Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 02, 1892, Image 4

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Orrr the mem, ban nd Wotrm,
Under the WiMrto ems them can,
A worn oM trail leads forth from the town,
To Um dwelling of those whose toil to dim.
A little rlastr ef graves, forlorn, '
ronrotten, tottely, unkempt and stills
Wbtk) roned the oaottM sad through tbe
- thorn .
The nerrow troll ereeps over the liIU.
HMboar' lorer, somebody's friend.
Under eeen wooden heftdboard Ues;
II Mnli nil's drama played to the esd,
lb prsMhuc mortals or weepies akles.
Ma and sorrow and love, bow pset,
Hreagtn to eeaqaer ami fault to fall;
Three they hare knows; aad then, at last,
Tbe atew, aad Joaraejr orer the trail.
Tbe Mm ts M4b homo to hta rest:
The Rates of the great corral awing wide;
L the trull lead cm to tho heart of the west,
Orer the crest of the great divide.
Florcnco E. PratL
Ign'oraiieo 1b a Fnblle Library.
Colonel Gr&ndelmycr, of Novnda,
telle this stery: "Iwaawitta Judgo
, - Patrick Duffy, of tho Eseox Market
court, one day on Eighth Btrcet, in
Hew York," said ho, "when it oc
curred to tho judgo -that something I
wanted to know could ho got from a
Neyada paper up at tho Cooper In
stitute library. I offered to wogor
$100 that they didn't havo a Novnda
paper there. Ho said oh, yea, thoy
did, and laughingly took mo up, Bay
ing, at length inoro seriously, that
they had many of them tlioio. Wo
had just got to tho steps, and wcro
beginning to go up, wnen A emu,
'Judge, 1 want to givo you a show
for your whito alloy; Til hot you tho
tlOO that thoy don't lniow where No
vada is.,'
"Ho accoptod it and wo wont up.
'Havo you got a Nevada paper hero?'
asked I. 'Wo havo not,' said ono of
tho several attendants, and then ho
turned, in a perplexed way and said,
'the first .thing after, 'Where iaNo-
vada, anyway?' Nono of tho otbors
could answer, and tho judgo walked
clown, convinced that after all thoro
'" ,wero many things tho averngoper-
c son didn't know, especially about
thoro." San Francisco Examiner.
SF .,
i ""
E. e
What Klectrlclans Stunt Vo far Us.
-If tho electricians givo us sunshinq
at' night thoy. will havo bestowed on
mortals a godlike gift. Wo want,
however, something elso from tho
electricians, oven more than that. It
is a something thoy havo often tried
to givo, hut havo novor yet suc
ceeded in bestowing on us a practi-
f calolcctrio motor. In tnourac place,
wo want a motor wlucn win supor-
Rln horaofl for tho traction of I unit
vehicles. Imagino tho convenience
of olectric cabs and omnibuses I At
present, not only 5,000,000 inhabi
tants havo in London to ho fed and
watered and provided with air and
light and room, but 500,000 horses.
If tlioso could bo dispensed with, tho
saving would ho enormous.
Nor would tho saving in keep bo
the only convenience. Carriages and
carts without horses would tako juat
half tho room now occupied. Elec
trical traction would thoroforo put
on end to tho congestion of traffic
which is so eorious in many thorough
faros. Instead of a cab, wo should
havo a light armchair on whoolB,
with a seat in front for tho driver,
which would carry us in safety at
eight miles an hour. London Spec
tator. The Poison of Eel's Blood.
If tho conclusions drawn by lato
experimenters aro sound it would
seem that woro an eel provided with
an apparatus to inject its own blood
into u wound as tho sorpont injects
his vonom, an eel in tho mud would
bo oven mora objoctionablo than a
snako in tho gross; Profcssor-Masso,
tho Italian Koiontiot, in experiment
ing with tho blood of cols has dis
covered by injecting it under tho
Bldn of rabbi Ui, frees, mico, guinea
pigs, etc., that it is n rank ioison,
boing bud liar In action to tho venom
of snakes of tho viper kind.
Tho vipor's bito, it is woll known,
causes death by pai'alyzing tho action
of tho respiratory organs , death from
col blood poison is similar in nearly
ovary detail. In regard to tho euro of
a poraou or animal injected with ool'a
blood Professor Maaso eays that stim
ulants usually given aro wholly use
less, and that tho only hopo of a cura
lioa in tracheotomy and tho artificial
pumpiug of air into tho lungs. St.
Louis Republic.
Indians Who Won't Eut ltahbll,
Living almost wholly upon gamo
an thoy do, tho Navajos caunot bo
prevailed upon to taato either fish or
rabbit. I havo known some vory
ludicrous tilings to happon whon
meanly mlscliiovouH Americans do
ludod'Navajos into eating either of
thoso forbidden dishes; nnd bomo
times thoro havo been vory rorious
reatliationa for tlio ill mannered joko.
Rabbits aro wonderfully munorous
in tho Navajo country, being mo
lasted only by fcathoml tuul four
footed enemies; buttlio Indian who
would fight to tho deatli sooner than
touch a delicious rabbit stow is greed
ily fond of tho fat and querulous
pralrlo dog. That wholo region
abounds in "dog towu3,"nnd thoy
are frequently besieged by their
, Hwarthy foes. 0. 1 Lunmila iu St.
Uwma of PuMlo DrtnlilUK Cups.
Learn to drink from a puhlio faun
tain oup, if you must do this, without
touching tho rim. Put tho lower lip
n in Um water fir&t and tilt tho cup
blglw than uuu.il, Wlicu children
want drinks from the nulway mug,
jmm a cjw oambrio handkerchief
owe the rim, uoxt tho Up Now
York Journal.
An Bleten Storv llttlli" ng the Top al
Wlilek la Henclicil by ladders.
Totala, precipitous in many places,
rises within tho confines of tho outoi
city of Lhiwa in tho northwestern
quarter. It is heaped up in tho most
fantastic stylo with halla and storied
temples nnd irtonstor tombs; but, on
looking up from the foot of thes
heights, tho wholo scries seemed con
joined into ono-vast structure, sur
mounted by flvo gold plated rec
tangular domes of great fiize.
Tho chief erection is tho P'o-dang
Marpo, or "Red palace," a building
carried up to tho height of eleven
stories and which is asconded from
story to story by means of wooden
ladders with broad hutdlfflcultnteps.
This is tho central edifice around
which tho others climb and cluster.
Tho lower stories aro built against
tho sheor face of tho acclivity.
After passing up a stoop path aye
nuod by trees, you arrivo at tho prin
cipal or eastern doorway of tho whole
establishment. Hero, first, is a lone
hall, up which you may rido on pony
back if you choose. Tho hall is gar
nished on either hand bylongrowe
of massivo prayer cylinders, which,
placed l:ko barrels on end on woll
oiled nivots. can easily bo raado tc
rovolvo with a touch as you pass
Eanh barrel has within it. wound
compactly on tho iron nxlo passing
from top to bottom, innumerable
lengths of paper, on which has been
stamped many thousands of timet
tho well known formula, "Oin Mani
Padmo Hum," tho upecial invocation
to tho Bodhisaltwa Clicuraisi, and
therefore to tho grand lama, who
visibly impersonates him. At tho
end of tho lmll aro broad eUmo stops,
which mount to a paved landing,
where Btands an obelisk. You aro
now again in tho open air, and two
long flights of Bteps, hemmed in by
tho outer walls of other buildings,
ascend up tho faco of tho hill to the
ground floor of tho red palace.
Then co tho ladder climbing com
mences. Fivo long ladders, ono after
another, havo to bo scaled, passing
up through dark and mysterious
vaults really vestibules to tho neigh
boring buildings some with weird
looking passages conducting who
shall know whithor? At tho top of
tho fifth laddor things fieom brighter,
sinco now you enter tho more hab
itablo portion of tho palace, compris
ing suites of rooms, sot abovo set.
On this floor, in an adjoining apart
ment, nro tho lower limbs of an elo
pliantino imago of Jhampa, tho
Buddha-to-como. HoisBeated on a
platform in this room and his figure
is of Buch colossal proportions that it
passes up through tho llooi-s of tho
two othor stories abovo this ono.
Altogether tho imago is said to be
about sovonty foot high. When you
havo reached tho third floor of tho
upper portion of tho palaco you may
walk around nnd gnso upon tho mon
Btor head and shouldors of this gilded
All orthodox visitors on their way
up porform solomn circumambula
tion around tho legs, tho body and
tho shouldors respectively, onco on
each of tho three floors through
which tho olllgy has been reared.
Murray's Magazine.
The nUttnvery of tho 3In;nutlc Nerdlo.
Tho discovory of tho magnetic
needlo was ono of tho most useful
and remarkable of human discover
ies, Tho needlo, whon placed paral
lel to a conductor carrying an olec
tric current, would bo deflected from
its position to tho right or loft, aB tho
caso might bo. TiiLh discovery cro
nted a great excitement among sci
entists who tusboliovcd m its power.
It was too simplo to bo of value, so
thoy thought, but scientific minds
began to study into tho relationship
botween mngnotium and electricity,
and somo wont bo far as to doclaro
thoro existed a miesiug link, and
commenced to investigate, oxpori
monting silently, that if they failed
no ono should say, "1 told you bo,"
as thoy often say to unfortunato in
vesticators in modern times. Boston
Tliu !Cca of H Thluf.
A characteristic thiof's oyo is ono
whoso lowor lid is straight, while the
upper ono is mora or less arched,
Tho straight lower lid is always no
ticeablo, howovor, tho effect being a
vory cunning and foxlilco expression.
Detectives usually havo very notice
able eyes, keen and clour, although
ono of tho very best thief takers that
tho writer has over kuown has big
brown eyes, ail innocent in oxpros
sion as aro those of a frank and hon
est schoolboy. This is his natural
expression, but when ho becomes
interested in anything his lids close
and his ga?.o is as penetrating as tnnt
of an eaglo. rittBburg Press.
Too Much TliiLerlug.
Mrs, Winks 1 Ecotho question of
omitting tho word "obey" from tho
nmrringo service is up afiuu.
Mrs. Minim - Yea; it's porfoctly
abominable tho way thoy tiro tinker
ing at tho marriiigo iw k They'll
bo leaving out "love tin I honor"
next and bring tho IvnuUhil ncra
ment down to n conu.toni.laco civil
contract. Well, I mut Iw going. 1
want to take this bumllo to tho tail
or's before his plneo i3 thut up. It U
somo of my husband's duds which
ho told rao to nnud, hut I think 1
kco mveulf. Goodby, dear. Now
York Weekly.
A Fairy Tale lim Arabia,
Anent tho. ease with which sen
tences aro twisted and their min
ing colored by a stroke of tho pencil,
I am reminded of an oriental legend,
related to mo recently at a dinner
party by Mllo. Azeez, tho Syrian
leuturer. Mllo. Azccz ia on accom
plished linguist and of courso reads
and speaks Arabic with nativo
fluency. "Tho Arabic language,"
Ktid she, if I quote her correctly from
memory, "is peculiar. Thero aro in
Bomo instances as many as seventy
different words to express tho same
meaning, nnd then, too, tho orasuro
or addition of a dot will entirely re
verse thd meaning of a wholo para
graph. Thoro is a legend in Syria to
tho effect that ono of tho king's min
isters onco took a disliko to tho
queen, nnd wroto a slanderous epi
thet concerning her on tho walls Bur
rounding tho palaco.
"Tho authorship was fixed upon
him, and tho king's soldiery took him
into custody. His head was hi dan
ger. As ho was being conducted to
tho audienco chamber tho escort
passed tho place whero ho had pub
lished tho slander on tho queen, Ho
hurried and covertly orasjd a single
dot. Whon arraigned ho declared
that it had been his intention to flat
ter tho queen, and begged his sover
eign to send learned men that thoy
might read tho inscription aright
This was done, and the wise men, in
stead of n calumny, found a poem
dedicated to tho beauty and amiabil
ity of her majesty." New York
Two Lovers of Itnrltles.
Foreign art journals con tain an ac
count of a bargain mado by a rich
Russian noble with an eminent
French artist. Tho rich man bought
a picture which tho painter had just
finished, and wlucn was considered
his masterpiece, giving a higher prico
than was asked for it on condition
that tho artist should nover make a
copy or retain a photograph or oven
a study of it.
Tho Russian could not enjoy tuis
great work of art unless ho know
that no other human being could
Bharo tho pleasure excopt at his will.
It hangs in a chamber of his palaco.
Oddly enough, tho subject of tho
picturo which has excited this feel
ing is tho Madonna and Child.
A. companion Btory to this is that
of a wealthy "self mado" American,
whoso chief pleasure was for years
to accumulate autographs. His col
lection embraced lcttors from almost
ovory English author, tho original
manuscripts of an essay by Elia, ono
of Dickons' novels and a lecture by
Thackeray. His delight in toucliing
and looking at these treasures was
kcon. Thoy wore friends nnd com
panions to him.
Ono day ho gathered thorn all up
and sent them to a froo collogo for
poor boys.
"ItBcemed criminal in mo," ho said,
"to keep this groat pleasuro to my
self whon thousands might bo mado
glad by it" Youth's Companion.
A Ornnt Discovery Thnt Slumbered.
In earlier times ono of tho greatest
discoveries of tho ago was mado by a
man polishing nmbor, which was ono
of tho most highly prized of anciont
ornamental goms and found only
among tho crown jowels of royalty
or in tho caskets of princely rulers
and wealthy peoplo dwelling in pal
aces. Tho man, it was said, folt a
mighty shock a violont tremor
thrilled through his hand nnd arm
whilo ho was rubbing tho stono. Ho
may havo exaggerated tho account,
or tho authors of tho. many voi-sions
may havo done bo, but tho facts wore
That man had struck tho trail of
an electrical discovery. But for con
turiea this suggestivo truth of slum
lioriug power slept. No experiments
wore tried scionco was in a state of
roposo. Experiments suggestivo of
olectrio discoveries woro tried, with
out nttompts to furthor investigation.
Now York Telegram.
It you would be clean and haye your clothes Meno up
ia Um aaitwtand drewiwt manner, tako them to tho
where all work in done by 'white labor and in thy moat
,! r Ubtrty Street
Score One for the rudHKORtte.
"You havo Bomo lino ducks this
morning," tuiid tho kindly old school
master to a poulterer.
"Yes, sir, nil fresh today." .
"What is tho prico?"
"You can tako your choice, sir. I
havo them at all prices."
"Well, I want to givo my boys a
treat, but I do not want them to bo
too tender. Thoro aro a dozen hero
pick out four of tho toughest, "
Tho poultoror oboyed. "Hero, sir,
you havo four of tho toughest birds
in my shop."
"Thank you, sir," said tho school
master; "I'll tako tho othor eight,"
Cincinnati Commercial Gazotto.
A Tuklni; Klgn.
A tradesman of Flntbush avenue,
Brooklyn, has a big sign btratchod
across tho front of his Btoro bearing
in largo black letters tho logend,
"Dealer in Green Goods." Ho bolls
vegetables and general garden truck,
but if tho sign doesn't bring him
many customers eager for unhal
lowed speculation thero is no virtuo
in nppoaling to thoir inclinations.
New York Sun.
Poor Utile K'fma."
"E'frumr cried Dinah.
"Yns, tun," replied the littlo darky.
"Ia yon bin over to Cap'n Joneses wa
t'mcl'n patch, an bin an gone an hooked
er nico big ripe wat'mol'n an hid it in
the woo'ahed? Ans' me, child. An3 uie
jchs ez quick oz yo kin."
"No, 'in. Fo' do Lawd, I ain't"
And littlo Ephraim nover knew why
ho got licked bo much ltnrder than nstial
that night, until ho ha grown n little
older and understood theso race ques
tions bettor. Harper's Bazar.
A rrotnlted Electrical Improvrmrnt.
Snch remarkable improvements are
constantly going on in tho tlectrical
wold that nothing now ccenif, surpris
ing. For that reason only one is enabled
to read with equanimity that r.n incan
descent lamp without a filament is the
next electrical JmprovcmentproinisHl.
Complexions Umlrr l!lctrla Light.
When tho electric light flint ccme
into vogue great nlann waa created
among tho fair sex by tho statement
that tho now light was an active
agent in tho creation of freckles.
Sinco then tho world has grown
wiser, but still tho ultratruthfulness
of tho modern luminant in revealing
tho actualities of featuro and artifi
cialities of complexion met with in
every ballroom liaB militated great
ly against its popularity. A promi
nent Now York society leader lias
earned tho gratitude of millions of
her Bisters by tho discovery that all
its objoctionablo characteristics can
bo removed by covering tho incan
descent lamp with palo yellow Bilk.
Tho effect on tho complexion is
aid to bo "creamy and facinating,"
and it may bo taken for. gran ted that
henceforth tho stanchest advocates
of tho olectric light will bo found
among tho box that has found a now
way of causing it to render tribute
to their attractiveness. Eljctricity.
No Hurry.
Judgo Wakefield, of Waco, Tex.,
has n son of whom ho is very proud.
Ho thinks tho boy has a judicial
'mind and will grow up to bo a great
jurist. Tho boy is, however, very
A few days ago tho judgo said:
"My dear boy, why don't you study
more industriously? I want you to
become a great junst. You have
not touched your book' to-day."
"1 am not going to study any to
day," responded tho indolent youth.
"I don't seo that it makes much dip
foreuco, pa, whether I become a fa
mous lurist a few thivs hoonor or
later." Texas Sifting
I'lildluH mill VliilhiH.
Boy Is this instrument called a
fiddloor u violin?
Professor Von I blay it, it's a
violin. Veu you blay it, it's a tiddlo.
Good News. .
i r-
I ii a I'rohlhitluu Tottn.
A sign that was placed on a store
door about forty years ago now!
adorns a Biddofoixl placo of business;
and is of courso olwoloto in its pur-i
nort and should bo discontinued at.
onco. It roads, "Wines, ales, oto." '
Bangor (Me.) Commercial.
Man Was Made to Mourn.
lNsrimtx, nnd ixrhapi not. llowovor
thnt may l. ha hua no excuo f-r hU
inlnrry,)! It luproduoed by uertunet
fo Iobr iu be uesloots to rtlnlorce hi on.
feeblca itrrvw thronuu tha imxllum or
Improved dltfiNitlou, lieptu recur thl
by u regular uuo of liottetrr' BiohiupU
aiUen, a grateful loulohnrt traonulU.'ier.
It thould nnviir bo forgotten that tha
brain whlfth hi tha hdquartrr nf Uia
nervoui yttem and tha t.moh bar
plol rUlton oh to tha other, and
that debility under the wraUtband produce
a correlative dhiturUatira tu the orvnn of
thought, (live, however, a quUlu to
Bwvuiunwn tend headaeha by a reform
hegttn of the fountain head by the PUter
Taken, alue, fnr wtlrtl, bllloui ami
kidney trouble, rbeumatfeta and the In.
llrwIttM of age. Taken bftora meal it
iRaptrtt raiUfc far the fee.
"l , -' ' !rru.vai
'.' i.UVS-'V- JJ
.5 VLV l"3 '
1 WrS
VJ it
TIih Amnrtcnn poonla nrts rpnldlr bocoinlni; a
rscaof urvou3wreckB.nimihoiolIOTrliiaupuc6t
tho boit ruui'-'dri Alpbniisolluui)UlnK, of llutlor,
l'a., swears tbal when Ills sun was speechless from
Vinos' urcne neoiorniiyo
Mrs. J. It. Mlllcr.ol Valpai
Pt. Vitus Dunco, Dr. Mltae' Croat Reotoratlva
urocinim. sirs.j. h. .iinier.or
. 1). Taylor, of IiogniiMiort,
IMDOUndsfrcttn tnkluirlt. Mrs.
rcr, of Vistula, Ind.,wns cured ot 4 J to CO conTUl-
Nerylnocurod him.
luo.inn ,
Rained 'M
J.lnd . J. 1. T.ivlnr. of IjicimMHirt. Ind.. ouch
ounas rreui laklUK u. firs. 11. a. uara-
stonaad.iT,nuu much licadaihc, dltzlnoss, b.iok-
scue, ana nirvuufi pronirntion, ity ono
. Midi.
, sijshls dauKhtcr
Daniel llron. llrookWn
was cure 1 ot Insanity of ton o.irs' standing. Trlnl
bottlonnndllnahnok of marreluns cures, FHIU3
at aruzuuti TUisromCdr nchtcmsuo opiates.
Dr.lYllloo' Medical Co'.,nikhart, Ind.
Bold by T), J.Fry.'druggistalem.
by D, J.
Act on ( new principle
rcpulrte fhs Hvor, otaiuach
aj.U I'jv 'U through the
ne v I). MitK' ra.ua
tfi-iilv mra blllousncsp,
torjild liver nnd constlpa
tlcu. Sa al,-Ti!, rill'Jobt,
eur'-.tl bO'loacs.nBcUi.
G mn'.M trc .it iiru.'Sts
iK-i. t .HVhail.liit
Fry, drnj;f;ist, Salem
,ia$b,l&VftM? SP'.gt,
ay fi HWfia i."iU
- ' fes and Gasoline
TTitri, tennr nrfM nnff ftm
VkMa,BaraiBBW tliri..,un Km likely to got out
nro-dirtnannnyolhirn tsorgH.ulluruiine now
tjUU Ju)tlnhttha tiunr. luru lUo nbwtl. aiul 1
If o doubla or false rxplivtoi, so ftvqurs n-Ith Uia
uuu-uuuiu ri'lUK.
ror Simplicity It ltoate tho World.
It Oils Itself Automatically,
Ha ltattortoa or Eleotrlo Bpark.
ZX mm wrtth a Choaer O rode of GuoUae Uuin any
viuvr .aino.
yon fMcmmvK i-iuculaiui nrrtr to
PALMER & HEY, Manufacturers,
Si3 rnKka. Id, nsd Portiud. Dr.
BMu Mf mil
Surest iiJrCr!
VUlsus Whktst U4lJ .a HttVaru rttsltlM rrsst
nmutUH l ln.it, rt. rwtct,ti:Mr r lau.rt (l.o,
u muU tistuU.a. sttlu, iHwtinoi 4,Vllttr. '"
hMSMs, Uaia.r. ik.tM.tlii, tllui, Ut.r 4.J ..J.r
MBltlU,U Wtt. It4, i.uiits tnuti M-4ll.
is, TkU .imui. uii nsulM w...rtil i.uiii wr
UMtia.s4(lft i trrullkl U tutullr Ml Sj v
unniiiUitill SI.vmo, 4 UI nra sllsi l.n
IH.M r . fl. Tlssaul. Us k. tul It UUnu
IMS tSTMllMI Stilt Sll OlVr ItBflM hlA, -
(If smtrs-ll of ImiIsiuUU U tku 4 .nrj sitcr .UI4.
uuriMitu isrituKii lurtxic sin-iinur. u.
truUttUMmrtttn wi u.n . mill IU MM
rAMS ' H " Mts b i a ui t t uee ij v
9s4 ft! IUu(nt4 latitku, uU4. MihJ, Um, 4Utu
Majrxasin- Mitsoriua co.
Me, 7i Firat t.,PORTUiNB, OKI.
for Infantl and Children.
' Ca or! a h so well adapted to children that
t recommend itoa superior to any prescription
known to me." IT. A. Ancnnt, II. D.,
Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Tho use of 'Castorla'tl to universal and
lta merits eo well Lnown that It Eeems n worK
of mipereroeatlontocrdon'elL rewaretlie
Intelligent families who ao not keep Cafctoria
within easy reach."
CA0LO3 JliSTTK. P. D ,
New Vork City.
Ijite Pastor Bloomlnijilalo Reformed Church.
Castorla cures Colic Conrtlpallw. ,
Rem- Stomach. Dlarrhasa. hructatlon,
HlS Wogive sleep, and promotes d
Without Injurious medication. '
" For sereral yetra 1 have retsomrnendw.
results." 4
Eowiw F. Pinniw, M. D.,
"The 'Wlnthrop,"Uth Street and 7th Ato., '
New York City I
Tmt CtOTAUB Compaht, 77 aicnrav Stmebt, Nbt Yoiik.
f'hurcli Direclorv.
COMII'SltLAND l'llJ43llYTrit(IAH. Saleitl,
Oregon, U"V. J K. HI ilr, l'etor. Runduy
HChoolcvcrySunifny, 10 a. ni Prcathl.g
ovory 8un5ny, II it hi n .-l 7:30 p. in.
Church l'un on lllnti mtt, between
Marlon aud Union, t.vtiy od.v welcome.
MKTJiODtsr Up scoi'al. t.' rvken onc"b
bmhutKiU) iitirt 7:'0. Punliy pt-hool ut
12, L'pivoitli Lt-iigutH nt b:j6, I'inycr met
lng ever TliurrtJny evoul.ii!. IWv. 0. L.
Kellerm.tn. p?Btor
VAKiM UC.b-L. rner c-i Lihcr'y nnd
Outer Htrettx. Hundiiy Kerv)cen IfciX) a. m.
und":J0 p. iu., Huu i.iy scho. 1 12 m., Y l'.tf.
C. r. 0:31 p. in.; l'raj tr lneetluj; Thurt-diiy,
7.o0p. iu. J. llowernox. pacler. reslUenca
427 Llbi.it utreet.
I'jiESiiyTi-.iilAN. Church i-tre-t, between
Chemekt-tti iiml CVntVr. i'reiichlng morn
ini uud evening; Stbbuth R.iiuol ut 12 in.;
Y. l 8.C. E...tbo0p. m.; P ujei nieetlt.g
riiursd.ij ut7:.0p.m. Utiv.i'.H.Uwyuue,
D, U p.istor.
TniiCauucii of tloD Holds ldlgeous
.crvloebln the Good lemplcr'n hull Tu(S
day, Thursday und Friday u.onlugs. ouu
Ui h al J0.JJ u in. and 7:30. Bunday bchool
H 3 p. m. Llder if. if . Jliithjwa, pasior.
Ht. Joski'H'h Catholic Caui.cn.-Clie-meKoui
und Coltime. Sunday tcrvitee.: Iiow
maa 7,a) a. m.; high muM 10:JO; jjunduy
ch'.-il 3 p. m ; vespers 7:U0; wek daj s, low
niaso 7 a. iu. Ilpv. J. 6. While, pastor.
Ciinoki qatiokaIi. Comtr Center and
Liberty ttervlcen Sunday at 10.30a. ra. and
7 p. in.; bundny school 12 iu., Y. P. B. C. K
at HMO p. in.; prayer meeting 7:J0 p.m.'l burs
lay. lUv C. ii.Corwlu, pastor.
Sr. l'AUii Ki'icoi'Ai. Ci'OKCH Corner
Cuurcti and Chemekcia. ci-ivicet 10..W a.
in. aud 7 p. m.jHundny school 11. la a. ir.;
ervJCJ l'numdtiy7.30p in. ItbV. VV. i.uua,
l-'nihT liAi-nsr. I-lbcily und Marlon.
v rvlct-b 1U:JJ a. in. and 7.0J p. in.; Sunday
cUooi 12 m ;joung puople'N iutrtuig at (i
p. in.; prayer m utlnii 7.! o l nuisday. Hu.
itoljrt V, liiUkti-, p..,.tu.
Fiike MtiiionibT lii. Ii. t fmnlley
pastor, rser, iixii biithifij a-ornluy und
oTtulug, buuday sclioul rtl 10 a iu ; piayci'
uieetlug b'rluay nlgtu. C'nuicli wiiptbltu
Nurlli Salem ocuool.
Kkiends. At Highland park on cur line,
-iervlces 10:3a u. in. and 7.S0 p. ui.; Hunaay
icliool l iu.; L'hilstum Elidiuvoi U p. in.:
iraci mietlng 'ItiuibUuy 7:SJ p. in. Uev.
I'. M. ucorge, jjustoi.
UkKMAN Haitist. Servlotb In Unrman
lii'iitbt church north of (V.l'itjC'btieet.
Suuday mliool atlO a. in. l'rouutiiru ai 11
a.m. Evoulughervlcout 7.3U. Kev. Jubu
b'echter, pastor.
CintisTlAN. High aud (.enter, tiuuday
school 12 in,; preaching lu.oll a. m.; youu
people's county B.3o p. in,; prcuehlug 7:ij0
p. m. Hov, V. 11. WllUaiiu, pastor.
Qei.man Umoiuieii. Ci'plUiluud Mail
on.jhuuday service 11 a, nt.jbunuay school
10 u. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday 7wd p.
in. ltyv. J. Mucllhaupt, pastor.
CtmisTiAN bciKNCE. htrvlcts In Uni
tarian ball at 10.CO n.m.uuci 7: a) p. in ; Mib-
balh scliool 12 m,; Bible study 'lluusdnj
UjliTAiitAN riiuucit. I) 'Notional meet
ing ulllsuba. in. buuduy bvhuol ut 12 in.
oery fcuuday until otpteinber 1st. All
(outh SAI.KM-M. E. church. Preach
ing overy Wundty nt 10:.M u. in. aud 7:30 p.
in, J. II. ltooik, pastor.
OKUMAN LU I'll KllN.NlJl tl ColUlRO St
del lees ou 1st aud 8d .Suuduy of eacli
mouth at 2 p. tit. Uev. G. ti.Mcjer pastor.
Afiuoan MBnionuT, 'or:h Halem.
tjcrviccs ut 11 u. in. aud l:yj p. ni. huudu
school at 1 p. m. Uev, G, W. White, pus-tor,
Tempi ranco gospel rote lings at 4 o'clck
iiinduy ut W, C. T, U, ball,
S lem Abstract and Loan Co,
The only Abstract books of Marlon
counlv. Iteul mate orders
tilled promi.tly and
Wood Saw.
iveribody efts fharle- Smith's Ftcnrn
3d saw, 'The Kusl'.er." Ciders nt 27t
Fiont street.
Administrator's Notice.
Iu the County Court of tbe Slate of Ore
rou for fheio.iutv of AlHr!,,n.
In tue muttor of tho estuto of 8'h.s W,
Kstuto of lias W. U.tzlcy, dectustd.
.'"," """ J.'J" Vf luu UllUL'lbl(,IieU
idmlulslraior of the eslute or r-n.'.K v .
Oeeitley, die-eased, to theci'tditurs in, uud
ail pci!-OUH Lulling clulnibiiyaln, i to i-uul
dieeiMtd, topiebuut them ivlib ,u. p ope
vouvliers, wimiuslx uiouttisliuui tbu a,m
of tuis notice Ui ttiouumliilbtrhior, at tbe
attlc-o ot U. U. Young, city ot Wem, suito
Duted this UOth day of Aug jet, 1W2.
. . ... . '1.K.&AUIH,
Administrator of the estate of slias W
liet-zley , dt-ceused, 1 S 5t w
rpiIH great rt
X ii'tdyforthe
uitociars rCSUll-1U-;
I.ulll UPiiU.
lies common to
""""I is mo
nlkin.. r if ..
pbjsjc'aii who
huj made thise
diseases the
uuiy oi tils life.
, ,. , iaiuies we cor
dially Invite ou all to cull urd Investigate,
tutlce oer New York Ituetet otore. tXiltle-
rrklilin.t l.lnlr rnmtni,i.liil ut h...iu...
till HOn. K..7 Imriw '
Bsfc 7t& to jttijife!.
1 EGEJtnEaWl'.FWENfl.
Out rKSrECTIOX STKIiiOC trM IU stsij tuttU
I1mh. but. tut STAIX. fBEVESTS BTUlCTVKt
CuraOONOIUUiaUsatatXErUOiiW l.c iUj.
SuUkyslIDIlCOOirrs. B.stUu7A44nHlucl.
MAtYPOlt Murrwrrmjsa Osl. ulx A-T-n,0!:ta
South of Wtlltimsstt Hotl,
I Wish tO BUT fa mv On.lAlni in K
lumber trade ttisi I tiavo rtwUned in" po
sition In tbe Inraau.lVulsen A Co. lumber
yard here, but still ask the jwlruuage of
iliDtunuanuiitRiiui will irr IO Biajte It
to every mm Interest to call on m. .n,i
rn Biy prleea before .puivhaslnt elsewhere,
guarantee as geoa laraber as u in OrecoA
aiitl will m v treat yea white.
For Loca
t i
w Mines.
Dr. II. Smith Is now sole nfent in Ore
poufor the sale of Marshnll' Electro Jing-netlt-
lcfls 'or loiAtlng n Irii1 of Gold or
Stiver. T hi Initrmneul h.is become the
ii.oNtel71iuiitftirnH in d'triting tha pit
0Dcof Oolil and Silver di'ixjslts nhithir
In the form of hidden coin oi quartz men.
The milker claims that a carelul luvts'l
gntlon Is sure tolendonlo tho exact lo
cality of thM treasure. For further lufor
matt'ou please address
fialcm, Oregen.
Iiiigo stock of common llilcknhwijsoti
baud. I'l-.-iCduud ornii'iiental urltk
mads to order.!
l.c-uveoidirs t ."tolr fl Stale stiect,
Goodhue. t'oblll,Uiclntu -ttift.or at tha
yaut, oppi stMHUiu- I'lisou
Notice to Contractors.
TUEBOARDot Capitol Building com
ui'Esioners Invite scaled pr)i.Mils lor
tueionbtiuctlon of a watrr sjstem and a
systoui of protection agnlnst lira lor the
ntuiet-apitot. spccincauons may unseen
nt tlioL'ovcmoi's olllee. 'Ihn riL'ht to rc-
Jpct any or till bids Is icsetvtd. Uldb will
do opt-neu hi -i o clock p. m., iiusu.iy,
Auiiht23, 1MU.
IliVLSiCtl I J-. -liUl.li(
(.ho vv wriiltii t:,
i'HIU JIK'lOllA.f,
B '.ml ct( i mmtssloneia.
Wji. A. Jlrsu CletkolUxarrt. b-ie-ld
For Sale, Cherp.
A number i f tnos ot this i jirlnv Ply m
outh Itnck, Blaeii Laug bail, hlto Kg
liorn, and 1'nitrldguiio Inn all thorraigh
bredstock. Buy early, tavi t. press oliarges
and cet tho nick ot tliotfn-, tttot5per
trloboxed for shipment. A -dress
10. liOKr.U. xalem. Or.
Notice of Final Account.
fonll v.hnmlt may cencern:
OT1CE is beielivelvdi tint the nnrlM-.
SlKIlt d 11(1 IiliulKtrntiiroI HmiM.ltn nf
jinrj w. mitioii, ueitnKf'l, lias this day
tiled Ms final uci-ounl ns such admtulsira
or, with tbeckrkof tbeiiui ty court for
Alailono unty.i rt'g.Mi, i.d I be Judge of
said com t has fixed t tie 2Ht In! y of A ngust
1MI2, nt 1 o'clock p. m. at tbe county court
loom In the court bou-e ot fuld county, as
the time anil place for tie lieirlug of a-y
objections which there mi l.uo fald ac
count aud lor the settleini nt i ht-reof.
J. ii f iiiuutrr,
, , . .r, AUmluistiator.
July 19, 1S?J. 7-2Wt
Uiils Wanted.
QEALEDbids will bo leer ved by the
C3 County CUrkot Muilun ounty, ui.ttl
Wednesday. ?ent. mbpr7. ikp m 'Av...b-
p in,, foi keeping piuptrs at tbe county
poor (arm otilarltini-ountv, I-orpartlcu-
i1? na-"" of county cl rk or Judge. Tho
ft V. . 'r,:c Tvu vu irjen imy lir llll IllUS.
8-0-lwdw W. II LOAN, Clerk.
Uids for Wood.
JtKAI.l-Ublds will bo rrcelvfd hv the
, luuuif uuiii'i lnlIr.n county, until
t-oneMlnv .suniutiii,..',,!. . . ,, r.t:
ni.. fur nil rsii-ilu if ,.,,i .'., ..i. ,
J.'.f0,;d,:,r,"Shl,rUur old body fir
wood to be ile.her-d at the court bouse in
Sille,mK,aT1, rl8't lN "--sfrved to leett any
or all bids. y. i t a Vm '
M4W..IW "erk.
For Sale.
320 Acres "-fT'ffi&fs
P.O. U.j.
!t I .n, Ralem. Cr.
1 lOlvlHo
saWkar-n tVi I
Kansas City, St. Paul
And all points
East, North and Smith
sMrt ntvirnc.
Steamers l-onlai d o Sn FnudsoiVYery
cMadtIt!L5B4 wowUlatorawtion call
W.H.HULBURT.A.Mt.Geal. Viu. A
i n iUBiioa n.t
irt- CO i. tt z
to p ro - W
- - g -.
C g OI P-
&- re ? ?r
. - .
.- Oi
. n rc
2 S- w ft)
!- ft- I ' fr--
2 K- "
m 3 tS a 5s
f5 rT w m
Kj P tr.
5'es 5 ro s
h- ii 5 P
P P a H-'
- Zt t
M g o
O Cf P
' p B m6
Z- C K -
r -t c1" , P
p c 5- w cr
cf S- .. CD
o B 5 p-
5 p-
P" w
a K-3
c. ?
ft OJ CI. P
3 cf- a p,
ra ft pr M s
fr i s i t
p -M s" c
0- & a a
O- I 1-5 o
C H-. W I"
p JZ - ft .
U M i . O
tr p P-Ji
ra . p- ?
2 fe K
p cr t
P cr35
5 9, sJ' p
o 'cd P g.
ft 2.-s P
X sg cr
B -cl
P Oi - d,
g i5 3 g 2.
r?Z P-
p 2. p-
s ft o p tr
P-2 3 3 S
cr - co E.
" m Ch'S
S? ft
J O ft 13 ft
P w p'EI
rn . rt r.
o co
It O ni t!)
t5 SB B
O o p
S o 3 p
pj a p- rz
P Oft
p-" crft
523 3
1-1 CP 03 7
. , Irs
(Next door in Km u w)
tleclnlly ot Spcetkclti, n. u rtn,iH
SAIjJSJM, OJ'J.. o ox
Itutcs, ?2.50 to $Tj.()( jut Day
1 he best hotel between Portland nnd m.,
Fivnciseo. Kiml-dai in n -ts 8,"r)i, '
..,,.1,, i,u ini.i.-L, ,., . ..,..."! point
M.w. . .. ,.. wnn
Cholccsl 1'ritttn
Urowutlu tbe Wllliitiit-ite Vuliey.
A. I. WAbNEfv. Prop
Clias. WolJ,
123 State St.
Fiee delivery. All kinds of mett aril
emiMiire. Low prices Obi t atruusarere.
queited to eliist accounts mid renew busl
11 ess.
Within one-halt mile of two electric striet
cur linen and nilr iiouiuIsttatlonaudpoM.
ottleo Only two and one-quarter miles
fimii tlicvLUtc ofrnlem licn.ihy, beat.
tlful location. MjiI extra Reed, Well drained
und rich, l'rlc-i! low und teriun msy.
JMO-tf 11. W. U01TLK.
Absolutfcl - Hafe - Incstment.
$10,000 FOR $6,000
'J he new twotory bih-k Mine bulldluf
and gKMiid oci upitd by Oto, K. Hinltb, on
t oimneiclal (.titel. For mlo lur 8,000 If
inkeukuou. ItpirsiO jicr ci nt. on liiat
nraotiul, und will bo woith floClO In list
1 ban live eui b 11 . . UoTlLK.
-10 tf
Sealed Bids lor si Ur pt
BY OHDKIt of the ( onnt v Ooun of Mn.
liou county, Ortiii n, pialed plans.
Mia In diagram-, and iu li j a wuguu
brlilKOiiciOMilbe J" ilh -iu il 111 rltei, at.
Mill llfV, Alai.oii wu.nl.i, L kl,i u, will be
ierlecl by tin c-ltrl, iifKOid c-i urt until
Kilduy, -cplciiibcr,!', 1HB, ut W a. in., of
hald uay. UmIU brldtn in be blx cen lPetlu
tbe clear, coveted and j.ninled, nud to b
located at ono of two jioi oi-crt hiies, one of
which kilo Is luiwt-dlntily bilMv and iha
oiter abovo tho inllroad bildge attaij
repaintc bids will be received for each of
SHld lOcatloi-H, ai ci 'or tht- loinnon above
said riillioud biido Uie bid will Ijeiorsmd
wukou bridge! si' uelool tboii jmxichoL
the nortn bido ut btild liver, fcep rate bids
will alhobe ieielcd lai-faid bti ije exclu
nle of theluiiibei, 'lie cotiuly li rnWiiur
all lumber on Ibc gicumd uiialliiiiontnii
lor luniiRbliic ull uti.e natuliil, Lnch
bidder v HI bo icqulrcd todepctlt wllbbln
bid 5 per cent, ci ibc unit nut oi mch bid
lonbld Ihorchiili 1 the awurdinj;f f.ild
w nlruct an I J law irqiurtd ri d jiroMdd
hiid iiuuiti-HMil.ei,glittc 1'Jtctanj
unil all b.ds, iccelved unac-iilie h'dd order.
8td WM.lt.J (iA,Uerk.
iiul'orc Starting on a Journey
A peiwm UMiallj deslriM to gain pome 1d
lormatlou vn to the won OtMinlne luutetu
talc, und will puicbac titutlK ia Hie out?
tbntwlllalloiu blm (hi quit lett and test,
bervice. before blartini'"U a 11 p to tbl-c-i..o
i.r nuj iiolut Last, j ou tbou.d pn vide
joureelt Willi u nuiiiuud tin 0 lubln oi tbe
Vvhcoiiblu I intiiil Lino 'Il.i; tiolns run
011 tblt loutt aiove&tlbuleundaiccaulp)(d
elegant I ay Coacbeband l'lnlug (am
of latfbldrhlgu, built exprtbbl.v lur tlilF tcr-vlcc-,
uud aroexqulblte In lumlhlugu and!
couvenlcni and tomfortubie In jnarjge
intnl and b-. comj Itio In eery uctullthat
tbiy base 1,0 Mil enoi lu cnuilcit and ele
gauce. 'IbedlufiiB cm i-erlcoib ronoun
ted by all tin-11 est cleguut cvn itaugui
nltd.und lnOc.iUtd lu tbeiuti' est vl Its
Fast iralns Ia tho Vt lt-roiibln Central
Lines leave Ailnneupollb dully at i2,45pru,
and (1:6 p in., nnd M. l'aul at liuOp. m,
and 7:151' in., uiakmc lusorable coucec
tiou with all tiulnb Horn tho W'ebl aud
For tickets, mops, pamphlets and full'
lntormatlon arplj loU. F. AlcJcllI, C. P.,
and T. A., Mlniicajioiib, i 11111 , aud to Jus,.
U. i'ond, (Jentr.il l',ibbeii(,Li ai,d TIckei.
Agent, Chicago, 111. M&ly
And Oregon lieveloiunoDt vsompinTV
Rteuinshlp line. 'ijiulkbsirioite-r.L'Obouis
l"fstiiueih'n bj anj otliti toule. Firs
c-iass through pnsHeueer and ficlgbt llEf
iiom t'ortiand and ail points in tbe Wi
lumctte vullcv to and lrom Han trurciM
TIME SCHEDULE. (Kxtept bundajs).
LeAveAlbuny .(i)FM
LaoCoi-valli8 IkOI'M
Ariive Yaquliu. ----..- 5'vbl ii
Leave Yiiquinu U AS
Leave Corullls 10:1:5 AM
Airive Albany 11:10 A X
O. A C. traius connect at Albau anfli
Uho above trains connect at YAQUNA.
with the Oregon Development Co'b Ut
MtHeiiHishitii, between uouina ami t
N. B. I'm sengers lrom Portland apd alb
Willamette Valley points can ninkt clowi
conntcllon vcllh the trains 01 tbt.
VAOU1NA ltOUTK at Albany orConaLUi
und if destined to i-iin FiunclbC-o, burnilO.
arrange to nrrlve at Yaquina tbe tvenlDt
belore date of sailing.
Fa'stngfi' and freigtt Httta Almr t'
bowfiit. ror lmormatlon apply to Krtenr
HULMAN t Co.. Freight and 'HcfcU
Agents an) and 202 Front m., Portliiuc Or J
O.C. IIOOUK Ao't Oeu'l Frl .'
1'at.s. Agu, Oregon l"aUtlc It. 1 . 1
Corval'W 'I
;i H.HABWfcLL,Jr.&'n'l bv,
Faa..Afct. Ore-son l.ettiopr'
Co., SiW MontBorci-n U
as "3
-TOv1 x
lo Hichau's
&. nTTN
fkSL w03Rsi,
X6rAAN ,
1 'jn.fi. . hll4'ti!l
SZjT&J V T .'HH .- ""'
gsniVNTT. a r:c
Le rtlclinn's Goldnu Balsam Wo, 1
Cures Cluncrcs, flrsi and siconii slajw
Sores on the Legs and Body; Sore Eau
Lyes. Nose, eta., Conner-colored Blotches,
Syplillltlo Catarrh, diseasd Scalp, ard U
primary orns of tho dlseaja known M
m Syphilis. Irlce, f 5 CO per lloftl.
Le niclinu's a-ilden Balsam N'o.2
Cures Tertiary, Mercurial Syplillitlo Ubeu
lnitistn, pains in tho Bones, rain) In the
Head, hack ot the Ntxlc, Ulctrated Set
Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps a a con
tracted Cords, Stiffness of the limbs, nr
eradicates all disease from the system,
whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse
cf Mercury, leaving the blood purs and
bcaltby. Price S3 OO per ltottle.
l.o Hicham' Golden Huanlih At'
aoto for tho cure ef Gonorrhea, Cleet,
Irritation Grarcl, and all Urinary or Oenl
tal disarrangements. Prlee$4 50pr
or It I chan'a Golden Spanish In
jection, forserere nasesof Gonorrhas,
Inflammatory Gleet, Etrlctoiesio. Pries
. SO per Bottle, -f
i Hlchan'a OoUT Ointment
for the effective heallnf jyphliitlo Bores,
and eruptions. Prlrt,l OO per Box.
La Klchau'a Ooldea Pll'sNrrrt
and Brain treatment; loss of physical po
jr. excess 01 oreMrork. Prostration, eta
Price ta OO per Box.
Tunlo anal Nervine. .
Sect tmyvhare, a a li- seenwlf pusw
V m. 11 JsUaJUUBX
iKUMtp, 0JUW9S
At- -r