V-s O If l mm FAIR BILL Peace Owwittk f the Iknm Agree t Terms. TOUR KUKDRIDTH. srwmry of tiw SftiliHS of Ool- ittmbwifiro&PalM. fAtt, Aug. 2.-Thl te thfr four iodrtdth wmlverMry day on ttleh Columbus Bet mII from Palos tward on lite voyage of discovery. Plw fertivltUw arrangwl Here wr eletmtllng tho day were carried out Willi great eclat. The American ?OTg mm dteplsyed on numerous I buildings. - K At 8,0'CIOCK. Uie uour b wmuu "'Columbus iWnn his voyage, the - tkruval 3anta Marin, constructed li) ' imiutioii of tiie vewwl of that name . belonging 10 tho Culumbui expedi tion, set bcr mm auu tmuBeu trough (be lines of wur sbipc Anchored outside tbe bur amid Ubondering salutes nud deafening fehcera. Tbe mist and smoke from , the, guns made it impouslhlu U israt!li the manouvers of the ouravul Hwhloli followed for some distance route taken by Oilumbm 400 ago. At o o'chiuk me jhik ifetftel returned nud eutered tbt Iver. World's Pair BUI. Washin'otom, Aug. 8. A pence iflonimltleoof ten members of the jjtouseon the world's fnir matter met this morning and as hours pro- ed statements of those who nie out of the conference was that In agreement will probably be reach- About nno.o'clock tbe following Is was agreed to. ' The house to reconsider Us notion? tbe sundry civil bill by which it jrmf toseuntoamondniout appro- riutlDK Ave million dollars for h world's fair, and tbe bill to be Mil, Imuk to conference with tbe titderstHudlug it shall be ellmln- ltm ftifia the bill. Dur borrow pr irld's fair bill shall be taken up Mid shall be voted on Saturday, Arei'iunt carried by bill however is So tie reduced from five millions to tjtwo iulloiiB five hundred thousand im'hm and mndo a direct giit. The, committee simply submits IfcU agreement to caucus and mem- era ;iro not bound to vote in favor Dtifborrow bill. They merely grea If caucus adopts tho piop'islt- Ion uut to tllibuster uealnst It. Cnu- ggens nibt at X p. in. Warrants Against Prick, Etc. I'lTrsnimtJ. Penn., Aug.8. Hugh is, nstriKe leaner this morning rdHNntll nllt n iim.ubti A... ..- kw.u uU u nunuui. mr ine arrest MtfJH. V. Frlok, chairman 8. F. T. "vejoy, dec. J. G. A. Leishman adll. M. Curry, offlcinla of the tfCarnegle company. J. A. Potter Had G. A. Corrl, sunt, at the mill. rt A. and William PInkerton half dozen of their men who ; part In the tight at Homestead. barging tbenvwlth murder. Prob- M Information will bo made later !& them for conspiracy to do- s 'Wages or workmen nud to neiterlotby bringing nrmed moii ito Hometoad. Suits wero delaved i account of shooting of Frick nud ta.not (bo Intention to nrreRt him at present. .Result j)f an Old Brawl. Cincinnati, Aug. 8,-Juhn Hum na, a thentilcul mnunger of iUvllle, anil formerly of New fork and Philadelphia, Is dying In i hospital In this city. Ho cannot Icly recover. Some weeks aao i was injured In a brawl In a De- U house. Ho was out about tho ItandSvaa.taken to a hosnltnl. i whs discharged as cured, and i uere ju uays ago. Two davs the fell on the sldowalk, and au i m ma brain developed. Murdered for His Money. KpXAHA, Aug. 8.-A special from Uugs, Neb., sayH Doiovnn 8. wa murdered by unkuowu dub. His body was fouud this ruing In a desoitod shnnty lying i pool of blood. Colo was one of i wealthiest men in the city. The , or t ho murder was probably My. laalde of Three Mile Limit. Malxyax, N. 8 Aug. !). The 1 have struck lu ulotig the of St. Mary's Hay. American mi are reported to bo flithlng or three mllo limit. Cruiser r has been sent to put a It. UucotUlrmeJ reimrt of i of uu American muckerel r. G0VB11KOXM1UMLEV. feMKft to FiftMa Thow Peo ple ia XeVraska. JJKATKIOE, Neb., Aug. 3. Fifteen thousand people were at tlio Chaut auqua grounds yesterday afternoon to hear a speech by Governor McKlnley, of Ohio. Tbe governor said, In beginning, that tho latest national Democratic platform Is a bolder recognition of free trade than any of Its predecessors,aud analyzed it at length, quoting tho points re ported by tho committee and strick en out before tho plalfonnwas final ly adopted. As to the charge that a protective tarltl Is uucoustltutlonal the governor said Us constitution ality has not been seriously ques tioned In more than ono hundred i nnra. It the nrotectlve policy Is a violation of any constitution, It Is not that of the United States, We cannot hnvo free trade In this country without having free trade conditions. Tbe Dcmocratlo plat form demands it upon tbeso con lltlons, and Is bound to have it at iuycost, llie world knows what -hese conditions aie. 'Ibe farmers ind workmen of England Know what they arc. Thousands of men ivbo work both systems know these conditions, and to Introduce then, uere will brlug wide-spread discon tent, revolutionize values, and H vvlll bo self-destructive. Cleveland Joined the choir of calamities In blh ... tt rtpeech of acceptance. "I iear," mid Mr. McKlnley, "that he bad not then read the report of the sn. tie committee appointed to Investi gate tbe etleut of tbe now tarill law upon the consumer and the pro ducer and tho wages of labor." This report was unanimous, and McKlnley asseited showed a decline ,u the retail price of 214 selected articles of comfort and necessity, t'he report shows in every part, be said, a constant tendency to lowei prices of the necesojries of llfo and its comfortB. The report also shows that while the cost of living de creased hero, it appears that wayes in special Industries selected uvei aued in tho United States 77 per cent, greater than in Great Britain, which is under tho Democratic free trade revenue tarill. May 1 not in tlio light of this report and fueiB everywhere observable remind Clovuland that In tho year 1892 we aro confronted by conditions and not u theory. Tlio truth Is, the protective tariff has cheapened every manufactured product, not by cheapening labor, but by Its high lowards, securing from labor Its highest elllcienoy, substantially everything which protection direct ly altecls bus been reduced in price except lubor, The fact Is well es tablished by reportB from all conn tiles that at this time, whllo de pression and auxlcty exist In their industries, there Is prosperity 'in the United States aloue. During the last fiscal year we sold abroad nearr ly $203,000,000 umre than be bought abroad. This was nn excess in our ...m lilt fniu.ti.itii.a .kilt. I tr tin and which we have at home circu lating among our people. MoKlnlej quoted figures to show that under free trade rovonuo tarlfl from '17 to '01 tho balance of trade against us was rnoro than $431,000,000. In flf teon years, from '70 to '01, with protection, the balance of tiade In our favor was 51,040,115,210. McKlnley argued at length In re filiation of tho Dcmpuratlo assertion that the farmor would bo bcuelltted by n rcvonuo tariff. What farmers want Ib consumers and fewer com petitors. Ho wants these consumers steady mid regular, and has such In 05,000,000 of nonsumurs in this coun try who are the best and most proll table Qonsumeid on tho globe. The agriculturists of this country do not want more farmers; they want more pooplo who ito not raise their own food, and whom thuy cm supply. Evory now Industry Increases the farmor's homo market and furnishes him with what lie mos wauls proll table uUHtomers. McKlnly quoted from tho ut terances of Gladstone and Cardinal Manning to show that freo-trndo England has in many parts not only been stationary, but decreas ing, lu mini population, and said there was nothing lu tho conditions of agriculture lu that country to in duce our farmers to exchange what they hnvo got for what It oilers. DEATH BY A BULL. Ike Terrible Fate of a New York Farm Hand. BoiiK.-taCTADY.N. Y.,Aug. 3. Af ter u hard battle between Martin II. Smith, who works the farm of Webb Hagaj, near Ephratah.and a big red Durham bull, Smith was so terribly gored that be died In two hours. Smith went out to salt the cattle.and tbe bull charged him when his back was turned. He had turned as the bull charged, and Jumped alde nnd planted a blow across tbe animal's bead. This infuriated tbe bull, nud three times he charged, and each lime Smith succeeded In dodging, and made efforts to reach the fence, which was several rods away He plied his club,but this only Infuriated tlio animal the more. Flndiy Smith broke his clulyiud hoalmcd the Jag ied end of the stick at the eyes of iho bull, hoping to blind him. All this lime he yelled for help, but the bouso wa9 half a mile distant and the road was hidden by trees. The bull caught tbe sharp end of the elub upon the forehead, and lower lug his head he tossed Smith Into the air and he fell upon the bull's back. Afler be struck tbegrouud he clutched the bull's horns for dear hf-Vind round and round they went, Jnillli holding fast and shouting. I). W. Denstcr finally heard his botits and came ruuulugdown from tiles honhc. Deuster attached the nlma! Just as he had pinned Smith o I he ground between bis horns. The brute's horus penetrated Smith's sl'les and lore them open from arm pits to hips, and his legs and feet were torn hy tho bull's hoofs. Dens ter beat tin animal oil' and carried the wounded man away. A SWINDLING COUNT. Ho Out Beat a Tacoma Physician of $600. San Fbanojsco, Aug. 3, Leo pold de Claude, au alleged count, of Baden, Germany, was before Unit ed States Commissioner Sawyer, chatgeil with sending obscene let tors tlnough tho mulls to Dr. J. B. Elgho'z, of Tacoma, who it Is vpui fd also accuses the count of defruu ling lUin out of $000. Accord ing to the story told, the count Hur ried the daughter of millionaire Nulty, of Milwaukee, three years ago, uut hunsequeutiy separutea from her lu Tacoma. He represent ed toEigholz, who had kuowu him lu Baden, that If he had any money to ge-t back to Germany with bis wife be could secure sullluient funds there to pay his debts. Eighoiz loaned him $000 aud the count pro ceeded alone to Budeu, but shortly after returned to this country and induced a number of German resi dents of California te subscribe sums lor tho proposed establishment of au $80,000 brewery at Sisson, Cal. Elg boU learned of hlsopeiattons In ibis state, and wiute him demuudlng a return of his inoiioy, In reply be received the letters on which he baMes tile charges against the count, Corwulsylnuer Sawyer sent tho de fendant to Jail lu default of $3000 ball. CbNUNDfiUM Of THE WORKSHpPS. V.'Lca tliotltntiof a iK-wtnirn MinTCll (lrslon Kden'it crevu mul i;old. Oar fattier Arinm at tinder tlio tree nnd Rcratcliud trltli arilck la tlio moldf Aud tliedrst ruiluKki tdi lliut tlio world htul cen A Jo' In IiIh ml lit, litart. Till tlio Dot 1 1 whlser(d U lod tbo leaves, "Itii prtttr. but Is It Art?" Wherefore he called to his wife, and tied to fiifllilon his work anew The first of his race who cured a fix for the flint, Ditust dread review; And ho left his lore to tho uso of his eons nnd that was a clorlous caln When the Devil climkled "Is It Art?" In the ear of tbo branded Cain. . Thcjr bullded a tower to shiver Iho skrand wrench tho stars apart. Till tbe Devil Kruntcd behind the bricks, "It's striking, but Is It Art?"' TliOhtono u.is dropped at the qnnrry side nnd the derrick swung, Whllo each ono talked of tho alms of Art, and each In an alien tonyue. They fought and they talked In tho north and tha south, tboy talked and they fought In tbo west. Till the waters rose on tho pitiful land and tho poor tied Clay had rest Had rest till tho dank blank canvas dawn n hon tbo dovo uas pretned to start, And tho Devil bubbled below the keel. "It's human, but Is It Art?" Tbo tnlu Is as old as tbo I'den Tree and now as tho new cut tooth Foreachman knonscre his Up thatch grows ho Is master of Art and Truth; And each diiih hinrs as tho twilight nearp, to tho beat of his dying benrt. The Dovll drum on tho darkened pane, "You did It. but was H Art" Vo have learned to whittle tho Eden Tree to the shape of i surplice peg, Wohavo kerned to bottlooui parents twain In the j oik of un nddltd egg, We know that the tall must g tho dog, for tbo horse Is drawn by tho cart; Bat Iho Devil whoops, as ho whooped of old, 'It's clever, but is It Art?" When tho flicker of London eun falls faint on 'ho clubronra's green and gold, Tho sons of Adam sit them down and scratch with thtlr pens In tho mold They scratch with their pens In the mold of their giaira, and tho ink und thnanguHi start. For the dovll mutters behind the leaves, "It's pretty, but Is It Art?" Now, if wo could wlu to tho I Wen Tree where , tho Tour Ortat Rivers flow. And the Wrath of Ee Is red on the turf us she left It long ago, And If we could como when tho seutrj slept nnd Boftly scurry through, Pytl)efaor of God we might know as much as our father Adam know. Kudyard Kipling "Thiel: and Olossy." TIIE PRODUCTION of nn abundant growth of hair, u sllk-..l.o toxttlrn and of the original olu , o It'll rt'sulrt from the mc, by those vi ha e ocrniuo bald or gray, of Aycr's lair Vigor : j "I. was rapidly becoming gray and , bald; but after using two or thrco bottles of Aicr's Ifalr Vigor my hair I grew thick and glossy and tho oriel-. nal color was restored " Jr. Aluricli, j 1( Canaan ucniro, a. ji PACIFIC LAND AND ORCHARD! "A trial of Ayer'a JIalr Visor Ins con- vlnmd mo of Its merits. Its uso lias $2.00 'erdozeu fortue finest finished FHOTOUllAFHrf InthecllJ . MONTEE BROS., Mnt nniv natiaftfl tlm liftir nt 111V wlfo nnd imi fVimmDrMal street. iivvuiiij w.. ...-. - . lw v". ........ daughter to be abtinitnnt ami glossy, niu It has given m.v rainer nuiiiiru mus tache a respectable length and appear ance" K. Brltton, Oakland, Ohio. "I have twed Ajer's Hair Vigor for the past fonror tte years and flint It a most satisfactory dressing for tlm hair. It Is all thnt I could desire, being harm less, causing the hair to retain il-j natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render tlio nnir easy 10 ar- FOR TOWN LOTS, H1LUT TRACTS AND 'FARMS. J. J. rancro." Airs. m. a. iiniiey, u iuuuca St., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rnirAiirD bt Aver it Co., Lowell, Dr. J. C. Ayor Co., Lowell, Mass. Gold by Druggltts and rerfumcrs. F. B. SOIiTllWICK, Cm. tractor and Stuilricr. SjIcu:, - - Ori'goii. John Robinson's Show. MARKETS. l'uiifliAKi), Aug, 3. Wlieat valley, ?1.2aj?l.a-j Walla Walla, $1.15 1.17J. Han Kiianoisco Vi I., Au,j, II. Wlieat, D.o. Hl!. CilKlAOO 81. Illu, Aujj, 2. AVhont Lctttr List, l'ollowhu; are tlio letters lemalti ing unoalU'il for in tlio pnstoillco, at Balum, Aug. 8, 1602. I'ersotm call lug forH.me pluasuaay "u(lvertinol." Aduim Win Anderson Anna Ainmouii Jacob llrown MraG H Still rillbustering. WA6UlNcmN,r).0.,Atig.3.--After fllilHiBturlng for two lioura on tlio World's fair 1)111 tlio Iioufo adjourn od. Tho probability of tho World's fair geUliii: uny aiproirlatlnii now lOoUiiHIIIIlll, A Llnomau Killod, l'KriatsoN, N, J., Ana. 3 JilllHH ltowlaml, tt lineman employed by tho Eiliwui Kleelrlo Illuiulnattng coiiiiuny, was killed by filling from a polo In Park avenue, oppoaitu the depot, Ho had Just adjusted a uroaa wire tttid put hla rubber glovu lu his pooltet, pri-paratory to decetiillng tho pole, when a live wire catnu iu contact with hlit sholdor, nendlng a current through li body, itow laud was thnnvu to tho Hldewalk With great fortv, and Ms nkull wan fructua'd. He died Imot instantly. He wuh S5 years old. Ho had been emploxotl by Hie euinimny two years. Hlo home in i.ear Koehcater, N. Y. Ool. Strcator Arrested. lHrntHUKQ, Aug. 8. Lieutenant Colot.el Btreator wa arrvjtet nt his homelu Wsdilngtou, !., yrster. day, oti a cbarue of Mgirv.iltil ax- Mtit ami hittvty preferred by Jrl- W Urn (Uu mm, auy Ti . ' . T , . Mtm ' ' Hi biMrliiKHudwsv lull lu tht um Haiti N H Uenoilli't T L 2 llrostu O 2 Cai us Vt mi Oolo A J Cnnko H tmiiel JSpIor W 1 Drey Max 2 Fibmsky John Ferguson J F Gilbert Mn 8 It Horn Samuel HarclennlH tfam iltigoy A J Jurry A W 2 Johnson Adah Jennati 1) Kinney Jinnto Luunseu Mr 2 Miller J M Miller HA MiiHj. W P linker AH Uuneu O E Ulark O Cowley A J Cornell Knestlea Cailtou Caroline Ewlug Ida J3 Davla It A Farrlugion Kate Forrest J It Howell J 13 Hindi Nettlo llnybmi Win Hamlltou Mth W Jones Mrs Huttlo Jolinson lit ttlu Keller Frank Keller F K Laoltey Frauk Miller ChasK Massey J N Morrow J W McCarthy O It Vaccination. rAWA, Out., Aug.-Tho mini. Ptflhfl Interior has given orders Ilk VMatlou of all children tbMw on the Indian reserves jitdd of the Itooky Mountains. VmItmws BMtea. !w Ywmk. Auk, S.Ouo of tho wir-UH)Htig sehwnw al io iwvwal years was.stio put through by h gang of youug uieu on Saturday In iy. Oiwof tlwivrliioliHilratM t eiroMltti of tho Western Oonpany wm tapjwd, the re- Miya until beUweri lu thttsetwHie, aud ware sent by the fcu wrif at,!h lap, Two MMiHMvuy mat they to tbe Uttftfraj eowipany Jml kow Mtwh tlte gang M KiwrWH, IhU fine of tlw M l IiwUm aa.va Ihh II Moriran O troll tie MuQiiwJuhiiKS Pylo0 2 PutvinMrsM PenshlnGS l'felllle Marie l'iekeim UIiuh M UolerHMrslI W llobluson A O Hobliuon Andrew Hutuley Win itichaiihmu J-tllo lituUet Arauls ltalna K Huiubow tSatuuel rileplii'iiHlCiiiiua J8IIUW L D Seattle Mosta Snhlooser li-tttra SunitnerM H Tow used U U Tucker J U Todhuntei M M 2 Trow Itov Win A Thornton S O Vaughn Ohas Williams I O Woods It G WiKKiln Ellzt . WwHlurd M K l'AClCAdlS. lteod Joseph T Hw lohert Mary Elva Moore. A. N. Gilukut, P. M. Itntlicr Inraduxlcal, Dr. R. W. St, Clair, of Fort Wnyno. Ind,, tells how, a fow years since, bo was riding on an cngino nnd caught n cinder in his eye that caused tho most excruciating pain. Ho uays that ho naturally began to rub tho afflicted organ, when tho eugineor called out, "Lot that oyo nlono and rub tho other ono." Tho doctor looked incredulously at his adviser, hut tho latter only continued, "1 know you doctors think you know it nil, but if you will let that eyo alono cntl rub tho other ono tho cinder will bo out in two minutes." Tho doctor says that ho began to rub tho well oyo vigorously and soon felt tho cindor movo down to tho inner cornor. Ho was preparing to take it out by tho aid of a small mirror when tho engineer again ad monished him to "keep rubbing the well eye," which ho did for a minute longer, and then found that tho ciu dor had slipped down on to his cheek. St. Louis Republic. A New Fuslilonml Duel. A wag, having received a chal lenge to a duel with pistols, sent his opponent a letter couched in tho fol lowing terms: I cannot accept your challenge. If I should happon to kill you or you to kill mo, it will bo a gieat and ir reparable calamity in either cabo. This is what I havo to propose in stead. You go into the nearest wood; thoro select a tree of my wzo around tho body, then place yoursolf at tho required distanco, tako aim and fire. If you hit tho treo, I will admit that I was wrong and tender you my apologies; if, on tlio other hnnd, you fail to hit tho tree, I will vecoivo yours. Carlino, ... . ? I.tmo In the Snllvn. A 6cries of observations has been made by a Russian physician to de tormiuo tho quantity of lime in tho saliva. In perfectly normal cases from 2 to 3 por cent, of lime was found, theio being more a low houia nfter a meal than cither iust before or just nfter it, A riso of hotly torn poraturo, too, appeared to cause tin incroaso in tho amount ot lime. Whou any of tho teoth wore- affected by caries tho linio increased to fiom a to 5 por cent. New York Journal. To speak of the merits of John Rc binson's Great World's Exposition is merely "love's labor lost" with the people of this country. There is not an amucetnent lover on the con tinent but that Is fully cognizaut of the fact that il is now and lias ever been the best among t lie best. Every body does not know, however that during its last winter's vacation the show has received au augmentation to vast aud so important as to dwarf by cotnparsion oven its own great fxblbitlonal excellence. We allude to the grand, gorgeous and sublime biblical spectacle of "Solomon, his Temple,and the Queen of Sheba,"ln which inumerable people find active participations, and which is replete in grand eceueographlcefl'ect, typical reproduction of biblical personages and events, prolific in pageantlc and processional features, lavish in en trancing ballets and terpsichorcan diverlisemetits,and rich in trappings and appointments, requiring for its production the largest stage ever constructed, and conspiciously por traying such saCrcd events, scenes aud Incidents as the Judgment ot Solomon, Arrival of the Queen of Sueba, the City of David, the Palacp and Temple, Court of King Solomon'n Temple, tbe Walls and Towers ol Jerusalem, Solomon's 700 Wlves,tbe Sacred Ark of the Covenant, the Great Ivory Tlnone, Procession of War Chut lot', Slaves Bearing In cense, lovely Crtsset Danclug Girls, martial aud courtly Parades and ex citing Chariot Races. This eminent ly moral, historical aud mlud-elevat-lug speitacle will commend itself to every lover of the sacred and beau tiful. The Robiuson Exposition, with its sublime spectacular accession, is to exhibit in Salem, Wednesday Aug.3 Beware of Ointments for Catarrah that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the w hole system when enter ing It through the mucous surfacen Such articles should never be useo except on prescriptions from repu table phstclaus, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you cau possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O, contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, aud acts directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces o' the & j stem. Iu buying HallV Cattarrh Cure bo sure you get tht nenulue. It is taken internally, and made iu Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cbeuej & Co. JCSTSold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. T. .J. KRKSS. HOUSE PAINT1NO, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood finishing, Cor. Wtli and Chemeleta Hieet. JOHN M. PAYNE & CO., Heal Extatc and Insurance. First siairw ay north of Hueh hunk. BICYCLES. Full bull bearing Safety 111 cjnio. The lowest prltfd wheel n tho market. The best in the orlrt for tne price. O R Hrowu Agent,CJ3 rinnnr rial St A. H. F0RSTNER & CO, Machine Simp, Guns, Sporting Hoods, Etc., :S Comiiien lal Hired. 'LEY. ill fi nUUil u Livery Food and Boiirdiny Stable, 41 State Ptrctt. lira "ml, California Jtnltci'i. THE BEST. 101 Court Htteet. il. IL BJutlcri liking and Cabinet Work, 107 State Stnet. H0EYE & MILLS, PORCELAIN II AT IIS AND SHAVING PAULOIH, Only Porcelain Hath Tub) In the Ul. iui' woiil.rsv , rmi;iii,'i. nwooi .i -.w.imw u.m.'i5gip-vxwa xsn l iw. Scientific Horseshoeing. Ol'l'OSlTK l'OUNDIlY On State Street. TIIE Salem Uactnian is , l'OHLR. Ilest Lino In the City. Court Streot. J. E. MWtPlLY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, KOltfll SAlibM. mih. ii. . itozvco. Baths for Ladies, JIAIH MUSSING PAKLOKS, 121 Court Street. JABBNNHlTtjf CAND1H3, ruit and P- O. I3O0k k. 'riiUMIitt BILLIARD PARLOR, 243 Oom'l Str... T. W, TH0RNBUR6 The Upholsterer, Hcmodols, ro-covern ana,.., clous worlt. Ohornekota Ji! Hliito Insiiranco Hock. JOHN IRWIN, and Si .ii. Hhop H3 Htnte street. Store rittlnjrs aSpccili, wmocxwMainavv THE r S I B aT" i a "!"" Ki H 8" !fl 8 TT" EVEIt OFFERED.- Palace Kruit Xract ADDITION TO SALEM, OREO ON. FOR RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT This property is unequalled by any now on the market in the Capital city of Orer-on BUY AN ACRE LOT For a home or as an investment that must double in a few years. Aero lots ou tho first street north of the Palace fruit lots cannot now be bought for less than $G00 to $1000 each. NEAR THE CITY. A Itullioud Over tlio Chuchmik. Plans nro being examined for tlio construction of n inihoad across tlio nmin chain of tlio Caucasus nioun tnina. Tlio lino will hnvo n length of 100 miles ami will ircsont great engineering difficulties. Thoro nro to bo two tunnels, ono 41 nnd tho other 03 miles long. Wtorgnn S V White V D Williams li Wen (Jertruile lUMoo. 9t f00 lu vturii hur)rV Tbo tlld Tlmrra Are Nut In It, "While ut our other etorout lllg Is- lahit, Va.,latt April,! was taken with a very wjvow attack of diarrheal, I never had it worse in my life. I tried several old-tlrue reint(llen, such as Ulaokberry Wlno, Paregarlo aud Laudanum without tettiuir. auy re ller.Iy attention wua then called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cimlera and Diarrhoea Hwnrdy by Mr, R, O.Tln sley who had bwnlittitdllnu It there, NUdluleta tlmu tle tulnutw after taking uMttall doi 1 wa entirely relieve!, O. U, Uurford, HarrUi Cruek.Ainhenft Co., Va, F.r twle by Mukoit A Van aiy DrwW. Fi-om n briof study of tho Palenquo tablet it can safely Ih infon-wl that tlio four year Bybtom, and conse quently tho year of SUS days, was iu uso whon tlio tablot was made. Tlio peoplounou tho two continents of North and South America, with out tho nrctio regions, nro less thnn 122,000,000 in number, or only eight io ruo squara muo. Tho largest greonbnek atant is n 110,000 bill, and only ono buch note has been printetl by tho government Of tho 95,000 bills, tho noxt largest, thoro aro bovou. . A log jam in tho St Croix river, at Eaglo island, U said to hnvo been ovorftvo miles loug nud contained over 180,000,000 feot of lumber. Go tell It, yo breozea, from desert to sea. Tho "Prescription'1 has triumphed, fair wouiau Is freel Br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la tho one princely remedy above all others! Made expressly for woman, U 1st adopted to her special needu, and fulfills every requirement. Noooadltloatorxltlail aito detrltl Xoetsruu(?jr)irealwto Utile lit Ai a woman's resturailve aud reg ulator, the "Favorite Prescription" Is matter of the sltuatlou. INwlilvc ly guaranteed to give MtUfactlou lu all eases, or ruouey paid for It re turnsd, The only aiedlojue for wewca sold oh it lal Mr.hninler's Kecouimeutlation. Mr. J. A. Lauder, n prominent ci tizen of Clarksburg, Mo., und w idelj kuown In thatstate.suys of Chatnbei' luiu's Colic, Cholera aud Dlurrhoj. Ueinedi : "I have seen its good re sults and can lecomtneud it." I sale by Uaskett & Van Slype Drug gists. The Palace acre lots are within five minutes' diive fr in the Electric car line and the residence poition of the city. These lots are now fine, sightly,, suburban residence property located on "D -street, the finest graded driving avenue about the city First class residences are already built and occupied half a miio out beyond this proiJertv on the adjacent streets. i i j PLANTED TO FRUIT AND CULTIVATED. rPl-lr. li-r. 1 .. Ill- - 11 , i J..UC00 iuto uic uuyeieu wiui a mrncy two year itage and is equal PRICE AND TERMS. These acre lots are now offered at the low m-ice ol 54fn fn 5nn i i ir i cilrl rv.. l-m.-l nC 17" 1. T t' and Silver Prunes, Bartlett and Winter Nellis Peais. Some of the lots also have a . "1"" r "uw mra "" u-,10i I1U- Jcacn lot lias good street fi ontno-e iu oitu iu uiyiiu uiLy lots. once tney aviii do cultivated for two years without Rvt,n tn fine bearing condition. cost, when all the fruit will bo THE METROPOLIS OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Is Hot All nvnrlnirrlnrinrl niir l,'nKl J- n i . . . other places Inor W? 71 "ltUs . steady a. n " i j-uAO-iJii'iirtn. iiriTki-4-i. ii o-rpnf. iinfiii.nl ..:-i ...i . A- .--.- j yu wie JTf 3 -......, uuiiiuiciuUI illlU nnnlrttr.n Acs m- il- T l -.w.MKiiuoaujuitt, lt'IlieniUei t US W urn iino,, f wwvijjj- , ffrowth. when nlTlrt nrrr.l. , ..l ifiltttt Itootn wnntod, and must bo hud at KnuHjo Bios, shoe store for their luiiueusi) stoel: for fall, and there fore prices will he reduced on nearly all lines, for thirty days. onderful Results of ton .follow tl o H40 of Hood's Simiurlll-i. Socre nsot or scrofun, upon which other prep- tr tlotis Imyo been ponirlosjIeWtotho pcctulsr t iiratno powers of tills medicine. Dlsttessli.g cisi's of iljgpopsla, cxcruclat- tl i; eun. ! lints ot the kidneys anU lher, aosiizhifj Itch ps nnd i.;ln of wit Ihtf PiQI I ITC rluutn, irwgreo. E.m fcO ,i la eaes ot catarrh, aril aches and pains f il eviiiatton, mo curwl hy llootl's Sir- s ;i. Jt j urines tho blood, and at tho tlnid Jones tho stonuch, creates an '.te.unl BlM'i strength to eiciyf uno- i of tho uody. aio It a trial. Conoral Dobillty Tor lout years my ulto suffered with larjs t'inior bunches on tlio glands under the ..nn, and general debility ot tho whole sy tern. Sl-e became to poor In health Hi t wo uo or, tlio ersa of despair r girding her recovery, riijslclans did uot seem to understand her case; at all events he neer derived auy benefit from tli ir treatment. She finally concluded to try !oc4 Svsaparllla. The immedhte effect wis so marked and satisfactory that she continued to tr.Ka it, nnd thl s the unit! BUo his gained In weight frin; 84 to III Pounds a U .r cer and In better health thm s'wh "Ueu for years. The bunches under fit ur.ui Ii.ito diminished, and we bclteie Jl V ga'MparllU i1lt be too much for tl'nu iu tl uc." J. J. Kokckoss 2M Cow. iberetil btfci t, Beaton, Mais, Hc-js Sarsannrllla 5oM b dratiWt. SliUfwi. Itpujb7 a 1. HOO CO, AttMtiM, LeU, Mi. loo 099 Pnt Deiinr Bc:B :2?303EB33g:3ESa?01, (e ii, ti Tn . . , . V. " J-uUTO .".Acre JLiots are satisfied from injiicau iiuib rumon in aimmu,, 'ii rpi luiunii; ... .. " .-.v. A1IUV ill 11 LIlfJTllOnl-irrvr, 1 n .. cultivation ot small fiuits and will mve all inrnr,7 .; "i .! ' r m .truifc growing una , mtv fli,nVj : " :lrru I0.r l)y ve puvc1ws- ers. actual knowledge that this is the I'eps: For ,, ,ld a , of ZtZ:Z SPALDING & ROGERS, Bush-Breyman Block. Hernia and Chronic Diseases DIt'S. BHIMP & HOUSER, Devote special attention to Nmous rs.i arrual Asthmatlo und Tbioat 1 Kiuo! eiya and ihl.?!?? in sur. Z?&8TfiSi Authorized Capital SoOO.000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. ES&XX&B ' "Viffi. " urn,nls 8h. uw Salem Abstract and Loan Co, ThaorMar,on ifllled promptly and safely, W. H. H. WATERS, MANAGER TrnTvylilAMEfTr; 8AZEM, OliJEGOy. Kates, 50 to 5.00 pcr ) Tne bMt hntl k.i, .. .. "rneico. KlritHstaa in T.n ?1B'Rn I Choicest Fruit QwnrBjia th. WUUaMu v.n- j A. I. WAGNER, Prop. IWONEY TO LOAN on KSa,ia?SlSlSL,,U f0r tUo ut 30 days rtAR & HAMIITOw .BuhUanfc oImk. 6 j, Hoorn J M.T. RINEMAN Staple and Farny Groceries, 1 weubluin'u 1) mu in, Kr,,nni " - k-uci h mife nf " y somite. " ""iiomn;e, 'hUt,trw. tWSok " Tickets i4l .VlJWM - WHS? J 2 ,shMeiMSp: sal ON SALE TO OIvlAHA Kansas Citv, St. Paul CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, And ill Pi lull East, North and South, PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONbT LEfPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS AND DINERSt summer l'orllartd to an FraucUooKvtry i Pay. TICKETS xkd EUROPE n.J or 'J Hud seuoral lnforiuatlou call fix or uddreas, W It. UUuJJURT,Ast,OenL Rim. Agt 2VI Washington St., 1VHITLAKP, OBBCMIJ FI l IQ )?, VVUITI FV I. IVER VIVIEN. Soutb orWlllmlwHotl. AUlCia ... OKKQCM s id '.w" iQer- V r-v -l - ?