6 A EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. ,! VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 204. YOUR Kmrii & Kin, by Josie I Reproach of Anneslev, by Porthos, by A. Dumas; Born Coquette, by The Duchess: I Bertha M, Clay.; Beyond Pardon, by Bertha M. Clay; One Life One Love, by Miss by Count J oistoi; riiAiiA JPhcenigian, by Jiidwnrd Arnold; I by Quida Keade-Dutchess; Ivanhoe, by Walter bcott; LiIfe of bPURQEON, by liontord. arrangements to receive every new one published. I b lllyl e 11(11 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, . fl . h J" iAr -.'.vfTTTw s Board of Rptrents. Beniamlu Bcholfleld. Pres.: J. B. V. Butler, Bee.' Ex-Offlcio, His Excelleuey, Governor Bylvcstor Ponnojer; Hou. E. B MoElroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. G. W. McBride, Seoretarv of State: Hon. Jacob Voorhees'. Hon. A. Noltner, J. C. White, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacy, Hou. P. V. Haley, Hon. J. J. Daly. The Btate Normal is a live school, rapidly growing, and continually adding to its facilities for the special training of teachers. Its graduates are in demand to fill good positions. A gain of 80 per cent, in attendance was made last year. An enrollment of 500 Is anticipated for the next year. New members have been added to the faculty, and additional up. paratus supplied. A diploma from the nchool entitles one to teach In any county In the state without further examination. NORMAL, NORMAL ADVANCED, BUSINESS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS, speciul advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music. A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150. Tuition reduced to $0 25 Nor mal, and $5 00 hub-Normal, per term of tfii weeks. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.60 per week. Furnished rooms $1.00 per week. Board and lodging in private families $3 50 per week. t Beautiful and healthful locition. No saloons. First term opens September 20lh. For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B., Prc-s., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President. Ed. C. Choice Wholesale mid Retail Wcalcr in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats or all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. ARCHIE MAS0S. General - Contractors, Street Work, Sowering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, Salem Truck & Drav Co. em Iron works. Draya and trucks may be found throughout the twv a tha corner of State and Commercial streets. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS 1 LOCKS ! HINGES BUILDER'S HARDWARE t AT Barr ft Petol, 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware. Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning aud Plumbing Furnished. TAI ILII n The place to 11 1 1 J N 1 1 Trig, Express, VUlliy -ft.. f . lnri e t:i. n,.TTi Willamette hotel. Prompt B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALE1V! IRON WORKS, SAT.WXif - - .. ManWture, untUl J:NQINB. Mill urying outnts. Troctlou Engiues. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The beat class of work in our line at prices to compete wjth $w lowwk Only the bait material used. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THIS LIST Fnthonjill : House at Sandwich: hv J wjp'i Hitbon; Apiil's Lvdv, h? tha D.itehess: Maxwell Gray: His Helpmate, JLiie Runaway Urowns, by H, 98 State PATTON MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Norma! School of the Northwest. Cross, A. B. SMITH OREGON. DRAYS AND TRUCKS alwuys ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St.. onnoslte Sa- LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. Meats. Plumbers and Tinners, got ft Saddle horse, Livery Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, i n otte(i Manure, Hnll nn Ttvari & Co.. back on and careful work is our motto, ItYAN & CO. T. G. PERKINS, Gener.1 Superintendent - OREOON, Outfits, .Water Wheel Governs. Fruit ,IlwimleBXidUlBe by F. Barnett: Won by Waiting, by Edna Lyall: Son of Fairy Ordeal, by Bortha Weaker than a Woman, by C. Brunncr; Forty Liars We have now over 1500 novels in stock, and have made SONS 7 Street. C. N. CHURCHILL CHURCHILL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL. WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Cbemeketa Street. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Sliasta Line UAT.IFOUNIA. EXl'F.rsa TJlAt HUN DAIM BKTWKEN I0KTJ.AH1 AJIU S. IT. Tloutb. N5rtl). 7.W p. m. 8:1a p. ni. H.15 a.m. JL.V. rortiiind Ar. j l.obu.. iu IjV. Sulem Jv. I 6 'la a. m Ar. Man Fran. If, 7-00 p. ni Aboo trains, xtupoiil) ul lullow uc bid turns north of Koscbu'g, Lam Pjrtland Oi-on City, Woodbuiu, Miliir, Albauj l'aujeut, sliedds, Hnltoy, l.arr.jbur,! Juuctlon City, living nod limine. HIWICHUKO MAI.). 1JIIL.Y, - a.m. 11-17 a. in 0.60 p. m. Lv. l'ortlaud Ar. I 4 SO p. m, Lv, Balom L. 1:10 p. m. Ar. Ilosiibtiii; l.. 70'ih. m iVlbauy Local. Dally Kxonpt Sunday. r u p. m. 7.5" p.m. J iK) p.m. Lr. L,v: Ar. Portlnutl salem Albauy Ar. 1 10.Wa.ru Lv. 1 7 li ii. in l.v, I a 30 a. ni. PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Kor Hcpomuiodauon ot pnrhengeni holding second ciubh tickets Rtbustied to erpress trains. Yest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: PAILY BXCffl."T SUNDAY). 7 .J a. ui. I Cv. ForUand Ar. I SiJOp. la. 12.10 p. m. I Ar. Cor allla Lv. 1!55 p. m. At Albany and CorvallU connect with trains of Oregon Paolflo Ballroad. liXPltfSSTltAlX (PAILy KXCBW.HUMDAY 4 40 p. JU. l.v. rortUnrt Ar. I bUUb.ni 7.J5p. in. Ar.McMlnovllleLv. 6"Wio. m Through Tickets .To all points EAST and SOUTH Kor tickets and lull information regard ing rates maps, etc, hpply to the Compa ny's agent rialeui, Oregon. i:.P. UOUEKS, AbsU O. K. and Pass. Ap'1 K. KOKHLRR Manaefcr WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business.' In all its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS Preildent Wm. KN GLAND Vice Preslden HUUHMCNAIIY Cashier. DIRECTOHS: Geo. Wllllams.Wm. Eng land.Di. J. A. lUchardbon, J. W. Hodson. J, A 1 taker. Hank in new jsxenange diock on uoin mprnlH I street. 8 12-tl Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W.A.OUSICK, Pres. W. VV. MAUTIN, Vice Pres. J. U. ALUKUT. Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought uv tm. uw MONEY TO LOAN. Sporlal inducements for the next 30 days on Kood farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON Room J 4, Bush Bank block. 6 12dw A Good Opening. A fctore and blacksmith shop are needed nt the town ol Ankeny. 10 miles south of . . i i.. A .iA fmnln v vtmtrwr hm a Hourlng mill with the second best water powT in uregon,uiBou wiwm.u uuuuiuk Hneclal Inducement offered. Address l'CWlIUii!lr, JUtkVtljft Jt, ,--.i. .. Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, Warm Meah at All Hours ol tlie Daj None but white labor em .inyed In thU establishment. , A good iubstautlal meal o r kea In nnt class etyle , . rwenty-flvs cents per meal RED KRONT rvori strwit, between Opera House and Mlnto'i Llvsiy Salem Abslract and Loan Co, The only Abstract books of Marlon counlf. KeaJ estate orders fliled promptly and tsfely. W. H. H. WATERS, WANAOKB. ELLIS k WHITLEY LIVERYMEN. U,.uth of WillABBtt Hott ai,ku - - - otatmoH Capital City Restarat M. Clay: Woman's War, by Brandon; Anna Karenine, B. M. Clay; Romantic Tales, and Other Lies, by Bill JNye; HOOK SELLERS ND STATIONERS, T S. BURROUGHS. TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Size, 8 .x 10 Inches. Contains new designs, new styles, Hteat ldf-as In planning. No 4 has Sa deslcns cltiutlllpd from IV0 ud to 1500, about hilt under $1000 No. 5 con- talus 69 detl?n of duellings costing over $1500, many from SIHOli up to (30U0. Alany new (Southern or resort fctyles of houses in these works, frlco, $1 each, or the two for !l.c0. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. T. BURROWS G ARRIE8 a full Hn8 of Staple and fancy uroeerles, resn vegetaDies ana liei rles In season. Butter and Eggs al ways on hand 226 Com'l St. White's No. 60, BALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work a specially. j,r. wuius From Terminal or Interior Points the IcRaili s Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It Is the dlnlnz car route, it runs through vestibule trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND (No change of cars.) Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Ol latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Bent that can bo constructed and In which accommodations are both tree and iut nlsbed for holders of first and second-clas tickets, undi ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A continuous line oonne sting with all lines, aflordln; Olroot nnrl uninterrupted service. Pullman sl "" " "f Ions can be se cured In adri. '-.At any agent ol the road. Through tickets to and from all point in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket omco of this com pany. Full Information concerning rates, time of tralns.routes and other details furnished on application to any agent or A. D. CHAltLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. No VJX First street, cor. Washington; Port land. Oregon SHAW A DOWNING, Agents. TTrANTEU. Recruits for the Artillery VV Service of the United Htates Army. The conditions ol enlistment In the army are now unusually favorable, and a upeo lal recruiting rendezvous has been ealub llhed In tills city for the purpose of aftord Ing the young men of this section an op portunity for enlistment. Applicants mut be between the ayes of 31 and 30 years of age, able bodied, physically sound, and able to read and write the English lan guage. To any one Interested a full expla nation will be afforded by the recruiting officer, room 6. Exchange block. Balem, Oregon. A1.VIN li.HYDKNHAM, 0-29-dw-tf 2d Lieutenant, 6th Artillery. Only One. Chance for a colony. 1000 acres of beet bottom land, one-half In cultivation, has small streums and lakes, has CTOOO crop on now, buildings, etc Is five miles from Salem, Oregon, One-third cash, and bal ance In five yearly payment with 4 per rant, interest at &U per acre. W-tf JOUN M. PAYNE, Agt. DETECTION LOnQKN02,A.O U.W. 1. Meets in their hall Instate Insuronoe julidlng, every Wcdueeday eveulDg. H. A. McFAUUJCN, M. W. J, A. HEWOOO, Itecorder. TMI'IMJVEO OUUEIl OF KEU MfcN. 1 Kamlakun Tribe No. B, Kalera. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 70 wigwam In state Insurance hall, F. O. HAKEK. Prophit. FIIANK O. WATEIU3, Chief of lltcords City Warraute. N OT1CK Is hereby given that I have In mvhunds luuus anni(able to the poymeotof alt warrants oMhe city ofHa lera, "endorsed" between Mny 31st and August X. lli. Interest will ceae on the oaie oi iui uouco. ii.j,nwnrruin. salem. Auir. 11. IW2. City Truurer. B-12-St Pupils Must Register. mllK SCHOOL CLEItrCofdMrictKo. 21 I will begin Monday, August 1Mb, en. rolling pn" for the publlo scboou. openlug HwteBiber Mb, I'arenU will pie send inolr cnlldrtn to be rUUred atoucBMS thereUalwys a rush the day or two I efore sabooi oins and no pupil will besdtaltUd without a cerddeaie from the eirk- OtHmt, Murphy b'ock, uitalri oyer . v. Bmnu nwu mg twre. WIIOJS A. .MooKm MMrMtdwk HJ-STf vnoiTMsioNAii CAitns, K. CONN, Attorney nt law, room 7, , Murphy Block. i J.JBHAW, M. W. HUNT. 8HAW A plta!Nfttonalbaiik,4?ulemt Oregon. Q T. RIOIIAUDSON, Attorney at law, O. , otllce up stairs In front rooms of new Hush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, rJalcni, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney ul Inw Rooms 3 and 4, Lndd A litisli'n lunk building, Balem, On-gen 8 1 lyr B. F. DONHAM. V. II. HOLMUS. Boniiam & HotiES, Attorneys at law. OlHce In lluBli'n block, between 8tat and Court, on (Xmi'lBU mliLJION FORO, attorney at law. Salem, JL Oregon. Office up-etiilrs In Palton's block. i -. i BII. BUADdllAW, PHSIC1AN AND . Burgeon, Salem, Oregon. Ofllce In liuth-Hrej man block, upttalri Kesldenro corner tttatoandH E corner Winter street. XT Ii. YOUNG, M. I).. Offlco formerlj W . occupied by Dr. llowlaud, corner Court and Liberty streets. Tcltphuue Ko. 45. ofllce heurs: 8 a. ni. to 12; 2 to s p. m., and 7 to Up. m Rtsldenco lsth slroet on electric car lino. Tclophone No. I. Sit. W. 8 SiarT, physician aud sur geon. Office In Kldiidgo Bloc It, Hit i, Oregon, office hours 10 to Uu. m. 2 to 4 p. ni. TIl. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Office hours, J 0 a. m. to 11 it. m.; 2 p. m. to 5 p. m, Day or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention given to dlec-tscsof wom en and children. Ultlco In Sew Unutt Blk., 303 Commercial street. Residence amo. pvR. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, 92 gUite street, JL Salem, Or. Finished deutnl opera tions ofevoiydescrlptlon. Painless opera tions a spwialty. WD.PUOH, Arehltect, Plans, Sped , flcallons and superliittnileneo lor all classes of buildings. Office iiX) Com mercial St., up stairs. 0. A. KOllEIlT, Architect, roomJIM.'Mnr quara building, X'ortl.ind, Oregon. BUSINESS CARDS. 4; C. SMITH A CO., Contractors, Scwer inc, Lemcut Sidewalks. FIxchvuHuit. ite: All work timmntlr done. Snlpm. Or. Leave orders with Dusan Urciu. J-lMm PJ. LAKSEN & CO,, Manufacture of all . klndsof vohlclcH. Ropnliln a gpeelnl ly. Shop 45 Slate street. CAKPET-UYING. 1 maun a specialty oi caipet-t,ewlug and laying; carpets tnken upandrelaid wltligrcntcure. Hhndo und curtain pole hanging Leave orders with J, H. Lunn, Biueu Ar Son or White Corner. J. O.DUURMA w. Say ! You uetd one ot some kind. If bo, why not buvo It. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now is the lime to save money by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, H6use,Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St. Or leave orders with Sroat & Glle, State street. Ev. K!. II.A.LJL', Paper Hangerand Decorator. Office at Chan, Calvert's Mllllouery store, K.iloin, Oregon, JAPANESE CURB 'CAnew aud Complete Treatment, consist lug of suppoMtorlos, ointment In capsule, also a box And plllc; a positive euro tor ex ternal, Internal blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, nud many other diseases and femule weak nesses; It Is always a great benctlt to tho general health. Uhu Urst discovery ol a medical cure rondcrlug an operation with the knife unnecessary hereafter. This remedy has never been known to fall, m per box. 0 for 85; sent by mall. Why suffer from this terrible disease when a written guarantee Is given with (I boxes, to refund the money It not cured Bend stamn for free sample. Guarantee Issued by Woodakd, Claukb A. Co., whole sale and retail drug gists, bole agents, Portland, Or. S 2-ly-dw NEW MINING MACHINERY P. J. Foster, who resides about thrro miles west ot Salem In Polk county, 1ms Invented ft machluo lor mining gold, which Is eaneclulli adapted to savluir line gold, and works auy placer material, from Hue black suud id gruvel, In fact utjvililug that can bo shoveled, 'J he maUiIun Is maue or iron and steel ana weight only 75 pounds complete. It Is run by the force of a Inch pipe of water With u hutd of four feef. It will work irom tolOlotisof bl.iclr sand, or? from 13 to 20 tons of gruvel In a day. ond save every thing In the shape of gold that will amalgamate, Ihe machine has been tested and Is guurautcc to do the work claimed. Machine will bo fur nished In running order before any pay Is demanded. Price complete SIJ Call on or address 1. J. FOSTEH, S-4-lw Halem, Oregon, Administrator's Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that the under, signed haa been duly appointed ad mlnlstrutor to the etlntenf Urls Rich, late of Marlon county, Oregon, deceased, by iuo couuiy court oi ma sunn oi uregun, fur MurloH countv. All nersons halnir claims against said estate will present mem to me uuaersignea uuiy verineu, at his home In hmrlewood addition to the city of salem, la Marlon county, Qifgou, wabln six months from the date of this notice, and all persons Indebted to said esluie will please make Immediate lettle inent to the undersigned. Dated this August lh. lStt. AbRAWAM ItlCII. Administrator of the estate ofCrls Rich, deceased. K-ll Admiulstrutor's Hale. NOTICE Is hereby given that by authn. Iiyofau order of the Hon. County Lourt of Marlon county, Oregon, made ou the 1Mb d ty or July, lbW, uuliiorizlsg and empowering the undersigned to fJl the herelnafierdeMrlned real estate belonging to the estate of Eveline I'oz, deouused. The undersigned, as administrator ot said es tate, will on the lit day of StpUmber, 1892, at 2 p.m as per statute reqolred.sell at pub. ho auction at the wt uoor of the court bouse In Salem. Marion oountr, Oregon, all the right, title and Interest of the mid estate, la and to the following described E remises, tewn: IMm 8, V, UJ and II In look No 8. as shown by the amended re corded plot of Capital Park addition to iheelty of Malia.ln Murkiu Bounty. Ore- gun. i erius of M)e cash. nr.ni ii.JiAMr.n, Admlaktrator of the liilaie of tvellae tmUrtm, 3vlt ". I- 7-31-H Signs QHW ip UUJ if rffl WBir THE CAPITAL JOMAl. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. t'UHLlUED 0AILY.EX0EPT8UND vY, nr the C pita! Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Omco, Commercial Street, In V. O. Rulldliu; nib ltd at the postofflce at Balem, Or., its . cuiif-t latn lr niter. TO rUIEXOi Of "TUG JOUltNAL." At this season of the year many farruprs arc renewing for tue Week ly JomtKtiii. We trust It is not nskltiR too mucli to request them to mention the paper to their neighbor who may not be n subaeriber. We would like tho Weekly Journal to go to every .farm homo In the Valley. Wo cut) not placo It then without the help of our present readers. As In the past, The Joun nal will be nn Independent Itepub licau paper, seeking to uphold the cnute of the masses of the people. It Is not under the control of any Port laud, Salem, Roseburg or any other ring or clique. It does not dauoe when they pipe. It seeks to do the "squaro thing" by the people all around aud has confidence they will support St. Circulate Tun Journal, SUOQESTKU lloniUKNT, I f no one had n thought of evil would there be any in the world Congressman Simpson, of Kansas, bad no opposition for a re-nomina' tion. Timothy seed is $1.40 higher thnn it has been in Chicago sinco Aug. 1800. Chicago wants all the sensations at tho Wotld'B fair except it case of cholera. The legislator who can Inaugurate a really good system of roads, can immortuli.e himself. The best road, accordlnc to Puris- an experts, for hardness and un wear able servlco is made volcanio scoria. Gladstone's cabinet is tilled large ly with Scotchmen. Tho grand old man has not passed by tho friends of tils early life. The empress of Germany has had a mis-carriage. Her husband's er ratic performances aro enough to cause n woman to have almost any thing. Warduer, Idaho, is still under martial law, and the citizens are growing restive. Some of tho bh- loons that were headquarters for tho union men have been closed now for over a month. It is a noteworthy fact that profit ing by the experiences at Home stead, Supt. Webb of the Vauder bllt roads employed no Flnkerton men to put down the riots at Buf falo. Manllo Garibaldi, a sou of the fa mous patriot is on his woy to this country. He accompanies the statue of Columbus which Italy has do nated to the World's fair, and will receive a grand oyatlon "These new sulkies with pneuma tic tires and ball-bearings must be a wonderful help over the old-fashioned sulky. But Sunol will have a trial with one of these sulkies when she goes out this fall to lower the re cord. The Western Oregon conference of the M. E. Church opened at Portland on Wednesday with Bishop Walden presidiug. Immedi ately follow ing this conference the bishop will hold a session of the German M. E. conference, after the close of which ho will also preside at a session of the Norwegian confer ence. 'I his work will hold the bish op in Portland nearly three weeks. A number of the most prominent Democrats have declared that It their party gots into power tboy will rentore the duty on sugar,whlch tho Republicans put on the free list. These Democrats are free traders only when It would Injure an Amer ican industry; they woulc tux the people on sugar, ttu, colTee and the necessaries. We say, tax the lux uries. Rabbi Bchrelber of the congrega tion Emauu El., who cm no to Spo kane last winter, aud with great en ergy built up a church ou tho lines of reformed Judaism, bus resigned his etiargo and will look elsewhere for a Held of employment. The of ficers of tils congregation assign as the cause of his resignation the fact that he desired a larger and more profitable field of labor, Spokane Ex. One California beet nuar factory has turned nut this year 2,670,060 pounds of sugar. Of this quantity 610,000 were from the syrup of 1801, and the balance wan from this year's beHcrop, 2,834,058 pounds, From prewsut Indications this year's beet crop will amount to about 60,000 tons, nntl for awry tn th grower will receive about f I 60, This year 40,000 aorwj have beeu ptetHed to betit aa against 2700 lat yar. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report ss -. sk H RpYal S3X& ABSOLUTE' PURE Uncle Sam's revenues are inoieas incr, a million a month from custom?. Tho country Is growing in greatness, wealth aud consumption of luxuries. Williams, the Independence, la., man and his horses aro under a cloud since tho wonderful perform ance of Nancy Hanks, before Going East Enquire About Tho limited express trains of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railway between St. Paul and Chi cago and Omaha and Chicago. These trains aro vestlbuled, olec trlo lighted and steam heated, with the fluent dining and sleeping car service In the world. The electric reading light In each berth is the successlul novelty of this progrebsive age, and is highly appreciated by all regular patrons of this line. We wish others to know Its merits, ua the Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul railway is the only line in the west enjoying the exclu sive use of this patent. For fuither information apply to nearest coupon tlckot ugeut, or ad dress C. J. Eddy, Goueral Agent. J. W. Casf.y, Trav. Pass. Agt. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or. 8-20-tf i. There have been the most bloody battles fought and the most lives lort by tho miner's rebellion and strlBe in Tennessee, and wo have notyetseeua serious attempt on the part of a Republican newspaper to make political capital out of the misfortunes of rebellion-smitten Domocratlo Tennessee. A Wonder Worker, Frank Huffmau, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been uuder the care of two proml ueut physicians, and used their treatment until ho was riot able to get around. They pronounced his case to bo consumption and Incur able. He was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds and at that .time was uot able to walk across the btreet without resting. He found, before he had used half of a dollar bottle, that he was much better; he continued to use it and is today en joying good health. If you have any throat, lung or chpst trouble try it. We guuranteo satisfaction. Trial bottle free at Fry'a drug store. Gents black negligee shirts from 00 cents up, at Osbura's Racket Store. , d w' Knuto Nelson, the low-tarifl con gressman and now Republican can didate for governor of Minnesota helds: A tariff that makes up for the difference in cost of Jnbor and livlug'lu this country and countries that want to supply our market, and no more, he calls a low tarlft, a tariff higher than that ho calls a high tariff, That is the position of mauy Republicans, if not of a ma jority of the Republican party. y Saved a Woman's Life. Mr. J. 15. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Reme dy saved tho llfo of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this placo." Ho also states that several other very bad cases of bowel complulnt there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by Baskett & Van Slype Druggists. In' Plain Engllisli. Unquestionably considered of In calculable consequouco In correcting ull constitutional contaminations, is Dr. Ploicu'd Uoldou Medical Discov ery. Can conscientiously commend It to careful consideration, conlldeut of its competency in all controllable chronic complaints. ' The"Golden Medical Dlscovery''is tho result of much research and wide experience, by a practical phy sician of world-renown; Its formula embraces tho most potent restora tives of tho whole vegoatable king dom, It Is especially recomeuded for ull blood disorders dyspepsia, liver and kidney complaints, scrofu la, salt-rheum, catarrh and con sumption In its early stages insur ing relief and cure In all cases I Have Yon Read How Mr. W. D. WenU of Oenovn, N. V., was cured of thj severest form of dyspepsias He says every thing he ate scorned llko pouring melted lead Into his stomach. Hood's Sursjparllllu effected a per fect cure. Full particulars will be sent If you write O. I. Hood & Co,, Lowell, Moss. The highest praise has beeii won by Hood's Pills for their easy, yet ef fectual action, miHH groat rr. JL laedyftwtbo dlifeuko result, lug from vreak. nt.i eommou to woaei, Is the discover of u pbyl4an who has made thsse diseases the UM we pot. dislly Invite you all to eull and lavest'oaU. Omee over New York KaesH (store CAtle. rsrkbufrt Week, CoHrUl '"w, Baking' Powder Do yon think you would know aa an archist if you saw ono? Heat, humidity, homicide, hydropho bia. August promises to break all rec ords. "And then, tho beautiful great white rain." So sang Joaquin Miller of a storm InVenico on tho afternoon of a hot day. In fact, what aro more glori ous or welcome than tho infrequent Ihowors of a "dry summer?" A nniquo feature of the Coltunbus Day celebration has boon proposed by iho superintendent of schools at Pitts burg. Tho pupils in tho public Bchools aro to set out nn extonslvo grovo, cover ing many ncres, in Schonley park, to be known forever as "Columbus Grove." These commemorative forest monarchs will bo walnut, maple and oak trees. Now that Noah's ark has roallybeen discovered upon tho top of Mount Ararat, ono may reasonably suppose that a "syndicate" of Chicago capitalists has already been formed, with tho reverend doctor who made the discovery at its head, to go at onco and bring tho ancient barge from its moorings, and after its journey to tho sea tow it across the At lantio to America, where it will become a feature of the Columbian fair. As a matter of fact, Chicago must have Noah's arkl Fewpooplo consider tho importanco of local history. Much of -what should bo preserved in oyory neighborhood, town, county r.iid state is lost for the want of using tho "art preservative" in making authentic records of current events. Nothing should be lost. Sup posing every villago or town with ite fanning, dairy, manufacturing, fruit growing or horticultural interests should employ some competent scribe to mako complete records of all affairs of interest occurring throughout th year, giving statistics of value concern ing the weather, trade or business in any form. What a mine of practical information such a record would be for all time to come. A Suggestion from Paris. Tho young bachelors of Paris society have sonso even if. they aro accused of certain serious shortcomings. During' tho fashionable winter season they of courso receive many invitations. This Bummor thoy are paying what might be collod their social debts by giving open air parties in tho suburbs ot the'gay capital, whero tho velvety lawn answer for carpet and tho sky for celling. Re cently somo of thom who were clever fixed upon tho pretty island in tho lake of tho Bois do Boulogne as their play ground. Invitations by tho hundred woro istmod; nil tho trcos nud bushes " woro decoratod with Venotian lamps and colored lights sparkling like count- loss jowols; a white satin tent was erected, in which, and in tho large room of tho restaurant on tho island, J tho dancers disported thomselvee; the lako was furnished with gondola, s wrcuthed with flowors and sparkling with fairy lights, and this midsummer , night's dream was enacted to the de light of ono and all. Tho men, by the way, woro rod coats, and the ladies light drossos and largo country hats. Doesn't this narrative embody sugges tions, possibly not so gorgeous in the" realization for tho American young man who was well received at various homes during tho past winter, and who desires to recognize his obligations, with some thing inoro substantial than tho popular but sometimes painful dish of ice cream? Tho only timo our American flag ever floated over any country, of the Old World, aa tho result of its capture by our forces, was in 1801, when the town of Demo, in Tripoli, at that time a ren dezvous for pirates, wos captured by Gonoral Baton, of tho United States, navy. Do not sit down and whine beoaosf you havo not what yoa want in this life bnt up and hustle and get it. The world Id ,.11 Ynffwi w... rrt.Au. i. . m-mi. u .... uvimu wu. 1UUO to MS wiwn room in it for you as for anybody else, and as good a place. Usually Zola writes with black ink, but wliou his verv vivid ira&trin&iiosi falters he uses red ink as aa inspiraaim. A tfflW TJl-ATlllV 1loA ltuf yunn -. n 4h..1U ... , w J .wV.-J pw, UBI VT1V fttIMt I associates rouge-et-noire with a FnhcsvI man. Baby erUi, HTnt.n. r,.i.,..i wstwu, i vociorftwmmlt cteta. Huekleit's Antlwi , ' tue jtest nam m i Hrulsea, Kan. liteeM. , Tetter, 14WSM HSHS Mvety mhm fttes, ar u Isl MMMMsrW4 tW HM V TwSmJffwmmn Gt MlksEr JCb nsssSSaL! 2sTssK t, Mr Mgtdrm- mm, uiijbi'j ' K "" ! l v. . f- ei 3 I ..'' dL. -