TT1 IXSr-PT'Wi, EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL.. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAT, JULY 1, 1892. "TO-DAY'S .NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 1G5. w w ft I mama j w" w""'w WORTH T. M. POT INTO! ate Street PROFESSIONAL OAUDS. J J. SHAW, M. W. HUNT. HHAW A , HUNT, attorney! tit law. oniceover Capital National bunk, Balem, Oregou. EO. H. BU11NKTT, Attorney nt law, X Halcm, Oregwn. Olllco over Ladd t liush's bunk. 1 T. H1CHAHDSON, Attorney at lnw, ), olllco up stairs In front rooms of now ush block, corner Commercial und Court streets, Halem, Oregou. JOHN A. OAHSON, Attorney at law. Hooms 3 and 1, Iadd & Hush's bank building, Balem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr For instance: Wo tell you of some special bargains this week that are worth looking into. Photograph Albums . : 75 to $12 00 Family Bibles $2 00 to 10 00 We invite you all to call mid see those goods, whether you wish to purchase or not, as we will take special pains iti sho wing these to you. 'E?, "MJLG IE- 3&&JB3F?OJM'. Oxford Bibles 75c to $15 Testaments 10c to 2 00 50 -PLEASANT- Addition ome You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street cars and city Avater. Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the PostoiHce or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on Wm One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harrift & SUCCESSORS TO Mclntire, WKLLjEU BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED 8TAR- OOIIlffirSSMES&SIEai n TP UND PANCY GROCERIES At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. GETTHE JAM. LAWNIVIOWER In Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. B.K,I!dNUAM. W.H. HOLMKS. BoNHAit & Holmes, Attorneys ut law. Olllco In Hush's Mock, between State and Court, onCom'lHt. TII.MON FOHU, attorney at law. Halem, Oregon. Olllco up-stalrs In Pulton's block. BH. UIIAC3UAW, l'UYSICIAN AND . Huigeou, salein, Oregon, odlce In lUdrldgo block, upstairs over Williams A England's bank Residence corner Htate and a, K. corner W Inter street. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Olllco formerly , occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner Court and liberty streets. TelepUouo No. 45. Olllco heurs: 8 a. in. to 12, 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Itesldeuco 18th slicet on electric car lino. Telephone No. 0. l,roAKKC & IlllOOKS, Physicians irL and Surgeons, Murphy blck, up stairs, Commciclal street, 8 ilem, Or. W. 8. MOIT, rR, XJ geou. Olllco lem, Oregon, i to 4 p. in. LT, physician and In Lldrldgo Jilock. unico nours iu to stir-Sa- 12 a, m. JJ1 B. I'lIILimc-OK, M. D.,Homcopathlst. J, Olllco 155 Court stieetj Kcsldenco 317 High street. UcLcral practice. Hpeelal attenttim given to diseases of Women and children. Kd. Inoice c. Meats. Cross, Wholesale smd Itetail Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami Smoked Meats ul' all Hinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. CARPENTER, BUILDER H. GLASSFORD. 1ND CABINET MAKER, MM) wiDir BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN, Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Renrof 200 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. uhss. Ul lllllli -SUCCESSOR TO- TH. MINTA 8. A. DAVIS. Olllco hours, j a. in. 10 11 a. in.; u p. in. 10 o p. in, lay or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention given to diseases of wom en and children. OIHre In New 11 inklilk., d05 CommereUl street, Residence tame. DU. T. O. SMITH, Dentist, IU State sticet, Halom, Or. Finished dental opeiu tions of eery description. Palulcus opera tions a specialty. T D. PUUH, Architect, Plaup, Sped V , llcatlons and superintendence lor ill cfasces of buildings. Olllco 2U0 Coin- All cfasces of building inerciai si , up sums, CA. KOHEKT, Architect, room 121, Mar , rjuam bulldlug, Portland, Oiegon. HUSINKbS CARDS. HOKYKAMILItt, Proprietors tho l'orco lain Hath andMhavliig Parlors, Hae the only Porcelain Hath Tubs In tho city. M Commercial street, balem, Oregon. I U. HMITIl ft CO., Contractors, Sewer lex. lng, Ccmeut Sidewalks, Uxcvvatlng, Me: All work promptly done, Salem, Oi. Leave orders with Dugnu ilros. 4:15-lm P J. LAHSEN & CO Manufacture of all L . ltludsofvehlcks. Repaliliig a special ty, Shop 45 Htate htieet. CAKPET-LAYING, I make a specially oi carpet-sewing and laying; carpets taken up and rclaidwlthgteatcaro. Hlmdu and curtain polo hanging. Leavo orders with J. 11. Lunn, liuiuu v Son or White Corner. J. G.LU1IRMAM. BEHIND THE FOOTLIGHTS. Wright Huntington will star noxteea- 6011. Airs. Lnngtry threatens to comq to America next season. Fanny Davenport is said to liavo cleared $80,000 on tho season. E. M. Roylo will continuo to play tho principal part in his play of "Friends" no.xt season. Digby Bell has introduced a novel idea In giving u rovised edition of his comic opera, "Jupiter," every month. Reginald Do Kovon, the composer of "Robin Hood," ia under contract to tvrito an opera for De Wolf Hopper. Adam Itzel, Jr., composer of tho "Tar and Tartar," will probably travel with that opera a-j conductor noxt season. Ho is writing several new numbors tor it. Chicago is to have a subterranean theater and cyclorama. Property on Wabash avonuo lias been leased for tho purpose and a stock company formed with a capital of $300,000. J. W. Summers, an actor who a num ber of years ago was quito woll known in tho United States and who went to Europe to experiment with a play called "A Noblo Brother," will bo ono of tho coming season's now stars. Tho Union Squaro theater, New York, was recently reopened under its new management, Messrs. Green wall & Pear son. Tho opening programme was "Tho Fabricator," by Waltor Craven, and a curtain raiser entitled "Adrift," by Robert Hilliard, the actor. Sidney It. Ellis has signed a contract with Gi eon wall & Pearson by which Charles A. Gardner, tho Gorman como dian, will go into tho Union Square theater, Now York, commoncing Aug. 1. "Fatherland," Mr. Gardner's great est success, will bo tho only play pre sented. ODDS AND ENDS. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report. Baking' Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE fi $-; CANNIBALS IN UNIFORM. rOHN KNIG11T. O shoelngandrepalilng Hlackpiiilth. Horse USIlCCi.lltV. SllOD utile foot of Liberty stieet, Oalem, Ore 'on. &20tF Capital City Restaurant KAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE I AT BlUF (I P6 jZ6 Plumbers and Tinners, 14 & 210 Connneicial St., Salem. Garden Ho&o and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete lino of Stoves and Tinware, Tin looiing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. PAPER .HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salein of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE .'A SPECIALTY.- Contractors and builders can find here every article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. TJPERIOH STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you well. CJZOLS. TMIXIE Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meak at All Hours oi the Day Nono but white labor em itnyed in thh establishment. A good substantial meal o ked In first class stylo. Twcntj'-flve cents pt r meal, BtHJD KRONT Court strict,; between Ojen .House uud Mluto's LUcry In Minneapolis 7,877,047 barrels of flour were inado last year. A judgo at San Fiaueisco lias decided that tho purchasing of mining stock on margin is illegal in that stato under tho present constitution. Tho Alta California is to bo revived mid or tho namo of tho San Francibco Alta. Tho first issuo will appear in Sep tember. Tho papor's politics will bo in dependent. An Indianapolis man has invented a process for "aging" violins, by means of which ho can in two weeks give a new instiumcnt tho fullness and richness of touo of an antiquo Stradivarius. Tho analysis by chomists at the Stato Agricultural collcgo, of sugar boots raised in Iowa shows 14.41 per cent, of suglir, which is not often excelled in tho best beet growing countries of Europo. Lighthouses nro classified by ordors depending on the height and diameter of tho lighting apparatus. Thore are tour orders. Tho first threo are used for sea or coast lights and tho fourth for harbor purposes. A Mormon colonization echemo has been porfected between Eldor Androw J. Stewart, of SaltLako, and tho author ities of tho Mexican government, by which Mormon colonics may bo estab lished in all parts of tho republic, tho city of J3anta Rosalie to bo tho hoad- quarters. WHISPERS ABOUT WOMEN. and All sue invited to call at 143 Court street and look at all the late patterns in Wall Paper and get prices for same on tho wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E. E. SNOW, House, Sign and Car riage TAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging. Kalsomiuiug, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishlug and Natural Wood Finish. Only Fin-it-clas Work. E, E. SNOW. Iteuiember tho piano, 113 Couit Street. founds; Tho place to get a Saddle horse, Livery Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, Mill feed or cfood well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto RYAN & CO. dw 1248 Commercial Street. D.C.SHERMAN, U, B, Pension and Claim agent. P. O Box sSl.Halera, Oregon. Deputy Count Clerl' Vnte lor blanks. w DUGAN BROS' " Plumbing aod Heating Co. u u DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St.. onnositeSa. ..--.. . , A . 'em Iron works. Draya and trucks may be fouudjthrouguout tho dav nt tho corner of State and Commercial Htreot. Salem Truck & Dray Co. B. F, DRAKE, Proprietor, SALEM T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent IRON WORKS, SALEM, -..----- OREGON. Manufactures BTEAM ENQINKH, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governor, Fruit Drying Outtlts, Traction Engine, Cresting, etc. Kami machinery made and repaired. General agents ami inaiiufuctureis of the celebrated Waulstrom Patent Middlings 1'urlfler and lleelc Karm machinery madt nud repaired. CN, CHURCHILL. CHURCHILL & T S. BURROUGHS. BURROUGHS, ' Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 Cuemeketa Stieet. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our line tat prices to compete With the lowest. Only the best material user! Wholesale and'retull dealers lu STEAM AND PLDMBING GOODS, fcUCo mmcrclal street. Telephone No. at For Sale. Three lots in North Mil em on street ear line, u iso vi acres unit land about 3i miles east of Balem. Call on . I. ; AltKIKLSOV, Htate Insurance Odlce WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS I'reslden Wm. ENGLAND Vice 1'resldeut HUGH McNAHY Cashier DIKECTOUH: Geo. WlUlamd.Wm. Enc land, Dr. J. A. Ktchardson, J. V, Ilodsou, J. A. Maker. Hank In new Exchange .block on Com- THE WILLAMETTE, SAL1ZM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 toTo.OO per Day. The best hotel b tween Portland amis in frrauclsco. Klrst-class lu all Its mmolut ments. its tables aro served with the Choicest Jfruits Grown lu the Wlllamotto Vulloy. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. JAPANES dj im JaL EasEnasaKuam v JU mernla) street. 8:12-11 Authorised Capitul $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salein, Oregon. W. A. CIMJCK. I'res. "W. W. MAHTIN, Vleo l'res J. H. ALI1KHT, Cashier. Htate, County and City Wurrants boutfht ut l'ar. dw Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Manager. Lock Box 1810, Seattle, Wash Hreeders olThorougbbred I'oultry offol. lowing varieties: H. U. White Leghorns, H. C. Hrown Leg horns, White Plymouth Hocks, llarred Plymouth Kocks, Pit Games, lllack Lung shams. Light; Urahainas, Hull' Cochins, Partridge Cochins, Ilronze Turkeys, Hend tor Circular and Price List. White's No. 60, BALEM'd FINEST TItUCK, For Sale. OOn A -. ot good land, 80 acres jcj nui vyoKOOll bllrn nuJ10,b0 iiuiuuiu winner, win sen an or pan, cueap, on reasonable terms. JAMKU WAHNKR, Salem. Or. P.O. 1JOX3.U 0-18-tl-dW AuewandC mplele licatiiieni, cunslst lngorsuppoltoile', olntinonlln rapbiiloi, also a box oud pills; a po-,ltliuciuo ore. ttmal, Internal, bl nd or blcodint;. Itthlnt', t'hroule, lecenl or heiedilary Piles, mid many oilier (lUtaiscs and lumalu weak nesses ltlsalwajsa beuilit to tho geneial health. 'Hie llrst dlswiveiy ol a medlcil cine leudei lng au operation with tho knife unnecessary lien alter. This remedy has. never been known to lull, ifl per oox.wiorti; sent ny man. Why miller lroin this tenlblo dtkL.iso Mhon a wtliten guaranteo Is given with (ilioxts, to refund tliemouoy llnot cuicd hend htuinp for ireo saiiipU). Guaiciilco iKiitd by Woodaw), OLAitKK i Co., wholesale and retail diug. gists, sole agents, Portluud, Or. 0 -ly-dw MONEY TO LOAN. hpeelal ImliuemenW for the noxt 30 days on good farm lo.iu.i. FEAR & HAMILTON, Koom U, Hush llauk block. 6 UJw Mrs. Francos Hodgson Burnett con tinues to observo in Washington tho custom sho adopted while abroad of holding informal receptions on Sunday afternoons. Miss Sadio Blackstono, who played with Florence in "Tho Almighty Dol lar," has left tho stago, studied art in Paris, whoro sho still lives, and is an ox- hibitor in tho salon and maintaining a creditablo position as an attist. Mrs. George Gibb, B. A., who has just beon appointed lectuier on tho French language) and litoraturo at Trin ity collego, Victoria, is tho first lady lectin or to bo honored in a collego affili ated to tho Melbourne tmivoisity. Ono of tho brightest of tho amateur editors of America is Miss Harriot C. Cox, of tho Abington (Mass.) Papyrus. It ia six ycais siuco sho ontered amateur journulisin, and last year tho National Amateur Press association ptesentedhor with a handsome ring in token of tho esteem in whioh sho is hold. Mmo. do Banios, who was recently wedded to Senor do lloda in Now York, was piesonted aftor tho coi oniony by hor husband with u Wattcau fan of ro umrkablo beauty. Tho stocks aro of pearl, richly inlaid. The scono por trayed is that of Pharoah'n daughter discovering tho infant Moses. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. Bernos Wanted ! Now ready for business. specialty, a I J.K, WU1TJS, I Careful work THE SALEM CANNING CO. Will Itccelve CHERRIES AND BTRAWBER RIES AND GOOSEBERRIES on and after Wednesday, June 8, 1802. uw-ir J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER. 215 Commercial St., - Salem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Hpeclalty of Spectacle), and repairing Olocks. Watches und Jewelry, E. J. CROSS, and Packer Btato Ht. and Court Ht The best meat delivered to all parts of the city. EX K.JHEALL, Paper Hancerand Decorator. Oihoe at fliaircalverf iliuionery uUitt , Balem, Oregon, ' Tho Missouri, Kansas and Toxas.hna purchasod tho Fort Worth and Rio Grando road, Tho Empire Fa3t Freight lino has or dered 500 now 00,000 pouud froight cars with automatic brakos and air attach montH Superintendents, genoral froight agonts nud general passenger agonts got from $:),000 to $.8,000 a your, according to tho steo of tho system and its busi ness It i3 proposed toparallol tho state rail road botweon Vionna and Pesth with an electric railroad on tho right bank of tho Danube. Tho distauco is about 170 miles. J, W. Drew, western passongor agont of tho Clover Leaf, announces that froo reclining chairs havo boen placed in all tho buffet coaches of tho Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas Uity road. Tho earnings of tho Southern Pacific company in 18'Jl reached tho enormous sum of $30, 1.10,000, uu increaso of moro than $2,000,000 over 1890, which had been tho best of all previous yours. Tho stockholders of tho Concord and Montreal railroad havo voted to increaso tho capital stock $1,300,000, making tho capital stock $0,000,000. Tho louso of tho Now Boston railroad was ratified. U Everybody knows what ltllo, an that is the reason they go to Ilel. leubruud'H for tlmt purej,lce oreum nodu, Congo Native Who Carry Onus Mako Good Soldier. In 1883 Stanley took 100 Zanzibar and Haussa soldiors on tho Congo. In tho servico of tho Congo Freo Stato today aro 3,200 soldiers, a largo num bor of whom aro recruited from tho villages along tho great river and its tributaries. Tho head of tho little anny is tho governor general, but tho activo control of the military f orco Is in tho hands of tho commander of tho public force, who at present is Commander Fourdin. His headquar ters aro at Boma, Tho army is di vided into companies, with eleven captains, ton lieutenants, thirty-nino Bublieu tenants and sixty sergeants. Most of tho officers aro Belgians. Tho little army is spread over tho twelvo districts into which the Congo stato is divided. It is kopt busy po licing the government station, giv ing to tho governor of each district tho assistance ho needs for tho ex ploration of liis territory, and con solidating tho political influence of tho stato. Tho largest and strongest posts aro those on tho Mobangi and tho Aruwimi rivers, and in Katanga where strong forces aro kept in order to suppress slave raids. In 1888 tho government decided to create its its army out of native ele ments. It found that tho Bangala cannibals on tho Upper Congo devel oped into excellent soldiors, and that it was much cheapor to enlist and drill them than to brincr soldiers many hundreds of miles from Zanzi bar and tho northwest coast. Tho enlisted men ai-o between fourteen and thirty years of ago and their term of servico is fivo years. Camps of instruction aro at Leopold villo and Equator station. Tho use of tho natives has had an excellent effect on tho country, for tho soldiors, undor strict discipline, becomo in a largo degrco civilized, and aro effectivo friends of tho state after their term of sorvico has ex pired. Most of tho military stations aro commanded by Europeans, although some of tho posts around tho main stations aro undor tho chargo of black sergeants. A number of tho stations havo beon established at the request of nntivo chiefs, who like a protection, and in return for tho ad vantages they dorivo from tho pres ence of tho soldiery thoy agree to furnish tho men with rations. Tho Congo stato now has thirty-oight garrisoned posts. Fivo of tho posts Loopoldvillo, Boma, Bangala, Ba soko and Lusambo aro well sup plied with cannon. Tho soldiors aro neatly uniformed in bluo with rod trimmings, and nro armed with Chassopot and Winchester guns. Philadolplna Telegraph. Salaries of Tradlo ainnnccrg. Traffic managers arowoU paid, and desorvcdlyso. Thoy mako tho money. You will find plenty of men who do not boliovo in traffic managers and say tliat thoy aro "fifth wheels" nnd all that, but if it woro not for tho fifth wheel tho wagon would upset in turning around short. In pursuit of traffic tho railroad wagon does not always havo a big held to turn around in, but ofton has to tako short cuts and mako sharp turns. Traffic managers got $0,000 or $8,000 a year up to $20,000 that is in tho southern country. In tho north nnd west thoy avorngo about tho same, but thoroaro exceptional cases, perhaps, whoro moro is paid, al though it is doubtful if any lines pay bettor than tho largo sou thorn sys tems. Superintendents, genoral froight agonts and goncral passongor agonts got from $3,000 to 8,000 a year, ac cording to tho sizo of tho system and its business. Atlanta Constitution. JMoto Starting on n Journey A person usually desire to gain somo In formation as to the most desirable route to take, nnd will purchase ticket via the one that will afford hlui the quickest and Dent service. Before starting on a trip to Chi cago or an v nulnt Knst. vnu HhniiM nrvrolfla yourself with a map and timetable of the Wisconsin central Lino. Tho train run on this route nro eaulpped with Pullman's latest Drawing Uoom iMeop-i via, cicuui uaj vuueues unu uiningtiarse ui micBi uesign, uuni expressly ior I vice, and are exquisite In lurnlshlnj convenient nnd comfortable in & ment nnd se complete In every detail iiioy nave no superior in comiort an cance. The dlnluir car service ta nro ced by all the most elecant ever Ina nted, and Is operated In the-lnteiest e: natrons. Fast trains via tho Wisconsin Cent! i.iuus leave Minneapolis aany at 12.45 p. and G-lS p. m.. nnd at. Paul nt 1:. n. and 7:15 p. m., making favorable conn Hon with all trains from the West a: Uouthwest. Kor tickets, maps, pamphlets and fur information annlv to Q. V. McNeill, n. P and T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., and to Jag, U. Pond, General .Passenger and Ticket Agont, Chicago, 111. 1-16-ly Citation. In the County Court, for theCounty of Ma-, rion, Btato of Oregon. In tho matter of estate of 1 ,. Kvellno Cox, deceased llaon' To all the heir of said decedent, known or unknown, IIKEH-TINO: In tho name of the Htntn nf flpwrnn. vnn , aro hereby cited and required to appear In f S IUUWJUUIJ VUUlbUl 1UU DU11U Ul UreKUU.lW inoCountvof Marlou on Mnnrtuv. tho lKth day oi July, 18112, at 10 o'clock, In the fore- V. uwu V. tuav UltJ , bUGU UUU hUQIOIUBUUW cause, If any there be whj an order should . , not be made authorizing and empowering -, tho administrator of said estate to sell the V real property belonging to said estate,'' J wuiuu ia ueaeriueu as iuuows io-wiu ix)is 8, II, 10 and 11 In block No. 8 as shown on the amended plat of Capital Park addition to the City ot Salem in Marlon County J uregon. witness, tho lion. T. 1,. Davidson, Judge of the county court, of tho Mateof Oregon, for tho County of Marlon with the seal of said court nHlx, this 15th day of June, 1892. Attest: O. C. BHKKMAN, Clerk. By FltANK W. WATKU3, Deputy. seal. Notico to Teachers. The County Superintendent of Schools will hold tho regular monthly county teacher's Institute, as required by law, at tho Kust8alem school building, commenc ing July 11th nnd continue- two weeks. Special Instructors havo been engaged for tho various brauches and all teachers in tho ciunty are expected to attend and as sist In the workot the Institute. llrlig text books on all subjects. . J. H. UHAIIAM. Balem, Oregon, Juno 25, 18U2. llids Wanted. Illrts will bo received until July 7th. for 15,000 ties, 6:8, and 6ft Jin long. The right is reticrvea to reject, any irau uu Diaa. 0-27-dW-td BAI.EM MOTOR RY. CO. Bids Wanted :.Ji top. of cedar er: fir. until July 71 h. lthrht . is reserved to reject any nnd ail bids. n-iCUWlU OALlCiJU JUUXUIt 1U.)., J. M, Needham, HOUSE TAINTING, KALSO- MINING, TAPER HANGING, tst a fnTTTj a t rrrT wrviorrTwri ' inviuniiii ituujli rituauiiiu. fl Leave ordera J. Irwin's, rear of Smith- Hteiner'B drug Btoro. Hernia and Chronic Diseases D1V8. SHIMP & HOUSER, Dovote special attention to Nervous, Cat arrhal. Asthmatic and Throat Troubles. Hernia (rupture) cured without pain on ueiuniiou iroiii uusiucsa unu uuaranteed In Ever Case. ' iiivorv variety of Femalo nnd nhmnln diseases treated by tho most advancecrt methoils known to Klectrlcul and Medical f science Twenty years exnerlence in snr. , uery and tho UDiillcatlon of electrloltv. . Olllco D Commercial street., llush-Ilrey-. uiuu iiLutk. oaiuiu Tho flalapagog Islands. Tlioro is a good deal tliat is weird about tho Galapagos islands, which it has beon proposed Unclo Sam shall buy for n coaling station in tho south boas. Thoy aro sixteen in uuinbor iivo big and olovon small ones, without counting over &o many littlo islots and tho lino of tho equa tor runs diroctly through tho group; Novortholess tho climnto is not very hot, owing to tho romarkably low tomporaturo of tho surrounding wa ters. Onco upon n timo these islands woro volcanic peaks, uplifted from a jiortion of tho continont which had sunk bonoath tho ocoan, leaving their toiw projecting. Washington Star. The Word "Uoirry." ' Tlio word "bolfry" had originally no connection with "boll," an idea which ia now intimately associated with tho term. Tho first moaning given is "watch tower," from tho Middlo English "borfry," a watch towor. Tho first part of thiaword is connected with "borough," tho second with "froo." As tho practico grow of liauging "bolls" in such tow ore pooplo romindod thomsolvos of tho fact by changing tho word "bor fry" into tho modorn "bolfry," ChainborB Journal. Notico to Bridge BuiWoul In persuance of nn order of the Hon. County Court 6f Marlon county, bids will bo received at tho olllco of the county derk: uuui iiiesuay, juiy o, xmri, at 1 ociock p. m , for the construction of u bridge, con slstlngof a span of 100 feet and two op- firoacnos of 60 feet In tho aggregate, uoroas lie littlo north fork of the eautlam river. xuueounreberves me rignuto reject any County Oierk and all bids. u-za-uw-ld TMl'ItOVKD OHDEIt OF RED MKN. x ivanuaaun inuoiNo. , uaiem. Holds' council overy Thursday evening, nt 7:30. i Wigwam In btate Insurance hnll, 1 F. O. BAK15U. PmnhBL .' KIKVNK O. WATKIta, Chief of Records,! TO BUILDHS A PLEASURE; When you see these new 189T designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses-1 and Cottages." Ul.n O w tnln.l,nn r. ....(.... ... . M niU.OAluluullVfl. UVUIU1UBUUW UUillKBB. ' new styles, latest Ideas In planning. No. .! 4 has 5 designs classified from $150 up to ,3 iuw, iuijub nun uuuer viiaaj no. o gon ial us U designs of duellings costing over J1500. many from S1800 up to JJO00. Many ' new Houtlieru or resort styles of houses la these woiks. I'rlce, Jl each, or tho two for JU0. r. S. HOPKINS Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. " T. BURROWS -, CAIUtlKSu full lino of Htaple and fiinoy ' Orocerles, Fresh Vegetable and B lies In season, Jluttor und Kggn aU, wuyson hand. , saa Corrx't St. & Burton Bros. STATE BTREET BRICK YARD. Large, stock of oommim ltrielc ai wmw liaud. l'rM(Hl UUU oriuUMnMMS inadetoordbr. m Leave orders at a.lHolx.M BUle jrtMM. Ooodhue Jt CuUJU, 06 WtU) swettl, or tu3