-Vy,'). v.-. - 'fWrf -ift,-'' "" ' i? EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. rf 1 "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1892. '.'TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 159. VOL. 5. Rp& (s,w,?f!Wp yitvqsiPT1 -st' THE COLUMBIAN WORLD'S FAIR, 1893. A Valuable Guide and Atlas Free to Customers. mi .. - 1 A ,.K: T..Ui;n..f.;n,i olinvvMnrr f..m nlnns nf i.lin WORLD'S FAIR GROUNDS. ILLUS- J.JI1 IS it UW Will Xiiuiouiu j. uuuwuwuu, """ " f, r - --- , . . - -., . .. -r-.T-r-ri iMMnci ..!ii. p.. 11 l....i; f nonli ri. A lii-ioK loannnfinii nf t.hn nrimn inrl nn.il f)t V-V A IU.:i Ol J-JUlljl-i-lNVjrO, Willi IUll u numifuiin ui cuui ui -.i. " ""k"'Vr " r "-"3C , rV, V-rV. -. Rho GREAT APPROACHING EXPOSITION, VIEWS of the PROMINENT PUJiblU JiUlLJJiJNWa, IDHA UTlVai: ILLUSTRATIONS of PARK SCENERY, MONUMENTS STREET SCENES etc., togeth- ler with HlblURJU villi w a or umuAuu, m mu umu ui uuc, uiu iuvi ....n-.v.-.v,, ,. ..-.-.--.-.., Lund in Extra English Cloth, with title stamped in gold. Sixo 12x14 whon closed and 14x24 when open. It is Strong and durable and will last for years. '1 he price is $4.50, but we present a copy free to all customers. It costs ....1..J..I j.1 j. e 4..,..,,-. nvnnllonf At.lncina fiiifl in no st. vourself fullv in recrard to the creat- KOU RUSOiuieiy iiuuiuii lu iJusauua uuu ui unuou v.v.v.-.-...w --- , l , .', " .a :... 4.1. w,...i.i i .r- ---., rirr.o innTifl nf, lisluivo mi onnrfcunitv ot nresentm'jf vou one. IBSL e.XUUSIUUU UllU niim HUB bvci ouuu, "'"' " - - -ii " a -" UKOFKS3IONAL GAUDS. "PLEASANT- You can buy property in this most popular Addition ron any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street ?cnrs and city water. Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the 'ostoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on n Wm One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. all Ii! -HUeCESSOHR TO Mclntire. WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR- 003ME3?2Si3iSSSiS3E333 "raESj.8. STAPLE 41 Ml MM At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. TnwwnTiwsjK MTJTm wn-T-fgi. nsRimnsRiVBnnBi H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND Or?ICES PITTED UP IN Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Roar of 200 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. NAILS 1 LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE t AT BaW 4 Pete! , Piumbers and Tinners, 214 & 21G Commercial St., Balum. Garden Hose and Lawn Bprlnkler. A complete, linn of Stoves and Tinware. Tin roofing and plumbing u bpecially. Iftuiumtcs for Tinning and Plumbing Kuiiiinlieil. PAPER PI ANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. All are Invited to call nt Mil Court street and look at all the. lute pattern iu Wall Paper and get prices for same on the wall. E. 0. SNOW, Decorator, with E.K. SNOW, House, Sign and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS RRANCI1ES. Paper Hanging, Kalsominlug, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Only Fmt-clust Work. E, E. SNOW. Remember the place, 143 Court Street. The place to gt t a Saddle horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, i load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back or Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. FOUND Salem Truck & Dray Co. is DRAYS AND TRUCKS ready for ordeiH. deliver wood, ind iiimher. OT u Hoe hlnttj St.. onnosito Ha lem Iron works. Drays ami truoK? may bo found UjrtMiituuit UipjIhv n' the crm"r of Htat and Cnmnit'C'iHl htrr-W H. F, DRAKE, Proprietor, T. G. PERKINS, Geoeral Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, SA-LBIVI, OREGON Manufactures BTEAM ENUINKH. Mill CntflU, Waltr Wheel Governors, 1'ruti Drying OiltlltH, Traction Knglueti, Cresting, uU'. Kaun mclilnery inale unrt repair! 0 General agents ami maimfuctureis of Iberelebnttcd Wttulntroiii 1'atent Mniailngf l'uriflerand Reels. Farm iiiacLilnnry inhdc ai.d icjmlrtd. C.N.CHl'RCHILL. T S. BURROUGHS. cnuiicmLL & BTJimouGns, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; Sheet metal workers. 100 Chemeketa Street. Saab, and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, iThe best class of work in our line at prices to compete wun tne lowest. Unly the best material used. GET THE J.&M. LAWNMOWER In Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT " GRAY BROTHERS, N. V. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. jmuumammsammRsmmtMaam Choirp S?IUO.lOa Ed. C. Cross, Wholesale ami Itclail Bealcr in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Itleiits ol' all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and pnnpt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. Chas. Smith. -SUCCESSOR TO- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have He-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in balem ot HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. --BUILDER'S HARDWARE ;a SPECIALTY.- Contractors and builders can find here every article thoy need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. UPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you well. dw Jfl J m D.CSHERMAN, U, R, 1'ension and Claim agent. I'.O Box 281. 8.ilein. Orevun. Uouutv Counu Clort' Vrlle for bUinl:s. w DUGAN BROS' PlnmWnffflnflIfo.utinfffln WnoleMile and retail d "iicra In STEAM AND PLUJHIIXli GOODS. 9 Commercial street 'J elepbone No. St For Sale. Three lota in North Hilsin on ctreet rar line, uUoai acres irult land ahout. luilux eiiht of Balem. Call ou ntate Insurance Oitlco Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Mnunscr. Lock Box 1210, Seattle, WY.eli llreeders oll'horouhbred 1'oult'y offol owIiik vurletlei: ri.O. WbltoLejjhoniH.B. C. llrown Leg. borni, White Plymouth IIocIcb, llarred flymouth Hocks, 11 1 Obuuh, lllatk I mux ilmms. Light; llrabauiai, Uuir CooIiIiib, I'urtrldge Cochins, 11 ronzeTurkuyn. Kend lor Circular and l'rlce List. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Nowrctfiflv fnr hnminnAU 4nptf.fi,l wnrlr u specialty. J, K, WJ1ITK. 248 Comuierclttl Street. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact u general banking butlneKS In all Its bruuchCK. GKO. WILLIAMH l'resldcu Wu. UNHIjANI) Vice President ilUUU MoNvlty C'&Nlilur UIHKOrOHS: Geo. Willlam.Wm. Kng land, Dr. J, A. Hlchardson, J. v. Htnlt-on. I. A. linker. Dunk In new Kxthange block on Com nieic.lal ttroft. 8:12-0 Authorized Capital 500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halnm, Oregon. W. A. CU'JCK. I'icsT'W'. W. MAItTIN, Vice Pies J. II. ALlintr, Cashier. HUite, County and O'ty Warrants bought at Par. dw MONEY TO LOAN. broclal liuliireinf nth for the next SU days ou uood farm loaus. FEAR & HAMILTON, lloom U, Hush tiank block. & 12d Berries Wanted ! THE SALEM CANNING CO, Will Receive CHERRIES AND BTRAWBER- RIE8 AND OOOSEBERRrES on and after Wediiesdoy, June 8, 1892. dw-tr ALV1N II. HYDENHAM, United States Army Consulting Engineer. Hy druullo nnd faulury engineering ami uiucc, room o juxenange roads URneclalty. block, Salem. JJ.HHAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW A , HUNT, ntlorneyH at law. Oflleoovcr Capital National bank, Halcra, Oregon. GEO. II. UUUNETT, AtUirncy at law, Haleui, Oregen. Oillco over ljuld a Bush's baulc. Q T. lllCIIAHDSON, Attorney nt law, O. offlcoupi.talrs In front rooms of now lTusli block, corner Commercial nnd Court streets, Batem, Oregon. JOHN A. CAUSON, Attorney nt law. Rooms 3 nnd 4, Lailtt ft liUhh's bank building, Salem, Oregen. 8 1 lyr B. K. BONUAM. V. II. IIOLMEH. Bonhaii & Holmes, Attorneys nt law. Oillco In Hush's Mock, between Suite and Court, on Com'l Bt, rnlLMON KOHD, attorney at law, Salem, L Oregon. Ottlco up-stulra In Pattou's block. BH. I1IIADSIIAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Burgeon, halem, Oregon. Ottlco In JKldrldgoblook, upstturs over Williams A England's bank Hesldcnce corner Stnto and a. E corner Winter street. WH. YOUNU, M. D.. OHlco formerly , occupied by Dr. Howlnnd, corner Court and Liberty streets, 'telephone No. 45. OHlco heurs: 8 u in. to 12; 'I to 4 p. m., and 7 to 0 p. m. Hesldcnce lKth street on clectrlo car Hue. Telephone Ho. 1). MCAKEJ. & UUOOICS. Physlclnns and burgeons, Jlmphy bluck, up stalls, Commercial strict, H.ilem, Or. pvlt. W. 6. JIOTT, physician and bur ly geon. , OUlco Iu Eldridgo Jtlocn, bsx loin, Oregon. Office hours 10 to I'i u. m. 2 to 4 p. iu. E t) IXTtl ilflr 1 1 U..v.nnU.I.I 1 Jm l.tUUl.UUJflU.iVi,lUIUVUllllllPli li. OlllculSj Court stieet; lie-tldcni-o U47 mirh Btreet. OeLeral practice. Special attention given to dlscunes of Women nnd children. D K. JUNTA . A. DAVIS. Otllce hours, v a. m. to li a. m.: 2 n. m. to a p. m. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention given to diseases of wom en and chlldiou. OHlco lu ew Dunk llllc, 305 C'ommerelal stieet. llcsldence Mime. HER BABY VMS DEAD. DU. T. C. HM1TH, Dentlct,02 BUlo strcel, Kalem, Or. Finished dental opeia tions of everydescrlpllon. P.vln I ess opera tions a specialty. WD. PUOH, Architect, Plans, Sped . llcutloiis and superintendence lor all claHf-es ol Iiulldlng4. Oillco 21)0 Com merclal St., up stalls. c. A. ROllEKT, Architect, room 421, Mnr quam building, Portlnud, Oregon. UDSINK5S CAKDS. HOUY1S&MILLS, Proprietors the Porce lain lJath and Hun vine Parlors, Hae the only Porcelain IJath Tubs In the cltj. 201) Commeiclul street, huleni, Oregon. a B. SMITH CO., Contractors, Sower cV. 'ne Cement Sidewalks, Excivatlng, Etc: All work promptly douo, Salem, Or. Leave orders with Dujmu itros. 4:lb-lm PJ. LA11SEN & CO,,. Mauuruotuie of all . klndsorvehlcles. Itepalring a special ty, Shop 45 State street. CAItPET-LAYING.-l make a specialty oi ciupet-hewlng nud laj'ing; carpels taken up and relaid with great care. Miado and cm tain pole hanging. Lenvo oinert with J. H. Lunu, lluion Sou or While Corner. J G. LUHK'UA.ii. TOHN liNIQllT, Hlacksmlth. Horse V shoelngundrepalringn specialty. Shop it the foot of Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. 2.20U THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OJRIZGOIT. Kates, $2.50 to)j$5.00 per Day. The best hotel between Poitlaud anddan Francisco. l'"irst-cl,is In all iw nprxiltit ments. Its tables nro served with the Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. rM$ ?flSSM,J -Ui. Nl TitQ'5 JARAWESTS .ZXS&3' iX lltmeT tl I.X7 CURB A new nnd C unploto Treatment, ronsNt Ingof Hiiiiposltnrles, ointment lu cupmlts, also a box nud plllx; a positive cine lor ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Piled, and many other diseases and lemale weak nessfs; It Is nlwuyH , great beucilt to the general health, iho llrst rtlsi-overy ol n medical euro iriirtoiliigan opirallou with Hie knllo unuuessiry hetialtor. This remedy has never been kmiwn to f.ill. Jl per box. (J for to; sent by mall. Why Miller Iromthls tcrrlblo dUcasn when n written guarantee Is glvon with 0 boxes, to refund the money II not ctued hend stamp for iieo sample. Uuart'uleo issued by WooiiAitn, Clahkk & Co., wholesale and let.ill drug gists, sole agents, Poitland,Or. 5i-Ji-dw Burton Bros. STATE BTREET BRICK YARD. go stock of common Hi Id: always on . Prrrcd uud nriniuicutal brluk i lo order. veonliiH nt (I stU II Btalo btred, hue A Cuhlll, UJ Mali) sUi-it, or at the opposite nUtu Pilfcou, T. BURROWS I.nr hand nude Lea Good yard, , AltHIKB a full lino orstnplo and fancy 1 Uiocerles, Kreth Vegetables unit Per- lielu season, llmter and Lgi til ' wajsou hand, C20 Com'l St. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 2I5K Coiinierclil St., ' ulem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol Hpectacles, aud ropalrlnii CloelcM, WulcbeH and Jewelry. E. O. CROSS, and Packer Hint HI. au4 Court Ht Tup bi.t incut delhered to nil puru of the city, Pathetic Story Showing Iho Strength of a Monkey Mother' Lore. Ono morning on a rocky hill, sparsely covered with small trees, I disturbed a troop of tnonkoys wliich mado a bolt over the open ground to eomo thicker forests in tho valley bo low. Three, liowovor, disregarding mo, remained In ono troo, making hoiTiblo noises at something under neath. I Foon discovered that tho object of thuir indignation was a brutrtl looking black dog. which was busily devouring somotbing at tho root of tho tree. When tho dog saw mo it mado off, carrying iu its mouth a black thing, liko a littlo animal, with logs aud a long tail. I guessed it was n baby monkey nnd gavo chaso as hard an 1 could, but tho dog mado good its es cape without dropping ita proy. Coming back to tho U-eo I searched tho ground and found tho body of an other littlo infant, still warm. How did tho poor littlo thing fall into tho jaws of that bruto? I havo often seen an infant of tho same sizo cling ing to its mother's breast in perfect rest and security while sho took tho most daring bounds from tree to tree. Perhaps the dog surprised tho mon keys on tho open ground and pressed the mother so hard that sho dropped her offspring to savo her own life. Or perhaps they were enjoying a pic nic in fancied security and had laid down their littlo ones whon tho Zulu rushed upon them. While I was ex amining tho limp littlo body to seo whether life was extinct a pitiful wail told mo that ita mothor was watching mo. Sho had retired lo another treo some distanco off and was wistfully gazing at mo, wonder ing what I was doing with her precious babe. I saw that thero was no hope, but I retiml and hid myself to seo what sho would do. Sho came down at onco and ap proached cautiously, distrusting mo and lumping mo in her mind, no doubt, with tho brutal black dog. Then she stood upon a stone, and standing erect, looked all around and gavo a plaintive sci'eain. Where was her darling? At last sho found it, and caught it up aud pressed it to her bosom. But it could not lay hold of her it fell. Again and again she raised it and encouraged it to clasp her in its arms as it had always done. She did not seem to understand that it was dead. At length sho held it to hor bosom with ono hand and tried to run on three, lest tho black dog might return. Whon sho got to a safe treo sho clambered up as best sho could, hugging her precious chargo with ono arm, and there she gavo way to her grief and cried pitoously, while a kit sailed grim ly around tho treo as if claiming ita own. Naturalist in Times of India. Ancient lleds. In ancient times tho beds wo read about wero simply nigs, skins or thin mattresses, which could bo rolled up and carried away in tho morning. At night thoy wero spread on tho floor, which, in tho bottor class of houses, was of tilo or plaster, and as shoes wero not worn in tho house and tho feet wero washed boforo en tering a room the floors wero cleaner than ours. After a timo a sort of bench, three feet wide, was built around two or three sides of tho room about a foot abovo tho floor, and, covered with a soft cushion, was usod during tho day to sit or lounge on, and as a sleeping placo at night. Tho bench was sometimes mado liko asetteo, movable and of carved wood or ivory. Table Talk. A Quaker's Letter to a Jeweler. A jowoler of Boone, la., received tho following communication, which accompanied a watch sent to him by a Quaker customorto bo repaired: Diuit Hill I lioroby send tlieo my pocket clock, which standeth in need of thy friendly correction. Tho last time Itwusnt thy friendly tchool It was In no way bonelltetl or profited thereby, for I pereeho by tho tndox of Ita mind that It Is n liar und the truth Is not In It. I'm go It, therefore, I beseech thee, anil correct It from the en or of Its ways.andshowlt thepath wherein It should go. And whon thou laycsl thy correcting hand upon it, seo that It Is without passion, lest thou shouldcst drlvo It to destruction, nud when thou seo It confoiui iiblo to tho abovo mentioned rules, sond It homo to ine, wltha Just and true bill drawn up In tho spirit of niodorntion, and I will remit to thee in tho root of all evil. Jowolers1 Weekly. The Pounder of Creede. You have, of courso, hoard of N. C. Crcedo, tho founder of Crcedo, Colo,, and tho discoverer of tho great silvoi deposits. Ho was fonnorlv a government scout, and is an flno a touow as lives. 111s suddon acquisi tion of enormous wealth hasn't chamred lain in tho least from the big hearted and plain spokon minor. iv is a ract mat no rotusea $1, tioo.ooo that ono of his partners, Davo Mof fatt, offered for Crecdo's intorest in tno lamous AmetUyst inino. Wash ington Post. An ICnvlublo Mortal. First Visitor (to museum) Did you seo that man dining on carpet tacks and nails and things? Socond Visitor Yes. How I on vied him. "Enviodhim?" "Justathinlc how ho tiuiBt enjoy shad. "Now York Weolcly. Punishment. Mamma (warniugly) A littlo girl who was jumping ropo dropped dead. Littlo Daughtor Was it on Sun day? Good News, Everybody kuowH what Itils, and that is tho reaaon thoy go to Hul leiibroud's for tliut pure Ice creutu soda. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report , Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Royal ft J2& PRUDENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS. CTiey Led to the Postponement of the Longed for Wedding Day. Miss Mabel McQninnoy had said yes. Softly and in a whisper sho had ut tered tho word, but Victor Spoonamoro had heard it. And Victor was wildly, madly, do liriously happy. Tho moon went behind a friendly cloud for a moment. During which moment tho bold, ardent youth embraced an opportunity and but the moon has corao out again. Lot 03 proceed with the narration of tho plain, unadorned facts. Up aud down the broad south sido boulevard thoy strolled, heedless of tho flight of time. Her littlo hand rested in tho hollow of his arm. Being a young man possessed of moro than a thimbleful of brains ho knew better than to grab hor elbow after the fashion provalent in Bridgeport and Kalamalcosh and yank her along tho sidewalk like a frugal husband on a small salary endeavoring to steer a reluctant wifo past an auction room. "It only remains now, Mabel," ho pleaded, "for you to namo tho day. Make it early, ploaso." Miss Mabel proceeded to temporize. "What will your family say whon thoy hear of this?" she asked. "Tho family will be delighted. I fancy nobody will be greatly astonished, but if your peoplo can stand it mino can. It's our own affair, anyhow. It wouldn't rnako any difference what tho family thinks." "It's an old family, isn't it?" "Wo can traco our ancestry back hundreds of years," said tho young man proudly. "Thoro was ,a Spoonnemower in Shakespearo's thnof A Spoonlomuro was an officer at tho court of King George III. Tho Spoonamores camo to this country in 1817, and many of them havo filled positions of honor and trust in Virginia and New England for tho last seventy-five years. It was a Spoona moro that officiated at tho laying of tho cornerstono of tho Boston state house. Thoro wero Spoonamores in tho diplo matic sorvico in President Madison's timo. Thero were plenty of them in both armies during the war of tho re bellion. Ono was a brigadier general. A Now Jersey Spoonamoro designed tho honso you and I will livo in, Mabel a largo, stately building on Prairie avo nuo, with seventeen rooms and all tho modern conveniences." "You havo reason to bo proud of your people, Victor. Don't you hold family rounions sometimes?" "Onco in nwhilo." "Thero must bo a great many of you."' "Hundreds, Mabel hundreds." t "Aro tuoro any otuer representatives of tho family in Chicago besides you?" sho asked, after a moment's silence "Nono that I know of," ho answorod. "That settles it, Victor," exclaimed tho young woman sadly, but with iron iirmucss. "Wo shall not bo married until the World's fair is ovorl" Chi cago Tribune Pamlno In Abyssinia. Faniino is this year not coniinod to Russia. Thoro is dearth bordering on famino in a few districts of Gonnany and Italy. In tho East Indies and some parts of North Africa famino is sovoro and widespread. And now a roport is received from an Italian, Dr. Loo Tra vel si, upon a terriblo desolation wrought by famino in Shoa, tho territory of King Menolok II in Abyssinia. Prices aro vory high, a chicken, for instance, being as high in prico as a calf is in normal times. Tho military expeditions in which King Monelok is engagod all tho timo havo for months past all onded in disaster becauso tho men died in crowds from starvation. Ono host, says Dr. Travorsi, loft in its lino of march "a procossion of skeletons." At ono spot near tho Italian settlement tho doctor, without changing his position, counted fourteon skeletons. Tho population of tho kingdom has this year beon roduccd by an incrediblo nutnbor. Exchange Ilreuklng Up n Witness, Probably it is not too much to say that many a causo apparently hopeless from tho first has taken an unoxpoctod turn by an accidental happy hit or tho prompt adoption of somojmiart ruso on tho part of counsel. A colobratod barristor with whom OToas examination was a flno art onco confidentially told an udvorso witness in tho box that ho know ho possessed tho koy of tho legal situation that ho held a most important secret. "And, mind you," added ho with measured emphasis, "I am going to got it out of you." And ho did, for tho witness was demor alized in anticipation by tho lawyer's emphatic aud cocksuro warning, Lon don Tit-Bits, Ait Kxperlment lu Ventllatlou. In tho now Instituto of Hygiono, at tho University of PoniiBlvania, tho steam radiators aro sot in a novel way uud are mado to play an Important part in tho vontilatiou of tho building. Each is placed just under a window aud is in closed iu its own wooden box, into which a woll regulated 6upply of air from outbido is furnished. In tho top of thorax, wboro tho heat oscupee into tho room, uro two wiro gratings about an inch apart. The gpaco butwoon theso is filled with cotton batting or cUcoso cloth, which catches all tho dust and admits only pure air. Tho plan also di rects currents upward aud prevents any direct draught upon tho occupants ot tho room. Philadelphia Ledger. JJeforo Starting on a Journey A person usually desires to gain some In formation as to the most desirable route to take, and will purchase tickets via the one that will afford him the Quickest and bent service. Before starting on a trip to Chi- r cago or any point Kast, you should provide yourself with a mnp ana time table of the Wisconsin Central Line. Tho trains run r,' on thlB route aro vestibule and are equipped with Pullman's latest Drawing lloom sleep ers, elegant Day Coaches and Dining Can -of latest design, built expressly for this ser-, ' vice, and are exquisite In lurnlshlngs and , convenient ana comioriaoie in arrange- . ment and ss complete In every detail that they have no superior In comfort and ele- , gance. The dining car service is pronoun- cea. oy an mo most elegant, ever inaugur ated, and is operated In the inteiest of Its patrons. ,, Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central V Lines leave Minneapolis dally at 12:43 p.m. and 6:25 r. m.. and tit. Paul at 1M0 p. m. and 7:15 p. in., making favorable connec tion with all trains from the West and tjouthwest. For tickets, maps, pamphlets ana lull Information apply to Q, V. McNeill, O. P. and T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., nnd to Jas.' O. Pond, General Passenger and Tlck, Agont, Chicago, 111. 1-16-ly ? Citation. In the County Court, for theConnty of Ma rlon, State of Oregon. l In tho matter of estatoof ),. Eveline Cox, deceased jwwuum To all (he heirs of said decedent, knowa , or unknown. OKEKXINU: an me name or ine mate or uregon, Yon are hereby cited and lequlred to appear In -the county court of the Htnte of Oregon, for. the County of Marlon on Monday, the 18th day ot July, 1S9J, at 10 o'clock. In the fore noon of that day, then and there to show cause, If any there bewhy an order should not be made authorizing and empowering the administrator of said estate to Bell the real property belonging to said estate, whlcn is described as follows to-wlu Lots 8, II, 10 and 11 in block No. 8 as shown on;;1 tho amended plat of Capital Park addition to the City ot Salem in Marion County Oregon. Witness, the Hon. T.L. Davidson. Judge . forthoCounty of Marlon with the seal of Vij saia court, auix, mis ism aay oi June, iwj, r By FltANK W. WATElld, Deputy. seal. Notice to Teachers. The County Superintendent of Schools - j win noio. mo regular mommy county teacher's institute, as renulred bv law. ati the East Salem school budding, commeno-J:.-; lug juiy xilii uuu wiiiiuHQ i wu trnu, Special instructors have been engaged for " tno various branches and all teachers In1 tho county are expected to attend and as- slst In the work of the institute. Brlie text books on all subjects. , i. h. uhaham; Balem, Oregon, June 25, 180.1. M rv r yf nernia ana onronic Diseases DIt'S. SHIMP & HOUSES, De vote special attention to Nervous, CaW, arrhal. Asthmatto and Throat Trouble!. : Hernia (rupture) cured without pain or 4 aeiemion irom uusiuess ana uuaranteea in Ever Case. . i Every vnriotv of Female and Chronic 1 diseases treated by tho most advanced methods known to Electrical and Medical ' science. Twenty years experience in sur gery and tho application of eleotrlclty.j Office 259 Commercial street., Uush-Brey-man Block. Salem. ' Notico lo Hridgo Builders. In persuance ol an order of the Hon. County Court of Marlon county, bids will bo received at tho oillco of the county clerk until l'uesday, July 5, lbll-2, ut 1 o'clooE p. in., for the construction of a bridge, con sisting of a span of 100 feet und two ap proacuos of 60 feet In the aggregate, across the little north fork of the santlani river.. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. D. U. HHEUliAN, C'i3-dw-ld County Clerk . TMPKOVED.OUDER OF RED MEN. 1 Kamtakun Tribe No. 8, Balem. Holds mlllinil fivprtf Thiirarliiv AVAnlnv nt. 7.SO. Wigwam In btate Insurance hall, K. C. BAKEH, Prophet. FRANK O, WATEIW, Chief of Records. TO BUILD IS A PLEASUhi; When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." ; Blue, 8x10 Inches. Contains new designs, new styles, latest Ideas in planning. No. .1 tmu LS Hnulurnu .lnuultlnrt fwtn, QIUI t.tt tn 1HXJ, about bulf under $1000. No. 6 con-j talus Dudeslfms or dwellings costing over 81500. many from 81b00 up to giOOO. Many new Bouthern or resort styles of houses In theso woi ks. Prlco, 81 each, or the two for JU0. D. S. HOPKINS l Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. Those Afflicted With tho!hnblP,ol using to.'excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain a ; COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE Ai;riiE , KEELEJ INSTITUTE; f Forest a rove, Or., Cull write. BtrtoUr confidential For Sale, Cheap, A number of trios of this springs Plyssfi nliiti limit. 1II....I. f !.,... ,l...l. f .. ' horn, aud Partridge Cochins, nil thoroufc. J und get the pick ot tho season. Id to H Hi trio, boxed for ihlpment. Address K.HOVKU, Balem, Or. Capital City liestaoraat J as. Batchelor, Prop'r. WaruiMcahatAllllmsftl ttn None but white labor ora,tojr4 1 ( A good substantial meal a -kY class style. Twntyflv cents per jaoal ' RKD KKO N V (Vnrt itrt'betwu Or era Hous iibu' Ucr ' ""I J -vvgvy.'1,