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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1892)
"sfmf'- TwTr35S35j3?JSii!! F "IffJ'IT'Tf's 3r FV,if, 'rivf wtae. - . ''1 tv 4A " -1 W EVENING CAPITAL VOL. 5. "TILE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULX 10, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. ltfT, JOURNAL If You. Want to Make PEN, rr. M Or want one for your own use, see CF. PATTON, The Stationer, Sole Agent for the Swan Fountain Pen. ; vnoiiissioN-vi- OAitns. RIGON STATE NIMiL SCHOOL, MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Normal School of ?HH-ho Nnri-huftcf IlEL j." i?'-i" - "-"-"7?ESffirr- l " HUlunvuvJi, Rnnril nf Tipirnntja. llnnlmtiin Hr-holfleld. Pros.: J. B. V. JJutler. Sec.' Ix-Oillcio, His Excellency, Governor Sylvestor Pennoycr; Hon. E. P. McKlroy, Superintendent ol I'titilic instruction; ruin, u. w. murium-, Secretary of State; Hon. Jacob Voorhees, Hon. A. Noltner, J. 0. White, Hon. W. H. Holmes, Alfred Lacy, Hou. 1J. W. Haley, lion. J. J. ami v. ; The State Normal Is a live school, rapidly growing, and continually adding; to its facilities for the special training of teachers. Its -graduates nr in ripnmnri tn nil innd nnsitioiis. A Bain of 80 ner cent, in attendance Iwas made last year. An enrollment of -500 is anticipated for the next iyear. New members have been added to the faculty, and additional ap- paratus supplied, a uipiomn nom mo ecnooi cihuks uuu iu iraw, m unj Icounty in the state without further examination. f TcrmMAT, tcoumat. ADVANCED. BUSINESS. MUSIC AND PART DEPARTMENTS, special advantage" in Vocal and Instrumental K A YEAR AT SCHOOL FOR $150. Tuition reduced to $0.2.3 Nor Irnal, and $5.00 Hub-Normal, per term of tea weeks. Board at Normal rninimr TTullSl.Rn nr wwk. Knmislied rooms S1.00 ner week. Board laud lodgluK in private families $3.50 per week. Beautiful and healthful llocitfou. No saloons. Klist term opens bopieuiuer -oiu. rur raunuguu Ik i ' limmkJMw i'fMr, hsf' - tail?? m f uun i n ,n w r, r.n- m J h J-iii?r.?"- - ,T. Gil) l$S8KS'""''' address If P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B., Pros., or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice President. portsmen, Attention! OUR STOCK OF ;GUNS n AMMUNITION AND FISHING TACKLE Comprises everything needful in the line at remarkably low prices. BICYCLES AND TRiCYCLES Of the Best Makes. BROOKS HARRITT. 94 State Street. fH"U " -.' WWWWf1IWWW.T.tlimMBW1 III !! ?tw imjM mjumm F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. INAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES I BUILDER'S HARDWARE i A.T iBarr ft PeM, pumbers and Tinners' 5 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Qarden Hose and Lawu Sprinklers. I A complete lino of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roonng anu piumuing a Especially. Jistimates lor Tinning anu nuumiuK " mnm-u. FOUND The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, Mill feed or erood well rotted Manure. load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. it x Jxn kjkj. Salem Track ft Dray- Co. IS! i V lice State St., lorn Iron works. Drays and truck may be found throughout the clav ai tlw comer of Btato ana commercial totb. DRAYS AND TRUCKS for orders. liver wood, lumber. Of- opposite fafl' P8. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, Uoneral SALEM IRON WORKS, SALTS JvT, uik.ujs. ?P Manufactures 8TKAM ENUINKS, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel uovernor, i-rui Hrylng OutrlU, Traction Knglnes, Crebting. etc. Farm machinery made and repaired 2' -V, " i ?... i . -..?. ... nr .UAn..lhllM.aH K'nh j.nun PaL-nt M frill lltlilfc Purifier uud UeelH. Karrn maelituery mndt nud repiirt-U. C. N. CHl'RCHILL. T S. BURROUGHS. cnuKcniLL & UURKOUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 ChemeUeta Street. Sash and Door Factory Front'-. Street, Salem, Oregon. fhe boat class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. Ed. C. Cross, Wholesale anil Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpfc delivery to all parts of the city. .9.7 Court and 110 State Streets. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. All are invited to call at 143 Court street and look at all the late patterns in Wall Paper and get prices for same on the wall. 13. O. SNOW, Decoiuior, with E. E. SNOW, House, Slgu and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS BKANCHES. Paper nauglng, Kalsominiug, Wall Tifitiug, etc Vttrnishinfr and Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. E, E. SNOW. Remember the place, 143 Court, Street. Notice. Any purRO'JB knowing tlioinsolves In denied to Holm & 1'asiooro nro lequented locdlutU.M. Wade A Co.. und piy tho bame. It. M. WADK A Co. 7-3-lm EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN UUN t)AIX.'V HKTWKEN POKTIAND AND S. F. South. 7:0C p. ra. B:18p. in. S:I5 fiiiritu LiV. Portland Ar. I ':6a u. in 1a Halem L.V. 5:8 a. m Ar. Ban Fran, l.v. 7:00 p. m Above trains slop only ut lollowlns sta tlonsnoith of ltosebnrg, tast Poitland Oregon City, Woodbum, bulum, Albany Tnnj.eut, Shedd, ilalsey, IXarrlsburs Junction City, Irving and Kugene. KOSK1IURO MALI. DAILY, For Sale. O " A A -.of pood lnnd. 80 acrm Sfl Arrfi under fence, with y-V vl '-'good bam nndhout-e, ba'ance timber, will sell all or part, cheap, on roubonnblis terin. JAMK3 WAHNEB, Snlem.Or. V. O. Box 3:0. 0-18-ti-dw t.::j 11, tn. 11:17 n.m fl:5U p. in. Lv. Portland Ar. J i:M p. m. Lv. Hnlem Lv. 1:J0 p. ni. Ar. lloseburg Lv. 7:00 a. m Allmny f.ocil, Dully Kxuept .Sunday. fi.lXJ p. 111. 7:ft'J p.m. '.i;00 p. 111. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland sulcm Albany Ar. 10:3U a.m. Lv. I 7:31 a. in Lv, I B:30 a. m. 1'CLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation 01 passengoia holding becoud class tlcl:e(3 itttached to oxprcsH tialns. ffest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: I.A1I.Y (KXCEIT SUNDAY). 7:3J h. m. I Lv. PortlHiid Ar. I 6:A p. in. I a-J n p. in. I Ar. CorvH'llii Lv. 1 12:53 p. in. At Albany nud Coi-vnllU connect with tvalnn of Oregon l'nclflc Kailroud. EXVJ:f.i"'JAIN (IIAILV EXUBPl hUNDAY Jjm. Jv. I'ortluud Ar. Ar.McMlumuleLv. :lu a, m C'Ahil. m Throuaili Tickets To at points BAST and SOUTH or tickets and lull lnforroaf.on ri'garo inv nileb roup, etc. apply to the Compa ny's f nt Salem, Or.jr.n. L.P. HUfiKKK, Aunt . F. and Pass. Af't K Kni'HLKH MHii'iBcr THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company' hteamsliip line. 2i mllen Hliort'T.ll) limin l"ds time than by any othei loute. F1i1 ciab.s through pasbecger and fieWht line from t'oitlmul and all polnln In the Wli I'jmette vallcvito and from iwri Fruuclsf TIME SCHEDULE. (Kxcept Hunuays). ixavHAumny lrVOl'.V Leave CorvKlllH 1:10 PM V.Tlvo Yaqulna fi:J0PM iave Yiifjulna -:i6AM Lave Oirvallla .... ICC.tiAlI Vrrtvo Albany .... Il:10AM i It ('. truiun connect at Albany and ' vaiiu. : he ab-ivr mil pa connect at YAyUINA .li the IjiifiOti l,evolopiii'int CV; I in juhint. litilwci-n itouiim und ha F'i)clo.i W. II. Pascngcni Irom Portland and at Willamette Valley points can malro clou comiection with the tralnn of tin VAOUINA HOUTKat Albany or (Jorvalll and If deatlned to San praurlsco, vhoulb arrange to arrive at Yaqulna the evinim U-foi o date of lulling. ?uttugtr nd Prtlgkt Httu Alwiyi tkl ijiwut. For Information apply to Mesurii ULMAN 4 Co., Freight and Ticket Aienui 'AW and at: Front Bt., Portland, Dr. O.O. HOOUK Ao't Oen'l Krt. 4 Pas. AgL, Oregon Paslflc It. 11. Co., Corvallis, Or D.H.HABWELL.3r.Ocn'l Frt; A Pau. Agt. Orezon UeTelopment Co., kh Uontuiaery t.; TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages," Blze, 8 x 10 Inches. Contains new designs, now styles, latest Ideas In planning. No '1 has it.) designs cltibbllled from SloO up to 1500, about half under ?1000 No. 5 con talus 5!) deslpus of dwellings roitlug over 81500, many fiom SISOO up to SS0OU. Many nowfioulhernoriosortbtylesof houses In thet.o works. Price, 81 each, or the two for K1.E0. E. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. Those Afflicted With the.habltof using to.oxccB, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THE KEELEY INSTITUTE: Forest Grove, Or.,Call write. Htrlctl) conlldentlal Burton Bros. STATE BTREET BRICK YARD. Largo stock of common Jlrlck always on hand, Pr(tm.'d und ornamental brick made to order.; Leave orders at G.Stolz, 54 Slate street, Ooudhue A Cublll, WJHtate street, or at the yiiul, opposite btato Prison, T. BURROWS AHHIKB a full line of Htaple and fancy Oroctrlob, Fre.h Vegetable! and Her t leu In seiibon, liutter and Kggt ul wajson hand. 21! Com! St. Capital City Itetairat Jas. Bitfh?lor, Prop'r, WarmJIeafcatAll Hours ol the Bay None but whlt lalor cm - yed in tult t-ktablUlimeiit- A go-Kl fcubbtulltlut miul o rf'ktd lu flrnt c!um style Twenty-live cent per meal R K D WRONT Onnri itrtflt between Opera Jloune and Mlnlo'i Uny k LV1N II. HYUKMHAM, United Statos XV Army uonKui'iiu; lUKinecr, Hv aud draultc and Siuiltnry cnttlneerlncr loids a specialty. Onlce, room C Kxchange uiuck, 'suicm. J J. SHAW, flt. V. HUNT. SHAW & , HUNT, attorneys at law. Office over Capital National bauk,Halcm, Oregon, GEO. II. HUItNirrr, Attorney at law, Halem, Oregau. Otllco over Ladd A Hush's bank. 1 T. ltlOHAKDSON, AtUirney at law, ), olllco up Htalrs In front roomi of new ush block, corner Commercial und Court streeU, Salem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAU'.ON, Attorney at l-iv. Itooins H and 4, Luda & Utah's lumk bulldlug, HhIciii, Oregon. 8 1 lyr H. F. HON U AM. W. II. HOLMES. Bon ii am b Holmes, Attorneys at law. Office lu Hush's block, bctwten State and Court, on Coin'J St. rplLMON FOltD, attorney at law, Kalem, J. Oregon, Office upstairs In Patlou's block. BH. HIl.VUSII.VW, PHYSICIAN ANU . Hureeon, salcm, Oregon, ixtiro lu Kldrldge block, up'.talrs ovir Wllliahit A Knelutid's irink itcsldenco corner Stale .itulH. 1J corner Mutcr street. WH. YOUNG, M. V., Otllco formerly . occupied by Dr. ilowland, corner Court and Liberty fctreets. Telephone No. V. Olllco heurs: 8 a. m. to 12; 'I to l p. m., and 7 to Up. m. Residence llh street on electric car Hue. Telephone No. 0, rH- W. S MO'IT, physician and sur ) geon. OtHco In Kldrldge lllocfe, ha- leua, Oregon. Otllco hours 10 to 12u. m. '2 to 4 p. in. i Ttri r.nvnrwr Hr i 'I lltllpfl IT. I'ntir! Klri.ntr Hfwiilnnnn :i7 iirh street. GeLeral practice. Snecial attention given to dlteates of Women and children. Das It. MINTA S. A. HAVIN. Ofllc.i hours, U a. m. to 11 a. m.: 2 p. m. to 5 t. in, jav or nlirht cuUls nromntlr nttcmlud to. Special attention given to discasea uf worn cuandchlldrou. Olllcuin iNew llaulc Hlk., J()j Connuereial slruct. Residence name. DIt. T. C. HMITil. Dentist, tU BUit street, Halem, Or. Finished dental opera tions of every description. F.iiiilcst opera tions a specialty. WU.PtIGH, Architect, Plaui, Mpecl . Ileal Sous anil supunuteudmice lor all classes of buildings. Olllco SW0 Com mercial Si., up .slalrn. 0, A. HOHKHT, Architect, loom 121, Mar quam building, Portlaud, Oregon. BUSINESS OAIID3. HOEY'E MILLS Proprietor the Poice lain li itlinndhh.ivlugParlois, Have Ihe only Porcelain Italh Tubs In tho city. 200 Commercial street, halem, Oiegou. 4 11. HMITH & CO., Contractors, Sewer . lng, Cement bliiewalks, lixcavatlng, ciL-: All work promptly done, Salem, Or. Leave orders with Diiati Hros. 4:IP-lm PJ, LAilHEN & CO,, Blanufacturo of all , kludsofvohlclos. tlepuirlngu special ty, tjhop 45 Htate street. CAnPET-LAYING, I make a specialty ol cat pet-sewing and laying; carpets taken upaud relaidvilthgieatcai'o. fchado and eurlalu pole hanging. Leivs nnton with .1. H. Luun, Hui on Hon or White Comer. J. G. LU1IIIM A ... AMERICAN PIE. Sig ns i Say ! You need one ot some klud. If so, why not have it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now is tbe tinio to save money by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and i Paper Hanger, 382 Church St, Or leave orders with Sroat & Oile, Stuto street. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN . South of Vtllimctt Hotel, SALBM ... ORBOON PMK JAPANBdi;, CURB Anew and Complete Treatment, consist ing of MinnoMtoilus. ointment In faimilo.i, ulso a box and pills; a pollute euro lor ex ternal, internal, ounu or uiceauig, itcuiu, (iliroule, icceiil or hereditary Piles, and maiiv othir diseases and leinule weali- nesscs; lllialwayHn gicat bnuetlt to tho general health. The Urst dlscoveiy ol a medical cine lenderiug an operation with the knife unmccKnary lieiealter. This remedy has never heou known to fall, ill per box.uiorfj; sent by mall, Vlij i-iiirer irom tins Hirrioiu uic.iho wnen a wriiiun guarantee Is elveu MlthU boxes, to lefund themone lluotiuicd. Heiidbtamp for free sample. Giurntfu hsuod by Woo man, ui.auivk a: uo., wnoieinioana renin arug gists, sole agents, l'oi Hand, Or. S i-ly-d .r J. H. HAAS, TEE WATOJLIMAKIfiR, 21SJi Commercial CI., &jlem, Oregon, (Next door to Kein'.i.) Hpc-clalty of bpoclaolex, and repairing uiockh, vaicuoH anu jewoiry. Citation. In the County Court, fortheCounty of Ma rl m, Btato of Oregon. In the matter of estote of 1 ,,,,,., .. J:cIiiihCox. deceasixl filiation, To all tho heirs of wild decedent, known or uiiKiiown, u111.11.11r.11; in the name of theHlateof Oregon, you are hereby cited and riaulrt-d to aonear In thecotiiity tourtof tho Mate of Oregon fur tbe County of Marlon on Monday, tliolKth duyot July. 1SW, at 10 o'clock. In the fore noon or that ouy, then and tburctiiKliow caue, If any there be win an older Kbnuld not be miule ttithorUIcg aud empowering ttiuadtiilinstrutorol Mid estate to nil the rail liopiriy tnlonglng to taul estate, which is -lo.friufd ns i-iuows io-wii; iiin 8, II, ID and 11 In block No. H as shown on the amended nl.Uof ( anltnl Park addition to the Clti ot halem lu Marlon Couuty Oregon, Witness, the Mon.T.L. Davidson. Judge of fie canity court, of the Mateof Oregon, fortheCounty ol clarion with tho seal of sal ! court affix this 151 li day of June, 1MM, Alio i: u.v. niir,niiAPi,uwtK, By KUA.NK V. WA'I'KHS, Deputy. KAU IMI'H'JVKU OltUKU OK IlKl) MEN. 1 Kamlanun 'i'rlbu No. 8. Halem. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 7.'W. lYig.raiii in nuiie lUMiiiniir nan, V. U.HAKEU, Prophet. KIUNK fl. W'ATKIW, Chief oflttwriU. It Is an Indigenous Troduct AVhlcli & Other Nation Can Imitate. A gentleman of New England un cest'ry, who lives on West Vine Htrcot, Bolrimly nsperted to the lo porter tint' pio is largely responsible for many of the mental peculiarities of tlio Ameriean people. "It is u (a-jt scientifically estab-lii-ihetl," he said, "that different kinds of food In ve distinctively different effects on iho mental traits nud ten dencies of men. For instance, races whose (Met is chiefly meat are al ways of a bloodthirsty, sanguinary disposition, whilo those who confine themselves to grain and vegetables nro nearly nhvays mild and unwnr lilce. "Persons who cat highly spiced and seasoned food are apt to bo peppery and irritablo, and so on. Peoplo's minds depend on tho condition of their stomachs, and their stomachs depend on what they eat. Now pio is tho oulv kind of food eaten by Americans that is not eaten by oth ers of tho Caucasian raco. It is a distinctively American dish. When it is considered that nearly 2,000,000 pies per dav are eaten in America it may bo said to bo our national food. "And I do not think it unreason able to infer that pio may bo tho in spiring source of many of our great est achievements and sublimest thoughts. At any iate all our great men havo been very fond of pio. Abraham Lincoln used to go out of his way to got a good, old fashioned pieco of chorry pio, such as had stained li43 youthful lips and fingers in the good old Kentucky days. George Washington was so notoii ously fond of minco pio that tho Qua ker housevlves used to sond them to him with t toir humblo respects, oven after he had become president. Tho Marquis do Lafayette is said to havo pronounced tho pies of Mount Ver non "oxquisito," mid ho attempted to introduco thorn to the haut ton on his return to Paris. The attempt failed, because the marquis forgot to take an American cook back with him, and no French chef has until recently conquered tho mysterious pio. It is a remai'kable fact that pumpkin pio has recently becomo very popular in Paris. It is tho pi oneer, but it will undoubtedly be come tho avant courier of all our de licious pastry. "Tho French havo nothing ap proaching our pie. Thoy make all sorts of delicate and creamy puffs and meringues that are dreams of tho culinary art. In many respects thoy oxcol our efforts in similar di rections. But thoy havo never at tained to the" sublimity of pie. Tho English have nothing that will com pare with it but tarts. Whilo tlieso nro pleasant littlo fripperies of diet, they no mco comparo to pio than a last year's bird's nest does to tho Cap itol at Washington. Tho nearest tho Germans got to pio is tho pretzel. Think of it I Pretzel versus pio I Tho Italian is still worso. Though ho is a past master in tho art of past making, and has given to tho world that marvel of culinary ingonuity, maccaroni, ho has never thought to combino tho crusts with tho grapes and berries of his sunny hillsides. No lazy person can mako pio, and bo tho Spanish havo none. It seems as if the peorlessdish had been reserved by tho gods from men until tho ban ner of freedom had been unfurled and tyranny defied. "St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Superstition About Salt. If at tho tablo n littlo salt is spilt between two pooplo tho way to avoid a quarrel is for each to tako a pinch and throw it over his loft shoulder. Salt always has seemed a wonderful ly powerful mineral from tho timo when wo wero small. Which of us, when a child, did not firmly boliovo in that old joke about putting salt on a bird's tail? I remember n curly headed littlo boy in kilts who wont out into tho garden with a handful of salt, resolved upon catching a bird. Ho was very pationt, and cautiously tiptoed around for a long whilo. Finally, a littlo discouraged, ho went in to his mother and said, mournfully, "Mamma, thoy all flow away." llis mother didn't laugh at him. -Hnnior'fl Bazar. Tho Demon In Mexican Mines. In tho mines of Mexico fonnorly tho descent and ascent of tho shafts woro made by tho aid of tree trunks, with notches cut out of thorn, in which tho laborers rested tho groat too us thoy stopped from ono to tho other. Tho demon in such places wob believed to havo on each big too a hugo nail or claw, with which ho would gougo out tho pieces on which tho feet of tho miners rested, Ac cording to cither legend tho fiend al ways loft tho ladders or tree trunks, after having destroyed their useful ness, to tuutallzo tjio unfortunate men who woro thus imprisoned. In terview in Washington Star. Harlequin Kuakes Are Not Dangeroiu. Tho harlequin snakes inhabit America, nnd aro very beautiful rep tileB, their bodies being encircled by black, rod and yellow rings, as nro also somo of tho American snake whicli nro not venomous. The horlo quin snakes nro not largo, rarely ex ceeding throe feot; in length, whilo both their mouths and poisou fangs uro small. Thoy need bo but littlo tlrcaded, as Uiey only bito undor grent provocation, Qunrtorly Ro viow. Everybody knows what it Ih, and that Js the reason they go to llel leubruud's for Ibut pure) ice creuiu boda. . Marion Harland's Endorse OP Royal Baking Powders Extract from Marion Harland's Letter to tho Rtyal Baking Powder Ccj eStL&.OAcb & ?Pfiv-ew A 'l& y&as7&-. lZ?6 44AJ2MUS&T iK ' &4tvWKC&C' "C UttOjyCjtZyvJ fd 'S&zi4&uf &&&u pctrttc ew& &fris&i THE DAGUERREOTYPE. Von hoy to holt It sirlcwlso Fcr to make tho lightness show, Cuz it's sort uh dim an shifty Till you git It right 'boat sol An thou Uui eroa winks at yeh, An the mouth is cherry ripo. Law! it beats your now style ptctera, Thfs old dlgerrytypel Tliar's a blush ucrost the dimples Thet burrows In tho cheeks; F'nra out them clumps o' ringlets Two little small ears pecks; Thet brooch thot Jlnes her neckgear Is what they used to wear; A big gold frame thet sprawled around A look o' somo one's hair. 'Twas took 'fore wo waa married, Thet thore your maw an mo. An times 1 study on it, Why, 't fazes me to seo Thet Otty year 'ain't teched hor A lick! She's Jost tho sanio Sho was whou Sudlo Sorlggens Took Ooone O. Curds's came. Tho hair Is mebby whltor An It was in '41. But her checks Is jest ns pinky, An her smiles 'ain't slacked up none. I reckon lovocr samcthin Yorlumlnates her face, Llko tho crlmsout velvet llnln Warms up tho plcter case. 'S I Bay, these cyard boa'd portraits, Thoy mako me sort uh tlrod, A-grlnnln forf upun yeh Like tholr very lips was wlrodl Glvo mo the old dlgerrytypo, Whar tho face steals on your Bight Llko a dream that comes by nighttime. When your supper's actln right! -Eva W. McGlasson in Harper's Weekly. TJudoslrcd Lodgings. Tho patronago which, in times past, great princes woro in tho habit of bestowing upon men of letters had two sides. What tho other side might well bo is illustrated by an an ecdote of Voltairo. In tho oarly days of his literary ef forts tho regent of Franco was much displeased by tho tono of Voltaire's remarks about public affaire, and had him locked up in tho Bastilo. But later, when his tragedy of "OEdipus" was represented, tho princo relented and roleascd tho author. Happoniug to meet Voltairo soon aftor, tho regent wont so far as to say: "Po prudent, and I will take caro of you." "I am infinitely obliged to you," said tho poot, "but I beg your high ness not to charge yourself further with my lodging 1" Youth's Com panion. Paper In City Streets. "Tho wnstopapor fiend" is among tho worst pests of city life. The trouble is that his kind is numorous, and so po:"sistont Tho businessman on tho cars buys n penny papor, glances at it for fivo minutes and throws it from his car window or chucks it undor tho seat, only to bo kicked into tho street. Tho thrifty housowifo pilos rofuso pnpors by tho basketful into tho back alloy and tho lunchers in tho parks scatter them ovory whero as if thoy woro a neces sity to add beauty and vaiiety to tho growing flowers. Can nothing bo dono to chock such vandalism I Fly ing papers rooking with filth from tho gutters litter tho stroota, thosido walks and tho paries nud lawns, nnd givo ovorything an air of slovenli ness. Who has n remedy for such a nuisanco? Chicago Inter Ocoan. A Cunning Animal. Charley Dillon, of Bristol, has a trained "colt," which performs nil sorts of comical triclcs. Ono of theso tricks of tho colt, which Charloy has been fifteen years tiying to break it of, is tho practice it has of climbing tho roof of tho barn nnd sliding down on its hnunches, as if it was a tobog gan Blido. Charloy thought ho would spoil tho colt's fun by driving nails part wny into tho Bhingles, but tho cunning nnimal found a pieco of tin roof up tho alloy and used that to sit on when sliding down tho toboggan. Bristol (Pa.) Obsorvor. Ambition Crmhed. Nico Littlo Boy I wish you would teach mo to black boots. Bootblack What fur? "I am not satisfied with my aimless oxistenco nt homo, nnd I wish to bo Indopondont." "I peo. Kin you lick ono boy twlct as big ns y'rsolf wid ono hand, hold y'r ldt in th' othor an keep off two other boys wid y'r feoti" "N-o." "Too bad. You won't do fur a bootblack. I m 'fraid you'll have tor go homo an grow up n dude." Good News. ,i SALEM MARKETS. Wheat COoper bushel. 'j., Oats 3840o per bushel?!? -Potatoes 25c per bushel; 1 " Flour 84.20 per bbl. ii Bran (Sacked) 819.60 pert Bhorfs (Sacked) 821.25 perl JilggS P3' UUiCU. '0 .M Chickens Roosters, 7c hens, 1012o per lb.; broU frvnra. TKn npr Hi. Turkey8-1012Jc per lb; Ducks 1216c per lb. Geese 70 per lb. i J' Lard 75c$l per pail. i yl Butter 2ofa30o per pound.Oi Beef 712io dressed, 2Jovo&a veai oo, aresseu. Pork-Ojc dressed;65c on, fo Wool ioi:uo per id. Ho Did Not Call. Tho man who tried Dr. Catarrh Remedy, aud was nu the 8500 reward offered by ttw . prietors for an incurable cao,jl called for his money, wny i because ho got cured ! He WM.j of two things: (1) That his could not bo cured. (2) Th would have that 8500. .He' ,b sure of one thing, aud thai K 1 his catarrh is troDe completely he is out $500, of course. Tb' '. era of Dr. Sage's Catarrh J havo faith in their ability, ' tfrf the worst cases of Nasal Cat matter of how long staddin attest their faith by their reward of 8500. offered forya for an incurable case of this ' some aud dangerous disease.'' remedy is sold by drugglat,i 50 cents. Mild, soothing, cm deodorizing, nntiseptlgt and b Mr. W. M. Terry, who has I tho drug business at Elktob, 1 for tbe past twelve years, "Chamberlain's Cough gives better satisfaction thMM other cough medicine I hav sold." Ttiero is goou reason i No other will cure a cold 'so t no other is so certain a preva and cure for croup; no other. ' so much relief in cases of wl cough. For sale by Baskett ' Slype, Druggists. .? Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed ; ,,: Iliicklen'AArnlealSalve. Tho Ilest Salve lu the world taif'M uruises. Mores, uioer, sail iiueum. j Sores, Tetter, chapped Hands, GotM worns ana an hkiu urupiious, tlvely cures Plies, or no pay reqa is guaranteed to givu peneat wa or money rofunded. Price, KB box, Kor sale by Oan'l J. Fry, 3 Diosolution. . Tho firm of Spracue&xi dissolved, Q. D. Bpruguu hav chased tho entire biislnt-SB,' will be payable to him. -," G.D. BP F. T. t TOTIIH LAniES. "VIVl" nlmwt. Flin irri'iiL-Ht. moment I of the nineteenth ci'Utury.n n .. I1 II 11 .III. . .OlllfU. iu All. A-'if fcwu mtvm .fiiiirnnl TCfiii'irlr. Olilo'. eonllflllv Invited to coll ftttd uate for yourselves. Office. and 0- cent Rlnre. Ciiltle-I block, Commercial street Oregon. i A Now Klud of laoura For twenty-five cents you sure yourself and family bad results from an attack cotiinlalnt durlne the sums or two doses of Chamberlmta'i Cholera and Diarrhoea . euro auy ordinary case. I falls aud is pleasant and m No family can afford to bo It. For sale at IK and 50 bottlo by Baakett & VauSlyj gists. VAHnntf Aiiun ei tmrvrmand ness, weak stoimioh, lBdlt bin rr liirturfa l.tlllAfJapVa ". Cr."- ---. 3 usuro. inaouiy urro i nrice lu market. I'alpltatlon of the ImatL ireiumiugs, nervous ovirl tuAt nil 1 11 In 111 A bo. r luoatrtiibui uA &llva i'llls, specially for U ooi.inioiiou. . A II mim nf wVc oi femh vnduuuilliiiu urlll Anil aIII 'v,Trr.-'3ir"j":r-w.-v : in barurra biuiml n ni w Hnkub mstw. yrto lUIHtl.