0 KNNfeai "WNBHS. frtmtke Switchmen at iffl n4 Otker News. THXXLOPIMENT. Delpk asd Miss Arm- , Mroat Married in Victoria. ca. B.O., Aug. 10. Among fr MMngrfl per City ofKlugslou, turdcy, vwe Chester JJoipn, son Doliih, Rnd Miss Arm- of Beattlt?. The pair were imtltd by Mra. Armstrong I rtUinau friend of the young lift. All PUI Up Hb HID .uiiaiu , ami a.W dinner Bet out in of an issuer of marriage nse, Tliey lounci mere was uui Hsuch jwrsou In tUe city, anu ..at his ofttee! waa closed for the y. Several hours later, the neces iiry papery were seemed, and then F clergymen had to be found to pre form, the" ceremony. It wus nearii o'clock when the party no.t out In hearob of a minister, and it was not 4111 12 that .they found one in the mreon of the Hev. Covtrdule Wat- llk.M irilm wu riAlilllf. 111 1 nf t!el t( all, nUW TT " WM-rf. - reform the ceremony. The finer geuoyoftho case litiviriy: boon ex lplaiuod, the knot wus duly tied, .'With Mrs. Armstrong as witness. Monday and yesterday tho married (Simple, with the mother and their ; Mend, "have been doing the town. LlFbay left yesterday morning for fYHi'nra. They are a bright young Irand when their identity becomi IfltBown they attracted a good deal of 4utlon, as they drove in an open triage around the city. Tho allalt created quite a comment ii Victoria,,, where tho bride has friends. WEWSBOY'g STEIKE. ;hy Refuse to sell The Or.'gonlon, Gave a Parade. Portland, Aug lO.Thm morn. ingi the newsboys inaugurated u fttrlke against The Oregoulun which ,thvyrefused to take nut at the old pTlcM. At tiluo o'clock uboutout ' Ke-atnl-i-.wl fnnmii(l In llnotttirl trm rstlt. d tlin-iigh ihestrcctK currying Hags ftuil Jrausparencles. Bevorul at temptM were made to start out boye w th papoH nut thoy were over- tnkett by the strikers who took tiiolr paittrn from them and destroyed theni. i)oys have been paying llin-e cents for papers. They de- oitiiid u reduction of one hnlf it eut. B')vs In tho banners carried the taiement. The Oregoulun wunts jto charge us 3J cents for papers While H sells to no va dealers for fy MQtt. The Oregonlun management w this is a wrong Btatcmeut, news Wy and newu dealers are and have loitz been charged alike for papers 8 rotate per copy and no advance was 'nude to boys or proposed to them. rThe manager of The Oregonlun tMnks that If It Is worth 2 cunts amply to sell paper It Is worf h 8 -Ctma to make It. Hoys besides are allowed to return unsold copies and nd.hivo tho money rofunded. WBX HOMESTEAD STRIKE. Ho Break in the Ranks of the Non , Union Mon. ' ... .. .. JiOMr-flTKAI), li Aug. 10. There was no break yestorday In thu ranks 'tho non-union mon employed by i Carnegie Steel Company. Thu eked out men had been led to be- Have that as soon us tho mites of Fort Frlck" were opened this rnlu from 400 to GOO non-union would come out. Fully 00 trlkers were on baud to welcome deserters, but they failed to kterlullze, and up to noon not a bad oomo out of tho mill. illy 100 mou camo up on tho Tide ad barges. She hud In tow on the it trip this morning two-thirds of fee employes, who wout to Pitts- Saturday night (n order to sod Sunday at home, Tho rest new fuon. merely laborers. .Tide arrived at noon on hor id trip, and had on board be- mni 26 anil 100 mon. ' THE BODY FOUND. Young Girl Horribly Murdered by Unknown Parties. Mount Vkmnon. III., Aug. 10. body of tho missing Llr..Iu ibera has been found In one of wlldeet parts of this county, i waa last ween Thursday night, us HWiseil through a stretch of the i,drlvlng from her home In the Utru jmrt of Marlon county, to. her Buuira residence In the ru part of the county, J list af tk6WM last seen, tho reitortaof i piMol abuts, followed by a wo rn aerwm, were hoard, A search t naoe Instituted, but no trace ' tnttfderer or herself was found r, when the ulrl's body jvrilln thu w"oilK,horrlbly 1, with three bullet holes iu i both legs out otr. The place ! tlw nrnue oocurreu is unin- ; HUd jMUtloulurs are hard to XUrM4 Aeeldefit. OCTOW, Ohio, Aug. 18. On MatMHuug valley and imilraad, bmnoh of the Pemu yautttt in oourx? of oon- ulght a work train of laboiM-d rail at a i of afMMMlaiui tuniwl, owing I awitsta Into, a gravel rjMW aolHdiag with the mm m aMtwjr, wrekl ten if af wofkw and la flftMMiM( Wf WilUUI. Will I ? Tke 8wikkmn's Strike. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 10-Yes terday afternoon twenty or thirty striking switchmen boarded a freight train pulling Into the city to set brakes and stall the train. They pulled coupling pins, threw the pins and links Into stagnant pools, and disappeared. A now supply of pltiH and links was procured, and tho (rain proceeded amid considerable excitement, The only Lehigh Val ley train that moved was a coul train, which moved out at 230, guarded by eight jMillcemen. The Nickel Plate succeeded Jo moving thirty-five cars of live stock from Lehigh to Lake Shore tracks, but when the men learned of it they re fused to make cars up In trains bound for New York. One hundred and seventy-three cars of live stock belonging to tb Erie & Lehigh, which were stand ing on tho WoJt Shore tracks, th men refused to handle, Tho me, jverc discharged in turn as they di lined, and In consequence stood It hourly expectation of being ordered nut by the union. Iu the Phllo iielphiuds Iteadlug yards not a cat ius moved since Saturday. A lurgi orcc- of men are expected this mon -tig, nod an eftort will be mudo I liiifcli the work. ,TI o sheriffs posfo which wet' wist of Buflaln ytsterday aflernoo' was greeted with Jeers by the u wmbled strikers. "Specials" wh bad bem as bruvo as lions on th ' train and Indulged In tall talk fel thf Ir courage ooilng away as sooi as they lauded, and finally In rt iponsu to appeals of tho men, om ifter another throw away their club or hauded to the powerless sherlfl while at each conversion cheer went up from the strikers, and sooi. all that remained of the sherlfl'. bruvo posse could be counted on tin fingers of one hand. Sheriff Beck bowed to the Inevitable, and cam back to Buffalo to call outtbemllltu No disturbance reported up toll p. m. last night at Cheektowng yards except tho burning of one empty Lehigh freight cur. BitKi'ALO, Aug. 10. 1 a. m. Tin OQth Regirueut has Just been sent t Pheoktowaga to guard the Lohlgli Valley and Erie yards tho balance oi the night. 1:80 u, m. Tho 71th regiment huh Just been called out to protect tin Central aud West Shore property, It being feared the switchmen on thes ro ul.-i may go out tonight. Huiwalo, Aug. 10 No sensu tlouul devolopemenfs In tho swltoh niaii's strike during the night and lliosltuatlou has Improved. With excellent regiments of the national guard in the field and polico rein forced by 200 specials tho feeling is much more reassuring than yester day. Police claim to be abln to handle tlio strike within tho city limits. Syiiaousk, N. Y., Aug. 10. The 41st Independent company nation al guard Is under orders to be ready at a moments notice to go to Buffa lo. AUUUHN, N. Y. Aug. 10. Cap tain Klrby, of the second compuuy Wheeler rllles has received orders to hold IiIh company ready to go to Buffalo ou a moments notice. Buffalo, Aug. 10. The third Vico-Presldont, Waller Webb, of the New York Contrul Is iu the eity, having been called hero by thegrav lty of the situation mm the possibili ty of tho greut four tiuck road being uflcotvd. Buffalo, Aug. 10. Tho Lehigh Valley people claim they got four trnlna out of tho yard this morning unci they will huvo no difficulty In moving freight after today. RouuKSTint, N. Y., Aug. 10. Owing to tho action of tho Fall Brook und Ccntrnl-lludison In ac cepting freight fiom tho Lehigh uud Erie, It Is thought a general Btrlko may he ordered on tho lines. Oflleluls at Lyons think It probable swltohiuen will bo ordered out all along tho Central and West Shore In sympathy with tho Lehigh and Erie strikers. Dlflcliargod for Color Blindness. Kalamazoo, Mich., Amr. 10, During tho two weeks past four drum! Rapids & Indiana engineers havobeeu discharged for alleged col or blluduoss. The men are tho old est In tho employ of the company, aud two of them had their sight tested by experts, It was found to bo hotter than average, and tho men huyo asked to bo returned to their positions, but It Is understood that tho officials will not accept them. Brotherhood men here say that, mi- lesu tho muii are reinstated, trouble will follow, Tho trainmen's union will puppor t tho Riothcrhood, and tho result Is being looaed forward to with anxiety, Tho TouiiQSSoo Miners. Knoxvii.i.b, Aug. 10. A special despatch from Coul Creek at an early hour this inorultig says an tinned foroo hud been forced at that point whoso destination was Oliver Springs. It also states the guard at Oliver Springs hail been Informed of tho fact ami become weak-kneed us there are 160 convicts there with on ly a hand full of guards, all having tieeu removed some time ago, Msjor Chandler has received orders to hold hU men under arms and sixty-live are ready to muve at a moment's notlee. Nabhvillk, Teou,, Aug 10 Miners have attacked the stockades at Oliver Wprlniw aud have Wen re puked. Two guards nro wounded, A aettd attack hi exiieoitd uy THE GOVERNMENT POLICY Gold Paid by the Government on Silver Notes. New1 York, Aug. 15. The cruci al lest of the policy of the' govern ment was mode yesterday when Heldclbach, Yekclbelmer & Co. ten dered $1,000,000 in treasury notes Is sued ou account of silver purchases nnd demanded for them 1,000,000 In gold for shipment to Germany by steamer. The treasury officials made no demur, but paid out the mouoy. The transaction caused comment, as no home Institution or homo banking firm ever In tho history of the government made a like demand on tbp treasury. As sistant Treasurer Roberts said no steps hud been taken by the admin istration to prevent or obstruct tho fxport of gold. Tho government stands icudy lo meet all obligations In gold, and will pay them all. Ii'h free gold balances now amount to $112,000,000. The government has already dt-clded to pay all silver treasury notes In gold, if demanded. Oholera in Persia. 8tMiLA,Aug. 10. In consequence '( tho dread prevailing In Teheran over the Invasion of cholera,tho b1h.1i bus taken up his resilience at Camp tit Elburo, twenty-four miles from IVluruu. In tho city is an alarming Increase in tho number of cholera cases reported dally. Deaths aver age 800 dully. American protestant missionaries are doing incalculable good at tho hospital. All railway and tramway traflio Is stopped, anil tho bazars closed. Nearly ullresld ents who were able to do so have fled from the city, Almost all vie Ims of thu disease are from the low er clashes. At Tabriz cholera is rag ing with ui st fatal efFect; every day the deaths amount to several hun dreds,und the disease shows no signs of dlmluultlon In its violence. One on Henry Wattorson. Nkw Yohic, Au. 10, The Union Printer thl-i wtek takes up thedi oluratlon of Editor Henry Wutter .soti, of the Louisville Couricr-Joui uul: "I got Stevenson for vlce-pre-ddout, and arranged u ringing tie daratlon In favor of tariff for reve nue only," anil in commenting on It says: "The editor of the piincipal rat sheet of the South aud West claims the credit for Mr Stevenson's nomination, 'llio iulluonco of Us editor In tho councils of his party Ih aecond to the influence of no other man, possibly exception that of Qrover Cleveland, so we have rutlsm high up In tho councils and lullu enco of the Democratic party." James F. Bard manager for Ore gon and Idaho for thoEqultabloLIfe of New York nnd Samuel Quurles, Now York representative of said company are lu tho city for a few days the Equitable Is very popular In Salem havlug over two hundred thousand dollars of insurance on the lives of our prominent citizens. . People's Withdraw. Ottawa. Kansas., Aug. 10, It Im said Deniccrats ui.-d tho People's party congressional executive com mlttecs met here und agreed for the withdrawal from the race of the People's party candidate. This will center all opposition to Congress man Fuustoi) In favor of Moore the D.'inocrutlo candidate. Souvonir Notoi. Wariiinction, D. C, Aug. 10. It Is now pioposed to issue bunk notes souveuler In honor of the Quudio-Conteiiulul of the discovery of America, The idea is to choose one of the smaller denominations for u souvenler, probably tho one dollar note. Tho Train Robbers. Vi.3Ai.iA, Cul., Aug. 10. All pur suers of tho train robbers, including Sheriff Kay mid tho Arizona trailers returned homo yesterday. No tru ces of Evutis and Son tag were found In tho Sierras. Pursuit litis now been abandoned altogether, as the robbers have hud time to get far away, Gladstone's OfUco. London, Aug. 10. Gladstone will take tho oflleo of privy as well as that of Hrst lord of tho treusury. Lord Brussey will be viceroy of Ire land. Moro Convicts Turnod Looso. CHATTANOIKIA, Teiin., Aug. 10. Yesterday 600 miners met at White's hall uud proceeded to In man, where 250 convicts tiro tit work In the Iron mines ol the Teuu ossee coul, Iron it railway company. Ou the train wore -10 unarmed guards going to lnniaii to lucrease tho glial d there, About 160 miners took charge ot tho guards and tho remainder went forward to tho stockade, determined to bum It uhd turn the convicts over to the guard uiitl send them out of tho country on the trulu. This was tho last heard of them, as tho tolwgruph wires have beon cut, but It Is sup posed they curried out their purpose. Tho -10 guards whom they Intercept ed were vont out from Nashville by Governor Buchanuu. Within Hailing Distance. Nkw York, Aug. 10 Tho steam ships Aurunlu aud Alaska, of tho Cuiiard aud Gulon Hues, steamed Into port one minute's time uiuirt. They had a thrilling race from Fustuet rock, aud were within hail ing dlsiuneo all the way acres. The Auraulucrofcsed tho lluUb Hue at Bandy Hook Just one minute ahead of her big rival, The Alaska lfl Quteiistuwii 64 minute earlier than tLe Auraiils, the former cover log the distance In 6 day, 90 houra and $8 minutes, acd the atter In 6 dayi, 19 bourn and ii tuluutiv, The Mystic Shrino. Oiiama, Auir 10. -Threo thous and nobles of tho uuclent order of the Mstlu Shrine participated lu the parade lust evening. A recep tion was then held, at u hlch Mayor Bern la gave the nobles he freedom of tho city. This moriiliig Poten tate Briggs delivered his annual re port. He quoted statistics showing that there tire in this country sixty two temples nnd 22,789 nobles, against thirteen temples and 423 nobles In '78. Of the fraternal dead nobles, Potentate Briggs said: David Kaluku.i, king of Sandwich Islands; Win. J. Florence, and Tewfick Mo bummed Pasiia, Khedive of Egypt, are tbe most prominent, tiio re port of the imperial treasurer show ed that tho Imperial council was entirely free from debt, and had a balance of $18,771,422 In tho treas ury. The question of limiting tbe number of temples lu tho state to three, after considerable discussion, was left to the discretion of the Im perial council. Kilraln on Sullivan. Nkw York, Aug. 10. Jake Kll rulu isu Sullivan man now. To an Untimute friend who visited him in Baltimore, a few days ago, Jake gave bis Ideas of the coming fight. "I think Cothctt Is one of tho shiftiest men I ever saw," suld he, "but he does not class with John L.Sulllvan as a fighter. When I met Corbett In New Orleans I was really surpris ed nt his cleverness. Hud I known how shifty he was I should have done some training. I was out pointed, but hud the contist been ton flnlh I believe the result would have been different. I noticed one thing ub.tut Corbett, ho don't like lafle-htfu'. livery time we got at clorfe quirtersl punched away at his wliid. IlnvlijLr one hand fiee I hud a perfect right to do so, but he appealed lo the referee, and uo in fighting was allowed after the third round. I wus weak whenfl entered the ring, but the several LoJy blows I landed made him wince. Whin will he do when a nun like Sullivan pounds h's wind? Corbett himself is anything but u hurd puncher. They can all talk about f-'ulllvun's broken-down condition unci all that, lie is a remarkable man, and can light 24 hours ut a stretch if ho Is properly tiained." News from Tacoma. Tacoma, Aug. 10. Julius Langt, a prominent citizen of Moutesuno, has been missing u week. Hestart ed for Honolulu, but diligent in quiry by his friends fails to show any trace of him. He never drank or gambled, und was known as hon est and upright. Count DeCIuude arrived here lu charge of Deputy Uulled Suites Marshall Chesucy yesterday after noon, and was pluctd lu tbe peni tentiary pending trial ou the charge of sending ob&ceue mutter through .lie mull to Dr. Elgholtz, of Tacoma. DeCIaude bays he did send tho let ter, because Elgholtz und wife hud used threatening lunguuge to his wife in trying to collet t fr2.'0 which he (DeCluudo) owed. DeCIaude di clnres he isu teul count uud skipp ed from Germany when u lleutoi. ant In the army, having w. uncial a fellow olllcer. He sajs ho cun now return, the lime for which he can bo punished havlug expired. A Little Steal. Baltisiouk, Me., Aug. 10. The p oploof Baltimore learned yester day for the 11 rst time that the In stantaneous Fho Alarm Company had been using the city's ilre-alurni equipments free for the profit of a small and select coteilcof politicians, who Incorporated the systim ulont two years ago:Piesldont,Johii Waters ex-warden of tho city Jail; treasurer, I. Freeman Ruisln, the broker; sec retary, .1. H. Thomas, deputy city register uud clerk to the wujh uud nieutis committee of the city eouueil; munuger, William J. Ruisiu, cousiti ofl.F. Rahlu. In 1890 the board of lire commissioners cave the o.mipony the rlu.ht to use, free of charge, the city's fire-alarm equip ment. Having secured this valuable privilege wiiiimiL cost, mo company built up a prosper oils business Little attention would probably have been attracted to tho enter prise hud tho concern not gone a step further and succeeded lu using the city's treasury. A resolution wus Introduced Into the city council to put the auxiliary boxes lu all tho school house lu the city at tin an nual cost nf HO per box, but the plan did not work. Finally the company hit upon u morn ellVctlve way of attaining Us end. When the ways and meuus committee was making up tho tax levy lust spring, they allowed this Item to go into the amount, "Set aside for tho in spector of buildings for sanitary uud other Improvements, $S00." Steps will probably bo taken to break up the concern's power, and compel It to return this money to the city, Philadelphia and Reading. PjlILAUKH'IUA, Aug. 10. Tho Philadelphia and Readlui; rallwuv company yesterday afternoon Issued a notice Altering a reward of $3000 to any person furnishing evldeuco leading to the arrewt of uiivoueuiilltv of violence- to the oompuuy's em. ployeea or destruction of Its proper ty. The btrlLe ou the LehlchVallov road, which Is viewed with serious uesahy the Reading management, ocoaslous uo apprehentlous as to Its outcome. When asked whether he would make auy concessions to the demaud of the strikers, President McLeod auswered emphatically. No, lr,' "Thick and Olossy." TITE 1'HODUCTION of an abundant growth of hair, f a silk-llko texturo nnd of tlio original col. r, often reatilti from tho uo, by those wlio liavo become Viald or gray, of Ayer's Hair Viger: "I was rapidly becoming gray and bald; but after using two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hnlr Crew thick and glossy aud tho origi nal color was restored." M. Aldrlch, Canaan Centre, N. II. " A trial of Ayer's Jlalr Vigor has con vinced mo of its merits. Its uao has not only caused the hair of my wifo and daughter to bo abundant and glossy, out it has given my rather stunted mus Vacho a respectable, length and appcor anco." It. Brltton, Oakland, Ohio. (IT l.nA ...Ail Arr'a TTnlr Vlffor for the past four or five years and Mm it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all that I could desire, being harm less, causing tho hair to retain Its natural color, nnd requiring but a small quantity to rentier the hair easy to ar range.' Mrs. H. A. Bailey, 9 Charles st., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, riucr-AnzD by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by I)rugglU and Perfumers. THE QUESTION OF PLAGIARISM. Ocma of Thought, It Appears, aiay He Stolen If Put In New Settings. No one has over been ablo to de flno what plagiarism is, nnd there fore it is unlikoly that there should bo any general agreement as to what makes a man liable to such n charge. Tlio question is perpetually recuning in other fields of literature ns well ns in homilotics, and no one has laid down any scientific principle of suffi dent clearness to decide all disputes. It cannot bo that a man who is in debted to another for an idea is guilty of theft if ho adapts it for his own purposes; for, if such nn appro priation bo fraud, nearly all modern writers liavo committed unpardon able sins against tho ancients. Thoy may not have known every thing "down in Judeo,"but the range of literary and speculative ideas was remarkably extensive in Greece, and if wo are going lo judge those of our writers to confine ourselves only to our own nationality who have owed inspiration to Athons, wo shall havo to condemn a good many illustrious names. Chaucer, Spenser, Shake speare, Milton, Dryden, Pope whoso withers will bo unwrung? A short timo ago a critic took occasion to draw up a list of instances in which tho poet laureato had adopted thoughts and expressions from his predecessors. It was wholly a work of supererogation, for Lord Tenny son would bo tho first to admit the debt which ho, in common with other poots, owes to Homer and Vir gil. Classical phrases are taken wholesale, as every student knows, witness such lines ns "This way and that dividing tho swift mind," and "Sho could not draw tho quiet night into her blood" tho last a capital in stance, for it assimilates and im proves upon tho original. It is not freshness of thought alone, but also freshness of treat ment, which gives an author tho right to call his Work original. If we tako tho supreme instance of Shakespeare wo seo at onco that the real question in many cases of this kind is not whero tho writer got tho idea, but what he had done with it. A poet, a novelist, an essayist, a preacher can tako a hint in a crude stato and so transform it by tho as sociations and characteristics of his own mind that he is justly entitled to claim it as his own. He cannot bo called a plagiarist, at all evontsj for many of these so called thefts aro unconscious reminiscences, un recognized as such, which aro worked into tho texture of a man's own thoughts and made instinct with his own personality. In novels and romances, again, wo liaroiiuniorous instances of thosamo frco oxchango; no ono ought to call it by a hnrder name, unless ho is ablo to discount tho frequency of literary coincidences or possesses a higher originality than that to which most of us can attain. Such reflec tions, no doubt, woro present in the minds of tho Congregational union when thoy absolved Mr. Woods from tho charges mado against him. He was no plagiarist, becauso, while from Dr. Dyke's valuablo store he selected a few homiltic gems, ho pre sented them to his congregation nt Clapton sparkling in bomoorigin.il setting of his own. London Tele graph. Tho results obtained from using Kiilphato of copper dressing to pre vent tho growth of tho fungus W potatoes aro decidedly satisfactory. Hood'o Sarsaparillr. ts c re'nlly prepared fiom Sarsaparll.-' li i. .on, M u.ur.iUe, lUk, t'l, M: sew i, .'.. . er licrrlis, and Ulu r cll-Uuo a r.i. J x ..u Ho vegetable tenuities, by a pccull.r ' ..it .nation, 1 n portion, nnd process, g!v jto Hood's S.visnpaiilla curative power l.t possessed ly oilier medicines. It ilW'ts leliiaikabla cures where others fall. Hoou's Sarsaparilla Isllio best Mood purifier. It cures Scrofula, S..H ilheuui, hulls, rimples, aH Humors, Dyspepsia,' Biliousness, sick Headache, liitdceftton, General lVblllty, Catarrh, liUcumatlsm, Kidney and J.lver com )i tuts; overcomes That Tired Feeling, ueates nn appetite, I ulUls up tlia system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Has met unpa railed success at home. Such Is Its popularity tu laiwell, Mass., where It Is made, that Lowell diugglsts sell more ot if ikI's Sarsaparilla than all other samara rll'.as or Mood purifiers. Tho same success is ite-idliif all over the country. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar lu Its strength and economy It Is tlio only preparation of which caL truly be said "loo IXwe One Pollar," A bctllo of Hood's Sarsa)iartlla taken accord ing to directions, will last a mouth. Hood's Sarsaparilla l's peculiar hi the couHdenca It talus among allcliiiesofrfopi. 'waereltUouceused tt beccam a favorite family remedy. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations. ))e suns to ret the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla o'.4l'yikUMUM. fl UIor 94. rttptTMB ) O-1. MOOD A CO., Ai4tbcitM, LawvU. Hut 00 Pnm On Dollar PACIFIC LAND FOR TOWN A, H. $2.00 ui" fill - Perdofror.h'er.nestnn.shed MmMDB PHoioonAww inthecity. MONTEE BROS., WH 180 Commercial Street. Coutrnvtor and Itulhlcr. Salem, Oregon. T. J. KKBSS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor. 20th nod Chcineketa Street. BICYCLES. Full bull bearing BaMy III; i.vi.im. The lowest nrlctd whicl L In the market. Tho best In the world for tno price. C.B. Brown A;ect,?18 uommer clal St. City. BW mMUMvuuitiaaji twriumarrwxacKSTi Notics of Assessment. VfOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN thst by prilsr l of tbe common couucll of theclty of Sileui, niaile ou tbo Mb. day of July, 1892, an aiaess. ment was duly levied upon all property abut ttng ou Cbeaieketa street, from Water street to lilli street. Said afseaement Is hereby made for the Improvement of said street. Said as sessment shall ba due aud payable to tho re corder nf the city of Balem tcu days from th date of this notice. A lint of property abuttint,' on said street and the owner thereof and tho iinoniit assessed to such property Is hereby sit out and made a part of this notice. Notice Is further given that uoless said amounts so as sessed are paid within ten days from the expir ation of this notice, that I shall proceed to collect the same by IaW: W. Breyman and E. Breyman; lot 1 in block 62 of the city of Salem, Oreson, $144.03. II. V. Cox; lot 4 In block CI of tho city of saiem, uregou, tiia.13. 3. B. Stump; lot 8 In block 49 of the city of Salem, Oreg in, $144.03. J E. Starkey: lot 5 In block SO of the city of .Salem, Oregon, $144 03. State Insurance Company; beginning at the southeast corner of block 50 in the city of Salem, Oregon, as shown and designated ou the duly recorded maps and plats of said city and running thence westerly along the south line of said block 85 feet; thence northerly on nlino parallel with the west line of Commercial street in said city, 4G feet; thence easterly on a line parallel with the south line of said block, 85 feet to the west line of said Commercial street and theuce southerly along said west line of Commercial street, 4G feet to tbe place of beginning, being 4G fiet by 80 feet of lot number 4 In bald block number CO. Also be ginning at a point which Is 40 feet north of the southeast corner of block number 50 iu tho city of Salem, as shown and designated on the duly recorded maps and plats of said city; thence northerly along tho west line of Commercial street of said city 23 feet; thence westerly ou a line parallel with tho north Hue of Cheineketa street of said city 1M feet, more oV less, to the alley in said block, tbenco southerly along said alley on a line parallel with the west line or said Commercial street to the north line of said Chemektta street, a distant oof 71 teet, nioroor less; thence easterly along the south line of said block number 50, 8U feet, more or less, to the aouthu rst corner of the property heretofore conveyed by this bank to tho State Insurance Company of S item; thence northerly ou a line parallel with the west line of said Commercial street, 46 feet to the northwest corner of said property conveyed to said State Insurance Company; thence easterly along the north line fit H.tfl iipnn.rli.mnuu.ful In lha CI.,- ,...... auce Company as aforesrld, 83 feel to the place county of Marlon, state of Oregon, $141 03 Pirkt Nntlttnnl llttnlf nf R.letn nmnn.. ....... immune at the northeast corner of block 4!) In iuc vn ui oaicju, ijn'tjon; loenco soulu aloug Oommerclol stieet,45foet; thence west parallel with Chemektta street, 03 feet; tbenco north parallel with Commercial street, 46 feet; thento east along the north boundary lino of U t num. bered 40, CIS feet to the place t f beginning, cou. tallilliff G02S ftntmrn fptl nf rtrm .t.l avnin.ii streets and sidewalks; also ccniratncing nt 0 point which Is 05 feet west of the iiortluost corner of block number 49 In the aforesaid city of Saloin; thence south parallel with Commer clal street 43 feet; thencn west parallel with Cuenieketa street C5 feet; theuce north parallel ui." iwo.muorujai aireet ; leei; mence east 05 reet facing and along Cheineketa street to the northwest comer of the bank building now erected nn k.IiI hlnrlr lnlnr ti.u i.nn ...r.... ... .0 . j.i.ic illumin ing 2700 square feet of ground, more or lem U.Alllilliirt .1... .......I 1.1. I. .. . "..wutj.uB DtirriB sun niuewuiKH, UUI eXCeptlll" therefrom the pr. petty conveyed by the late William Stewart to Mrs. A. A. Wheeler by war. ranty deed dated April 27. i887, and recorded iu tho record of deed of Slanon countv. Oreuon July 11, 1887,book 34 of deeds page 453, ti,et!itr with the tenements, hereditaments and uiinur. teuances thereunto belonging, $109 05. A. A. Wheeler: beginning at the northwest corner of lot 1 fn block 49 in Saloin, Oregon thence southerly along the alley 07 7-V feet' thunCA Amlprlir nip.llul i.tll. pk. ,... .. .' i, - ... J .......... ...... uutriucrifia street. ,iieeM, ih,C,U.irr. !"'? "lom! ."'.'line of thence northerly 45 feet to north line of sld block; thence westerly 40 feet to place of be. ginning, $.15. i,ll,,I.,Dt8e.' Br- ,nrt K-pi B"le. Jr.; lot 5 in block ai of the city of Salem, Oregon, $141 03 oSgoViifos1 '" Uock alof ,b0 -&"&. mlW 8m3.rtOUre,gl,n,.O,f,,4O4,013in J. Q. Wilson; lot 5 in block 23 of the city of Balem. Oregon. $144.03. ll) 0I , ,M-A-Thompson; all that part of lot 8 In bock 2-3 described as follows, to-wit: Ilegin ning at the northwest corner of lot 8 lu block M In Saleiu, Oregon; Ihenco easterly on south line of Chemeket, street lug feet; thence souHn erlyatrlBbt angles M 1(MJ feet ,u lll0 "' J'.' no of s.1,1 lot 8; thence westerly on sahl son I, lino of said ot 109 feet to the east line of ij" erty street; theuce uorlherly ou said east n i9S.!" 8,re" 81 l'12 ,eet ,obnnln" Martian t Morlej; all lhat rart of lot 8 in bock 22 described as follows. te.wlt: B.giu" ning at a i point 101) feet east of the nortl m, corner of block in Salem, Oregon, in" rUn OrWinr' lot,Mkn Salem. J. W. Dlrkersou; lot 5 In block i in th. u of Silem, Oregon, $U4.03. inthecity Amelia (1 Rltv i.t u i i.i.. .... Of Balem. Oregon'. $141 m!" """ 00, tbaclt' C9i.e&0..U.ock the east h. ,f ,'",.,?? ?L?' I1'"".. Oregon, Ralcra. Oregon; $7205. J ,D ,ne cl" "' O. Boowden! Int l in t.iA.ini. .. Balem. Oreg. n, $114 03. '" ,ne c"' ' .. fol owT.ni.r ,f,VJKf?.?.W ""crlbed corner of lo.ibin bl .tk 7 i"fi. Sum oT"1 'tt"W " orl 1 In. of .. i feet; thence southerly rtanll.i iiit ., " l5 Jlde of MM lot 06 fceY to KSB" Jtt ""?, thence westerly alona said souii. iu.l .i?.101 b&,:d?JK.&Sou0u block 74; thenc nortliiiT.ion?J .V?. nM. SJ., I 4 . U .aid tl'oVk'tiUX! JiigiSW, luhnlc3YSP 1( " 8len. Oregvin. $158 W. tne e" ' WSWBirtujp or ih. Balem. Ohnn tin ni u40c ' Uio citv of .lid lot I H Ml f , ,hc. L?.Vnflh Un "' VltB Mt lli. Of Vd lot M toJ,i"'.l'.mlUl old lot thtnc.WMl.riv . 1. ,ou,', "nr r '"--wB.HWi71 AND ORCHARD I LOTS, F11U1T TRACTS FOilSTNER 4 CO, - - - 1 i . u jjiijii rt ShOJI, COM, I .flc Horseshoeing Sporhng Goods, lite, om)SIT1J ,, Commerclnl Ktreet On Stuto RADABAUGII & EPLEY. Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, 41 late Street. THE Salem JlacJtman in IB, I'OIILE. IJcst Line in the City. Court Street. SIEVES BROS., California Bakery. THE BEST. 101 Court Street. J. 11. MJIU'IIY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOHTII BALliM. II. Kb. B. C. JiitOX0. Baths for Ladies, HAIK DKKSSINO lAKI.OKS, li'4 Court Street. . Under iikhiK and Cabinet Work, 107 State Street. HOEYE & MILLS, PORCELAIN BATHS AN1 BHAVING I'AlirJBS Only Porcelain Hntlilubs lu tbo tom.ri.i oaicuii ui. MWVrTmuim JIIXItttlftM iaxn 31 fed nnd 0 lnchis; thence poutherly parallel with west line of Bald lot to the south lino or sild lot; thenco easterly ulnug tho Bouth lino of said lot to the southeast comer thurenf; thence northerly to the place of beginning, $73.15. Z. F. Moody; lot 10 lu block 83 of tho city of Silciu, Oregou, $144.03. Mary Johnson; lot 0 in block 81 of Salem, Oregon, $114.03. J. Batcbelor; lot 5 In block 82 In Saleiu, Oregon, $114,05. N. A. Oooiloll; lot filn block 80 in tho city of Salem, Oregon, $141.03. Eugenia Ollllnghani; all that part of lot 10 in block 3, described ai folluws, to-wit; Detu ning at u point on tho north line of bald lot '27 feet westerly from tho uortheaBt corner thei oof and ruuuliig thence southerly parallel with thu east lino of sild lot to tho south Hue of laid let; theme westerly along the south lluu of nald lot to the southwest comer thereof; Ihrnoi northirly to tho northeast corner thereof; theuco easterly to the place of beginning, $120.50. A. Dush; all lhat purt of lot 10 In block 83 described as follow, to-wlt: Uiglnulng nt tho northeast corner of said lot uud ruuulug theme westerly nlong tho north Hue thereot 27 led; thence southerly parallel with tho cast line Hereof to tho south lino of ha Id lot; thence easterly to the southeast coruir of said lot; tl ence northerly tu the place of beginning; and also lot 1 In bloLk bj ui the city ot Haleni, S107.03. T. Mcr.Pattou mil Eliza Cook; lot 1 in block 83 of the city of baloiu, Orcccii, $144.05. A. Piirvlii; lot 1 lu Cirtu right's addition on the north sldo of Chemeketa street, $U'J.bO. Jane A. Dtuufordj lot 14 of Curtwrlght's ad dition on tho north sldo of Chcmtkctu street, $37.03. Issabella Martin; lot 5 In block 8(! in Salem, Oregon, $114.03. A. Ulosscr; lot 13 of Cartwrlght's addition ou tbo north side of Cheuii-kett. atreet, $57.05. W, X. Ladue; lots 4, S and C In Cartwrlght's i dditlou on tho south side of ChemeLeU sti et t , JJ4.85. E. V. Starr; lot 7 In Cartwrlght's addition on the south bide of Cheineketa street, $37.03. l l'ugh; lot 8 in Cartwrlght's addition on the south side of Cheineketa street, $57.05. M. Rhodes; lot 9 lu Cartwrlght's addition on the south side of Chemcketu street, $57.05. M.E. Costello; lots 10, 11 nnd 12 in Cart Wright's addition on the north sldo of Cheme. keta street. $172.83. 0. T. uilT, J. Oard; the southwest quarter of block 0 In Roberts' addition to tho city of Balem. $138 80. A. M. Palmer; tho west half or the southeast quirterof block 0 in Itoberio' addition to the iltyof Salem, $00.85. J.I). Crosa; tho east half of the southeast quarter of block 0 In Roberts' addition to tho i ttv of Saleiu, Oregon, $00.83. Mary Cauheld and 'I'hotnas Cnufleld- tho northeast quarter of block 3 In Roberts' addl lion to Salem, Oregou, $138.80. , Ilauuah Joseph; all that part of block 3 of Roberts' addition to Saleiu, Oregon, described u lollows, to-wlt; Beginning at tho northwest iruer of block 3 In Roberts' addition to Salem, l regon; thence south along the west lino tuertof 157 feet; theuce east parallel to the BJUth lino of Cheineketa street 73$ teet nieuco north parallel to the east lino of Twelfth strett 137 f let; thenco (net ilong tho i. mtli lluo of Cbeniekctu street 70 H feet to the place nf beginning. $0'I.10. E. Shcpard; the east half of tho northwest quarter of block 3 in Roberta' addition to biltm, Oregou, $09.40 0. A. Gray; all that part of block 5 of Rob. ens addition, described as follows, to-wit: ginning at tho southwest corner of said ,r ?, V, "'5 "leuce easterly along the south ine thereof 00 feet; thenco northerly ,mralle with the west Una of said block 105 cet; thence westerly parallel with the south lock ;"! WoCk f,0 f0,et ,0 tllnvtBt er H iwv,CipS0,JtUerJy nlunB the wtst llne f Jwio! ,0 pUco of beEl""'"B. J. 0, Smith; all that part of block B de scribed as follews: Beginning at a point on the south line of said block 130 feet east of o '.iblrCk 'M '"i1 cakt of the outhwest corner .hfi111"1 r"m!""! t,,e,lco northerly parallel w.th tho west lino of said block, 105 feet tUnce westerly parallel with the south lino of said block, 70 feet; thenco southerly ' nirallel S'Cffi &w block 7u rwV iiG;i-.Mt',i"IV' " M'Honand 0 A. Mellon all that part of block 4 in Roberts' addition to" i.i-KiuMng at the northwest comer of said n'Jn nnln "'Wee easterly lon thB -ottU Hue thcreof.ilS feet and 7 inch., thence bi" kciy3pf"ilei,?1,u ""' W6t li- if 155 mock, lu, ftit; thenco wcsicrly parullel with the norti. Hue ot said block; thence northerlv ia.Hasf,r ! ,'0" lis i.v' k?.. tUUltlOU tO thO Citf Of R.1,, ,1. siriueu as follews: Beoinnlnn at Z ..V the noith line of said b"ock, 93 fed . nd 7 inches eauerlv t, i '..'.. ,CV '" " nor'thllnro rJSSl liThllT' ,!,.. ....,-..' .""! '"" iioiiuwest cor IHlllsfSSS the southeast corner of a.id bin, v .. , rly ' r.om theuce northerly "iiiriliei l?i. ua ruIluliB weaterly parallel with th. ,'J$l ,S''. V"' ,-ter 8.U?11JfS3:,0",a b,0tk lof '" City of of,lCuJh,$r?4,?D03.,OU,n " of H.V.e,!nvOo.ni..0J. Oregon. II1j!m. M,B "" X ef B.ltm Biltm S4oSw?."IW b,"k"..c!.y of fsitSy'-snto,. Kldiidi nag., v.p BiwnEi nt!t' "J. Orttn.jth.Bn5, , Wdrldg, lnii Otrlroi ....UU.ty UUop f th p vi 1-oarcn and Thorns, v Z. .. . , tpi.cu. ru in th. cIIt AND -FARMS J. J. UARKINS, i LBHKuri mi CANDim Fruit and Cigar8 p- O. Bloolc, ' Street. IS. T. ililiriiRKw Cigars and Tobacco' 1 UUiLIARD PAHLOII, 243 Com'l Stro,,, ' T. W. THORNRIlRr. The Upholsterer, upholstered f.rnliu're.lr0' JOHN IIUVIN, Carpenter and Builder, Shon ( Htale streeu Store Fittings aSpccl&'t, Notice of AsncBamcnt. rOTI0E IS HEHElir GIVEN thatbyoreerof 11 tho common council of tho olty of Salem mado ou tho nth day of July. 1892, an iitoh. ment wns duly levied upon all property abut ting on Commercial strett from tho south side rf Mill street to the Bouthcrn limits of thecltj Raid assessment Is lnnde for the Improvement of said street. Bald assessment shall be dn and payublo to the ri corder of I ie city of Saleiu, ten clajs from tho date of this notice A list of properly abutting ou said strett and the owner thereof, and tho ainouut assessed to Binh pioicrty 1b hereby set out aud made t pnrt of thiB nottco. Notice Is further given that Unices said nruounts so ussessed are paid within ten dayB Irrui the expiration of tLU lwllco, that I shall proceed to collect the lame by law: J. J. Murphy and E. C. Murphy; the westhalf of block 38 of tho city of Salem, Oregon; $jsi, Traukio I. Jones; tho west half of block 39of tho city of Saleiu, Oregon; $381. Harriet T. Clnrlt; lots 4 and 5 In block 43 at deslguatidon the recorded plat of thecltj of Salem, Oregou, $93.25. Amos Stroug; lot 4 In block 41 of the city ot Salem, Oregon, $107.40. N. J. Mcl'uersou; all of tbo south fraction of lot 3, block 44 lu the cily of Salem, state of Orogon,sald fruutlou containing 32 fiet more or loss; to bo moro explicit, the property con. cjed is all of lot 3 lu block 44 exuptlng 42 feet on the north side of fraction or said lot sold to, and now owned by Mis. John A. Jotuu and bouudod nn follews: Begluuiug at a point on tho east lluu of lot 3 in block (4, of Salem, Oregon, 42 ftct southerly from the uortheist corner of suld lot, nnd running thence westerly parallel with the south lino of said lot 1(13 feet moro or It ss tu tho west Hue of said lot; thence southerly along tho wist.llno of Bald lot to the southwest corner thereof; theuce easterly aloug the south lino of said lot; theuce north erly nlong the oast Una of suld lot to the place uf beginning, $3.1.03. Julia A. Johns; tho north fraction of lot number 3, block44, comprising 42 by 1C3 feet, lu tho city of Salem, Muriou county, Oregon, a shown and designated on tho recorded plats of said city nnd bounded us follews: Beginning at a point on tho east lluo of lot 3 in block 44of Salem, Oregon, 42 feet southerly from thenortk cast coruei ol bald lot nnd running thencenest. erly parallel with the south line of said lot, 1M ft tt, more or less, to tbo west Hue of sale) lot; theuce northerly along tho weit lluo of said lot to tho northwest corner thereof; theuce east erly ulong tho north lino ot said lot, 183 feet more or less, to the nortbo.ut corncrof sild lot; theuco southerly along tbo east Hue of said lot to tho place of beginning, $18 60. Mary Stroug Kluiloy; tuts 1 and 2 in block 43 of Salem, Oicgon; $100.50. Allen L. Buckingham; beginning at a point Iu eastern boundniy 8 rods southerly rem ut rtheust corner of block 42 In Salem, Uiegou, theuce southerly 4 rods ulong said boundary; thenco westerly at light angles to said bound, ary to the western boundary of said block; thenco northerly nlong said western boundary 4 rods; thenco easterly on dlicct line to place of beginning, being 1.5 uf block number 42; $70.20. 1'. J. Larsen; lot 3 In blcck 43 of Salem, Ore gon; $95.'25. llattio Easlon; lots 1 and 2 in block 44 ot Sa lem, Oregou; $108.20. Matilda A. 1'iescott; beginning at tho south easterly coruer of block number 42 lu Salem, Oregon, and running theuce northerly along tho eastern boundary of Bald block, 4 rods aud (ifect; theuce westerly at right augleatosaid eastern boundary to the western boundary of said block; theuce southerly parallel to said eastern boundary 1 rods and 0 feet; thenee easterly on a true llne to the place of bejlu. ning: tho same being the fraction of said hlen-k 42, except tho following described laud deeded to Sarah Fullorton, tn-wlt: beglunlugata point ou the eti.ttra boundary line of block 42 as shown by the recorded plat of the city of Salem, iu Mailon couutv. Oreirun. at u nolut tbereoul rods and 0 feet uortborly Iroui the southeast corner nf Bald block, uud ruuulug thence at right angles to said eaeteru boundary line, westcily to the west boundary line; thence southerly along tho west boundary Hue 2 feet; thenco runulngat right angles to said west of boundary Hue, easterly to tho tiibt bouudiry line said block; and thence northerly aloug said eust boundary line to tho place ol begin ning; $78.60. Surah I'ullerton; beginning nt apointontbe eastern boundary line of block 42 ub shown by thu recorded plat of the city of Salem, In Marlon county, Oregou, at a point thereon 4 rods and C feet northerly from tbo southeast corner of said block and running thence at right angles to suld eastern boundary line westerly to tho west boundary line; thence southerly along the west boundary Hue 2 fret; thence running at right angles to -said vefct boundary line, easterly to tho east boundary Hue of said block; thence northerly along said lost boundary Hue to the place of beginning; nlbo tbe following described property, to-wit: part of blot.k42of the city of Salem, Oregou, as marked a-jd designated on the recorded plats of the said city, particulurlv bounded by be-, gluulng at a stake on Commercial street lu said city, 1J2 feet northerly iroin the southeast corner of said block; thence westerly at right angles to said street to tho west boundary of said block; thence northerly parallel to Cora, luerc.al street 00 feel; thence easterly at right -.(.ics iu ursi nameu line lo ine place oi oca'"" ning all In said city: $71.00. BW. Q. Woodworth, Cyrus B. Woodworth, Mary W. Patterson and O. S, Woodworth; be ginning at a point on the eastern boundary llne or block -12 In Salem, Oregon, 8 rods southerly from the northeast coruer of said block; tfctul. westerly parallel with the north llne of said block 105 feet, more or less, to the alley in said block, theuce northerly parallel with the east llne of said block, 8 rods to the north line of aid block; thenco easterly ilong the north line of said block, 103 reet, more or lets, to the northeast corner of said block; theuce bouth. erly ulong tho east line of sild block 8 rods to the place of begluulng; $162.10. J. W, Brown, U.Q, Brown and J. O. Brown; the west half of block 37 In Salem, Oregou; A. Prescott; the west half of the west half of block 40 In Salcn, Oregou; $348.40. Suian II. McKluney. Robert Harrison, Ed. ward Harrison and Andrew Htrrlsou; tbe east half of block 41 of tbe city of Salem, of the county of Marlon and state of Oregon; $JI6.4U Wiled it Salem, thli 10th day of August, 18W. M. E. QOOllELL, Recorder. M. T, RINEMAN BaULKS IU c and Fancy Gweries, and UMn7"'Q,as,wari l-mp. Wooden iiiihIS!lale"a,lfrul 'n their season. wiSotte ft1S ld country pwdaee." WBioUet & erf your Mtree. 1...TA "U. a o njs"Bw-