0 rv,. EVENING JOURNAL. ? . j i , VOL.. 5. itr THE PEOPLE'S PAPEB." SALEM, OBEGON, MONDAY, ATJGrUST 15, 1892. "TO-DAY'S .STEWS TO-DAY," NO. 192. CAPITAL NVELOP ES' 1 Vj 1 ENVELOPES!! PUOFK3SIONAI, OAIIDS. SPECIAL SA IvK 40c Per Box. These are No. 6 xxx Cream. Buy while they are cheap. cF. PATTON -K33253KHEB ONS, BOOK SELLERS STATIONERS, 98 State Street. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL fflppfflw-t SillifflJjL MONMOUTH; OREGON. Choice The Leading Normal School of the Northwest Board of Regents. Benjamlu Seholtleld, Pres.; J. B. V. Butler. Sec : Ex-OIlicio, Hia JUxcelleuoy, Governor Sylvestor Pennoyer; Hon. E. B. McElroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. G. W. McBritlf, Socretnry of State; lion. Jacob Voorhees, Hon. A.. Nolttier, J. C. Wlilte, Hon. W. H. Holmea, Alfred Lacy, Hon. P. W.Haley, Hon. J. J. Daly. The State Normal la a live bohool, rapidly growing, and continually adding to its facilities for the apodal training ot teachers. Its graduates are iu demand to All good positions. A gain of 80 per cent, in attendance was made last year. An enrollment or 600 i3 anticipated for the next year. New members havo been added to the faculty, und additional ap paratus supplied. A diploma from the school entitles one to teach iu any county in the state without further examination. NORMAL, NORMAL ADVANCED, BUrilNEBS, MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental music. A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150. Tuition reduced to f0.2o Nor mal, and $5.00 Sub-Normal, per term of ten weeks. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.60 per week. Furnished rooms $1.00 per week. Board and lodging in private families $3.50 per week. Beautiful aud healthful location. No saloon 3. First term 0 tens September 20lh. For catalogue address P. L.OAMPBELL, A. B., Pres., or , , , J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President For Outing Material of Every Description FINE MEXICAN IiWN GRASS AND WOYEnLLJ FISB1NG TACKLE WEB HAMMOCKS. D AND SPOUTING GOODS. -CALL ON- BROOKS & HARRITT, 94 State Street. F. T. HART LEADING MERCHANT ? TATLORS. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS! LOCKS! HINGESI BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr 4 Petzel , pumbers and Tinners' 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawu Bprlnklew. A complete line of Stoves und Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a neclaltv. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing l-urnlshed. peclalty. Estimates for Tinning FOUND The place to g t ft Saddle horse, -Livery rig, Express, JJray or lrucic, wooct, xiiiy, Mm forl nv frond well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. i-rAva AMri TnnnKH always ready for orders. Bell au ueuver nuuu( hay, coal and lumber. Of- U IH'O OMWJ Dl irwu - lem Iron works. Drays ftiul traoif may ba found throughout the uav at tna corner or state ana uommert:i " Salem Track 4 Draj Co. B. F. DRAKE; Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS. .iwiaXVL, MannrJt,, htram ENQINK8. Mill Outfits, Water Wliwl Governor.. Fruit UryluB OutflU, TracUou Engluce. Creetli.fc-. eta. wnjlWntoltnlMffiiueB Uenerat uaents and manufacturer of tlio (elebmtet Wahlstrom. mieni juuuuut Knr'm .nuchlnery made and repa ueueral agents ana manufacturers oj iuo icicunire-. . t'urltlerand Heels. Farm machinery uuidi uud repaired. C.N.CHCRCHIU. T S. BURROUGHS. CHUECHlLIi & BUKROTTGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents fortho celebrated ecanouilc force aud lift Pump. 100 (JueuieKBta street. TTt.A. lESIEfclO Sasn and Door Kactor3'- ' Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the loweut. Only the bast materm! uswL tvD. C. 9 Meats. Cross, Wholesale uud Retail Dealer iu Fresh, Suit and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Laigest display in the city at rny market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. 95 Court and 110 State Streets. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS All are Invited to eall at 143 Court street aud look at all the late patterns In Wall Paper aud get prices for Bamnon the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E. E. SNOW, House, Sijjn aud Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kalsomluing, Wall Tinting, etc Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Only Firhtr-eloss Work. E. E. SNOW. t- t !.. .,1.... 1.tO ViiHt UriAnf xwrmemuur uic piuix?. nu wun wwww EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TBAIN RUN DAIIA BKTWKBN POBTlND AND S. T. Bouth. Nena. 7.0c p. m. Lv. 9;lt p. m. Lv. 8:15 a.m. Ar. Portland Salem Ban Fran, Ar. I 7.So u. m liV. I 6.'.M a. ii) L.v.1 7:00 p. m Above trains Htop only at following Bta tlons north of Iloseburg, East Portland Oregon City, Woodburn, Bolem, Albany Tangent, HUedds, JUnlBcy, Harrlsburj J uuutlon City, Irving aud Eugene. KOSKBUKO MAI.li BAI1W, &'M a.m. 11:17 a. m 5:50 p. m. Lv. PortMnd Ar.) 4:0 p.m. Lv Balein Lv. 1:40 p. ru. Ar. Boeburg Lv. 7.0J a. ni Albany Local, Ially Kxcept Sunday. 5.1M p. in. T.5U p.m. D.OJ p. in. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland eiilem Albany Ar. 1 10.30 a. in Lv. I T.ii u. in liV, U:30 a. ni. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Kor accommodation ot passenger holding Beoond o ass tickets attached to express lialun. Ycst Side Division, Between Portland anil Cervallis: 11AILY (BXCKPT BUMDAY). 7TJJii. ra. fllv7Portland Ar. I K p. w. 12:10 p. ni. Ar. Corvallis Lv. I 12S p. ni. At Albany and Corvallis conuect with iralns of Oregon Paclne itallroad. XiyngSafKXlNAlLY5tOESONDAY" 1:40 p. ni. I Lv. Portland Ar. I :V!u a. u. 7:25 p. m. I Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. 1 6:45 a. in Through Tickets To all point EAST and H0UTII For tickets and full inlonnation regard, mg raw maps, etc, apply to the Compa ny's agent Baleui, Oregon. K.V. KOC1EIW, Asst, O. V. and Pass. Ag'l IU KOEULEIl. Manager WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking builnewni In all IU branches. GEO. WILLIAMS Prenldnnt WMKN ULAHU.. V" riroucu UUaUMoNAitV Casnler. mKKCTOKB: Oio. Williams. Wm. tag lanrt.Dr. J. A. Hlcuaidfcon. J. W . Uoohihi, .1. A Hatter. . . , Bunk In new tsxeuaugo nioca. on uuiu mnrnUl street. fcW-U For Sale, Cheap. A number of trios ot tuts springs Plym oulh Itoek, Illack Langhan, Hhlta Lw u"rn.n PartrldgetXxulns.aH tUoroiigh. tiredifje. Huy early, save express charges and Ket the Pick ol tlio season. W to S5 jnr tiit. boxed for ihlpueut. Address Notice of Fiual Account, to all whom It may cencern: l oriCK Is hereby given that tue under. i slgurd administrator of Ihe etat ol Van vv. Uuttoo, deceased, has tbU dsy filed bis final ateount as sueh admlBUHra lor. with theolerkof theoouuty court for MBiloi-c-iin!y.rrgon. and the Judge ol lrt court hai x4 the ith day of August ISW.atlo'clockn.Bi.ftllhe coauty court ro.)to In the court bfue of sld county, a t?e time ana ptacc for the hearlog of any l.t.JeolloBswulcBtbMewaybato said . ooint aud tor the "'r, AdalnlMratar. JtUrU,MI8. ? TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Slzo. 8 x 10 Inches. Contains new designs, new styles, latent ideas in planning. No. 4 1ms 35 designs classified from $150 up to 1600, about half under S1000 No. 5 con talugSOdostfrns of dwellings costing over S1500, many from S1800 up to 8S000. Many new Hantnern or resort styles or nouses in tneso worics. Price, SI each, or the two for S1.E0. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. G T. BURROWS AimiEB a full lino of Btanle und fancy Groceries, Kresh Vegetables aud lier- 1CJ in season, uutitsr anu .ggs ai ways on hand. 220 Coral St. Those Afflicted With thelhabltol using to exctm, LIQUOR, OPIUM OH TOBACCO Can obtain COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THE KEEIiEY INSTITUTE Korest Grove, Or,, Call write. Btrlctly conndentlul White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUOK, Now ready for business. Careful work r specialty. J. K. WHITE. From Terminal or Interior Points the Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It Is t be dining car route, itruns through vestibule trains every day in the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) iVunpwsed of dlntngcars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Of latest eiuffuienl TOURIST Sleeping Cars. iitvst that can be constructed and In which jccoinmodatUns are both tree and lnr nltbed for holdurs of first and second-claw ticket, and ELEGANT DAY COAOHE3. A contlntioc 'lot oootertlng with all lines, aSordint Uit "fl uulattrrupteo service. fullinan sl 'tr ?Tftlons ean bese eared In adytoif '. fU any agent ol tho rod Through tickets to and from all points In Ain&rlea, BnUnd and Europe can b puretuned at any UeketoMee of this com pany. Kull Information eenrernlBg rates, time of tralm.rou m andot her UUll furnished on ii;iplltatlon to any agent or A. D. OUAKLTON, 4rii4nt Cieasral 1'asssngsr A(f, No, lil rtat strevi, ear. Waalw; Iort- SHAW k DOWNING, Agwtfc F. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, , Murphy Block. J J. SHAW, M. V. HUNT. 81IAW A , HUNT, nttorneys at law. ortlce over Capital Nntlonal bank, Salem, Oregon. Q T. lUCUAKDSON, Attorney at law, O. oaice up ntalrs In front rooms of new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, balcm, Oregon. Hooms 3 and 4, JLada A itusli's bank uuuuiug, oaieiii, urt'guD. o i iyr B.K.UONUAM. W.II. HOL.MF23. Boniiam & llot.MRfl, Attorneys at law. Office In flush's block, between State und Court, ouCom'lHt, fPlLMON KOllD, nttornoy at lair, 8:ilcm. I Oregon. Ofllce uptalrs In l'.iltonV block. BH. iniAIMIIAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Hurgeou, Salem, Oregon. Ulllco in Uuh-Ureymau block, npstulrs Ilcsldcnco corner Utateaud S. K corner inter street. WH. YOUNO, M. D., Olllce formerly , occupied by Dr. ilowland, corner Court nod Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. Office heurs: 8 a in. to 12; '2 to I p. in , and 7 toll p.m. Keslrtonre l.stU street on clectrlo car Hue. Telepbono No. 9. 21t. W. S MOTT, physician and sur geon. Ofllce in Eldridge BlocR, mv , Oregon. Offlco hours 10 to IU a, ni. V! to i p. in. DH. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Office hours, 1) a. m. to U u. m.; 2 p. m. to & p. m, Day or nlgbt calls promptly uttended to. Uptclul uttenllou given to diseases of wom en and children. Ofllce In New lliuik 111k., 805 Commercial street. Hesldenco tome, - DK. T. O. BMITU, Dentist, IB 8tato street, Malum, Or. Klulmicd dcntul opem tlous of every description. I'aluleA-.opijru-tlons a specially. WD. l'OOH, Architect, l'ltios, Sped , flcatlous and superlntouilcuco tor nil eludes of buildings. Office SW Com mercial it., up stalls, OA, KOllKIlT, Architect, room lit. Mar . quain building, Portland, Oregon. WOSINE8S CAUUS. 415. SMITH it CO., Contractors, Scwer . lug, Cement SiuWulks, Kxo.i vatlng, : All work prompt Ij dono, Salem, Oi. Leu ve orders with Duau ilios. lilo-lm PJ. LATUJlfiN & CO,, -Unnuructuro ol all , kinds of vehicles. Kt pairing a special ly, Shop i Wat bt I eet. 0AKPET-UYING.-1 make a bpeclulty oi carpet-sowing and laying; curpols tiken up aud icluid with giejit care. Hluirle and ciulnln pole hanging. Leave orders with J. U. Luuu, liuieu it Sou or White Corner. J. G. LUHHMA&l. Signs Say ! You ueed one ot some kind. If so, why uol have It. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now Is the tlnioito save mouey by glviug your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St, Or leave orders with Sroat & Gilo, State street. EX K. HAIvLv, Paper Hanger and Decorator. Olllce at Chas. Caloit's Milllouory store, Salem, Oregon. JAPANESE? IPlJIssJlr CURE Anew and Complete Treatment, consist Ing of suppositories, ointment In capsules, Also a box and pills; u positive cure lor ex ternal, internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, and in my other diseases and lemale weak nesses; It Is always a grout benefit to the general health, 'ihe first discovery ot a medical cure rendering an operation with iho l.nlfe unnecessary uercalter. This remedy has never been buown to fall. 81 per box, (i for to; sent by mall. Why suffer irom this terrible dlseaso when a written guarantee Is given with 0 boxes, to refund the money it not cured Bend stamp for free rumple. Cluari'uieo lfsued by Woopaub, CfwUiKK t Co., wholexule and retail drug. gUts, sole agents, PortUnd, Or. 64-ly-dw NEW MINING MACHINERY P. J. Poster, who resides about three miles wedtol baleui In Polk county, has Invented u, machine lor milling gold, which is especially adapted to saving lino uold, and works any placer material, from tine black sand to gruvel, lu lact anything ihut can be shovuiud. The macliluo In made of lion uud steel and weight only 75 pounds comoleie. It Is run by Uio force of a 1 inch pipe of water with a head of four feel. J twill work from a tolOtonsofblacf sand, or; fiom 15 to a) tons of gravel lu n day, and save every thing lu thu shape of eofil that will nmalganiale. The machine as been tested and Is guarnnteeii to do me work cianuea. jiacuinrs win ue mr ulshed In running order bediro any pay Is demanded. Price complete SlfcO Call on or address P. J. KUSTKK, 8-Mw balcm, Oregon, Administrator's Notice. NOTICK Is hereby given that the under slgued Iium been duly appointed ad- of Marlon county, Oregon, decMiwcu, by ma uuuu.y court ui iuv .win u. uieKuii. for MarlOH county. All persons having claims against said estate will present mem vtino unoeisigneu uuiy vnnueu, ui his homo in Knulewood addition to the city of rialom, In Marlon county, Oitgou, within six month from the duto of this nonce, ana an persons inueuieu to cam estate will please make Immediate letlle ment U the undersigned. Dated this August 8th, 1SK2. AUHAHAM ItlOII. Administrator of the esuto of Crls Hlcb, dtceaeed. B-ll Ailiniiiislrutor'ri Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by autlio llyofua order of tin lion. County court of Marion county, Orrgu, made on the lth day of July, iwi, auiiiorlzlBg and emptiweilng the uudenuned. to ll the berelnaricrdeM-rluwl rtal estate belonging to theetuue of KvellneCox, deceased. 'Ihe iiudwiguel,hs administrator ot said es tate, win on the tit diy or Sffttmier, (892, fit 2 p.m.us rr stntuterwiulred.nell at r-ub-luauetlouat the west door of the court bouse in HmImii, Mar'on county, Oregon, ail the right, title and Interest of the aa estate, in and to the following durerlbnl K rem nun, tewn: mm b, v, jo ana it iu look No 8, as shown by the aiuouded re corded piol or Cplwil purlc Addltlm lo IbesMy ofkUlnta. InMarlou Bounty. Orb. giu. lwiof saleoanh. MKT1I B, HAMMKR, AduilHtor of tUe Ktai of Kvrtloe kWwa, Orou', J uy M, H, 7--M THE CAPITAL J0llllAL. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. POUU8HEDl)AtL.Y.KXCEPTaUNLl Y BT THE Capital Journal Publishing Companv, (IncorporatodO Office, Commercial street, In P. O. Building KntcreJ at the postofflco at Salem, Or., a trccrc'-cliifh mailer. OREGON'S FU'rUBE. The State's Development Is Yet in Its Infancy. Oregon is as yet comparatively unsettled and undeveloped bUU.'. Tl i-t fuot niny perhaps be better un derstood by a comparison of areas aud population with some of tin' states in tiie same latitude on the Atlantic coast. Oregou has an area of 05,274 square miles. The combined area of the six Now England states Is only 07,307 square miles. Their aggre gate popultttion lu 1890 was 6,1000, 745, while that of Oregon was only 313,707. Or If, to ruako up an area to equal that of Oregon aa nearly as possible, we add West Virginia and Delaware, which with New Eng laud'will yet lack a little of equal ing Oregon's nrea we will have u total population of 0,032,032 aualnsl our 113,707 lu 1890. But tho arable valunble lands of Oregou are not yet one-quarter util ised, Almost at our doors Is the rich Nehalem valley reslon, lying comparatively uutouched. The Willamette valley can easily sup port 1,000,000 people, while It now has IcflS'thau 100,000. Southern and Eastern Oregon can easily multiply their population four-fold. We are only speaking now of the couutry, of the farming and grazing lands. If these were thickly settled and all of the tillable land utilized, the towns would grow with equal and even greater pace; wo would do our own manufacturing, and that would add tens ot thousands to our cities who otherwise could find no llvll hood In them. How best to attract this settle ment men of means, farmers, young men and women, with that most priceless of all capita), youth uud health aud strength and de termination is an important prob lem. A little has been done; may uot much more be done? Portland Evening Telegram. As a matter of economy, tho pope has dispensed with his famous Swiss guards. Salem should have some parks laid off in the suburbs. One of its suburbs Is a natural park Yow park. A four-master, the Olympic, 240 feet long, has just been built at Bath, Me., for tho Portland, Or., lumber trado A San Francisco man lu Chicago accidentally drank carbolic acid In stead of whiskey and die'd in terrible agony. Thoso accustomed to Chi cago whiskey are not aflected In that way. The parllment that has Just dis solved wus noted for scandals. It had more bankrupts, Immoralities than any on record. Two members were expelled for crimes against morality aud two for embezzlement and fraud. Kuuto Nelson, whom the Minne sota Republicans havo nominated for governor, is a great favorite with tho Scandinavians of tho Northwest who call him familiarly "the little Nnrwegiau." IIo is a man of small physique, hardly more thau flvo feet live inches in height, and wears u cloao cropped dark chin beard streaked with gray. Ife Is a lawyer by profusion, and was for a time the attorney of the St. Paul & Northern ItaDway. Mr. Nelson rose ubove the publio horizon in 1838 when in the course of a low-tanff ftpecch In congress ho declared that ho "would put free salt, freo sugar aud free lumber agalnF.t free whisky and freo tobacco and bo would the American people." A grout deal has breti uald first and lust about Mount Hood having been mi active volcano ut one time, but, so far aa known, Mount St. Helens lias never been reported on the rampage. Away back us early as 1813 Dr. Elijah While, who at that time was ugeutof Indian affairs wrote a letter to T, U. Crawford, commissioner of ludlau uilulrsat Washington, D. C, uud among other things mid: "Mount St. Helens, onu of tho snow-capped volcanic mountains, some 16,000 feet abovo the levol of the feea, and b0 tulles northwest of Vancouver, broke out upon the 20th of Novem ber last, presenting a scene the uiobt awful and sublime Imaginable, scattering smoke and ashes several huudred miles distant." Evening Telegram, Mr.f.aBuer'n l!efBimeu'tatiuH. Mr. J, A. Lander, a ptomlnent ci tizen of Clarksburt'i Mo., and widely known In tliut Mate, wynof Chamber. IuIii'm Colic, Cholera ai.d Dlarrliam BeHiedi ; "I have n-en Its good re wilu ami can recommend It' For ale by JJwkettife VauHlype Drug pltftf, Highest of all in Leavening Potocr. Latest U. S Gov't Report 1 X & Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE What Manning Knew About Barilla. Manning's login was always forti fied by that "readiness to assume oinniscienco," which is so useful in tho ecclesiastical career, and by a gracious Providonco so lavishly bo stowed. Thoro was oneo a debate in parliament about tho "barilla duty,'' and as tho torm was little known, an admirer of Manning went to hirn for an explanation. "Dear ino," replied Manning, "not know what barilla means f I will ex plain it. You seo, in commerce,! thoro are two methods of proceeding,, At ono time you load your ship with a particular commodity, such as tea, wine or tobacco j at another time you select a variety of articles suit-i ablo to tho port of destination. Andl in tho language of trade wo describO' thie lattor oporation as barilla." Manning did not speak tho lan guage of trade, because ho was as suming more Imowledgo than ho possessed; but for that reason ho al ready spoko tho language of papal histories and catochistns. The in quirer about "barilla" soon found out that it meant an alkali obtained from tho ashes of a Spanish vege- table. "Splendide mendax" he may havo thought when ho learned tho truth, "and his faith in Manning's infallibility was no longer tho same." London Academy. Ilumors of Signboards. The humors of signboards might fill a chapter by itself. Such humor is sometimes intentional and some times not; in tho lattor caso not in frequently all tho moro amusing. Tho very divorsity of tongues repi-o-Bontcd tends to lead to blunders. In a cosmopolitan city liko New York, numerous signs can bo found in Ger man, French, Italian, Polish, He brew, Chinese, Japanese and various oiher languagos, most of them in tho different quarters occupied by thoso nationalities. A mixing up of two languages Occurs at times, and wo find Bigna that read "Bier & Wines," or "Sommergarden." Tho "etc " in "Soda Water & etc." looks rather suggestive, and a reversed "N (m) or S (g) is not a very uncommon sight, although it will bo passed unnoticed by many. Wrong spelling, or an omission or transposition of letters, may also cause a smilo. "Piogon Holes" appeared on a sign- on Broad way, near Worth, and "ExcluviBoly" remained for years unnoticed on tho signboard of a prominent firm. New York Times. The Sultan Objects. Boyond Tangier I soo between ranges of metalliferous mountains, upon whoso slopes herds of wild horses, enough to sot up tho Conti nent with cavalry or tamo cattlo for its commissariat, could bo raised, vast alluvial plains, well watered, utterly untouched by industry, yet capablo of bearing grain and. fruit enough to pupply half Europo wheat, oranges, lemons, Indian corn, sugar, grapes, olives, dates, bananas and ovory kind of vegetable I soo a great navigable river, tho Lebon. down which all this produce might bo floated, botweon Fez and the sea coast, for rapid oxport. Not a stoam plow, or a harrow, or a thrashing machine will tho sultan permit; not a squaro foot will ho sell; not a steamer or trading boat may ply upon livers which should bo at onco tho boundaries of teeming and pros porous provinces and tho arteries of cosmopolitan commerce Fortnight ly Review. I'lrat Unccl fur Sun. It is probablo that tho umbrella, instead of bolng tho child of tho par asol, is its great-grandfather, for ovorything indicates that it was first used as a sun guard, and later on as a rain guard. As Boon as it was found to bo nvailablo in wet weather as well as in sunshino it branched off, and, lo I tho parasol was born. Tho French havo their parapluies and ombrolloand their parasolo; tho Gor mans havo their rogonschirm and their sonnonschirm. It is belioved that Italy was tho first European country to adopt thoso conveniences which woro first used as parasols, and after as umbrellas, until both wero manufactured. Detroit Freo Press. Yhuuiptou' AVU. Some ono at a college dinner mado a rather offensive speech, whon his neighbor hoard Thompson say in a meditativo niuiinor, "Ho reminded mo of his father." People near him turned, erpecting somo reminiscence of a laudatory kind, whon he added, "Ho succeeded in being at once dull and flippant'," then, after a short pause, "no uncommon combination." Gentleman's Magazine. Ye Hd Mo. In tho speech of bo highly devel oped a people aa the Celts there is no equivalent to "yes-," thus it hap pens that you shall never hear an Irish waiter pronounce ihe shibboleth "yeseir" of his English coafrere, for he Invariably expresses a amnna fcive by some such phrase as "I shall, air I" ' at W, fclr I" Blaok wood's ita- SV'nnm .t ;tmmmmmmmmmmmmmm : 71 SALEM MARKETS. Wheat 64Jc per bushel. Oata 3840o per bushel. , Potatoes 25o per bushel. Flour $4.20 per bbl. Brau (Sacked) $19.60,per ton Bhorts (Sacked) $21.25 per ton. Eggs 18o per dozen. Chlokeus Boosters, 7c por lb.j hens, 1012o per lb1.;, broilers and fryers, 15o per lb. Turkeys 1012Jc per lb. - 1 Ducks 1215o per lb. Geese 7o per lb. Lard 75c$l per pall. Butter 2030o per pound. . Beef 712Jo dressed, 2jo on foot ,- Veal Go, dressed. ., Pork 6Jo dressed; 6 jo on foot. Wool 1520o per lb. ' ' Beware of Ointments for Oatarrah that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy tlie sense of smell and completely de range tho whole system when enter ing It through, the mucous surface. Such articles should never be tntd except on prescriptions from repu table physicians, as the .damage, they will do is teu fold to the good you can possibly derlvo from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured' by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O, . contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, and acts directly upon . the blood and mucous surfaces, of ' tho system. In buying Hall's Cattarrh Cure be suro you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally, -and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. ' Cheney & Co. J8&-S0M by Druggists, price 75c . per bottle. , Tho Old Timers Are Not Is It. " While at our other store at Big ! land,Va.,latt April, I was takes with; a very severe attack of diarrhoea. I never had it worse In my life. I,trid several old-time remedies, BuohMt Blackberry- Wine, Paregoric and Laudanum wnhout..ge.tting,any,rf? lief.' My attontiou was then called'to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy by Mr. R, O.Tq- sley who had been handling it there," and in less thau 11 yo mluutes after taking a small dose I was entirely, relieved. O. G. Burford, Harris Creek,Amher&t Co., Va. For sale by' Baskett & Van Slype Druggists. ' S"?v i:m vff f pepsia M-"n many people mhcrablo, and ottuti Ii iU to (.olt-ilcstriicllon. Distress, after, , .ilttif., Hi.nr stomach, slelf iieadncho, iHi.it . Litim, lor ot niipctllii, u ifimi, "all gonu'' 'culliir;, LiaU tasto, coated totiguo, and lu e rj . ul.trity ot tlio bowels,' ai a,, ft L .StrOSS vt0 moro commun, ftymp- Afier tl!m,, J)yspelw,laeC!c, ., " . . get won or usoif. 'it r- uatlftQ quires j.irelal, pornJ&Uiit iittoutloi!, ami a remedy hKw iioml'r Harr, partita, lilclfacir, twi'iy Mi .K-S "y'v It tUIIOS tl.O Ht0Rl,1l!ll mo mtip4 U9'. regulates f lio dlpcxtftai. t!rn.uci f'KO'fU w appetite, and, py Uiti Hip's f oywcwnilnB tho iii .T ,'. Byms toins, euros the rvati$l.iw JieadRClio, und relrrsl.i'o tlio tlrod lotitrf, "I liavn Jiccn tiyiiblcd with Jj,ri'Off.,. 1 had but llttlo appetite, and hs IhWi cat dtstrostcd mc, cv $'.& noun m ,m,0 c,)wi, ,Attrr , u-. UUm Uva 1 would tisj i.tu.Wui ' falnlncgs, or tired, nll-cuo fr tUiuJ thmi;:!i 1 Jiad itpt cutvti niit!ilinJ, My tvoutlo, I tliluk, waa ni'.rava'pd y ijy liutihtoss, painting, and fiom brluy )...i; ik icbskhutnpliiaruom V.1IU tci)r fcevh paint, tot pi!i.sc 5". itook Hood's B.iuap.v:ii.-. wtnncn and II did mo au IinmcuiJC! atnm t ot B('6d. ft c',o mo nn nppftitn, nii(' 1 t xi'dri'l'1 IsU-di.nd satisfied tjio erat'...,; i hadpr vlounly experienced." Qv.cvmzW., lUaa, Wutertown, Jlass. N. It. It you docldo to tako Uood'v Hmv eaparlHa do not to Induced Uilniy any other. Hood's Sarsaparllla Koidtirdmettti. fl HxforrVl. l'rpar4J 100 Doses Ono Dollar nrANTEU-Keorult for the ArtUW VV riervlcoor tue Uultetl Utati A ThecondttlonHOl enlistment lu M , nrt now uniuually favorable, and a lai reoruuinif ranawvouii tiiw wna 1 ll lied In thU olt v for the nurnoira of Idl' the yoiiuii men of tbu iwctlou mu ixrtunlty for enlUtraeut. ApfIlnwi bo betwoen the nM of 31 -and M yean t pkc, aiiio boaiea, pnysiwiiy eoana, i I ttuio 10 roan ana wnve me jhhciim kuuko. to any one intrewa lull TinLiua win ueuiHiraea ur iiw ... . i-.-7. -- .- . oinimr, room o, liiquauae u 1 Oregon. Ai-VIN Tl.SVl U-VJ-OW-U 'to, idtUIOTHMU, v Only On. fllwuee for a oolouy. Ml mm of I Pntuia) wad, oac-hair m auitiviuo miull ulriama and hikM. lum MU0 s nov. buildlDiiii. to. la Ava uillta Halam. (Irttoou. 'Oae-third aaah. aid anee in Hve yearly aynifitt wlitot IBM m$mMw. ION IJnOKKO 1. A..O L MMlHU)iralllir-tMIiM uIuIIbc. every wtuwenj eiranla . . . ' . -.w. ' j, A. wwvuu, iwnirmr. TMPHOVMU miwMii JTK4MIC,0. V4 or KK1 MI ., n SJ?M i'xnew n hiiFiivaimiiriiitt-Ti. w v ml . si&sk mj. vwmmmmk. T f (fr