. mgMaMaiiMni) riiiiiii1 IB. ftisfer Confirmed Lofan Col lector Other News. THE PROHIBITIONISTS. at 3l h SJ Tho National Convention H, Cincinnati, , ' N Cincinnati, June 20. Tho slxtb i annual convention of the Prohibi tion party opens this morning in the big music bull. Unless unprom ising efl'orta to pntch up differences aud agree on a new man is success ful, there will be a fight for the bou or of being the presidential nominee of the parly. Ueneml Didwell, of California, and W. Jennings Deinor est, of New York, nro the leading ' competitors for the nomination, mid delegates are becoming so excited 'oyer the contest that there is talk of brluciug out a dark horso as a menit of healing the two factions. Ulaj Bascom, of Troy, N. Y., is mention cd mostly as a compromise, and oi; cafjlonally Gideon T. Stewart, of Ohio, and Prof. Dickie, of .Mlelilg. n. Opposition to fusion is very murkul, anil Miss Willurd Is apparently uloix in advocacy of it. Ex-Gnveruor Ht. John, of Kansas, will pteaidu todu. The color line caused cousldei'ubu excitement, as at the Gibson house several colored delegates were noi allowed to eat with the whites. Tin chsirmau of North Carolina delega tion declared that if necessary al tho members of the delegation wouln remove from tho hotel. Bidwci seems to have a clear field for tin presidency nomination, nevertheles Illinois people decided tonight tc present the name of Judge Davio McCullough, of Peoria, for president Samuel Small will probably be nun. ed by the Georgia delegation f.'i vice-president. THECONVENTON. Cincinnati, June 29. Tho bie ui'jslc ball is gay with bunting, pluiits, llowers, lemperauce inscrip tions when convention whs called li order by Chairman Dickie of the na tional ponnnitiee, this morning, ex Governor Bt. John was chosen ui tenlorary chairman, Governor Ft- John thanked the convention for tho honor of being chosen to preside over it. A. F. Wolfeubarger, of Nebraska, secretary aud other oillcers suggested by national committee were elected Pending the reports from committee on credentials and permanent organ ization, tho convention took recess till 4 p. m. will be represented at the conven tion by a delegation of ladies of na tional renown, who will endeavor to secure tho insertion of n woman suffrage plank in the platform. They will hold a mass meeting on Sunday evening, on which night a rrouuion of tho blue and gray will also be held. A letter wns received from an intimate friend of Judge Grasham settlntr the question of the latter's candidacy, stating em phatically that Giesbum will not allow his ninno to be used. The boom of Senator Stewurt, of Neva da, Is once more on, and it is said b some of his friends that ho would accept the nomination. Confirmations. Washington, D. C, Juno 29. The following confirmations wen made by the seuate today. Alonzt C. Dodge, of Kansas, profeu-oi mathematics in tho navy, Jnnitf Lotau, collector customs, Willamette district, Oregon, A. F. Shaw, Sur veyor General, SVa.hlngtoii. Idaho for Harrison. Boise City, Idaho, June 29. Ed tar Wilson, chairman of the Repub' lean state central committee, hit uformation from every county li ho state showing that Harrison' nomination is regarded by silver mei is a wiee one. There is no douli' bat Idaho will go Republican. R i iflcation meetings were held by R. (lUblicaus lantnight, Leing thelare I iiul most euthusiatic in the btate'r History. Foster for Secretary of State. Washington, June 29. The President has sent tho name of John V Foster, of Indiana to the senate to bo secretary of state. Foster is Confirmed. Washington, D. C, June 20. Tho Senate executive session con firmed tho nomination of Foster as Socrotary of State without refereuee to committee on Foreign nflairs, an unusual compliment, appointment meets general favor. Immediately after the continuation tho president signed tho commission of Foster us secretary of stuto. In tho House Today. Washington, D. C, July 20. Tho house bus declined to concur in the senate amendments to the agiicultural appropriation bill and insisted on its provision in t'lie army 1 appropriation bill (struck out by seuato) prohibiting tho use of mon- oy appropriated for transporta tion of troops nnd army supplies over any bonded lines controlled or operated by Union Pacific or South ern Pacific systems. Agreed to 107 to 20. Conference report on Indian appropriation bill has submitted, it appropriates $7,072,000 or $400,508 inoro than when originally passed by tho house. McMllliau of Tonnes see, argued In favor of rejection of report saying Democrats must tako stand in favor of retrenchment. Collector for Portland Washington, June 29. The pro Ideut today sent to tho Senate tin name of James Lotnn, as Collect n if Customs. Willamette District, Oregon. A New Depot at Boise. Boise City, Idaho, June 29. A large party of Union Pacific railroad ililciuis visiteu noise. Tiiey are nere to look after the new depot -rounds. The depot will probabl) be moved below the blufl' on the street-car Hues. Work Begun. Eugene, Or., June 29. Work has- commenced on the Siuslaw and Eastern railway. Tho subsidy has been excepted and the engineers have fcturted out setting grade stakes. They will cross-section back today, aud Thursday the graders ure expected to begin work. Stricken with Apoplexy. PoiiTiiAND, June 29. A dispatch from Tncoma says that Col. F. E. Trotter, of the Fourteenth infantry U. S- A., was stricken with apo plexy at Camp Murray yesterday morning, and died at 5 o'clock yes- teroay aueruoon. uoi. Trotter was stationed at Vancouver, but w is at Murray attending tho encampment of militia. Joint Resolution. WABHlNGTON.Juno 29,-Tho house appropriations committee yesterday ordered a joint resolution bo reported extending appropriations for tho sup port of tho government until July 16th, made necessary by tho probable failure of iiuy annual appropriation bill becoming a law by tho begin lug of tho fiscal year. In The Senato Yesterday. Washington, Juno 20. The presidential campaign was fairly started in tho ueuato yestorday on tho basis of Halo's resolution assert ing tho great beuellt of protection and question tho possible ellect of tarifl for rovenuo only, Halo stated that tho tarifl plank of tho Demo crats platform was made to eult tho candidate, and declared that tl o issuo between tho parties is the tarifl question, aud tho tight will bo waged until decided In November. Vest, on tho part of tho Demo cracy, accepted tho chullougo, mid had much to say of tho McKinley not Increasing tho cost of dry goods and hardware and reducing wages, causing strikes aud labor troubles, leftsrrlug particularly to tho troubles at Carnegie's works. Ho also com mented upon the choice of a now chairman of tho Republican nation al committee being In lino with tho polloy of encouraging monopolists. ' Campbell, ho declared, was tho paid attorney of P. D. Armour, People's Purty. i umaha, juuoat. The first dolo- Ktiou to arrive at tho Indepoudetit :, wuveutlon cmo yesterduay from wre-jon aua wwmiugtou, It la tHwUfirtood. lite woman eulIYaglsU Tho Cholera. St Peteushukg, Juno 20. Eve rything known to medical science is being done to stamp out the cholera now raging in Trans-Caspian prov inces. In Dzlsuk, Turkestan, lyo died In four days. The fears the disease would Invade European Russia has been realized already. Several hundred eases are repirted on this side of the frontier. The famluo stricken provinces are threat ened. Official reports say there weru 371 deaths out of 512 attacked during the month of June. Bound to Oct Married. MoiiawkviIjLK ,N. Y.,Juno 29. Mary, tho Ki-ycnr-old daughter of Mr. Willain Defrest, mnirled secret ly on Sunday Charles Van Wormor, of about tho sumo nge. Mr. Defrest hunted them up and coaxed his daughter to his wagon and started home with her. She Bcreamed for help so loudly that tho horse got soured and bolted. Father and daughter were thrown put and the horse took occasion to kick his mas ter, and thu daughter in tho confu sion ran back to her husband. The bulked father visited a lawyer, who informed him that as tho girl was 10 tho nmrrlogo contract was legal. OCEUR D'ALENE Injunction Oaso against tho Miners. Boise, Idaho, Juno 20. In the United States circuit court yestor day tho injunction against the union miners of Coeur d'Alono wus called up. Affidavits were read showing that a reign of intimidation, If not terror, prevails in that region, and that non-union miners liavo been driven into the mountains. It Is thought that Judge Beattio will on Friday decide whether or not tho Injunction shall bo dissolved. It is the general opinion hero that the decision will be adverse to tho union miners. Governor Wiley has writ ten to Preslbent Harrison asking that icgular soldiers be stationed in Coeur d'Aleno district. Hols coull- of business under proceedings by creditors. Section Fof the Torrey bill Is omitted from the substitute, relative to loaning money on bauk rupt estates WILSON IS ARRESTED. Tho Latest Suspect of tho Milwau kio Murder. Poutland, June 20. City Mar shal Deggendorller, of Sellwood, arrested Chas. Wilson yesterday and brought him to this city, where he lodged him In the city jail. Wilson Is charged with the fiendish murder of little Mutulo Walsh. At lust tho police, who havescoul d the idea that any one but Wllsou is the cuilty one, are satisfied that 'he right man is in the tolls. Aftet heir investigations at Miiwaukle lust Wednesday, Detectives Gritz mucherund Day camo home fully convinced that Wilson was the man that committed the deed, aud made uo secret of this fact cither. Tho Clackamas county officers, however, did not share in this opin ion, and rather than work Incouflict with them tho local detectives dropped the case aud came to this city. The Miiwaukle authorities went at the matter in an exceediug y peculiar manner, as the untenable grounds upon which three men have been jailed shows. Indications point to the fact that Wils-m was preparing to lite from i be country, and this is what led to his arrest. Those concerned in tills arrest claim that Wilson's brother ias been endeavoring to borrow ,500 during the past few days. It :s presumed he wanted this to defray he expenses of his brother out of the country. When arrested Wil jon bad on anew suit, which further strengthened tho belief that be wus getting toady to cbauge locutions. In appearance he is very downcast, and seems to feel the seriousues of tils position keenly. Wilson was taken up to the coun ty jail at .' o'clock, by tho Sellwood marshal, to await the arrival of Sheriff Sampson, of Cluckmnas, who has a warrant of arrest. Wilson is a hard-looking man with a very largo head and brutish visage. When the detectives were talking with him he lay on the cell cot and replied to their questions in monosyllables aud with ills eyes closed. He avoided every direct glance, and wore a hang- log look, which, bo he innocent or guilty, is not calculated to impress the casuil observer in a favorable muuner. George Wilson camo here from Iowa about June the lst,and located in tbo vicinity of tho place whero tho murder was committed. Ai the inquest he aud his brother Frank cut conspicuous ligures, though tho latter did the most talking. George was the last person to see the un fortunate girl after she left tho Lu elliug place, and ho claimed to have seen three Chinamen near her. No ono else saw any Chinamen in the vicinity. This statement and the fact that his biother took ho prom inent a part in tho coroner's pro ceedings together with facts above mentioned caused the flugor of sus picion to point toward Wilson as be ing the guilty man. Wilson seemed also to take particular pains to try to lay tbo guilt upon Charles Hock ley, who, he said, acted strangely, wood neor by, Ho writhed and trembled under the terrible punish ment and had almost fainted when tho lender ordered tho' gong to stop. Ono of I ho crowd suggested tar and feathers, but the poor man broke nway from his capto-- nnd escaped in the wood, Where ho Is now, no ono knows, but as bo is without c otlung It Is probable that ho bus made his way to Oxford or Middle- burg, and has been cared for by some hospitable farmer. South Ford Is n small town ou the New England road and news does not travel beyond Its borders. The story of the outrage was brought here yes terday afternoon by thestnge-drlver. He says the town Is greatly worked up over It, aud a few strongly con demn the proceeding. !emm pacific land and orchard CO. MARKETS. Poiitla N i), Juno 29. Wheat valley, $1.32 $1.35 Walla Walla $1.27J $1.20. Han Francisco Ccl., Juno 20 Wheat, seller $1 37 Cmruoo Ills., June 20. Wheat 79J Mr. Kan., It Saves the Children. O. H. Slmwen, Wellsville, says: "It Is with pleasure that I speak of the good Chambei- laiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has doue my family during t he lust foui teen years. In the most obstinate cases of summer complaint and diarrhoea among my children, it acted as a churm, making it nevei necessary to call lu it physician. I can truthfully say that In my judg ment, based ou years of experieuce. mere is not a medicine in the mm ket that is its equal. For sale by Geo. E Good, druggist. salkm .UARKi;rs. Wheat GOc per bushel. Oats 32J3jc per bushel. Potatoes 25o per bushel. Flour $5 ier bbl. Bran (Sacked) $18 per ton Shorts (Sacked) $20 per tou. Eggs 15c per dozen. Chic.teus Roosters, 7c per lb.; hens, 1012c per lb.; broilers and fryers, 15c per lb. Tin keys 1212o per lb. Ducks 1215c per lb. Uece 7c per Hi. Lard 75c$l per pail. Butter 1520c per pound. Beef 7121o dressed, 2c on foot. Veal 6c, dressed. Pork-OJc dressed;5lc on foot. Wool 1210c per lb. o Arael, tho Alltel ot Death, Hovers nearer us, souietlmts, th in we nre aware. Itlsnfer fur when wouio unwell to suspect bis propinquity thiiu to Ignore thepoblblllty ol bis oenrnass. Caution is a trait lu which the majority of mankind arc constitutionally lacljlns,'. The prone ness to dlsregurd n "slight cold" is purlieu lurly striking. This minor aliment Is.how ever, a predeccsssor of la grippe, a mul.iilj whlo wneu developed ot the mo-t falal chaiucter, as mortuary statistics attest. Afler n chill, or when the preinauitorj symptoms of influenza such as sneezing aud shivering, succeeded by levcrlshues, and dryness of tho sltln nro peiceptlble, immediate recourse shonlrt be had to llos tetter'sstoinach Hitters, n general ncclera torof the blood's clrcululion, which dlllus es an ngrceuble, healthful warmth tinough the systt-m inductive of nresplmtlon, bj means of which the complaint. Is expellee through the pores nnd Its further lend uuey t-uiioteriicted. Wonderfully elUcjci ons to Is tho Hitters for malnriu, constipa tion, liver complaint, rheumntlsm and kidney tumble, A wlneglussful boloio le tlrlng induces bealty-yleldlng bleep. 1 tury, is tho Intent cmsn of Consump tion, Catarrh, Loss ot S jlit, Eruptions, and numerous other maladies, To ef fect a cure, purify thu blood with Aycr's Sarsnparllln. llegln early, ami persist till every traco of the poison Is eradicated. "T rnfi honrtllv rnpninmnnil Avnt'a SfirsapariUu for nil those who are nltllct il with scrofulous humors. I had suffered for yenrs, nnd tried various remedies without effect. Finally, Ayer's Sarsnviriltn gavo relief and put mo in my present good healthy condition." 3. M Howard, Newport, N. II. "My daughter wns grently troubled with scrofula, nnd, nt ono tiino, it wns feared sho would lose her sight. Aycr's Sarsaparilla lias completely restored her health, and lior eyes are as well and strong as over, with not a traco of scrofula In her system." Quo. King, ICillingly, Conn. yer's Sarsaparilla, rnErinr.D bt Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Price tl; lx bottlcn, $5. "Worth $5 bottle. S.OO 1'crdoren for tho finest finished rilOTOOllAl'IIH In the city. MONTEE BROS., 180Commerclnl Street. FOR TOWN LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS. J.I, F. B. S0UTI1W1CK, Contractor 'and Itulhlcr. Balem, - - Oregon. All .lx.nrd! Your baggneo Is nil right. M ikolinslp but ImveyougoiabottleoflioslclerVStoin ncli Hitlers? Wo I Then j on have imidt a sad omission, nnd If you nre troubled with stomach qualms en route If you are sea sick, my dear sir, or inndain, you will uue itefrerveu j mir law?, iiow areauiuil tho waves or tho Jarring ol the cnslue or screw shakes jou up I Now there Is n muto but awful rnll to thoshlp'ssldc. Now II you had the Hlttprs along with jou thN wouldn't happen. Travelers nnd tourists, tako our advice, nnd belo e ou start oh your yutclilng or ocian voyage, your coast w.se trip or Inland ou lug, obtain thu lilt ters, nud ihus lortify jou selves against stomach dpi cu'lles, inanria, dyspopsin, auil the clI'ectBcf exposuro m roiighweath er or bid diet or water. Tako it, too, for 'llluusncss, Klduey trouble nnd rheuinn- ism. T. J. CKKSS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th and Chcmeketn Street. A, H, F0RSTNER & CO, Machine Sliop, Guns, Sporting Goods, Etc., Sifts Commercial Mreet. RADABAUGII k EPLEY. Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, II HtntoRtrett. JOHN M. PAYNE k CO., Real Estate and Insurance. First Btnlrwny north of;lhish bank. JOHN IRWIN, f!nriifnW nml utii 1011111 uini jMiiuivi, Shop (15 Htnto street. Store Fittinps a Specialty STEMS BIIOS, Call font ia Jiakcri. THE JBKST. 101 Court Street. MRS, M. E, WILSON, Leading Salem Modiste. W5 Commerclnl St. A. II. IIiMicrtnkiii"; and Cabinet Work, 107 State Street. J. J. UARKINS, Scientific Horseshoeing. opi'esiti: rouNuiiv On SStute Street. EI OF & BOSS, Horseshoers, General liluekainltlilng, 47 Stuto Street. THE Salem, Hack 111 an is II, FOULS. Beat Line In the City. Court Street. .I.E. MUHL'ILY. Brick and Tile, UliST IN OREGON. Works in North Salem. MRS. E. C. KON0. Baths for Ladies, HAIR l)Iti;SSIN(l PA1U.OIU3 124 Court Street. k CANDIES, Fruit and (Ji P. O. 131oolc. ITilPM ""1 it. t. Hiiiirnitixs Clfrius nnd Tobacco BILLIARD PARLOR, 243 Com'l Stroot BOSTON Coffee Holism 5c LUNCH. Open all NlRlit '. JL JiLUX&JSLL. tfent,-Poultry siiui Fisli Msirlccf, Insurance Block. CARTER'S! core- olck Hend.iche nnd relieve nil tho troubles Incl (lent ton hlllntis stnto of tho system, such ni Dlziness, iauscn. DrouMness, Distress nftei catlnj?, Pain in thu Side, Ac Willie their most remarkable success lins heen shown in curing I? - T. W. TH0RNBURC, The Upholsterer, teinodels, rc-covcrs nnd rornlr lpholstcreil lttrnlture. Him 1:i worlc. Choiuelcetn str t Uute ItiHurimco block. :A1 1776 T3E3C 189 Ilead.ici rf, yet CAnrnn's Lii-rr.B Livek Pilu iro vtmally vnlualile In Constipation, curlno ind preentiiif; this nnnoyinfj complaint, while Jiey nlso correct nil disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver nnd regulato tho bowels "iveu if they onlv cured FOURTH CAPT. BORUP SOANDAL. (knt tliut IiIh request will lie grunted in senson of trouble. Now Bankrupt Bill. Washington, Juno 0. Tho Judiciary committee of tlio house litis reported u milwtltuto hill, coiihIb- tuiBof peveiity-ono neotlons of tho Tony bill with n few lunendnientB, for tlio threo tmukriiptoy bills pen dliiK before tho committee. The amendments ptovldo u tefereo ehull bo upppliitld by tho district ItiHtead of thu circuit court; Unit the percon. tuKO which wau to ho paid to the government to relinburno it fur pay meutnfoalarles of referees shall bo paid dlreot to tho referees In lieu of salaries; ihiuua many of these olll cers may bo appointed as may bo necessary to tntusaoi tliebaukiuptey business; that a corporation thall noteuter Into voluntary baukrtiptcy His Frionds .Do Not Think He Is Guilty. Washington, Juno 0. Secretary Elltlus, uud in fact all tho war de partment oillcialH,ppcuk in the high est terms of Captuin Uorup and ex press conlidenco in his ability to oprovo his innocence. Ills recall, they say, was the nut urn I conse queuco of the unfortunate alluir, for, oven though ho may satisfy the French authorities that he has been wrongfully accused, his usefulness as unuttncho will necessarily be impair ed. Ills recall would therefore have followed regardless of any dem ud for it by the Kreneh authorities. The fact that Captain liorup is allowed only $ 0 a month forollleo expenses, a.id of which liuisautliori.ed to pur chase periodicals, niups, drawings, etc., must be accepted as pretty con clusive evidtnee that he has not gone into thu business of purchasing stolen plans on a very large scale. That he should sell stolen plans to other countries would seem to be equally absurd when It is known that ho Is a very rich muii. Cupialn Uorup Is the son of it rich Indian trader at Bt. Paul, Minn. His wife is quite rich. The war department does not believe Captain liorup to be guilty, lie will be given an opportunity on his ar rival to exonerate himself. Ho will not, however, even If he clears him self, bo sent Imolc to France. A White-Clap Outrage A.nsonia, Conn., Juno 129. News Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Goodalo & Wheeler litis, been by mulii'il ugreemeut dissolvtd. J. C. Goodale has purchased the interest of A. Wheeler aud will con tinue the bUhtiiCHS and pay all the liabilities of the lute firm. A. WiiKKiiKit; J. C. GooiiAiK. Balem, May 18, 1892. 5-U0-4v Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria ! cho they would be almost priceless to those v ho suffer from this distressing cemplaint: int fortunately their Roodness does not end Hero, and tlyiso who once try them will And lieso little jnlls valuablo in so many ways that tnev will not bo willing to do without them But after all sick head s tlio barto of so many lives that here Is where ve innko onr Rreat boast. Our pills euro It .I'hile otheis do not. Cartrr's Little r.ivrn Tills nre very small ind very e.isv to take. One or two pills make i dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not exlpo or purge, but by their gentle action Jleasenll who use tlein. In vials nt 25 cents. Ivo for SI . Sold e erywhero, or sent by mail CAETE3 lacieira CO., Hew 7ort A.-.U fc'H fl.H 51... d.ll M - . am til.! snuii am, small fries. "JJ HBIUP lSIJI , ' ijj J . 5r,"'A AT 25c Want Column. Notices inserted for ONE CKNT l'Kh WOltD KAOH INbKUTION. No ndver tlsemeut Inserted In this olumn for les than twenty-ilvo cents. of a while-cap outrage in tho village of South Ford, 12 miles back lu the country, reached hero yesterday. Tlio nanio of tho victim is uot known, ovon by tlio men who per potr.ited tho outrage. Ho has resid ed in South Ford, some time but kept aloof from tho villagers, uud is only known by a nickname, For several mouths thoro has been a talk about certain women horo who liavo vis ited his houso at night. Tills led to a call being quietly issued, aud the meeting was held Saturday night, at which it was determined to wipe out tho scoundrol. At a lato hour a party of 40 men, disguised us whlto caps, silently umrohed to the man's home. Ho was awnkoued aud ordered to come Into tho vard. whero ihe poor fellow was stripped. The ti the white caps tied hm to a tree nttil wlilm.p.l liim u.li I. n..u.,i,. Monfrom lb. bireli lw. In lb,'Krt,-i Wenderful: tin) use of Hood's Saisai -U-ll.i Severe cases of bcioful.1, upon which other jirep arntlous lt.ivo been ponei less, yield tu tlio jiecull.tr 'iufltIo jmweis of tills medicine, lilsttes'.iig e ises of dyspepsia, excriiel.it. Ins ci-iu. 1 iints of tho kidneys and liver, .'Koniz.nu itch pass nml '..m of salt Es I riu'iini, d i. lee- b ,,, .i' jims-sol cat.it t li, and aches and pains t ! i"'.iu.itlsin, nto ciueil by Hood's Sar- M.I'.la. it piu liles tho blood, nml nt tho j t: no tones tlio stomach, creates an .'. -iiu! gives strength to every func- .o.i of the ooiiy. Glvo It a trial. General Debility ' Tor four years my vilo suffered with . ..to tumor lutnrlics on tho glands tinder t'.io arms, ami ccuernt Uehlllty of tlio whole iy.tt in. Sliu became so poor lu health that wo wcio on me verge of despair regarding her recovery. Physicians did not seem to understand her case; at all events sho nover derived any benefit from their treatment. Sho Anally concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Immediate effect was so marked nml satisfactory that sho continued tu tako It, and this s tlio result; Slio has gained In weight From 84 to III Pounds and Is stronger ami in better health than e!io has been for years. The bunches under her anus have diminished, and wo bcllevo Hood's Sarsaparilla will bo too much for tliein lu time." J, J. Noucuoss K0 Com meiclal Street, Hoston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sol.1 by ilruAgUti. SI; six for 5. Prepared by 0. 1.1IOOU A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Man, tOO Dosos Ono Dollar WANTKD. IUeiiilts for the Artlllerv Servlcoof the United Mutes Army, iho conditions ol enlistment in tho ninij nro now unusually Invoruble, nnd a spec i il recruiting rendez'.os lias been etnl' lished in this city for the purpose of nllord ing the young men of this section mi op poitunlt' lor enlistment Appllenutsmust bo between tho uses ol 21 nnd SO years of ngo, nblo bodied, phjstcally sjnnd, nnd ublo to rend nnd writo the Knirllsh Inn. gunge. To nny one Intel ested u full expla nation will bo nllnrdcd by the lecruttlug officer, room 6, Kelinnt. o block, Kalem, Oregon. AL.V1N 1I.HYUKNIIAM, 0-JD-dw-tf 2d Lieutenant, 5th Artillery. PAHI'RT WKAVINQ. Mrs. Harrison, j one block west of end ol rnr track In ewPurk. All work wnrrunted. (M.7-01 ITiO 11 SALE, A horse, bupgy and har 1 ijcm. j-i quira nt Knusas iloiise, cor uer I'ourl nuil jilsh lreet4. CJ-!iiT 3t TTANTK1).-A good, fresh milk cow in 1 J eNchnngo tor onK wood. The Oro gon L,ii!d Company, U-'Jl-Htood WOOD. Ninety cords at S1.00 per cord JI. A. Smith Cloodnlo Lumber Ynrd. 0-20-lw, . JOHN HUGHES, Dealer iti Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, SALEM ! CELEBRATE AT THE CAPITAL! The citizens of Marion nnd surroundinc counties nre invited to spend their Fourth of July at Salem. There will be a three days CELEBRATION ! AND- MILITARY Of the Second Iteginieut Oregon National Guard Fourth includes the ENCAMPMENT The program for tho Ml AT NEW ADVKKTISEMENTS. J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAIA'TINO, KALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave onloro-J. Irwln',rear of Smith REED'S OPERA HOUSE, Thursday, Juno BOtli. EVENING AT 8 AXD A Grand Family anil School MATINEE AT 3 P. M. F.irewjU tour of the world renowned aud original lies. Gen'i T01I THUMB (COUNTESS MAGRI.) THE LILIPUTIANS In tho new pantonilinlcal ex travaganza "THE RIVALS," iuul"UulllernuniOB the Lilliputian," THK EUUOt'EAN UK1.KHHITIE". Kveiythlnc new this senson. Mrs. Opu'1 Tom 'thumb s conch uud xiulrg.theiiiunll I'stliithp worhl.Wlll hof'U t'.xhiblliou ilnlly. S-rieuls ou sale ut rutlou'd. 1 Industrial Parade to be ptjrtieipated in by all tho leading Business Houses aud Manufacturing Establishments of the Metropolis. There will also be a competitive Kire Drill, A HOSE CONTEST. AN ORATION BY LYDELL BAKER READING OF an IS DECLARATION 13 Y MISS JENNIE BOOTH, Anil all the other features necessary to n complete and enjoy uble Ct lebratiou of Independence Day. $3,000 $3,000 HIils Wanted. Illdn will be received mflll July 7th, for 1S.WW tleo, 8x8, mid 5ft llu long. V he right Is reurvid to reject iiuy and hII bids. O-'.T-dw-td bALEM il01X)H IIY.CO. Bids Wanted For 000 poles HO o"t long nnd 8 Inches at top, ui etdar and nr, uutll July 7.I1. Klcht Urwervcd to reject nny and all bldi, fi-WKlw.ta tillLKM MUXOIt V,UO, IIus been raised, and there is no doubt B'llcin will have Grandest (,'elebrallou in tho State. Let everybody come. League game of Rail between tho SpoUaue and Portland nine?. the Half Fare To Salem aud return from jail points on the Southern Pacific. Ohattle Mortgage Sale. NOTICK Is hereby irtten tint hy vlituo of four ccrtalncoplcs ol clmttlo mort Biujes duly lsmted out of tho county clcrkw olllooou thoaist iiuy of June, 1M)2, ouo In favor of Unwell it Co. and imnliiht Jaeolj A 1". J. Scliaibiicl: toecuro tho payment ol lilght Hundicd Uoll.irs, evidenced hy four cct lulu promissory notes ins nientloiipd In said mortKft'OHiiu thm there Isyot iinpili! on snld notes tho sum ot Two Handled Dollars nud Interest according to tho tenor ot the List two nolo-; thtieof. Unolufii Vorof ItUHM'll . Co, and ngaln.st Jacob it J'. J.ijcliurbuck to i-ceiire tho paj nient of Twenty Ono iiundrtd Dollars evidenced by tlneo eeitnln promissory notes as men tioned In Mild inuitaigo and that is yet unpaid on sild noits tho sum of seven Hundred nnd Ton nnd twenty-seven hun dredths Dollam ($7107), and lircrcst m cruliiK to the tenor of tho tlneo notts thoieof. One In huorot lluksoll t Co. and Ufiliist I'. J. Hchnrbnclt, t. llollonbuek nnd 1. K, Ilrunkey, to securotho payment ol Twcnty-l'hreo Hundred aud Klliy Dol lars, ovldenced by llvo pioinlssorj- notes 111 mentioned lu Mild inorlgaRC. and that thero Is yet unpalp on mid notes tho sum of Sixteen Hundred uud Sixty and tweu-ty-soven liundiudthsVollttrhtflfXiOl!?! ana Interest to the tenor ot said notes. Ono 111 favor of Kusxpll A Co. and nifalnxt 1', .1, uud .luko Bolinrback, to secure tho paj-nieiitolTwenlv-uno Hundred dollars, evi denced by three certain promissory nottu, us mentioned in said morti;.iKO, anil tliot there Is yet unpaid oil Mild uoies tho suiu of Seven llunuied uud Ten and twentj-t-even liunuiedlh dcilliiih (S7ln.'27), and In tel et lucordlim to tho tenor Unroof, with tho wrlttcu cndorKenit'lit of the said Itus sell & Lo. thereon upiolntlnn mo their us;enl and attorney In fnet ti) tako posse sion of tho properly therein described, nud sell thosamo at public! auction, 1 h,io tukcu possession in 11ml will bell at publlo auction on Wednesday, the Cth day of July, 1S'12, nt the hour of two o'clock p. 111. of Mild nay, at tho mill stto of Pcuarbaek, llolleuoaek it Co, about two miles east ol W'poduuru, In saldiounty, thy following described eronal property, as described lu said morttjiiE.es-, to-wlt: One medlii'i' doulile li. II- Saw il 111 coin pletols'o. 15.M, with la liuliu. r. llt-um tiAvr, aud XI inch toji saw, with (.Oleetten Inch lily belllnsr muuuf.ictured by Harse 1 it Co. Ouo water tank .Noa'J'J- One wood saw and belt No, 4, 1010 main belt 111) feel 7 iucb :J ply, Ono .o 3 iuMiissllllon ueiura tor Ku,Uu!tt truck and btackfiruud all tlio tlxtuics beloiiKlue tothesanio, Ono Ten by thirteen sell contaliud nglno and locomotive boilor. Two head of woilc oxeu 5 olios nud chtilns, Ouo 21In I'lmer t Matcher mudn by Drako at haleni, Ono No, 1 lAig truck made by Studb.iker ilLig, Co, II, H, CltOIH.W, Sheriff of Marlon County and ai;eiit for Russell a. Co, U-:)'-'i w dully Notice to Huilding and Decorat ing Contractors. jEALKl) bids will be received nttl 0 Go-- enior'solllceiu tbeStateCnn tol bull .. lng.Saletn, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m , s Tuesday, July C, 1002, lor rotnodllngnnd cliauglne tho Houso-of Itepiesunlntlvo" (for ncoustlo purposcv); also palntliiK and deeoralluir, to bo bid 11 separately, llotli lo be in accordance with plans, spccilhatlons and details now on exhibition nt tho stuto house, nd at tlio olllco of A' KKK . CltAIO.nichltcels, l.'UVi Klrsl. street, l'rstlnml, Onj;on. All bids must be dr wn ns required hv thospccltlcationa, "st-o jeuernl leinarks" Any old not so drawn will not bo cons d cred by the board. Uy order ol the lloaid SlnteCnp'.tol lluHd Ing t'ominlsslonei. HYhM'JsTEIt l'KNAOYE, (liveniw, OKU. W. MclJItlDI', see of State. 1'HIli. MKl'SUHAN, Ktato Treasurer. Wji. A. Munlv, Clerk of the Hoard. Illllft TfTI III! t UiyilBliiii m Sas and Oasolino nnvo fewer parts, and p ttinrolf ira hiDs 1 1tnlt. tn mil nut pforder than any other bus or casollno euglned now B'JIlt. Just lmht thu hurtirr. turn llni wlu-l. nti.1 lb runs oil day. HAKES NO SMELL OK DIRT. "tfo douola or falsa explosions, bo frequent with tho unreliable spark, Tot Simplicity It Hants tho "World. It Oils ltnolf Automatically, No Jlattorics or Eloctrlo Rpark. It runa wlth u Cheaper Grade of Oasollno than oar ether Euglne, mn DFicmrrivE cincuLAns apply to PALMER & REY, Manufacturers, San Francisco, Cal. and PorUamJ, Cr. m. .rei3isM'j ' j r-a n is waipoH leuan wju xi- 14 m $ am feyrtrr - rfimi 1 " - "T" ' - 'ti . vfA. (!fJTOWf f-lrfR srV-vTJK fiSaw s; .TrnTniTri tn-."i Lrtitai rrticruo BEST SWITH fttCTRO- hj MAuntiw UUSrtNDllill. M - wsm VilUufo AT U toot Mt'Jkla tit e.tki-rii icicles '"-fl 1.... 111.,,.. .tnn.tl... IU,.. If--. t.l.llljf imsUIuti. ra bkt Jntxcigo, iclitle, (iutj 1 i-nww, , .J to.Tti!l6ttc:fJttit cibiUfti Wri4rjv( tiyrtma)M ., ,tI llAtl.APa r.1iHitlniiiiSt I, iiii.rilf.llirtll' f M wcwdrci tu.VtriU5,o(.4i, tniwil curt :UfV t ! iBTTCIiol. n,t!M l kr TritH-IIri' Kill I. ' V ', ilnfJbdnjTortMiliaMj'iiifu IH.1 miir". . t ii f-ofiAnTai lu-uoun tui'lkiv irui ei.u 4 fTt,iWoa i tr oilt I ! n, MKV VIT J 1 ! r ' IlfHh4lloc.llnlnvll.t.lrtsr1;'.tlnl(A',; , 1 j .n m -m j i5-Y-'r if :' ' . ai s .".