I . JOURNAL EVENING CAPITAL A -tv VOL. 5. "TTLE PEOPLE'S PAPEH." SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1892. "TO-DAY'S .NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 17. ' THE LATEST NOVELTIES! IN RUMPP'S PURSES. MANUFACTURED BY C. T. RUMPP &80NS, PHILADELPHIA. We lmvo just received nn elegant line of these goods. If you are in need of one to keep your loose change in, oall on us and we will show you the latest novelty in shape of a purse. We will be pleased to show you these goods whether you make a purchase or not. T. M. PATTON k SONS. tJOOK SELLERS -ND- STATIONERS, 98 State Street. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, fMWt 1 Jiiii i'"L , MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Normal School of C.N. CHURCHILL. T S. BURROUGHS. CHURCHILL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated ecanomlo force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeke.ta Street. Northwest Board of Regents. Benjamin Bcholfleld, Pres.; J. B. V. Butler, See ; Ex-Ofllcjo, His Excellency, Governor Sylvestor Pennoyer; Hon. E. P. McElroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. G. W. McBride, Secretary of State; Hon. Jacob Voorbees, Hon. A. Noltner, J.C. White, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacy, Hon. P. W. Haley, Hon. J. J. Duly. The State Normal i a live heuool, rapidly Browing, and continually adding to its facilities for the special training of teachers. Its graduates are in demand to till good positions. A gain of 80 per cent, in attendance was made last year. An enrollment of 500 is anticipated for the next year. New members hnve been added to the faculty, and additional ap paratus supplied. A diploma from the school eutltlps one to.teuch in any county in the state without further examination. NORMAL, NORMAL ADVANCED, BUSINESS, MUSIO AND ART DEPARTMENTS, special advanjagen iu Vocal and Instrumental music. A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150. Tuition reduced to $6.25 Nor mal, and $5.00 Bub-Noruiul, per term often weeks. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.50 per week. Furnished rooms $1.00 per week. Board and lodging in private families $3.50 per week. Beautiful and healthful location. No saloons. First terra opens September 20th. For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B., Pres., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President Choice Meats. Ed. C. Cross EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta. Line CALIFORNIA KXPRISfVS THAIS' HUM DAIV JCTWEO rOltTLAND AND 8. F. (JoUtuT North. 7:0C p. m. t:18 p. in. X.-16 H.111. Lv. 1'ortlanu LiV. Salem Ar. Son Fran. Ar, l.v. I,v. 7.:vi u. in 6:28 a. m 7:oa n. m Above trains. Mop oul ul icliow.iig oiu tlous north or Hoseburg, Kast Pirtland Or-gou City, Woodbuui, titltm, Albany Tuugent, Shedds, Uali-ey, l'arrlsburs Juuctlou City, Irving and t-'uzei e. ItOHBHURG MAi.l. UAJU.Y, H:30 a. in. 11:17 a. m 6:60 p. m. J.v. l.v Ar. rortlmul Halem ltosoburi Ar. 1 L.v. I JLV. 4-30 p. nu 1:40 p. m. 7:lW . m Albuny Loonl, Jiilly iixcept Sunday. 5.WJ p. 111. 7:5J p.m. 9-00 p. in. Lv. Lv: Ar. 1'ortlnnd H ilcm Albany Ar. Lv. Lv, 10SW jum 7:3-1 Hi 6.30 ft. m CULLMAN UIJFFBI SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Kor accommodation ol passengers holding second class tickets attached to express trains. TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Size, 8 x in Inches. Contains new designs, new styles, latest Ideas in planning. No. 4 lias So designs classified from SIM up to 1600, about hair under $1000 No. 5 con-tntu5Ude-!v'ns of dwellings rostlug over 81600, many from 81X00 up to fciOOO. Aluny new Southern or report styles of houses In these works. 1'rlce, 81 each, or the two for 81.50. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. PltOFlMSIONAX CARPS. T F. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, JLI. J Murphy Block. JJ.RIIAW, lit. W. HUNT. BIIAW 4 , HUNT, attorneys at law. Ollicoover lapnai iMatiouai oanK, aaiem, uregoo. Q T. HIOHAIIDSON, Attorney at law, kj. ouicoupatnirsinrrontrooms or. new uush block, corner commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. , TOHN A. OAUSON, Attorney at law. O Kooms 8 ana 4, Ijida A Hush's bank building, Halem, Orcgou. 8 1 lyr U. K. BONHAM. W. H. HOLMKS. Boniiam s HoLitra. Attorneys at law. Offlce In Hush's block, botween State and Court, on IXmi'l St. TUjJION FOHD, attorney at law. Salem, Oregon. Ollicc ui'-stalra In l'atton's bio nock Bit. IIUADSHAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Bunrcon. Salem. Orecon. Omce In Huih-Ure) man block, upstairs Hesldcnce corner nuueauu a, n. corner turner sireui, VTT- H. YOUNG, M. D.. omco formerly YV . occupied by Ur. Rowland, corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. onico heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 p. m,, and 7 to 8 p. in. Residence lKtli street on electric car line. Telephone No. 9, T"K. W. S MOTT, physician and sur 1 goon. Ofllce In Kldrldge Jilock, ha lem, Oregon. OUlce hours 10 to 12 a. in. Zto4p. in. DR. MINTA B. A. DAVI8. Offlce hours, 9 a. in. to 11 a. m.; i! p. m. to S p. m. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention given to diseases of wom en and chlldieu. Ulllco in New llauk 111k., S03 Commercial stieet. Residence same. D lion flon R. T. O. SMITH, l)entlst,M State street, Halcm. Or. Finished dental opera- ,lons of every description, Palme oiera ions a specialty. FIX PUan, Architect, 1'lans, Specl , flcatlonB and superintendence lor All cfasfos of buildings. Olllco 2l0 Com. kl cfasf os of buildings, uerclal tit., up stulrs. b. A. ROBERT, Architect, room Ul. liar quain building, Tortlaud, Oregon. mJSINKSS CAItDS. B. HAIITH & CO., Coutructors, Sower . lng, Cement Sidewalks, hlxcjvutlilg. .tc: All work nromnlly done. Saleui. Or. Leave orders with Dusan Uros 4:lC-lm G T. BURROWS ARRlfl a full line of Rtaple and faifcy uroeeries. iiesn vetreiaDics hdu ueiT- rles In (.easou, Butter and Eggs al ways on nana 228 Com'l St Yest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervailis: PAILY Ei.CKlT OUNBAy). 7:80 a. in. 12:10 p. in. Xv7 Ar. "Portland Corvailis Lv. E30 p. ui. 12:55 p. to. At Albany and Corvailis connect with trains of Oregon 1'ccillo I tall road. Wiiite's No. 60, BALiEM'S FINEST TBUUK, Now ready for business, aprclalty. Careful work a J. F. WIUTK. From Terminal or Interior Points the KXVBKaSTKAtH (DAILY EXCKTHDNDAY 1:40 p. ni. 7:25 p. in. Lv. Portland Ar. A.r.McJIInnvllleLv. K:2U a, Ul 6:45 a. m Wliolcsale and Retail 8calcr in Fresh, Suit and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH or tickets and hill information regard ing rates maps, et&, apply to the Compa ny's agent Salem, Oregon. E.P. KOOKR, Asst. tl. P. and Pass. Ag't It KOKHLKU. Manager Largest .display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court anil 110 State Streets. F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. KAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITA STOCK, all Subscribed, ?200,000 Transact a general banking buulncsnl in all lta branches. .Piesldei.t GEO. WILLIAMS WK.KN OLANI) HUailUcNAUY .Vice Prosiden . Cashier. DIRECTORS: Geo. WUHams.Wm. Eng land, Dr. J. A. llicbardson, J. W, Uodson, J. A Uaker. Dan it in new Exchange blook on Com mornlal strict. 8:l-U Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W. A. CUHICK, l'res. V. W. MARTIN, Vice Pres. J. H. ALBIJVT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw Barr (I Petzel 5 Plumbers and Tinners, 214 & 216 Commercial St., Balem. Garden Hose and Lawa Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a Bpecialty. Estimated for Tinning and I'lumbing Furnished. FOUND The place to get a Saddlo horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, Mill feed or arood well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. KYAN & GO. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, Lay, coal ana lumber, oi Hpm riLite St.. ODDoalte Sa- - z-.z '.f em Iron works. Drays and truofes may be found througnout ine uav at th corner of State and (Jonirueirlai street. Salem Truck & Dray Co. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. C PERKINS, Genewl Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, BALBM, -.------ ORBOON, Manufactures STEAM ENOINHS, MU! Outnu, Water Wheel Ooveniors, Fruit nrylng OutflU, Traction Knglnea, Cresting, etc Parni ftiacbluery wade " J"W.l; General aeenu ana manutacturerg of the oolebrated Wahlatrom i'atunt Mtadllns Purifier and Reels. Farm machinery madt and repaired. MONEY TO LOAN. Mnecial laaucemeutfl for the next 80 days on cood farm loans. FEAR &. HAMILTON, Room 14, Bush Bank hlock. 6 lidw A Good Opening. A store and blacksmith shop are needed at the town ol Auketiy, 10 miles south of Balem. It Is a good farming country, has a flouring mill with the second best water power in Oregon, also a sawmill bulldtug. Hneclal inducements ofl'orfd. Address Postmaster, A n k eny, Or. 7-C8-U w Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It la the dining car route. It runs throug h vestibule trains overy day in the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, l'ulliuan drawing room sleepers Of latest eqnfpmenl TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and in which accommodations are both lree and tun nished for holder of first and seoond-clasi tlcklti,aud, ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Aoontinuof Mtie connecting with all lines, attordlnx diwl nn') uninterrupted service. Pullman sic ' "'rvations can be se cured in advi. I xoc4ii any agent oi the road. Through tickets to and from all polntf in America, England and Kurone can be puronabea at any uceci omce oi mis com pany. Full inlormatlon concerning rates, time of tralnn, routes andothcrdotalls furnished on uriDlicatlou to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, AnelMaiit Ueneral PusKenger Agent. No, 121 First street, cor. Washington; Port land. Oroeiin SHAW & DOWNING, Agent. J. IuYHSHN & CU filanufacturo of all kludu of vehicles. ilHpulrlngabiieclal Bhop -16 BtJite stieet, CARPET-UYING 1 mime a wpeclalty oi caipet-fiewiiig and laying; carpets taken upnnd rclaid with grout cure. Hlmdo and curtain pole hanglug. J .rave orders with J. H. Luuti, Bui en A Son or White Coiner. J. a.MJHKMAiu. Sig ns ! 8ay I You neud one ot some kind. If so, why not have it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now is the time to save money by giving your order to , , J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St, Or leave orders with Srcat & Gilo, State street. IHi; CAPITAL JOURNAL. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors, POBLIBIIEI) DAItiY.EXCEPTSUNDAY ur THB Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Offlce, Commercial Htreet, in P. O. Building entered at -i.ho postoffloe at 8alom,Or.,aa tecond'clnrs mnttrr. EX K. HALL, Paper Kangerand Decorator. Office at Chas. Calort's Mllllonery dtore, SUleui, Oregon. Wood Saw, Everybody tret Charles Smlth'H Hteara wood taw, "The Bustler." Orders ut 27 Front street. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, Warm Meah at All Hours oi May None but white labor employed In tbli uilabllMhuient. A good substantial meal o nked In flrtt tiauatyle riveiitj-llve tents per meal RBJD KROST (iinri Ktrtt, betweeu Opera House and Mtnto's Uvery Sash and Door factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The beat clans of work in our liue at prices to compete with the lowwt. Only the tart material uwL ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, tjoutri of.WlllnattMotl, SALBM - - - ORKOCN Salem Abstract and Loan Co. The only Abstmat book of Marlon county. Keal miat orders filled promptly and aMy, W. H. H. WATERS, , MANAQKR, k Locating Mines. JAPANESE CURE Anew and Complete Treatment, consist. Ins of suppositories, olntmeutln capsule, also a box and pUU; a posltlre cure for ex- U.TUUI. internal, ouiiu or uieeuing, ucmng, chronic, recent or hereditary l'lles, and many other diseases and female weak, aesses; it is alM'ays u creat benefit to the generul health. The tlrst discovery oi a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary heieatter. This remedy has never been known to fall, f 1 per box, (i for S5; sent by mall. Why suffer from this terrible dlseaso when a written guarantee is given with (1 boxes, to tefiind the money 11 not cured Bend stump lor free sample. Uuarunteo lbsued by Wooijabii, Ulaukk & Co., wholesale and retail drug. gIstB, sole agents, l'orllaud, Or. 6 2-lynlw STATU POLICE WANTED. Tho Oregnnlan of tbe 10th in an editorial argues In favor of a state polli-o system, to nnslst sherlfls In putting down labor troubles, tills police to be armed ami to tnko tbe place of the national guard or sheriffs "posse comltatus." Of the national guard, it says: "The men are all business or pro fessional men, clerks or mechanics, to whom the time lost in this way is an important matter. Called sud denly from their ofllcea or employ ruout by an order issued at midnight tlioy had no opportuuity to arrange their business affairs, which must be suffering greatly. .. Many of them have lost the situations they were compelled to leave so suddenly, and will have to look for others when they return home." Hence it says: "3ome more flex ible and permanent body of armed men is required." Those who have read many fine articles on arbitration between capi tal and labor in Tho Oregonian may woll express surpriso at its demand for a body of armed state police, or constabulary, "armed, drilled and disciplined like soldiers, constantly in service and under pay and at the call of the shurliTs at any moment." This is its plan. Who would pay for this state con stabulary, providing such an idea could bo tolerated for a moment by any intelligent self-respecting American? Tho tax payers, of course. It would heap up another load of taxes for this state police that would prove as Inadequate in tho Homestead or Cconrd' Alene ailalrs as Piukerton's or national guards. The proposition is one worthy of an inmate of tho asylum but would hardly bo made even there. The very idea of a state police force or state constabulary is obnox ious to American institutions and the establishment of any such sys tem would be the first step to de stroy civil liberty and lay the foun dations of a military despotism. The disposition on tbe part of the state to use brute force must al ways bo resisted and the plan to saddle upon the people a state con stabulary is one of the most offen sive projects yet oflered by any American newspaper. Do You Wish the Finest Bread and Cake? It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest of all the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweetest; most delicious food. oi The strongest baking powder makes the lightest food. That baking powder which is both purest and strong est makes the most digestible and wholesome food. Why should not every housekeeper avail herself of the baking powder which will give her the best food with the least trouble ? Dr. Haines, of Ru.sh M,edical College, Consulting Chemist of the Chicago Board of Health, says: "Royal is not only the purest, but the strongest baking powder with which I am acquainted." 9 John O. Carlisle, of Kentucky, Is gaining national fame as a straddler on the silver question. At thosov slon beforo the last he voted for free coinage, at the last session agalust and he now says: "My position up on this subject Is briefly this: I am opposed to free coinage of either gold or silver, but In favor of unlimited coinage of both metals upon terms of exact equality." If anyone can understand this they can do more than the average journalist. Blaine may make some five minute speeches In the Harrison campaign. He can say more in that length of time than most men in two hours, there is no man living whose utter ances on the tnrlff are so feared by tho Democrats as those of James Q. Blaine. Bill Nye and Mr. Burbank are coming to Salem to lecture and want us to announce It in advance. We take pleasure in doing so but cannot withhold the sentiment that it is a cheap and cheeky way to get free advertising. NEW MINING MACHINERY I. J. Foster, who resides nbout three rnllcs west ot Halem in 1'olk couuty, has Invented a machine lor mining gold, which is especially adapted to saving fine Kold. and works any placer mateilal, from Hue black sand to gravel, In lact anything that can be shoveled. Tho machlue Is made of Iron and steel and weight only 75 pounds complete. It Is run by the forvo of u iy men pipe oi water wuu a neaa oi tour Dr. II. Hmlth is now sole agent in Ore gon for tho rale or Marshall's Klectro Mag netic reds for locating mines of Gold or Sliver, This Instrument has become tbe most efflcent force in detecting the pret ence of Gold andHllver deposits whether in tbe form of bidden coin or quartz rock. The maker claims that a careiul Investi gation is sure to lead one to thn exact lo cality of the trrnsure. Kor further infor mation please address 7-18-tt DR. H. SMITH, Balem, Orrgnn. Burton Bros. STATE STREET BRICK YARD. Large stock of common Ilrlck always on band. JV.tiCd.und ornamental brick made to order.; Loave oj-ders t Q. Htolr, M Btate street, Goodhue A Cahlll,05Htat street, or at the yurd,opi0itestate Prison. Notice to Contractors. rrUlEinAUno! Capitol Hulldlng com I uiissloners Invite sealed proposals lor (he construction of a watt-r system and a system ofproteetion against Ore for the The right to re- rru. mus wu in., Tuesday, state Capitol. upeeMleaUoss may be teen at the governor's omee. The right to re luetaj.y orall bids U reserved. Hid will tie o pne a at a o'eioeK d, 4&U(Uh Q, WJ(i HYlWHHTlCH t'ENNOYKR, UWJ. W. MCMHIUK, fUlU MimUiAN, Jjrd cl UewaalMlost?. Wx.A,Me7arCtHrrt, frW-U feef. It will work irom h to 10 tons of blunt- sand, or; from 15 to 1M tons of gravel Inn una save every tiling in ine suape oi that will amalgamate. Tho machine uarunlee4 to do day, uud save every thing In the shape of iu tuai win amaig tbe work claimed. Machines will be fur KOI I has been tested and Is nlsbed In running order before any pay is demanded. 1'rice complete SIUl Cull on or address 1'. J, KuSThll, 8-Mw Salem, Oregon, Administrator's Notice. NOTICE Is hereby glvon that (ho under, digued haw otcu duly appolnUd ad ministrator to the eitlato of Oris itlch. Into of Marlon couuty, Oregon, deceased, by the county court ot the state ol Oylrou, for llnrloH county. All persons lPng claims against said estate will present them to the undersigned (July verified, at his homo in Knglowood addition to the city of Halem, In Marlon county, Oiegon, within six months Irom tbe date of I his notice, and all persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate nellie ment to tbe undersigned. Dated this AugusUlh, 1863. AbltAIIAM ItlCir. Administrator of tbe estate of Oris itloh, deceased. 8-11 ' Administrator's Sale. NOTICK is hereby given that by autho lly ofan order of the lion. County tourt of Marion county, Orig"U, made on ibe 1Mb. diy ot July. Mil. authorizing and empowering the undersigned to sfl tbe hercluatlirdcserlned rtutosLuU. helonrluir to tbeostaie of Kreilue uox, deceased. The undersigued. an tutmlulstrutor ol said es tate, will ou the tit day of September, (892, at 3 p.in as per statute requlrul.tell at putc liofcutrtlonut the wtst uoor of the court house in Balem, Mtlrion county, Oregon, all the right, title and Interest or the sad estate, Iu and to the lollowlBg dSMrrlbed Erew Iam, to wit: J.nt , 9, JO and 11 in look So. 8, as shown by tbe amended re cordwt plot of Capital l'arlc addition to ihetltyof H4lem, In MarVon county, Ore. HjStAk. HA MKK, AdwlrUtrator of tbe Hite oi EvWIao Qui, doued, mm, Otmm, July 18, WW. 1-fl-H DANGI5H1NOHEGON. The Republicans of Oreiron should lose no time in fully organizing the party in this state and being pre pared to get out every Republican vote, as there is some danger that with Republican apathy tho elec tion may bo close. Oregon has a round ten thousand Republican majority if the vote is brought out. This should be looked after. Clubs should bo organized early. Repub lican enthuslsm must be awakened. The enemy must bo met and defeat ed. There IM no doubt but that a large number of Democrats will follow Governor Pennoyer into tho People's parly, which is today tho best or ganized and most active party iu tho state. Governor Pennoyer is as likely as not to take the stump for the People's party. The Democratic party cannot be said to have a state organization. It is tho People's party that is tho potont factor Republican's must face, as It Is al most certain to poll n larger vote than tho Democrats. Democracy as a political organization has al most ceased to exlBt in Oregon, A vote cast for the People's party is indirectly a vote for Cleveland. For if that party should carry a few states and prevent any cholco by tho electoral col lego, tho selection of the President will be left to tho House, and he must to blind indeed who Imagines the present house of representatives would elect unjone but Urover Cleveland, A voto for the Ptople's party Is a voto for Grover Cleveland so fur as it will affect tho election of a President at all. Tho pretense that General Weaver can be elected Is all u sham. It is tho duty of Republican's to got out the full Republican vote, Mr. John Dultrlch and his wife Catharine of Autrlm township, Franklin county, Pu.j will celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage on the 10th Inst, at their home near Greencaslle. Their thir teen children are allllvlng.aml they, with many grandchildren and great grandchildren will Join In tho celebration. The Welsh members of, parlia ment have decided to support the home rule bill, provided MrGlad- stone gives Welsh disestablishment the next place iu tho programme. Two of the richest young women lu America are Miss PerkinB, of Bos ton, who is 18 years old, has (17,000 000, and Miss Green, the daughter of Mrs. Hetty Green. i -: CHATS ABOUT MEN. 5? Abnor McKinley, brother of the great, b protectionist, looks very much like him;:- Tho Italian primo minister, Giolitti, " dresses in rusty, old fashioned clothes, . with an uttor disregard of tho demand Of fashion. Emannol Laskor, tbe chess player, Who recently defeated Mr. Blaclcburrie ft the English champion, is only twenty four yoars of ago. , 1 Senator Mitohell, of Oregon, has shaved off a beard which ho has worn for nineteen years. It Is said his daugh ter did not recognize him after the metamorphosis. Few' families can show a record like that of tho Gross family, of Richmond, Ind. There are six brothers and five , sisters of tho family, and there has not been a death among thorn for fifty year. The Earl of 'Orknoy, who 'has jwfc married a variety haU singer,, is only twenty-five years of age, Mk Count Gilchrist, ihe-bride; tew loaglwwi om of the shining lights of, the London Gayoty company. Substance of the Queenja speech to parliament, "My lords and gen tlemen, the country is all right, and has no usofor you." Great distress is reported among working people of New South Wales, 00,000 persoiiB being out of employ ment at Melbourne alone. Tbe earl of Huntingdon Is about to marry Miss Maud Wilson, a wealthy Australian beauty. The Christian church has gained over 8,000 in membership during the last year. ?. Try tho latest flavors, Red Messina orange, at tho Bpa, 110 Stato street. W. T. Stolz.-managor. 2t California reports a very pruno crop for the saason. short The arrest of forty milkmen at Cleveland, Ohio, for adulteration of milk calk tbe attention to one of tbe gravest and mofet serious crimes on tbe statute book", Wealthy people do no( witter ro much as tbe help. m poorer claws as H wan shown that lu Cleveland lufant mortality was greatest where tbe adulterated milk wits used, No punUhmect ta too severe for suab deviltry Pronounced Hopeless Yot Saved From a letter wrltton by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd.of Greton, S.D., wo quete: "Wcs taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, coiigb set In and Anally terminated In Consump tion. Four doctors gavo mo up, say ing could livo but a short time. I gavo myself up to my Savior, de termined If I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial, took In all eight bottles; It has cured roe, and thank God I am now a woll and hearty woman," Trial bottles free at Dan'l. J. Fry's, drugstore, 225 Com'l, St., regular size, 60o. and $1.00, Gustavo F. Grnener, who haa, been tutor in Gorman and literature" at Yale, has been appointed a professor. He ! New Haven boy, is not yot thirty yean of age, and thus is one of the youngest men who has over received this honor. , Bonjamln L. Cohen, the latest addition ': to tho ranks of Jewish legislators- in Great Britain, is a wealthy London bankor and chairman of tho Jewish board of guardians. Ho lias taken ' doop interest in tho education of the poor. Tho title of General James B. Weaver, tho Farmers' Allianco loader, Is a genu ine one. Ho onlistod as a private in ibe , Second Iowa infantry in 1801, and three yoars later was brovottod brigadier gen-, oral pf volunteers for "gallantry on tbe field." Professor Blackie, tho rngged, old, Edinburgh profossor, does not go to bed r, until after midnight and rises corre-l : spondingly lato in tho morning. Until recently Professor Blackie had not- needod a doctor's services for thirty yoars, y Li Hnng-Chang, tho Bismarck of Chi na, yraa born in very humble station, n and worked his way up by the series ot literary examinations which form the only medium of promotion in the Flow-' , ery kingdom. Ho is now viceroy over 80,000,000 pf pooplo and grand secretary of tho empire, .. STAGE QLINT8. Baby cried, Mother tlglted, Doctor proscribed J Castorte Rueklea's Arnica Blre. .The Best Salve la the world for Cut. Bruise. Korm. Ulcers, Halt Kheum, i'eve Horea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, CbjlWalas, (r uud till ma KruplkHM, hm4 pes, tlvely ours riles, or ao pay require. It U Kurtit4 to jftve Mrftet satletuetloa Minna Galo will play a season of twenty weeks next season. n An Araorican tour noxt season is con-, templatod by Stavonhaga, the pianist. Bob Hillard will play the leading role, in A. Y. Pearson's production of "Tbe Whlto Squadron." Mrs. Lcsllo Carter has affirm deter? minatlon to play "Fron-Frou" in tbe not very distant future Mrs. Shaw, tho whistler, is going . to make a tonr around the world, begin ning in South Africa in the autumn. Mr. Daly's next Shakespearean pro 'duction will be "The Tempest," wad in it George Clarke will play tbe pert of Prospero, M. A. Kennedy, the rotund conwdbus of "Miss Helyett," weighs 30 pound. Little Arthur Dunn, of extravaf ttM fame, weighs 00, "Logan's Luolc" is thenain.e of an Irish comedy by Hal Reed, of Minneap olis, in wbieb Edmund Collier propoM to star next year. Edwin Rostell, who for' some yearn baa been director of A tebool ot dn matto art, will next season go " at tbe bead of a ocaapeay classio and Shakespearean play. Manager R, M. Field bee Fannie Forrester, who mm recently I playing in one of Cbarlee FrobinnV companies, for tbe toabret role te tk Boston Mneetua t&eatet next isenon. It Is a curiotts f aot that David BeJafr co, tbe Americas adapter of 'Mies Bel yett," fa a nephew of tbe fMMp lim den ootaedbHi. David Jawee, who kfl. WWhT wltwH WI mmw 99 eBB eMvMereflMe HM ep "Mm Deoiiaa" tbe Maedtob rental ef..Ml "Helyett, Blo'f faleer and Drt Jaaaea are brntibein Belaoae ia the ajaa V fsrsjsjsysf bbiv sjewe-ssivvB efSBsBBessBSBsr ejs vesisT eslflsjIHQB' 11 v ttuu. l'.F "f . 4. 1 nut: ifcjC- -,