'v-wrp1 4 VV THfLVEM MITTS & GLOVES " CJTTON, LISLE BERLIN, SILK TAFFETA and SILK Gloves and Mitts, jus! the hand wrar for the warm weather. "KID CLONES. Biarritz, Gertter, Napoleon, Minerva and Geneva Gloves, celebrated the world over tor their nttine and weariiw niiaiiiine ' w '"'O 'jmw'iuvui LOCAL AND l'KRSONAiV I. L. Kimber la at Astoria. Louis McUIano of tho ens works, Ladies' Mi JOUUKAL. and Boys' Hosiery a specialty. Sole agents for W. C. C. Corsets. 3Qj. Commercial Street strut wwmwm. WEDNESDAY JUNE 29, 1802. GiLBERr k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Ian Baking Powder. Plans for Paving Commercial, and Other Streets. GRAND PROGRAM. Fouiihof July Celebration at Sa lem, Oregon., 1892. oi:o. i). nooniiui:. K. oahii.l. UUILIUNG MATERIAL. Lime, cuinont, plaster, hair, fire ami building brick, lire olay, sand, gravel, blacksmith and house coal, wood, all kiwis, wholesale nnd re tail. Olllce 0.) Btujo street. GoomruK & Oaiiim,. BETTER STREETS WANTED lYlint the Council Will Con sider Noxt. choicest meals, rest service, LOWEST prick AT STRONG'S RESTAURANT. A Tundijk Tiiaji. Tiger Tender team was reorganized last evening at Tiger Engine Co's ball. The fol lowing ollleers were elected for the ensuing year: Piesideut, .lay McCor niick; fcei-ietaiy, Jacob Evans; tieab urer, Paul Hansen; foreman, R. Col man; first assistant foreman, C. Starr; second lUblsttint foreman, Ho mer Wait. A vote was cast thank ing J. W. Veateh for oiganiziug the team. Thmpokauy Uhossincj. Street Commissioner Culver has orders to lut a temporary apron onto the south end of tho now Commeic'al street btidge. 'this will muko it ptmsuble until u ill cnn be made, Tlie piling will bo planked up at once ready to receive the consign ment of dirt as boon as tho city ununge-i for tho tilling. Puomit Womc. As biiggested .Yesterday, tlie street commibsiouer baa seveial genus hobos at work cleaning aud cultivating about tho treee in Willsou avenue. A few beasous of this kind of work will make a vast improvement iu tho appearance of this already beautiful park. Ovnit tiik ViAUUcr. Lust ni ght a runaway horse crossed the new uncompleted bridge across South Mil) cieek. The animnl had to make about a fourteen foot Jump at the south end of tlie biidgo, but this he accompfished Micce-isfully and made a dash oyer the hill. Wantiju To Shoot. Albeit Lan der, living on Mission bottom, was taken violently insane yesterday, aud wanted to shoot everybody within reach. Ho was today pent for by Suerifl Croisan, aud will bu examined and no doubt sent to the asylum. t Ron Voyage. Lieut. Sage, Cth Arty, will leave tonight on the over land for his station at tlie Pre-ldio. Corp'l MoOullotigli, Battery, "L, will also leave at tho fumo time for tho station of his Battery. Notaries. The following were tho notarial appointments at the state capitol yesterday: D. C. Sher- innu,Salem:R. T, Lawtou,Medford; D.R.Murphy, Portland. Rosk.mon. William Bright has entered Itosemon, record 2 303, 1" two of the trotting races ut Albany next week. He Is in the 2.30 trot and the free for-all. Tonight! Unity church! Dr. Jor dan! Agasslz! tho only opportunity to hear him. A great man in his great lecture upon a greater man. Mahiuacii., Liciinsk. The coun ty clerk yesterday Issued a marriage liconso iu favor of Prof. H. L. Taih ingion, of Pendleton, and Miss Anna Gwynne, daughter of Rev. F. H. Gwynne, of this city. Plans have been prepared under the direction of the street committee for paving Commercial aud cross streets, which will come up for con slderatiou at the next meeting of the city council. The work as outlined presents a practical face, and would appear to provide just what is need ed. Tlie territory to be covered is Commercial street from the new bridge to the north side of Centre strot; Court and State streets, be tween the we9t side of High aud the east side of Front; Ferry, fiom the west sido of Liberty to tho east side of Front; Centre, between Commcr. cial and the end of the big bridge. All these streets will be excavated one foot deep and tilled with crushed rock. Cement curbs and gutters will be required, and at all intersections catch basins will bo put iu and connected with the sewers to carry oil the water. Where full width cement walks are down no additional curb will be needed. All railroad and car tracks will be required to come to grade, also to plank on each side of the rails ami nviko the inside of track coufoim with the rest of tho streit. It is thought by members of the council that tho b?altlc rock acrosb the river in llk county will bo ex cellent materi-il for this purpose, and it is certainly a fact that a concrete gutter will carry oil water better than any other kind. The Jmuhn'aTj takes great pleas ure in presenting this bketch of the proposed work to tlie public, and does it with tho liopo that tho sub ject will be thoroughly considered befoie final action is taken. If there is anything wrong with this plan it should bo corrected. When the work is. done it should be well done, and no improvement should be un dertaken that will not be of a per manent character. The business streets of our city need improvement before another rainy season sets in, hence the action of the council should lie prompt and business like. m Three Things to Itrmriiilier. Hood's Sarsaparilla has the most Merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla has won un equalled Success. Hood's Sursapaiilla accomplishes the greatest Cures. Is it not medicine for you? Consumption is caused by loss of tho peristaltic action of tho bowels Hood's Pills restore this action and invigorate tho liver. "See!" Tho best place in Salem for bargains in ladles' gloves, mitts, and all kinds of dry goods and cor sets. Capital Adventure Co. 0-20-lt. Fou TjH Ccusr. teuiplatlnggolug to AdVlxttri to br,U It. tt. 'vVllluwettee Hole). Parties pon tile Coast are Ryan, rear of 0-22-31 ART Display. Misses Bland and Blake! y from the Eist, will be at the "Palace" No. 307 Commer cial St. for a short time with a full lino of fancy work. They will teach "Roman Embroidery" also all the new stitches, do stamping, etc. The ladies are all invited to call and see the work at their earliest con venience. 2t The Genuine. Tho French Ice cream made by Joues & Bernard! Is the only thing of tlie kind on tul coust, and their sales aro Increasing every day. They Never Go By. People w ho are looking for first class goods In the grocery lino at desirable pi ices, never go by Clark & Eppley's at 100 Court street. For the 1th of July. Flags and fans. Plugs of all hIaw. Don't fall tt decorate. E.F.Osbnrn, Racket Store A Shoe Sale. Misses dongolo' reduced from sl.25 to 5.1.00 to clost cut at E F.OeUiru's Racket Store. -.r Boys' heavy ribbed bicycle hose foi 23 cents the best for the money evei ..tiered. E.K, U-boru's Racket Store, nenuluo Mexican lira-. hum- See then The eleetrjq cars stop at (lid Capl tnl AdwJjrturcCo., L0 fbtt eU'mCcksfrom H to f.1.50, Ueinen.viH go ftr 'ftne ton pain s '" bpfnre you buy, atK-F, OabunrV clothing, liaky liuderwearUnd urn-1 jnCjet S0rr, Milng, 'Hiod. Tlie cheapest. M FrultjurS( ju-glawMticnd prewv- lv1u . . J"' 1 jug Jars, ,V.-t siie whK, ft full line On-cbJobiU: n.h. FIMerrtl.eltutCl.v'kil3pley'e. wiitt u(, Urn aitoitum o) fcvurj - J Any oue U !.' it catim.t allow body tp'kfiilefofMl stock of tmts to whs nuiug; bliaw S. tii.TnU j.i2 '' ' ,v. Tliev make the brt ratw, Tlie program will commence by tlie formation of tho Industrial Pa- raue under tlio charge of E. C. Cross marshal of the day, who will start the column promptly at 10 o'clock. The marshal of the day will issue a detailed order as to the formation of paiade at a later date. SUNDAY, JULY 3. Church parade of tho Second Reg iment at 3 o'clock. Dress parade at 7 o'cloclc in Willsou avenue. It has not been delluitely settled at which church services will be held on Sun day. MONDAY, JULY 4. Guaid mount at 8 o'clock by tho Second Regiment in Wilson avenue. Industrial parade at 10 o'clock which will form on Commercial Street, aud march to Marion Square where the following exercises will be had: Music. Introduction of Orat r by Mayor U'Arcy, president of the day. Oration by Hon. Lydeil Baker of Portland Oregon. Music. Reading of Declaration by Miss Jennie Booth. Prayer by Rev. J. L. Parrish Chaplain. Music. Intermission until 1:30 when the populace will assemble on Commer cial street between State aud Court and witness tho sport, arranged by the amusement committee, as fol fel fol eows: About 1:30, f.it man's race, 00 yards (all over 200 lbs.) 1st prize, $7; 2d prize, $3. Wheelbarrow race, free for all; CO yards. 1st prize $7, 2d prize $3. back race, 100 feet, foe to all. 1st prize $7, 2d prize t3. Little girls spoon race, 100 feet; 1st prize 55, 2d prize $3, 3d prize $2. Every contestant to have a spoon with an egg in it, and holding in front run tlie distauce. A greased pig will be turned into tlie streets and whoever catches the pig owns it. Auyouo wishing to compete forany of the above prizes will advise tiio committee, J G. Wright, Geo. Collins and H. G. Meyers. This will entertain tho people un til about 3 o'clock when tho com mittee having in charge tho lire de partments will present a program as follows, which will also take place on Commercial street between State and Court Wet test. 100 yards to hydrant and 1 ly 200 feet hose aud get water through nozzle, $00. Dry test. 100 yards to hydrant and lay 200 feet ho3e and screw on nozzle. Time called when nozzle strikes tlie grouiid. $60. Tender race. 100 yards, $25. Nete: 12 men to constitute a team in all races, but can start with less. Tender race must be boys under 10. At 7 o'clock Dress parade by the Second Regiment in Willsou's avenue. 8.30 Band Concert arranged by home and visiting bands in Willsou avenue. TUESDAY JULY Cth. Guard mount by the Second Regi ment at 8 o'clock. Sham B Utlo at 10 o'clock; tho lo cation is not arranged at tills date. Base Ball at Fair Grounds ut 1.30 to 4 o'clock. Batallian Drill at 4 o'clock Iu Will son's avenue. Dress Parade at 7 o'clock at the encampment grounds. Probably Bull at B co's armory? WEDNESDAY JULY Ctll. jjneampmeut breaks up and tlie visilois leave. Base Ball at 2 o'clock at the Fair grounds park between the league teams from Portland and Seattle, is quito lllat his home, Landlord Wagner Is expected home Iu a few days. Tho Palace in the lead -11 yards seersuckers for $1.00. S. L, Jones will move into ono of the now Feldt cottages on High street. Mr. aud Mrs. John R. Krausse returned to their homo at Eugene last evening. Business men should not fall to nttend the board of trade meeting at the Willamette hotel next Friday evening. Somo important manu facturing projects will be discussed. Johu Molr Is assisliuc in tho counting rooms of Ladd & Bush, while some of tho employes are tak ing their vacations. Mr. Molr is a most competeul aud accurate man at this work. D. 8. Blackburn and wife of Ventura, Call., are iu tho city on their way to Alaska. They aro tho guest of Mrs. A. I, Wagner of tho Willamette, who Is an old time friend. Wonderful cures by Ayer's Sarsa parilla hi every part of the laud. Write for names. Miss Alice Stowell left for Salem this morning to accept a position in tlie Racket store. Her sister Hattie fills the vacancy in J. W. Christian's bookstore. Eugene Guard. The Palace in the lead- -11 varda seersuckers for $1.00 Lteut. Alviu H. Sydenham. Cth Artillery has arrived to relieve Lieut Geo. E. Sage, 5th Arty, Lieut Sage and Corporal McCullough are under orders to proceed to the Presidio.Sau Francisco, Cal. There is certainly no baking pow der so well known and generally used as the Royal. Its perfect purity, as well as its superiority iu leavening power, are matters of fact no longer disputed by honest dealers or makers of other brands. Its virtues aro so well known to every housekeeper that the slanders of the dishonest makers of the cheaper goods fail to touch it. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Invariably relieves, and, if taken iu time, often cures consumption. Sold by all druggists. Price $1. The best place for bargains In the largest aud best assorted lino of trunk, valises and traveling bags. Capital Advcntuie Co. 0-20-it A line of bed lounges of entirely now designs just in at Keller & Mash's. Tho excellent service of the Lock- wood messengers is getting to be the talk of the town. All who wish to enter the "Tribes of tho Earth" are requested to meet at W. F. Dngan's oilico Thursday evening at S o'clock. Remember tlie lecture tonight at Unity church. Dr. David Star Joidan, president of Stanfoid Uni versity upon ngassiz, at 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents at tho door. Oxfoid ties, tlie very latest styles at It. J. Flemings. The Palace In the lead 11 yaids seersuckers for 1.00 Turner Campmecting. Yesterday was C. P. 8' O. E. day At 0 a. m. the young people held n prayer nnd social meeting. It was a good meeting, At 0 a. in. Miss Florence Wnrln ner led a social meeting. Much In terest was taken in tho meeting. At 0:30 Elder L. C. Mercer, presi dent of tho Y. P. S. C delivered an address rehearsing tho history of tho Y. P. S. C. nnd giving its beuellts and help to the church. Tho ad dress was a good one uud well de livered. Tho usual committees wero ap pointed. Reports froin the different societies wero read. At 11 a. ut. Prof. P. L. Campbell addressed tho assnmbly. Tho ad dress was interesting to the assem bly. It enlightened in history and encouraged iu heroism, and elevat ed In character. THURSDAY. JUNE 30. CONVENTION DAY. 0 a. m. Bible reading, "General Judgment." 10 a. in. Convention called to or der. 1st. Appointment of committees. nd. Other business. 11 a. in. Convention sermon by V. F. Cowdeu, Texas. 2.30 p. in. Devotional. Led by Dr. D. M. Doty, Dallas. 3.00. President's address. 3.45. Corresponding secretary's re' port. 4.15. Treasurer's report. 4.30. Miscellaneous busines-s. 7.30. Song service. 8.00. Sermon. i Lc. JL !J,' ''Btvl ACTUAL, COST: CLOTI-IING FOR iVTBI FURNISHING GOODS ALL GO UN'ITL FURTHER NOTICE FOR CASH ONLY. G. A. R Suits S8.50 with but tons -Those suits arc all wool, rotation cut. AND BOYS. AND HATS OPPOSITE LADD & BUSH BANK " ' -ON- II0TEL AIIUIVALS. WILLAME'ITE. Geo. II. Tluustou, Eugene. D. S. Blackburn and wife, John Isaac, Now York. II. II. Howard, M. A. Long, Port laud. C'C. Worrall, Phllladdphia. Pa. M. B. White. Alviu II. S. Sydenham, U. S. A., Sam'l T. Glover, Ft. Canby: J. S. Hutchlns, S. G. Ilutchlni, Clias. D. Mercer aud wife, Portland. L. Gall'iiey, St. Louis. A. W. Haywood, Chicago. COOK. J. A. Boyd, Ocosta, Wash. S. R.Caplinger it children, Helix. J. C. Caplinger. S. Chainbors and wife. M. J, Comer and family. J. MoKnight, Seattle. L. Fountain, Oakland, G. W. Thompson, Jeilerson. W.H.Ely. F. It. Fort in, A Big Drive Underwear. - - ,. JMco and sott and cool, just tho thins for the hot days. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE AT THE WOOLEN MILL STORE,; Summer Weidit 3J)J Commercial! Street, Salem, Oregon. The time is growlngshort, for that piano will bo given away July 5th, at KraushO Bro's. Mrs. Geo. G. Browu is home from an extended visit witli her parents at Klamath agency. Tho people who uso McCrow & Willard's refrigerated meats from their cold storage room aro more than pleased with the quality. Tho Palace in tho lead--ll yards seersuckers for 51,00 Hon Clias. Miller, of Jeflerson will attend tho People's Party conven tion at Omaha. Tho ladies rush for our beautiful bargain line of shoes and oxford ties In the latest styles aud shapes, like they rush for ico cream soda. See corner window display. Capital Adventure Co. 0-20-4t. Specimen Oases. S. II. Clillord. of New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia aud Rheumatism, his Stomach wns dis ordered, Ids Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell a way, and tie was teiribly reduced In llesh and strength. Thne bottles of Electilo Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, iranlsbnrg,Ill. had a running sore on his leg of eight, years standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Biieklen's Arnica Salvo, and his leg is sound and well, John Speaker, Catawaba, O,, had live large Fever sores on his leg, doctors (a.d ho was incurable. Ono bottlo Electric Bitters and ono box Buck lin's Arnica Salvo cured him entirely.- Sold by Dau'l J. Fry, druggist. 225 Com'l st. Dissolution. Tho firm of Spraiiiie & Allen Is dissolved, G. D. Spraguo having pur ohaed the entire business. All bills will be payable to him. U.I), Sl'RAOUE. F. T. Allen. Why his Wife is "Fidgety." I linvo tho best cook In the town, Whoso Uraul Is delicious nnd white: IlercotlfOlsfrnBrtintiuid utwwu, . .llur,P;.l!fy a i.erlcct delight, Hut hhe tlnllv euiiiiiliiliiKnrtiin .mi-i-,.n,o,. brliiB- ' """ "'" Klip'g my own dnrllng wife, but n Jldgoty tiling! Your wife is woru out, nnd needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, theonly medicine guaranteed to cure debilitated women. How many overworked American ladles wo see with lack-lustre eyes aud haggard fares, glowing old before their time, from those exhausting ailments that men know nothing of. They can be preniantly euied by this rem edy, ns numbei less grateful women will attest. Pi Ice refunded, if it falls to give satisfaction iu eveij ease. See guarantee pi luted on bottle-wrapper. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in tho drug business at Elkton, Ky., for tho past twelve years, says: "Chamberlain's Cough l(emedy gives better satisfaction than .any other cough medicine I havo over sold." Theio isgood reason for this. No other will curoa coh so quickly; no other Is so certain a preventative and cine for croup; no other affords so much lelief In cases of whooping cough. Forsalo by Geo. E. Good Druggist. For Bent. Three good rooms, unfurnished, for housekeeping, to patties with no children. Qood loca tion. Apply at 201 Commercial St The Day We FLAGS, Celebrate 1 FIRE CRACKERS Balloons, ,.. TItMNWLES. HARRITT, Head quarters for Fourth of July Goods. Country orders tilled at lowest inioiiMaiji!. itAl'Jif. " x re o m a. n- CANDLES, Sky Rockets, SET PIECES, CT(L 4 IpWMks- I ' SRvJJs TM -e S 'pi'" ".asii BROOKS & ' '! ! i IlllllPf iTOEBMhW for Infants and Children. EVERYJIODY G()E. WllClO? Why, to Hellenbraud's restaurant. If you want n team see Jtynu & Co. of any kind, 6-10-lf LAnirs.-You should try those 20c fast black seamless hoso at Osborn's Racket Store worth 25 cents. Croquet Sets, Extra quality, at low prices. E. S. Osburn, Rock et store, HORN, IliK'ldi it's Ariilru'Snlic. Tho IicKt 8.1K0 In tho wr.rld for f'ulc, Hruikci, Son k. Hirers Halt Rheum, I'eer 601 ex, Tetter, (Jimmied Unmix, Chllblnlim, Corns mid nil Skin Eruptions, nnd hmI. lively cures l'jloi., or no imy required. It ISKiinriuiteid to t'lvn nerfiet nillHmctlon or money reiumioil, rrlco, ill rents j.er uox, ror huio uy uiini .1 . v ry, uiumi tit A New Kinil of Insurance. For twenty-live cents you can in sure yourself and nimlly ugulnst any bad icsults front an attack of- bowel complaint during tho summer. Ono or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will euro any ordinary case. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to tako No family can ailord to be without It. Forsalo at 25 nnd 50 cents per bottlo by Geo. E. Oood. druggist. To the Ladies. "Vlavi" stands alone, tho greatest medical discovery of tho nineteenth century. (From on M. I)., iu thu Ladles' Health Journal, Newark, Ohio.) You uro cordially invited to call and Investi gate for yourselves. Oilico over 1 and 0 cent store, Cottle-Parkhurst block, Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. lm ThoM) uuIkuihv p'rwias whosuirer Irom nervousness and dysncp.la should uso I'm- lursi.iuiH nerva rius, wiiie.il nro innoo expressly Inr slronless, nervous, clysieplla sullurcis. J'iIio 2'.cintH. Women wllh pfilo, colorless faces, who feel wuult and ilinuiiri.K't, will teulvn iK.th mental nnd bodily vigor by iisIdk C'urtrr's lion I'bl., which nro mndu for thu Mood, uorvui nnd rnmpluxtoii. Hmnrt Weed unit IMIndonnn roml.lned with the other lucrnllentti used in thu best porous plnnters, muko Osrter'H H. W, ft II. Unclcacho Tlnsturs thu best In tho rnnrttct. l'rlce ? cent. A man who has practiced medicine 'or 40 years, ought to know salt from sugar, read what he says: Toi.kdo. O.. Jarj. 10. 187. Messrs. F J. Cheney v Co. Uenllemea -1 lme been In thu general practice of 'iiwildue lor moti w years, una wotnn siy iliullQull my practice, and experltnce line never been u nreimmllon lliut I could iirexrlbewithas ucb tootldenre of sue- ci-h u 1 cnn Hull' Cutnrrh Cure, manu factured by you. Have pret.cr.bed It a 'rent muui times a ad IU tirtct Is wonder ful, nnd woiud suy Iu conclusion tlnit I cusevet toilndil Ciisttof Catarrh thut It AiiulJnoluiire. If they would tulcu 11 uc- u-irdlug to directions. 1 UUIO klUIJ, L. L. GORfaUCH, M. D., Olliee, 215 Summit St. We will give tlOO for nuy oase of Catarrh thut cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken inter- "a 'F. J. CHENNY fc CO., Props., Toledo, O, tSTfMd by Druggist, OLMSTKD. J, Olmsted, a daughter. To Mr. und Mrs. Col. Tuesday, Juno 28th, IIIKD. 'UUuly-HU" way, They make the lore-it 1 Qvergaiters $i,00,H.S5 ami $1.60 ut R, G. Flemings, MARTSON.-At tho home of her parents in tho Waldo hills, Tues day, June 28, 1892, Lizzie Mnrtson, aged 18 years. The funeral will bo held today at 2 p. m. iu tlie Eoll cemetery, You don't have to continue dosing with Simmon's Liver Regulator. Often u little cures ellVciually. If you feel all broke up and out of sort agitato your liver with Sim- moil's Liver Regulator. No one ever tried Simmon's Liver Regulator without being satisfied with Its effects. Why will you sutler from Indiges tion ami dyspepsia? Siniunn'b Liv er Regulator Is pleasant nnd cures. Tho great vegetable substlluto for pills Is Simmon's Liver Regulator. Cures sick heudacho, President Jordon, of Stanford university will lecture In Unity church Wednerday evening, Juno 20 at 8 o'clock. His theino is "Agas si." President Jordon besides be ing at tho head of this niaguitlcont Institution Is himself ait uuthur In science. Was 11 pupil of Agnsslz. Ho is also a fine orator who has something of interest to say. Ad mission 25 cents. 0-25-It. "Cnstorla Is no well adapted to children that I recommend 1 1 ns superior to any prescrlpUon kuown to mo." II. A. Ancnin, K. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tho uso of 'Cnstorla' In bo universal and Its inBrlta so woll known that It Booms a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few nmtha Intelligent families who do uot keep Custoria within easy reach." CAnus StinrvN, D.D , Now York City. Lato raster Bloomlngdalo Itufonnod Cliurcli. CMtnrla euros Collo, Consttpntten, &,ur'?Syma!l, DlMThcoa, Eructation, Jvllls w onus, give slocp, and promotes d CChtlon. TVItliout Injurious medication. " FP ""eral year) I havo recommended your Cttstorla. ' and shall always contluuo to do so as It has Invariably produced bonoflcia.1 results." Edwin F. Pjinmi, M. D., "Tho Viuthrop," 125Ui Street and 7th Ave., New Tork City, Tan Ciimuii Company, 77 Muiiuat Stokkt, Nkw Yoiuc Removed to 140 State. SING HOP &CO., Merchant Tailors. Hprlngsult 810-worth aj; pants 00 wortbS7.0U, Everything cheap. If clothes don't 111 customers need not tuko siuno. Cull and look over goods, 0-1-lm Taken Up. A red nnd white spitted cowwltii calf, liotli (urs silt, und brnmlcd on right hip. Owner cull ireL sanm l.v kniillnv whi. 6-2CIW t'HAri MKIR.IAiikenv. QM People. J. V. B. Is tho only Sarfiipurllla tlmt old or fecblo pcoplo should take, si tho mineral potash which la la every other Harispurllla, that wo know of, li under certain conditions known to ha emaciating. J, V, H. on to contrary li purely vegetable and atltnulatts digestion nnd creates doit blood, the very tbliitfforoldiJcllcato or broken down people. It LulbH them up and prolongs their llrts. A caso In peint: Mrs. Belden an cBtlmnble and elderly lady of (10 Mason HI, a r. wai for months de clln ine o rojJdlyni to tcrlously alarm her family. It got 10 bad that the was finally aflllctcd with fainting j ells. Hho writes; While In that dangeroui comllilou I taw some of tho testi monials conicrulnir J. V. a and sont for bottle. That marked the turning point. I regained my lost Uisu and strength and hare not felt so well In years." That was two years ego and Mrs. Ilcltlen li well and hearty to-dsy, and still taking J. V, B. It you are old or ficblo aud want to Iks tmlltap. Atkfor m, t; rineman I.KAI.KK IN Staple anil Fancy Groceries, Crockery, (llnsswiire, Ijimps, Woeden nnd Willow wuru. All kinds ofjnlll feed, Also vemjlablesiinrt frulls In tlieTr season. V.'."''.'1 1'rlco i",ld tor country tiniduce." Wesollol ushnre of jour pntrnruikTu, f-U l.'UHUtUi street ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of,Wtllomotte Motel, - - OREGON aA-IilEM Joys Vegetable Sarpaparilla Hernia and Chronic Diseases DR'H. SIIIMPAHOUSKR, Devotu spiwliil attention lit Nervous, Cat arrhal, Aslhmutlo und Throat Tinuiilut. Hernia (rupture) cured without pain or deiuiiiiou irom busbies4 und Cmranteed In hver Cue. J'.veiy arlety of Koinalo mid Cbronto dl.uu.es tieuled by tho most advanced methods known U Electrical and Medical scleneo. Twenty yeurs experlunco in sun Kury und thu uppllcutlou of electricity, Ollicea. Uoiiiiuerclul street., ilusli-llroy. null JIUick. M-ileii), ' City Tax Notice. NOTICK Is hereby ijlvcn to the nx pay. ersol thoc-ltyoi Mulum. n.At iiiu .... auksmentiollof thoclly ol Hnlein for llw yeur 1, has been placed In my bauds for Ihucollec-tlon of tuxes; uud thut thu taxes clmrk'ed thereon are now duo aud payable ut my nllleout tho bauk uf Win. Uiigiaua A L'o. Iu this illy. All tMxes rcuiiilnlutf mi iiuld niter the .iJd day of July, ise, will bu returned u dullinnidit. K. J, HWAI'KOHI), , , City Tax Collector. Huleiil, June 2.1, bV2. u-aibt Berries f anted! THE SALEM CANNING CO, Wlll-Itceelvo CIIKRRIES AND STRAWBER RIES AND GOOSEBERRIES on and after Wednesday, Juno fi, 1892. aw-ti rrf.alil baking UiPewder: Usd in Millions of Homes do Years tlie Standard Host modern, moit efTectlve, Urgeit bottle. Bame price, tl.OO, six for UOO, Kor stle by Dan'l J. Vry, 2S'5 Corn merclul street, PRINTING. ANK OK THE I Alt J1XT EHTAIIMHII Unxnts lu the riutie. 1mtr rates than PiirthiDd. lJirjtt suwk lftfitl Ulunks lo UltiVil UlSOOUUl. IJtBU (Ol Hie HUite, a-d blet dlsoouut. price list of Job prlnttnjf, and uiUIojchi (eWilK. ,,, K. M. WAITE, rice list of Job prlnttnjf, nnd uiUloime ut k. K. M. WAIlt, tltM-u VtbHtt 1 Omen Notice to Jh-ltlgo Jtuildcrfl. In persuance ol an order of tho Hon, County Court or Slarloniminty, bids will bo rectiived at thu oilh o ol thu oouiity clerk unlit Tuesday, July 6, IhW, ut I o'clock p. in , for the mnstructlou of a bridge, con. sUtliirfof asiuu of 1UI Act uud two up. iirnaeiius ofWfeetln IhuuKKreuuto, across thu little north fork of thu rututlaiu rlcr. The oourl reserve' thu rlslit to r.Ject uuy ul'dlillliliU, D.J.HHKItliAN, o-il-dw-ia Cnuuly Ulerk T. BURROWS CARRIES a full llnoofHtnple and fancy (ItoccrUs, Kresb Vcuetuhles and J!er lleiu season, llutter und Kkgs ul wuys on bund. s&o com'l St. I GEWTLElttr.'SFBSMa. OurrXUfCCTIOK SrEIKaBfrM IUl nnr Mtl. I..WA. IhMDutSTAIK. rmo tSTS STBUTURB., Um CIOVOIllUKKA sul OLCtrr la Ois U rVi a dan. A QUICK CVBIt t LtUCOKnilOlt WIIITRS, suai-rUiimeoauTd. s.utw.uirAJrtHfHti u.-,"-lULYlslttUiivrtirvamCu., LA?aAT U.OUIU Salem Abstract and Loaii Co, Theonly Abalraot books of Marlon county, ileal estate orders filled promptly and safely, W. H. H. WATERS, MANAOKH. TO BUILDHS A PLEASURE When you sco theso new Wl designs In Books 4 and 5, "Houit and Cottages," ., HIie.Hx 10 Inches. (Jontftlntuewssinav new styles, latest Idras lu rlTliMllssii Wti i has 8ft dmlgns oJassltled tmrnWIrmBlk IVW, about half under 1 Jo. sjjts talus 6U dwljrns of dwelllBM Mssilkw m tia, many from tlW up To 9R )iur new Houthwn or rwsort ilyW a houies Bi these works. iTIee, l each, or the two kr !,', D, S. HOPKINS Atchlttet, Grand FifWi, Mkti, '-' ? -. X aj. -, ... r. .. ,.., . T r t'iVf,triiitiVii'.,JiiiisiiilSiiiail -a.w , ,.. ,i. . i. i..ii.i-i, m,-,i .asttff'iS.lvlii 'fr'at'aVi .$lp . f AV SfrrriJty,-- V:lvi