Sb EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPEIt." SALEM, OKEGON, WED203SDAY, ATTGrUST 17, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAT." NO. 194. ENVELOPE NVELOPES ! ! SPECIAL SALE 40c Per Box. These are No. 6 xxx Cream. Buy while they are cheap. TJ BOOK PATTON k SONS. SELLERS VND STATIONERS, 98 State Street. OREGON MAT S I UKMAL SCHOOL Jiiiia ilSPI 6iljiBliiH J1L MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. Choice Meats. tlvD. C. Cross Wholesale ami Retail lciilcr in Fresh, .Salt and Smoked Meats of all Hinds, l'ltOFK33IONAJ, OAIID3. F, CONN, Attorney nt law, room 7, , Murphy lilock. J J. SHAW, M. W. HUNT. BIIAW A . HUNT, attorney nt law. Oftice over Capital National bank, Halein, Oregon. 1 T. IUCHAKD30N, Attorney at law, ). oOlce up stairs In front rooms of new ush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon, JOHN A. CA1HON, Attorney nt law. O IUxmis.lnua -J, Jjula & Hush's bank building, Balem, OreEen. 811jr B. V. HON HAM. W. II. HOLME& Bon ham & Ilot.MKfl, Attorneys at law. Oftlco In Hush's block, between Slato and Court, on Coiu'l at. SMIjMON FOHb, attorney at law, Salem, I tin-yon. Ollito up-stalro In Palton's lock. Bit. HRAD3IIAW, PHYSICIAN AND , Surgeon, Salem, Oregon. Oince In biifch-llreymau block, upsUitrs Kesklenco corner StaleandU. K corner Mntcr Btreet. WH. YOUNU, M. D.. Offlco formerly t occupied by Dr. llowland, corner Court nud Libei ty streets. Telephone No. 15. orllco heurs: 8 a. m. to 12; 2 to 4 p. in., and 7 to a p. m, Hesldeuce lritu street ou electrla car Hue. Telcphouu No. 9, TK. W. S MOTT, physician nnd Bur J geon. Olllco In Kldildge Block, aa em, Oregon. Olllco hours 10 to 12 a. in 2tn4p. in. Bit. MINTA H. A. DAV1H. Offlco hours, 9 a. m. to 11 a. m.; 2 p. m. to A p. in. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Special atieu tlou given to disease!) or wom en and children, unlet) In Jiow Hunk illk., 305 Commercial street. Itosldence same. Board of Regents. Benjamin Seholfleld, Preg.; J. B. V. Butler, Bee ; Ex-Ofilclo, His Excellency, Governor Sylvestor Peunoyer; Hon, E. It. MoElroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. Q. W. McBride, Secretary of State; Hon. Jacob Voorhees, Hon. A. Noltner, J.C. White, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacy, Hon. P. V. Haley, Hon'. J. J. Daly. The State Normal ia a live bchool, rapidly growing, and continually adding to its facilities for the special truiuing of teachers. Its graduates are in demand to fill good positions. A gain of 80 per cent, in attendance was made last year. An enrollment of 500 ia anticipated for the next year. New members have been added to the faculty, and additional ap paratus supplied. A diploma from the ncbool entitles one to teach in any county in the state without further examination. NORMAL, NORMAL ADVANCED, BUSINESS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music. A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150. Tuition reduced to $6.25 Nor mal, and $5.00 Bub-Normal, per term often weeks. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.50 per week. Furnished rooms $1.00 per week. Board and lodging in private families $3.50 per week. Beautiful and healthful location. No saloons. First teim opens September 20th. For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B., Pres., or J. M. POWELL, A. M Vice President For Outing Material of Every Description FINE MEXICAN GRASS AND WOVEN, WEB HAMMOCKS. OTjflJDDBlS LAWN TENNIS, FIS01NG TACKLE AND SPORTING GOODS. i&Ss&sMSmiSm waftse8 iEJh yjntti - -t - " Sreffv,-. Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. 95 Court and 110 State Streets. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. j- all the lute and Car- All are invited to call nt 143 Court street and look at patterns in Wall Paper and get prices for same on the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E. E. SNOW, House, Sign riage PAINTING IN xVLL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kaisomlniug, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing aud Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. E. E. SNOW. Remember the place, 143 Court Btreet. EAST AND SOUTH VIAi Southern Pacific Route Shasta. Line -CALL ON- BROOKS & HARRITT, 94 State Street. F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT CALIFORNIA EXPRKR3 TRAIN KUN DAILY BETWEEN PORTLAND AMD S. F, South. 7.-0C p. in. 9:1b p. m. 8:15 a.m. "KorTri; L.V. J.Y. Ar. Portland Kulem Ban Fran. Ar. I lA Lv. 7:115 a. in 6:23 a. in 7:(X) p. m Above trains stop only at following Kta tlons north of Roseburg, Kast Portland Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany Tangent, Hbcddu, HaUey, Harrisburg o uummu vitj , n Yin,; iiuu uubdiici ROHKJ1UKO MALI. DAILY, 8:30 a. m. 11:17 a. m 5:50 p. m. Lv. Lv. Ar. Portland Salem ltoseburg Ar. I Lv. 4: 0 p.m. 1:40 p. m. 7.0J a. ni TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Size, 8 x 10 Inches. Contains new rteslsnis, new styles, latest Ideas In planning. No. 4 has 85 designs classified from 8160 up to 1500, about balf under S1000 Mo. 6 coo talus 59 designs of dwellings costing over J1500, many from 81800 up to S3000. Many new Bout bern or resort siyles of bouses in these works. Price, 1 each, or the two for 81.50. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. Dk.-: Si O. SMITH, Dentlst.M 8lato street, em, Or. Mulshed dental opera punuesjupera- T, Kulem ttous of every description lions a specially, WD. l'UQIl, Arcliitcct, Plans, Speel , lleatlons and supcrluleudcuvo tor all classes of buildings. Office 2X1 Com mercial 81., up Nlnlrs, CA. UOBKUT, Architect, room Ul, Mar . quam building, Portland, Oregon. BUSINKbS OAItnS. A li. SMITH CO., Contractors, Hewei x. lnir, Cement 81uewulk, K3c.iy.iUuk, Etc: All worn promptly done, baiein. Or. Leave orders with Uuau Bros 4:l.V-lm PJ. LAHSKN A CO,, Manufacture of all . kludsof vehicles. llepalilUK a special ty, Shop 45 Stnlti sttect. OAKPET-LAYING. 1 matte a specialty oi carpet-sewing and laying; carpets taken up nnd relaid with great euro. Sbado and curtain polo hanging. Leiw orders with J, H. Lunn, lluiou A Son or White Corner. J. O. LUilUMAu. Sis ;ns ! Say I You need one ot some klud. If so, why not have it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now is the time to save money by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St. Or leave orders with Srcat & Gile. State street. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HOrER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. PUBL1BHKD DAILY. EXCEIT8UJND. X. BY TUX Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Inoorporated.l Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Bull cling Kntered at the postoffice at Salem, Or., nc Md'Utl-clnfb matter. TI1K S1I.VBK COINAGE! The Oregonion of Saturday has otio of its stock nruument8 against fiee coinage of silver. Its point is that with the dollar of present stan dard weight and Uneness, the owners of bullion would make a profit of nearly ilfty per cent, by having It coined into silver dollars at the mints. At present the go Ver mont makes tho profits ou all the silver It coins, some four and a-hnlf millions a month. The Orerronlon can see no wrong in that. But what right has the government to buy silver at u depreciated price and put into its cofl'ers the enormous seniorugo which accrues from coin ing cheap Bilver bullion Into stan dard silver dollars? The coinage of gold is free and unrestrained, the government making but a small profit ou Us coinage. If the coinage of silver were free the government, could make uo more profit coining it than it does nu gold, which is only the actual mint expense Without free coinage of silver the piice of American bulllou will be depressed for the benefit of other nations. England will use our cheap silver against us In her India grain trade and her Asiatio com merce. We may look for depress ion lu the price of wheat and other export grains o long us we commit the Btipreme financial folly of not bringing our sliver product to par and making its coinage free. The Oregonion seriously misrepre sents when it says owners of bullion will make fifty porcent, if free coin age becomes the law. According to Its own columns in the same issue appears the statement that ou Au gustl2th the government purchased 850,000 ounces of silver At S3 cts. per ounce. This is far from 60 cts. per ounce as Tho Oregonion continually leprcsents, when it says that under free coinage the mine owners could take $100 worth of silver to tho mint and get back $150 legal tender Bilver dollars. It knows that Its logic and statements are false. Royal Baking Powder Has no Equal. The United States Official Report Of the Government Baking Powder tests recently made, under authority of Congress, by the Department of Agricultufl Washington, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative infor mation as to which powder is the best. The Official Report shows the ROYAL superior to all others in leavening power; a cream oi' tartar powder of highest quality. Albany Local, Dally .Except Snnday. S.IM p. 111. 7:52 p. 111. 0:00 p. m. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland salem Albany Ar. Lv. Lv, iU-.iUa.m. 7:34 u. m (U0 a. lu. TAILORS. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars For accommodation ot passengers holding second class tickets attached to ospreHS trains, iVesl Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: PAILY tSXCKPT SUNDAY). Barr (I Petzel Plumbers and Tinners, 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Bprlnklera. A complete lino of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbiug Furnished. FOUND The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery A T m 1. Yt,1 TX,. rig, Eixpress, uniy or xruoii, iruuu, J-xjijr, Mill feed or erood well rotted xvianure, lnnd of Dirh or fJravcl. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work ia our motto. RYAN & CO. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of- U&3 Btate Hi., opposite ea- lem Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the dav at the corner ef State and Commercial streets. Salem Truck & Dray Co. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G- PERKINS, General Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, SAtaivr, oreoon l Mannfactures STEAM ENGINK3. Mill Outnu. Water . Wheel Ooveruon. Fruit Drying OutflU, Traction Enclnea, Creating, etc. Knrm rakchinery made ffP?.1," General agent and manufactureis of the celebrated Waululrom t'atent Middling Puriner and UeeU. Farm machinery taadt and repaired. CN.CHCRCHILL T S. BURROUGHS. OHXJKOITLLIi & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. AgenU for the celebrated ecauouilo force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. Sashi and Door Factory Front. Street, Salem, Oregon. The beat class of work in our line at prices to compete With the lowest. Only th befc material used. S30a. m. 12:10 p. m. ITT. Ar. Portland Corvallis itr. Lv. fi:J0 p, m, 12:58 p. m. T. BURROWS I ARIUEB a mil lino ofStaplo and fancy Oioceriei), Freib Vegetables and Ber I rles in seabon, Butter and Egs nl ' wajson hand. see Com'i st. At Albany and CorvallU connect wllb trains of Oregon l'aciilo Railroad. BipntyaTHAiw (pai't.y ExchraBowriAY 1:10 p. in. I 7:23 p. m. Lv. l'oitland Ar. Ar.McMiunvllleLv. TSu a. ii 5:45 a. m Through Tickets To all points EAST and vSOUTII or tlckrtfl and lull information regard ing rates maps, etc, apply to the Compa ny a agent Halem, Oregon. K.i. HOUK11S, Aunt. U. F. and 1'asi. Ag'l R. KOEHLKIt. Manager WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking busliiessi In all 1U branches. GEO. WH.LIAMH Wir. KN UIAND UUGUMcNAitY Fresldt-nt .Vlco Preslden Those Afflicted With theibabitol using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can ob talma COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE ATTUE KEELEY INSTITUTE Forest Grove, Or,, Call writ. Btrlctlv confidential B. K. HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. Offlco at Chas. Cal ert's Mllllouer v store. Halem, Oregon. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work specialty. J. F. VV1I1TE. From Terminal or.Interior Points the I)IHEOTOR8: Geo. WUIlsmi.Wm. Knf luud.Dr.J. A. Rlcbardson. J. w. IlodKon. J. A Uaker. IJank in new exenange block on uom rntrrlH I street. :13-tl Authorized Capital (600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W. A. CU-SICK. finT W. W. MAIITIN, Vlcei'res. i. U. A1.BKIIT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Pur. aw MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducement for the next 80 days on sood farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON. Hoom II, Uusb Hank block. 6 Ud A Good Opening, A store and blacksmith shop are needed ot the town ot Ausour, 10 mlln south ot balem ilisagooa Mrinuij cuuniry, na a flooring mill with the second best water powrr IB ureges, uso a sawmill DuuatBg. HpeeUI lndueewesui othtfi. AddrwM yow mn HIT) numvujf w, I w Is the line to take To all Points East and Sooth, It Is the dlnlne car route. It runs throueh vestibule trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and in which aocommodatUBS are both tree and tur nUhed for holder of first and seoond-clasi tlckets,and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A conttnuot line cotuiestlng with all lines. aQordlnr direct Knj uninterrupted service. Pullman sit r rrrorvMlons can be so ared In svdvt c Bil any agent of me r'jxu- JARANi3SE CURE A new and Cninplete Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, olutment in capnules, also a box and pills; a osltlve cure lor ex ternal, internal, blind or bleeding, itching, chrouio, recent or hereditary Piles, and many other diseases and leroalo weak nesses; It is always a great boncflt to tho general health. The first discovery ot a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unutcessary herealter. This remedy has never been known to fall. SI per box. 0 for 85; Bent by mall. Why suffer irum iuih lernuie uiscase wnun a wrnum guarantee is given with 8 boxes, to refund the money it not cured Bend stamp for free numpie. uuarpnieuiBHiuu vy woouakd, Cuakkb &, Co., wholesale and retail drug gists, sole agents, Portlaud, Or. 5-2-ly-d w lMPltliSSING EVEN KNQI.AND. Tho rapid development of the American navy Is impressing even impassive Great Britain. The St. James Gazette says: "Its growth Is a very striking and suggestive fact, and cannot be too seriously taken Into account." This is a compliment to tho high character of tho wur-shlps that our government has constructed in the past few years. As far as Great Brituln Is concerned that Imperial monarchy need not bo seriously alarmed, nnd probably is not, at our few men-of-war and cruisers, built entirely for peaceful purposes. The great principal of peaceful aibitration of all disputes is so well established between the two coun tries that the number of war-ships cither lias never seriously alunned the olhor. is'tin-utd such a bill Is needed. Tho development of tho negro depends absolutely ou the kind feeling whioh exists between the two races in the south. The enactment of a Force bill would at ouco Inspire the negro with 'an undue attention to politics, and this, in turn, would Inspire the more emotional of the white pop illation with less kindly feelings to ward the blacks, and with these re sults thero would be In the South a re-enactment of all the occurrences of the reeonstructlou period. This Mr. Smith regards as a suffi cient argument in itself against even agitation for another Force bill, he goes much further. He mulntatus that the industrial oon ditlou of the Negro would be made materially worse, that he would lie come a less industrious laborer in the cotton Melds, because he then was much less industrious than he bus been since; and that in this way the agriculture of the South would be seriously impaired, and that the wholo couutry would feel the com mercial depression in consequence of tho social, political, and indus trial confusion that a Force bill would work In the Southern States. The faots and figures given by Mr. Smith are a full presentation of the whole Southern argument along every line of thought against even the agitation of such a measure. NEW MINING MACHINERY P. J. Foster, who resides about three miles west ot wulmi in Polk county, has Invented a machine for mining gold, which Is especially adapted to saving line Kold, and works any placer material, from line black sand l gravel, in taut anything that can bo shoveled. The maehlnn Is made of iron und su ul and weight only 75 pounds compute. It Is run bj the force of a VA Inch pipe of water with a head of four feefT It will work iroiu s to 10 tons of lilarl' sand, or; irom 15 to 20 tons of gravel In a day, and save every thing lu thu shaneof gold that will amalgamate, lhe machine lias been tested und Is guaranteed to do the work claimed. Macnlues will bo fur nished In running order before any uy Is demanded. Price comulete SIM) Call on or address P. J. KOHTKIt, 8lff Balem, Oregon, Through ticket to and from all point la Amerlea, England and Kurope can be purchased at any Uoket olHee ofthls com- Danr. Full Information oonerslng rates, tlmt of tralusoutM andot her details furnished on rDlleatlon to any areat or A. D. CHAKLTON, AUs'ant Geaenl Passenger Ageut, No, m Pirrt street, ear. Wahiston; Port- Isn't OrttfAa SHAW 4 DOWNING, ApsU. Administrator's Notice. VTOTIOK Is hereby given that the under Xl slgued lias been uuly appointed ad jnluUtrutor to the estate of Oris lllch, late of Marlon comity, Oregon, deceased, by the county court ot thu slain or Oregon, for Marlon county. All persons having claims agilnst said estate will i it sent them to the undersigned duly vrllled, at his home In Knglewood addition to the city of Haleiu, Id Marlon oounty, Oregon, within six months from the dale of this notice, und all persons Indebted to said estate will please make ImmtUlue tctllo tnenttu the undersigned. Dated this August nth, 1802. AllKAHAM KIOH. Administrator of the estate or Crls Jticb, deceased. B-ll Administrator's Salo. fOTICE Is hereby given that by autho i.1 ltyofan order of the Hon. County Lourt of Marlon county, Urig'm, made ou the mil day or July, lb&, aultiorlilsg " einpoweilng the undersigned to nil Uio uerelnafierderrlbea nul estate belonclDg to thewtaioof Kvellnol'ox, deceased. The undersigned, as administrator oi said t Ut, will on the tit day of September, 1892, at 2 per statute required,ell at pub lic amotion at the wrst uoor of the court house In Bulem, Marion county, Oregon, all the right, title aud Interest of the said nwmnuu iu iiio juiiuwiuk uwrnuvi premises, to wit: Lots 8, V, 10 and 11 lu bloek Nu. 8, as shown by (iiu amended re cordod plot of Unpltal I'ark addition to ly of H.ilem, In Marlon county, Ore- vstt,.'i ,'U the oil EOS, -. ub'n, ,r iY.i,i.uf J Admlnl.trator of the Knia e of Jivellae 5"ieiiiu, Ws m, Ot b, J uly W, 18W, 7-21t Why Good Eoads are Hard to Get. Among the very foremost agita tors for tho building of better coun try roads Is ex-Gov. James A. Bea ver, of Pennsylvania, wuo made this the subject of au executive message during his term of olllco. Governor Beaver has written for the August number of Tho Forum an explanation why most communities find it so difficult to get good roads. Tho school tax, he fcays, wo liavo be come accustomed to; so we have be come accustomed to bo taxed for churitable institutions and for the relief of the poor; but In most states the habit ot generations, so fur as concerns the improvement of roads, tins been the ineflectlve system of "working the roads," so that most men huyo not only had It 11 r inly ilxed lu their minds that reads are not proper subjects for direct taxa tion, but that the highways might be mude by a smalt contribution of personal labor. It Is this long and deep-rooted tax that is tho primary catiso of our national dlsgraco in having eo few good highways; aud the remedy lies lu such au ugltatlon as Is happily now going on In most states for a keener publlo apprecia tion of the direct commercial bene fits of well-built roads. Effects of aPorco Bill in the South, What would be the direct aud Immediate (fleets of a Force bill carried intoexecudou In the South ern stall? Mr, Hoke Smith, pres ident of the board of education of Atlanta, answers this question In a brief aud sharp article In the August number of The Furuin. After show ing that, In his opinion at least, the law would be unconstitutional, and after showing that Its expense would be not ltt8 than 110,000,000 for evi'iy iltclloii mid would bring Into existence at least .'150,000 new olllco holders, he piocceds to show that no greater calamity would be fall the uegro, for wbo benefit R Beware of Ointments for Gatarrah that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should nover be used except on prescriptions from repu table physicians, as the damage they will do is teu fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O, contains no mercury, and is takon Internally, and acts directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Cattarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. S-Sold by Druggists, price 76c. per bottle. GU3 BAUMLEFVS FLIEtV SALKM MARKKTS. Wheat"-C4o per bubhel. Oata 3840o per bushel. Potatoes 26o per bushel. Flour $4.20 per bbl. Brau (Sacked) $ 10.o0,per ton Shorts (Sacked) 521.25 per.tou. Eggs 18o per dozon. Chickens Roosters, 7o por lb.; hens, 10(aU2o per lb,;, broilers and fryers, 16o per lb. Turkeys 1012Jc per lb. Ducks 1216o per lb. Geese 7c per lb. Lard 75c$l por pall. Butter 2030o per pound. Beef 712jo dressed, 2Jo on foot Veul Oo, dressed. Pork-0o dressedjfijo ou f nit. Wool 1520o per lb. Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Greton, S. D,, woqueto: "Was takon with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set In and finally terminated In Consump tion. Four doctors gave mo up, say ing I could live but a short time. I gavo myself up to my Savior, de termined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised tn get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gavo It n trial, took in all eight holt ls; It has cured me, aud thank God I am now a well and hearty womau," Trial bottles free at Duu'l. J. Fry's, drugstore, 225 Cotn'J, St., reguluralza, oOu.aud 11.00. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor proscribed i Castork How Ho Made the Distance from WyM ' dotte to Trenton. ' If any one wants to go from, Wy andotte to Trenton ahead of 'tram timo I would reccomend him to Gar j iiaumier. gus Jiaumlor keeps a itHKj mng norso witli which. ha.ferri through Wayne county mud peot who are in a hurry. Qua' driver haft i mo pretty well under way for Tren- ton bof oro I realized that I had start cd. I was also under a heavy flr&dh mutt troin the heels of Gus Baum lor'a running horse. ' "Whoa, Bill. Darn your skin. T&x jost like to take a little of it out of you," said tho driver. Bill looke41 liko an accordion horse. Ho had hi , nock up from the first jump, and when tho driver pulled with aUJhla might on tho linea Bill humped hto- oackiikonn angry cat. He was a,: flno looking horse, with clean limhd when washed, a lot of Tiervoua bull-j hoadedness and a high, proud head. "Jfclo'8 a llier," said the driver. "Ho is, oh? Has he ever flown with you V I asked. "Yes, you bet he has. Steady, Bill I whoa, darn you I I'll' knock it out of you in a minute I" "Say, hold'im down," I said. "t never flow anywhere. I'd rather go on a run or a toot." Just then a railroad engino belched a cloud of black smoko out ofit stack about a hundred yards away. Bill stopped so short that I nearly took a hoader. The driver quickly wrapped mo uues around nisnand and holding a tight rein kept Bi oyo on Bill's cars. There's a funny thing about horse's ears. Ho can turn them la any direction, uko runnels on ') steamship. Bill stood just a second, or trroi shivering with f ricrht or cuseedneaa. Then he leaped sideways into thol air. "Look out he's going to fly!" I yelled. "I can bold him," said the driver. However, ho appeared to mo to ba too self confident. , " Bill danced along sidoways and p- ' peared about to vault the ditch. Tho train pulled down toward ,110, and at ovory puff of tho engine BUM front feet wont up in tho air. "Say," I asked, "do you think he could jump tho fence with the buggy and not hurt us?" "Bill!" yelled tho driver, andior tho noxt minute Bill received a oust ing that I oxpoctod to boo him 'kksk on. Ho had mado a final attempt to go over tho ditoh Bidoways. i. "I'll got out so ho won't have so heavy a load to jump the fenoe with," I suggested. "I'll got in again on tho other sido.'1 "I can hold him," declared the driver in a mezzo yoico, "He nevr ran away with mo but once. He's a moan beggar, Ho can go, though. He's gone in 0:53." I began to wish ho had gono hv'M or some othor year earlier than my timo. But tho engino hod now fallen little bohind Bill and ho showed signs of a dosiro to go ahead. The driver eased off an inch on tho linen and Bill made a clean standing jump of about twonty foot. Ho weak along kangaroo fashion uutil the driver eased off soveral inches on tho lines and then dropped into an easy cantor. Tho driver still held his clJn down pretty close to his nock, but his back Vas humped good deal. In a few minutes we drew near to a carriago containing two men driving a trotting hone. "Como on I" yelled ono of the men, "take a little of our mud." "Gosh! said my driver, with a broad grin, "if I lot Bill Btraighten his back out thoso follows wouldn't know whet wont by 'em." "Lot 'im straighten it," I said, with sudden dosporation. v I got my next breath at Treataa Detroit Journal. ' Hueklen's Arulca Halve, . The Hrt Salve la the world far Outf, HruiM-, Korea, Ulew , Salt Kliwim, Kever iiruisM, Mores, uiew , nan Kiiernn, Fever Horei, Trftr, Chapped Hands, fJtulbbtlBs, 0rii and all Mil Kruptlous, and mU hyihj ciir 1 UK, ot uo pay requt I guaranteed to give twrfeet si or money refunned, IMa. uvm, t w mu vf iwa 1 4 wtj BdtKMll- (red. It feet MUUfceWon wftwessowoB I Judge and Thslr If 4, Qld hands, a convict assured me, waiting trial at Nowgate are always anxious to know the time, when thejr go into court. ' Dyor twig the lurk, guv'rrf,, he added with a knowing wink.' ttap poeo a pore bloke like me is 'pallet and goes up for trial afore the judge's 'ad 'ia lunch why, sir, fetfej uounu to get ten etretett Now suppose he goes up after bloomin hold joker's 'ad 'is feed, 1 ho gow seven or live yearns t the judge's 'ad a glass uy wine 1 his lunch, the bloke etaude a ohance ov getting two yean twelve months and blow me, sir, I the ven'rawe old toirs 'au twoi instead of one, it s a sure get 1 a sixer (six mouuun, wiucn any fMo can uo on us 'H'WtuII MO. I