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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1892)
ouwrntrrpigjit,. rr r -r- r-wiSSS " " JkTfcJijp'R" - I 1 '"V , v .,..9 , yV-j i ! NING CAPITAL JOURNAL. v a !? VOIi. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." 8AJLEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY.' NO. 160. EVE T i im DTTTN 1 1 LLll TAMPS for One Cent and a Quarter. lor the accommodation of tho public T. MCF. PATTON, The Stationer, Will carry Postage Stamps and Envelopes. Remember that when you want Stamps go to FATTOIT'S 98 Stat Street. PLEASANT You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street cars and city water. Kemember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on U Wm b iu.a wiiiia eb One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. zssMsanasn rlflrntt -SUCCESSORS TO IWrlntipft WELLEK BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS FOR 11ED star- SIM IB FANCY GROCERIES, At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND OFriCES PITTED UP IN Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. llcnrof 200 Cotnniprcinl Street, Salem, Oregon. GETTHEJ.&M.LAWNMOWER In Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT- GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. iB HH Baa m Vl6uS Ed. C. Cross, Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meals of all Hinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpfc delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. Chas. Smith, -SUCCESSOR TO- NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT BclIT (I PotZOi Pmbers and Tinners, 14 & illC Commercial St., Knlem. Gnrden Hose and Lawn Sprlnkleis. A coinjilute hint of Stoves iiud Tin vine. Tin roofing and plutubiug a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and i'luuihitig Furnibhed. PAPER HANGERS. ULEAD QUARTERS. All are iuvifed to call at 14." Court s-treet aud look at nil the lale ptittorua in Wall Paper and get prices for cuineon the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E.E. SNOW, House, Hlgn and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHED Paper Hauging, Kalsominlug, Wall Tlnthig, etc. Varnishing aud Natural Wood Finish. Only Fiwt-clusH Work. E, E. SNOW. Remember the place, 143 Court Street. FOUND The place to gc-t a Saddlo horse, Livery rig, liixpress, JJray or Lruck, Wood, Hay, Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on liyan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. 11YAN & CO. H 1 m 1 Q 1 Ci uraybandt: balein lruck ft Dray w. 3 V lice tnte Bt..onn MUCKS ordern. ver wood, lumber. Of fice tnte St.. onnositu Sa lem Iron works. Drays md truci.'s iut' 'if f-iwui t!trou;;bom tiiu duv a( Hi '"ro or Rt iti- anil (Jomninr i! MrVr ?. B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. Q. PERKINS, General Superintended SALEM IRON WORKS, SAXttNl, OREGON Muniifnctuns STEAM ENGINES, Mill Ouulth, Vutir Wheel Uovoruor.., I'rutt Drying Outfits, Traction laiglue, Cresting, etc. Kuriii mHChlntry made rind repalrod General uiits mul inanuficturcisof the eeldnitd WhuUtruin Patent Middling further and Keels. Kami maphluery made uuJ itpi.lrc.l. C. N. CHl'RCHILL. T S. BURROUGHS. Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Filters; SHEET METAL "WORKERS. 100 CUeraeketa Stieet. Sash, and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. Tae beat class of work in our lino at prices to compote with the lowest. Only tho best material used. J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE ?A SPECIALTY.! Contractors and builders can find here every article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. UPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you Avell. GBA.S. SMITH, ilw 248 Commercial Street. rJ D.C.SHERMAN, V, H, Pension unci Chum agent. 1, ) Box 281. Ralam, Oreou. Diipoly County Cler- Vrlto for blanfch. yy DUG AN BROS' Plumbing and Heating Co., Wholecalo unil retell rtiilrrs In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. 1 9 Commerclnl street. Telephone .No. 33 For Sale. Three lols in North haleru on street car line, uIko 2lncres hull land about 4 inllen -iht of hiilL'in, Call on . i). ; tiutuxso?, Htnto Jnaurnnco Otllce Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Manager. Lock Box 1210, Seattle, V-'nslt Hreedurs ofi'Iioroiiubbred roultiy of fnl. 'owing vurlulUb: H. V, White Lcghorne, H, C. Iliuu Uf horn, While I'lyinnutta llockH, I'.arred 1'Jymouth Hock)., l'lt OamfH, Jllacb l-anv, fchami. Light; llrahamiis, llHir Cotlilus, ParlrUfoCochlDB, UrooroTurkeyx. Bund (or Circular uud IVlca L!t. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEHT TRUCK, Now ready for bmlneu. I'jirefiil wnrlr n tpecuiHy. J, K. WUITK, WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact u t'oncrul banking hunlueis In ull lbi brunches. GKO. WILLIAMS 1'reflldon Wm. EMHjANI) Vice President UUUH MiiAAHY (Jnuuler DlItKCTOnB: Geo. Wllllan.s.Wm. Kns land, Dr. J, a. lUchnrdsou, J. W. HodKon, J. A. Ilakcr. Dank In neir Kxchango block oil Com loorclhl Rtrcel. 8:IM1 AiithorI.etl Cupitui $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balom, Oregon. W. A.CIWICK. l'rciir-W. W. MAHTIN, Vlcol'rcs. J. Jl.ALUKHr, Cashier. Htnto, Comity and City WnrruntH boiiKlit ai i-ur. aw VKOFl!ASIONAL OAItUS. ALV1N II. HYDnSHAJI, United Stales Army Consulting Knglnecr. Ily dniullo and Hunlury onliiPerlnK and ronds a specialty. OIUcc, room 0 Exchange block, Salem. J J.SHAW, M. W. HUNT. SltAW A , HUNT, attorneyuit law. Olllcoovcr Capital National bank, Salem, Oregon. GEO. H. I1UHNETT, Attorney at law, Salem, Orcgwu. Olllco over Ladd 4 liuNU's bank. MONEY TO LOAN. Hpnclnl IdUiiwiiir-ntH for the next 30 dayH on i.ood farm loan.-.. FEAR & HAMILTON, Doom 14, iiiixu Hank block. & I2xt mm fan ted THE SALEM CANNING CO, Will Hecelve CHERRIES AND BTRAWRER RIE8 AND OOOSEUERRIES ou and after Wedneoday, Juno 8, 1892. dW'tf Q T. lUUHAKDSON, Attorney at law, O, olllce up stairs In front rooms of new lTufeh block, corner Commercial and Couit strceU?, Salem, Oregon. J OI1N A. CAHSON, Attorney nt law. Hooms 3 and 1, Lada A DushV bauk building, Salem, Oregon, 8 1 lyr li. K. DONUA.M. W. II. HOLMES. Bonham & Uor.MiM, Attorneys ut l.iw. Olllco In Bush's block, botwecn State and Court, on (Jom'l St. MltLJION FOIID. attorney at law, Salem, i. Oregon. Otllce upotulra iu 1'attou's block. BH. llUADSlI'AW.l'HYSICIAN AND . Burgeon, Salem, Oregon. Olllco In Lldrldgeblook, upitairs over Williams England's bank Uesldenee corner State and S. E. corner H inter strtut. Wll. YOUNG, M. D., Otllco formerly . occupied by Dr. Rowland, coiner Uourt and Liberty streets, '.telephone No. ,45. Olllco heurs: 8 a. in. to 12; 2 to 1 p. in., and 7 to U p.m. llestdeuce Wh street on electiio car lino. Telephone No. 9, MOAKEE & DHOOICS. Physicians and Surgeons, Murphy blwcs, up stulrs, Commercial street, Hulem, Or. U. W. S MO IT, physician and Bur geon. Otllco In llldrldge Bloor.. ba- em. Oregon. Otllco hours IU to li! a. in. i to 4 p. in. EU.l'HlLUUOOK,M.D.,nomcopathlst, , Olltre 155 Court street; Ke-ideiiio M7 High street. UcLeral piactlco. Special attention given to dlacises ot Women aud children. DK. itINTA S. A. DAVIS. Ofllce hours, U a. in. U 11 a. in.; 2 p. m. to ti p. m. Day or night calls pramptly attended to. Special attention given to diseases of wom en and clilkiien. Olllco In New JJankDIU., 305 Commercial Btreet. Residence camp. DK. T. C. SAIITH, Dentii.t,2 Stato street, Salem, Or. Finished dental opera tions of every description. 1'ululCsS opera tions a specially. WD.VUGH, Architect, Plans, Sped . rlcatlons una superintendence lor all classes of buildings. Olllce K) Com meiclal St., up stairs, c, A. HUBERT, Architect, loom 421, Mar qnani building, l'ortlaud, Oregon. DUSINKsS CARDS. HOEYE & M1LLV, Proprietors the l'orce li'ln Dath and shaving Pallors, llae tho only Porcelain Hath Tubs iu the city. 200 comuieirlal street, balem, Oiegon. A B.SMITH A CO., Contractors, Sewcr t!L. lng, Coment Bldewallcs, Excavating, Kte: All work promptly douo, Salrin, Or. Leave orders with Du;tu Bros. 4:16-lm PJ. LA1WEN & CO,, ?Ianuraclure of all . kludsof vchlcleSiKepalrlug u special ly, Shop 45 Stato street. OARPET-LAYING. I maka a specialty ot coipet-sewiug and lalng; carpets taken up aud relaid wltbgie'itune. Shudo and curtain pole hanging. Louio outers with J, U. Lunn, Duiun & Sou or White Corner. J. O. LUHKMA u, JOHN KNJGHT, Blacksmith. Hoihc shooing and r.jpalrIn?HspccIultj . Shop at the foot of Liberty street, saleia, Oregon. J.ratf THE WILLAMET r SALEM, OREGON. Ilatea, $2.50 (o5.00 per Bay. The best hotel bclwccnl'ortland and -Itu Francisco. Flist-chiFS In all Its anonlnt- menLi. Its tables are bcivtd with the Choicest Jfrults Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. f$$r S aiE33-J -an. xmy iPANESF PI EHS assBt&aosassxju CURB AuewandC impleto Treatment, nonsUt lnj of RupposHorlou, ointment In capaulu-i, also a box and pllN; a poxlllto cine lor ex ternal, luteinal. bllud or bleeding. Itching, 'hroulc, recent or hereditary l'llta, and many other diseases and Icrnale weak nesses; It b always it great benefit to tho general health, Tho Hist discovery of u medical cure lendei lng un operation with the kultu uuiuioMaiy heieaflei'. This remedy has nuvei been kf uwu to fall. SI per box.O for Kj sent by mull. Why suirer Irom this terrible dlnaso whou a written guaruntco Is glmi with (I, to itluud the money 11 not cut cd n udHlumpfor lieu sample. Giimi'iiPo Issued by Womiiakii, Ci.AitKi:d Co., wholesale and retail drug gists, solo ngents, l'ortlaud, Or. 0 -! -dw Burton STATE BTREET BRICK YARD, Ltrgo stock of common Brick always on hand. rrrhid aim ornamental brlclc mtde tooidi r. I.oavn orders at (1 Ht.,!z.51 Suite stipet. Ooodliue iLChIiIII.Uj Stale Htictt, or at the yard, o,-hU statu 1'iison. G T. BURROWS AltHIFa a full lino of Htuplo aud fancy mocerioa, rnvii tuuioios ami tier rles Iu season. Butter und Egj al ways on hand, SSO Oom'l St, J. H. HAAS, Til K VATOIIMAIOJXl, 215VC Cu-nnierclal Ct,, . ole.Ti, Orogon, (Next door to Klelu's.) Hpeolalty of SpoctaeleH, aud repaliiun Clix-ks, Watches und Jewelry, E. O. OltOSS, 'h mi and . Packer HtAteSLaurfCoaitHt TUf b.l meat delivered to all paruof the city. ODDS AND ENDS. Industry ovorcomes a world of discon tentment. Try keroseno oil for talcing out iron rust and fruit stains. Wax candles woro first introduced in tho Twelfth century. It is hard to bo a friend to a man v.'ho is an enemy to himself. Vinegar in a jug is a good thing, but in pcoplo it h a nuisance. Smooth off ith a fine filo tho rough cud of tho glass drinking tube. Queen Victoria writes a bold, dignified aud yet withal n feminine hand. Digestion, or rather indigestion, has a marvelous effect upon tho heart. Eighteen of tho London theaters aro occupied for divino servico on Sunday evenings. Horses aro so plentiful in Queensland that a well broken animal can bo bought for live dollars. Tho bridgo at Burton, over tho Trent, was formerly the longest bridgo in Eng land, 1,545 feet. The rovonuo collected from last year's ascents to tho top of tho Eiffel tower amounted to $115,000. It is so much easier for us to think wo are growing in grace than it is for our ueighiors to think so. A forger iu Los Angeles, Cal., was de tected by means of small ink spots that weto spattered over his shirt bosom. In tho average brush store of London they don't know what a whisk broom is, and it's impossiblo to tell them what it is like. Among new antisoptics from coal tar derivatives aro pyoktanin, methyl vio let, the most nntiseptio of tho aniline colors, lysol and rotinol. In this ago of deception it takes a good man to draw well with tho summer girl. Tho man with a titlo draws only on his fiiends, whilo tho artist doesn't draw at all. Tho elderly women pretend to bo shocked by tho goings on of tho summer girl, but how would tho dear old things livo through tho season if they didn't havo them to talk about? Tho discovery is mado that the Alaska soil and climato aro peculiarly adapted to hop raising. An Oregon syndicate has purchased a largo tract near Fort Wrangel and will plant it with hops. A City of Pigmies. In a quaint old geography which I onco had the good fortuno to own, tho western coast of South America was decorated with tiny figures of men and women, among whom meandorod the words, "Tho Land of tho Pigmies." Moro modern maps mako no mention of such people, and I had forgotten that I over boliovcd in their existence, when I happened lately to como upon them again. A fow months ago, perched on the summit of ono of the highest of the Peruvian Andes, wero discovered tho ruins of u wonderful pigmy city, the homo of a raco of dwarfs, and Borne of its most Interesting relics all that wore transportable aro now on thoir way northward, to find a resting placo in our national museum at the Smithsonian institution in Washington. From these discoveries it appears that tho old belief in a tiny raco inhabiting tho lowlands on tho Pacifio coast was well founded. Thero tho littlo people lived unmolested, so far as wo know, for an indefinite timo, till they wero at last driven back upon tho mountains by a larger and strongor raco. Then thoy built aud occupied tho deserted city which today excite3 our wonder. Youth's Companion. Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Rt 1 Xjsss tVWdtell ABSOLUTELY PURE Fashions and tho Turf. It depends largely upon how a man goes to a raco course. If ho goes on top of a drag he must wear a frock coat and tall hat; or if ho is to sit in tho boxes with, or pay his respects to, tho fair sex, a formality of garb is essential. But going with a party of men for a viow of tho running and a small wager on tho races ho would stand small chance of getting tht best odds in a tight fitting long coat and a hot silk hat. But under no circumstances, as an esteemed contemporary has it, go in a frock coat'in light colors, a colored shirt and a tall hat. Nover a silk hat and colored shirt, unless you would bo mistaken for a bookmaker. Tho diffu sion of such matter tends to retard the onward trend of men's wear. Clothier and Furnisher. The 1 Torso Went to Morliot. David R. Young, of Charleston town ship, Chester county, Pa., has a horto who has on ovory Thursday for somo yearn takou tho markoting to Phoenix villo. Tho other day Mr. Young pur chased a now horso, and loft tho old ono in tho field hitched to tho plow. Mr. Young had oeeimlou to go to tho house, nutl upon his return to tho field ho found that tho horso was gono. Mr, Young managed to trace tho courso of tho horso by the marks mado by tho plow, and touuu itlm on tho stato road wonding his way to Phccnixvillo. Philadelphia Ledgor. Hlx Ynars' Parliaments. Thoprcsent parliament was summoned on Aug. 0, 1080, and theroforo is nearly six years old. There aro instances on record during tho presont century of parliaments which havo a longer record, but not many. Earl Groy was primo minister lor six years and two months about fiovonty years ago, and Lord Pal roorston for six years and a wook about a quarter of a contury since. Tho prob abilities aro that this parliament will not have a six years' lifo. London Lot tor, A Crulaer' Loud of Ltiad. Rather moro than ton tons of rod lead havo been injected lwtWeon tho wood sheathing and tho hull of tho English cruisor Rainbow. This has not boon done on account of any defect in work manship, but as a precautionary meas ure. Now York Times. EverylKxly knows what ltiis, and that 1b the reason thoy go to JIol loubraud'a for that pure ice cream eoda. HOW IT FEELS TO BE HIT IN BATTLE. A Soldier of tho Lato War Gives an Ac count of Ills Sensations. When tho lieutenant had disap peared from view I turned my faeo to tho front, bolstering my trembling hopes with tho thought that thia last victim was a shining mark, as I cer tainly was not. Besides, I believed that the sharpshooters could not get tho range on our end of tho lino. Then followed a "thud" close to mo, nnd my next sensation was that I was prostrate on tho ground, pierced through my left arm, heart and spine with a rod und pinned to the earth. Tins was tho physical sensation, but of courso was not tho fact. Then through my brain there flitted quickly a vision such as the thought of a battle most commonly brings to mind masses of warring men strug gling individually for tho mastery. I seemed to he in tho midst of tho meleo, and with all tho indignation I could express was shouting to tho men in gray, "There, you havo hit mo I" Next I was being lifted and sup ported by somo one, and a voico said, "Ho isn't hit, hut something is tho matter." "Yes," said another voice sternly, "ho is hit and as good as dead. Tako him to tho rear." I had so far recovered as to comprohend theso romorlcs, and instantly con cluded that I was tho subject of a practical joke. In another moment I was Beized with tho keenest pain I havo over experienced in my lifo, in tho rogion whoro it had seemed in my swoon that I was run through with a rod. Now what had happened was this: I had been in a sitting posture, rest ing partly on tho ground, partly upon my legs doubled beneath mo, the left hand holding my weapon, tho arm well braced across my chest so that tho middle of tho upper bono pressed against tho heart. On my arm wero two shirt sleeves, a jacket sleeve, an ovorcoat sleovo and tho overcoat capo, and a musket ball moving in tho direction of my heart and j3pino that is, obliquoly to tho front of my person had ticked tho limb of a bush a few feet away, keeled ovor and struck flatwise on the arm, im bedding itself in tho flannel and the. flesh. George L. Kilmer in Popular Science Monthly. . A Trao Story. Iii tho upper reservoir at Moun tain Viow cemotery are planted a largo number of Gorman carp tho fishes now ranging in size from four to Boven inches iu length. Tho res ervoir borders Blair park on tho west, and tho monagerio at tho park consists of a big Tom cat. Tom is an expert fisher cat. Ho creeps along tho margin of tho reservoir, and when a carp pokes up its noso into tho grass at tho edge of tho lako to feed, Tom deftly pulls his carp Bhip out and eats him. This is a truo cat and flsh story, and no dia gram is coiwidored necessary to provo it. Oakland Times. 1'iogs and Snakes. The common snako is very fond of watoi Its food consists exclusively of frogs or iishes. All snakes oat either living food, including eggs, or creatures thoy havo thomsolves killed. When pursued by a snako tho frog seems to bo half paralyzed with fear, leaping less and loss pow erfully as tho snake approaches it moro nearly, and uttering feohlo ciies. If a stick bo so pushed through tho grass toward a frog as to imitate tho movement of a enako tho frog will exhibit tho symptoms of terror just noted. Quarterly Review. Tho Put n from u Corn. Tho oxquisito pain caused by corns is gonorally duo to tho presence of a small abscess beiieath tho indurated skin which constitutes tho corn. Tho prossuro of tho shoo Irritates tho flesh beneath and causes soreness and a small accumulation of pus, which cannot escape, and so induces a pain that is often inteuso. To cut awuy tho corn is Buro to reliovo tho troublo ontiroly, but piorcing it with nnoedlo will often accomplish tho samo result. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Collecting Colored Posters. Tho latest fad iu tho lino of collect ing is tho collecting of colored post ore tho hills with which tho enter prising poster adorns, boards and fences and dead wallsRbout town. In Franco and in several of tho Gor man cities this now mania has takon n doop hold und ia spreading rapidly. In England tho fad is frowned upon by dealers who havo other curios to soil and who fear that this now rngo will harm tho 'Megitimato." Chicago Nows. ' A Cat That Like Chickens. A citizen of Portland, Ind,, claims to bo tho owner of n largo Tom cat who long ago dovolopod u groat lovo for tho companionship of tho poultry tribe. It cats everything thoy do, even to shullod com, uud when night conies perches itself on tho roost alongsido of a rooster as contented as if it wero with those of its ow kind, Philadelphia Ledger. Before Starting on a Jour A person usually desires to train soin : formation as to the most desirable rout! take, ana win purchase tickets via.the mat, win nnoru mm we qutcKest and , sorvlco. Hoforo starting on a trip to caeo or any rxilnt East, vou should dkt yourself with a map and time table of ' Wisconsin uenirai ijino. xne trams : on this route are vestlbulo and arc eaulp with Pullman's latest Drawing Koom li erg. elegant Dav Coaches and Dlnlntr t of latest design , built expressly for this I -vice, ana are exquisite in iurnianings convenient and comfortable In arrw ment and ss complete lu every detail to iney nave no superior in conuori ana gauce. xne dining car service is prono ecu uy un mu most elegant ever inau aieu, ana is operatea in ine luiei eev natrons. Fast trains via the Wisconsin Oentl Lines leave AIlnncaoollH drill v at 12 4.S tu and 6:'25 p. m.. and bt. Pnul atlioUo. I and 7:15 p. m., making favorable conne uonwunau trams rrom me west Houthwest. For tickets, mans, pamphlet and Information apply to Q, F. McNeill, O. ! and T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., nnd to J u. x-ona, uenerai passenger ana xi Agent. Chicago, 111. .. M Citation. In the County Court, for theCounty Of 1 riou, tiuiu) oi uregon. i: In the matter of estate of 1 rnni Eveline Cox, deceased C"iuon, xo an ine neirs oi wna aeceaem I or unknown. OIlElcriNO: ,- In the name of the State of Oregon, " nru ucreuy ciwu unu requireu 10 p the county court of the State of Ora the County of Mnrlon on Monday, th day ot July, 1892, at 10 o'clock, In the t noon of that day, then and there to il cause, u uuy mere oewny an oraer so not bo made authorizing and tmnow the administrator of wild estate to selli real property belonging to said ei which Is described as follows to-wlt: 8.11, 10 and 11 In block No. 8 as shown ine umenaeu piat oi uapiini ram aaais to mo uuy oi giuem in aianon. uon Orezon. witness, tho Hon. T, li. Davidson. JniJ oinnecouniy court, oi inenuueotur for tho County of Mnrlon with the si said court atllx, this 15th day of J nne, 1 Attest: D.C. 8Hfc.HMAN.Clen ay fiuuNK. w. watjsus. ueputy. seat-J , Notico to Teachers The County Superintendent of Soli will hold tho regular monthly cot teacher's Institute, as required by law, iuo juist ouiem scnooi Dunning, comma lnir July 11th and coniinso two.wat Bneelal instructors have been enraired the various branches and all teacher i tuo county are expected to attend ana i sisi in me worK or mo institute. Bring text books on all subjects. J. rsuiwi Balom, Oregon, Juno 25, 1892. Hernia and Chronic Diseaj DR'S. SHIMP & HOUSES Devote special attention to Nervous, Arrtint l.thmnlln nnd Thmat ISmnhlM Hernia (runturel cured without n detention lrom business and-Gurti Kvery variety of Female andCh diseases treated bv the most stn methods known toKleotilcal Anal Me science. Twenty years experience In i Scry ana me application or elect HicoK'J Commercial street., Bush iuii mecz, ouiem. Notico to Bridge Builaew1 In nersuance ot an order of the'' 1 County Court of Marlon county, bid bo received at tho otllco of tho county a! until Tuesday, July S, 1892, at 1 o'olook ' m., ior ine construction or a Dnage, a Blstlngof a span of 100 feet and two proacucH oiou toei in tne aggregate, a tbe little north fork of the eantlam. i The court retervea tho right to reject D.U.SHERHAK. and nil bids. 0-i3-dw-ld County! TMl'ItOVEDiOKDER OF BED AU 1 Knmlakun Tribe No. 8. Balem. council every Thursday evening, li jcnum m oww lUBUiuuvu uui, F. 0. BAK.KK, Prop rivn.i-iv i;, waxjuib, uuer. ou TO BUILD IS A PLEASU1 When you see these new: designs In Books 4 and 5, "He and Cottages." '- Blze, 8x10 inches. Oontalncnowd now styles, latest ideas In planning: i nas m designs classified from 100 up -, 1500, about half under $1000. No. Sag tnius bu aosiiwB or dwellings coating 81500. many from 1800 un to ffiOOO. . new ttoutliem or resort ilylos of aoajs) menu worKH. i'lco, Sleuch.or tho twoforSLW. ; D. S. HOPKINJ Architect) Grand Rapids, Mich. Those Afflicti With the.lmblt.'cl using to LIQUOR, OPIUM Oil TOBi Ciiu obtnlu a -Iri COMPLETE, PERMANENT. at; run '"' KEELEY INSTITDTI Forett (irove, Or., Call writs, ooulldcntlal For Sale, Cheap, "0 A number of trios ol this Drills outh Hook. Illack Langhan, WEit uvru, uuu i'tiririuge iahjuiuh, mi i bredElock. Huy curly, eaveexpfMM nment. A4drM UOFJALXtaaW and get tho pick ol the, season. Wis) i no, uoxeu tor impmeni. Capital Oily Resi J as. Batcheior, Prop'ik Warm Meals at All Hwnil None but white labor Mttaullshinent. A good suUUntlal 1 a SLi attrla Twuy-8v smiU pr RD ",. tr BtrCMMtVMMI 0 i ' rm.t?v fiuim r - .i.