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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1892)
imnlg -, 9'fcPiSHR''TW' " "r p EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. m WOIj. 5. "TILE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 1C5. If You. Want to JVTakie PRESENT OF GOLD PEN, lK Or want one for your own use, see MCP. PATTON, The Stationer, Sole Agent for the Swan Fountain Pen. VKOFESSIONAL gauds. OILd. C. lilUCllui Cross, Wholesale and Retail Bealcr in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, vices Ifi Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser- and prmpt delivery to all parts ol the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. Sportsmen, Attention! K OUR STOCK OF (fSUNS m AMMUNITION .AND IFISHING TACKLE Comprises everything needful in the ling at remarkably low prices. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES Of the Best Makes. ;R00KS &l HARRITT, 94 State Street. LEADING MERCHANT 7 TATT.HRS 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. I T' HA NS-vILS ! LOCKS i HINGES ! HE BUILDER'S HARDWARE t AT Barr ft Petal, Plumbers and Tinners 214T& 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. Aepmpleto line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a epeelalty. Eatlmutes for Tinning and I'lumbing Furnished. ty&i to EAPER HANGERS. MEAD QUARTERS. sr' .11 are Invited to call at 143 Court street and look at all the late patterns In Wall Paper and get prices for same on the wall. ftiE. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E, E. SNOW, House, Sign and Car- rUge Kl PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Hajtaral Wood Finish. Only First-closR Work. E. E. SNOW. Keinember the place, Ma court btreet. M Uf I I HI T 1G Pace to efc ft Saddle norsG Livery liKMJI.U rig, Express, Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, Mill leed or godcl well rotted manure, lo2a of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. Salem Track ft Drav Co DRAY3AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell wud deliver wood, hay. coal and lumber. Of fice State St., opposite Sa- Sron works. Drays and trucky may bo found throughout the dav at is corner of State and Commercial streets. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent IRON WORKS, ----- OREGON, rJBDIlT D I-.-. m SALEM nufactures BTEAJ1 ENCHNE8. Mill Outfit. Water Wheel Governors. Fruit gOutnts, Traction Knslueii, Cresting, etc. Parm machinery made ana repaired nu muniiiaciureiHOi uio ceieunuu auisirom luicui aiiui farm machinery made and repaired rNW OK rHK LAHUrMT E3TAW.1SH Umonts In the Htute. Lower rates than Portland. largest stock Legal Blanks lr theHtate,n-d btarest discount. Bend foi nr.'c-jllst of Job lirlutlng. nnd catalogue o leyiHl Wanks. i2. M. WA1TK, tluiM Printer SkIodi (irnuoti From Terminal or Interior Points the auiiuma Is the lino to take To all Points East and South. It if tho dining car route. It runs through vestibule trains etry day In tho year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) . Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers 01 latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. liest that can be constiuctcd and In which icconimodatlonB are both tree and fur nished lor holders of first and second-class UcketH.aucl ELEGANT JDAY COACHES. ;.u i.joie:tlng with all li-cni .t uiilulerrupteU A contlnuoi IliK's, nilordlu rervlco. Pullman sit Ions can befe cured In adv t, any agent oJ the road. Through tlokets to and from all points In America, Knsland and Europe can b purchased at any ticket otllco of this cum pany. Pull information concerning rates, tlnu of tralns.routes and other details lurnlsbcd n application to any agent or A. D. aHA.KL.TON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. No, lit First street, cor. Washington; Port land. Oregon SHAW & DOWNING, Agente. EAST AND SOUTH VIA, Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA KXPUKfiS THAIS KUK TJAIIV HO WKKK POItTLAND AND 8. K. SouthT 7.-0C p. m. U:lh p. in. S:15 a.m. Morth. Lv. Lv. Ar. Port laud Halem San Fran. Ar. I Lv. Lv. 7:.ij a. in 6:20 a. m 7:00 p. ro Above trains Mup only at lollowlng sta ttous north of lloseburg, Kant Portland Urgon City, Woodbuin, Saltrn, Albany Tangent, bhedds, llnlheY, llarrisburg junction uuy, living nuu aaigpno, KOHKHUUU MALI. DAILY, b:3J a, va. 11:17 a. a 5:o0 p. m. Lv. I.v Ar. Portland tSalem ltosebuig Ar. 1 .4:0 p. in. Lv. 1:40 p. ro. Lv. 7:00 a. m Albany Local; JJtilly lixcupt Sunday, 6 W p. m, 7:52 p.m. :00 i). in. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland ealem Albany Ar. Lv. 1U::0 a.m 7:3-1 (.. m 6:30 a. m. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Kor accommodation ot passengers holding tecondc'UHS tickets attached to express trains. ircsl Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: HAILY (KXCE1T SHNDAY). 7:.iU a. m. 12:10 p. m. "EvT Ar. Portland Coivallls Ai. Lv. filSTpTUT. 12:56 p. m. At Albany nnd Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Itallroad. KXPI1ES3 TRAIN (DAI lv kxcicithunhay l:-tiT in, I L"vT Portland Ar. I :'Ji a. iu 7:25 i. in. I Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. I 5:t5n.m Through 1 ickets To all point EAST and SOUTH Kor tickets and lull lnlormatiou regard, jng rotes maps, etc., apply to the Comi a nj s agent baleni, Oregon, hip. ItOUERn, Asst. O. P. and J'rjs. A't It. KOKl'LKIt Mamterr THE YADUINA ROUTE, ICHIRCIIILL. T S. BURROUGHS. CnXJIlCHILL & BTJEEOXTGnS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; I SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 Chemeketa Btieet. Sash and Door Factory-Front1- Street, Salem, Oregon, ;best class of work in our line at prices to compel; with the lowest. Only the best material UBeoL OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company'! steamship line. 22S mllea Hhorter, 20 hours I'm timo limn by any othci ioul4. l'lrtt ciftHS through paeenger and (tclght Hue liom Portland and all potnU In the 'Vt'll i Minette vallevito and Irora t-au PrKiicltc TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept Sunoayh). I l.iavo Aioauy l:COPM l Leave Corvallis 1:40 I M I rrlvo Yaijulna Kill'M Leave Ynuulna 0:45 AM i.ive Corvallis .... lOtfSAM irlve Albany ....... 11:1(IAM A ( tralm connect at Albany and ' nnllt. riic nt-oM! trains oomuot at VAQUINA - in thf Oregon Deveiooment (Jo n Lin (Kti',iklilii. 'iniiuliih uuil ha "rnudsM. N. II. PiwKengtre Irom J'ortland and ul 'A lllametle Valley j-.inU can make clos iinnrctlon with tho tralna of tb 1 AC1UINA HOUTKat Albany irCorvalil and If Uevtlned to hati Krunclnco, ultoalC arriDe to arrive at Vajulna tho evening liforo datb or galling. Vuwuiir D'l Krelekt WlUl AlwM tk( Lwrt r"or Information apply u ilesm UULMAN A Co., Krelgfit and Ticket Aenuaoo and 20Ji 'ront U, Portland, Or. O.O. HOIillK Aot Oen'J Krt. A Paul. Agt., Oregon Patlrto It. It, Co., ('orvaillo, Or C H.HAHWWJj.Jr.Oen'l Kit, Pa. Ajft. Oregon Development Co., MM Montgotnarjr iUI MM W mv WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wm. KN GLAND Vice Preslden HUGHMcNAP.Y Cashier. DIKKCTOKS: Geo. Wllllamfl.Wm. Eng land.Dr. J. A. Klchardson, J. W. Hodson. J. A inker. Rank In new Exchange block on Com mercial street, 8:12-tf Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Hulem, Oregon. W.A.CUflCIC. Pics. V. W. MAltTIN, Vice Pres. J. H. ALBERT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. Aw MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 80 days on vood farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom 14, Bush Hank blouk. 5 12dn For Sale. OOA A . of good land, 80 acres JlU Anifi un3cr fenco, with '-''-v rUI VOgooa barn nndhouse, balance timber, will sell all or putt, cheap, on reasonable terms. JAMEtf VVAUNER, Salem. Or. P. O. Box 3'A). 0-18-tl-dw For Sale, Cheap. A mini! cr of trios ol this springs Plym out h Hock, Black Langshan, White Leg h jru, and Paitridgo k)clilns,all thorough bred stock. Buy early, saveexpreM charges and Ect the pick ol tho teason. i',') to J5 per trio, boxed for shipment. Address E. HOFEU, Salem, Or. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TKUCK, Now roudy for business, specialty. Careful work a J. V. WHITE. TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Size, 8 x Winches. Contains new designs, new styles, latest Ideas In planning. No. 4 has !j designs classlflpd from S1W up to 150U, about half under $1000 No. 5 con. talus DO designs of dwellings costing ovfr 1500, many from $1800 up to STOO0. Alar.y new Southern or resort styles of houses In these works. Price, SI each, or the two for 81.60. D. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. . ; Those Afflicted With tho linbltVjl using tojexcess, LIQUOR, OPIUM Oil TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THE KEELEY INSTITUTE: Forest Grove, OrJCall write. Strictly confidential Burton Bros. STATE BTREET BRICK YARD. Largo etock of common Ilrlck always on haud. Priced and ornamental brick made to order.; Leave orders t O.Htolz, 1 Stale street, Goodhue .V Cablll, Vo State street, or at the yard, opposite stato Prison, G T. BURROWS AIUUF.R a full line ofBtaple and fancy Uiocerle, Krebh Vegetables and Her lie lu ceabon, Butler and Eggs ai wujson hand, 23Q Oom'l St. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchclor, Prop'r. Warm Meah at All Hours oi the Day None but white labor einii ytd In thl ectablUhment. A good (ubstant'al meal o ked In tint clai style Tent-nvi! ctmu mr meal HiCD KKONT (lr.nrt slrtiiC between Opera .House MU'd. into'i Utwr I'uiLiiueriit, jaCK' Mid ALV1N II. BYDKNHAM, United States Army Cocsultlng Knglucer. Hy draulic nnd banlury engineering and roads n specialty. OUlce, room 0 Kxchango block, Salem. J J. SHAW, M. W. HUNT. f . .." HIIAW & UNT. attornevn at law. Olllrn over Capital National bank, Ualem, Oregon, Buih's bank. GEO. II. BURNI7TT, Attorney nt law, Salem, Oregon. OlUco over Ladd k l T. ). oi ush t ItlCHAKDSON. Attorney nt law. otllco up stairs In front rooms of new i block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Balom, Oregon. JOHN A. OAItWN, Attornoy nt law. Rooms 3 and 4, Ladd & Bush's bank building, Salem, OrcgeD. 8 1 lyr B. P. BON HAM. W. IL.UOLMKS. Bonham & HootKS. Attorneys at law. Oillce In Bush's block, between State and Court, on Com'ISt. rniLJION KOKJJ, attorney nt law, Salem, L Oregon. OUlce upstairs lu Palton's block. BH. BRAD3HAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Surgeon, Ntlem, Oregon, titflco In Lidrldgo block, upsUlrH over Williams & Knglaud's bank Residence corner State iud a. K corner Inter street. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Offlco formerly . occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner Court and LI borty streets. Telephone No. 45. Oillce heifrs: 8 11. in, to 112; 2 to 4 p. in., and 7 to It p.m. Residence l.sth street on electric car Hue. Telephone No. U. It. V. S MOTT, physician and sur geon. Ofilco In Kldrldgo BIook. ba- em. Oregon. OlUcu hours 10 to li! a. m. Hlo4p. m. in B.PHlLBROOK,AI.D.,Homeopatliist. Jh. Otllco 155 Court sli ect; Realdcnco H-17 High street. General practice. Special attention given to diseases of Women nnd children. BU, MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Ofilco hours, 9 a. in. to 11 a. in.; 2 p. in. to 5 p. m. J or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention gis'eu to diseases of wom en and children. Oillco in New Bank IU!c, 305 Commercial street. Residence same. fR. T. O. SMITH, Deutist.M State strret, J Salem, Or. Finished dental opera tlous of every dcticrlption. Pulnlets opera tions a specialty. T D. PUGH, Architect, I'lam, Sped VV flcations and supcrinteudenco lor all clasxcs of buildings, Oillce 0 Com mercial St., up htali-s. OA, ROBKRT, Architect, room4i4. Mar . quain building, Poltland, Oregon. WOSlNl'iDS CAHUtf. HOKYEAMILL, Proprietors the Porce lain BathandMliavlngParlors, Have the only Porcelain Hath Tubs In the city. 'AW Commercial street, .Salem, Oregon. B. SMITH & CO.. Contractors, Sewcr A. lng, Cement Sidewalks, Exc ivatlng, Etc: All work piomptly done, Salm,0r. Lea. vo orders with Duan Bros. 4:IWm PJ. LARSEN & CO,, .Manufacture of all , kinds of vehicles. Repairing a special ty. Shop 45 State street. CAKPET-LAYING.-l make a specialty ol caipet-sewlng nnd laying; carppfs taken upnnd lelaidwlthgrdtcarc. Shade andcuilalu pole hanging. Leavo onKis with J. 11. Lunn, Buieu A Sin or While Corner. J G. LUURMAvi. FRIENDS-AND FRIENDSHIP. Signs Say ! You need one ot some kind. If so, why not have it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now Is the time to save money by giving your order to J. J. MUTTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St. Or leave orders with Sroat & Gilo, Stuto street. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LI VERYMEN . South of "Willamette Hotel, SALEM - - - ORUQOM r frcH f JmH Wm2& VW tlAP-ANESTS BseserioaBCEm CURB Anew and Complete Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, ointment In capsule, also a box and pill; n positive euro lor ex ternal, internal, blind or bleeding, itching, chronic, recent or heredltaiy Piles, and many other dlseates and tcinale weak, uosscs; Itlsnlwaysa great btueilt to tho goueral health. J ho first dlscocry ot a meuicai euro lonueiiug an operation with tho knlio uniivcecHdry herealter. Tills lomedy has never been known to fall, tl per box. 0 for So; hent by mall. Why bulfer irom mis lerriiuo cuccaHii wnen a uriuen guarautco Is given with U boxes, to icfuud i lie money It not Send btamp for freo sample. Guuri'iit'O Issued by Wouiiauu, Ui.AHKK.t Co., who'cwile and retail drug gists, bole agents, Poi Hand, Or, 5 i-ly-ilw J. H. HAAS, THE AVATCIIMAKEK, 2I5J- Commercial St,, talem, Ofojjcn, (Noxt door to Klein's.) Specialty ot Spectacles, onrt repalrlne Clocks, wutchcA uud Jbweln. CHaUoii. . In the County Court, for theCounty of Ma rlon, Htato of Oregon. In the matter of estate of 1 ,,,. KtellneCox, deiahod Citation. To all iliu heirs of said decedent, known or unkuown, GREM'iNUi In the namo of tho statu of Oregon, you arc hereby cited and required to appear in the county cnurtof the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon ou Monday, tlio Ifilli day ol July. lti'JJ, at 10 o'clock. In thuiore noon of that day, then and llieie limhow cause, If any iheiobewh) an order should not be ii. ade authorizing nud emioM(rlug the admiuUiratorof tutld cxUtto u sell the real pmperty bcloiigliig to m.d catatc, wtilcti lu described as follows to-wlt; Iits 8, l, lllaud 11 In block No. 8 as shown on tliuauic-uded plat of Capital Park addition to the City ol saiein In Marion County Oregon. V Itueift, the ilon.T, L. Davidson, Judge of f euiuiily conn, or the -tateof Oregon, for thu County ot Marlon with tho seal ot sali court atlix this U,th tluy of June, ibVi, AlH-.ti D.U. MilhHMAN, Clerk, By PRANK W. WATK1H, Deputy. KAL.J MI'RoVKDlORDKR OK RED MKN, 1 KumUkiin Trlbo No. 8, Salem, Hold count II ceiy Tht-roday eve' Iiig,al7;ya iiiBnllu nunc lURmiiuir iiit'j. r Onco on a tlmo perhaps 'twaa whon Haronu al Rasclild ruled two men Greeted each other at tho gate Of Bagdad, famed throughout th state. "Oh, friend," the llrst exclaimed, "now. tar Why gleam your eyes so bright today Willie mine nro filled with tears, that run To loso thomsolves my beard among?" "Know then, 1 have a friend most dear In Kandabnr this many a year. Who now has como my lot to share, Sly thoughts, my houio, my work, my farol" "Alii" cried the first, "my friend has gone Whose face I've dally looked upon. Forever from my Bight bo's passed Aerosi Arabia's desert vastl" Just then they heard tho muezzin's call, "Come, come to prayer!" from turret tall. And each, ultu closed oars anil liowcd hetd "Allah II Allaul Klsmetl" said. Then parted: ono with fllng feet, Ills thoughts on Intercourse most sweet. Tho other, slow, nlth stifled groan, To niUMo upon Ills friend, alouo. Whon some ten years had passed away The two men met again, nnu tluy Tho solitary man scorned glad, Tho other, downcast, tired and sad. "Oh, friend," the first ono cried, "I fear You'vu lost tho ono you held so dear! What cImj could chance jour joj to mar In him, who came from Kandahar?" "Alasl" the other cried, "wo still Abide tog ther nnd fulfil! The treadmill round of dally life, Thoro In no bickering uor strife. All's courteous, civil, decent- yet 1 feci, deep down, n keen regret; Ho shares my house, my work, my faro. But In my thoughts he doesn't share! You're glad today your frlsnd's returned From o'er the desert?" "Nay, I yearned To sco him; but 1 might not see; Yet wolll know his love for mo And would not shamo that lovo. I trlod To Uvo as though ho stood bcsldo To warn, to comfort, and to bless. So grows our friendship more, not less." The other answered with a sigh. Just then, from out a turret high, Tho muezzin's volco rose clear nud loud, "Como, come to prayerl" Each head was bowed; And as tho sun sot, round and red, "Allah (1 Allaul Kismet!" said. Oh, heed tho mural well, I prayt A friend may go nnd friendship stay. Or como and friendship fly nway, "Allah II Allahl Klsmotl" say. -Arthur Chamberlain In Dostou Common wealth. Photographing u llullot. An apparatUH for photographing bullets in flight consists of a bos lined with black cloth, in which the photographic plate is exposed ; of an electrical condenser formed of a plate of glass about a foot square; of a smallor condenser, in the form of a bottle, to act as a starter of tho spark, and of a system of wire circuits and knobs to give the spark which throws tho shadow of the bullet on tho plate and thus takes the photograph. The bullet enters and leaves tho box by two holes covered with paper to ox elude tho light, and in passing the plate tho bullet touches the terminals of two wires composed oi thin load wire, thus partially completing tho circuit. A small flash passes from tho smaller condenser, causing a larger flash to pass between tho knobs of tho plate condensei inside tho box, and this flasli, lasting less than a millionth of a second, takes tho pho tograph of tho bullet, no lens being omployed. Now York World. Ho nnd Ills Wlfo. Wife I need a little inoro money. Husband It is only two days since Wife Now, see herol I want you to understand that I wouldn't ask f oi money if I didn't need it, and 1 don't intend to bo rominded that it's only two days siuco you gavo mo somo. 1 am not a child, nor a menial, nor a slavo, to bo treated like an irrcspon siblo being, and I just want you to know that I won't stand it either, so thoro now I I'vo got just as much right to your money as you havo, so thero now, you Husbaud My dear, I was merely going to remark that it is only two days sinco I drew my salary, and you could havo all you wan tod. Now York Weekly. Carlyle's Effort. Carlylo tried to mako tho purse proud English ashamed of thoir gon tility, respectability and rubbish. Ho taught that work wus noblo, idlo nefcs shameful ; that ladies and gon tloinon who live to pleaso thonibolvos Uvo tho lifo of a beast of tho poodle on their hearth rug; that duty, not pleasuro, was "our boing's md und aim ;" that realities were better than shams. But to mako tho "upper middlo classes" swallow all this he was obliged to disguise tho modici nal truth, not exactly in nectar, but in a Scotch porridge manufactured for tho purpose, a notable "sham" of his own. "Lifo and Letters of Sain uel Palmer." The Coiiversi). A school board inspector askod a small pupil of what tho surfaco of the earth consist), and was promptly nnswored, "Land and water." He varied the question slightly, that tho fact might bo impressed on tho boy's mind, and asked : "What, then, do land and water mako?" To which camo tho Immediate ro Bpouso, "Mud." London Tit-Nits. Why Philadelphia Grow. When anybody wants a now house in Philadelphia ho goes off somo whoro and gotH a vacant lot and builds liis now houso ou that. No ono over thinks of tearing down an old houso to put up a now ono. Old things are too Hacretl, Cor. Now York Sun. Plfty ICIikU uf Ken finrpciitH. Sea sorjMHitH aro all easily recog nized by thoir our shaped, latendly flattened tail. Twenty-soven distinct BpodoH aro lenowu iih Indian, and thoro aro about fifty species In all. Quarterly Roview Everybody knows what It Is, and thut la tho rciwon they go to Hoi- lenbrund's for that puroj ice cream rodu. '. O. UAKlilt.Prnnhst. I'iliVNK a WATtllH, thief of Keooras. b tho only baklngr powder that conUinq the, whites of ere Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report-' DtfVfevl Baking 1 ABSOLUTELY PURE IIBMBBB BARBER AND DENTIST. The Shrewd Knight of the Razor 'Wanted nn Advertisement. Dr. Wills, an English resident of Persia, was talking with tho barber who had como as usual to Bhavo and nhampoo hini. "Why not do me tho honor to como justovor tomyBhopJ" said tho barber. "It would do you harm," answered Dr. Wills, "if tho people wero to know that you shaved an unboliovor." "Not a bit of it, ithib. I would Bhavo tho ovil ono himself if ho wero only open handed; and I should bo respected for it, par ticularly if" with a chuckle "I kept tight hold of his nose." Hassan, tho barber, had tight hold of tho Englishman's noso at that mo ment, and as ho was just going over tho region abovoldam's applo with his keen razor thero was no replying to his joko. "You should soo mo draw teeth such teeth 1" added tho harbor. "You, doctor, who only draw tho teeth, of princes and gentry, you have never seen such teeth, even in a dream." Hero ho drew his fingers, dipped in water ovor his client's chin they do not lather in the east and added with unction, "Such teeth teeth with five roots I" Dr. Wills could not remonstrate, for Hassan had him by tho noso again, nnd his razor was still playing in dangerous places. Tho conversa tion ended by tho Englishman's prom ising to visit tho barber at his shop. Hassan had no sooner gathered up his traps and retirod with dignity than tho sorvant of Dr. Wills began to expostulate. "You won't go, sir, of course," ho began, as ho handed his master a towel. "Won't go I Indeed I shall. Why not, prayt" "Ah, you sahibs aro always taken in. Don't you see, sahib, why ho wants you to como? Ho will say you havo como to learn from him." Tho Englishman was amused, and at tho timo appointed ho went to Hassan's shop, and was received with exuberant welcome. "Your footsteps aro on my oyes; you aro indoed welcomo; you honor my poor establishment." Tho placo was "clean as a now pin." Vases of tho Narcissus pooti cus filled it with fragrance, and cus tomers wero plontiful. Heads woro Bhaved; arms wero bled; a rheumatic sufferer lay down and roceived throo sevoro burns with a hot iron, for which ho seemed duly grateful; and Anally Hassan "ac tually extracted a part of a tooth in three acts and a prologue, with an interval of five minutes after each." At tho end a largo piece camo away. "Ah," said tho triumphant barber, "that was where tho pain was I" And tho patient wont out with his cheek in his hand. Dr. Wills soon followed, but was hardly in his own courtyard boforo his sorvant entered, pale with rage. "Sahib I Oh, sahib 1" ho began. "I said it I I know it I Hohasdonoit; I Imew ho would 1 Thoro ho stands, tho rascal, explaining to tho two merchants, your patients, that you ah, that I should livo to soo tho dayl that you havo como to him at your own request to tako a lcs3on in tooth drawing 1" Youth's Companion. Know Ills lousiness. Tho clothing man had printed a big advertisement, and ho was hon est and had much business. A face tious customer camo in. "I liko this," ho said, sticking out a copy of tho paper containing tho ad. "What's tho matter with it?" askod tho clothier. "You say hero, A good boy's coat for fifty conts.' Can't a bad boy got a coat for fifty conts too?" "Yes," said tho clothier politely. "Then why not mako tho advor tisomont to road 'a boy's good coat for fifty conts?'" and thocustomor laughed tho laugh of a man who al ways has everything just right. Tho clothier was as sorono and gontlo as tho gospol of truth and light. "Bocauso," ho said, "I meant it tho way I put it. Wo can't Bell a boy's good coat for fifty cents. Wo can and do fcoll a good boy's coat for fifty cents, anil if a bad boy wants ono of that kind ho can havo it ex actly at tho samo priceft Soo?" Thon tho facetious customer put tho paper in his pockot and took ono of tho coats homo to his boy, De troit Freo Press. Oil as uu Imulator. Tho value of oil as an electric insu lator, which has been Bupposcd te havo boon well proved by practical tests in Ahis country and in Germany, is now placed Bomowhat in doubt by oxporimonts conductod by Professor Elilui Thomson, tho results of whoso oxporimonts scorn to ahow that alter nating currouts of modorato poten tials and low periodicities will cause puncture ovor much longer distancou undor oil than occur with very high period current discharges. New York World. SALEM MARKETS. Wheat GOo per bushel. Oats 3840o per bushel, potatoes 25o per bushel. Flour $4.20 per bbl. Bran (Backed) $10.60 per ton Shorts (Sacked) ?21A5 per ton. Eggs loo per dozen. Chickens Roosters, 7o per lb.;" hens, "1012c per lb.; broilers and fryers, 16c per lb. Turkeys 1012Jo per lb. Ducks 1215o per lb. Geese 7c per lb. Lard 76c$l per pall. Butter 26(3)300 per pound. Beef 712Jo dressed, 2Jc on foot vcai uo, aressea. Pork 6Jo dressed; 6Jo on foot. Wool 1520o per lb. -Of Course It's a Woman. "The hand that rooks the cradle Is the hand that rocks the world'" The mother sitting beside and rooking" the cradle, often singing her sad lullaby, may be thus shaping, u. It were, the destinies of nations. But If diseases, consequent on mother-' hood, have borne her down, and sap-'' . ucu uer iiiu, now muurmui win ue- her song. To cheer the mo brighten her life, and brighten herl song, Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, has afterJ long experience, compounded a rem Aflv whli!i hft lina nnllprl hitt 'T?A.vnr J t. -n Il! If t 1-.1! .. nu i. ifsunimuu, uccuubo luuito JJIC j forrcd it to all others. He guaran tees It to cure nervousness, neuralgic ' pains, bearing-down pains, ir regularities, weakness, or prolapsuB.f headache, backache, or any of the aliments of the female organs. What. I he asks Is, that the ladies shall give iM it a fair trial, and satisfaction Is as- nimnl Hfmtnn wAn1nl f I vlswu 13 ouicu. uiuucv iciuuucu, u ik uvn , not give satisfaction. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been ln flio rlrncr luiftlnpsanr. TCIktmi. Tvv.. '9 . .D . , .u for the past twelve years, say "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy? gives better satisfaction than any.a otner cougn meuicinox tmve ever sold." There is good reason for thte. No other will cure a cold so quickly; no other Is so certain a preventative'! and cure for croup; no other afloraVl so much relief in cases of whooping cough. For sale by Baskett & VanfJ Slype, Druggists. Dissolution. The firm of Spracue & Allen kr dissolved, G. D. Sprague having pur-.'; chased tho entire business. All bill will be payable to him. G.D. Spkaoub. 1'. T. ALLEN. X To the Ladies. "Viavi" stand, alone, the createst medical discovers of the nineteenth century. (From "1 an M. D., in the Ladles' Health i Journal, Newark, Ohio.) You'ar- rnrriln)lir invlr.prl trt ryill nnd Invnatl rrnlr ..AtlKinlliail C ftl na Avav Ani ami 0 cent store, Cottle-Farknurat block, Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. 1mA , " v. A New Kind of Insaranca. For twenty-five cents you can Uw j euro yourself and family against' ani Dail results trom an attacK oi oowe complaint during tho bummer. On or two doses of Chamberlain's Colli Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wl euro auy ordinary case. It never; falls and is nleasunt and sAfe to take. No family cau altord to bo wltkout . It. For buIo at 25 and 50 cents pf- boitio uy liusuetc & vansiype, uru gists. .- Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castortat 5 Por any caso ol norvousno-w, sleepW ncsH, wenK Htomnoii, lnuigetunn, ay Bin. try Cartei'n l.lttlu Nerve Pllla. K la mire, l'ho only uervo modlolne lor i irivo in inarKei. Palpitation of the heart, nervousne trembllinra. nervotm headache, cold baa and feet, patnlu the Imclcaud ot horrors oi wcnttueM nro rcnevou uy lariern ir rum, specially lor tne uioou, norvwi complexion. All canon of weak or lnme back.haoti rhetimatlem.wlll find relief by wearing c or carter h nmuri weed ana rjonuao llackacho Pliuturo, Price n cents, thera. JJoforo Starting on a Joui A nerann unimllv desires to iraln some . formation as to the most delra,bl route l take, and will lnirchuse ticket via lfc mat win nnoru nun me quicKestuu onco or any point Kant, you should pro' ournoir wltn a man ana time iadm k nervlce, IJelore martins on a trip to voumalf with a man and time ta Wliuouklu Central Lino, The trains 11 ontbUroutoarovestlbuleandarecKiul with Puiimau'HiaUMiurawiug i-ioow era, decant Oay Coachea aud Dlnlojr Q of latent denlgn, built exprtxmly for tnw vice, und are exquisite lu turuwulnea wuveuieiifc nuu piiiiiij(iuuiq u inent and nu coninlete In ovory they have no superior in comfort irauce. Tho dlnlnir car servloe U ced by nil tho most elegant ev.r aitu, ana is oporaieu in iua iuumi natrons. Punt train via the Wleoooaln LiuoM leave Aiinneapou aauy M i und llr-jft ii. in., aud St. Paul all and 7:15 p. m., making favowMe tlon with all Iruliw frow tM we Boutnwcwt. Kor tlokehi. map. pawptaMa Intorinalloa apply to Q, K. UeUtt &UU 4. V., iNIUUVMpuiw, MUUi U. IUUU. UM1WII j Agvut, Omoatfo, 111, Spjioittl values In white irapernarTgeraiMTUecdrator; good .t Ji?i!t itymwmmrjtm; k m. . A bujt