"Wpw aBr!,W "ff :f .1 a EVENING CAPITAL" JOURNAL. i. u I - VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUSTE 29, 1892. urn TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 1S t $ ? Cfk !. M) , I ill lull, im J 'TOL 98 State Street ritOVKSdlOXAL CA11IVH. We toll you of some special bargains this week that arc worth looking into. ' For instance: Photograph Albums 75 to 12 00 Family Bibles , $2 00 to 10 00 Oxford Bibles 75c to $15 00 Testaments 10c to 2 50 Wo invite you all to call and see these goods, whether you wish to purchase or not, as we "will take special pains in showing these to you. aJgJm 3MCC 3?".. :iEJlLfcisX"0!BJr. -PLEASANT- r I I " l n You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street curs and city water. "Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on r WW ilia One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. !L -SUCCESSORS TO Mclntire. WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR- 003SMC3P2Sr3EaSSSB13 EAST. staple m nm "sr mam, At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. ;ggjaT03aHPWjagajiiajitKg&ssMftTagggc H. OLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN, Georgia Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc, MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Renr of 200 Commercial Street, Sulem, Oregon. NAILS! LOCKS! HINGES! . BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT BaJT 4 POM , EliffllbgriiDd Tinners,, J 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden How and wu Bprlnk e. A complete lino of Stoves and Tinware, Tm moling and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Burnished. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. Ml are invited to call at 143 Court street ami look at all the late rmttdniH In Wall Paner aud cot pric a for stnno on the wall. riliLTO PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging. Kalsomlning. Wall Tinting, etc. Vanitohhund Natural Wood Finish. Only FIiwhsIu'h Vr I. fc. W. Humeinber the place, 143 Court Street. FOUND The place to get a. Saddle horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hny, a f;n Ao1 nv rrnnfl well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. Salem Track i Dray Go. isSSfp ( iico State St., opposite Sa lem Iron works. Dray and trade may be fouud.throughout the day at Ha corner of State and Commen'Inl streets. a.F. DRAKE, Propr " T. G. PWKW8, Q-gSlHd-t" SALEM IRON -WORKS, w . ... - OREGON. Purlll et and fteeU. Farm machinery tnmlt ai.a repaired. " " " T S. BURROUGHS. C. N. CHURCHILL. cnuRcniLL & vmuiovGiis, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKEKS. 100 Chemeketa Stieet. Sasti and Door Factory Fronts Street, Saiern, Oregon. The best class of work in our line .at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. GET THE JAM. LAWNIViOWER lit Thvco Sixes. ALSO AiST IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY 8TS., SALEM, OREGON. flhnupp UilUlirC Ed. C. Cross, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, ?S$S2HSSJ ss?w'j t&n mw? Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. Oo Court ami 310 State Streets. LUI.IL1UU1 w mii'iM' ! wi mamaMBUiwmaKaBu9MRS3n?mv uhss. Smith, -SUCCESSOR TO- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE ,A SPEOIALTY- Contractors and builders can find here every article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. UPERIOft STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you well. fiLJtafi-Aai-K- uS.&ras-JH- -- -at.JB-3 ilw T,MM'iBMwwt ; t'TITT'lllf J '" PENSIONS D.C.SHERMAN, U.S. Pension and Claim agent. I'.O Box SSI. Salem, Oiegon. JJepuiy u-iuci CIert- Vrlte lor niaiiKh. vt DUGAN BROS' 1 IT J f 1 . lfanaueauDffio., Wholesale and.rctull dealtrs in STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. iU Co m raerclal street. Telephone No. SI For Sale. nu-nn l,o i MnrlVi Mntttin nil ftfTPf't CUT line, wlfco 21 acre Irult luud about 3$ nitM ,...t r.r Cnlatrt Pilll lltl (J. D. (UlUEIELSO.y, State Insurance Office Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. lmENTH, Mannjjtr. loclc Box 1210, Seattle, Wnnh lireeders orrhoroughhred 1'oultry offol- .ottlug vuilntli-s: AC, White Leghorns, H. C. Iirown Leg horn While l'lymouth Itockii, Harrtd flymouth Ilockt, J'lt Oam(, Hlnck iJsng shams. Light: HrahajnaH, IlurTfochlne, rnrtridgeCicuiu, iirouie iuic. nd lor Circular ana rnce wv. While's No. 60, BALEM'S FINEST TItUCIC, Now ready lot builutw. (jafl'J 248 Conmiurclal Htreet. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Sobscribed, $200,000 Transact a K!nral hunhlof; Unblown In all Its hrancheH. (3EO. WILLIAMS l'rckldoii Wis. KM(JLANl) ..-.Vlce j-renmeiu HUGH WfNAHY UaHhler DIUKCTORH: Geo. Wllllainii. Win. Knt land. J)r. J. A. Ulchardhon, J. W. llodson. J. A. IlaUcr. . . JUnklu ntw Kxchauge wock on win rnerolal Btreet. HrlMI Authorized Cupilal ?500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon. W .A.OIHICK. I'eti. W. W. MAHTIN, Vleo l'res. J. II. ALHKKT. Ouiulcr. State, County and City Warrunta tiouBht at l'ar. de MONEY TO LOAN. hperlal InilucemrnU for the uext 80 dayn on Kood farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Itoom II, Uuth liauk Mock. 6 jMw IMI'JIOVKU OltDEIl OK HKI) MKN. I Kamlakun TrlhaWo.8, halem. HolcU council every Uiurday evening, ut 70. Wigwam lu Mate InHuruuce hall. K. O. HAKKll, 1'ropUet. I'll Mi K P. WATKIW, Chief of Itocord. J. M, Needham, nOUSE PAINTING, KALSO- MINING, PAPER IIANUINO, NATURAL WOOD PINISHINO. Leave order J. Ii wla',!rear of biulih Humeri drug store. J j. sua w, M. v. HUNT. HIIAW A . HUNT, attorneys at law. UIHcoovcr Capital National bank, Ualem, Oregon. GEO. II. BUftNBTT, Attorney nt law, Salem, Oregon. Ollloo over Ladd . Jiush's bank. 1 T. UICllAUDSON, Attorney at Inw, ). office up Ktatra In front rooms of new nah block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Siilom, Oregon. JOHN A. CAHSON, Attorney nt law. Hoom83and4, L-utd .u liush'H btuk building, Salem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr It. K. ltONUAM. Y. II. HOLM ES. Boniiam & Holmes, Attorneys nt lw. Odlce In Hinh'K block, between State and Court, on (Xim'lHt. rnlLMON FOUU. attorney nt law, Saltm, J. Oirgon. OUlco up-stalw In l'atton's block. BH. llUADailAW, 1'HY.SICIAN AND . Burgeon, alem, Oregon, oillce In hklrUlge block, upstairs over Wllllann A Enclaud's bank Hesldenco corner btato aud 8. E. corner vt Inter street. T II. YOUNU, M. D.. OIllco formerly VV . occupied by Dr. Howlaud, corner Court nnd Liberty streets. Telephone No. 15. Office heurs: 8 a. in. to 12: '2 to t p. m., and 7 to Up. m. Hesldeure nth street on electric car lino. Telephone No. 1), MCAFEE A 11H00K8, 1'hyslol'un and Burgeon, Murphy blwk, up stalls, Commercial street, Halem, Or. H. W. S. MOIT, phylclnn nnd stir koou. Oflleo In Eldrldo HIouK. ."a- em.Oreguu. Office hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to i p. m. EH.l'lIlLim001v,.M.H.,llomeop.Uhlst, . Olllco 155 Court ht i eet j Ucaldouco 317 High ktrett. Oei.eral practice, tpotial attention given to dlbcaseis of Women aud children. D H. MINTA H. A. DAVIH. Office hours 9 a. m. tolln iu.:n. m. to 5 i. m Day or night calls promptly nttiinluA to .Special attention given loillsei-es of wom en and children. Ollli'u In jNuw Hiuk lilk.. .iO.) ComiiiereI.il stieet. Hesldenco Mime. DU. T. C. SMITH, l)cntlst,U2 aUlto street, Halem, Or. Flnlhcd dental opera Hon of everydescilptlou. Falnlerfs opera tlonsaspcclnlty. T U.l'UOH, Architect, Plans, Spec! W . neatlous and biipeiinteuilence lor all clashes of buildings. Oflleo 2)0 Com mercial St , up Malrs, c. A. ItUllUMT, Architect, ioom421, Mar quam building, 1'orUnud, Oregon. HUSINKS OAltUH. KOKYE A M ILLS, Proprietors t ho Porco lain llithaudHhavingPiirloid, Have tue only 1'orcelalu Itath Tabs In the city, iri Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. 4J5. HMITH A CO., Contractors, Hewer , Ine, Cement Hlilcwalks, Exc ivatlug, : All work promptly done, ijalein.Or. Leave ordeis with Duzau ilios, 4:IC-lm O J.LAUSENACO,, fllanumcturo of all L . kludsofvohleb'S. Hcpali lug a special ty, hbop "15 Stale Blieet, CAltPET-LAYING. 1 make a specially oi cupotsewlng and laying; oiipetK taken upnnd relaid with gi eat utre. Phado audturbiln polo hanging. Leave onl.-it with J, 11. Lunu, lhiieu A Son or Whlto Corner. J. U.LUHHMA..1. OHN KNH3HT, UlaeV smith. Horse t) shoelngnndrcpali'niisneclaUy. Hhoj. at the loot ot Liberty slioet, S.ilcm, Or ton, kwif For Sal n UIWi of good land, !0 acres nnuir lenee, wuu QOH AM-nr 'J-J rjl v0,.,,,,,1 (jilln nmlli'iiiFu, balance timber, will h-11 all or tmil, cheap. on runou.ible teim. J.U11H wahwkh, saioin.or. I. O. llox 220. (MS-tMlw Capital City Itetairat Jas. Balchelor, Prop'r. Warm Mcak at All Hours ol die Day None but whlto labor nmnloyed In thl establishment. A good subtluntlal me.il o " ked In first, class style. Tweniy-rlve cents per meal, R 13 K R O N T !npi strrmt,- between O, en .House ant) 'Ml.lto'H LHr THE iWILLAMETTE, SALEM, OltJSQOX. Hates, $2.50 tol&.OO per Day. The best hotel bHwcj u l'ortland adHan Francisco. Fimt-tlasi 111 nil Its appoint ments. Its tnbleH are htrved wlin the Choicest Fruits Grown In the Wlllarnello Valley. A, I. WAGNER, Prop. fflmi W JAPAKEK O M IU C BrxtK rwiiauz. CURB A new and C mptiL- Jnaiment, coimlKl Ingof suppoiltoiles, nliitnieut In cajiiiUlei, also a Imix and pills; n ikmIUvh euro lot ex ternal, lulerual, blind or blceilliig, Itching chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, und many other diseases ami leinale wo'ik liOMhes; It Is always u tTvat buuellt lo Ihu geneial health 'Jim first ilUuivcry ol u iiiedlc.il cure icudertug an operation wllh the kuiru unuerussHi'y liurcalter. ThU remedy has never been kauwn to fall, 1 per box Oiotfj; ieut by mall, Why Miller Irom this terrible dli ise when n written guarantee U given withUboxos, to itfuud tho money II not cured Mind stamp for free sample. UuariMitee IssueU by Wooiiakh, Claiikk A Co., wholesale and retail drug gists, sole agents, Portland, Or. 6 i-l-Uw J. H. HAAS, THE WATCIOEAKElt, 2!SKComrsrclalSt,, fctlem, Oregon, (Next door U Klein's.) Hmk:UII ol WrcUcles, auil repilrltiy C;ocl. Vi aUihui and Jnwitlry E. O. OltOSS, and Packer Htate HI. and Court Ht. The best meat delivered to all part of the city, K. K.JHEALJL, Paper Hangerand Decorator, oroce at cut. ul 'ens iiiniouery store, Halew, Ofr;ou, THE SERMON IN STONE. Geologists say, hi tho treasure vault of the old earth far away, In mine of gold nnd strata of rock, Shut In by no koy nor fastened by lock. Are historic written of every age, from tho world's first sunlit day. That pictures of flowers and shells nnd wings, atiil of things uncouth and great. From drops of rain to mastodon's tread, , Aro printed lero In petrified bed, And even tho slant of tho rain you 11 ml In thl.i huge old book of fato. How HKo to tho mcm'ry of man Is this that the hand of Time has traced; Tho deeds of ilfo are photographed tlicro. From baby tears to tho dying praj er, tndellbly ptcturid, for weal or woe, andean never bo offaccd, 1 ho Muster will take, from tho mcm'ry vault tho laj era of llfo to see If stamp of good or oll bo there, If d.xrk and foul, or happy and fair, As history pro c It. for good or 111, the fato of that soul will be. Margaret A. Oldham lu Kato Flold's Wash ington. Sea Serpents llrcntuu Air. Liko nil other serpents, tho sea serpents, though permanently inhab iting tho sea, aro air breathers. Tho lntoral flattening of their tails great ly helps them to swim in any direc tion, and it specially enables them to riso rapidly to tho surfaco of tho wa tor to breatho. That thoy may do this tho moro easily nnd securely their nostrils aro placed at tho vory end of tho muzzlo, nnd aro furnished with valves, which secure them from being entered by tho water in which thoy live. Uulilco other snakes, thoy cast their skins in small pieces. Their oyes are not adapted to seo well out of water, and thus thoy cannot whou in tho air take a good aim to bito. Thoy feed on small fishes, which thoy paralyzo by means of thoir poi son, and thus thoy havo nothing to fear from tho spines of tho fishes thoy oat. Quarterly Roviow. What Surprlted Him. Tho bishop of Exotor writes that many years ago while trout fishing ho lost his watch nnd chain, which ho supposed had boon pulled from his pockot by tho bough of a treo. Somo timo afterward, being in tho samo neighborhood, ho took a stroll by tho sido of tho rivor and camo to tho samo secluded spot whoro ho sup posed ho had lost his valuables. To his surpriso nnd delight ho found them under n bush. This nnecdoto caused much amuse ment to tho company in which it was rolated, nnd this amusement was added to by tho bishop's son, who in quired whether tho watch was going when it was found. "No," replied tho bishop. "Tho wonder was that it was not gono." To Preserve ISggs. A wholesale dealer in eggs gives tho following receipt for preserving them frosh for an indefinite) period. It is as follows; To each pailful of water add two pints of fresh slacked limo nnd ono pint of common tablo salt This should bo well mixed and poured into a bniTcl until it is half full of tho fluid. Tho eggs to bo preserved should bo put down in tho mixture It is said thnt thoy will romam fresh for two years or longer if desired, caro boing taken to keep thorn woll covered nnd to replenish tho fluid if it should bo depleted by evaporation. Now York Herald. Needles J Anxiety. Dr. Klein, n woll known Berlin pliysiciun, whoso placidity of tom porament had ;v most beneficial effect upon his pationts, was called in to seo a young lndy, who throw herself at his feet with tears in her oyes nnd exclaimed: "Doctor I I entreat you, pnvo mot Help mo I I havo acci dentally swallowed h needle." "Hum, hum!" said Klein. "But, my dear child, don't got so excited I Do you really want tho neodlo so vory badly?" Rignischo Zcitung. A Voracious Monster. Tho most voracious of all marino boasts of prey is tho orcn or Idllor whale. It reaches a length of twon-ty-fivo foot, and its jaws bristlo with teeth from four to six inches long and fis shnrp as a dirk knifo. Its digesti vo power is proportioned to tho tremen dous efficacy of its jaws. It seems also to bo nn atrocious glutton, as ono specimen examined contained in its htomach thirteen porpoiKes and fourteen seals. Ban Francisco Chron icle Takes All of Ills Money, Blinkers Why is it your friond Winkers is always down at Uio heel? Does ho lose his monoy on horso races? . Dinkors Ho novor hots on a horso race. Uo loses his monoy on tno human race. "Eh?" "Ho has nino children." Ex change, Soma Show There. A prominent man was chaffing a certain town councilor tho othor day alxnit tho doings of tho council, und fcuid, "I'd boonorput up as a can didate for a lunatic asylum than put no for tho town council." "Well, you'd Btand a much bettor clianco of getting in," dryly respond ed tho town councilor. London Tit Bits. , T.I til uro fur Measure. Two gentlemen in this county ninr ried each other's diiter, aud now thoy havo nine children each. Ono fnin ily law two girls and seven Iwys, and tho other family has two boys and bovon girls -Dawson (Pa.) Nowb. EvoryLody knows vliut it , and that Is the rcu-son they go to lid lenbniid'ri for Hint juirejlce crmut KHla, O B. Pay the Price of t Royal for Royal onl Actual tests show the Royal Baking oruu lu uc isy pur cent, stroncrer than any other brand on the market. If an-1 other baking powder is forced upon you by the grocer, see that you are charged the correspondingly lower price. Night Air. Ono of tho bugbears of oldtimo pooplo is night air, nnd thoro is littlo oxnggeration in saying that tho superstition ngainst night nir has killed moro pcoplo than tho freo circulation of it has ovor injured. Thoro is nbundanco of proof thnt night nir is injurious to no ono. On tho contrary, pooplo who Bleop out doors under tho moro protection ofi a tent nro tho healthiest of all pooplo, and tho practico has largely gained in popularity of lato years, undor widor knowledgo of hygiono, for pooplo in delicate health to go in camping parties and breatho tho bal sam of tho night air. Tho vigor gained from a fow weeks of such nn outing is a marked proof that tho old projudico against night air is as foolish as most other old wives' whims. Don vor Sun. The Pioneer Driver or IS 13. Henry Howitt, of Wheatland, a pioneer of 1813, claims tho honor of having driven tho first wagon down tho western slopo of tho Bluo moun tains, nnd tho second that reached Tho Dalles. It wan in November of thnt year, tho exact date ho does not romombcr, but thoy readied Oregon City on tho 8th. Portland Orego-nian. Hunger In Hot Waste l'lpes. Doctors maintain that no moro fa- vorablo medium for tho culturo of micro-organisms can bo found than warm sowago. Cases aro cited in which hot wator nnd steam intro duced into old cesspools havo result ed in nn epidemic of diphtheria. Now York Times. Rook Hewn Caves as Homes. Mr. J. Hoskyns Abrahall relates that when visiting Monte Vulturo, and whilo n guest of Signor Bozza, at Barili, having oxpressed surpriso at learning tho number of inhabitants in tho place,-his host told him that tho poor lived in caves hollowed out of tho sido of tho mountain, and took him into ono of tho rock hown dwell ings; and ho accounts for their ex istence by tho facility with which thoy aro formed. W. H. Larabco in Popular Scionco Monthly, How Illllousuess Is Cuied. On tho eastern shoro of Mnryland biliousness is cured by boring throo holes in a carefully Bolocted treo and walking thrco times nround it, say ing, "Go away, bilious." Itisamat ter of utmost importanco whothcr tho ono who porfonns tho spoil walks with tho sun or against tho sun, but no ono lenows which is tho approved direction. -Kansas City Journal. Tho New Antltobucco Law. Shoolmastor (to urchin sporting n cigar in thostroot) What! you littlo rascal, you smoko? ' Lad Plcnso, sir, I am not smok ing; I nm only keeping tho cigar alight for ray brothor, who has just Btopped into tho bank. Charivari. A Vlllago of Ilock Cut Caves. Tho rock cut villago of Gh'mrasson in tho Ourghemma, southern Tunis, consists of rows of snug family dwell ings closo to ench other, hollowed out of tho sido of a cliff, tho top of which at an overhanging point is crowned by tho remains of ( a small mosque, W. II. Larrabeo in Popu lar Bcieuco Mouthly. Handicapped. Fatnor now can you expect to marry this young man when ho has done nothing so far to show that ho can support you? Daughter But you must romom bcr, father, that ho hns bceu em ployed tho best part of his lifo in learning to tio his own neckties. Cloak Roviow. Austrullnii Money 111 Lngluiid. Tho largo proportion of Australian sovereigns and half sovereigns in cir culation in this country is explained by Fho activity of tho Australian mintfl. Tho mint in Mclbourao alone lias, sineo its establishment, barely twonty-two years ago, turned out moro than 45,000,000 of sovereigns and considerably moro than BOO.OOO of half sovereigns. London Tit-Bite. A Natural bheot of Taper. Lafayette Knight, of Camoa Prai rio, has a romarkablo curiosity a shoot of paior inodo from nature's loom, it was rounu in an open ecmn in n tamarack troo. It la as soft and velvety as a baby's skin and rosom bios wood pulp in appearanco. Tho shoot is fully a foot wido and, two feet long. East Oregouian. When Snakes Sleep. As a rulo venomous snakes sloop by day and wandor abroad in tho shades of oveniug to seek food or drink or meet their mates in Uiowoodpath. During tho day rach will bo found in his peculiar habitat coilod up in soma rotinxl spot, when) tho feet of in or beasts aro uot wont to disturb. Cincinnati Coouneroiiil Gaaette, lioforo Starting on a Josi A Derson usually desires tn mln formation ns lo the most desirable i take, and will purchase tickets via tin luaiwmnuora mm the quickest and service, lioforo starting on a trip to cago or any nulnt Kast. vou should twtt yourself with a map and time tablo of. Wisconsin central Lino. Tbe train : on tins route aro vestibule andareeaUH with Pullman's latest Drawing? Knnmtf crs. elegant Uav Coaches nnd IMnlntr of latest design , built expressly tor thts 9 view, imu nro exqiiisiio in inrriisuiDjnc ; convenient nnd comfortable In ainM mont and so romnlote In evcrv dutnll t they havo no superior In eorafort and ganee. i no anting car service is pro j eeu uy nu me mosv elegant ever ma ated, nnd Is operated In the lnteieet Datrons. n i.. . Fast trains via the Wisconsin C Lines leave Minneapolis dnllv at 12-41 nnd 0:25 p m., and t. I'aul nt l:i pH uuui:i9i, m., limiting iuvoraoio com uouwiinmi irams irom mo west couinnesi. For tickets, maps, pamphlets and - imormauon apply lo u, r. mcjncui, huu i. a,, -Minneapolis, junn., nnu.t O. fond, General ilissenger und 1 AUUl, UIllCUZO, 111. 1-1 Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Stnto of I eon for tue uoimly ol Jlarlon. James Shirley, plalutlir, vs. iV, IJ IlOUSOIl.U. K. liOGBOn.J. w.nonw lltllu Ilodson, lllauohe Hodson. Lavt AlcUormlok. W. II. McOormlok, B.J. 1 iiMHUin, vt. v. i)iiuni;iou,w.i.iioa Kllu Hodson, 1). 1'. Thompson, and -llrey, delendouts. To A. U. Ilrcy, the dofendant above nan In t he name of the utnte or Ureson. are heieby required to uppear ana nnsv tbe comnlalnl filed nuainst vou In I above entitled suit, on or b?loro the Monday in June, 1SIU, to-WlU June 1J.1S tho sumo belnir the llrst day of the ne term of tho ubovo entitled court, a yuu fail so to answer lor want there plniutln w HI apply to tho court for the ilef demanded thoroln, to-wlt: 'A Jud meuiaeaiusi aeicnuauui, A. li. noai uuu v.. a'4. uuuauii tui tun niiiii ui ciw. v. eather with interest thereon at the rate I ten per cent, per annum Irom November v, irm. less vuu loiiowintr pay inenui inereoii. teiwit: shu JNovembcr u, iss.1; 5 at) JNoves berU, itttl; WO August 20, :iHl: Siftt July.a iha.: iku.ou uecemner w, ituvv vqu:aui .11 IK.K1C S4T.!MnK 1(011. (.Ml (InlnltKr H.T also that plamtlli' have Judgment nuali ui.IH ricfAnilnttlu tr,,. ftlROua uttnrniiT'H n. In this suit, and that plaintiff have Ju luuuniK.iiunihiuu ueieiHiaiusior an anu uisuurseuionts or tuts suit, fse a decree for the foreclosure and vale an you und all of the ubove named Qefi nuis, 01 me moriyago pioperiy mentu In plalntllla' complaint, lo-wlt. Tho tlonal w K. a, being the X. 14 of the S. : v.,v; M. and tho fructlohal W. of lh w. ;. ui seebiou ou, t. o, e. u. a w ., w. a., cept 10 acres oil of the east Hide ot the U tlonal w. H of the w. H of tbe s. w. U. seotlon !I0 In the form of a paroIellogrMa, , extondluu across said 'land. Tnere betas' In all of this conveyance 151.01 acres of laft ii ioi no. a ueeuea wj; iu oi saiu iuiiu siiuawni' In Alurlon county. State of Orenou. By tbA sherlll of Marlon county, Oregon, aeoor., lug to law aud me practico oi this courts that tho proceeds ot Bald sale may, be ap Piled tn payment ol the amount due to be plalullir, and that bald defondanutBA each of theui. und all porsonsolalmius; an dcr them.uud each of them.or any of them. subscqudut to suld morleiiguou Btildpreov lses. either us purchasers, lucuinbritueetst or otherwise may be burred nnd foreclosed , j lu tho said premises aud every part thereef: H und that tho plalutltl'may have Judgment W and execullou airnlnkt the said defendaaw U. K. lloduou and A. I. Hodson lor uny d llcteccy which may remain alter applying all the proceeds of tho sale of said premutM properly appllcablo to the satisfaction Of suld Judgment. Third, that tho ptalnUUxV or uny other party to tho suit, may becoia a nurchnsserutsnldsale. that the sheriff exoculo u certlUeate ot Bale to the purebM- s ur uuu umv itiu niiu iiuiuuiwcr iiq iwi. uiw pohscsslou of the tuttu promises produoUoa of tlie slierlil's certllluato of sale thereof, and that at the expiration of tho time w redemnllon. that the sherlll' execute ss deed to tho purchaser of suld preutlMiC ' j utiloss redeemed us required by law; thai., inu niuinuii muv nuvosucu oiuor una nu .-w ther relief In tho premises as to this oottl may seem meet anu equiuiuio. iou w: furtbor take notice that this summons served on sou by publication in tbe Oaj. tax. Jouiinai., of Halem, Marlon county, ' J...aa.. ,...., ah nf linn I. If lli u. It.rtA ' UtVUUU. WJf .IIU6. V UU. W ..IVWVlJHHf fW of the abovo entitled court, inada ot Ohuv-,J k.mad n klnlain (Lliirlnri Anmiiu Onurok iiS UVtO lV twi" w vvMMkJ a uinms Anrll '2l.HU2. nrderlnif and rdlrectlliir thALi BAia Hummona bepubllMbed tUorolaonoe; WWK JUr PU WUKOUUUVO WtWAK . ( KV, i3l 4.iVaMV w uuannfi loss 17K acres oir of lot Mo. John Wittriuneni Oitntlon. In tbe County Court, for theConhty of 1 non,oiaioui ureguu. In the matter of estntoofl ,,,,., Kvtllno Cox, deceased wmmuhi. To all (ho heirs of said decedent, ki or unknown, UKKhrl'INU: I n tho name of the Utute of Oresou. are hereby cited and required to appear tno oouniy courioi mo mine oi ureaou. tue county or Marion on monuay, im ...n. I.. I., fb.1, ... 1.1 nlfllnfll. I.. l.n noon of that day, then and there lo ?i cause, it uny mere Down) im oruer sil ihu uo uiauoamuurizinirunu dnipoww tho admlnlslrulurof said estate to s41 real pro)ieriy belonging to said i wlili'ii la described us follows to-wlt! U.K. ill unit 11 lu block No. tt as shown the amended pint of Capital tltrk addlUM . to the City ot Saloia In Marlou VobOV'M uregou, W Itne, tho Hon. T. 1.. Davidson. J oi me oouniy eouri.oi uiuniaieoiu. for tint ('nu til v of Marlon Willi thu i said court utllx, this litli day of June, Alle.t: 1). U. hlfbltMAN. Clai Uy I'llANK Y. WATUIM, Deputy. ISKAL.J Nolico to Teacher. The Oountr H.ioerlntenrtent of I will hold the retailor monthly teacher's InstlttUe, as required by law. 1110 jvidDuiriu seuooi uunuiug, eutuH lu if July llth und ooutliiKu two w Hixolttl ihttruitur haohen eniiad the vurlous brooches aud all teuelMtmi ; tbooiuuiy areexpecitJUinauena Hf. slKt In tno workortuo lu.iiiuie. ' ,v Urine text books on all subjenU, vy& J, H. (IKAKAJI. .... rMnn lima OR IttllA ' ' PtIOU U(lhVUUMUU W 1W Burton Bi HTATK KTiliMT BRICK YAI 1at Mock ot eawMiaa Hrtak nnu. rrNMiwi aua atu inane hi or r, liUVM n.-rfttiM SLt tl- MaIb. ftj lnAitLiii. M. l. kJDl ' "- ...... 1 I y??"Tll rT!?." w i - yar ut'tT '"."V! rwWi "J J f-1 1 . t .11 i -.1 Q n . Vj .U-. f&Aua J n