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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1892)
XI "gp mmiMPULiii-iuiiuDuijii.ji jmi nnji'jim TOE CONFESSION. Startling Cold Murder. Blooded WiLSON'S CONFESSION. Maw rallj I Hs Killed Little Mamie Walsh at Oregon Oity, pMXANJuly 2. To a reporter .,' tWikion has jnndo the following Uternent "But I did commit the mime, and Laving confessed It, I ieel better. Certulnly I will tell jrou all about it. I was work! ig tbat AVeduesday uftcruoon. dleiuir pestholes a short distance from iny "toother's house. I saw Mnmte picking berries, and wbeu she ap proached within a short dlstanco of me, an uncontrollable dhlre to kill her overcaino me. I thought how easily I could kill her. Like a hound after a rabbit, I sprang to ward her. It took me just three bounds. I grasped her by the throat .before she kuew my intention. She was a pretty little thing and so n, noceut. Shu struggled hard bu' ! could uiako no outcry, for I hud Arm hold on hr throat. The bio. oozed from her mouth, hut thut d 1 not etfect me. But how tlm lial thing did fight. I was Hirougw however, and she soon became. In Honslble. I hold on for awhile Until I thought she was dead. I then dragged her Into tho buslien, and went oft to see if there was anyone around who could have noticed what I had done. Satisfied that I UHj not been seen, 1 returned and W after looking at the body I mutila ted her somewhat, mid afiei examining her to mv satisfaction. & i .- r ....... . : ucguu tu cousiuer wnat uinporiiuou i hould imiko of tho rcmuins. Whiln linking, I noticed the body move. I placed my hand over her heart, inn loUnU It still beating. J tin u envend her mouth and nose with my hand until I knew life was ex Unot. Then I shouldered the body, and cairlod It west towards the lane. I laid It down In the btusli, and went to look up and down the road, Hee lug noouo, 1 carried my burden lo tho fence, and In attempting to lift It over It fell to tho ground, tho bend . stilklug llrst, cutting a gash and making a sound that caused me to shudder. This was the first and on ly tlmo that a feeling of ropontann bus coino to mo. Carrying the body iuiroiM tho lane, I dragged it under neath a barbed-wlro fence. Then 1 took oil my shoes, and picking up Mamlo resumed my way. I never had any expeiience in carrying dead bodies, aud did not know how to bundle this one. She was very hui vy, and several times I had t3 lay her down. Whou I arrived at tho three stumps I was almost exhaust ed. I rested a while, and then "throw tho body over. It was terri ble hard work, and I did not feel much like walking further. I found a fairly convenient spot, under a big stump and laid tho body down. 1 thought then that It was not the best place, but I was too tired to go ahead. So I arranged thu clothes nicely about her limbs, and gather ing a few ferns spread them over her. I then sat down and viewed my work. 1 felt that I would not bo found out, but did not earo, I wub not lu thu least sorry, in fact I don't romomber now Just how I did feel. But I went back to my work, and you know what Interest I have sluco taken In tho case. On my re turn I hid tho bucket, and hat Mamlo had, near tho trail I had followed. They were both In plain sight, and Ills a wonder the search ers did not find them. "Suspicion pointed to me. aud 1 hardly know what to do to overeoino this, Sunday morning I heard my brother's llttlo girl talking about the arrest of Bafes. Horo a happy thought struck mo. I made nn mv ; liiliur to strengthen tho suspicion a- gaiust Hares. I went out and found in. the buokot and hat. Tho latter I e. f trlnri in hum lint If I....1 I.....,,..,.. ...... 'aud after wasting several inatohes 1 , llllrllxl It. T 1 1... l....l..,i ZTi C( "y ft '"Hi took It to ltufes' wig- 8 v t wnm. vvliiim r I.I.I It .... 1.1.. .1 Wrhu hook to the bucket r throw hi the hobow stump. I congratulated Biyseir.tlml I erased all traces behind lue.but I was doomed to dlnappolnt ment. All 1 could do to throw tho ' officers oil my trail was without buc- om, aud at lust they havo struck upon tho right man. Jli-rolum. I eoufWw tho crime aud expect to dlu 'fc'Jp. After he had Mulshed tho reporter tl-jE-kedt 1 rVS "Did you not outrage tho girl?" "ISo I did not. I liuvo told uvory Ifalug) aud uxpuet to bo bunged for Wie crime." OJJut the physlclaiu say thut an Humiliation shows thut she was traced." JTben I did not do It, aud It could have iioen done." "What poeeeeed you to kill her?" oHii'ttell. When r saw her 1, I heortina llko a wild beivst killed upon my prey'" Jfew ootiftMH to 111?, was not your 111 seizing her to oulrngo ORESHAM FOR PRESIDENT. TIRE AT WOODLAND, 0AI. Ho Appears to Be the Favorite of A Great Amount of Property De tho Delegates. I s'royed One Life Lost. Omaiia, July 2. C. A. Towers, WooPi,AND,Cal July 2,-Thp moH chairman of the Indiana debgatlou I disastrous conflagration that Wood- to the alliance convention, arrived land has ever experienced occurred Tore up our Flag. TiiJcknto, Jn-V l Citizens were surprised this morning to see the Stars and Stripes an Immense ling hoisted high iivh a small British flag on the iirrtiil-is of Itev. G. A. Yeomaus. Excited ItWens asked bylj yesterday. When asked his opinion on the sliver questlou, ho produced from his Inside pocket a resolution which he said expressed his views exactly, and which he expects the convention to adopt. The resolution Is: "We demand the free and unlimit ed coinage of silver on equal terms with gold of present weight and fine ness,ind condemn the action of tfi" president lu attempting to barter n way the sovereignty of the American people over their domestic nflulr. through an international confereuc. composed of foreign aristocrats op posed to free government." Mr. Powers is for Gresham anil vitys Ills nomination means nothing more nor less than his election. "But It Is understood Judije Greh nam has declined to allow his name hi be uied," was stated. "That Is not true. In the flrt place, he cannot decline anjthlni tvhlcli has uuvir been offered him. Ifchasbeeu visited by committo-s It is true, hut they were merely con ferring with him and hadnoauth irity to act. I think I knew as much ihout Judge Grdsham's attitude on the question of his candidacy as an man, as I was tho llrst to npprujch him, and I havo a letter lib me now from him, written last Kebrunrj In answer to 0110 I wrote him. J J. has not (lecllntd, und I think hu v.h e nominated by acclamation and sleeted." "What will bo tho result if In should decline, or If some other mi n nhould bo tho nominee?" "Tho election would go to tl.t house, but we are not figuring hi that. Tho country Is on the evo ol 1 political revolution. Wearegoing 'o have 1800 repented, so fur an breaking tip and leformlng parties Ib concerned, aud there Is no man living today who can so sth the laboring masses and thu poor man as Gresham can. JIo Is another Lincoln lu tho seuso that he Is a man of the people," Chairman Post, of tho Georgia statu committee, says hu was mis quoted In the statement that his delegation preferred Weaver for the presidential candidate. "This move ment In thu South is essentially an Alliance movement, and tho candi date, whoever he may be. must be a man known to bo in accord with tho treasury plank in thu platform. Unless hu I? he cannot carry a U.uthurti state." "South (Jit i o lua will probably not be presented," said delegate Irwin, of Georgia, "but tho Independents will carry that stato by .(i,ot)(i ma jority. yesterday. The fire started at half Yeomans to place the flags on equal terms, ho refused, loading clti.ens marchf d to the house, and it was toreu up. past twelve In a stable back of Bar tolls' fruit market maiket, on Malu street. A fierce north wind was blow ing, aud by the time water could bo turned on the flumes were beyond control. A horse iu the stuble where the lire started, was burned. In half an hour ttie flumes had swept through a row of brick stores on Main street and through the opera liiiuxo to 2d strett. W. W. Porter, a prominent citizen, while coupling hose at the rear of the opera house, was instantly killed by the falling of afire wall. The flieerossed Sdttreet, and caught the top of the Masonic temple and the Exchange hotel pro perty which wereeutlrely consumed, tiacrjtuoiilo was telegraphed for aid and sent an engine und fiiemeti on a special train which arrived at 2 .10 From Malu street the wind carrbd thecinders two blockssoutb, burning resiliences. A large portion of t lie I'usluess part of the town Is eutliel desmoid. The entire loss will pro- t.ahb rt tiuh $250,000. Principal los es are: David Bowes, loss $4u,00V, insurance 10,000;.J.J. Mclntjre, 1oh 18,000: J). Is', llershey. loss HO.OOO, Lir. .lucl son, loss $10,000; J. F. Dun can, loKh $ia,000j Insurance $8,000; opera house $:!7,000, fully h-sured City of Chicago Ashore. QUKKNSTowN.July 2. The steam er City of Chicago weut ashore on Barrel Itocks.near Klnsnlo last even ing, It remains fast and the prospect of saying her is not good If the sea should become rough. Pa&engerp, malls, baggage aud part of the cargo have hten taken ofl. "Thick and Glossy." iPAHIFIf; LA rnn ritODUCXfON of an abundant J f J Bnf 1 MARKETS. P ( it t i. a N V, July 2. Wtieat valley, $1.: Walla Walla, 1.2-5 San FifANCisco Ctl., July 2 Wheat, seller $1.30 Ch'aoo Ills., July 2. Wheat 78J Firi-men Attention. Board of fire delegates meets to night at 8 o'clock to make arrange ments for coming firemen's election M. W. Hunt, Sec T i growth of hair, ! a mIU llko texttiro and of tho original col r, often results from the use, hy tliop ' o havo hecomo bald or gray, of Aycr's Hair Viger: "I was rapidly becoming gray and hahl ; but after u Ing two or thrco bottles of Aycr's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick and gloisy and tho origi nal color was restored." M. Aldricn, Canaan Centre, X. II " A trial of Aycr's Hair Vigor 1ms con vinced mo of jts merits. Its uso lias not only caused tho hair of my wifo and (laughter to bo abundant and glossy, but It hns given my rather stunted mus 'aclio a respectable length and appear inco." It. Uritton, Oakland, Ohio. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for tho past four or five years and tlnil It n ' (JOiitrflftor JHl(l WD AMR OPPHARIVPft FOR TOWN LOTS, FRUIT i'J'lUCTS AND FARMS. $2.00 I'er(lo7cn fortbo finest finished I'llOTOOKAPHS In thoclty. MONTEE BROS., lHlCommerclul .Street. A. H. F0RSTNER &. CO, Machine Shop, inns', Spoiling (Ms, Etc., 1XXS Commeii'lul J-treit. J.J. Scientfic inn ' IllltlllllUI Horsoshoeing. F. B. SOCTIIWICK, AFrERGEO. WILSON. ' 1 u, w$ 1 audi cltyJT tohr i fr KK i nnc; y ton f menI L eesat i llMU Lit ! w 0r Mtr THE SILVER BILL. It Is Bi ought to a Vote, and Pass es Yostorday. Washington, July 2. Morgan (Alahama senator) Is the lion of the hour among tho frlendsof fieesllver. Months ago Morgan tho task of "smoking out" senators who hung douht fully aloof from a vote that would commit them on tho silver ruination. JIo succeeded and has overthrown more than his enemies, lor ho ohllged tho reluctant senate to pass a hill as radical In absolute free coinage requirements as thu most devoted friend of tho white metal con Id desire. Tlio hill now goes to tho house, ;nnd that body, which hurled Hie (UestIon, us supposed, for the present session at least, will a gain bo obliged to face the Initio. Ti:xror tiii: mm,. Tho sliver hill reads as follows; "That tho owner of silver bullion may depodt the sumo at any mint of the United States, to bo coined for Ills beuellt, and It stmll bo tho duty of tho proper oltleerH, upon the terms and conditions which are provided hy law for tho deposit and coinage of gold, to coin such bullion Into standard dollars authorized by tho act of Fehuiary 22, lh02,eulltled An not to uuthoi Uo the coinage of Htiiudaril silver dollars aud restore Its legal ttiuder character,' and suoh coins shall bo legal tender for all debts aud dues public and private. Tho act ot July II, Jfiito, untitled 'Issuo of treasury notes thereon, aud for other purposes,' Is hereby lepeitl- oil; provided that tho seoietary of tho treasury Imll proceed to have coined all tho silver bullion In the treasury purchased with silver coin certificate?." A New Pension Bill. Wabiiinoton, July 2.-lu the senate, Perkins, by rwjuest, yester day Introduced a bill directing the secretary of the Interior to place on the pension rolls tho unmes of all Union soldiers who served not less than ninety days In tho war or the Hubclllou, and grant them pensions at tho rate of ouo cent per mouth tor i'iicii tnty oi service, to pay these pensions the secretary of the treasury Is authorized to Issue not exceeding $180,000,000 full legal teuder greenbacks anuualy. People From MllwauKie Fail to Get Him. Poim.ANl), July 2. About eleven ' 'clouK lust nigtit ;uo men urn veil fiom Miiwaukle' aud proceeded to hecoun'y Jul). On the way their Humbert- were increased. Arrivine ut the entrance of the jail-yard the leaders started to enter, hut were stopped by a Miuud of police who had been apprised of the mob's npprnuch. Tho police drew their revolvers and tiio mob halted. '1 hey then demanded that Wilsoi he given over to them to hu sum marily dealt with. Sheriff Kcliej and Chief of Police Parish told them that Wilson hud been removed and was not iu the jail, Tho mob was unwilling to believe their state ments, and repeatedly demanded that he bo brought out. The mob made no further attempt to force an entiauce, but stood and parleyed with tho oiilceis. Sheriff Kellej gave his word of honor that the pslsouer wrs not in the jail, aud that If bo were, he would hand him over to them. J lo told them that he would permit a committee of three to go into the Jail und search for him. Messrs. Hooper, Gary nnd Keek, who knew the prisoner, were named- as tho committee. They entered tho jitll nnd began search ing. The mob outside kept up u contiuu'.I calling, "Bring him out;" "Wo will fix him;" "We know lit is iu there." Tlio committee aftei some time returned aud reported to tho crowd that they could not find Wilson, mid did not think he was In the J. II. This report did not en tirely satisfy the mob. After fur I her pnrloying with tho sheriff, the Milw.tuko men withdrew for con ference. About I o'clock this morning the begin to dispeise, and tho Mllwnu- kle in.'ii stinted home. Wilson wax secioud In a private house. THE THIRD PARTY. List of tho States They Expect to Carry in tho Election. JS'UW Youk, July 2. A special to tholleiald from Washington savsi "With (ireshain or Stewait carrying tlio colors, thothlrd-puity puiplo ex pect to secuio tho electoral votes ol Novadi, Montana, Coloiudo, Idaho South Dakota, Kan-its, Nubraska, Miiiiicsoiii, aud possibly lowu. In addition to these states, they feel certain of (lemgia, Alabama and Carolina. If on tho other hand, the Democrats carry Now York, New Jercey, Connecticut, 1 milium and Wisconsin, Harrison's sliength, they llgure, will bo llmitul to New Knglantl, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and California. With 'his divMon of votes (ieneial Win ner thinks the Republicans would makoarrangunents with their party whereby the Republican electors would ote for tho tldrd-party can didate and seat him, thus prevent. Ing thceleciion from being thrown Into the house, whloh would icsiilt 111 tlio seating of Cleveland. On the other hand, lu case the diction Is thrown Into congress Warner says theio Isapobslbllit of tho sen ato electing Held vice president, and the liouso dlMigreelng through the combination of tho third aud Be piibllciu paities, causing no election up to March fi und t hereby, accord lug to the constitution, making ti president. " Now Try This. It will cost you nothing nnd will -urely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or auj trouble with i', Client or Lung". Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs uurl Colds is guaranteed lo give relief, or money will be paid oacK. ,-iiiiirrerts irom Hi (jiippe found it just the thing and under .ts ue had a spe( dy and perfect recov ery. Try a sample bottle at our ex pens" mid learn fur youiself just how good a thing It Is. Trial bottles fiee t Dan'l J. Pry's Drug store, 22o Coni'l St. Large size 60c. and $1.00 most satlsfnctorv dressinc for tho hair It Is all that I could desire, being harm less, causing tho hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render tho hair easy to ar range." Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles St., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rnrrAiaD nr Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold ly l)ruggll and Perfumers. Salem, I.uilricr. - Oregon. Bum Wantkd. Ou Its 5& G Block 21 North Salem and the buildings thereon. This property must hesold Any reasonable bid entertained. fOOO. can remain on mortgage pay. ibleiu installments if desired. Spald ing & Hogers, Bush-Bieymnn Block 7-2 tf Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, of New Casel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, hit) Stomach was dis ordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell a way, and he was terribly reduced iu flesh and stietigth. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, IInrrNbtirg,II. had n running sore on his leg of eight years standing. Usui three unities ot I'Jlceiric Jsitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, nnd hia leg Is sound nnd well. John Speaker, Catawaba, O., had five latge Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Klectrlc Bitters and one box Buck Hn's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly Sold by Dan'l J. Fry, druggisi 22o Com 'I st. The excellent service of the Lock- wood messengers is gottlng to be the talk of the town. T. J. CIS ESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th and Cbeincketa Street. JOHN M. PAYNE k CO., Real Estate and Insurance. First stairway north of (Hush bank. JOHN IK WIN, Carpenter and Builder, Shop ( Htato street. Store Flttinjcs nSpecialty IIAI)AIL.(JGII - tTLEY. Livery Food und Stable, t A 1 inillf Ill'r ,-3 11 WiiteStleot. OP1USITH KOUNDHV On Suite Street. I X RlCfc &KOSS, Horseshoers General Blacksiulthlng, 47 Btute Street. STBBVES BROS. Call font ia linkei'i. THE 101 B EST. Court Stieet. AIRS. 31. E. WILSON, Leading Salem Modiste. M Commercial St. A. II. CUICGII, riHlcrtisIring and ttibliict Work, 107 State Street. V he Salem llackman Best Line iu the City. Court 1 IS J. E. fflUItrUT. Brick and Tile, 1IKST IN OHEGON. Works in North Salem. MKb. S. . iHft'CO. Baths for Ladies, HAIR DltUSSINO 1'AHI.OUS 121 Court Street. J. I, DENNE1T k SON. CANDIES, Fruit and Cigars-. '& O. Bloolc. K. T. IHMlPHaiEY Ciais nntl Tobncco HIIililAUI) PAULOH. 243 Com'l Street BOSTON Coffee Hous- 5c LUNCH. Open oil NlRtit 7'. If. JiL UXDELL Mesit, I'ouKry inn illarlccl, Insurance Block. T. W. THORNBUhG, The Upholsterer, IlnnoileW, re-eovem ixuil repni H liolhtcred liirullure. Vu , wurk n.eiioketu str ihIi Iiisiiinneu bloclc. atnnw, 'i ixtimctviirBMmiMiaaaz-u 1776 OPlESCIEa 1892 HEAIi ESTATK J10VKMKXT.S. Jnniuiry tninsfurn 170,220 f0 February trunsters 20:1,074 Co March trnnsfers 175,071 89 April tr.insfeis 182,009 20 May trminfi'is 94,4:J2 75 Junetransrt'is SG.yJI 00 July to (lute 150, 00 JULY 2 M. J. 1'utton and wifo to T. C-Sa- 25c Want Column, Notices inserted for ONK CKNT I'EIt VVOUI) EA U INshHTION. Is'o ndver tihcmeut Ibsencil In this Boltimn for les. than tnenty-tlo rents. FOURTH Oliiittlo 3IorU Sale. Hicks; Its 5 and G blk24 North lem $50. K. S. Klce nnd wife to Suntinm Lumbering Co.; 23 acres 29 t 0 s r 3 e $100. .Statk ok okio, ci i v or To 1.1,1)0, 1 . I.UCH UOUMY, r- Fruuk J. Uhenoj imikcsoith that hols tlio senior p'u tiiei ufthullrmur I .t Co., douijf bUbliiess lo thu cily or loledo, count unit bUite nrore.siild. and that Mild firm will pay tho sum uf Duo Iluiutred liullitrM for each and meij c.ixb f Catarrh that cannot bo cured hy tins use or HnllNCatnnhCuio. VUNK J. CIIkNKY. Bworn to tiefhio me and biilrilheil In iny p.esenee, thli Uth day or Deei niher. A. UjlSVi. A. V. QLKASON, skai. l Notary i'uhllc. Hull's Uutanh Cure is taken In ternnlly und acts dirtcl'y on the olooil null mucourt hurfuces of the system. Bend for testimonials free, K. J. Chi:ni;y A. Co., Toledo, O. Cftjy.Sold by druggists, 76c. nijo)m!o : po(u..insMjd jovtoq 'poijo Aqcg WANTl-.O.-Iteci ults lor tho Artillery Service or the United Htates Army, The conditions ol enlistment In tho army are now unusuulty favorable, and a npec recriiltliig lcndevos has been estab lished in this eltj lor the purpoe of nllord liitflho jodtig mt'ii of th's section an op poituuitv lor enlistment ApiilkantHinust ho between themes of 21 and !!0 yeats nf iige, able bodied, physically sound, and able to rond and write tho Kinrllsh inn. Ktiage. To an one interested a full expla nation Hill bealloided by tho recrullluic olllcer, loom 5, Kxclmugo bloclc, Salem, Oregon. AI.VIN II. hYUKNHAM, 0-jy-du-tf 2X Lieutenant, Sth Artillery. THO LKT. Newly furnished room to let. J. luquiie at 155 Couit street. 7-l-:i WANTi:iJ. Threo or four apirtments lor Itirlit hoiiseceeihi.T. Aimiv t,. V. II U'n.iHor.1 .. n.. ''i .. -v ., ., w... ...... ,v v.... I-1-.JV FOIt HI'.NT. Two lesideuccs seven miles Horn Kilem, with garden, orcliard nnd barn, near school. Apply at Joun nai, oillco. I'linly of woik. 7-1-lm OAltl'KT WrAVINO. Mrs. HnrrlBon, one block west or end ol uir track tn lewi'ark. All wink warranted. (K7-Gt JOHN HUGHES, iloalor in Groceries, Pai ills, Oila mid lVinilow Glass, Wall Pa per and Jtonlcr, Artists' 31a ferials, Jiime, Hair. Nails and Hit ingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Pots, Grass Seeds, Etc, NirVV AUVKIlTISEaiKNTS. Jlr. Kan., II Saves tlu I'll i Id reti. C. II. Shu wen, Wellsville, sas: "It Is with nleasure that I speak of tho good Chambei Iniu's Colic, Cholero and Diarrhoea Kemedy lias douo my family during the hiht fourteen years. In tho most obstinate cases of siimmei and diarrhoea among my childicu. It acted ns a cliarin, making It never necessary to call in a phjMclun. 1 can truthfully say that in my judg ment, li.ised on years of experience, there Is not a medicine in thu mar ket that Is its etmnl. For sale by uru, J"., uiiiiii, druggist. Iluekhu's Arnleii'-iilve. The Host Salxe in tho world for Cuts. llrilisos.Horis, Ulcere, Silt Hheuiii, Vewt Silled, letter, Chapped liana, thnolaius. Coins and all blou Kruptlous, iiml ihmI. tlely uuitu I'lHs, or uo pay rtuiiiieu. It lKimrutiteed to kIo nerlect mi ,a. tlou or money letnuded, I'rlco, onus per box. t oi sale by Uan'l J Krj , iih i oih ot. REED'S OPE nil oi RA HOUSE, .inly. Ml'iur A ll A, , Tearson's- company In an elaborate illustration f Scott Marble's dramatic plclmeof i'ol Ice Life. ioiuoi iHiiutllul scenery transported nil'1 used In this treat phi . The Police Patrol The Greatest Production ever presented on the Pacific Coast. AT SALEM ! CELEBRATE AT THE CAPITAL! The citizens of Mai inn and surroundinc counties nre invited to spend their Kourtli of July at Salum. There will lie a three days CELEBRATION ! ASD- NOT1CK Is hereby Klven tint hy vlttue of four certalucoples ol chatlle inon Kii.;'H duly insued out of the county cloiks olllcoon tho2lstday of Jiine, lsie, ouo in t,ior of Hu90'.l A Co uml nuiluM Jacob A 1. J.Hiharbacfc lohwuro tliepiyincntor lilght Ilundrod DoIIhih, evidenced by four ct rt tin promissory notes ns mciitlotied lit th tliere H) it unpaid on said utiles the sum ol Two iUindico 1) illarsand inteiestnccoittln to the lenor ot iho Ut twoinite-;tli ip.jI uuoiula V irof KtiHsell .i I'o. and n.tliist la -ob a V. .1. Selinrhiick to secure iho pnnienl tl Twcnlv Ono Ilundr rt I'olliiiit e ulonreu by tliita certain piomlssor notes .is nif n tluued lu Mild nn rlaiKe und that is tt unpaid on mild nous tlio sum of Seven Hmidied and 'Ion and twiity-hecii hill- dredths DtiUnis (S710'7), and In crest iu ciultit; to tho tene: ot tho tlitoe notiK thoieof. Ono lu tutor o ltuskill i Jo. and aimlnst 1. .1. bCMiubuiK, I.. IL'lleiibaek audi. K, Hniiilo , to Mturethe viaytncnl ofTwenlj-Tlnee ilundiedand J II y Iiol lais, evlueuctdbx lite pitmilsHnr nolcsno inentloued in said intirtttane. ati tha' tlicio N yet unpn pon Nilu notes the mum H und ltd aud Sixty and twt n-tt-hecn hundrcdtliF "Oll.irs (flfiliura and In lei est to tho tenor ot wild notes. Ono In lavor of Idlest 11 .1 Co. and airalti-1 I', 1, and Juke Btharbatk, to s. cuit the m munt of l'wrutt- mo Hundred dollais. cvl- douced by thtooecruun pn-inlsMiry notes, as mentioned iu Mild irn'rlxxo. and that theio Is et unp'iul on Raid noies tho Mini ol Baton Hunched ami fun and tweut.t HOten huuiMoitthdiillars (871n.V7), and In tel est atciirdlni'. to tho tenor tin leof, with the written eiidoiceiiieut ol the said hoIIACo. thereon appointing mo their lujonl and attnrncy in fact to take jios-f. sinn ol the prnpeity thoieln descilmU, and ell tlio Mimu at public auction. I hate taken possesion of and tt ill tell at publio auction on Wednesday, the Gth day of July, 1KI2, at the hour of two o'e.oek p m. of paid day, at the mill Mlo ol telruback, llo'.lenback A, Co1, about ttto milts cast of Wooduiirn, in sildtouuty, ilia follow Inn described personal propeity, as described In said m irisnges, to-ttlt: tJiiomtdiui double I. II- PnwJId' eom pletoNo.lS'iS, with -12 lntlic V. DiHston c?iiw, nnd ;V Inch top sw, ttlth GO eet ten inch pl. beltlnj? mauul icUin d by Haisc 1 6 Co. Ono water tank .No, JJ' Ono wood and belt No, I, nioniuln liell l-IOfeet 7 inch :i ply, Ouo iSoi! lnMnshillion sepmn ir o.U.ais t.uckaud st ickei and all tho HxtniPH beloiittiinr to the Mime, Ono Ten by iliiitoen s 11 umlaln d mghiu and locomoilto bolli-r, Tho head of w ikoveii sokes anil ohalns, Ono ullu l'lmier A; Muti'licr made bt Dinke at halem, Ono No, t Liog truck made by Studbaber iluig, Co, K, , CIIOISAN, BlicriirofMaiton County una iijjent lor Itussoll a, Co, o-3 -i w daily MILITARY ENCAIVIPjVrENT Of the Second Regiment Oregon Nntl mal Ouard. Fourth includes the A PLAY OF UNTIRING INTEREST Distress Vie Aftor Ttm (after Bomoheiiltatloti), it was. wm my object lu Ruing after But tffter I had choked her rfNfgU the body nil Into thu Mw, my denim hud left ami I ou UMlUtfat of thu dead bod v. lint hM Mt UhwIi hvr. I think om Mtve mm after all I have RTAMrtii wm&mma v i; "? j i flift flftHBSFV (PBBw TVft F Mf TiMttgYrf W "V s i Toe, July iL-uiwrit Ll1'. PNitofd iiiurdiirtT 1H mmh tukvn tn Wly toKkkKflsf, Tho Teoplo's Party, Omaha July i!.n waa nfter 11 !..! . .1.1 ..,. . . vi t.1 1 iu iv uun moruiui; wnen Uluilr man t'aubeneclt culled the lVople'a Tarty national convention to order lu tho Coliseum. The CoiiueUcut dclcKutlou bum u lutntier with 1 IiIh vnut-iilriiiniti n. Hcrlptl ia "Comj.-ite, not the iKHiple bo damned," "ehylult twln, Grover aud Hen," thl w.ia urcetetl wlthoheera. After the oonveiulou had twn called to order by Clmlr mail Taubetieek, bra er xfas otTered iiv Dav. r itifUMi . .i ..-. rf.,,w. iuuiiucr, 1 110 HC1I BH'tU Wltll U kucwa Alliance tqu, HmltL'c, Qroshaui Will iot Accept. I.Nl)IANAlOI.8.July "-in view of thu ausorblu( Interest throughout tho country In tho passlbltlty of the nomination of J udge Uresham for thu vrrtldeney by tho Pooplo'a party iMutemiuu ui uillUlla, TIlO J0W8 sent tho Juilgo tho following do patch; "Will you My omcttihtir fur publication In Tho tfowu, win you accept nouiluatlou from Omaha convention If tenderwl?" In reply Tho JJoH-b this murulug received the following dispatch: OUI.KAN8, Iud July i would not accept on any platform. , W Q OiuaiiAM, A b.x of tuauituotu pn,iol capa 'I vi n tell). ., ..i.,. . :. pwiui at ueo, is 0yspepsia ' a. my piHipio nilserahle, and of. i ' si ir-doHtructtiHi. Distress uf sour Mtomarli, kick m . a. e. Im nt appetlle.a taint, "all goi t dtit, had tmiBue, and u ularlty ot the bowels niuro common mi ; loiin. Dvipciisladoes pnHn Kt well otttsolt. it i billing, quires oarottu, Krsl . atte.ition, ami a loinrdy like h.hhi h lurlll.i, whicli ado gent ) tot i.n It tones tint stoin.irh and oi.. , i i. regulatei tlio illsesttoii, oie.ue f r. tn, ati riHHlte. niut, by thus . . oM-nvming tho local a'OK Oiiil'tums, cures tlioHoaclPohf licad.ielio, anit rrfreslios th thd in-ne " I been trouhlert with d : ei - i 1 had but llttlo appetite, ami ttlat 1 ill Honrt- e,,t ll',il,!'',(Vl me. o i.i. hiirn "0 '" EoJ. Aft r- t uurn ii,K i tt:,i ,,X1 cri,,,lt.f talntiiMs, or tired, al. ..i.o in,.,,;, ,,, lliouj;U I had not cutcii na.liis. .M troittle, I think, tas atrutt'i'd l.y i biuluess, naiuthiB, and t nmi in w inure w u- sum uji iu a room tt itn See f Tlio Police Station. Tlio I'atrol .Stable. Tho I ta market Hquaro (Uhl.) L l'ho Tcrrltlo Htrujigle. And tho Ideutlr-il which panted throiuh tho Hlots, Chicnijo, known as THE WHITE PATJtOl. S"talH on siilo at futton's. fiesli paint, j.ut .prliwr Sour IttK.klltHxl'g.s.ui.aiiarilla Stomach ml it did mo an Immense amount f pni it pire me an appetite, a I p j j 4 ( i l.caaa Mtlsfled tl-.e crating 1 1, ,t ir ilously experienced." Oeokob A. I'.uu. rtatct town, Mass. N" m "JWIdotatxt-.e Hood t S r Mrluadoiiottielnaucedtubuyiu) i. . ?d's SarsaparlUa 10Q ppos Ono Dollar HEED'S OPERA HOUSE Ouo Niiht Only. Saiunlay Lvcning, July 2d. LINCOLN J, CARTER'S Qraud Tcenic ProJuction "The Fast Mail" Ten sets of special fcenery. Flight of the A .""?." Iki fall" hy inooullcht. With llOlllllir lllUl. I'moll.-nl tmrliln., .: Vine Nnd rou rteentielirht ciij8. wllh lirunil uattdiubooso. The lingo dlte. Ileallstlo river mne and Bleamboat excursion, The liolleo patrol and UXJothertlleets, TIIK EVENT OF THE SEASON. Scuta on aalo at Pattern's. GRAM m The program for lie n li i mm IUU Industrial Pi.rndo tn be partlctpaud in by nil the lending Busiueps Houses and Mtiuufncturing EstablidhmciiU of the Metropolis. Tliere will iil-o be a competitive m i -r -A HOSE Drill. CONTEST. AN OTCATIOST BY Signs i Say ! You need one ot 6ome klud. If to, why not havo it. Gold, Plain, Script or Canvas Now Is the time to wive money by lviug your order to J. J. MUMTON, House, Sign Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger, 382 Church St. Or leavo orders with Sroat Jc Glle, ! State street, LYDELL BAKER BEADING OF THE DECLARATION JJY MISS JENNIE BOOTH, A,,d an "Mftffi 3,000. ovek $3,000 Has been raised, and tliere Is no doubt Silen GnmdeKt (V ebration In Mm s,,i.. t ...:." r.,.,.u ..;..;,. """- . 'r b 6- - ii uetween theBpolauie and Notice to JJiiiltling itntl Dcconit ing Contractors. SK.vr.i:i) hlds w ill berecolvednt tlio Onv einoi'soillceiu tliPSiiitiiUnpitol bin' i linr.Balem, Ounun, nntll-J o'clock p, in , Tuesday, July 5, 1802, lor remoruicunnfi dimming the House of Representatives for nentistle nurpiwe ) nlsopilntlnt'iinil (Ieeonttln, to bo bid oil hep.uatoly. Jlotli to he In neeoidauco with plunx, sprellluitlons and rtenils now on exhibition nt the stnie house., and ,u tho oincoorKKKR A CHAIU,a.onltict8,H)V, l-'lrst ureet, l'rstlnnd, Oregon. ' ' All bids must be dr u as required lv thofciieellleaMons, "s e Ki-nnnil lumiuks." An.v bid i-otPOflriUMi will not be consul, eit-d by the boanl. llj -older of tlio Hoard StnteCnn tol lliilld. ug CnminlfMloni r-. BYI.MirtTKU I'I'N.NOYKit. Governor OI-'V, W. Jlt'llltinKeeof C ' ...-iI11' "-l'l! VN.etato Treasurer, m a. MUM.Y, Clerk of the llunrd. yt 1 isurft tmm ytTcaaMt tiuV? Sas and Gasoiino ENGINES 1 Will llivn tlw. Let evcrj bodj- come. Portland nines. ITaT-o fewer parti. nn,i rn ordStSS?tTh"""'yitoet5Li hu.'tT Jii.i Ti,i.7. v . " ur K"ulu engines tm iBMaUdSy! Utr" " '"" Vh':el " U JtAKES XO SMULt OK DIKT. o douole or Mso exntojloni. so frequent with too unreliable spurt, v I"or fstmpllclty it Bouts tlio TVorld. It Oils Itself Autorautlcatlj-, No Unttortos or Electric Hparlc It reus with a Caeaper Oralo of OasoUno tlum tmr ether Lupine. ' ron nrscRir-rivE circular appltto PALMER & rey, Manufacturers S:n Ffarabco, Cal. 2.1 J Pcfej, Cr.' AKTXJEN'S j w 2 iZaKJ 3 . ."Mil 1, ,Kii. Half Far ToBalem and return from tall ,nBoi, (lie Southern Pacific e I rpnvn... JT KrHI"glKwl!!!.?nii' nifith.r. .;i".ir::'"T" "". p ntrvftila Ar, . irasis?ji!iff'5fl:wwiM,2 No, 17? Fir et., portund, or.1 'k'tm,,. Ut, , J, i. Wkv ts. - s A ---i- tr -,