Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 19, 1892, Image 4

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Wall f Antiquity.
JjJ tmiktom of walled oitiee the As
yrtsBS ad ttw Egyptians tower
bov the engine architects of far
more recent timos. Such works as
the walls of Lachwh, of Babylon and
of Nineveh have never oven been
planned within historical days. Tho
lite of many' a once famous Egyptian
tfty ta now only to be traced by the
Hue of mighty earth rampart which,
:rhen pierced by th6 picks and spades
of the explorers, reveals masses of
masonry so gigantic in their ruin
that one, can hardly estimate- what
their tstae must have been whon per
By tho sido of them tho fortifica
tions of Paris, which but little- more
than twenty years ago withetood for
long months the attacks of tho most
perfect military forces of modern
' times, appear puny and insignificant.
just as the greatest of modern royal
., palaces sink into nothingness when
' "measured alongside tho pillared hall
-'ofSoti at Karnask, or Bargon's pal-
iftce at Khorsabad. Cor. Chicago
Cucumber In a nottle.
" James 0. Douglass shows a. cucum
ber picklo which was grown in a hot-
stlo in tho year 1857 when ho was
1 a mere boy at his father's homo
in Pennsylvania; Ho was playing
around tho cucumber vines and no
fcicing a cucumber just forming ho
inserted it in the neck of tho bottle,
n without thinking or knowing what
tho result would bo. Two or three
days later ho discovered tho cucum-
, bor had grown and almost filled tho
Ho was surprised beyond measure
" and took it to tho house and Ids
' father had the bottlo filled with al
cohol. From 'that day to this tho
'" cucumber was presorved, and by re-
' nowing tho alcohol every throo or
, four years it is as solid as tho day it
'was plucked from tho vines. Mem-
"phis (Mo.) Rovoillo.
Laboratory Jewell.
Inasmuch as tho elements of which
various goms are compqsod are well
r known, synthetic chemistry has at
. , tempted to roproduco them by put
. ting tho ingredients together ilnd ef-
' footing crystallization in tho labora
tory, In this way lnrgo masses of
what might bo termed truo ruby
and sapphiro aro turned outartifl-
cially, such gomliko material having
eomo usefulness for industrial pur
poses, although lacking tho brilliancy
of nature's products. Washington
how Oak Grows.
-Too Amorlcnn poopla nro rapidly bocomlnr a
race oi nervous wruesn, nnu mo 10
ra., swears 111 (it when his ami was speechless from
the boat remedri AlphoiQlIemplllnR,uf Mutter,
rRtiivDfliii ium ituvii ma sua wns ppn-cuiroa jruui
: W. Vitus Danco. Dr. Miles' Great Keatorntlva
ervlno cured him. Mrs. J. U. Mlller.nl Valpar
o.lud., J. J, Taylor, of Loa-ansport, lnd., each
pained sapouiide fwm tikluit 1 1, tin. II. A. (lord.
nqnsadiv,andniiich hcndnclio, dlulnuM, bsok-
Mlfl. itntf norvmia nmtlmilnn. hr .. fttitrl.
iMnfol Mien, llrouklyn, Mich., cays bis daughter
Jrsa cured of Ineanltr of ton years' staudlng. Trial
miHmnnuuuuiHWK vi jusrveions euros, I'liuja
t druggists This remedy contain no opiates.
Dr.Mllew' Medical Oo.,Elkhart, lnd.
Sold by I) J.Fry, tlrtip;glst,Snem.
K you'd make life worth tho Una1
In tble valley here below,
Take the fun In with the laW-
Take enjoyment aa you go.
If you'd live thu noblest, truest.
Keeping cheerful, brave ami strong,
Do not slavo for future pleasures)
Take tbcnl as J od go along.
bo not lay up all your treasure.
After years of life to blew;
Do not wait until your c (Torts
Meet tho (uttuets of success.
Do not drudge till your ixisltlon
Is the richest men ameng:
Ere you taste of life's sweet nectars,
Sip tliom as you go along.
I'leasuro makes your work more easy.
Work shows ploAKuro at its bunt,
Ilest will nerve the arm to labor,
Labor, too, brings sweetest rest.
Work with steady, earnest effort
In tbo pushing, crowding (lining:
Hut do not forget tho pleasure.
Take them as you go along.
rjmiley'a Enterprise.
Strawberries In Winter.
All, beloved, that's what makes
life heavy and dragged out of bo
many of us. Wo wasU many tire
cious months trying to ripen straw
berries at Christmas, whereas if we
would just let them alone, and let
the snow fall on them and tho win
ter winds ravo over them, they
would ripen of themselves in July.
And then; ah, then, they would be
strawberries. Onco I r.to a straw
berry at Christmas. A man worth
$7,000,000 gave it to mo- ho had
ripened soino in his conservatory. 1
had to cat it becauso Lo Btood and
watched mo, and I coul.ln't do any
thing elso. It seems he had given
Bomo to other friends ai.tl afterward
found them under tho tufa--the
strawberries, not tho friends. The
latter woro picked up farther down
tho road.
Did you over taste a nice, ripe
olivo fresh from tho tree? Nover?
Well, my friend, you just ti eat your
self to ono sometime A raw olive
would bo a good thing to take the
taste of a conservatory strawberry
out of your mouth. And what would
tako away tho taste of tho raw olivo?
Nothing in this world. Onco you
bito a green olive, and tho day you
dio $10 taste thereof will still bo lin
gering around your insulted palate.
Robert J. Burdotto in Ladies' Home
How flratid Jtuors Am Drawn.
Grand jurors throughout tho state
generally aro selected by tho Kuper
visors of tho respective counties, who
yearly prcparo a list of 200 persons
in each county. Tho names of the
men on tho list aro placed in a box.
from which tho county clerk, in tho
presonco of persons representing tho
sheriff and tho judiciary, draws each
grand jury panel. In Now York
county a board mado up of tho
mayor, recorder and city judgo, tho
presiding judgo 01 tho supreme court
in tho first district, tho chief justico
of tho superior court and tho first
judgo of tho court of common pleas
moots on tho first Monday of Sep
tember in each year and selects not
'ess than GOO nor moro than 1,000
names from tho list of persons quali
fled to act as petit jurors. This list
ispropured by the commissioner of
jurors. Tho names solectcd hf tho
board aro placed ill a box. from
which tho county clerk, in th pres
onco of tho sheriff or under sheriff
and a judgo of tho court of record,
draws tho panel for each grand jury
of tho oyer and tot-minor or general
sessions. Now York Ilorald.
To 1'roduce h Omul tltot-e IttMitilri-fc flonl
MO tu toii Year.
Tho extremo limit bf tho age of tho
oak is not exactly kilown, but sound
and living flpeeiirlfcns aro at least
1,000 years old. Tho tree thrives
best in u deep, tenacious loam with
rocks in it Stagnant water is one
of its aversions. It grows better on
a comparatively poor, sandy soil than
on rich ground imperfectly drained.
The trunk, at first inclined to bo ir
regular in shapo. straightens at ma
turity into a grand cylindrical shaft.
Tho oak does not produce good seed
A riallaat Yonng Fellow Showed the
Maiden Over tho Uo;t and Escaped.
Liberty Landing is tho name of a
small pi 'oo touched by tho Wabash
railroa 1 and tho Missouri river. Bo
foro the railroad camo it was the
place at which baits stopped to send
goods over the hill to tho town of
Lilxjrty, in Clay county, tho old home
of tho James boys. Of course the
lanuing never amounted to very
much thoso places never did, being
only depots for larger towns some
where back from
Blackwell's Buil Durham
the river from
until it is more than sixty vears old. 1 which thoy got their names.
Tho acorn is tho fruit of tho oak; tho 0ur boat reached tho landing ono
seed conn is a verv small obiect at i beautiful Juno morning just after
tho pointed end of tho acorn, with
tho future root uppermost. The acorn
drops, and its contents doubtless un
dergo important molecular and chem
ical changes whilo it lies under its
winter covering of leaves and snow.
In tho mild warmth of spring the
acorn swells, tho little root elongates,
emerges from tho end of tho shell,
and, no matter what tho position of
tho acorn, turns downward. Tho
sunrise, and there was a larger crowd
to greet us than usual.
Among tho visitors who camo on
board was a pretty girl of twenty,
all spick and span in a now calico of
modest design, while her sweet faco
peeped out coyly from tho great, old
fashioned bonnot that enveloped it.
She BUiiled. There was an instant
rush of all tho young fellows on
board tho boat to show her through
root penetrates tho soil two or throo tho steamer. Sylvester Cobb, of
inches before tho stalk begins to show I Louisville, a wealthy youth of a
itself and grow upward. The "meat" I wealthier father, a planter, was tho
of tho acorn nourishes both root and 1 urst to reach her side:
stalk, and two years mny pass beforo "Let mo have the pleasure of show
its store of food is entirely exhausted, mg you over tho steamer,'" ho said,
I. rf O 1
Mad: a record long years ago,
which has never been beaten or
aen-wctod. It has not to-day,
i a l ti
-f.ni in ooDUianty. us
rrryt- s. u ' I -..,..,.1 in rwimilflntv. Its
--fcyCT 1?iv ivculiVr rr.d uniform excellence
IJrC-' ptoses the men of to-day as it
rff: r . "a '
"Great Bull flovcincnl
did t!i:ir fathers bciore tnem.
Sold wherever tobacco issmoked.
is a mild and pleasant stimulant which quiets the nerves
and in no way excites or deranges the system. In this
respect it is distinctive. It gives the most solid com
fort vith no unpleasant effects. Made only by
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, Nc C,
At tho end of a year tho young oak
has a root twelve to eighteen inches
long, with numerous hhortcr rootlets,
tho Btalk boing frqni Bix to eight
inches high, hi this stage it differs
from tho sapling, and again tho t-ap.
ling differs from tUo tree, To watch
tlieso transformations under tho lens
is a fascinating occupation.
raising bin hat with much ceremony,
"l uon t care, Baul tho maid sim
ply. "1 believe I'd like to see how
sho looks."
So thoy went on the upper deck,
where a good view of tho river was
obtained, then into the officers' quar
ters of "the Texas," as tho little coop
under the pilot bona 1 is called, then
If an oak could be suspended in j into tho pilot house itself, where tho
i i "T
Act on a now principle
regulate Hie Uver, elomach
and bownla through thi
ntrvtt. Ha. Milm' I'iijj
mttdllv cur IilllonsnMs.
torpid llw and 'coostlpn-
Hmtllest, rnlliloct,
surest I nndoma.QRoti.
Sfniolvs frtve at uruwlits.
i l-Uasai.C.,EIUuLU(t.
gold by D. J, Fry, druggist, Saloui
Bas and Oasolinc
TtMfe AMB K4 . ak
J!2!!!mmmm!i ''"'i'ftri'iieiyl'ijtou
turn. JuitllguttMo burner. lurullio wiuvLau4U
If walt or false eplonlon, so freaues; with
U uumllaule spark,
r Simplicity U BonU tho World.
v It Oils lUolf AutouiBtloally,
No Jlatterles or Kloctrlo Hparlu
St VWM wfcU a Cbeaner O rsdt of Oasollaa Uiaa ttay
cUier Kuslao,
tern kascairrim cibcvlam rrtr to
JMUMCR REY, Mahufactuxcr
1'eaple anil Their GIiitoh.
Ono person woars glovcB iw if they
had just como from tho shop, Every
seam straight, ovory button not only
on but fastoned. Others may bo just
as caroful and havo a fault of dou
bllng up tho hand. This stretches
thorn across tho knuckles, and whon
tho hand is Btraightoned tlioro is a
puff across tho back. Somo poi'sons
wear gloves that look, ovon the first
day thoy aro tried on, as if somo
other portion had had tho first wear
and all tho freshness was gono.
Tlioro nro othora who aro nover
known to wear a glovo that is (it to
bo soon. Indianapolis Journal.
Kt'cplnir llojn Out ti f Mlarhlel,
Suporiutomlont Ware, of Hawkins
villo, has what appears to bo quito a
iiovol way of managing refractory
boys at tho graded school. Whon
ono gots too provious ho is walloped.
Then ho has to give a bond for his fu
turo good bohavior. Ho has to havo
one, two or throo boys on his bond,
Who guamntco that thoro will bo no
fault to ilnd with him by reason of mis
conduct, If tho principal misbehaves
tho bondsmou catch it Knowing
tills, tho lxmdsmcn keep Uio priuciiuil
out of mischief. Thoy Bay it worlw
beautifully. -Savannah Nowa.
A flhoatly Cut.
A family named Uonnott has
nhandouod a Urst elasa fmin near
English, uul., which thoy Kwnppetl
for ni-oporty wortli seaix-olv fcoo.
Tlio Honuetts claim to havo boon
worried almost to death by ono of
their neighbors, who assumed tho
Bhapo of a black cat with a white
ring about its nock. Tho nuinml
haunted thorn at most inopportune
times, and all efforts to destroy it
woro in vuiu. Philadelphia Ledger.
Amerlritu Applrs In Cuiupu
Most of our ivxporttl applas go to
England. Qonntiny and Switzerland
uso lai-gti qutiutities of American up.
plos yonrly. Tlio Swiss also import
groat numbors of orange from this
couutry, but thu applu is still eoiuild-
tlio air with all its root? and rootlets
perfect and uuobscured, tho sight
would bo considered wonderful. Tlio
activity of tho roots represent a great
deal of power. Thoy bore into tho
soil and flatten themselves to pen
etrate a crack in a rock. Invari
ably tho tip3 turn a.vay from tho
light. Tlio growing point of a tiny
outer root is back of tho tip' a small
distance Tho tip is drivon on by
tho forco behind it and searches tho
Boil for tho easicut points of entrance.
Whon tho tips aro destroyed by ob
structions, cold, heat or other causes,
a now growth starts in varying di
rcctions. Tlio first roots thicken and
become girders to support tho tree,
no longer feeding it directly, but
serving as conduits for tho moisturo
and nourishment gathered by tho
outer rootlets which tiro constantly
boring tlioir way into fresh territory.
Thcso absorb water charged with
solublo earth salts sulphates, ni
trates, phosphates of limo, magnesia
and potash, etc. "which passes
through tho larger roots, stem nnd
branches to tho leaves, the laboratory
of now growth. An oak treo may
havo 700,000 leaves, and from Juno
to Octobor ovnporJites 220 times its
own weight of wator. Taking account
of tho now wood grown, "wo obtain
somo idea of tho enormous gain of
matter and energy from the outsido
univorso which goes on each sum
mer." Oak timber is not tho heaviest,
toughest nor most beautiful, but it
combines moro good qualities than
any other kind. Its fruit is valuablo
food and its bark useful in certain
industries. An oak pile submerged
for GC0 years in London bridge camo
up in sound condition, and there aro
specimons from tlio Tower of Loudon
which date from tho time of William
Rufus. To produce a.good oak grovo
requires from 110 to 200 years. It
seoms a long time to an American,
but forestry is a porpotual branch of
economics when onco established.
Ohio Stato Journal.
Seven Hundred Allies A bine the Knrth.
If it woro possible to rise abovo
tlio ntmosphoro which surrounds tho
earth, tlio .sun would look liko a
Bharply defined ball of fire, whilo
ovorything elso would bo wrapped in
total darkness. Thoro could bo no
diffusion of tight without an ntmos
phoro or somo similar medium for
tho suji'b rays to act upon. But, on
tho contrary, if tho earth's atmos
phoro extended to a height of 700
miles, tho sun's heat and rays could
nover penetrate it, and wo would
freozo to death whilo wrapped in
darkness blacker ' than tho blackest
midnight St Louis Itopublic.
Atl unit Text Hooks.
Agassiss was onco asked to write a
toxt book in zoology for tlio uso of
schools and colleges. Of this ho said ;
"I told tho publishers that 1 was not
tho man to do that sort of thing, nnd
I told them, too, that tlio leas of that
sort of thing which is done tho let
ter. It is not schoolbooks wo want;
it is Btudonts. Tho book of Nature
is always open, and all that I can do
or aiy shall bo to lead young peoplo
(to Btutiy mat book, nnd not to pin
their faith to any other." - Professor
D. S. Jordan in Popular Sclenco
KfTect of the Diamond on I'oUous.
, Although popularly supposed to o
itself a deadly poinon, tho diamond
has for xx'inoto ages been credited
with tho iowor of protecting tho
wearer from tho ovil effects of other
poisons, a reputation which it ro
talned until comparatively recent
times. According to Pliny, it also
kooi off insanity, Amber, too, was
supposed to pobsefts tho latter virtue.
young Kentui'kian ccplamed tho
workings of tho big wheel. Thoy
ram hied about for moro than an
hour, examining tho engines, tho
furnaces under tho long boilers amid
ships, tho long "social hall," or
saloon, with its little doors opening
into staterooms, tho piano was looked
upon wondoringfy by tho Clay
county maid then tho bell rang,
warning visitors to' go ashore.
"Hope you onjoyed yourself," said
young Cobb, as he helped tho girl
along tho gang plank to the shore.
"I did," she said, and her eyes fell.
Sho had noticed somo ono sho did
not caro to seo.
"And when I come back next
month I'll likely bo on another boat.
I'd liko to show you over her too."
"I'd liko it." Bhesaid, "butl reckon
we'll havo to give it up."
"Givo it up I" Cobb was interested.
"How's that? I'd bo delighted. I'm
"Oh, I can't tell," she said, with
something of a coyness in her smilo.
The second bell was ringing.
"Well, goodby, Miss ah, or good
by." Ho extended his hand and she
took it
"Yes, I'd liko to look over the noxt
boat with you, but"- and sho
glanced under her lashes up tho hill
to ft little crowd that stood there
only to tell tho truth, I'm going to
bo married next month."
"Ohl" exclaimed Cobb, "and 1
can't bo hero. Can't you put it'off ?"
ho laughed.
"Not now, I reckon," tho girl an
Bwered, holding his hand and glanc
ing up tho hill again, "but but you
can,s'lute tho bride now if you want
Tlio mato had given tho .order to
hoist tho gang plank, and already tho-
ropes wore creaking, whilo tho big
stern wheel of tho boat began to turn
slowly. Cobb know that ovorybody
on board was looking at him, and ho
know, too, that tho lucky swain must
bo in tho crowd on tho hillsido. But
ho saluted the brido. It was a rous
ing kiss. As ho stooped to imprint
it a young follow dashed out of ono
of tho little groups ahead and bound
ed toward him.
"Drop 'erl" ho shouted.
But Cobb was away liko tho wind,
and nB ho sprang ou tho stago it swung
down so as to almost throw him in
tho wator.
Tlio young man Bhook his fist angrily,
"Don't," pleaded tho girl, laughing
"Didn't you know I was only foolir
Church Directory.
only foolin
yelled tlio
all tho timo?'
"But ho kissed vou.
Btalwart young man.
"Oh, John," sho laughed, "ho was
only salutin tho brido."
And tho laugh that rancr out from
deck and shoro was echoed timo and
again from tho hills of old Clay. Do
troit Freo Press.
CusuiKniAND riufnYTKitiAN. Salem,
Oregon, Hev. J. J J. Blair, l'astor. Sunday
kchool every Hun-'ny, 10 . in. Trenching
every .Sunday, 11 n. in and :"M p. m.
Church hou'.e on lllsli Mreet, between
Marlon and Union, livciylrdy welcome.
JlKTilonisr' piscoi'AL -Jcrvlces onSab
bathullCtU) uud 7:S0. Muulny school at
12; Epworth Leagues ut 6:16; Prayer meet
ing every Tnurndny ovculnj. Itev. C. h.
Kellerm!!, pastor
Evanofj.icvi., C' rner of l.lber.y and
Center htreets. Sunduy services 10::M a. in.
and 1:10 p.m., gunony school 12m., Y. P.S.
0. K. 6:3J p. ra.; I'rayer mi etlug Thursday,
7'H)p. in J, IJowersox, paster, residence
127 I.theny s'uet.
PHrsiiYTEKiAN. Chinch f treet, between
C it-mtk -la and Center, i'reiiehlng morn
ing uud evenlnin Sabbath school at 12 in.;
Y. 1'. S. 0 K. utU.Op. m.; piaycr meeting
Thursday ut 7: "0 p.m. Kei.K. II. Gwynno,
I), L) pastor.
Tin; Ciiukcii of God Holds rellgeous
ervlcoslii the flood Templer's hall Tues
lay, Thursday und Kriduj evenings. Hun
lays at I0.o0 a m. and :M. Sunduy school
it 3 p. m. fclder N. N. Mathews, pasior.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church. -Che-ncKeta
and Cottaue. Sunduy set vice,: Low
uass 7.S0 a. in.; high muss 10:30; Sunday
,chool 3 p in.; vtspcrs 7:30; week dajs, low
uass 7 a. in. Huv. J. S. hi to, pahtor.
CoNQKhaATioNAL. Comtr Center and
liberty Services Hunday at 10.30a. in. and
p. in ; Sunday school 12 111., Y. P. S. C. K
U 6 !i)0 p. in.; pray er meeting 7:b0 p.m.l hurs.
my. Hev. C. L. Corwlu, pastor.
St. Paul Episcopal cpuucil-Corner
Jhurcu nnd Chemekeia. Sbivlcts 10:J0 a.
n. and 7 p. m.; Hunday school 11:15 u. m.;
ervlce Thursday 7.30p m. Kov. W.Lund,
Foist Baptist. Liberty and Marlon,
services 10:30 a. m. und 7.00 p. m ; Sunday
chool 13 in.; young people's meeting at 6
1. m.; prayer meeting 7.30 Thursday. Kev.
tobert Whltaker, pastor.
Kkke MtTHODiar. Kev. B. F. Smalley
justor. Serlces Sunday morning and
reuljg, Sunday bchu..! at 10a in,; prajer
neetlug Friday night. Church spposlte
forth Salem school.
FniK.ys. At Highland puik on car Hue.
services 10:30 a. m. und 7.S0. p. in.; Sunday
chool 12 m.; Christian Endeavor U p. in.:
racrmeetlug Thursday 7:30 p. in. Kev.
i' M. Ueorge, pastor.
Qehjian Baptist. Services in German
iapllil chutcb north of Cottage stteet.
muday school ut 10 u. 111. l'rcuchlu at 11
i m. Evening ocivlcout 7.30. lUv. John
''ecnter, pastor.
Chhistian. High and Center. .Sunduy
school 12 in.; preaching 10.30 a. in.; joung
people's society 0.30 p. 111.; preaching 7:30
p. m. Kev, W. K. Williams, pasior.
Gkumajn Rmoumeo. Cupltul and Marl
in.; Sunday service ll u. in.;&uuuuy school
0 a. in.; prayer meeting tduesday 7:30 p.
11. Itev. J. Muellliftupt, pustor.
Chhistian Science. Sti vices lu Unl
nrlau nail at 10:30 a.m au 1 7:30 p. m ; faab
jalh school 12 in.; Bible study Thursday
ven In,:.
Unitahian I nuncit.- Devotional meet
ngutll:.i0u. m. Sunday Lhol at 12 m.
jvery Hunday until beptember 1st. All
South Saleii-M. l;.. church. Preach
ing every Sunday ut 10:30 u.m. and 7:J0 p.
in. J, II. Koork, pastor.
tiEK.MAN LUTHKllN. North Cottago St.
Services on 1st und 3d Sunday of each
mouth ut 2 p. in. Kev. G. K. ilej er.pastur.
Afuican MeruouibT, North Halsin.
Services ut 11 u. m. uud 7:30 p. m. bunduy
school ut 1 p. m. Kev. O, W. White, pastor,
Tempfcranco gospel meectlngs at 1 o'clcfc
Sunday nt W, C, T. U, hull,
Wood Saw.
Everybody (rets Charles Smith's strain
wood saw, "'I he Kii'tlir." Ordeis at 278
Front street.
Dr. II. S-nlth W now sole agent In Ore
gon Tor the tale oi MtupHV Electro Mag
netic rods for locating 11 lues of U .Id or
3llver. This Instrument hns becon e tie
mofitefflcertfoice 111 ditectlng tho prer
enre of ol1 nnd Silver cle oslis whether
in thi form of hidden coin or quartz rock.
The makei claims thut u carelul liatstl
gallon Is nure to lend on 10 thn exact lo
caiitj of tin trnimne. Fi r f.rlher iufor
roatlon please nddre-s
South of Willamette Hotel,
Salem Abstract and Loan Co,
The only Abstract books of Jlarlou
county. Ileal estate oiders
tilled promptly and
TTT.-. ,
wmnmnji, ,
1 uu.
l. ' m..m
t ftBM
with rircTon.
fe U.......V.
- nfHiiu
MUM4 moHl, MB
Mft SWIS, MCtf fWMt.MMM M UJlwdlMt,
"frt. (Jw, IWU.WMI -illUj, ,lf
mn MM, M w
Mjr '-
orvtl by thorn, ju by nil other Hufi- Bosldou tho tllimioml rHWoml other
poan countriwe, to bo tho king of Itones woro supi)osel to ihxcs mo
fruits. Now York EvoiiUir Sun. dlclnal virhios. Quorios Miiguzino.
rill llllHIBll MinSMSLU .i . i
Civ BAN! '
Ii you would btf clean Hud hayo )ourclotho douo up
in tho nonK-at mul drtsiost mannor, take them to tlio
whore all work h doue'by white labor and in the most
prui.ptiii4hi.i. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. .
A Hot (.ami.
111 custom Oregon mul southeast
ern Washington strotches n vast
Bnmly plain. Somo of tho Presbyte
rian delegate passed through this
dolightful sweatbox on thoir way to
Portland. Thoro was ono man among
thorn, though not of them. Whon
tho train reached Umatilla Junction
ho looked out of tho window nt tlio
waving sea of sand dunes. A sol
omii look stole over his countonnnco,
tho ridges of caro hardoned, his lips
parted aud ho gasped in low, rasliing
tones, "I'll bo darned if that blis
tered country won't havo to bo fer
tilized boforo tho mmrrection day to
raiso tho dead." Tho gnrglo of n
loaded ilask in action brokotho iaiu
ful Biloucothateusuod. Oraalin Bee.
UUe.1 I'ollteueM.
Husband Wiy do vou buv such a '
lot of trash ovory timo you go outt I
Wife Becauso tho dorks nro so
polite. Thoy don't net a bit liko you
do about it Now York Weekly. ,
Sick Ileadache and relieve all tho troubles inci
Uiulness, Juiu,e.v I)ronsliics: Distress aft
. .... .uw.css iiaj nceu sjiown In curiur
Headaeit) yet Cartku's Urns: Uvn Pilu
ii"W'Ia '" ?w"ipatlon. curing
'venting tliU annoying complaint, whllV
o correct all dUorders of the stomach
'vS H
Cruel, Cruel.
Tu Its victims U that Inexorable foe to hu
man peace, that destroyer 0 rut ad fre
queul teruilnatlon of human llle-rhenma-turn.
Uk many another physliwl His. it
, '. wlhl at the outsot with
lloatotter's Htouiach Bitters, whleU expels
the rheumatio virus rroui the hlmd
tbroiucti the klduejs. There exists the
auiplet evidence to prove that la cw
IHf.1 "f6 " other treatraeot the
Bitters has prod uced t borough aud neraa
neut results. UuttotemtiorUe wrththU
ady U wily. Attack U st ot.ee wlta the
H iters and tt luay be nipped In the hud.
Vi hea mature It U the uio.t obstinate of
ooiuptalBta. Kidney trouble, dyepeMta,
oeurlla. lDcllot tout, eeweUfwHoB;
malaria, and liver eoai plaint tieat iiU4y
retreat whea the Bitten it su2w4te
the rmt, A wlBflfa u,, KHM m
w aiuHlly
.nid prevent
.1 . . VirrVl a" "oruers of the stomach
.UinuUite the llrer and reflate the bocU
Hven tt they only cured
Ache tl.ey would l almost priceless to tho
who suffer from this distressing complaint
hut fortunately their (roo.lnwc 809, not "nd
UuTafte'rrffi6 to d WltJout
st he hone of so many Uvea that here Is where
"C.P" our.. K"1 )OAt- Our piUs cure tt
white oUiei'. do not
Uiarta'a LnTLi Livm Pius .-.... m
and very e- to tato. On nr i.n mi iirc"
Jas. Batchclor, Prop'r.
WaraiSleahatAIllioL-Roi IlifDai
Aoue but white labor na toyed In tbl
establishment. A cood substantial iutr,l e ked in nrst
class style.
'fweuty-flv cents per meal,
l!orrt stret, betwetn )pe:a House hui
Mluto's l.lv 1
iJirge stock of common Ii Ick nlwnys on
linnd. Pressed una oruuiueuUl brick
made lo order.,
,5U?.veo,'(lers ?' O.Stolz,:i Slate street.
Goodhue &. (.'uiilll, J5 Staa s. reel, or ut tlu
ynrrl, opposite aiuie I'rlsou
Notice of Pinal Account.
To all whom It may concci n:
Nr.J.E !" '',eby glvt'n '"'t the under
mt v?u'iV.,n.'.l,ulniSIlnlorof theestute ol
nt .i5i iUrtJ,lUon' dtreaa uus thU dnj
illtd bis final account as bin h udniliilBtiu
tor, with the clerk of the touuty .urt for
Mujlono.uuty,iu.gon, aim the Judge 01
Ifc'Ji. at lo clock p.m. utti.o county court
room in tho tourt bou.coi mid county al
E nd place lor the hi. . iSg of u'i
objections which there may beto aid ac
count nnd lor the settlement -hereor
J.K 1 JllKEHr,
July 19. 1B A -tmfQisniitor.
Uids Wnnled.
SEALED bids will bo received bv Ihr-
JLUU,y LUrlt "1 Marlon rouStyVuuh
Imfir if... i i ". ,"i,ers Ul me COUUt)
pooriaruiol iihrioiirount. I-or nan 1J1T
a) s iiqulie or county clerk - Judie Th,
"IKM ." ,0 t-i.s or altebld. l
" " "" w. u,.uAN, Clerk,
Uids for U'ooil.
. S 1.1 t I 1 IV 1 . . ...
V--'w.r.uoius will be lecclvfd bv h
W '0U1.U' a"rk "f mluu VoiiBty runttl
WKltU'Kdiy.M.uieiiibtfi 7th ,1 i.YI UP'"
"".'". , .J hkmi i icsi'
"i nil oin .
S-'J Itt-dw
W. 11 EUAN,
1 ami rrrjr ra-10 late. One or two pills rrake
I ft,do?' T1"' strictly veireUWeand do
flvo for SI ttalj e ery where, or aeit bjnvla
! caiiu usti:n; eo., r&.
MR Mta Ufrb.
I wish to say to my customer lu the
lumber trade that I have reshrred my no.
iltiou 1 In the Iuman.l'nuheu A l"o, lumber
yard here, but still ask the patronnjre of
iheeo&trclora,aHdl wilt try to mace It
to everyone tnfrresl to t-tsll on me ami
iwt ay pileea before pun halng elsewhere!
I Kuarantee r tooa lumber as h In Oregon
ani VflU as tver treat you vtsu.
ffl Tickets
m iJS&Gl&L 0W SALE
ti f AWiMrrril
111 utl-cramaPTChl 1
fcjiou tg y
Citv, St. Paul
And til p.lnt,
Fast, North and South
reamers IMrtla, ,1 . ftS,
r"orntes sn.i ..., ., -"'-'i u
"tioraddres. """"' """rmation cull
ii.,IuinimT ,,aeLPius.Ael
! WliliiKu, BL,
For Sale, Cheap,
horn, and I iirlridr?Sfl,!an w "' teg.
riihJ. Prin." 11.
hln.al tbomurl
rv" u Pick ot the seasAn T T ik m
rej slock. IluvMiri. VoT. "" '""rough
P K"
o a- 2 -
p e p
S o S
P- pu & y
t-.. . P o
P r?
to o s ui ir"
n ct- a o
rry a
P -i CO 2.
ro -l ej- S
O 05 i" tt
P- in- W
1 ii rf
et- cr- g: s
1 CD
n c-
- n CD -
tJ -
-1 w p ".
P.- H & P-a
re en fT m g
w cT 5" t cr
P H-e j- We
"O S n- i-j
r . .. .
tl ij
1-3. C L
P g CT35 'H.
5 &-&- g.
re f g P p
. co E? P
p cTS-
5: S o"
P O c1"
s: S o
2 rf-S 2
- en- x
8 i5 ? 8
n.m i n a
er .. to
' cs & re '
r? S H.
j cf o o o
G- t3 K s-
v en
P iLra
M rl T
1 Co 7
2ISWCommrrl.lSI. . ' I
Bpeclnlty ol Hpectacles ,,
Clocks. WRtahMMiU Jewe, "Wlri
SALEM, omraox,
ilnlos, 2.50 to $5.00 pc,.
Tho best hold between I'orMnnd ,.
Kniuclsto. l-Irst-iass lu all u .J'4'
nients. It tables nro sttved Vlfh1'
Choicest J'VUit8 ' "
Qrown'ln tlio Wliluinelts VMity
A. I. WAGNtR, Prop
Clias. Wolz,
123 State at.
Free delivery. AH kinds of me.it .
stinvaite Liu- prices Oh" iiitn,n..
questtd to close accouuta nnd renew hn
Within nne-hiili mile of two electric it
car HniH nnd inlrSronndsstntlonaiirj 'wt
oihro (July two und one-quarter lin.
from tl o ci.ter of Hnicm. Heilthy be V
tlful Incattoi.. Hoil extra eood. welldmi,.
mul H I, Prim. I..,,. ....h ..!. "e'lnrailiH,
uud I'll ll
Frlco low uurttori.lu M.
Abso'iltcly - Sufu - In-.estment.
$10,000 FOR $6,000
'lheuowtwitory hi Ick store bullrtl..
nnd ground occupied by Oco, v. Hmlth '
(.omintrclul street Forsalu fur setoff
lukeu m on. It pais 11) per rent. 011 tli I
i.nimint.iuul will bo worth 8IU.0C0 In 1
;$ 0 rs. H. v. loTLIK
Scaled Bids lor n IJiido.
15Y Ulil)!' U of the C oui.ty Court cf I .
J Hon county, (htgi.n, swiltd piur,
siriilu ril:..iiun.-., ni.d - ids for a vTo!.. .'
br.dsoncroJHllieNoiih cui.tiiim rhei
Mill Uty. Muriou roimty, Diegon, ii' 1 ,
rec-ledby tlio clerk of suld court tin, 1
rildny, -epk-mbu-.li. Ml, m a n. m. ,
snld rli,y. rtuld bridiTe 1t be slx.een Ket
tho clear, covtied ittiil palmed, aud lo 1.'
loi-utcd ntono of lj piof osctl sites 1 ncf
wh'chslie iRlniiiiLdliitfly btkw and U,,
o'her ubove tho ruilroitd bildKeatL.i
epnrate bids will bo n celvtd for each of
shirt locutions, una lor tho louition sbo
biiid mill oud brldiio thobld will be for mil
wiigon bridge exo ttslvoof thonpprnaclio
the noitti side ul sfitdnyer. Separate hUU
will also be lecel veil lur mid bndgo exclt,.
elve or the lumber, ho county furnltblr '
all luinboron tho (jiound ami the contra"
tor itiroiHhliiK nit oilier imiKrlal. hn
bidder will buicqulied to deposit within
bid 6 per cent, ol I he itiiiotitit ot such bin
loiilild-' tlio result cl tho uwurdlngcf sa.
oonlract ns I y law requited und providtd
Snia com t re tervis t ho right to rtject suj
and all bids tecelved uudei tho sild order
8td M. 11. hOAN, Clerk.
JJefore Siartiiig on a Journpj
A perbon usually desiies tognln bonie I11
formullon as lo ihc most dibiiableiouttlo
take, and will piuchaso tlckttb via tbenue
thntwlllnlloid him tlio qukLutand bm
service. Uelorc starting on a uip 10 lU
cagoorany point liubt,ouhhouldproltle
yotubell with u niui imu lime table of tlio
lbcousln Ltntnil Lino Tho trains run
out his 1 ouieuie vestibule audare equipped
wl til I'ullinan'Hlatest lira Wing KnomeJecu
eis, elegant I uy Couches ana lMnlog (ais
of luttsi design, built exprtttly lor this ser
vice, und arooxqulblteiu Jurnlthlngs and
convenient uud conitortalile in arraiiKo
ineui nua bivcomjucioiu cury utiauiuia
lhe.havc no bucriorln comlorl and elf
gaiiixi. Tlieilluiug car tervice la pronoun
cul by nil thu n.ost elegant e(i Icaugui
uled,und lsorciuttd In iheintetest ol Its
l'ust trains via the lbcontin Central
Lines leuve ;llnncui oIIb daily at 12:4op.lu.
uud U:2j p in., und at. l'aul athuUp. 111.
aud 7:15 p. in., making fuNorablo cou mo
tion w ith all iruliiH itoui the Webl aiid
Kor tickets, maps, pumphlets and lull
Information apply to O. K. Mc eill, t. V.
uudT. A , Mliinu'poilb, Minn., uhd toJnh,
O. Poud, Ueneral I'nhbLiJEtr aud Ticket.
Agent, Chicago, 111. 1-18-1)
And Oregon Development coinranjV
steamship lite. '5iiilkbblioiur,Uihtiir.
les tunc (linn u$ uuy otLci loute. Urn
Ciass thiougn ptuseugcr and lrclght 111
trom Portland nnd all points In the'Wii
lainette vnliev to uud Horn Sun FivncikC
TIME SCHEDULE. (Kxcept buuaaj J.
LenvoAlDnuy UOi'M
Lenvi, Uorvallis 1:10 hM
Arrive Yaqulua 6.o01'il
Liijive iuqulna - MiK
Leave Corvallls 10S6AM
Arrive Albany 11:10 AM
O. & c. trains connect ut Albany ant!
The ubove trams connect rt YAOU1K1
with the Oregon Development Co Un
ofSUgimsliluB limwien unuina and tfn
N. B. Passengers lroni Portland and sll
Wlllamettn VuIIhv iwilulu nnn make clcK
connection with the trains ol tLi
VAQU1NA KOUTKut Albauj ort'orvallU
and it destined to Snn Jrancibco, thouW
arrange to arrive ut Yaqulua tho ivenlinr
before date of sailing.
l'htifiigtr aiid t relent kt.it At If
Lowfst, i"or lniorrnatiou apply to webiis
UULMAN a Co., Kuiaht and Ucrtl
Agents 2U0 and 2i Front st l'orUanr'.Oi.j
t!iSO.O. BOOUK Ac't Gen'l Frt. Jt
l2iti3t,Hss.ABt,,Oiegon I'ucilloK.H. Lo..
bs Corvallli- Jl
O.H.HABViyjL,Jr.Uoi)'l Frt; a,
jPass, ,Agt. Oregon Deelopn.inf
X., U4 aiimn-'Oiriun ?''
500 TOfliAnsrri
rf n N 19 Slchan's
rUAsFr Mum
Le Illclian'a Oolden Balsam No. J
Cures Chancres, nnt and second suyer
Sores en the Legs and Body; Sore Ears,
Lyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colored Biotchei
Byphllltlo Catarrh, diseased Scalp.-ard 11
Srlmary forms of the disease known U
. J-pliilis. Price, fa OO per Bolll.
be Illclian'a Ooliluu Dalsum No.Jf
Cures TcrtUry, Mercurial ayphllillo Uheu
matlsm, Tains In the Bones, raln la the
Head, back of the Nock, Ulcerated Gel
Throat, Syphllltlo Itash, Lumps ai d con
traded Cords, Stiffness ot the Limbs, uw
endtcaUa all disease from the sjitem,
whether caused by indiscretion or abuie
ol Mercury, leaving the blsod purs siwi
healthy. Price t3 OO per IJollle.
be iltlcltau'a Golden HimnisU Antl
doto for the cure et Uonorrbcea, Gttet,,
Irritation aravel. and all Urinary or Cent
tal dlrrn;enenU. Price 9'i 50 per
ue RIchau'a Ooldea Spanish Ia
Jecttott, for severe cases of Oonorrbrts,
lnBamraatory Gleet, 6tricture,&c Price
HI Mi per Bottle. J '
be HlchnnU OaUT Olatmeal
tor the effective healln yphllitlo Seres
and eruptions. Prlrt,l 60 per Box.
Lo KlclLau'a Coldest Pills Nrrri
od Brain treatoeat; lose of physical po
. exees or over-work, rwetoailoa, (to.
Prlc ea per ,,
Tenia ma Nervine. t .
Seat everywhete, Rftg, i.eawlr 1