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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1892)
JOURNAL. EVENING sasssi VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPEIi." SALEM, OBEGION, MONDAY, ATJGHJST 8, 1892. . "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." Ka 186, CAPITAL lawwiwilM r Directors, ittention i VKOFKSHIONAI. CAI103. K. CONN, Attorney nt law, room 7, , Murphy Block, .t.;..i.; c i..: i i ,..:n. ni.n T?nninj!nn Sunto Tonrlmr's Dnslta. Blackboards. II VOU are tninKimj oi su juiviim vuiu swiuui wiku ivcoiva, o.i,Cv.vU.. ww., - , - PI rasora Numeral Frames, Globes, Maps, Window Shades, Anatomical Charts, Dictionaries, leograpiucai onaris, KRendinw Charts, School Bells, you would do well by calling on us and cot our prices. We hayo been supplying a Igood many dibtricts with seats and desks lately, and all seem highly pleased with them. Let us hear from you. BOOK SELLERS . ND ' . STATIONERS, 7 98 State Street. rr i ilia r VI fr PATTON Gjf SONS MEM STATE NORMAL MIL, I 1 IMliWJlk CSTN . .. " T "--J!uU.. . MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. ILL.. ,ra- Eoaid of It 'irenta Benjamin Sehnifleld, l'res.; J. B. V. Butler, Seo; Ex-Ofliulo, Ilia Excellency, Governor SylvcHior Pennoycr;, Hon. E. B. McElroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Hon. G. W. MqBrldi', Secretary of State; Hon. Jacob Voorhees, Hou. A. Noltner, J. L. White, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacy, Hou. P. W. Haley, Hon. J. J. Daly. Tbe State Normal is a live whool, rapidly growing, and continually adding to its facilities for the special tnilniug of teachers. Its graduates aro in demand to 1111 good positions. A gain of 80 per ceut. in attendance was made last year. An eurollmetit or 500 is anticipated for the next year. New members have been added to the faculty, and additional ap paratus supplied. A diploma from the hcIiooI entitles one to teach in any county in the state without further examination. itv,t, ,,ttot . NORMAL, NORMAL ADVANCED, BUSINESS, MUSIC AM) ART DEPARTMENTS, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental T YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150. Tuition reduced to $0 25 Nor mal, and $5.00 Sub-Normal, per term of ten weeUs. Board at Norma Dining Hall S1.50 per week. Furnished rooms 51.00 per week. Board and lodgiuir in private families $3.50 per week. Beautiful aud healthful looitlon. Nofcaloous. Flist term opens September 20th. lor catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B., Pres., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President gmauctctiggucaHriw imr mi For Outing Material of Every Description n.XTlJ HDV mm', i GRASS AND WOVEN WEB HAMMOCKS. Jfmfflfjaiaif LAWN TENNIS, FISHING TACKLE AND SPORTING GOODS. -CALL ON- BROOKS & HARRSTT, 94 State Street. iKivrrimM"""ioiigagJvigraCTaigon F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. NAILS! LOCKS! HINGES BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Ban (I Pebel, Plumbers and Tinners, 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers, A complete line of Stoves and Tinware. Tin rooting and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. FOUND The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery rig, Express, uniy or -u-uck, wouu, xii, Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back ol Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. EYAN & CO. Salem Truck 4 Dray Go. Dravs and trucks mav ho " TT- . f . ,1 hireow lm Trrtn Tirnrlro the corner of State cud Contuusrota DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Soil nnd deliver wood, hay, coal uud lumber. Of Ham rimta St.. onnosite Ba- found throughout the dav at li. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, Gsnerai Superf.tendeot, SALEM IRON WORKS, UWieMmUflnuSid mnuactureis of the celebrated Wahbilroui latent Middling, I'urlfler and Reels. Farm machinery made aud repaired. C.N.CHl'RCHILL T S. BURROUGHS. CHUECmLL & JJUBROUQnS, Tinners, Plumbsrs, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated ceauoinlo force aud lift Pump. 100 Cbemeketa Street. Sasti and Door Factory Front': Street, Salem, Oregon. Tno best class of work in our line at prices to compete -vith the lowest. Only the best material used. Choice Ed. C. iiiests. Cross, Wholesale anil Kctnil Dealer lu Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of uil Kinds, iWMiifi 4fik WMff $Tflkt J J.SHAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW A , HUNT, nttorneyRBt law. Oillooovcr capital Nutlonal bauk, Kuleui, Oregon. CJ T. lUCllAHDSON, Attorney at lnw, O. oinceup stairs In front rooms of now Hush block, corner Commercial and Court street, Huleui, Oregon. JOHN A. CAltRON, Attorney nt law. Ilooms 3 nnd 4, 1-adil A bush's bunk building, Baleni, Uregen. 8 1 lyr Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. US Court and 110 State Streets. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. Ml are invitod to call at 143 Court street aud look at all tbe lute patterns in Wall Paper and et prices for sauin on the wall. E. O. SNOW, Decorator, with E, E. SNOW, House, bign and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paner Haneiusr. Kalaomiuinjr, Wall Tinting, etc, Varnisliing ano .., . . ... , ii, it. r..t.. T.'.T ..I Vtr.,..!. T." 7r SJTMflW. Nuriimi vvooa r iniii. vjui.v c iini-ii.- num. "! " kj..x,i Remember tbe plane, 143 Court Htreet. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CAUI ORKIA KXPRESS TRAIN RUN BAII-y BETWKKN POBTIND AND S. F. Mouth. 7:00 p. m. 9:16 p. m. &15 a.m. for7b. liV. Portlnnd Ar. I 7:.i5 u. ru liv. Salem liv. I 6 ?a u. ni Ar. Han Fran, L.V. 7:U0 p. lu Above trains btop only at follow lnc sta lions north of Roseburg, East rortlnui Or"gou City, Woodburn, tjalem, Albany Tangent, bhedds, HaUey, HarrlBburj .1 unction City, Irving and Eugene. KOdkUUKQ MALI. DAILY, b.3J u. II). 11:17 a. m .1.50 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar.) 4: '0p.m. Lv Balem Iv. 1:10 p.m. Ar. Ilontburg IjV. 7:0) a. w Albany Local", Ilally Kxct-pt Sunday. 5.1W p. ni. 7:32 p.m. 9:W p. in. Lv. l'ortlund Ar. I i0-.iO a.m. Lv: sulem Uv. 7:SJi.m Ar. Albany Lv, 6.39 it. ru. P0LL51AN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars Kor accommodation ol passengeu holding second clnss tickets attached to erpieHS trains, tfeiil Side Division, BetnrecD Portland and Cervallis: IAII.Y (EXCEPT SUNDAY). T.fu. in. I Lv. .Portland Ar. Bladp. in. 1:10 p. in. I Ar. CorvalllH Lv. 1 12:55 p. m. At Albany aud CortnllU connect with Iralus of Oregon l'acltlo Hall road. mViimBTltAIN (DAILY gXCBtTBUNPAY 'i. irt ' ... I l.v ' 'Piirllnml Ar. I MJU 1L. Ill 7:5 p! m.' Ar.McMlnn)UeLv. I 6-laa. m Through Tickets To all polnta EAST aud SOUTH tor ticket and lull intorination regard ins rate n api, etc., apply to the Compa nyVi ai.'ent -ialem, Oreson. lit: KOQKltS, Ahat. U. V. and PasB. Ac'l . KOEHLKK. Wunacer WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, 200,000 Transact a general banking buHlnet lu all 1U branches. GEO. WILLIAMS l'reUdcnt Wm.KN (JLANI) Wen IVealdeii liUClUMuNARy .Cajihler. DIIIKCTOHH: Geo. WHHanw.Win, Enf hmd.l'r. J. A. Klrbardfcon, J. V, . Hodkon, J. A linker. llank In new Kxch.mee bUwk ou Cora iriprcUtltilxeel. S:li-tl A Good Opening. A ttore and blackimilli shop are needed at the invru nt Ankcnv, 10 inllen toutli of rulem IlUagood f .rinliucouniry. )n a fl' irlng mill Hlth the kecond best, water lower In Oregon, also a mwiiiUI building. HKclal Inducements oOertd. Andrtim Jntmater, Aukeny, Or. 7-28.1I.W Mur: Notice of Final Account. to all whom it may cencern: OT1CB I hereby given that the under kitrn.dadmlnlairatorof the estate ol tin w. liutton. deceased, has tbbt day tiled M flual aconunlas such admluUtra- Uir. with the cierK 01 me county omrv lor MJriouo.iuuty, Oregon, and the Judge of .iW! omrt has fixed tbe th day o? Augiut IbW. at 1 o'clock p. in, at the county court room In the court UouierOf "(1 county, ut tbo time and place (or the bearing or uiy tiijrctlan whieb there way beto tatd ao count and lor the wltlement l bweof. J, Xt. rilJvItlBlf AdbllnUtrator. July 15, UK. 7-2Wt TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Mlzo.S x 10 Inches. Contains new rtoslgns, nnw stylos, latent ideas In planning. No. 1 bus MS deslgus classified from 3150 up to 1500, about hnli undor U1000 No. 5 con trtlus 59 designs of dwellings costing over $1500, many from J1800 up to 3000. Alnuy new Houthern or resort styles of houses In these works, t'rlco, jl each, or the two for 810. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. G T. BURROWS AIIRIES a full line of Staple and fancy uiocerles, lrre3ii vegciaDiesauuuer UtM in teuson. llutter and Kitgi ul flayHOU hand, 2S8 Com'l St. Those Afflicted NVlth tuehablt;of using to exceps, LIQUOR, OPIUM Oil TOBACCO Can obtains COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THK KEBLEY INSTITUTE Korest Orove, Or., Call write. Btrlctlv conndentlal White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work a specialty. J.K. WHIfK. From Terminal or Interior Points tbe Is tbollneto take To all Points East and Sooth, It Is the dining car route, ltruns through vestibule trains every day In the year w ST. PAUL AND CU1CAG0 (No cuauge of cars.) Comrd of dining cant unsurpassed, 1'ullumu drawing room kliopers Ol latest tuipnienl TOURIST Sleeping Cars. litst that can be cnuntructed and In which HucoiniuodHtlkas are both tree nnd lui. nUhed for hoklers of first and secoud-c!a tlukeu.nnd KLFJiXaV DAY COACHES. Aconttnuort Uu? concejllog Hith all Unocailordlui direct nnd uninterrupted erlco. 1'ullman sit r rations can be so curtxt lu . ,ii any agent ol the td. lhrriugb tlckeu to aud from all point In Aiuelea, tUii(liid and Europe can U purchakedalany ticket ofltwi of thU com puny. Kull Information concerning rat, llmi of tralnsjxiute and other details faruikbad ou t.rpll&itton to any agent or A. V. OHAHLTON, AMisUnl O en era! ttoaeBger Agent. No, Vil Klrrt tire, eor. WwhUigtoa; l'oil- Und.(reon (ill AW DOWNING, AgenU, D.K.110NIIAM. W.H. HOLMKS. Bonjiam A lloLMKS. Attomoys at law. Otllco in Hush's block, between Statu and Court, on Com'l St, TI1.MON KOltO, nttorney nt law, Salem, Uicgou. Oltico up-wUiIra lu ration's block. Bit. nilADSilAW, PHYSICIAN AND , Hurgeon, ulem, Oregon, iltllce In bw-u-Breymun block, upsluirs Itcsldenco corner Htutcand B. K corner HJntcr street. WM. YOUNG, M. I)., Office formerly , occupied by Dr. itowlund, corner Couriand Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. Office heurs: 8 n. in. to 12, 2U)4 p. in., nnd 7 to H p. in. llesideuco lHth street on electrlo car lino. Telephone No. tt, EK. W. 8 MOrr, physician and sur geon. OlUce lu Kldrldgo illocS, SU i, Oregon. Olllco hours 10 to 12 it. in, 2 to 4 p. m. TK. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. OfUce hours, J 0 a. m. to 11 a. m.; 2 p. in. to 5 p. in. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention given to diseases of wom en and children. UIllco InAuiv Wxw'i. llllc, auo commercial siitei. itc-siucnce hamo. rH. T. C. 8iIlTlI. DcnUut,U2 SUito street, J huletn, Or. Finished dental opera tions oi every description, i-amiessopunv tlons a specialty. WD. rUOII, Architect, l'luns, Speci , llcutions and supcrlntoudLiie lor all classes of bulldlugs, Otllco 'JM Com mercial St., up stairs, CA. UOUKHT, Architect, room 121, alar . quam building, I'ortluiul, Oioon. UUS1NKS3 CARDS. AB. SMITH A CO., Contractors, Sewor . lng. Cement Sldewallis, ICxciviitlug, Uic: AllWorK iiroiuptly done, Salem, Or. Leave orders with Du;au Dros 4:lu-lm ly. J, LAltSEN t CO,, UiamiPictuio of all , klndsnf vehicles. RepulrluRii special Shop 4iHttoM.reet. 'riAKPET-LAYING. I muito a spcclulty ol I cavpet-sowlng uud laying; crpdt taken up and relaid with great care. Khade and curtain polo hanging. I.e.ivo orders Httn J. II. Limn, Huron a Sou or White Corner. J (.LUIIHMA.i. Signs Say ! You netil one tit sonio Uiud. If so, why uot Uavo It. Gold, Plain,, Script or Canvas Now is the time to nave uiouoy by giving your older to J. J. MUTTON, .House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St, Or leave orders wltli Sroat & GUo, State mreet. B. K. U.A.L.U Paper Mangerand Decorator, Olllco nt Clius. Cal . crt's Mlllioncry (.tore, -Ulein, Oregon. JAPANBSS i filKlliuA "b W W TO uamrM vu& b. Xmxzu? GURE Anew and Complete Treatment, connot ing of suppositories, ointment in capsules, albo a box and pills; a positive euro lor ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary riles, and many other diseases und lemale weuli nosues; it Is ulways u great benefit to the general health. The first discovery ol u medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary hciealter. This remedy has never been Jiuowu to fail. SI per box,0for to; sent by mull, Why suifor from this terrible disease when u written guurantee is given with (I boxes, to refund ihe money If not cured, Send stamp for tree Minplo. Uuuninteo issued by Woouaup, Claiikk & Co., wholesale and retail drug gists, sole agents, l'ortlaud, Or, 5 i-ly-dw NEW MINING MACHINERY P. J. Foster, who resides about three miles west ot Suit in lu I'olk county, has Invented a machine lor mining gold, vhlcb Is espec'ally adapted to saving Hue gold, and works any placer material, from line black, sand to gruvel, In Met anything that can be shoveled, 'llio machine Is made of iron und sit el and welcht only 76 pounds compli'le. It Is run by the force of a l'A men pipe or waier witn it ueau oi tour feefT It will worn Irom to 10 tons of blaet sand, or from IS to 20 tons of travel In u day, and save every thing lu the shape of goia mat win amaigjmuu. i nu mucniuu has been tested and is guarantees to do tbe werk: claimed. Aluchlnes will be fur ulshed in running order before any pay is demanded, i'rice complete SIM) Call on or address 1". J KOHl'KH, 8-4-lw aiem, Oregon. For Sale or Trade. Kino cows, good tat catilo, stock cuttle, spun of mules; will traded for lund lu JU Hou Co., or lots lu balem. 7-2.13t-wSt II. W.tCOTTLK. For Sale, Cheap, A number of trios ot this springs l'lym outh Itock, l4ingahau, White Leg horn, uud l'artridgelkKhlus, all thorough, bred stock, Uuy early, save express charges and get the pick ol thebCison. tJtofeOler trio, boxed for shipment. Address K.HOHKK,Huleio,Or. Adnilui.strator'H Sale. rOTIOK Is hereby glveu that by auiho- llyofun ordrr of the linn. County Lourtol Marlon county, Ort-g'm, inadeou the Wtb dty of Ju.y, Mi, uulhorUtag and empoweilng the Mudrrsignut to u the herclnafierdescrloed r.ulewte belouclug to tliotnlaie of Lvfllno I'ox, duttakwl. '1 he undersigned, as administrator oi Mid es tate, iilou the lit day of Septembsr, 1892, ata us x.rututrtiiulred,tll at pub I io auction ut the west ooor of the court houMilu Balem. Mur'ou county, Oregon, all the right, title and luterest of the said estate, In und to the following described preralsei, to wit: Jxils 8, V, 1(1 uud 11 In block fo 8. as shown by the amended t e mrdMl plot of Capital I'urk addition U ihocliy ol Hilem, In Mrlou couuty, Ofe g.iu. icrni of M'e cash. MKHI It. IIAMMKK. AdHiloUtrator of the Ksuie of I.vellu Cet, dtretutxl. , tttleui, Oltifou, Jul , 18W. WW Ctch on, hold fast and hustle. Tho pench crop la roported short this Bninmcr, but there is no manner oi doubt that the dealers will mako the most ottt of it. "Death before workl" cried Hermann Pfaunenstiel, a Russian Jew, when his wifo refused to support 1dm any longer, and he toel: parte green; but a doctor enmo quick and pumped him out nnd saved his life. What a pity Pfann6nstiol wa3 pumped outl Highest of all in leavening Power. -Latest Uj S tGov't Re akii Dx I B SSB-Sk. SB HB T Sk SIB 1 s&& iOWuG? I" ABSOLUTELY PURE Tho strikers at Homestead did ono of thu worst possible things for their cause when they treated tho nowspapor re pot ters roughly, harassed nnd an noyed thorn in pursuit of legitlmato business aud finally drovo some of them out of Homestead. Reliablo authorities oven declaro that while thoy wero present at tho scene of tho trouble tho correspondents could not tell the whole truth about tho situation for fear of personal violonco. If so this is shnmof ul. A statement that all is fair and square while representatives of tho press aro not nllowed right of way to come and go through tho Carnegio worka at will is a statement that will not hold water. If strikers aro fair and squaro in their doings thoy will be glttd to havo tho truth told about thorn. If they are not willing that tho whole truth should be told about them, thon their doings are not right, nnd publio sympathy will bo on the side of thoso whom they murdered, and of thoso whoso property they took possession of. Mob rule cannot boss the press of this coun try. Don't Talk Personalities. If you aro in the company of a culti vated, intellectual person and cannot talk of anything but mere personalities, go and drum on tho window with your fingers, twirl your thumbs, or excuse yourself and get away, but keep your mouth shut. Don't under any consid eration give it away that you aro a shal low, ignorant fool. For if you under take to talk with this person about how late track an individual sits up at night, how nearly of an ago tho Jobson babios aro, how Susan Jones sleeps on a folding bod in tho parlor, how Miss Snifkin dyes her hair, how Bodkin and his wifo quarrel, how many inoals a day you eat and what you like, how Tom Smith's pug dog killed Wash Brown's cat, how they do say that Widower Hodge is go ing to marry tho schoolmistress and his wifo not dead a year yet if you under take to pour out this unspeakable rub bish on tho cultivated, intellectual por son, ho will voto you the most frightful bore ho over met in Ida lifo, as well as tho mo3t ill bred bore. Ho will get away from you as he would from a beg ging book agent and nover come near you again. If you cannot talk of poetry, of litera ture, of musio or art; If you know noth ing at all of tho mighty social, econ6mio and political questions with which our generation wrestles, or of the wonderful scientific and psychological discovories of tho time, or of anything else than tho ago of Sally Jones' first child, go and learn something of them. Or if you can't do that, go and drown yourself. Never slump down. It looks now as though It might be possible for homo rulo to succeed in Ireland in spite of tho Irish. Both by its numerical and moral force tho Christian Endeavor national meet ing mado moro impression on New York city than any other convention has dono in recont years. That portion of tho United States army engaged in naval target practico for our coast defenses has hit something. It was not tho target, however. It was a schooner three-quarters of a mile away from tho target. Tho dangerous point la usually about that far, away from tho targot. Tho Panrellgious Congress. One of tho most important and im pressive of all tho international con ventions to bo hold at Chicago dur ing the World's fair will bo tho con gress of ull religions. One hundred of tho most eminent preachers of Eu rope and America constituto its ad visory council. Loading scholars and representatives of tho world's great modern hislorio faiths will bo there to expound their own special theology. The Christian divino, Protestant and Catholic, will shake hands with the fol lower of Confucius, with Buddhist, Brahman, Parseo and Mohammedan, Tho Jew will stand there side by eldo with tho priests of the Greek church who persocuto him, and will havo as fair a show as they in this universal debating ground. How they all will nrguo, to be surel It is not stated that coinoouters and agnostics, like Colonel Ingersoll and ex-Senator Ingalls, will bo wolcoinod, or that invitations will bo extended td tho followers of tho lato Madiimo Blavatsky, but it may bo that pan religion li broad enough to cover even these. At any rate, all non-Christians except theso uro alreody invited. Each learned representative of othor religions than ours will bo asked to lay before tho con vention tho leading tonets of faith that constituto liis theology. Especially will ho bo asked to say what uniyoreal truth and nim aro at tho heart of his religion, and what contribution it has brought to tho progress of mankind. The comparative study of religions la now a main object of uttentlou to tho most eminent students of thoology tho world over. They uro bringing these faiths together, examining thorn critic ally and searching to find how much agreement there is betwoen them. Thus will tho universal truth dwelling in the hearts of mankind in all ages nnd na tions be roached. It is beginning to bo more and more believed by tho most; learned Christian scholars that each great historic faith, as itcamo and went, had its own message to deliver to tho peoplo to whom it was sent. Each la turn did Its work and pawed, or Is pass ing. Christianity overtops them all when it U lived up to, because it is the relig ion of love and good will among man kind, But In Unlived up to? Everybody know what Jt U, and that In tho reasou they go to Ilel lenbraud'H for that pure Ice crwiw wxk. , Ilnvo n Fad. Tho only way to retain health of body and mind in this rushing, high pressure American life is to have a fad. What ever your daily occupation is, leave, it behind you when you quit workshop, oilico or fields and amuse yourselves with something that interests you out side of them. Get something as far from tho grind of your daily work as possible. One busy man relaxes tho montal ten sion by cultivating trees and Bhrubs, and a beautiful and useful fad this is. Another chooses gardening and fruit culture. Charlos A. Dana has' ono of tho Rarest, finest collections of shrubs, fio woi-3 and orchids on his island at Glen Cove that exists in tho world. This is his fad ono of thom at least. Commo dore Vanderbilt loved horses, and at times they seemed to bo tho only croa turos ho did love. So Robert Bonner's fad is horses. August Belmont's favor ite roloxation was placing American horse racing ou a basis whero gontlo men might engage in it. Vice Presi dent Morton's model farm and unri valed herd of Guernsey cows at Rhino bock serve to rest him and unstring the drawn bow of his mind. Somo study musio and find in it a rofugo from tho loads of caro that crush all who do not throw them eff: others collect natural history speci mens; others go in for athletics or fish ing; yet others find in tho study of psychology and weird psychio pho nomona that which takes them out of tho ovoryday world for tho timo being. But a fad every intensely busy person must havo or lose his grip. I 8ALEX HABKKTS. Vheat-63Jo per bushel. , Oata 3840o per bushel. Potatoes 25o per bushel. Flour 14.20 per bbl. Bran (Backed) $10.60,per torf BhortB (Sacked) $21.25 pert Eggs 18o per dozen. v Chickens Roosters, 7c peri hens, 10&12O per lb:;, broilers' i fryers, 16o per lb. , Turkeys 10121c per lbr Ducks 1215c per lb. v ,, Geese 7o per lb. Lard 75c?l Ir P1 -i Butter 2080o per pound. Beef 712Jo dreeeetl, 2o on I Veal oc, areseeci. Pork OJo dressed; 5Jc on foot. Wool 1520o per lb. Do Americans Read. Poetry? An American poot whoso fame is es tablished on firm ground on both sides of the Atlantlo wrot6 somo time since to tho editor of a leading American inaga zino askingvif thorowas any room for vorses in his great monthly. Tho editor wrote back at onco, "My Dear Sir W havo already on hand and paid for $5,000 worth of first class poetry," Tho poet wroto back instantly, "Thon why don't you print some of it?" This poot does not bollovo that the tasto for genuino poetical literaturo has died out from the American soul. Tho only troublo is, in his judgment, that tho American publio nevor gets anything to" whot its pootio appotito. Tho troublo is with tho writers and editors. Tho poot says: I do not bellove In tho present newspaper doctiino that "the American people no longer road poetry." I bellove they read tt as much as ever wbon they find any worfh reading. If they turn with disgust from the endless flood poured out by the Sunday papers, Where's the wonder? Tho pulilla seems to havo only n cholco between this wretched trash (It Is bias phomy to eall It poetry) and tho foggy, ob scure, incomprehensible verse served up by the magazines. Look at tho last 's "poems" nearly all written by persons nevor hoard of before persons without reputation or expori ence or ability. Not one of them is quotable; not one ot thom voices any human emotion or experience; not ono appeals to any s mpathy of tho human heart. To tho average Intelli gence they do not mean anything. So long as ovcry week 1 receive more or less letters from strangers, asking mo for copies of poems, for Information as to where certain verses may bo found and Inquiring what mug. azlues I wrlto for, and why I do not write more, I shall believe that there aro still per sons who read verse and who like what they can understand. I think the troublo Is primarily with a few magazine editors who, having little sense of lioetry themselves, think any metrical artlclo is jioetry, and Is excellent in exact proportion as It Is lucomproheoalblo. Newspapers do not think verso worth paying for, but tbey think It worth borrowing! aud they can only borrow It from magazines ir publish the work of wgro tyros ami children not out of school. Ha really good workman can afford to work for nothing. A man may he a very excellent editor of a political, suentluo, humanitarian, or even strictly literary magaxln?, and yet have no Idea whatever of poetry or music; Indeed, tbe musical Instinct, although far from uulversal, (sinuch more common than the poetical, l'lea ty of bright, intelligent, well read persons are no Judges of musio. They never sang a note. Would any musical composer think of having such persons decide on tho merits of an opera, a anthem or au oratorio? Yet this U wbat is continually done with re gard to a much rarer and more abstruse urt by tlm average editor, lie soeus to think a "poem" must bo fine because It ban floe word lull. It must be profound because he doss not understand It. Walt Whitman's idea ot a poem was that tt wo u inventory cut Into lengths, and numbers of popular editors are quite a wide of the mark, Las the idea that It Is farm talk, chopped to measure, and and- stem to think tt Is anything tney happen to bear )u the street, the kitchen or the saloons, after they have teftur4 It luto given dlmwwUm. Asd because seme, hopelessly raatter-ef-faet man Is the employ ot the ttappeM to knew no better Uiaa to eall this sort of tnwh "ptwrtry,'' Iks wd goes out tbst "llio American peeyle nalesger ra4 txiotrrl" j. , -rr ''" 'J; Specimen Gam. a B. H. Clifford, New Cased? was troubled with Rhenii and Neuralgia, his stomach w ordered, his liver was afleoted tt alarmlug degree, appetite fell and be was terribly reduced In and strength. Three bottles of Ulo Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, , Harr 111., had a running sore on bit of eight years standing, used I bottles of Electric Bitters and i boxes of Bucklen's Arnica. Sal and his leg la souud and well., Jo Speaker, Catawaba, O., had large Fever sores on his leg, do said ho was, incurable, Om3l of Eleotrio Bitters and one box,! Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured entirely. Sold by Dan'l J. Fry, Com'l street. The Old Timers Are Net li It While at our other store at Big i land,Va.,latt Aprll.I was taken! a very severe attack of diarrhoea, , never had it worse lit my life. 1 1 several old-time remedies, so Blackberry Wine, Paregorto Laudauum without, getting aoj iiei. iuy attention, wu tuen om Chamberlain's CoM, Cholera Dlarrhooa Remedy by Mr.R. G1 sloy who had been baudllog it I and In less than -five intuuteti taking a small dose I was eat relieved. O. G. Burford,' Creek.Amhorst Co., VaFori Baekett & VaJHBlype Druggbta, i .i Baby cried, Mother sighed, ,$ Doctor prescrllxxl : Castoria! ; lluclclen's Arnica Solve. The Ilest Salve in the world tor ttvely cures riles, or no pay requ is guarunieoa ,mj give peneoi hi or money refunded, Price, 'Jb dox. For sale by wni j . Ty, 3 . Wood M Kverybody gets Ohnrlos Smith's wood saw, ''The Hustler." Orders I rruiivsireci. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCKMA 2ISKCmmtrcUISt,, tikis, I (Next door Klein's.) Hpeclulty ol SpeclU3iui, and, i Clocks. Watchea uud Jewelry, Sheriff's Sale. VTOTICK Is hereby given thai by j.i oi an execution auiyiseueac county court of the slate ot On the county of Marlon, and to lue on the 1st day of July, Ihtfi, ueoo inent duly rendered, entered or rea docketed In und by said court on uuy in iuay, jsmainaoeiiHin su uia court pending, wuerein x Illrsoh were nlalulilts and Charles was defendant, lu favor of mains! against defendant, by vrlilctt exoowS am commanaeu mat out oi in property of said defendant or if I cannot be found, then out of the i rty of said defendant to sallsir tM "1 of One Hundred and Forty Two afMI j lars witn interest tnereoa at xue rai uer cent, ner annum. from the tttt August. lSeH, and the hum of lxafrll inra una interest tuernoH st tit per cent, per aunum from Augut and the further sum otltM-KU . costs uud costs and expenses or have levied upon ana will oa Baturday, the 13th day of August, A- D.,t at the hour of a o'elock p. m, of Jd I ino west uoor oi me county eoun m tuieui, Marlon county, Oregon, tell l highest bidder for cash la hand oa M oi sate, an ine rigui, uiie, lowest late wblcnsrtld defendaut.Obarleell naa on or niter tua Tin aey ot mi and to the following deserined! HeglunliMI sit tb ; corner of the southeast, Quarter ,T.UH,K. west; tusnoe st I lusuco fcouin is rous; tiuuiee we tuenee uortu it rou to uta tin nlnir. couutlnltur M teres moi also ull of the donation husd ell Juuiln Vaughu and JCiteabaUt I'.tS.. K. U HIM t. save IMM BSM lowing described premie, tej ulnu at the southwest eurM est east quarter of fceotioA t,T est, or wiueuietM jsenauw, us atwlusf tbeaae west 8.1 tl IHHUHMWWKSWUI UMSW ajj there Coot's aamlinti iffl a sat Ibeaee eaet I.1 rsssts to MM .IwSwa jiim Mf F. Ti WMtlWMH, 1 a r?fl