Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 25, 1892, Image 4

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    "Jk .
t Heartache and relieve nil the trouble Incl
r u. a MllniM DtAto nf Dm rRtem. gucn (U
iStelniWR, Nftinca. Drownlne?, Distress oftct
HaVUnr l'nin In tlia BMe. o while their most
F rMuarkuble success line, bee n shown In curinj
ffWUtftrH . Tft fil1a LlTTUt LIVER TlLU
t aw equ Jlv'Wl't-t) I'l Constipation, curing
amy also correct iill tjliontcrs of the stomach,
.-ttaulfttfl the ller and regulato the bowel.
fo if tint- nn'y cared ..
Acini tfiey would bo almost priceleM to those
v-io sulTer from this distressing complaint!
out fortunately their goodness does not end
lit Si
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable In so many ways that
they, will not be willing to do without tbcm
But after all sick head
'n the bane of so man v lives that here Is where
make our great bonst, Our pills cure Jf
v hlle oUipi do not.
Cartmr's Lrrn-E f.ivrn Viua are very small
Mod nwy easy to take. 0n or two pills make
a done. They are trlctly vegetable and do
net gripe or purge, hlit by their emtio eel Ion
pkxi) all who use (hem. In ylalx at S5 cents.
ay for SI Sold evcrrwhr re, or Kent by mall
emxB L'EDi:n..9 , ww in.
K MM, M Fries.
' !U
TALMACtE IN EUH0PE.lpnwhtchwei,a,,,brinsln8',tIjtsU&
' I I'do not caro bo much what pGSture
SOUL'S you tako In prayer, nor how large an
amount or voice you ubc. ion jnignt
get down on your fuco before God, If
vou did not pray right inwardly, and
Isaiah's Prophecies of Christ "Seek th tlloro would be no response You might
Urd wiilta lie May Me round" Tin cry nt tho top of your voice, and nnlesi
rower of Prayer Is Illimitable TIM you hud ft believing spirit within, your
Sure no.i to Salvation. I cry would not go farther up than tho
1 Rhnnt nf n. nliim?libov to his oien. Prav-
London. July 2 1. Tho attendances rf i f i, ii,'jnff nrr wino-.
. .1 fJl JilUOV WW ivuiii
Thera Is nothing like tho IIECTORATIVE
' NERVINE discovered by tho rreat spoclallst,
DR. MILES, to euro all nervous diseaaos, as
Mtadaohe, the Bluoa, Norvouo Prootra
Mon, Slocptooofioss, Nouralsln, St. Vlruu.
Onnoe,Flt and Hysteria. Many pnvMclans
two it in their practice, and say tho roiults are
Wonderful. Wo have hundreds of testimonials
Ska those from druggists. "Wo have never known
anrlWna liko It." 6now A Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
n,vBrybottlo sold brings words of prnlio," J.O.
Wolf, illlladnlo, Mich. "Tho best scilor we ever
6av' Woodworth A Co., ffort Vayno, Ind,
kerrlne soils bolter than anything we ever
ted." II. P. Wyait a Co., Concord, N. II. Trial
Ml and book of teallinonialaFreeatilnigKliti.
DR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart.lnd.
by D.
SO fc
J Fry, drmiiflHt,Rtli"t.
Act on a new principle
regulate lbs Uvor, etdtnnch
and Ijo wdu throuch (At
ntrvt. Hit, Slurs' 1'u.ijj
tpttdilv cvrt lilllorcncso,
cuipiu liver ana iou9upa
tlon. Smallest, tutlilest,
surest) apUoooa.aUc'.B.
Bumulca free at ilruiu'lots.
B kCeiltlc.,miiut.liil
BldtbyD. J. Fry, druggist, Balem
A Pleasure:
That's the happy
oombinatiou found in
You drink it for pleasure, nnd get
physical tenefit. A whole-
; ' . Koine, refreshing, appetizing,
nui.-n. viutiitimijr uriiui.
s package makes five gallons.
Don't bo decttved If n dealer, fur Iria talcs
of larger profil, tells you lomt other Llnd
,' Is "just ascood " 'tis falu, Nolmluaoa
H as good us llio nulne lliaus'.
i .SSsflsBBslBSSHsflsT SsBHlBSBstesSSk.
111 All
lev wittiest li i Jit
rtaiftUAB at brila. nai
s wimI nluillti, iln
Wtslsni reiuMac rrcm
lolim, utrrotts dvblllly, ilrvp
sUtaaf trtls,uarirtriM,MeMiHrlBiliitr,ll,a,
n..iwv..iiiwi v..r. u.rTVBS a,bll. ilr.l,
Imiuor, ii.um.il, m, lllutr, llt.r sail u.lil.t
w""7 .ivi, iu.hh.iiih. aiiiu j, iirrr aaa utsatr
kaslalst,laaif tak, lamtaio, lalallta, ItDtral li bulla
,Thl slMlria bait cselalua Waadttral lapratrxaali uier
MiMkan.aadtl'aa a tutr.nl lhl Is Inaually t.llWU,
- rm .nii.,,WnWI,ll,, ail Of inaiSTS
ar ae pa, TBomaaaa nava paaa aura ij by Ihil mar
anar a I aioar ramadi.i r i.i mA i.
tatllnonlati la Ihla aai ararr aliar lists.
urmiim KLicTaiu iM't.K(iur. ,.
arout atrttniihllLAalM rKKliiafiu iaiiu n..
niUataiiraaiillal,liuUlsl,asaM, lra. A JJr.ti
H0.i7Z Flrat St., PORTLAND, ORE.
;r ) aarttl l:
Bas ind Oasoi
Iravo feviTr parts, anal a
likely to gk out
tllMiail.lY, Iwa. I
ust IVrbt tho buruur, luru tU wUvuLkca
,pfck?L.'..2.ftuE -
iwwm mtnt V
rsUaaHMty H HeaU tha WerM,
WU Itaalr Autematldl,
ItiUUrlesorJIleetrlo flMtrk.
!SlailChainiitnnanUJ.. 'intij-
tho BervicC3 conducted by lie v. Dr. Tal
mago continue as great aa ever. At ev
ery stoppinx point during his preaching
tour he in greeted by phenomenal audi'
ences. Unless some change in the pro
grammo becomes necessary ho will, dnr-
inrr the next ton days, preach in the
'leading Scottish cities, as already an
nounced. Ho has just returned from
Russia, whither ho went with Mr.
Klopsch to supervise the distribution of
the cargo of The Christian Herald l eltcf
steamer Leo, Tho reception accorded
Dr. Tnlmago in tho czar's capital city by
nobles, officials and the populace show
that tho bold ho has upon tho hearts of
Christians is worldwide Tho arrival
of tho Leo was mado the occasion of
general rejoicing. Tho St. Petersburg
officials conferred tho freedom of the
city on their American guesls. The
Leo's cargo was forwarded to the fain
ino dish icts without delay. The s auou
selected for this week is entitle 1 "The
Soul's Crisis," from Isaiah lv, 0, "Seel;
yo the Lord while ho may bo fonnd."
Isaiah stands head and shoulders tibovc
tho other Old Testament authors in vivii1
iloscriptivoncss of Christ. Other proph
ets give an outline of our SaviourV feu
turcs. Some of them present, as it were,
"tho sido fitco of Christ; others a bust of
Christ; but Isaiah gives us tlio full
length portrait of Christ. Other Kcrip
turo writers excel in somo things. Eze
kiol moro weird, David moro rat'.inlic,
Solomon moro epigrammatic, ILtbak
kuk moro sublime, but when you want
to see Christ coining out from tho gates
of prophecy in all his grandeur and glo
ry, you Involuntarily turn to Isaiah.
So that if the prophecies in regard to
Christ might bo called tho "Omtorio of
tho Messiah," tho writing Of Isaiah i3 tho
"llullolujah Chorus," where all the ba
tous wavo and all tho trumpols como in.
Isaiah was uot a man picked up out of
insignilicanco by inspiration. Ho wan
known and honored. Jo.iephus and
Phllo and Sirach extolled him in their
writings. What Paul was among tho
apostles, Isaiah was among tho prophets.
My text finds him standing on u moun
tain of inspiration, looking out into tho
future, beholding Christ advancing und
anxious that all men might know him,
his voico rings down tho ugos, "Seek
yo tho Lord while ho may bo found."
"Oh," says somo one, "that was for
olden times." No, my hearer. If you
havo travoled in other lands you havo
taken a circular letter of credit from
somo banking house in London, and hi
St. I'otersuurg or voulco or Uoino or
Antwerp or Brussels or Paris you
presented that lottcr and got financial
help immediately. And I want you to
understand that tho text, instead of bo
ing appropriate for ono ago or for ono
laud is a circular lottcr for all agps und
for all lands, and whenever it is pre
sented for help, tho holp comes. "Seek
yo tho Lord whilo ho may bo found."
I come today with no hairspun theo
ries of roligion, with no nico distinc
tions, with no elaborato disquisition, but
with a plain talk on tho matters of per
sonal roligion. I feel that tho sermon 1
preach this morning will bo tho savor of
lifo unto lifo or death unto death. In
othor wordB, tho Gospol of Christ is a
powerful medicinoj It eithor kills or
ours, Thoro aro those who cay: "I
would liko to become- a Christian. 1
havo been waiting a good while for tho
right kind of iulluenco to como." And
still you aro waiting. You aro wiser in
worldly things than you aro in roligious
things. And yet thoro aro men who say
they are waiting to get to heavon wait
ing, waiting, but uot with intelligent
waiting, or they would gat on board tho
liuo of Christian influoncps that would
bear them into the kingdom of Qod.
New yon know very well that to seek
a thing is to search for it with earnest
eitdeavor. If you want to see a certain
man in London, and thoro is r. matter of
much money connected with your toeing
him, und you cannot at (list hud him,
you do not givo up tho bearoh. You
look in tho directory, but cannot Haiti
tha uunio; you go in circles whero you
think perhaps ho may mingle, and,
having found tho part of tho city whero
ho li res, but perhaps not knowing the
sueet, you go through Btreot uftor
street, and from block to block, and you
Keep ou searching for weeks and for
Yn say, "It is a mattor of 10,000
whether 1 soo him or not." Oh, tlmtmoti
woro as persistent iu Booking for Christ!
Had you ono-half that pusisteneo you
would long ago havo found him who U
the joy of tho forgiven spirit. Wo may
pay our dobts, wo may attend church,
wo may rcliovo tho poor, wo may be
publio benefuetor8, and yet all our lifo
disobey tho text, uover 6oek God, never
gain heaven, Oh, that tho spirit of God
would help this morning whilo I try to
show you, iu carrying out tho idea of
my text, tlrst, how to seok tho Lord,
and in tho noxt place, when to seok him.
"Seek yo tho Lord whilo ho may bo
I remark, in tho first place, you aro to
eek tho Lord through earnest uud be
lieving prayer. Uod is not an autocrat
or a despot seated ou a throne, with hiu
arms resting ou brazen lions uud i sen
tinel pacing up and down at tho foot of
tho throne, God is n father seated in n
bowor, wuitiug for his children to come
nd climb ou his kneo and get his kiss
and his benediction, Prayer is tho oun
er must do neueving, earnest, loving.
You nro in your house somo summer
day, and a shower cc ics up, and a bird
affrighted darts into tho window, nnd
wheels around tho loom. You seize it.
You smooth' its rufflod plumage. You
feel its fluttering heart. You say,
"Poor thing, poor thiug!" Now a pray,
er goes out of tho storm of this world
into tho window of God's mercy, and ho
catches it and ho feels its fluttering
pulse, and ho puts it in his own bosom
of affection and fafoty.
Prayer is a warm, ardent, pulsating
exorcise. It is tho electric battery which,
touched thrills to the throne of Gol. It
is tho diving bell in which wo go down
into tho dopthsof God's mercy nnd bring
up "pearls of grcot price." There is an
instance where prayer mado tho wavei
of Gennesaret solid as granite pavement.
Oh, how many wondcif ul thingi prayer
lias accomplished! Havo yon ever tried
it? Iu tho days when the Scotch Cove
nanters were persecuted and the enemies
wero after them one of the head men
.nnong the Covenanters prayed: "0
Loid, woboas dead men unless thou
shalt help us. 0 Lord, throw the lap of
thy cloak over these poor things." And
instantly n Scotch mist enveloped and
hid tho persecuted from their poisecu
tors tho promiso literally fulfilled.
"Whilo they aro yot speaking I will
Oh, impenitent soul, havo you ever
tried the power of prayer? God says,
"He-is loving and faithful and patient,"
Do you believo that? You aro told that
Christ came to save sinners. Do you
bolievo that? You aro told that all you
have to do to got tho pardon of the Gos
pol is to ask for it. Do you believo that?
Then come to him and say: "O Lord,
I know thou canst not lie. Thou hast
told mo to como for pardon, and I could
got it, I como, Lord. Keep thy prom
ise nnd liberate my captive soul."
the place ron P1UYUR.
Oh, that you might have an altar In
tho parlor, in tho kitchen, in tho store.
iu tho barn! for Christ will bo willing to
come again to tho manger to hear prayer.
He will come in your placo of business
rs ho confronted Matthow, tho tax com
missioner. If a measure should come
before congress that you thought would
ruin tho nation, how you would send in
petitions and romonsrrnncos. And yet)
there has been enough sin in your heart
to ruin it forover, and you nave never
remonstrated or petitioned against it.
If your physical health failed, and you
had tho means, you would go and spend
tho sumnior in Germany and tho winter
in Italy, and you would think it a vory
cheap outlay If you had to go nil around
tho earth to get back your physical
health. Have you made any offort, any
expenditure, any oxertion for your im
mortal and spiritual health? No, you
havo not taken ono step.
Oh, that you might now begin to seek
after God with earnest prayer! Some
of you havo been working for years and
years for tho support of your famil'cs.
Havo you given ono half day to tho work
ing out of your salvation with fear and
trembling? You camo hero this morn
ing with an earnest purpose, I tako it, as
I havo come hithor with an earnest pur
poso, and wo meot face to face, and I
toll yon, first of all, if you want to find
tho Lord you must pray and pray and
I. remark again, you must seek tho
Lord through Bible study. Tho Biblo is
tho newest book in tho world, "Oh,"
you say, "it was mado hundreds of yoars
ago, and tho loanied inon of King James
translated it hundreds of years ago." 1
confuto that idon by tolling you it is not
tlvo minutes old, when God, by his
blessed spirit, lotrauslates it into the
heart. If you will, in tho seeking of tho
way of lifo through Scripturo study, im
plore God's light to fall upon tho page,
you will flud that theso promises aro
not ono second old and that thoy drop
straight from tho throno of God into
your heart.
There aro many people to whom tho
Biblo does not amount to muoh. If thoy
moroly look at tho outsido beauty, why
it will no more lead them to Christ than
Washington's farewell address or tho
Koran of Mahomet or tho Shastor of the
Hindoos. It is tho inward light of God's
Word yon must get or die. I went up
to tho church of tho Madoloino in Paris
and lookod at tho doors, which wero tho
most wonderfully constructed I ovor
Baw, mid 1 could havo staid there for
a whole week; but I had only a little
time, so, having glanced at tho wonder
ful carving on ihj doors, I passed in nnd
lookod at tho radiant altars and tho
sculptured domo. Alas! that so many
stop at tho outsido door of God's holy
worn, looking at tlio rhetorical beau
tios, instead of going in and looking at
tho altars of sueriflco nnd tho dome of
God's mercy ami salvation that hovers
ovor ovory ponitont nnd behoving soul!
Oh, my friends, if you merely want to
study tho laws of language, do not go to
tno utuio. it was not inuuo for that.
Tako "Howo's Elements of Criticism."
It would bo better than tho Biblo for
that. If you want to study metaphysics,
better than tho Biblo will be the writ
ings of William Hamilton. But if you
waut to know how to havo sin pardoned,
uud at hist to gain tho blessedness of
heaven bourch the Scriptures, "for iu
thotu yo havo eternal life."
When people nro anxious about their
souls and thoro aro somo hero today
there nro those who recommend trood
books. That is all right. But I want to
John Aftgill James wroto "Advlco to
thi Anxious Inquirer," but tho Bible is i
the best advlco to the anxious inquirer.
Oh, the Liblo Is tho very book you
aoec j.ixiou3 and inquiring soul! A
dying solirLr raid to his mate, "Com
rado, givo mo a dropl" Tho comrado
shook np t'io ..nteen nnd said, "There
isn't n drop of water in tho canteen."
"Oh," said tho dying soldier, "that's not
what I want; feel in my knapsack for
My Bible." Aud his comrado found tho
Biblo and read him a fow of the gra
cious promises, and the dying soldier
said: "Ah, that's what I want. Thoro
Isn't anything liko the Biblo for a dying
tvjldior, is there, my comrado?" Oh,
blessed book whilo wo live. Blessed
book when wo die.
I remark, again, wo must seek God
through Church ordinances. "What,''
say you, "can't n man bo saved without
going to church?" 1 reply, there are
men, 1 suppose, in glory, who have never
seen a church; but the church is tho or
dained means by which wo nro to bo
brought to God; and if truth affects us
when we uro nloue, It aiiccts . us moro
mightily when wo aro in tho assembly
the feelings of others emphasizing our
own feelings. Tho great law of sympa
thy conies into play, and a truth that
would tako hold only with tho grasp of
a sicit man heats mightily against tho
soul with a thousand heart throbs.
When you como into tho religious cir
cle, como only with ono notion, and
only for ono purpose to find tho way to
Christ. When I seo people critical about
bcriiions, nnd critical about tones of
voice, nnd critical about sermonio de
livery, thoy mako mo think of a man in
prison. Ho is condemned to death, but
an officer of the government brings a
pardon uud puts it through the wicket
of tho prison, and ays: "Here is your
pardon. Como and get it." "What!
Do you expect mo to take that pardon
offered with such n voico as you have,
with such mi awkward manner as you
have? I would rather dio than so com
promise my rhetorical notions!" Ah,
the man does not say that; ho takes itl
It is his life. Ho does not caro how it
is handed to him. And if this morning
that pardon from the throne of God is
offered to our souls, should wo not seize
it, regardless of all criticism, feeling
that it is a matter of heavon or holl?
But I como now to tho last part of my
text. It tells us when wo are to seek
tho Lord. "Whilo ho may bo found."
When is that? Old age? You may not
sco old ago. Tomorrow? You may not
see tomorrow. Tonight? Yon may not
see tonight. Now! Oh, if J could only
writo on every heart in thrco capital let
ters that woid N-O-W now!
Sin is an awful disease. 1 hear people
say, with the toss of the head and with a
trivial manner, "Oh, yes, I'm u binner."
Sin is an awful dise.T'e. It is lenrosv.
It is dropiy. It U consumption. It is
nil moral disorders in one. Now yon
know there is a crisis in a disease. Pnr
haps you havo had soino illustration of
it iu your family. Sometimos the physi
cian has called and ho has looked ut the
patient and said: "That caso was simplo
onotigh , but tho crisis has parsed. If you
had called mo yesterday or ihh morning
I could have cured the patient. It is too
late now; tho crisis Tias parsed." Just
so it is in tho spiritual treat'uent of tho
soul; there is u crisis. Befoio that, life!
After that, death! O my dear brother,
as you lovo your soul, do not let the
crisis pass unattor.ded tot
There aro some horo who can remem
ber instances in lifo when if they had
bought n certain property thoy would
havo bet'omo very rich. A fow acres
that would havo cost Ihem almost noth
ing were offored them. Ihey rofused
them. Afterward a large viHago or
city sprang up on thoso acres of ground
and thoy seo what a mihtak') they mado
in not buying tho property. There was
nn opportunity of getting it. It never
camo back again. And so it is in re
gard to a man's spiritual nnd eternal
fortuuo. Thoro is a chance; if you let
that go, porhaps it never comes back.
Certainly that ono never conies back.
Thero is a tinio which mercy has set
for leaving port. If you aro on board
beforo that you will get a passage for
heaven. If you nro not on board you
miss your passage for heaven. As in
law courts acaso is sometimes adjourned
from torm to torm, and from year to
year, till tho bill of costs eats up tho en
tiro estato, so thero are men who aro ad
journing tho matter of religion from
timo to tinio, and from year to year,
until heavenly bliss is tho bill of costs
tho man would havo to pay for it.
Why defer this matter, 0 my dear
hearer? Have you any idea that sin will
wear out? that it will evaporate? that it
will relax its grasp? that you may find
roligion as a man accidentally finds n
lost pocketbook? Ah, no! No man ovor
became a Christian by accident or by
tho relaxing of sin. Tho embarrass
monts nro all tho timo increasing. Tho
hosts of darkness aro recruiting, and tho
longer you postpone this matter tho
steeper tho path will becoino. I ask
those men who aro beforo mo this morn
ing whothor In tho ten or fifteen years
tney nave passen in tlio postponement
of theso mutters they havo como any
nearer God or heaven?
ri,v kok itr.FuuK.
I would not bo afraid to chollengo this
whole audience, so far as they may not
havo found tho peace of tho Gospel, in
regard to that mattor. Your hearts,
you aro willing frankly to toll me, aro
becoming harder nnd harder, and that
If you como to Christ it will be more of
nn undortnkiug now than it over would
havo been before. Oh. ilv for rofno-l
Tho avenger of blood is on tho track I
Tho throno of judgment will boou be
sot, and if you havo anything to do to
ward your eterual salvation you had
hotter do it now, for tho ledomption of
the soul Is precious und it ceasoth for
Oh, If men could only catch just ono
for Infants and Children
"Cas'orlnls so well arlaptod to clilldren that
I recommend 1 1 as superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. Aacntn, JL D.,
Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Ths use of 'Castorla' Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of mipcreroiratlon to endorso It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla
within easy reach."
Caiilos HinTm D.p.,
Now York 6ty.
Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Iteformed Church.
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Btomach, Dlarrhaa. Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes d
Without Injurii
ous medication.
" For several years I havo rocommen'tet.
your ' Castorla, ' and shall nlwnys continue to
do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. PAnDKK, II. D.,
" The Wlnthrop," 128th Street and 7th Ave.,
New York City.
Tmc Cnrriun Conr-Amr, 77 Murray Street, New York.
M.r ciacuuMut arrw to
fpta IHaWIVi M. Ml ftrWaf, if.'
-J. turt at
I Bavama vtvaw
fSSv Sttts..lUta...trla. K Itr
K ? MiiBHL Oah.lMSft.tLa I .
IMMilgaaa ajaug AaUaAafl Lit
1 14 7
a.sn.ia lAii
la, i) C
with which wo go to tho "fouutoln of ' uitdersuohclrouuwtnncos. Baxter wroto
living water" nnd dip up refreshment "A Call to tho Unconverted." but tho
for our thirsty soul. Gruco docs not Biblo is tho boat call to tho uuconverted.
como to tho heart aa wo sot n cask of Philip Doddridgo wroto "Tho Rise aud
water to catch tha rain lu tho shower, Progress of Religion iu the Sonl," but
It is a pulley fostonod to the throno of tho Biblo is tho best rlso nnd progress.
If you would bo derm and hayo your clothes done uj
in tho nofttoa ! c nd dressiest manner, tako .hem to tho
S.U.I;.t! STUM LairMrKY
whore all woik la dm.u by wliito labor and in tho most
pv injit mam ... COI ,ON El, J, OUlSTJM.
Liberty Street
tell you that tho Biblo is tho best book BHmpso of Christ, I know thov would
lovo mm. Your heart leaps nt tho sight
of a glorious suurlso or sunset. Cau you
bo without omotion as tho Sim of Right
eousness rises behlud Calvary and sots
behind Joseph's eepuleher? Ho is a
blessed Saviour! Every nation bus Its
typo of beauty. Thero is German beau
ty and Swiss beauty nnd Italian Iwau
ty aud English beauty, but I caro untiu
wunt ianii u man tlrst looks at Christ, ho
prouounces him "chief among ten thou
sand, and tho ono altogether lovely." O
my blessed Jesusl Light iu darkness!
The rock on which I bulldl The cap
tain of salvation! My joy! My strength!
How strango it is that men cannot lovo
Tho diamond districts of Braril are
carefully guarded, and n man does not
get in thero except by a pass from tho
government, but tho lovo of Christ is a
diamond district we may all cuter and
pick up treasure for eternity. Oh. cry
JMBZt ra jevrij J,ajrjhi
voice, harden not yonr "hearts." "There
is a way of opposing the mercy of God
too long, and then thero remaineth no
more sacriilco for sin, but a fearful look
ing for judgment nnd fiery indignation
which shall devour the adversary. My
friends, my neighbors, what can X say
to induce you to attend to this matter
to attend to it now? Time is flying, Hy
ing the city clock joining my voice this
moment, scdUiin to say to yeu: "Now
is the time? Now is tho time!" Oh, put
it not off!
Why should I stand hero and plead
and you sit there? It is your immortal
soul. It is a boul that shall nevor die.
It is a soul that must soon appear beforo
God for roviowal. Why throw away
your chnuco for heaven? Why plungo
off into darkness when all the gates of
glory are open? Why becoino a cast
away from God wheu you can sit upon
tho throne? Why will ye die miserably
when eterual lifo is offered yon, und it
will cost you nothing but just willing
ness to accept it? "Come, for all things
aro now ready." Come, Christ is ready,
pardon is ready! The chrrch is ready.
Heavon is ready. You will never find a
moro convenient season if you should
live fifty years moro than this very one.
Reject this nnd you may dio in your sins.
Why do I say this? Is it to frighten
your soul? Oh, no. It is to persuade
you. I show j'ou tho pei a. I show you
the escape. Would I not be a coward
beyond nil excuse if, believing that this
great uudienco must soon bo launched
into the eternal world, and that all who
believo in Christ shall bo saved, and that
all who reject Christ-will bo lost would
I not bo tho veriest coward on earth to
hido that truth or to stand beforo you
with a cold or oven a placid manner?
My dear brethren, now is the day of
you1 redemption.
It is very certain that you and I must
soon appear beforo God in judgment.
We cannot escape it. Tho Biblo says,
"Evory oye shall seo him, and they also
whii'h pierced him, and all tho kindreds
of tl o earth shall wail because of him."
On that day all our advantages will
comj up for our glory or for our discom
fiture every prayer, every sermon,
evciy exhort.' tory remark, every le
procf, every ci.ll of graco; and while the
heavens aro rolling awny liko a scroll,
nnd the world is being destroyed, your
destiny and my destiny will he an
nounced. Abis! alas! if on that day it
is found that wo havo neglected theso
matters. We may throw them off now.
We cannot then. We will all be in
earnest then. But no pardon then. No
offer of salvation then. No rescue then.
Driven away in our wickedness ban
ished, exiled forever!
Have you over imagined what will bo
the soliloquy of tho soul on that day un
pardoned, as it looks back upon its past
life? "Oh," says tho soul, "I hud glor
ious Sabbaths! There was ono Sabbath
in autumn when I was invited to Christ.
There was a Sabbath morning ' when
Jesus stood and sproad out his arms and
invited mo to his holy heart. I refused
him. I havo destroyed myself. I havo
no ono else to blame. Ruin complete.
Darkness unpitying, deep, eternal! I am
lost! Notwithstanding all tho opportuni
ties I havo had of being saved, I nm lost!
Oh, thou long suffering Lord God Ah
mighty, I nm lost! Oh, day of judg
ment, I nm lost! Oh, father, mother,
brother, sister, child in glory, I am lost!"
Ana tnon as the tide goes out your sonl
goes out with it farther from God,
farther from happinoss, and I hear your
voico fainter and fainter and fainter,
"Lost! Lost! Lost! Lost! Lost!" 0
yo dying, yet immortal men! "Seek tho
Lord whilo ho may bo found."
But I want you to take the hint of tho
text that I havo no time to dwell on
tho hint that thero is a time when ho
cannot bo found. Thero was a man m this
city, eighty years of age, who said to a
clergyman who camo m, "Do you think
that a man at eighty years of ugo can
got pardoned?" "Oh, yes," said tho
clergyman. Tho old man said: "I can't;
when I was twenty years of age I am
now eighty years tho spirit of God camo
to my soul, und I felt the importance of
attending to theso things, but I put it
oft". I rejected God, uud bineo then I
havo had no fooling." "Well," said tho
minister, "wouldn't you like to have mo
pray with you?" "Yes," replied the old
man, "but it will do no good. You can
pray witn mo it you liko to."
The minister knelt down and prayed
nnd commended the man's soul to God!
It seemed to have no effect upon him
Af tor uwhilo tho lust hour of the man's
lifo camo, nnd through his delirium n
spark of intelligence seemed to Hash
nnd with his last breath he said, "I shall
uover bo forgiven!" "0 seek tho Lord
wunu iiu may oo louna,"
Church Directory.
CuMnKnLAND PKKsnvTKiiiAN. Snlem,
Oregon, Itev. J. IC. lilulr, 1'aBtor. Sunday
school every Hun tny, 10 n. m. Preaching
every hfunday, 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m.
Church house ou High Rticet, between
Marlon and Uulon. En ery body welcome.
ilKTiionis Ki'jscrii'Ai,. HervlccH on t'ub-
batli nt 10:30 and 7:'t0. Sunday school nt
12;Epworth I.tnt,'ues at 6:15; l'rayer meet
ing every Thursday oveulnij. Kev. C. L.
ICellenm.il, pustor.
Evanoklic L. O rner of Liberty nnd
Center streets. Hundny servlcos 10:30 n. m.
ind 1;30 p. m., Sunday school 12 m., Y. P. B.
C. E. 0:30 p. ra.; l'rayer meeting Thursday,
7.30p.m. J, Uoncrsox, paster, residence
427 Liberty street.
1'BESiiYiKRiAN. Church stiet, between
Chemeketa nnd Ceuter. I'l caching morn
ing nnd evening; Sabbath school at 12 m.;
X. P. S. C. E. ut ti.30 p. m.; prayer meeting
Thursday at7:'.0p.ni. Hev.F.H. Qwynne,
D, D pastor.
St. Joseph's Catiiomc Cituncit.-Chemeketa
aud Cottniro. S.uida'y services: loiv
mass 7:30 a m.; high mass 10:30; hundaj
bchool 3 p. in.; vcbpi rs 7:30; week dnj s, low
muss 7 a. m. Hev. J. S. White, p&ttor,
CnNGithOATinNAL. Corner Center nnd
Liberty Services Sunday nt 10:30a. in. and
7 p. in.; 8unday school 12 m., Y. 1'. 8. C. E
at fl:J0 p.m.; prayer rpectlug 7:30 p.m.Thurs
day. Itev C. L. Corwlu, pastor.
St. I'Aun Episcopal crimen. Corner
Church and CUeinckelu. S nlces 10:30 a
in. and 7 p.m.; Hundny school 11:45 n. m.;
bervlce Monday 10:30a. m.; Thursday 7:30p
tn. Kev. W. Lund, lector.
Fiust BApnsr. Liberty und JIatlon.
Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. in ; Sundaj
school 12 m.; youug people'H meeting nt II
p. in.; prayer meeting 7:30 Thin sduy. Itev.
Robert Wbltnker, pastor.
Fkee JIktiiodist. Itev. li, l' Smnlley
pastor. Services Sunday mornlDg and
evening, Sunday school at 10 a. in.; prayer
meeting Friday night. Church apposite
North Salem sihool.
Fiuends. At Highland paik on car line.
Services 10:30 n.io. und 7:; p. m.; Sundaj
ichooll2ra.; Christum Endiavor 6 p. in.:
prujer meeting Thursday 7:10 p. In. llev
I'. II. George, pastor.
CnuihTiAN. High and (-enter. Sunday
school I-in.; preaching 1C.30 a. in.; joung
people's society 8:30 p. rii.; preaching 7:30
p. m. Itev. W. U. Williams, pastor.
(Jkhmax Hkfoumei). Capital und Marl
ou.;Suuduy service 11a, m.;Hunday pchool
10 a. in.; prayer meetln Wednesday 7:30 p.
m. It'jv J. Muellliaupt, rastor.
Ciiuhtian SciEXCE.Sti vices In Unl
arinu mill ut 10:: 0 a.m.nm! 7:30 p. m ; bab
balli school 12iii.; lllblobtii'ly Thursdaj
bouTH Sai.fm-M. K. church. Preach
ing every Sunday at If :30 a. m, nnd 7:30 p.
in. J. H. llooik, pastor.
Qeumam L'AvrisT.Servic s In German
Uaptl t church north of Cottage btreet.
Hev. John FecUter, f astor.
African MisrnomsT, Nrth Salem.
Services nt 11 n. in. auft 7:30 1 . in, Sunday
school at 1 p. m. Kev, G, v. White, pastor,
Mks. WooutvoiiTii's Mi-KTiuob. Ser
vices nt 10. "A, 2.30 nnd 7:30 nvriy doy In the
tentnt the junction 'if the chctriocar line.
Temp riinco gospel mccfetli gs ut 4 o'clck
Hunduy nt W, O, T. U, hsll,
Notice of Final Account.
l'o ull whom It may cencern:
NOTICE lb hereby given tb it the under
signed administrator of he estate of
.uurj y . iiuuou, ucienrefl, lias this day
tiled his flnnl amount us biich administra
tor, with the ck'ik of the county court lor
Alnrionc unity, Oregon, and tho Judge of
ilMo a?"1-1,11."8 .nxea lUa '-"Jt" u" -v August
IblU, ut 1 o'clock p m. ut the rounty court
room in the court hou eol said county, as
the tliuo nnd placo lor the he,rlug of a y
3bJ"cilons which there may Im to bald ue'
count uud ior the bettlemeut tht-rrof.
T.o in ,., Administrator.
-"J ", io-, 7-Jl-Ot
215KCcr.u-erclaISt., . .-tlem, Oregon.
( est door to Klein's.!
;i".v HPtrintriea. and
wutebeHdUi iiwelry.
Vud Traiu! i'i edtior Points the
icrii Pacific Mii
la the linn to lake
To all m. hi and South.
(Vo change of care.)
in.ipuied of rtlulnccars ims.irncj
llillmsn drawing room Veer
Ol lal.t eouinmcnl
A Hallway Train I.lfte,i by , WImt
Diirhig n hnrricano in Hungary nn
eugino weighing seventy tons und
fivo carriages of nn exjiress traiu nro
Raid to havo been lifted clear into the
ttir und precipitated with n fearful crash
Into water nt the bottom of n deep cut
ting, Twenty-fivo luisb-omers wi t..
jured, but how any escaped with their
lives is a mystery.
Stockholdere' Meeting.
XTOTIPK U hereby etven that th ,,
J al meetlne of t he MrnktuiM!? r ?.u
Cj.pltnlno U HnTt Mvl Mlnlug c1uiuv
Sleeping Cars.
IW that cu be constructed an.1 in i,i.i
kccomuiodmltna are hXti, !!? ln Wnlt
UuAeirrlonrll?u,fc fe'S'S'th all
ervlce. '""" ,l rw r'f uninterrupted
Pullman li ,
-ured in Rdvi lon" " be r
the r-wd. Rnr jeut m
lu:Wa,,&nu32n'd,E?,nri '
on application to.uy ant r rn,,he1
UnarWo;, TOr whl.u;KrPt:
5 S'HV
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JJororo Starting on n .Tournnr
A person usunlly deslws to gnln Koine Iu
forniallon ns to the most drMinble route 11,
take, nnd will mirchnHO tlekclH via tliew,
that will niroril him tho qulchcta nnd be,
norvice. lleforh utiirtliiB on 11 trip to ( hi.
cngoiirinir iKiInt i,ait,yiiuthi)Uldpi vlot
yoursclfwltnn mop unit timu liililo of th,
WlRcoiifiln Ceiitrul l.lno The liains rui,
crH.elegunt I 'ay Coaches nnd 1 lnmg 1 .
or latent design, liulllexprepsly forti Is ri .
vice, nurt are exquisite In lm iiImIihin nn,
convenient uud coinfortntilu In unauB
incut nnd h complete ln every iteltill 11,
they have no superior lucomlorl uva , ,
gnuce. The dining uir hi rvlco Is proniiiii
ccd by nil the moHt elegnnt ovi r tunm
nted.utid lsopornted In tholule cut u
Fast tralim vln tho WlHCoiibin I'cli
Lines kno itliineaiwlld dnlly nt i'2:a; v
and :if p in, nnd t. l'nul ut 1st) 11
Hud7:15r. 111., making favomuio eon,
tlon with all trains Irom the cut u ,
Kor tlckoU, maps, paniphlctn uud 11
Information appiy mu.r. aicciii, v
O. I
ndT. A., AIlnui'iipollH, Allnu., 111 d tn.)
!. I'ond, Oeneral I'usseiiger and 'lit
Lgent, Chicago, 111. Mt, i
1'i'Oiiosnls for Uids.
NOTIOB Is hereby given that Sealed b, ,4
will ho rccclvf d by tho city 01 Ndu
uregou, until 8 o'clock p. in. of Align,
lSBU.uuil will bo opened b tho tnulerMiiUi
cominlttcn iihhooh thcreoftor iih prnctli al i.
for tho grading, curbing, draining nnd h
proving.nccoiillug ti the plans and i ecu
eatlniiH to be hail at the city surveyor 0
otllee.uudiilflo according toplunHimd spu ,.
llcatlouR to bo nirnlshed bo tho birld. r, 1 1
thutpartof Commercial street between tl.p
1101 losldo i.f bridge across houth Mill crei k
to the north side of I filter sueet, aud nh
that part ol Court sti cut between tho cast
side of High street and tho 0,1st side if
front iitiect and ull that part ol mate
stiect between tho tasl sldo or High slriet
and the cast hide of Kront stieet, nil that
part or Kerry Mreel between the cast side
01 Liberty street to tho cast sldo a
Kront sinet, and all that part ol L'lMu
slrcei between the cast sldo of Cumin crtlM
street anil Ihewehtnldool Kront street. A
lertitl&Ufol deposit In kon.u bank of tl-e
city ol balum.oiigou. In favor or tho cllj
tifSiileui Uregou, lorthosum or llvo hut.
died doll'irn iiiustiiivoinpnny each bid au
will bo 1 nytiblo ti thoclty or Balem. on.
iron, ns Used sLtHeaund llqultlutcd dm
ages In nise the bliidir shall uot exicun
tne com ia 1. bin. a and uudu inning an.
jive good and tiillli'lem sureties satlslu.
oiymthe major of the clt of Kali'ru
Uregnn, in case said work Is awarded 1
jllci.d toMild blddir. lliauktormof uji.
met, bund and imdcrtaMiig Is on flic iu
ibo nlliceol thestieet coniinissloiier. 'I'l..
city ofWalcni restives the right to njwi
any or ull bids. Done by ordorof tho c,i.
mon council of tho city of Piilcni.
M. W. HUM',
('. 11 JILOliK,
Committee-ou blrcttbiindl'ubllcl'ropni
7-12tif "
Siiorilt'ri bale.
TO'l IOK Is hcicby given Ihut by vlilt;.
i. (fiiuoie ullin duly Issued out ,
Miut'oiintj couitol theslnleol Uitgon i,
Hie county 01 Marlon, and toinodli eOv.,
on the 1st day or July. A. 1).. lbDi unoii 1.
Judgment du y itudiii'd,inleieo ot rtn nt
.inu uocKeieu in nun ny sniu county erur
on the 21st da or .1 line, lfir'. In u'ccrni u
suit then In said 10ml I'ciiding whucli 1
md K HirbCh weio piulntllts und It J,
Vutichn w-Hb delendunt 111 lavor 01 m.. 1.
till' and ngaliivt deitiitlaut, h which
cutlon I uni ci.iiimamlrd that out ol I In
porsonal property ol bald delentlaut or 11
siidlclent canuoi be Tiuna then out of Hi
real piopcrly ot snld delfutlunt to sat sf
the sum of Twenty four and &0-1U0 dollum
with Interest theieou ut tne rate of 12 p.r
cent, pcri.nnum iiom tho Uth flay ol Au
gust, lbSJ, and the sum of Twelve 2.V!fri
dollars Ith lutciest thcicun nl tho rnU ,.i
8 per cent, per aimum slnco AugU'.l dtli
m.i, und the further sum of Sixteen i.MO
dollars cost.-,, and costs and expenses 1.1
mild execution. I have lovlod upon ai.d
will on ,
Satnrday", the 13th day of August, A, D,, 1892,
at tho hour ol 1 o'clock p, iu. or mid duj
.it tho west door of the county com t hiu 0
in .Salem, Mm Ion county, Oiegou, sell la
the highest bidder flu cash iu liana on tli
day ot b.Me.nll the right, HIU, lu'eiebt i.nd
estate which said deienrinnt, It.K. Vau-h ,
had on or alltr the 21st day of June.
ltW, ln nnd to the following described tcnl
iiioperty, lo-wlt: Ueglnnlngnt the uonli
west corner of the bouthe.ist quatter of
section i, t, U, a. it, 2 w.; thence tnst (IIU
iods; thence south U ioiIh; thenco wcstfllG
rods; thence noith 14 iodH to tho plucu 01
beglnnltig, containing 1 ncies more or
less; aiul jilso ull or tho douallou laud
I'ialm of Uinjamln Vaughn aud KUziibutu
Vaughn Hit. lis., it. 2 wist, uave nuo ex
ceptl 10 lollowlUir described premUes, li
vit: llegliiulngnttho southwest cornurof
inu suuiiiLusniuuiier 01 section 1, t 11 s
1. 2 west if tho llln.netto Merlalai:
thenco urth 3D chains; thenco west 2.111
chains to the northeast corner ot Jn.nc
Look's donation land claim; thence hiiu,"
eastern botiuda.y ot sold cook's donation
'imdclalmKOchains; theuceeastl.tOch'i n
to tho placo ol beginning, containing IAi
acres, moro or Icfs, k
Luted utHalem, this 9th day or.Tiuj.lfe'r .
ui ..r .,. JJJ'A'KNlulii,
s.1.!erlirt'' Slarion ( -omitj , ui eg n.
Ui 1. T. , ltioiiTJlAN, Heputy. ; Hfit
tN SALil
Kansas Citv, St. Paul
rAndlall Points
East, North and South,
Steamers Portland io 8 in Krancibco Lvcry
4 Tlnvw.
!?r'5,.es Ancl eeueral lurornintiou ih
W II. HULBUUT, Asit, Oonl. i'uss. Af,
2V1 Washington St.,
l'OUTLANn, ORfao
'--jst.7J m. r m jr
S.jfJ."i IslHA.cs
7 lcS'fy . 1. in.n.-M
mm mm
Borr,nSCrV' Ur8" and BCCOniJ Bil'ei
T'.. v.- "",k riu ueuy: sore u,
Rvhhi.??l f:tc- Copper-colorcd Biotchei.
nffmilw t:-rJi, tllsi-ased Scalp, ard all
primary (o-tn of
tho discaso known at
JjuAMiV i.;;." i"u!sa "m. "."
1 w:"v '?' co uu per uonn.
rn5iCTnS ""Wen HaUi.ni No. a
.H8Tf,rt,la,y Mercurlaiarphllltlo lhe
!ml rr,nVn thB Bones rln In tht
Jh'll BypWIitlo Hash, Lumps ai d con.
:2 . Cor B,lffnosj ot the Limbs, mi
Hh-Vf8 ttU ? from tho ej.tom,
whether caused by Indiscretion or ahusl
;T;ilrcurft. ,eaving tho bld pure mi
1 ..lc,.lnu.." Wen Npunlili Aiii
T,ri?.t'.'orotho f"'0 Oonorrhoja, diet,
irrltitlon Gravel, and all Urinary or Oenl
ui dUarraBgcmcnU, Price $i 50 P
- Itlchan'a OoIiTbh RtianltU In.
jectlon, foraerere oasesot aonorrha,
jnnammitory Olect, Stricture, Vrlc
91 ou per Ilottle. -f
...l,!fun" OoUT Ointment
lor tin effective h.lin yphllltlo Borci
r ,ul,,J'unUons- aPrlr t 00 per Dot.
?nlcPBU'" Golden Plll-Krt
na Drain treatment; loss of physical po w
jr. excess cr orer-work, rtwtratlon, eta
Prlcp 83 OO per Hoi, .
FKE RICHAnDSDj.lia C0.,AB?l'lt
0 All mil&ET ST
'-fe rf-
' .-V