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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1892)
'&, - VI K 'JHCKETSi- This week we would call your attention to our beautiful lino of CHILDREN'S, MISSES' AND LADIES' JACKETS BRIDOE8AND STREETS. Some Now Bridges A Big Fill Needed Repairs. Plain and Fur trimmed in iho newest cloths and the latest patterns, such as the .RUSSIAN BLOUSES, WATTEAU BACKS, etc, nicely finished and half silk lined. Call and examine them, P - -JL HOLVERSON, 3Q1 Commercial Street. ii i mmjon jMmjjj i, ,,.i-. riff.' fMDirnil TkTTDilTIf I AT TITf PAID 1T-i"r-i"T-.r. .. illii 111 11 ill J tlUlJIL lVAIj. " "" i'lv wwwo- $ tue water pipe FRIDAY SEPT. 0, 1892 GUM k I'ATi'ffiSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. CHARLES BEAK, Dealer in Hay, Straw, Grain, Oil Meal, Stock tialt, Flour and Barley Chop, and Mill Feed or all kinds, lerms strictly cash. 822 Commer cial street, Salem, Oregon. OFO. D. OOOWIUE. K. CAHILL. BUILDING MATERIAL. JJji'l?., cement, plaster, liair, fire and building brick, lire clay, sand, gravel, blacksmith and house coal wood, all kluds, wholesale uud re tail. Olllce 05 State street. UOODHUE & CAIIILL. GROUNDS. Preparations Going Ahead for Next Week's Exhibition. Down at tho slate fair grounds it U getting to be lively. Preparations for the meeting next week uro be ing made fast. Lots of cattle, borses, and other stock are coming in and being entered on the secre tary's books. The race track is be ing worked overy morning and n few trotters are exercised in the forenoon. The Portlaud races this week keep a gieat many speeders an ay but Sunday the racing stables will till up fast. Superintendent W. II. Savage is busy in the big pavlllloii and ha' nearly every inch of room assigned to the exhibitors. As you enter tho main door the first thing you will 8eo will bo the art department on system on the ing the water ground". Chauucy Lochwood has his Pacific .Postal telegiaph comer in the secre tary's olllce. He has his messenger sysiem mere, too. Tho railroad gate ofllco is being painted. I lieu-is u circular swing for the little folks already on tho grounds ueur tho big pavilion. The main olllce is nil nicely pa peted and is neat as a pin. Secretary J. T, Gregg is in tho of fice every day now. Ho is the busi est man in Oregon and will be for the next ten duys. Geo. V. Watt, of Salem, Is his assistant. 1'ror. Arnold will havo the Will amette university display In the big pavilion. Wm. Plunder, of Portlaud, tho Uregou Blood Purifier man. will be each side, then comes the class of on hand, with his botanical display Unfoktunate "Billy." The Win. "Parker" who was placed iu the insane asylum on Wednesday night by tho Portlaud deputy sher iff, is Wm. Barker. Everyone in Salem, that is. old residents, will re member genial "Billy," no was dep uty sherlll for several years under ouerurs Scott and Matheny, when they were in that office, and Billy also served as city marshal here for several years. He has been bed fast for soveral weeks past, and this, together with a bruise ho received some timeago, unbalanced his mind He has naon, "Bed," running on the Southern Pacific freight train. Busy all the Time. Thos. Kay, of tho Salem woolen mills, w nt to Portland this morning. Ho ha- lately returned from Sau Francisco where ho had been for a mouth at tending lo business, connected with his manufactory. Tho f6tory it, ruuuing uight aud day and has a force of fifty-five hands. They are about two mouths behind with 'their orders. Getting Ready. Pror.Mon Icon, or the Friends' Polytechnic Insti tute, repoils that they will be ready to open next Tuesday, as advertised, and that their attendance will bo as large as could well be expected. Ho is very much encouraged with the prospects, and expects a heilthy growth for the school from the stait, - Lawn Social. -This Friday eve uing, Sept. 0, the young ladles of the Episcopal church will glvo a social on the la wn of Mrs. T. MoF.Pal ton corner Court and Collage street, commencing at 8 p. m. Every one invited. TONIGHT I TONIGHT!! Tho copy furnished tho Jouknal yesterday regarding the "rainbow social" at Unity church rpad"tiiis evening" It should have been Fri day evening. The programme for tonlghl is us fallews: Muic, orchestra. Select reading.Rev. H. H.Brown. Music, J. H. Ross. Original poem by Dr. Philbrook, i reau by Mrs. l'hilbrook. Rainbow drill by sixteen young ladles. The Rainbow. Solo, Miss Edith Farrar. A fine orchestra will be In attend ance. The admittance, including supper, will be 25 cents. Supper from 0 until 8 p. m. lancy work, then the agricultural college.exhlbit; then F. H.Dearborn, near tho west door; then Geo. Will. sewing manhines and musical In struments; Geo. F. Smith with a grand display of fancy goods; then rnc grain exhibit and vegetables;!, w I!iqii tlinnl,.inn..l.tuu . .. I '-' " "ivuiircDiawcAHiun ui vegeianies iu the southwest comer; the Salem Canulug Co., at tho right of the door Into the ilower garden; on the southeast corner will be the display ot the Pacific Land and Orchard Co ; theu the White corner, of Sa lem, with an elegant display of store goods; the dairy and farm maebjn etyofG. G. Wicson, of Portlaud. comes next he will separate crenm and show up other dairy work; next C. A. Whale with mus ical Instruments; Keller & Marsh will be next with a picture and mouldiug display; theu the showing of the Grant's Pass Sugar Pinp Co., with a lot of novel ties, worth seeing. Down the center In the corner next to the foun tain will bo the Niagara Jewekry Co., of the cast; then conies the soap display of Jas. Kuerton, of Salem, w hich will be grand in every partic ular; then Gray Bros, with a hand some showing of hardware; then Dr. Woodcock, Grant's Pass, with patent medicine; then N. H. Bur ley, with the Standard sewing ma chines; then the Salem woolen mills with a large and handsome display; the Salem Flour mills; R. M. Wade &Co., with a line of steel ranges; Mrs. D. L. Fiester will have a milli nery display; Kraust-e Bros, with boots and shoes; Smith & Steiuer with drugs and toilet articles; Wm. Brown & Co., boots and shots; and E. do Jong, with optical goods; rustic furnlturo will be shown by V. J. Trosicr, of Wood burn; O. S. Ol sen, of Oreuon City, will have a patent dishwasher, Mrs. Frank Cooper, a corset display. The jelly, uucuiujjiuu jjHus. win nave a photo display in the main pavilion. THE ASSISTANTS. The raflroad gate will be looked after by Jos. Purdnm nml w n atearns ns ticket venders; north gate, TainiaiiKe, T. ('. Davidsen: race traok, L. R. Grten. Lincoln, W. B. Oallier has resigned his ap pointment here and ills place is to bo filled; R. A. Donaldson is the snpeiinleudent of stalls, and T. J. Beck with, the hay tender; the rail road gate keepers are J. H. Scott. Mt. Angel, and Jre. Talbert, Clacka mas; north gate, T. M Miller, and a vacancy to fill Manly Moore having dc'ined to act; horseman's gate Butler DdLashmutt.l Bellevue, and a vacancy to fill caused by Geo. Hastings declining; tho race track gnte appointments were J. Hoyer of iiowen, and W. S. Barker of Port land, but as the latter is now in (lie asylum his place is vacant. W. J. Slmeral, the county inspector is the chief marshal, aud Hon. J. Q. Wil son is tho superintendent of fh grounds. Contractors Mason fc Smith began work today on tho big fill at the south end of tho new Commercial street bridge. A dozen men and several teams are nt work aud the force will be increased In order to finish the job next week. Complaint comes lo tho Jouunal about a large hole in the west end of tho big Willamette bridge. This should be looked after by the county courts at once, as mere will be un usually heavy travel over It next week. Contractor J. E. McCoy, who has the job of putting iu two new bridges on Winter street, has begun iue worK or removing tbo old ones. Pile driving will begin tomorrow, And the city will begin filling the approaches Monday. Thus the work is well under way, and in due time wo will have two good bridges. Street Commissioner Culver has two men at work tightening up the bolts on all the truss bridges about the city aud otherwise putting the bridges under his charge in to the best possible condition. He is v.oriuug on tue plan that an ounce of prevenration is better than a broken bridge. He will also set out Monday enforciug the city side walk ordinance, aud all poor walks that are not repaired on ten days' notice will be put into order by the city at tho expense of the property owners. Much complaint is made about the poor condition of a culvert bridge on the north end of High street. Several other small bridges are also reported in bad shape in and about the city. The authorities cannot bo too ac tive in keeping up the condition of streets and .bridges, for this has uiuiu uiuu wuu giving our city a good name abroad than almost any other consideration. The intersection of State and Lib ertystieets will be filled and graded up tomorrow, in order to make It paasable for fair week. The other street improvements ordered at the last session of the council will prob ably not be begun until after that time, howeyer the contract Is being drawn up, aud will probably be signed this week. ELEOTRIO SPARKS. The Electric Railroads' Prepara tions for Fair Week New Generator. FOR FOUR EVENINGS. The Commissioned' Coukt. To day tho commissioners of Linn and Marlou counties afe holding a ioiut orciimi ui me court uouse to exam ine the bids received for the con struction of the North Santiam bridge at Mill city. There are uluei aud the work of oxamiuing each is not a small job. The bridge is to bo sixteen feet in tho clear, covered and painted, and to be located at one of two sites, one of which is im mediately below and the other above tbo railroad brldirent nM place. Separate bids were received for each of said locations, and for the location above said railroad bridge the bid was for a wagon bridgo exclusive of the approach on the north side of the river. Sepa- late uius The Farmers' Institute Next Week at the Fair Grounds. The Capital City railway company has a full crew of men out under Foreman Louis McCoy trulug and surfacing up the fair ground track ready for the heavy traffic that will bo carried next week. This Is also necessary to have the track In first class order for the wet season. Tlie new open Brill car started on this lino yesterday has proved a fine success. It Is the nrldo of the men whooperato It and the joy of all who ride. A new 80 horso power generator was received by this company last week totakothe place of the 40 horse one first put lo by the cumuinv. Last night while tho crow sent up Dy tuo western Electric compnuy to put it In place was at work on It, n mishap befel them that might havo been serious. Tho six ton machine took a tumble that made it necessary for the boys to work all night, but it will bo Iu place in duo time. This will glvo tho company 100 horse power to operate with. The Electric light and power com pany are making arrangements to supply extra arc lights with power from the saw will. being put In there, to bo run by tho big engine of that concern. THE MOTOU COMPANY. An understanding has been reached between tho Motor lailwav uumpnuy uuu me jjjiectno power company, whereby tho latter will furnish power for tho now electric road as ' originally contemplated. This makes the operation of two electric roads next week a certainty. Tho Motor company will have three ears In operation, aud also soveral trail cars, all of winch will be run from State street to the fair grounds, and over their short route will bo ablo lo haudlo not a few pas sengers. A trial trip of tho cars will be made not later than timorrow, and they expect to bo running on sclied ulo time not later than Sunday or Monday. The mammoth hollers, smoke stack, furnace platings and some of tho other heavy machinery havo ar rived tor the Salem Light aud Power company. They will be unloaded aud put into place by Howard & Son, tho house movers next week. CLOTHIN Largest Assortment Ever Brought ta Salem. Best GtDOJDvS AND LoWT-r -Prrc WOOLEN MILL STOR 2 Commercial Street, Sale, rcfii. Mrs. Cbamberliu, returned with them. Tho burning out of a clutch at the water works caused a delay of about two hours yesterday afternoon, dur ing which time tho pumns could not bo operated. Miss Alice McFaddcn returned today from a visit to her brother In Lane county. Insane. Lorenzo Boleln was brought over from Corvallis this ofteruoon and committed to tin. asylum. Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. Ed. M. Crol- A generator isi8au returned today from aslx weeks' visit at Beiituap springs. Mrs. J. S. Graham was a passen ger for Gervals this afternoon. Manager Anson, of the Electric power company, went to Portland this afternoon. Tom Hubbard, of tho Russell Co., """" up uum I'oriianu last even ing. Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain and family have gone to Tacoma 4o rc malu a few days. Albany Herald. Contractor Wakefield, who ha charge of thedomo work at the state house was In the city today. Two more cars of material have arrived; a dozen men nro omployed on the work, and It is now expected that the entire Job will bo completed bv .wo v. i-un. XXfcJSL BHB Sasah. and. Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. TllQ llfiHr. nlnaa nf wvi.1,- ! .. i: a ... . "" y nvmiuumuiiB ax, Tjrices to cor with the lowest. Only the best material used. Ed. C; Cros Choice Meats. Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu Frdsli, Salt And Smoked Meats of all Kinds, , . T i "I 1 . , jjiugoK aisplay in the city at my market. Best i viuus ana prompt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Sfrt THE 00NV10TS TRACED. Donahue and Evans in Seattle Their Arrest Expected. Tho Journal i8 in receipt of a programme of tho four days' farm era' institute to bo held duriug next week at the state fair grounds. It will occur on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings, in a large tent erected expressly for the occasion. The state agricultural col lege faculty are the promoters of the event, and every meeting will be a most interesting one. The pro gramme is as follews: LOCAL AM) PERSONAL. A NARROW ESCAPE. A Freight Train Oomos Near moliahing a Hay Wagoc De TUESDAY- EVEN- were rpnpivori fnr ui,i cake, bread, and pickle display will bridge exclusive of the lumber the be Inp.'lfpd hv Mnnrlnv i- -.- r .. ... ' uuuiuy lurmsning an lumber on the be located by Monday Amos Wilkins, of Lane county, will be here with a grain exhibit for thai section; Clackamas county will have a fruit and grain exhibit. Mrs. Taylor,Mrs.Brldgesaud Mrs. Haas have alieady engaged room iu the Ilower department AUCTION. Saturday, Sept. 10th, at 1 p. m siiarp, at 112 Court street, Opera house block. Sale of dry goods men's aud ladles' underwear hos iery cloaks ladies', misses' and jnenB1 shoes A flue lot of all wool yarn in all colors. Please bear in mind that we have $12,000 of good goods that are being sold at great bargains to close out. Come and see them. E. Wilus, Agent. In machinery hall Gray Bros., of Falem; tho Corvullls Carriage Co.; D. M. Osborne & Co., of Portland; Knapp. JJurrell s Co., with a wind mill; E. S. Arney of Sacramento, with a windmill, unnc and sulkv plows; and a whole Jot of other, will please the ees of the malu sight-seers. THE CXEIUCS. Secretary Gregg has made his ap pointments of the clerks during the fair as follews: J. A. Sellwood and T. G. Roberts will be the permanent gentlemen clerks. The ladies se lected are Misses Maria F. D'Aroy, Linnie Lewis, Mary Parmenter, Lillian Applegate, Margaret J. Cos per. Annie M. Wagner, Marie Mes- sick, Jennie Booth. These will "hold olllce" until 3 p. m. Monday when the entries are supposed to clobe. Misses D'Aroy, Lewis, and Cosper will be at their desks tomor rowthe others will be expected to lie ou hand Monday morning. NOTES. C. N. Churchill is at work repalr- grouua and the contractor furnish ing all other material. Each bidder is required to deposit with his bid 5 per cent of the amount of such bid to abide the result of tho awarding orsaiu contract as is reouiied bv I law. The following are somo of Ihe bidders and their figures, as opened up to noon teday: J. B Tiilotson, Albany, Howe truss, company to furnish lumuer,$l,665; F. J. Miller Smith truw, county to furnish the lumber, $1,312; O. F. Royal Howo truss, he to furnish lumber, J.2,300; lumber excluded, $1050; Stone & St. John Howo iru-s, lumber to be fur nished, $2100; Pacific Bridge Co. combination, $3,000: Cliue & Bleak ney Howe truss, couuty furnish lumber, $3,800. i Bir.r, Free. Business men who wish to do any special ad vertising duriug fair week, should have their bills, dodgers or circulars printed by R. E. Monres & Co. This firm are licensed bill posters. and make no extra chnrje for this privilege to their patrons. eve- Melons, water, nutmegjcosabas, prunes, peaehes, pears, and simply everything delicious ut John G. Wright's pioneer store. Don't fall to visit Jackson's. GREATBARGAI N S On account of dull times, we have reduced prices on nil kinds of FINE DRESS GOODS, LADIES' JACKETS, HuSIERY, UNDERWEAR, QUILTS, BLANKETS, MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, MEN'S, LADIES' AXD CHILDREN'S SHOES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, FINE OATS, UMBRELLAS, TRDNKS AND VALISE CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY, . - Opera House Block. AGRICULTURAL INO. Draiuage, Pres. John M. Bloss, Discussion. Clover in Oregon. Hon. J. Voor hees. Discussion. Hou. A. R. Shipley. The Silo and its Adaptability to Oregon, Prof. H. T. French. Discussion. WEDNESDAY DAIRYINO EVENING. A comparison between grain-growing and dairying, Col, T. R. Cornelius. Discussion. Co-operation in dairyiutr, Hon. J. B. Looney. Discussion. How can we promote dairying in this state, Hon. J. Voorbees. Discussion. Our homes and the gentle butter cow C. H. Schmidt. THURSDAY WOOL GROWERS' NINO. Meeting of the Northern Pacific Sheep and Breeders' aud Wool Grow ers' association. Annual address of the president. Hon. John Mlnm and dlRscus3iou of questions pertain ing to sheep husbandry. FRIDAY HORTICULTURAL EVE- NINO. Prune culture, A. H. Carson, of Grant's Pass. Discussion. Ueuovuting old orchards Prun lug small fruits, Prof. Goo. Coote. Discussion. The San Jose scale Tho codling moth .at the experiment station, Prof. F. L. Washburn. Discussion. These meetings will begin at 7:30 o'clock eacli evening. The commit tee of arruncement Is: President John M. Bloss, H. T. French, F. L. Wusbbiirn, of Corvallis; C. H. Schmidt, A, H. Carson, Col. T, R Cornelius; W. B. Wright, of Union, Or.; W. B. Coltou, Ashlanj J, D. Whitman, Medford; J. Voo.'ksn, Woodburn; John Minto. Salem: Norrls Looney, JeiIeron; J. B. Looney, D. C, Stewart, Forest Grove; Geo. W. Weeks, Gervais. Surveys ofall kinds, accurately and quickly made. D, W. Town send, 116 State 8U 8-20 I m Getyour children's shoes at the Palace and get a tablet free. In shoes Krausso Bros., fear competition. Geo. F. Smith sells more mould ing and makes more frames than any other firm in the valley. Furnished Cottsge for rent cheap to people who will take oare of Ihe lawn aud flowers. C. B. Brown, '2.V& UoaiuiweUl street. 9-2-tf. Great Urm HBderwMr, Jaifcaon's Wheal is now G2 cents nt Albany. John Veatch was in Turner last night. He returned this morning.- Judge Lord, of Salem, was In tho city today Mr. Wolf, a Salem bicyclist, was doing Albany today on an Imperial. Albany Demoorat. 8th. Prof. S. A. Starr went lo Portland this a. m. Ho is now tho Held agent for the Portland office. Hon. T.J. Black, of Halsey, who has been in this city, weut to Port land this morniug. Ho was at one time rtpresentatlvo in tho Oregon legislature from Linn county. Mrs. E. C. Cross aud chlldjen are home from their soveral week's out ing at the seasido near Nestucca. They arrived yesterday. J. L. RilTCS. lato of Polk nnnnlv is moving into the old Bayless pro perty on the corner of Marion and Summer streets. His brother, S. T. this week moved iuto his residouco on Center and Summer streets. Littlo Robbie Hendricks, son of II. B., had the misfortune to havo a bone of his left fore-arm broken last Friday by his horse falling on him. tus mower brought him lo town aud had tho brokou limb set, nud the boy Is now getting along nicely. Fossil Journal, Tho parents for merly resided in Salem. For bilious fevers and malaria disoruoM, use Ayor's Ague Cure, lis success is guaranteed If taken according to directions. Mrs. P. M. Morris, of Portland, who has been In Salem a irupst nf her brother, A. D. Palmer, for sov eral weeks, wont to Albany this morning to vlhit her sister, Mrs. R. G. Griggs. down ut the T.F. nnd Harvey Walker, who live three miles from Salem on the 8 lverton road, had an experience at 10:25 o'clock this morning tint will stay in their memory eternally. They were going up Center street with a new wagon coupled out about sixteen feot having upou R a heavy hay rack. This vehicle had a double team of mules hitched to -I I and Harvey was driving while T. i. was riding on tho rear end of the rack. They were moving along nt a fair trotting gait, and when within ten reel of tho railroad track on 12th street, which crosses Center, they suaueniy observed an approaching freight tralnfro'm tho south. Tho mules could not bo stopped, uuuuer couiu tuo traln(whlch was running without tho bell being rung on the engine), and, quicker than thought, tho driver made a leap for tho back ofonoof the wheel"horses" but missed it and went astrldo the tongue. Ho had presence of mind enougu to yell nt the mules which scared them and they started on a run getting across the track in front of tho train when the locomotive Was but five foot away. T. F. Walker fell from his position on tho rear end of the rack and was almost grazed by tho ears. Tho animals ran nearly to 14fu St, but Harvey, In his perilous position, managed to steer them into tbo walk and fence of the England pro perty uctween 13th nnd 14th streets. Several spokes In tho left hind wheel were broken; the rack will need repairing; nnd the Walker Bros, are congratulating themselves on their being ullve. Tho train was going at the rato of nrtceu or more miles an hour,and, tho hoys say, no bell was ringing or anything to warn them of tho ap proaching danger. Gilford Still of the guards at tho penitentiary, is taking his vacation at Seattle, and yesterday telegraphed to Supt. Downing as follows concerning two.of the escaD- eu ceuvects: "I saw an ox-convict here, who says Donahuo and Evans nro here. Await orders. WIro instructions." Mr. Downing , sent word that he should secure the'lr arrest, when the answer camo that Donahuo could be nau lor j-30. half in advance. This looked rather suspicious, and Mr. Downing tolegraphed that he would py$30, besides the reward of $60 oflered, but not in advance. Hn also sent word to A. Juoksou. tie cueii oi ponce, ordering him to ar rest either of tho men regurdlesa of cost. JNothlngMor has been heard, but if tho Informatlan is genuine, tho men will no doubt be secured without much delay. Mr. Downing is anxiously awaiting furthur" de-yelopmcnst. TnE FRUIT FALA0B Receives tomorrow morning cases of tho Choicest, Southern i M. T. RlNKMAN, 132Statof People need not quit eating but lorwantof a good article. Clark'i pjnuor- iiuvu mo Desc tuat can made, and make prompt dellye Ed Jackson, tho hatter. on... i. t . xuouueai, pears, apples, prttB and all fruits at Hnrritt & Mol -"-" a j A fine stook of new Jewelrv. L. Klmbor 811 Commercial Street 1 Immenso lino ovorshlrts.Jacks Burned Over. Fire started on the Eder farm near the Rural ceme tery yesterday and before it was ex tinguished had burned over a con siderable portion of tho northwest corner of tho burying ground. No damage was done lo the monu ments und tombstones. Saved a Womon's Life. Mr. J. E. Thoiouchizood. wrlHn from Georgetown, Delaware, mv "Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain? oiio, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Ren ay aayed tho life of Mrs. "Ja Thomas, of this place." He'i states that several other very cases of bowel complaint there b beon cured by this remedv. For i by Baskett & Van Slype Druggists, Removed. Bnrley & Wingate, Standard, Domestic and Davis sew ing machines to 817 Com'l St. First National bank hlook, Wholesale & retail depot. Supplies and oils. Bar. gains in all grades of machines. Bargains in Horses. Thirty heud of first-class horses at private sale. Real bargains. Salem Motor Railway Co, Women. For cost. Ten DAYs.-SIdeboards at Keller & Marsh. Lamps f Prices way Lamps Bluo Front. Frank Johnson U in Salem. He camo over from tho sound this morn ing. Peter Fox started on a trip to Aumsvllle, r3tayton, and other iuuuuu uouniy iowoh, mm a. m, He goes on business connected with tho commercial ugpnoy, Ayor's Sarsaparllla will cure your catarrh and remove that elckcnimr odor ol tho breath. You turn the blue box, and Lock wood does the rest. Uompltie mes lenger service. w. Xi. (Jhnmberlui and family, who havo been at Now Whatcom, wasn., ror some time, returned to-J day. MisaiElma Weller, a sister of Melons Melons. I will have a car load of melons and casabas Monday for fair week, call to seo me Gideon Stolz, 54 State streot. Christy Knives. Buy your wife a set of thoso now Christy broad and cako knives. Will cut hot oreau as well as any. They nro tho greatest household invention evnr made. Jlarritt & Molntlre, sole agents. More Specials stovo Cooper, John Vauderpool, nnd Tilaion Howard aro the Bpeclal policemen to go on nt 0 o'clock tonight and act until after Iho fair. Probablv t.wn more win no appointed for tho rcsl deuco part of tho city. i. Notarial. R. J. Eckerson, Port land; 8. It. Jauney, Oregon City; and I. Hill Case, of Portland; aro the notarlul appointments this afternoon. TOMII. In Salem, at 2:20 p. m Bept. Otk, 1692, Mrs. Marguret Dalrymplc. no DBPRI0E'$ fieafHBakin tJi Im Million of Horns 40 Ytrg tfcc SUadaxi A lino stock of fruits and vegetables-tho best tho market affords and delivered on tlmo Clark & Eppley, .Lrtinoii uaskots to suit everybody at aoo. F. Smith's, Cottlo block. Popular prices at Jackson's. Table ("Something new ask to boo Lamps them at tho Blue Front. Herat- fA beautiful and unique Porcelain -j pattern Just received at i.uio.uiuo iront. Trunks, valises etc., at Jaoksou's For artlstlo novelties see Keller & Marsh's corner window Caps given away during fair at Ed Jackson's 00 State street. Bed lounges, In silk tapestry, moquettcs uud silk plushes, lust in at Keller & Marsh's, 811k hats renovated, Jackson's, The choicest natlvo oysters at Uellenbrand'f, For a choice meal In a cool dining room always go to Hellenbrand's F.T.Hart, the merchant tailor, has as fine a line of eoods as ware ever brought to the raoiflo coast, uud the workmanship with which lie puts up suits is sure to please, For plats, maps, blue prints, etc. He D. W.Towund,115Btate8t, 8-30 im Fall stock of boots aud shoes ar riving dally. Call aud see thwa, AtKrautse Bros, Mlllluery goods, the Attest Una brought to the city at Chas Calvert's. This common afflictions of women are lety he(icl-aclicj,tn(UiKrtlon and nervous troiibUsi They arho largely from atomaeh iHhamU, As Joy'i Vciotable BanaparlHa It tlia on bowel recuUtlnir rrenoratlon. .m run a why It la mnro ollbctlre than any oUiorPaw. ' pnrilla ta thono troubles. Klmlally rollc Iu hundred. Tho action fa mild, direct, aw5 tim'cuvo. wo nao scores of (utters fr0 ; eraicnu women. f Woro'ertoafowi nervous debility, Mrs, J. Ilunt,:i. 1 a u, gt. s ' n Qcnernl doblllty, Mrs. Beldcn, MO Maon St, 1 ii'JV'J'".' M,M n- ""ituin. m . 8t0T!,r0Hbic', Mrs- r' t WhcalonT r5 Sick lieadaohcs, Mrs. M. P. I'rtce. laVnmfttiJ l 1HCO, D. 1 . ' j I'owler.BCTEUIasK fctuort, 1321 MIttteaJ Constipation, Mrs. C. Melvln, l.f) Kearny' St," ' Vegetable" Sarsaparllla Most iiiodom, inoslcmctfvc, largest !ttl. Bamo price. l 00 or 0 for tf.00. For salo by Danl J. Fry, 223 Cow. merclal street. Sick headaches, Mrs. M Imllecttlon, Mrs. a D, bit, H. K Joy JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groccrlm. Palate fMl ,i iin i jr T,rv Ttr"r Rim uiuuow uiasg, nail per and Ilordor, ArUsfa'Ma leriHis, Lime, Hair. Nails and WKW ADVKKTIMIMKNTS. Notico of Final Soitlement. VTOTIOKU hereby given to all whom I t-J . ." '"W U1BI IH8 UaiHU AaralnULnitnr tit tlia Uniiu .. Uelss, del, has this day flld tola 1 uccouut ofaald li statu In the Oounly O and thut Haltirdav. (lAtahar Uh ia&! 1H (clock of mid day In the cWtromat said t'mirt baa bea Axed im lbs UjmmbI plaeo lor bearing the same nnd ihliintlaaia thereto. r. O Hslw aelMVdled.' "' "" -""J!r Ki-Jjw ", or., sejxmbr , l B J. H. HAAS, the watchm: ZlSXConmsrclalSt,, . lm (e aoor to KWn.) HueeUllv nt Cloak. WMeta """'- -- tttefaMttMJftwiby, "i tft REMOVED, j TIM X. M. Wait Hri nit ui I BJSfei? . """C i". White's No. 60, Beautiful nwklles, 3W Jaeksea's. g.T1BMia KinHW ' Holiday Koods ami l.,auv ,.J AIW KJOT TRUCK, , every isay hi tip Jtiue jfrotit. KXJtt '". tfesMa .w.wmmti