v st -rfSf " o 'gwfc '"! -4J ' . " J ) Xkwi rttiiHrnTinniHii'TV ---' "r ii Vr-,. BiMStWKBIt SPECIAL umLLi Mo rush off our summer stock, wo havn decided to put all white goods and Swisses, embroideries, etc, at SALE PRICES, July 11th to July lotn, White Goods, Swisses, Linens, etc. All Embroideries, Flouncmgs, etc., etc., at special x-oipsr lEzEfcSDOiiess; THIS WEEK AT T. HOLVERSON'S, 301 Commercial Street. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL BIONDAY, JULY 11, 1812. GILBERT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowelass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. I QKO. I). OOODIIUE. K. CAIIILL. Li llfTTT.TITVn TlT.4'm?.TlTAT. r.ltvli-i numnll tilnutnr llflll fll-n Fand buildlnu brick. Are clay, sand, fgravel, blucksmltb and bouse coal, ,woou, nil isinus, wuoiesaie ana re Hull. Ofllco 05 Btiito street. GOODHUK & CAHILU ICIIOICEST MEALS, ' UEST SERVICE, LOWEST I'HICE AT STRONG'S RESTAURANT. The Soap Factory Subsidy. tTbe following additional subsidies have been received: Fred Hurst, $5; George W. Watt, 5.2.60; G. W. Put- num, $2 50; M. W. Hunt, $2 50; George Griswold, $2.50; George Bur- nett, 2.50; Inman, PauUeu & Co., f5; W.J. Culver,$2.50; J. S. Giuliani, 2.50; John McCrow, $2 60; A.M. plough, $2.50; Amsler Bros.,$2 50; C. 8. McNally, $2.50; J. N. Fergueon, $2.50; Damou Bros., $5; Bpaulding & Rogers,$5;Globe Real Estate corn- fcpany, $5; Capital Lumbering com- R:Un..,. .1(1. T fl f3ro1,ili Sin. finnriro jkW. Davis, $5; Frank C. Baker, $5; fJ. H. add J. M.Howell, $5; Thomas KHolnitin, $10; Thomas Kays Woolen Smills, $30; S.W.Thompsou & Co.,$5; I Jefl Myers, $5;Dugan Bros., $5. A Dead Beat.-G. W. Plaster, htho all round dead beat, who has been "doing up'' the valley towns (sou til of here, has just finished hit- contract in this city and left for pas- Itures greeu. Ho boarded the morn jng tr.iln yeateiday presumably for jSalem, to ply his vocation, and the iCapital City peoplo will do well to fglvo him a wide berth. Albany iHerald. m Inspection. Brigadier General Compson and Major Jackson will Inspect "B" and "H" companies this evening. General Compson is 'commander of the brigade, and is now on his first tour of inspection Major Jackson is detailed from the regular army for duty as instructor jjand inspector of the Oregon Nation al guard. Much Wohse. C. A. Beach, who fwas so seiiously hurt at the late lire, lis again stricken to his bed, and it lis feared may come down with brain fever. He had oxpected to go to tho rcoast today, but Is thus prevented. He is having the most attentive care and will no doubt be about ffcoon. Insane. Mrs. E. Barton, uged ISS years, was yesterday committed to tho asylum from Lauo county. m Extra values In waists, Ed. Jack- Bon's. Militauy. Brig. Geul. Comp- faon, Capt. Chas. S. Moore, A, A. iGenl. O. N. G. accompanied by Ma- por James Jackson U. S. A. and Col. J;T. Bowditch, O. N. G. came down from Eugene yesterday aud are reg istered at the Willamette. In Bed. One third of your life Is fjpent in bed, heuce examine those superior hair mnlt reuses at Kellers B& Marsh's. Children's (Jackson's. waists 25 and 50 at THE STATE FAIR. Tho Executivo Committee Held a Busy Session Saturday Night. President Apperson, Secretary Gregg, Clerk Geo. W. Watt, Judge Galloway, Judgo Davidson auu John G. Wright, of the executivo committee of tho board of agricul ture, met at tho state house Satur day. W. H. Savage, superintend ent of the pavilion, John Q. Wilson, superintendent of the grounds and Chief Marshal Sinieral were present. The matter of leasing the shoeing shop iju tho track were referred to John Q. Wilson, with power to act. A. I. Wagner was granted a lease on the restaurant privileges for four yeais providing ho fitted up the building. The secretary was authorized to Inform the persons desiring a farm ers' Institute on the grounds during the fair that the committee would contribute $50 for the rent of the tent and for other expense. The question of remitting the fine of Jockey Leslie Galbreath will be submitted to a full board meeting. John Q. Wilson was authorized to use his discretion in locating the machinery hall. Gate Keepers and Venders. committee of the Agriculture made The executive Stale Board of the following appointments on Sat urday night: Ticket veuders: Railroad gate Jos. Purdon, H. C. Stewens. North Gate C. W. Talmadge.Mc Miuuvil'e; T. U. Davidson, Dencer. Knee track W. B. Galliher, Sa lem; L. R. Green, Lincoln. Superintendent of stables R. O. Donaldson. Hay tender T. J. Beckwith, The following are the appoint ments of the gate keepers. Railroad gate J. H. Scott, Mt. Angel; John Talbert, Clackamas. North gate Manley Moore;Salem T. M. Miller. Horsemen's gate George Has- tins;p, Salem; Butler DoLashmutt, Uellevue. Race track W. S. Parker, Port laud; Joe Hayes, Howell. The division superintendents were appointed as follews: Division A Classes 1, 2, 3; John Redmond, McMinnville. Classes 5, 0; I. D. Miller, Miller's. Classes 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12; John Chalmers, Jr., Hlllsboro. Division B Classes 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12; R. Scott, Milwaukie, Classes 4, 5, 0, 8, 11; L.F. Mascher Silvertou. Division C Sheep, Heuline Smith Salem. Division D Swine, R.Strickland, Highland, Clackamas county. Poul try, J. S. Failing, Portland. Division E-H. T. French, Cor vallis. Division F-David Dalglelsh, Sa lem. Divission G-Mrs. John Q. Wil son, Salem. Division H-Mrs. M. Wilkius, Coburg. Division I Mrs. Galloway, Mc Minnville. Division J Classes 1, 2, 3, Mrs. E. B. Fellows, McMinnville. Class 4, Mrp. Suell, Corvallis. Classes C, 6, Mrs. J. G. Pillsbury. Division K Mrs. W. H. Savage, Salem. Division L Chas. Burggraf, Sa lem. Division M J. H. Settlemeir, Woodburn. Division N-Mr. Jackson, Central Point. Division O Prof. Coote, Coryallis. Division P-Prof. W. S. Arnold, Salem. Division Q J. M. Bloss. Are You Going? If you ure go- Inrj to the coast or mountains this Beabou, remember Clark & Eppley are best prepared to (ill your orders for all provisions. LOCAL AM) PERSONAL. Geo. H. Joues of Salem, makes re gular trips to Mehama. Col. and Mrs. A. I. Wagner, spent Suturday In Portland. Supt. Downing, of tho prison, was in Porilaud Saturday. Bepreseutative-elect Ormsby did agiaceful act which tho peoplo of Stayton appreciate. He very gener ously donated ull ho was above his expenses for his long drive and ex cellent oration for the purchase of u Hag for the public school, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Byron return ed to their homo in Salem, having spent several days with their daugh ter Mrs. E. G. Siegmund of Fern Ridge. Stayton Times. Alonzo Gesuer and family of Sa lem, have been spending a few days at Waldport enjoying the flue sea atmosphere. Albany Herald: R..L. Coshow, secretary of the Salem woolen wool en mills,who arrived in town on Sa turday, Is visiting his parents at this place. Elegant goods at Ed. Jackson's Special values In summer clothing. Capitol Adventure Co. 2t A recently pardoned convict says tho newspaper man, Saunders counts on being pardoned out next Febru ary. Mrs. Condon and Mrs. Higgins returned to Eugene this morning aftor spending a few days visiting at the home of Judgo It. S. Bean, Safe and sure to regulate the bow els, Ayer's Cathartic Pills never fuile to give satisfaction. Recom mended by eminent physicians, The American Jersey Cattle club offers forty prizes of $25 each for essays on Jerseys, contest to close c-.. 1af Bnmn Cirtiinn mon nnrl women should get a few of these. Address for particulars No. 1 Broad way, JNew YorK. For hats see Ed Jackson. Special values in white goods. Capitol Adventure Co. 2t Jack West. George Waters, Joe Baumgartner, Frank Cro-s aud Frank Talliaferro left yesterday moruinir for a visit of a couple of weeks to the Nestucca country. Rev. H. Prechtel of Salem, lately from Indiana, is in the city the guest of Rev. L. S. Fisher and family. Albany Herald. Secretary of State McBride, and a party of capitalists have purchased the T. L. Davidson place south of Salem, and will improve it. D. L. Manning and family, Miss Lulu Sargent, Nora Harris aud Caes Sarsrent. with others, started for Silver Creek falls this morning. Ladles' patent leather tipped, kid shoes $2.50 a pair at the Capitol Ad venture Co. 2t For shoes and clothing, Jackson, Dr. H. C. Eppley and wife, Judge T. C. Shaw and wife, Miss Laura Starr and two brothers, will leave tomorrow morning for Elkborn val ley. Adj't. Gen. W. R. Mitchell, O. N. G. arrived from Pnrtlund this morn ing to assist in the inspection of the Nutional guard this evening. Everyone says tho Big Schooner lemonades sold at the Spa are fine. W. Stolz, 110 State street. P. S. Knight leaves for San Fran cisco tonight on a two weeks trip. A cap free to purchasers, Juck sou's. Men's flue black suits cutaways, sacks, and Prince Alberts, just ar rived. Capitol Adventure Co. 2t Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wallace re turned from Portland this morning. Hon. T. Ford went to Albany this morning on legal business. Editor Ernst Hoferof tho Jour nal, left this morning for Newport to recuperate, after Ills six weeks' illness. Mr, and Mrs. W. Breyumn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Broyniau, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lafore returned this morning from a short visit at Wilholt springs. Miss O. Ballou, the kindergar tener, returned this niqmlng from a trip up tho Columbia to Port Angeles, Wash., Victoria and the Puget Sound country. Its concentratlvo curative power, tnako Ayer's Sarsaparllla tho best blood purifier. Special sale chlldrens' waists at Jackson's. Tents aud awnings, every size, quality and stylo, at prices that cannot be competed with, at Os boru's racket store. F. T. Hart and E. P. Spalding were at Mehama over Sunday. H. S. Belle, of tho Pitlace, is In Portland today. Mrs.J.J.Dalrymplo and daughters Jessie and Kate, Miss Allen, of Port land, Miss Myra Albert, Jos. H. Al bert, Fred Wiggins. Drs. Frauk aud J. C. Griffith left today for an outing on Slab creek, to be gone several weeks. Mr. E.B.Kettlo, of the Thompson Houston electric car works, is in the city today, looking up tho contract for tho motor electric railway plant. The petty persecutiou against Mrs, Woodworth continues, and the at tendance at her meetlugs is growing pro rata, as it were. E.F.Parkhurst, und D. N. Derby, with their families visited Mehama Saturday. Mrs, Derby remains for several weeks in hopes of being re stored to better health. COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the Seeley road R. F. Cooley, A. D. Hall.and W. H. Goudy were appointed viewers and will meet July 22d. In tho Turner and Miller road James Duncan, John Osboru and C. R. Reld were appointed viewers. They are to meet July 26th. The matter of the Whitaker and Silver Falls City road was dismissed for want of jurisdiction. The services of G. G. Bingham ns county attorney were ordered dis pensed with. Court adjourned until the regular August term. A Point for You. In view of what Hood's Sarsapa' rilia has done for others, Is it not rea- sohable to suppose that it will be of benefit to you? For scrofula, salt rheum, and all other diseases of the blood, for dyspepsia, indigestion, sick herdache, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, catarrh, malaria, rheu matism, Hood's Sarsaparllla is an uuequalled remedy. Hood's Pllla cure sick headache. Marriage License was grant ed, Saturday to W. H. May aged 24, and Efia Long, aged 16. ' It Should Be in Every House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps- burg, Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with uneumonla after an attack of "La Grippe," when various other remedies and several phybicians had done her no good. Robert Barker, of Cooksport, Pa,, claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him moro good than any thing he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottle at Dan'l J. Fry's drugstore, 225 Commercial street. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Contract Let. The Salem mo tor railway company today let the csntract for 15,000 ties for their new electric line. Prison Report. The following facts are taken from Supt., Downing's quarterly re port filed teday: Earniucs $5845 20 Board U. S. Prisoners, 704 00 Rent, 12 00 Total, receipts. Board U. S. Prisoues, Rent, Number of convicts, Increase duiing quarter,. Received convicts, Discharged, Salaries of officers and Including two guards and brick yard, Other expenses, .$0561.20 $920 00 12 00 4 0" 10 73 57 employes, foreman on . $4724.05 10,605.47 JSOKN, DERBY. On Saturday, at 8 p. m. to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Derby, a sou (tirst born.) All doing nicely. 1)1 KO. CANVAS COTTS For a Few Days at tr$1.75M A. B. BT7REN & SON. COY Sunday, July 10th, lb92, of bright's disease, Isaac Coy, aged 05 yours, at his home near Auiiib-ville. Mr. Coy was an old reiildent and well known. Ho was burled at 2 o'clock today. McCAULE V. At 12:30 p. m. Sun day, July 10th, 1892. from con- sumption, T. N. McCauley, aged 44 years. Mr. McCauley has been a resident of Salem for tweuty years, during which time ho has built up a good income and bi en a good citizen. He was a fireman In high standing and an honored member of tho M'tsonlo fraternity. The fuucrul takes place Tuo3day at 2 p. m. Rev. Gwynne officiating iu connection with tho Masons, who will lay his body to rest In Rural cinetery. Allmofccru laces in Guipure-d' Ireland at the J'ulace. ili'-v1 wm OREGON ITEMS. Polk county's treas urer gives $20, 000 bonds. Elktou and Halsey aro growtutr rapidly. A $4000 saw mill burned four miles from Warnlck, July 4th. Heppner county was paid $1,778, 83 for cyote and squirrel scalps. Tho Dunlap placer mines races cleaned up $1,081 gold after a 30 days run. The Presbyteriaus of Woodburu have organized a Sunday sohool. Tho crop of young game birds Is reported large. Mehama's $2500 school house is nearly constructed. Heppner has contracted with H. V. Gates, of Hlllsboro, for a 15 year water aud elect tic light service. Tho contract has beeu let for a now Presbyterian parsonage at Eu geno. Newberg has received a pressed brick plant and will spend $1500 graveling streets. Andrew J. Jones of Roseburg, has received a pension for a wound re ceived in the ludiau battle at Cow Creek. Woodburn has a lively and able new local paper tl(o "World" week ly, J. F. Stewart editor. Three deaths are reported from diphtheria in the family of Joseph Raiuvllle, two miles from" Adam, Umatilla county. The Oregon Sherlfls will hold their state convention in Eugene about the middle of July. Rev. J. S. Noel is holding Cutlio 113 missions in Douglas county all this month. Prosecuting Attorney McMaln, wife and three daughters, are camp ing at the ocean in Tillamook county Rev J. G. Brownson of McMlun villo College appeals to the Baptists of the state for $10,000 endowment fund. Grandpa Edwards, a pioneer of 1852, bus been turned out by his relatives hi Multauomah Co. av.d has no home. Miss Mary Bailey of Forest Grove has caught 33 gophers this spring. Forest Grove has held a public meeting and appointed a committee to secure water works. Ashland has secured a fifty-ton per day quartz mill to work tho oro of Ashland mine, Woodburu has just accopted a street Improvement consisting of grading, tiling, gravelling, and cur bing, at 72 cts. per front foot. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other aflectious caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from tho sybtein aud prevent us well as euro ull malarial fevers. For euro of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters, entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c. and $1 per bottle alDau'I J. Fry's drugstore, 225 Commeicial St. A Big Drive -ON- Summer Weight Underwearv Nice and soft nnd cool, just the thinfj for the hot days. -DON'T FORGI2T THE PLACE AT THE- -y WOOUN MILL STORED JJJ! Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. ji HTVIH43JK.'BK1 W B VtMWMM HOW MIKE MADE TWENTY DOLLARS. Bids Wanted. On Its 5& G Block 24 North Salem and the buildiugs thereon. This propel ty must be sold Any reasouublo bid entertained. $000. cau remain on mortgage pay able in installments if desiied. Spald ing & Rogers, Bush-Breyman Block 7-2 tf Captured. It has been learned with pleasure that tho line shoe trade of this city 1b being captuied by K. J. Flemings, 118 State street. State of Okio, ci rv ok toluiw, 1 , Ijuoah county. rD', Frank J. uuenoy niultcn oath that ho In the senior naitnuruf tho llrm of K. J. Chb- neyctUo., (iou)L' buslui'sn in the city of Toledo, county auu mate uforesalu. and that Buld tlrm will pay tho nun of Uiiu Hundred Dollars lor euch mill every cue of Catarrh thut cannot bo cured by the uso of Hull h fatal i h Cure. VltANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and Huuxcrihcd In my presence, this fcth day of December, A D.l&U. A. W". OLiKAHON, skal.1 .Notary Public. Wall's Catarrh cure is taKeu "in ternally aud acts directly on tho blood und mucous surfaces of tho system. Send for testimonials free F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O BSySold by druggists, 75o. For The Coahi1. Parties con templatlng going to tho Coast are advised to see It. It. Ryan, rear of Wlllumotteo Hotel. 0-22- Auy one going Eust cannot afford to miss seeing Slmw & Downing, agents of the Northern Pucillo rail way. They mukuuj lijit rate. Big parasol sale at the Puluco. Have you seen those gents' shoes at tho Now York Racket? Only $1,00. Geo. F. Smith Is hcudquurters for tents, hammocks and stools, C'ottlo Block. rho Deal of n Chicago Ilunho Sharp In the Dajs Ucforo tho Mg Fire. Before the firo of 1S71 thero lived In Chicago n noted bunko sharp named Uiko O'Mnra. Ho is now Borving thnu nt Columbus, O., but in those days ho was known to tho po lico as n shining light of bunkoism. Ono day in 1809 ho went into tho saloon of n West Side Irishman -who prided himself on hi3 knowledge of tnonoy. Miko throw down a dirty looking dollar and called for rye. Tho barkeeper picked up tho coin and examined it closely. "Suro, nn it's bad, Mike," said ho. "Betclier ten it ain't," answered Miko qtiiek n3 n wink, pulling out a bill and slapping it down on tho counter. After looking at Mike's bill a moment tho saloon man took a ten dollar note trom ins urawor and laid it on tho othor. "Who'll decidot" ho asked. "Cashier of tho bank 'round in Hnl sted street," answored Miko. Tho two tens wcro handed to ono of Miko's friends, and tho trio, followed by a curious crowd, wont over to tho bank. When thoy got thero tho sa loon man planked tho dollar beforo tho teller and said: "Don't you call that counterfeit?" "No," was answered after abriof examination. It is perfectly good." "I don't boliovo you," cried tho sa loon man angrily. " 'Tain't worth a dime." The teller flushed, and silently turning to a stack of coin raked off a dollar and handing it to tho othor 6aid: "Is that good?" "Yes," was tho answer. "Then keep it, and I will tako this other in its place." That of course downed tho baloon man, and Miko won. As he was about to put the bills in his pocket ho stopped and began an pager examination of ono of them. It was, in fact, tho ten ho had put up. Turning to his op ponent, ho asked: "Did you look at tho bill you Btakod?" "No." "Did you look at mine?" "Suro an you don't think I'd bet Miko without seeing that your stuff was good?" "Was it good?" "Of courso." "Well," said Miko, "this bill is bad, and if you hadn't said what you did I would havo sworn that my ton was all right anyway." Tho saloon man did not beliovo Miko nnd tho bill was passed in for tho toller to decido. His answer was a red stamp, "counterfeit," across its face. Tho saloon man fished anoth er t n out of his trousers to replace it, 1 .it ho novor would be persuaded that Miko made twonty dollars on tho deal. Chicago Times. . A ViWi II I ill SSSHSQIMlllllllllllSHlflfliHHillHB A Touch of Color. "This corner wants a touch of color," commonted a young woman who was "fixing up" tho parlor of .her tiny apartment in expectation of a visitor; "a bit of bright color. I havo it" sho interrupted herself sud denly and ran out of tho room. In two minutes sho camo back with a delicately painted plate on which lay n small cluster of Slalaga grapes and a fine prango with a quarter cut out. A pearl handled knifo lay ncross tho plate, and when sho put it on tho little tablo in tho color-needing cor ner sho tucked a slightly rumpled littlo napkin half under it. "Thero, "sho says, "isthocolor and tho look of habitaney." "Yes," grumbled her friond, "nnd tho look as well of a careless maid or mistress." But tho orango remained. Her Point of View in Now York Times. How to Murk Tools. Tho strcot fakir who sells you a bottlo containing n fluid with which you can write your namo on a knifo blado novor fails to secure patronage, although tho fluid ho sells is so badly diluted that it only does its work in differently well. In ordor to mark steel tools and othor articles distinct ly it is only necessary to grease- tho subHtnuco with wax or tallow and then scratch the namo and address in tho wax. When this is dono a fow drops of nitric acid poured on will speedily eat into tho stool and otch tho namo quite deoply. II enough acid is used it is possiblo to cut right through tho hlado. St. Louis Globo-Democrat. nROOSppC r?eaWiakng UdPowder Dsd im Millions of Homes 40 Years tli? Standard for Infants and Children. " Custorl a Is bo well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known to mo." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "Thn uso of 'Castorla' Is so universal and its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse- it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach.1' Carlos JUnrm, D. D , New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Befonned Church. Castorla cures Colic, Oomttpatlon, ' i, Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, . V Kllls Worms, glvca sleep, and promotes 'd pestion, k Without Injurious medication. ,j " For several years I hare recoratnadsa ' your (jasiona, - ana snau always continue I unaoosu uaa invariaDiy produced results." Edwin F. Pardu, M. D. "Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are- New York Ctty, Tms Centaur Compact; 77 Murray Struct, New Tome.' HARD FACTS ABOUT CLOVES. Two Illustrated by the Experience of Women ultli Shop Girl. They wcro two women, and each was buying a pair of now gloves. Ono was dressed in a palo green gown, which had swept part of Broadway and was elaborately trim med about the bodico with coarso white lacoand jot, while on her head was a small hat with a tall, taper ing crown ; tho brim was of stiffened lace, tho flowers pink roses, and from tho back hung two long green streamers. Tho other woman had on a plain cloth gown, tho skirt of which es caped tho street, a refined littlo bon net that bore tho stamp of a first class millinor in its air of good style, and sho carried in hor hand a plain, closely strapped sun umbrel la, which, if you looked closely at it, you disovored had for its handle a bit of real not imitation Dres den. Each wanted a pair of white gloves. Now tho lady whoso attire was decidedly conspicuous demanded a mousquotairo glove with four but tons and an elaborate sotting of laco on tho back below tho wrist. Sho put out hor hand and asked for a No. C glove. The girl who was to fit her looked aghast Tho fingers woro short, thick and badly Bhaped; the hand was broad and the wrist was fat. It was a hand that ought to havo had what is known as n short fingered ' eight on it, but by oxorciso of great strength and marvelous pationco it was forced into tho six, with tho result that it looked like a pudgy pincushion. When it was buttoned all tho blood in tho body seemed to havo settled in tho mounds of flesh that pro truded from between each button and its neighbor. Whilo sho was waiting for hor change sho watched tho othor woman buy her gloves. First sho sot hor down in her own mind as "just or dinary and plain looking." Then it dawtiod on her that tho skirt and tho woll fitting bodico wcro ovidontly cut by a master hand, that tho bon net was never mndo in Now York and that "sho might after all bo ono of them quiet Bwolls." Tho quiet swell domandod a plain white undressed kid glovo, stitehed in whito and closing with four largo buttons, nnd sho requested that C would bo given hoi Tho girl bo hind tho counter reminded hor that sho could wear a CJ, but Hho said, "I prefor tho sizo I asked for." Very easily did thoy go on tho slender hand; thoy wero buttoned without any trouble, paid for and tho quiet swell departed. Tho othor lady sat thero with an air of dissatisfaction. Her gay gown didn't look quite right. She wished sho hadn't had streamers put on her hat; sho looked down at hor gloves and thoy Boomed, wrong, nnd then sho turnod to tho shopgirl, who had dono for hor exactly what sho had asked, and Bho said, "Why don't uiy hand look liko that lady's?" Even a worm will turn, and tho shopgirl said, "It takos fivo generations of gontlofolks for a lady to havo a beau tiful hand and to know how to dress it properly." And tho much befrilled ono wont .away fooling that thero was something wrong in tho stato of Denmark. -Now York Sun. fc Just , -. Sk 24 Imanlty In Montenegro. Tho Montenegrin race, which is generally considered ono of tho hardi est in Europe, and which is certainly very primitivo in its lifo and cus toms, is nn exceedingly nervous race. In a population of about 165,000 in habitants thoro havo been found no loss than 487 lunatics (299 mnlo and 188 female), Even if wo deduct from that number somo 104 persons, of whom tho reports state that thoy havo now recovered from their in sanity, wo havo Btill 883 persons of unsound mind, which gives tho high proportion of 23.2 in 10,000 inhabi tants, higher indeed than in any oth or European country, with tho excep tion of Switzerland. This is tho fact moro intoicstintr scientifically be- cuuso alcoholism is practically un known in uoataoogro, ta popula tion befog ubMdittgly frugal M III Juat'JI houraJ. V. S. relieves ootisUr and sick, headaches, After It gets tho syiiti miller) ontrol att occasional dec prevcriutt turn. o rcier ljy permission to W, 11. Jfi shall, llrunittlck House, 8. F,: Geo. ,V, W ucr, VI California St., S. F.; Mrs. C. McJv IM Keamy&t., S. F., and many others w hac found relief from constipation nnd sk headaches. O. W. Vincent, of C Tcrren Court, B. r. writes: "1 nm CO years of,i and liao had constipation 23 years. I induced lo try Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparii I recognized In It an herb the Mcxta used to g!o us In tho early tO's for ; troubles. (I camo to Cat in 1839,) and I Vi It would help me and It has. For he 1 lime in j I'urj i can siccp well ana r.iy eyi IB ilUJUI. 4J1U U.U iUVAlCUU UUIW JUj 1 remedy aro a certain care In conitlpMl and bowol troubles." Ask for !, nB.s Vegetable! JUy Sarsaparill For sale by Dan'l J. Fry, 226 1 merclal street. ', THE YAOUINA R0UTE, "', OREGON PACIFIC RA11R0J And Oregon Development coins steamship lino. 225 miles shorter. 'JO lfMw limn than hv nnv other route. class throiiL'h nassenecr and frelaht from Portland and all points In the 1 lamotto vallcvilo nnd from Ban Frane TIME SCHEDULE. (Kxcept Sundays). Leave Albany .-.-.-.. 1:00 jjl Leave Corvallis 1:48 II Arrive Yaqulna --- 5t80Fj Leave Yaqulna .-....- -0:46 A Leavo Corvallis - - - 10:88 A J Arrive Albany - 11:19 A J O. & C. trains connect at Albany i Corvallis. vv The above trains connect at YAW with the Orcuoii Develoomcnt Co'a jfHtenmRlilnH between Yaoulna and frnnelscn. " " ' N. B. Passengers trom Portland aad( Willamette valley points can rasJte i connection with the trains of y AQUINA MOUTE at Albany or Com ana u aesunea to Ban irancieco, an m-rango to arrive at Yaqulna the ev before date of sailing. - I'isatuKtr and freight Rates Alwut Fiowrst. Kor Information apply to In UULMAN & Co., Freight and TM Agouts 200 and 202 Front sC, Portland, ft .-; C. C. HOQTJK Ac't Gen'l Frt. Mk Pass. AgU, Oregon 1'aciuo K. K. i CorvaWi O H. irAHWKLLi. Jr. Gen'l Frt: A Fash. Act. Orecon DevelODaawat Co., m Montgomery tt' j l THE WILLAMETTI SALEM, OBJ2G01T. Bates, $2.50 lo $5.00 per: The best hotel between Portland adl Francisco. Flrstr-class in an 1U ftp menu. Its tables aro served wit! Choicest JFruits , Grown In the Willamette Valley, A, I. WAGNER; ProfM $Mlm&, it iJ. WWW," IBJTIWJ TS 'IC ezsmjimwa-z xv.s ,g? SRh?SMfS? Signs Bay You need one of Boot 1 If so, why not have It. Gold, Plain, Script or Cam Now 1b tho time to save nwiMy I giving your oruer to J. J. MU1 House, Sign Painter, DtcortttNfi Paper Hanger, 382 tymrok Or leave orders with Bfoat I State street, ' I ' I P I ' ' I ' ELLIS & WHITU LIVERYM8N, South of,'WIUaaiMMi 1AIKM - - - PI U y. i