8J liii in1 Ki 1 . .-m aJl-lli l ' '" ll Milllll ...... i . (-, , tto&am erman lyrup" i Cough' (Croup llclno. For children a medi cine should be abso lutely reliable. A mother must be able to pin her faith to it as to 1irr Rihle. It must itain nothintr violent, uncertain, vdatigerous. It must be standard material ana manumciurc. n f-be plain and simple to admin- ; easy anu pleasant to urnc. child must like it. It must be iDt in return. Riving ltnmccii- relicf, as childrens' troubles - nmVt- rrmv fast, and end itttlly or otherwise in a very short . It must not oniy relieve qurcu it. brine them around quick, as lildren chafe and fret and spoil r constitutions under long con- :meiit. It must do its work in toderate doses. A large quantity medicine in a child is not clesira- Tt- iiiinf tint- inlprfcrfi with the Ildid's spirits, appetite or general Ssnlk.i. Aiitw wi wk fell as young folks, and make iJo fciee's Gcnnan Syrup the favorite ;M . rtt my mcuicmi;. THE HEAVENLY HOST. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES IN LONDON ON THE ARMY OF THE REDEEMED. lie Cnnnnt Acreo wllli r. Dick Thnt Mm Will SHulyMiilliPinntlcn III Ilenireii. tlo l.oiil' rnrwnnlto nllenvon of LIrIiI mill Miulc, Jy mill ltrt. Lo.NDoy, July 10. Dr. Talnwgo is fiK-'tnling a very mwy (season in juigiunu. Not only onr motion! forces and put them in one represented tho good In heaven ns . CAr cietit amy, nnd then on some swift , tying cypress braticlu. that would Iravo ? ttced you way rido along the lino nnd meant borrow. If my text had wprc- " . ' . .' . . i ii.i ......l...ii n. l I.. l,Avn a 4TT"in(? QI1U lllllt uwuiliu-i Ft'IllcU UlU ufu " ." " .' ---o aires seems iiko n ' n rriitPhmit?, miu wovuu "' '"" " in the London churches, bnt review tho troops; IiiIihI linmt from nil bfllf formed regiment compared with tlio great array of tho redeemed. I stood one day at WHllamsport, and saw on tho opposite sido of tho Potoiuao the forces coming down, regiment after regiment, and brigade after brigade It Fcemed ns though thcro was no end to tho procession. But now let mo tako tho field glass of St. John nnd look off nnon tho Hosts oi neaven niiiusunua IllglllPUIHIl-, UK, mv... ..- --- lint it is a pihr branch tncyvWTy. ttl that is vie. or Wlvrti tho tw Mw liomo from Wk. in ohVa Uuic tho con- nneror nxiv at thp hood of his troop. , and thoro wr triumphal iirvlirs, niu tho people vunM couns out with branch tJof theprtlm tiw nnd wave them all tloug tho host. What n significant tyrw this of the greeting and of the joy of th wvimml in heavenl On earth thy i1 RESTOMTIYE lppr EADACHi t mtt tnrtn. Vonrnlxlt. KnOimi. Flta. Hllt- taUP. Uulliieillrlno,Illiic,Oplini UII, Ilninuf miei, ':" ci,.,S',,VV,VS Er.j'm r.KToriA'fIVll MJltVIM'. neororodujrtlio eminent Indlnnn Kpoclallit In CTOUI UIICIIICS. JV UUH UUI tuiitniu wyitn. w, iilgermit druai. "IlnTO been JokliiK KB. :ixe' HraronATi vis kgkvihi: for illcpiy. Frpin tJepiomucrio.innuury jirub nCTllinnTrrrlnn I iiiul nt UltBt 15 cunTuIMom, ,rt noiraltor ttuou months' uio Iuito no inorq 1 liSTOboon n nil. MINES' JtfcsTOIf. kTt VXl M2!IIVINIMoroboatonrinontI.. l (ljini(fatiuorollat and euro. 1 liavo tali'n It A no iltivclt. Hurrl C. llrntlni, JIonlUYlllc I'n. Inu Ijook oc pront ntires inn inni doiiicb ax.xi ,InrK.itt IlTirTrhcro, ornddreM K.MILC3 MEDICAL CO., Clklmrt, ini. .wnld by D. J. I'ry,drui.'vl(t,r5iiluia. Art tin n new jirlnclplo recnlato tho livor, stn'jijich una bun li thiough tht ntrvti Dii. JIilkv I'liiji ipetUly cure IiIIIoueiioso, torpid livor and ronsilpa tlua. Smulliot, mllJoot, atntl SpUocju3,JG eta. Hfmnloi iroT nt itriuiiisto. 111 by D. J. Fiy, ilrugglsf, Hal'in 1 alfebvV iiiic Br "Ilrill'rM? siSl liki that vcty properly contains nsupplyol ires Root Bee , Itich addj to the enjoyment of nil the uniits.nua maiccj a picnic a mniic nv A 35 cent package inakes5c.uloii4' i popular uavcraije. Don bedceflvej If a dtaltr, f..r i' of larger profit, tells you iomr ol U'ljuttMCOod" 'lUfale, Ol It ai good the etnulno Ilinti' - .ANDEN'S lEgrmoBEii m F-2 -fTtMr-L fT5 -ffiW -J1 WIITPATENT82 KQT MEHTS. cHI III ELECTRO- MAGNETIC SUSPENSORY. Mr Wlthsat ytdletos til tWtlani fciultief from ruutlin of fcrttla. nrf ttttt$.9itt er lfidliriUa. i ikl tibMiUoa. drila. Uim, nrtotn dtbllli--, iltf , liaiuer. rfcutini, klJntj, llvvr knJ tltd4r tMllltDlf 1SSftlUIBDCia, tll)CB, IfBlfftl in okiia, li kUetrta blt flooUtbt Y(4trtm Ivbrotf milt orr lfrifttrt,aBdlfi k rriMtUlU lniuutljr UH j tt kwvrornf forftU fli(U an4 Mill ctr allaf ihkVvt 4 r w TKuitic win eotM i? im mtr elTipaia iir m pic ibuit num. au w Bb4r4,) f teillmUl In IM o4 Trvelbtr ilttf ritriu urmnivii Ktinwir BUi'Umnn, th. uilWeDr6rr4t.tBio.HKKlltill.lfL1r Bfc4fireuKirccinii4ii4niiuinuiiiovuifc7a, vruiQiria4rtiBli)iiii,ibtiia,MftiFij, tmn Aaurtti rxzv auiiiflOTuio ao,. Not 172 Flmt St., PORTLAND, ORE I0TIVE OWE HERCULES Gas and Gasoline ENGINES ItnTB tcvetr rurtj. ami ar tlii'n.mro Ins UlfeltMountmit r tban any othir nui ur uiuullnf) finrtnui imw l-l"t HiilitVUa buniu, turn lUu Htm;!, tuil It X.ksh no 8Mi:rx on dikt. or falto Tploiilona, in frwiuenl Willi U uurt'imum i in, rPlMiiltoltr It llonti dm AVotld. i m jkti. . .1 t ..........iitu fm vttis iiivii t.i.ti..tiMuijri No ItuttertuiorlUortrlo RiiArlL. IwWi tt ttenpfr Orado ot awUnii tUaa any Oilier i:nc!mv in tho nrovinceH enormouo crowdn hnvo I npon thotuands, ten thousand times ten w.o condrmned, and were put wi o, StKVtoJioar tho eloquent American 'thousand, one hundred and forty and p..,,:,, circle. They had , "f four thousana, ana tnonsntuis oi uum-. nuko unm f , """ v'"-"" .-. enuds, mitill pnt down the field glafa'fpit spat in their faces. Thoir Iwak and say, "I cannot estimato it a groat j c!ud with sorrow, multitudo that no man can number." Their brow reeked with unalteviatoii You may tas your imagination and toji. How weary thoy werct Soetiuis torture your ingenuity and breaic down j tj10V broko tho heart of the uiidnipht in your powers of calculation in attempt-1 110 midst of nil their nujruijh, cryiag ing to cxpreas the multituiba of iho re- 0t( o God!" But hark now to the ( leased from earth and tho enraptured of E)lont of tho delivered captivw, s tlwy heaven, and talk of hundreds of hnu- j jjft their arms from the shackle an I dieds of hundreds, of thousands of thou-1 they ciy out, "Free! freer They look eandi of thoubands, of millions of mil-1 ick upon all the trials through which , lions of millions, until your head aches tiloy have passed, the battlos they bnve , nml -onr henrt faints, and exhausted i foar-ht. the burdens they carried, the i if. fwpi'iiirTiviBiiiKvuM arPLTTO & RCV, MANUFAOTURERB, rrwlm,CI.Mirrttkfir. .... it. . . iii. nt-.t. .readier. Tlio great &noituiicn xui;i nacle in tho east of London, where Itev. W. Uulf preaches, was thronged almost to suffocation, nnd tho largo Congrega tional church in tho Hackney district could not hold half tho pcoplo who tried to get into It, thoiitfh it waB on a Mon day KViniug that Dr. Talmago preached there. Ontaido London tho eagerness to hear him has been quito as intense. In Liverpool, Manchester, Notting ham, Crowe nnd Hanloy no church could bo found largo enough to nccom modnto tho audiences, and Dr. Talmago preached in tho halls in which tlio great political conventions are hold, and tho capacity of thct.0 was tested to tho ut most. Sfnco liis arrival ho has preached even times each week. Tho bonnon se lected for publication thin week is from the text. Revelation vii.0, 10, "After this I behold, nnd lo! a great multitudo which no man could number, of all nations and Kindreds and people nnd tongnc.i, stood beforo tho throno, and boforo tho Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands, and cried with a loud voice, saying. Salvation to our God which sitteth upon tho throno, and unto tho Lamb." It is impossible to como in contact with anything grand or beautiful in art, natnro or religion without being profited and olovatei. Wo go into tho art gnl iery and our soul meets tho soul of the painter, und wo hear tho hum of his fore3ts and tho clash of his conilicts and seo tho cloud blossoming of tho sky and tho foam blossoming of tho ocean, and wo como out from tho gallery batter men than when vb went in. Wo go into tho concert of music and are lifted into enchantment; for days after our soul seems to rock with n very tumult of joy. as tho Bea, after n long stress of weather, rolls nnd rocks nnd surges a gi eat whilo boforo it comes back to its ordinary calm. Un tho samo principle it is profitable to think of lieavon, nnd look off upon that landscape of joy and light which St. John dopicts tho rlvors of gladness, tho trees of lifo, tho thrones of power, tho cominiuglings of ovorlasting love. 1 wish this morning that I could bring heaven from tho list of intangibles nnd mako it scorn to you ns it really is tho great fact in all history, tho depot of all ages, tho parlor of God's universe. THE HK.WENLV COSOKKOATIOJJ. This account in my text gives it pic turo of heaven as it is on n holiday. Now if a man camo to Now York for thoihsttiuioon tho day that Kossuth arrived from Hungary, and ho (.aw tho arches lifted, and tho (lowers flung in tho btrcots, and lie heard tho gnus" boom ing, ho would hnvo been very foolieh to suppose that that was the ordinary tip poaranco of tho city. While heaven is always grand and always beautiful, 1 think my toxt apoaks of a gala day in lieavon. it is n timo of great colobration per haps of the birth or tho resurrection of Jcsns, porhaps of tho downfall of Home despotism, perhaps becauso of tlio rush ing in of the millennium. I know not what, but it does seem to mo in reading this passage as if it were a holiday in lieaven: "After this 1 bohcld, and lo! a gi;eat multitudo which no man could number, of all untions nnd kindreds nnd pcoplo nnd tongues, stood beforo tho throno, nnd boforo tlio Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands, and cried with n loud voice, say ing. Salvation to our God which sittcth upon tho throno, nnd unto tho Lamb.'' 1 shall speak to you of tho glorified in heaven their number, thoir nnteco limits, their dress, their symbols and their song. But how ehnll I begin by telling you of tlio numbers of thoso in heaven? 1 have bcou u curious estimate by nn ingenious man who calculates how long tho world was going to last, nnd how many people tliei euro in each generation, and then sums up tho whole matter, nnd says ho thinks thoro will be twenty-seven trillions of bonis in glory. 1 have no faith in his estimate. 1 hlm ply take the plain nuuouncemeut of the text it is "a great multitude, which no man can number." Every few years in this country wo tnke n census of tlio population, and it is very easy to toll how many people there uro in a city or a nation; hut who shall give the census of the great nation of tlio saved? It is quito easy to toll how many people there are in different de nominations of Christians how many Baptists nnd Methodists and Episcopa lians and Presbyterians; of nil thu de nominations of Christians we could mako an estimate. suppose they were gathered in ouo great audienco room, how overwhelm ing the spectacle! But it would give no idea of the great audience room of lieavon tho multitudes that bow down nnd that lift up their hosannas. Why, they come from all the chapels, from nil tho cathedrals, from all ricots, fioni all ages. Thoy who prayed in bplendld liturgy, nud those who in broken sen tences uttered the wish of broken henrts from Grace church and Sailors' Bethel, from under the t-hnptilcbS rafteis and from under high sprung arch "11 great multitude that no man can number." THIS AKMV OF 11IK IIUDUBMIU). Ouo of tho most impreshivo things 1 have looked upon is an army, Staudiug upon a hillside you seo forty thousand or tlfty thouwud men pass along. You can hurdly imagine thu impressiou if you have not actually felt it. But you may take nil the armies that tho earth has ever soon tlio legions under Sen nacherib nud Cyrus nud Ownr, Xerxes und Alexander and Napoleon, nud all J. M, Neodham, UBK PAIHT1NO, KALSO- UNO. PAl'KR HANOI NO, kfORAL-WOOD FINIBHINQ. iWdm-J. iruiu', rrrof r-mltu ' ru irtwr. Mm Mudr fur CalunU la tU PKK, 1UUKKI I i V6) awl Ouwinit. I hrjMwM ot Mut Ujr mall. ,T, pajiimim, warren, lit. ... 13. 11 ,irv 4"WTZZS1M - -rrzsp7, w rw 9g ArtT lib Nil I OF U3. Tobaccos, but for ,-' - - Mm WELL'S -5- &(li 1 mHBNI V' 'Cif.i'c i..3 LsZyxtieMini t!) 'i'-jKi- . !CV" f . ' s'OZ i9 TOBACCO. Si?v, n Ti i: -' i;?i. l I'm an old smoker, ana liaw: at one tunc or fr:other tried all diff. rent Smoking od vr.okc Bull Durham 'cm all. ymm - -A ..V Ufc ll-e beats nnd overburdened you oxclaim, "I can- of mtarnnrnspiitntinns thev suffered, and I i, . 1 ,: I tf.... -M It. .. f DeCausO lUOJ are ueinnm inu nil tuvsc they stand beforo God waving their palms. They come to the feet of Christ, nud they look up into his face, aud they remember his eorrows. and they remein- them spok Scotch, Irish, German, Eng-, i,er jg j,aiUj ani they remember his lifh, Italian, Spanish, Tamil, Cnoctaw, i groau3, and thy say: "Why, 1 was Burmeso. After men have been long ia j Fave(i uy that C..rit. Ho iwrdoncd my the land you can tell by their accentua-. sliS 10 pootheil my sorrow?, " and stand- tion from what nationality thoy came, j,,,, there they shall be esultaut, waving their palms. not count them a great multitudo that no man can number." But my subject advances, and tells vf.n of their antecedents, "of nil nations im.1 kindreds and tOllKUCR." SoiUO and I suppgsein tho great throng around tho throno it will not be difficult to tell from what part of tho eaith thoy came. UATIIKIIKD OUT or ALL. NATIONS. These leaped Sicilian wheat fields nnd thoto picked cotton from the pods. Tin so under blibtering skies gathered tamarinds and yams. Those crossed tho desert on camels, and thoso glr.nced over the snow, diawn by Siberian dogs, and these milked tho goats far up on tlio Swiss crags. Theso fought the wal rus and white bear in regions of ever inntim minw. und thoso heard tho song NO MORE TOIL OH SORROW. That bund once held the implement of toil or wielded tho sword of wnr, but row it plucks down branches from the tree of lifo as they stand before the tin one waving their palms. OucoJio was a pilgrim on earth; he crunched the hard crusts he walked the w.ary way; but it is all gone now; tho sin gone, the weariness gone, the sickness gone, tho eorrow gone. As Christ stands up be fore the great array of the saved nnd re counts his victories it will be like tho A leading chamcleilslic u 1H Durham has always been the hold which it tahesrn old nnd fastidious smokers. What its excellence first secv red, its uniformity has always retained, and It is, therefore, t,-day as twenty-five years ago, the most popular Smoking Tobacco In the world. Get the genuine. Made only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., DURHAM, N. C. a . 1 I .. .1 2.. A Vtil I oi nery wingeo mm in ""' "- rocking and tossing of a forest in n tern- ew. juey weiu v.mic. ; ..... black. Thoy wero red. They were cop per color. From all lands, from ail ages. They wero plunged into Austrian dun geons. They passed through Spanish inquisitions. Thoy were confined in London Tower. They fought with beasts in tho amphitheater. Thoy wero Moravians. Thoy wero Waltlenses, Tliov wero Albigenses. They Scotch Covenanters. They were Sand wich Islanders. In this world men prefer different kinds of government. The United States want a republic. Tho Eritish govern ment needs to be a constitutional mon archy. Austria wants absolutism. But when thoy como up from earth from different nationalities thoy will prefer one great monarchy King Jesus ruler over it. And if that monarchy were dis banded and it wero submitted to all tho hosts of heaven who should rulo, then by tho unanimous suffrages of nil tho redeemed Christ would become tho pres ident of tho whole universe. Magna Chartas, bills of right, houses of bur gesses, triumvirates, cougrebses, parlia ments nothing in tho presence of Christ's scepter swaying over all tho nconlo who have onterod upon that groat trlorv. Oh! can you imagine it? Wlint a strange commingling of tastes, of his tories, of nationalities, "of all nations and kindreds tuid pcoplo nnd tongues." My subject advances and tells ouof tlio drobs of thoso in lieavon. Tlio ob ject of dress in this world is not only to veil tho body, but to adorn it. Tlio God who dresses up tho spring morning with bluo ribbon ot sky mound tho brow and earrings of dowdrops hung from tree branch and mantle of crimson cloud flung over tlio shouldur and tlio violetted blippers of tho grass tor her feet I know that God does not despiso beautiful ap parel. Well, what shall wo wear in heaven? "I saw a great multitude clothed in white robes." It is whitoi In this world wo had sometimes to hnvo on working apparel. Bright nnd lustrous garments would bo ridiculously out of place sweltering nmid forges, or mixing paints, or plastering ceilings, or binding books. in this world wo must have tho work ing day apparel sometimes, and wo care not how conrso it is. It is appropriate; but whon all tho toil of earth is pabt and thorn is no more drudgery nnd no moio weariness, wo shall stand boforo tlio throno lobed in white. On o.irtli wo sometimes had to wear mourning apparel black scarf tor tlio arm, black veil for the taco, black gloves for the hands, black baud for the hat. Abra nam mourning lor Sarah; Isaac mourn ing for Rebecca; Rachel mourning for lier childreu; David inonruiug for Abba loin; Mary mourning for Lazarus. Every second of every minute of ovory hour of every day a heart breaks. THE UUSUltliUCTlON. Tho earth from zone to zouo and from polo to pole is cleft with sepulchral rent, and tho earth can easily afford to bloom and blossom when it is to rich with moldering life. Graves! graves! graves! But when thoso bereavements hnvo nil ptihsed, and there uro no more graves to dig, and no more coffins to make, arid no more sorrow to suffer, wo shall pull hX this mourning and be robed in white. I seo a soul going right up from all this hcono of birr nud trouble into glory. 1 seem to hear him say: I juUruu)' forth rujulrfut; Frum tliU dark alu nt tenra To Ui'uwnly Joy iuhI frtrAoiu, IVuitt v trtltly euro nuil tYurs. Whoa Clirlit yiy lortl limit cutlier All liU roilcuuul tnruiu, 11U UliiKilotu tu inhvrlt Uuuil ntiitil till tliou. I Lour my Hu tour chIIIuki Tlio jo ful hour liui couie; Tho niiKel iiu&nla uro ready Tu kuUIo mo tu our home. Wheu Chrlit our Ixml itiall catliar All hU rvdeniuvU agalu, Uli klutruom tu lnherlt- Uixxl ulcUt till then. My subject advances, and tells you of tho symbols they carry. If my text had CLEAN! If you would bo cdVnu nnd hnvo your clothes dono up in tho noateeiand dresaiost mannor, hike them to tho r!iRB sr::.ur LitwustY whore all work if domi by whito labor nnd in Mio most lr iijt iimtiipr JOLONL J, OJrSTKD. LiLtfitv St..c pest, as all the redeemed rise up, host beyond host, rank beyond rank, waving their palms. My subject makes another advance ment, and speaks of the song they sing. Dr. Dick, in a very learned work, says that among other things in heaven he thinl:3 they will give a j.'real, deal of wero ' t'ul tf'0 stl1(l ol" rrithuietlc and the higher brandies or mair.emarus. i no not believe it. It would upset my idea of heaven if I thought so; I never liked mathematics; and I would rather take the representation of my test, which de scribes the occupation of heaven as be ing joyful psalmody. "They cried with n loud voice, saying, Salvation onto our God." In this world wo havo secular bongs, nursery songs, boatmen's songs, harvest songs, sentimental sengs: but in heaven we will havo tasto for only one song, and that will bo tho song of salva tion from nn eternal death to an eternal heaven through tho blood i.f the Lamb that was slain. 1 seo a soul com'f ; up to join the re deemed in heaven. As it goes through the gates the old friends of that spirit come around it and say, "What shall we sing?" and the newly arrived soul says, "Sing snivatiou; and niter nwnne nn earthly despotism falls and a scepter of iniquity is biiapped, and churches are built whero once thero wero supersti tious morques, and angel cries to angel, "Let us sing," and tho answer is, "What shall wo sitig?" and another voico says, "Let us sing salvation." And after awhile all the church on earth will rush into the outspread anna of tlio church of heaven, and whilo the righteous nro as couding and tho world is burning nnd nil things uro being wound up, tlio ques tion will bo asked, "V hat shall wo sing?" and there will bo n voico "like tho voico of many waters, like tho voice of mighty tlmudcriugs," that will re spond, "Sing salvation." In this world we havo plaintivo song' songs tremulous with sorrow, songs dirceful for tho dead; but in heaven thero will bo no signing ot winds, no wailing of anguish, no weeping sym phony. Tlio tamest song will bo hal leluiah the dullest tune a triumphnl march. Joy among tho chorubiin! Joy among tho heraphim! Joy among tho ransomed! Joy forever! On earth tlio music in churches is of ton poor, becauso thero is no interest in it or because tiuro is no harmony, Some would not sing, tomo could not sing, boino sang too high, some sang too tow, some sang by tits and starts, but in the great nudieneo of the redeemed on high nil voices will bo accordant, nnd tho rnrn who on earth could not tell a plantation melody from tho "Dead March in Saul" will lift an anthem that tho Mendtdsbohus nnd Ucolhoveus and tho Schumanns of earth novor imagined, and you may stand through nil eternity and listen and thero will not bo ono dis cord in that great nnthmn that forovor rolls up against tho gnat heart of God. It will not bo a solo, it will not bo a duet, it will not lio a quintet, but an in numerable host before tlio throno, cry iug, "Salvation unto our God and unto the Lamb." They crowd all tho tem ples, thoy bend over tho battlements, thoy fill all tho heights nnd depths nnd lengths nnd brendths of heaven with thoir hosannas. thk divine arxmv. When people wero taken into tho Tem ple of Diana it was such a brilliant room int thoy wore always put on their uatd. Sonio people had lost their bight by just looking on the brilliancy of that room, and bo tho janitor when lie brought a stranger to tho door and let him in would always charge hurt, "Tako heod of your eyes." Oh! when 1 think of the song that gooa up nround the throne of God, so jubi lant, many voiced, multitudinous, I feel like sayiug, "Tako heed of your ears," It is so loud a song. It is so blcsed an anthem. Thoy sing a rock song, suyiug, "Who is ho thnt sheltered us iu tho wil dornoss, und bhadowod us in a weary land?" And the clwrua ivuien in, "Christ the shadow of n rock in a we .ry land." Theybinga star song, saing, "Who Is ho that guided us thiough the thick night, und when all other lights went out nroso lu tho sky tlio morning btnr, pouriug light ou tho soul's dnrknossi" And tho chorus will como in, "Christ, tho morulng star, shining on the sonl'b darkness." Tbv-y will bingn flower soug, sayiug, "Who is ho that brightoued nil our way, nnd breathed sweetness npon fur soul, and bloomed through frost and tempest?" And tho chorus will come in, "Christ, tho lily of the valley, blooming through frost nnd tempest." They slug t water song, saying, "Who is he that imefiawvHocoaffwtccBHrwMW nnd lightened tho dnrkest rnvrno of trouble, nnd brought cooling to tho temples nnd refreshment to tho lip, and was a fountain in the midst of tho wil derness?" and then the ciiorus will come in, "Christ, the fountain in the midst of tho wilderness." My friends, will yon join that anthem? Shall we make rehearsal this morning? If we cannot bing that song on earth we will not bo able to sing it irr heaven. Can it ho that our good triends iu that land will w..lk all through that great throng of wuich I speak looking for us nnd ne: finding us. Wrll they come down to the gate and ask if we havo passed through, and not find irs reported ns having come? Will they look through the folios of eternal light and find our names unrecorded? Is all this n repre sentation of a land we shall never see, of n song wo shall never sirv? AnlUlnte for Mercurlul Poisoning. Employees in certain departments of incandescent lamp factories, and in other industries irr which mercury is ex tensively employed, will rojoico in tho discovery of an effectivo autidoto for mercury poisoning. Mercury and its compounds aro universally known to havo a most injurious influence on the human system, and tho shake, the short ness of breath, tho sickenrng pallor, tiro listlessness and semistupefaction of operators who aro daily subjected to its fumes aro sadly familiar to thoso con nected with the pumprooms of lamp factories. Much has been done to im prove tho health of tho workmen by means of ventilation and improved ma chinery and pumps, but still the evil exists to a serious extent. Slight cases aro usually and quickly cured bychango of air or of work, but if not taken rn time tho troublo may end fatally. It is not always, however, that a workman can afford to take change of air or turn his hand to a new employment, and here tho now remedy comes in. Some four years ago one of the part ners in a large Parisian incundescont lamp manufacturing firm became sali vated while experimenting with mer cury pumps, and ho cured himself com pletely by means of small doses of iodido of potassium dissolved in milk. Ho next odministered similar doss to some workmen iu his larup factor-, who were suffering from mercury poisoning, and thoy quickly and completely recovered. In his present factory, into which ho moved a year ago, thero has not been a singlo case of salivation, and this ex emption is attributed to tho fact that doses of the iodide havo been continu ously administered to the workmen, Men from other factories havo been taken on who on entering exhibited tho characteristic signs of mercury poison ing, and who recovorod forthwith, Tho daily dose supplied by tho firm to each man is .25 gram of tho crystallized salt, dissolvod in about 400 cubic cen timeters of milk. St. Louis Globe- Democrat. What a TuriHMi Can Do. As tho steamtug Mollio Mohr was coining up tho river from the jotties she ran through a school of tarpon about half a mile below tho city. Thiee of thoso huge fish leaped clear across the tug's forward deck, one of them nar rowly missing Tom Ross' head; tho sec ond struck tho cabin, near where Cap tain Marshall and a fireman wpro stand ing, and mado a dont as lnrgo as u man's fist in the hard wood. Tho third struck and bent an iron drift bolt half an inch in diametor, and glancing off hit Wil liam Schunfield between the shoulders, knocking him senseless; iu fact, it was thought for a time ho had been killed, and it will bo sorao timo beforo he will bo able to resume work. Captain Mar shall says tho river for a considerable distanco was alive with theso silver kings, leaping around as if all tho tar pon family had concluded to celebrate nineteen feet of water on tho Brazos bar. Houston Post. - It Saves the Children. Mr. C. D". Hlinwen, Wellsvllle, Kan., says: "It is with pleasure thnt I speak of the good Chamber lain's Colic, Cliolero and Diarrhoea Remedy has dram my family during the last fourteen years. In the most obstinate cases of suinnier complaint and diarrhoea nn long my children, it acted nsu cluirin, making it never neces'-urv to call iu a physician. 1 can truthfully say that in my judg ment, bused on j eai a of experience, thero is not n medicine in tho mar ket that Is its equal. For sale by Geo. E. Good, druggist. llucHlcn's AnilcnPnlve. Tho Hest Salve in the worli for Cutr, Bruise. tNorts, Ulcers Salt Kuiniii, Kever Eores, Totter, (Jhnppeil llnnils Uliilulnlus, Corns ami all hklu Kruiitlous, unit posi tively cures l'llcs, or no pay r quired. It lsguanoileeil to sIva parftct -nUsiucllon or money temndei), i'rke, 2.'i cents per box. Knrsalo by Lisn'l.f 1 ry, 2J5 Con -I. aTh SB fiS5 . a I Tickets ON SALE TO- UMAHA Kansas City, St, Paul CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, East, lAndSall Pulnts North and South, PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIbT SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS AND DiliERS: Steamers Portland lo 8 in Knjnt;ltcol!.very 4 Day. TICKETS TA& EUROPE For rales and general Information call nn or nuuress, A' II HU'-HUKT, At, Hon'. Pass. Agt ilVl Wwmu'Btunm., 1'OUll.AND, ORKSON 500 UW P? 0 L3 Menu's vm ". ii fl 9 f?iizi i. if an n tiw .Vr III 111 --'-tm i-; muc i m j "ii rOAS HEALTH. La RIcIiau's Oolilen Haluani No. 1 Cures Cliancres, fir3i anil sci.onil stages Sores en tho Lcrs and llodj; Sore Ears, 1 Ml HuiiUh in UuUt'd Type for the Itlllul. Last ye.rr alono the British nnd For eign Blind association embossed 8,000 books iu English, French, German. Lntin, (J reek and other languages foi tho use of bliud readers. About 250 seeing volunteers aro, we are informed, engaged in writing out tho first copies of books in Braille for this aociaticn, and noventy paid blind writers are employed in niukin; copies. Besides theso, tho ns socintion continues to publish its two magazines for tho blind, Progress, start ed by the late Dr. T. R Armitago in 1SSI, nud Play time, n magazine in nn contracted Brnillo for children, which made its first appearance last summer. London News. Tho 1'leire Tortoltu Shull. Sometimes the flesh of tho tortoise sholl turtle is eaten, but it is not good for much. There nre two species the "tortoise shell" and tho "hawhsbill" with uot much difference between them. Although their diet is a vegetable one, they aro much rnoro fierco than the car nivorous loggerhead. They bite very severely, nnd those who catch them sometimes receive very painful wouuda. Interview iu Washington Star. Chrap t:uuiib, Ctrlululy. "I felt bo cheap during tho ceremony," confuted the bride to Iter dearest frreud. "Why, my dcuil" 'Beaua m gavo me away." Detroit gleitfitliS toia tho fiqwuing enr Fw rrl Sinhllis. Prlco. MOO imr Bolll... Lo Illclinu'a Golden ll.ilsum ;'o.S Cures Tertiary, JlcrcurlaltlyphlUtlo Rheu matlsm. Pains In tho Bones, Pains In the Head, back ot the Neck, Ulcerated Sort Throat, SyphiHt'.o Hash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness ot thu Limbs, and eradicates all disease from the system, ihctlicr caused by indiscretion or abuse ot Mercury, leaving tho blood puro and healthy, i'rlco 55 OO per Hottlo. XtO Klclinii's Golden SimnlsH Ami. doto for the cure of Oonorrno, (lleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urlniry or Genl tat disarrangements. Price 5a 50 nei Bottle. L.f Ulclmn'a Golden Spanish In. lection, (cr severe cassof Gonorrhoea, Inflammatory Gleet, Strlcturcs,&c. Price 81 50 per Hottlo. .e Illclinu'a Go'.iT Olntmonl for the eUcctlvo healing jvphllitlo fcrrts nnd eruptions. Price. fl OO per Ilox. lie Kichuu'3 Golden Pills Nem and Drain treatment; loss ot physical pov? er, excess or over-work. Prostration, eta Prlco S3 OO per Box Toulo and Nervine, Sent everywhere, C. O, D, securely rjacked per express. THE RICHARDs"onilQ CO., Agent 06 511 BIAIUIKT ST , ;5ftatt rorcE -p' s SYMPTOMS OP UVXU DISEASE: Loss of appotlto; bad breath j bad tasto Jn thn mouth ; tonguo coated j pain under the ehoulder-blado; in tho back or sido often mistaken for rheumatism j sour stomach with flatulency nnd water-brash; ludlues tfon; bowels lax and costfvo by turns; headache, with dull, heavy sensation; restlessness, with sensation of having left something undono which ought to have been dono; fullness after caiing; bad temper; blues; tired feeling; yellow ap pcaraneo of skin and eyes ; dizziness, eto. Not all. but always sotno of theso iudl cato want of action of tho Liver. For A Safe, Itoliablo Remedy that can do no harm and has norcr been known to fall to do good. Take Simmons Liver Regulator -AN KSTUCTirAL Sl'ECIl'lO TOH Malurtu, lloiiel Complaint, l)ypeiIn, blclt Headache, Constipation, Uillousiiess, JUduey Alloc I loin. Jaundice, Mental l)epreiou, Colic, A rilVSICIAX'S OI'INION. "t hire been practKInff medicine for twenty ar and hi vc no cr been atle to put up a eceta Ue compound thit nould, hie Simmons Uver Kegalator, promptly and effectually mote the liver to action, and at the same lime aid (instead orcaken) the digestive and asjimilitive powers of the system. L. M. Hintost, u. o , Washington, Ark. OXI.Y OEM'IXK lias our Z Sttap In red in frost of wrapper. J, H. Sellin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa, ti P c 3 S'tJo w XT. ui m o c a - - w a. s P.P tj tr1 o lb" , o u E- el. P IHw 3 S . o b di - $ e v iJ . i-i - - 2 - B.a lT-1 1 O - OPS Kh ffi O O . CJ Tt Ui Zt err i, iw c'SLsr p rr -- - CO JL 5 r? w gL re cf- Hq f P O O P ct- ii re . en- o XL - H-)'J3 w e V! ei- & . o . -, I . m n "" , 5? M'J5 & 2- - p a- o cr rr, p rr1 P- o o n n s " . a a a. P 'Irt-B'c H ? C C5 p o en rr . i z r. r. Ul i , p r 2 id i rr w hj is g 3 o c is "' a n S" " ' C- Hj C -, '-" w O re - r. ct- to re re re o " 5" "i R- ii o o re -g. c re o cd tJl- B. 2 M i i B S Z 5-0 P O P 5 ST. cf c- p- P-1 JL 5; -" brj re P 6 Oj?" 2. O W h rt ht p re m S- " Q C n c re en C o - i-3 r. re Ur ki .. r . "-: r. ?. ST & h5 7T " 2. co o5 re : , fc- . - t i 25 e-S.EO Nr- tT-1 - Q T w'& m H . jr V" 1-" w P ii. "-1- , J trjp S.PK P wS 3 s o g 5 P S' P - " B Hi- w. 3 - re P- 3 re re " Si p i P O u . P U -' ts re o w ww a m s w 1 p 2 &irn i-j P- Hi ,H u. m p C5 -J h f! z ? S l i i rV 1 !U I UnHTHMTitJirt CO cro SB. nr.m CIS c m i i ii rtniiimil THE ATHLETIC COLLEGE GIRL. Bho Uiijoyn All KlinU f Hmrl Inuit I'm.l bull to llonl Uiiwliir;. All tlio usunl Held Bporla jioinil. at men's collcgCH nro nlso iom! . nmong tlio girl Btudciits ovtrnl i t tlio wbmon'B colleges havo Hit r (towb, nnd no ono can deny thnt t young womoii nro good Dmiiipi-hiu of tlio onr. Float day nt Wcllesl- . Is n gala dny, and crowds of enthrt n.itio spectators aro on hand to v ness tho regatta. Iu ouo of tlio str universities of tho west thero h cadet company among tho yoi. women students, who nro undr t uamo instruction nnd nro subjec ' to tho samo regulations as tho i ulnr cadets. Thoy aro drilled by t government officer detailed at t military department, and aro re ularly rovioweu by tno governor in staff. Tho high complimonts thoy havo received from tho stato exeeuti o body nnd tlio attention they havo at tracted iu tho community gencrall. . to say nothing of tho admiration e cited. must bo vory gratifying to tl fair soldiers. Thoy havo all bei m properly disciplined, and when occ i sion demands will bo ready to sorvo their country in timo of need. There uro numerous football teams and baseball nines managed nnd equipped by tho women students in different parts of tho country, and their inter collegiate matches show that thcy aro progressing rapidly in thoir race for muscle. If a girl has not all tho latest ini provomonts at bund for her nthloti sports she makes tho most of win she has, particularly if sho is u Va sar girl, and has a good tnno at nnj vnto Who but a Vassal- frirl wouli over havo thought of using" a barn? stavo for a coaster? This idea ongi nntafl tnn.or twelvo voars turo. ani. tho practice- has been kept up re ligiously over since. Now of court this device is preferred to tlio con veutioual sled, and when tho snow tins n. Irani, sliiinerv crust tiro lar coaster slnms down ono of thoso lout Pougukcopsio lulls so last tnat n fairly takes her breath away. To bogganing cannot compare with thr improvised coasting as far as fun goes. Let any ono wlio does uot do lievo thero is any tun m it just try it onco. Ouo class in a prominent New Eng land college, tho name of which I havo promised not to divulge, had quito as much fun in coasting aw their Vassar sisters, although thoy used an entirely different dovico. In place of tho barrel staves, which arc not always so easy to obtain after all, tho Now England collegians used tho homely dustpans. Tho sly crea tures only coasted dining tho oven ings, after gymnasium hours, wheu thoy would slip into their rooms, con coal the dustpans under their ulsters, slip out again to thoir favorito plaeo of resort and slide away to their heart's eoutont. Sometimes all tho dustpans would bo tied togothor and a line of girls would start from tho top of the hill and go whizzing down together. It wasn't so easy at first to slide all tho way down without losing control over tho dustpan, but this difficult feat is soon accom plished, and grace and dexterity como with practice. Tho homely household implement in tho hands of tho frolic! ing girl was converted into an article of supremo delight. Tho authorities frowned upon tho practice as establishing an uudesira bio precedont, besides being undigni fied and furnishing tho paragrapher with material for a now joho on tho collego girl. Af tor suffering the an noyance of timo wasted by the senior in her housework, owing to tho in convenience of using dustpans whos" divorced handles wero peace!: vj slumbering a dozen rods away in the snow, tho faculty put its fo.it down and declared that the praetico must bo discontinued or that tho seniors must furnish their own materials. Chicago Horald. Tho Smallest Republic San Marino, tho little republic in closed with tho boundaries of Italy, bears tho encyclopedic honor of Lo mg tho smallest self governed stato in tho world ; this, however, is a mis tako. Const, a littlo hamlet in tho Pyrenees, is oven more of an ideal republic than our great United States. It belongs to neither Franco nor to Spain, and has not to exceed twenty-fivo citizens, all told. They havo no taxes or other public rates to pay; no mayor, watchman or other official ; each male inhabitant of tho ago of eighteen years having equal say in administering affairs of state. Among them thoro is neither rich or poor, master or servant, no blo or churl. Truly Goust is tho model republic. Philadelphia Press. Intense Heat. It is stated, in speaking of Maxim's experiments at aeriel navigation, that ho bos got so far with his motors that ho has obtained steam equal to 100 horso power with ono square foo. of grate, or rathor of the equivalent of a grate, for ho burns liquid fuel. Tho heat generated is so intense (hat no boiler plate has thus far been mode that can stand it. New York Timos. sifmiiic.uit. Wife (who is without a girl) Why, tho atmosphere of this kitchen "is bluo. What causes it? Husband (who has been trying to got breakfast) I havo just burned my fingers. Now York Weekly. Tlio tila Thnt Suited. A young exquisite, who thought nn eyeglass would improve his appear ance, went into an optician's in tho Strand tlio other dny, and was a long timo trying to find ono to suit him. None of them would do; thoy wero too strong or two woel: for his sight. At length ho found ono that was just right and inquired tho price. Sur prised nt tho selection ho had rartita, tho optima, looldug at him in blank ostoneJmiect, ventured to ask what number of glafcs- ho would liko for the frame ho had picked out. Lon dou Tit-Bits, 'v .x r V ejMMd TTTvi mm tf