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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1892)
v M 'fin.-- ". i & " -Wi -w Third Week JU LY 2 LADIES' Jersy Ribbed, Gause, Balbnggan, Summer Merino, Etc., Etc. All sizes and qualities, reduced to suit our low price sales. Th's will dp one of our oust THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. K MONDAY, JULY 25, 1892. GILBERT & PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole vAgents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. GEO. I. GOODHUE. K. OAIULI,. BUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, bnir, fire, and building brick, lire clay, sand, gravel, blacksmith nnd house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale and re tail. Oillce 95 State street. Goodhue & Caiiill. Wilson is Gone. The brute who murdered Mamie Walsh, was this morning taken to Oregon City by Sheriff Gauong, of Clackamas coun ty. This is wbeie he ligbtftilly be longs, and the officials and mon at the state prison are only too glad to be rid of the monster. Last Friday ho was in the most horrible condi tion, both mentally and physically, that he has been in since there, but after he was washed and cleaned up lie had one of Ills short bright spells. But it only lusted a short time, when he relapsed into his semi-comatose state. What turn his genius may take in his new quarters remains to be seen, but many fear his peculiar antics will not bo tolerated long by the natives of Clackamas. IjtfMEBSED. Rov. G. W. Wbi'e, of the African M E. church, held baptismonal services iu North Salem yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Anna Smith was immersed in the Will amette, near the mouth of mill creek. SociAii. The lawn social to to given on the luwu of the Catholic church Wednesday eveuiug by the Young Men's institute, will bo a graud affair. The music will bo fur nished by the Second regiment band, and there will be solos and so forth. Tlieie will bean icecream conceit (blindfolded) and many oth er features. New Poles. Tho Postal Tele graph Co. have a force of men at work along tho Southern Pacific lino putting iu new poles in the place of tho old ones that are rotted. They nro working near this city are pres ent. Camping Utensiia For tin ware and cheap dishes, spoons, cut lery, frying' pans, stow pans, etc., etc., All the necessaries for camp ing, call at Oriburn's Racket stote. Wohk Begins. Tho Motor rail way company will begin work to morrow morning grading and lay ing track on Commercial street. More men will be added along the line as fast as possible and the work will be pushed right along. Matrimonial. Although this branch of his business has been light so far. County Clerk Egan issues an occasional permlt,nnd one was made out today for Edwin Palmer to mar ry Mai y A. Reed. Parties, picnics and private fami lies appreciate the superior quality of that New York ico cream at Westacott fc Irwin's. See our shoes, the best iu the mar ket. All warrunted throughout. The Palace Dry Goods and Shoo Co. Straw hats way down cheap, at Osburu's Racket store. Room wanted, and must be had at KruUd'o Bros, shoo store for their Immense stock for fall, and there fore prices will bo reduced on ueurly all lines, for thlity days. Fine line of slippers just nrrlved, at The Palace. Outing flannels at cost for a few days, at The Palace, 807 Commer cial street. ANOTHER M BEDROOM Three pieces, and German Plate BUREN & SON. of pecsa 5th. TO THE COTTON UNDERWEAR, Ucirgaiii saius ui uiu ueu&un. HOLVERSON'S, 301 Commercial Street. PEOPLE AND DWELLINGS. Tho Last Census Shows a Big In cicaso in Oregon. The census of 1890 shows Oregon to have had at that time 01,925 dwelllugs, which is an increase of 100 per cent over 18S0. In 1850 there were only 2374 residences in the state, 12,277 in 1800, and 19,372 in 1870. In 1890 tho nverage number of persons to tho dwelling was 6.07. In the samo year there wore 03,791 families and an average of 4.92 persons to the family. The size of the family has steadily decreased in ten years from 5.22. In this con nection it may bo mentioned that In the United Stales the average num ber of persons to a family has stead ily decreated since 1830. The figured show that in tho newly 6et tled Western states and territories tho average size of a family iB small at first, but increases steadily as settlement goes on. Tho Salem Statesman learns from the census bulletins thut iu Oretron there uie 0313 dwellings inhabited by a single nerson. and thero are nearly 1000 more houbes In which only two nuonle live. There me more dwell ings with four persons in them, while thero are 372 in which tho number exceeds 21. COUNTY COURT. Statement of Accounts Presented at Juno Term, 1892. Claimant: Acceunt: Am't Alllewed: II. E. Kline Road & Bridge 24 50 Ellen Savage Pauper Geo. G. Bingham Criminal M. E. Goodeil " 10 00 5 00 5 45 3 05 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 5 00 4 95 2 05 5 00 5 45 5 45 5 00 5 45 2 95 5 00 5 45 2 05 5 00 11 05 7 15 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 00 13 60 17 45 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 90 2 30 1 90 0 00 13 85 II. P. Minto Elsie Mi ers II. A. Couell M. H. Duihum V. Ii. Hughs Geo. G. Bingham M. E. Goodeil H. P. Minto Geo. G. Bingham, M. E. Goodeil H. P. Minto Geo. G. Bingham M. E. Goodeil II. P. Minto Geo. G. Bingham M. E. Goodeil II. P. Minto i - it Geo. G. Bingham 31. K. Uoodell H. P. Minto Mark Savago Geo. P. Hughes P. J. Rice ii ii ii ii ii ii i Geo. Savago E. M. Latoro Curl J u n so u W. P. Williams V. H. Work W. M. Ilillerary J. P. Hart J. A. Hussoy J.A.Smith M. O. Knight " A. Widuer Chat les Bucket J. W. Becket L. F. Conn Henry Helmkee .G. W. Loftls J. T. Browning Wra. Shanks C. Neibert C. H. Rlchens ii ii ii ii Lottie Becket Mis. O. Becket Ur. Tel. & Tel, Co., C. & Jail Salem Gas Light Co. "... . Salem Truck& Dray Co. " Sulem Truck it DruyCo. " II. L. Schnackeuburg bounty 11 25 7 50 2 00 J. H. McCormick pauper eld. hiiu :.'&.. - 121 ZO Baker & Strang " Dr. W. S. Mott eld. ?38 Brooks & Legg " Santiam Lumb. Co. R. & B. 3 25 20 00 14 25 15 98 18 00 4 05 44 00 01 50 400 00 11 00 50 72 65 85 62 4 00 232 3J 413 85 5 40 9 40 5 40 2 40 3 00 R. L. Swarta Scott Bros. J. W. LaBare S. J. Kerr S. L. Wirtli R. L. Swarts Gray Bros. L. D.Smith H. McNeil J. C. Peebles S, C. bhelley Frank Keizer John Nev.'somo T. C. Shaw Frank Durbin I. T. Day L. C. Cavanaugh ii ii n it ii ii ii J. K. P. Farrens 00 00 L O. M. Herren Rad & B 5 O. Piekard " 2 (Jo 8 20 2 00 0 20 2 00 8 00 2 50 2 00 W. J. Culver R. A. WUtel Geo. Powel C. W. Smith W. J. Culver P. B. Put ton W. II. Smith ii "".! it 3III ii "t" ii ii I miliiti it $13.00 au Sale, 30th. B. Hefiebower " 2 00 !D C.Sherman Clerk 73 CO V. L.Simmeral Slock liiep.- 125 75 Oregon Statesman Sta.- 0 30 John Green " 50 E. M. Crolsau Sheriff. 23 28 J. M. Watson Com 13 00 J. I Anderson " 13 00 8 r ATK Or O I ' EQON , Count v or ma won. j t, W. II. Egcm. county clerk for .Ma rlon county, htnte of Oregon, nail ox nflleln clerk of the cli cult court fr said county and state, do ho'eby certify thut the foregoing transcript of statement of accounts presented,July terra 18tli,huii ben by uie compared with the original ond that it is a true nd correct copy of said original sta emant.mdof the wnolo thero ol, us Ibu same appears of record In my office and cuntody. WITNESS, my hand and seal of the sntd court, this 2M day or July, 18W2 NbaiJ W. II KG AN, Clerk. l(y W E- MoAviss, Deputy. Grand Biblical Spectacle. Tho Enquirer, The Commercial Gazette and other leading papers, both German and English, of Cin cinnati, are prolific iu their praises of this new and most impressive of all spectacles, which, nt au expense that would seem fabulous, the enter prislug management of Johu Robin sou's Great World's Exposition pro duce tills year in connection with their myriad other utti actions. There is no sense so vivid, so lasting and so conclusive us the sense of seeing, and however studiously wo may search the Scriptures or other stored history, tho Ideas that we may form and tho impressions we may receive concerning the patri atchsand sages, and the scenes, in cidents and events consequent to their time, can be but fractionary aud Imperfect. To have reproduced those personages aud events and placed with sceneographic effect before you; to hear Solomon re utter his wise and prophetic words; to see in perou Shelm's illustrious Queen and the pomp and cireumst-ince of her surroundiugs. to view tho great Temple of Solomon, not by descrip tion, but by actual inspection; to witness personally the sumptuous and resplendent festivals of the great Solomon's coin t these are the inestimable privileges which the John Robinson Great Woild's Ex position accords its patrons iu con nection with the great circus, tho menagerie, nud the royal Roman hippodrome. The spectacle of Solo mon, his Temple, and the Queen of Shebi, will be displujcd here on Wednesday, August 3d. A Million Friends. A friend in need is a. friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. Jf you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will conviuco you that It has wonderful powers In all diseases of Thioat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free atDan'l J. Fry's Drug Store. 225 Com'l st. Laige bottles 50c. and $1.00. Green or RoAsrED. A fine line of cotlees, includldg the best Mocha and Java ever in this market, at Clark & Eppley's. Piled Ui'. Keller & Marsh are badly blocked up with new goods just being unpacked. They are packed to the celling but all cus tomers are well cared for. Singers and public speakers find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Invalueable. It never fails to cleanse the throat and strenghten tho voico. Ed Jackson, Hatter, Slate St. Hucklebrrips for canning finest in the market, at J. the . a. Wright's Pioneer grocery store. Westacott & Irwin's Now York Ice cream is what everybody wants. It Is the best on earth. Closing out clothing, JackhOa's Fine new dre33 goods and turn's fine black suits ju-t arrived, Cap itol Adventure Co. Hallbut-Davlson & White. House Carriages For the coast Just what you want, At Geo, F. Smith'i. SNAP. H WrsTsTfo. a. - - atvyy vT. SET LOCAL AM PERSONAL. Mrs. Stevenson, who has been the, guest of Mrs. R. a. Wallace, left to day for her home In Portland. nnrry Singleton teturned homo today from Newport. G. W. Davis has returned from n trip to Yaqulna Bay. Mrs. II. B. Holiaud is homo from a short visit to Oregon City. Rev. G. W. White went to Cor vallis today. Mrs. It. P. Boise and Mrs. U. M. Parmeiuer went to Newport Satur day, where tho Mis3es Parmouter aro now sojourning. Joo Bauiugartner, Frauk Cross, Geo. Waters, John West and Talia ferro returned home Saturday ulght from their Nestucca outiug. Dr. W.A. Cuslck aud family leave tomorrow for a summer vacation at Upper Soda Springs. Tho second annual lawn tennis tournament for the championship of tho Pacific Northwest iu men's singles aud doubles, will be held on August 17th, aud following days, on the grounds of tho Tacoma tenuis club. Mr. aud Mrs.R. II. Mathews.Miss Lottie Hellcubraud and Harley Stevens, of Oregon City, are off for Slab creek today. Tnere are now a dozen couples over there aud the number is constantly Increasing. W. G. Westacott went to Wood burn this afternoon iu the Interest of their wholesale candy depart ment. District court is in session this af ternoon, with Judge Burnett presld lug. A new supply of R & G corsets white summer black aud drab Capitol Adveuturo Co. Wm. Smith had the misfortune to lose two lingers Saturday while running the lath saw at the Capital mills. Ho sutlers great pain iu his entile baud. T. D. Linton, of Eugene was in tho city yesterday enrouto for Poit land aud the west side, looking up the hop interests. Ayer'sPills promptly relieve stom ach troubles, correct foul breath and au uupleasaut taste, and cure cou stipatiou. Mrs. J. J. Dalrymple, Misses Kate and Jessie Dalrymple. Miss Myra Albert, Dr. J. C. Griffith, Dr. Frauk Gilllilb, Joseph Albert, and Fred A. Wiggins, of Salem, and Miss Allen, ot Portland, aro home from a two weeks visit at Slab creek. If you haven't tried that New York Ico cream at Westacott &Ii- wlu's, do so, aud you will never want any other. Now comforters at bedrock prices, Capitol Auveuture Co. Piof. W. S. Arnold and family ex pect to move into their newly ac quired homo iu South Salem tomor row. Tho Professor expects to make futtuer improvements, and perhaps build an additional cottage soon. Mrs. G. W. Meeks aud children and Miss Libble Mageo leave today for tho seaside at Newport. A. L. Wyilie, of tho Great East ern tea stole, which has closed In Salem, left for Poitlaud this after noon. Judge L. D. Henry and family, including Mrs. Is, C. Hunt and Mrs. Mary Vandermark, of South Dakota, leave iu the -morning for Woods, in Tillamook county. CIiiibo Bros, aud several others will join the party, making four loads in all. W. H. Ridell, with his wife, moth er, ami four children arrived today from Valley Springs, S. D., and will make their future homo in Salem. Mr. Ridell is a brother of Mrs. E. F. Parkhurst. The passengers for tho coast and mouutalus these days are absolutely to numerous to mention, yet it is cool in Salem. The Big schooner lemonade sold at the Spa cannot bo appreciated until it is tried. W. G. Stolz, mana ger, 110 State street. O. A. Damon and family btarted for Newport tills morniug, and will be at home for a time In the Belle Cooko cottage. Judge Jas. Walton, with his son, James, jr., went to Newport today, iu quest of health for the youngster. Mrs. E. Ilofer and the boys went to Newport today, where they will choer the camp grounds of yo editor. Ivrausso Bios, have Inaugurated a series of cut prices on their entire stock of boots and shoes, for tho next forty days, in order to muko room, for their mammoth fall stock. 'Tired AH the Time," Is the enmpalut of many poor mor tals, who know not whoro to find relief, llood's Sarsapurllla possesses just those elements of strengtli which you so earnestly crave, it will build you up, give you an appetite, strengthen your stomach and nerves. Try it. Hood's Pills act especially upou tho liver, rousing It from torpidity to IU natural duties, euro constipa tion and assist digestion. 1JIKI). SMITH. At the rrhideuco of his daugther, Mrs.Bosler, at Maoleay, ur., taiuruny, juiy 't, ibu, Elijah Smith, aged nearly 88 years. The deceased crossed tho plains to California In 1850, returning to Iowa ehortly afterward. In '52, he, with his family, rt-crv'd tho plains com ing direct to Marlon couut, Oregon, where ho settled In the Waldo hills. Tho funeral was held at Madefy st 11 o'clock yotterdny. A Priceless Blessing. I! AYEIt'S CHEUUY rECTOKAI is tho host rcmotly for Croup, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, ami nil tho midden Throat nnd Lung Troubles to which young pcoplo nro subject. Keep this medicine- in tho liouso. Hon. C. Edwards Lcstor, lato U. S. Consul to Italy, and author of various popular works, writes : "With nil sorts of exposure, in nil sorts of climates, I lmvo noor, to this day, had any cold nor any affection of tho throat or lungsywhlch did not yield to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral within 21 hours. Ofcourso I hno novcr allowed myself to bo without this remedy in nil my voyages nnd travels. Under my own observation, it hns given relief to n vast number of persons ; vrlillo in acute cases of pulmonary inllnmmntlon, such ns croup and diphtheria in children, lifo ins been preserved through its effects. I recommend its uso iu light nnd fre quent doses. Properly administered, iu accordnnco with jour directions, H is a priceless blessing iu any houso." Ayer's Cheny Pectoral, rncr-Ancu nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Trice $1 ; lit bottles, $5. Tho Old Timers Aro Not in It. While at our other storoat Big Is- land,Va.,laS't April, I was taken with a very severe attack of diarrhoea. I never lind it worse in my life. I tried several old-time leniedlcs, such as Blackberry Wine, Paregoric aud Laudanum without getting any re lief. My attention was then called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcoa Remedy by Mr. R. C.Tin sley who had been handling it thero, and lu less than llyo minutes after taking n small dose I was entirely relieved. O. G. Bui ford, Harris Creek,Amherst Co., Va. For salo by Basket t & Van Slype Druggists. RKAh ESTATU MUVL'MLWTS. January transfers 170,220 50 February transfers 203,071 05 March transfers. 175,571 80 April transfers 182,00 20 Maytransfors 91,432 75 Junotiansfers 80,321 00 July to date 52,074 00 JULY 23, J. K. Abbott and wife to Robert Cooley et ap; tract near Hubbard, SI . Robert Ponisett and wife to J K Abbott; 23 acres t 4 s r 1 w, S13S0 Willis Devoreu to t-amo; tract in Marlon, HO. J. C, Johnson and wife to Hugh F. Jory; It 10 bik 1 Glen Onk ad ?1200. Deserving Praise. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Lifo Pills, Bucklon's Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that soil as well, or that have given such unlyerfcal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and wo stand ready to refund tho purohuso price, If satisfactory results do not follow their use. Thcso lemedles have won their gn-al popularity purely ou their merits. Dau'lJ. Fry, druggist. 22-5 Com'l St. a Hammocks, just what you wmt when camping, at Osbuin's R'icket store. Branson & Gelbel can supply you with any fruit you want for can ning. If they;iiaveu't it in stock they will get It fresh. B'irgaius for you, at Jackson's. Lunn has to move before August lbt. Everything at auction. Church and picnic committees who want ico cream cannot afford to miss what Westacott & Irwin havo to oiler. , Express wagon.-. Win. Sargent. For a choice meal In n cool dining room always go to Ilelleubrand's An elegant lino of ciockory, tahlo sets, and chamber sets, given away with that superior baking powder, atCIaikifc Eppley's. HfATK Ol' OlCIO, CITY Ol' 'i'OLKOO, 1 . iiUUl.l UDUMV, J Krauk J.Obuuoy mul.cHoath that ho in the senior pirtncrofthollrm of K. J.i.lic uey 4 Co., doing LmslntBt in the city ot 'loledo, county nud muM ulbieK.ilU, anil that saia tirin Will pay tho tmm of Olio Hundred DollurH for each mid iivciy cit.o uf Catarrh that cannot ha cured by tho use of Hall h UiUrrli (Jure. I' HANK J. EIIKNI.V. Buorn to heftiro mo and nutHcrlbcd In my presence, tnlu Wu day of DewmbMr, A, I). Ibid. A. W. U1.KAHUN, .skal.I Notary 1'uGlic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally aud no In directly on 11 iu blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send lor testimonials free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O JOarSold by druggists, 75o. Closing Out Sale. Everything must go, Goods at your own prices until Saturday night, come and see the immense lino of crockery, glass nud tlviwaro. $1.00 will buy you 2.00 worth of goodsntthofjrt'at iSustem 'IVCoui pany, 317 Conimeiclal St, Sulum. 7-i21.3t Prices reduced on our stock ot shoes for tho next 10 days liO pur cunt. It. J. Fleming, 118 State St. 7--at EvEKYitouy Qoia. -r- Where? Why, to llelleubraud's restauraut. it ittaSIPE' v ealitaking lt Powder tJstd in Millions of Homes &q Years the Standard. ut REDUCTIONS GRAND! 4 NOW BEING: MADE OX EVEM'THlNd IN OUll S;TOItEr ,. Hl) to force noon for the immense fall stock ' - NOW, BEING MADE UP BY US. COIN SAVED ON ' EVEltY rUKCIIASE. WOOLEN MILL JiJ)J Commercial Street, Saved a Woman's Life. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Delaware, says: "Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcoa Rome dy saved the life of Mrs. Jano Thomas, of tills place." Ho also states that several other very bad cises of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by BasVo t & Van Slype Druggists. Fine neckw!ar,(Ed Jackson's. Great rush to Jackson's. Nothing competes with tho New York ice ci earn made by Westacott & Irwin. Closing out shoes Jackson's. Remember clothing sale, Jackson's Mnkcs many people mlsciablo, and often u.uh to self-destruction. Distress nftci itlng, som stomach, sick headache, nenii ovrii, los3 ot appetite, a taint, "all gone' iccllng, bad taste, coated tongue, aud men A ularlt) ol the bovteW, nie OirjiTCSS tho moro common symp After tonis. Djspcpsladocsnot .. get well ot ltsolt. it io- Ealing; milics J.irelul, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's SJisa- p.uilU, which nets gently el slucieiitly It tones tlio stomach and otliei oisaii'- rc,nihtcs tho digestion, creates a good ap- appetite, ami, by thus SJrn overcomliig the local . 'T . 8niptoms, euros tho rlGaclDullO headache, and refreshes tho tiled luiiid, "I luno been tioublcd with djpje i'.' 1 had but little appetite, aud uli.t 1 dlu itn-,4. cit distressed mo, o. old , mo little good. Dlim hig I would cxpulei c t falntncs, or tired, nll-gono feeling, as though 1 li id not eaten aujllilng. flly In ublc, I 'think, was aggravated by my huskies'., painting, and from being moro t; less shut up in a room w lth R OU r fresh paint. List spilng -. . I tm.k Hood's S.irt.aparilla otomacll ami It did no an immenso amount ot good, it E-wo mo an appetlto, and my food nl i! cd and satisfied tho craving I hail pre- lonely experienced." Groiiar. A. I'.voa, ft'tti'i town, Mass. K. B. It j ou dccldo to take Hood's Sir vapariUado not bo Induced to buy nuy otlie t. IHood's Sarsaparilla eoluliydnuv'iti. glj aixiorjfl. 1'rcrnvolliy Ui.lIOOP.itO ,Aii"tlii.ciulc, Lowell, Mo IOO Dosos One Dollar Mr. haulier's Recommendation. Mr. J. A. Lander, a prominent ci ti.eti of Clarksburg, Mo., nnd widely known in that state.says of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcoa IJemedy: "I havo seen its good re sults and can recommend it." For sale by Baskett & Van Slypo Drug gists. Good Sense! Disease Is largely tho result of im pure blood. To purlfly tho blood, is to euro the disease! As a blood-pur ifier and vitallzer, Dr. Pierce's Goklon Medical Discovery stands head and shoulders above any other known speclfio! Its power In this direction is nothing short of wonder ful. Guaranteed to benefit or euro In every case, or money refunded. Taken Up. A light gray horso weight about ii thousand pounds, 7 or 8 years old branded on left shoul der "8." Is shod. Owner can got samo by paying exponso at J. P. William's farm, fi miles east of Sublimity. 0-23-1 1 w " B ' ' 20 1'EU CKST MAliK. Farmers aud gardeners can mako 20 per cunt ou the investment by tiling their land. Best tllo lu tho state. Shipped to all points on tho S. P.raihvay. J. K. Murphy. North Salem iirlck and Tile Works. 0-1-ly-w A New Kind of Insurants. For twonty-flvo centH you can In sure yourself and family against any bad results from an attack of bowel complaint during tho summer. One or two doses of Chamberlain's Collo. Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy will ctiiti any ordinary caso. It nover falls anil is pleasant and safe to take. No family can aflord to bo without It. For salo at 2ft and CO cents per boltlo by Uaskett & VanSlype, drug, gists. Visitors from the Country to Salem Mill find the Willamette Hotel strictly first-class. Hates re duced to $1.10 to 2,00 pur day Best Hotel between Portland and San Francisco, fi-12 w-tf s Dyspepsia. LiPewder: r-rrrrrw nffrnrtm -ritr "- lL "mmmmmmmmtmmmmmm Ituilnrss I lluslneia. It wns n saloon nnd restaurant com bined, ns wiih tho fashion in tho early days of Dentrwood. A hard up Rtrangor entered nnd walked up to tho bar and said: "I haven't had a mouthful of food for two days." "Yes, just bo," replied tho proprie tor as ho looked hiua ovor. "Dead broke and ready to do Bomo thing desperate 1" "Any thoughts of suicide" kindly queried the landlord. "But your lifo Ilia vol If I don't Etriko Bomothing by tomorrow I shall blow my brains out!" "And what aro tho prospects of your striking something?" "Not ona chance in a hundred. Can you Bparo mo a bowl of poupf" "Look hero," said tho landlord, after a moment's thought, "I'm tho coroner hero and can mako an in quest pan out about twenty dollars. I'll take chances on you." "How" "I'll fill you up now, and if you fail to hit it tomorrow you're my mutton. Business is business out hero. Yes or no if" "Yes, and on the doad Bquarol" "Very well; Bit down over thero. Waiter, a bowl of soup, threo pota toes, a hunk of meat and bread and coffee for this man, who'll givo you his namo, ago, address and tho way ho wants hisgravoto head 1" Now York Herald. Throo of n Kind. A young man who Buffers from tho embarrassing affliction of stammer ing entered oue of tho modest bean orios of Park row tho othor evening to got a lunch. Ho choso tho place not bo much hecauso of its attrac tions, nor becauso it was handy, but rathor becauso ho dislikes to go into a moro public placo with his faulti noBS of speech. As luck would have it, however, thero wore no vacant tables, and ho was obliged to sit down to ono already occupied by an other young man. "Puh puh puh pork and b-b-b-b-beans," ho murmured to tho waiter who came up. That functionary looked a little surpiised. "Puh puh puh pork and b-b-b-b-boans." "All r-r-r-right, sir," ho said, and hurried back with tho ordor. Tho young man was vory indig nant at being mocked. Ho reddoned, and when tho waiter camo back ho got up with tho intention of boxing tho follow's ears. But no sooner was ho on his foot than tho young man who sat oppo site also aroso and interfered. "D-d-d-on't hit him I" cried tho new" young man. "Ho w-w-w-wasn't m-m-m-ocking you. Ho Bt-st-st-stut-tors 1-M-liko w-w-wwo d-d-d-do." Now York Rocordor. Rad Blood. "" iiuuwian i mii i i iii i hi i ir r ii iTii Impuro or vitiated blood la nine times out of ten cnimcd by tome form of conitlnntlon or indigestion that clogs up the (vitctn, when tho blood naturally becomti Impreg nated with tho eifeto matter. The old Bamararillftt attempt to roach thii condition by at tacking tho blood with the draUo mineral "potash." Joy's VcgoUblo BanapoTllla l modern. It goo to tho teat of the trouble. It arouses tho liver, kldnoys and bowels and Invigorates tbe circulation, and the Impuri ties nro quIcUy carried off through the natu ral channels. Charles I-ce, at Dcamlsh' Third and Market Hts., 8. ., writes: 'ItookltforTltiatcd blood and while on tho first bottlo bocano convinced ot IU merits, for I could feel It was working a change. It cleansed, purified and braced mo up Generally, and every thing is now working full aud regular." Joy s vegeraDie Sarsaparilla For Balo by Dau'l J. Fry, 225 Com mercial street, Those Afflicted With i LIQUOR, With tholhabltVit using io'.exwm, fiTlIIIIf Al) W UllUill Ull Cun obtaln'tt COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TUK KEELEY INSTITUTE: Korett a rove, Or,, Cull write, eoutldontui. Htrlctly T. BURROWS k Altill K8 a fuU line ofHUple nnd fancy 1 Uroccrleu, OTeli Vegetobleii nud Iter- tiM In keanou, Jlutter uud H& ul ' wuys on band. 330 Oom'l St. White's No. 60, BALTSM'B FINEST TltUOJC, Jiovr ready for bueiaewi, tVrwful wwk ( uneebUty. J, ', WlllTft. S f& STORi Salem, Oregon. v V Go to the Bi fi The maco for vounc ladles and" men to secure a thorough education 1 oia, uui ever new WILLAMETTE HYEftSI EoriK and still tho leading instltntl ine isorui west, isciicr man ever I New course or Instruction la, Thpoloirv nnd Post-Graduated. . 8TUU1ES. Normal. UustnemU College, and Law courses greatly ana improved. . .. Faculties Increased and Improved. i.l uatnioguo or oouege or iavi wm j T. Richardson. Esa . Salem. Or. ,. For Catalorue of College of Medic Pharmacy write Dean iuchmondX D.. Portland. Or. For general Catalogue write Iter, Whltaker, D. D., President, Balem, Ol 7-2S-3m-dw - T OST. lllnck leather nurse, oast I J 19 SO. Liberal reward by relurih iui onico. 1TITANTEU. Recruits for the Ar V V Hervlco of thcUnlted State Tho conditions ol enlistment in the are now unusually favorable, and 1 liil recruiting rendezvous has been m tuned In this city for the purpose or al In? the voune men of this sectloi porlunlty for enlistment. Applloantai bo between the aaes of 21 and SO y ago, able bodied, physically sound able to read and write the EnrIto guage. To any one Interested a rUU nauon win do nuoraea Dy iub officer, room 6, Exchange block, I Oregon. ALV1N H.BYUKNIM u-ro-aw-ii za Liieuienani, oiu i EX K. HAL,! Paper Hanger and Decor Offloo nt Chas. Oilvort'BlMlUionerr UttiDlUi UtVUU. - rMPUOVKDIOltDER OK IlKD I Kamlakun Tribe No. B. lHalein. council every Thursday evening,! niuwiiui iu diuiu lUHumuit uwu F. 0. 11AKKU. P FRANK O. WATERS, Chief Ofl MONEY TO LOi Special Inducements for tbe next I on ijood farm loans. n y FEAR & HAMILTON Boom 14, Hush Bank block. I TBEGENTLEJUmFllOO. OiurKllFKCTION graNQHfiMVttkt hclMik Does not 8TAIK. M1KVBNT8 1 Cum OONOnniteEA aud OLXKT la OH M 1 JL QUICK CURB lot LEUCORUIIOU or WH Bold l.T U DlWOa ISTB, Sent to nr AdJm. I VALYUOn Jlixvrimnuaa On., LAI.CA&TLK, Sheriff's SaleJ "VTotlca Is hereby etven that by. vii J an execution, duly Issued out circuit court or thu Ktale ol Oregon, I county or Marion, ana to me mm tho lUth dav or July. A. D.. 1MM. judgment and deoreo ot forccloear rendered entered ot record aud does and by valdelrcnlt court, on theMdil June, 1892, in a certain Milt then is court pending, wherein .lames Bnir nlnlntifl. aud A. Ij. Hodxon. O K. I J. W. Jlodson, nolle Hodson, Blunei son, Ijivlua Mcuormicic, w, xi. i mlrV. ri. .T. Illlllnf ton. O. W. BLUil W. U. llodsou, KUa liodson, Dr. Tk son and A. O. llrey, were defenda favor ol nlalntin and nralnst detel by which execution, I am comnuta Bell tho premlseu hereinafter dcaorl1 out of the proceeds ol mien sale, to i the uum or fm 'JS-iw, togetner of S2114 25 terest thereon, at tho rate of ten further turn of Ulto an nUornayyl and costs nnd dlsbursemenu oThMI nnr annum, iroiujtino zaa. iwi. taxed at $S) 4S-1C0, and costs and ot sale, and If any residue reuiala, i the satisfaction of tuld Judgraao i coxts and duuursemenu ana exr Hale, bo nnnlled. an far as anollo '. .7 .'.'- ... ... . son, amounting to $M6Q with In wara liiq claim ox ueienauut. u x- . tnereon at ino rate oi iu vvr ceuw num. from tho 14th (lav of June. If any of said land remain untoM. Matisfyinir piaintiuTs claim, iinai mainder or tne lana do soia, or so i thereof ns shall satisfy Defendant Thompson's demand. I have le vie 1 aud 1 will on; J. Saturday, the 20th day of August, I at tho hour of onoo'olock t. m..of s at tho wobt door of the county court I in Haiem, Aiarion county, urea nuhlla unction, to tho hluhastl cash in baud, on the day of aM, i rlirht. title. Interest and estate, whs defendants and each of them. an4 i Koiis'iiiuimitig uaoer tnem, ana thorn or any ot them baa in or to lowing duribed real property to-witj fractional s e Quarter belnz tne ) of the snntii east quarter of lou i a sectloH 'Jrt in tawnshln 8. south i west, Willamette meridian, and U tlomil west half of the south weet ( of section 80, township 8, eoutn wrst, Willamette meridian, exeep ou oi iue oai siao ui iuo inu-u halt of the west halt of the i nunrtAi-nt Hpntlnn :I0. In the lnrm ullelognktn, extending across aaM j there being In all of this conveys uxa 01 luu acres nr laniueH. 17V lot No. '2. deeded to John WltUch Mfild Innrt ullmitA In Mfirlnn 'AnulilJ ol Oregon. JOHN f NieBl BherltfMarlt.ttCS3 uy f. i. HiiluuiWAn,ajuir, Dated at balem, this mil day a PRINTIN NM OK TJIK liAHaiWr I IniBnta In the HtaU. Lovfar 1 Portland. Isreesl took Jjetssl I Portland. tbe Utate, ana bli ." T" " . r; . .I...KZI lieBtote, ana mggs Biaeomw, price list or jou pruning, ms legal blABks. .. . . Tt JC W4 m Hiana rnnw ELLIS & WHiTI LIVERYMB1 Soutn of.-wtn HA.T.KM. - Burton '(I STATK BTJARSf BRICK Yi jfiHJcif eomuion I Utuui. tfiia wts trtM ITWv ft1 fc n m -