; i- tUM TOPICS. tfc onr of RwwU'b utabfea to a ' ertutolr constructed M tht wm i by Peter tha Qraat. ph will of th lata Dongl Haaty, a kr BturHsa brewer ima tarfmM, 1 480,000 to tho mterionary mxhoKob. A bicycle rider wheW a quarter wile SB 4-5 aecondti at Hartford July 4. i baata all time at ttw distance made ' trotter or pawser. llw value trite fDar of the grand prize tfm waa fSO.OOQ. The gate money Bted to fTO.OOO and tue sum of 9,000 wm inreatod in the tnutuels.-, Than aravover 1,00 trotting aweoia- ln the united mates mm uaoaua, atittg the namerotM organisatlone tin membership with the'Kational or i associations. From an analysis of the list of animals i records between 20 and 2:0S , it iM arpear that a trotter is at his , when seven years old; as animals of ?that ace in this list exceed in numbers those of any'other age. The famous old horseman Richard Ten Broeck is said to be in indigent cir cumstances and almost blind at San Mateo, Cal. It waa ho who first essayed to assert the prowess of tho American thoroughbred on English courses, and ho waa once reputed to be a millionaire. There are 800 of tho most beautiful hones in the world in tho stables of tho czar of Russia. . They aro luxuriously eared for and stand in clenn straw to their knees. Thpf magnificent tails are never cut and'reach to tho feot, and ttMTjIong, silky hair of their bodies is sieVer clipped. WORLD'S FAIR NOTE3. CTAGE GLINTS. A Boston man wants to exhibit a sky eyele at tho World's fair. A skycycle oomos under tlio head of flying machines. The Wisconsin World's fair building will have a $.1,000 grand staircase, tho donation of the Morgan company, onoof loe best, known linns of tho stato. Botterflies to tho number of 150,000 will" be shown in the Pennsylvania ex hibit at the World's fair, Tho collec tton is said to be the most cottiploto and finest in the world. Han Bernardo county, Cal., is contem plating tho exhibition nt tho World's fair of a-Vpaiaco" of native salt, using blocks of crystallised unit tlmt mrasure 12 by 13 inches and aro transparent, , ,.The4Dako of Edinburgh has announced i his intention of sending for exhibition at 'the, World's fair soma of tho almost in- valuable collection of ancient musical natruinxnta which ho pses8et. - ' rrencti llunlt Hole. Tho notes of tlio Bank of France are mndo of wliito, waterlinctl paper, printed in blue and black, with nu merous mythological and allegorical pictures, and running in denomina tion from tho tweuty-fiyo frano note to iho 1.00(1 frano.- (Joldou Dnya. FACTS ABOUT THE 8AUSAGE. How One of the Mot Universal r Cull Biry lmliict I Jlnd. What is a aansage? Tiie tirlnciiilo of making all sausages is similar, and con lata in simply chopping or mincing the particular kind of meat employed and seasoning it with spices or herbs of va rious aorta, bread crumbs, egg, milt or mustard or uny of those Ingredients mixed in such proportions us are agree able. Then tlio whole mixture Is in closed in portions of tlio prepared intos tines of a hog, sheep or calf, scrupulous ly washed and scraped nntil immacu lately clean. Aniong tho herbs employed for sea soning aro shalot, onions, leeks, sage, thynio, garlic, marjoram and parsley, and' in somo kinds of sau3;igos. besides meat, anchovies, oysters und red her rings aro added. Finally tho blood of various animals, as tho ox, pig and gooso, is useu, mixcu utu oaunrai, broad eminbs and seasoni ig of various kinds. These in England aro known as blood puddings, but tho Americans fin resolutely refuse to eat blood pudding. as thoy do to partako of the liaro. Bo logna sausages aro Bhrow.lly suspected to bo made of tho flesh of tlio ass, but they can bo successfully imitated by making a minco of equal p irts of pork, veal and loan beef. Then there aro the tasty llttlo Lyons sausages, of which the onl fault is that they are too highly flavored with irarlic. Tho Persians made a very palatable caus.igeof tho meat of a loin of mutton, chopped up with an equal quantity of bacon or tho fat of a sheep's tail. Tlio minco meat, after being sawoued, is not stuffed into a skin, but rolled into an ovoid form, round a small iron skewer and tho sausages are then roasted be tween two banks of hot ashes, tho skew er being carefully turned during tho oporation. Tho famous t-auuiges of Mayenco, in Germany, aro mudo of pork cut into small dico and seasoned with popper and saltpoter, and theso, when filled into tho skins, aro smoked in tho chimney for forty-eight hours over, of coureo, a wood flro. Gormany has for centuries been tho rival of Italy in the production of theso historical viands. From different parts liauricc nirryui no. &t H Bell, Agnes Milter and 21 rs. Phillips will bo all miss ing from A. M. Palmer's company next seafoii. Jennie Yeamans will Inaugurate her starring tour in her new farce comedy, "12 P. M..H at the Bijou theater, in New Vork city. Sept. "h. Charles Frohman has been asked to open negotiations for a tour of this coun try next season of Mrs. James Brown Potter and Kyrle Bellow. Louis Aldrich Is to play ono of tho three principal parts in McKee Rankin's new play entitled "A Kentucky Colonel." i Tlio part of the colonel will bo inter preted by Mr. Rankin. Mrs. Deacon, tho central figure of tho Abeille tragedy at Cannes, will, it is said, figure in aardou'a new play that ho is writing for Charles Frohman. Its ti tle is to bo "Uno Belle Americaine." Camilla Saint-Saens has accepted tha Invitation of tho World's fair directors to co to Chicago next summer. Ho will StfjraS' LlbJS .TTv tfta-tton burst upon him.-Cleveland w"","u ""'"I'l"" " "'"" - Fiutn Dealer. at cnamuer concerts, Ramsay Morris has accepted a new ono act comedy by Mrs. B. W. Doro mns, author of "The Circus Rider." Tho central figuro was written to fit Elsie do Wolfe. At present the pieco is called "Mrs. Pendleton's Four-in-Hand." Talking of Bernhardt, Choiro, the palmist, it is said, examlnud Sarah's hands tho other day and found a star In her right palm that ho said was won derfully lncky. In fact, ho remarked that ho would sooner have cuch a star than 10,000. its Hun the Big Party Himself A story Is told bf a gentleman promi nently connected with ono of the big foundries in Pittsburg. Tho gentleman in question Is an unusually largo man, very tall and far around. Finding him self caught In a little town about seventy-live miles from Pittsburg ono night, "-ith no train going to tho city, am being very anxious to reach there at 11 o'clock, ho wired to an express train down tlio track to stop for him. "We stop for officials only," came tho answer. Quick as a flash wont tho second tele gram. "Will you stop for a large partyr "Yes." was tho reply, and the long oxpress slowed up and stopped when it reached the littlo.town, nnd the gentlo man complacently stepped nboard. "Where is the large party?" inquired tho conductor, with wide open, aston ished eyes, as ho gazed about tho empty depot. "Ain't I largo enough?" chucklod tho delighted new passenger. Tho conductor glared, then burst into a hearty laugh as tho fitness of tho ap- THE PRINCE OF WALES SMOKES. ODDS AND ENDS. United States farm mortgages amount to $12,1550,570,000. Dancing is taught In many of tho pub lic schools in Scotland. Tho world's annual consumption of vanilla is said, to bo about 830.000 pounds. Six millions of dollars are invested in tho manufacture of dynauiito iu the United States. The total valuo of unclaimed mail matter in tho London postolfice is some thing ovorsfSO.OOO a year. The United States of Colombia con- fntna nnrn lnnpru f linn im- nthnr fOlin. of tho fathorlaud, and especially fioin try iu the world. Thoy number 100.000. Frankfort, Mecklenburg uud Hamburg, The N South Wules twclv0 banka come a , vast variety of sausages, ( begin- d filmnclnI Bynaieate own about ning with tho "Wurstchen Garniiung," 4omm ftcr(,8 0'r Iaml( one institution garnishing vegetables or othor dishes. I Tho meat for them must bo minced to a ' pulp, and if tho flosh bo vcul 2.1 por cent. must bo fat bacon and white bread i 'crumbs soaked iu milk. Then thcro aro ! tongue sausagos, into tho flavoring of which powdorcd cloves enter largoly. Tho Germans aro undoubted exports in sausage making, nnd almost ovory district in tho country lias its own favor ite flavor of spico or herbs, but tho addi tion of bread Is not much patronized by Gorman sausago makers and it is con sidered to dotract from their godness, Somotimcs, howovor, it is thought desir ablo to uso it first, bocauso it ronUers tho sausago less rich, and noxt bocauso it increases tho bulk. To six pounds of meat no moro than a pound of grated bread is allowed. In overy caso tho bread must bo moistened with cold milk or water and must bo added boforo tho mincing process is half comploted. London Telegraph. In Hock. T H E B u I, L D H A M f k& Vl ts - vfovcn25 YcAHifa tcjciNsftogigJcbAcco. "5a i,K j&irM ( & SflOKING TOBACCO is not like other kinds. U has peculiar fragrance and peculiar flavor. Its peculiar uniformity always gives peculiar comfort, and lias made it peculiarly popular. Sold everywhere. M de only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N. C. rimrch Directory. STARTLING FACTS) Tb Amorleira peoplo are rnrlrtlr bccoralne itMiri AipnniMOMi Uiutwbon Iili ion nco. Dr. Mites' C rod him. Mra.J, I I). Tailor, of lam Mr, of yutuln,Inl..iraourcaof 40lo W comtiiI- i of uorrou wreck!, and tho lollowlnu buuhoiU MlinonsoiiommniiR, ur jim iouiimonwmrpoocui r. Miles' OrontRoit a. Mra.J,H.MIIIar,ol plul IS) noundi from taking IU Mn. II. A. Gard- IWittrnmtMlri AliilionnollomiuiliiR, uf nlnacuro( o.ltid.. J, I), Tnrlor, of IjOgaiuiHirt, lud., onch utlar. Bwoan tbulwhon lil ion wm tpoochleu from tRoitorntlva Un.3, H. Mlllar.ol Volpnr- f.BWiri vuubwuuit niflvnnwnsr (t. Vituilintico. Dr. Mites' Oroa' lacurQuuim. w,u . wviiin. im,, ira ourcu ox u to w cormii Mont Out, nnd tnuoh hoadachs, dlulnrx, hark- mirej priruinnltf of ten T6r" (tandlng. Trll MM. And liorvous nroitfMtlnn. hr nnn bnltlA. DM.. Mrera, llrooklrn, Mich.. rn tils dauclitor oWluandCnstiuolc of mirreloui euros, FUKa M flniwuu 'XhU nmoij oonUlai no opUteo. Pr.lWIIat Medical Co.,Elkhart, Intl. VMJUlL bottjle foee. , Bold by D,J,Fry, (lruggist,8a1em. mmmum Act on a new jirlnclpla reuulAta (lis llrer, itomtrb Hid bowfU through tht ntrwi. Da, MiLur 1'itu tptcdltv curt lillloiunoti, torpid llrer and conBtlp. Uon. Smlleat, tnlldott, nrmtl BOdOBi,aBot, H(irnuln freo at itruni.'lal). fi' .IIll.C.1SlkliMt.kl eojld by D. J. Fry, druggist, falom An Klectrlo Llglit llutti. Thoro is apparontly no limit to tho curious and uulnuo arrangements sug gested for tho employment of electricity for general household purposes, at is ovldonced by tho dovico that has just boon complotod by a Cincinnati iirm. It is an electric light bath, which is not to bo confounded with an clootrio bath. Tho cabinet is of tho usual sizo of vapor baths, with a lid inclosing tho body completely, oxcopt tho head, which U exposed. The lamps aro distributed around tho body of tho patient, being arranged in groups of fourteen and op erated by n soparato switch for each group. About slty lamps of sixteen caudlo power uro used in tho bath. Tho sides of tho iutorlor of tho cabinet aro baokod by pollahod nickel to givo roflectivo pow'or, Tho effect of tho strong light is to browa tho skin ns if it had been ex posed to tho sun. Tho combined ell'oots of tho oloctrio nnd vapor bath in one aro snid to bo without tho usual de pressing olfoots of tho vapor bath alouo, in fact having an opposite effect and making a patient buoyaut nnd frisky. Now York Telegram. alono owning 8,000,000 acres. Tho third republic of Franco has at tained its majority. It is now twenty one years old, and is tho only French government which has lived that long since tho revolution. Tho bridge of tho Holy Trinity, Flor ence, was built in 1069. It is 823 feet long, of whlto marblo, and is oven now reckoned as being without a rival as a specimen of tho bridge building art. Burial at soa is to bo abolished for thoso who liavo tho raonoy to pay for tho transportation of their remains in caso of death on board ship. Air tight Bteol caskets for the transportation of bodies aro now a, part of tho equipment of all of tho best steamers. Wells Where's your watch, Sum way? Hasn't that jeweler got it fixed yet? Sumway Yes, but his bill was so big Iliad to hock tho watch to pay it. Brooklyn Lift). Mnite Too Slur!, ut Ilntne. A nearsighted lady who lives on Six teenth street, across tho Platte, sent to an intelligence oflloo. for a girl, and was expecting her all tho morning. It was raining a little, and the woman whe lived next door throw on an old hat and shawl and camo over to borrow a tea cupful of lard. Sho knocked at tho side door, and was greeted with: "Go right up the back stairway to your room over tho kitchon. When you are tidied np u little como down here and I'll talk to you." Tho women aro deadly enemies now Colorado Sun. TURF TOPICS. MOTIVE " BUS MB U&SWM ENGINES ITirA fVwwt hArta. Attil am W I ti..i-Mrrrtt Iakj. lrLalw ,rt .., nut rerder than any olhrr itua or nanollno cuxtnva now jjjijW IfaUU Ui burner, turu lu wlicuU tul U KAKSS NO BHK&l. OR DIRT. erwaMMMeriueaexplotlona.io frvqucs. wtth lha puifunw, yMa, POWER W flkdty U MoU the World!. X4 M1 lUelf Automatically, - y Sattorloa or KlectrU Hpark. ftCtwafwr Ora(torOooUjEHi Utaaaar hr Kufiott. (tirTJTMpiiictJU.MArri.rTO ti MYi MANWAeTUWIIMkl JU-- M J A..M.,. f ;,? rvnrzsKN's :Ut.HICBELT SSS9 rfiTMTS2FfSEWITN EtCCTKI- MMNCTK mumwr, rlftWM MiMklU fbM uhrt trM.uMMrla4iAiiu - inlU. llMM. MtHM daUlilv. bUb , HfiMUaa, ki4;,Mtf Ml W4ft irv;tn,x VB III! , Nailed lllmieir to n l'oit. Anson Smith, of Shelton Contor, a wooden legged veterau, tells n funny story about himself. Mr. Smith sot to work to tnako a frame for tho support of his tomato vines. To Keep tho posts steady whilo nailing tho slats ho placed his loft or woodou log against them and drove tho nails homo with a vim. Af tor nailing ono ond ho startod to go to tho next, but found to his surpriso ho could not moro, Visions of paralysis Hashed oror his mind, but on examininnr care- tuny no round no had driven tho nail through slat and jiost into Ida wooden leg, and that ho was nailed fast to tho tomato frame, AtiHouIa (Conn.) Sonti uol. l'limlllaiil)' llrcil Contempt. The death of n ilreman uud tho Injury to nn engineer who sat down on tho track and were btmok by a train a few days ago on tlio Uhicago division of tho Pan nandlo uhowa how carclcu railroad muu somotlmes becomo. Tlio same kind of an accident was narrowly averted on tho ludiaimpolU division of tho Peuusyl rmila a Tow days ago. Ono of tho beat known emdueors on tho division nnd ids ilreman sat down on tho track while waiting for a train, and both dropped asleep. Fortunately tho ongineer of tho meeting train saw tuem iu time to stop, nad their lives wore eared. Indianapo lis News, Between May 83 and Juno 20 ono Now York horso markot sold 0 11, 000 worth of thoroughbred yearlings. Tho horseman says that whipping a horso unmercifully for something that tho animal cauuot help spoils many a good ono. D. B. Horrington uses a patent har ness on tho fast pacing uiaro Illbibi, by Valonsiu. Thoro is no collar, the saddlo carrying tho weight. Colonol North says that, all being well, ho most certainly intends to bring his horses to America and try his luck at Chicago noxt year. A horso can live twonty-five days without solid food, merely drinking wator, soventeon days without eating or drinking and only tlvo days when eating solid food without drinking. "A thousand pounds," says an English turf writor, "for riding a Derby winner has como to bo looked upon as qui to a common feo. Over i'5,000 on ono occa sion was paid to tho rider of a Derby winner." Tlio royal stables at St. Petersburg ox col all others for magnificence. In tho coachhouse thoro may bo seen a car riago which cost uoarlyijil ,000,000. Cath erine of Russia rodo in it to her corona tion. WHISPERS ABOUT WOMEN. Til rim Them Down. A certain editor i3 said to have hit upon a plan to keep subscriptions paid up that takes tho cake. Everv time a delinquent subscriber is mentioned in his paper his name is inverted. For ex ample: : ronn f ouni nnd wlfo nro spending i : a fuw oiij u In Cblcauo. : Every other subscriber understands what it moans, and thero is a grand rush to get right side up again. Phila delphia Record. No rilicc. A certain woman had not yet becomo accustomed to tho position suddenly ac quired wealth had pushed her into. Upon ono occasion, when sho was show ing a party of neighbors through her now and elegant homo, sho Bhook her head gloomily as thoy passed from ono statoly spof to another: "Thero's sottin rooms and settin rooms," sho moaned, "but not a place to sot." Now York Recorder. Miss Alico Borry, daughter of Mayor Berry, of Newport, Ivy., is an amateur architect, and has douo much good work iu that lino. Mrs. Carolino O. Hodgin has taken lior dogreo in the theological depart ment of Earlham college, Indiana. Sho will preach In tho Friends' church. Unto Mrs. Isham was recoutly bom a sou who is tho groat-grandson of Abra ham Lincoln, A silvor cup has been presonted by tho widow of General Grant to tho distinguished strangor, Mi.ss Kato Cunningham, editor of the Arkansas Woman's Chroniclo, was a delegate to tho natiouul convention of tho People'ii party at Omaha. Miss Cunningham was elected by acclama tion at tho stato convention. Miss Carrio F, Cochrane, tho daugh ter of Colonel W. II. D. Cochrauo, of Nashua, N, II.. was lately appointed notary public Miss Cochrane is tho first woman in Nashua to hold this of fice, and tho third or fourth iu the stato. Miss Jean lugvlow, though iu tho six tios, pursues hur amiablo hobby of bo tanical study and ilower cultivation and keeps up her beuovolent custom of giv ing threo'timos a week dinners to twelro lwor ihtsous freshly discharged from tho hospitals of London, Awakening Now Depths. Featherstone Well, old man, I am glad to hear you aro engaged to bo mar ried. Falling in lovo, sir, brings out qualities in n man that ho never sus pected. Ringway I agree with you. I never know boforo (sadly) that I had tho ca pacity for spending so much money. Detroit Freo Press. Irftat forever. Mrs. Brown I'm suro Johnnio wa sorry for breaking tho window ncross tho street. Brown Wero you sorry, ray boy? Littlo Johnnie Yes, dad. It was my now ball. Now York Evening Sun. Willi mid Without. Withorby I saw you on tho train the other day coming from Boston. How did it happen that you wero not in a parlor car? Bingo My wifo was with mo. Smith & Gray's Monthly. Slight Sethack. Ho (trying to mako an Impression) Do you know I think that your father is an nwimiy jolly old follow? Sho Yes, to every ono ho knows 1 wouldn't marry. Now York Horald. CuiniKHi.ANn I'resiiytkkiak. Salem, Oregon, Ilev J. JB. Blair, Pastor. Sunday .chool every Hun lay, 10 n. m. Preaching overy Hunday, 11 u. m. and 7:30 p. m. Church house on llth nlieot, hetwefn Marlon and Union, livery ody welcome. MEMODiSTKriiiCiirAJ.. Services onSab- bath at lft.O and 7:. Hunday school at 12; IJpworlh JVngufsnt b:!; Prayer meet ing every Ttnirnrtay evening. Kev. C. L. tiellerrmn, jwator Evanofi.ic.iI.. Corner of Llber.y and Center Btresu. Hunday s-rvlces 10:30 a. in md 7:30 p. m., Hunaiiy school 12 m., V, I, cs. 0. .. 6:3J p. m.; Prayer meeting Thursday, 30 p. in. J, Uoweriiox, (.abler, residence 127 Liberty s'rtet. PntaiiYTEiUAN. Church street, between Chtnieketa and Center. I'i euching morn ing and evening; Sabbath school at Li m.; V. P. S. C. K. at B:30 p. m.; prayer meUlLg L'uurMlay ih7:HUip. in. Kut . P. JX. Gwy une, U, I pastor. TllR Cliuncii of (jon Holds lellgeouu ervlcts In the (lood Templer' hall Tues day, Thursday uud Friday evenlugs. a un lays at 10:30 a m. and 7:30. Sunday hcbool it 3 p. m. Elder N. N. ilnthews, pumor. St. Josei'H'h Catholic CnUKcn.-Che-meKetu and Cottage. Hunday t-ervtcts: Low maNS 7.30 a. in.; high rnusj 10:b0; suuduj school 3 p. in.; vesprrs 7:3,; week dajs, low loubs 7 u. in. Kev. J. 8. White, pastor. CoKOUhOATioNAi.. Corner Center and Liberty bervlces Huuduj .a 10:3ua. m.and I p. in.; Sunday school VI :n., Y. V. B. C, K it il:J0i. in.; prayer meeting 7:o0 p.m.Thurs. iay. Itev. C. L. Corwlu, pastor. Br. 1'aui. Kpiscoi'ai. Cpuiicii. Corner Church and Cliemekoin. Hi vices 10: JO a in. and 7 p. m.; Sunday school 11:43 a. m.; service Thursday 7.30 p. m. Kev. V. Lund, icctor. Kiust I) AITI8T. Liberty and Mailon. Services 10-.3J a. m.and 7:'J0 p. m.; Sunday school 12 in.; young people a meeting at 6 p. in.; prayer meeting 7:s0 1 hursday. Wev. Kobcit Whltakcr, pastor. Khkb iKTiioniar. lev. 11. K. tmalle.v ias,tor. rjervlces Suuduy morning and avenlng, Suuduy bchool at 10 a in. piajer meeting lYiday ulghl. Cauich wpposile North tulem school. Fkibnds. At Highland park on car line. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:!0, p. in.; Sunday school 11 ui.; Christian Endeavor b p. m.: prayer meeting Thurbduj 7.30 p. m. Ilev. K. M. Ueorge, pastor. QniiMAN JlAiTiST.-Servlces lu German llnptlit church north of Cotuigu stieet. .unday school ul 10 . m. I'rtachlng at 11 a.m. Eveulu'gBCivleeat7.30. lUv. John Reenter, paslor. UiiuisTiAN. Ulgh and Center. Sunday school IU m,; preaching 10.JU a. in.; j oung peoplo's bocltty 6:30 p. ui.j preaching 7:M p. m. Ilev. V. H. Williams, pastor. German Kkkokmkd. Capital and ilarl on.; Sunday service 11a, ui.jSuuday school 10 a. m.; prayer meeting eduesday 7:cW p. in. Kev. J. Muellhuupt, pastor. CiuusTiAN Scibncjc. Hervlces In Uni tarian nail at 10:30 a.m. an J 7:30 p. m ; bab bath school I'i m,; Blblutuuly Thursday evening. Umitawan riioucit. Divotlonal meet ingut lh.Wa. m. Sunday si hjol at 12 m. every Sunday until beptuuber 1st. Ail invited. South Salkji-M. k. church. Preach ing every Sunday at 10:30 a. m, and 7:30 p. in. J. II. Koork, pastor. Ukhman Lutheun. North Cottage 8U Services on 1st and 3d Sunday of each mouth at 2 p. in. Kev. G. h.. Altyer.pastor. Afkican JlKiHODisT, North Salem. Services ut 11 a. m. and 7:l p, m. aunduj school ut 1 p. in. Kev, P, It. Gieen, pastor, Temperance gospel meeeilugs ut i o'clck Sunday nt W, u. T. U, hall, NEW ADVEUTISIMIXNTS. Wood Saw. Everybody ccts Charles Bmlth's stciira wood saw, "Hie Kustltr." Oldersut 27 Front street. For Locating Minos. Dr. H. Smith is unv s lr neent in Ori gon for the sale of Marsliu i' Electro Mt uetlc rods for loiaitlng i lies of (1 -Id or Silver, This lntiunient Imk bcco'i e the most efllrent forco in Uiti'vtlng th" pres ence of Gold and Silver deposits whether In the form of hidden coin or quartz lock. The maker claims that a cnrtlul Invesil gatlon lhsurn toh'iid ouoto the esncl lo cality of the trtasuie. Frr farsher infir matlou pleat-e addicts 7-2(Mt DR. 11. SMITH, Falem, lire gu. Burton . Bros. STATE STREET BRICK YARD. Laree stock of com mon III Ick always on band. PrToed .. nnd orLnniental brick made to order.! Leave orders t G. Stolz. M Stale street. GoodhuoA Cahill. 1)5 State strett. or at the yard, opposite Stale l'rlsou. Nolico to Contractors. TUEBIAKDot Capitol Building com missioners Invite sealnl proposals tor tho construction of a water sjsteni and a system of protection against Uro lor the State Capitol, r-piclftcatlons may be seen at tbe Kovernor's ofllce. Tho r!ht. to rt. Jectany ornll bids is reserved, llids will be opened nt 2 o'clock n. ru.. Tuesday. August 23, lKli, SYl.VESTEIt I'ENNOYER, GEO W.AlCllltlllE, P111L, METUHAN, Board c I rommisstoners. WM. A. MONLY, Clerk ot Boa rd. 8-16-ld JOHN HUGHES, Dealer iu Groceries, Paints, Oils ai-tl Window Glitas, Wall Pa per and Uordur, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Kay, Feed and Fence Posts. Grass Pewta, );tc. f,tnnm a HU itAlL m,t o., nc CLEAN! Ii you would be clean and haye yourolothea dona up iu the uoatfitttand drtmiwt manner, take tha :n to th SALKM STKIM LAUNRY whr all work ia done by white labor and i tht moat prropt maMMir (X)LONIL J, OLMSTJCD. lly CoutrnrUt, Ofllco Boy Plotise, sir, can I go this af ternoon? I wnnt to go to n ball game. Bosa Good lictivcns, boy! Is your aunt dead? Life. Where Ileolnr.iolty I Needed. This Is the reason of the year When down to Farmer Smith's there como His city cousins, the Do Smytbes, Prepared to make tho welkin hum. There's old De Smyths and .Mrs. D., Their daughters May mid Jane and Sue, And Tom and Dlok and Ned aud Jack, Two babies and a nurse or two. With bag and baggage they arrive, With many a uiasaUe, moustrous trunk. For much they loe their cousin Smith, And they ha e como n month to hunk. Thoy take the ancient house by storm; They own the farm from fence to fence. And loud the gay Do Smytues aver, "Now reUy tht U Just Immense!" The boyi all stone the cows fur Uoursi Tha gtrU the chickens drive an ay; Their par takes the old farm plug And drlvea them all the livelong day. But wheu to seo their city kin At Christmas time the Smiths presume. They'll find them living In a flat, Without m much iu standing room. Boston Courier. CARTER'S .'jglTTlE waJCTs W IVER 'HH B POLS. TO CURE ilck Headache and reliere all the troubles tnel r.l,ti.a.bvi0Ui B,a,l of ,he ystem,such ai Dullness, Nausea. Drowsluess. Distress afte. eating. Pain In the KMe, &a, While tMrmosi remarkable soccers has been slown in curin. SsfS- Crafl, Cro.fl. To It vtetlms It tuatluexorable fo trf hu man pear, that destroyer of rest n d tro ouent termination ot human llto-rheiiuu-tUni. Llk many ouothw physic! in. It 1 easily reme.tlble at the.oulwsi rth llosiettet's Btomaeh Hitters, whtoh expvl tha rheumatic virus from tha bi'od throuxh the kidneys. Thuw stUu the "flH vldenco to Prova that In c ut have muted other treatment tho amerm ku produced thoroojh and ter nent rwlt. But to teraporlte llh Ut ttrmdKwy be rtlrpd In the bud 'heB mature It U lha most obsllnataof eowpialBU. KlUaey trouble. dypft, ft fleadsc. . yet C'ARTr.R'H Littue Liyik Piixj ro en. dl valuable In Constipation, curinK nd prexentinK this annoj ins coinplalnt. while they also correct all disorders of the stomach tlmu ate the liver and regulate the bowels.' H.ven If they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this dUtre&ainr complaint out fortunately their Koodne dw not "ml hose little pllta valuable In so msny ways that UuTanerauVlckhelill8 d "' " ACHE a the bano of so many llTea that here Is where T..niS our, Krwa "O 0ur lh cure 1 tl.Ue others do not. ClSTUl'l lTTM ri,r Ti... .,. ,, omi rery easy to tak. One or two pllU make $?!5- TUer " 8'rK-tly vegetabeaod"o notBripeor punre, hut by their wntle action plea all who us them. In vUds at 116 centsi Bve for 1 bold everywhere, or sent by ""Ml cuts ui:a!8 ea, vtw it MK MBcm. Wfria For Sale, Cheap, A muni eri'f trios ,( n.u .mh ii. pulhKoL-k. Illiick Ijina.imn. wTilto Lea. noru, and l'artrldgo () htn ull thorouah. bredsloclc. Iluvnnrlv. Niivi.i.....i..,. and cet tbo pick ot the season; f3 to S6 per trlobosea lor shlimient. A dress K. HUKKIt, Sulem, Or. Notice of Final Account. To all whom It may cencern: NOTICE is hereby given tu.it the under-n-.-r sign,1dn'ln,'nlnuti.ror thetstato of ni2?i,ii-fiUlil,on' aK, has this day filed 1 is final account as such admlnlhlra. tor, with the clerk of the ulm.ty court for Mrhra o.nnty.OreBou, ai, the Judge or ??. S?1.","8 ,nx(-d tne iSl" day of August iS?,nMJc'lo''kP "i.ntihe county court room In the court hou.eof said county us the time and place for the h ring of u' ny "''Jl'on? hlch tlieiu ma b, to t.ald ac count and tor the cttlcmcnt i heieof J. 11 K..ltUEoT, July . ISM AUminlstnitor. Bids U'anted. KAi.EV b.'.ds ,wl11 Le received hv tho .. il v-ilrK "' -"orlon ii;unty. until eduesdav. Miiinnh.i t mi. ".'.?'. !!ul!' rtiVwr-d-n.umSI; Bids for Wood. QEALKDhlds will bo lerelvfd bv h eddTv.Sifi:'" fPHlM! mmmmm -""iTu to reiect any . EUAN, Clerk. or all bids. 8-9 iwdw W, For Sale. A) A rmz "'eondland. 80 acre w-v mvii uo UUUPr iPnui ...tat. 'J .. .- .".-- niiu balnnco ttwUr. W.i Irtli V"1 "S,df!?f. , -, rt ItKK.l, Salem. Or. P.O.JU.x'ii1 6-18-tt-dw ITicteb 11 PSfaaftl CN SALE W,lfMi fel TO "Ii,iii" NOTICE). iisn m.aay to ray enstomers In the ' alMen In the Inmap. 1-oolaen A i. lumber yard here, but mm uk the patroasM of the oeBtraetom, and I will Xryla me It te overy latereat t cmfl oa me and r wy prteea betore prrhlBf atsewhere. WtftM m toed luaber aaU la Orems urf win m rm treat yeu ,BHe. v"w ti, X. XATHKVtB, Kansas OMAHA St. Paul South, Citv, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, East, North nnd PULLMAN SLEEPERS. COLONIC SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS TH,EJS EUROPE rnoraddresa, vuwml inRwaaUoa cll - S3 W 03 "- p a -t it !-s ta ji o o L - CD p P . P p bo R p C p- tn H-" m ei- R g ffi P"Stj K'rf s ir Ui rn a o CTT- " U R a Ul w o en prt cd a CO 1 ffl P P-fLP, a P P o o cTe: sl sr p 2 ro i i C w ST P n en P. ' Ct CD j PL, ct- W p c g-co a- ci R-i , CD M P P- " 5 H 2- 2 -1 O p w . M CD CD pr w 3 p' ? p- PU3 ' ji 2 I R . w S' Q.?E'P- . iz r-. tr 2 i -t o "s B & CD B-p P-JQ CD CD S, P- 2 - O - Z n- M co -5 5 - cr 5 2 o-g- O - p o 5' p-- 5: p 9 4 1? a. a 2 o-oq 'H - 1 t i" ' CD -j; P'cl & P PL, CU CD - - P P P H P- O R (Tl iZ 3 Eli rt- M m. ca o 5 B i5 i 2 p 2- P- sftoptr PUg H P g- s-r-p- .. s B tSfj o . W ' P? m- -' - n CT- m 1-.. ii. CD CO CD ct- o o 5" o l-5 ) r o ?p S-w m p 2- P O CD P-2L SiP TO C.&1 -a h- a re : . 1- o S rf v- tts 2o P CI o t Kco 7 OO -c t3 . t3 rt J. H. HAAS, the watciimajee!, 2ISX Commercial St., - ,1.- n ' (NextdoortoKlrln's?0 Spccinlty or Bpc-ctacles, .m .., Olooks. Wnichea aiirt Joweliy. wP'rlr, THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM , OMJGOX. Hides, $2.50 to $5.00 pcrDaj, The bent hotel beU een 1'ortland . Francisco. nwt-clr3 In 0" iSra" tnents. It tables nru , "ei "f"" Choicest jrnitte " Qrownllu tho VS'iltatnolte Vnlley A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Ctias, Wol, GERMAN MARKET, 123 State St. Frco delivery. All kinds of meat am, RnuaKo ly.w prlceH Old patrons are n quested to clohe a counts nnd renew hi,; ness. ""' FOR SALE! CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN1' HOMES AND FRUIT GARDENS, Within nne-lmU mile nf two electric stnM cur lines nnd mil grounda. nation and tmi oUlca Only two nnd one-quarter mil from the contcr of Halem. Healthy. UCai . tlful Ipcatlo'.. Koll extra good, welldralued and rich. J 'rlco low and terms easy. MO-" H. W.CoiTLK. FOR SALE. Absolutely - Safe - Investment. $10,000 FOR $6,000 The new two-tory bilck stoie huildiu duel ui'imnd )('ii. let! t Ueo, F, Hmlth ( Lomiiierclul ctreel. For tale rr fOCOu' tr tali en soon. 1 1 inn r 10 per cent, on that amount, and win bo voilb tfloooo in Is than five yearb. H. W. COTTLL, 8-10'tf Sealed Uids for si Bridge. BV OIIDKIt of tbo toujilj Court of Jia Hon comity, Ou-fc'i.n, t-cnled nia s Siinlii dlHurmiii, and ids lor 11 wuu, brldtfo ncrosi- the ii rib feimtl .111 river hi Mill Ulty, Million cuunn , Oicuun, will bi received by tlio cleik ot tuld court uut lilday,fepU.iiibtr,H, ltl)2, at a. m 01 said day. riwiU bridse lo bo six eenleetii, tho clear, cotred uud 1 nlnted, and to bi located at ono ot two juoposod i-lleB, one el which site Is liiiiiudlaMy below and th oilier nbovo tho ruilioad bildge atsai.i place. iepnratc bids will be recclcd for each or sId locations, und lor the li.caMon above said lullroad bndt,o iho bid will be for6alit uapoii brldRd xo usl vo of tho approach ou tho north bide 01 sr.ld rlvor. Separate bldm will also bo received tor wild brl-ige extlu sivo of tho lumber, 'he county fumhhiij all lumber un the b'loiunl nnd tbo col trai tor lurulhhing till other nniK-iInl. hubh bidderwlll bo ico,ulud to deposit wlthhiM bid 5 per cent. 01 vhe amount ol such bin 10 iihldn flio result . t tho awarding of said contract us by law requited and provided. Said courtrtheiviHi he right to rtjectany and nil bids received uudei the slid order. 80 Id WM. 1. KG AN, Clerk. Ueibro Starting on a Journey A person usually desires to gain some In formation na to the most dibiiable routeto tnko.and will purchase tickets la theouu thutwlllalloid him thu quickest nnd best service, lleloie etnrting on n tiip to cfal caco or any point Kast, j ou should provide yourt-elfwith a nuip nnd time table of the Wlbconsln centiul i,lne Tbo tiains run on tnlbioute nro vestibule nudareeQUlpced with l'ullmuu'HlatebtUiuwlugKoom sleep era, elegant fay Coaches nnd Dining tars of latest deblgu, built expressly lor this ser vice, nnd aiu exquisite in luiulshlngs and convenient und comfortable In arrange ment und b. lomplLtolu every detail that they hle JlObUlerlorln romlnrt nnd ele. tenure. '1 ho dining cur tei vice is pronoun ced by till the most elegant ever inaugur al eel, and Is ojerutca In the lnte, est ot its pituuus. Fast trains via tho Whconsin Central LlneR Iea e Minneaitolla dally at 12:45 p.m. and 0:5 p. m., and t. Fuulut huUp. in. and 7:15 p m., making fuornble connec tion with ull trulns lrom the West and Southwest. or ticket, maps, pamphlets and full Information apph tu u. F. AlcMill, C. P. anu v. A., Mluiitapoliri, Minn ,and to JaSi j, x uuu, ueiierui rabbengtr Agent, uhicago, 111. and Ticket MB-ly THE YAOUlNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC IU1LR0AC Ana Oregon Development company'; steamship line. 225 miles bhorter, 2U noun less time lhan by auy othei loute. Flrsl ciass througu passenger and freight lint lrom Portland nnd all points In the Wit lamette valley to and liom Man Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept Bundays). Lcavo Albany 1:10 PW Leave Corvallls l:iuPil Airlve Ynqulna 5:WJPM Leave Yuqulnu 6:1a A W Leave Corvallls 10:a." A II1 vnive Albany 11:10 A X O. & O. trains connect at Albanj anCi Corvallls. Tho above trains connect at YAQl'INA with tho Oregon Development Co's Lin it KtwimshliiK between Yiuinlnu and Ka Francisco. N. B. Passengers lrom Portland nnd all Willamette Valley points can make close connection with the trains ol thi VAQUINA HOUTE nt Albany orCorvuUls and If uestlned to San Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaqulnu the evening before date of sailing. PatHBger ami rTeight Rates Alwr tte liowfit. For Information apply to Jli-tn' HULilAN & Ca, Freight und Ticket Agents 2 and 202 Front, stl, Portland, OrJ o CO. UOUUK Ao't Geu'l Frt, 4. Pass. Agt., Oregon I"Hcit)oK.K. (., Corvallts, Or' JO, H. HAHWFJL, Jr. Gon'l Frt; A -ass.;Agt. Oregon Development Co., mh Monteomtry st.; AN m, yAs5 HEALTH. I.Blc5?u C'I Balaam Kb. t Cures Chancres, flnt and second staffes; Borcaon tha Leca and Dedy; Sore Ears, o.'l.V.?8! lo- Conperolored Blotches, SyphUitlo Catarrh, diseased Bcalp, ard all primary forms of tha disease known at ,srPMH. Price, $5 00 per Botll. U Illchau'a Oolden Bulsam Ko. Cures Tertiary, Mercurial gyplillitlo Bheu nrntlsm. Pains In tho Bones, fains In tb Head, back of the Netk. Ulcerated Str Throat, Syphllltlo Ibuh, tumps aid con tractej Cords, Stiffness ot tbe Limbs, and eraulcatos all disease from the system, nether caused by indiscretion or abutt P Mercury, leavius; the blsod pure and bealtby. Prlc S OO per ifottle. Lo Illchau'a Golden HpanlsU Anti dot o for the cure at Gonorrhoea, CHtet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Oenl Ul dlurrangemenU, Prlca 94 fiS per T K'tfeaia'a Oolden Spanlsk In jection, forserera oaaeaof Gonarrh, Inflammatory Gleet. Striaturefio, Price 91 go er Bottle, -A -f Hlehan'a QoUT Ointment lorthaeectirabeallof jyphllltla 6orci.. aaderUBUoaa. Prlr,il &b ner Hox. -V, 3eldeH Pllla-Nerr aadBralatreateaati km of physical po yXL0 erer-work. rioatoatinn, ate. nlo .n NeKuiafc "Trarau q Bm nmnay aac - - THE RtCHAJtSS Mtf HAtf la MAMUkXT ST. VWTUXV, 0KBO)t