Vfci .- ffc- mini 11 1 In '-"-' fe Ktl'Hor8CMH Dead News frm All Paris, Etc. Appropriations Continued. Vabhington, Aug. 1. Holman moved Id house today to suspend tlie ruks.tUid paw tho Joint resolu tion extending until Atwust 4, tbe P ptfftpritttionH of Uio sundry civil jkCtr&'iHHt year. After uiscuusion tbtfitsolutlon was passed without oplp&sltlon. llesolution was also ' pteikd by tlio n-nate. The house bM putted (he bill changing the .-dtrte of the dedication of tho build lag of the Wondti Columbian oxpo jitiun from 12th to tho 21st of Octo ber. fO'r Ready to Report. Washington, D. C. Aug. 1-Itep-retfeUtutlvo Oates, chairman ol thespeclal sub eommllteo of the judl. ciary couimllteo that hivcsllgatei tha labor trouble at Homestead hu, prepared lila report and will sul Milt It to the sub cummillee today. Will go for Thorn. ' IWmksikau. Aug. 1.- Au.toum 'edlhUtthotio who participated li the attack on tlio l'nihirt i.-s uftei Jthu surrender will bo prosecuted foi aggravated assault and battery highway robbery, larceny, pocket itlcklnir and other crimes and nils demeanors. It is stated that sever .jii women who were particular!. active during that tiuio win also ot prosecuted. Prom Homestead. IImbsteai, Aug. 1. Guiiern Superintendent Potter claims then wtus a break in the ranks of th triKers in the mechanical depart aunt lost night , and that 25 of tin beat skilled workmen returned t Wfirk this morning. Committee ol utiUeM at tho gate when men went in assert but eight of tho 1200 mei Iu the mechanical department havi broken away. It Is said there an now fcoveral strikers in the mill Influencing nun unionists to quit. This plan was adopted with great kjuifed.t in 1882 when tho striken went hack tojyoik utid soon organ iswd all the non unionists taking thi in out in another night. j( u From Union. Union, Or., Aug. 1. Tlio Oregon Gold Alining company atCornucopla started up their twenty-stamp quart, mill Saturday, after u shut down or nearly two years. The company's tramway from Red Jack .et'miuo to tho mill, which wat broken down by a stiowslido last Winter, has been repaired, and everything Is in readiness for a con tlnuousruu. .T.Haturday afternoon Rov. B. M. Driver, whllo iu a dark closet In his , residence with u lighted lamp, accl dently dropped tho lamp, which xploded, betting tho house on lire. , The Are company lespoudcd prompt : ly, but before it subdued tho Humes, ; the Inside of houso waa badly dam aged. The loss will ho about $1000. 'y Contemptible Rovengo. St. Johns, N. P., July 31. Some Wretch wont to a Hold whero there were two horses, belonging to the tn in whoso stable- tho great lire ted, and cut tho aid mats tongues tout. This cruel act In sutmoscd to ,ve been prompted by n spirit of iveuge of the locers by the confla tion, The utmost indignation vails, and a liberal reward has n otlered for the scounnrel's nr- t. JThe haggllug of tho lnsur- ee oompanlcs. which are nrcsum. kWyBubatautlnl Kngllsh ooucoms Willi fabulous resources,!) In marked wast with the course of tho few loan companies doing business which havo given far more Hon. a largo mootlmr of ibauicswas held hero last night. arlyall lost their tools 'and are fore unable to tako work, blob ia ottered iu nbuudance. y ask the relief committee to fiply them with tlio uccessary Ini- leuta, thus euabllug them to iume their trades. They will ask ,vf to draw from tho relief funds. Folleeaan Murdered. Tacoma, Aug. 1. Minor Oudiheo, a patrolman, was killed Saturday night by an unknown man at East D and 82d streets. Cudihee and Jack Kinney were walking together when they camo across two men ly ing on the sidewalk. Cudihee said "Hello! what are you doing here?" Both men Jumped up, and one went at Konney and the other at Oodlhee with knives. C'odlheo put up his left arm and warded off tho flret blow. Tho man struck nealn, stab bing Codlheo to the heart, who died in five minutes. No motive what ever Is known for tho murder of the policeman hut Itlssupposcdthomen were lying in wait for someone. Knlvea were in their hands ready, the policeman did not have revol yen or nny means of defense, u they were oil" duty and going to visit Offlcer Holllstcr, who had ! broken let. Olilccr Cudihee lived here throe years, having been In tin commlsslou business before ho wu m police force. He camo from Di troit, Mich., where ho has parent, mothers and sisters, Cudihee has btiither. Special Oillocr Ed. Cudi iee, of Seattle, and another brother, Toll n Cudihee, of Spokane. tub MUiiDBitnns oAi'iunni). The murderer was caught wlti ilstoiiipanlon beyond tho new ac' lltlon abont midnight. They wei u hldiug. They are Delmort M Jorders, an American, !i" years old Tom Arkansas, and Seule, fnm TexAS, 20 years old. A Hotel Burned. I'oktIjANI), Aug 1. A lire In tin Union Depot hotel on Fifth mrei-l dear Hovt, yesterday afternoon .molted that building, and had ii lot been for tho hard work of tin lepartmeut would havo resulted 1 1 i heavy loss. Plro was started iu tin tltehen stove to prepare supper, am hortly after llames wero discovered issuing from the roof Immediately jver that part of tho hotel. Tin ouildlng Is a two story frame, and being old the il.tmes spread rapidly, aud before tho fireman arrived oi scene it looked as If there was to be quite a conflagration, ns all the build ings adjoining aro old wooden struct lures. Hut soveral streams of water, vigorous application of nxes aud hooks saved tho other buildings and tho damago was confined to tin hotel. The fire was caused by a defective flue. A brick chimney that wont up from tho kltolieu range had a hole In It, through which tho shlugles on tho roof became Ignited. Surpassed All Expectations RktiiIjKIIiui, Pa., Aug. 1 The first armor-plate teat on tho proving grounds of tho Rcthlohcm Irou Company occurred today. The plato was 10j-lncli Haryoyized nickel-steel plate, 8x0, and weighed 18,000 pounds. Tho plate was tempered with tho ice-water process. Five shots from tho eight-Inch rifled gun were ilred at tho plato, four into tho corners and flvo In tho center. Each piojectllo pierced about three inches, rebounded and broko into bits. Not a single cruok was devel oped In tho plato. Tho success of tiio test surpassed tlio expectations of all preseut. A comparison with former trials shows this plato re ceived a total euergy of 25,010 foot tons, fully 60 por cout greater thau the plates sustained at tho formor trials at Indian Head, and yet is far less Injured. Domocrats Will Carry Alabama. MoNTdOMKUY, Aln., Aug. 1. In today's election every oljlcer from governor to constablo la to'bo eleoted Tho contest has boon heated for months between the Kolb blilo and tho regulur Democratic ticket, rep resented by Uoveruor Jones. Up to noon bulletins from all beetlous of the state Indicate heavy voting and a majority for tho regular Demo crats. No disturbances reported thus far. THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Watson Tailed to Disclose tho Names. Washington, August 1. The names of tlio members of congress referred to by Watson, ofGeorgla.ln a paulphlet alleging drunkenness, wat, not disclosed by him Saturday at tho session of the special com mittee appointed Friday to lu julre into the charges. Ho said he kuew enough to substantiate them, but would not mention names cx vpb under compulsion. Ho said he had In mind two members present during the debate on the silver bill at a night session In March, when he wrote about mentbeis reellnj? on the lloorcf tho house intoxicated. The pbraio "drunken speakers debating grave quistlons" referred to one speaker In the Noyes-Rockwell de bate. A large number of other members of the house were nho called aud a number of them testified to having seen members In tho house Intoxica ted. No names were mentioned. The committee reserved I lie question of requiring names to bo given. Watson said, In his oj,Inloii, that a certain siicnkcr was In a state of uaudlln Intoxication. In front of ilm was a cup and saucer. Its con tents were replenished several times, ind It was noticed that the more he drank, the moro ho wandered In h)s argument. Watson heard tho gentlemen say to a page, "IJriug me more of that stuff, that wliiBky." Otis, of Kansas, asked about tlio member iu question said, "Ho was pretty well set up. Tho louger hb proceeded tho worse he grew." MissDwyer, congressional reporter for Tho National Economist, corrob orated the previous witnesses. Rep odeutatives Ilolverpon, of Mlnneso (a, and JJutlor, of Iowa, each testi fied that on two occasions thty had secu a single member drunk in the aisles. Other wltnetsea testified to the same eflect. Watson wanted to prove the cxis tenco of a liar iu theCapltol building but Chairman Roatner wouldn't let tiini, and wouldn't agreo that tho record should show a refusal. Boat ner said It was a matter of public uotorlety that whisky could bo had either In the senate or house wing ol Cthoapilol. By vote, Boatner, Buchanan, Va., Welverton and Grout, ogainst Simp son, the motion to admit evidence of drinking In tho house, restaurant was overruled. During Oates' tes tlmouy it developed that Represen tative Cobb, of Alabama, was the person charged with intoxication by Watson. Cobb appealed to the committee to let tho matter proceed openly, and asked a thorough investigation, saying he was not afraid of tho re sult. Oates said whilo Cobb was speaking he appeared greatly ex hausted, aud some one seut him something to drink. This stimulant had some eflect on Cobb, enlivening Ills manner. Oates declared, how ever, Unit Cobb was not drunk. He had know u Cobb twenty-seven years, and never knew him to be uruuu, tiiotiKU no sometimes took u drink. Adjourned. "Tliiek 8iid Olossy," T-Jin lVKODUCTION of an abundant I ctowtli of hair. f nsilk-liko texture anil of tbo original color, often result from tlio use, by those w In havo become nald or gray, of Ayer's "-'air Vigors " I was rapidly becoming gray nnd liiltl ! but after nsiiicr two or tlireo bottles of Ajor'a Hair Vice prow thick and glossy and tho origi nal color was restored." M. Aldrlch, bottles of Ajor's Hair Vigor my hair cd."- Catiaan Centre, N. H " A trial of Ayor's Hair Vigor 1ms con vinced Jno of Its merits. Its use has not only causpd the hair of my wife and daughter to bo abundant and glossy, but It has given my rather stunted mus taclio a rrsptcfnblo length and appear ance." R. Britton, Oakland, Ohio. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for tho past four or flvo years and llnd it a most satisfactory dressing for tho hair. It Is all that I could desire, being harm less, causing tho hair to retain its natural color, and requiring hut a small quantity to rendet tlio hair easy to ar range." Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 'J Charles st., Haverhill, Moss. Ayer's Hair Vigor Dr. J rnErAtiED r J. C. Aycr ic Co., Lowell, Mast. Bold by Druggist! and 1'erfumora. All Work Has Stopped. Washinoton, July 31. An order v as Issued by Government Printer Palmer last evening stopping all work pn mptly at midnight tonight, no money being avallable.as tbesun dry civil bill has not passed, and the provisions of the sundry clyll bill of last year expires at 12 o'clock to night. The Congressional Record, with the proceedings of congress will Oo printed bv midnight, hut uo woik nt all will be doue Sun day or Monday at tho government printing ofllce. In the closing hours of congress this is likely to occasion great Inconvenience. MARKETS. P o it T i, A N D, Aug. 1. Wheat valley, $1,221 51.25 Walla Walle, $1.15 1.17J. San FitANCisco Cc!., Aug. 1. Wheat, Dec. S1.42J. CinoAUo Ills., Aug. 1 Wheat 77. FROM VENEZUELA. Alice Mitchell Caso. M-MHiis, Tenn., Aug 1. Tho rk of the criminal court has is- i orders directing tho keener of atU)liisauo asylum to receive i Mitchell aud her safely keen Mil her reason is restored aud that shall havo taken then to notify thoCrlm- Court so that alio can be i'rbrsiml put on tilul to answer i Indlottuent charging her with i murder of .Freda Ward. 11 1 lly believed a noil Probiiue IttUltuittely be entered Iu the Noted Horseman Dead. San Matko, Calif., Aug. 1. Rlohard Tonbroeok, aged SO, a well known horseman was found dead in his bed at his homo. "The Hermitage" near horo at 11 o'clock this mowing. He was alone at tho timonnd had been forsomo time as ho experienced great dllllculty In keeping help mi account of his ex tremely nervous and criatla temper anient. lat Signs the Resolution. IINOTON. A Uir. l.The Pro- ) today Iguud Uio act limiting tlMwraot labor for Uborers and lion employed on the nubltu He also signed tho Joint re- iMuvldlug temporarily for I Wtouviou of appropriations com. WKter the sundry civil approprh- tot. The resolution wiwrvtvlv- ibe president at i! o'clock and llaUlyafilxed hU signature MKam-h r f own Dwkoyed by Fire. laAwt. J.Tho little town A,ttie oounty,WKs burn- Hiorning. Four big i blocks, were dwdroyed, I fcittiiuuited t Wr.OOa, 3lr r, a ynuHv marrltnl MNljfMvwi overoiwof the i wtw UiriuMl to livAtfc. Took Hor Own Lifo. l'l.'Nniiirro.v, Or., July !U, Mrs. Joseph Brown, wife of a waiter In a restaurant, because hor husband Im bibed too ftvuly, took morphine ami died from the eflVcts of It. The oorouer'sjury camo to the conclu sion It was a case of suicide. The Heat at Walla Walla. Walla Walla, Wash.. July 31. Tim heat waa almost unbearable yesterday. Tho weather bureau therm unoter registered loo. No prostiations are reported. William at Gowos. Cowkh, Aug. 1. Tho German Emperor arrived hem this morning and was received with great pomp and ceriuony by the British Hiuari rou. Coming to fieo About It Tdkunto, Auk. 1 Sir John ThoiuMoii leaves town today aud It Is rumored that lip will make mi mi au noil need visit toWashlugtuu toeu deavor tohe.tr froniKiiglHod andd--otdo on a line of tinmedlato aollou. A Nebraska Judge Drowned Omaha, Neb., Aug. 1,-JihIko Jowph It, CIltsou, of this city, It Is Again in a State of Revolution. Panasia, Aug., 1. Tho latest news from Venezuela Is of an alarm ing chatacter. It Is rumored that tho -10 days' truce has been fruitless, nnd that the rovolutlouary forces under Crespo are again advancing upon Caracas. Vlllegas aud tlio government troops are said to havo evacuated the city and panic reigns. Nothlug can bo learned of tho movoments of Rojas Paul and Min ister Sarrta. It is feared that tho foreign resldeuts aro In imminent danger. Advices from Caracas, un der date of July t, state that their congress was issuing dally bulletins declaring Unit the government wos making great progress. These ef forts to reassure the public wero not successful. Tho growing opposition to Rojtis Paul had mullitled tho eflect produced by his euthuhlastlo reception. Crespo's stiength was represented ns waning, mid Sarrin, at the head of the Guzman Blanco faction, It was anuouncid, would lead a revolt If Paul weie elected president. Crespo, on tho other hand, it was said, would renew his activity If any one of the six candi dates outsldu of Paul were chosen. Tho various commissions to negoti ate for a permanent cessation of hostilities had failed. Unless the existing state of things Is altered ruin and famine will devastate the country, Buslnes-i is paralyzed, ai.d tho state of apprehension In which the people live amounts to a reign of terror. Anarchy exists hi Caracas and La Guayra. Tho stteeta ore d.vugetous for citizens at night, armed outlaws firing Item and there, at pleasure. The Orinoco Is flooded, doing great damago In various towns, tho inundation extending to the Delta. Considerable loss of life is reported as n result of tho freshets. A Leader. Silica its first introduction, Uleo- trlo Bitters has gained rapidly iu popular, favor, until now it Is clear ly In tho lead among pure medicin al tonics and alteratives-containing nothlug which permits Its use as n beverage or Intoxicant, It la reoog nlxedasthoUwtaud purest medloiuo for all atlmeuU of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys, It will mire Slok Ileadsebe, Indigestion, Constipation and drive Mularla from the system, Satisfaction guarutitetit with each bottle or the money will he ivfuud When tliu Dinner lldll lllnH l'eople otiplit to feel hungry, aud when thoy leel Iiuncrt they ouaot 10 li ivo an. d ingestion, llut.ulasl they ilon't-frtquom- ly Tiuit'i'iiKUoiiiiKooi luu jhhi nua iuf hi J list: otlbfi ibtPinlmn una tho Klutten: of jouth, nilddlo ngii and llfe'M conllne too proieau nap, nyapepsm nxiicis uiri pennltlCH lor uppolltes nppoasement li thefthiiDoof lieuttburn. Mind on and hd- coinfiruib'o (IhlcnUon of the htonuich, and general dlstnrb.vncn In tho KAstrlo re gion. Dyspepsia U verj .eutiahy uix-otn- nniea or iiuiuusuess, irreguiariiy oi tin jowcls. Insomnia und nervousness, foi each and all ol which, as well us their rnuBe.liostettersBtom.ich IllUeis l.s Hit nations chosen remedy. Malarial, rheu mutlcand kidney UouuleH,laclt ntstieugtli niul lleuli, aud failure ol nppttlte and the Cower to rest tranquilly, are nlso overcome y the nitters. Saed a Wonian'8 Life. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Delaware, says; "Two teaspooufuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Diarrheal Reme dy saved the life of Mrs. .Turn Thomas, of tills place." Ho ulho states that toveral other very bud cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by Baskett & Van Slype Druggists. A man's wife should alwnjs be th saint especially to htr husband, bin It nho is veuk and nerwuis.und u-es rarttr' Iron i'llls, slio ciunot bo, lor they ninko her "feci llhe a dlllcrent perron," so thoy all say, nnd thulr husbauds say so tool Will be found an excellent remedy f sick headiirlio. Uaiters lilttlo Liver Tills, Thousands ol letters Irom people who have uhiu mum prove hub met, iiy incm. If slek liHtduche Is misery, wlmtnrn i;nr. ter's L'ttlo Tills If thoy will po4ltively eure It? 1'eoplo who havo used them sjiealt iriuiKiy oi imir worm inoy uio small and easy to take. CHAT8 ADOUT MEN. Lincoln, Grant anil Ilair'-on. tho only Republican presidents tenoinltiated, wero renominated on tlio , it ballot. , Tho Earl of Lonsd le is the most prominent patron of nize fighung in England, and ho is uiso a patron of thirty-eight church livings. Cyrus Thomas claims to luvo discov ered tho key which will unlock I he mys tery of the Maya codices und probably ti tho Central American inscriptions. Tho Japanoso minister to Washing ton wears in hh turban a magnificent opal, almost as big a3 a pigeon's egg. jot in a frame of sparkling diamonds. To interviow Senator Gorman i3 not a difficult matter. That i.i. It Ls not hard to gain an audience. Ho is readily ac cessible to any properly accredited jour nalist. General ilengin Secreulx, the dean of the French army, was boin nt Nancy, March 12, 1790. Tho nest in succession is Count d'Anthouard-Vraincom-t. born Dec. 23, 1700. Governor Foraker's youngest son lias been chnst.ned Arthur St. Clair, after tho first governor of Ohio. Governor St. Clair was a gallant but bluff old faol dier of tho Involution. Boston is profoundly shocked because Bishop Phillips Biooks persists in wear ing a bobtailed coat. This excitement is akin to that aroused by tho inustaclio of Chief Justico Fuller. Father Dureu, a Catholic priest of Snrinc Garden, near Madison, Wis. who rescued the daughter of M. Orsiui a Paris millionaire, from drowning tho Mediterranean sea last winter, has been presented by hor father with $55, 000. Tho city of Nantes is proud of tho distinction rf being the birthplace and homo of General Melhnol, aud gave him a grand reception recently on Ids ninety-fifth birthday General Mellinet was asous-lioutonant in 1814, and fought at Sebastopol and Magenta. FADS OF FASHION. PACIFIC LAND FOK TOWN AND ORCHARD Q LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS AND -FARMS. $2.00 Per dozen for tho finest nulslicd TllOrOOHATIW intheclty. MONTEB BROS., 18!) Commercial Street, Contractor suul ItuiUler. Salem, - - Oregon. T. .1. KKKSS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood finishing, Cor, 20th and Chemeketa Street, JOHN M. PAYNE k CO., Heal Estate and Insurance. First stairway north of Hush bank. r"i BICYCLES. Full bill bearing Safety lil cyrle. The lowest prked wheel In the market. Tho best In the woi Id for tno price. C. H. llrowu Atjent,548 'nminer clal St 90t A, H. FORSTNER & CO, Machine Shop. Guns, Sporting Goods, Etc., .MS Common. Int street. KADARAUCII I EPLEY. Livery Feed nnd Boarding Stable, II rttaloftrett. J. J. mm bros, California Bul'ci'U. THE BEST. 101 Court Street. "nfooiir UiulcrtnlciiiKnnil Cabinet Work, 107 State Street. niiniiiui Scientific Horseshoeing. Ol'l'OSITK KOUN1IIIY On Stute Street. THE Salem llackmaii is it, rouiii;. llest Lino In tlio City. Court Street. ,1. E. UUlU'itV. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NORTH BAbhM. 3IRS. B. . KONCO. Baths for Ladies, HAIR DRESStNO PARLORS, 121 Courl Street. J. L. BBKNBnTii CANDlEg( Kl'nif ni,.l n. 1"" ' Un P. O. Bloolc, K. T. KUSIPim.; ClRars andTol,' BILLIARD PARIAd 243 Com'l Str, t T. W, THORNBURC The Upholsterer, .Tfihbted iurnltu class work, niipmni.. ln I Htnte Instirnuco block JOHN IK WIN, Carpenter and Bn, Shop (fi state itrwt, Store-Fittlnps a Specif A fetching floral bonnet is of vioux rose roses in a flat, closo fitting shape with a ilarie Stuart front. Sheer snow white wool fabrics aro very fashionable made tip with border8 of jacqueminot red, pale copper, prim rose yellow or reseda green. Ribbon ruchings are among fashiou's favorite trimmings this season. They can bo had ready made at the shops in a tieat variety of colors and shades of color. Laco iuchinj,s como prepared in tho same way. Tho Spanish flounce is being intro duced by leading modists. On the plain boll skirt, about a half yard from the waist, about the front and sides only, is set the deep, unlined flounce, with a heading above tlio single lino of shirring. Heliotropo, which has not been much tavorcd this season, is coming in, as it were, at tlio top. Tho newest bonnets aud hats aro in n pale shado of this color and aro trimmed with lilacs, heartsease, violets or jonquils intermixed with green velvet ribbon and ecru guipure lace. Bangs aro doomed, notwithstanding the fact that by them moro women have been mado beautiful than by all the jewelry and finery that was ever de signed for them. Howover, tho fiat has gono forth, and tho pretty adaptable fringe of hair umst now give place u. soft waves with curling ends worn low on tlio blow. Chicago Post. THE BfQT -EVER OFFERED.- Palace Fruit Tract -ADDITION TO SALEM, OREGON.- FOR RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT This property is unequalled by any now on tho market in the Capital oity of Oregon BUY AN ACRE LOT Acre lots on the first $1000 each, NEAR THE CITY. For a home or as an investment that must double in a feAV years. street north of the PaJaco fruit lots cannot now be bought for less than ijliOO to THE LATEST NOVELTIES. enamel is a Jlr.Un.ler's Uecoinmcuilntiuii. Mr. J. A. Lauder, a prominent ci tizen of Clarksburg, Mo., and widely known In that stutu.suya of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera ami Diairlicm Remedy: "I havo seen Its good re sults nnd can recommend it." For sale by Jlaskctt & Van Blypo Drug, gists. a ft sm A flying goose in whito now scarf pin design. Silver mountings aro now mado for leather pads intended to hold telegraph blanks. A small ornamental clock is set in a carved wood c.iso fashioned to ropresent a wreath of laurel. A pocket corkscrew comes in a silver caso designed to represent a cigar. A band about tho middlo of tho cigar is reproduced in onamel. Tho handles of walking sticks aro now studded with small silver ornaments. Somo of theso represent nail heads nnd others aro iu tlio form of flowers do luce. Elaboratoly chased buckles of gold and silver, intended for uso on suspend ers, havo recently appeared. To them aro attached short chains with wiro but tonholders to go ovor tho buttons of tho trousers. A peculiarly shaped poarl has been used by a Now York jeweler in making a novel watch charm. Tho gom resoin blos a horpo chestnut and the jewelei has fashioned in gold nn imitation of half tho outer shell. In this tho nearl is set, making a very good imitation ot nature. Jeweler's Weekly. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. The Palace acre lots are within five minutes' drive from the Electric car line and the residence portion of the city. These lots are now fine, sightly, suburban residence property, located on "D" street, the finest graded driving avenue about the city. First class residences are already built and occupied half a mile out beyond this property on the adjacent streets. PLANTED TO FRUIT AND CULTIVATED. These lots are covered with a thrifty two year old orchard of French Italian and Silver Prunes, Bartlett and Winter Nollis Pears. Some of the lots also have a vineyard set out, besides the other fruit. Each lot lias good street frontage and is equal m size to eight city lots. a PRICE AND TERMS. ' ' These acre lots are now offered at the low price ol $400 to $500 each, half cash, and two years time on balance. For purchasers who do not wish to occupy the lots at once they will bo cultivated foi two years without extra cost, uhen all the fruit will bo in nne bearing condition. THE METROPOLIS OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY a steady errowth. when Is not an overburdened city liable to collapse, but maintains umui piuix-a jujt or go UilCK. It is TFR 0"NH?, .ifv !, t: li Jl -' i. great natural, commercial and political adviW JL?! lu'iuember this when investing. backwards an iota. WYV kvva - V CVJ' Thr i'hlrf it uon for tno great in ens of lloo.:'.i Mi,s,iiurlll.i Is fouud to tht rtlrle limMt. Ii is merit th.it wlus, and tat ,ut UMt lttxxi s S,ir-i.i''irllla actually a onu'Hmi wli t It chimed for It, ls whU a 4 m.i tn t. .- iiuiliniio a popularity uni Xo firiMuer t:. i t.iat of auy otlier tampt, tflr-rl!- Vli-ie: r111 or blood i)Urt Yl C I 1 1 V 1 1 1 a fl(.r before the jmblla. iu t s ir- itMr.'U cure Scrofula, San ;! 5 ii.v. iminorj, Ujapopsla, 8lek iril'vr 1 .'luiics, oycrcwuei Ttil lr ! 1 tiny, i t.iics ait Appetite, ttrenttlt ' N i ' up the Wholo ByiUe( ti. ' pmlllu UBolilby.tlldruj I'lepareiU'rUi. Uo V ill lJllfU, iliM WMdltwuedwliltelUUlUKluiZuiuyjcd, Ptfco ouly 6(H ner bottle, tftk httvywtMtlay, Koki ly Du' J, Fry 225 Com'J U I- KGETLEMANSF8lMa. Ouf rBRrECTWX BV8UN0I f tm vltk tot MtW lacku. IVB.4fcTJllS. rK kNTS BTH1CTVRK. CUM OOVIHRIIUU wl QLLET U 0l U li t d. A UVICK ri'MI hw LSl'CUUBUUU W IUTW. 8-UlnrJIDRfOOUTU MlWurAUm.lurim MAt-r" SMttntmicn Uis AtTtrterta E. K.HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator, Oftloe at rtuu. CWmSIMIllloBe-r- itore, Tlio Missouri, Kansas and Texas Rail, way company bus finally decided to make Velasco its southern tormiuns and shipping point. Tho general manager of tho Wiscon sin Central railroad is reported to havo said tiiut all tho trains on that lino will bo run by electricity beforo the Colum bian exposition is over. Tho statuo of Marshal Ney, which bad stood for forty years on tlio spot where ho was executed, has been removed to make way for a railroad track, and one of the historic sites of Paris ia effaced. The I'll 11 man Palace Car company is building twelve handsome coaches for the Southern Pacific company for use in through traffic between Chicago and Sau Francisco. Tlio cars will havo two drawing rooms nnd will be somewhat longer than thoso now iu use. Pittsburg, Lake Erio and Chicago is the name of a now road that has been incorporated in Ohio. It is tho purposo to make this road part of a new route between IMttsburg nnd Chicago. Tlio Ohio portion of it will run through the towns of Oberlin, Medina, Akron, Alli ance, New Lisbon, Sandusky. Karoleon and BowlingQrcen. Baby cried, Mother bightsl, ihxttor wvbcribed : Castorla iESCES 3Ee,30EE,jES'?(0 Of the Palace Fiuit Acre Lots are satisfied from actual nunuau nun recion m .Ainovirn. T,mr i. i.. this IS knowledge that cultivation of small fruits and will mvo ' engaged in iruit growing a or, For particulars a'nd a li o f ? o . ttSJZ V" rees: map of the city showing exact location, addres SPALDING & ROGERS, Bush-Breyman Block. the ana fts- Herniaand Chronic Diseases DR'S. BHIMP & HOU8ER, Devote Hpeclal attention to Nervous Cat rrliI.Aiithnuitlo unit Tn'oat TroSulca HernU rupture) cured without Daft" llr deieH.lon.rcm hu.ueki lrSttSd In Salem Abstract and Loan Co, Authorized Capital $500,000, CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balera, Oregon. W .A. CUSK'IC. viceries, ... "t Vi ; . ,V.!., MAKTLN. -. ... .iiiurju. Llujlllnr Stole, County ond city WurnmU bough at l'ur. a Th9coU,; AbV,t 5J! ot Marlon niied promptly an,i Iturklt'ii'a AnilcH 8ato, . Tim Hwl 8.tt?6 Ih th world rbr Cut. HtiiMw.rtpfK lUcro.dult Uheum. Keer re, Tf tur, ;jutieV lUnd, i'bilttialn. (Vriu und ull bilu JCruptlon, nd . tlvt-ly oiirw Jtlw.or UO ny renulrtst 11 U (tuniUled to lva iwrrtvt iUfctloa or ruonej rWUnded, Wee, at couU ur box, rVri-aly lvan-U.ry,aUiiuVt, W. H. H. WATERS, MANAQBR, THnELAMETTr; SALEM, OXEGOF. Kales, $'i60t7?3.00pcrDay. Ml-ndwdHan "nu. iu Ub 1m tXa. "J lt PJlnt. -- . .v. ,ru witu the yjitvicesc .jifnito Qrownjln toe WUUnitt, vlly A. I. WAGNER, Prop. MONEY TO LOAN, oS&aSSfgSE? for thtt ne5t w da fc FEAR & HAMILTON, Hoom 14. Bush tank block. s A iL"M IM IM LJr N '" - Tickets ON SALE : block. 5 ljsdw M.T. RINEMAN BEALKK IM Maple and Crookerv nn o.i w'.ii. ' "'""wure. -y m 4iiuw ware, Fancy Groceries, &'nP WpJtn and 'tll6w ware ,i'i,i,u'' Wr Jti SyS I Ml euttontien f ?s WSF ? w a rtfm&xw, mi KaBcSifelfL T,S TO OMAHA Kansas Citv, St. Paul CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, And all Points East, North and South, PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIbT SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS AND DINERSt steamers Portland io Su Kranclsoo Every i Days. TICKETS rSSP EUROPE Kor rules and general Information call u or HUdre&s, V U.HUUIURT, AMt.Oenl. Rus. Agt 2M Wuahlugton Bt., POUTtAJfP, ObiJO ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South otWlllamttHotli SALSM ... OBEOON , : f K .