-1- Mf n--- v WL STWKI R Mm Rlws kis Head eff with Dynamite Otker News. if ti. jO. JJiJjTAto, Aug. 35. At mlduigbt MwHtty, hmri of the switchmen's oftter, otflefally recognized the fact that th'e strike movetiieut of switch awn whkh was inaugurated twelve qr?aeo haa felled. In official terms of the order the strike la de- dwed off, and the men will: before daylight, he notified by local officials ' Uiat they are now at liberty to go ,f luck to ihlr places, If they can. Buffalo, Aug. 25. Master Work- ! mail Sweeney was assaulted and badly beaten today by Switchman Qutiiu because Bweency would not v declare a strlko from Chicago to New York. Railroad officials r fue to take back many of the lato strik ers. ALBANY, Aug. 25. Governor ''.Flower this morning stated that tliestrlkehavlug tieun declared cli; i troops would now be withdrawn u rapidly us prudence suggested. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 25. -As 'the result or the midnight oider de claring tho strike a failure, tho Idle Hultciiiiion are this monilug trying ' to get back In their old places. Soim of them will succeed. BrjFPAr.o, Aug. 25. Troops began to moye homeward. About 1500 wlh go now' and tho remainder In a few 'drtj's. Michael Broderlck, a 17 year old boy, persisted lu throwing '81 ones at the soldiers of the Twenty Second Regiment today and wuh seriously and probably fatally shot In the abdomen. BMwell's AeeeptM.ee. PKOM GOAL GREEK. I tors Held a short BeeStim yesterdav. iNDrAKAPoLis, fad., Aug. 25. A ri . , . ZT. . , . Tlle suprerrie ihitroM records and ltecofacceptncefro,riJobn Bid- ptainMortoa iThinksThera Will, bom spo.i.lence teporte.1 that tho letter of accepta well, of California, candidate for president on the Prohibition ticket has been given out for publication Letter deals with the enormity of the liquor traffic and pleads for suf frage for woman. The iluancial plank of the Prohibition platform unequivocally endorsed and restrict ion of Immigration asked for. i. ! .wnil Hot Weathor in Austria. VlKNNA, Aug. 25. Hot weather basset la again with renewed in tensity. Mercury yesterday reached over 100 degrees lu the shade. A number of deaths due to the beat is reported today. Killed by tho Heat. BBUUN,Vug.25r-Iii the milltlar maiicours atFuenfklrcheu yentenbi; In the terrible heat one third of tbt soldiers engaged were overcome. Four commissioned officers, eight corporals and ten privates died ol sunstroke. THE WHALING FLEET. Mon- $ .?. -. t, t r" ft i ' 8--1 3? The Anto-Mortem Statement. Buffalo, Aug. 25. The ante mortem statement of Thomas Mnm nher, who was shot at TilIVs farm by members of the twenty-secoud regiment, wus taken yesterday. He -said he had been a switchman for the Buirulo Creek tallniud; was u urttlyq of America, and was 31 year, old. Ho was standing at the cor ner or dansou street and tho turn pike early last evening with four or llvo other men. Matmher struck ouo of tho meu working on the Lihlgh Valley railroad, and tti ituu fired two shots at him from n revolver. Neither of the Shots took eftuct. "Then tho soldiers cimc up itud Ilred two shots and put, bulk-Is tu me. Thoy had gnus. They did not tell me to ttop," continued Mau nder. "J walked over to a saloon on Sanson street, aud tho soldiers fol lowed mo and mudo mo a prisoner. Then they took me to tho Lt'hlgll Valley Boldlers emergency hospital. X'iii not see the mou who were ' with me on Guuson street do any- nnug. j.ney lonoweu mo to a aaloou, add I saw tho soldlors take one of them. I attacked ouo scab because ho was working In my place." It Is not believed Muuuher Will live. Frobablo Suicide, Pom-land, Aug. 25. About 11 o'clock lat night u loud explosion waa beard on tho Plaza block, In froutof tho court bouse. Investiga tion riivealed tho horrible spectacle of a tuau lying at the foot of one of the trees with his bead aud shoul ders blown to atomi. IIU olotblng hung In shreds ahum him, aud tho tlikh wui also torn from lila lower limbs, It Is supposed that tho man deliberately set olf a dynamite car tridge for tho purposo of ending his life, Nothing was found among tho fragments or the uufortunalo man by which to Indentlfy him. , 1'outIjAKd, Aug. 25. The man who'commlttfcd suicide last nlcht luTlaza blcok by exploding a dynamic-cartridge n, his mouth was identified this morning as Krneat Brawu. Ho was a fisherman and Is supposed to have come hero from Aatora, Despondonoy is assigned as tbo causo of the deed. Exciting Encounter With a &ter Thrasher. San FltANClSCO, Aug. 25. Tin stllng schooner Bowhead bas ur Ived, 84 days from Fox Island, will 1813 sealskins. The catch wasnudi in tho Japan seas. A peculiar acci dent happened on the trip on Apr) J3, aud one man was drowned. Boat-puller Henry Peterson was ou with a hunting party lu one of tin boats when it was suddenly stove it by a thrasher. Both of Peterson' legs was crushed between the kee of tho boat and tbo thwart ho wai dttlng ou. The boat sank to tit. gunwales and tho wounded bout puller, the hunter aud the boat ileerer were all thrown into th water. Peterson was so badly bun that he wrs unable to belp blmself and sank out of sight. The huntu .Hid boat-dteerer succeeded In bold lug onto the wrecked boat uutll help arrived half an hour later. Tho an cldeut occurred nearly two miles from tho schooner, but the lookout through his tuariuo glaia saw that one of the bouts was In .troublo aud scut assistance to the spot. Peter son was 35 years of ago, and a native of Denmark. Ho shipped from bore lust February. The Bowhead spoke In J illy ou the Japan side tbo Seattle sealing schooner Henry Dennis, Captain Miner, with 1000 skins; the schooner Maua III, with 160 skins; the Yaqulna bay schooner Kute and Ann, Captain Lutjeu, with 11200 skins; and BrUfnli sealing schooners Auucoudn aud dayward, with 600 anil 700 skins respectively. A num ber of other British sealing vessels were sighted lu the Japan seas, but their names were not made out. Be More" trouble With Mlriers. NABtivir.LK, Tenu., Aug. 25. Captain Morton, commander of Morton's battery, has returned from Coal Cn-ek to confer with Governor Buchanan concerning the situation there. Captain Morton thinks the situation Is yet quite serious, and that trouble may occur. He said that General Carries has informa tion that between 2000 and 3000 miners were congregated at Jellico, on tbo Kentucky border, and there waa danger of them making a raid on Coal Creek at any tlmo. Cap tiln Morton believes that 75 or 100 miners have been kltled. Ho said that several members ot the sheriff7? posses were still missing, but It Is not known whether thoy were kill id or not. Captain Morton said the law-abiding people of that section 4re very npprehenslvo of danger to life aud property unless the leaders in the riot are severely and prompt ly punished, and the opinion Is free ly expitssed that unless vigorous f 'oris for the punishment of the rlot rs are pressed many law-abiding !ltizms will be killed or driven froir he coup try and much property de- 'trojed. Captain Morton will con fer with the governor of Kentucky 'or au'honty to allow Tennessw roops to go over the line and appre- lend any Tennessee nud Ken ucky miners who may haye taken part lu the riots. Captain Morton ald It was General Carnes' desire ti 'lave martial law declared, buttbl Morton thought could not be done He said Judge East was of the optnl n that the legislature alone could lo this, but Attorney-General Pickle lots not think tho legislature can leclare martial law, as it is prohibit 'd by the constitution. order now had a niemberahln of 18,000, the Increase In the last Mine mouths has been 7,000. A PIOHT AOAST TIME. The Managers of the Salem Bail- way Struggling Hard to Oat There. Will the new electric line reach the fair grounds by September 12, the date of opening the state fair? The company has everything in readiucsj except the fjshplates,wbich are expected today, and tbo motors, which are coming from tbo east. Forty meu are at work and but for delays In receiving supplies, which Is very aggravating to the managers the line would bo easily completed by fidr time. Those who know the energy and enterprise of Supt. Derby aud his associates need not be surprised to see tho line "get there." Forces of meu will be put ou day or ulght but they will get there; that is the pluck that wins and the 8alein mt or line men have tbo nerve. LABORERS ARE SCARCE The Great Northern Want to Em ploy More Mon. PoktxiAM), Aug. 25. The Great Northern contractors are experienc ing dlfllculty In getting enough men lo work on their sections. Tho Great Northern Is spendlug flCOO per day within the limits of Seuttln lu the effort to reach tho tide Huts as early as possible. Speaking of tho scarcity of men, Contractor Shepird Is quoted assaying: "Where wo able to get nil tho help we need, wo could keep up our regular puce. Tho road Is striking out an fmt as mou and money can push It, aud that Is all that can be suld. No ouo has any Idea when it will reach tho coast. Track Is laid 0J miles west of Spokane, and tho line Is graded DO miles further, or to tho Columbia river, which will bo reached with truck about butober 1, Traokloylng Is going on at tho ruto of about four miles a day, but that Is In the prairie couutry, When wo r.'aun the mouuiatus that rale en li mit bu kept up." THINGS POLITICAL. AH Grand Blow-out at Dotrolt Parties Roprcsontod. IJwriioiT, Mloh,, Aug. 23. More than ten thommud people assembled today on tho grounds of tho Detroit international falrun.1 exposition, it being "Political Day." Speaking began at 1 o'clock, ox-Congressman j JDunuell, of Minnesota, representing the Republican party ami makluu me mm speech. Colonel Norton of Chicago, fol Jowed with n strong speech lu favor of the People's party principals anil aaudhlatw. Tho last Kpeaker was Hon. WUHam M, Spilngej, of XIII uuJ, chairman ways und meant emiimltiw of tbo milloiml house of :Ipre:nlHtlve who received u flat r taring reoentloh, Speech was do voted to tnrHI, 8tjmtr Capsized, a- CAU'UTTA, Aup.tM, The British MtfMiuer Atiglom bound heiuw for Xtogkoid (wpslftMl In the Hoogly rlvw, Twenty two of the crew wtywvtl and Hfleen drnw'uod, ' WMkiatm Democrats. Oi.YMt'iA,AU(. SH, Thin hi truing Im DuMttewitltt tMiHvtmtlett gglu eawiud aftr vHou delations , bl OMMrtfttw .until day hiwtk with olt any rmH. On umttoH of King IJm wuwuttiMi xdjonrntKl i-difttely nfttr Hwinbiug un- m m SMUGGLING SCHOONER. Haila from Victoria with Opium and Ohinoso. Pout Townhknd, Wash., Aug, 25. The famous smuggling bchoouer Halcyon sailed from Victoria with 2500 pounds of opium aud sixty Chinese, Agents of tho treasury department who had the vessel un der surveillance several days report ed the facts to the authorities at Washington, D. C, Oulora have been Issued by tho treasury depait- meat notifying all revenue officers ou tho Paclllu count to bo ou the alert to luturwpt tho vessel. Tho crow Is supplied with llrearms and uuiunltlou, aud thu supposed desti nation of the vc-sul. Tho crow Is supplied with tl einuA and am munition, and the supposed deatluu tlouof the vessel U tho Oregon oj Oullfurnla coat. Tho opium eatgo U valued ut 0,ii(H), und If tho oruUe Idsuccestfulu prollt of $10,000 wlh bu reallxed, Tho Halcyon Is tin fleetest yacht on the Pacific coast, Hint custom olllueis regard the tusk or overhauling tier us very danger ous, with probable blood-shed If attempted. LONDON GOSrflP. Queen Victoria and Hor Court Go ing to Scotland. London", Aug. 25. The queen in tended to leave Osborne Wednesday fteruoou for Balmoral, and now i is oxpeeted that her departure will De postponed till next Monday. Tin court will remain in Scotland uutll tho mhlille of November, aud will then return to Windsor for a month. The German empresi, whose ac eouchmout Is dally expected, Is re siding at tho marble palace at Pots dam, and 13 attended by a certllleii English nurso from London. The impress has been entertaining her mother, who came over from Dres dou for a few days. From a frieud lu Berlin I bear that a luncheon was given by the ofllcers of tho First Dragoou Guardf, "Queen Victoria's Own," on their "Glory day." August 10, that be lug the anniversary of Mars-la-Tours, It as u brilliaut affair. The table wus loaded with the mugnillcont service of silver which tho queen presented to tho mess of the regi ment ou her appointment as honor ary chief, aud the ouly thing want ing to complete the general eflect of the festivity was the presence of the emperor. Ho promised to atteud, but, at the last moment, ho tele graphed from Potsdam thut be found It Impossible to keep his word. Rumor at ouco grew busy as to the cause of his non-appearance. Many ittilbuted it to the delicate state of the empress' health, but those came probably nearer the mark who cou- ncoiod tho absence of the emperor with tho presence of Counts Herbort aud William Blsmark, who both -orved their tlmo as oue-year volun teers in the guards, and were lucky enough to take part lu tbo historic change of Marsla-Tour. Conse quently, thoy did uot hesitate to ac cept tho customary luvltatlon of tbo colonel to utuud the annual fete of tbo gallant regiment, but, on bear ing of this, tbo emperor drew back, Gladstone, who bun returned to Ha warden, will make that place his head-quarloM uutll bo comes to town at tho end of October for the autumn cabinet meetings. Glad stone Is to go to the south of Franco toward the end of November. He will be personally conducted by the obliging Stuart Rondel, and will be away two mouth, so that It is quite certain that t parliament Is no to meet before lYouary. , KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. D ALTON GANG AGAIN. Rob a Railroad Station and Three Train Officials. Van Buken, Ark., Aug. 25. James S. Wilson, agent of the Kan sas & Arkansas Valley railroad at Nowata, I. T. a station 140 miles west of here, waa held up and rob cd ut a late hour Tuesday night by 'hree men, supposed to be members f the Dalton gang of tralu-robbers and desperadoes. Wilson resigned a few days ago, intending to take a trip to San Francisco. Traveling Auditor Wright aud Traveling Pass enger Agent Johnson arrived for the purpose of checking up his books. They were engaged In this work last night when the bandits entered aud covered them with re volvers. Wllsou.tho retlrlug ageu t, was compelled to open thu safe. While two of the desperadoes held Wright, Johnson aud WlNount bay, ho third emptied tho contents of die safe, 51500, Into a sack, One third of this plunder was tho pei sonal property of Wilson, tho bal ance belonging to the railroad und express companies. After relieving Wilson, Johnson and Wright of a gold watch each, and what money they had in their pockets, the high waymen backed out of the door and disappeared. A posse was soon in purmitaud nothing has been heard from them. It is known that the Daltons have been in tho vicinity for three days, and there is no doubt that the robbery was commit ted by the gang. "Thick and Glossy," TIIB PRODUCTION of an abandant growth of hair, fa sllk-liko toxturo and of the original color, often results from the use, by tIioo who have become bald or gray, of Aj ciJa Hair VJgor : "I was rapidly becoming gray and bald i bat after jmlng two or three i,tin nt Avpt'x Itnlr Vliror mv hair crew thick and gloy nnd the origi nal color was restored." Jf. Aldrich, Canaan Centre, N. II. " A trial of Ayer's llalr Victor ha con vinced me of its merlM. Its use has not onlv earned the hair of inr wife and daughter to bo abundant and glossy, but It has given my rather stunted mus tache a respectable length and appear ance." II. Brltton, Oakland, Ohio. "I haro used Ayer's Hair Vigor for tho past four or live years and nnd It a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all that I could desire, being harm less, causing the hair to retain Its natural color, and reouirlnc but a small quantity to render tho hair easy to ar ranpo.' Mrs. Jf. A. Bailey, 9 Charles St., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, raErjuiED ut Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Gold by DrugglU and I'erf umen. PACIFIC LAND AND ORCHA FOR TOWfl LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS AND -FARMS. RDft $2.00 l'crdozcn for the finest finished PHOTOGBATHB In the city. MONTEE BROS.. 189 Commercial Street, A, H. FORSTNER & CO. Machine Shop, Guns, Sporting Goods, We., SOS Commercial Ptrcet. F.B. Contractor and Ituildcr. Halem, - - Oregon. Knights of Pythias. Kansas City, Aug. 125. Tho su preme louno Iinigut8 ot Jytuias elected tho .following officers this T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor. 20tU and Chemeketa btieet. BICYCLES. ilADABAl'GII i Livery Feed mid Boarding Stable, U Htate Street. Full bull bearing Safety 131 cycle. The lowest priced wheel In the market. The best In tho world for 1 ne nr ice. C.U. Hrovru afternoen: Supremo chanceller, W. Ascnt.ius commercial hi. vV. Blackwell, Kentucky; Supreme vice chancellor, Walter B. Ritchie, Ohie: supreme prelate, E. T. Black- mer, of California; supremo master of exchequer, F. J. Willey, of Dela ware; supremo keeper records and seal, R. L. C. White, Teuuessee; supreme master at arms, J. H. Lyon, of Kansas; supreme inner guard, A. C. Gardiner, of New York; supreme outerguard, John H. Thompson, Washington, D. C. Murder and Suicide. Denvkk, Aug.24. Thomas Smith shot and killed his wife and then commmeu suiciae, on a raucn near here. The couple were liviug sepa rate. Smith went from Denver for the purpose of killing his wife. STRRVIi1: Ul UIJ I UU UllJKI)t California Bah-evy. THE BEST. 101 Court Street. "HOEYE & MILLS. PORCELAIN BATHS AND BHAVINQ PAIH.OK3, Onlyrorcelain Hath Tubs In the city. H)9 Com. Ht., Salem, Or. J. J, IIMKINS, Scientific Horseshoeing. OI'POSITK FOUNDHV On State Street. THE Salem llackman in II, I'OHLE. Best Line In the City. Court Street. J. E. MU11PHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NORTH 8ALLM. MKS. E. C. 150NCO. Baths for Ladies, HAIB DHF-SSING PARLOUS, 124 Court Street. . J.I, CAND)Es V ii . llu" an'1 ' " Block. R. iMmiMutg "Ears nnd Tob worn', Str, t T VV. THORNBUI 'he Upholsterer. Kf'innrinlu . "PhoIsuVfed &B ciw-N work. Cheni.v.. JOHN IRWIN, tarpenler and Bf MliopMHtaUrtrcet, StoroFlttinBsn Spcca Kuu,vAmiamanjBUKjBan Tire in Portland. PoHTiiAMi, Aujj. ilWi'ha West em Vinegar works, Eut lde, were destroyed by tire last tiluhl, ft.OOO, tin lufeurmioo. Lot, (BMIW'PI'iWWfcri yR"FrM HW VpHK.Aiv, Ut. A, J, Prfo, mHm th Xw f,t Wmtkly I JAir - ' - '- Lu m uau.iteiddunt of ivimitv. Tiut r'AAbk ft MB . . t , ..I, mi . Ilw.. fti llllilln -". J-" UT II. ftJl tAtl . mm tw .'M"fw iwi'wmi lima. nnrFn w t,,m Idaho DjRioorata. Hoibk, Auk. SS.MorBliiK wwlon of Demooratlo oonventlou was occu- plwi In a wraoglfl over mpplemen- Ury riorU of the erwletitlul com- ittleM to rlttht of n ('outer county thrWMMM to l reprewuted by proxy Rovlsion of tho Ritual to Bo At tempted, Kanhas City, Aug. 25.-rn the revision of tho ritual of the Kulglittt if Pythian, which Is one of the mojt important iIiIuk to come before tbt xupremo Imltre at thia mwIoii, tin eutlie Pythian world la eoiieeiued, ami tlio exemplillcatlun of tho new ritual will show whether It is a suf llolont Impinvemout over the piv jout to, be ad'ipted by tho eupreme lode. Today the aupreme lodjje will elect ottlcora for tho coming two yearn. Huprenm Chancellor Hbaw will retire, with tho honorable title of past aupreme chancellor. Ho will bo eucceeded by Win. Wortr? Rlaok- vvell, of Kentucky, now Buprome Vice chancellor, For supremo vice chancoilor, Walter 11. Ritchie, of Lima, Ohio, fuprcme repnwMitatlvo from Ida btate, nnd EUT, Hlaokmer, of San Diego, Cal , supreme prelate ol tjupreme lode are cnudldutea. Well luformed Pythtans hay JlluliU will bo choeeu today, ami two years heueo he will becuitt bupreme chan cellor, Supremo Iuuer Uuard M.O. llarkwell.of Wyoinlnjr.aud Supreme RepnweuUUvo J, Jl. LyonB, of KautMa, me ciAiidldatca for the office of aupreiiH inidter-Ht-aims. now held by Morr'a ui, of Nevada. Kan8A8City, Mo., Auk. 38. The luprvme U WJU) of Pj thlau . Home Rale in Ireland. Wohchestkk, Mass., Aug. 25. Rav. J. T. Qonnty received a letter yesterday from Henator George F. Hoa", now traveling in Europe, dealing with tho home-rule ques tion In Irelnud, and the duty of Irlsh-Amiirlcam in aiding the Irish representatives In parliment. Sen ator H :r says: "I think tho Ameri can friends of home rule for Ireland aro In a condition to exorcino great influence upon the future progress of that causo aud to avoid what seems to me a very gieat danger. Qladslono, with his majority of forty-two has to encounter a hostile house of lords, a hostile press, aud uosine sentiments or tlio upper classes nud universities, aud it is rumered a hostile queen, If Glad stone were disabled or to die, It Is hard to see where the leader could be found under whom the some whatdlsconceuted elements could be united in and steady policy. If tin Irish friends of home rule make un reasonable demand, or even If thoy go to tho full exteut of what arV clearly reasonableand just demands, and Gladstoue should In that way logo his majority or fall to accom plish unythlng, the success of home rule must be postponed to a very distant day, Indeed. It seems to me therefore, that America ought to raise her voice, which 1ms been so Influential In tho causo of home rule, aud counsel the Irish represeutu tlvos to bo content, for the time be ing, with taking oue firm foiward step; even If thoy shall uot, for tho time being, gain anything whloh tliey ileslre. Such a stop ouco tak on will uevcr be retraced." Killed His Wife's Betrayer, Pikknix, A. I., Aug. iS.-Tlie ex amination of Frauk C. Kinney, charged with tho murder of. Wood Porter some time ago, has been con cluded at Florence. TJie defense In troduced Mrs. Kibbey, who testified that Porter had betrayed her, giving places and datfs.and the prosecution tailed to aiiaku her testimony. Por ter denied this to tho last, and her testimony was a great surprise as the people thought his deathbed denial was for her protection, Kibbey was held lu f 15,000 ball, which he can ensllv give. William Rufl'.a wcalthj cltUffn of Phcealx, telegraphed Kb. uey Unit bo would tale pleasure In giving 5000 of the bouds. Other cl- tUena hero have signified a like willingness. The testimony f Mrs. Kinney will probably result in her husband' acquittal. Tho Oonvlcta Must Work. NA8UV1M.K, Aug. 25. The eon- victa will Im returned to the branch prlsous from which they were to- moved, at tbeearlbst ixeslble mo- .. mi. 1 . iuvui, iiusuieaui imu the state will guard aud protect the1enet against violuaoe from mob, and th.it mluea will be open soon, and the iwnvlt put t work. Democrat3 of Washington. OiVMPtA, Aug.24. At tho even ing session a committee was appoint ed to waiton the committee on reso lutions, which returned with a re port that the committee on resolu tions would not be ready to report until 0 a. m. The time for the re port of the counittee baying elapsed, and no report, a motion was made to adjourn, but it wa3 vigorously opposed. The committee on resolu tions reported its platform, which endorses tbo national platform, aud nominees of the national ticket: pledges a reform of tho existing tarill: opposes tho ft deral election law or force bill; favors free aud un limited coinage of American silver; opening all Indian reservations of the state, and recommends such just and liberal appropriation foi coast protection aud general im provements as shall bo for the benefit of state; condemns any ex travagant expenditure of public moneys having for iU purpose ad vancement of private enterprises; favors election of president, vice president, and United States sen ators by direct vote of the people; pledges efforts to securo the speedy completion of tho Nicaragua canal; calls down the Indlgdation of an outraged people of the present ad ministration; denounces the actions or unaries a,. Lnughlou in vetoing iho bill reducing freight rates, the bill requiriuji railroads to f.nn tracks, tho Pinkeitou bill, aud other measures. Charges E. P. Ferry with com plicity in killing such bills and legis lation by failing to leeouvene tbt legislature; favors tbo passage of a mechanic's lien law; favors leglsla tlon reducing Ireight rates and fare of transportation companies; will demand legislation that will protect against the interference of Pluker ton nud united agencies; demand, that tho state own its priutlng es luuiisnuient and the public printer bo salaried; favors abolition on poll tax; ueinuounces the present reveu lie,, law in regard to collection of de luquent taxes; domands uew roads laws; pledges legislation setting title to Hen lands; demands repeal of tho act In regard to olass leglsla tlon In reference to flshlug indust ries; pledges its nominees to an economical administration, and favors au increase in the efilclenc,) of publlo schools, nud the Issulugof text hooka to the public ut cost; favors the immediate selection of all stutp lands granted by thu govern ment. A majority report, In addi tion to tlio canal plank is sighed by Lewis. Pacific, Pierce, Snohomish, Klickitat, Clark, Cowlitz, Skama uia, Chelialls, Wahklskum, What com, nnd Skagit. It reads: "Wo endorse tho action of the Demo cratic liouso of representatives in re vising an appropriation for Lake Washington, and we condemn the ttoiirsQorReiitiiniMAiii.il u,i a n,.,.::v.-r ."""'"" and ReprceutatlveH Wilson In heir I ttSS iiivih'jiiiv ill iiiim ittuii.i irt aim. .. itfHirui. I'liiin... ..,. .. .- - --- , i,,D nutri ment of appropriations for the tec oessary Improvement of rivers nud harbors of the state." No tic o of Assessment. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by ortltr 11 of the common council of the city ot Salem, made ou the, 5tb day of July, 1892, an assess ment w duly levied uion all property abut tlug on Chouisketa etreet, from Water street to J2tii street. Said asRcssmeut Is hereby made for the lniprovement of said street. Said as. pegsment shall be due and payable to the re corder of the city of Salem ten da)S from tb date of ibla notice. A list of property abutting on said street and the owner thereof and the amount assessed to such property is berebr set out and made a part of this notice. Notice is further given that unless said amounts so as sessed are paid within ten days from the expir ation of this notice, that I shall proceed to LOllect the same by law: W. llreyman and E. Ureyman; lot 1 In block 02 of the city of Salem, Oregon, U4 03. U. W. Cox; lot 4 in block CI of the city of Salem, Oregon, $115.23. J. IJ. Stump; lot 8 In block 49 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $144.03. J E. Starltey; lot 5 In block 50 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $141 05. State Insurance Company; beginning at the southeast corner of block CO In the city of Salem, Oregon, aa shown and designated on the duly recorded maps and plats ot said city and running thence westerly alone the south lino of said block 85 feet; thence northerl on a Hue parallel with the west line of Commercial street In said clly, 46 feet; thence easterly on a llueparallil with the south line of fcald block, 85 feet to the west line of said Commercial ttreet and theucu southerly along said west line of Commercial street, 48 feet to tho place of beginning, being 40 feet by 8fi feet of lot number 4 in Bald blook number 50. Also be ginning at a point which la 4G feet north of the southeast corner of block number 50 in the city of Salem, as shown aud designated on the duly recorded maps and plats of sold city; thence uonueriy along tuo west line or Commercial street of Aid city 25 feet; thence westerly on a line parallel with the north line of Chemeketa Blreet of said city 1G1 feet, more or less, to the alley In said block, thence southerly along said alley on a line parallel with the west lino of said Commercial street to the north line of said Chemeketa street, a distance of 71 feet, more or less; thence easterly along the south Hue of said block number 60, 80 feet, more or less, to the soulhwt st comer of the property heretofore convejed by this bank to the State Insurance Company of Salem j thence northerly on a line parallel with the west line of said Commercial street, ilt feet to the northwest corner of said property conveyed to said State Insurance uumpauy; thence easterly along the north lino of said property conveyed to tho btate Insur ance Company aB aforesaid, 85 feet to the place of beginning, situated lu the city of Salem, couuty of Marion, state of Oregour$144 05 Flrit National Bank of Salem, Oregon; com meneiug at the northeast comer of block 49 In the city of Salem, Oiegon; thence south along Commercial itreet, 45 feet; thence west parallel with Chemeketa street, C5 feet; thence north purallel with Commercial street, 40 feet; thence fast along the north boundaiy line of lot ltnm bered 49, feet to the place of beginning, con talnlng 29i5 square feet of ground, excluding streets and sidewalks; also commencing at a point which is C3 feet west of the northeast corner of block number 49 lu tho aforesaid city of balem; thence south parallel with Coinmer clal st;eet43feet: thence west parallel with Chemeketa street 1.5 feet; thenco north parallel with Commercial atieet 45 feet; thence east 03 feet faciug and along Chemeketa street to the UVIH1"i corner ot ine oanK building now erected on said block, being the place contain lug 2700 square feet of ground, more or Icbs excluding streets and sidewalks, but execptiu" therefrom the property com eved by the lale William btowart to Mrs. A. A. Wheeler by war ranty deed dated April 27, 1887, and recorded in the record of deed of Manon county, Oreiren Ju y U. 1887,book 34of deeds page 452, .together with the tenements, hereditaments and a)Dur. tenances thereunto belonging, $109 05. A. A. Wheeler: beginning at the northwest corner of lot 1 In block 49 in Salem. Oregon thence southerly along the alley 7.12 left thence easterly parallel with Chemeketa Hreet' lOjfeet; thence northerly along east Hue of block 22 7-13 feet; thence westerly 25 feet' thence northerly 45 feet to north line of said ginning! i'JT W"'erly "" '"l"""10' e. i ,RPiPiBe Bt' ana n-p Bl". Jr,; lot 5 in block 31 of the city of Salem, Oregon. $144 05 oKti,ii1ftMl.lB cV U1 f ,he c"y of ba,em' iV 0l!Ver,i the north half of lot 1 in block 32,lnth?cV ty o bKlem- 0ree. $144 03 J.Q.Vtilson! lot 5 In block 23 of the city of Balem, Oreaon. f 141.0.1 ' ' i ,M-A-TbompHOu; all that part of lot 8 in bock 22 described as follows, to-wit: Begin" nng at he northwest corner of lot sin bio, k 22 in Salem. Oreiieii: Ihn .....,!" r'.r line of a.,k. rt IB. f,.t; th nee south, erly at right angles 82 10-12 fte to tl-e Mull ne of said lot 8; thence w.sterlyon said so line of said lot 109 feet to the east Hue of T lb "'y'treet; thence northerly on si dealt Hlb Liberty street 82 10-12 U & ginning! U feet and 9 IncheB; thence southerly parallel .vlth west line of said lot to the south line of aid lot; thence easterly along tho south lino of said lot to tho southeast corner thereof; thence northerly to the place of beginning, 173.16. Z. P. Mood ; lot 10 in block 83 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $144 03. Mary Johusonj lot Gin block 82 of Salcrn, Oregon, $144.03, J, Batchelor; lot 5 In block 82 in Salem, Oregon, $144.05. N. A. Goodell; lot Gin block 80 in the city of Salem, Oregon, $144.03. Eugenia Ollllngham; all that part of lot 10 In block 83, described as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning at a point on the north line of said lot 27 feet westerly from tho northeast corner thereof und running thenco southerly parallel with tho east line of said lot to the south line of said let; thence westerly along the couth lino of said lot to the southwebt corner thereof; thence northerly to the northeast corner thereof; thence easterly to the place of beginning, $120.50. A, Bush; all that part of lot 10 lu block 85 described as follows, to-wit: Beginning nt the northeast corner of said lot and running thence westerly along the north Hue thereof 27 feet; thence southerly parallel with the east line thereof to tho south Hue of said lot; thenco easterly to the soulhenst corner of said lot; tl enco northerly to the place of beginning; nud also lot 1 in block 85 uf the city ol Salem, $107.03. T. McP.Pattou and Eliza Cook; lot 1 in block 83 of the clt of balem, Urogcn, $114 0). A. Parvin; lot 1 in Cnrtw right's addition on the north sido of OYiemeketa btreet, $119 00. Jane A. Bumf ord; lot 11 of Cartwrlght's ad. ditiou on tho north side of Chemeketa street, $57.05. iBsabella Martin; lot 0 in block 80 in Salein, Oregon, $111 05, A. Blosser; lot 13 of Cartwrigl t'e addition on the north side of Cbenitketa street, $57.05. W.N. Ladue; lots 4, 6 and G in Cartwrlght's addition on tho south side of Chemeketa street. 2J4 8. E. W. Starr; lot 7 in Cartwrlght's addition on me aoiiiu Btae ol uncmeketa street, $57.05. F. Pugh; lots in Cartwrlght's addition on the south side of Chemeketa street, $57.G5. M. Uhodes; lot 9 in Cartwrlght's addition on the south side of Chemeketa Btreet, $57.05. M. E. Costello; lota 10, 11 and 12 in Cart Wright's addition on the north side of Ohcine- jieiu street, srtz bj. 0. T. and T. J. Oard: the southwest quarter t f block (i in ltoberls' addition to tho city of Salem, $133.80. ' A. M. Palmer; the west half of tho southeast quarter of block G in Iioberts' addition to the city of Salein, $09 85, J. 13. Cross; the east half of the 'southeast quarter ol block 0 lu Boberts' addition to tho i ity of Salem, Oregon, $69.83. Maty Cauueld aud Thomas Caufield- the northeast quarter of block 3 in Itobcrts' addi tlon to Salem, Oregon, $133 80. Hannah Joseph; all that part of block 3 of Iloberts' addition to Salein, Oregon, described tf iollow a, to-wit: Beginning at tho northwest comer of block 3 in Roberta' addition to Salem. Oregon; thence south along tho west line thereof 157 feet; thence east patallel to the wiuth line of Chemeketa street VJX feet tuence north parallel to the east Hue of '1 well h street 157 feet; thence east along tho H.uth line of Chemeketa stttet W.i feet to the place of beginning. $o9.40. E. Shepard: the east lialfnf ,, ,,. ..,. quarter of block 3 in Roberts' addition to Salem, Oregon, $09 40. ?:.A ?Z1V "", ,uat part of block B of Rob. erts addition, described as followa, to-wit: 1. ginning at tho southwest corner of Bald i na runnlnK thence easterly along the houth ine thereof CO feet; thence northerly .aralle with the west line of said block 10 5 l,iftlt.U,C?,WtJt?llyl)arallclwltn t"e south m.rt W bl0ck C. feet to lowest line of ea d J-ato. t0 place of uc6i""ine. J. O, Smith; all that part of block 6 de. scribed as follews: Beginning at a. point ou tl e south Hue of said block 130 feet east of n '?w.b1f0ck 30 fet.1 Faht of tUe wuthwest corner tl ereof and running thence northerly nariii wtth the west line of eaia block ?1W "ilt t euj-e westerly parallel with the so, th lino of seld block, 70 feet: thence .nii..i. J' .,,. Notica of Assessment. TUOTIOE IS HLBLDY GIVEN that bye, 11 tho common council of the cltvef made- on tho Gth day of July. 1802 n went was duly loUed upon all t,rn,.J ting on Commercial street from the Vrmti J, of Mill street totho southern Hmlun hteS Bald assessment Is made for the lranrmS of said Btreet. Bald Mf sment sha-l 1. T and payable to the lecorder of tff K balem, ten days front the date of thljnoto A list of properly abutting ou said strt ,S tho owner thereof and the amount tS such property is heieby set out and 2. part of this notice. Notice is foMta that unlesB said amounts to asbefsed ui m ' within ten days im,, the expiration of tS notice, that I shall proceed to collect ,.... by law: proceed to collect them,. J. J. llttrnhv and r.. n. Unni,,, , ., .. of block 3S of tho city of HalVm,Or7BoD.8L I rankio P. Jones; tho w est half of biwkS the city of Salem, Oregon; $381. M , u.w..-t j. . ciun. ; tcts i onu 5 in block u 1 1 iv,inuHii v- iuv luiuiiiH i iiiniiir itiani. Sjtlem, Oregon, $93.25. Amos btrouG! lot 4 In Mnclr a nf i,. .it... ! Salem. Oreiron. $107 ill. ,gl . h'JSn l.heJ" .-. , ... .uo t.iy ut oatem, itntj of Oregon, said fraction contnlnlm. ai f..i " or less; to bo nioru explicit, the property cm.' I veyed is all of lot 3 lu block 44 dzceptlwa J teei on mo nortu side of fraction or eald lot' sold to, and now owned by Mrs. John A.Jotoi ' nnd bounded us follews: Beginning at t point v, on tho east lihe of lot 3 In block 14, of Men. Oregon, 42 feet southerly from the nortteitl comer of eald lot, aud running thence wesUrlj i parallel with tho south line of said lot lCSftit more pr less to tho west lino of said lot; them i southerly along the west lino of said lot to Hi southwest corner thereof- thence easterly along the soutli lino of said lot; thence Dorui ' erly along the. east lino of said lot to theclici of beginning, $33.05. f Julia A. Johns; tho north fraction of lot nuinbf r 3, block 44, comprising 42 by 105 feet in the city of balem, Marion county, Oregon.u shown and droignuted ou the recorded plan of said city aud bounded as follews: Btguming at a point on the east line of lot 3 in blockHot Halem, Oregon. 12 feet southirlv from tlmnnrth eat,t corner of said lot aud runniug thecce west, erly parallel with tho south Hue of said lot, 165 teei, more or less, to no west line of eald lot; thence northerly along tho west line of fald lot tu tho northwest corner thereof, thence east, erly along tho north line of aatd lot, 185 feet more or Icbs, to tho northeast eoruerof said bt; thenco houtberly along the east line of tald lot to the plaeo of beginning, $18.50. Mary Stioug Kinney; lota 1 and 2 in block 43 of Salein, Oregon; $190 50. Allen L. Buckingham; beginning at a point in eastern boundaty 8 rods southerly from northeast corner of block 42 in Salem, Oregon, thence southerly 4 rods along said boundary; thence westerly at right angles to said bound ary to tho western boundary of said blocl; thenco northerly along Bald wtBtern boiindirj 4 reds; thenco taslerly on direct lino to place of beginning, being 1-6 of block number 12: $70.20. 1. J. I.trstu; lot 3 in block 43 of Salem. Ore gon; $95.25. llattle Easton ; lots 1 and 2 In block 44 of Sa lem, Oregon; $108 20. Mntllda A. Prescott; beginning at the soatfr easterly comer of block number 12 lit Salein, Oiegpn, and running thence northerly ikui tho eastern boundary of Bald block, 4 rods and Ofeet; thence westerly at right angles toisll eastern boundary to the western boundary ot said block; thence southerly parallel to'eild eastern boundary 4 rods and 6 feet; theau ca6tcrly ou a truo line to the place of begin ning: the sauio being the fraction of saidllork 42, except the following described laud deeded to Sarah Fullertou. to-wit: bcelunincataptint ,ou the eastern boundary line of block 42 .1 I RllftTOn lltf ftlo r.nnwln.l ..!.. ..f tl.nnUvnf flal.n " 1 Margaret Morley; all that part of lotfli,, bock 22 described as follows, t "wit, JiJ,!." ning at .point 109 feet ea.tof the "orlifwlk. corner of block 22 In Salem. Oregon, and run ning thence south 821 feet, thence we at w f"" ' ILeue aortli 624 feet; thence west on Ihi nor hi neof said block 22, 80 feet to phce of beginning, $48.90. t,e or .foKs u!.03,U W0Ci M ' " Oru.&r l0U """ l Salem, J. W. DU-kersou; lot 5 In block i in it,. . of Salem, Oregon, Jlii.ov i the city " " "Ti lot 8 In blwk 5 of the clh of Salem, Oregon, $111 05, C1,J V."t"u.u,Pi !ewest half of lot sin wi with the west side of7a7dblo k m'U "S "h. si ttth line of sulit hinv .' lu. 'UB nP. fr- hboh.. Q.r. -"'"" """WIS Beldt .,,. o:"""g.0.n.'.df8"'b.B follows Wtjck antl running thence" VasterlV along the 2?. .' ,' '1,"e,L.e"0.f'!!5.et and 7 luchesTthence afifi ,1!' .Vhat !"J $ 4 or - lu ui naibin rt. scribed as tollews: mo north Hue nf beginning at a point utuc-K, ya reel the northwest G,i?.l.n.f70' . Oregon, nidi. iirat umiinin Soeletv of sui,, n the east h,lf ot ,, 5VClock W iTthe cTtv o Salem, Oregon; $72.05. cl,) ' SZZ, Willi bIoa 701n ! or M.V.Rotkt all that nirt of lnf in . .. . aa follows. to-witt lleyluulnK at ihVVfV . eoruerof lot 10 In blink 74 in siiJ ,r'hwf'" S31'-!.U.Cf. T2!i P!W "ilhlhS'ili. bene: v.,. ? ,'."'. ,.W.',,, I'"? Of .id lot ffifflM.'-J!!. of Chentrtetl .trVrt?o ttS1,i-'R.M..?? . 8aleu Oregon, $158 no. " ,n ,LB rit t Drsgoonine Won't Do! Not Ilht lie liver. Violent .-hm,.... like culoiun. huJ blue iilli.aittiilnUiefl lu litvlo oreiwwive thftia, hs tiy ofteu I arc, will him iiretuenently rrtoro the ac-' tlvurortUK(tliepaUn onpin, and are i-i,iiiiiviiiy,q .. uii-4tici ttieuQ system i v f iii 7 .: " nonentity. ntuta aealthful rVfoVm ' r,Yfiu 1ilicll!tt. na " Arch.Ulabon cf ih If Ibii llvtly oi thu liver exlau. with jffi &,?"ftchnr' "i-lo1 l Uock ;j n the ri..? rftiatr1lchi.(rnfti-'8ecrtlvniHctlori u i.. i'"fl'''.,llll"l rartoi totiin).i.v . h'vfr,a..ct imtmote. due SFo of 1L !., M.L"iu' ifttoS,"? ine wtwi-,1. wiiiiotiiirrnui) or weateulnt- , T. '' """ lot 1 in bl.-iTii . . .hew IMaitconmrtW tn.ltrSeiiS KkSff,uM.'dk"whVta thrl:ht "lite, tmilwl. fur linnn it... ,... H.,0,lfeti tbuo ,,v..."" "E?.f ,rUwf,,Ml,ttaklu0urteH7bUiterSur. MuTtltnMai out uon mIwhj lutarbv. " "' ' im mil Im ni ,.i,i 7',? ttl-nniHUtr. Hint tvd Willi by billmto Hauiiy, Mla WKtU ..i.i i.i r. 7.- -- - wu Inches eaa erlv f,.".,."'""' 'J? r" d 7 SttrtswaSHS Sjffnsv: I"-"; with the north iininV V.ii .';",erly Parallel said block. 127 feVTt .?, ,." ..ue. !0,,,.1 ."n of the southeast curner of aJSi.iv '?"' "om thence uortherh parallel with ,,Dl1 1 ?.0Dlu8 SFwwtt?a22 AltfJS"" towa-, Uegiunlncattli.,,.i.l .' vu " ,01 ter y along the aonii, "lll.ulocki thence "taXOT-fffi,- 8.18,te:,0t4,nb,0ck'f thecityof l.aTSuh7ndTh?niiFe1Lrl.",UDt EP'' 1 In the city of bafere'V, ' W shown by the recorded platof thecityof Salem, In Marlon couuty, Oregon, nt a point thereon! rods and G feet northerly lrom the souttcasl corner of said block, and running thence at right nnghs to said eastern boundary line, westerly to the west boundaiy Hue; tiifnct suutheriy along the wost boundary line 2 feat; thence running at right angles tosaldweatof boundary line, easterly to tho east boundary lino said block;-and thenco uoitbeily alcng said east boundary lino to the place of b-gln-ning; $78 60 Sarah Fullertou; beginning at a point on tbt eastern boundary lino of block 42 thshownlj the recorded plat of the city of Salein, in Morion county, Oregon, at a point thereon 4 rods and C feet northerly from tho southeast corner of said block and running thence at right angles to said eastern boundary lint westerly to tho west linnndarv Hue: llitnca southerly along the west boundary line 2 feet; thence running at right anglts to Bald west boundary line, easterly to the east boundary line of Bald block; thence northerly along (aid east boundary line to the place of beginning; also the following described property, to-wlt: part of block 42 of the city of Salem, Oregon, as marked and designated on the recorded rials of tho said ttty, particularly bounded by be ginning at a stake on Commercial Btrett in eald city, 132 feet northerly lrom the southeast corner of said block; thenco westerly at right angles to said street totho west boundaryof saia block; thence northerly parallel to Com. merclal street CO feel; thence easterly at right angles to first named line to the place of begin ning all in said city: $71.t0. . B, O. Woodworth, Oyrus B. Woodward, Mary W. Patterson and O. 8, Woodworth; be ginning at a point on the eastern boundary line of block 42 in Salem, Oregon, 8 rods southerly from the northeast eoruerof said block; then" westerly parallel with the north line oi saw block 103 feet, more or less, to the alley in tald block, thence northerly parallel with the ft Hue of said lilni-ir h i-,1m ,i i, b tinrth line oi said block; thence easterly along the utru line of said block, 105 teet, more or less, to tha northeast eoruerof said block; thence south erly along the east line of said block 8 rod to the place of belnnlug; $152,40. J. w. Brown, Q. O, Brown and J. O. Brown; the west half of block 37 in halem, Oregon; A. Prescott! tho west half of the west half of block 40 in Salem, Oregon ; $316 40. Susan II. McKlnnav. Pnliert Harrison. Ed ward Harrison and Andrew Ilsrrison; the cut half of block 11 nf tlm i-itv nf Halem. of the county of Marion and Btate of Oregon; $346.10. Hated at Salem, this 10th day of August. UW M. E. OOOUELL, Recorder, t..i... n- " in uioci Ml5i0fctoei ". city &iftzy& Oalnea L. For,? o '. ".J'1! 1X L. Ford' t,a an4 . Jn.e Mo, t " r " . . jrord. OrMofi.iiioloc6U, clty of Salin, 8aVen;Sr'L,.i,,Iti,l80S? bIot"lin the-cl.y of A. rJdrldn tf ". MWJje, l Ity. The WKt am nuBlhtktUa mu" tiTA2LTi0Oi " ""I Htt cf loti in n.i. P.rrtniS'i I U av vwiw oi biittimi n."048 JfcSuSLh''14 & ? 5i25il ' B,w ..""n. i. Eldrida. MdrldgeV i' rv,?,?w?- g- . Uott.V. Q. wn w-w.7 w4 tx, ftcj, to,ix-,TjJ; ft'iSi-.rtcAfc.Wa or the cltr of K.I...7 r. ' v 0 U at s.iJ! .'.?! .?' Oiegon. till o 1 M. T. RINEMAN IICAL.EU IK Staple ?ni Faacy Groceries, Crock ry, Glawiware, Larorw. Wf1!? incl Wliiowware. Alllilud ofmllleed. .V.fJtittetl8odfruit In their Uj rHlghet ftle paid for country produce. .. ,b aa. of Auiw,. im. KwwtUr. -SI.Ue. it, '' 1 -