Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 09, 1892, Image 3

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i i "!" ft- - -- 1 mr iinnniTTT-1-ri'inr rr'-r m
OWoo ?
Will be our special for this week,
BEDFORD CORDS, CREPONNES, CAMELS HAIR, besides novelties in plain and plaid,and rough
textures, will bo put on the counter at our usual sale prices. 20 to 30 per cent.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
I Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Wmdcwglass, Etc. Sole
figeius ior epicure lea ana Dig
Mjan bakintr rowder.
oko. d. aoounuu. k. cahill.
Lime, cement, plaster, bair, flro
and titilldlni? brick, flro clav. wind.
K gravel, blacksmith and house coal,
wood, all Kinds, wholesale ana re
tail. Ofllce 95 State street.
Goodhue & Cahill.
Okpto Confkhk.nce. Rev. G.W.
White, of the African church, lelr.
today for conference at Portland,
where be expects to bo assigned to
some other field. Before leaving
some of his church members nud
friends made him up a purse of
about $12 00, as follews: Funny
Smith, 60c; Mrs. Jones, 50o; Mrs. A.
E. Smith, 60c; Mrs. Jennison, 60c;
Mrs. V. Jennison, 60c; Mr. and Mrs.
B.iyless, $1.00 Mrs. Costella, GOo;
Frau k Gorman, 60c; Mrs. Annie
Smith, 50c; Mrs. Georgiana Gorman.
50c; Sam Brooks. 50c; H. B. Smith,
50c; G. F. Handles, 50c; Mrs. And
erson, 50e; Mrs. A. Titus, 50c; Mrs.
Brooks, 50c. Jno. Jones, 60c; Muus
ileld Brooks, 60c; Mrs. Blnkely, 25c;
Mrs. Snerwood, 25u; A. J. Smith,
60c; Mr. Blukely, 23c; Mr. and Mrs.
Shepard, $1.00. Tlie Journal
wishes Rev. White great sueews in
his new Held of labor-
County Coukt. In the mutter of
the road petitioned for by G. W.
Vedder et al., it was ordered bv the
court that the road petitioned for be
ordered established. The court re
fuses, howevor, to vacate the prfc of
the established road as prayed for by
G. VV. Vedder et al, then to the su
preme court, by which it was re
manded for triul iu the county court.
There is no material difference iu
the older of the present couit and
that of the former one The comb
lias decided to solicit bids for keep
ing paupers at the county poor farm.
The court also asks bids for fif
ty cords of pole oak and twenty
cords of body fir. See advertisement
for bids in this paper.
Duncan Clark's Minstrels.
In the Cincinnati Enquirer of Sept.
13 appeared the following flattering
netice: "Duncan Clark's monster
combination tested the capacity of
People's Theatre last night. The
house was uncomfortably filled, und
tho show made a distinct hit from
the start. The novelty of the at
traction is sure ,of crowded houses
everywhere, and Cincinnati amuse
ment patrons are not slow in recog
nizing same. Tho managers are to
bo congratulated on their successful
opening in our city." At opera
house tonight.
To the Asylum. Sherif 1 Ganong
arrived up from Oreeon City last
night in charge of James F. Eth
ridge, a young man aged about 25
years, who was committed to tho
insane asylum. Ethrldge is a na
tive of New York and has but a
flight attack.
."Fon, 3It. Hood. A party of four
teen teachers will leave Sllverton
tomorrow morning for a ten day's
trip to Mt. Hood. Besides tho Sll
verton teachers, J. M. Winslow, of
Marion, and Miss Helen Hlbbard,
of Salem, will be with the party.
Blacksmithing Done at east
ern prices at tho Red Iron shop cor
ner State and Front etreets opposite
foundry. New Blioes $1.50, old 80
cents per horse, tire setting f 2.75 per
eet. Call and see us. 8 9 2t
Prohibition Clou. A meeting
of the SalomProhlbltion club will be
held iu tbo W. C. T. U. hall on
Tuesday night at 8 p. m. E. C. Min
ton, president; Oliver Jury, secreta
ry. At Ir. The Salem Rod and Gun
club are holding their regular bi
weekly shoot for the diamond meda!
at their grounds this afternoon.
Goodhue & Cahill aro boiling the
finest ofiiyer sand that does not
need screening.at way down figures.
Opera slippers, the very latest, at
the Palace.
Florida In all ita beauty, now in
the show window of Geo. F. Smith's
urt store, Cottle block.
Brooks honey and sweet potatoes,
the two finest things on earth, at
Oxford tics, the best etylea and
lowest prices, at the Palace.
, . ., , , ' EVOLUTION OF THE
reserving only the plain black goods,
SOI Commercial Street.
Bids Received for a New
Bids were opened today for the
new asylum hospital or infirmary
at the ofllce of the governor this
afternoon. The plans for this 1m
provemant were prepared by Archi
tect McNally, who furnishes um
with the following description.
This structure will be of brick and
iron and will be as nearly fire proof
as it is possible to ho made. The
roof will be made of tin and the
cornice of galvanized iron. About
half a million brick will be used in
the construction of the building and
these are manufactured at the state
prison. The trimmings of the build
ing will be of stone. It will be
two full stories, with basement and
uttic, aud a tower. The building
will be 140x08 feet and fifty-seven
feet high to the main roof. It will
be eighty-three feet to the. top of the
tower and chimney. It will be di
vided into six wards and there will
bo a separate outside entrance for
each ward. All of tho stairways
will bo of Iron and four of them lead
up from the outside. The building
will be heated by hot water aud the
system of ventilation will bo of the
most improved style.
The new infirmary will be located
near the soutuern corner or me
south wing, being about fifty feet
from that wing. It will face the
west and a part of the building will
occupy tho present site of the cow
barns. The estimated cost of the
stiucture is $20,000 and it is being
built for the accommodation of pa
tients who are aflllcted with conta
gious diseases. There will be six
separate wants aud all of the fioors
will be deadened.
Tho basement will be ono apart
ment. In It will be the heating
appuratus and wood aud food eleva
tors for each ward.
Ou the first floor there will be two
dining rooms and two dormitories,
an operating room, together with
baths, pantries, elevators, closets,
etc. There will also be twelve sep
arate rooms for severe cases and
The second floor will also be com
posed of two dormitories, dining
rooms and twelve separate rooms for
attendants, aud the same conven
iences as on the first floor.
The attic will all be ono depart
ment and will perve as a dormitory.
It also will have the same conven
iencies, except dining rooms, as the
other floors. In theattio there will
also be two largo water tanks. The
one for cold water will have a capa
city of 5,000 gallons and tho hot
water one 1,500 gallons.
Bids were also received for a cot
tage for the engineer.
Infirmary and cottage. $34,500
Infirmary $23,071
Cottage 1,750
Infirmary and cottage $29,997
Infirmary aud cottage $28,975
Infirmary and cottage $38,085
Infirmary and cottage $30,444
Infirmary $38,000
Cottage 2,000
Infirmary $33,831
Cottage 2,600
All the bids exceeded tho esti
mates considerably, and as State
Treasurer Metchau was absent, no
contract was let. A meeting will
be held Thursday evening or Fri
day morning, when this matter will
be disposed of In some shape.
They Miss Hur. Editor Hofer,
of the Salem JofJRNAL, has been ill
for a couple nionthp. toeing unable
to write at all. Instead of filling up
with editorials from the San Fran
cIkco papers he has used matter on
"Whispers about women," etc.
This haa troubled theJoURNAis ex
changes, and they ba,V been show
ing their iutereat in lis buues3 by
polling it in the ribs. When Editor
Hofer, who is one of tho most ag
gressive writers in Oregon, gets
home, some one will get u blood
vessel pricked with his twuchunt
peiL Albany Democrat,
Track Raisino. The Capital
City railway company's taea art
busy today raising their track on
State street between Commercial
and Liberty, to meet the require
ments of the grade.
i n
Notaiuku. The following named
notaries were appointed teday: W.
J. D'Arcy, Salem; It. J. Eaton,
Francis Clorno, Multnomah; D, B.
Eoirlck, Washington; W. H. Park
er, Jackson.
our entire lino of HENRIETTAS,
Slcuiik Your Tickets Early.
For the Grand Excurslou to New
St.ito , flort next Saturday as there will bo
only 100 tickets sold, and tickets nro
going fast. The Band haa arranged
to give u grand dance Saturday
night at Newport The Band will
ulos give one of their select concerts
ou the beach Sunday afternoon
Tickets for sale at Patton's.
GrandExcursion.-A Grtmd Ex
currilou will be givou by the Second
Regiment Bund next Saturday Au
gust 13th to Yiiquina City and Newport-
Leaving at the S. P. Freight
Depot at 4:30 p. ui.,arrlvimr at New
port at 9 o'clock p. m. Tickets $3.60
for round trip. Tickets ou sale at
Patton's book store,aud by members
of baud.
Fire. An alarm of fire was qlven
about noon today, aud an out build
ing behind Burrow'sstore was found
to be on' fire. It was soon extin
guished by a stream from a hydrant.
A small boy is said to have set it
afire ptoying with matches.
Prof. Yoder is in the city today.
Clyde Keller is in Portland for a
short time.
Nick Biers is visiting over in Ben
ton county.
Mis3 Carrie Moore.s in home from
L. S. Winters and family are over
at the coast enjoying an annual
family picnic.
P.A.Kioshus left this morning for
a visit among Minnesota friends.
J. M. Howell was an Albany vis
itor today.
J. A. Powden was a passenger for
Gervais this afternoon.
A. O, Damou and family leturned
today from their seaside visit at
New port.
W. D. Claggett left this afternoon
for Butte City and Helena, Mont.,
t be absent a week or two.
F. E. Bishop went to Portland
this afternoon to visit a week .with
Ills parents.
.Miss Mollle Croghton returned
home today from Newport.
Rev. F. H. Gwyuue was called
to Newport today by the Illness of
his daughter, Miss Editii.
Alex Cornoyer and wife left this
mornlug for Waterloo springs where
the latter will remain several weeks.
Mrs. M. E. Wilson left today for
Foley springs, vhere she will spend
the seasou with the family of Ed.
Prest Bloss of the State Agrlcul
tural college, was a Salem visitor
today, coming from Eastern Oregon
W. E. Burke returned home to
day from Ocean Park, where he has
left his family for the seasou.
Architect E. W. Corn well, of Port
land, is in tho city, the guest of bis
sister, Mrs. J. H. B. Royal in South
Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson, Mrs.
Mary Martin and daughter Emma,
all of the usylum, started today for
Wilhotl springs, to be absent a week
or more.
Miss Helen Clarke, daughter of
Prof. Wm. B. Clarke of Yale Col
lego, New Haven, Connecticut, is
visiting her uucle S. A. Clarke, and
other friends in Salem aud vicinity.
Secretary McBride returued last
evening ou tho overland train from
St. Helens and Portland.
A. W. Blackford left today for
McMinuvillr, whero he will organ
ize a lodge of Woodmtn of America.
Scott Aldetson has withdrawn
from the firm of Smith, Royal &
Alderson, millers at Fossil. This is
the firm in which Mr, Klcpplin,
tho Ankeuy miller, had an Interest,
and is composed of all Salemites.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla never before
equalled its present dally record of
marvelous cures.
Prof. Morrison, of the Friend's
Dolyfechnlo Institute, Is busy these
day's looking up students and ad
vertising bis school. Ho expects a
good attendance for the first year
aud says the buildings will be all
ready for openlm; on Sept. 13th.
John Sbaw.Rex Davla, Alderman
Hurst, returned this morning from
Independence valloy, where tbey
have been rusticating. They met
the Miuto party goiug to Mt. Jeller-
jon, also ueo. Downing on nia way
to cawping grounds. The boys are
all looking wtil tui) had a good
LadiesJ Ayer'a Hair Vigor Is ft
superior aud economical balr dress
ing. It baa become an Indispensible
article for the toilet,
It U concteded by all contractors
all builders and all business men of
Stlemthat "Goodhue's" aand and
gravel take the lead.
Frank Cross aud Frank Taliaferro
returned today from tbelr outing at
Tho Development of the Tlnroulirfil
Ir knllrely Mm W.iflt uf Man.
In so far as a croaturo endowed with
life can owo its existence to hnnian hands1!
tho raco horso may be said to bo man
made. Horses were nn important factor
In early nomadic life, and woro cherished
by their owners, and tho prognv t
civilization, so far from breaking this
bond, has apparently strengthened it.
The animal is not now so essential to
human welfare and cenvenience: science
has furnished other means of transpor
tation, and it la iu a fair way to tako all
the heavy loads from his back: but in
the degreo that he ceases to be a mero t
beast of bnrdon he is transformed Into n
sonrco of entertainment and pleasure
From a rough and hardy creaturo,
subsisting on such rations as chanco nnd
convenience might provldo ana suuonng
tho hardships and hazards of toil aud
ndvonturo, he has gradually evolved
into a combination of nerves, Intelli
gence aud trained muscle that has but
a family likeness to his early progeni
tors. It differs from thorn In tho samo
measure that tho American Beauty or
tho La Franco rose differs from tho little
fivo pctaled pink flower that blooms by
tho roadside. Like thoso floral trmmpxs
ho is a product of scientific culture. H
is not chanco that has given him that
peculiar build, that slenderuess and
lightness that to tho export means speed.
His masters have wanted these develop
ments, nnd they have studied siro and
dam and tho pedigree of eacli until thoy
could name in advanco tho qualities of
tho offspring. And having secured a
horso that has within him tho possibili
ties of outdoing his ancestors thoy treat
him as a precious belonging, as indeed
he is.
A gioom is alwaysin attendance. He
is brushed and combed until his coat is
like satin. He is fed and housed and
exercised with as much care for his
comfort as for a child's. Royalty itself
is not looked after with moro solicitude.
Tho attention that ancient Greeks used
to givo to their own bodily training is
given by modem men to tho raco liorso,
and as a result ho is a marvel of phys
ical perfection.
And after all this? Why, when ho has
been tested and his paces tried ho is put
upon tho raco track, whero his beauty
and grace and swiftness pleaso tho sight
and thrill the pulses of tho watching
thousands as no other spectacle devised
for public pleasure could over do. In
dianapolis Journal.
Extraordinary Properties of a Nut.
The wonderful stories that havo been
told of the rife giving properties of tho
colehrated "kola" nut of westorn and
southern Africa aro oven moro than con
firmed by a eulogistic letter written .by
the British consul at Bahia. Tho west
African oarriers at that port continually
uso the kola, which thoy carry about
carefully wrapped in pieces of banana
peol. Theso human beasts of burden
aro not, physically speaking, superior to
tho Brazilian negro, yet this African,
with tho additional norvo force imparted
by tho kola nut, can ondure from 10 to
100 hours of fatigue, the half of which
would kill the laborer foolhardy enough
to attempt it without using tho invig
orating little nut.
Whero it takes eight Brazilian negroes
to carry a load with difficulty, four
African porters carry it cheorfully
along, singing "as if each muscular ex
ertion was exhilarating joy." Wboro
kola eaters aro employed in unloading
yessels thoy are always given twice tho
pay received by their competitors who
do not uso the nut. There are thousands
of this latter class, the majority of
whom refuse to eat it because of a be
lief that tho dovil originated tho nut for
tho special uso of thoso he desired to
havo as laborers in his vineyard. St.
Louis Republic.
Most Fans Are Made In Turls.
Most of the finer fans sold hero are
made in Paris and in threo or four sub
urban villages near by. Nofanmakor
knows tho wholo art, All tho workers"
in one villago make sticks; thoso in an
other fold; thoso in a third supply tho
bows that hold tho sticks together. Tho
making of tho uppor sticks is a trado by
itsolf. After all the parts havo been
mado they are sent to' tho great factories
in Paris to bo put together. A fanmaker
begins liis apprenticeship in childhood.
Tho tools aro few and simple.
Most of tho carving aaid filigree work
is done with chisel or scroll saw. Tho .
pattern, traced on papor, is pasted on
the piece pf bone or jvpry pr wood from '
which tho fan stick is to bo mado, and
41. n 4ltm nA ta wnmilllf i1 .... .-1, o am. '
Tortoiso shell sticks are mado by special
workers in shells. That is a difficult,
delicate and well paid art. A fow skill
ful sliell workers aro in Now York, and
thoy are among tho best paid artisans.
New York Sun.
Electricity lu Warfuro.
A clever pieco of work was recently
done by tho telograph battalion of an,
English regiment in tho course of soma
night experiments. An extonsivo pablo
was rapidly laid over tho roughest pos
sib,lo ground, and that, too, without
the slightest; assistancp from search
lights, and tho lieutenant general was
thus enabled not puly to find a lost bri
gado, but to control tho simultaneous
advance and attack of three beparatod.
brigades on an earthwork at midnight.
Tho telegraph in fact rendered a most
difficult and doubtful operation com
paratively easy and certain. With largo
scalo maps, a balloon and increased ob
serving staff, it is likely to be made a
most important aid to tho strategist and
tho tactician. Exchange.
fjlie Managua It.
ThrT0 la oup thing I liko about your
husband; ho uover Jiurrio you whei
getting ready for a walk."
"Very little credit due to him for
that, my dear. Whenever 1 feeo that I
am uot likely to bo ready In time I simply
bide Ids hat or Ills gloves out of the way.
and lot bfiji hunt for them up and down
until I've fip(ahed djosalng." Excltane,
Sturgeon, Chinook and salmon
received dally al Davlnson & Whltee
Court street market.
For thp boat eaud au( river grav
el go to Goodpue k Cahill) They
Halibut received daily at Davison
& White's Court Bt. market.
See our new calf Blucher, al LC0.
It beats them all as good as are
sold for tO.OO elsewhere. Kraueeo
The famous John Kelly children's
shoas at Odburp'a Racket store,
.,., - .
Blck-hcailaclics are tbe outward Indication
of derangements of tbo stomach and bowel.
Al Joy'i Vcsotablo Barsaparllla la tho only
bowel rcsulatltig preparation ot Barsaparllla,
It Is seen why It is Un only appropriate
Barsaparllla In ilck-hcadachcs. It Is not only
appropriate; It Is an ftbsoluto cure. A (tor n
course ot It an occaitonal doso at lntcrrali
wlll'forercr otter prevent return.
Jno. M. Coz, ot 735 Turk Street, San rrati
Cisco, writes: " I havo been troubled with
attacks ot slck-hcndacho for t'-o hut three
years from ono to thrco t!mc3 a wcik. Boras
ttmonso I bonsht two bottles of Joy's Veje
tablo Barrnparllla oil liao only had one
attncksliu j and that was on tho seiond day
tftcrlbcan nilnglt."
For sale by Dan'l J. Fry, 225 Com
mercial street.
V. V. Brethurn, T. S. Mann, Geo.
Huley, C. F. Schemerborn, A. R.
Church, Portland.
T.McOarthy, d. R. Chllds, S. F.
J. C. Black, Richmond.
W. A. Allen, N. Y.
W.J. Mgelow, Chicago.
F. N. Btencoif.JJ.Geatz.M.Geatz,
J. L. Scott, Albany.
M. Duncanbaum, S. F.
A. It, Craig, Chicago.
F. B. Barnes, Dr. F. Craig, Forest
A. TJ. Marsh, Jos. Fcttlg, S. R. D.
Puter, Portland.
L. M, Danker and wife, McCoy.
E. H. Cowles, Woodburn.
Duncan Clark company, 10 people.
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will'
surely do you good, if you have a
Cough, Cold or any trouble with
Throat.Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
C Highs aud Colds is guaranteed to
give relief, or money will bo paid
back. Sufferers from LaGrlppe
found It just tho thing nud under
its use had a speedy aud perfect ro-4
covery. Try a sample bottle at our
expense and learn for yourself just
how good a thing it is. Trial bottles
free at Dan'l J. Fry's drug store 225
Com'l St. Large size 50c. and $1.00
From Jan. I to date $1,108,033.00
P. A. Kroshua and wlfo to A. L.
Pearsonjlta 7,8 and 0, Kroshus' nd to
Salem. 5.1,050.
D. C.Reinlugtou and wife to Alice
C. Olds; blk 4. Remington's ad to
Woodburn $ 1C0.
O. & C. R. It. Co to John Qulnur
part s 1, 1 9 s, r 3 o $120.
H. J.O. Land and wife to O.audJ.
Hansen, part h 33 aud 31, 1 6 s, r 1 w
What Stronger Proof
Is needed of tho merit of Hood's
Barsaparllla tuan the hundreds of
letters continually coming iu telling
of marvellous cures It has ell'ected
after all other remedies had failed?
Truly, Hood's Barsaparllla possesses
peculiar curative power unknown
to other medicines.
Hood's Pills cure Constipation by
restoring the peristulic action of tho
alimentary canal. They are the
best family cathartic
For prompt delivery of building
supplies aud low prlces.Heo Goodhue
& Cahill: They lead.
Spring chickens, fresh smoked
salmon, aud dried venison at Dav
ison & White's Court atreot mar
ket, Another largo involco of thoso
famous genuine fast black huso for
lodles.uud children 10 aud 15 cents.
Osbum's Racket store.
Evey body buys sand ami gravel
of Goodhue & Cahill, Why? because
they havo the "stud" aud attend to
busluess. They have the lead and
will kepp It.
For a choice meal in n cool dining
room always go to Helloiibrand'u
Room wanted, and must bo hud
at Krauwo Bnw. shoo store for their
luimense'stouk fur full, and there
fore prices will bo reduced on nearly
all Hues, for pdity days.
Another largo Invoice of thoso
famous genuine fast black Iiobo fur
ladles, and children at 10 and 10
cents. Orfburn's Racket store.
Clark & Eppley have control of
one of tho best brands of butter
brought to Balem.
Evkiiyhopv Gok. Where?
Why, to Hellenbrand's restaurant,
Usid 1m Millions of Home
Shot at Each Other.
Boiai:, Aug. 0. John V. Wilson
was shot on the strcpt hero last even
ing by Dudley Redden. BoTS aro
rauchers living near hero. They
have had troublo over water. Meet
ing In town, Wilson In a buggy and
Redden on horseback, tho latter
opened il re. Ono shot struck Wilson
In the arm, and then Redden beat
him badly with his gun. Wilson Is
a brother of ex-United Stutes Mar
shal Wilson. His wouuds aro not
Bewaro of Ointments for Catarrah
that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy tho
sense of smell and completely de
raugothe wholo system when enter
lug it through tho mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never bo used
except on prescriptions from repu
tnblo physicians, as tho damage
they will do Is ton fold to tho good
you can possibly derive from them
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O,
contains no mercury, and Is taken
Internally, aud acts directly upou
the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. In buying Hull's
Cattarrh Cure bo sure you get the
genuine. It Is taken internally,
and mado In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co.
JBST'Sold by Druggists, price 76c,
per bottle.
Another largo invoice of those
famous genuine fast black hose for
ladies, aud children at 10 aud 15
cents. Osliuru's Racket store.
Church Directory.
Cumiikuland l'KKsiiYTBniAN. Salem,
Oregon, Hov. J. E. Illalr, Pastor. Sunday
school every Sunday, 10 a. m, Preackrbg
every Wunday, 11 a. in. and 7:!i0 p. m.
Church bouse on High street, between
Marlon and Union, Everybody welcome.
MkthodistKi'Ihcopai.. Services onSab
bath at 10:30 and 7; 30. Sunday school at
l'i; tpworiu leagues am: i&; rrayor meet
ing overy Thursday evening. Hov. O. L.
Kellerman, pnator.!
Evanoplical. Corner of Liberty nnd
Center streets. Sunday services 10:30 a, m,
nud 7:30 p. m., Sunday school 12 m., Y, V.ti,
0. E. 6.30 p. m.; Prayer mooting Thursday,
7:30 p. m. J, Boweritox, paster, residence
427 Liberty street,
Pbeshvtekian. Church street, between
Chemcketa and Center. Preaching morn
ing and evening; Sabbath school at 12 m,;
Y. P. 8. C. E. at U.S0 p. m.; prayer meeting
Thursday atT.lQp. m. Rev. F. II. Qwynue,
D, D pastor.
St. Joseph's Catholic Cnuncn.-Che-
mekotn and Cottage. Sunday services; Low
mass 7.30 a. m.; high mass 10:30; Sunday
Kchool p. in.; vespers 7:30; week days, low
mass 7 a. m. Hov. J. S. White, pastor,
CoNaitEciATioHAii. Cjrner Conter nnd
Liberty Servfces Sunday at 10:30 n. m. and
7 p. m.; Sunday school 13 m., Y. P. 6. O. E,
at 6 : JO p. ra.; prayer meeting 7;30p.tn.Tburo
day. Rev. C. L. Corwln, pastor.
Br. Paul Enscoi'Aii Crottcu. Corner
Church nnd Chemeketa. Set vices 10:30 a,
in. and 7 p. m,; Sunday school 11:45 a. m.;
service Thursduy 7.30 p. in. ltev. W.Lund,
lector. .
FritsT IlAiTisT. Liberty nud Marlon.
Services 10:30 a.m. aud 7.00 p. m.; Sunday
school 13 m.; young people's meeting at ii
p. m.; prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday. Rev.
Robert Whltuker, pastor,
KitKK JlKTKOimtT. Rev. 11. K, Bmnlley
pastor, Services Sunday morning and
evening, Sunday school at 10 a in.; prayer
mooting Friday night. Church opposite
North Sulcm school.
FjaKNDS. At Highland park on car lino,
Services 10.BO n.'ni. and 7;30J p. m.; Sunday
school 13 m.; Christian Endeavor 0 p. m
prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Rov,
F. M. George, puBtor.
Cjiihstian. High and Center, Sunday
school 12 m.; preaching 10:30 a. in.; young
people's society 0:30 p, m.; preaching 7:30
p. iu. Itev, W. H. Williams, pastor,
Gkuman IlctoitMED. Capital nnd Marl
ou.; Sunday service 11 a, m.;Sunday school
10 a. m .; prayer nieetlns Wednesday 7:J0 p,
iu. ltev. J. Muellhnupt, pustor.
CilHiaTlAN HCJKNCK.-Horvlcts In Unl
tarlun hall til JOOa.m.una 7:30 p. in,; Sab
bath school 13 m,; Dlblo study Thursday
Umitaiuan Oilmen. Dovotlonal uieot
lngatll;30a, m. Sunday school at 12 m.
ewry Sunday until September 1st, All
Hootii Bai,em M. K, church. Preaoli.
lag every Sunday at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p,
in'. J, II. ltoork, pastor.
CIkiiman llAiTisr.-HervloesIn Gorman
llnptlit church north of Cottage street,
Itov, John Feebler, pastor.
MKiisiAN Lutiieun, North Cottage Bt,
Services on 1st and 3d Sunday of cuch
mouth at 2 p. m. Itev. O. Ii. lleyer.pastar.
Ai'iican JlBTiionwT, North Salem.
Services at 11 u. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday
M.I100I ut 1 p. in. Ilev, G, W, Whlto.pnilor,
vlctd ot lft0, 2J0 aud 7:JQ every day lu tho
tentat tho Junction of the electitc car line,
Tcmpt-rancu gospel tneeetlngs ut I o'clclc
Sunday at W, O. T, U, hall,
trt M I '
40 Years tb StaadarcL
2i9 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.
Sons of Veterans.
Helena, Mont., Aug. 0. Tho
eleventh reunion of tbe national en
campment Sons of Veterahs conven
ed hero yesterday. About 6,000
members of the order aro In attend
ance from outside states, and ono
hundred members of tho ladles' aid
eoclety. Thero was a publlo reception
and boyond this the sessions wero
not of Importance, The real business
of tho encampment commence today.
The Best Lifo Policy.
. It's not tho Tontine plan, or En
dowment plan, or ten years renew
able plan. It's uot adding your few
dollars to the hundreds of millions
that the iustirauco companies boast
of. It's a better investment than
any of those. It Js investing a lew
dollars In that Standard Remedy,
the "Golden Medical Discovery" a
cure for Consumption, in Its early
stages, and all throat and lung
Mr.lmnder's Recommendation.
Mr. J. A. Lander, a prominent ci
tizen of Clarksburg, Mo., und widely
known in that state.says of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cliolera and Diarrhoea
Remedy: "I have seen Its good re
sults and can recommend It." For
sale by Ilaskett & Van Blype Drug
People aro beginning to find out
that Osbum's Racket stor sells the
same brands of ribbons 25 per cent,
lower than any other house, and al
ways have a good Hue of colors.
. f
Saved a Woman's Life.
Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing
from Georgetown, Delaware, says;
"Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy saved-the life, of Mrs. Jane
Thomas, of this place." Ho also
states that several other very bad
cases'of bowel complaint there have
been cured by-this remedy. For sale
by Baskelt & Van Slype Druggists.
JOHN hughes;
Dealer in Groceries, Puints.Oilij
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Border, Artiste' Ma
terials, Lime,, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
Sealed Hids for a Bridge.
BY OKDEIt of tbe County Court of Ma
rlon county, Oregon, sealed plans,
strain diagrams, and ulds for a -wagon
bridge across the North Santiam river, at
Mill City, Marlon county, Oregon, will be
received by the clerk of said court until
Friday, reptember.0, 1KH, at 9 a. m., of
said day. Said bridge lo be sixteen feet In
the clear, covered and painted, and to bo
located ut ono of two proposed sites, one of
-which site IK Immediately below and the
other ubovo the railroad bridge-at suld
rteparate bids will be received for each of
said locations, and for tbe location above
said railroad bridge the bid will be for said
wagon bridge exclusive of tho approach on
the north side ot said river. Separate bids
will also be received lr said bridge exclu
sive of the lumber, the county furnishing
all lumber on tho ground and the contrac
tor lurulshlug all other material. Kuoh
bidder will bo required to deposit with his
bid 6 per cent, ot the amount ot such bid
to abide the result ot the awarding or suld
contract as hy law required and provided.
Said court reserves the right to reject any
and ull bids received under tho said order,
8--td WM.U. EUAN, Clerk.
Bids Wanted.
QKALUDblds will bo received by tho
"3 County Clerk otMurlou county, until
Wednesday, September 7, 18iH,at 'o'clock
p. m., for keeping paupori nt tho county
poor iarm ol Murlou county, For purlieu
lure Inquire of county clerk or Judge. Tho
'h"iv rt itnci TVU IAJ JCJUVIt U1J.V ur Ull uiu
U-lw dw
V. II. KUAN, Clerk.
Bids for Wood.
KALKD bids will be received by the
County Clerk of Murlon count v. until
edncsdsy. Hentembor7lh. at 2 o'clock n.
m.. for 60 oords ofk-ood nolo nak und 20
cords of good, straight, clear old body Or
wood lo be delivered at tho court houso In
Sulera. The right Is reserved to reoct any
or all bids. W.JI.KUAN,
8-U w-dw Clerk,
I wish to say to my customers in the
lumber trade thai I liuvo resigned my po
sition lu the Iumuu,l'oulsou & Co, lumber
yard hero, but still ask the patronage of
me uunirucujn, ann i win iry v oitse u
iu urury iMicn luieresi w tail ou mo ana
Ret my prices before purchasing elsewhere,
I guarantee as good lumber us u In Oregon
huu wtii u uvvr irvub yuu wuiiu.
Tuesday, August Oik.
Lady Minstrels.
Ip'.roduffing many of tho latest uovsJUmi
In Funey Daaees, Gfntnd marches, Momum
and UnxMuu statuary by living umdsa.
(leu til ne Fratitti lllim Kfkra.
All grand la eflu and lublwux,
'l wo aud one-half Iuhii pure tun.
-Htiti on Mi m rni
.qi'ii, !.i .WH.w
Go to the Bests
The Clare (or Tonne ladles and 'trentt.
men to secure a thoroughjeducatlon Is th4
oia, Dmeyer new
Long and still tho leading Institution Mi
tho North West. Ilntter than evert .
New course of instruction in Oratory,
BiuuiK!.-normal, uusinees.Acaaemy:
uoiicge, ana imt courses greatly enlarge
nuu iuiruveu.
Faculties Increased and Imnroved.
f'utjilnirMA nf l!nl!iK7A nf T.AW wrttn Tlaan i
T. Ulclmrdson, Esq t Salem, Or. JA
For Catalogue of College of Medical aMCyj
Pharmacy write Dean KlchmondKelly,StVl
v.. ruruauu,ur i Id
For general catalogue write itev. QMug
Whltaker, 0. 1)., President, Balem, Ot.FvQ
7-V&3m-dw 1 'A
Conservatory of Mu
The course most complete and the.hli
est irrnde of nnv inUHla school In
Northwest. Best and newest methods
teaching. Enlarged (acllitlss and m
olan for Instruction of beginners ltor i
coming Bciiool year. Diplomas granted
completion of course. Next trm btcll
September 5.1892. Z. M. PAUVIS:
Bend for catalogue. Muslo DlntMrl
7-'itW2m-wlm '-"a
JVIiss Bailout's
Opens Monday, Boptemuer lUth, at.Ktl
dergarten Hall, opposite opera house.
Children received at throe Veara of i
nnd over. A connecting clatiu will be
lauiisuea ior aavaucea iv muergunen
pus sua moso ueginwng primary
Onlv the best modern Klnderirarten i
ods employed. Prang's system ol drawn
auu coior worn imrouucea.
Miss Annie Thornton;
Graduate ot thaSiesden UonservaAnnrj
Music (Germany) will open her room,
uuu i,hau& uuuuiug, oepveoiuar in.
instructions in vooai ana instnuu
music, also lu German aud Krenoh.
Select School, v
ISS KNOX -will beirln her select I
tbe first Monday In Bentemar. at i
jy, .. i ., "c . c.v. r..ci .
Teacher's Examination'
VTOTIOE Is hereby (riven, that lor
i PUrnoso of maklmr an examlnatj
of all persoDs who may off or theoiMlvMi
candidates lor teachers o! the schools
this county, tbo county sobool suprlB
tendent thereof will hold a public exiuNkc
hhuiiu nv mo conn uouse, iwieiD, ur
commencing at 1 o'cloek p. m , We
day. Auarusil0.1H9!l. AiiDllcanbi lor
and Llle Diplomas will Be examined, 1
same ume ana piace, ,
Sohool Superintendent, Marion Qfc$
25c Want Column.
Notices Inserted for ONE CKNT
tlBomeut Inserted lu this ooluma for!
man tweuiy.nye cents.
X encod bookkeeper and salesman. 1
ereaceHelven. Address R. oaro of Ja
NAL ottloe. S-tWH
mission offered. S2U0Owuklv ui
by many of our aguuts. Sumplei trt.
O, Ua im Now Vork. &m.
moil THIS COABT.A 8-at unuolst-
JO spring wagon tor trips to the ool9
Apply to 0, 0, uhase, Highland adaitloSSj
WANTKU.-ltccriilts for the ArtllU
Service of tho United Suites An
The conditions ol enlistment 111 the am
urn now uuuauniiy iuvoruuie, unu a p
lal recruiting rendezvous has been, out
llshed In this city for the purpose of aitu
lug tho young mou of this secllon an i
nortunltv for enlistment. AnnllcanUmu
uo between the ones of 'it aud au years
uge, uuie uouiea, pnysicany souua, i
ubletoreud uud write tho KmcllshtL
guitge. 'To any one interested a full xi
unuuu win uo auiiroeu uy mi rucruit
OW-Uw-tf 2d Lieutenant, 6th Arvillerj
Only One,
Chance for a colony. l'JOO .icrss of )
bottom land, one-half la cultivation.
siiiuii sireums unu untiw, iias ,uw era
now. bulldlnus. utc Is five mlla
Sulem. Oreicon. One-third ohjiIi. and
anco In nvo yearly payiotnu with 4
punt. IlltMrfwt nt S'.il rmr n.rn
IKi-tr J O U.N M. l'AYNK, Ait
iMouu in ineir nan iu huiui iduu
ulldlng, every Wednesday evening.
J. A. HEI.WOOD, Heoorder.
n, . McrAuuMW, m, wv
1 Kumlakun Tribe No. 8, iSatoJn.-.Bc
oounull every Thursday evening; at 3
Wigwam lu btato Insuruuee hU.
I1". U. BAKJtK, I'm
t'HANK O. VATKKM, Chief or
For Sale.7
320 AcresJ-FS
balanae timber, will sail all or M
on rtasosaule ternui. fl
Claas. Wbl
ia t a.
rie ntMonr. M 0 I
LjlfftD ifJjiiifntTnvT