BWEaie.gBa !?,Fr,3S1P'fPlSW3?f55r 4mif&&wqiifrTii&Yr'ivf20 fl,W?1SJM Ti VpS EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE I'EOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 158. 1893. THE COLUMBIAN WORLD'S FAIR, A Valuable Guide and Atlas Free to Customers. Thi is a now and Artistic Publication, showing the plans of tho WORLD'S FAIR GROUNDS, ILLUS- . - -m -. -m- ,-st - ail rt 11 1 I H 1 AT I .t? 1 .-. L- n(r i.1 n n - " it tY I V"lo V At TIIATTOS of BUILDINGS, with full explanations of each one. A brief description of the origin and plan of the G LIE-T APPROACHING EXPOSITION, VIEVVa of the PROMINENT PUBLIC BUILDINGS, BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS of PARK SCENERY, MONUMENTS, STREET SCENES, etc., togeth- or r with HISTORIC VIEWS of CHICAGO, at the time of the old Fort Dearborn Massacre, Wolf's Point, etc. Ti-rrcnnT.TTArRTAN WORLD'S FAIR ATLAS is a beautifully printed volume of nearly 200 pages, bound in Extra English Cloth, with title stamped in gold. Sixe 12x14 when closed and 14x24 when open. It is strong and durable and will last for years. The price is $4.50, but we present a copy free to all customers. It costs you absolutely nothing to possees one of these excellent Atlases, and to post yourself fullyin regard to the great est exposition the World has ever seen. Como in and let us have an opprtunity of presenting you one. PLEASANT- Home You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has tho advantage of street cars and city water. Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the PostofRce or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on Wm; One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. a j a,. -SUCCESSORS IviLIIIllI Uj TO WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR OOIWC3SK&K3rSS3ES3I3 STAPLE 1 "X:EE3.A.SI3?. At the old Stand, next door to Post Office HT. GLASSFORD. ninniHimnn nmi nun am mmtii iaiutom, jjuiLUiiii iwu widimi i' BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED U IN. Georgia Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Eic, MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Eearof 200 Commercial Slreet, Salem, Oregon. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i A.T BfUT (I PctZCl Plumbers and Tinners, ? GET THE J.&M. LAWNMOWER In Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS IT1 ii GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. Choi hsD. ce W. VI eats. Cross, Wholesale utul Retail ftculcr in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. i)C Court and 11.0 State Streets. uhss. Smith. -SUCCESSOR TO- 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawii Sprinklers. A complete line of Stove.s and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. ET-,ii. -1PJ.IPE,. All are invited to call at 143 Court ntreet and look at all the late patterns in Wall Paper and get prices for muiipoii the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E.E. SNOW, House, Sign and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Only First-das Work. E, E. SNOW. Remember the plai-e, 143 Court Street. FOUND The place to gt t a Saddlo horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on liyan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is 'our motto. T J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE IA SPECIALTY.- Contractors and builders can find here every article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. UPERIOE, STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you well. ooc--s. bimejet1 dw IT, ra D.C.SHERMAN, U, H, Pension and Claim agent. V, O Box iijl halem, Oregon. Deputy County Glnr V'rlte for blanks, w DUGAN BROS' )V a "nt c. nr ik x x.rN 00 KjKJ. n 1 m 1 0 n drays and trucks balera 1 ruck Dray U. E'H3&:ri V lice Stato St., opposite Sa lem Iron works. Drays and truoKi may he fouud throughout the dav at th nrur of Htato and Commnr.'ial htrwit. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, ........ OREGON. Manufactures STEAM KN'OINES, Mill Outfits, Wuter Wheel GovernorK, Fruit Drying Outtlttj, 'J'rartiou Engines, Crestlug. etc, Farm machinery made and repaired, General agents aud mauufucturcisnr iliu in-lebroted Wubldtrom fulfill Middlings Purltler and Reels, Funn machinery tnadt ar-rt repaired. C.N.CHURCHILL. T S. BURROUGHS. cmjitcmiiTj & burroughs, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 Ohemeketa Street. a.L. E2.2,;0 Sash, and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line ,at prices to conwe& with the lowest. 'Only the bust material used Plambing and Heating Col, Wholesale and retail dnlerx In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. t9 Commercial stieet. Telephone No. SI. For Sale. Three lots in North halem on tdreet car line, also 31 acres trult land about ;t miles east of Salem. Call on . !. CAISKIEIiSO??, btato Insurance Otllco Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTri, Manager. Lock Box 1210, Seattle, Wnh Breedfrs otTrburouglibred Poultry of fol. lowing varieties: . ('. White leghorns, B, C. Hrorn Ug horns, White Plymouth Hooks, Jtarrcd Plymouth ltocks, Pit (James, Mack Luny shams. Light,' Jtrabainas, Huff t'oclilnc, Partridge Cochins, 11 ronze Turkeys, Knd lor Circular and Prlco 1.1st. White's No. 60, BALEM'd FINEST TltUUK, Now ready for business. Careful work a specialty. J, I'. WHITE. 248 Commercial Btreet. am WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Trauhact a general bunking business In all Its biuuchcs. GEO. WI1.MAMS.- Presldcn Wm. KNOIjANI) Vice President JIUOll MoNAHY Cashier VUOFESSIONAI. CAKDS. ALV1N II. HYDKNIIAM, United Htntca Army Consulll;ig Knglncer. Hy. druullo and Kmlury engineering uud roads n Bpeclnlty. Olllce, room 6 Exchange block, Salem. J J.SHAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW 4 . HUNT, attorneys at law. Ofllco over Capital National bank, Salem, Oregon. VJT oalem, Uregwn. OlUco over ljud a EO. H. DUltNETT, Attorney nt law. hush's bank, DIHHCTOUS: Geo. WllllamR.Wm, ffins land, I)r, J, A, Hlchardson, J, W . Hodnou. J. A. llaker. liank In uew Exchange , block on Com mercial sti oot. H.J Ml Authorized Capital ?500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon. W. A.CIHICK. Prt'W. W. MAUTIN, Vlco X'res. J. II. ALUICHT, Cashier. StaUJ, County and City Warrants bought at Par, dw MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for tho next 80 duys on Reed farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, oom II, Hush Hank block. 6 12dw Bcrnes Wanted! THE SALEM CANNING CO, Will Ilecelve CHERRIES AND BTKAWBER RIEB AND G008EIJERRIES ou and after Wednesday. June 8. 1802. 1 T. ). o uh I T. K1CHAHUSON, Attorney nt law. olllco tip stairs In lront rooms of new i block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Bftlcm,urpgou JOHN A. OAKSON, Attorney nt law. Kooiiui 3 auu -I, LadQ it Buali'H bank building, Balcm, Oregcn. 8 1 lyr B.K.BON HAM. IDoNitAit 4 Holmes JD Olllce in Bush's block, and Court, onCom'ISt. W. II. HOLMES. Attorneys at law. between State mlLMON FOH1). attorney at law, Salem, J. Oregon. Olllce upfllalra In 1'ulton's block. BH. HUADSIIAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Surgeon, Salem, Oregon. Olllce in IMaridge block, upstairs over Williams 4 England's bank Uesidcnco corner Btato and S. E. corner Winter street. WT u' YOUNG, M. D.. Otllco formerly YV . occupied by Dr. Itowluud, coiner Comtaud Liberty streets. Telciihone No. 45. Olllco heurs: 8 n. in. to 12; 2 to 4 p. m., nnd 7 to p. ni, Itesldenco Pith street on electric car line. Tclophouo No. I), MCAFEE 4 BUOOKS. Physicians und Surgeons. Murphy bloat, up stulrs, Commercial street, balem, Or. K. W. 8. MOTT, physician nnd sur geon. Olllce In ESdrldge Blocs, Sa- om, Oregon, Onlco hours it) to VI n, in. '2 to 4 p. m. EB.PHILHIlOOK,M..,Homcoputhl8t. , OUlce 155 Court street; Kesldcuce 347 High street. UeLeral practice. Special uttentlon given to diseases of Women and chlldien. DH. MINTA B, A. UAVI8. Olllci) hour, H a. in. to 11 a. m.; 2 p. m, to & p. in, Uay or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention given to diseasesof wom en and children. Olllco in New Bank illlc, 805 Commercial street. Kenideueo same. DK. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, 1)2 Btate street, Salem, Or. FinMied dental opera tions of every desciipt ion. lions a Bpcciany Palul ebs opera- WD. PUG1I, Archlttct, Plans, Sped , tlcullons und superintendence lor all classes of bulltUngi. Ortlco 2U0 Com uierclul St., up stulrs. CA. KOBEHT, Architect, room4'24. Mar , quam building, ortluud, Oregon. HUSIN1WS CAKDS. H0EYE4MIIjLS, Proprietors the Force lain Bath and shaving Parlors, llii.e the only Porcelain Bath Tubs In the city. !2ua Commercial btreet, Salem, Oregon. B. SMITH 4 CO., Contractors, Hower ing, Cement Hlucwalks, Excavating, All work nromutly done. Salem. Or. Leave ordeis with Dussn Bios. 4:16-lm Etc: PJ. LAltSEN & CO,, Manufacture of all . kludsof vehicles. Kepairlu a special ty, Shop 43 State sticct. GAKPET-LAYING.-I make a specialty oi caipet-bewlug aud laying; carpets taken up and lelaidwitligieatciro. hliudo and curtain pole hnuglng. Leav outers with J. H. Luuu, Buieu &. Son or White Corner. J. G.LUHH.MA.U. CHAT8 ABOUT MEN. fOHN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Horsu shoelngaudrepairliiK a specialty. Shop atthe foot of Liberty stieet.Halein.Oiegou. 2.201? THE .WILLAMETTE, SALE2T, OltlSQOX. Hates, $2.50 to"$5.00 per Buy. The best hotel between Portland and Han Francisco. Flist-class in all Its nmiolnt- .in the ments. Its tables nro herved wli Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I, WAGNER, Prop JAPANESE) IDE IU1E CURB A new nnd Complete Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, ointment in capsules. ill to a box and pill; a positive cuiu ior ox ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding, itching, chronic, recent or heiedltaiy Piled, and many other diseases and leimilo wouk nesbfs; It Is always a great benefit to tho general health. The llrst discovery ot a medical euro rendering an operation will) the knlfo unntcensiry horealter. This remedy has never been known to full. VI per box, 0 ior $5; sent by mail, Wh miifer lrom this terrible dlctubu when a willtcn giiaranleo is given with (I boxes, to lelund the money 11 not cm ed heud Htampforlrue sample, UuirfiiteeUsiicd by WoooAitn, Oi.ahkk &. Co., wholesale and retull dt ug gists, sole ageuts, 1'ortland, Or. & i-ly-dw Burton STATJ3 BTREET BRICK YARD. Iarge stock of common Brick always on hand, Frrened und ori-iiiiientul brick mude to order. Leave orders at (1 Htolz. El Rtato street. Goodhue 4 Catilll, l).j State street, or at the yurd, opposite dutu Prlitou, G T. BURROWS AlUUICBu full lino of Staple and fancy uioccries, irunii vectaoiesuiiu Jier lltd la beasou. Butter and Kug-i al ways ou hand. 220 Com'l St. J. H. HAAS, TJEI.E WATOHAIABLBn, 2l5ViCcmmerc!il St,, k item, Oregon, (Neil door to Klein's.) Specialty o( Bpectaclerf, and repairing Olocks, WatcttAR and Jewelry. dW't 7, E. C. CHOSS, and Packer State HUatiit Court Ot-Tlin bent meat delivered to all paru of tbecltr, Senator Mandorson playa a atrong gnmo of chess. Cnrlylo's two brothers resitlo on farms near Grand Rapids, Mich. Joseph Arch, tho pioneer in tho agri cultural laborers' movement in England, is only sixty-six, but is said to bo quito broken down. Roch and Ruhm, two American ca dots, carried off iirst honors in naval ar chitecture t,tho lust commencement of tho Univeraity of Glasgow. Mr. Gladstone is very much attached to a little black Pomeranian dog, Peto by name, which was given him Bomo years ago by a friend in Germany. Tho largest child over born, it is said, was the son of Bates, the "Kentucky Giant," and his wifo, tho "Nova Scotia G iantcss." This infant Hercules weighed 23J pounds. Roscoo Conkling's tino portrait, by Cttyler Ton Eyck, bus been placed in tho vice president's room at tho Capitol in Washington, and obtains as much praiso as attention from visitors. Frederick L. Ames is said to bo the richest man in New England, and thero is no man in any part of tho country who gets moro comfort out of his homo or takes greater prido in its surround ings than he does. A gentleman whom scarcely any one recognized had the privilege of tho floor of tho senate chamber on tho day of Senator Barbour's funeral. Ho looked about-sixty years of ago. He provod to be tho ox-senator from Iowa, Mr. Jones, who has reached his ninotioth year. Tho lato historian Freeman iad a great Hieing for architectural sketches, and at his death had accumulated a largo collection of drawings made by himsolf of notable buildings in England aud on tho Continent. But ho cared nothing for paintings, and never on his journoys through Europe wont into a picturo gallery. THE NEWEST NOVELTIES. In receptacles of all sorts tho shell takes the lead. Column clocks aro for boudoirs and Louis XVI rooms. Lamps of glass aro six feot high and mounted in brass. Throo swans bluo, pink and white with linked necks, form a new tablo or nameut for flowers. A great deal is dono in faienco with appliques of metals. Thero aro flower' oniamentB or grotesquorio. Small articles, as vases, cups, bowls covered with flowers with spread petals such as daisies havo beon brought over. Tho English gold ornamented glass is having great vogue. Tho German glass is much more finely ornamented. The contours in tho English glass aro bolder. Onyx clocks in tho shapo of green por ticoes, with round columns supporting pedimonts, aro exquisito. Somo clocks havo tho pillars and pilasters covered with gilt and colored tracery. Thoro are numerous displays of orna mental glass. Tho Webb cameo glass is striking, but has many successful imitations in cheaper glasses which would deceivo all but tho cognoscenti. There are now mechanical clocks. One represents tho engine of a ferry boat, another a pile driver with the fig ure of a man. The materials aro silver and bronzo, and tho workmanship is ox quisito. Jowolors' Circular. AROUND THE THRONES. Tho Princess of Wales fits and makes gowns for herself and family. Thero aro fourteon great gates to tho Escurial, tho palace of Spanish kings, and tho building is lighted by 1,110 outer and 1,578 inner windows. No nihilist will over got a chanco at tho czar of Russia with a razor, at least in tho guiso of a barber. Tho autocrat has his whiskers carefully trimmed, but with scissors. Emporor William has given 15,000 marks to aid tho publication of an elab orate litorarv souvonir of tho 400th an niversary of tho discovery of Amorica. mo woric wm oo cuueu uy tho liorlln Geographical Society. Tho Shah of Porsla has moro than SflB.. 000,000 worth of ornamonts, gems and precious stones in one strong room, 20 by 11 foot. Thoro uro scabbards in this troasury said to bo worth $1,000,000 each. Whon leaving homo tho Shah, it is said, locks up his jewolry and travels "in paste." Tip-O-Tip, son of tho lato Zulu King Cotownyo, is in this country and aims to eecuro an education hero boforo return ing to his own people. To pay his ex penses in collego ho is giving small en tortainmonts of native songs, chants, translations of tho English to tho Zulu tonguo and in answoring questions. ODDS AND ENDS. It is said that throo-fourths of tho en tire manufacturing capital of tho United States is based ou patents. Franco has had thirty-eight embassa dors to England sinco 1814, whllo in tho same period tho qucon has had but eight representatives at Puris. Moro than a fourth of tho gold and moro than a third of tho silver produced throughout tho world in tho year 1891 was mined in tho United States. A mob of seventy-flvo women prevent ed a wedding in a town in Kentucky re cently, for tho reason that tho brido'a husband had boon dead but two wooks. Tho noxt lord mayor of Londou will bo a Roman Catholic and ho will ap point it Catholio priest as his chaplain. It will bo tho iirst instanco of a Roman Catholio holding tho lattor position eiuco tho Reformation. Tho etroots of London aro cleaned be twoen 8 in tho evening and 0 in tho morning. Many of tho carriageways aro washed daily by moans of a hose, and tho courts and alloys inhabited by the poorer classes aro cleaned once a day, Everybody knows what Ulis, and that Is tho reason thoy go to IIol lenbraud's for that pure ice cream soda. In Cookery The Royal Baking Powder, besides rendering the food more palatable and' wholesome, is, because of its higher leavening power, the most economical. The United States Government, after elaborate tests, re ports the Royal Baking Powder to be of grcaterleavenlng strength than any other. Bulletin 13, Ag. Dip., p. 559.) YOUTH. Youth-it la all tho joy that laughs In tho soft spring grasses. That flows in tho sap of tho treo and lifts the bad to tho sun. That burns in tho fallow earth as the phantom of winter passes. And rings out tho chant of tho graro la tho song of a hopo begun. Tho skies aro older than death; tho seas havo shaken the valleys Which aro full today of tho peaco of slumber ing woods and streams; Tho ages havo left their prints In each fluctu ant moment which rallies From ruin and change and night, from tnflnlW dosks of dreams. But Youth, with a fresh delight, and mindless of sad years fashioned In tho cruel tolls of tho world. In tho bitter strifes of tho soul, Ijooks out and is glad of Itself, glad and Intense and Impassioned, And sees with exultant eyes tho pageants ot life unroll Bees the day at its dawn, and cries to Its birds nnd its fountains, Bees tho day at its full and the Bpleudora that Blnk In tho west, Watchos the purple clouds as they shadow tho peaks of the mountains, And follows tho trace of the moon to a doe! and a dreamless rest. Oh, whether It watches or sleeps, or whether it speaks or hearkens, Tho past Is a faith forgotten, and death Is an unfclt tiling; It Is only tho day which Is hero, tho day which trembles and darkens, , That holds for tho heart of Youth tho wonders that thrill and cling. It la only tho day which Is here, which la full of a living story. That startles the blood of Youth to a Bonso of exquisite power. That Alls tho earth and the heavens with a strange and beautiful glory. And measures the sweetness of Tlmo by tho flight of a joyous hour. George Edgar Montgomery In Youth's Com panion. A Good MIno "Salted." Very funny was tho Baiting of a mino in Colorado which waa bought by ox-Senator Tabor by order from Boino friends of his In Denver. Cliicken Bill, a prospector of rather disroputablo notoriety, did tho job, performing it bo successfully that $-10,000 was paid over to him for tho property -without any question. Ho was so elated over .the transaction as to bo unablo to keep tho secret, com municating it to a number of inti mate friends. In this manner tho news reached Donver, and tho peo ple -who had employed Tabor as their agent in tho matter refused to re ceive tho mine. So Tabor, finding it left upon his hands, determined to mako tho best of the situation and proceeded to dig farther in tho hole. Ho pierced tho rock ten foot farthor and enmo upon a body of ore which proved to be one of tho richest over found in tho Btato. Kansas City Times. , How Climate Has Changed. In Switzerland a moan temperature equal to that of north Africa at the present time is shown by its fossil flora to havo prevailed during tho Miocene or Middle Tertiary epoch. Anthropoid apes lived in Germany and Franco; fig and cinnamon trees flourished at Dantzie; in Greenland, up to 70 degs. of latitude, magnolias bloomed and vines ripened their fruit, while in Spitzborgon and oven in Grinnoll Land, within littlo moro than 8 degs. of tho polo, swamp cy presses aud walnuts, cedars, limes, planes and poplars grew freely, water lilies covered ovor standing pools, and iriBos lifted their tall heads by tho margins of streams and rivers. Ed inburgh Roviow. A Hcally Wonderful Jlazur. A well known Auburn man is tho owuor of a razor which for wear and tear probably has no equal in tho two cities. It descended to him from his grandfather fiftoon years ago, and sinco that timo ho has used it inces santly, shaving himsolf twico a week with it. Tho razor has beon honed only ouco sinco hp has owned it, and is apparently in as good condition to day as it was flf teen years ago. It hasn't oven commonced causing prouuuiy as yoc, anu mat is some thing to bo proud of in a razor. Bangor (Mo.) Commercial. Shipping Cinnamon. Cinnamon is so extraordinarily Bonsitivo that groat caro has to bo takon with regard to its surround ings on board sliip, as a balo of vory Quo cinnamon will loso much of its dolicato aroma if packed among boles of coarser bark. Various ex pedients havo been tried to romody this. Tho Portuguese and Dutch, iso lated the bales by packing thorn in cocoanut fiber, or in cattlo hides; but it is found that tho only real Baf oguard is to pack bags of popper botwoen tho bales. "Two Happy Years in Coylon." Tho Valuo of I'earls. Nothing varies bo much in valuo as pearls. With thorn fashion affects tho markot constantly. Somotimes white onos aro sought, whilo other tints at intervals aro in domand. For Bomo years past black poarls havo boon tho raiTO. A fine mtrvimnn worth 120 will fotcb. 200, perhaps, if anotlior can bo got to match it per fectly. Woman. Boforo Starting on a JouxHfy A person usually desires to gain some Id-i iormaiion as u me most nesiraoie route w tako, and will purchase tickets via the on that will nirord blm the quickest and beat 1 Hcrvico. llefnre startlnir on a trln to Chi cago or any point Kast, you should pro-vide, s yourseu wuu a map auu ume uiDie ok nm Wisconsin Central Line. The trains ru on this route aro vestibule andare eaulppea with Pullman's latest Drawing Koom Bleep ere, elegant Day Coaches nnd Dining Cam of latest design, built expressly for this ser vice, and are exaulslto in lurnlshlncts and convenient and comfortable In arrange J meufc uuu ho (xjinpieiv iu v vrj uuuiii iuhi tbey have no superior In comfort and el trance. The dlnfne car ecrvlco Is pronoun. ced by all the most elegant ever lnauguit J uieu, uuu it) uperawu m tuo iuuhcbii ui iv patrons. , Fast trains via tho Wisconsin Central . Lines leave At lnneapolls dally at 12:46 p.m. J ana u:zo p. m., ana at. mm at i:u p. n and 7:15 1. ni., making favorable conn Hon with all trains from tho West aa HoilthwPHt. Kor tickets, maps, pamphlets and fuU 1 Information apply to O, F. McNeill, O. Tf.'l ana r. a., Minneapolis, oiiun., ana iojkv U. Pond, General Passenger and Tick Agent, Chicago, 111. 1-10-ly 1 Citation. In t ho County Court, for theConnty of Ma-1 rion, Btaie ot uregon. In the matfer of estate of) p,,.,,. Evellno Cor. deceased f1""1011' To all (he heirs of said decedent, known orunnnown, ukm.ii.ii.wu: In the name of the State of Orecon. Too aro hereby cited and required to appear la tho county court of the Btnte of Oregon, for : the County of Marlon on Monday, the 18th day ot July, 1892, at 10 o'clock, In the fore- noon of that aay, then and there to show cause, if any thero ba whj an order should not be made authorizing and empowering the admlnlstralorof said estate to sell the real proporty belonging to said estate, which Is described as follows to-wlt:. Lot 8. H, 10 and 11 In block No. 8 as shown oni the amended ulat of Capital Park addition. 1o tho City ot Salem In Marlon County,':') uregon. V unesi, the Hon. T, L. Davidson, judge of the county court, of the Htato of Oregon, for the County of Mnrlon with tho Beat or Bald court allix, this 15th day of June, 188t Atteit: D.O. HHkliMAN, Clerltv - By FltAHK W. WATKltS, Deputy, seal. Notice to Teachers. The County Superintendent of School" ! win noia mo regular mommy county teacher's Institute, as required by law. at - the East Salem BOhool building, commeno-J ing jury inn ana continue two ween. Special Instructors have been entmeed for tbo various branches and all teachers In. j me 0 mnty are expected to attend ana I slvt iu the work of the institute. rtrlnu' tnvt. tiriMlra mi ft cnihtAnfa J. H. UHAHAM. 9 oaieni, uregon, juue, low. J Bids Wanted For COO poles 80 leet long and 0 Inches at top, of cedar or fir, until July 71 h. Hight is renervea to reject any auu an uius. H-27-dW-td WALEM MOTOR 11 Y. CO, Bids Wanted. Bids will be received until July 7tb, for A io,wj ties, oxo, anu on tin long. 1 no rigni is rexurvea 10 reject any anu an Dias, 0-27-dW-td HALEM MOTOU BY. CO. Hernia and Chronic Diseases DR'S. SHIMP & HOUSER, Dovote special attention to Nervous, Cat arrhal, Asthmatlo and Throat Troubles. Hernia (rupture) cured without pain or uuieutiuu iroiu uusinesa ana uuaranteeu IN Ever Case. Every variety of Female and Chronl treated by thq most advanced methods known to Electrical and Medical science. Twenty years experience In but. gery and the application of electricity. uuice-u uommeroiai street., uusn-orey-mun Black. Halom. Notice to Bridge Builders. , In penmanco ol nn order of the Hod. County Court of Marlon county, bids will bo received at the otllco of the county clerk ' in , for tho construction of a bridge, con- ' slstlugof a span of 100 feet and twoju" proactics of60 feet In the aggregalo, acroM the littlo north fork of tho dantlara river. The court reserves the right to reject any and alt bids. 1). U. HUEKH AN. -.'" 0-a-dw-ld County Clerk TMPIlOVEDlOUDEIt OF RED MEN. j X iianuanun i nue no. , naiein. lioia council evory Thursday evening, at 7:80. Wigwam In btato Insurance ball, F. C. 11AKEH, Prophet. .' ' FKANK O. WATEUS, Chief of Kooordf. TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE! When you see these new 189)j designs in Books 4 and 5, "HousW'tl and Cottages." Hlze, 8x10 Inches. CXmtalnanowdeslgjM,'!! new styles, latest Ideas In plaunlng. No, j i uu iH uesigus ciassuifu J rum aiau up cat 1500, about hair under 91000. No. 5 ooft. talus CO deslirns of dwelllnirs rxwtlne ov 1 W0, many from Slsoo up to 3000. Many , new Bout hern or resort alvloa of houses m liieso wurus. Price, SI each, or the two for IU0. D. S. HOPKINS1 Architect! Grand Rapids, Mich. -, Those Afflicted! With thelhablt.'ol using toxeeM, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBAC Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CUI Airraid 4 KEELEY INSTITUTE- Forest Grove, Or,, Call wJU. confidential For Sale, Cheap, A number of trios of this aa oulh Itoclc. Ulaek XAagthauT horn, uud Partridge (JoehlM,a vrousuwK, ii u and get the trio, l get the ol , boxwl m uy early Ickoi u ; save axu Ibei 0