Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 22, 1892, Image 4

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T Mat At 1l for a Scmm,
Vila, lfworthy llare nt That.
la Kta(tttMiiMiM Can the Human
rml Any Real SMtfetlon.
An. 1. Dr. Talmaee has
preaching daring the past week
day. Besides tlte engagements
In bis original programme for the
b preachod in several towns
be bad promised to visit enrlior,
tod bat timiWe lo do so, owing to
IMch mot time than lie expected be
taken tip by his visit to Russia,
ier he went to attend the distribu-
of The Christian Herald relief
. The canceling of these onKiice'
oauned aoute disappointment to
tut citizens, and as far as posMulo Dr.
Talmtige1 has yielded to their entreaties
to fix U later date. The audiences lost
week at Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield and
Derby were enormous, and at oach placo
the ,popular ovatiori in the streets was
ttoet enthusiastic. The sermon selected
for publication this week is from tho
text, Luke xv, It), "I will arise and go
S-ttlti UiniCUL' (jiin, .meuicmea umk wm cure yoa, aim 1
MUi liUMhtlLK bUUJi. know the Dhrsickn who ht skillful
enough to meet your ca;e. You say:
to my'faiher."
There js nothing like hunger to ttko
the energy out of a man. A hungry
man can toil neither with pen nor hand
nor foot. There has been many an
army defeated not so much for lack of
aminnnition us for lack of bread. It
wm that, fact that took tho fire out of
this young man of tho text. Storm and
xposure will wear out any man'4 life
fat time, but hunger makes quick work.
Th most awful cry ever heard on oarth
la the cry for bread.
A traveler tolls ns that in Asia Minor
there are trees which boar fruit looking
'much like the long bean of our
tfane. It is called thocardb. Oncoln
r awhile the people reduced to destitution
Would' eat theo carabs, but gcnorally
tn carabs, the beans Bpolten of hero in
the text, wero thrown only to tho swino
Mid they crunched them with great
imatty., Butr tins young man of my
, text could not get oven them without
stealing them. So one day amid the
wine troughs ho begins to soliloquize
H,ayB, "These are no clothes for a
rich mau's bou to wear; this is no kind of
business for a Jew to be engaged in
feeding swine; I'll go home; I'll go home;
I will arise and go to my father."
I kno there aro a great many people
who' try to throw a fascination, a ro
mance, a halo about Bin, but notwith
standing all that Lord Byron nnd G eonro
;t Sand have said in regard toit.it is a
mean, low, contemptiblo business, and
putting food and fodder into tho trough
of a herd of iuiquitioa that root and
wallow in tho soul of man is very poor
business for men und women intmidod
lo be sons and daughters of tlio Lord
Almighty. And whon this young man
olved to go home it was a voiv wlso
thing for him to do, and tho only qncs-
non is wnotJier wo will follow him.
Satan promises largo wages if wo will
wve him; but ho clothes his victims
with rags, and ho pinchos thorn with
hunger, and when they shut out to do
batter he sots after them all tho blood
bounds of hell. Satan comes to us to
day and ho promises all luxurios, all
emoluments if wo will only servo him.
LUr, down with thee to tho pit! "Tho
wages of sin is death." Oh, the young
aura of the text was wiso when ho
uttered the resolution, "I will ariso
Jul go to my father."
' In the time of Queon Mury of Eng
land a persecutor came to a Christian
woman who had hidden iu her honso for
the Lord'fl sake one of CUrlat's sorvants,
and the persecutor said, "Whoro is that
heretic?" Tho Christian woman said,
"You open that trunk nnd you will soe
the heretic." Tho persecutor opened tho
trunk, nnd on tho top of tho linen oftho
trunk ho saw a glass. Ho said, "Thoro
te'iio heretic horo." "Ah," slto said,
"look iu tho glass nnd you will seo tho
heretic." As I tako up tho mirror of
uoa-B worn today 1 would that Instead
of aeeing tho prodigal of tho text wo
Might see oursolves our want, our wan
dering, our sin, our lost condition so
Hurt we might bo as wlso as this young
nu was and say, "I will ariso and go
to my father,"
TMM VAunlllilin t ll.ln i...i, ...... a 1
rj "B iviuwuuui una huh, wHsiorineu
m august at ins prosont circuuiBtanoes.
Jf this yoirag man had been by his em
ployer set tooulturiug flowers, or train
ing vines oyor an arbor, or keeping no-
. oount of the pork market, or oversooing
Other laborers, ho would not huvo
thought of going homo. If ho had hnd
hto pockets full of monoy, if ho had boon
able to say; "I havo a thousand dollars
ow of my own. What's tho uso of my
going back to my father's housoT Do
you think I um going back toapologixo
to the old man? Why ho would put rao
on the limits. Ho would not havo going
on around the old plnco such couduot as
I hire been engaged in. I won't go
homo; there is no reason why I buouIiI
.go home. I have plenty of monoy,
tsUaty of pleasaut surroundings, why
ohould I go home?" Ah I it was his pau
pwrUtu, it was hla beggary. He hud to
8ocm man cornea and says to me;
Why do you talk about the ruiuod
tost of the human soul? Why don't
m apeak about the progress of tho Nino
itamth oentury and talk of something
mm axhllaratlug?" It is for this reasons
A MM never wauta the Gospel until ho
1 be is in a famine struck state.
1 1 should come to you iu vour
vftnd you are iu good, robust
a, and I should begiu to talk about
1, auu about how much better
tftwdkdue is than that, and soma
uaadiolne than some othor modi-
, and talk about this physician and
fwyawian. After awhile you
l got strad, ana yau would say; "I
it want to kaar about medicine.
do y talk to wu of jihysioiaas? I
awva Moator,"
1 J eotiM into your house and 1
1 you aavaraly sick, and I know the
'Bring on all that medicine, bring on
that physician. I am terribly sick and
I want help," If I came to you and you
feel you are all right in body, and all
right in mind, and all right iu soul, you
have need of nothing; but suppose I
have persuaded you that the leprosy of
Bin is upon you, the worst of all sick
ness. Oh, then you say, "Bring mo that
balm of the Gospel, bring mo that dlvino
medicament, bring mo Jesus Christ."
But says some ono in the audience,
"How do you provo that we aro in a
mined condition by sinV" Well, I can
provo it in two ways, and you may huvd
your choice. I can prove it cither by
tho statements of men or by tho state
ment of God. Which shall it be? You
all say, "Let us havo tho sluiomont of
God." Well, he says in 0110 place, "Tho
heart is deceitful above all things and
desperately wicked," He pays in another
place, "What is man that lie hhonld bo
cicala, and ho which is boin of a woman,
that he should be rightcoUb?" Heeaya
in another place, "Thero is none that
douth good; no, not one," lie says in
another place, "As by 0:10 man sin ctw
tred into tho world, and death by sin;
and so death passed upon ull men, for
that ull havo sinned."
"Well," you say, "I am willing to ac
knowledge that, but why should I tako
tho particular w6uo that you propose?"
Thia is tho reason, "Excpt a man bo
born again ho cannot seo tho kingdom
of God." This is tho voanon, "Thero
is ono name given under heaven ntnong
men whereby they may bo aaved "
Then thero aro a thousrad voice horo
ready to say, "Well, I am uudyto ac
cept this help of tho Cospel; I would
liko to havo this divine emu; how elm I.
I go to work?" Let mo t ty that a inon
whim, on undefined longing amounts to
nothing. You must ha; o a stout, tre
mendous resolution liko thin young man
of tho text, when ho said, "I will ariso
and go to my father."
"Oh," says somo man, "ho; do I know
my futlier wants mo? Hotvdo I know, if
I go back, I would bo received?" "Oh,"
says somo man, "you don't know whero
I have been; you don't know how far I
havo wandered; you wouldn't talk that
way to me if you know all tho iniquities
I havo committed." What is that flutter
among tho nngefs of God? It is nows;
it is news! Christ has found tho lost.
Nor anycli can their Jny contain,
Hut kindled with nun- lire;
The sinner lost is found, they Hint;.
And strike the sou u a lay lyre.
When Napoleon talked of going into
Italy thoy said, "You can't get thoro; if
you know ;hat tho Alps were you
wouldn't talk about it or think of it; you
can't get you ammunition wagons over
tho Alps." Then Napoleon roso in his
stirrups, nnd waving his hand toward
tho mountains ho said, "Thoro shall bo
no Alps." That wondei f til pahs was laid
out which has been the wonderment of
Ull tho years sinco tho wonderment of
all engineers. And you toll mo thro
nro cuch mountains of sin between your
soul and God thoro is no mercy. Then
I bod Christ waving his hand toward tho
mountninu, and I hear him say, "I will
coirio over tho mountains of thy sin and
tho hills of thino iniquity." There shall
be 110 Pyrenees; thoro shall bo no Alps.
Aain, I notico that this resolution of
tho young man of tho text was founded
in sorrow at his misbehavior. It was
uot mere physical plight. It was grief
that he had so maltreated his fathor. It
is a sad thing nftor a futlior has dono
everything for a child to have that child
bo ungrateful.
How uhnrpcr tliau a ttorpont'ii tooth It la
To hiuu a thankless child.
That is Shakespeare. "A foolish son
is tho heaviness of his mother." That
is tho Biblo. Well, my frionds, huvo
not somo of us beou cruel prodigals?
Havo wo not maltreated our Father?
And such a Father! So loving, ho kind
If he lmd boon a strangor, if ho had for
saken us, if he hnd flagellated ua, if ho
had pounded us and turnod us out of
doors on tho commons, it would not
have been bo wondorful our treatmont
of him; but ho is a Father bo loving, bo
kind, and yot how many of us for our
wanderings havo nevor npologizod! Wo
apalogizo for wrongs dono to our fol
lows, but somo of us perhaps have com
mitted tea thousand thins ten thousand
wrongs against God and never apolo
I remark still further that this reso
lution of tho text was founded in a feel
ing of homesickness, I do not know
how long this young man, how many
months, how many years, ho had been
away from his father's honso, but thoro
is something about tho reading of my
toxt that makes mo think ho was homo
sick. Somo of you know what that fool
ing is, Far away from homo fcomotimca,
surrounded by ovorythiug bright and
pleasant, plenty of frionds, you huvo
said, "I would givo tho world to bo
homo tonight." Well, this young man
was homesick for his fathor'H houso. I
havo no doubt whon ho thought of his
fathur'a houso lie said, "Now porhaiw
rather may not uo living,"
Wo read nothing in tills Btory this
parable founded on overyduy life wo
road nothing about tho mother. It says
nothing about going homo to her. 1
think sho was dead. I think sho had
diod of a broken heart at his wander
ings, or perhap ho had gono Into dimi
nution from tho fact ho could not n
member a loving nnd symjathotiu moth
er. A inun novor gota over hu In;, lo 1
his mother. Nothing said about 1m
June, But ho is homesick for lu
thur'a houso. Ilo thought ho wool .
liko to go und walk around tho oht j 1 . .
lie thought ho would just liko to t, t i
sco if things wore as thoy used to L
Many a man after having tee;i o:( ,
long while has gono homo and knoikoit
at tho door, und u struugor h.va come. It
Is tho old homestead, but a utruMger
oouhm to tho door. Ho finds out f.ithei
Is gone, mother U gouo aud brother
and Bisters nil gone. I think this young
man or tuu text said to himself, "Per
Iwiw rather may be
ti 1 la t y 1u..o lotK.y bc.i.c.i. i..- uui,
honioiiok for heaeu?
A u.tilor, :Licr hmiug b'.Mi long on
the cm, returned to hil faMer's houso
and his mother tried to persuade him
not to go away again. Sho raid; "Now
you had belter stay at home; don't go
away; we don't want you to go. Yon
will have it a great deal better here."
But it mado him angry. Tho night be
fore ho went uway again to sea he heard
Ida mother praying in tho next room,
and that nude him more angry. Ho
went far out on the sea, and a storm
camo up, and he was ordered to very
perilous duty, and ho rnn up the rat
lines, and umid tho shiouds of the ship
he heard the voico that ho bad heard
in the next room,'
Ho tried to whistle it off; ho tried to
rally his courage; but ho could uot sl
lenco that voico ho had heard in tho next
room, and thero in the storm and the
darkness he said; "0 Lord, what a
Wretch I have been, what a wretch
I am Help me just now, Lord God."
And I thought iu this assemblage
today there may be some who may
havo the memory of a father's petition
or a mother's prayer pressing mightily
upon tho soul, and that this hour they
may make the samo resolution I ilnd in
my text, saying, "I will ariso and go to
my father."
A lad at Liverpool went cut to bathe,
went out into tho sea, went out too fur,
got beyond his depth nnd ho iloated far
away. A ship bound for Dublin camo
along nnd took him on board. Sailors
are generally very generous fellows, nhd
one gave him a cap and another gave
him a jacket und another gave him
shoes. A gentleman passing along on
tho beach at Liverpool found tho lad's
clothes and took thorn home, und tho
father was heartbroken, tho niothor was
heurtbroken at tho loss of their child.
They had heard nothing from him day
after day, and thoy ordered the usual
mourning for tho sad event.
But the lad took ship from Dublin
and arrived in Liverpool tho very day
tho garments arrived. Ho knocked at
tho door aud tho father was overjoyed
and the mother was overjoyed at tho
roturn of their lost (on. Oh, my friends,
havo you waded out too deep? Havo
jou wadnd down into fcin? Have you
waded from tho shore? Will you come
back? When you como back will you
como in tho rags of your sin or will you
couio lobod in tho Saviour's righteous
ness? I beliovo tho latter. Go home to
your God today. Ho is waiting for you.
Go home!
But I romark the characteristic of
this resolution won, it waa immediately
put into exocution.
Tho context says "ho unwo and came
to his father." The trouble in uino hun
dred and ninety-nine times out of a
thousand in that our resolutions amount
to nothing becauso wo mako thorn for
somo distant time. If I resolve to bo-
como a Christian next year, that amounts
to nothing at nil. If I resolve to be
come a Christian tomorrow, that
amounts to nothing at all. If I resolve
at tho scrvico today to becomo a Chris
tian, that amounts to nothing at ull.
If I rcsolvo after I go homo today to
yield my hem t to God, that amounts to
nothing ai all. Tho only kind of 1 eso
lutiou that umountrt to anything is the
resolution that is immediately put into
Thero is a man who had tho typhoid
fovor. Ho said, "Oh, if I could get over
this terrible disttesd; if thisfovcr ahould
depart, if I could bo rcstorod to health,
I would all thu re t of my life f.orvo
God." 'I ho fever departed. He got
well enough to wade around tho block.
Ho got well enough to attend to busi
ness. Ho is well today as well 113 ho
over was. Whore is tho btokeiivow?
Thoro is n man who said long ugo, "If 1
could llvo to tho year 1139a, by that time
I will havo my business matters all ar
ranged, aud I will havo tiuio to attend
to religion, and I will bo n good,
thorough, consecrated Christian." Tho
year 1892 has come. January, Febru
ary, March, April, Slay, Juno, July
fully half of tho year gono, Wheio is
your broken vow?
"Oh," says somo man, "I'll attend to
that when I can got my character ilxed
up; when l can got over my evil habits;
I um now givon to strong drink," or,
suya the man, "I am given to unclean
noss," or, says tho man, "I am given to
dishonesty. When I get ovor my pres
ent habits, then I'll bo a thorough Chris
tian." My brother, you will get worso
aud worbO until Christ takes you iu
hand. "Not tho righteous, sinners
Jesus camo to call."
Oh, but you say, "I agree with yon on
all that, but I must put It off a littlo
longer." Do you know thoro wero many
who came just us near as you aro to tho
kingdom of God aud never entered it? I
wan ut East Hampton, Long Island, and
I wont into tho cometory to look around,
and in that comotery thero aro twelve
graves sldo by side tho graves of Bail
ors. This ctow, somo years ago, iu u
ship wont into tho breakers at Amngau
sott, about three miles away. My broth
er, then preaching at East Hampton,
hai boeu at the burial, Theso men of
tho crow camo very near being saved.
Tho peoplo from Amagaubott saw tho
vessel, and thoy shot rockets, and thoy
sent ropes from tho shore, and theso
poor fellows got into the boat, and they
pullod migjitily for tho shoro, but just
before thoy got to tho shore tho rope
snapped and tho boat capsized and they
woro lost, and thoir bodies afterward
washed upon tho beaoh.
Oh, what u Bolemu day it was I havo
lieen told of it by my brother whon
on front that homo. He wandered very
far into sin. They heard of him often,
but he was always 011 the wrong track.
Ho would not go home. At tho door of
that beauf ful homo one night thero
wao a great outcry. Tho young man of
tho htm 1 ran down and opened tho door
10 sc wnat was 1110 matter, it was
mi.inight. Tho rest of the family wero
twleop. Thero wero tho wife and chil
dren of this prodigal young man. The
fact was ho had como home and driven
them out.
Ho said: "Out of this house. Away
with theso children; I will dash their
brains out. Out into tho storm!" The
mother gathered thorn up aud fled. Tho
next morning the brother, n young man
wno nau stam at home, weut ont to find
this prodigal brother and- 3011, and ho
camo where ho was and saw tho young
man wandering up and do.vn in front
of tho placo where ho had been staying,
and tho young man who had kept his
integrity said to tho older brether:
"Here, what does this mean? What
is the matter with you? Why do you
act in this way?" Tho prodigal
looked at him and said: "Who
am 1? Whom do you take mo to be?"
Ho said, "You nro my brother." "No,
I am not. I am u brute. Havo you seen
anything of my wife and children?
Are thoy dead? I drovo them out
last nignt in tho storm. I am a
brute. John, do you think thoro is any
help for mo? Do you think I will
over got over this life of dissipation?"
Ho said, "John, there is just one thing
that will stop this." Tho prodigal ran
his finger across his throat and said:
"That will stop it, end I'll stop it before
night. Oh, my brain! I can stand it no
longer." That prodigal-never got home.
But I will tell you of a prodigal that did
get homo,
In this country two young men start
ed from their father's houso and went
down to P01 tsmouth. Tho father could
not pursue his cluhiicn; for some rea
son ho could not leave Lome, and bo ho
Wioto a 1. tier down to Ilr. Griffin, say
ing: "Sir. Griflin, I wish you would go
and t.ee my two sons. Thoy have ar
rived iu Portsmouth und thoy are going
to tako ship and aro going away from
homo. I wish joa would persuade
thorn back." Mr. Griffin went and he
tried to persnado them back. He per
suaded ono to go. Ho went with very
easy persuasion becaute he was very
homesick already. Tho other young
man said: "I will not go. I have had
enough of home. I'll never go homo,"
"Well," said Mr. Qriaiu, "then if you
won't go home I'll get you a respectable
position on a respectable ship." "No,
you won't," Baid the prodigal; "no, you
won't. I um going as a common sailor;
that will plague my lather most, and
what will do most to tantalize and
worry him will pleaco mo best."
Yeais pnFced on and Mr. Griffin was
seated in his study ono day when a mes
sage came to him saj ing thero was a
young man in irons on a ship at the
dock a young man condemned to death
who wished to see this clergyman.
Mr. Griffin went down to tho dock and
went on shipboard. The young man said
to him, "You don't know mo, do you?"
"No," ho Faid, "I don't know you,"
"Why, don't you remember that young
man you tried to persnado to go home,
and ho wouldn't go?" "Oh, yes," paid
Mr. Griflin; "aro you that man?" "Yes.
I am that man," said tho other. "I
Would liko to havo you pray for me. 1
havo committed munlor and I must die:
but I don't want to go out of this world
until some one prays for mo. You aro
my father's friend, und I would like to
have you pray for me."
Mr. Griffln went from judicial au
thority to judicial authority to get that
young man's pirdon. Ho slept not
night nor day. Ho went from influen
tial person to influential peisou until iq
somo way ho got that young man's par
don. Ho camo down on the dock and
ns ho arrived on tho dock with tho par
don tho father camo. Ho had heard
that his son under a disguised name had
been committing crimo and was going
to bo put to death. So Mr. Griflin and
tho (uthor wont on ship's deck, and at
tho very moment Mr. Griffin offered tho
pardou to the young man tho old father
throw his nrins around tho bon's neck
and tho son said: "Father, I havo dono
very wrong and I am very borry. I
wish I had uevor broken your heart. I
nm very tony." "Oh," paid the father,
"don't mention it. It donsn't make any
diffeionco now. It is all over. I for
give you, my son," aud ho kissed him
nnd kissed him and kissed him.
Today I ofior you tho p.udon of tho
Gospel full pardon, lieo pardon. I do
not euro what your i-iimo has been.
Though you say yon havo committed a
crimo against God, agUnst your own
bonl, ugainht your follow man, against
your family, against tho day of judg
ment, against tho cross of Chrut what
ever your crimo has been, hero is par
don, full pardon, and tho very moment
you tako that pardon your heavenly
Father throw s his arms about you and
says: "My ton, I forgive you. It is all
right. You aro as much in my favor
now as it you had novor sinned." Oh,
thero is joy on earth nnd joy in heaven!
Who will tako tho Father's embrace?
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rhurch Directory
COMnnniAND PnMiiYTERtAN. Salem,
Oregon, Hev. J. K. Blair, Pastor. Sunday
chool every Hun 'ay, 10 a. m. Prenchlug
every Hunday, 11 a. m and 7:J0 p. m
Oliurcti house on lit stieet, between
Marlon mid Union. Utery'ody -welcome.
iathntlit0 nnd 7:0. (-uuday echnolat
,i. Knwoitb L.aKUisntf:i6; Prayer mect
u,j every Thursday evjtng. Rev. C 1.
Kellcrmn, iH6tor
EVAsros ucai.. Corni r nf Llher'y and
Center ht.teta. Hundiiy services lft'.0 n, in
ud7.'!0 p. m., Sunduy Ectiool 12m., V.P.ri.
(3. ii. (f-30 p. in.; l'raj er mertlDg Thursday,
7 30 p. 111. J, HonerHOZ, paster, residence
27I.lliert.v street.
PuEbin tukiAn. Church street, between
Ch in kctauud Center. Preaching morn
ing aud evening; Sabbath bchol at VI in.;
Y. P. S. 0. K. Mid JOp. id.; piujer niretlLg
rhtiibdayat7:Xlp.m. Iu v. V. H. Gwyiiue,
I), l) pastor.
Tub UltUitcit of Uoi) Holds rtllgeous
services In the Good Toni pier's hull Tues
day, Thursday and Friday evening, huu
days at 10:30 am. and 7: X. Biinddj school
at 3 p. 111. Elder N. N. Muthews, pusiur.
uiekeU and Coltuto. Sunday teivic.s:Low
mass 7.30 a. m.j high muss I0:3U; ounduy
school J p. in.; vespt rs 7:J0; week d.o n, low
mass 7 a. m. Uev. J. S. N ulte, pastor,
Co.nokkciational. C ruer Cculer and
Liberty Services tiunuay at llcJOu. 111. and
; p. iu.; Sunday school 12 :u., Y. P. B. C. K
it .dp. m.; prayer ineellug 7:30 p.iu.'lhurs
day. Hev. C. L. Corwlu, pastor.
8r. Paul Episcopai. ci'ukcii. C irner
C'nurcLi and Chemckuia. &,nlces 10:JO a
in. and7p. m.;Hundaj school 11:16 a. in.;
ervlce Thursday 7.J0p iu. Hev. W.l.und,
FutiT Haitist. Llb.ny and ilailon.
-Services 10.IX) a. iu. una 7:u) p. 111 ; Sunday
Mjhool 13 in.; young people's meeting at 8
p. iu.; prayer meeting 7:. 0 ihursday. Hev.
Itobut Whltalfer, pdstoi.
t'nEK AIiiiiomsT. Hev. 11. K. fn.allty
pastor, y truces Kutiuuy utoruing aud
ufeulut;, eUuduy sch olalWa iu.; prajer
meeting FnUaj iui. Caurch uppo&iu.
North Ua.em school.
XTitiKNDS. At Highland park on car line.
Services 10. iO a. in. and 7.S0 p. in.; buaday
school 12 m.; Christian Kudeavor tf p, in.:
prayer meeting Thursduj 7.U) p. m. Ht.v.
!'. 11. Ueurge, pastor.
Okuman HAiTisr.-tervlces In (Joimau
Uaptlst church north or Cotlago stieel.
auudayschoolallOu.il). 1'reacbiug at 11
a.m. Keulogserlcoul 7.A). lUv. Joliu
Ftcnter, pastor.
(jhuistian. High and Center. 8uiid
school 12 m.j preaching J0.S0 a. in.; iouug
people's society (j:J0 p. ui.; pitathiug 7:du
p, in. Hev. W. H Wllliuuis, paaiur.
Ukkman HuoKiitu. I'upltalaud Marl
on.; buudny service 11a. iu.;Bunduy school
10a. 111.; prayer meelin,; Wednesday 7:tu p.
iu. Hev. J. Aluellhaupt, justor.
Giihistiax Bciknci:. services In Uni
tarian nail at 10:1.0 u.m.iui j 7. JO p. m ; sab
bath school IS in.; Hlblu study Thuisda
UmrAWAN riiuucii. Devotional meet
lug ut 11: Ma. m. buuday school at 12 in.
bv..t fcuuday until aiptciuber 1st. Ail
Ssooth Halkm M. li church. Preach
mg every Sunday ut 10:JOa. in. und 7.JU p.
in. J.ll. llooik, pastor.
iiKuman LuriiKitN. Noitli Cottage St.
(Services on 1st and id Huuday or each
.uouth ut 2 p. in. Hev. d. .. ilt) er.pastur.
Afmcan JlmiioDisT, Norlh t-alem.
Services at 11 a. m. nud J..AI p. m. hunday
school at 1 p. in. Hev, P, It. Qietu, pastor,
Temperance gospel meetings at 1 o'clck
sunduy at W, O..T. U, hull.
Moudey, August 15lli.
(J. It. McCtinu A Co., Proprietors.)
Supporting the popular a tor
And the interesting aclr s
Mor.dny llw Plnnler'-. Vile
Tucsdiiv directs cr New Yoik
WedueJday 'IhuO. tnioon
Thurs la, Lights o' j-ondon
Kridur ilouto Uhrl&to
s,iluruj JUtlDte Two Orphans
hatuiday . Tho Uemenceiiu Case
ADSJInyliJN: 20 cents, "0 cents, 10 cents
S-Senls on sale at ration's.
For Sale.
n) Af.rfS "bder femv, will.
JCJ nil VOyood ..,ru llnJi ue.
balance timber, will sill all of puit, ehtjp,
on reasonable teimf.
P. O. Box 43). W8-I I-d w
m t3!
Notice of Final Account.
ro all whom It may cencern:
VTOriCE Is hereby erven that ihe under.
JJN signed administrator of the estate of
Alary Vv. Ilutlon, deceased, has this da
tiled his flnal account as Euch admiuisir.i
tor, with thecltrkot thecouuty court lor
Marlon cunty, Oregon, aid the Judge, of
said court tins rlxed the illih day 01 August
181)2, at 1 o'clock p. 111. at the county court
room in tho court boiiieoi tald county, a
the time and place lor tho heating of a y
objections which there may bo to tald ac
count and lor the settleniimt thereof.
July 19. 1R92 7-H-5t
IJids Wanted.
SKA LEI) bids will bo received by the
County Clerk ol Mailon county, until
v eduecday, -eptimber7, lii,ui o'clock
p m.fji keeping paupeu at tho louuij
poor aim ot ihirlon count . lorpanuu
ars impjlre ur county clert or Jud(,e. The
right U rescued to reject u lyorali bldn.
8-l'-lwdw v . H fcOAN, Clerk,
Uids for Wood.
OBALFl) bids will be reteived by the
Q Couiny icrkcfMailon coiiBly, until
vv tduesiliiy, reptembei 7th, t2 o'clock p
m., for 50 cords or good p .'e cak aud Ai
ceirilaeifRood.htrulgitt, ciea old body tli
wood to be de.hered at the ecurt house In
haleoi The right Is reserve .1 to reect any
or a bids. W.U.J..UAJJ,
8-!) iw-dw C1'crki
tlu'so twolvo miu lay ut tho foot of tho
pulpit nnil ho road over litem tho funerul
eorvlco. ' Thoy emtio vory neur shoro
within Bliouting tllatuiicuof tho shoro,
yot (ltd not urr(vo on o!hl luml, Thero
aioboiao men who como almost to the
shoro of God's morcy, hut not quite, not
qutto. To ho only nlmobt sixvod U to bo
1.03T ItafO.Vn UKDKMIT.O.X.
I will toll you of two imxliKals the
0110 that trot back uml tho othor that did
not Kot hack. In Richmond thoro is n
iiiuv bo dead." iilill ho ' VWJ' iinwporu aim uoauunu uomo in
stort to find out. Ha Is homwdek. Aro many respects. A young man wandered
Civ KAN!
Ti you would bo cloan and hay your clothes done up
in Um neatest and drmiest manner, take them to the
wit?re ll work f dime by white labor and in the most
prompt n miikit. COLONEL J, OLMSTJED.
Liberty Skeet
What They Sulil.
Thoy wot on goi.tlo, brown eyed girl
with glasses, nml a tall blond of tho
tribo called "flno looking." This is what
thoy tuld:
'Oh. I think I huvo plenty of clothes
for tho fall. I havo that black benc-.i-
llno I got when grandma' died in the
spring, and I havo a lot of real hand
some guipnro laco on hand. I guess I'll
combine them. Thou thero's my black
and whlto f.ttlu I had that when I
woro becoud mourning for pa. It'll make
over. What aro yon going to havo this
full, Maggie?"
Tho browu eyed girl with glasses
dldu't know what he'd have she wa
vered between an ecru crepon und n
moused gray Henrietta.
"Ohrwiid the blond, giggling with
elephuiitlno archness, "I kuow why J ou
think of irrav. It Is lx'm.. ar.,.iniiv
clso likes it.'1 '
Then they both giggled, and tho con
versation became entirely -he said" and
"I said." ew York World.
Cruel, Crotl.
To IU victim U that Inoioreble f to hu-
i...i.riT,ilUreimj(r or rest u-ni Iro
quonllermlUKtlon of human Hle-theima-tlm.
f.ltwnyuotheri)hyl(llll. it
I eiullv rmplli), .1 ,f, ....;. w.,.1.
Hmtet!er' hlomncU Hitler, which mu1
i?1 ' kld'rJ. There exUU th
BtpliMt vtdnw to prove that lu ua
ISr.Li'V WW trentraent the
Hlttw h prodnd thonojthnd mm
not rIU. Bat to ti-mporlie wiVhthU
B ltf ud it may t nipped ta the lJ.
Wtma mtur It U the mot e.btBmof
CH-iHiphituU. Klduoy trouble, drsuMwU.
matarl. anil llxer rompUlBt bW aferty
Uer.tt, AwliHlAiUhrMUws
HiCV.rT2lli.'l,?,1",nn,J relle V n" lbe trouble Ind
dent to a billons state of tho system, uch at
UlKlness, aiimna. Drou blncn. UUtrng ofte
a-niat kable buwcsi h is been shown Iu curlnr
Li r.
Headae, Ajet dnTiVa Littix Uvir riLu
re etpi dl TaliiMile in Couipatlon. curiiiB
uid preirtniing this annoying complaint, while
hey also corivct all disorders of tlio stomach
.tunula.o tho liver aud regulate th bowel.
itn U they only cmvd
Vche they would be almtnt prlcelea to thoe
ivlm surfer from thl distressing complaint
.ut fortunately their Roo.lne .loS not end
H,u0trJtixaa0l.ctfflS ,0 d -itJoUt
the bane of so many Urea that here I where
ne make our 1rre.1t bot. Our pill cure It
while other do not.
(Uhtbh's ljrn. Uv ritxa areTeirumn
Mvi veiry S5-,J ,0 ,aku- 0u" or t o pilli make
??- Tby "f" 'trlctly TewUUWand do
notKTlpeor purk but by their cnUa action
i4u all who um them. In tUU at wntii
Oto ror 91 S.". ryerywhero, or seat by "i'l
yfi Mlm klhm
Kansas Citv, St. Paul
Andlall Points
East, North und South,
steamers Portland to Bun Franclcco Kveiv
4 Dnyb.
nnKorraddr.,;1 geUeral wtlun call
W. Il.HUlillURT,Av,t,Gen'. IMsp. Agt
.iW Va hlngtouBt.,
ForSalp, Cheap,
A iinuvi', 1 ttioaii ibis furlncH iivm
mith Hock, maeh Uu-g-.lui.vs into 1 J?
,,rS ? l?i' Hl '' "MHxprcoacharEeH
rto.box.ai'iM ihi , ;, A.drei
1' "l r'l .alem.Or.
For Sale or Trade.
H eeow, ood jat, cattle Bt-pk- rom.
TMiVM mm
Iiwhth to mv to ny cuatomera In the
tumlier traete t bat I have reeHned ray po-
yantbere.but Mill Nk the pdtrouage f
ihe tsmtmilOHi. audi win try to mace it
, toererr one UitrrMt tn rn i , :Ji
rw my twkee t4orpr.hatBH1hMwbrL
. ?lMwWwBerairiBOroa
;uIUu ever treat yea white "wOB
,!!wi ' avJ" 1(,r0('cj;i. Paints, Oils
nud V ludow Glns, Waif Pa
per nnd llonlor, Artists' Ma-
i ali" Lly,e' ,.lalr- Nftils al
SliIiislcH, Hay, Kml aud Fence
roste, OiiiM Setds, Etc
Maple al
uu n
Fasty frwerie
,7A um.v. uiawwar. UniH. U'UH.n
01 n
-ii&ia".aH??.,lI" n their itin
' J :Vl wb ror couutry produce.''
of roar Batroniiir ue
cio B.ffF
CO p ro Jr CO
- to M p
m. n . i
g B IT
5 a .. s:
Z-oi"- &
e r
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5 eT'
8 S- 2 t o
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m.j 5 o
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M o hi co tr"
m i ct-
l T. d
P- d- CO
p o S- co a"
P3 trr a rr,
5 a
2, 2 So
et- p .
1-, O p
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1 1 f3
&. Cl,
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CD CD &r w" 3
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g.p-r' P-P
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S & P P
2.PM P
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. a 2
01 - 1
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a S o p p
STp "-&.
5 5 2F
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05 l-L CD
cTp M 3E
O i-fj
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o ? p sr a
S P H P. p
ta 51 P-
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P-- V"
-t C co ?
t 3
213K CommercUl St - s,!,m n,.
(Next door to Meln'..? r,g"
HpcrlielM ol BiicxnacliH, nna repui.
Jtuti'9, S?2.50 (0 $5.00 per Dji
inpiitH. Its tables nro scivcd trtfj,1',
Choicest jh'vxiita
Urownllntuo Wlll.tmctto u(ley '
A. I. WAGNlrR.Pro,
Chas, Wok
IH3 State St.
Kren delivery. All klirds of meat n
gatiouBc. Ijj-v prices Old rntronasro,
quested to cloaoaLCouuU nnd renew hu
Within oiiO-halt wile of two electric sir,,
car liueDiui't mlrvromiilHRtutlonandii,.
ollii Only two 1 ml one-quarter ml t
Horn the te nit 1 of fulcm llenlthy. beii
llfitl Ji emlou. So 1 extra good, well drain,
nurt rich. 1'rlce iow und termn easy.
-SlHf 11. V. COTTLE
AbbO'Utclj - ftufo - Investment.
$10,000 FOR $6,0CC
'1 ho now two-dory lirlolc store bnlldlti
nnd ground occuph'el by Geo, K. Hmlth 1
Lomnitrcliu ulicel lort.ule fur 8 00U
lncnoou. Itp.isl(l pr cent, on tin
ainount, and ulil bo woitli 810.0U0 In hi
tlimi tlve yeuro. II. W. cot-i i.v
tlimi tlve yturo
Sealed Uids for a Br idL.
BY OIlDfcK of tho t imnlv Couit of Mr.
1 km eotinty, Oiepon, Hi'altd Dun
,iinln ulutruins, nnd i.ldx for a wiifu-,
bridiie ucio-N Hu. Ni. Hi feitntlum rhei
Mill illy. Minion (ouni.v, Otenon, whl' bi
rec"lcdby the cleiK of mid court uul 1
1. rWlt.v -nnli tuli. t (1 lklfi n. n -.
tho clear, covered und puliited, nnd to i
i.......u ,.v w... v., n. .. .4,7v.ri;ii BlieH, ont f I
wli.cli mielH linii.t-dlutrly below nnd h
oil.er abovo tho nillroud bildge atbki,
t-eparnto bids will be iccclctl for each
said locations, ui.it lor the locution abovi
bald nilluuul bildge the hid will be lor sale
ncon brldgoexo nsl e of the approach 01
the uorth ulde ol wild nvor. Sopurate bid
will iilsoboieeoivudltiri-uid brn'go exclu
slveof the lumber, ho count j lurnUhli
all lumber ou the ciound und the contrae
tor luniihhlng uli other inuteiial. Kail
bidder will bo required toderoslt wlthbik
bid 5 vei cent, ol Hiu nniount ol such bU
lo u bide the result c 1 the u warding of said
coiilinctiib i y law required and provided
Bald court reserves the right tonject any
and ull bids lecclved under tho said ordor.
frO td WM. H. EOAN, Clerk.
Jleforo Starting on a Journej
A pereon usually desires to gain some In
formation ns to the most dcMiitble routete.
take, and will purchase tlekctt- la the one
that will nflbra him tho quid. est una best
service, lielore starting on n tilp to Ibl
cago or nny point Kast.you Hhould provide
jmmel! withnmapuud tlmetuble of the
Isconslu C'eutiul Line Tho trains run
on this route are vestibuleundnre equipped
with Pullman's latest Dm wing Room sleep
ers, elegant I aj Coaches und LMnlug I his
of latest design, Luiltexpietsly fortblssei
vice, and am exquisite lu lurnlbhlngs and
oiivcuieui unit comfortable lu arrange
ment and b. complete lu every detail that
uiry nuve no superior ju lomioii una en
gunce. The dining eori-erviceispronout-eed
by nil then.osi elegant eer lnaugui
uted.uudlsopeintedlntheiuteiest of lis
fast trains via the Wisconsin Central
Lines leave Mlnueupolls dally at 12.45 p.in.
and ti.ia p in., and bt. I'aul utluOp. in.
una 7:15 1. ni., making favorable connec
tion with all tralus lrom the West and
Kir tickets, maps, pamphlets and full
inhumation apply to U.K. .McNeill, C. V.
and T. A , Minneapolis, Minn ,and tn Jar,
C. 1'ond, General t'assenger and Ticket
Ajtcut, Ohlcago, 111. 1-lb-ly
And Oieou Development companj
steamship line, ito mikh shorlei, i. houii
l"8ii,ine than by uny otLei loute. Fin t
ciuss through jiasfeuger and fielj.hl " -irom
Tortiand and all points In tbeWil
lainetto vnllov to nnd lioin Ban Irauclsc
TIME SCHEDULEi (hxcept Bunaays).
Leave Albany l.-tOFM
Ler.ve Corvallls liOhll
Arrive Yaquiim 6..f M
Leave Yaqulnn b:.5AM
Leave Corvallls 10:t5AW
Anlve Albany 11;10AM
O. &. c. trains connect at Albany and
'the above truins connect at YAQTJA
Mth the Oregon Development Co' Lin
JiSlciiirislilni. between Ynoulna and Ba
Vratj rlsco.
N. 11. Papsengers from Portland and all
Willamette Vulley olnts can make close
connection with the trains of the
if AUU1NA KOUTE at Albany orCorvnllla
und if destined to Sau Fianelsco, should
arrange to nrrlv oat Yuqulua tho evening
Define datoof sailing.
rftsscitfjer and Frelirtt Bites All? tbt
bfiWrtt. r'or Jniorniailon apply to i-cssn
HULMAN ACo., freight and licket
Agents axi and 2W From bl, Portlaiu , 0X4
U.O. IIOCIUK Ac't (Jen'l Frt. A
l"ass. Agt., Ore;ou Pacific U. K. ls.
Corvallls, Or
O H. HABWWJ,, Jr. Oan'l Frt; A
Pbhs.JAgt. Oietou Detolupniint
CuMM Montcomerv t.t.:l
5oo IXttiMsn!
f nl?N lo Bleltftt's
W i
m& BOM
'vraHtg' . .
Lo nichaa'a Golden Daliam No. J
Cures Chancref, firs', and second stages;
Sores on tho Lees and Body; Sore Ears,
J0"'i No. tc., Copper-colored Blotches,
ByphllItlotitarrh,dIcaed Scalp, ard ftll
Srlmary forms of ths dlaeasa known U
yphllls. Prlrn, f 5 OO per Uottla.
Lo Rlcliau'a Golan ItuUaiu tio.H
Cures-TertUry, Jtercurlltryplillitle Ilheu
mtlsm, Pains in the Bones, rains In thl
Head, back of tha Neck, Ulcerated S.rt
Throat, Syphllitlo Itash, Lumps at a con
tracted Cords, Stiffness of tho Limbs, and
eradicate all disease from tha sjstem,
nether caused by indiscretion cr abuse
ol Mercury, leaving tha blaod pure ami
healthy. Price 65 00 per Irottla.
bo Klciiau'a Golden Huanlsk Anil
? tit tho cure et Gonorrhoea, Wett,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni
tal disarrangements. Frlct4 58 per
Or UUIiain'a Goldesi Spanish In
Jectlon, for severe oases of Gooorrhcei,
Inflammatory Gleet. Btriotureic. Prlc
! 8U per Bottle, .-
t Hlclina's) SoisT Olntme
lorthacaectlveheallnr wyphllitlo Son
andereptlona. price. 1 08 per Bos.
L Illchsiu'a Ooldeu Pill Xerrl
nl Brain treatsest; lota of physk P0
r eia 0( over-werk, noatrstlon. eti
Price 3 ea per Bax
8m atcrywhara, aaii. Means psi
TKE RtCHAJtOslliijg CtAf
C . 1 MAHakKV ST..
ef -A i
-., it.AjW.J