v EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. "t v ,"" VOL. fl. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPEll . SAJLEM, OBEGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1G, 1892. "TO-DAY'S 2TEWS TO-DAY." NO. 198, fcj ELOPES ! ! SPECIAL SALE. 40c Per Box. These are No. 6 xxx Cream. Buy while they are cheap. 4-&44tejbu. SSSCTTS- J J 98 State Street. HOOK SELLERS -nd- STATIONERS, OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, BiiJliSBjL MONMOUTH, OREGON. The 0 K B Leading Normal School of the Northwest. Board of Regents. Benjamin Sehnlfield, Pres.; J. B. V. Butler, Sue ; Ex-OHlcio, His Excellency, Governor Bylveator Pennoyer; Hon. E. J. McElroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. G. W. McBride, Secretary of State; Hon. Jacob Vonrhees, Hou. A. Noltucr, J. C. White, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacy, Hou. P. W. Haley, Hon. J. J. D..ly. Tlie State Normal Is n live school, rapidly growing, and continually adding to its facilities for tlie special induing of teacheis. Its graduates are in demand to till good positions. A gain of 80 per cent, in attendance was made lust year. An enrollment of 500 is anticipated for tbe next year. New niombers have been added to the faculty, and additional ap paratus supplied. A diploma from the school entitles one to teacu in fib county in the state without further examination. NORMAL. NORMAL ADVANCED, BUSINESS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music. A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150. Tuition reduced to $0.25 Nor mal, aud $5.00 Hub-Normal, per teim often weekR. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.50 per week. Furnished rooms $100 per week. Board and lodgiug in private families So.50 per week. Beautiful and healthful location. No saloons. First term opens September 20th. For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL. A. B , Pre., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President For Outing Material of Every Descri bD. C. Vleats. Cross, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, VltOFKSSIOXAI. GAUDS. LF. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, , .Murphy Block. J J. HIIAW, . W. HUNT. SHAW A . HUNT, attorney nt law. ortlceovcr Capital National baukr8aleni, Oregon. 1 T. lUOHAltDsON, Attorney at law, ), office up stairs In front rooms of now anh block, corner commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAUON, Attorney at law. Kooms 3 ana 4, Iduta A Hush's bank building, Salem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr H. V. 110NHAM. W. II. HOLMES, Boniiam & Hoi.mis, Attorneys at law. OiUco lu Liush's Mock, between State aud Court, on Com'l St. miLJION KOHD. attorney ut law, Saleui, JL Oicgon. Olllcu uptalrs In l'attou't. block. 13. Hll uiikb-Ui URAD3XIAW. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, .Milom, Oregon, wlllco In llrt-vnmn block, umtalrs Residence corner istitteaiidS. K corner Vt Inter street. -V H. YOUNG, M. D.. Ofllco formerly . occupied by Dr. ilonluud, coiner court ana iiioeny streets, leiepnune no. id. uuice ueurs: in. in, in i; z ic i p. m , and 7 to 0 p. in. ltcsldcnro 1Mb street via electric cuv Hue. Tclcphoue N o. 9. TUG CAPITAL JOURNAL H0FER BR0THERSt - - - Editors. I'OBUHUliD DAIliY.KXOKlTSUNJJAY. BY TIM Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In V. O. Building Entered at the postofflce at Salem, Or., nc retond-clats rrmtlir. Dll. W. 8 AlOrr, physician and sur neon. Olllte In Kldrldun JUlocK. sa leui, Oregon. Office hours JU to 12 a, in. 2 to i p. m. Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. j OS Court and 110 Stale Streets. ption HE MEXICAN GRASS) AND WEN WEB HAMMOCKS. L ml LAWN TENNIS, FISHING TACKLE AND SPORTING GOODS, PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. All are invited to eull nt 143 Court street aud look at all the lnte patterns iu Wull Paper and get prices for same on the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E, E. SNOW, House, Sign and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hauging, Knlsomltiing, Wall Tinting, etc Varnishing ano Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. E, E. SNOW. Iteinwmber the place, 143 Court Street. EAST AND SOUTH Southern -VIA) Pacific Route Shasta. Line -CALL ON- BROOKS & HARRITT, 94 State Street. F. T. HART. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS. CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TBAIN RON DAIX.1 BETWEEN PORTUIND AND 8. V. bourn. I North. 7:IK p. in. 0:1s p. m. 8:15 a.m. 1..V. 1'ortlnnd Ar. I 7:3 a. 11 Lv. Buletn IjV. I 5.2U n. m Ar. Pan Fran. I.v. 7:Wi.m Above trains stop only ut lolloping sto tlons north of Iloschurg, East Portland Orgon City, Woodburn, rinlein, Albany Tangent, Sihedds, Ualsey, Harrisbur; junction uuy, irvinguna ruigenc. KOSKHUItO MAI.L UIU.Y, 8:30 a. in. 11:17 a. in 0:60 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. J Mp.m, Iv Baiom I.v. J:W p. ui. Ar. Itosebui-g i.v. 7.iw u. iij Albany Locul, Dally Kxcept BuiiUay, 6.1X1 p. 3d. 7:52 p.m. 0.00 p. m. Lv. 1'urtlnud Ar. I JU:.Wa.ai Liv: euloni Lv. 1 7.S1 iw in Ar. Albany hv. B.:) n. m. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS I LOCKS ? HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT BcllT & PfitZfil piubers and Tinners, 214 & 216 Commercinl St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers A complete hue of Stoves und Tinware, Tin rooflug aud plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Koraccommodation ot passengers holding becoud oinss tickets attached to express trains, lYest Siilo Division, Between Portland and Gervallis: PAILY (KXCKIT SONDAY). TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." aize, 8 x 10 Inches. Contains new designs, new styles, latent ideas In planning. No. J has S5 designs classified from 8150 up to 1500, about 1ml ( under 81000 No. 5 con talus 59 designs of dwellings r.otrtlug over S1600, many from 81800 up to OU0. fllauy new Mouthern or resort styles of bouses lu these works. I'rJco, SI e.ch, or the two for 810. E. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. DK. M INTA H. A. DAVIS. Offleo hours, 9 a. m. toll a. in.: '2 v. m. to 5 i. in Uay or night calls promptly attondod to. Special attention given to diseases or wom en and children. Uulco InAew Uauk llllc, 30j IXunmerolal street. Itesldence same. rK. T. C. SSIXTH, Ueutlst.Oa BUlto street, U waiom, ur, riuisnea ucuiai opera' tlons ofeverydoscrlptlou. nons a specialty. l'ftlul ess opera- Wll, l'UOH, Architect, Plaus, Specl , Stations and superlutenduuiu lor all classes of buildings. Oil Ice 2.Q Uom merclal St., up stairs, 0: A. HUBERT, Architect, room-U4. Mnr quam building, Portland, Orcyou. IJUSINfcisS CA31D5.. B. SAI I ril it CO., Contractorb, Sower jr.. lng, Cement Sidewalks, I.xojvntlng, Etc: All '.vorn promptly done, Salem, Oi. Leave orders with Uugr'i ltros. 4: 1 Mm PJ. liAUShN & CO,, aianuracture of all . kinds of vehlukh. Xlepalring a speulol ty, Shop 5 hUue street. OAKPET-LAYING. 1 mate a specialty oi carpet-elng mid laying; carpets talren up aud relaid with great cat e. Hhnde and curtain pole hauglng. L"i.a orders with J. H. Lunu, Buieu A Won or Whlto Cjrner. J. Q. L.UUUMAM. Sig ns ! G T. BURROWS ARRIES a full line of Staple and fancy uiocenes, iresu vegetaoiesnnu iser lles In season. Butter und Kggs al ways on hand. 226 Com'l St. S.ty ! You need one ot some kind. If so, why not bave it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas .Now is the time to savo money by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decoratorand Paper Hanger, 382 Church St. Or leave orders with Sroat & Glle, State street. THE rolCCK OF JUEA8 Was finely illustrated In this state iu the coe of an otherwise useful ed uuntor who had the idea that girls could not study mathematics r,s well as boys. His dementia led him so far as to believe that while boys were studying nrithmetio girls should be working samplers and tidies. He talked this at teacher's meetings, institutes aud conven tions. But the force of ideas was too much for this young man. Iu Ills schools the girls would struggle uo more over a hard problem than the boys. They would Btudy arith metic with as muoh persistence as grammar while the professor wont ou entertaluing and advocating his "theory." His theory carried him out of work in the county where he was superintendent and he has gone to auotber state where It is to be hoped the idea of co-education, will dawn on ids mind. He is a victim of the force of ideas. A KJtANIC ADMISSION. Tho Republican party is com mitted to high nrotection, to Mc Kluleyism; tho Democratic party is opposed to this polioy, anu pro- ie3ses to tuvor, anu it put in power promides to enact a tarifX for reveuuo only, or, i's some insist ou nutting it, "free tride." Portland Telegram. This Is a pretty frank admission that the Democratic party is a free trade party aud by tho leading Democratic paper of Oiegou. The Republican party is not a free trade party but an American party seeking by a wise polioy to upbuild Ameri can Industries. It has succeeded in this in a remarkable degree until It has made this one of the greatest mauufactuilug countries iu the world. A free trade policy could hardly improve ou this. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report RoY&l Baking Powder g&& ABSOLUTELY PURE enter the markets of tho world." Yes, reciprocity Is extending the trade of our producers by millions to foreign markets hitherto closed by the freo trade trusts of England. Geo. W. Uelt, formorly of Salem has been nominated for Superior Judge ou the Democratic ticket. Ho came forward and was given an ovation. His speech was an an omalous ono for a political conven tion. He was thoughtful and earn est, but not demonstrative. As usual each year, the masterly Inactivity of Major Handbury de lays work ou tho Columbia at the Dalles In the Interest of the corpor ations who fatten off the producers. Uulll the government or providence removes this skilful tool of corpor ations no one need hope to see the river opened. Hot winds contiuuo to injure Kansas corn crops. ' More electric roads aud paved streets is tbe motto of bettor Salem. Clackamas county will build bridge over tho Tuallton river. EX KHALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator, Onlco at Ch is. Cal m t's illlllonery stoi, Halcm, Oregon. 7:20 u. m. 1&10 p. in, 12 iV. Ar. Tortland Corvallls "ArT Lv. "5:30 p. m. 126 p. m. At Albany und Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon l'achlc Itallroad. EXPRKtaftTltAlN (DAILY KSCEITfcHmDAY FOUND Tho place to g t a Saddle horse, Liver' rig, Express, Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, Mill feed or crood well rotted Manure, lnnd nf Dirfc or Gravel. Call on Hvan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto KYAN & CO. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for ordera. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of tlpii rtt'ite St.. onnoaite Sa le-u Iron works. Drays aud trucks may be found throughout the day a th-J corner of State and Commercial streets. Salem Truck 4 Dray Go. 1.40 p. in. TSn p. m. rjTvT Portland Ar. Ar.McMlunvlllPl.v. y.'JJ a. ii 6:45 p. n Through Tickets To nil points EAST and HUUTU lor tickets Rnd lull information regard ing rales nutis, etc., apply to the Compa ny's .agent Salem, Oregon. K.P. 1UXJKKS, Aest. ii. V. and I'ass. Ag't It. KUKHI.UK. Manauer Those Afflicted With thehablt!ot using to excers, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtalma COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TUK KEELEY INSTITUTE Forest Grove, Or., Call write. Htrlctly oontldeuual JAPANESE 12?H '""'AfljtiA "cr h ar L4aCK1 "l Uw2y M. AWJGf Rawiif m. i i V IRC J La f CURE Marion county lias acted prompt ly iu the mutter of a bridge for Mill City. Now we have both aides: Hol- man says this congress spent $33, 520,210 less than the last session of tho preceding congress. Hender son, of opposite politics (rep.), says the Democratic congress just closed, spent $21,885,820, more than the tlrat nr Barno sessiou of tho preced ing congress. They take different sessions to comparo with but tho people are taxed just tho eauie. Tho United States Danklug Co. at Klamath has withdrawn from business. And the New York World says that the Democratic party Is not a free-trade party. Tho Republicans of Washington have put a strong and harmonious ticket in the field. Anew and Comnloto Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, ointment In capsules. uiso a uox ana puis; a positive cure lor ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding, Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary l'lles, unu muny other diseases aud female weak uesses; It Is always a great beueltt to the general health. The llrst discovery ot n lnedlcal cure rendurlng un operation with the knife uiini.cesb.iry herealter. This remedy has never been known to full, si l.or box, 0 lor 5; scut by mull. Why suffer lrom this terrible disease when a written guarantee Is given with (1 boxes, to refund tho money 11 not cured Bend stump for free sample. Uuarpnteo Issued by WoodAUD, ULAltKK & CO.. wholesale and retail driiir. gists, sole ugents, Portland, Or. S-ly-dw T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent WORKS, OREGON miii Outfits. Water Wheel Governors, Krud ........ ..--.. ---.. ,. . ,. IRON B, F, DRAKE, Proprietor, SALEM SAI.KM, - Manufactures BTKAM ENGINES, Diylng Uutflts, Traction Knginos, cresung. eio. rrm . '""' '"Z?,, ".,rj ,Tr,r. General agenU and manufacturers of tho celebrated WahUtrom Patent illddlinits I'urlderand Keels. Karm machinery made and repaired. T S. BURROUGHS. & BUBKOUGHS, C.N, CHURCHILL CnTJECIELLIi Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Filters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for tbe celebrated ecanomlo force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa BtrceL WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, 200,000 Transact a general banking business; In all Its branches. JKO. WILMAMH. Arf.KW lilVMU. auuuMtiNAnr. 1 "resident .Vlco i'reslden (Jushlei. UIIIKCTOUS: Geo. Williams. Wra. kuf Iniid.Ur. J. A. lllchardson, J. W, Hoaxin, ,r, A lUWcr. Hank in now Kxchunge block on Coni mrRlfcl street. H;l-U White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TItUCK, Now ready for business, specialty. Careful work J. K. WH1TK. From Termioal or Interior Points tbe Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, Toe best claas of work in our line at priceB to compete with the lowest. Only the beet material used. For Sale, Cheap. A number of trios ot this springs I'lym milh itoclr. Illack Iaiigihan, Whlto i-tv-h .ru,uudi'artrldge(4Klilns,all thorougti. tired st-0E. Uuy early, save exprebsrhaigeu und set tho pick oi the teawio. f.) to p-"r trio, boxed for shipment. Adrsa li HOKEit, Salem. Or. Notice of Final Account To nil whom It may concern; N'OTICE U hereby given tbst the under slifurdadmlmsirstorof tbe estate of Man W. Hutton. deceased, has this day riled hi Anal nuuuui as such admlnlstra lor, with tbe clerk of tbe county court for Marlon c-'unty. Orrgon, aud the Judge ol Mid court has nxedtneJWa day of Augtwl IWiat lo'ctock p. m.atttie county court room In tbe court bou.eof said county, as tbe time and plage tor tbe hearing of n'ly objections which there way be to mid ac count and fur the MtUeniMt thereof. J. K. FOilnlmTr Vldmlaistrator. JaljW.Vm. 1-U-tt Is tbe line to take To all Points East and South. It Is the dining car route. It runs tnrougn vestibule trains every day In tbe year 10 ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) ompusod of dlnlugcars unsurpassed, i'dllraan drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Hcst that oho be constructed and In wblcb u.oiiiinodi.ilwus are both tree and tup uUbed for bolde.-s offlrst and second-clam .tokels.nud ELiEGAiiT DAY COACHES. NEW MINING MACHINERY I'. J. Foster, who resides nboutthxe miles westol Half in lu l'olk county, has inveuieu u mucuiiie lor mining goiu, which Is especially udapted to saving hue cold, and works any placer material, fioin tine bltioK suud to guivel, In tuctuuvihlng that can bo shoveltd, Tho mactitue 1 made of lion uud steel und weight only 70 pounds rompltte. It Is run by tho force of u 1 Inch pipe of water with a head of four reer. It will work iroui to 10 tous or blacl knd. or! from 15 to 20 tons of irruvel In u day, and suvu every thing in the shape of kuiu iiiai win amaigumaie. i lie mucuiuo has been tested and Is guarantee,! to do tbu work claimed. llacfiliiiK will be lur ulshed In running order before any pay is demanded. I'rice complete tluO. Call on or address 1. J. KOOTKIt, S-l-iw Ualom,Oiegou, Six of tbo lurgest flouring nulla iu Culirorulu, worth ten millloDa, have fulloil to coutrul tho output. A doctor thinks he has found gold In the Cape May sands. Thore has always been a great deal of tho "dust" washed on top of those suuds. The Starr Sand Co. has the con tract to deepen the chanol ucross the bar at Iloss Island in tho Willamette to 1G feet. A Puyallup, Wash., special to the Soattlo Telegraph says: "It is con fiervutively estimated that tbe hop crop of Washington for 1892 will not exceed 20,000 bales, a large fall ing off from last year. The amount of yield will depend very largely upon tho euro taken of tho yards by the owners. Tho lice have been so numerous and active this year that those who neglected tho precaution of spraying will probably lose the entire crop. Thoso who sprayed in time and kept it up, at intervals, until the burr was formed will gather a good averago crop, with prospects of realizing stiff priceB be fore the season is over." Beware of Ointments for Catarrah that Contain Mercury, as mercury will suroly destroy tho sense of smell and completely de rail go the whole system when enter ing It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from repu table physicians, as the damago they will do Is ten fold to tho good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O, contains no mercury, and is taken internally, aud acts,dlreotly upon tbo blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Cattarrh Cure bo suro you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made lu Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. BQrSold by Druggists, price 76c. per bottle. mi DA CAPO. She eat at the old piano; Her fingers, thin and pale, I Ran over the yellow keyboard i The chords of the minor scale. 1 Her hands wera tvttfinrAA nml k1,ni1ta 1 llfnmwlt1..Mw..tu.(. , They seemed twin spirits In look and tone, I Herself and tho Instrument. For tho instrument, quaint and olden. With Its single tremulant strings, , Was little more than a spirit, j And its tons Boomed a whir of wing. I And she: tho keen chisel of sorrow And the cruel burin of euro Had cut in her dear old features Deep furrows hero and there. Till aU that was gross and earthy ' Had been chipped and smoothed away, i And disclosed tho patient angel Behind its thin mask of clay. She paused, and with upturned feature And reminiscent eyes, , Was translated in on brief moment ' ' Bock to young life's Paradise. . " And the lovely spirit of childhood. Bo trusting and pure and sweet. Came book and glorified her ' From beaming forehead to feet. t . Then she swept the keys, and the mnela . Of vanished years leaped eut: Each note was a patter of merry feet, Anu a giooiui, cauaish snout. And fingers dimpled and rosy " Tripped o'er tho enchanted keys, -' And tho muslo was fresh as young laufhtw Or tho warblo ot birds In tho trees. '' " No strain from the old tone masters. No burst of harmony grand, ' Sprung from tho old piano At tho touch of that maglo hand. But tho simplo airs of her girlhood Rippled in melody Bweot, r1 ! As In days when her sky was all snnshlim ' And tho hours wcro as happy as fleet. And sparkled tho light that vanished From eyes long dried of tears, And twinkled feet to her muslo That bavo moldcrcd lu dust for years. And as wo watched and listened Hho seemed to our molstenod eyes Already beyond tho portals That opened toward the skies. Nor seemed it longer a marvel , That when, In tho morning gray, Tho disciples came to the tomb of the Lor4 To bear tho body away, They found but h Is cast off garment, With Its odor of aloes and mvrrh. 1 iJ And tho stono rolled away from the open foot 'd ur on empty sopuicuer. --, Boston Transcript. Thedruukeuess mid scandals of the late congress show little disposl tlou to legislate for tbo people or re llovo them of tho burden of taxes. 'iu? ooc.'.'istlng with all direr Hi'rt uninterrupted A contlnuot lines, ailurdiu isrvlce. Pullman sli r 'vrrr ions can be se cured Inadviit" ..u,u any agent oi the rood. Thiougii tickets to and from all point lu America, Kocland and Kurope can be purchased ut any Uoketomee of this com pany. Pull InfonaaUoa concerning rates, time ji troiiHi.rouiesanaoiufraeiaiisjuruwiJtHj on fi:ulteUou to any aceat or A. D. CHAULTON. Vsehrtast Oeaenil iuweuger Agtat, .No. ut nrw street, our. WMauiBCtoo; n hu)d.'iriwi Hort ul first street, ou. Whhagtoo; SHAW DOWNING, AgeuU. Administrator's Notice. NOTIUK is hereby glveu that tho under signed has been duly appointed ad ministrator to tbe (.state of Oris Itich.late of Marlon county, Oregon, diouscd, by tbe county court ol the state ol Urrgon, for MarloH countv. All nersons liavlnif claims ugjlnst said estaio will present tuetu to tbe undersigned duly verlllcu, at us mime in nngiewoou uuuuion to tnu city of walein, in Marlou county. Oiegon, within six mouths lrom tbe date of this notice, und all perMUis IndebU-d to said bslaie will please make Iminedluie tellle meiitto tbe Ukdentiuued. Dated this August Mb, 1BW. AUltAHAM HICH. Administrator of tbe tstute of Cris Jtlch, dtceustd. B-Il The Portland Dispatch refers to Oregon Democrats "who havo form ed or creuted a grlevunco against Mr. CloveUnd. "Why does it not state tho "grievance." The Portlaud Telegram calls on tho Democrats to organize. After the People's party gets through there will bo nothing left for you to or ganize, Mr. Telegram. an- Administrator Sale. NOTIUJ2 W hurt by given that by niitlio liyofuii order of tbe Hon. County txmrtof Marlon county, Oregon, made on the 1Mb ds v of July. 1MU. authorlzls i uud empowering the uudersigued to sfll tho heriluuneruescrlbed rml estate belonslng to therslale of Kvellne Cox, decesMd. '1 he undersigned, ns administrator oi tutd es tate, will on tbe lit dsy of Ssptember, 1897, at 2 p.m.iu par statute requlredell at pub lioaucllouat the wt oour of (be court bouielu Salem. Msr'oa oo.uitr, Oiegon, all the I'.-bt. title and lulei till of tho said estate, lu aud 1 liio- lollowinir described premvtw, to w t; J -n , u, w ard 11 in uwk, fo. e, iis s luwxi uy lua uu.euueu re eorded plot of Gamut J'urk addiilou to ibonly oi Hilem, lu itsrlua cvuu ", Oie g'u. 'ierius ol M e cntli. Ht-Til H. riAMlKK, Admloltrlor of iu Ksir.ie of .bviAlne Vox, A . !. Halw( Oioo, July Is, Vm. 7-21-K Mr. Cloveluud had written other letter, in which ho expresses tho modest opinion that IIioho Dem ocrats who do not support him In the coming c.imtmlgn "aro recreant to their country." Cumpcrs ut Florence aro reported as kl ling off the seal in u most reckless and utterly useless manner. The world Is composed of n major ity of peoplo who aro not happy utik-b they are killing something. SALBM MARKETS. Wheat-Cijo per bushel. Oats 8840o per bushel. Potatoes 25o per bushel. Flour-$4.20 per bbl. Brau (Sacked) $ 10.50,per ton Shorts (Sacked) $21,25 per.ton. Eggs 18o per dozen. Chickens Roosters, 7o per lb.; hens, 1012o por lb.; broilers and fryers, 16c per lb. Turkeys 1012jc per lb. Duoks 1215o por lb. Geeso 7o per lb. Iiard 75c$l ier pall. HutterT-2080o per pound, Ueef 712Jc dressed, 2Jo on foot Veal Co, dressed. Pork OJo dressed; 5Jo ou foot. Wool 1620o por lb. Weeding by Electricity. ; A great eourco of annoyance m4 oxpenso, to railway companlee.te tb onuroachments of tho grass which grows around tho rails of their IIbm. An effoctivo modo of getting rid of this nuisance lias been devised ill tho Bhapo of an electrical vogetatio destroyer. This consists of a wtaf brush very much, in appearand liko on ordinary scubbing bnwh.1 This connected by a wire with a dynamo in tho nearest available elec-' trio light or power station. A poww-. ful current is turned on, and anj operator drags tho fully oharsra uruan wniou is Bunnueu. witn m wooden handle over tho grass,. kfliW , ing n instantly. JNew xorlc TftH gram. , ' i t , I Tho Osar's Crown. The costliest crown in Europe, ' perts say, is that worn by the ear of Russia on stnto occasions. It to surmounted by a cross formed of flw magnificent diamonds, resting upon an immense uncut but polished ruby. Tho ruby rests upon oloven large di inonds, which in turn aro supported by a mat of pearls. The coronet ol tho empress, it is said, contains the. Wia4 Knnilllffll winrtn rP 1 1 (-. .1.4 - -i uitau uwuuiui uiuca vl uuiuiuuu TVHi in ono band. Now York The New York Press well eaya that alcohol is a patent ally In pro ducing tho thousands of sunstrokes In that city. The man who Imag ines ho cart get cooler by pouring liquid II m down hla throat is off. Mr, Holmati may explain matters from now until November 6th, but he cannot alter tho fact that the Dc'iiiocrutlc Cougrcw At Its first sowloii appropriated (44,000,000 more than the itepubllcans did during the Flf(-flrt CongreMi. The Courier Journal eays; "Amer- fronouncod Hopeless Yet: Saved From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd,of Qroton, S.D., wo quete: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and ilnully terminated in Consump tion. Four doctors gavo mo up, say ing I could live but a short time. I gavo myself up to my Savior, de termined If I could not etuy with my friend on earth, I would meet my absent ones uuove. My husband was advised (n gut Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gavo it a trl.tl, took iu all eight bodies; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well aud hearty womau." Trial bottles free at Dun'l. J. Fry's, drugstore, 225 Com'l. St., regular sUe, 60o. und 1,00. MrJistuler's Kecematadatieii. Mr, J. A. Lander, a prominent ci tizen of Clarksburg, Mo., and widely kuuwii In thatstate.Buya of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea lU-medy; "I have seen its good re sults and can rGommwul It." For collected Sun. Tho whoelmen of tho country will finally make themselves heard to the betterment of tho highways of tkli wretchedly roaded ropublio. They have asked tho senate interstate commnM commission to introduco a hill for the appointment of a national highway coca mission to takq.in hand the highway of tho country and improvo them. But we havo already departments and cora mis sions ouongh. If wo koepon we shall prcsontly havo as many as Great Britain. that poor old commission ridden land. No, wo do not need any commlwkm, Tbo elmplost way is always the beat way; and the simplest way will be to fat tho country roads of tho United SHeHt in chargo of tho agricultural depart ment, and let it mnko examinations ami recommend such measures as will be advisable. The machinery of offlee is already there, tho authority in a general way is already thero, and famec am more interested in good roads tban toy body else, except our blcyoliag frieikU. Icau producers are still foreed to pAy i sale by iiaskett ii Van Slype Drug toil to greedy trurti before they ean ' k Ws, the 8. Two hundred thousand men idle on striko, a bloody mob battle la syivania, a fearful dynamite at San Francisco that was Mi miles away at Sacramento, a flood. immense damage to the crops ta Mississippi, and nearly the whole of John's, Newfoundland, swept away by nre, rendering 19,000 persons all within four days ia this lie unuaer of 18M. Terribly 4MIM. "What an inveterate listener Jotu son te r "Yes, and so deaf too. At hattan beach he oaaae near ing 00 account of his ourkeifcjr.M 'wuy, now wae umm?" "lie went eat too far to hear ' tlie wild wavea were eayiug. " maoewwen m,