Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 23, 1892, Image 4

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Aftntaa M&nUta owMraiMftrlof
Itii cant which - qnlte transparent
It to to be had for the sum of $800,000.
One man In Wiootnico county, Md.,
on the eMforn.t&ore, shipped thk season
nearly 39,000 qnert of httckleberries in
ttogta week, ami a near neighbor of
hie shipped nearly as many. Smart
berry ptcfcen earn two dollars h day
picking huckleberries.
Mow Make m Breetn.
The ettfiwn who from necessity or
liter wise clings to his oity haunts in
the height of summer is coming to
fwtlae that a great consolation has
dropped into his life in the shape of tbo
electria fan. The most enterprising
barbers are hastening to .increase the
oomfort of their cnstotners by installing
these fans in their saloons, and they
ted their business stimulated to an un
precedented extent The proprietors of
restaurants are also falling into line,
and the nan about town is not slow to
how bis preference for a resort where
he can xmfill the wants of the inner man
in perfect comfort, though the ther
mometer may be climbing to record
breaking heights.
A itew restaurant that not many weeks
ago was opened in a part of Broadway
thickly studded with such establish
ments is already doing a phenomenal
business, while its neighbors aro desert
ed. lUs success is simply owing to the
fact that throughout its length a gentle,
even motion of the air is maintained by
electric fans. Ono has to look more than
once to discover tho source of the grate
ful breeze. Tho fans givo'au almost im-
perceptible sound and aro fitted to an
-entirely now attachment. Instead of
the Usual permanent ilxturo a globe of
metal is suspended by three chains from
the roof near ono Of tho walls, and in
side this globe is tho motor 'that works
the fan. Three fitns suffice to koop
the wholo restaurant delightfully cool.
When tho small cost of such an arrange
ment is considered, it is sumrisitt'r that
the electric fun should not be universally
adopted by those who cater to tho hun
ger and thirst of the public.
! One of the best down town restau
rants in New York, which in ordinary
'weather is crowded throughout tho year,
ia'ooinparatlyely deserted on hot days
i.because of its imperfect ventilation. A
i party of its steody frequenters who re
cently diverted thoir custom for tho
' nonce to cooler quartors were discussing
over the midday lunch tho question of
electric fans as an investment. Tlioy
oalculated that if their favorito resort
were fitted with these handy breeze com
pellers, the oxponso of tho installation
would1 bo covered by custom thus re
tained within ono week. Tho latest ap
plication of this godsend to the city man
'ig to bedrooms. By its uso tho most
stuffy room is made ondurablo without
subjecting tho sleeper to a dangerous
Ariitk Now York Letter.
A 4ter Morjr Told by an Amrrlean Mil
luiwjr Returned from India.
In November, (872. 1 saw at Sccun
dm, near Agra, in noitheni India,
a boy that had been brought up
among tbo Wolves. I published an
account of his appearance at tho
titno, and some further facts which I
havo lately learned concerning him
will also be of interest.
Ho was found in 1807. Somo men,
passing through an unfrequented
jungle, suddenly cumo upon a child,
apparently five or six years Old, with
out clothes and running upon hia
hands and feet. Tiioy tried to catch
him, but ho disappeared in a hole
which was evidently tho lair of some
wild beast
Unablo to unearth him by digging
and not daring to go into tho holo
themselves, they reported tho fact to
the magistrate of the district, who
directed thorn to start a fire at tho i
mouth of tho den and oinoko out ite
inmates of whatever sort tlioy might
bo. Tho firowas started, when pres
ently a largo she wolf dashed out of
tho hole, scattering the flro and
Sdi-rtQA'fiOft rurf C'jMtou'i .R
8r!ioolj?lrN !!t-lj;lil -n tlio . nrli y of Husy
Mm Coming tit tiurii.
Ilbcod willi tho Boinbcr stroain of
suburban humanity that fl(..s into
this city every moi uiug by way of
tho Now York Central is a bright
and sparkling rill which makes the
other, by contrast, oven moro gloomy.
Tho stream of grown up commuters
immersed in tho newspapers or in
thoughts of business, clod in dull gar-
IIo Was Itfijected. but
"Am 1 too late, Peneloper
With eager eyo and treinblin
incuts, indifferent to surroundinirs. t oun8 man asked the question.
unmindful of aught savo what is im
r.DT UTTERLY CRUSHED. M ? m. SB I fl 1 J 0 i Ifi
ftnslness III tldtl- A Hw FsTI? sB H aV m H H
lip the
ineuuiioiy iciieaui uieir noses, is sur
flciontly unattractivo and uninspir
ing, but nt thoso stations well within
tho city HmiU this stream is sweet
6ncd and brightened and freshened
by accessions from the rill of children
on their way to school.
Before tho busy, preoccupied men
know what is going on the car is
abloom with rosy cheeks; cheery
bright eyes shino from every alter
nate seat, and soft curls flutter beside
tho rough overcoats of tho com
muters. Tho girls como in with, a
springy step and careless emilo. Tb ey
nestle into vacant beats and savo
places for favorito friends. There ore
little girls in tho slmplo carmenta
speeding far away for safety. Sho
was soon followed by tho boy whom
tho men had seen before, and whom i that becomo childhood, and eager in
they now caught with difllculty. admiration of older girls jubt don
no was oviuentiy a cmui ot numan nmg grown up nnury. moro are
parentage, but with the appetites and
ways of tho wolf. Ho could not walk
erect, ho was without clothes, ho had
no language but a whine, ho would
eat nothing but mw flesh and would
lap his drink like a wolf. Put into
an inclosure, ho would lio in a cor
ner during tho day and at night
would prowl about picking up bones
and ravenously gnawing them.
After keeping him awliilo tho rnaor-
istrato brought him to an orplmnngo
6tudious girls intent on their books,
lias some other man forestalled mo
in your affections?" ho continued, wiping
his brow nervously and choking down
tho emotion that impeded his utterance.
"1 do not think you have a right to
ask the question, Mr. Rogers," answered
tho girl, looking him squarely in tho
face; "but you aro too late. I 1 am no
lougcr free."
"And you call this fair treatment, do
you? Havo yon not led me oil by every
"Have n caro how you chnrgotnowith
trifling, Ralph RogorsI" exclaimed Pene
lopo Hankinsou with flashing eye. "If
you had not beon blinded by your own
self conceit yon might havo spared your
self this this"
"Humiliation," said ,tho young man
bitterly. "Go on, Miss Hankinson."
"You have been led on bv vonr own
good opinion of yourself, sir. You can
not point U) ono uct of coquetry, one in
stance of trifling or unfairness on my
part. If I had dreamed, Mr. Rogers,
for Infanf and Children.
"Cas'orla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It aa superior to any prescription
Known to me." It. A. AacHxx, IT. D.,
Ill So. Oxford EL, Brooklyn, N. T.
"The use of 'Castorta' Is FOtinlrersal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Carlos JUnrrN, D.D..
iew York City.
Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Deformed Church.
Castoria cores Colic, Oonjtlpatlon,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes a
Without injurious medication.
" For several years I ha reeommendeo
your ' Castoria. ' and shall ay8"??1'1"!0.
do so as it haslnvariably produced beneficial
ErwiK F. Piudbs. M. D.,
'Tho Winthrop," 1.3th Street and 7th Ave.,
New York City
Tint Ccrrioa Compakt, 77 Mtfyiv Sthfet, Nkw York.
uuu wiiiuu, uiuiiuuci giiia iuii oi t that you
smiles and gossip. Thoro are eyes of I "Forgive me, Penelope," ho said penl
gray, of blue, of bl.ick, of brown, of tently. "1 was hasty. May I ask who
hazel, and locks of every fiuatlo 6avo is tho fortunate young man that that
The grizzled, spectacled man, glanc
ing by accidont over tho top of his
newspaper, sees just beyond tho Boft
curls and pink cheek in tho forward
seat a book printed in slrau jf.dolicato
characters that ubound in loop-. ad
at Secundra, under tho caro of tho L tails. Ho can read only tho title at
The American people aro rarMlr beceming: a
OtlOtoM) ooiituI-
taee of nervous wrecks, and tho f ollowluu suiekosU
wloed'JO itounds from taklnu IL Mrs. II, A. Onrd-
anr.ui ium. jna., wnecuroa
i6etremlri Alphoiiollompflln,f liuller,
J.D.Tarlor, ot Vogaan
l'a-swears that wtion hi t son was spaochless from
,,f. Vitus Donco. Dr. Miles' Great Roatomtlva
wm. j. it. Mlllor.or Valpar-
Kuojna ,
..w inuia.jna..wsBcuroaoiuiOiU convul-
'IMSonr. and ntunh linnrtnnhn. .liv.tnn.a i..b.
IS1,' JE" "orvous prostration, br ono bottle.
Daniel Mrers. Urooklrn, Mich., says his daunlitor
' ", eurod oflnsanlty ot ton yenra" standing. Trial
souiea and fine ImoU of marvelous cures, FU11U
at druaguu TliU rciucdr oootnlas no cplons.
0r. Miles' Msdloal Co.,Elkhart, Ind.
Sold by D,J.Fry, drugglst.Balom.
taw, ,,NkJ
Act on ft new principle
resnlato tha liver, stomach
and bowels through ih
rurtvt. Da. MilbV I'iuji
tpttdllu curt biliousness,
torpid liver and constipa
tion. Smallest, mildest,
sorest t Spdoes,26ota.
firmtilet Ire at ctrujiulets.
floM by D. J. Fry, druggist, Baleiu
Cliurch Missionary society, whoro ho
was kindly received and cared for,
and whoro ho has since been, an ob
ject of unceasing wonder to tho many
who havo seen him them
Ho has been taught to walk erect
though ho does this awkwardly
to wear clothos, to drink liko a hu
man being and to 1130 a fork and
spoon. Ho has lost his appotito for
raw flesh, and ho has no longer any
disposition to escape. IIo has also
been taught to do a little work, but
ho does not liko to work. Ho has
becomo wholly inoffensive and min
gles frcoly with tho children, among
whom ho has his favorites. j
Ho evidently hears well and undor
rtandB many thing3 which aro told
him, but ho has novor uttered a word
or shown any wish to speak, though
many efforts havo been made to
tench him articulation.
Ho is now, as far as can bo judged,
about thirty years of ngo. His foro-
noad is low, but his features aro reg
ular, and his eyes, though wild and
restless, havo not an idiotic look.
His jaws do not protnido. and his
teeth aro regular and human. His
arms, legs and body differ from thoso
of an ordinary human being only so
far as incident to his habits of loco
motion whon ho was first found.
How far ho litis ever becomo con
scious of moral or roligious truth it
is impossible to Bay. Tho nearest
approach ho has shown to something
liko an apprehension of an unseen
world was in connection with tho
deatli of ono who cared for him and
of whom ho was vory fond.
At tho funeral, as tho body was
lowored into tho grave, tho poor boy
looked wistfully ut tho coffin and
thou at tho bystanders, ovidontly
wondoring what it all meant. By
gestures and other signs, by feigning
to bo sick and dying, and then point
ing downward and upward, tho by
stnndors Boomed to awaken in him
somo stmngo thought of something
which could not bo seen, and after
ward, when Bick himself, ho lay
down and closed his eyes and pointed
to tho earth and sky,
From a friond in India, who has re
cently seen him, I learn that ho is
still living at tho orphanage whoro
ho was flrst takon. llov. J. 11. Sooloy
m uougregauonanst.
but I hardly need to ask. It is Harry
Maxwell, is it not?"
Sho was silent.
"I might have known it. Onco more,
Penelopel 1 can hardly boliove it. This
sudden crushing of a my hopes is bo
overmastering that 1 can scarcely credit
my senses. Is it true thr.t you havo
promised yourself (o another and that I
nm nothing moro to you than a friend?"
The young girl bowed her bead.
"Then, Miss flaukinson," he Eaid, re-
rttfOVITK lllllianlF HVtil InnlMina ni !!,
i WIVlllIL UlUlOCIt iliiU ILAJikllll' lit, 1111
twonty years out cf college. The watch, "while I am hero I may as well
other looks over hta newspaper and attend to business and savo myself the
over tho pretty, unconscious head trouble of coming again whilo on my
uniil hi3 eyes light upon tho queer ' regular rounds tomorrow. Good after
characters, onco familiar, and tho ! no011. Mis, Hankinson."
few Enelish wordu nt tho braid nf ilm ' And feeling in his vest
tho top of tho page. It is "The Ex
pedition of Cyrus the Younger."
"Wluit's that girl rcadmgf" he asks
of tho man at his sido, a graduate
pago. Then ho utters tho single
word, "Greek,"
"Can you read it?"
"No-, haven't looked at it since
1872. Don't know oven tho alpha
bet." Meanwhile tho dainty creature in
front has turned her page, having
progressed three parasangs, and a
rapid mechanical motion of tho lips
begins, accompanied with whimper
ing, gasping sounds that the queer
syllables end in, "O," "eis," "ei,"
"omen," "etc," "ousi."
"What's she doing" asked tho
grizzled man in spectacles.
And ho of 1872, with an odd, far
away look in his eyes, answers, "Con
jugating a verb, I fancy."
Thou tho brakeman comes in, shuts
tho door, plants his back against it
and solemnly announces to his audi
ence, "This station is Soventy-second
streot. Whereat "Tho Expedition of
Cyrus tho Younger" is closed with a
bang, 'and sho of tho soft hair goes
out, whilo the grizzled man in spec
tacles gazes after hor with astonish
ment and ho of 1872 with dreamy ro-
grot. xsow York Evening Hun.
pocket for a
match Mr. Ralph Rogers, inspector for
the Great Consolidated Gas company,
went out into tho hall and groped his
way down by the bi'ck stairway to the
basement to inspect tho meter. Chi
cago Tribune.
A Ills Tlnead. '
There is a good story of George Wil
liam Curtis which seems novor to have
been published. He was lecturing on a
Buffalo btago once, when suddenly a '
heavy ropo somehow Lroko loose from
its mooiings in tho flies above and
dropped with a tremendous thud to tho
floor behind tho speaker. Mr. Curtis
Church Directory.
Oregon, Hev J K. Ulalr, Pastor. Bun day
Hchool every Suru'ay, 10 a. in. Pre-icklng
every Minduy, 11 n". m. iind 7:30 p. m.
Church house tin llljl stieet, between
Marlon and Union. KAcry-ody welcome.
METHODiflTErMCni'A... tervlceH onSab
bulli nt )U::.0 und 7:u. Sunday school at
12; Kp worth Lengucn ati.:lS; Prajei meet
ing every Tnur,day evening, ltev. C. L.
Kellermtn, pastor
EVANGH.ICA1.. Crrner of Mbcr'y and
Center streets. Hunduy services 10:i0u. in.
and 7: p. in., Snnuity school 12 m., 1. P.S.
C h. b.'M p. in.; Prayer meeting Thursday,
730p.m. J, llowcrsox, paster, residence
427 Liberty street.
PiiEsnvTKiiiAN. chuicli street, between
CUeineVeUi nnd Center. i'i caching morn
ing und evening; Sabbath iseb.iiol.it 1!2 m.;
Y i'.S.C. I,ul0.U)p. in.; prayer meeting
Thursday at 7: .0p.m. luiv. K. 11, Gwynuu,
v. U pastor.
TiiEUiiuuun oic Gon Holds rellgeous
services In the Oood 'lempler's hall Tues
day, Thursday and Friday evenings, nun
days nt 10.S0 a m. and 7:J0. Sunday school
at 3 p. in. Elder N. N. Mathews, pasior.
8t. Joseph's Catholic Cnuncit. -Cbx-meitetuuud
Cottage. Sunday services: Low
mass 7.30 a. tn.; high muss 10:30, Minday
school 3 p.m.; vespers 7.J0; week duj s, low
muss 7 a. in. Kev. J. 8. While, pastor.
CufioicKaATioNAi.. C rner Cculer and
Liberty Services Sunduy at 10:30 u. m. and
7 p. in.; Sunday bcuool VI ai.t Y. P. H. C. K
n 1 1) :j0 p. in.; prayer meetl ng 7:d0 p.m.Thurs,
day. ltev. C. L. Corwiu, pastor.
bT. Paul Ei'it,coiAX. Cruacii. Corner
Cnurch und Chemekelu. Bin ices 10.30 u.
in. nnd 7 p.m.; Sunday school lu-lo u. m.;
service Thursday 7.30 p. m. ltev. W. Lund,
FutsT IUitist. Liberty aud Jiarion.
Wood Saw.
Everybody pets diaries Smith's Ftcnm
wood saw. "Ihe Kuftler." Ord.r-) U 278
Front street.
For Locating Mines.
looked around in mud surpriso to see
what had happened; then, turning to
the alarmed audience again, said, with a
twinlclu in his eye, "Ah, that must have
been tho thread of my discourse."
Somebody on a front seat caught the
jokoiirst nnd broko out in a chuckle, 'TjnllJ.'iy"i'yscbooiiitloa m.; prujer
which instantly developed into a roar of wecl11' Krll!,iy u!'"Jl' Cuultn "PPosiie
laughter from the wholo house. It was
a good many minutes before the thread
of that discourso could be resumed.
Buffalo Express.
(services 10-.3J a. m. nnd 7.00 p. in,; Sunday
scuooi ia in.; youug people's meeting at B
p. m.; prayer meeting 7.uU Ihui-sday. ltev.
Robert W liituker, pastor.
FhKss iltmoniST. liev. 11. F. bmallcy
pastor. (Services Huuiiuy mornlog aud
Dr. H. Smith Is now s o ncreut In Ore
gon for the piilo nf Mbrsl. IPs Iiledro Mag
netic rods tor locating i ines of Gold or
Sliver. This Instrument I'ns becomo the
most efllrcnt fun i iu dtlicttng Iho pre
euwi of Gold and Silver deposits liPther
In Ihe form of hidden colnoi nunr'z lock.
The mi Iter claims that a careful lnesil
gatlon is sure to lead one to tho csacl lo
cality of t!m treasure. For farther Infor
mation plriise address
?alem, I'ngt-n.
Large stock of common llrlclt always on
baud. Prt-ssed 1 and ornaniental brick
made to order.
Lt-ave orders at a . :I.Mz. M fitnto strnrt.
Goodhue A Cablll, 1)5 Sum street, or al thu
yaiU,opposteSUte Prison.
Bas aud Basolim
IFlLva ftarep hnrf .h4 .m
f tliMmliim IiiM IIL..1M t . .....
thMI anTOthfr uasur uuuilliiMMiia-li... ......
an da lliV Utt liurui'r' lur" tU wheel, and It
or fids exploaloas, so ftwiBciC wMk Iks)
uurvludil spark, -
Mr M44ty It Boat the WorM.
U Oils tt1t AutomaUoaJly,
X Vltrles or leUlo Rpark.
MWtMl s CtMSfvr O rad of Oasollaa than mar
Uwr Jutu4. ""v
IIo Kept tho Knife.
Circumstantial evidence- tempora
rily paralyzed a darky in Ashboro,
N. C. Noar his cabin is a cabbage
ganlon belonging to an awjuaintanco,
uuoinor coioreu man. Tlio Ui-st was
complaining that somebody had
Btolcn his pockotknifo, and otakxl that
ho would liko to thrash tlio follow
who did tlio deed. "Now. Sambo.
Iookah horo," salil tho owner of tlio
garden, as ho took a leuifo from his
pockot, "that's your knife, aiu't it?"
"Yes." "Wiar do yo B'poso I founa
it?" "Dunno, for huiiIi." "Well, dat
yero lenifo I dono picked up among
my cabbages, and I'vo missed somo
of dom lately. Wonder who dropped
it tlar?" Tho otiior darky was
BiMsochloss, and did uot l-oply.
Yankee Dlnde.
MMrmH mscvum mr to
ktfmlm.hl, miMmt.tr
Largest lllnmonil Yil
An Antwerp diamond cutting firm
has weoived a diamond which is
claimed to bo tho largest yet discov
ered in tho African Holds. It weighs
in tho rough 400 carats, nnd when
cut, polished nnd icndy for setting
tho weight will boat least i!00 carats.
Jsow ork Journal.
Hotter ,n Uudrr tho Muttrvas.
Riugway-Wmt aro you walkintr
over that nig so much for J Aron
you nfniid you'll wow it cntf
reuthentouoYou don't under
etnud, old man. My trousers nro un
der that nift lwing creasod.Clotliicr
will Furnisher.
Tho Mlsiourl Moving Westward.
"Thoro is a curious thing about
tho long, narrow lakes that bordor
tlio Missouri rivor," Baid It. C. Schultz,
of Omaha. "Thoro is but ono bucIi
lako of any size on tho west sido of
tlio rivor from Omaha to St. Louis,
whilo thoro aro hundreds of them on
tho cast sido. This seems to indicate
that tho bed of tho rivor is gradually
moving toward tho west, leaving
lakes at intervals to fill tho old chan
nol. I can't givo any scientific ex
planation of tlio phenomenon, unless
tno earth s motion, on its axis, from
wost to east, is partially overcomo
by tho weight of tlio water. Thus
tlio weight would bo thrown agtunst
tlio west bank nnd would wnsh it
away moro rapidly than it would fill
up tho east bank, so tho river would
move west." St. Louis Globe-Domo-crat
I.llu'd tho I'lnii.
Teacher Why haven't you a coin
Small Uoy I couldn't think of any
tiling to writo.
Teacher I gavo you a subject
Small Boy Yes'm; but I couldn't
tnniK or anything to writo nbout it.
Toaehor Ilumph I I suppose if I
should givo you tlio subject and tlio
ideas too you could writo thorn,
couldn't you?
Small Boy (joyfully) Oh, yes,
ma'am if you'll tell mo what words
to uso. Oood Nowa.
Ills Attltudo Declared.
An .ndividual who aspires to the par
ticular seat in tho houso of representa
tives was talking to a crowd of voters
in a neighboring village. Ono of the
party said to him;
"Uolonol, 1 understand yon aro pro
jecting for a seut in congress?"
Tho colonel nodded.
"Well, we would liko to know how
you stand on tho Mills bill and tho Mc
Kinloy bill?"
"Waal," said tho colonel," "I ain't
thought much about it, but i am in
clined to think tho Mills bill oughfto
bo paid first, as it is tho oldest of tho
two." Rome Tribune.
An Eje for Iluslness.
A colonial paper has tho following ad
vertisement; "Notice to Patients Dr. J.
II begs to inform his clients that he
has discovered in tho course of a lengthy
oxperionco that tho gratitude of patients
is always proportionate to the different
stages of thoir illness; that itreaohos its
climax when tho disease is at its greatost
height; that it cools during conva
lescence anil entirely cools on recovery.
Accordingly, on and tiftor this dato a
chango will bo introduced in the mothod
of payment, each visit to bo mid for
separately in cash without discount."
"Cuttlnj; It Short."
North Suiei'i school,
Fhiunds. At Highland park on car line.
(Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30. p. in.; bunday
school 13 m.; Christian Kudeavor 0 p. m.:
prayer meeting ltiunday 7.30 p. m. Hev.
F. M. George, pastor.
Oekman llAiTisT.-jsorvices in German
llaptlH church north of Coitugu Btieet.
ttuuday school at 10 u. m. Preaching at 11
a.m. KeulDgservlcuul7.3J. ltev. John
l''ecter, pastor.
Cmtlb-riAN. High and Center. Sunday
school Vi m.; preaching ju.jo a. m.; jouug
people's tociety 0.30 p. in.; pteachiug 7:30
p. m. Kev, W. K, W lhlams, pustor.
GfciiMAN llEroitMKD. Capital and Marl
on.; hundiiy service li u. ui.jouuday school
10 a, ni.j piayer meeliui- Wednesday 7:3d p.
m. Hev. J. Mucllhaupt, pastor.
CUkistian Science. rteivices in Uni
tarlun null at 10:10 a.m.uud 7:30 p. ; bah
balh school 12 in,; llibiu study Thursduj
UniTAniAN riiUKcn.- Devotlonul meet
lug ht 11:30 a. m. tsuuda silfjol ul 12 m.
ovry feundny until fctjtember 1st. Ail
South Salkm M. K church. Preach
ing every suuduy at 10:30 a. in. and 7.30 p.
in. J. II. Hoork, pastor.
GKiiman LUTHKKN.-Morlh Cottage St.
Herviceson 1st and 3d Huuday or eacn
month ut !J p. in. Hev. O. k.. AJtyer.pastor.
Afhican MEritonist. North falem.
Bervlces ut 11 a. in. una 7.30 p. m. bunday
schoil at 1 p. in. Hev. P. H. Oittn, pastor,
Tcmprancj gospel meeetlugs at 1 o'clck
Sunday nt W, O, T. U. bull.
Notice to Contractors.
mllEniAItnot nnnnol llnllfllmr mm.
A. m'ssloners Invite scaled piopoinlt lr
tueeonstructionofivwaur sjstein nnd n
system of protection against Urn lor the
rftuie Cap.tol. poclfieuti'ais niy be run
nt the governor's offlco. i'he right to re
ject any ornll bids Is resTve-d. lilds will
be opened i.t 2 o'clock j. m., Tucsdi),
nuguobM, mud,
iwara ci ommisstoners.
Wm. A. Munly, Clerk ot Board. 8-16-td
Dealer in Groceries. Paints, Oils
anrt Window Glasi, Wall Pa
per ami Uorder, Jxtiaia' JSJa
(crials, Limn. Hair. N'nilQ mid
Shingles, Hay, .Feed and Fence
rosis, urass Seeds. Etc.
A 1'nrtlng Salutation.
TVo men wore parting at a railroad
Btntlon. They wrung each other's
hands and looked into each othor'a
eyes after the manner of unsenti
mental, practical men who hato tlio
public Hjiectaele of leavetaking. But
ns tho train moved off with tho ono
who was going, lie looked back nt his
comrade and sung out a parting
phrase that had a world of meaning
m u, wnin wo stop to realizo it:
"Bo good to youiolf, Torn!" De
troit PltH) iTObS.
t" am
For Sale. Chsap.
AuU.u.mturJ f Irioani tills springs Plym
out h Hock. Black Lnug-lu u vf hlte Log
hlrf i.2 p"rtrldK? I'll s. all thorough-nnrtifSS-
B.u?e"riy.avt xprtsscharges
and get the pick ot tbesta in. J3 to 85 per
trio, boied tor shipment. VHdress
E. HOD K.faltm.Or.
Notice of Final Account.
To all whom It may conci re:
NT0..1irEJ8 'lby given i hat 1 he under-
M. r (Su it. l.l"uuisllHU,r f the estate of
,v; '"". uectuspo na tnts div
flled his Ann nr.,.m,, ..o .... I. ""."', "'
,r t... .7" . .""'"" " u uuu imsiiiv
im at 1 o'cleik p. m. at ,1 o coun ycSS?
f1,ni,l?tU0.coVn bou O""" (nid count?, us
ih.?A,.m8,,nil.P,?ceertho bearing of v
niii.n... .. i.v:v. ..'" "' ""iug oi u y
m.n7u,"",-,.,u"e'n.'o tld nc-
..,,,. v.iurciufiucni inereor.
J. it
July IH, 181)2
Uids fVmitc.'.
tt ci ,rv7.Y" j"".1 ?..?. iy the
- .-. "ni iiiii iiiiniTir tit
n mUr Uiy' l"1'"-!. lTiuTo'c 56k
fomrLkKUe, ,m"'er8 t the couS?y
?r r. ,""',' SO1 ""'u"".ty- J'or parfeu-
n iiw,..i. r -..: -:-.--'. w
. II. IvOAN, Clerk,
t-V-lw dv
Tho bhnme of Lcurutus,
Boston Mothor Why does Prisdlla
Auuotte rieaso, mem, oho'a study.
iugitnpropor fractions. Kato Fiold'a
W I n
l lwm,ilini m UiSS,
Ufe. UHH.
It i "
Smith & Gray's Monthly.
Au Important llrancli,
Bunker 1 thought your son, after
graduating from college, vna going
right into bimiuess, but I bear now that
ha is to take a post graduate course.
Hill Yes; wo thought it necessary.
Bunker What ia he going to study?
Hill Ho's Koint; to learn how tn nll
A Platform PhlluuthropUt. '
Primus 1 am told that your Iccturo
Inst night was really a literary treat.
Secundus Thanks, awfully. Who
told you?
Primus The box ofllce man. Ho said
you were $300 out of pocket by it.
Smith & Gray's Monthly,
HI'S ,.reaiaM ,ll' anrt TfUeve " th troubles Inci
rnJ,,liLa.bvious ,u0 ot ,hfl ytem. such nl
Dlriiness, pauses. Drowslnevi, Distress aftel
eating. Pain In the Side, Ao Willie their moi
remarkable succe. h, l,n si own Jn S
It you would ho rlt'Kh ami have your clothe 'done up
in the mMiwt ru! drewioat manner, take them to the
whore al) work i? rioiio ly whito labor and in the mott
prompt nnuur, COLONEL J, OLMSTED.
Crael, Cruel.
To Us viMlms that luexorable foe to hu.
n an ixnc that destmyer nf rest ad ",e!
quenf termniatlon of human ine. thima
tl.ni. Like many another physical m. 2
'.', 'fly,remdlabla at the outset Wr?
HMtetUt' Htom.cn lltm. which ex.,il"
to rbeumatlo virus from the i hi d
through th kldui. There Mlsls thu
awplestevldenoe to prove that in '
i"f-L.! ProLut7 thorough and rrmi
-. iCTo.is nut ii) temporise with ihx
iay w tony. Attack It it once with tb
tiers and it way he ulprd In the had"
i hen mature It ). ih V.7 k-.." ...ur;
eemplaluu.. Kidney trouWe. jmp
neuralgia, leipif irmt. Sl7tIw.(k,
84lr, and Iver rowpUlBt beat sfhiStv
FTcailac. i yet IJABTtn's I.ittij: Livra Pitit
n i ciiiuliy alnaiie In Constipation, curuit
md pit-A eutiiiK till annoy r.ic complaint, h if
,!'Zfl1,?h',nt M J10 "' the stomach
uimu late the liver and regulate the bowels
sveu It they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who Miffcr from this distressing complaint
but fortunately their cockiness & not end
(ho hane of so many Uvea that here Is where
r- nuke our Rreat toast. Our pills cureit
while other do not
tUnTwt'a Lrrrti Liver Pttu are very smaU
and very ew to take. One or two iJHi K
doae. Tliej- are stricUr v.t-ifi.n xX
Uids for IVnml.
nUAI.nndrt. .n.
8-tw.!tw v.U.OAN,
Per Sale.
320 Acres Wfc&f'sis
P.O.Boi.121 WAUNKU, Salem Or.
Hf Tickets
k ftCpi 0N SALE
wJinriiiftim H to
eAins xxzism ca. f i
MR USm Mhn
I wish t(1 aav to mv Muinm.M iH ...
lunber trade that t have reclined ray to.
Uoa la the Ionian. IVuit.on i vT i..i. i..
yard here, but still ask the patromtge of
ihecoat-cto-,and I win try to tnage It
rrt my prJees) btwr-pur. baring elsewhere; I
ruarantee u sjee4 lumber as h Q OrweS .
u4 win m ever treat ve while. W"BB
Kansas Citv, St. Paul
Andltll P.lnti
East, North and South,
ANn niMroe.
8ha " ,,ortUpJ ij FraneUw Every
oawasldresi, ""u ""waauon call
S ??.? '
CO p ro - W
cr ii p" f5
i- "5. g G-
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c g wp-
S it- CD
W- . .
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3 t - 5s
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P.CD 3 P
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e : s
2ISXCommrtlilSt.. . vi ,
(Noxt firor tn wiJ''OrHh ffl
Itntes, $2.50 to $5.00 per D, !
The host holt 1 t.fitweu Portln
Krnuclsct.. FHM-clul!8 "J aU !?? R"a
hienUi. lla tables ure served wtt'
Choicest Ji'rwttb 'y
urunniiu ine wiuninelte Vallpy
A. I. WAGNER, Pro,
Clias. WoT-
123 State St.
I'rco delivery. All kinds of mot.
pausage. L nv pr res Old patrons Vr.
iiuestcd lo close ui counts una icntV bi
u it hm nc-halt mllo of two electric sir
car unrH i iiiiu iHlrsrQunilsMallonanui.:
oinm Oily two nnd onc-iiuarter nil
fi.mi lliacuitei ol Snlem. liealtbJ -hi
lltul lociiiloii. hotl oxtniRood, Welld'rah:'
aud rn h. frlco low und terms easv
. 1-tl H. w.corri E
Ahsolttlelj - Sufo - InvestmenU
$10,000 FOR $6,0CC
1 ho now tw.i-tory brick store bnlirlii
und tfromul occupied by (Jeo. KHn,iti,
"-iw iui -fi r wmm
tnitcn Mion. llptnaiU p-r teuton
uiii na ttmtri cififviA
thnu live yourb
o.ih SIO,000 1n i
". n.iAiriLh,
Scaled lihlsiorn Jlridgc.
BY llItUEK of the l onntv Court of v,
i loi; count. Ouyoii, fenledi.ai
-.ttiiltl film ruiii unit . I.I., n '
(iMltffi iirr.tu ihu x. nil .nt.i .u e
Allli City, .Marion c.iuntj.,Oif('on. win i
rcciedby tiiu tluk ol huid court un
Hridtiy, iiittinb(.r,, IMtj, at n. n.
i-ald day. Biilrt bridgii lo be slxutn he!
thocienr, covered und tuliitcd, nnd to i
loomed u t ono oi two pioj oseu Bids cm,
Mh ch bile Is limiiidlutily btlow and 1
o'ber above the uiilioad bridge at s..i
r-cpiunte bids will be rrcchf d for each i
hild locutlouh, nnu lor the Imation abm
said rallnud luldcu tlio bid willbeioiN
wagon brldl,'elu uMoof thoBppri'acbc,
the nortn sido ot mild river. S-cp.irate He.
will ulsobuiccehcd lor said bruige nli
slve of tho lun.ber, 'lie county furnlnbli
all lumber on the ground und the couiu,.
tor itiruthlilns nil otl.u material. Jjiit
bidder will beicqulud todeposit wlthl ,
bid 5 er (cut.ol the uiiiunut ol such In.
toabld-j the result (1 tho awarding if smtt
cnliuct as y law required and piovldi it
Kill., nt tn rt 1 uwut ir.u.l... m. .!.. i .. ..
--" .. .vow ,o iitvi s,u, njirjcctHI 1
and all bids received under tho sU order
"i" vnii. a. liUAiN, Clerk,
llcibro Starting on a Jomnrj
A person usually desires to gain tome In
funnutlon as to the most deniable iouteli
inke, and will puichuse ticlitti, via the one
that will ulloid him the qiiiti'CjtaLd ben
bcrvlce. helure Ktnrting on a tlip to bl
eafcoornuy point Eatt.joubhouldrri.vlcie
jourtelt witn u map uuu lltno table ol Ihe
Wisconsin Central l,lne The trains iuii
with Pullmnn'H latest Drawing Koom oieep
eis, eltKnnt fuj Coaches und LMning (tin
ol latest, design, bulltexpicssly Jorthumr
vice, and nruexnulslteln lurnbhlnes aid
eunvculcui und comiorlablo In arrange
ment und s lomplete lu evciy detail tin t
they hnv e no superior in icinloit abd el
gaiiLo. The dining cai servlco is pronoui .
eed by nil theruobt elegant ev.rmaUKU
mt'Cl,uL.a lboperutctlln tbelntoicst ot l.g
I-'uhI trains via tho Wisconsin Cenlrul
Lines leuve Mlnncui ollsduily at 12;t5pm.
and 0:25 p in,, uuu t. l'aul nt 1: p. m.
and7il5p. m., niuklug favorable coulic
Hon with nil trulns Horn the West ai.d
Kor tickets, maps, pamphlets and hid
Information t,ppl to O. V. ileSelll, C. V,
and T. A , Minneapolis Minn , and to Jus.
C. I'oud, Gtnerul fabnengtr and Ticket
Agont, Chicago, 111. Mb-lj
And Oregon Development compni..
steamship line. 26 ii'lle thuiter, Lu hot. r
lss time than by nny othei loute. Flrtl
class thiougn piiBsenger nnd lieifht lii t
lrom Portland and all points in iheVIl
iamcttevallev lo uudlroin ban 1'iancisc
TIME SCHEDULE, (t-scept Huuduy).
Leave Albany 1:00 PM
Leave Corva Ills HOPH
Airlve Yaejuluii ..Mil il
Leave Ynquinn 145AU
Leave CorvullU lkAIAil
Arrive Albany 1V10A M
O. & o. trains connect ut Albany ml
The above Uulus connect at YAljUl.V
i. tne r6eun Development Co s Liu
JiMtpjimslilDsljt'iwern Ynouliia and ha
,.N-II. PassengcrB from roitlnnd and HI
Willamette Valley points can malm clc-e
??R?5ilon wltu t"8 trains of tit
AQJJINA HOU'J'Kat Albany or Corvallls
und If destined to San Francisco, shou rt
arrange to arrive ut Yaouina the evbblig
before date of sailing.
a-.cuKrr ana rrtiem Itstfs Alivs tr
0.0. HOOUK Ao't Oen'l Krt. &
Pass. Agt., Oregon Pactflc-n. 15. IV.,
CorvallU, Or
H. HASWl-XL, Jr. Gen'l Krt; A
lass-IAgi. Oregon Developim ut
Co., UtMMonUcomert st.il
tf rTS Lo Eldiau's
te wm
dK 31
p,,?Ac1.J?u " 0Wn Ustlsam No. 1
Hnr,0 .2cre. flra and ccond stages
?. v? tho . nd Body j Sore liirs
Rrn?8?! e'!-.,Copper.colorcd Blotches.
Syphllitlot'atarih. diseased 8calp, ard all
E?a.7 '0"J c' the disease known at
if'iV ,,''"t C00 per Bottle.
rir,?'Tfrt1la'y, JIereurllyphlllUo Hheu
rrutlsm. Pains In the Bones. Pains In tbt
rEi&t o Kti J"18 Neckl lacerated Set
.'.'JJ, Con , Stiffness of thiLlmbs,an4
tr.Si" U .d,?eM8 w h system,
whether caused by Indlsfretlon or abust
h-.uhlcur?V 'f1!? the blood pure and
dit f.u.l Me. MwsTntsh Anil.
RS?.iilwua ?"' ' Oonorrheea, Oleet,
fr"oOrarel,and all Urlnaryor aenr
otaeTneeoenU' ,P 5 P"
sM?.SMr,?,etsst'',Me- P"e
..TiflfS 6or Olsstncal
-:t .r-' ?
irwtiSil"T UI Nfm
JMwwiwtaMll losaetpfiysiesjpow
1 lUIHaMUU, cto.
nr -"" VOIffr t)lat
!1t,f hyallflf jrphlUtlo S
ytt M MOtnU K AT
rrle 9 m Be.
W W Vl f iWWWPJ lP'ri
, . NATUKW8,
i K-wutn.,