Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 30, 1892, Image 2

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ws frm cnlhu.
Vn M CwMt'n Recep
ttai. Otker Netted
Wr. PKfmMUHo, Au. m.bm-
Itel wtunw ftfcotr 150 new smm of
toter ftttd 4t lttluj from cholera
fthteafiy yesterday. Tbw ki au
i of SI new-, 089ea aud 10
toowpared with Butwiay.
ttAXaciM, Au. 80 All theatres
lttv bwa dosed foe two weeks ou
tooonat of cholera.
LtrtoPiwi; Aug. 80. Foar Ru-
taa eoiigratile who were to sail from
here from Amettea to-day. have
been stricken with cholera,
Havkb, Aug. 80. Tbero were re
ported yiierdtty Id this city 71 new
wm of cholera and 17 deaths.
ANTWERP, Aug, 30. 22 new
mw of cholera aud four deaths
since yesterday. Epidemic appear
to be spending througltuut the city.
Judge Shaftar Dead.
Ban Francisco, Aug. 80. Judije
Jatuea McMillan btinfier uged 70 la
' i1 '
The Cherokee Strip.
Chicago, Ills., Aug. oU Uunerul
Mi lee has received ordero to remove
the hundred thousand cattle front
the Cherokee strip, at once.
r brewery Burned.
. . f iVaukke, Aug. "30. Fire this
moralug destroyed the brew house,
levator and boiler house of Faulk,
Jung & Borchert brewery. Lows lb
The Wales Mines.
- Bkidsk, Wales, Aug. 80. Water
It tioodlug wouie of the gulleriea in
rMK I'it, tUe scene or tbe (IIbubIlt
otH explosion of Friday last. Till
will probably pievent llio recovus
' of bodies still la the nimo.
.m. ... iiiii.h in . .ii. imp .
" Governor of Arkansas Dying.
Loihsvillk, Ky., Aug. 30. Uuv
eruor Eagle, of Arkuueus, wlio In at
the home of his brotber-lu-litw, near
Q jKicuiuouu, mis state, is still in a
preiMrious condition. The slightest
yi"iutije tor tho worse will end bib
f? life.
Jail Break at Itoseburg.
ltoAKHUKn, Aug. 80. Saturdny
night Charles Mcintosh and George
Hi Brown, the two Lane county con
victs who were confined here laud
ing the completion of the new Jail at
Eugene, made their escape from tile
county Jail. Deputy AeeHor Ster
ling had slept lu the second story of
the jail, but was not awakened by
the noise made by the Jail-breakers.
They were evidently assisted to es
eape by some one front the outside,
who forced open two doors mid pick
ed the, combination lock of tbe steel
eage In which tbe men were confin
ed. They were committed for for
Ex-Chief FarriBh.
PortXjANU, Aug. 30. riult was
begun yesterday by the city of Port,
laud against ex-Chlcf of Police S. ii
Tarrish, to recover $1000,54, allegeo
to linvo been collected as taxes b.
defeuduiit In bis olllelal capacity,
and which he has fulled to turn ovei
to the city treasurer. The clrcuni
stances of this case have been
thoroughly veullltitd, arid tho be
ginning of the suit Is simply tin
city'rt latent step In the tnutler.
Mr. Parrlsh declined to discuss th
latest developemeut until he reoiv
ed ollluial notlflcution of it.
Lieutenant Totten.
Nkw Havkn, Con., Aug. 3').
Lieut. Totten, United Btatcs Arui.
has Hied u deed trausferrlng all hi
property to his wife. As a reu-tui
he hints at the possibility of hh
mysterious disappearance.
Portland Cable Road.
Portland, Or. Aug. 30, Pin
land cable road was bid In today h
public sale by J. P. Marshall foi
the sum of twenty-five thoummu
To Prevent His Escape.
Chattanooga, Tenu., Aug. 30
Oue-buudrcd armed men with
Winchesters are guurding thu Jail :ii
WIho courthouse, Va., to see that un
attempt Is made to release Tollor
Hall the out law and murderer, who
Is to be executed Friday. I bey
havu orders to shoot Hull If an at
tempt at rescue Is made.
Banquet to Egan.
Nkw York, Aug. 30. Informo
wm received this lnornlutr fnm
J Valpanilso thut a grand banquet
was given at that place lust night,
. by, the American colony to Minister
- "'.Jtjifurij on tho occuslou of his depart
ure mr hjo vtuiieu Diaics. lie suilr
t (.imorrow, or a short visit hpme.
t, ' i .
; Crossed tho Plains,
.San Josk,- Cal., Augit.ao. Mrs.
Mwtln Murphy, widow of the lute
Martin Murphy, died yesterduy,
' aged 84. Buo was tbe mother ol
Hon. IJ. D. Murphy, of this cify,
General Pat,Murphy, of Santa Mar-
s- garita, and Mrs. It. T. Carroll, o.f
v' Bau Francisco. Tho deceased was
one or tho Murphy party that crossed
.the plains In 18-14.
For Colored People.
' SPHiNai'lKM), III., Aug. 30. The
Afro-American Mlgrutlon company,
with headquarters at Chicago, has
iMtctt chartered, Its object Is to pro
mote the migration of colored nuo-
$l",'ple from tho Southern to the North-
, rii and Northwestern states utid
to maintain nn employment liurinu
," No Non-Union Men Allowed.
Portland, Or., Aug. 30. At
the uieetlug of the Musicians' Union
tbe following resolution was adopt
ed n relation to uou-uulou bauds
orinen being employed in this eily:
i "No band or bands, composod of
numbers of the Musicians' Protoot
iWUulon, of Portland, Or., will be
permuted to taku part In any parade
ooueert, or on nny ocouslon lu
which uon-uulon men or band are
employed, except such non-union
' wen or baud rosldo without tho
Jurisdiction of said union, aud are
employed and remunerated by a
visiting association or body; proyld-
w, that no uulon band exists lu
Uw place where such visiting bantU
Tbe Borden Murder Case.
"Fam,11ivku, Mass., Aug. 80.
Tbe testimony brought out In the
Llitsle Borden hearing yesterday
Mieed a ohange ol opinion among
Iter friends who heretofore have
' stoutly lualuhtlued her lunooeuco.
Tbejreonaldthestrougeat evldeuoe
eJoet lMM-tlbe that of Mrs, Addle
CiHtrobllf, neighbor whom she
bed known aud loved since child
hod. Mrs, Churchill staled rms-
Itiveiy tuai Mrs. Hoi den's room
4oor we open when she and llild-
a Sullivan lirst discovered the
y of the murdered woman. It
I already bweu slated Llxsle Her.
waetu the Hallway near the
i door, when llrhlget Bulllvpn
Uw frttutdoorat M o'clock.
Afttn Mm, Churchill Htatwl nos-
HlMdjr thai Lit:,, told her thut
jmrueH rewveil a note
emit en a etek friend, but It
i out yet been proveu that any
i iu tbe eity ur ektewhere seat
i note, ur that Mrs. Harden
'at any time durlinr
i4ejr. Like all tbreet of the
i for tbe tfoveruiHent, he
i And any tree of blood on
' eUHblug or perwn.
thie UetOMiony tbe prieetter
lip, Attabed, aad beat to-
ideate. Tbe tetl
M. UShma, a dttwri
THm lbw. a Mrwrd
Ittoideat, itd Fred Mart, aa
evk, ail f wbaM
0Witb'e drtl t.rj wb
Of tho Ministers of the Methodist
Episcopal Conference.
Portland, Or. Aug. 30. Method
ist Episcopal canfereuce resumed 1th
4ewUui at the customary timoyester
ilay morning with a half hour's de
votional service, conducted by Rev.
E. L. Thompson.
Pev. John D Erlckson, who hud
surrendered his pastorate, was per
mitted to withdraw from the con
ference and the Methodist Episcopal
ltevs. W. Clark, O. Ii. Whltmorc
aud J. Molullre were continued lu
the supernumerary relation.
Hev, J. G. Schultz was changed
from the efleotive to tho super
numerary. Revs. J. Hoborg, P. Mathews, J.
L. Parrlsh, J. II. IJ. Royal, V. M
Sklpworth, P. M. Starr, R. Booth
and a. W. Roork constituted the
list of superannuated preachers.
Albany was then chosen as the
place for holding the sceslou of the
Oregon conference in 1803.
Rev. V. R. Strubie, who received
a discontinuance at his own request,
did this so that he can bo at liberty
tounltowltb Rev. James Conolloj
III evuugellstlo lubors during the
coming year.
Hev, J. Hoberg, chairman of the
committee ou Sunday schools, made
hN report, whloh was read and
The ronimltteo on Bible causo,
Rev. 13. B. Thompson, ohulrmaii,
made their report, whloh was nuieud
ed and subsequuntly accepted,
ltov, G. F. West, representing the
Oregon Bible Societies, made n
short and portluent address to the
Rev. T. l Boyd, chairman of the
committee on church extension, ren
dered his report, whloh was adopt
ed as originally read.
In fact, tho entire morning wut
consumed with ordinary routine
At 1 :30 p in. n considerable num
ber of the membeis of the confer
ence visited the Portland univers
ity. Tho confeionee will hold Its
final meetlug beglunlng at 0 o'clock
his morulug, when reports of other
committees will be read, otllceis for
tho ensuing year electod aud op.
pnliilmeuts made.
Sugceeded In Having Her Sag-in-Law
Mn.NTiiiiAi., Quebec, Aug. 30
An extraordinary sevne was wit'
newed hereat uoon Saturday, wlien
Alfred Cl'nltere, a prominent law
yer, pasted from tho courthouse
to prison van, hand-cufied like n
common felon to Francois Paradls,
au old peuileullar bird aud desper
ate criminal. Lawypr Cloutere has
been married a little over a year. A
'ew weeks ago his mother-in-law
uulnvlted, It la said, took up her
abode with her son-in-law aud im
mediately began to run the family.
The lawyer tried all peaceable means
to have her leave. Friday night
there was an outbreak between the
pair, and Cloutere claims that to
iave hlmxelf he bad to resort to
forcible measures. Saturday tho
woman applied to the 'police court
for a warrant for her sou-In-law's
srrest, on a charge of assault. Tbe
court closes at noon on Saturday,
and the i rrest was so timed that tb
prisoner arrived as tbe doors were
eloslng. It was ton late to attempt
to secure ball. Tbe prison vau wu
t the door to take the ordinary
prisoners away, and poor Cloutere,
detpite all protests at the Indignity
was hnndenffed to the crimitiul,
bundled luto the van and driven oft.
Amon the crowd of amazed citi
zens, who stood witnessing wh&t
iliey deemed au unseemly outrage,
wus tbe delighted mother-in-law,
who xl oo I taunting her iudignant
wu-lu-law with his position. The
lawyer remained lu Jail all night,
only getilug out 8uuday evening.
A Clever Swindler,
St. Loins, Aug. 30. A man who
is said to have served as an officer
in tho Fiench, English and Egyp
tian ann'os, who Is master of a liulf
dozen languages, who went with
General Woolsey to tho retcue of
the lll-hiicd Gordon at Khartoum,
who talked wiih Stanley at Cairo,
and who fought in half a dozen but
tles In the Soudan, was arrested in
tue federal building on a charco of
obtaining money In Boston l
means c f bogus checks. This noted
Individual calls himself E. O. C
Byron Dumas, and claims to be a
cousin of Alexander Dumas, the
celebrated lrench novelist. The
charge is that while teaching fenc
ing and lauguage in B Mtou he
forged the signature of the John P.
Lovell Arms company to a check
for $050, cashed It and tied. Traced
to Chicago, ho locked a detective in
a hotel room and lied to St. Louis.
SillllVnh's Words wpre punctuated
by wild yelling. There appeared to
be it go,Ml deal f He-di on Sullivan as
he sat In u corner. Ills eyes were
bright and (histilug aiid face hard
ened and (annul. His shoulders
wero In splendid condition and
musclen show excellently. There
upieared, however, to be lots .of fat
over his sfonnch and on his back.
It Is very stranee if he does not
weigh In tho vicinity of 230 pouuds.
His Reception at Madison Square
Garden. ,
New YoKK.Aug. 80. Corbett
showed his shapely limbs and mus
cles to n crowd of rive thousand ad
mires at Madison Square garden
last evening. At 11:05 the master
of ceremonies introduced Corbett
amid great cheering. He was ac
companied by John McVey, of Phil
adelphia, who was to opposo him.
Tue young Callforulau walked from
the dressing room to the ring,
where cheer after cheer went up
He sprung 'Ightly up the steps and
tiowed to the assembled multitude
ijow criticisms on I tie Uallfornian's
condition wre heard. Indeed Cor
bett did not look as if much was the
mutter with idm There was a pret
ty exhibition of boxing between Cor
bett and MnVay. MoVay, however,
wus loo beefy and altogether too slow
for the star of tho evening. Things
livened up more in the bout between
Corbett aud his boxing partner, Jim
D ily. Though Daly was not heavy
enough for Corbett there were some
pretty quick fighting, aud Corbt
bud a chance to show JiIb ulmbleness.
He was remarkably quick, and hit
clean science urged the spectato t
upto theshoutlng point. No doubt,
despite the somewhat disappoint
ing developments, OorbHt m I
himself hots of friends by hi
elever methods and evident splen
did condition.
"Thick anil tesy." IPACIFiC LAP
169 Commercial Street,
rrnr: rnonnPTIOtt of nn nlmnilanl
1 growth of lmlr, -.' n Mllt-llke texture j
and o! tbe original color, often rrxults
from tlio use, by tliusn io liavo become
bald or gray, of Aycr's Uair Vigor : I
" I was rapidly becoming gray ami
bald; but after using two or threo , dlj O f(l
crew thick and glomy and the oriel- j .,.,. nni.i,P,l
tial color was restored."-M. Aldrich, I i'crdon fortheflnest fln Bhed
Canaan Centre, N. u. I ruorooKAi'iio in men,.
" A trial of Aycr's TIalrVIcorlin ron- MONTEE BROS.,
vinceu mo oi us meruit, us 11311 naa
not only caused the hair of my wife and
daughter Jo be abundant and glossy, but
it has given my rather stunted mus
tache a respectable length and appear
ance." It. Brltton, Oakland, Ohio.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past four or Ave years and and It a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair.
It Is all that I could desire, being harm
less, causing the hair to retain Its
natural color, and requiring but a smalt
quantity to ronder the hair easy to or
range." Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles
at., Haverhill, Mass.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
rnzpAHED sr
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
Gold by DrugglaU and l'erf uroeri.
Contractor and
Baleni, - - Oregon.
Natural Woo3 Finishing,
Cor, 20th and Cliemeleta street.
Machine Shop, Guns,
Sporting Goods, Etc.,
208 Commercial Htreet.
J, J.
Livery Feed and
Boarding Stable,
Scientific Horseshoeing,
On State Street.
U Btnte Street.
The Columbus Monument.
Nt.w Yoinc, Aug. !0.Tliu Hal
Ian steamer, Onglluiio, with tho L'o
lutuliua tnonutneutou txvml, la hour
ly exH-cteil, mul the Unltttl States
crnU.'rtt Atliuitu ami Clileuno are ly
ing nil fliuulv Hook Hwultlng her ar
rival, when they will eeoort her to
the dock lu Hie Ninth river. The
GHgllauo wag sighted ou the lUth at
Gibraltar, anil, wlml anil weather
favorable, she cannot fall to arrlvo
within Hie next lhlrty-lx hours at
the outMile. The ooiiintltteo of 100
of thu Cohttublan celebration will
go down tbe hay ou a steamer to
meet the veawl an noon a she la
wglited, and after ahe Iiim ootne to
auehorlu the North river, will ko
(hi board and be Introduced to the
uumniRUtter and to Qeatatu Humo,
tho designer of the uiouuweut, Ou
Mm day that theevetlotnof theHtou
ument are tMiwjKirtwl from the
riverfront to Wth HttH and 8th
aveiiu, wbr it h t be orwd,
Uhnw will U rvU f all the 1UI.
Ian wiU4M lu Kuw Yk and
Mooklyn, and H k wxM(tMl tbt
tU (JH4M4 MHd AUant will M In
vrjrdUMfflliiirivrtMlMi ftl Um
B:coptin At tho Atlantic
Nkw Yokk, Auk. 80. John L
Sulllvuii reeelved 11 great reception
on Ills arrival nt Fluthuvh uvenue
depot jeeterdny from his training
quarters. Tho train wus Imlf un
hour late, but thut cut no figure
with the enthuslnetlu crowd. Wuit
lug to uvold the crowd Kulllvun
hurried through u private exit, fol
lows! by nn admiring crowd, who
cheered him to the echo. With the
iwalstftuco of two mounted police
men, who piloted him through the
crowd, he wan escorted to hln car
riage mil driven to Phil. CasoyV
IhiniI-ImiI court. Hulllviui retired
tou prl'rilu room aud declined to
HPuuuybody. Amirglug mob was
ouUlde the court. The great crowd
rtHhcd its way Into Cleremont ave
nue rink, lu IJrooklyu, last night to
wltneis tho reception tendered to
thillivttu. Thu police bobbed up
everywhere, and theio was the best
of order. The elite sporting fritter
nlty w'.h there tosto what riulllvnu
looked like. Charley Johnson was
Builllnu and happy, apparently look
ing forward to meetbs. In tho ccit-
.teroi me immeuxo ruiK was piteneil
u 21-foot rln aud urouud It the
multitude ranged.
There were half ndozou bouts, in
which some local llghtem showed
themsilves, and shortly before ten
o'clock the man of tho evening ap
peared. Pandemonium relgued.
Jack Asliton was tollowed by the
champion. He perspired freely
wheu ho sparred threo rounds with
Jaok Ashton, but showed tho nglllly
of a eat, Il went around tho ring,
his uotlous like lightning. He wore
a confident, burdened air tbnt could
not be tulntnken. Ho went at Ash
ton very hunt, tnpplug him at short
Intervals, twice with the left and
once with with the right. Although
he touched bis companion on the
iron anil HUouuier, nu was very
tired tit thu end of each round. It
was remarked that tiulllv.tn pulll'd
a good de.il after the finish of rounds;
u wrinkle of fat ovr hla w tlst heav
ed lu and out to un mnull degree.
Btlll his admirers feol that ho .j lu
prime oiu'lltlon. Ilnlbih Is well
eolood, aud hU Htrlklog force us
m trvoloui an over. His legs are lu
tho best form.
A grout llorul harp on which was
Inscribed "Johu L. Bulllvan, oham.
plon of the .world," was handed luto
the ring, and as Sullivan bowed the
cheeitnggrew louder. There wtre
crlea of 'speech,'' J the big fellow
Mid: "I thank you fur hearty ap-
pisui-e aud I appreciate It. I bellee
I have the good will of tlu ptople
nere tuts eveulug or my last ap
IMaraucD before uiy last tight. That
Hght will dtehle whether I am
John L. Bulllvan of old or John L.
iwiitvan who pawed by, I am set
ohK to sfk dlejwrlugly of Mr.
Corhett. All I will 4y k, I aw
WMirtghMl to appear her; I have
iUlvd yHt ouee, but ki hv-gtte
m uy-gww, X aui gHg U) Htm
Open Violation of the Law, by
the Canadian Pacific Hallway.
Washington, Aug. 30. Actio,
Secrotury Spmildiug yesterday ad
drpsed to E. A. Twebui, depu(
collector of customs ut Montreal, t
letter stiitlug that tho officer of tht
treasury department Investigutttii.
alleued violations of the Chinese ex
elusion law informs the department
thut since the 1st of May about 200
Cidnese have taken trains utToronlr
for points ou the Mlchlettn frontier
Inspectors report that the luteres'
manifested by certain Canadian em
ployes of tbeCanudian Pueiflu rail
way In the transportation of Chi
uefre to the frontier is somewhat
suggystiyound investigation shown
that very few Chinese landed In
Windsor itself, but the night train
from Toronto frequently stopsutthi
race course, where there is no sta
liou 11 nd no occasion to stop. The
race track is two miles from Wind
sor, ami there Is little doubt Ilia'
conductors of trains stop there aud
turn Chinese passengers over to
smugllers, thus avoiding their being
seen at the elty depot by eus out in
spectors. Hpuuldlng n quests thu
the fuels be submitted to officials of
tho Canadian Puclflo, with u view ti
such action at will prevent attempt
ed violation of the laws.
Adopted by the National Socialist
Convention at Now Yort.
Nkw Yokk, Aug. 30. Tho uu
tiouul oouveutlou of socialist adopt
ed the following platferm:
Fiist Keductlou of hours of labor
In proportion to the progress of pro
duction. Second-Tho United States shall
obtain pose?Bton of railroad, canals,
telegraphc, telephones ind all o'her
means of public trauspor. dlons and
Third Muluclpalitles to obtain
possession of local railroads, ftrrles,
water works, gas works, electric
plants and all Industries requiring
municipal franchises.
Fouith Public lands to bt dulur
ed luulleUHble; a revocation of all
land grants to corporations or In
dividuals the conditions of which
have not been compiled with.
Fifth Legal incorporation by
states of local trades unions which
huvo no national organization.
Sixth The Uulteo. States to have
exclusive right to Issue money,
Seveulh Congressional legisla
tion providing for scientific mutiugc
meuts of waterways, aud prohibit
ing a waste of the natural resources
of the eountry.
hlghth luveutlous to be freo to
all; the Inventors to hi remunerated
by the nation.
rsiutti l'rogresslvo Income tix
ami a tax on inheritance, smaller
Incomes to be exempt.
Tenth School education fir all
children under 14 yonrs of age to be
compulsory, gratuitous, and acces.
ble to all by publlo asslslauoe In
meals, cnlhlug aud goods where
Eleventh Repeal of all pauper,
tramp, conspiracy aud sumptuary
lawa aud uuubrldged right of com-
Twelfth-Oniolal statistics cou.
cernlng the condition of labor, pro-
h bllug employment of children of
school age, and of employment of
female labor In oceuwllons deterl
mruUl to bealih or morality; aboli
tion of the oouvict-labor contract
j btvnt.
Thlrtewth All waifea to l nald
is wwiui money or the United
tttatte; wquallwttea of wotueu's
wagj with u where wiual iwrvlce
U prvform),
FowrUHWtk Law far the proteo
se Adopted by the
States Government.
Washington, Aug. 30. This
country is to have the most effec
tive magazine rifle in tbe world If
Secretary Elkins adopts tbe conclu
sion of the board of experts which
bus been considering the question of
iinnll arms for nearly two years.
The report of tbe board is now at
tho wur department awaiting the!
return of Generals Scbofleld aud
Flagler, und its contents are as care
fully guarded as olllcial communi
cations in times of actual hospital
ities. It is not likely thut Secretary
lilklns will dissent from the con
clusions of the hoard. National
pride at possessing tbe rifle in use
may be dampened somewbut by the
retlection thut its inventor is a
foreigner, und not a native of tbe
United Stated. Ofllcially tbe name
if tbe successful weapon Is to b
sept secret until Generals Schofk-kl
ind Flagler returned to Washington.
The Kiug-Jorgenson ritle is the in
vention of Cuptuiu Krac, 'superin
tendent of the royal manufactory of
inns at Konlijsburg, Norway, and
is the rilla recommenued for
tdoption. The Krag-Jorgenson gun
recommended for ndoption was
made especially for trial by the
Vmerlcan board, and 1h an improve
ment over the gun of that name
udopted iu Norway and Denmark.
The Euglifdi and German war au
thorities have been carefully watch
ing the exhaustive experiments
conducted by our officers. The
magazine of the new gun is of fixed
type, and is placed horizontally be
low und to thejeft of tho receiver.
It holds livo cartridges, which are
loaded from the right baud. The
closing 01 a cover Dungs tho maga
zine spring iu bearing ngaiust the
cartridges, which nre pushed around
under tho receiver until tbey enter
it in Aiceessiuu 'through a cut at its
left-hand upper surface. Tbe cut-dl
permits of its use as a single-loader,
and the light metal charges for
hading the magazine enable tbe
latter to be .replenished very quick
ly. Tbe gun weighs ulne pouuds
uid eight ounces, aud has a caliber
if thirtj -hundredths of nn inch.
The burrel is surrounded by an outer
ipetal casing, so that it may be
handled during rapid firing, and
has a knlfe-bayouet uttuched to
this easlug by an ingenious method.
The gun Is well aud strongly made,
and stood tho severe tst to which it
wussubj'cled successfully in every
particular. The caliber of 30 was
fixed upon about a year ago, but us
some of the foreign wnr powers
have lately goue down as low as 2-3
theie Is a disposition ou the part of
our authorities alto to go below 30.
as 10 siuoKeiess powuer, it cannot
bosald that any satisfactory con
clnslou has been reached. The for
eign brand with which the Krai;-
Jorgenson guns wore tested gave
very good remits, but theuutboritles
want American powder and are now
conducting experiments which
promise to give the results desired.
Both guus and powder will have to
bo manufactured In this country re
gardless of the nationality of Inven
tors. Th- invention may be bought
putrlghtor the luventurs maybe
paid a royalty on each guu.
Full bull bearlug Safety Bl
cyie. Tlie lowest prlrcd wheel
Inthe nurfcet. The best In tbe
world for tne price. C. U. llro wii
A?ent,HS cummer clal tit.
California Iifi7:cri.
101 Court Street.
Only l'orcflnm Hath Tuba In the
city, aw Com. Ht., Katun, Or.
Salem Haclcman is
Best Line lu the City.
Court Street.
Fruit and Cigars
P. O. Blook. '
J. E. aiUItPHY.
Tile for Sale,
Brick and Tile Yard,
Baths for Ladies,
124 Court Street.
ClBar and Tobacco. '
243 Com! Street
The Upholsterer,
Iteniodolo, re-covers andrpnni.
upholstered furniture. fiHf
rlaFs work. Chemeluta iS'
Htnte Insurance block w-
Carpenter and Builder,
Hhop (is Htnte 8treet
Store Fittings a Specialty
Notice of Assessment.
Jli of tbe com mon council of the city of Snlmi,
made ou the Mb day of July, lffJ2, an jKses.
mmtwas duly levied upon all property abut
ting ou Chei.iukf U street, from Water street to
itu strett. Bald aeseasmciit la hereby made
for the Improvement of Bold street. Halil us
seaauient bujII be due aud payable tu the re
corder of tbo city of Salem ten days from the
uaie 01 mis nonce, a ust ui property aumiiUK
on aald (treet aud tho owner thertof and the
amount assessed to such property la berebr set
uut aud made a part of this notice. Notice la
further given that unless Bald amount bo an
iiessed are paid within ten daja from the expir
ation or thla notice, that I aball proceed to
collect the snme by Ian :
W. Breyman aud E. Ilreymau; lot 1 lu block
G2 of the Lit) of Ralcni, Oregon, IH1 03.
II. W. Cox; lot 4 iu block 61 of the city of
aaiem. urcgou, tiio.d.
J. B. Btump; lot 8 In block 45 of the city of
oaieui, wreguu, tltl.uj.
J E. Btarkeyj lot 5 In block 50 of the city of
Salem, Oregon, $141 03.
State Insurance Company; beginning at thu
southeast corner of block 60 in the city of
Salem, Oregon, aa shown and designated "on the
duly recorded maps and plata of said city aud
running thence westerly along tbe south line
of said block 83 feet; thence northerly on a Hue
parallel with the west line of Commercial
street in said city, 40 feet; thence easterly on a
lino parallel wun tue soutu line o salil block,
85 fett to the west lino of said Commercial
street aud thence southerly along said west line
of Commercial street, 48 feet to the place of
beginning, being 40 feet by 86 feet of lot
number 4 in said block number 50. Also be.
giuulug at a point which is 46 feet north of tbe
southeast corner of block number 50 in the city
of Salem, as shown aud designated on the duly
recorded maps aud plata of said city; thence
northerly along the west line of Commercial
street of said city 25 feet; thence westerly ou a
line parallel with the north line of Cbcmeketa
street of said city 163 feet, more or less, to tho
amy in cam uiocE, thence southerly along Bald
alleyonaliuo parallel with the west line of
said Commercial street tu the north line of said
Chemekcta street, a distance of 71 leet, more or
leaa; theuce easterly along the south Hue of
said block uumber 60, 80 teet, more or less, to
the southwest corner of the property heretofore
com tved bj this bank to the btate Insurance
Company of Salem; thence northerly on a Him
parallel with the west line of said Commercial
street, 40 feet to the northwest corner of said
property conveyed to Bald State Inaurauto
Company; thence easterly along the north Hue
of said property couvejed to the htate Inanr.
auco Company aa aforesaid, 83 feet to the place
of begiunlug, Bltuated in the city of Salem,
cowuty of Marlon, state of Oregon, JH1 03
UrstNatloual Bank of Salem, Oregon; com.
meucicg at tbe northeast comer of block 13 lu
the city of Salem, Oregon; theuce south along
Commercial street, 45 feet; tbencewest parallel
with Chemekcta street, 05 fett; thence north
parallel with Commercial striet, 10 feet; theuce
east along tbe uortb bouudary Hue of lot uuni.
beicd 41), 01 feet to the place of bejluniug, con.
taluiug 2JJ5 aquare fett of ground, excluding
streets aud sidewalks; also commeuciug at a
punt which is o3 feet wwt of the northeast
coruer of block number 19 iu the aforesaid citj
of Sa em; thence south parallel with Comuier.
cial stteet 43 feet; thence west parallel with
Cheniekela stnetoSfeet; thence north paralle.
with Commercial strett 45 feet; thence east3
feet faclug and along Cheineketa street to the
northwest corner of the bank building now
erected on said block, being the place contain
ing 2700 square feet of ground, mure or less
excluding stieeta and sidewalks, but excepting
therefrom tbe property com e) cd by tbe late
William Stewart to Mrs. A. A. Wueclir by war.
ranty deed dated April 27, i8s7, and recorded in
the record of deed of llanou couuty. Oreimu
July 11, 18S7,book 34 of deeds paE455, together
with the tenements, hereditaments and aiiuur
tenancea thereuuto belonging, lull 03.
A. A. Wheeler: begiiiulng at the northwest
coruer of lot 1 in block 40 in Salem. Oregon
thence southerly along tbe alley t,i 7.12 left'
theuce easterly parallel with Chenieketa street
loSfeet; thence northerly along east lino of
block 2J 7-12 feet: theuce estprir i. r.
tlience northerly 45 feet to north line of said
block; thence westerly 40 fell to place of be
ginning, ,.
1 ,"Vo. , "V br,.8D" R-p" D0". Jr-i lot 5 in
block 31 of the lty of Salem. Oregon, $m 03
0gonf i'imM. " M ' ,he C"yC' S,!em'
A. N. Gilbert j the north half of lot 1 In block
32 lu the city of Salem, Oregon, 1111 03
J. Q. Wilson; lot 6 in block 2J of tho city of
8alem, Oregon, $144.03. ' '
,,M;A-Thoiiiriioii: all that part of lot 8 In
b ock 22 described aa followa. to-wlt: Beulu
u Ing at the northwest corner of lot8lu block
22 tu baltm, Oregon; theuce easterly on south
Hue of Chemekcta street 10U feet; theuce south,
erly at right angles 82 10.12 feet to the south
ne of said lot 8; thence westerly on said south
line of said lot 109 feet to the ea.t Hue of Lb.
erty street; theuce uortberly on said east Hue
$9S.ls!" ' mi ,m ta bf8'u'"c"
SI feet and 9 Inches; thence southerly parallel Notice of Assessment.
with west line of said lot to tho south Hue of
said lot; thence easterly along the south line vrOTIOE IS Iir.ItEHY GIVEN that byorderrf
of said lot to the southeast coruer thereof; j tbe common council of tho city of Salem
tlience northerly to tho place of beginning, nia(e 0n tbe 6th day or July, 1892, an assessl
73.16. ment was duly leltel upon all property abut.
JlOOdy; lot HI ill UIOCEWOI uia Cliy Ul "S uu vwujmciwm nun i iruni mo boulu side
u. iiui. ci.ee. iu uie Buuuitrn JllllHS 01 tho city
Said assessment is made for tbo improvement
of said street. Said assessment shall be dne
aud payable to tho recorder of the city of
Salem, ten elaja from the date of this notice
A list of property almttlugou snld street and
the owner thereof, and the nmouut assessed to
such property is hereby set uut and made a
part nt this uolice, Notice U fuitt.er given
that unless said amounts o assessed are paid
within ten dajs riu tho expiration or this
notice, that I shall proceed to collect (be same
by law:
J. J. Murphy and E. O. Murphy; the wcsthalf
of block 8 of the city of Salem. Oregon; $Jsl
Traukle P. Jones; the west half of block Mof
tho cltj of Salem, Oregon; f.!81.
Harriet T. Clark; lota i and S In block 41 u
designate d on the recorded plat of tbe citr of
Salem. Oregon, $95.2.1.
Amos Strong; lot 4 in block 41 of thscitvof
Salem, Oregon, $107.40. '
N. J. McPhersou; all of tbo semth fraction of
lot 3, block 41 in the city of Salem, state of
Oregon, said fraction containing 32 feet more
or less; to bo mere explicit, the property con
vcyed is all of lot 3 In blocK 41 exceptiug 42
feet on the north side rf fraction or h.i.i it
sold to, and now owned by Mrs. John A. Johns
and bounded aa follows; Beginning at a point
on the east lluo of lot 3 in block 44, of Salem
Oregon, 42 ftet southerly from the northeast
coruer of said lot, and running tbeueo westerly
parallel with the south line of said lot 105 feet
moroor less to tbo west line of aulil Int. 11, .,... .
Koutherly along tho west line of said lot to tho
southwest coruer thereof; thencu easterly
along the south line of said lot; thence north
erly along the east lino of said lot to tho place
of beginning, $J 1.05.
Julia A. Johns; the north fraction of lot
numbers, block 44, comprising 42 by 1C3 feet,
In the city of Salem, Marlon couuty, Oregon, aa
shown aud designated on tbo recorded plats of
said city aud bonndi'd as follows; Beginning
at a point on tbe east Hue of lot 3 In block 41 of
Bjleiu, Oregon, 42fect southerly from thenorth
erst coruerof said lotnud ruunlug theuce we6t
erly parallel with the south Hue of said lot, 1W
feet, mora or less, to tho west line of said lot;
thence nortberl) along the west line of said lot
to the uoithwest corner thereof, theuce east
erly along the north line of said lot, 1C5 fett
lLOrO Or ItSS. tO the 110r1)iA.t nmi.rnt oM 1 ...
thcuco southerly along tho east lluo of s lid jot
to the placo ul beginning, $18.60.
Marj strong Kinney; lots 1 and 2 In block 43
of Salem, Oregon; $190 60.
Allen L. Bucklughsm; beginning at a point
in eastern boundary 8 roUa southerly irom
uortlieast corner of ble-ck 42 In Salem, Oregon,
theuce southerly 4 rods along said boundarr;
thence westerly at right angles to said bound
ary to the western boundary of paid bleck:
thence northerly along said westeru boundary
4 rods; ther.co easterly on direct lino to place
of beginning, being 1.5 of block number 42;
l!U hnpurltv l i.c blooel lilcti jis
. 11tHl3l.il)' lumps tr swellings on tl e
.-uHif tlio neck; rauws painful running
, it's on the arms, legs or feet; ileelopcs
U'uii lii tlio eyes, cars, or nose, often rati.
13 kllnUiics or deafness; la the origin u1
linptci, cancerous gtuwths, or the many
tier rnanKeatiitUms usually ascribed to
'! tntors" ami fastening upon tbe lunf s
muss; consumption, and e'.ath. l!etj-
lii most nucient, It Is tlio must genenit t
tit etlieaspj ur nftections, tot cry feit
irrsems are entirely frc Irom u.
Kow Can
HkluMw, wi you U hwrtkof Uhu4 UtnU ud Jrlolwitl
ny taking ITood'g Sars.iartlla, which, by
lie remarkable cuim it has accomplished,
oitcu when otre'r medicines liavo Ltlleit.
Ii.j proven Itself to bo potent and pecul
at medlclae tor this disease. Some ol
ibes cur are really tikrtuL It you
mr (rotn scrofma en Unparo utexxl, be
iUre to try uood't Karsaiearuia.
K cry r6 wy Iff a'd .laiiUsn tut vo
pccu trottbMl wtth BCTofuU lore? brc k
ini out ou them 1 various places. My
little boy, tfcrce years uHt ht been a
ten I Wo w. lM. i iiiig l.e was one
was ot tore trem head to tctt. 1 w s
ttlrld t w Uood't tteis i Ills, at wn
bare u takenU. rMttttVtUMtailu.
bMt K4 Qi MM MCtttMt, 1 Wtl U)
rein HtMnif trt (wot for, mm( iOI tour
of my MWw took britkt and beaiiity,"
W, Jt AmMmw, rlc City, X, J.
Hood's Sarsaparilta
M4kriU. fl U frf4b
, l MOOB Oft, AftUkVtnn, im, iut
Manzart-t rnr1r all Ti ... . .
b ock w deacrlbed aa followa, tej-wlt; Begin
niugatapolutlW feet east of the northwc.t
coruerof block Win Salem. Oregon, and run
nlng thence aouth bH, feet; theuciwest 66 f,e
theuce i aorth 8J teet; theuce west en the
uorthllueof tatd bock 22. 60 feet to ulace of
beginning. I18.V0. u ! Uce of
ofV.CorgJ'.'l1j!.UJ,n blCi M ' " c5
Onur"1 l0MlnLl0ck 831 8.1.,
. J i u'en,on' '" B 'a block 4 in the city
of galem, Oregon, till 0J. '
Amelia O. htle j ; lot 8 in block S of the cltl
of Salem, Oregon, fill 0J. "'
J. B.btump; the cat half of lot Sin block
ra'P "'" ' "alem. Oregon. $TVl Wl
First Unitarian Society of halt,,, ().,.
the east half of ialn Llo,kC9 in thuuli c
Balem. Oregen: tvi OS. " l"' "'
O. Snoweleot lot I In block 70 lu tbe cltv of
Balem, Ore gun, till ns. c"'
M. V. Iterk: all that v.rl ne ,n . .. .
.. .,n.... ..-,.: T. .. v " " wnai
iKiiv..,iu.iiiii iirgiuuingat the nunboui
corner of otlOln uk 11 it, Uleui, OrJn
theuce easterly along Lorth lire of aaldMSj
feet; theuce aoutcer y parallel with th ilfj
f do of said lot u. f, el to t. uthVln. of .Ud Tu
thenc. westerly along saut south lln, YS? feet
68 feet to place of begtnuing, f 101 w nu"'l
fclaW ""P! tt.att.rt of lot loin
bock 71. deacrlbed aa follows. t"wlV Lrfi,
nlna at tbe uorthuett Mn... ', itrli".,i,.KM"
Tl in Balem. Oregont tb.nci VeslVrli a 2 .
aouth Hue of Cheuieltt. tuu n JUt. thl ilb
uterly at right angle, with Valicuth Hut
-- .t ..-"- ' -vij LrBiifti with
h. NthwNt Coruof lot number jn'aM
block Tli tb.nc northeily .long wt Until
tou.l ad J in uu block uKJ&
Z. I
Salem, Oregon, $111 03.
Mary Johnson; lot Bin block 82 of Salem,
Oregm, $141.03.
J Batchelor; lot 5 in block 82 In Salem,
Oregon, $141.03.
N. A. Oooriell; lot 0 In block 80 In the city of
Salem, Oregon, 111.05.
Eugenia ailllughain ; all that part of lot 10 Hi
block 83, described as follows, to-wlt: Begin,
nlng at a point un the north lluo of said lot 2"
fee t westerly from the northeast corner thcieof
and running theuco southerly parallel with tbo
eaKt Hue of said lot to the south line of nald
let; theuce westerly along the south line of
said lot to the southwest corner thereof; thence
northerly to thi-nortbeast corner thereof;
thence eoslerly !o tho place of beginning,
A. Bush; all that part of lot 10 111 block 83
described as follons, to-wit: Begiiiulng at tbe
northeast corner of said lot and rtiuniug thence
westerly along the north line tbereut 27 feet;
thence southerly parallel with tbo cat line
thereof to tbe south lluo of said lot; thence
easterly to the southeast corner of said lot;
thence noitherly to tho placo of beginning;
au 1 also lot 1 In block 83 of the city ol Salem,
T. Mcf. Patton aud Eliza Coek: lot 1 in block
&) of tho city of Salem, Oregon, $111.03.
A.ParvIn; lot 1 in Carturlght's addition ou
the north Bide of Chenieketa stieet, $119 GO.
Jaue A. Duiufoid; lot 11 of Carturlght's ad
dition on tht; north side of Chemckctu street,
Issabella Martin; lot 5 in block 80 lu Salem,
Oregon, $111.03.
A. Blosacr; lot 13 of Cartwrlgl t's addition ou
the north side of ChemtkcU street, $57.03.
W.N, Ladue; lots 4,0 and 0 In Cartwright's
addition on the south side of Chemekcta street.
$231 8j.
L. W. Starr; lot 7 in Cartwrlght's addition ou
tho south side of Chemektta street, 37.03.
F. Pugh; lot 8 in Cartwrlght's addition on the
south side of Cbcmeketa street, $57.63.
M. Bhodes; lot 9 lu Cartwrlght's addition on
eue souiii siue oi unewcueta street, IJ57.C5.
M. E. Costello; lota 10, 11 and 12 in Cart
wrlght's addition ou tho uorthsldoof Chtme.
keta strett, $17J 83.
O. T. and T. J. Oard; the southwest quarter
uiutiuiu uooeria aoaieion io me city of
halem, $138 SO.
A. M. Palmer; tho west half of tho southeast
e-'inrterof block in Huberts' additlou to the
' it ot balem, $o!l.s5.
J. B. Crosn; the east half of the southeast
eiuarter of block 0 lu ltoberts' additlou to the
e ity of Salem, Oregon, $09 83.
Mary Caufleld and Thomas Caufleld- the
northeast eiuarter of block J In ltoberts' addl
lion to Salem, Oregon, $138.80.
Hannah Joseph; all that part of block 3 of
Huberts' addition to Salem, Oregon, described
aa follows, to-wit: Beginning at tho northwest
c Tiier of block 3 lu Huberts' additlou to balem,
Oregon; thence south along tbe west lino
thereof 167 feet; theuco east paiallel to the
scuth line of Chemekcta street 735$ fett
theuco north parallel to the east Hue ol
Inelfth strett 157 feet; thence east along the
south Hue of Chemekcta street 79J$ feet to tho
place of beginning, $09.10.
E.Shepard; the cast half of tho northwest
quarter of block 3 Iu ltoberts" addition to
balem, Oregon, $o9.40.
O.A.Gray; all that part of block 6 of Rob.
eita addition, describtd as follows, to-wlt-
llrUnnlUU at tho Knnttiuec, ..n . .,.
o.oc-k and running theuco easterly along the
south line thereof CO feet; theuce northerly
parallel with the west Hue of said block loo
feet; thence westerly parallel with the south
line of said block 00 feet to tbewest liueof said
block; thence southerly along tho wtst line of
$!?ia! ' J,,a8 of W'tnnlnB.
J. O, Smith; all that part of block 6 de.
scilbed aa oilews: Beginning at a point ou
tl e south line of said block 180 feet eaat of
said block 1M feet east of the southwest corner
!.ith ,and ru"u, n thence northerly parallel
with tho west line of said block, 1M feel'
theme r.l ....', " . ? ."" . '!
-i i i. , - -i r.ic. ua ine SOUTH line ot
said block. 70 feet; thence southerl parallel
with the west aide of said block 163 teet to the
south line of said block, theuco easterly along
o, ZuJL7JhT bIock 7U feet ' ,ue vSS
.ihvV1,1 ".',A' 'V' Mel,oa aDj A. Mellon
OnHal"rKt?fWtk 41n Koberta'addltionTo'
tho city of Salem. Oregon, described as follows
B.gluning at the northwest coruerof said
block and running thence easterly along the
oith Hue thereof. !)3 feet and 7 lnche a; thence
southerly parallel w 1th the west line of said
block. 105 feet; thence westerly parallel with
the north Hue of said block; theuce northerly
.aaas,. .' .'Lst i.'A' woe i
D, .mj . ,zr. r .. "" . " oaitin. ae.
he' no "h line oV s'll "el. 93 T
uches easterly from the northwest co?neJ
of beglnning;$M"90 " "" ,0 ,Ub I"0"
theuce wntherh narallelJiih .A "...fs
aald block, ins fi. ... .i. ' ""r..."."1. " "ae or
.i. . ..---- w tun Buuiii lines nr u
low.; Bcglnnina at tha
RHH4 thwe. ilLJS. .tiJV.L' 1" ul
M I to Ik. scrthtore ttf . IV of
tUa at Wotsadu. aw J T "- "t to tb
1ST ftet .n.ii,.."-.t.""" ia block.
U0 10. " w ,ue "1W " beginning.
V. J. Larseu; lot 3 in block 43 of Salem, Ore
gon $93 i5,
Hattlo Easton; lots 1 and 2 In block 41 of Ba
lem, Oiegou; $108.20.
Matilda A. Prescott; beglnulng at tho south
easterly corner of block number 42 In fealtm,
Oregon, and running thence northerly alone
the eastern boundary of said block, 4 rods and
fa feet; thence westerly at right angleB to said
eastern bouudary to the western boundary of
said block; theuce Boutherly parallel to said
eastern boundaiy 4 roda aud J& feet; theme
cu.n-ny ou a true line to tlie place of bei.lt..
rilug; the same being the fraction of said block
42, except tbo following described land deeded
to Sarah Inllerton, to-wlt: beglnuiugata point
ou the eastern boundaiy line of block 42 as
shown by tbe recorded plat of tho city of Salem,
In Mailon couuty, Oregon, at a point theree.n 4
roda and 0 ftet northerly from the southeast
coruer of said block, and running theuce at
right angles to said eastern bouudary line,
westerly to the west boundary Hue; thence
southerly along tbo west boundary line 2 feet;
thcuco running at right angles to said wtst of
bouudary lino, easterly to the east boundary
line said block; aud thtuco northerly aloug
?i "fX Vunay lluo to the placo of btglu.
Ulug; $78 50.
Barali Fullerton; beginning at a point on tbe
eastern boundary lluo of block 42 as- shown by
the recoreled plat of the city of Salem, in
Marlon couuty, Oregon, at a polut thereon 4
roda and Oftet northerly from tho southeast
corner of said block and ruunlug theuce at
nglit angles to said eastern boundary line
westerly to the it, im...i.iuv. it..... i.Anu
southerly along the wtst bouudary Hue 2 feet;
theuce ruuulug at right angles to said west
boundary line, easterly to tho east boundary
lino of said block; thence northerly along said
east boundary Hue to tho plato of begiunlug;
also the following described I roperty. te.wlt:
part of block 42 of tho city of Salem. Oregon,
as marked and designated on tho recorded plats
or the said city, particularly bounded by be.
?. W tuk0 ou Commercial street lu said
city, 1J2 feet northerly from tho southta.t
corner of said block; thence westerly at ribht
anglta to said street to the wtst boundarj of
said block; thence northerly parallel to Com.
merclal street fO feel; theuce easterly at right
angle, to flr.t named line to the place of begin,
ninir all In kui.i i.r. T. ,n n
Bute- zz --- . l. .w.
?? I S' oodworth, Cyrus B. Wood worth,
U, Vl' Ft''on and O. S. Woodworth; be
glnnlnc at a nolnt nn ti.o ..... . u.n
,. .k 42 'n.8'", Oregon, 8 rod. southerly
15S?. . nortet coruerof said block; thence
?, 'ly parallel with tbo north line of said
SrJc .. eet' more or le8. to the alley In said
lin.nV,Uen,ct.norther!r Parallel with the east
line of said block, 8 rods to the north line of
iiJr k.!.,,bence tery along the north
line of said blorv tti r, U. r . . .i,.
northeaat corner of said block; thence south-
fhJ, 8'.,V? e,,t llne of s'd Kock 8 roda to
tbe place of beginning; $152.40.
th'Vrv"!,?,,y'.0'I,rown od ' Brown;
$3S1. block aT la bJem' 0rSB
iii&IS' .,DB we6t b,,f ' ,n west n,lf ot
.m if f" McJilhney. Kobert Harrison, Ed
h.if n7r,U ,ml Andrew Harrison; tho east
COnnt JnVMk M f ,U CitT O' 8l. 0t tb"
n?., f. Vlou Ind u,e of Oregon; $318.40.
uted it Salem, thla 10th day of August. 1892.
r.itna.,. ... ..
block . aob.ru- add tion'.V"'. ' I""" of
138.60. " "J o Balem,
S&lTlUla blkof .heeityof
ofBB.KHrol,OU, M-k 0'
i IB the city of S.lm n ir".1, ?' 1 '" "lock
of tSLI' A.. ! V i i-!. c,
Oreoi.$Uj:M, "v"' W'M 8lai;
1:, b,ock city or
iAte"' tdrU.M.
Kldrd,, p. j; EldrHU;, a vfiLI' H -
J Fawy Cmeries,
aBTOETi Sw...v, w?j?
41.. . .r"1 4lUHli Ht Will Rtt
f.p. p-NwiMH wi t'iw WMptM' UbUK taw.
9IM rH.S,uK,'Bal
m --
t?S(' M i