II ttf'J,. . VY m mirnnir ir.i ir i J t.rtf A (11?, I'M WTTTirtPP 1,,4ul h"d reciting the muiien of nUiraAWfi J.J.N lLLUlUJ. Abelf Enoch( Noftlli Abmh,n, Sarah. Iaaac, Joseph, Oiueoii and Diirak, ami RXTRAORWNARY CROWDS GATHER TO HEAft THE AfiHBICAN DIVINE. WltHeMM to St- Pant's Comliat nt Epht-BHS mh! the Witnesses to Every I Mn' Osmlmt with Shi The Welcome I VMlin' In Heaven for the Victor. ' LokdoK, Sipt, 4. The great outpour- jtoga to hear Dr. Talraago prench con Unno. Probably the greatest demon .1 Irrntkm during the past month was Hint ht the town hall, Birmingham, whoro be delivered threo addresses the enine urening to Budiences aggregating JJO.OOO gsrwris. At Shefliold, Derby, Leicester, xoter and Bristol also phenouionul nn dienoee fUKteinbled, the most cordinl wel immm btnjj overywhero accorded him, lite sermon selected for publication this jveek "fa entitled "Celestial Syiiipiitliiz erfl," the text being taken from I Corln- Jthians xv, 82, "1 have fought -with beasts nt Epheaus," nnd Hebrews xii, 1, "Soo ,j trig we also are compassed about with bo great a cloud of witnesses." 4 Crossing the Alps by tho Mount Cents pasR or through tlio Mount Couls tun nel, you are in n few hours set down nt Verona, Italy, and In a few minutes be- gin examining ono of tho grandest ruin j bf the world tho amphitheater. Tho whole building sweeps around you in a circle. You stand in tho arena where ' c the combat was otico fought or tho raco run, and on all fides tho Feats rise, tier above tier, until you count forty olovi: tious or galleries, s 1 shall soo fit to cull them, in which sat tho senators, the'. Icings and tho twenty-fivo thousand " excited spectators. ' At tho BidcS of tho arena nnd under the galleries aro tho cages in which tho lions nnd tigers aro kept without food J tontil, frenzied with hunger and thirst, " they aro lot out upon somo victim who, with his sword und ulono, is condcHrici to meet them. I think thnt Paul him relf once stood in such a place, and thnt ' ( jt was not only figuratively but literal ly that ho had "fought with beasts at Epheeus' 'J i The gala duy has come. From nil tho Vorld tho pcoplo aro pouring into Ve rona. Men, women and children, orn- .- 'tors and senators, groat men nnd small, thousands upon thousands, come, until the first gallery is full, nnd tho second, the third, tho fourth, tho lifth all tho Tivy up to tho twentieth, all the way t up to tho thirtieth, all tho way up to , . the fortioth. Evory placo is filled. Immensity of nudionce sweoping tho ittont circle. Silence! Tho titno for tho contest has como. A ltoman official - Ipadu fortli tho victim into tho arena. Let him get his sword with firm grip into Ida right hand. Tho twonty-Hvo thousand sit breathlessly watching. I hear tho door nt tho sido of tho ni ona creak ppen. Out plunges tho half starved lion, liis touguo uthirst for blood, and with a roar that brings nil tho galleries r-to their foot ho rushes against tho sword (if tho combatant. Do you know how strong iv stroke a mau will striko when his Hfo dopomls upon tho first thrust of his blade? Tho wild beast, lame and bleeding, nliiika back toward tho side of tho nronn; (lion, rallying his wasted strength, ho comes up with fiercer oyo and more torriblo roar than over, only to bo driven back with a fatal wound, while tho combat ant comes in with stroko after stroko, until the monster Is dend at his foot, and the twenty-fivo thousand pcoplo clap their hands and utter a shout that makes tho city tromblo. TIIKItE AUK LIONS IN TUB WAY. Sometimes tho nudlonco ciuno to seo a rnco; sometimes to soo gladiators fight each other, until tho people, compassion uto for tho fallon, turned thoir thumbs Uown as nn appeal that tho vanquished be spared, and sometimes tho combat Was rdth wild beasts. J To ono of tho Romun nmphitheatrical midionccs of ono hundred thousand peo ple Paul refers when ho says, "Wo are compassed about with so great n crowd of witnesses." Tho direct referenco in iho last passage is inado to a rnco, but elsewhere having discussed that, I tnko now Paul's favorite idoa of tho Christian llfo ad a combat. -mo race is uiiu every unristian man has a lion to fight. Yours is a bud tem per. Tho gates of tho nroua havo been bpouod and this tlgor has como out to destroy your soul. It lias laccrntod yon with many a wound, You havo beoi, thrown by it tiino and again, but in tho utrougth of God you havo nrison todrlvo it back. 1 vorily boliovo you will con quer, I think that tho temptation is get ting weaker nnd weaker. You hove given it so many wounds that tho pros npect is that it will dio nnd you shall bo victor, through Christ. Courage, broth er! Do not let tho sands of tho arena drink tho blood of your soul! Your lion is tho passion for Strang drink. You may havo contended against It twenty years, but it is strong of body nnd thirsty of touguo. You have tried to fight, it back with broken bottlo or empty wine lleak. Nay! that Is not tho weapon. With one horriblo ronr ho will soizo thco by the throat and rend thee limb from limb. Tnko this weapon, vbiirp and keen reach up and get it from Qod's armory tho sword of tho Uplrit. With that thou tnnyest drive Win back and couquor! But why specify, when every man and WftMHt Has lion to fight. If there bo mm here who lias no besetting sin, let him eppalr out; for him havo 1 offended, If you liuvu not fought tho lion, it is ho ttwiuw you hnvo lot tho lion eat you tip. tiM very moment the contest goea on, 'iw Trojuu celebration, where ten thou- ud Kladiiuors (ought nnd eleven thou- mid wild bsastn wero bluin, was not so rati u U niggle us that which at this ittoment gotM on in uiunyasoul. Tho isouibet wttd for the life of tho bedy: SiU hi for the life of the soul. Thnt w.w 1th wild beaV from the jungle; tll ts with the touring lion of hell, ) THIS INW1TK IlKU'KR. I X4i think when they conteud HKBUint U vil babit that tbey havo to figbt it mil aloiM. Mo! They stand in tho cen tmcvttH imwe e4rcle of sympathy, then says, "Being compassed about with eo great a cloud of wili.csei." Before I get through I will show you that you fight in an arena nrouud which circle, in galleries abovo each other, all the kindling eyes and nil the sympa thetic hearts of the ages; and ut overy victory gained there comes, down the thundering applause of a great friltl- tude that no mau can number. "E:iug compassed about with so great a cloud ef witnesses.4' On t'io first elevation of tho ancient amphitheater, on tho day of a celebra tion, s.vt Tiberius or Augustus, or tho reigning king. So, in the great arena of spectators that watch our struggles, and in tho first divine gallery, as I uhali call It, nits our King, ono Jesus. Oil Iii3 head are many crowns! Tho Honian emperor got Ids placo by cold blooded conquests; but our King hath co.no to his place by tho broken hearts healed, and tho tears wiped away, and tiio soul redeemed, Tho Itomnn emperor sat with folded arms indifferent as to whether tho swordsman or the Hon beat: but our King's sympathies aro all with us. Nay, unheard of condescension! 1 see him como down from tho gallery into the arena to help' us in tho fight, shouting until nil up and down his voice is heard: "Fear not! I will help thee! I will strengthen thco by the right hand of my power!" They gave to tho men In tho arena In tho olden timo food to thicken their blood', so that it would flow slowly, and that for a longer timo tho people might gloat over tho scene. But our King luib no pleasure In our wounds, for wo are bone of his bono, flesh of his flsh, blood of his blood. In all tlio aDCulfh of our heart Tho man of narrows boro n part. Onco, In the ancient nmp'iithcater, a Hon with ono paw caught tho combat ant's sword and with his other paw caught his shield. Tlio nun look his knifo from hisgirdlo and slew tho beast. Tho king, sitting in tho gallery, said, "That was not fair: tho lion must be filain by n sword." Other Hom wero turned out and tho poor victim fell. You cry, "Shnmo! sliatnel" at such meanness. But tho king in ilii:) caso is our brother, and ho will feo thnt we havo fair play. Ho will forbid tho rush ing out of more lions than wo can meet. Ho will not finffor us to bo tempted abovo that wo nro ublo. Thank God! Tho King is in tho gallery! His oyci uro on us. His heart h with us. His hand will doliver its. "Blesfccd nro all thoy who put their trust in hhn." THE CEI.KST1AL OUAIWIAKtl. I look again and 1 see tho nugelio gallery. Tlioro they are: the angel that swung the sword ut tho gato of Eden, tho same that Ezokiol saw upholding tlio throuo of God, nnd from which 1 look away, for tlio splondor is insuffer able. Hero nro the guardiau angels. That ono watched a patriarch; this one protected a child. That ono has been pulling a soul out of temptation! All theflo aro messengers of light! TI1030 drovo tho Spanish Armada on tho rocks. Thi3 turned Sennnchorib'a living hosts into n heap of ono hundred and elghty- Ilvo thousand corpses. Tiioco yomkr chanted tho Christmas carol ovor Butli lchom until tho chant nwoko tho shep herds. These, at creation, stood In the balcony of heavou and serenaded tho newborn world wrapped Jn Hwaddling clothes of light. And tlioro, holier and mightier than all, is Michael, tho arch angel. To command an earthly host gives dignity, but this ono is leader of tho twenty thousand chariots of God, and of tlio ton thousand times leu thou sand angels. 1 think Qod gives com mnnd to tho archangel, und tlio r.rth angel to tho Koraphim, and tkonorapliim to tho ohorublm, until nil tho lower ordora of heaven hear tho command und go forth on tho high bolieat. Now, bring on your lions! Who can fear? All tho spectators in tlio angelic gallery aro our friends. "Ho Hhall give his angels chnrgo over thee, to keep tho In all thy ways. Thoyphall boar then up in their hands lest thou d.ir.ii thy foot against a stono. Thou shalt trend upon the Hon and adder; tho young Hon and tho dragon shalt thou trample un der foot." Though tho arena ho crowded with temptations wo shall, with tho angelic help, strike them down in tho name of our God nnd leap on their fallen car- cnsesl O bonding throng of biii.hi, an gclio faces nud swift wings and lightning foot! 1 lmil j on today from tho dust nnd struggle of tho arena! I look again and see tho gallery of the piophotn and npostlos. Who nro those mighty ones up yonder? llosea tivd Jeremiah mid Daniel and Isulnh nnd Paul and Peter nnd John nnd Juiucs. There bits Noah, waiting for .1I the world to como into tlio ark; und i'io-jes, wnlliug till tho last Hed seanlinll divide; nnd Jeremiah, waiting for the .lows to return; and John, of tho Apoc alypse, waiting for tho swearing of the nugel that Timo shall bo no louger. Glorious spirits! Yo wero howled nt. ye wero stoned; yo wero spit upon! They hnvo been In this light thuuiaolvej, and thty uro all with us, Daniol knows nil ulumt lions. Paul fought with beasts nt Ephesm. Tlir, INVKUIUTBI) WITNKUSE8. In tho ancient amphitheater tlio pco plo got ko esclted that they would shout front tho galleries to tho men in the urenut "At it again!" "ForwanN" "One more stroke!" "Look outl" "Fall Lack!" "Hurta! Hurxnl" So in that gallery, prophetic and apostolic, tht cannot keep thoir twice. D.miel eric out, "Thy God will deliver thee from the mouth f the lions!" D,;vid ex claims, "Ho will nut milfer thy fii't to bo moved!" Isiiluh ctlls out; "Fcurpot! I mi Willi ihtol Ho not dhuwyod!" Paul exclaims, "Viu,oiy through oui Lord Jesus ChrU!" That thicng of prophets nnd nposil&i cuiUot keep mill. They uiiiko tho welkin ilug with fchout lug and haliehiUhs. I look again imd I teo the gallery of thomsirtirs. Who U that? Hugh Lati mer, mum euuuglil Ho would not apolo gize for the truth preached, and so hu died the ni,(iit before swinging from tlio bedpost In jperfect gloo nt the thou,; it of emancipati.nl. Who aro that uv.ny of six thousand six hundred and sixty-Mxl Theytre theTIicbnn legion who died for tho faith. Here is u larger host in magnificent array cfght hundred nnd eighty-four thousand who perished for Christ in tho persecutions of Diocletian. Yonder is a family group, Follcitas, of Rome, and her children. Whiio they were dying for tho faith she stood en com aging them. Ono son was whipped to deatli by thorns, another was flung from a rock, another wns lieheaded. At last tlio mother became a martyr. There they nro togothcr a family group In heaven. Yonder is John Bradford, who said in the fire, "Wo Bhnll havo a merry supper with tho Lord tonight!" Yonder Is HcJiry Vocs, who exclaimed as ho died, "If I had ten heads they should all fall off for Christ!" Tlio great throng of the martyrs! They had hot lead poured down their threats: horses wero fastened to their hands, and other horses to their feet, end thus they wero pulled apart; they had thoir tongues pulled out by red hot pincers: they wero sewed up in tho skins of animals and tiion thrown to tho dogs; they wero daubed with combustibles and then set on fire! If all the martyrs staked that have been kindled could be fetat proper distances they would innke tho midnight all tho world over bright U3 noonday! And now thoy Bit yom'.cr in tho mar tyrs' gallery. For them tlio firos of per secution havo gone out. Tho swords aro sheathed and tho mob bushed. Now thoy watch us with an all ol serving sympathy. They know nil tho pain, all tho hardship, all the anguish, nil the in justice, nil the privation. They cannot keep still. They cry: "Conrnge! The firo will not consume. Tho Moods can not drown. Tho liona cannot devour! Courage! down there in tho arena.". What, are they all looking? This night wo answer back tho salutation they give, and cry, "Hail! sons nud daughters of tho firel" ALL EKETIIItEN IN CIIUIST. I look again and seo another gallery, that of eminent Christians. V.' ha 1 st rikes mo strangely is tlio mixing in com panionship of thoso who on earth could not cgreo. There is Albert Barnes, and around him the presbytery who tried him for heterodoxy! Youdcr is Lyman Beccher nnd the chnrch court that de nounced him! Stranger than all, there in John Calvin und James Arminius! Who would havo thought that they would sit so lovingly together? Thoro is George Whitcfield and tho ministers who would not let him como into their pulpits becaueo they thought him a fa natic. Thei o nro tho sweet singers Top lady, Montgomery, Charles Wesloy, fsaao Watts ami Mrs. Sigournoy. If heaven had had no innnio beforo they went up, they would havo started the singing. And thero tho band of missionaries David Aheel. talking of China redeemed; and John Scndder, of India raved; and David Braiuuul, of tho aborigines evan gelized; and Mrs. Adoniram Judsou. whoso prayers for Burmuh took heaven by violencol All thoso Ohrisliaiu ai' looking into tho arena. O.lr strugglo is nothing to thcirt;! Do we, in Christ's cuuse, suffer from tho cold? Tuey walked Greenland's icy mountains. Do yo suffer from the heat? They n wel tered in tho i-opico. Do wo got fatigued? They fainted, with none to caro for them but oniiibuls. Aro wo perse cuted? 'j'luy weio anathematized. And as they lock from their (.cilery and tee us filter in tho prosenoo of the lions, I seem to hear fsaao Watt3 addressing ur in bin old hymn, only a littlo changed: Must s uu us currk'.l t.) tho slctca On llo wi ry IkiIs of emu, Whiio others fought to uin tho prbj Ur hulled llirouzh bloody bcas'e Toplady fhouta in hh old hymn: Your Imrps, yo trcmblliiK valuta, Down from tho willows tnkc; Loud to tho liral-o of loro divine. Hid overy atrloB awake. While Charles Wesloy, tho Methodist. Ureal;:) forth in his favorite words, a lit tle varied: A cbiir.,0 in l.eepjoulmvo, A (Jo-.l to uiorlfy; A ne er il j Inn soul to ituvc. And !'.tlt (urthuskyl OUll DWAKTCD I'BIBSDS. I look again and I tee tho gallory of our departed. Many of thobo in the other gdl-ries wo have heard of, but the we know. Oh, how familiar thoi" faces! They Mit at our tables, and t walked to tlio Iiouto of God iiicoinpauv. Hrtvothey forgotten us? Those falheis and iuolher.1 started us on tho road o' life. Aro they cnroless as to what bo cointj of ut? And tho ciiildrun do they loi'k on with stolid iudifl'eroneeiis to whether wo win or loio iliia battlo for eternity? Nay; I seo that olui-1 running its hand over your brow and saying, "Father, do not fret." "Mother, do not worry." Thoy roiihuibrf tho day thoy loft us. They remember tl.onyoay of tho his, farewell. Thoujh years in htnvon they know our faces. They remember our sorrows. They epenk our names. Thej watch this tight for heaven. Hay, 1 see them rise up and lean ovir und wave bofoieuij their recognition nrd encour aucinent. That gallery is not full. They aio keeping places fonts. After wo havo blain tho lion they expect the King U. call ,tw, caving, "Come up higher!" Be tween the hot struggles in tho uroiuv 1 wipo tho sweat from my brow nud stand on tiptoe, leaching rp my right hand to clasp theirs iurnptnious ban Ishaklng, hilo the'.r voices eeiiie ringing down fiom the gallery, crying, "llo thou faithful u -to deatli, and yon shall have a crown!" Hut hue 1 pause, overwhelmed with the nuijctily and the joy of tho scene! Gallery of the King! Gallery nf angelb! Gallery of piopheia ai.u aposil-sl Ual lory of martyit,! Gallery uf uanitsl Gal lory of filendt and kindred! Oh. nui jestio circles o light and lovel Through Tlirongs! Throngsl How shall we btand tho garo of tho universe t Myriads of eyes beaming on us! Myriads of hearts beating in sympathy for us! How 1 Known to mo." II. A. Archer, U. D., Ut So. Oxford Et, Brooklyn, N. T. "Tho uso of 'Castorfa' 13 so universal and Its merits bo well known th it It seems a work of Rupereroeatlon to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Costorla within easy reach." CAiooi MinTTif, D.D., New York City. JMe Pastor BloomlngJalo Reformed Church. When Ihnt lllttriouiid(iy shall rise, Ard nil thine nrinics shine In no-. ef victory throush the skies, 1 lie tdory shall bo thine , My hearers, chatl we dio In the arena or ri-o to join our friends in the gallery? Thiough Christ wo may come off moro than ccaqui.rors. A soldier dying In tlio he: i I,i roso np in bed tho last mo ment and cried, "Hero! Hero!" His at tendants put him back on his pillow and asked him why ho shouted "Here!" "Oh, I heard tho roll call of heaven nnd I was only answering to my naju!" I wonder whether, after thhrbattlo of Hfo is over, our names will bo culled in tho muster roll of tho pardoned and glori- fi"d. mill Willi itin -irV -if Imnron 1ir..,il'. Ing upon our oouls we shall cry. "Here! UlTZX Trlllini; with Kncred Tliliis. I once frightened SCO colored people almost to deatli. Thoy wero holding a protracted meeting in n littlo ttimblo down church near Nashville and the ex citement ran high. I attenVd with some other bad boys, misbehaved and was fired or.t. 1 determined to brcilc lip tho meeting. I procured some phos phorus, nnd the next night beforo tho crowd assembled drew skelotons, death'n heads nnd devils nil over tho walls. I then concealed myself In tho loft, armed with a long hollow reed; while my com panions, provided with sheets and masks, hid themselves in the grove in which the church was bituated. That night tho chinch wan packed and religious fervor readied its climax. Tlio preacher was picturing the hiarors of hell an tho nideonsnof.' of its master and the sin ners wero shivering with apprehension. Two largo lamps hung in the center of the low room furnished tho light, and by tho help of tho hollow reed I blow them both out. Tho preacher stopped in tho middle of his exhortation. Tlio wall blazed fonb witli horrors traced in l.nriii.ig, Miaky outlines. Thero was u convul lve garp, a scream from 200 t hrcats and a stam pede. Tho prcadiT wenc through a window, and, though a rheumatic, out ran all his paris.hionei-3. Then my ghostly confederates najjeareu, uttering dismal groans. Scores of the terrified blacks, unnblo to run, lay down and groaned with an agony of fear." The joke was too good to keep. My father heard of it. Ho was t. Presbyterian divino and did not bel'.evo in trifling with sacred things. It is taid thot ho laughs best who lauj;,;.i lust, and tho colored peoplo camo in on the suhfe- bt. 1 I for Infant and Children. CMtorla cures Colic, Cowttpatlmi, Sour Btomach, Diarrhcna Knictatlon, Kills Worma, cited tloej), and promotes d Wlttout Injurious medication. " For several yean 1 havo rscominpnilet roar ' Castona. ' anil rhall always contlnuo to do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pirdee, 11. D., "Tho WInthrop," Uth Street and 7th Am, New yoric CI V Tin: Ccomob Coupajtt, 77 JIurrai Street, New York. fyyiiitwMua!aH3BiMtgaEg5ar3zaagis5aga quent cnchiiiation. lu fcrvie w Louis Globe-Dcmoci at, Tlio Lnns't AVi.O'U'n Mfcn. Tlio longest woolen sign in America, it is said, in that of tlio "Mecliauico-Thernpeul.c und Ortho paedic Zandier Infatituto" of this city, which nhov8 raised gold letters on a ground of imitation hammered cop per. It ia 12S feet long. New York Times. $P a ! fC S t tt TL f & 've:f.l.iiV J?. was?& ? l3' l.ll feCiiW5.ll al ri..; ..1 on.Kius P'-c-sy). dative mwm 'RESTOnATIVE Wise. nira Djllic S ISS3 wi - vv.-cafc'?i. JLSOS, m KADACfr Of nil forms, Nrnrnlla, Hiinimn, rit,filftp losaliosu. Iii1Iiicjk, lild.7.llnm, lilflen. Opium llnltlt, llrnfilc(-nnv. etc., nro cored br 1911 1IH.CS ItEVTOKATJVJl MinVINIi dUcovorod by the eminent Indiana Bpoclaliet la norroun dUQascs, It floci not contain opiates or d'lniroroui dnira "llavo hocn tatitni; lilt. iii.r.ri j;r TauATirKrEnvi.vi:ror i:iillciy. Krora Sontombcr to January ntrons uslifjtna JVerrlno Hind r.t least "4 convulalons, nod now after tiirco months' use havo no more attacks. John n. Collins, llomoo, Mich." "1 Iiito been usIiir DU, 1III.ES 11ESTOII. ATIVE XEV INI", for aboutour month:!, II bus brotisbtinorollof and euro. 1 have taken It for opllO!sf. ami oftor uslnn It for ono woefc hnye hud no attiek. Ilurd O. Brnslus, IIoathTllle, Vn.. I'ino book at i;r03t cures and trial liottlca 1'ltEB a UruR lata iSveryirhcre, oradjress OR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. S'jld by D. J.Fry, dtugglst, Salem. foyyk eold by D. J. iHUfiSvfll VUSXL'uszBaawr.v mm mmimmm Act on a now principle regulate tho liver, etouiaih null bohils thrwioh tin ntrta, l)n. JIilks1 I'iuj iV'iJ . V cure blllousnesa, to pM liver nnd constlpi tit a. St,mliect, uillduat, cuii"'.l Jipdosos,2Sctn. Br miiicu free at irni.'i'istB. r" u I n e , QUL lal Fry, dru'lst, Fahni fins and Gasoline -4u - . "mi icuri l'aiui. imu mro rtrTTiTCr" 1,i'i.rIlMlfkelytogetout jro-iler thtn any ptbrr . u, or KHWIIne engines now ;. .. "''tahlUi burner, turu lUo wheel, and U, uu uu ucy. irAICES No SJIELl. OK DIUT. Jto double or falsn -xnlj!on, so frequcnC with Um uuulUbie rrk, Pox Simplicity It Jtoau the World. It Oil Itself Auluinntlcully, No Ilnttorlo or Kleotrlo Bpstrlc 'I ruca with aCh:rrer Orod of GosoUuo '"" any tjiher Kuglne, Church Directory. CUMnRiu.AND I'ursuvtbhian. 8alem, Oregon, Hev J. E. IlLilr, l'lintnr. Sunday fchool every Sunday, 10 a. in. Preaching every Huntlny, II a iri Hiirt 7:!0 p. m Church l'OU-.o ou lllgti i.;iirt, trtween Mnrlon and U.jlun, i;verj ouy welcome. ilETilonMrt'i'ikC PAL. Herviccs onS'ah hntii nt Wn'Ji nud 7:10. .uunOuy whool ut 12; l.pwoitii lA.'igUen otMlfi; 1'rayer ruiet lm ever Ttiuril:ty evening. Hev. C. L. Kullerinun, pnsior EvangiliciL C-rntr ol l.lber'y nnrt Cinler stneta. Suuilny sei vices 10:0 a. in. unit 7:30 p, in,, Suiluuy bcIiooI 12 m., V I'.a. 0. L. U:;rJi. m.: I'rnyer tuectlng Thunrluy, "SO p. in. J, Uowernox, pi.sler, rc&ideme 127 Liberty 6'reet. ' l'MLMiYTEMAN. Church stieet, between Chcmokela und Center, i'le.-ichlng moru ingutidevtnlug; fabbath F.hootat LI in.; Y. 1. S. C. L ut B.JO p. m.j I'Uiyer meeting Thursday ut7:S0p. m. Iltv. I'. II. Qvvynce, D, U pustor. TuKCliuncii of God Kolds rtltgeous services In the Good Tem pier's hall Tuih day, Thursday and Friday evenings. im Liyn nt 10:,W u in. and 7:W. fiuudy ibehool .it a i. in. Elder N. M. Mathews, pastor. St. Josti-n'a Catholic Cnuix'ii.-Che-uieKeut und Cottage. Sunday seiviccs: Low raai 7:W a. iu.; high m.iss 10:30; Sunday ichool 3 p. m ; vesptrs 7:S0; ween day, low munis 7 a. m. Kov. J. 8. Wlillo, paolor. Cokohkoationai.. Corner Center and Liberty Services aunday ut IKSOa. m. and 7 p. in ; Suuday KChool 12 ai., V. f . 8. C. E. .itfijjOp. in.; prayer nieetiug7::0p.in.'l burs day. ltev C. L. Convlu. piutor. 8r. Paoi. ErKcorAL CfOKCii. Corner Church aud Caeniekeia. ikiNku 10:30 a. il. ana 7 p. m.jMuiitiuy scLool 11:13 a. m.j lei'Vlco Tliurhday 7.30 p. m. ltev. V. Lund, lector. Vii'AV Hai'TIst. Liberty and Station. Services li)H,in. und 7:sj p. m.jsuud.iy school 12 in.; young people's meeting at B p. m.; ur.iyer mcetlrg 7...0 i hurday. IttV. ltobt-rt Wlutalicr, p-stor. Khek ilfntoniir. llt. 11. K. fmnllcy pastor, ser-.tees HuuJuj morning and oreulii.ytidtiy school at 10 a iu.j prajtr meeting Krluay uigut. Cuurcli eppooilu Noith H.iieni mlIiooi. Fhiemxs. At Highland paik on car line, iervlcus 1(,:;aI a. m. and 7:30. p. in.; Mmd.iy etioollani.; Chrislian Endeavor 0 p. m.: pi JJ er iiu'tjlng Thursday 7:JW p. m. ltev. K U. oeoi-ge, pastor. LlfciiMAN liAiTWT. ?erviees in German upfUsi cuuruh i.ortU ol ( uttnga stieet. iuuilayiclioolatlOu.iii, t'leucblns utll t in. Evening tetvleo at 7.30. ltev. John Fechter, paslor. UimsriAN. High and Cenler. Buuduy school 12 in.; preuchlug 10 ) a. ui.; jmin people's tovUly 0.30 p. m.; proachiug 7:jO p. ni. ltev, W. It. Wllllaius, putor. Gkuman HaroitMEU. Cupiu.luud lluri on.jbtuidiiy servlco 11 a, ui.ttiuuUuv tchool 10 a. in,; prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.' iu. uev. J. Aiueuuaupt, pastor. inntiiiTiAN HciENCK.-Sfcrviecs iu Uul- larlan hall at lOiO a,iu.uuu 7:.0 p. m.; fcab bath school 12 rn.; Bible ctucy Thursday ovciiliu. UfiiTAMAK riiuiicH.-ScrvJccs at 10:30 a. m..li'll.T:'V'"1 uuajy rulinoi ui lJiii. All Invited. Bjutsfrce. Uov.U.H. Drown, latulstur bouTit Saibi-JI, K tbuich. French- us otij ouuuay ai lit n, m, and 7:30 p. in. J, II. Itooik, pastor. OEitsiAN LUTiiKiiN. North Cottage HU Services ou 1st and 3d Minday of each month at 2 p. m. Hev. 0. 1'.. Altj cr pastor. Ai'iiican Mt-iiionisr. Nor.h Salem, dervlces at 11 a. tu. aad i:0 p. m. fcuuduy school at 1 p. in. Uev, G. VT. White, paslor, Temp' rauce gospel meet Hugs at i o'clclt titmday ut W, C, T. U, bul). ii i i.nnfrT'i' ji yirgcaagcaxji Salem Abstract and Loan Co. Ihecnly Abstract books of Marlon countv. Ilea' cs'ale orders tilled promptly nnd safely. W. H. H. WATERS, MANAOHR. Wood r davv'.1 Evfrvbody (fels ''lii'rlru W)od taw, 'Tho ltrMlcr" Front street. Imlth's stenm I (Irders at 276 For Locatii Mines. o Dr. H. Fmlth Isthv pole nwnt In Orr eon for Hie Kale i.l itMhbh lVEicctu Viig netic rorls irr Iftatliif.' 1- filer of G )1 ur fillipr. This lUftiuuient lias beco'ne tl'e nioiit eflli'pnl lorco in di tiding the jirc ence of (,old and Hilver dt posits wbtthnr in ine lorm oi utaiien con. or qtintiz loci-. The miihprciatms that a cartlul lmcs'l- gatfon lssuro to lend om ! tho czuct 1 callty of tho treasure. Fur furl her Infur. matiou please address DR. H. SMITH, Ful'Oi, C'reg-tn, 7-20-tl urton n y Ut STATE BTltEET BRICK YARD. Large stock of common. Hrtck always o?i hand. tn tsi d and ornan.ent'il niict: m.tde to ordi-r.; Ltaeoi-der at fl. tclz.f 1 Stale slrcrt, Goodhue A I'l.hlll, l'o elate s.et, or mine yard, oppnspVhtate Prison. ran rnwcmmvK ci&couits Arri-r to PALMER & REY, Manufacturer, Ja Frwitw. Cai. d Pcfite!, Or. ' Atliniuistruloi-'s Notice. Iu tho fouuty Court of Hie Htato tf Ore foil for Ihmoanty of iluib.u. Ii. the mutter of tbo ututo ofBUas V Bttzley, aeoeascd. ' MJ-riLKTOCHElinOHS. Estate of Miaa W. Uiuxioy, i.eccasid .sptu-e Is htrebj given by tho uudeiikucd idiu lulhtrutor nflho tslut of bllas "V Ueezley.decoi.std.tothon.dlton. oi, aud all persons having claims agulust tlio mid dtcuastd, to present thtni nu the inoner puehtrs, wlihlnslx tnonthsiiom tuo..Mb f tnu notice to tiiuiiuiumisinuor, ut ii III Uu-gon k'' C"y urk",liuj' ' Dnt d this a)tU day of Aug let, IK)2. AdmlnlstriUor of the esfa'te'of 'iiii' w. lie ztey, deceased. -S5i.w Notice to Contractors. milKlinAKDol Capitol Ilulldlnir com L rn'i'-loneis iDVlte.iIrd piopotals lor luciiiuBuuuiiuu iu u Winn' .siem aiHi a system of protection ni'iiinF', flr for the (state Capitol Kptclflmtloui mav Losten at the governor's otllee. 'I ho riylit to rt jFct any orall bids is lesorwd. lilds will be opened at 2 o'clock p, m., Tuesday, August 23, 1HU. ,-Yi.VKSTEIt PEV.NOYEM, HI li W ;. cllltll l;, 1'IilL. Ml Tell AX, . w lloaidcit oiuinlssloncrK. Wx. A. MrMT. Clerk ol H-juid. S-lt'-id For Sale, Cheap, A nuniien f nloot llii. -prmr l'lyro puin iiocls.lII.icn. I.aughu, White f.f h ru.aiirtl'aiiridgfciohin all thorough bredslooT. Uuv ei.i ly, saw t xprtsai.irgt.ri aud i:ct tho pick ol tno so.,. n. J3 Ui 55 per trIn,.boxed for .bl.iocnt. '.dress E. I10I'l'.l.,t-alein,Or. Notico of Finnl A ccount. To all whom it mnycenreru: U OT1CE Is hen by given tl at the under M,.r, 'Fu,,rt "'liulnlnrhtni of tho estate of ft '"'"" dmiwuu, liui this day for wi V l',?' ,,!,?,,m., hXU iniliiUM,S tor, with Ibueitriii.f tin t.mt1y n.uit for JIarlonc unty. t-i.gon. on, ibojidgo of 1M2, at 1 o'oiocii p m.i.t lie ounly court '!,.,n ,ue"r uou.-of said county as the time and ).1hco for the luaiiuc at unv objections wh'lch tl.rre may I " oald ac count and lor tbo settlement thereof J. Ii I'JHKEST. Administrator. -l-ot July If, law. Dids W'niiic(!. EALEDblds will bo received hv the Colilltv I'lf-rk ! v.m.i.VJ ..........".. "A? cdnesday.7eptub,. iT0 . U poor mrni ol iiarlo'i Yb' ,- y' For part cU- '?? ,1u,ro "f county cl.ik or Judie The t9-lwrtwentd ,0'tJ"Vl? -'!' bid-. Hid? for H'ooil. OEALVUbids will he rtceived bv th. Q nuutj C'leikorai,icUVouBt ii,, r, irondtalmiv ;"H..'.-.i"" "m. "iy nr lalem ThsiiVM1 UV" "'."J'1" ijohro m orall bid M lw-,1w Tfce right is HVta. 'oieiectauy C'erk. For Sale. rnlII3 great tc J. medylorlhu disease itsult log l.om vevjik. Utsacominnn ii rA'1"- fc: .. ...,,,,-, t - in - .i J I J A r- r a o S( S I"1 'S"". &.y i ii.i l ..i l' ' r feuei- with slclau who has uudo thiso uIsohhos the BluJy ol Lis l.fo. Ladies we cor- .1 a vt P. O. Box 320. -, Salem. Or. Wvij-dw ball v) over daro tu sin nuuinl How CLEAN! Ii you would b olen Hud buyo your clothes 'done up in the Mwtetit and driot mHnnor, Ukull.eiu tu the SAMCM BTi'J.tM 1AUMUiV ' whm J1 work doue hy wliita lubor und iu tin i:nst COLONEL J. 01.MCTED. Libtrty Stmt almll wo yvr IwcoiuodUcoumscduguIul IIow Blinll we ovor foel lonoly iignlni ... i ... i. . . . . ,. ... t,, aud nn plu and npwtj j i; im.m.dUio grcrtt muiIs K,t tlo nyos for iu, nud our gloriilcd llndrod fur its slstliwo fflvo up tlio tijjlit nud itivf No! lion of Qod, who didst dio to mv in. Nol yo mijfolii, whoso wings aro bproad forth to slicltor us. Not yo prophotaHnd upoatle,Vhoa warning sturtlo us. Not yo loved ony, whose arms aro outtrtched to receive u. Not wo will novor surronderl I Sure I muit fight If I would tvta Ho faithful to my lord; 1 And bMr tbo Crou, endar th rata. Supported by thy Word. .KIDKIr'n ELIl b MB BEL1 r e: ..w dially Invito j ou all lo call uud luestiguir. Olllco over New York Haoitet More, totll ri.rk hurst bhwk iri.m,n.r,.i.,i -. OlffcOn. g..; a!enl. liudw I Tby miUu In 1I (UU gWrlau war i mil cjttrl iiwMi Uitf Hi I TW tb Maw ftv Jr Ak . - . lATlSTPATlNTSJaWITH EIECTE8- "" fi.iU. 4rl4. nn. .,,,., iJ,IU,ii, li Sf tt?l!fSih! "?" '- ! ttik..ii. Srr rui.u xitui" iSWi m'& Ci"rrK..iiir. Minn i ritw f W ' f "M4difclsaiirouaiWijfc B m TlEGEflTlEMANSFfUEKIl. 0TB8rECri0!f SYMXailiw rilttmrr t-ttu. I.cla. poMKotBTAIX. ruE-nNT3 STEKTUKK. CuM.COXO.tltHlK.V suj OLECT l 0. 1h S d.r A QUICK Ct'EE br IXl'COr.tItlK. M W1 ITCH. s.aat.r JuuiT.otsra. t-oi toM,AJ.tr.(n K JIAtYUOC Itmrrtrrr-nni CU. U.N AC i. I1 ELLIS & WHITLEY, 'LIVERYMEN. South ofWIIImttiHotl, - - ORKQON SALBM NOTICE. H In tb I dumb, lmta Vi lornE? yia hwe, but Mill Vsk th tronJ th coMraetors, nnd I win try ion",, ?! rlI r:1" purralBg eUe uml l gvwrsiBU u ceo4 1 OiVIAI-IA Kansas City, St. PauE CHICAGO, ST.LOUIS, Ejwt, North and South Dill I UUI ri r-. ' . uunnnn DLttrtriS, COLOWT SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS AK'n niutDc. lUFJi EUROPE onorMaret , vu'rra' 'owmatlcn .call P2 yZ- OOP CC3 - EL t w " tn a Z c Crp i 1 P-C.U c p. 7..ZC P CD s - c- p rr pZ,ZzL9 & ff 2 P. i a SdSfft CD ef O U1 C P a -..P c.o r3P- O P O w , .J-j - v-. n P rt o ' 2 p fcrsy soz & IB C Hu i?i3. s p a- i Pj f j p u- -d sr :.. tr r' re : vj x l. -. w (.1 K3 lit OS tj fr. i, O a ' bt" LO a - f 1 "3 P' -! e 1 cd CD H m 2 ? " p EL fa. W ' re i-T c-i- rt- P -d o p: 2- re I- c i-i re's; EL 3 CT- -W CD c- o re cd s s S O CD w m m o P c- P. P h- i . -5 O) 1, rt- r- recs i L.. a re w bo p p p J) P O S- p " re "i &P CO pr.P rt. crC? o ct- re i & p'M rjz m re P-" 2" i re j y. 3 Ko P 3 -i p S'H P t B ,4 ' O !-" B 3 O - O "1 n & 3 p o o cr cr re o P 3 rr P 3 to m re P , re re w w re w P e o o o p. c ll t-c cn tr1 P p P 1 tin fL pnnriagcjc fDHaewBiJ CO CO c 4 E3 erta 'a PT OQ CO J. H. HAAS, TIIJE WAT( UilAKEl Hptcialty ol (irwi ieiih ki ,i THE WILLAMETTE, SAJOEM, OJU-O02T. Kales, 52.50 to $5.l(, per D.ir The best hold bptwemrortimirt .. Francisco. Klirt-inM Ft. ..' ,f. 5S1'4"' menls. lis Uiblos uip evli I Vlffi ' Choicest Ini?ts "" Uromilln tho Wlllntitcltn Vnbey A. I. WAGNth, Prop. Chas, Wofe GERMAN MARKET, 123 Stute St. I'Veo delivery. All kimiu .r ,.,... . emiMigo, L)W prl.-ta o,d notroni n L1.? quested to cloav atcouut.s and renew bu. FOR SALS! CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND fRulT GARDENS, Within onolmlt mile of IwoeUctrlcstmi cur lints and iiilrrour.df, station and loVt oltlco Only to nrt otft-qu .rter lalui from tbpcentei ot i-iiiiii 1 it... n, i"n llful locitlon. t-o 1 . j.ira(;oo.. wellUraWii aiidtieli. i'llcoIowundttfiinHinsy. td " w.uoiTLE. H-10-tf . KOIt SALE. AlibO'ulch - -afe - Itnefilment. $10,000 f-on $6,ooo 'IliuuoK-twcxMory luKit bioio bulldlmr ano giovnu oetnimo uy Ut-o, !', Smiti, (.tmiuurclal Ltnel. Fur mho l,r iCCOO ir tnleuMion. ItpaBjO i,u cent, oil thnt atnount.aiiil will bo woitli S.O.tX.0 lu 1.11 than lle yearb II. u . t x rr-i t i. than tKeycart, O-HMl Scaled Jids lor a Bridge BY UHDKll of tbo ( ountj Court of Ma lion eot.utj, Oi.n, tt.iledp.an" birulii dlatruius, mil .ids lor a wneou tirliU'OuuiosKilu-Mt iiii -ai.tl m rher li Mill i.llj, Miipei: tonnij , Orcg. n, Bill' be received by tin- eiui-, if ,i,kl u.urt unt'i Hiday, t-iitfiiibtr.li. lHi, at y a. m.. r Mild day. r-id bi.dgt to be tix ten lfetln ,uum,vi.uu tun, in.Litu, aua to bt loattrd utouool two picjos-co htUn.orjenf winch Kllolt,luiiiiltit- ly beh v alid ih oiher abovo the ir.ll,..,id tilogo attala pluco. r-tpnmte bids will he Kcelvcd for each of .said ioralloL'8, oi a ibr th- locution nbuve bald rullioad budge tho bid will he lor Mid wagon brldgoixo uhim. tftlieir.prc'acbon llio uorin hide ol nld ilver. Separate bids will alMiboieic-lveUiwi Miid hu ge exclu ioof llRlumU-r, 'hi ci.uuiy lurnlshiui; all lumber on the g'c.iindiuid tLeeonliai. tor liun'bliltig ,11 othe niiitiiJal. hail, bidder will beicqulit.) todepoblt with hit bid 6 ier lenl.oi the ninomn oi kueli blti unhide thensult it tliriiwurdliignf said o ntlaetasij law iiqinrcil .-imi pioMdid Kai r. lut n hivimIic r g' i Ii nleitauy and i.il bids rev-tlved i-nd. i iho suld order 8H Id V.M.li.F.U .N.Uitk. J3ei'oro Stariing on a Jouriuj A jierton uruuIIj diplits logaln borne in loriimtioii hh to llii h.i.m dt U uieuteto take, niid -vs 411 imchafi. t.ildti. via theoi.e thai willailoid bin. Hie (juKlctl aun b(si. i-tivlco. Ut'.'oie HimniiL i u u t n ti i i.i. eago oi aoy iH.lut JuitLjuuMiriuiariMice jiuuselliwinuu-iiiiotiil Hi- e table ol He Mi.conli) (itilnil Lli.o ll.o tiMus rUD ou Uiinroutt aievttllliii!iiiiidiieiQUIpftd wllhi'ulliiiuli'HlntCb'Dr.-U' uy Hooiiialttp ei, elegant I oj CoaeliiH iu.o lining (its ullalif.tdtt:i,btitj ixiitKtlj lortlilasei vlci'.and ait r.quli-'te in Jt..nli lungs aid rouviujeiit and r iiiioi .al Je m arrangi nieiil i, nil k- lumi iitu lu tvtiy dotal! that 'hej haoi,oiuieilor in kii.Ii it and lit gance. '1 In i.inlug m tervlce ii" prinout ltd bj all the n osl tlrgui.t tvt, Inaugut. aud, and ii oj otnttd in the lute ist ol lis piillllllb. Fiis.t inilns via the Isci ni-in Central LiuislunoMijiiitui I'llboa.ly at 12:J5piu. and (i:v;Ci p rn., ami M. luul nt l:S0p. oi. andTtlop in,, ii.ak.ng laMirabia louncc Hon with all trains lnun the Webt anil Southwest. For tlckelB, mnps, ptm'rhlcls 'and full Intouuoiloii apply to u. I'. 3 ; (ill, C. 1'. :.ndl. A , Allimeapollb, Ailnii., and tojas, C. t'oud, Oeiu'rat I'abniiger aud 'Xicktt Ageiit. Chlcigo, III. 1-lHy THE YAOUlNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC 11AILR0AD And Oregon lJevclopjirnt eomrany'. ste,inibhip line. 'eS, n 1. bboitt-r, i!u boun '.'istimeihsn b nnj ottici loute. Hn1 Ciabs thiough puHKiigrr and freight Hi. rum Portland and all points in theWii lamette vallev lo m.d ii-om fou Franclsf TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept Bunaaj-i"). IIVA Alhnni' Leave Corvallln Airlve Vaquliu Leave Yuqutnu Liivt) Corvallis Ainvo Albany 1;WVM .turn fc.,01'ii UiaAU 10:15 A JI 11:1(1 AW O. A' f? Irnliiu .ir.T".nt ni Allinn. nnd viirvallls. 'IhoabovetruliiB connect at "VAt.1 lb Mth the Oregon l)eM-lojiniei.t Cofi- Lii. lfrtlear.i-hinhbefRen-. Yaouina and ha. Francisco. N. n.1'asKcngern Irom Portland ard a!.' Wlllaitietle Vallev poiutb i.nn mokt ilotd .'ouneetlou with the trains oi tl t iAOAINA HO IJTK at Albany ort-'orvalllH srrnngotoarrlvoat Yutiuum Hie nenlbg eeroro date of sailing. I'tautcgtt ru irclett Si.Je Alwj tM leiieit, For Insinuation apply to S eisni UULA1AN & Co.. 1'roigl.t and lift Actntt SOU ami a-J Front St., roitlart.Oirf o O. C. JHOUt.'K Ao'l Oen'i Frl. lasb.'Agi.,0;egorl.,a..lrl( ll.lt. t ., LVrvall Of H.nAHWKJ-L,,Jr. UC. ri, Faa. Atti. Oitfui. Ue-oloii. t Co.. siM Jtontgcintin kxui Mji: ki& III b"vi. .,i f r- vui..- m wm Xsj IUchnutfl Golden DaUam Xo. t Cures Chancres, first and second sujes prlinsry fo.-ms of tho dleaja known u Syphllli. l'rlre, ts 00 nr IJottlc. l-o "Uhnu'a aoltlxn Ualsniii No.U Cures Tertiary, SIercur!IHyjilil!lt!c Khu matlsm, l'ains fa tun Hones, r!n In th Head, back of the Nock, UITted S -i lliroat, Byphllitio Hwh, LuraiM ai J con tacM Cords, Stiffness of the Llmbi.an"! tndlcatu all dlseua from tha sysra, .'e.t.hcr caU3!d by ladlsrrctlon or bi of Mercury, leaving tha bljod pure and titaltby. Irlr 65 OO nor llottle. halllibau' Oolilen Npnnlsh Anil dot of or tlie cure el Uonorrbota, Wi Irritation Orarel, and all Orlnaiy or Oenl ul disarrangements, Prlc84 SO I"" llottle. - U I cliau'a Golden Spanish in Jrrtlon, forsivero iafscf Oonarrhaa, lnrUmmatory Gleet. 6Uletus,i. rrle 81 60 ,,eP Motile. V" l-a Htcliau'n OolsT Olntmenl for the effrttiva hesllit' jyphilitla Uorcs ud eruption. lrlrt,l 00 Iter Uoz. ! ItlchwH Uolden Illl Kmi J Brala Irntuxst. Ias of yiral po . exona er otrer-dork, rzattnUoa, eta. Price 00 per Has. Tonio and Kerviae, oas at errviwre, can. mtwntj Bfre Twr i iiiismim Wt ITt Flrtt t., P0RTLAN9, ORS. WWIU VrtritToarl)Ma TK RlCrUJtDS USUI C0.,Atlr tarn, ifwwiW) g MUssssWlasi WZ Bsssfe rswsv fr tbI "owri4Jc,Omwii I i'SSL,'?BO