vw JOURNAL.. W - ii i .ii VOL. 5. m THE PEOPLE'S PAPEK." SALEM. OHEGON, TECmAY, AUGUST 22, 1892. "TO-DAY'S JNEWS TO-DAY." NO. 198 EVENING CAPITAL THE OVELTIES ! IN RUMPPS PURSES. MANUFACTURED BY C. T. RUMPP & SONd, PHILADELPHIA. We have juat received nn elegant lino of these goods. If vou are in need of one to keep your Joose change in, call on us and wo will show vou the latest novelty in shape of a purse We will be pleased to show you these yoods whether you make a purchase or not. McF. PATTON & SONS HOOK "SELLERS -AND- STATIONERS, 98 State Street. KMM REGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SiilllilB STL MONMOUTH, OREGON. C. N. CHURCHILL CHimcniLL & T S. BURROUGHS. BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated eeauomlo force und lift Pump. I 100 Cuemeketu Street. The Leading Normal School of the - Northwest. Hoard of R-Kents. Benlamln Sulmlfleld. Pres.: J. B. V. Butler, Sep.: EEx-OIHclo, His Excellency, Governor 8ylveator Pennoyer; Hon. E. B. JMcElroy, Superintendent of Public Instructien: Hon. G. W. MoBriilu, Secretary of State; Hon. Jacob Voorhees, Hou. A. Noltner, J.C. White, lion. W. il. Holmes, Alfred Laov. Hou. P. W.Haley, Hou. J. J. Aiuiy. The State Normal ia a live school, ranldlv crowing, and continually tadding to its facilities for the sneclal trainiuc of teachers. Its graduates are in demand to fill good positions. A jraiu of 80 per cent, in attendance ; was mane last year. An enrollment ot oqu is anucipaieu ior wie uuxi tyear. JNew members have been added to tho faculty, aim additional ap iparatus supplied. A diploma from the school entitles one to teacu in any s county in tue state without fuither examination. NORMAL. NORMAL ADVANCED. BUrilNESS, MUSIC AND SART DEPARTMENTS, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental tiuusiu. A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR 150. Tuition reduced to $0.25 Nor- ; mal, and $5.00 Hub-Normal, per term often weeks. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.50 ner week. Furnished rooms U 00 ner week. Board and lodgiUK in private families $3.50 per week. Beautiful and healthful location. No saloons. Fiist term opens September 20th. For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL. A. Ii.. Pros., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President. EAST AND SOUTH VIA! Southern Pacific Route Shasta. L,irie t-AUFOBNIA EXrnKSS TRA IS KCN BAIL'S BKTWKKKrOUTI.ANJO AND S. T. South. Itorlc, 7:0f p. in. 9.18 p. in. 8:15 . in. L.V. IiV. Ar. I'oilUnd Salem Han Fran. Ai. IiV. I V. l.io 11. Ill fi:2J a. in 7rtKi p. ni Abovo trulus bUip uulj ui loilow uk iu lions north of llobebuig, Ernst Pjitluud Orgon City, Wooduurn, tUUv, Albany Tangent. Shedds, Hilt,(.y, .LarrUliurs Junction City, Irving au d fr.ugete. " UOSEBUUO UAL1.UAU.Y, -:M u. m. 11:17 a. m o:U) p. m. Lv. Vortiu..d Ar. 4:h0 p. m. Liv talem Lr. f 1:10 p. in. Ar. Rossuurg tiv. 7:0) a. in Albany J.cx.'il, Dally Except Sunday. Choice Ed. C. Meats. Cross, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Hinds, otX) . in. 7.M2 p. 111. D.PU p.m. JLiV. l.v: Ar. Portland eultin .VI ban y Ar, L.V. 1.V, 10:oU u.Ui 7:3j u. rn (j.30 a. ru PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Koracoomraoilution ol posstngen. holding kecond class tickeia attached to uxpress tralnn. Yest Side Division, Between Portland and Corvailis : rAII.Y (KXCKVT SONDAY). TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Mi, 8 x 10 Inches. Contains new designs, now style, lultul ldfiis ia planning. No. 4 1ms tio designs classltlPd from. $li() up In 1600, about halt under $1000 No. 6 con talus 5'J cleiVus of duellings costing over 81600, ninny from J1H0O up to 5.TO0O. Mnny new Soul liern or resort styles of boused In these work. l'rice, SI each, or the two for Jl.f.0. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. VKOfKSSlONAX, CAKD9. T K. CONN, Altorney at law, room 7, JLJ. i Murphy Block. J J. BIIAW, OT. W. HUNT. V uubt, attorneys at law. SHAW A Office over (Japltal National bans:, baleui, Oregon. THE CAPITAL jtilMAl. H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. T. HIOHAIIDSON, Attorney at law, office UDRtnln In fmntmoma of hflir mil block, corner Commercial and Court street!!, balem, Oregon. ;. OHN dUUUJBiUUUl,141Ul ding, Salem, Oregon TOIIN A. OAIfiON. Attorney at law. O ,Hooms3nud4,Ididd Ot Bush's bank siiyr B. V. UONUAJr. W. H. HOLMES. Ron ham Holmes, Attorneys at law. fltlllA In lli,alia tiliuilr Itftrwaati D(a1. and Court, on (.toni'l HU rplljMON FOltD, attorney at law, CJL uregon, bloat. Olllco up-stalm In Vatton's Iiiisl j H. mtADSHAW, l'HYSIOIAN AND ,' Hurceon. Snlein. Ormron. onlca in iiish-Hreynmn block, unstulra Residence .corner SUitoaud 8. K coiner Winter slrcot, WH. YOUNG, M. D., Office formerly . occupied by Ur. Kowland. corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No.' to. uiiiuo uuiiii: & u. m. lo iz: in i n. m nnd 7 to 0 p. in. Ucsldonco Irttli strcot on electric car lino. Telephone. No. 9. I'irBLIHHKDDAIIiY.EXCEjraBUNDAY, Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Htreet, In P. O. Building fcjitered at the postofflco at Salem, Or., sf(onc-rlntf nmtUr. SU W. 8 MOOT, physician and sur gcon. OCivc In Lldrldge Illoci, Su i. Oreiron. Olllco hours 10 to 1-2 a. m. Uto4p. in. Dayc tt. MINTA 8. A. OAVI8. Olllce hours, 8 a. m. to 11 a. iu.: 2 n. m. to 5 n. in. ay or ulntit calls nromntlv uttondnd to. Special attention given to diseusesof worn en and children. Olllco In new Uanklllk., S05 Unuuicrelul street. Itesldouce same. DU. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, 92 Slate atreot, Salem, Or. Finished dcntnl oporu tlons oi every description. Painless opera tions a specialty. T. BURROWS A RIUE8 a full line of Staple and fancy Giocerles, Kreih Vegetables nud Mer ries In season. Butter and Eggs al ways on hand 226 Oom'l St. 7SS0 a. in. I&10 p. m. XvT Ar. Portland Corvallla is: Lv. "6Tw p. iu. 12:5s p. m. At Albany nnd Oorvullls connect wltb trains of Oiegon Purine Uallroad. KIFHZ-l3TIAI.N (11AIL.Y BXCKFTaDWPAY 4:10 p.m. 7:2a p. m. tsv. Portland Ar. Ar.McMlnavllleljV. Sl20o.ll 5:15 a. m Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH For tickets and lull information iegard ing rates maps, eta, apply to the Compa ny's agent Salem, Oregon. K.1MIOGE11S, AksI.U.F and Pass. Ag't It. KOEHLl'.H. ilanognr White's No. 60, BALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now resdy for business, specialty. Careful work ft J. F. WHITE. From Teriaioal or Interior Points the WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking biulncrii In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS Presldont Wji.KN ULAND Vice Preslden H UGH McN AHY Oiahler. Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. 05 Court and 110 State Streets. F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. 247 COMMERCIAL BTBEET. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES 1 BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr ft Petzel rJi Plumbers and Tinners, 214 & 21G Commercial St., Balcra. Garden Hose and Lawu Sprinklers. A complete hue of Btovea and Tiuwaro, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. TAI IHin The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery rUUIl U ri8 Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, VWI,U Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on liyan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. Salem Truck ft Drav Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of- em Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout iha dav ai tue corner ef State ana Commercial Rtrepts, B.F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM SA.X.BM, - T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent IRON WORKS, DIKECTOKS: Geo. Wllllams.Wm. Eng. land.Dr. J. A. Itlchardson, J. W. llodsou. f Jtaker "ilink In new Kxchanso block un Oom merclnl streoU 8:ia-U Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W.A.CUSICK, Pres. W. W. MAIITIN, Vice Pres. J. U. ALBKUT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at lir. dw M0NFY TO LOAN. Special IndnrcmenU for the next 30 days un good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, lonm It. BlisU Hank block. 5 Udw A Good Opening. A btoro and blacksmith Bhop are needed at the town ol .vukeny, 10 inllea south of balem. It In a food farming country, has a flouring mill with the second best water liw-r in Oregon, also a sawmill building. Hpeclal inducements ollertd. Addrebs I 'oot master, Aiiteny, Or. 7-'iHl w Capital Oily Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meal at All Hours o! UicDuy Now but white labor em .lojred In thU itabllshmeut, A good substantial meal c'kd in Drt cliiw. style Twenty-five cents per meal KQD FROT c.i.rt trwt, between Opera iioase and Mlnto'x Uveijr ORBQON. ,. Manufactures 8TKAM KNOINBS. Mill Outflts, Water Wheel Governor, hrult rylngOutats,Tractlou Engines, Creeling, eto. Krm mhchlnery made and rciwirea. Oenerul agent and inanufiujiureis of the celebrated Waulatruui l'atent Middlings iTinfler and Reels. Karru machluery madt uud repulred. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our lino at prices to compete with the lowoat. Only the Wat material used" ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of WtllatniMtt Hotl, dALUM - - - OREOOM Salem Abstract and Loan Co. The only Abstract book or Marlon county. Ileal estate order tilled promptly and wifely, W. I-I. H. WATERS, - Is the line to take To all Points East aiid South. It Is thcdlnlnj; car route. ltrunB througn vestibule trains every day In the year ic ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, Piillmnu drawing room sleepers Oflatest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Rest that can be constructed and In which iu-rnmiiiodatlong are both tree and fur nished for holders offlrst and seuond-clav tlolreta.iiud, ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A. contlnuor t Una oonuoDting with all lines, affording d'fco'. and uninterrupted service. i'ullnmti sit'.- " ''iiMoiis can be se cured In advircc r--h any agent ol the road. Through tickets to and from nil point In America, Kn gland and Kuropo can bi purcbasod at any ticket onlce of this com pany. Full Information concerning rated, Hint or trains, routes and other details furnlsuci) ou application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General fabsenger Agent, tin, 121 First street, cor. Washington; Port land. Oregon SHAW & DOWNING, Agents. aflXl. ii mrriii A..i.iart, . M. uv..., ... mm., x iftnnp oi'vii- ucauons ana superiuicuUL-ii(.u lor classes of buildings. merclal !t., up stairs, Plain), Spool-itcudt-iKu lor OGico iWO Com- 0, A. KOHEHT, Architect, room ill, Mar quam building, t'ortlaud, Oregon. nUHINKSS C AltJ33. 4 Si. SM.ITU A CO., Coutnictont, Sewor , Inc. Cement Sidewalks, Excavating, : All work promptly done, Mnlom,Or. Leave orders with Oujan Ui-os 4:lS-lm PJ. LAHtfKN CO,, .Wntiurnotuie of all , klndh or vehicles. ItitptiU lug a special ty. Shop -15 Bt.'ite street. CMIPET-LAYING.-I make a specialty o catp t-sewlug and laying; cat pots taken up and reliud with great care. Mhado and curtain pole hanging. Leave orders with J. H. Lunn, lluiou & Son or White Corutr. J. Q.LUIIHMAJl. Sig ns ! Say ! You need one ot some bind. If so, wuy not bave It. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now ia the time to save money by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St, Or leave orders with Sioat & Gilo, Stato street. BICWAOEOF ISOLATED UOUS153. Mr. Becker of tbe Iowa stato board of health has our thanks fur a pamphlet ropriuted by that body on that subject. It contalus little of practical value that will ever be adopted by owners of such ho til cm as are not connected with city sewers. It proporly denounc es; (l)Carrylng the house wastes in an open ditch to some low spot as o many do; (2)Emptlug the sewer age into a large open leaching cess pool, as "very dangerous to health particularly so where the water sup ply Is local;" (3)Tho cesspool dug In the ground "the worst possible ex ample of stagnation and of accumii latlou of putrefying filth on the premises." There ure many expen sive and elaborate plans for disposal of sewerage discussed. Carrying kitchen slops and emptying them in the garden or around fruit trees or shrubbery and feeding solid refuse to poultry i9 the only way wo know of. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report lit IxQy&l king Powder s&i&gm ABSOLUTELY PURE A SUGGESTION TO CITIZENS' As our city is constantly being im proved with beautiful homes, neat grounds and graded streets, would it not bo well to take care of the wood pile. As now managed tho woodpile is tho unsightly nuisance of our streets. Drive up any of our beau tiful streets and hou the collections of woodpiles'. Tho wood is frequently purchased greon and disiigtires the Htreet aud the property It la piled be fore for a whole season, when it is sawed and agalu lies in a "nile" a- loug our broad strecis. There is no great oxpenso attached to building a neat woodhouse to store this wood when first delivered or as soon as sawed, where it will dry as well, if not better, than out-of-doors in this climate. From tho standpoint of economy a woodhouse will soon pay for itself. At all events our streets should be cleared of wood piles. Wood Saw. Everybody gets Charles Smith's steam wooa saw, "the Paper Hangerand Decorator. OtDco at Chns. Calvert's .Mllllonery store, fcUleni, Oregon. 9 JAPANESE? hraa IP IJkJI? CURE A new and Complote Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, ointment in capaulon, also a box and pills; a positive euro for ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary riles, and many other diseases and female weak nesses; It Is always a great beneilt to tho general health. The first discovery ol u medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary herealter. This remedy has never been known to fall, Jl per bor.i)forS5; sent by-mall, Wliysuffor lrom this terrible disease when a wilt ton guarantee is given with (J boxes, to refund the money 11 not cured. Bend stamp for free sample. Guarantee Issued by WoonAKi), Clahke & Co., wholesale and retail drug gists, sole agent, l'ortlund, Or. 6 i-ly-Uw FOOD. A new monthly entitled "Food." Clover Pub. Co. New York Cltyi,uas appeared. It is a read able magazine conducted by a u umbor of ladles, and devoted to "things good to eat." We should like to see the first four numbers pre ceding August and hopq they con tain more of practical value to assist families of plain people to live econ omically and with the least possible labor aud drudgery put upon tho housewife or servant. Beyond a re cipe for corn bread, corned beef hash and French toast, there is llttlo to commend In way of roclpes for plain people. A competent cook says tho recipe for French toast is faulty, as one cup of milk and two eggs will make all that an ordinary family will eat at a meal. Tho treat ment of oat meal on page 807 is not Intelligent. Still It is a good magazine. Front street. Kustlor." Orders at 27 I1 or Locat in Ifa agent In Ore l's k: Dr. H. Hmith Is now sole gou for the tale of Marshall's Electro Mair netlc rods for locatlne mines of tlold or Bllver, This instrument lias become the most etllrent force in detecting the pres ence of Hold and Bllver deposits whether In the form of bidden coin or quartz rock. The maker claims that a carelul investi gation insure to lead one to the exact lo cality of thx treasure. For further Infor mation please uddress 7-28-U DR. H. SMITH, pulem, Oregen. Burton Bros. STATE STREET BRICK YARD. Ixirge stock of common Ilrlck always ou band. VrrtMoA and ornamental brick madetoordtrJ Leave orders at O.HUlz,U State street, Ucodbue A Cahlll, us Htate street, or at the yard,opposteBlate I'rUon. MANAOKR. Notice to Contractors. mUKimitUni Capitol Building coro J iQifckloni'is Invl'e sealed proposals lor tuocouslruotlouofa water system and a system of protection against Ure for tbe Htale Capitol. Pprei&eatlOBs may beteva at tbe governor's office. The right to re Jeot any orall bid Is ieervi-d. Jllds will be opened at 'i o'ulock p. in., Tuesday. August, Ihki. hYl.VBBTUR I'KNNOVKlt, GEO. W. WCUKIDK, Hasrd ct UamsaUsloaers. WM.A.Huxi.Y.Citfkcilltoitrd. K-lS-td NEW MINING MACHINERY I. J. Foster, who resides about three mites west ot ttulein In l'olk county, has Invented u inuchluo lor mining gold, which Is especially adupted to saving fine gold, and works any placer material, from tine black; sand to giuvel, In tact anvthlng that can be shoveled. The machine U made of Iron uud sit el and welirht nnlv 7A pounds complete. It Is run by tbe force of u in incu pipe 01 water wuu a uoua or lour fecf. It will work irorn BlolOtonsof blacl sand, or! from 15 to 20 tons of irrnvel In a day, and wive every thing In tho shape of guiu ium win uuiaigumaie. 1 no macuiuo has been tested and Is guaranteed to do the work claimed, Machine will bo fur nished In running order before any puy Is uujunuiieu, xTiue compiuiu 9iu; uuil on or address s-ww , J. KOHTElt. Halem, Oregon, Administrator's Notice. NOTICE Is horeby given that the under signed has been duly appolutcd ad ministrator to the ciiUito at Cris Jllch, late of Marlon county, Oregon, dtccustd, by the county court ol the state of Ou-gou, for Murloa county. All persons having claims against tuld estate will preseut tbem to the undersigned duly verified, at bis home In Knglewood addition to tho city of Halem, In Alarlon county, Oiegou, within six months from thff'dutu of ibis notice, uud all purujun indebted to said dale will please make immediate tetlio ment to the undersigned. Dated this August Hth, lfftti. AHUAltAM 1H0II. Administrator of the estate or Oris illch, deceased, S-ll Administrator's Sale. NOTICKU hereby given that by autho lly of an order of the Hon. County court of Marlon county, Oregon, mude on the mil dy or July, Ibii, aultioiizlg and empowsiing the undersigned to ka'1 tbe heruluaferileMrlbed real estate belonging totheetjiieof Kvellnei'ox, deceased. Hie understiriied, as administrator ol said es tate, will 011 the lit day of September, 1897, at 'i p.m.M per statute required ,sll at pub lic auet'on at the west eoar of the court house In Balem. Marlon oounty, Oregon, all tbe right, tlt'e and Interest of I he said esUUtia and to the following described preinlMs, town; 1-ots 8, , 10 aud 11 In block No. 8. as shown by the am wided re corded pii of Cupltui I'ark addition lo ihe elty of Ri1hi. la Marlon e-u.ity, Oft gun. 'jertBaofsaloeatb. l ... . HW'il R. IIAUMKR. Adlolrttr l liM Kstale or Eveline Cor, dtwsishd, fcUlfaf Ortfi, J sly 18, im, 7-St-H MAY UK A C03TLY KXl'rfKIMKNT, It is feared by mauy persons that the attempt of tho city council to get along without a city attorney may in the end prove a costly ex periment. Alawyorofany ability cauuot bo espeeted to draw so im portant an ordinance as that pro posed for tho improvement of Com mercial street and, assessment of all that valuable property, and have it drawn so as to stand the test of the courts, and do this work at twenty 11 vo dollars a month. There were times in tho village days of Salem when one lawyer on the city council wouiu uraw up ino orainancos re quired freo gratis. That tlmo Is past. Tho property interests and .publlo Interests of the city are too great for tho city to afford to have its ordinances drawn up by any but llretcluss legul talent. A paving ordlnatico requires the mtmt careful description of each particular pleco of property. Actual ownership must bo attached to oach lot, and In order to do this tho county re cords must be searched, ns an erron eous assessment is fatal to a collec tion after tho street improvement Is made. This opens the way to liti gation and in some cases directly throwing tho expeuso upon tho city. Tin; Jouhnai. lias no plea to make for Mr, Jtichnrdson's work. It must stand upon its owu merit. We further believe that tho city will save money by having the or dinance for a street Improvement as Important us that proposed for Com mercial and Its cross streets drawn up by competent legal talent. If that Is done tho city will be able to defend its work In court. on 2 acres of land. Saturday there wore 23 teams waiting to unload grain at the Rlckro.il flouring mills. Anyono going around over tho country can this year quite easily detect tho light crops of grain, growing on the lowlands. As a rule they are very thin, low and poor looking. It was only tho fall crop that turned out well, and the farmers who lead spring grain In this seosou, will bave a light purse during the winter in consequence. Fruit of all kluds is scarce and only enough to supply the home marketB can be found In any. part of the country. The ouly variety of prunes which did well Is the Petit. Wherever any trees can be found of this kind they are full of fruit. Of course, apples are not plenti ful as hardly any of the farmers are spraying their trees, nnd tho half formod fruit falls oil In vast quanti ties on account of the grub of the codling moth. What few pears aro found are of fine quality and quite large. Pears wore caught by the frost In full bloom lust spring, and conse quently very tow aro on the market. Plums and peuches aro a minus quantity. As far as the trees are concerned they did well by attain ing a good growth of foliage. Hops are tho redeeming feature of nature's returns for labor this fall. In Marlon and Polk, tho vines have attained a vino growth, and as -tho louso and mold are soldom seen this year, and a heavy crop Is expect ed. Aroumd Champoeg, St. Paul, Eola, Butteville, Dallas, Crowley and many other places, new hop houses are being constructed to re ceived tho season's yield. Spraying seems to have had the desired effect on th hop louso, yet many who have sprayed are still skeptical as to its merits. Thirty two hop house stoves and 8 Power Giant hop presses have been sold in the vicinity of Dallas this season. Klrkpatrio & Sons of Dallas, who have a fine patch of hops, will begin to gather them in about Sept. 1. They are paying 50o per box, and give as their reasons for so doing, that tho pickers do much better work at that pi Ice than thoy would for 40o which Is tho usual amount paid. ODDS AND ENDS. Homer was tho son of a farmer. Brandy was first made in France ia 1810. Tho health resort is a good stand fr tho undertaker. Ten por cont. of tho population of Ia dia aro widows. Men used to bo considered old whea they passed fifty. vj Marry your son when you please, your daughter when you can. Roomy hearts have more genuine hot pitality than roomy houses. Tho first pair of spectacles were made by Spina, an Italian, in 1299. Find tho collar that salts yon and then buy a dozen or two of Ihat kind. Cork and bamboo penholders will be) . found a relief to persistent writers. Clams and oysters on the half shall aro now served on ice plates molded for the'purpose. , ', 4 Any girl can make an engagement,' bnt it takes an expert to know how utd when to break it. The Bible contains 0,580,489 letter, ' 773,093 words, 31,178 verses, 1,18 cbisp' tors' and CO books. ' , A nowspaper in Paris is reported to be experimenting with typo of glass with gratifying results. ' Tho total gifts to Yale during the pas.' year have been 000,000, while Harvard received $500,000. Tho Eskimos manufacture fishnets from strips of seal hide nnd from thin slices of whalobono. A oopy tt tho first edition of tho "Vic" ar of Wakefield" was sold a short time ago for nearly $480. For a burn tako swcot oil and lime woter (equal- parts), mix and keep the ' burn well coverod with it. An edition of Shakospearo in word of one syllable is under contemplation for use in primary schools. 0KEU0N ITEMS. i Wheat ou many Oregon farms yielded from forty to forty-five bushels per acre. The hop crop will bring Oregon an immense revenue this year. Pri ces range from 25 to 85 eta. and tbe acreage in tho valley is large. Salem real estate is looking up. It Is reported that a Miss Carna ham of the Independence publlo schools has been engaged by city Supt. Grubbo of the Sale in schools, who Is pursuing tbe wise polioy of adding tho best trained teachers from all parts of the stato that can bo hud for tho means at her disposal a good plan. H0TB8 BY THE WAY. A Jsuraal Correspondent Tells What He Knows About Crops. Jam. A. Gibson, who is located ou the Haskett farm iu Polk go. re port' a yield of 101 bushel of wheat A Wonder WorKer. Frank Huffman, a young man-of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been uuder tho euro of two promi nent physicians, nud used their treatment until ho was not able to get around. They pronounced his cuse to bo consumption and lucur ablo. He was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, cougus auu coias anu at tuui time was not ablo to walk across tho street without resting, Ho found, before he had used hulf of a dollar bottle, that ho was muoh better; he continued to uso It and is today en joying good health. If you have any throat, lung or chegf trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle freo ut Fry's drug store. W IBi laSLV iJsBfs i' I HkrlsiisiiHli UJIILII YVJkKy c 1 y NERVINE. , ' 1 W AT JlstSH - S imi UmsVJ ' i STARTLING FACTS! The Amsrltnn poopls are rapidly bscomtn , raoe of nervous wrook, ind tbe following sums ' II tbo bcit nmsdri AlpnonsoUempfltng, of Butler. , P.,sirMrsthalwbenblsonwMspeoohletfroM St. Vitas Danco. Dr. Miles' Great Restorathra Marvlna curad him. urs.J.H.lllllr,ol Tslpsr so.lnd., J. D, Tnrlor, of Lognnsport, Ind., . jslnsd 20 pounds from taking It. Mrs. H. A. Otai4 nor, of Vistula. Ind.. was cured of0 to 80 oonTml Iodsh day, nd muoh headacbo. dullness, baflfc. ono, and ssrroas .prottratloo, by one bouts. woiei urers, Brooklyn, Mica., says bis daucliur - . as cured of Insanity of ten years' standlngrrrtS l ottles and Una book of mansions cures, FRJeB; 4 Dr.Mlles'MddloatOo.,Elkhrtflntf " TRIAL KSOTTIX FBER. - ,. Sold by D J.Fry, drugglat.Salem. t Act on a now principle) recant the Urer, stoaueli and bowels through t lurvtt. Dr. Hilbs' Pims speedily curt billoneoees, torpid llrer and coBsUpa tloa. Bmtlloet, mildest, Eutestt BQdOMB,25oU. gold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Balem KRAIi E8TATK TIUN8PEKS. From Jan. I to date 1,218,020.00 AuausT20. C. R. Welch and wife to W. II. Downing; It 5 and part It 4, blkS, Central ad to SalPin, f600. J. IiaylesH to C.It.Holconib; tract in Marlon county, 1500. Try the latest flavors, Red Messina orange, at tho 8pa, 110 Stato street. 2t W. T, Stolz, manager. Have You Read How Mr. W. D. WentB of Geneva, N. V,, was cured of the severest form of dyspepslafi He says every thing he ate seemed like pouring melted lead Into his stomach. Hood's Sarsaparlllla effected a per fect oure. Full particular will bo sent If you write O, I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Tbe highest praise has been won by Hood's Pill for their easy, yet ef feetual aetioi), ill 1 UIIUIIM flas mi Batrihi WCn ENGINES M W Mil TTaanl foe. na kaJI aa yZHZTTr "f. tlmrefore lew likely to cetoofc orcrd'3r than nny otliecKas or Kftiuilue uugiuea utnr CJHu JUt llL'ht Ihu lniriiPf turn tins tvliuul auui I i .h :: :- - -- - nw " EUUM Mil UflT. A MAKES NO BJHEI.I, OB DZsYlY Wo double or fulae explosions, so treqoceZ uurullabluspiulc,-' ' tW1 r- .t Vor Slmplioltr It Beats the WevU. It Oil lUolf Automatleallr.H Ho Batteries or letrte Bnawfci Z t nca wltb a Cbeanr a rails or aasaUaa Uum ' cUior Uuglne. Si roacBscaii-TiritciiicuuiiwAm.rfo PALMER RKY,1 MAWirAeTiNMMi m ftmum. w. m MM, Ir.j X!? JANDKN'S ELECTRIC BELT Ad jy . j3krS UTESTMTIKTS MtT 2 WrMVUKNTf. Will mm WHUst Ht4l WITH ELIOTMr MABallTia i suwur. WtMM MMlKsf tl(UItUa(tnl,M,M fMMI.CIilUMitlatMtUa. Mini ukuHlH, It. Iw, Bar,-ui S.bllUi, au lHwf, U(r. itwwba, sum. U u lulUr sf.rsra'SLSs: m W Mf TMVWNI MM M UH U latttAsUal SJlMaT sail slka -- fcilaA akamatlM ," eiwtwM r - wtmm iniall Ml 4M !.?" i&ftfc ramr WiMchmiio t0CaVa -Hi i