'V A SEWS. STRIKE. fnn 1 iHtermpfwl By Strikers Mf) Hair Sjmpatbtocra HUES 1M BUFFALO. 8trik of ttw Lshigk Yalleyl and Brie Switchmen. Burrxuf. N. V., Aug. 15. -There .... r.irtherdlMrulsIng the fact that ui.,ii,.r,f tliH Erie and the Lo- . blgta Valley swltdiHwn la serlour matter. Things beKn lo put on a .. urlmis aalKJCt at 2 o'cIock y .!,;. mm-nltiL' when a eerfcsof f'lowdiarv nrcs broke out slinultan eously luhe Laulgti valley yards. tr.tliteen or twenty freight earn, Ailed with fuel, cotton, hay and var ious other merchandise, two patseu " ,-ger coacilCB and two walcbmenV f bout were burned. The wuli-i " Jank -adjacent to the coal treetlen "wmTMiiahlied and Ibe engine taking c water there was wrecked by a string j of teti runaway oonl cars which tutu ' 6eeu turned loose from the treat I" , A little ofllce building rtml twoo '- ' three freight cars wen llrat destro , ' ed In tho south yards. Flume " were next discovered In two puisel-ii or ntMchea. used fur tho conven ience of the workmen. In tho yar.lr cast of Dlngen fctrcct the lire rngec ". among cars of merouaudlbo. Tbt firemen, however, provcnuxl the c destruction of a great number o) ' cars aud the loss of property. A ' dozen or s- oi wrs were thrown " from the Lehigh Valley trucks um 1 a similar number from the Frio bj ' misplaced switches. The offlc r E,were unable to Hod any suspicion 'characters. The strikers or theli '" Mympathlzera have pulled tho pins, " turned the awitchct and driven oil ythe crews. Three men are attbi "r hwpltai badly hurt. TJ One of the most cowardly thlugr ' done was the throwing of the switch on under naBaeneer train No. 17 al Williams street at 7:30 oclock Two DasoenKcr coaches were thrown from -' Mm trnn.lt. hut tho Conductor does ' -not think anybody was hurt, thouh itmny wero badly frightened. Flfij mu boarded passenger train Nc 3 at 11 o'clock this morning and . molested tho employes, finally drlv- '' IngthemolT. Tho orow flnnlly sue peeled In gottlnR a train to the ututlon. Tho mob took possession s of yonecu-street switches thiee oi ' four times durlugtheday, and drove oil the slgual men. In the Lehigh V-illey yards at Cheetkowugu tin- ro i.es of last night were repeated. , It Is plululy Intimated by tho Erie f- nillclals that workmen, from tin East havo been engaged to take the "places of the strikers. Tho Lohlgb Valley ofllclals havocalled on tho ' sherliT for protection. Ho Bent six i deputlfcB to Oheetkowaga and will X swear In 60 more today, Later at "'' 1 o'clock a lire broke out lit three - places In tho Lehigh Valley yards 'again, simultaneously. Tho Are do ' partment was unable to quench it . for a long time, aud Nuw York cx- i press No, 1 over tho Erie, was held two miles out because it could not "pass. Now York express No. 4 was f not sent out on time for the same reason. ' i BuFiWMAug. 16.- Word waaie ' celved at 2 a. m. that a train of 42 caw on the Erlo, illled with mer- " chandlso, u mllo enst of William street, is now burning fiercely, with no protection. At the same time the switch lights on the Erie betweou f Smith street nnd tho Western Now York & Pennsylvania wero stolon. ' At 2.45 a. in. tho passongera ou two trains on tho Lehigh Valley aud Crle,whlch were ditched nt William street, were brought Into tho station. Nobody was Injured, but all had an unpleasant tlmo. Huporlutuudent Brunn reports that the (Ire is still raglug among tho cam of merchan. diss in tho yards at Gheektowagu, and says tho Buerlir scorns powerless to Interfere, though called upon to -pfoteot tho railroad property. The trikera deuy any of their number bad anything to do with tho flrea or thelhrawlugof tho coal trains down the trestle. Thoro was a significant luoUWutin uonuoctlou with the work of the llromen. Wheu thoy arrived :at the yard aud begau to couple tho Uoae to tho hydrants, thoy wero up. ptoaohed by a number of mon, who told them not to hurry, that thoy bad plenty of time. This action ttMros to have been concerted, for the MftineWB of tho steamers wore told ty 0ibr men to tako It easy, as the feaMineu had troublo with thu by 4raut, and tlmy nllght as well shut oft tam, Just what the exact dam if will amount to la uot kuown i jpi, aud oannnt Im luurnvd until all Dm Wile of lading are received. The loaato the company In the destruc tion of He oars aud building by tin ArMUtl the swashing of water tank ad eoftl mm which were let down Afe tiwW,wtll amount to more than ,000, leat, as the men In charge m Mtlwate. Alt the burned cars jm ImM, m the lose of their cou- Ktlwt be large. The coutents of Mn, wbleh were not burned wore jwmfc rl with water, aud the fruits MMtafn tne rafrlgeratur cart (tiwost bakwl by Intense heat, f MWM, will be a lortd. Brnri.U. Aug 15. l'olkw ootu :omm are today busy swearing pirftoemvn ou aoeouut of utrikf. kUinriH U twi p r . Bf ill daiMilw iHiteUle of the tliwyHid. Slwdwlll oall itarjroMly aa)at rworl. It, that rww 106 (oSOOoarM 4stryd by iiHWMtilary Htm. lag fc quj In u yank up lite ttrtilt strike m MWj to H4 IMcjNp' Grand master St Swfeuev emDhatlcally condemns the acts of lawlessness and state it was the work of Irresponsible indi viduals, who could not be controll ed, and not of the strikers. Passengers ou Erie and Lehigh Valley trains that were ditched did not reached Erlo depot until 2,4fl. They stated strikers went through coaches, detatcbed endues and broke air connections. No violence was attempted with any of the pas rangers. It was reported that dur ing the morning gangs of men pull ed pins from Erie trains near Wil liam street crossing and extra po)(;r wero called to tho scene. The Lehigh valley lost seventy two freight cars by fire end the Erie fourteen. From Newport. Special to Jobbhai,. NBWronr, Aug. 15 The 2d lU-gl. oand excursion with nearly om hundred Salemltcs arrived at 10 p in. Saturday, the baud playing u grandest airs as tho boat paset down the bay. There was a grano rush for room to sleep over nigh jnd by mlilnljjht all were ace mi modated, private citizens generally throwing open their houses. Saturday a hard rain fell at New ort all day. But Hunday cleareti .11 beautifully aud the excursionist .vere happy. The rialem baud gav i concert Bunday and will jjho i grand ball nt tho opera Iiouko till veiling, to which most of the ex uurslonists will go, , Immigration System. Washington, Aug. 15.- Ahslslim Secretary BpauldliiR.who has just te. urned from a visit to Europe, visile London, Liverpool, Antwerp, Hot ienlam, Hamburg and Bremen, am ibtalned much valuable luformatloi n regard to the immigration servici IIo was much pleased with tho syt tern of Inspection of Immigrants a the ports named.and especially witl .he precautions taken against the In troduction of contagious or infectloui diseases. Tho principal trausatlai tie r teamshlp coinpauIes,he unys,pu all tielr steerage passengers througl a thorough oleanslug proccps befor allowing them ou tho vessels. No' only are tho Immigrants compelled to take a bath In tanks especially provided for the purposo, but they aro oIbo compelled to submit tlieli olothlng and eilccts to a thorough disinfection. Pronounced Hopeless Yot Saved From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd.ofGroton, 8. D., we quete: "Was taken with u bad cold, which settled on my Luugs, cough set In and Anally terminated In Consump tion. Four doctors gave mo up, say ing I could llvo but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, de termined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cough aud Colds. I gavo It a trial, took hi alt eight bottles; It has cured me and thunk God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottle free at Duij'l. J. Fry's, drugstore 225 Ooni'l. St., regular size, 60o. and $1.00. Saved His Sister's Honor. Fokt Worth, Tox., Aug. 10, Saturday George Burton wu3 shot and killed by George Myres, a hoy of 17. Burton attempted todetlle an 18-ycar-old sister of Myres. Tlit boy surrendered nlmsolr and was locked up, but thero Is Uttlo ques Hon about his acquittal. Burtou was a book agont und hud only been In tho city a couple of days. Tho Battle Ship Oregon. Wabiukciton, D. O. Aug. 15, A tine model of the battle ship Oiegou has been prepared at Washington Navy Yard under supervision of National Constructor Illuliborii who Is now In charge of tho bureau ol construction and repair in ubseuet of Chief Constructor Wilson. This model will bo sent to the coming exposition at Portland. A Western Campaign Fund. Nkw Yohk, Aug, 15. The World In a double-leaded editorial, yestor- daysuld; "Tomorrow wo shall lay the foundation of tho Western democratic campaign fund to be built up by popular subscription. Already wu havo Bought and ob tained the co operation of four of the most potent Democratic Journals In the country. Senator Hill to Take tho Stump. Nkw Yonif, Aug. 15. Promlueut Tammauy oluuers state that Senator Hill will take tho stump In October and make a number of spveches in the city and stale. MiMt of his speaking will piolmbly bo done hi the Interior of tho Mate, but he will make one or more ppcuuhea in thh city and probably one In Brooklyn. Accept tho Roduciion. Lanoahi'KU, l'a,, Aug. 15. Suk quehauua Iron Co., and Columbia Iron Co,, started work today after a six weeks buspenslou, The puddlers accept the reduction from fi to $3 per ton. About six liuudred men are employed at the nillle. Run Over and Killed. Portland, Aug. 15.-BonJamiu Croft, a car accountant, was run ever at the Union Paclllu yards this morning by a switch euglue audliutautly killed, WMtora OaKpaign Fund, Nkw York, Aug. 15, The West ern Deiuocratid caiutisign fuud, h- augurated by the W.r.d, start oil wltb the Mkiwlng bulwli)tliHwj OHINAMAN KILLED. Thirteen Chinamen Arrested for Complicity. Portland, Aug. 14.-Saturday afternoon at 250 o'clock, Chin Bow Bong, a Chinese highbinder, was shot und fatally wounded In "Tho Temperance Saloon," conducted by and for Chinamen, adjoining the 'city Jail, on 2d street. The shooting ciused tho most intense excitement aniline tho Chlnose. thirteen of whom were arrested for . complicity In theaflalr. Tho ball entered the Injured man, mleslng the spine about an inch, aud Just below the ribs. It appears that Moy Fook, a Chinese boy, had wou $135 25 on a loveut lottery tleket, which he had purchased at Hie place from See Long', theliropletor. The boy had taken the ticket there lor collection, out was refused. Fook theu gavo tho ticket to Bong for collection, and for that purpose Chin went there. Ho was told that he could not get cash for It, but could tako it out In any kind of merchan dise kept In stook or I u a gmiiblltut credit. This occurred llrat last Thursday night aud cause.! a row vhlch was settled by the police. Saturday afternoon Bong returned o the saloon and ugulu demanded he money, when u highbinder, who ad been specially engaged to pro ect Long's business, made a rush at dm. Hung started for the door, tud jint reached It when his assail- nt Hit d. Bend fell to tho iloor so i upward, and by another Instant he olHeors were upon tho scene cr esting Chinamen by tho wholesale. Tung Chotig, one of the thirteen, vasldt-ii tilled as the would-be unir lerer. The shoot lug was done with 1 45 caliber revolver. Bong was taken to Good Samari an hospital in the patrol wagon, jvhere ut 850 o'clock ho was alive out hopes of bis recovery are not en tertiilnet. The shooting was most cowardly In its nutuie, and the io putable Chinese aro ufruld tl at it nay result lu uuother big hlgbbin lers' wur. A Chlueso eye-witness to tho ihootiug, whose name will not bo used for fear of calling the hlghbin lor vengeauco down upm him, made tho following statement of the causes leading up to it: "Thursday a boy named Yo Foo won $133.?5 In the gambling house where tho shooting took place, on a lottery ticket. When the ticket was presented payment was refused. Chin Bow Bong, tho man Just phot, wes a friend of the boy und trle.l to force Low Ho, alias Lou Fo H w, tho lottery man, to cash the llci-et. A row ensued and the police broke up the allnlr, but no arrests were made. "Troublo has been brewing amoug tho men everslnce,and the row broke out anew a few moments ago. Chin Bow Bong was still championing the boy's cuui-c. Tho troublo be came very sellout, and being afraid 'if being shot Chili Bow Hong r n for the door. Ho had Just reached a door leading from the gambling room to tho outer room where the billiard table is, when ho was brought to a halt from a revolver in tho hands of Low Ho, the lottery man." The oye-wltnens who told the above story U behind tho bars, be ing belli as a wltucsi. Oregon State Fair. The htuto fair 1802 rommeuees on tho 13th day of September, and lusts one week, The state board of agri culture has made, and Is now mak ing changes aud improvements which add greatly to tho beauty of the grounds and to the comfort mid convenience of exhibitors, putrous and visltois. Thero are two oleetriu street rull way lines running fron. Salem to the fair groundi, tlnii uttordlug pleasant and rapid tran sit to and Irom the grounds to the city. The exhibits lu all depart ments promise to be large, being stimulated by the oiler of liberal premiums. Tho u rounds und pavil ion will bo lighted by electricity, and the pavilion will bo opened four nlglitH during the week. Good music will be furnished for the pavillou concerts each evening, aud on tho grounds during the day Entries for tle prtmlums will close at It p. in. the tlrst day of the fair, and all those who can maite their enli lea on Friday aud Satur day before will avoid the crowd All exhibits must bo In place by 10 p. m. of the (list day of the fulr. Seud to O. W. Watt, Ass't Socre tary, at Salem for a premium list. Tho Docllno in Silver. Ni:w Yoitic, Aug 1R, The Meadj decline in the price of diver has been tho btibjtct of all manner of talk pro and oou on Wall street, for months past. Henry Clews ou the silver question Haiti: "The recent depreciation In silver Is largely the result of manipulation ami a bear market for the purposo of producing an ell'eot upon values aud products as well as stooks. It serves no good purpose, therefore, for silver to be dealt iu on the New York exchange at the present time, especially when such results are aimed at and are so easy of aeeoiui lishmetit. During tho war gold was originally dealt In on tho New York Stock Exchaugu, aud wa moved up ami dowu most erratically for speculative purposes. The euVot was Been to Ik (ujurlous, aud It was eirlokW from the lUt aud dealings prohibited. The same should to done now with regard, to wlvsr; the autul now oceupleti the MBiiiptHlttjiitttUwiocnIianxwiulu deallH. u did goal during ! war ,HHW,, RELEASED CONVICTS. Minors Burn th'.' Stocsades at Tracy City. NasiivMiLK, Tenn.iAug. 14. The free miners ut Tincy City, Tetiii. have organized and burned the stock ades on the convicts. They ordered the convicts released and their order was obeyed by the superintendent. Tho convicts are now nt Mount Eagle awaiting the action of tho state authorities. No further purlieu lars. All the property of tho Tennessee Coal and Iron company was remov ed to a safe place before the stockade was fired. After the torch was ap plied, the miners proceeded to the mines and took po4ses.siou of the convicts, and marched them to the railroad statlou aud loaded them in to box cars. Governor Buchatiau states tbut the couvicts must be brought here aud kept in the main prison until n new stockade Is built. After the convicts were loaded on the Iruln.thB engineer und conductor were overed with guns and ordered to leave Immediately. 'I hey ran to Cowan, Toun. Capt. Burton, with twenty-live guards, has the convicts under control. Between Susauee and .Mount Eagle, the convicts cut the train lu two uud ten or fifteen made a break for liberty. Several shots wero filed. Matt Wilson was killed aud Thos. Smith wounded. Six or eight made good their escape. The wlrcM are cut aud nothing can be learned of the Insurgents. A Times Nashville special Buys: Tho released prisoners leached Nashville and were placed in the penitentiary. An attack nt Coal creek is not upprehended by Gover nor Buchanan, but he fears an out break ut Iiiman. Both Wanted to Dio Fort Worth. Tex., Aug. 15 Two prominent society people Sat urday night attempted suicide by swallowing three grainsof morphine. They were Eugene P. '1 homer, traveling salesman for a San An tonio drug house, a mariled man, and Miss Mary Wist, of Hillsbnro, Texts, who hus been vlsltiug friend. here for several days. The two hud fallen desperately In love some months ugo, but, on account of Thoruer's family, they could not marry. Jjist nigut tuey weut to the Arlington Iuu, repreteuUd them selves as man und wito, and were as signed to apaitments, where thoy took the deadly ding. For nine hours tho work of reseuo was carried on, and at noon yesterday both were declared out of danger. The ufluir bos caused intense excitement in society citcles. That Elopement Story. Portland, Aug, 14. Informa tlon bus been received here ttiut Chester Dolph, sonof the senator from Oregon, eloped last Wcdnesi'at evening from Seattle with MUs Armstrong, his cousin. Tho story, as related oy the Hound papers, wa in ell'eot, that the young but de termlued pair left Seattle, and, after stopping ut Tacomn, sturled for this city, wbeio they intendid to be married. Inquiry ut the ofllco of tho county clerk fulled to disclose any record of an Issuance of tho necessary papers, hence the marriage could not havo taken place here. Hon. C. A Dolph, uncle of the reported groom, was eeen at his Ablngton unices yesteiday. "I do uot kunw anything about the mut ter,'' said he, " nor tlo I care any thing ubout it. 'The story is too deep for me. Chohter wus heie August 1 und remained at my house When ho left ho said be was gohqj to Tacomn, where ho Intended tak lug the t teamer for San Francisco on a bush ess trip." Young Mr. Dolph is 24 yeajs of nge, and for sumo tuni hns occupied a position with the Northern Pucillo railway at Tucoma Miss Armstrong formerly lived lieu with her parents, und is quite web known to the youthful society ot Portland. She is not a pretty girl but possesses ouguglng mauiwrs. Her parents resided ut thu corner ol Twelfth und F. stieels till ubou. four ye.us ugo, when they removed to Seattle. Mrs. Armstrong is u sister to tho wife of Senator Dolph. The cause for the elopement, if such It piovts to be, was undoubtedly due toopptulliou by the young inau's family, as both Mr. Armstrong and his wife vwru especially fond of tin young niiiu. Tho young lady In question is about 20 years of age. If the elopement story proves to bo true, It will doubtless develop iu San Francisco, for that Is probably the point to which the parties are traveling now by steamer. ftcw Style of a Cannon. HRAiiiNO.Pa., Aug. 15. Wludlug of thegre.it Brown who segmental gun which has been in progress at liiardsboro for some time was con cluded at 3 o'clock Saturday. Thirty- seven miles of wire 1-44 of an Inch (hick was iwcd. Tho teusllestreiigth of the gun ts 105.CW pounds to the quureltich;ilougatioii alter rupture 14 per cent. The bore Is live-Inch aud the gun is Intend l to eel Ipso all of Its klud of ordluary previous production. Tho completing of the wludlug was attended with appro prlato ceremonies. Stsamerand Crew Lost. London Aug 15. Large steamer. Tho Thraclau, which was being low. ed to Liverpool has beeu lost oil' the Isle of Mali, Crow of seventeen men weut down with the steamer. Strikers Confident. "Pttnvutiun Aiil- 1J 'PI,.. frenee between the Amalgnmated aiMoeUtlou autUhe executive coua- cot.. aUef Awwlcaa Federation of La ! "Thick lod Glossy." TIIE rrtODUCTION of an abundant growth of hair, w ft silk-like texturn und of tho original c.lor, often remits from tlio use, by tlioso who liavc bectmio bald or gray, of Aycr'fl Hulr Viger: "I was rapidly becoming gray and bald; but after using two or thrco bottles of Ayers Hnlr Vigor my hair grew thick and gkvety ami the origi nal color was restored." M. Alurlch, Canaan Centre, N. II. " A trial of Aycr's n air Vigor lias con vinced me of Us merits. Its use lins not only caused tho hair of my wlfo and daughter to bo abundant nnd glossy, but It has given my rather stunted mus lacho a respectable length and appear ance." R. Brltton, Oakland, Ohio. "I have used Aycr's Hair Vigor for tho part four or five years and tlnd it a most satisfactory dressing for tho hair. It Is all that I could desire, being harm Icsi, causing tho hair to retain It1; natural color, nnd requiring but a small quantity to render tho hair easy to ar range.' Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles St., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor 1 tvxvuxd nr Dr. J. C Ayer St Co., Lowell, Bold by Druggists and Tettamcn, Mass. bor ended last evening. Tho con ference Issued a stntement to the "American public" reciting facts of the Homestead strike and stating that the men were not receiving as high wages as geuerally supposed. While there were 3321 men em ployed, thirteen of whose average wages were about $7.50 per day, forty-six average between $4 and $5 per day, 1177 averuge from $1.G() to $2, and 105 receives 14 cents per Hour less. The statement say s there are less than GOO persons in the mills and not a dezen skilled workmen who can perform the work required. "The si uatlon Is such," they say, "we confidentially asseit that at no time during the struggle wero pros pects of victory so bright as they are now." The manifesto closed with a request for contributions to aid strikers aud advise workmen to not come to Homestead or Pittsburg for employment until the pending dis pute is Eettled. It requests all con tributions be sent to President Welhe, of the Amalgamated associ ation THE FIRST TRAIN. Great Northern Opened From St. Paul to Spokane. St. Paul, Aug. 15. At 7:40 last evening the first regular through train ou the Great Northern to Spo kane left the Union depot, inaugur ating the full operation of the pres ent extent of tho new transconti nental system. The train was brand new from tho engine to the red lights, and was well filled. There will bo no especial celebrutlou of the important event, contrary to expeo tatlouft, us it Is the design of tin maiiugemt nt to hold oil aud reservt all available eclat for the grand openiug of the entire line from here to tlio coast, when ceremonies, siinl lur to those which signalized the completion f the Northern Pacific, will probably be indulged in. At Spokane, howover, It is likely to be made the occasion of considciabb jubilation. L. C. Dlllmuu, the eu Urprlslng millionaire of that place, who is In the city, is a passenger ol tho truin. Mob Did Not Come. Nashville, Teun., Aug. 15.-H. Clay King, tho Memphis murderei who was committed to the peniten tiary for life, hps not been aesluued lo work. Dr. Morris, tub-lesseo of convicts said that King would not be required to work, as his physical conditio!) would not permit it. Al though the penitentiary oiHcialsd.d not credit tho rumors of a mob com ing from Memphis which wero clr ciliated on tho streets Saturday .light Warden Blevins thought b well enough to be prepared for at emergency. Fifty pounds of dyua mite were placed across the cour leading from Church street to tbt main eutiuiico of the prison, l which was attached un electric but tery, and the whole could have been exploded at a moment's notice There wero also thirty guards on the lusido nil armed with rides uud re volvers. The Memphis train cumt lu us usual but there wrs no mob on board. Tho precautious proved tt be eutlrely unnecessary, as uot the least sign of a mob or disturbance of auy kind was visible at the prison during tho mgjit. Ex-Goveruor Brown has denied that he Blgued the petition for tho commutation of King's sentence. Took Many Precautions. Ciiioaoo, Aug.- 15. Superinten dent Troy, of the railway mall ser vico, who had charge of the train whiyh carried $20,000,000 In gold from the Federal sub-treasury In New York. Ho says that he has no desire to repeal tho experience of the trip, and Is of the oplulon that tho government will not try It again soon. Tlio publication or tbe fact that the train hud started caused in creased dangers aud necessitated In creased vlgll.uiee. The result was the Iivm of many hours of sleep and considerable discomfiture. Tbe guards iu iron i oi me ear were so situated that they could see without being seen, and at the same time cover aud protect the eugluccr and fireman with Winchesters. Tbe party had two or three bad scares on the trip. At one place lu the mountains a railway employo plac ed a torpedo slgual on thu track, aud came near losing bis life, tbe guards thinking it was dynamite aud taking bleu for a train wrecker. At another point a number of tramps made a dash ou board the train, but beat a precipitate retreat when ooufronted by atoore of double barrel! gHM. PACIFIC FOE TOWN A, H. $2.00 Per dozen for tho finest finished l'HOTOOBAWW lu thcclty. MONTEE BROS., J89 Commercial Street. SMS F, B. SOIITIIWICK, Contractor nnd IliiHrfcr. Salem, - - Oregon. T. J.KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th und Chemcieta Street. BICYCLES. t..ii t.,.11 tinnftnrr Rflfpt.V 111 L eyelet. The lowest prlctd wheel .-.. .- ..,--. IPt.nV.Aut I., tilt. world for tne price. C.U. Urowu Ager.t.MS Uoramtr clal St. Notice of Assessment. VTOTIOE 13 HEnr.Br OIVES that by orilcr j. of tlio common council of tho city of Snteni, inade on tbe 3th dy of July, 1S92, all assess, ment -wan duly loTled upon all property abut tlug on Cheuieke ta street, from Water street to 12th street. Bald assessment Is hereby made for the Improvement of said street. Slid as. sessiuent shall be due aud payable to tho re corder of tho city of Salera teu days from the date of this notlcn. A list of property abutting ou said street aud the owner thereof and tho imount assessed to such property Is herebv set out and mtdo a part of this notlco. Notice Is further given that unless said amounts so s sesecd are paid within teu days from the cpir rttton of this notice, tliut I bliall proceed to collect tho same by law: W. Breymau and E. Broyman; lot 1 In block rj2 of the city of Salem, Oregon, Jill 03. U. W. Cox; lot 4 in block 61 of the city of 3alem, Oregon, $115.23. 4.B. Stiimpi lot 8 in block 49 of tho city of dalein, Oregon, $141.03. J E. Rtarkeyj lot B In block 60 of tho city of Salem, Oregon, $141 03. State Insurance Company; beginning at tho southeast corner of block 50 In the city of Saloui, Oregon, as 6hown and designated ou the duly recorded maps and plats of said city and running thence westerly along the south Hue of said block 85 feet; thence northerly on a line parallel with the west lino of Commercial street in said city, 40 feet; thence easterly on a Hue parallel with the south line of said block, 87 feet to the west line of said Commercial street and thence southerly slong said west line of Commercial street, 4G feet to tbe placo of beginning, being 4G fict by 80 feet of lot number 4 in said block number CO. Also be ginning at a point which Is 4G feet north of tho southeast corner of block number 50 In tho city of Balem, 88 shown aud deelgnate4 on tho duly recorded maps and plats of said city; thence northerly along tbe west line of Commercial street of said city 27 feet; thence westerly on a line parallel with the north lino of Chemeketa street of said city 1C3 feet, more or less, to the slier iu said block, tbeuce southerly alone said alley on a Hue parallel with tho west liuoof said Commercial street to the north llneuf said Chemeketa street, a distance of 71 feet, more or less; thence easterly along the south liuoof said block number W, 80 feet, more or less, to the southwLBt corner of the property heretofore conveyed by this bank to tho State Insurance Company of S ilein j thence northerly on a line parallel Willi tun west line or said commercial street, 40 feet to tho northwest corner of said property cunvoyed to said State Insurance Company; thence easterly along the north lino or saiii property conveyed to tlio State Insur ance Company as aforesaid, 85 feet to the place of beginning, situated In the city of Salem, county of Marion, state of Oregon, 1 141 03 First National Hank of Salem, Oregon; coin meuciug at the nortbeist corner of block 49 In Ihecltyof Salem, Oregon; thence Bomb along lAjuiuierciai sireei,i.i!eti; lueuce west parallel with Chemeketa street, 05 feet; thence north parallel with Commercial street. 10 feet! iliem , east along the north boundary line of lot num bered 49, 05 feet to the place of begluuing, con tainlng 2925 square feitof ground, excluding streets and sidewalks; also commencing at a point which H 03 feet west of the northeast corner of block number 19 in tho afnrpsii.i . itv of Salera; thence south parallel with Coiniuer- ciai street 43 ten; tnenca west parallel with Chemeketa street 05 feet; thence north parallel with Commercial Btreet45feet: thence iei feet facing and along Chemeketa street to the northwest corner of tho bank building now erected on said block, being tho plate contain. iuk aiou square nei oi ground, more or liss excluding streets and sidewalks, but iTtonH,,n therefrom the property conveyed by the late ,i.,iMt crwmnu uno.fl.A. iieeier ny war ranty deed dated ADrll 27. i887. and r..vi,.,i.i t tho record of deed of Marion county, Oregon July 11, 1887, book 34 of deeds page 452, together iu ,uo icuciucum, uerruuumeuts and appur tenances thereunto belonciug. 5109 03. A. A. Wheeler; beginning at the northwest comer of lot 1 in block 49 in Salem, Oregon- thence easterly parallel with Ohemv.' (-.. 105 feet; thence northerly alone cut llnnr block 22 7-12 feet; theuco westerly 125 feet, :""' "uni;u n-n iu norm line or ssid block; thenco westerly 40 rett to place of be. ginning, f35. II. P. Boise, Sr. and It. r Boise, Jr.; lot 5 in block 31 of the eity of Salem, Oregon, $lu 03 N. Bier; lot I in block 31 of the city of Salem Oregon, $114 03. ' oaieni, A, N. Ollbortj tho north half of lot 1 in block 32 In the cltr o Balem. oL..,n tu, nV 10CK J. Q. Wilson; lot 5 In bloekaiof the city of Halem. (Irrirnri Jill ns "' UI . , A- rhu'npson; all that part of lot 8 in bock 22 described aa follows, tn-wlt; Brain, ning at the northwest corner of lot 8 iu block 22 tuSaleiu. Oregon; thence easterly on south Hue of Chemeketa street 1W fee t; theme soiitb! lino of said lot h; thence westerly on said so. t lino of said lot 11)9 feet to the o ... ii... ,., .'.?,; ;"?.?;:' ."" '1J . ,o'be south I, erty street; thence northerly on sail east lin. lb $03 ii ' ' " 10-li tlH tu tfluulDe. Marewit Merle, all that part of lot 8 In block described as follows, to-wlt: Begin niug at a point 109 feet east of the northwY,t corner of block -11 In R.i,n n-., ."..." tnSucenwo oeTlno'l'Srl b,Ct .ftt.pune.th.f o8Wl?.r'' ,0UlnM 23' Salem, J W. Dlckerkon; lot 5 In bldck 4 In the cjtx of Salem, Oregon. tlH 05, Amr" 1l,f Ti. lot lB Mock 5 of the cltr of Balem, Oregon, till 03. "' J II. Stump; the west half of lot l , VocV 69 lu tbe city of Balem, Oregm. $7j ul Flrat Unitarian Society of Salem On - , the east half of lot 5 In tloek 09 in the cfv of Balem, Oregon; $72 03. "' M O Boowden; lot 1 in block 70 In the cltr of Balem, Oreg .u, tilt 03, ,uo c"' thence ea.terly along north I n of ."'d U,8??j feel; thence auutherlr narail.i ii,!. .J " ls0 Begin. fi .: .,." "X"1"",..co", or lot 10 in b oci. 7 In 8.1em. Oregon- thTucVw-V, J " b11 outh line of Cbim.keta VtreJt A f'l,1''.'!8 the rj along the feet; thence wuwum itneof Cbaroeketa JirSi ei 7JV. theaoulhwe.t eoruerof lot ni.mK !v,, block U, henc.o,tt.,l,tal,ongr.I "S " Jou i and 3 in ,.U btok Wfiftg! OaThofleSrc"'. fibicSb,P "S "" Saltn.. Oregon. $158 90. " '" lho cl'T ol F II. Blauchctt and Uie Arri, m i Cathollo Church; lot Ublk !?,? f ,h Sal.in. Oit-guo. (lit oj " th. city of aid lot M S-H liZl Tu1,? "UJ.'l"0"'" !" of with w4t Hue of Vald lot to KS l5.'''.l 1Sr, ld lot; then. w, ftji ?th iVM ' IJ lot to th onlhat VorJ... .k01. ,,n ' BOMherlr along th. wwMlnVif L,,r,.f:.,h,Uf IrnmniM '"" 0anBaln. ii 7 -'777' r!" HM lot na 1 " SftKifiEH LAP AND ORCHA LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS FORSTNER 4 CO. I I Sporting boons, btc, ovvmirR foundry Commercial Mrcci. On State RADABAUGII k EPLEY. Livery Feed and Boiirdin"' Stable, 4IMnti'-t'ilt. THE Salem Jlacli man is H, I'OIILK. Best Line In tlio City, Court Street. STIiliVliS BIlOS., California Bakery. THE BEST. 101 Court Street. J. K. JLUltPJIY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, KOHTU 8.VLLM. SL CUI mib. B. . KOKOO. Baths for Ladies, HAW, DKKSSINO PAKLOUS, 1UI Court Street. Undertaking ami Cabinet Work, 107 State Street. HOEYE & MILL'S, PORCELAIN BATHS AND SHAVING PAULO 113, Only Porcelain llalhTubs In the city. U09L'om,l?t,,S.leni,(.r. 81 feet and 9 Inches; thence southerly parnllet with west Hue of said lot to the south lino of sild lot; thence easterly along the south linn of said lot to tho southeast corner Ihern.fj theuco northerly to the place of beginning, $73.15. Z. F. Moody; lot 10 In block 83 of tho city of Salem, Oregon, $114.05. Mary Johnson; lot Gin block 82 of Salem, Oregon, $141.03. J. Batchelor; lot 5 iu block 82 lu Salem, Oregon, $111.03. N. A. Oojjell; lot Gin block 80 111 lho city of Salem, Oregon, 141,03. Eugenia Clllllnghim; all that port of lot 10 in block 85, inscribed as follows, to-wlt; Begin ning at a point on the north line or said lot 27 feet westerly from the northeast coiner thticof aud running thence southerly parallel with tho oast liueot said lot to the south line of said let; theuce westerly along tho south liuoof I 6alU lot to tne souiuwcst corner lue-rtui, iiituw northerly to tho northeast corner thereof; thenco easterly to tho placo of beginning, i $120.50. A. Bush; all that part of lot 10 lu block 83 described as follows, to-wil: Beglnulngnt tho noftkeast eoruer of said lot nud running theuco westerly along tho north Hue thereof 27 foet; I theuce southerly parallel with tho east lino I thereof to the south line of fcjid lot; thenco eisterly to tho southeast corner ot said lot; J theuco northerly U tho placo of beginning; I aud also lot 1 iu block 83 ot (ho city ot balem, $107.05. T. Mcf. Pjtton and Eliza Cook; lot 1 in block 83 of the clt of Silem, Oroacu, $141 05. A. Parvln; lot I la Carta right's addition on the north stdoot Chemeketa street, $119X0, Jauo A. llumford; lot 14 of Cartwrlght's ad dition on tho north side of Chemeketa street, $37.03. Issabella Martin; lot 5 in block 88 in Salem, Oregon, $114.05. A. Blosser; lot 13 of Cartwright's addition ou the north side of Chemeketa street, $57 G3. W. N, Laduc; lots 1, 5 and G In Cartwright's 'iddlllou ou the Bouth side of Chemeketa street, ,-2.11.8'. E. W. Starr; lot 7 in Cartwright's addition on the south Bide of Chemeketa street, $57.65. F. Pugh; lota in Cartwright's addition on the south side of Chemeketa street, S57.C3. M. Ithodes; lot 9 lu Cartwright's addition ou tho south side of Chemeketa street, $37.05. M.K. Costello; lots 10, 11 and 12 in Cart wright's addition on the north side of Chtme. kcta street, $172.85. C. T. aud T. J. Gard; tho southwest quarter (f block I! in ltoberts" addition to tbe city of Balem, $133.80. A. AI, Palmer; tho yrt at half of tho southeast quarter of bloek 0 lu ltoberts' addition to the city of Saloui, $09.83. J. II. Cross; tho east half of the southeast quarter of block 0 lu ltoberts' addition to tho eity of Salera, Oregon, $09.85. Mary Cauuekl and Thomas iCaiifteld: the northeast quarter of block 3 in Kobcfts" addi. tlon to Balem, Oregon, $138.80. Hannah Joseph; all that part of block 3 of itobeits' addition to Salem, Oregon, deserlbed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at tho northwest i iroer of block J in ltoberts' uddiiiou to Salem, l tegon; theuce south along tho west lino then of 157 feet; theuce east parallel to the KJilth Hue of Chemeketa street 79 J$ feet; t lence uoith parallel to tho east line of Twelfth street 157 feet; thence east along the s uth Hue of Cheraoketa Btreet 79H feet to the place of beginning, o9.10. E. Bhepard; the east half of the northwest quarter of block U In Roberts" addition to h iltm, Oregon, o9.40. 0. A. Orayj all that part or block 5 of Itob. eits addition, described as follows, to-wlt-B ginning at tho southwest corner of said b.ock and running thenco easterly along thu soath int thereof CO feet; theuce northerly parallel with tho west liuoof said block 105 reel; thenco westerly parallel with the south Hue of said block Co feet to tbe west liuoof said block; thence southerly along tho west liuoof BV40 fttt '" VllUQ 0t beSlunllg. J. O, Smith; all that part of block 5 de. scribed as follows; Beginning at a point on the south line of said block 1J0 feet east of said block ISO teet east of the squthwest corner thereof and running theuco northerly parallel lh the west lino of said block, 165 feet tl ence westerly rarjliel with ihe south line or said block, 70 feet; thenco southerly parallel with the west side of said bloek 165 feet to be s; uth line of said block, theuce easterly along o.xs.1!,ug:$o6f,!ia5ablock7uf"t tu,hi"- .nE.VA,.Mt'1i0'V' V' Me'lonund O A. Mellon; firtUK'a,?f bl?fk 41u """' addition to giuunj at the northwest eoruerof said '' kautlruunlng thenco easterly along the ucttb. line thereof, 1)3 feet and 7 lueh.s; thence olock"!',16!"11 lU'W8t of 5 oiBBB:s,.rf,',abtortto Bsrah Houudon; all that rart of block 4 of ltoberts' addition' to the city of B,?em ,, scribed as foliowai Beginning at pu,"t on he north line of aald block, 93 fe a and 7 JucUe easterly from the northwest corner "J VZ0',,""1 .runnln ,ueu easterly along be north lino of said block. CJ feet and a lu?hi IObi "k W TV.'6' W,,U ""vesVl1,,eeo"f JMS (KIMS bTSi? of'u'nlSg?0" lf5 '& PSS & Jifiaa ,8ol tuy'jf' Lasa It. SaTAm alt il..l -. i . l feel and 3 lnchea to th. ,i "' ." f w blu,: 1110.10. ,0 ,he I,,ce beginning, l'&tt,- 8Am.lHfSIO,lta b,0ck0' '"ecltyof Vaiit& 11 iii-b. . . thjdi7ifiwS,J?uSl0,ata b,otk 6 o' 4 a'tfeVH1?- ofs.i.,n.or;g;rnj,vlo5. ,oclt 70,n,u i (lalnr. v...'4. " 'N, Dalav L. v,.,' E&X!i& fflaw hhlj: Ba?': S!!"S J? ! b'k BJ la lh. eit. J Oertrud. Oretn.-th . t. .v f . Lldrtdgo and tl al Stlcn itu 11th 51". ??" ,,u w- mt, AND -FARMS. J-uiiKKMSfHsW CANDlEg( ruiW and (WJ P- O. Blo0k. Street. 'CT.IIUJU.11 URais nndTobacJ WIZARD PAHm 243 com-i atr.H T. W. THORNBURcl 'he Upholsterer, HeiundclH. rciiv-.. ... 'Vi!1.?'"'.'!?'1 Jtarnitn,S,pl State InHunmce blwV. " JOHN IRWIN, Carpenter and Slioii in state itrttt, StoroFlttlnps aspect Chi as, WoU, GERMAN MARKET, 123 Stute St. Frco delivery. Alt kinds of meu am Bi.usugc. L.jw prlues Old ialn.n are tt (iiesled lo close accounts ami renew bmi Uess. FOR SALE! CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND FRUIT GARDENS, Vlthin one-halt mile of two olcctrlc street car lines nnd Inlrfiroiindsbtntlonandposl. iilllce Only two :uitl one-quarter ml'ei f.oin the center of Salem. Healthy, bean. ilflil looutlou. foil (-.xtr.igood, welldralneil und rich. 1'rlco low und terms t-aiy. I IC-lf II. W.UOCTLE FOR SALE. Absoltilcly - .Safe - Investment. $10,000 FOR $6,000 1 he now two-story brick store building and giowml occupied liy Geo, b Hmith.oS Commercial street. For bale for 80,000, If taken soon. It uavs 10 per cent, on that amount, nnd will bo worth 810,000 in lfs than five years. JI. y. coTfLK. 8-10-tf NOTICE. I wish to Hay to roy cubtoniers In the lumber trade that 1 liievo resigned my po n tlou iu tho Inmnn,I'ouncn it Co, lumber yurd iierii, but still nulc tho putronage of ihe contractors, uud I will try to mate It Uiefeiyoues interest to call on me and Kenny pilces be lore purchasing elsewhere. I uuarnutee as gooil lumber ns is in Oregon aad will us ever treat jou white .N .N MATHliWS. Salem Abstract and Loan Co, The only Attract books of Marlon county. Keal estute orders i filled pintniitly uud safely. W. I-I. I-I. WATERS, MANAOKlt M. T, RiNEMAN DEA1.KB IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crokry, (JlaHswarf, liimps, Woeden nnd Willo.vwaie. All kinds of n 111 ftfit. Mbo vtireiablesaudftuIU lu their sensoi. "HlheKt 1'rice paid for conutry produe, Wehollcl ashaie of your pMronase. -l iJ-asMieitreflt Ose,2' Capital City Restaurant J as. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeak at All Hours ol thellay None but white labor em iioyed In tb establishment. A good substantial meal o inked In first class style Tweuty-ttve cents per uaeal, RH5D FROnT Court strot,: between (ipera House anil Mlntn'8 t.lvoy OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paul5 CHICAGO, ST.L0UIS,B And all Point East, North and South, HULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIbT SLEEPERS, . RECLINING CHAIR CARS AND DINERS: steamers Porilai'd to Sin KwuoUeo Every 4 Days. TICKETS fc&D EUROPE l-'orriites and eeueral lnfortuutlon call ounraddretui, W II.UUl.HUBT.Asst.aenl. Pass. Agt 2i Washington 8t-, PORTI.AHD, Owcoo ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN.. SoutU of WtUaatt HoUl, "ALJtM ... OKKOOM 5. &fyBf ON SALE