth annual convention of the sovereign grand lodgo I. O. O. F., which Is to convene In Portland. Hotel Burnod. Montreal, Sept. 12.Flre de stroyed tho Chambley hotel thin morning; four persons burned to death. EIGHT PERSONS KILLED. Twenty-flvo or Thhiy More In- jured In a WrecK. Boston, Mass., Sept. 11. A ter- fble accident occurred about 10 'ciock last night at Water town Junction, near West Cambridge sta (ton, on the Fitchburg rullroa'l, caused by a west-bound freight tele Hcoptng the rear car of the 10:15 o'clock Waltham passenger train from Boston. Fifteen killed and wounded havo already been taken from the wreck and It is believed that many more are beneath tho debris. The passenger train was heavily loaded, as is always the case ou Sat urday night, and had arrived at the Junction, whero it was waiting for an East-bound train to pass before crossing the main track to the Wntertown branch road. White tho train was standing on tho main Hue the freight, which had followed from the Boston yard, crashed Into tho rear car, crushing it Into pieces aud Juuiuilug its lin n inn freight beneath the ruins. The force of tho collision smashed tho front end of tho boiler aud cyl inders, aud tho escaping Bteani added horror to tho situation to those al ready imprisoned. As quickly as possible) notice of the accldant wns sent to Boston, Cambridge, Waltham nud other places within reach, aud physicians wero on the spot as soon as they could get there by tho dlfloront modes of conveyance. Thp work of removing tho dead nud Injured wns commenced nnd the station at West Cambrldgo was ponveited into a hospital, whither the victims were carried. Many ot thoio taken from the wreck were torrlbly scalded iu addition to their other lnjual -. It is as yet impossible to say how large the list of fatalities will be, but It is tho belief that soveral lire still beneath the ruins. Superintendent Adams has re ceived a telograni from tho conduc tor of tho passenger train that the brakeman who was sent back to Hag tho freight is missing, and it is feared that ho too Is killed. It Is olalmcd that a fog provallod at the time,aud that tho momentum of the freight was so great that it could not be stopped in time to ayold a collision. Tho ofllclals In BobIoii aro very close-mouthed and it is extremely hard to obtain nny facts from them cone rniug tho accident, and as tele phonic nnd telegraphlo facilities be tw on Boston aud the scene of tho wreck aro very meagre, considerable time is commuted in obtaining tho details. Boston, Sept, U,l:!5 a. m. General Superintendent Adams hr i just rocilveit n telegram from Medi cal Exumluor Wayno,of Cambrldgo, who Is at tho wreck, stating that eight aro killed and twenty-llvo or fifty woundod. Tho latter will bo taken to the Cambrldgo City hospi tal, the former to Youngs1 under taking establishment In Cambridge. Both tracks of tho main lino aro completely blocked. No trains havo left Boston depot slirj tho aooldent, although fully 3000 passengers aro there at midnight waiting transl ation to their horn ' iu tho suburbs aud upon larger excu.ulous to tho Y t. The Wes ru express, which was duo to start U 11 o'clock, still re mains In thadopot. MARKETS. Portland, Sept. 12. Wheat valley, $1,221 Walla Walla, $1.17J, San Francisco Cal., Sept. 12. Wheat, Dee. $1,33. Ciiituao Ills., Sept. 12. Wtmt 731. Tho G ermine Merit On rood's Barsaparllla wins friends wherever it Is fairly and honestly tried. Its proprietors aro highly gratified at the letters which come eutlrely unsolicited from men aud ........ i.. ii. I....... i ...A..,i.... l """" '" ",D iMu?iuua Warmly rowmemllui; lfood'a Barsa-' lrlll for what Ithaa houe for.vwit iMi 'lAnSStu. uu ZZ& Miuui fortifies the sysletu egelust the awureU ,'","u I eflecls sueh cuumm would otherwise pro- IfomlU ll!Li ciim llvar IlUt laun. $"' 1"" the iarluer, wlner, the eutdiW iiooue i nwiureilVeT IIW, jauu- uborer, the slave ot the desk eudpeu, and die, bllkuae, tlekhwiemLe.uud tVVSTf' u J81 Li", ul" fMMtffAttou, Disastrous Fire at Albany, N. Y. Early This Morning. Al.BAhV, N. Y. Bept. 12., 2:30 a. m. Fire broke out in J. B. Lyon's five-story brick building on Hudson avenuo. Tho building Is a total loss. The stAte printing ofllce, J i the rear of the Lyon building, is burning, and will be a total loss. Tho hotel Columbia, the Gcrmanln hotel and the Jackson corps hall are also on fire. At 3:10 a. in. the lire is thought to bo uiulorcoutrol. The state printing house Is n total loss. The loss will not fall short of $500, 000. WILL BE TURNED BACK. Steamships Must Stop Bringing Immigrants to this Country. Washington, D. C. Bept. J2' Secretary Fester today mude the following stutemeut. I received from tho president lato Saturday tho following telegram: "It is an outrage that tho steamship compa nies continue to bring immigrants from the infected ports. Say to them that it should stop or It is cer tain every ship will bring disease and we moy be compelled to turn back such jiest lad on vr-sel?. Prize Fighter Killed. Lonuon, Sept. 12. Prize light r near Northampton between a soldier named Clayson and a boot maker named Langley resulted In the death of the latter. ThoWhalo Back. MAnsnriELT), Or., Sept. 12. There is no perceptible change In tho condition of tho whaleback Wet more. The unsuewsful attempt has been made to board her yesterday. CHINESE WILL FIGHT. A Proclamation Issued hy tho Six Oomparles. San Francisco, Sept. 11. Tho Consolidated Benevolence . Associa tion of tho Six Companies, tho pow erful Chinese organization better known as the Six Companies, which comprises nil tho wealthy merchants of tho country, nud which, together with tho Chineso consular olllcirs, regulates the uftalrs of the Chinese lu this country, has Issued a procla mation from its headquarters in this city forbidding Chinese in the United States to comply with the terms of the Geurv bill requiring them to register, have themselves Identified by two white witnesses, and bo photographed before April, 1803. The proclamation states that the masters of the Six Companies, after a careful investigation, havo found that the registration law is objectionable and detrimental to their interests. It centinues: "Our countrymen must llvo in tlato United htatcs without being registered. Our countrymen must not got registered, and if one should do ho on his own wci uut he must not come to us in case he gets into trouble in this country. The Six Companies will pay no attention to him If ho does. When n man does it (register) ho loses respectability In tho eyes of tils countrymen." This applies to Chinamen living in any part of tho country and la Biuull towns, as well as large cities. If, by refusing to register, tho twin Is ar rested, Imprisoned or punished, ho can depend on the Six Companies for relief. Tho proclamation states that tho Chineso will be acquired to organize and subscribe money for tlie employ ment of legal aid, nnd If necessary eullst tho services of tho Chineso ambassadors to light against this al leged injustice. Two lawyers havo been engaged hero by tho Six Com panies. Each Chinese resident of tho United States is required to pay $1 to tiio Six Companies for the ex peuso of the suit to test tho legality of tho registration law, and this money must bo paid bofore tho cud of September, A Chinaman who does not pay will bo prevented from returning to Ills own country when ho applies to tho Six Companies for his pass. The proclamation con cludes by saying: "The United States does not treat tho Chinese right, because it compels no other nutlou to do such things, aud no other nation in the world treat) the Chineso as tho United States does." SionkuTi'. Theordluauc i and contract for the str it Improvement are signed up and tho work can be gin tiny time. Final Brttlkmknt. 13. W. aud Caroline Cornell, executors o tho estate of Win. Cornell, today filed their ilual account aud were dis charged. LKCruuii Bishop J. M. Walden L. L, D., will lecture lu tho chapel of Willamette university tomorrow (Tuesday evening), The public aro most cordially invited. When the Trap is Sprung Upou u, mi It t nmeiluiM U, In h moat unexpected uiauuvrby dWoiue, wo unpr. olute llm lsol that It la a most Insidious roe, ami that uul cvily In It bwmu7 la vmuuai ii uy mc nitwi ihhhii BiauietBiU HiMuele. but I nrevnt BunlfeutUan at Mil by miintcraetltiK tho eauswi that vnxluco It. Thui. ezeoMire la wet wmUi ttr, ttio enforced wearier of dtwp etotbee uuriuir a slurm. a lliorouiru aocuMoHiwl dU aud watw. uraufni, uu- eiul overwork, aiaVre4r oi dleras' rUlCllVrirwUeUaWyWaT;iC. A Nkw CiiOBCir. The contract has been lot for the erection of n new church edifice In Junction City by the Methodist Episcopal society. 13. 13.ish.aw stcureH tho contract at $2070. TiK'y will have a nice largo building, well furnished. There will be a nuniy basement In which they will have a regular kitchen and dluiii-.r room for use at their tocitil sessions. Upstairs will bo a large audience room nud two class rooms, with folding doors between so all can be thrown into one room if it la so desired. The entire build ing will be heated by a furnace. It will ho one of the nicest churches lu the' country and acredtt to Junction City. Eugene Register. What to Do. Many go to tho flair grounds and don't know Just the best way to get their meals. It will pay any one to call at the Big restaurant located Just at tho main gate. It is managed by the 1'rcsby- t.-rian Indies, who donate every thing, including their time, and the meals are the finest served on the grounds. The entire proceeds will go for the erection of a manse, so what you spend at the Big restau rant will go to help a public enter prise, and build up our city. Don't fail to visit the Big restaurant. What you spend there will not be a donative, for you will got value re ceived. The Wilbur Company. Which will occupy the board at the opera house during the week, arrived yes terday. That capable actor M James R. McCann with the charm ing autre h Miss Lizzie Kendall will play the leading roles and the sup port has been strengthened by the addition of two good comedians, and expect crowded houses during the week. Tonight they will pre sent "The streets of New York" nnd give a change of play nightly, aud a matinee for the ladles' and chil dren Saturday at 2 o'clock, Bids Received. Bids were re "Ived today at Architect McNulIy's ofllce for a re'idenco to be built ou Knob Hill, cast of the cemetery, for Gno. W. Dav's. The bids are given below but no contract was let: Jno. Gray, $3460.30; E. F. Hutohln, $3700; A. J. Hazel!, $3570; C. n. Tato, $3100; A. Z. Sw it $1405; A. Ollinger, $3407. Just received, all my ntw neck wear, the finest In the city, Bras field. Notions of all kinds Wm. Sar geant. Semi-porelaiu, variety of decora tlous Blue Front. Italians. The finest prunes ever in Salem, at Branson & Gilbert's. Helieubrand's meals aro as usual the best. Pictures aud frames; also framing Wni. Sargeant. Iu hats wo have all tho latest blocks in overy grade. Brasfleld. Nobody slighted on account of the rush at Helieubrand's. Crockery cheapest Blue Front. Iu full suits and overcoats we are showing over one hundred styles of tho nobbiest clothing out for fall wear. Brasfleld. Choice fruit only Blue Front. Wall paper newest patterns lowest priori. Wm. Sargeaul. 4t Express wagons Wm. Sargeaut. Lunch br-'keti just what you want Wm. Saigcaut. Dolls I Dolls that aro dolle Wm. Sargeant, to am. ' On Sunday, Fjpt. 11, 1892, at the farm homo near Salem, Luther Snyder, aged 20 years. He had been ill omy one week; tho disease was caused hy becoming overheat .1 and sleeping all night iu tho barn with his damp cloth- - on. Tho deceased wim a brother of Joslo Snyder, u member of tho printing fraternity. Tho remains wero laid to rest in tho Rural cometry today. ssiCDtva Jas. Batchelor, PropY. Warm Meals at All Hours oi tho Day None but white labor employed In th.' establishment. A good substantial meal cooked in first. class style Twenly-fiv oenU per meal. BLI9D -RONr Court ktretJ between Opera .House ard Mlnto's Livery White's No. 60, HALEM'd FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for buslueds. IHraloIty, Careful work J. K. WH1TK. Administrator's Notice NOTIOK Is hereby given that the under . stalled hna been duly appointed ad iiunmrnior to tno eiUita of Crls Klch, late ui iiiHriou rouuijr, urejon, aecfnsed, by the county court ot the lat or Ort'gou. for Marloa county. All iersons having elalnu ag.ltisi Mild esUio will piesent them to tho undersigned duly verified, at hi homo lu Kuglewood addition to the ohy or Htilcni, In Marlon county, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this not lev, and all persons Indebted to Mild estate will pleasa make Immediate Ulo ment to the uudcmlgned. ...... . . AHHAIIAM ltlCH. AdmluUtrutorortho vktate ox Crls itleh. dt ceased, (j-ll Capital City "Restaurant ""Thick and Glossy," THE PRODUCTION ot an abundant growth of hair, c! a sllk-llke toxturo nnd of the original color, often results from the use, by llioso who liave become bald or groy, of Ayer's llair Viger: " I was rapidly becoming gray and bald : but after using two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair crew thick and glossy and the origi nal color was restored." M. Aldricn, Canaan Centre, N. II. " A trial of A ycr's Hair Vigor has con vinced me of its merits. Its uso has not only caused the hair of my wife and daughter to bo abundant and glossy, but It has given my rather stunted mus tacho a respectnblo length and appear ance." It. Britton, Oakland, Ohio. "I havo used Ayer's llair Vigor for the past four cr Ave years and tind It a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It Is all that I could desire, being harm less, ennsing tho hair to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a smalt quantity to render the hair easy to ar range.' Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 0 Charles at., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by Drogglnti and Pertumcra. Patrunizo tho or the LADIES AID SOCIETV of the Presbyterian church of Salem. Al seivlco Is voluntary, performed by the ladies of the church. Heals. Table-D'hote, - 25c, Meals to Order, - - 50c, Near the Main Entrance to Fair Grounds. InJust211ioursJ. V. S. relieves constipation and sick headaches, After It gets the system under control an occasional dopo prevents ro turn. We refer by permission to V. II. Mar shall, Ilrunswlck House, S. F.j Geo. A. Wer ner, Ml California Bt,, B. F.: Mrs. C. Melvlu, 108 Kearny St., S. r., nnd many others who have found relief from constipation and sick headaches. O. W. Vincent, oj C Terrenco Court, S. F. writes: "1 am CO years of age and havo had constipation 25 years. I was Induced to try Joy's Vccctablo Barsaparllla. I recognized in it an herb the Mexicans nucd to give us In tho early EO's for bowel troubles. (I came to Cal. iu 1839,) and I knew It would help me and it has. For tho first time In years I can sleep well and my system is regular. Tho old Mexican herbs in this remedy aro a certain cure in constipation and bowol troubles." Ask for s Vegetable Sarsaparilla For sale by Dan'l J. Fry, 225 Com mercial street.. NEW MINING MACHINERY 1. J. Foster, who resides about thrro miles west ot Balcm in Folk county, lies Invented a inuchino lor mining gold, which Is especially adapted to saving fine Kold, nnd works any placer material, from line black sand to gravel, In Tact anything that can bo shoveled. Tho machine is mado of iron and steel and weight only 75 pounds complete. It Is run by the for a of a IK inch pipe of water with a head of four Teef. It will work from H to 10 tons of black sand, or' from 15 to 20 tons ofgravel In a day, and save every thing In the shape of cola that will amalgamate. The machine lias been tested and Is guaranteed to do tho work claimed. Machines will be fm nlsbed In running order beforo any pay Is demanded, l'nco complete 8150. Call on or address P. J. FOTElt, 8-1-lw atom, Orejon, Chas, Wolz, GERMAN MARKET, 128 State St. Freo delivery. All kinds of meat and sausage, Low prices. Old patrons are re- quesieu 10 close uccoums ana renew uuM' ness. A Broken Reed, Indeed. ' This , and no luUlakn, Is tho Individual whosastuinlHa has waned to men ulonebb for wantofau clllclcut ' mic.lli it lit) would cei Uilnly topplo over nnd frueturo some thing If a bulky supjectsu u us fat wile, for lnstanco weio to Icili upon him. iluild up, elcuu pliulossauu stiongthless Mtli lfostcttor's stomneh Mtters which v.'ll. cnnbloyuu tot.auuil dlirfst liexrtily, nu'l thus ncuulie flesh unJ Mgor, The frt rs olllfo will speedily uitpltulfUo U t ho strl in Foytli9-wloldor, death, 11 ou don't. Ner vousness, blcopltmnojs, bllioubness, con stipatlon, malaria, rheumatic aud kidney .rouble tiro nil conqucrablo by this superb rtttoritlve of health nud Mgor. In con nection with the use of tho bitters, It would bo w tli for tho debilitated Invalid to study the wiiU'H of hU enfeebled stomach with a vli w tu tLo selection ot the most dlgestablo artlilcoi diet. " Shcrill's Sale. XTOTlCUii hereby given that by virtue J of hu execution duly Issued out of the county court of tho stato ot Oregon for tho county ot Marlon, and to me directed, on the Veili day or August, 18VJ, upon a Judgment duly rendered, entered of record nnd doc' etod In and by said county court nn Um roth day of August, lss3,ln a certain suit then In said court i ila court nend nir wherein 1 RniK. Hlrscli were platnlin aud 11. F Vauchn was defendant in favor of nlaln- tilt and against defendant, by whloli exe cution I am commanded that out of the )Krsonal property of said defendant or It sutllclent cannot be found then out of the real propermu saiucouuiyueioninKtobotd defendant on or niter the (1th day of Auc- gust, 1&8. to satiny the sum of Tivomy lour ana nwuu aoiiars, toeetber with interest thereon at the rate of U per cent, per annum from the Uth day ot An- fust, ihsj, ouu mo lurihvr tmu or 51.Va. Sjetlier with iutcrtMt therwu from the bin uav or aususi, i i. tu me rate ot 8perccnt.perauuumaud the further sum of $16.45, together with coslt of and upon said execution,! have levied uimnaud will on SMnrdjy, th I it day cf Octobjr, A, D., 1892, at the hour otl o'clock p. m. of raid day at the went door or the couuty court home lu Balem, Marlon county. Oregon, sell to the lushest bidder for ciuh in hand on the day of sale, all the right, title. Interest and estate which said defendant, U. K. Vaughn, had ou or aner the ClU day of August lwy, lu and to the following described real property, to-wit: Ileclntilnx at the north weit corner of the southeast quarter of seetlou 4, T, V, b. k, 3 w.; thence east 6U rods; thence kouth It rods; thenoo west ttijj rod; thence north H tods to the place o. beglnnlHC, contalnlue &)j acres more or !ir and ttUo all or the danallnn land claim of ilenjaiuln Vaughn aud Elizabeth oentlho followtug described premise, to te wn: Declunlugatthe southwest corner ot me souiumwi quarter or section . T, v a,, m. a wet or the Wllhuaette ilerldla: thetiee north SO rbalas; thence west 3.1s chains to the northeast floraer of Isaac Onok1 donation Uud claim; theaee along f-aiwn Boanuary m hki uogkt uouallon land elalmt)faAlu; thnuceeast l.Weeutlus tothu plaee ot befilHaluf, coutalutBX Mi uerea, tuore or let. Dated at teatew, this Aiurutlllrt. ISW. JOWS KNldllT, fherltrof WirlonOottHiy.Oreifmi. My r. T. WKtatmtax, uijuiy, u 'W J 11 Si h Joy PACIFIC LAND AND ORC FOR TOWN $2.00 l'crd-7eu lortliellncM InlnlicU 1 IfOXOl.KAi U-ltiir.tUl. Oh NT Kr. BKOB., IMJ 0m i.uo.h) MitI TTS0LTIIV11'K, (Mi'trui'tor awl Rulltlcr. Balem, - - Oregon. RADABAUGU k T. J: Hi:K.SS. HOUtiK PAINTING, PAl'EIt HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, or, wllimiuCln.ittel.cU tin-u SfflJES BROS,, California Bakery. TH t BEST, 101 Cotui titrHJt. H0EYE & MILLS. PORCELAIN BATHS AND HltAVINQ PAHLOK, Only Poicetaiu Hath'i'uba la the city. 209 Corn. M., Salun, (jr. BICYCLES. Tuii oi'l b' tng I- fety Bl cyciee. 'Pue lowest prlnd wheel ntliL riwrKet. Tlie best In tho A-orUI f..r tne price. O U lliowu Aeciil.VH oiutilr r clal tot ' ODDS "AND-ENDS7 Dollars bring dollars. TJneratified wishes maintain hope. Wagner's father was clerk in a police conit. Wine clariflcrs in Franco uso more than 80,000,000 eggs a year. Young people predisposed to myopia should not study by artificial light. Peter tho Great superintended tho management of the first Russian news paper. Would yon bo just? Please do not pnnish a child for a fault learned from yourself. There is something wrong with a man's religion if it never makes him want to sing. The most importunate lover is tho one who accuses you of having led him ou when it is all over. While boring a well in Stockton, Cal., a man found a monkoy's tooth at tho depth of 1,124 feet. Tho umonnt paid in salaries to teachers and school superintendents in tho United States overy year is $80,000,000. Hard wood iu Wisconsin is being rapidly cut up to bo made into charcoal for tho iron furnaces iu that state. Tho Dismal .'Jwamp in Vitginia, ono of tho largest swampy tracts hi America, contains about 1,500 squato miles. Thiers, tho historinT) of the French Revolution and ufter.Vutd president of France, was tho son of a lcckmendor. Crude oil is excellent to wipe wood work and furniture with, according to v painter. Wipe off with a clean cloth. In tho Boulevard St. Germain in Palis you can drop a small sou into a Blot in a circul.tr column publicly situated, press a button and catch eight quarts of net water in n pail. Curious Tricks of Memory. Ono of tho queerest freaks of the mem ory is tho trick often enough noted for that matter which some people's mem ories htivo of seeming to recall only tho things that tho lniutl never tnudu any effort to remoniLcr, and letting go irrev ocably all tho things that tho mind did consciously attempt to storo up. Pos sibly the Listener has once beforo told tho story of a friend of hi3, whoso occu pation is more or loss literary, who can remember but ono siuglo piece of poetry, and that wasnpieco of doggerel that his scat mate iu school once learned! All the divino verso that ho himself has oft en labored to commit $3 gono forcvor; but this piece of doggerel which tho other boy labored to learn, but probably totally forgot iu a mouth or a year, sticks fast in his mind. Everybody's memory has a tendency to hold last to mischief ana nonsento and let serious and important things go. However, this very characteristic of tho memory is a thing that can ho made ueo of if we know how to do it. If wo aio bright enough at tho right timo to tako in these useful thing3 somewhat after the easy and enjoyahlo fashion that wo tako the agreoablo noncenso, tho chances are that they will stick by us. Boston Transcript. Hurled Allvo After All. In Ireland tho custom need to prevail of burying tho dead as soon after their certified deceato as possible It is very probablo that many wero thus buried alivo. It is related that a certain Dr. Walker, of Dublin, entertained such strong viows upon this question that ho never wearied of discoursing upon it, and oven wrote a pamphlet embodying his ; jows, which was widely circulated. While converbing ono day with his frieud Mis. Bellamy, a celebrated actress, tho lady informod him that eIio her'clf would tako caro that ho Bhould npt bo committed to tho cold emhraco of mother earth until indisputablo evi dence was forthcoming or his death, provided his decoaso preceded hers. Sorao time afterward tho doctor con tracted a fever, of which it was sup posed ho died. In bpito of tho onnoslHnn he had raised to the prevailing custom, uu u uuncii mo way loiiowing, Mrs Bellamy was at tho timo in Ireland, and hearing of his death and burial, b1:o hastened to Dublin, nnd at onco had his body exhumed. Hor consideruto oitices, howover, camo too late. Ou opeuiu tho coffin it was found that the doctor had evidently revived Einco his inter ment, for he was found lying upon his bide. Yaukeo Blade. Coal In Indian Territory. "ily home is in tho Choctaw nation," said Dr. E. N. Allen, who dwells at Mc Allister, a thriving town noted for its extensive coal mines, to a reporter at Willard's, "And I want to tell yon." hecontiuued, "that when it comes to mineral wealth, though yet in an unde veloped state, there aro fow sections of this country equal to onrs. Next to Pennsylvania we havo the finest coal in the United States, producing coko of the very us quality, watch finds a ready market even in Philadelphia. A tho. and men are employed in tho coal mines at McAllictcr, and Kansas and Texas are lilwral bnycrs. Lead and iron ore abouud, and silver veins oi eaormons rtohaes aro oaly awaiting develorw LOTS FRUIT TRACTS A, H. F0RSTNER & CO. Midline Shrp, Guns, Sporting Goods, Etc., SOS Commercial Htreet. J. J. Scientific Horseshoeing. OPPOSITE FOUNDRY On Stato Street. THE Salem IfttcTeman is ii, roisLs;. Best Line iu the City. Court Street. Liver, Feed and Boarding Stable, 41 BLato Btrett. J. E. JttUBMlY. lile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOllTJI BALEM. Baths for Ladies, HAIB DHESSINO PAKI.OKS, 124 Court Street. THE FRUIT PALAOE Muskat, Tokay and Concord prunes, fresh, huge nud ItifiioiiH. M. T. Rl.NKMAN, 12 State Bt. Fall stock of boots and i.hrtH ar riving dally. Call aud s a them. At Krause Bros. T&& The Chief itrneon for tno great IU teas of Hood's SarsnparilU is found In thl irtlcle Itself. It li merit that wins, and thl tact that Hood's Sarhaparllla actually a corapllshes what is claimed for it, is what has given to this mcdlclno a popularity and tale greater U..in that of any other sariapa- Men-ii Wine rllla or bl00d pnrt e r 1 1 VV I U 5 ner before the pnbllft bood's Sirs.iparllla cures Scrofula, Ball Rheum and all numors, Dyspepsia, SIoll Headache, Illliousness, overcomes Thai Tired I'eelltiE, creates an ppetlte, strengt ins the Net v-i, bulkh up the Whole Bystj Hood' Sartm pur illii is sold by all drag -1.K ;-vfor45. l're;.are.!byO. I. Ho r,i '. .iiu.iri". l.im.'ll.Mnns. Administrator's Notice. KOTICK is hereby ylven to all whom it may concern, that the undersigned, . J. Grim, has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor tho County of Marion, administrator of theC3tateot J. W, Grim, defeated. And ui I persons having claims against said es- te, ore hertby notified to present tho i.me duly verified, to the undersigned ni h h residence near Auiora, In Marlon Couuty, Oregon, within six months lrom the date of this notice. And all per. -ms Indebted to said estate, are hereby required to m ko Immediate -settlement thereof, to tho undersigned. Dated this September 0th, 110'.'. 11. J. GRIM, Administrator of iho Estate of .1. W, Grim, deceased, ll)-8-5w Citation. In tho County Court of thoBtatoof Or gon for tho County of ilurlon. In tho matter of the blstate) , , ot J-C'tatlon. Kilns W, lleezloy.deceascdj To George W. Keezley; Heir at-law of said d-cendent, John I. Heezley and all other persoiiM lmcrested In said Estate. Jn theNameof the State ofOrtgon.you mo utrtuj cueu uuu rcquirra 10 appear in tho County Court ot tba Statu ot Oregon, for tho County of ilnrlon, at the Court room thereof, at the City of nlem, lu the Conntv of Marion, on the 17th dayofOc lobcr, lM)2.nt 10 o'clock, forenoon, of that day, then and there to showcase, If any you have, why an order should not be gruntedtr, F It.Bmitb, the Administrator ot rild estate, tn sell t ho following der erlbed real estate belonging u bald deceased, as follows, I . wit: Lot No. forty elRht (48) ol hiinny-Sldo Fruit Farm No. 11 In Marion cruuty.Klate of Oregon. And that a ropy ot this citation be pub lUhed In tho Uai'itai. Wekki.y Jouknai, ut least lour succibslve weeks, saldCAPi taljouiinal being a newftuiicr printed aiid published nt theClly of Salem, county cf Marlon, btate of Oiegon. Dated this 5th day of September, 1892. W. O. HUHHAHD, Mf Judge of said court. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICF.is hereby given to all whom ft may concern ihat the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Henry Gels, deceased, has this day filed his tlnul iiccount of bald hstnte In the (Xiunty Court t the fctnte of Oregon lor Marlon couniy. and thai Saturday, Octoter 8tb, Itftl, at ,1 mwiioisaiauay in the Court room ol S'jld Court has been flxed as the time and jimsiui udinus ite same ana "ieo Ions houlii. i O. HUAW. Administrator of tho Estate of Henry lids:., deceased, 1 mti d at talem, Or., September 8, 1892. R lii IM JE K'.TOi" rIatlne Comniny has k, , ' luc "i" urn a, iiasu block, up Hairs. lack dw If You Want a fikb:-ci v t Spring Wagon h. phole, 61 Blato 6tret, Salem, PlM unuu bU, AND FARMS. J. I BENNETT b SON. CfANDIEs, Fruit nnd Cigars, P. O. Blook. R. T. UUSU'UREYS, Clears nndTohacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, 243 Oom'l Street. T. W. TH0RNBURG, The Upholsterei nemortelH, re-covers nnd rfrvtir. ut lio'st. red (multure. W7 cIhk, woih. Clieimketa mtl.!' Slnte Ir.stironco block. Mt' JOHN III WIN, Carpenter and Builder, 1 Shop 05 Btata street. Stove Fittings n Specialty ' EDUCATIONAL, Go to the Best, Tho placo lor yimng ladles and grails, men to uesure u thorough education Is ih old, but ever new. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Long and still the lending Institution of the North West. Hf-tter than ovirl New course of Instruction In Oiatory Theology and I'ost-Gradualed. ' bTUDlEy. Noimii .HiifdneKS, Academy College, nnd Law couitea guntly eulurtl nud improved. Faculties linrened nnd Impiovrd. For Cntnluguqiii Collt(,oof Law wilteDeanB T. lllchardon. litrj ,a'pm. Or For Cutnliigiia ut t ollego of Jlcdlcul and Pharmacy write Donn ltlchmond Kelly.M. I).. I'orlhind. Or. ' For general Ciituloeue write Hev. Geo. Whl' .ker.D. D.,l'ic.ldoiit,Kalem, Or. 7-iWim-dw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opcDed to students Sept. rt, lfw, Olleis the most piaUluil court-is of Mud; ol any bchool in the fciato, viz: Mfchaniral Kcglneerlug, CUI1 EDli.tcring, I'lecirlcal Knglucerlng, Arudtmlc i nil (jii.nm.nr school courses Blmlunlh pintllte dully In wood shop, iuacliUo khop, and luLort lorles. Tuition nnd lionrrt per Year, Jino, Speclnl Inducements to u few young men who wish to work lor their board and till, lion duiluir vacations. Korprospectusaui further lnforiuntion. nddirss EDWIN iMOIUtlBON.M.S, l'rebdtnt, Bulem, dr. Conservatory of Music, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. The course most complete and the high est glade of nny music school In the Northwest. Best and newest methods of teaching. Kulargcd facilities and new plan lor Inst uctlon of beginners for the coming school jeur Diplomas granted on completion ol courte. JN'oxt term begins September 5, 11.9.'. Z. JM. PAltVIK, Send for catuh.gne. Jluslo Director, T-r.'-dZm-wlm lVIiss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. IHIRD YEAE Opens Monday, Scptemuer lth, at Kin dergarten Hall, opposlto opera house, Chlldien leeelved at three years of age andoer. A connecting class will be i tnblkhed lor advanced Kludergnrteu pr plls and those bfglnning primary vork. Only the btst moduli Kindergarten meth ods employed, i'lung's t-i-Um ol dtuwlBg and color work introduced. (Miss Annie Thornton, Graduate ot theDiesden Conservatory ol Jluslo lUcrmany) will open her noins, 6 and 7, hank building, uepttnibtr 1st. Instructions In vocal uuu li.btrr.incnUil music, also in Uermun nnd French. 8-6-U Select School. MIMB KNOX will begin her (elect 6hool tbeflist Monday In f ptcn cr, at tho Little Central school building. ITID1TII 11. HAHIUS, Teacher of Vokfl U yiuao and Organ. Way besftnnttbe Conservatory or at lier home, tlO bmunier street. u-t 2v.' 25c Want Column, , Notices inserted for ONU CKNT l'EH WOHU I3AUH 1NHLKXION. No adver tisement Inserted In this column for lest than twenty-llvo cents, 17011 SALE. A boiio to be moed, mutt H be Eold at once, lllg bargain. Imiuiitf ot Howard, tho house mover. U t-Jl LOST. A Slilence I ook No. iilsC, contain lug tho numo ot A. II, acul, i'ln der please leave at Altken & l'almer's gio eery, and be row arded. tT-Jt TUANTKT' Seaniktr'ss to do repairing VV. aud nelp on new worn. tHMf 'W Wl F. T. Apply to Uaiit, Tailor. "ni7ANTh,D. 1o lent a KOiid farm ot V V about 150 ncres, by a thorough farni er. Good refei eutts gl en. uillu this of- ilUUi b-u-nn WAN IED A girl to do geccnil hout work. CairatEWJ Liberty bt, b-tC-3t Waxcli. suuaiion toarive iem. tike care ol borees or do general work. Wagei.no object. Add ess M. T." aat tuio UiUUU ''THECENTtEMWraFBENa. OurrEEFECTIOS BVTltSaK tn wlUi evT t100 IicUu. DoMnotSTAlK. PBEVEST8 BTEICTUEE. CunC0N0RHI!(KAa4OLICTla0lta Ful-mi.I-A QOTCK CCEE lor LEUCOllKUOJA ol WM1TES. SuUtrtltnttlTOaiSTS. 8ottomrAJlr.tortl0i 1ALVK3 ?Itcrn u Ct. LASCAST"B. 1 1'ia TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 189! designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." PU?,8xl0lnche. fontalnsnewrtrsbrna, newrtfvleic,l.iteit ifn in ptannin. No. has Vi designs rl!nlflrd rrora W tip W 1E0J, Hooat half urder I080 Ho. 5 eon taluaC9i'tulrcs of dwelilnifs nostlug over glJUXnuvyfrornSKiO un to tseca Many new HcutM-rn or resort style of hoote la t line hi. i Us. ITcftf each, or (lie two for 110. D. S, HOPKINS Architect, Grand RipW( Mich. H " I- ' f-, . J-r.