2l , 1 "fs, iV- -- r M i r miTM -'! SZEE3S S'WIE'eS VHkM&iT&KJ&P&z TSSpfSWrJ? vR MK THE use of paleontology. A BnMiPh of Science About Which Cora twmtlrely I,fHle I Known. "What is the ue of paleontology' The question has bepn asked In congress by representatives, who freely erprec sed the opinion that thh branch of scionce was of no valuo whatever. Regarding H from this point of view, they proposed to give no money to it in tho appropria tion for the geological survey. In order to get a Word or two on tho other side of the question, a writer askod Major J. "W. Powell to explain what paleontology was good for. "To heght with," raid ho, "nil tho sed imentary rocks of tho world aro charac terized by certain fossils of animals and plants which they contain. Tho rocks are classified by their fossilB, which in dicate tho age of the formation in each case and tho age at which it was laid down. Thns the study of the rocks is tho study of tho fossils in them, und we call that study 'paleontology.' By its aid we learn the history of this earth on which we live tho details of its build ing and tho story of tho development of lifo upon it. ''Paleontology is tho basis of geolog ical science It has olevated mining from mero guesswork to tho status of exact knowledge All tho work of the mining engineers of tho world depends upon it. Tho most valuable minerals are sought for and discovered by tho study of tho rock formations, which can only bo traced by their fossils. All tho coal in tho United States is mined by such means. Many beds of iron aro i like manner related to tho sedimentary rocks. All tho lead of Iowa and Mis souri and tho silvor of Colorado aro ob tained from rocks whoso bearing veins and lodes are traced by tho fossils thoy contain. Thus you will perceivo that in great measure tho riches of tho earth aro derived from and civilization do ponds upon paleontology. "Paleontology is recognized as tho basis of all tho geological surveys of Europe aud Asia. Next after paleontol ogy in point of importanco ponies tho study of tho chemistry of rocks, aud after chemistry 'Hthology' that is, II study of tho crystals of rocks is to y considered. Incidentally nn interesting and valuablo contribution to scionce ij afforded by studying tho animals and plants whoso remains aro found pre servsdjn tho rocks. Thoy toll tho story of tho lifo history of the world. How over, that is only a matter of secondary importanco. Lot mo add that every state geological survoy thus far made, as well as overy goological survey ux eoutod by tho United States, I1113 been basod on paleontology." "A secondary end of paleontology i tho elucidation of tho past history of lifo upon tho earth," said Professor W. J. McQeo. "Tho applications and uses of tho knowledge thus acquired aro many aud variod, and yot thoy portuin chiefly to pure scionco, which is now, as it over has been, tho foundation for tho futuro It is the knowledge of today that enablon men not only to predict but to control the ovonts of tomorrow. Tho simplo ox periuionts and speculations of a Watt pioduced tho steam locomotiyoof a lator generation; tho electrical toys of a Morse and a Ilonry yielded the telegraph, tho telophono and the oloctrio motor. "Thus far tho cultivation of paleon tology as a puro scionco has not yielded its fullest fruit oxcopt in its application ns tho basis for tho classification of tho rocks of tho earth, but thore aro not wunting conservative students who hold that tho study of tho courso of lifo in tho past will indlcato tho safest direction for futuro guidance, with respect not only to doiueatio animals and plants yielding food supplies, but oven for man himtielf," Washington Star, Wltnt tho Ago Dumumlfl. Thcro bus been u good deal said about tho art of growing old gracefully, but th?ro has perhaps not boon enough said about tho nrt of not growing old at all, It is all very well to coma to a dlgnlllod and giacious untlquity, so that 0110 moves in a sort of larcficd atmospheto and is handled tenderly ns n precious relic; but unhappily tho ago is not of a temper which enconruges this sort of ugo, aud it is impossible to take tho place of n rellu unless curator is to bo found to take cara of it. Tho tendering of revorouco to ago is so muoh out of fashion that to do tho graceful old ago net in these days is much llko trying to pluy llaralot supported by a company which insists upon giving "Ilumpty Dumpty" instead, Tho loading rolo sim ply becomes ridiculous uud tuero is an end of tho whole thing. Thoro is n real youthfulnoss and a spurious one, and tho ago boing'satirical withal, it is well nigh impossible to palm off tho ono of theso for tho other. Tho chlldron of today are vory keen to detect tho ditterouco between tho real and the spurious, and it is of no use to offer them anything but tho geiuiiuo article. Tho rising generation is pitiless and it docs not take the smallest pains to cover its contempt for this evasion of the doom of advancing ao. It demands tho genuine thing and it scoffs openly at anything else. Boston Courior, 'Soma DliooTerlei and Invention. Tho first patent for sewing machines was granted to Weiscuthal, in England, in 1755. Tho steam cngino was knojvn ISW B. C. The first perfect t-ngino was truile by Watt, 1704. Calico printing was first executed by tho Dutch in 1070: first mado in Eng land in 1771. Tho bagpipe, tho favorito Scotch und Italian " instrument, was invented in Oroeco 2C0 B. C. Window glass was tired in miyin churches in the Eleventh century, in English houses in 1557. Gas was first made from coal by Clay ton, KUI), and was first used for illu mination in 1702. Paper from rags was made in A. D. 1000, the first linen paper in liMO, und from straw in 1800. Chain shot were tho invention of De Witt, tho great Dutch admiral. They wore first used in 1CC0. Watches were first mado in Nurem burg in 1477, and wcro called "Nurem burg animated eggs." Air brakes wcro invented by George Westinghouso in 18C9, and subsequently often improved. Tho daguerreotype was invented by Daguerre, and tho first miniatures were produced in 1838. Playing cards were invented for the amusement of tho crazy king, Charles VI, of France, in 1880. Church bells wero mado by Paulinus, nn Italian bishop, to drivo away demons, about 400 A. D. St. Louis Olobo-Demo-crat. Playgrounds of Ilovrer TSIrris. In Lumholtz's "Among Cannibals" a playground of tho bower bird is de scribed. Ho says: On tho top of tho mountain I heard in tho dense scrubs tho loud anil unceas ing voice of a bird. I orefully ap proached it, sat on tho ground aud Bhot it. It was one of tho bower birds, with n gray and very modest plnmngo and of tho size of a thrush. As I picked up tho bird my attention was drawn to a fresh covering of grcon leaves on tho black soil. This was tho bird's place of amuse ment, which beneath the deneo scrubs formed a squaro about n yard o.ich way, tho ground having been cleared of leaves and rubbish. On this neatly cleared spot tho bird had laid largo, fresh leaveir, ono by tho sido of tho other, with considerable reg ularity, and closo by ho sat singing, ap parently extremely happy over his work. As soon as the leaves decay thoy aro replaced by now ones. On this ex cursion I saw thrco such places of amusement all near each other and all had fresh leaves from tho samo kind of trees, while n largo heap of dry, with ered leaves was lying closo by. It soems that tho bird scrapes away the mold overy timo it changes.tho leaves, so as to have a dark background, against which tho green leaves mako a bettor appear anco. Can any ono doubt that this bird Lhas tho sonso of beauty? A Olercr Hummer Girl. Girls ns n rule lmvo an aversion for mathematics, but occasionally ono li found who is ablo to distinguish hcnolf in this diffloult study. Old Orchard beach hits just such a girl this year aud sho applied her knowledge in 11 most practical und interesting maimer. With the knowledgo of how much a young man weighs ns a foundation, this bright iuIm can tell r ' 1 lance how long his arm is, how v -vesuro it can apply to the squur . how slowly ho can walk on a luvuiy moonlight evening, buw strong a hammock will safely hold tlrtir combined weights, the length of 1 U tp In dancing, tho iover of his stroke iu swimming uud many other vul ul ftwt. Bungor Commercial. Does Aro Mucli Lll.e Human Hollies. Bees do not appear to practice mili tary marauding on a grand scale, like ants, but many of thorn shamelessly llvo upon potty larcenies committed individ ually ou foreign hives. Thoy may be seen slyly trying to choat tho vigilanco of tho sentinels, nnd slip into thoir neigh bors' citios that thoy may stoal and gorgo themselves with tho provisions there. Sometlmos thoy oveu commit highway robbery, lying in wait in small binds noar a strange hivo for tho return of laden bees and plundering thorn on the road. Tho sontiuels of tho hivo, on thtir sido, keep off foreign booH, denying them entranco into the city, and if exasperated by attempts at robbery chuso tho prowl ers and try to kill them. Iu this bees imitato a great many human Bociotiesi, whero 1 obbory has seemed tho greatest of crimes, oxpiublo only by death. "Property; lto Origin aud Dovolopment." A'rKittnrliinlKin und Mont Kutlnp. A curious examination of tho heart of tho vegetarian and tho in at cater shows that tho number of I eats to the fonnor aro fifty-eight to tho minute, and of tho latter seventy-two. In twonty-four hours this moans a differ ence of 20,000 bents. From this it is concluded that in tho summor timo the vegotnrlau ban tho advautago, for ho 01m keep cooler nnd in better health under the reducod number of heait boatj. But in a cold cllmato, or iu our own winters, tho hoatgonorated by such slow heart boats would hardly bo sufil clout to make life strong and resisting enough. Tho truo verdict that ono must reach is that tho vegetarian is butter off in tho summer and tho meat eater stronger in tho winter. Yankee Blade. A Nest of Wild Outs. It was while iu tho river valley that 1 saw on n friend's houo wall what was to mo tho most attractive of all species of oriolo architecture a nost woven from wild oats. Depomlont from stream ers it would lmvo beon lendlly mistaken for an artlutio little fancy basket, tho work of human ingenuity, no perfect was its construction. Yet thoro had been no attempt at alteration since it was borne from tho limb of the tree whero found swinging, except that now it was suspended by ribbons, while tho bird used none. San Diego Cor. Chris tian Union. An Alarm Attachment. In Liberia there U neither clock nor timepiece of ally sort, the reckoning of tlmu being guided entirely by tho sun's movement pnd position. The sim in Liberia rises at 0 a. in. and sots at 0 p. 111. almost to the miunto nil tho year around, and ut noon it is vertically over, head. Boston Ilcnild, l)uccr l'noil. Among the people of Java cookeliufors are 11 favorltq food, lliesu niumraiilu economists, tho Chinese, eat tho chrysn lids of rilkworme after tho bilk has been wound oil them, frying them In butter or lard, adding tint yoke of nn egg or two, uud seasoning with pepper, salt and vluegar. Tuble, : CLEAN! Ii you would be clean and hayo your clothes dono up in the neaUatand ditwieet manner, take thtmi to the iALKN ftTNAM LAUNDRY where all work fa done by white labor and in the most txvmj ww OOLONJCL J. OLMSTED. Tho Next Utliish Cabinet. Although tho British government is of the same form ns that of tho United States, being in fact the original of which tho latter and all recent repub lican constitutions wero framed, yet two features of it are very puzzling to Americans the established church anil the so called cabinot. The snme day's iligpatches which told ns recently that Mr. Gladstone might "find it impossible to govern with his slender majority" gave ns the names of the supposed mem liers of his cabinet Mr. Gladstone is himself, of course, to bo premier and first lord of tho treasury; Lord Herschcll, lord high chancellor; Earl Rosobcrry, foreign secretary; Sir William Vernon Harconrt, chancellor of the exchequer; John Morley, chief secre tary for Ireland: Lord Itlpon, secretary of stato for India, etc. All this seems rather premature in view of tho fact that Mr. Gladstone's supposed majority is mado up of such discordant elements that ono or more sections of it may re fuse to sustain him, and so the Tory cabinet may remain in powor. Tho usual rule is, when a "government" is iiea ten, either by an adverse voto in tho bouse of commons or a general election, it resigns at once. If not, a voto of "want of confidence" is passed nnd the queen calls on tho leader of the tri umphant party to "form a new govern ment." Tho truth is that tho cabinet, which is "tho government" for tho timo being, is not the creature of positivo law, but of slow growth and custom. Down to the latter years of William III it was the regular thing for tho head of ono de partment to be a Whig, of another -a Tory and of a third a "trimmer" and so on. Littlo by little, however, tho custom grew up of having a privy coun cil, composed only of thoso in close sym pathy with each other and with tho sov ereign. Then the rule was established that all heads of departments should bo in sympathy with tho primo minister, and bo tho cabinet camo into being. Novortheless statesmen of great influ ence sometimes sit in the cabinot with out holding office, nnd heads of impor tant departments nro frequently not members of the cabinet, so tho number of mombers varies greatly. When Victoria became queen June 20, 1837 Lord Melbourne was premier. His "government" abolished tho free constitution of Jamaica, was bcaton thereon by the Tories and Sir Robert Peel was called but could not "form a government." Melbourne hold on till tho "opium war" was overr and then Peel took tho helm. Ho carried a series of mo3t praiseworthy measures in bo half of laborers in tho factories aud mines, suddenly changed tho policy of tho Tory party from protection to f reo tiudo and carried it through, but was boaton on a coercion bill for Ireland, and tho Whigs came in again with Lord John Russell at tho holm, Tho Irish famino and famine clear ances, "Chartism" and tho commercial panio of 1817 weakened him, and in 1853 ho was defeated on tho militia ques tion and tho "Aberdeen coalition minis try" was formed. Lord Palmerstonnext had his innings, and then camo Glad stone and tho long rivalry betweon him and Disraeli. Tho practice of changing the chief officials and governmental policy every timo tho popular majority changes would seem very radical in America, but it works woll in England.- Tho avorago length of tho school year in all tho publio schools throughout the (Jnitod States is 105.5 days. Iu tho city schools it reaches 101.0 days. Tho na tional publio school colobration of Co lumbus Day, Oct. 31, will givo tho 13, 000,000 pupils iu publio schools an addi tional holiday this year, and possibly tho average longth of tho school year muy bo ono day loss noxt year. Bat whatovor bo tho loss resulting from tho cessation of routine school duties for n slnglo day, it will bo amply compensated for. Tho day will bo put to tho highest educational use, and tho prominence which will bo given to our publio schools will bo a permanent benefit to that in stitution, Tho obsorvanco of bo memor able au event will awaken nt( interest in history nnd stir tho American people tb protect, strengthen nnd perfect our pub lio school system, upon which so muoh of futuro prosperity depends. .it is a matter of wonder to tho slower thinkers of this country why woman, in this progreRslvo age, should try to excel in man's sphere, whou there nro so many things in her own which a man could never do and which she might glory in. Mrs. Potter Palmer is a flu do siecle ox ample of what a woman can do and do well nnd stlll'bo thoroughly feminine In n Paris dress. She possesses execu tive ability combined with tnct, nnd re sults prove that sho hns tho quality of management which makes her the peer of man without encroaching on his sphoro, Will Paderowski shoru of his hair bo like Samson? So far ns women nro concerned it may have been n matter of solf defeuso with him. Our English cousius wero quite ns demonbtrativo in their adoration ns tho American womon, and vt a recent coucert, had it not been for tho kindly offices of his manager, he would lmvo been affectionately mobbed. In London thoro nro very few period icals priutod in foreigu tongues. An English writer says he knows only of two German papers and one SpauUh paper printed in that great city, A Broken Reed, Indeed, Tins, and uoniHtnhr, latlie Individual who kUmln has waned tostieh alovre lib ftir MHHlofim erUoleal tonlc.trmt Uo would certainly tnrle over Hud (mot 11 re wmie thliirlfa bulky aiipjuclsurii n M wire, for IbiUum wm-b tu Imn upon hlui. llulld uji.yelatui pltlileiuittBta ttraigtble villi lloalotter's ttomaou hitler, vrbloli will enable you toetf ami diced benriliy, itul thin acquire tteb and vteor. Tb fort't at Ufa willtpf edlly mpHuWu to the trim eytbe-wleider. dMttb, It you don't. Nr YtHMaM,(lo!MiieM, bllkxunr, am tllpetloti, mlrl, rhumtto aud.lld.uey trouble are all ot.qur rnuUi by tbln iurb mtorative ef hraliltand lror. Iu con neetMM with tbn t if the b Iters, It would be well Ant tb ttelitMuwd luvalld to etudy lhraBUO(bteufetiled ttoroaeii wltk a view, to lae w4t cttoa m the hhmI dlfeeWWe Iwa- Campaigns versus Short Onow There is n growing conviction in the United States that we have too much politics, nnd since the recent campaign In Great Britain many leaders of thought have declared that onr cam paigns should bo greatly shortened. Just think of itl The Salisbury parlia ment was dissolved on June 28. . The elections were ordered for the first three weeks of July, nnd the writs directed the nesemblage of tho now parliament on Aug. 4. In less than six weeks the government of tho United Kingdom is completely changed. The latest expressed will of the voters takes effect in a change of policy in less timo than is employed su this country in selecting tho delegate to n national convention. The cninpni-jn now in progress and already heato'l must grow hotter and hotter with tLe perfect day four months of party war fare. Then, If a now man is elected, eoventeen more weeks must pass before he takes tho helm, nnd ordinarily a con gress does not even convene till thirteen months after it is chosen. The inevita ble result is that elections in this coun try degenerate into mere questions of monoy nnd endurunco. But there is nnothor sido to tho ques tion and a very important one. "Eter nal vigilance is the prico of liberty," nnd it is quite possible that if Americans did not maintain tho habit of discussing political questions frequently there would be evil results. Most assuredly frequent elections make men more tol erant of political diffeiences. Here, for instance, aro two men who voto together in tho spring elections (in village or township) and on opposite sides at state nnd national elections. They cannot afford to quarrol seriously. Tho educational effect is also impor tant. Go through tho rural regions of any "close stato" and you will observe that every scholarly young man is called into action early. Tho people feel that thoy have a sort of right to the services of tho educated. Tho young student, tho young teacher and tho young lawyer are expected as a matter of course to "take the stump." The effect i3 excel lent. So, ta'fo it all iu all, there is no need to hurry in niuhin a change. Some writer has said, apropos of the joys of a picnic and the baud accompa accempa niment: "Who worries over the mort gago on tho hou,o wlule the band is playing 'Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay?'" Of course not; tho ovil of the present ex cludes all other woes. Tho American hog has peacefully en tered Denmark and is now very welcome in nearly all European countries. ; HEST0n,1TiYE BHWI!!S fcCSy OT??r3s 5ILE3 Wjg&k rara iP.i:i!,J 7 xr v-i'. $& IeaMcREI Ot all fornii.Xcinralcla, Ppnaitin, ntt, Rleip leBuet. I9tlUtie, lIZ7lneA. Xllilen. Optluu Habit. llr!mbannt.etc. , are cured by DZt. BIIX.U1' KI-bTOlSATlVH rVEIlTINJJ, dlscoterodbythi) eminent Indiana Specialist la nerrous dueasoi. It docs cot contain oplateaor dangorom drucs., "llnve boon tuklnir I)l r.tii.Jia'KEKioitATsvKNr.nviNijror illepy t rora beptembcr to January jicrons usln2tharrl.io Inadnt leant 75 conTUlfllons, and noir after tnroo months' u:o naro no mors attacks. Jonf II. Cotxis, Itomeo, Wlcli." 'IhnTenoenualnu I)H. IiIII.ES' ItfcflTOIi A.TIVI: hSUVIMEforalxiutJour months. II hns brcuKutinarcref and cure. I hivo taken It lor tpllopsj-. aud t'.ftor vtinK It tor one weak bare had no muck. llurd C. llnutiu, UeuthrCIo, l'n. line book ot front cures and t rial bottles ruEfl at Drufr tits Uterynlioro, or address OR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Bold by I), J. Fry, drngglst.Salem. DOSESfg?Jf mm Act on a nr prloclple rt'gai.rn ma tivcr, eimnarn rou iuwis vtnrs f."l cure biliousness, torpid liver nnd constipa tion, hrjalleet,' niililofit, Bcrontl JiOdoaoe.aocta. K.'.iruiltM luti At nriuutstd. liaM.,!iumt.l'U rels ttuvugh the Su. Hues' 1'iluj 8old by D. J. Try, -'nigglst, Salem HIE PNVEI Cf a Oas and Sasolim ENGINES Hnrj ftwe r parts, and are tiiurafnra Inax lflrolv In m, nut OfOTddr tban unv nthrr ti4 np irni.nltMi, knrint tinw ti lu Just lbt Ujo burner, turn tit wlieel, and U JTUuaUday. STAKES JfO 8MKI.I. OU DIRT. No doable or fulio expiations, so (request with UM unsellable spark, or Simplicity It HeaU the World. It Oils ltaolf Automatically, No llutterlesor Klectrla dpark. Jl runs wltU aCbcaper Orado of OasollnaUua any oiuer llujjlno. ron DnraiFTiTH cibculatui Arrxr to PALMER & REY, MANUFACTURER, Son Frwteo. CiL tad Parted, Or A.XTX3J3W3 m.c , m m ra ISTrcTDaTruTf. i:.J "'"a WraQVEHENTS. WtTN EiFCTRO- MAGNETIC SVSPEKS6Ry. WUItu TbSMt U.llMX R tmlttrj tNst riu.tlM t tnls, tttt rMCM,tiMu r ls.ll.ti.iLa. si ititsl iiUhUii, 4nla. Imikmnii 4iMUu, ,W. IM.SM4, IUW. it.UDUll.K, II JSJ, Ult lii kl.llW BblU.U, IK W(i. .k.(, Xl.tiM, IMWSl lllk.Ml. Mf.TIU .iMitltUH SMUIs. Wtirtl ltnttmtn tnt su sia.ra, 4 (ItM wnil W ta lutaarir Mhtt, .4nr it tt(,H Sl.uwo, i4 WI sir su f Ut .Vt m(mhii Ts.u4.kssVHstuikrUUar " lus ttiH u .ttar ius:ui (tilt), v (! tulrtij tt ImUb.iUU la xUt ul w sU.r iui. o.r.wib limotcu kxMsic trirtssont, iv, NstwisMsiwsi.trtMkis,tkKSHITHsi.l.Hti RuMsyiiMwun4UiItTsUirTiaUsuDus mJkMxmr stxoBCrvjRJco oon K " tJn. ht r iim ii, iii lWsaB ' i " y - . " ssssssWlJlSl &K!Si s.s..rvM axjhvs-rVKVs.V XWWiVV ssy The Man in the Moon would be happier If he could have a supply of Cool Fragrant and Soothing CARTER'S Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco For over twenty -five years the standard smoking tobacco of the world. To-day More Popular than Ever. To have a good smoke anytime and every time it is only necessary to get Bull Durham. It is all good and always good. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. DURHAM, N. C. Salem Abstract and Loan Co, The only Abstract books of Mnrlon county. Keal estate orders nlled promptly anrt safely. W. H. H. WATERS, MANAGER. Sick Headvlioand relievo all tho troubles incl dent to a bl.loiiM "tato of th system, nn'h a' J)lz7lnes, Nni.sen. L)nmslne8, Distress aftti eating, l'alu lu in, Si !p, Ac While tlielrmosi remarkable sui- l.ab been shown in curing Icadnc i, yet ( r a'b Xattls Livbr Pilu 're eq-ia'Iv v' .V in Coi-tipation, curing md pi pveiitiiij; thii aum ylng complaint, while "icy also rorrtc! -.11 disorders, of tho stomach .tlmulato tho Hmr and rc Jala the bowels iven If they only cured HEAP Vctoe thoy would be almost priceless to those 'io suiTer frn this distrcsiliic cemplaint: ' ut fortunately their j;oodne!S does not end 'icrp, and those who once try them will find iee littlo pills valuable In si many ways that ey will not be willing to do without them 3ut after all sick head ACHE i tho bano of so many llvei that here Is where i make our great boast. Our pills cure it irhilw others do not. CAnrna'a Litti k f.t veii Tills are very small ind very cssy to take. Ono or two pills make l dribO. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action Aeaso nil who use thein. In vials at 33 cents; ilvo for 51, Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CA2TSB BSHCIME CO., He Text kail rill. U M UFric& Church Directory. fJUMJIEULAND l'l'B-f.l rKIUAN. SUlem, Oregou, Uov J. E. llliir, I'aeUir. Hui.day school every Sunduy, lu n. in. I'rcitchliif jvery .Jundav, 11 u. m uud 7:30 p. ni Church house on Hltfh street, between Mnrlon nnd Union. Kcrybody welcome, MethodistKpibcopal. Services ouSab bath at IOjM nnd 7:30. 8i-nd iy ccbnol at 12;Epwortli Leugues utb:i5; Prayer meet ing overy Thursday evealng. Ilev. C. L Kellerman, pnstor. Evangelical. Corner of Liberty and Center street. Hunduy sen'ices 10:10 a.m. und 7:30 p. in,, Suuduy KCtio ! Ii." m., V P.a C. E, C:30 p. ni.; Prayer meeting 'iliurhduy, 7.30 p. m. J, Bowersox, patter, residence 127 Liberty street. l'r.ESDYTUiiiAN. Church street, between Cheineketu and Center. Preaching morn ing nnd evening; Sabbath tsUicolat 12 in.; V. P. S. C. E. at 6-80 p. m.; prayer meetlbg Thursday ut 7:'i0p. m. IU v . K. II, Gwynne, D, D pastor. The Cliuitcu op God. Holds rtllgeous services In the Good Tern pin's hall Tues day, Thursday and FrliUj evenings, tsuu days at Iti.M a in. and 7:J0. Bunday school at 3 p, m. Elder N. N. Mi.thows, pasior. Ht. Joseph's Catholic Ciiuucit.-Che-mettetii and Cottuge. Hjnday services: Low mass 7:30 a. m.; high mn.su 10:30; Sunday school 3 p. in.; vespers 7:30; week days, low mass 7 a. in. ltev. J. 8. nlte, pustor, CoaitKaATioNAL. Corner Center and Liberty Services Sunday at 10:J0 u. m, and 7 p. in.; Sunday school ii in., Y. P. 8. C, E at il : JO p. m.; prayer meeting 7:30 p.iu.Thurs day. ltev. C. L. Corwlu, pastor. Sr. Paul Episcopal Cpurgh Corner Church and Oiiemtketa. Bcivlces 10:30 a ni. and 7 p.m.; Kunday school UM5 a. in,; service Thursday 7.30 p m. Ilev. W.Lund, rector. FlliST Baptist. Liberty nnd Marlon. Services 10;) a. in. and 7:00 p. iu.;Huuduj school U in.; young poopls's meeting at 6 p. m.; prayer meeting 7.30 l'hui sday. ltev. Kobert Whltaker, pastor. Kkek JIethodist. Btv. B. K. Emallej pastor. Services Sunday niomlug and evening, Sunday school at 10 a m.; praj ei meeting Friday night. Church vpposite North Salem school. Fiuknds. At Highland park on carllne. Services lCMlu.m. and 7.t0 p. r.i.; tunua school 13 ni.; Christian Endwnor 0 p. m.: prayer meeting Thursdaj 7:50 p. iu. liev. F. M. George, pastor. Gekjian BAPTiST.-Servlces In German Baptist church north of Cottage stieet Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a,Sii. Evening service ut 7.30. Huv. John Fechter, pastor. CiiuisTiAM. High and Center. Bunday school 12 m,; preaching 10:30 u. m.j young people's society 6.30 p. m.j preaching 7:30 P. in. ltev, W. It. Williams, pastor. Gkiiman Hefoiimeu. Capital nnd Marl on.; Sunday ervlcUl a,' m.;Buuday school 10 a. ui.; prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Uiv. J, Muelluaupt, pastor, CIIHKTIAN SciESCB.-8trvlcea In Unl larlan hall at lw0 a.m jtna 7:30 p. m.; Sab bath sohool U m Bible study 'ihursday evening, UniTAKiAN CituKCH.- bervlces at 10:30 a, m,.l5l'a.T;3!Jp'o,u' "uuday fehuol ut lam. All Invited. BcaUfreo. Hev.ll.ll.Brown. mlutster. South Balkm-M. K. church. Preach Ing every Sunday at 10:30 a. m, and 7:JU p, in. J, II. Itoork, pastor. t kkman LUTHKHN.-Kbrth Cottage Bt, Hervlcesou 1st aud M Hunday of each month at 2 p. m. Kav. Q. E. 41 eyer.pastur. AlKlCAN Ubiuodist, North 8altm. Services alll a. m.aad7uX) p. m. buuday school at 1 p. . Kev. O, W. White, pastor, Tempranee goipel meeetlngs at 4 o'clek. buuday at W, C, T, U, hall. M.T, RINEMAN BKA1XX rw Staple tad Fificy TSff Otwmr. Lamps, Woe4n ad Wtltew ware. AllVlud. o?Ui?Sd. iw niywwmiiCTwim In iBflf MaUOD Wood Saw. Everybody cits I hntlos Stnllh'K steam wood snw, "lhe Hustler." Oidtraut 27d Front street. k Locating lues. Dr. H. Smith Is now sole ngent In Ore gon for the ale of Mi.it hnllV Electro Wiik netlcrods 'or locatlpg Ints of G( Id or Slhcr. This Instrument has becon.o the most cfltcunt force in U.Uctlng the prw euLo of Gold and Sliver debits whether in the foim of hidden colnoi quartz took. The maker claims that a carclnl liivesil gatlon Is sure to Had onnto tho exact lo cality of tbH treasure. Fur further Infor mation please address DR, H, SMITH, 7-26-tl Fnlem, ( regon. Burton STATE STKEET BRICK YARD. Large stock of common Brick always ou hand. Prised and ornamental brick made io order. Lave orrtPrs at O. Stolz, fll State street, Goodhue A Cahlll, V5 Slate stieet, or at tb yard.oppesitehtate PrlKon. For Sale, Cheap, A number of trios ot lbi sprlngR PlymJ oulh Huck, Black Langrban, White Leg born, nnd Partridge Cochins, all thorough bred ptock. Buy early, save rxprcBS charges and Ret the pick ot theseasnu. W to 83 per tiioboxLdfor shimnent. Address II. HOPElt, Salem, Or. ELLIS & WHITLEY, jLIVERYNtBN. tJoutU ot Willamette Hotel, ilALttrj ... OREGON NOTICE. I wish to fay to my ct.Finincis !n tho lumber trade thai I hae reigned my po sition iu the Iunian.PouUeu &. I o. lumber yard here, but still nsk tin patronage oi the contractors, nnd I will try to maice It to every ones Interest to 1 on me and ret my prices before purcha.lnir elsewhere. l guarantee as good lumber as Is In Oregon and will as ever treat you white. N. N. MATHF.WS. For Sale. 320 Acres asWifsia i . .i C . barn and house, lmlauce timber, will sell all or part, cheap, on reasounble terms, u J4 MARNKl , Salem. Or. P. O. Box 3U). 0-lH-tl-dw d Sjj ij... iiIiS; 'litsLwyiS 't'-t from wi PJri.Tt'Aty m sa commo ?Jjfiv?aS'55' dl-'ovrry o THIS great re medy forthe ui easvi resuit- lti-r from weak- common to the nf n r,-4iTtS' Pbyslcla'n who sluJy of his life. rt'jl'y Invite you all to call ami Investigate. i'iV? e.rScw, V9,rb "acet Mtore, Cottle (arkhunt block, Cnmmuilal bt'Halem, reKch. 8-27-lmdw Kealdouce 882 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGS ASD 1BE MISTER, Decorator, K-tI?omiupr and Po per ITunprr. nlTI,0"e',4 2J A- " n" ,n A Son's Fur nlture8tnreorftoa'&&,.e, Grocers. Jicketj fa rJ--HiSim Kr&52a Li 7 ON SALE I to 1 OMAHA. Kansas City, St. Paul CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, And all Points East, North and South, PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIbT SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS Waw, Portland un PraneUoojevery ''JoM EUROPE oadVsSTu :afemaUoii eall W..PLBURT,Atrt,0al. Pa,. At ta -. rj Co ra ' C3 E W w" Ti o "SOU . tn 21 cr- (B ST1 p fcij 3 p. cr o gtr" IV a? -I c B m cO d- ' o CD da 2 rf o 2 el a S3 ST. R cr ct- ct- a 3 .3 p o l-t p- i o SB o 5 P . a o S- o - P to O O S rf &d g p tOtr P P pp. sr sr o a O S3 ct- a, f f7" CO c ij .. irB iii " SS rH CD 1 o a OgL He M S 6 n, 2 ! .. f" 3 "..-; g " B co g ro p e . dp 3 c- a C o ct- O " CD t cf S3 CO CD l-l-l TO s p w p p p (6 a. p. P CD 2 (3 d-0 O ' or ui reps en -0 oq - m t i. ct- P". P P-C5 CD -. w "1 g. g5 Sou P. m 0 P SI" S.3 P--3. CD . rf cV . P 3. o CD CO to! 4 a U ST. C5 P. P CO O CD a p a ? -. -! i5 nrl O -.. " cl- 03 CO p c p to P P P " -( gS ?5 P CD S Ui o p CP rs ea .T P a CD cr a en sgpg -. P-i CO P-i o CO td ct- CO CO hi pro oo CO CO oa SB pr- Sis .r.a 20 ST CD THE WILLAMETTE-, ltatos, $2.50 5.00 m The best hotel brtwuiil'om,,,.. Francisco. KlraUcluw lu hVi'lS? rn menta. IU tables r ".?'' J u DBni' " Choicest Jnmits " Grownlln the Wlllarueifo Vfc!ey, A. I, WAGNER, pr0p. FOR SALE! utiuioL inAUb FOR SUBURR .. .... ,UII uutNS. Within one-hnll mlln or (,..,... . ' car Hues uud intrLroticilR Million iiy1! otllce.. Only two and oBnn.DAl- nom mo ucntLr or s-aiLin. Hi Li,,.. f! tllul loan ion. Hotl pxtm good wlilt nnd rich. I'rlce low und tirm'S 51 ""'" . "'W.avriLB Mil SALE. Absolutely - Hafe - Iiti,ttntnt. $10,000 FOR $6.(lfl . . ' l"vVil ineuow iwo-siory urlck Ktf,r ,.-. il ... .-. T -- WS D IIIIIIlK. - .,"",.S.:.e" eai.ya. khbSM nnd Conimerclul street L.onimerciui street hurKale i itr SiS tuhentoon. It pats 10 ier cent nlTl1 ntnount, nnd will bo woilh tlOOCOiV? " w.wnnj tnnn nveycuis B-IOII Jlcforo Stiufiug on a Johq A permn umully rifMrcs logaln smmiJ fDriuutlon na to ihe lnobtdinmhiei rJL"i iiiKe.nnu win pin unso tli lcts via ik,3 that lll nlh iu bun the qiiitkiMiM ? service, ltonmi' iirhngi.n n trln tn.u. cago oruny i,im M.joiishcoldpiiS yourself t ith n n uv ud lime table , SVE V lbconslu l cntrnl Line The train. S on thl route 'ievstltjulenudi;reeanffi with Vuiliunti'H JutCbt Druwlng ltoomiSf' ers. cleiiaiit nv Cnnrhrsnuri i u..,ir. ."Ii of latest dCElpu.tulltupiiKslj fortShA vlce.nud iireexqi.lMlo m luiulthinV,,, couM-nlciit m d i I'liiioriui lu inamri'l n.i'Ul and h. (utriutiu etcrydeuffi thi-y bnA e uo tupi t!or In r miort sW l)Mlif4. 'I IIP Illt.lIlL' I lit l.lMlrnl.. Ti d by all the ,wJi cImH TrnfflK ..H ii, ,.1 In r.i ..... .... ,.f .1." it.: l patrons. w Fust trnlnB in the WlFcoodn Dm Lines lcuQAllJjneuH)llMlinl miok'3 nnd 0:J5 p iu ud bt. l'uul atDoia uud7:lor,. m., ninI,.iiB faonible co3 U..i.ll.iinaf "wk Jor tickets, Ji IUUU. UtUUUI Acont, Cblcugo, 111, and Tvijl 1-1D-U THE YAOUINA ROUTE, OREGON I'ACIFIC RAMI Ana uregon ueteior.ment coniMtiil Bteumnhlp lice. 1S3 n,lkf sborttr.hogl less timo thiin by uny otbei loule. Fie I ciubh thiouch lubreut'ci nnd freight lij lrom 1'ortland uud all nolntK in ih.t I lamettenllCT to i.nd Horn tautruds TIME SCHEDULt, (Kxtept buuttayi; LPucAit.iny -.--.... 1-ofnl Leave (iirvalllK UFil iLrrivti )U(jllllui - - - - - . 6.XF Ii ijCBf ir.iiuinn - tlzl! ijeave toivaiun - - .... lftais Arrlvo AlbMiy 1U01M O. & C. trains connect ut Albtuiji Con ullls. The tibovr trulnt, rouuect at YAQ111 with the Orttcoii Develfipment IVi li jfibtCiUjiblilnkWlwrtui Namibia audi KraBdico N. B. 1'u Willamette-Ynlley N. B. ra'stogpn. lrom Tcrllund aid ii luamHto vnller l rountctlou with the trains of I points ci.n nmki t'u l.'.OUJA KOX TI.ntAibaurUoni mid it destined to Snn nncfeco. itc trrauotonirlvoat Yn'iuiua the erol .oiorouaiFoi BHUin;. l'&sseuj.-i'r aud Freight Kates Mum Iovet. Kor lulorniatiou apply to lie HULMAN A Co.. lTeibt nnd Tkl Agents !KW and MClront St., ronland,(i U C. IIOOUK Ac't Geu'l Bit 1'nus. Ar,t.,Oret'onPailnoK R.C&, ConUdi.tt O. H, HASWKLL. Jr. k'J 1 rt; 4 Pass. ; Agi- firtfon Ut rr't niitt Co..sii4 ilontgon trrit: l.enths 1 t'.o 13o7 't and coa Hows Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing thptf on 1 health cannot exist vi'hoat a -healthy Liver. Liver is to' ' els fire sine I stipated, t.'to f-od lies in the si. iacli undi gested, poisoning the blood; frequont hcadacho ensues; 'a i'eoling of Ifissi tudo, despondency and nervousness indicate bow tho wholo system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Eegulator lias been the means of restoring mow peoplo to health and happiness by giving them si healthy Liver than any agency Known on earth. It nets with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED- AsapenerM faml y remedy fo'JH Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc.. I narwj use anythins clc, an.l Uavo Bjy" appointed in tho effjet prodnced. ti Stomach and BfrMt()lw 500 iS JjLvy pib jfewisn Lo5!il XrVoN $,tam li -vo!drS7 wnmm tt ....ni ;iyAsg jpi HEALTH Le Rtchiiua Ooan alsa2i Currs t'bancref, nm ana '?' rs Sores on ths Leps and Bedyi,Sc'L5 jJ3'""u.lr"a."":".'rrr...T"ks5 primary lonns m mw . .,j Syphllls. Price, tS 00 1 pf r B Cures Tertiary, Mercuriioj""- v nunlsm, rains In ne Bones, rIni lld, tack of the Neck. VUtn tracted CoVds, 6t"Tness ot & of Mercury, lcarlo the W3"1! bealtby. Price 5 OO per tfotujj lei lltchmo's Golden HP""? (3 tloto lor me rurau""-J,j IrrlutloaOrTel,nd all Urlo"? UldlsarrangeBjenta. PU 4 " Or Klctutu'a Ooiaea SP"' joetion, forserere '""" 171 Inttimuutory Olett $trlctare. x ou per bw -,. Uo Hitia'a GoUr OI tor ins mom nwuur ."Xfrrf I L Kletuia oldB ,fSll aad Bala trtsHMatj "? faig . axeeM or Tsr-work, li""' lrie M OS per B feat mrwbr.C. O-IX, pi rue Biuittris nMMI B&. k M M.nHfiT sVal VW C a '-.-.. l MUMMM fwwuitB,9Mi, nsrm