o. Wiwti "f'n-i'.r. ...ir.-irf Will utt fe Out Except all Tmimmm D. PiUkKKMW, L, Aujf.22-Captr.tn KaieiMiBtiiwlij a noted train role bef..whtJcre4etlng Mrrest wn killed by tetlves uenr ihfHpuioe yentcr ctajr mottiiHg. i rke is Iowa. 8ioexCiTV,ra., AHK.3I.-The Sioux City Vlmsgnr uud Pickling works were.toUlly iltrojed by tire Bui ur. Jy, The, low !s $75,000; with au Insurance o'f $21,000 ou the building Wad stock. Will AbollBh Rebate. Toronto. Ont, Atig. 222. A dlt- ' pateta' from Ottawa toit.be Ulooe, etjya:' The general impression her that tbu government will c ill an emergency meeting of the cabinet, und abolish the rebate Hysleiti t'lto gather. i... Stoaraer and Everybody Lost. ' ' Cai-k Town, Aujr. 23. British summer Home from Loudon for - Brisbane has been wrecked near 'Algoa Bay. It ( ixttotod every body ou board Ih drowned. Iour ' bodies have been washed tiBUore. Prize Plghting. Nkw Yoitic, Aug 22. Jim Cor belt has accepted Domlnlck McUuf fery's oiler to bet from $1000 to $5000 that he can stay four roundu with him and tho Manual tan club will hang up a $2000 pu we or the content -, Convict KllletL Sino SiNO, Aug. 22. Churleo Vjuotmt and Thomas Welsh, two einvicta attempted to escape thb ,, morning and aa a result of the dm Operate fight which ensued Vincent "'.waa shot un'd killed aud Welsh boi- , lV'UIy wounded. t t -' German Americans for Cleveland f ' Hew Yokic, Aug. 22. German- . 'American Cleveland union has Ih- . HUL'd an address algued by Carl Bnirur,;Oswald Ottondorler, William fc)ielnway, Henry Vlllard, Loulu , WuudmullorandQuatnvH.Bchwub, 4J which, after praising Grover Clov- ? .hind and glvlug reusnns, urges all Ocrntaii-Aiiiurlcuna to oust theli ' bjtllot for the Democcrati candidates. In Favor of Railroads. New Yokic, Aug. 22. A dm fi, patch from Dalins, Texan, puya: -' United States Judge MoCormlek, " at Dallas In a declidotl in tho ease ? of the railroads against tho 'JVxitf railroad commissioners, decided . every point in favor of tho railroad oorupaulea aud granted an Injunc tion against the commlssloncra re straining them from establishing the proposed rates. These ratea proposed by tho commtnalonurs, tho - .railroads olaluiod would havo com pelled them to run roads at a serious 'lose. OAQ7)TOLIiWAli. ordervri anything from her. Thil famous mantle exhibited in the ftnt Tie FrrsMmt ' Proclaims Retalia- Lle liille was found to be merely a j ties Against Canada. piece of tlieatrical property fcarcoly Wasainton. An. 21Tho " 2,600 francs. Her nrreat fol. toweu imscxrHwure. Grand Master Sargent. , TBRRK Hautk, Ind., Aug. 22. Grand Mastpr Bargont loft at noon yesterday (or Builalo on a telegraph ! request from tho local lodge of the Brotherhood or Louomotlvo Flrc meu, Thoso beat ncquulutcd with the alluatiou do not believe that bin going Ih Iq bo considered uu uieau "lug that ft strike of the firemen is likely. On the contrary, his pres ence there will tend to prevent u .strike. The lav. a of the organiza tion provide a dotniled procedure before a strike can bo ordered. The '' grand master does not bolloyo in .'ympathy with, strikes and has re ' peatedly said that in all probability there would be uo strike of the lire - men, unless firemen wore dlaoharg- ajor refusing to do switchmen's --.work. FROMBUFEALO. Tkere May Be a Local Strike of Buffalo Firemon. BOFFAW), N. Y., Aug, 22. It 1b believed hero that llremen of tho lo oal organization will go out Inde pendent or tho order at large, It is aid Sargent will today Inform Bweeney that while he assumes wHelmum causo to bo Just and while they havo hla sympathy, he Will tt call an Isolated strike of lire men In thta locality but if the time oomee whan labor must assort itself MM other allied orders will como out beta willing to place his men In RAM column. Brlclly tlion. the strike If it eHUfl must Iwouo Involving the ttmlhurtlrvul of lnAiiinllMnn..lii.ui ?! - . v..ul..iiuj,WF, Moioeriiood rull.vay train men mMnf tt.llwirsl Vi.llitru.. .,.. 1. 1. .......... .....1 tj Hsiuuvu . iiimj VUIIUIIVIUIS IIIIU froUmiiootl railway telegraphers. president has proclaimed retaliation with Canada, in accordance with the authority conferred upon him by the act to enforce reciprocal re lations with Canada, pueoed last July. His proclamation l dated August 18, but was only ImhuciI to day, after a final Interview between ttecretary Foster and Mr. Mitehel II. Herltcrt, the chargod'adalreHo' tho British legutiou here, which took place this morning. TKXT OF TUB t'KOULAMATIOK. The president's proclamation, af ter reciting ibe text of the act of eougresa tinder which it is lwued, eonelUdeH as follews: Whereas th government of the Domini -n of Canada imposes a toll amouutiig to about 20 cents per ton on all freight passing through the Welland canal trunslt to ports of the U.jited states, aud also a further toll ou all 'esM'la of the United States, aud 01 laweiigewin transit to a port of tin United yiates, all of which tollf ire without rebiite, and whurem th overnmeut of the Doinlulo.i t auada, In accordance with an or-ler-in-couucli of April 4th, 18W. ri 'ands 18 cents per ton of the SOiwntt ull at the Wellaud canal ou w iiem, indlnu corn, peas, barley, rye, oau, dax seed aud buokwheat, upon coi litlon that they are originally .hl. ped for and carried 10 Montreal, i .ome port cast of Montreal, for ex. jwrt, and that If trautdilpped U l o made within tho Dominion of Canada, but allows no such, uor utj jther rebate, on the said product when shipped ton port of the U it. .d Slates, or when' carried lo Mon treid for export It transshipped with in the United Slates: aud whereas The government of Canada by tin fyeU'ln of rebate and otherwise, dis criminates against tho citizens ol the United States In the use of the .aid Welland canal, In violation ol Uie provlslouu of article 27, of tin treaty of Washington, concluded May 8, 1871, and whereas, the said Welland canal is connected with 'he navigation of the Great Likes, aud I am satisfied that tho pasnaKt through it of cargoes in transit to ports or the United States, Is made difficult and burdensome by the -aid discriminating system of rebate ,uid otherwise, aud Is reciprocally unjust and unreasonable; now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, president of tho United States ol America, by virtue of the power lo that end conferred upon mo by the rtald act of congress, approved July 20th, 1892, do hereby direct that, from aud after Soptembor 1, 1892, until further notice, a toll of 20 cents pqr fon bo levied, uol tented aud paid ou all freight, of whatever kind oi description, passing tluougli the St. Mary'a Falls canal, In transit lo any port of tho Dominion of Canada, whother carried In vessels of the United States or of other nation; aud to that extent I do hereby sus pend, from ami after the said date, tho right of rreo passage through the eald St. Mary'a Falls canal of any und all cargoes or portions ol cargoes in tiutihlt to Canadian ports. Jay Eye See and Nancy. Wahhinhton Park, Chicago, Aug. 22. Jay Eye See paced yester day to beat Ills trotting record of 2:10, maklug n mlloln 2:08. At 0 o'clock Nancy Hanks.drlven by Bud Dnble, against 2;07,niado the mile in 2:09. Another Bald. Portland, Aug. 22. The police Saturday night made a raid ou the gamollug and ' lodging houses of questionable character, arresting a !xut fifty gamblere and eight wo men. A number of well known men lu social business circles were among tuo8" arrested, May Kesnlt Fatally. Han Franci), Aug. 22. Billy Alien, n MHwirt Pokller, Rationed at ilit I'reMdln, und Max Feuner, kuo m as Tim Terrible Swede," fought at the Plas.ix Club, In this city, lust TunwUy night, and the fight rcfutted In the Swede receiving a bud heating', and finally being knocked out In the fourth round. It wna an hour after the fight before he regained consciousness. Satur day night ho wbh reported to bo In a dying condition, nnd Allen was placed under arrest. Arrangements Completed. KtNfA8 CITY, Aug. 22.-Ar.ango nieulH have all been completed for the (ntertnlnmeut ol Supreme Knights of Pythias which meets In session here Tuesday and ftir encamp ment of Pythian uniform r.irik which goes into camp on the Mime day. Within the camp are pitched four tlioLHiuiU teuts, These canvas boiucH will servo for shelter for six teen thousand knights who are ex icntcd lo go into camp by Tueduy. Crushed to Death. Baitimohb, Aug. 22. By the derailment of coach a passenger train hi the Baltimore & Aunopolis Short Line, fiur miles from Baltimore, one unknown colored woman was killed, and 16 persona were Injuied, three fatally. Near the track where the deiallmeut occurred, stood a colored man and Ids wife, picking up lnn-'e coal. The womau Was crushed to death aud the man wus knocked senseless. Public Lands. PoinxANn, Aug. 22. Notice has lieen received by Surveyor Oeueral Byars from the land department that the contracts ho made with Mepsrs, Sharp, Wilksaud McQuluu for the survey of public lands in Washington county, and Mr. Martin in Douglas county, nave been ap proved. Notice has been given the contractors', aud they will take the (le)d at once. WHAT FOWDERI.Y SAYS An Advonturosa. Paris, Aug. 22. -Madame Ap p.mitl, whose death lu 81. Peters burg U announced, exhibited ou Ducimberlast, In the editorial room of her paper hero, a magnificent court mantle, whloh alio said, had been made for the empress of l)iin.,l.. rm ,.... . ii .. tuaiui, iiiufirieu in inn maiine, according to Madamo Appirutl, was 160,000 fraucd. Special Invitation cards to hco It were Issued to the press, to society women and to all the celebratles of llnanclal circles, etc., and from nioriilug till night during the three daya of tho exhibi tion tho oHlee woro filled with per houh belonging to the ulghcalolasjos of soeiety. The madamo had past ed several yeara In Bussla, nd up pearcd to know tho names of all the czarina'a ladles of honor, and to be perfectly acquainted with tho court She also pretended to bo certain of securing their custom, which was to bring hervory largo prollts. In this way ahe laid the basis of her gin gantlo fraudH. She gave howelf out as tho only olllulal dressmaker to the. (usiati court, ami then caused auuooonipllco to send her u tele grams from St. Petersburg, purport ing to oome from court ladles, ordering splendid uveulng toilets. When I u possession of a cor talu number of telorunw, alio applied to simple-minded poHons, either her otistomerd or subscribers to liar pnwr, forfunda to carry through her enterprises, In less than two mouths she succeeded in gittingotitof her du(Hs the euor- Thousht Her Daughter a Burglar Richmond, V.l, Aug. 22. Mrs. Lizzie B. Hicks, a widow, early Saturday thinking she beard the be footsteps of btirglais, arose from her bed and armed herself with a revolver. On going to aii'iiher room "he saw n figure, and in her excitement, without saying a word, shot her lS-ycar-old dauehter, who fell dead at her feet. When she rea lized w.iatshe had done the frantic woman attempted to kill hen-elf, but was prevented. The young lady hud arisen from the bed to as certain the cause of her mother's movements. Moved Trains at Wavorly. EiiMiitA, N. Y Aug. 22. The blockade at Sayre, Penu., and Wav orly, N. Y., was virtually raised Sat urday. About 7:30 the ball was set rolling at Waverly when a freight on the Phlladophia & Reading from Sayre was stopped lu a switch by the strikers. The military were no tified aud they marched to the rail road tracks unit formed a line ten abreast aud mandied up the track to clear tho crowd. Hundreds of peoplo blocked tho tracks and bauks along the rollroid yelllugand guy- lug the military. A picket lino was formed, but while they were form ing the lire in tho engine was mys teriously dumped aud the plus wero pulled. The flro was rebuilt and one coal and iron policeman turned the switch as no switchman dared to do II. The train pulled out on tho Erie tracks nnd passed the depot all right, clcsoly followed by a del egation ofstilkers. Lines or mili tary guarded the train on either side. It was soon found that some dIub had been (lulled and tho train Btop ped again but eventually got oil without further trouble hero. Three trains more passed, but betweon ones oi military, ami me company claim the blockade Is rained. Mlch aol MoNam mi, leader of the strik ers, was arrested on tho charge of Interfering with the moving of trains and was re leased on bonds of $1000 for exam ination on next Thursday. MAD AT GLADSTONE. The I. W. V. Association. Portland, Aug. 22. The Indian War Veterans' association held a called meeting at the county court liouse Saturday afteruoou. At 1.30 o'clock Captain J. H. McMillan called the meeting to order, and the roll reading by M. R. Hathaway showed twenty members present. A RommitUe contesting or Judge Walt?, G. H. Himes and S. R. May field was appointed to get up a com plete roster of the camp. Jame-i A. Bennett, n member or Captain Kel- leya uiarK county rangers, wac elected to meiriberBbip. Tlie treaf urer's report, which was adupted, showed money on hand J59.M. The report of the executive com mil tie was a'so adopted. "Thick and Glossy," Tlin PRODUCTION' of an abundant growth of hair, c J ft silk-llko texturo and of the original color, often renults from the uso, by tlioo who havo become bald or gray, of A J er's Hair Vigor J "I was rapidly becoming gray and bald; bat after using two or three' bottles of Ayor's Hair Vigor ray hair -- ttilMr nnil nlfwMV tint) the orlcl- irnl color was restored." M. Aldrich, Canaan Centre, K. II " A trial of Aycr's Hair Vigor has con vinced mo of its merits. Its nso hat Hot only caused tho hair of my wife and ilnnghter to bo abundant and glossy, but It lias given my rauicr miinieu mu--tacho a respectable length and appear ance." It. Britton, Oakland, Ohio. " I havo used Aycr's Hair Vigor for tho past four or flvo years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It Is all that I could desire, being harm less, causing tho hftlr to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render tho hair easy to ar range." Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles St., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rnErAUED Br Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mast. Bold by Druggists on J Terf umers. u ni ai rir lift pa NiUWUfliu unonin FOR TOWN LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS. UHttHiijjji $2.00 Perdozen fortheflncst finished .I'UOTOOKAFHB in theclty. MONTEE BROS., 1KI Commerclnl Street. FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE F.B. Contractor and Kiiihlcr. Salem, Oregon. T. J. KttESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th aud cueraeketa fatiett A. H. FORSTNER & CO, Machine Slop, Guns, Sporting Gowls, Etc., KM Commerrlnl Ktrcft. J. J. I MllllillkU Horseshoeing. RADABAUGII i Livery Focd and B'lardinjj Stable, U -!Utclrcet.' STBF.VES BIIOSL, Calif o ) ' ii iff linkery. THK BEST. 101 Court Street. Will be opened to students Sept. IS, 1802 oilers the most nrncttcal courses of ottlclv ol any (schoul In tho State, viz: Mcchanlml engineering, uivii engineering, jciefincni Knglneerlng, Acndemlo nd Gramranr school courses Btudentx pracllcn du:ly lu wood ebop, machtce shop, nnd laboratories Tuition ami noanl per Tear, ?1C. Smel.l l"dui-CMienls ton few young intn who wish to work for their board and tui tion durlnif vacation. Forpiopeetusancl further lnfurmat Ion, nddrrss KDW1N MUKKX.snN,.M 8. li edent, Halein, Or. BICYCLES. Full bnll bearing Bnfetv ill eyries. The lowest prhtd wheel iu the market. Tlie best In the world for tne price. C.1I. Hrown Ageiit.JS C'onimir clul til. Au Old Paymaster Dead. London, Aug. 21. Geueial PrJuoe, 83 years old, wlin in euiri to lie a retired American ullleer and a cltiBsmate of tlie late Robert E. le, cniniiiitU'd suieidoat Murley's hotel late Tuesday nljjlii. Henry Prince was Kru'uatrd t.t tlie United Slates Mllilurj aertdrti'y in 1 y 15, and st'rved In 111" iieiiiiiiou war in 18o(i und 1837 Il bwanii llrst Iff uitiDititr Julv 7, 183S, assisted in removing tlie Creek ludiaus to the W(-st and tbeu served on fron tier duty, in the Florida war of 1041 aud 181-and in the war uf Mexico in which lie received the brevet o' major for services ut Moliuo de lte, , wheie lie was severely wounde'd. In the civil war, he took part In the Northern Virginia ouuiiUgn, wut made brigadier-general ol volunteer April 28, 18(12, and received the brevet for services at ('edar Mount ain wliere ho wan captured. Tie afarwiirda served in the Kuplthui cumpaign and on the coast ot tSoutb Carolina. After the war ho served as paymaster in the diU'erent de partmeuts until 1S75, wlien he was asslgneil to the division of tbe Pa ellli'. He was retired December 31, 1870. A Gold Nugget. Er-LnNSiiDRa. Aug. 22. Tholaig est gold nugget taken out of Swank the past two years was brought down Saturday by W. A. Ford. Ii is from the famous Black claim, and taken out by Hen C, Pileher, tin present onrner. It Is worth $250 re murkably hindsome, and attracted much attention. L. R. Grimes, World's fair commissioner, imme diately purchased it for Kittitas county exhibit at Chicago. HOEYE & MILLS, PORCELAIN BATHS AND SHAVING l'AHLOlW, Only loi cel.itn Hath Tutu in tho city. 209 Cora. R., Salem, ur. Scientific OI'l'OSlTi: FDUNDIIY On State Street. the Salem JLLaclnimn Is II, POOLE. Best-Line ill the City. Court Stret. J. E. MUItPJLY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOUXtt 8A1.KM. 11Kb. K. 0. ISOXCO. Baths for Ladies, HAIK UKiaSINO PAHLOHS, 124 Court Street. CAWDiEo i.i . . niii ami Ci P- O- Liloolt gars. K. T. iUJMPlHUji J CIkhi-b nnd Tobacc,' UILLIARI) PARLOR aa Com'i str.9t. . T. W. TH()RNb5 The Upholsterer, Kr models, re-coven JOHN IltwiN, Carpenter aid BicJ Shop a-, auto Btrcet. StoreFittinsaSpodaltJ moiH sum or a.60ii,(W0 frauoi. Jle- .JU AHKh the Switchmen Do B ,,e,i ' ,0 l"lw wu" s,,u lt"- Wot Qet laough Pay. ,Ue WHr, (f Dtmmt yl0 k WK.XHHHAHKK, Pit.. AtlK. 22. nf Ifln.r r'l.rlu.,.1.. f. .1.. ..... ... IPw-'y'" n intorview: Alexander III. tm an iutlumto rwumtuwi ativoeuta strikes, J filupd, aud talked uf lmvlng order- m im iwiiounicn will win. WJ a eet of jewels mmIIiik 4U.U00 y v to, Their hourn are fmnw from a well known Juwelor. MWrwotKOanKeretwanU their fori ptwent for the tmeoii of l)en. ' poor. Tb avenue pay is 1,68 mrk. ,, tin. oc-rtmin,, r i,.r .,i.i.... ltB4bounwark. I would wwtdluir. On Maivh at). Muii...i 14) Mk toow HI) AuiHriUNU eltlxeti APlwrutl suddenlv h ft Paris fur hi. ? h w hiwtiy on suuh hi) Pctt.burtf on the mvtext of ooll.s.t. aniipuwu huu oiuer tor- tni? iwnn v i. mnm.u .1.,., h...k,. ;wtwllvlk oatlle In elmn. f..r .i1B ,mt..r ,,., r i, n, i... lhtUabletodo it, but the Blan iadlertftf hotu.r au by the em. www. .ii h. Bvery prem nersoir, l-Wim that lima foi wvi l' IM country wrd no uwh i-acltwl Pr! from the wlHVer adventure- Tlu i rsni hfX In dr by her . mm i St. IUi m mi thW point; m wiv of our AwwhMii TiMy know wiwtlt aiwt dnm (Wwl'y f (4ill tm Mtiil ()0 iMar and t wi h Uy will Hot do ,-y It Is Pearod The Radicals May Fu30 With the Parnollitlos. Lo.NUO.v.Aug.'JI. Tho Uidlcai ro volt Is eerluus. Tliero Is no ohanco of inlncitiB or gainsaying Uui faot that tho Riidicds are augry. Tliey make nocoticealiuoiitof their rage at be ing rejowled liy Mr. Gladstone lu his cabinet M'leottous, uiul of their pur pose to uasert theniselvvs at tlie dint ing session of parliament. The radi cals state that but for their votes Mr, Gladstone would hayo been lult inn minority, ami tint the Wlilg arlsU orals, whom he recalled or elevated to olllce, are no mora ropresoi dative or tho masses that constitute tlu. Lib eral majority iu the latoeleotlon than Lord Salisbury himself. They do olare that the time has passed forthe peoplo of hjiiglaud to bo represented u a Liberal cabinet by nnstoorats with tltlea aud turt-huutlug oandl. dates for tltliB, uud that tho people aro now stniiig enough to Bee that men of tho peoplo whull havo a voice lu tho government. It Is reported tint tliero is a stronr probability of unuion between tlio Jtullcala and tho Parnellltles. Sliould such u com bination be formed, tho cabinet would either have to bow to its wish- ex or ixbIuii, Tho Purnelllllea do not ooutrol votes, o.ough to defeat Mr. Gladstone, but, uulted wtlli Mr. Lnboucliero uud his as-ootatiw, they oou Id easily m.iko or ruin the Liberal govertimetit. The hlmutlon Is eaus- liiHr great anxiety, which Mr. Glad. From Coal Creek. CoAbCitKKK, Teun., Aug. 21. Troops1 who returned from Biice- vllle about i I'cloek Ralurdav even ing, met with very little rcMrtauce. A negro desperado nnd numrs' h.vii -pathlzer wlio was aworn to kill tl o first soldier whom he met, offered resistance and was shot dead, a do.en or iiiori bulletH piercing him through. About 12.) miners weie taken prisoners ami are now under a strong guard. A miner has just been captured wearing a lieutenant's uniform uud sword. Where lie ob tained t hi m Is a mystery. A full military uniform was also found in the mountains late Saturday nfter-noon. Chattanooga. Aug 21. Winn thoconvlclHat Inniau werellberahd by miners las-t Monday .IiulgeMnup, wtio wus holding court, called tlit gland Jury and charged them, n' thmigh tliree miners wero on Hit Jury, that indictments nc returmd against every man who is km wn I. havo partio'pated iu tho ra d mi the stojk.tde at Inmau. Tliu sherlll de oliiiel to sero wanantb and the deputy Hliunll was ordered to reive them. Tlie indicted men t.iy they will re.-.ist arrest, and it is thought a largo loroo will be iiccessaiy to cap- ttiro tiiem. Severe Cloudburst. PirrwiiUKo, Aug. 22,lnoxpect idly and with terrille fiuy a eiotid burst over the town of Freedom, oi. the north bitik of thu Ohio river 33 miles from Pittsburg.about 6 o'clock Saturday afiernoou, which nearly desinyed the town. Information concerning the dlsastor Isexi-itdiug-ly mi.iger and the uitiht reliable comes from a resident of R .cheater, ..seven n.iles below Knedoiu.wlio came Hero last night on a Peuusvl vanla train, which was delayed be low tho stricken town for three hours, II says the people ilivcribed tho rainfall as a sheet of water. The precipitation was so heavy that 10 minutes from tho rtlrst break over the town great Hoods coursed down the hillside w ith such fearful force si to wash tho larger houses from theli fouudatlons,aud to wreck tho small. or oues. btreets wero washed out to a depth of six feet.and the ruts ..ere tilled with debris as to totally ob literate all tho Ihorotignfuivs. Up to the time of his leaving there the peo ple wero so panic-stricken that thej did not know how many were lu lue ruins, but his Impression Is that the lo. of life is not ureal, 'I he most singular phase of the disaster Istuat A Little Boy Drowned. Simkank, Wasli., Aug. 22. B'och Burnliam, tho 0-year-old son of Lieutenant Merrlam, Fourth United Stales infantry, wa9 drown ed in Coeur rt'Aleuo lake at Foit Shermau at 11 o'clock Saturday. Lieutenant Merriam, his wife and daughter weie lu bathing leaving, the boy on .ho wharf-boat iu charge of II B. Kiel ols, of this city, Mr. Nichols missed him. and surmising ho bad fallen overboard gave tbi alarm. Lieutenant Merriam and Mr. Nichols, both of whom aro ex pert svvi miners, began diving, bin were unable to Hud the body. Fif teen uiluutes later, some boys hi a row boat discovered tlie body on the bottom in eight feet of water. Med ical aid was psomptly soured, but all ellorts at lesusjitatlon were furtile. A Rsmarkable Case. Portland, Aug. 22. The case of John Wick, the man who was so terribly injuie I at Iuman & Poul- sen'ssawinill Friday evening, is tin I unusual as wellasaiemarkable one. ?sever for a moment since he fell to the lloor from the etl'tcts of the blow tuts there bo. n tbo slightest indica tion of consciousness. Ho was re moved to the Sunnyside hospital, where ho has lain ever since. Sat urday ho was vi ry restless, tolue aud ttirJng ubout so much that It was necessary to secure him to the bod to prevent him from fallluc out. There Is yet uo Indication of paraly sis in his limbs or body, as was ex pected would bo tho case, from the nature of his injury. Ho can turn hisinail, which seems to disprovi tho theory 1 hut the skull was frac tured ut the base. Dr. C. E. Hill, who Is attending him, thought h" was ii shade better in tho morning, but had small hopes of his recovery' Last night he received a messagi from the hospital to tho eilect thai there was uo change lu the patient The only outward indication of in jury Is tho bruise on tlie forehead where ho was tt.-uck by tho hr. Ing belt. The blow has actea something like the blow from a sand bag. Notice of Assessment. TOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEX Iliat by ordcl 11 of tlie common council uf the city uf S lleui, made on the Sill day of July, 18U2, an aet-mt-ut wbb duly levied upon all property abut, ting on C'heinckelii street, from Water street tc I2IU street. Said ahsesiimeut Is hereby lnadi for the improvement of said street. Said as. fceftiiuent hhall be due aud payable to tbe re. corder of tho city of Salem ten days from th" date of tbla notice. A list of property abutting on said street aud tho owner thereof and tho amount assessed to such pioperty is hereby bet out and made a part of this notice. Notice Is further Riven that uulcsft said amounts so as sessed are paid within ten days from tho expir ation of this notice, that I t-liall proceed to lollect tho same by law: W. Dreyman and E. Ilreymanl lot 1 In block Ci of the city of Salem, UreL'on, HI 05. U. W. Cox; lot t lu block 01 of the city of Salmi, Oregon, 115.23. J.IJ. Stump; lot 8 in block 49 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $141.03. J E. Starkeyj lot 5 In block 50 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $141 05. StHtn Iti(inrnnfA (Inmnnnv lipHniilntr nt On, southeast corner of block 60 In the city of ' ,l cribed as follows, to-wlt: lliulnnlng nt tho ti uui MTrtrrwrmrA'aaiai3ga3Tgnmf turn tMrtJKarmjrAa'iriH.MjjKAASixtXi !3 feet and 9 Incliesi thence southerly parallel villi west lino of said let to the south lino of jM lot; thciico easterly aloujj the smith lino of Bald lot to the soutluast corner tlurtufi lUeuco northerly to tho place of beElunliitf, 73.15. 7.. V. Xloody; lot 10 In block 83 uf the clly Salem, Oregon, S1H.U.). Mary Johnson; lot 6 In block 82 of Silvia, Oreg n, $114.05. J. llatrhelor; lot 5 In block 82 In Salem, Oregon, $1II.U5. N. A, Oooilcll; lot filii block 8fi In tho city uf Salem, Oregon, UI.05. Eugenia Olllliighani; all lliat part of ht I'l in block S, described as follows, to-wit: Ucisln liiu U at a point on the north lino of xald lot '.7 feet westcrl from the northeast corner thtreuf and runulug thiiico southerly parallel with the east line of said lot to the south Hue of bald let; thence westerly along the south llmtuf said lot to the southwest corner thertuf; thoiiuo northerly to tho northeast corner thettof; thence easterly to the place of btgiuuiug, S120.50. A. Hush; all that part of lot 10 iu block 85 Salem, Oregon, as shown and designated un thu uuiy recurueu maps a ml plats or said city aim running thence westerly along the south line of said block 85 feet; thence northerly on a line parallel with the west line of Commercial street In said city, Jfi feet; thence easterly uu a Hue parallel with the south Hue of said block, 85 feet to tho west line of said Commenlal street and thence Bouthtrly along faid west llnu of Commercial street, 40 feet to too place of beginning, being 40 feet by 80 feet of lot number 4 In said block number 50. Also be. ginning at a point which is 46 feet north of tho southeast corner of block number 50 lu tho city of Salem, as shown and designated on the duly recorded maps and plats of said city; thence northerly along the west Hue of Couinn-rclal street of said city 25 feet; thence westerly oil a line parallel with the north line of Chemeketa street of said city 105 feet, nioro or less, to tho alley In said block, thence southerly along Bald alley on a line parallel with the west line of said Commercial street to the north Hue of said Chemekcta street, a distance of 71 leot, more or less; thence easterly along the south Hue of said block number 50, 80 teet, more or less, to the sou IliWist corner of the nronertv heretnfur.. conveyed by this bank to the State Insurance company ot salera; thence northerly on a line parallel with the west line of said Commercial atteet, 41) feet to the northwest corner of said property conveyed to said State Insurance Company; thence easterly along the north line of said property couvejed to tho State Insur. ance Company ns afcuesald. S5 feel in ihn ,. !,.. of beginning, sttuatod In the city of Salem, county of Slarlon, state of Oregon, $144 05 First National Hank of Salem, Oregon; com. nieuciug at tho northeast cornir of block 49 In the city of Salem, Oregon; theuco south along Commercial street, 45 feet; thence west parallel with Chemekcta street, t5 feet; thence north parallel with Commercial street, 40 fett; theino cut along the uorth boundary line of let num. bered 49, b5 feet to the place uf beglunlug con talning295 sqnaro feet of ground, excluding btreets aud sidewalks; also commencing at a point which is 05 feet west of the northeast corner of block number 49 In the aforesaid tit of Sa.ein; thence south parallel with Cummer, cial stieet41 feet; thenco west parallel with Chemeketa street 65 feet; thence north parallel with Commercial Blrect 45 feet; thence east CJ feet facing and along Chemeketa street to tho northwest corner of the bank building now erected ou said block, being the place contain Ing 2700 square feet of ground, more or less excluding btreets aud sidewalks, but excepting therefrom the property conveyed by the late William Stewart to Mrs. A. A. Wheeler by war. ranty deed dated April 27, 887, and recorded li the record of deed of llar.on county. Orecon July 11, 18S7,book 34 of deeds rage 45, together with tho tenements, hereditaments aud apnur. teuaucca thereuuto belonging, f 10y 05. A. A. heeler; btgiuuiug at the northwest comer of lot 1 In block 49 In halem, Oregon hence southerly along tho alley W 7.12 feet' hence easterly parallel with Chemeketa street' 105 feet; thence northerly along east line ol block 22 7.12 feet; thence Westerly 125 fLt thence northerly 45 feet to north Hue of sale, block; thence westerly 40 feet to place of be. gliiulug, $35, . It,.iBoise' 8r- anJ R-r noise. Jr : lot s in blockMof thecitvof sle. nJ' i,..'u or,,M1o,oJ.,n block 31 or the fi''-. ., .' il ": the north half of lot 1 In block 32 'u the i city of balem. Oregon, $144 03 K J. Q. Uson; lot 5 In block 2J of the city ol Salem, Oregon, $141.05. "' 0I M, A. '1'huiupsou; all that part of lot s i, bock 23 described as follows, to-wll: Begin nlng at he northwest corner of lot Sin block line of Chemeketa street 111!) feet; thence souih erlyatrlsht angle ln-i-j fee tutuo mi, ne- of said lot 8; thenco wtstetly on said so h Hue of said ot 109 feet to the east Hue of T h erty street: thence northerly ou said east l 193 16 H' "' 8" m tm ,u inning uottheast cornel of said lot aud running theme westerly along the uurth Hue thereof 27 f ct; inence soutueriy parallel wlin tho east line thereof to the south line of bald lot; thenco easterly to tho southeast turner of said lot; thentfl northerly t the plaeo of bi'gtnuilig; aud also lot 1 lu block 85 ol the cltj of Saleiu, $107.05. T. MoF. Pat ton and Eliza Cook; lot 1 lu ble ck 83 of the ut) of h ilein, Urchin, $111.01. A. Parvln; lot 1 lu Curturight's addition on tho north side of uhunckitu street, $119.60. Jano A. Dumford; lot 11 of Cartwrigbt's nil dltlon ou tho north sldo of Cuc.mekt.ta btrcet, $57.05, Isabella Martin; lot 5 lu block 80 lu Salem, Oregon. $111.05. A. Hlosser; lot 13 of Cirtwriglit's addition on tbo uorth side of Chtmeketa street, $57 05. W. X. I.sdue; lots 1, 5 and G In Oariwrigbt's addition on tho south eldu of Chemeketa stroi t . $2J1.85. E. W. Starr; lot 7 In Cartwrlghfs addition uu the south side of Chemeketa street, $57.05. r. Pugh; lotSlu Cartwrlghfs addition on tho uiuu, siue oi unemeaeta stroot, $57.05. M. lthodes; lot 0 lu Cartwrlghfs addition on tho south side or Chemeketa street, $57.05 M.E. Costello; lots 10, 11 aud 12 lu Cart Wright's addition on the north side of Chemt. keta street, $172.85. C. T. and T. J. Oard; tho southwest eiuarter t.f block 0 In Huberts' addition to tho tity uf 8altni,$lSS.hO. A. M. Palmer; tho west hilf or the southeast quarter of block 0 iu Huberts' addition to the city of Salem, $09.85. J. H. OroB; the tast half of the southeast quarter of block 0 in Hoberts' addition to the city of Salem, Oregon, $09.85. Mar) Caufitld and Theuuas Caufleld- the northiast quarter of blotk 3 lu ltobert''add. lion to saleiu, Oregon, $138.80. Hannah Joseph; all that part of blotk 3 of Ruberta addition to Salem, Oiegon, described is follows to.v,lt: He-ginning at tho northwest . orncr of block 3 in Huberts' addition to balem. muuH uie west lino Oregon; theuie south ri!! sr i ?? f!L CK 53 I. I't..t tllljvr.'v ' I J UikjU Whlell i. . 9iuft.lit.y tiirui--.e.rhe!lllus oui Aet t tft lieck; CJlli.es pftlllful uui . . i'i uu tLflirms, IfK, orfe-cti tlcioleii r l.'ei s lit t!.e t") es, eais, ur vjost', oiten can is tili.uluoss or tlcafiicssj H the oiigliu 'mi'Ies, canccruus greutlis, ur tho nu, .1 or m.uiUcst.ttloai lmially ascrllietl t 'I uinorsi" anil fattening iihui the )iui ..uses coiisiimptloii, and U'atli, Ili.ii, the most .indent, It is the most general .It diseases nr affcctlniis, foi M-ry fe pe-rsuus aro entirely freo (rum it. How Can It Bo CURED the ueaMiv towns vir imr ,i... stone is kuown to hate, ami tho oti. UKetl.atul H seems that people llvlne Iv solution atmutrmi t lut . nnl u v. I a fuw uilliu uwew .11. 1 ..... i . i'.a-Bj..r,. .i . ... i . .... . ....... ".:". "T"v" .-"'"" y '' "" nuuwoi . . , n.,e.v .,r ,v ii .- km! wgnmuu or mo UH.iiettHas will bind ine oocurreace. Freedom I a town sJioerlalnly was lu lint eiiy. but thwu totho r, h.i a r,.i,- ti.1. - 'ariiit. iftm ..l i.. i,..i. ... HI tlulalM w. rm.n,!.it..le- ...,i ......... ... i" 7 "'.'.. '.'? "V1 " '. '.' Z ' ' lil in -..!Mu,.M ..iwm,i uov pr in'uc, rii Mr. umu- are uriy an irauie structures, aud wjtjwri,MlhcUix,HMnorui)y stone ts sli io beeuilrly bewiulup tlw tawn UtiU m MoiiIiik uniuud tftHM-Mlw rf honor litvlti.!? ever with b'-wktg kUvIwo.' , rWng (torn tlw river to high hill, ' Ily tahliiB Hootl's Srs.trilla, which, by Uo remarVuble cures It lias nccorajillsheel, jflen when other ineellclues havo failed, Us proven Itself q lio a ixnciit unit pecul ar mcUlctno tor this disease. Some o) iheso cures aro really wimderful. If jou itifter from scmtula ur Impure blood, bo luro to try Hood's fiarsaoarllla. K ery jprliig wy w Uo and children have been troubled with scrofula, sores break ing out on them in various places. II y utile boy, three years old, has been a terilblo sufferer, Last sprlus he was one mass ot sores from head to Jcct. 1 was adylseM to ue lloenl's riarsapartlta, aud e ha c all taken It. Tlie result U that all havi been cured of the serotula, my Utile Ikiv twlng eHt-trety tree from sores, and all four of my cJitUrea look bright and heilthy." V. 11, ATHEMTO.V, rawaie City, N, J, Hood's Sarsaparilla SoUbyOrawUM. fltslsswf. pTfi4b At.ioouaiifc Margaret Mrrley; all that part of lot Rli, block .1 described a. follow., "wit, bJu ?'?? ' n'n ?? .'' et of the nortu? t" eyruiT oi uiock -ji in Balem, Oregon, and n ,,, Xanoleon Dvin; ln i it. i,ir.. .. .. of Salem. Oregon, Jill 05 " OI "-c C".T J. W. Dickerson; lot 5 In block 1 1 n, . of Salem. Oregon. $14105. ,0cl 4 " city AmelU C. Hlley; lot 8 In block 5 of the cite of Halem, Oregon, flit 05. icitj J. ILbtump; Ibe west half of lot A In 1,1. .i ctrnerof lot 10 in i, rk : Sin JiJiJ.. ,. w,sl tbenct leaiterly alcngLor.h! ."eof'VjSj fteti thence soutl.crlv r.r.n.1 i.k .. ' ' Jlde of l.l I, ', Alio i'Sh ' nVof MtdT,r hence, westerly ,tns ,,.. u,'un ,.?' ?"; b,dreii.vViWuu.1i1,v- south line of Ctemek, , .trt i L,e.,Ig ,b wulherly at right angle. "lU ..li'Iin.u nS' said south llnn ,.A..."TPr.lllltli block 71t thence northeily al. uk e ii '"'; gl.4l . in said bliV'TsTCitK V. M. niancbftt and th a.k.t. .. Catuollo Church, lot s in i.i "C ..","" "P" e Bal.n.. Oregon. $1(18 DO, iu "loflty Iheieof 157 feet; theuco east parallel to the Houth lino of Chemeketa street 79, feu , ie",c, llorll) l'rallcl to tho east line of Twclf h street 157 feet; thenco east along the. south Hue of Chemeketa street 70)4 feet S the tdai e of beglunlug, $09.40. E.Bhepaid; the east half of tho northwest e.ros?afoin Iiobcr,8 ai11"- -m,,r'e,tbri:8!; tleglunlug at tho southwest corner of said Wotk and running thence easterly alSng the 'until Hc thereof to feet; thenee n .ithe.H luralle with the west Hno'of s.ld blotk ,5 Hue of said block 00 leet to thewest llneof sa d a dd bIoekUClr5,fllitr,.J' al,Lt' ,he tBt W !.J40. t0 pIai:0 ot be6lhnlUB. J. 0, Smith: all that part of block 5 de. ii-rlbed asielluws: Heginuiug at a f,olr, .t I ' "Mh line of said ifhxi lib feet 'east of ill b lock 130 feet ..,,..( f.l. ..... . :"Bl 1'iennf ,i , ,,r:. .,-... .""""""l cmor i.i It -. incmu uortnerly naraili villi thewest line of said block lw "tit 'uence wester v narniiai .t.v. .i '....'. A00.. U,:X said block. 70 feet; thenco r.uther'V.raHe with the west side of said block 105 feet to ho Bi'Ulh lino of said block, thence J..li , the south line of said block Tu Let to thJe n..U of beginning, $01.15. ' ,Uo plate It. i cllj b, Sal, ,u. bTegon. Uescrlbtd.s IStolt .. -glnnmg at the northwest corner of said Ho8berr.'s-".0e,dertUn ' to" t'h'e' ? thei ce fcoutherlv n.,.n 1 ,.VrJ hLa b Ihehes; ;! jsvusas 0 InclH?s;7hVnCe uorlherfy S f V ftet " of begiunlng;$M S y '"' ,0 "" e.U: Vadifffi fa" cltVS V&? f Y follews: Ueclnnini .,,,.. B"Iem' lescrlbed Mid block, 127 feet ,n a in, " S0Utli Ul6 ' in. aouihe'ast corner of . 3 V,'i v1"1." tt0Ui hence northerly i.,.i i' k ,ad r,lun"6 aid block, l teet beuri J.Ut ? " "ne ' with the south Hneo'f aaUl VoS " U"r?"? thence sontherlTn.i.ii.1 Jv.?".1 hiH. fet, aid blnrlt in .L. .....; """ . "" en line of nock, th7c7e.Y,V rvlT ..r"'. ". a Mid block, (,1k ftet !.., ., """""in line of tSJ.M. ",wftetfcHopUceof beginning. .itio'ny7o ih . c;lo?Ji,2laMr k 6 ?f f;;r.;.r.;."'"?.0" "e or ,UJ erly parallel with" , IT'tV" wutu. "iterng0", -S!u:nni,u 6.";f11!S,0U",lWH(tLectlrcf . I?fcf,ffir1J17D05,lo,,5''' " , IVotico of Assessment. VOTIOi: l.S HEnUlToivEN thatbyorferof 11 tho common cnnucll of tin, oil.. f i.55 i. iiiado on tho Gib elay of July, 1892. an a.I mint was duly levied upou all pn.pertr ahii of ting pif Commercial street lrom tho eonth iiT of .Mill Btieot to tho sontberu limits of Ihscitr Snld aRsessment is niado fur tho Inn roTemmi of said stroot. Bind nucssrnciit shall be da. and payable to tho leeorder of the citr of Salem, teji days from the) date of Ibis notice A list of propttty abutting on said strcit and tho owner there-of, ami tho amount assessed tu such proierty Is hereby set out and made, jurt of this notice ,1tleo is fuilhcr given that unlesB said amounts (,o s(.rssnl are ti.ij within ten tlajs Ir'tn tho expiration or Udi notico, that I shall proceed to eollect the mi.,. by law: J. J. aiuiphy ami K. O. Murphy; tliowestlialf or block 1,8 of tho city of Salem, Oregon test Fraukiii I'. Jones; tho west half of olotkifflcf tho elty of Saleiu, Ore-gi n; $881. Harriet T. Clark; lots 4 and 5 In block II designated on tho recorded plat of the citr of S iloui, Oregou, $95 15. ' Amos Strorg; lot 4 in block 44 of thecitrof Saleui, Oregon, $107 10. ' N. J. Mt-Phtrsonj all of the south fraction of lot a, block 44 In tho tily of Salem, state of Oregon, said fraction containing 82 teet msre or less; to bo lnoro explicit, thei pronerty ,. Tejod is nil of lot 3 iu block 41 exe'entlug feet on tho north sldo of traction er said lot sold to, nnd now owned by Mrs JohnA.Joliiu and bcuuilod as follews: Beginning at a point on the east lii e of lot a in block 44, of Salera Oregon, 42 feet boulberlj from the northeast corner of snlu let, and running thenee westerly paiallelwlth the-south lino of said lot 105 feel more or less to tho west Hue of said lot; thence southerly along the west Hue or said lot to ths soulhweBt corner thereof; thence easterly along tho south lino of said lot; thence nortb erly along tho oast lino of said lot to the plate of beglunlug, $33.05. ' Julia A. Johns; tho north fraction of lot numbers, block 44, comprising 42 by 1C5 feet, in tho city of Balem, Marlon county, Oregon,!, shown and designated em tho recorded plats of aid elty and bounded as iollews: beginning at i point on tho east line of lot 3 In block 41 of Sali-iii, Oregon, 42 fe tt southerly from thenorth tabt corner or said lot and running thence west erly parallel with tho south Hue of said lot, 1C5 teet, muro or less, to the west lino of s. lot; ...cm- Manuel, y uiuug mu wesi nueorsaia Jot to thu noithwest comer thereof; llieuce east erly along the north line of said lot, 1C5 feet morn or less, to tho noiihocat corner of said Lit thenco southerly along tho east Hue of said lot to tho plae o ot beginning, $J8 60. Mar Strong Mum-yj lots 1 and 2 in block 41 of Salem, Orogou; $190.00. Allen L. Hnckingliairj; beginning at a point In eastern boundary 8 reals southerly from u .rtheast rorntr of bl'ick 42 In balem, Oiegon, theucu southerly 1 rods along said boundary; thence westerly at right angles to said bound ary to tho western bouuelary of said block; thenco northerly along snld wistern boimdary 4 rods; thence easterly on eJlie-Ct l.ne to place ot beginning, being 1.5 of block number 42; $70.20. P. J. Lnrscu; lot 3 lu block 43 of Salem, Oie. gou- $95. J5, Hatlio Lnbton; lots 1 and 2 In block 11 of Fa leui, Oregon; $108.20. Matilda A. Prestott; beginning at the south, easterly corner of block number 42 lu Salem, Oregon, nnd rnuning thence northerly along the eastern bouudary of bald block, 4 rods aud uleet; thence wcsteily at rlghl angles tosaid ei stern bouudary to the western bouudary of said block; thence southtrl) parallel to Sidd eatttrii boundary i rods and t) feet; theme easterly ou a Hue Hue to tho place nf begin ulng: the same being tho fraction of said block 42, except tho following described laud deeded to Sarah Fullerton. te.wil: Leuim.lnffa.ti nulnt on tho eastern buiindaiy llneof block 42 aa suuwii uy iuo reconieupialorthecltyorsaltni, lu JIailou county, Oregon, at a loint thereon 4 rods and 0 feet uortuuly lrom the eotitleast corner of said block, and running thence at right angles to said eastern bouudary line, westerly to tho west boundary line; thence suuthirlj along tbe west buiiuifary lino 2 feet: theuco running nt right au'giea lo said west or boundary Hue, easterly to the east boundiry line said block; and thence northerly along said cast boundary line to tlie place cf bigiu- Sarah 1 nllerton; beginning at n point on the eastern boundary line e-f block 42 as shown by the rocorded plat of tho city of Salem, in Marlon couuty, Ore-gifu. at a point thereon 4 rods and 0 fuct northerly from the southeast corner of Bald block aud running thence at right anglts to said eastern boundary Hue westerly to the west boundary line; theuce southerly aloug the west boundary Hue 2 feet; theuco running at right angles to said west uuundaiy line, easterly to the east boundary Hue of said block; thence northerly along said east boundary Hue to tbe place of beginning; also tho following described jroperty. to.witi part of bloi k 42 of tbe city of Salem, Oregon, r.s uitrned und designated on the recorded plats of the said city, particularly bounded by be ginning at a stake on Commercial sheet in said city, 132 feet northerly from the southeait corner of said blotk; theme westerly at 111,111 angles to Baid street to tho west boundary of sala block; theuee northerly parallel to Com mercial street CO ftei; thence easterly at right angles to llrst named line lo the plate or Lcm nllik' all in knl.l rifv. 7T i-n R. O. Woodworth, Cyrus B. Woodwortb, Jjury W. Patterson and O. B, Voodwortb; be eJm,'n 8 t Point on tbe eastern buuudary line or block 42 lu Salem, Oregon, 8 rods southerly from the northeast corner of said block; thence westerly parallel with tbe north lino of said o otk 105 feet, more or less, to the alley In said block, thence northerly parallel with the e" line of said block, 8 rods to the uorth Hue of am block; theuce easteiiy along the north line of said block, 1CS feet, inure or less, to the northeast corner of said block; thenee south erly along the east Hue of said block 8 rods to the place of beginning; $152.40. J. w.Urown, G.Q. Urown and J. O. Drown; $j8t f bIock U7 lu a'mt Oregon; i,iA:tIW,ti lhB Wf ' Lf ot 'be west half of block 10 In balem. Oregon i $340.40. bu.an II, McKlnney. ltobert Harrison, Ed ward Harrison and Andrew Uarrlsoni the east half of block 41 of the city of Salem, of the cuunty of Marlon and state of Oregen: $310.40, Dated at Salem, this 10th day of Jluguit, 1893. M, U. OOODIXL, ' Itecorder. 8slm. Oremn. Sin n?BU,KTS' 'he Cltro z- u. iiurpny; the northwest e..., tV.'l R'KtnuIng at ulll.1 .... '..:""' South tin. ..f plsce of ltuSlig. iriii f lot T. Bolsenen: sit ih.t r. i In the city of b.leS M.."J. "' 1 " bl gl "fbalem. Ore Mry E. Webb .K,OV'05. eo. block -.ttltf fia'h. cy Oalue.1, Ford'o . lurJ.IyL. Oregon "on. JIIJ.2J. 81 ln nil .r 8ttru; ?; oSSSS.'! Wok U in th. city 0f es Mc "onl, ford. Udrldge.p.j. Eldri.i..JrA.' .?.IHt. II. O. idee iti,l lot 8 m $141 lee M.T. RINEMAN Staple aid Fancy Grceeries, arldUMMy l&wre. Lamps, WoexJen Alii wiY"r-MX M" wmlll feed. wi USES V1 P'11 foaatry produee." " !MiMtcttrett IOO Pif Aaintl ica-." ooodelL,""' ' 11 m4r. -.V T