fmv' M'MHHU ww "August Flower" This is the query pcr What Is pctually on your little boy's lips. And he is It For? no worse than the big ger, older, balder-head-dboys. Life is an interrogation point. "What is it for?" we con tinually cry from the cradle to the grave. So with this little introduc tory sermon we turn and ask: "What to August Flowbr for?' As easily answered as asked : It is for Dys pepsia. It is a special remedy for the Stomach and Liver. Nothing more than this ;. but this brimful. We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it. Twenty years ago it started in a small country town. To-day it has an honored place in every city and country store, possesses one of the largest manu facturing plants in the country and sells everywhere. Why is this? The reason is as simple as a child's thought. It is honest, does one thing, and does it right along it cures Dyspepsia. . G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N.J. TSI STARTLING FAC "inWTlliI III I BOMB ilk Tbo American pooplo are rapidly becoming mim Moo of ncrrouiwrcckn.nna the f uIIowIhk buhkcbUi ri thoboitromodri AlpliunoIIcmpfllnB,ui Butlor, 1'a., nwcsrs tbit whon hl on wns rpoccbloM Irom Bt. Tltm IMnco, Dr. Mlloo' Croat rtostorntlvo Nervine-cured hlra. ltrs.J.ll.illtlor,oI Vlpar rso,lnd., J. I'. Taylor, of Ioxannnnrt, Ind., oacu IEHIa (raincaajpounamromianiiwii. ". " A.uara- liui f T iDtumi AlJiiti nua uui uu J it v nr v.vit u- Inns a flar. una much headache, dlulnusa, back' 141 fichs. Anil narvnufl nroitrutlon. hv ono brjttla. Dnnlol Mrors, Urookljrn, Mien., tijt bis daughter was cured of Inannlty of ton yoars' alandlng. Trial toltlea nd Una book of niarrflloua cures, FUKI1 at druiuiists Tula rtmody contains no opiates. Dr.MIIoV Modlcnl Co.,Elkhart, Ind. TKZAli BOTTJLE FKEJC b'old by D.J. Fry, drui;glnt,il.ii OrM f DOSES feH J iimmnmm Act mi a new prlui'lplo rognlttto tho liver, c'omacb , ntrvu Da. Milks' I'iixs tpctillly cute blllo .aneen, torpid mr olid constipa tion, timallcnt, n .Idast, lanrfntl 3prIoE03,j,'3ota. ttrmnlus live at ilru 'tlsta. V ' Hti Co.. MUurt, lit. rjold by I). J. Fry, ilrugKtHt, fV in AFamiiy Affair Health for the Baby, Plsasurc for the Parents, New Life for tho Old Folks. Hires Root BSST THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK la n family nffulr nroqultllr of tho homo. A an cnit Ickng(i nmlics 5 gnllona ol n UollcloiiH, strengthening, effervescent bovorago, Pon't I deceived If n dealer, for Ibu aakoof Inrc.-r nrciflt. ii-IIn t,m tome oilier kind la "just iia good " Unfiilne. No Imitation la tut good M tlio ccuulue lliuu'. Mi PvT3 i2& $. H & qinseng. THE POWER OF MAN Tho ChlnfroTirlie.thoOlnienf root, Wtich mom highly than Opium. They call It (Jhwng mianlng tlio Tower of Ms n. YYlicu scares ton finest sjunllty lias been sold for IIOO per (inure, New, w lijr do limy pur sucli priest Uernuao they bcllai It gln-i them lha much desired urrvo lorco. Jlnw luuiiy coopln suflcr Irom vreak nrsit What h dlilriln allmrulf i You luck vim, uer lorco. enoruy, V.jiMYjr. You feel all cou, Vou at always praylmr lor strriiKth, t cet tin Teakor anil wentei. I.uten to tlio role of reason, I'laea yonr rar lielnra InUilllgout spectallits capabU ol iielplnc, yes, cnrluif yon, lly tliu tnera wrltlniol n klttrjon ran liaMS jour van iliniHied free, absoluUly lri ol all cliaijcs. Writu to-dajr, COSMOPOLITAN DISPENSARY, Etookton, Market ami Ellis Stroots, AN FRANCISCO, - - CALIF. 500 KctUflSH8 i.c o"i?N Wciau'3 S ""sALTH, . tif WAJL ttmn :JLAS Ia Rlcknu's anlilvn lUlsuiu Jin. i (Visst f,linrtPAai (law a 3GET..V Tcr i :" r-v ;.:?.?""' c' en lh l kii.i 11.1... l'.. i . i'Vt.V.?! '., -PHrolorl lliolcliet liniliimiaCaUrili.dlM'ased Kcaln, ord at: primary forni; cf Ilia dlwu Inown ai l,o Hlclinu'a anlilnil llulsulll No.M Curet-lVrllsry. Uervurlllr'ililmu Kheu watlsai. Talus In lha Hoik, fains In lh Hd. tack of lb Noik. Ulcerated Sort Throat, thrphlllllo Ituh, Lumpa and oon tct4 IVrdf, Ktlffmts of tho Umbs, au4 "r-" . . r"7,',,v". "w sjsiwin, wBMiicr nuwa uy indiarrttion or abust r mo blxl pure, and 3 00 par 1 limit. , Nimiilsli Anil. llfMjl lAlfnl ,.! all lt.Iu- .--J, i taliiUwunuvgwmmU, lrlc$'i flu tiat " IKIII Ur NlekaH'i CoMh Npanlsli In. itloH. forasrer ousol OonorrhtM. Tg)Usittwylet.8uklur,ii. Xrlo t Mtckaisi. (soldon Olntmvnl t lb taTectlvc hssiliof Kyidillltla Korta aswufUOM. lrlr.l Oil lr Box, Urn Mttkaiu'a Uoldan I'llla-.SVrvi o Wa4aValwtTlaiintt tuas ol phyakml o aUaii4NarU4, afc ysysrtatrR Q. ft, twawlr yuttt vhrtlitr rausej by Indlsrr el Mercury. Itvlnr (he t heakfey. Vrli. ii uu i 1,0 MUhaiu'a QoMn H slsle for tli euro ol lloi aia sPltfvAafraa WIVtJ Wtf AvBCy ' 111 JKAKKKT T., Bm tlllallHi a THE GREAT QUESTION DR. TAUMAGE ON THE MANY AN SWERS THAT MAY BE GIVEN. riUte Asked It Only as at Tlmlil ni1 Uesltatlng Politician Might, but II Comes to Eory Man Anew Christ Sluat He Taken to the ITonrt. London, July , Dr. Taltnngo con tinues to rcceiro from nil classes of the English people tho warmest of welcomes ami the heartiest greetings. Tho work of arranging his tour has boen ex ceedingly difficult. So numerous were tho invitations awaiting him that to ac cept somo and decline others equally pressing seemed invidious. Wherever he has gono tho largest churches in tho cities huvo been crowded to excess and conid havo been filled many times over. Among tho sormons ho has preached, tho ono selected for publication this week is from the text, Matthew xxvii, 22, "What shall I do with Jesus?" Pilate was an unprincipled politician. Flo had sympathies, convictions of right nnd desires to be honest; but all those woro submerged by a wish to bo popular and to pleaso tho people. Two dietiii- 'gnished prisoners woro in tho grasp of government ana tno proposition ww made to froo ono of them. There stands Uarabbas, tlio murderer; thore stands Christ, tho Saviour of the world. At tho demand of tho people tho renegade is sot free, but Jesus is held. As tho hard visajred and cruol eyed Biti-abbas goes among his sympathizers, receiving their coarso congratulations, I'li.ito turns to his other distinguished prisoner mild, meek, inoffensive loving, self sacrificing and ho is confounded as to what courso ho had bolter tako, so lie jmpanels tho mob as a jury to decide. saying to them. "What snail l do, men. with Jcsug?" Oh. it is no dried or withered ques tion, but ono that throbs with warm and quick pulso in tho heart of every man and woman hero. We must do some thing with Jesus. Ho is hero. Von and 1 nro not so certainly horo as lie is, for ho fills all this place tho loving, living, dying Christ and each ono of us will havo to ask and answer for himself the quostion, "What shall 1 do, then, with Jesus?" Well, my friends, there are thrco or four things you can do with him. when jnsos conns. You can, in tho first place, let him stand without a word of rscognition; but I do not think your sense of common courtesy will allow that. lie comes walking on such a long journoy, you will cortainly givo him a chair on which ho may sit. Ho is so weary, you would not lot him stand without somo recogni tion. If a boggar comes to your door, you recognizo him and say, "What do you want?" If you moot a strangor faint in tho street, you say, "What is tho matter with you?" and your common humanity, and your common sympathy, and your common sonso of propriety will not allow you to lot him stand without recognition the wounded ono of tho hills. You will ask, What makes him weep? whoro was ho hurt? wlio wounded him? wlienco camo he? whither goes ho? 1 know thoro havo been moil who havo with outrageous indiUorenco hated Christ, but I know very well that that is not what you will do with Jesus. Another thing yon can do with him you can thrust him back from your heart and toll him to stand nsido. If an inoffonsivo person comes nnd per sists in standing closo up to you, and you havo in various ways given him to understand that you do not want hjs presence or his society, then you ask tho reason of his impertinence nnd bid him away. Woll, that is what wo can do with Josus. II o has stood closo by us a great while ton, twenty, thirty, forty years. Ho has stood closo by you throo times a day breaking bread for your household, all night watching by your pillow, Ho has been in tho nursery among your children, ho has been in tlio storu among your goods, ho has boon in tho factory amid tho Hying wheels, nnd now if you do not lllco his society you can bid him away; ayo, if ho will not go you can tako him by tho throat and toll him you do not want his interforenco, that you do not want his lironth on your cheek, that you do not want his oyo on vour behavior. You can bid him away; or if ho will not go in that way, then you can stamp your foot us you would at a dog nnd cry "Dogonol" Yet I know you will not treat Jesus that way, Whon Pilato could not do that, you could not. Desperadoes and out laws might do so, but I know that that is not tho way you will treat him, that that is not what you will do with Jesus. Thoro is another thing you can do with him you can look on him moroly as an optician to euro blind eyes, or an aurist to tuno deaf cars, a friend, a good friend, n helpful companion, a cheerful passongor on shipboard; but that will amount to nothing, WAlt NOT SUr'ltCIEXT, You can look upon him as a God and bo nbashed while ho rouses tho storm, or blasts a tig tree, or heaves a rock down tho mountain side. That will not do you any good no inoro save your foul than tho admiration you havo for John Wilton or William Shakespearo. 1 enn think of only ono more tiling you can do with Jesus, and that is to tako him into your hearts. That is tho belt tiling you can do with him, that is tho only safo thing you can do with him, nnd may tho Lord omnipotent by his spirit help mo to persuade you to do that. A minister of Christ was speak ing to Boma children and said, "1 will point you to Christ." A little child roso in tho nudlunco and camo up and put her hand in tho hand of tho pastor and Raid; "Please, sir, tako mo to Jeans now. I want to go now." Oh, that it might bo now with such simplicity of osperi euco that you and 1 join hands and seek ufter CliriBt and got an expression of his Wuofaction and Ids meroyt You may tako Christ into your confi dence. If you caunot trust him, whom can you trust? I do not offer you a dry, theological technicality. I simply nsk you to come and put both feet on tho "Rock of Ages." Take hold of Christ's hands nnd draw him to your soul with perfect abandonment and hurl yourself into tho deep sea of his mercy. Ho comes and ays, "I will save you." If you do not think ho is n hypocrito nnd a liar when he says that, believe him nnd say: "Lord Jesus, I believe; hero is my heart. Wash it Bavo it. Do it now. Aye, it is done; for I obey thy promise and como. I can do no more. That is nil thou hast asked. I come. Christ is mine. Pardon is mine. Heav en is mine." Why. my friends, you put moro trust In everybody than you do in Christ, nnd in everything; moro trust in tho bridgo crossing tho stream, in tho ladder up to tho loft; moro trust in tho htovo that confines tho (ire; moro trust in the cook that prepares your food; more trnst in tho clerk that writes your books, in tho druggist that makes the modicino, in trade more trust in all these things , than in unnst, although no sianus una moment offering without limit and without mistako and without exception universal pardon to all who want it. Now is not that cheap enough all things for nothing? This is tho wholo of tho Gospel as 1 understand it that if you heliovo that Ciirist died to savo you yon aro saved. When? Now. No more doubt about it than that you sit thero. No moro doubt about it than that you have a right hand. No more doubt about it than that thoro is a God. If you had com mitted flvo hundred thousand transgres riotis, Christ would forgivo you just as freely as if you had never committed but ono; though you had gone through tho wholo catalogue of crimes arBon, and blasphemy and murder Christ would pardon you just ns freely, you coming to him, as though you had com mitted only tho slightest sin of tho tonguo. THE BOUNDLESS LOVE. Why, when Christ comes to pardon a soul he stops for nothing. Height is nothing. Dopth is nothing. Enormity is nothing, Protractedness is nothing. O'er ulna like mountains fur their fclze, Tho 8f as to BOverolKii grace expand, Tlia sous of soverolgn grace arise. Lord Jesus, I givo up all other props, givo up all other expectations. Ruined and undone, 1 lay hold theo. I plead thy promises. I fly to thy arms. "Lord, savo mo; I perish." When tho Christian commission went into tlio army during tho war thero woro a great multitude of hungry men and only a few loaves of bread, and tho delegate of tho commission was cutting tho broad and giviug it out to wounded and dying men. Somo ono camo up and said, "Cut thoso slices thinner, or thero will not bo enough to go around." Arjd then the delegato cut tho slices very thin and handed tho bread around until they all had somo, but not much. But, blessed bo God, there is no need of econ omy in this Gospel. Bread for all; bread enough aud to spare. Why perish with hunger? Again, I iidviso you, as ono of the best things you can do with Christ, to tako him into your lovo. Now thero aro two things which make us love any one in herent attractiveness, and then what ho does in tho way of kindness toward us. Now Christ is in both thoso positions. Inherent attractiveness fairer than tho childron of mon, tho luster of tho morn ing in his oyo, tho glow of tho sotting sun in his cheek, myrrh nnd frankin cense in tho breath of his lip. In a heaven of holy beings, tho best. In a heaven of mighty ones, tho strongest. In a heaven of great hearts, tho tondor est and tlio most sympathetic. Why, sculpturo has novor yet been ablo to chisel his form nor painting to present tho Hush of his cheek nor music to strike his charms; and the greatest surpriso of eternity will bo tho first mo ment when wo rush into his presenco and with uplifted hands and streaming eyes and heart bounding with rapturo wo cry out, "This is Josus!" All over glorious Is my IiOnl, Ho limit bo lcncil nml jut mlored; UU worth, If nil the nations knoir, Sure, the w hole earth would lovo him too. THE BUUMME SACRIFICE. Has ho not done enough to win our affections? Peter tho Groat, laying asido royal authority, went down nmoug tho ship carponterH to help them, but Russia got tho chief advantago of that conde scension. John Howard turned his back uiion tlio refinements and went around prisons to spy out 1 loir sorrows and to relievo their wrongs, but English crim inals got tho chief advantage of that ministry. But whon Christ comes it is for you and mo. Tho sacrifice for you and mo. Tlio tears for you and me, Tho crucifixion for you aud mo. If 1 woro hopolossly in debt and somo ono camo and paid my dobts, and gave mo a receipt in full, and called off tho pack of hounding creditors; if 1 woro on n foundering ship, and you camo in n lifeboat and took me off, could I over forgot your kindness? Would 1 ever allow an opportunity to pass without rendoring you a service or attesting my gratitudo nnd love? Oh, how ought wo to feel toward Christ, who plunged into tho depth of our sin aud plucked us out I Ought it nottosot tho very best emotions of our heart into tho wannest, aye, a red hot glow? Tho story is so old that poo pie almost got asleep whon thoy nro hearing it. And yet thero ho hangs Jesus tho man, Jesus tho God, Was thoro anything boforo or binee, anything to lie compared to this spec tacle of genorosity aud woe? Did heart strings over snap with n worse torture? Were tears evor charged with a heavier grief? Did blood over gush, iu each glob ule tho price of a soul? Tho wavo of earthly malice dashed its bloody foam against ono foot, tho wavo of infernal malice dashed against his other foot, while tho storm of God's wrath against sin Wat on his thorn pierced brow, and all tho hosts of darkness with gleaming Ittiuivo iiiiujKt;va uiiuugu ma uuiy BUUl, Oh, see tho dethronement of heaven's king! tho conqueror fallen from tho white horsel tho mtissaere of a God! Weep, yo who have tears, over the lono llnesa of his exile and tho horrors of his CLEAN! If you would bo clean nnd havo your clothes dono up in tho noatostnnd dressiest mannor, tako thorn to tho S.ILKM STEAM LAUNDRY whoro all wovk is done by white labor and in tho moat prompt manner. COLONEL J, OLMSTED. Liberty Street aarkness. Christ sacrifice! on the funeral pyro of a world's tranrgression; the good for the bad, the great for thr mean; tho infinite for the finite, the God for the man. Oh, if thoro bo in nil this audience ouo person untouched by this story of t-o Saviour's lovo, show me where ho is hat I may mark the mon ster of ingratitudo and of crime. If yon could sco Ciirist as ho is you would rise from your seat nnd fling yourselves down nt his feot, crying, "My Lord, my light, my lovo, my joy, my peace, my strength, my expectation, hi heaven, my nil! Jesnsl Jcsusl" HE IIAS DONE ENOUOII. Oh, can you not lovo him? Do you want more of hi3 tears? Why, ho ha." shed them all for you. no has no more. Do you want more of his blood? Ilir arteries woro emptied dry, and the iron hand of agony could press out nothing moro. Would you put him to worse ex cruciation? Then drive another nail into his hand, aud plunge another spcai into his side, and twist unother thorn into his crown, nnd lash him with an other name of infernal torture. "No," says some! ono; "stop! stop! ho shall not be smitten again. Enough tho tears. Enough the blood. Enough the torture. Enough tlio agony." "Enough," criet. earth. "Enough," cries heaven. Aye "Enough," cries hell. At last enough. Oil, look nt him, thy butchered Lord, unshroutled and ghastly as thoy flung him from the tree, his wounds gaping for a bandage. Aro thero no hands to closo these eyc3? Then let tho sun go out nnd there bo midnight. Howl, ye winds, and howl, yo seas, for your Lord is dead. Oh, what moro could ho have dono for you and for mo than he has done? Could ho pay a bigger price? Could lie drink a more bittor cup? Could lie pi ungo into a wortio catastrophe? And can you not love him? Groan ngain, O blessed Jesus, that they may feel thy sacriiico! Groan again. Put the four fingers nnd tho thumb of thy wounded hnnd upon them, that tho gash in tho palm may striko their soul and thy warm life may bleed into them. Groan again, O Jesus, and sco if they will not feel. Oh, what will you do with such a Christ as that? You havo got to do somothing with him this morning. What will you do with Jesus? Will you slay him again by your Kin? Will you spit upon him again? Will you crucify him again? What will you do with him who lias loved you with more than a brother's lovo, more than a father's love, vca, moro than u mother's love, through nil thuso years. Oh, is it not enough to ninke tho hard heart of tho rock break? Josubl Josus! What shall wo do with thee? THE SOUL'S fJKEAT CHANCE. I have to say that tho question will af ter awhile change, aud it will not be what shall we do with Christ, but what will Christ do with us? Ring all tho bells of eternity nt tho burning of a world. In that day what do you think Christ will do with us? Why, Ciirist will say: "Thero is that man whom I called. Thoro is that woman whoso soul I importuned. But thoy would not any of my ways. I gave them innumerable opportunities of salvation. They reject ed them all. Depart; 1 never knew you." Blessed bo God, that day has not come. Halt, yo destinies of eter nity, and givo us one moro chance. One moro chance, and this is it. Some travelers In tho wilderness of Australia n few year ago found tho skoloton of a man and somo of his gar ments, and a rusty kottlo on which tho man had written or scratched with his finger nail these werds: "O God, I am dying of thirst. My brain is on firo. My tongue is hot. God help mo in tho wilderness." Oh, how suggestive of the condition of thoio who dio in the wilder ness of sin through thirst! Wo tako hold of them today. We try to bring tlio cool water of tho rock to thoir lips. Wo say, "Ho, every ono that thirsteth!" God, thy father, awaits theo. Minister ing spirits who watch tho ways of tho soul bend now this moment over this immortal nuditory to seo what wo will do with Jesus. Saving ICyos liy Klrrtrlu Light. Tho public is beginning to realize that the uso of tho electric light dooa fnoro for tlio preservation of tho eye sight than any other artificial luminant. Ono of tho most reassuring evidences of this is tho adoption of electric light in n largo number of hospitals devoted to tho troatmeut of oyo disoasos, Tho Royal South London Ophthalmic hos pital, which is undergoing extensivo structural onlargtmont and improve ments, is being fitted up throughout with electric light. It is also stated that quite an impetus has been given to tho introduction of electric lighting into Londonderry, Kil kenny, Galway aud othor towns in Ireland by tho declaration of ono of tho surgical staff of tho Royal Ophthalmic hospital in Dublin that the electric light Is tho best light for eyes that are weak or affected with diseaso, and occa sions them less discomfort and injury than that produced from gas. oil or can dles. Now York Telegram. Shift hit the r.oHiiialblIlty. As I wns walking along tho street the other day a lady and child woro walk ing along in front of mo, but being in a hurry I passed on. Just as I was going by tho couplo I overheard tho mothor speaking to tho child in words that in dicated that tho child had been doiug homethiug wrong and tho mother was reproving the actiou. When tho lady had tinihhed, tho child looked up inuo cently nnd said, "Woll, niauinu, God didn't mako mo nice." Boston Nows. Ill tlio llltlll, A highly humorous legend i appended to a magulficent drawing by Itaffet. It was during the last war in Italy; a group of Fronch grenadiers aro camping around a tire that is being put out by tho rain, which falls iu torrents. An oM sergeant, with an nir of grim satisfaction, rubs his hauds and exclaims: "Won't thoso Austrians como iu for a dreuchiiiKl" Petit Parisieu. BTATKOKOKIO.t'lTVOK TOUIH), ., ,. Lucas cou.ntv, Kronfc J.ClienayiimlcraoBlh Hint ho U thr-Beulor partner of the tlnu of K. J. Che iwv a Co., Uoiug bualtu-M In tho i-uj ,.( Toledo eoituty ana atate nforwild. ani Hint Hid ilriu Will pay Iho mm of Una Hundred iMllani for tch uud wry rue. ofCntarrli that cannnt bo cured by the tuoof Hall a Catarrh ilirv: ' , , , KNK J. I'HKXEV. Hwornlo befom me uud aubcrlbtd in l"1-! fiotarjr futile Hall'a Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally nml acts dirvcily on tho blood uutl mucous surfaces of m eybtem. Send for twtiuioulals rv. X' h Hfw4 Co., Toledo, 0. W6olU by drufrglsta, 75cf raaiwM t3 c- CD c I' 3 o c s to 3 . Q S 2 Bz 2 " - . Cf- Pi p OT 3 P t S- -i-s CO o S h - 5 05 7 A o CO OT a OT c p ?r as p crf CD D Q CD n c-i- b l-i CD CO OT P 3 w CD P 4 m S 3 N o 3 3 o 05 CJj O CD OT P CD o CD CO a cd CD to, s 1 2. CD t rr P ?t- 3' OT re St. CD -. . CD c M s' P 05 3 to PL, 3 35 p - era L 3 t CD o Z 2 e "" 3 CD ID n (C a CLO s CO . era ODDS AMD ENDS. Charity always pays dividends. Try rosewater nnd glycerin for sun burn. Don't rub a woman tho wrong way of tho fur. Economy is ns, commend ablo as iwn rice isn't. School books should bo printed in large typo. Until two years ago thero was not a newspaper in Persia. When a mau feels ron lly hungry ho does not feel anything el.c. Tlio wIko minister delays his vacation nntil tho Juno marriages nro over. Milton sought relaxation in tho com panionMiip of tho "pealing organ." Tho value of the railroad rolling stook In tho United States is $1,000,000,000. It is so much easier to toll other peo ple how to walk than it is to Bhow them how. Ho who invests his own money should respect tho conclusions of his own phi losophy. Self effacoment is the final triumph of good breeding, iu talk as in action, ns it i3 of Christianity. Paupers who dio in Berlin while being taken care of at public expense aro hero after to be cremated. An African missionary reports that he has been ablo to mako almost nil of his jounieyings on his bicycle. Arabs nro fond of crocodiles and Eomo portious of tho creaturo aro said to bo whito aud tender when properly stowed. Don't supposo you can bohavo badly in ono baiuc and stand well with tho others. You forget thero in a clearing house. Tho smallest bear ever seen is a stuffed ornament in tho parlor of JIark Ken- niston at Phillips, Me. It is thrco inches high and six inches in length. It is said that tho emeralds of Mexico and tho Andes regions of South America aro of better color and often superior in sizo to thoso found in tho south of Asia. Says a summer girl; "Mamma must have thought 1 was much moro inter ested in geology than I was when she wished me to go to that placo where thero was no trace of man." Tho Mischief That Kutnor Dooa. "The manner in which reports about nnything become exaggerated as thoy travel from mouth to mouth on tho shoul ders of babbling rumor was conspicu ously exemplified in my town ten years ago," said O. J. Elgin, of Akron, O. "About 0 o'clock ono morning a runaway horse das).(jd through the plate glass window of ont of the biggest banks in tho city. Tho incident, of course, caused considerable excitement for a moment, and as the news of it spread through town some nervous and excitablo indi vidual conuected the words 'run' and 'bank' in an ominous way. This idiot soon was convinced that there was a run on the bank, and ho so told all tho shop people in his neighborhood. That was enough. Nothing more was needed. By 12 o'clock that day there were hundreds of money mad and frenzied men and women around that bank scrambling to withdraw their deposits. "The broken plate glass window only served to increaso thoir excitement, and all attempts by tho bank officials to ex plain the situation were howled down. By tho closing hour in tho afternoon thousands of dollars had beon drained from tho vaults of tho bank, and but for other banks coming to the assistance of the unfortunate institution that night by distributing circulars around the city telling depositors that they (tho other banks) would cash all checks properly certified on the bank with tho broken plato glass window the run would havo continuod tho next day and resulted in 'busting' tho bank, for thero is no insti tution that can withstand a run without warning." St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Leading II Ira On. A clevor ruse was that adoptod by counsel, who afterward attained to dis tinction, who had to examino a witness in a disputed will case. One of tho wit nesses to the will was tho deceased man's valet, who sworo that after sign ing his name at the bidding of his mas ter he then, also acting under instruc tions, carofully sealed the document by means of the taper by the bedside. Tho witness was induced to describe evory minute detail of the whole process, the exact time, the position of the taper, tho sizo and quality of tho sealing wax, "which," said tho counsel, glancing at the document in his hand, "was of the ordinary red description?" "Red sealing wax, certainly," an swered tho witness. "My lord," said the counsel, handing tho paper to the judge, "you will pleaso observe that it was fastened with a wafer," London Tit-Bits. Wonderful AVorlt of llces. Bees must, in order to collect a pound of clover honey, deprive 02,000 clover blossoms of their nectar. To do this the 02,000 (lowers must bo visited by an aggrogato of :!,750,000 bees; or, in other words, to collect his pound of honey ono bee must make !5,730,000 trips from aud to the hivo. The enormous amount of work here involved precludes tho idea of any ouo boo over living long enough to gather moro than a fraction of a pound of nectarine sweets. As beos aro known to fly for miles in quest of suitable fiolds of operation, it is clear that n singlo ouuco of honey rep resents millions of miles of travel. It is no wonder that these industrious little insects have earned tho reputation of be ing "busy" bees. St. Louis Republic. A Had Way to Light a Match. Morris Greeiibnum, thirteen years old, tried to scratcli a match on his knicker bockers yesterday afternoon and tho flamo caught his jacket. He Was se verely burned about the body aud was removed to the Presbyterian hospital. New York Sun. It Snves tln f lilldrm. Mr. C. II. Plmwen, Wellsvllle, Kan., says; "It is with pleasure that I speak of the good Chamber lain's Colic, Cholero nnd Diarrhoea Remedy 1ms done my family during tho hiht fourteen years. Tn themott obstinate casa of summer coinplalut and diarrhoea among my children, it acted nan charm, making It never necessary to call in n physician. I can truthfully say that in my Judg ment, based ou years of experience, there la not a medicine in the mar ket that Is Its equal. For Bale bv Geo. E, Good, druggist. y Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco iviaae a return iun& jrcau 5j, which lias never been beaten or appioachccl. It has not to-day, p-c? -v-v a good second in popularity. Its irvfirrTB? peculiar and uniform excellence n .'-v-lte i- !,,, ,,, r.( in.A fie it V did their fathers before them. Great Bull riovemcnt.M Sold wherever tobacco issmoked. BULL DURHAM is a mild and pleasant stimulant which quiet3 the ncrve3 and in no way excites or deranges the system. In this respect it is distinctive. It gives the most solid com fort vith no unpleasant effects. Made only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N.C, jtMi-T-lr5 , -riakF --nrT&J WMIlClW '" ? " '1 -'.?t -." -)S iu in ma-r "fi State Treasurer's Third Notico sam-M.May 10. 181)2. OREOUN, I STATE OF TKEA'iUHV DKl'AllTMK.NT, OTICK Is. hereby plven Hint sufllclent fimrtnjimnii hnml lOTmvnll outstuua- nirslulownrrantHenclorsea.'Ti'O'cntoOund not pnld for wntit of funds," nud luat uic Biune will be paid upon prcxentullou at tlr If otlloe, lutcreni tlicreon ceasing with the date of this notice. I'llIL. MKIHCIIAN, atuteT'cnsurer. iuBi i Proposals for Supplies, Tho Board of Trustees of tboOrcgon Btnte Insane ABylum hereby Invito t-ealed pro posals lor lurnlsblng at tho asylum near fealem, Oregon, the lollowlng suppll'-s for tho six months ending January 1, IKDU: DRY GOODS. 10f0 yds cotton llanuel (Nashua, XXX) 600 yds Aiuo-keag mariners stripes blue and whito 000 yds Lonsdale blench nheetlnj;3(l Inch. :J0 yds nenuut a sheetlnir, :'.(! Inch. 100 yds peijuot A unbleached sheeilng Jj 11 Imtii. GOO yds century cloth.dark colors.ass -rU d. 160 yds continental check llannel, black and white, BOO yds red and bluo check glars crash, 18 Inch wide. COO yds bleached linen and (French crash IS Inch wide. KOO yds AinogkcaK blue denims 9 oz. KOOydslM bleachr-d sheetlug, l'equot. 0ydh supeiioi satin damask 68 luch wldo UdoiKo 10 whiiutomrk'M mile end) thread. 10 ' ;.U white ' ' H) ' ' S'j black ' ' ' fi ' ' 0 wullo ' ' 3 ' ' 00 ' ' ' ' 10 cross pauuloou buttons (metal) J5 doz prs susp' nders, (Kocklord) 11 gtoss shoe lues f 4 W,0 yds American shirting prints light col ors assorted. GItOOKltiQS. f! IL J lliu I .,.1 .ilt 100 ' cheese, Ciauslou's or as good. li'jOO ' cracked wheat.ilresh giouud.bbls. SO00 ' lolled oats, ' ' ' 300 ' dried cunanta, (re. h. good stock. HOO ' U Co s A A H brand carb soda. 2510 ' choice Island i lee. 300 cream tartar, J. A. Kolger's prime, or as erood. 20 gross matflies, Vulcan, superior Safety iu uoz scru'j urusues. (I ' clamp mop Micks. 0 doz bath bricks. 3 ' uust brushes, 12 ' brooms. 2 doz whisk brooms. 25 causoystcrs. Fields. Karreu'sornseood M' ' corn,(Vlnslow's or as good) 30 bxs maccaroui 10 lbs each. 3'.! doz concentrated lye, American. albs elastic starch. 1 gross clay pipes with 2 gross stems. IU lbs Steal lc wax caudles, or us good. 2 do. Worcestershhe sauce (quarts) Lea 1'errliiK. 100 lbs tapioca. 4i0 ' corn starch, Oswego or us good, UX0 ' golden O siiar. 1)000 ' gran ulated ' 4500 lb- Oold eorumeal (oras good) lresh In bbl-. 300 lb buckwheat Hour, fresh, Improved roller.Oregon. Sl'IOES. 300 tt3 black pepper, ground. HUTTEU. 20J lbs fresh dairy butter, (weekly) more or less. TKA. 1000 lbs Japan, Columbia brand, or as good. COFFEE. HOOO lbs Costa Rica, first grade iuo 100 chicory. govt. Java, leal Mocha, ' TOIiACCO. 1500 Xbi Sledge Hammer brand, or as good. .MEATS. 600 lbs per day more or less of beef and malum as required In tqual parts ol loio aud hind quarters, LEATHER. yt roll sole, heavy Htockton, extra 25 to 27 lbs eneh side. 1 buckskin. 1 domestic calfskin, 1 side harness leather. FLOUR. 600 bbls more or less, best roller llvered as wanted. hOAPS. 2500 rounds Kirk's savou or as good. 10 boxes Ivoiy soap, 10U cakes each, 10 lbs (.having soap (I'almtr's barber or ns good). CROCKERY. 2 doz 12-Inch platters, 1 ' 10 Inch platters, 1 ' shaker salts, 3 7-Inch plates. ii ' 1 pint cream pitchers. 4 ' 1-gallon wa'er pitehi'is. 3 ' 12 Inch vegetable dishes. 0 ' 1-quart soup bowls. (I washbowls. (I ewers. 15 doz cups. 10 ' sauiers. 10 tumblers. 12 ' t'-luch dinner plates, 2 ' IMncbsoup plaies. 1 ' 8 Inch vegetable dishes. Hl'ATJONERY, 12 doz I'ayson's Indelible Ink. Ilqts tUnlord's piemlum lluld. 3 Htalloid's copjing 3 ' ' commercial Ink, 4 reams let er paper, w edgewood halfsheot, or us gi od. ' 0 doi liad pencils, JJlxou's graphite No 550 1 box lncandesumt pens, No 7, Falcon, 5 .' !?1?il"?.eareut : ' . London. 2 ' Uillotts 401, BOO rs ANI) SHOES. 10 doz buxes shoj blacking, patent wood boxes, 20 prs No, fl ladles' fine shoes, in ' No 6 t 7 5 ' '8 men's sllpne s. 21 ' ' 8 boots. KiJ I) l 12' '10 ' OILS, I. TJ, 200 gallons coal oil, 1'earl brand, tn tanks. 2 0 . iiiwa,.U, boiled, lucaJesT !?. tnriiintlue, In cases. liOttuparnfflae. jj i-ai soua 50 bees it ax. HARDWARE. ? doz dut pans. ' 'ffili-inuu louudlrou. o-lu 3' I 8 l-S flat iron. 1J4XI-S V Norway, ' UK . !!: 1X3-3 l X5-18 6--J Inch octagon tool uttel, H doz R It barrows, plain material, Iron (CLnr. pateut German handled tiooa wldlh 0 Indus. , , , y. do. No. 1 solid socket, cast stcol hoes, wldlh fi Inches. 2 stono sledyo hammers of 2 j lbs and 1 ot 2S lbs 1 rioublo faced striking hammer. 8X1 lbs No. 0 galvanized sheot Iron. MX lbs No. 2i ' ' ' lOOlbs .so. IS ' ' ' 100 lbs 4d il-ilslilng nails. 1 2J01bs(.d ' 200 lbs 8d ' ' Iffcl Ilia in.i ' 200 lbs 8d nails. VNlllll. lOOIbslOd ' 100 lbs 20.1 ' 2011 lbs 1 Id ' lOOIbsfiOd ' ' I I'LU.MHING MATERIAL, 2 3 fcet!K Inch galvanized Iron plpo. 20 feet 1 Inch ' 1'iOleetM 100 feet 1 1 ieei j-j doz 1 Inch llnngo unions, 1 do. Ji Kcystouo uuloiiF. yi.07. ' 1 do y. inch tecs. 2 do, finch tees. 1 doz y, inch tuts doz ly. Inch lees 1 doz yk luch lock nuts 1 doz 1,'i plugs 1 doz A i do. ' 1 do. Bushings 1 to Ji 1 doz llusblngs to 1 doz Bushings k to J4 ldnz Buhlngs'o;i 1 duz sucUuls X inch yt doz elbows l Inch black 1 do, elbows 1 11 1 1 ill h ld"z elbowi. 14 iuen 1 do, elbows ya Inch 1 doz elbows M luch 2 doz 1 Inch straight ell's 1 doz inch ' ' -do72-i nrii.)enl.ltis'viih'c8 removable dtstM k doz lU-lnch ' ' Hdozl ..... y.Aa.y. ..... lAoty. y,&u7.y, ..... ldoz ' lcmovable disks for Jenkln ' valves 1 doz if Fuller bibbs plain 1 doz ya ' ' ' 2 doz jjriiper'H sleel oilers, 'o 14 or as gcod 1 doz elbow burner cocks 2 doz brass pillars Idoz lava tips 1 pair 10 inch gas pliers 75 lbstolder Jand Ji 0 I os resin 1 doz sluk couplings doz lead Straps IV, JHbs 2 ply rubber p-ttklng, cloth Insert I 'i 4 doz vulcanized uibbcrwashei-s.lorblblii J doz ' ' ' ' in 1 each 1 Inch and i Inch drllt plugs fur lead pipe DRUGS. lOlbs aqua ammonia 1 gross bottles, 8 oz 10 lbs absorbent cotton doz spools lubber adhesive plaster.5 j rtri caeii 5 lbo ether fort In 1 lbs cans o gross coiks, No 4 i uis choial hydiato cryst, 1 lb 11 1 xt buchu r U .i Co or Wyeth & Bio's lb- 11 ext inuiils vligin, ' Jlii-s ' snrnparllp cmnp. lor syrup, ' lib ' rhtl mom, lor sjrup, ' lib ' zluuglberls, I L &coor Wjetli .1 Bro's. 1 lb 11 txt aconite, ' ' I lb canuaolh Ind, ' i lbs ' enscaru ciigiuUu, ' ' lib ' optl, ' lib 11 sol tolutana for sirup ' -W0 empty cnpbUles No 1, V b Co. 2000 ' ' 2 ' 100J ' ' ' 0 ,00 ' ' to 1 lb balsam pent. 1 lb llg potass aiscu, 5000 hypodermic tablets hyoscyaml Mill It 1 00 gr W'jethi Bro's 50 lbs iuugnesliie sulph. oz moipuiae mlpii. 1 lb pepsin eacch. lOlbs potass biom. 2 lbs potass Iodide. 5 lbs potass nit, crj st, 1 lb potass citrus. I oz o'cuni myiciae. lozolmim tlglll. M lb phcuacetluo buyer. 1 dozbottles l'nlllps'EiuuUonCodLfrerOU 2i oz quinine sulph. K it Jl 5ibssodll blcaib. 1 duz syringes, Davidson's. Jills sponges, luigu carriage. 121bbpon,;es, slliglcal. 1-Jgal slits act herls nit. 10 lbs Misellue XX, ruined 1 o. niscutl nit in sticks. 1 lb coinp. tlnct, clnchoula. 2 doz slreiigiheiilng plasters. S A J. 2 di z Ahock's 1'oious plasters. 4 bi podermlo syringes, Wyeth's ,t Bio's. 50 lbs llux seed meal. VINEGAR. 250 gallons pure elder vinegar, 40 grains. baniplt s may be seen at tho office of tl boaid I ot trusiees, goods must belu m-coi..-anco theiewlth, and must come In mlglmti packages when possible. The board of u serves the l Ight lo lejeet any aHd all bids, InnT?"'.."1"? WlU 'Willed w tl,! in ten days' uoiico of nicciitiiuiii of bid. A ac'vUV.'M "'veitlwiiie'iil must is anj each bid, nud tho name of tho class ol supples niUHtbewiltttnon iLocl"i.i ' containing bid Each bid niust inciime . the I ems of Iho clius bid un, and hi i give Items and totals In lull.ivlth oi" ptl.m. ufmcat mid Hour. Audlllni: oltlreis n ., prohibited Horn conttrm iVg accounts of purchasers when tho adveftlsemeiit does not contain iilu.lunilconipletedVscrlpt fi "' Y'e nrtlc f s to be piucha-ed. "t"l,u"u' Tvii'sly;1.?!111 "l " 'Cl0ck I' "' Y;kV,KVrKU I'KNNOYER GEO.U- McllRIDK. , . ,, WUL. ilETbUHAN, A-oiya:,lo,,,iofcomm,Hion"- a nines suorter. imiii.. man by auv nitip, nni m. l&rttVKJi V"r"Ker "Hi it Unr "alle? to and UTO, "fc "" ,V 2 pieces 8 leet each 1 Inch octagon to -1 teel, kS IfS: f IKS -"T-- "S!.t. llnnaen.. 1( I lb,JNV21',oenc:inkShnre fch0e Da"8' W'0' ''ff blacHsmith's coal. u'ntar aA p-,,DU' Pllth 6 fu.k'' " UIU'' c,", 8,el ax fllu, 8 to 1 dQ nltr 1ian4tA. H dwbwli. barruw8i to1 material jlron THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD' l.ran " ..t.GIM(M ilUC, es nine . iaab Irom lumctti TIME SCHEDULr:. iFxcent H,,rt,.D. Leave Albany i-oomv l.faveCorvallU .WOI'M Urive Yaqulna frhoi-it -eae Yanulna .u-'wIm Uave forvallls . . .... ifcffiA v Arrive Albany V IJfrjJ, CorVall?: tTalUi wncwt at Albany and -nhetltf2,T?,raln8.c""De at YAQUINV VstJJjf.h."8.0" evelonment CoVLln it h"""'twecn Ynoulna and t VAQUINA imirri.' J."S. 'r?lns. "f h aFrnn?!".'".8?.11 tranclsco. sbould r.?3.1""i" laquina the nvpiiino- Francisco, should beoredateofVallln- qullm XUe weM,,W ntanFfVoanV, :n,?iUB&,''0ATnS0r S??, OfTelopment i.i.f i Mitpiafc fT" ,tr- tT?;- jw'v.t'f ".vt-irgfv '1. n