Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 27, 1892, Image 4

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can look into his face, nml ns my bcart to tho rnrfaco than they lifted a shout
beats in sympathy for this, tho best I of exultation, but tho cablo nlippcd back
friend tho world ever had, himself now , ngain into tho water and was lost. Then
'llliPl wm iks ssssw vfi
- --- i
27m; Genuine HAMBURG TEA iaputvv in YELLOW WRAPPERS
vrtlh Facsimile Signature of EMIL FRESE.
ntterly friendless, an offlecrof tho court
room conies np and smites him in the
month, nml I seo tho blood stealing from
gum and lip. Oh! it was a farco of n
trial, lasting only perhaps an hour, and
then tho judge rises for sentence Stop!
It Is nirainst tho law to fcivo sentenco
for two weoks moro tboy swept tho sea
with tho grai-pllng hooks, and at Inst
they found tiiocablo and they brought
It up hi s. jnce. They fastened it this
thr.o. T" n with great excitement they
took ow end of tho cablo to tho Hoc-
hiclan'a room to seo if thero wero really
The Popular Trencher la Cordially ISe
colvcd In England He Adrtn-sse nn
Immense Congrpgntlcm In London The
Cost of Our Mnnstnn In Ileal en.
knlleor gun or pistol. It was tliero
that Jesus went to think and to pray,
nml 51 w.is tlipro that this monster of
........ -- - - 1 ..... . .. , . I. il.i.-l
PRICE hell moro sly, more terrific than uny-1 justice mai may nave oeen umicieu i.u
thing that prowled in that country i us in tins worm we nave n uivino sym-
satau himself, met Christ. pathizer. Tho world cannot lio about
Tho roso in the cheek of Christ that you nor abuo you as much as they did
Publius Lentullus. in his letter to tho Christ, and Jesus stands toIay in every
unless there has been an adjournment of ; any life in it, and when they saw a spark
tho court between condemnation and ( and knew that a message conld bo rent, I
sentence: but what cares tho judge for j then every lint was lifted, nnd tho rockets
tho law? "Tho man has no friends let j Hew, and tho guns Founded, until all the
vessel? ou tho expedition knew tho work
was done and tho continents were lushed t
together. 1 i
Well, my friends, Sabbath after iib- J
bath Gospel messtngera liavo come I
searching down for your souls. Wo j
have swept tho sea with tho grappling j
hook of Christ's Gospel. Again and i
him die." says tho judge: and tho ruf
fians ontsido tho rail cry "Aha! nha!
that's what wo want! Pass him out
hero to ns! Away with him! Away
with him!"
Oh! I blew God that amid ull tho in-
LoxDO-t, Juno 20. An enormous au
dience greeted Dr. Tnlmago in this city
today, composed of people who had come
from all parts of tho British metropolis
to hear the famous American peacher.
His reception in England has btcn most
enthusiastic. Alany letters wen- await
ing him from different cities eagerly
pleading for n visit. The doc;or will
have to preach five or six times n wc k if
ho accepts even a small pcrccntn;;eof the
urgent invitations already sent to him.
He is very much gratified by tho extreme
cordiality of his reception. Dr. Talmage
entitles his sermon "The Immcn. eCont,
from tho text, I Corinthians vi. 20. "Ye
aro bought with n pnee."
Your friend takes yon through his
valuable house. You examino tho
arches, tho frescoes, the grassplots, the
fishponds, tho conservatories, the parks
of deer, and you say within yourself or
you say aloud, "What did all this
cost?' You seo a costly diamond flash
ing in an earring, or you hear a costly
dress rustling across tho drawing room,
or yon see a high mettled span f horses
harnessed with silver nudgohl, ami you
begin to make an estimate of the value.
Tho man who owns a largo estate can
not instantly tell you nil it is worth, fie
says, "I will estimate so much for the
house, so much for the furniture, bo
much for laying out tho gro mils, so
much for tho stock, so much for tho
bam, so much for tho equipage adding
up in nil making this aggregate."
Well, my friends, I hear so much
about our mansion in heaven, about its
furniture and tho grand sunouudings,
that I want to know how much it is all
worth and what has actually boon paid
for it. I cannot complete in a month i
nor a year tho magnificent calculation, I
but beforo I get through today 1 hope to
give you tho figures. "Yo aro bought
with a price.' I
With somo friends I went to your
Tower to look at the crown jewels. Wo ,
walked around, cnucht ono climnso of
them, and being in tho procession wero Iem and to tho top of tho temple.
compelled to pass out. I wish that I
conld take this audience into tho tower
of God's mercy and strength, that you
might walk around just once at least,
and seo the crown jewels of eternity,
behold their brillianco and estimate
their value. "Yo aro bought with a
Now if you havo a largo amount of
monoy to pay, you do not pa)- it all at
once, but you pay it by installments so
much tho first of January, so much tho
first of April, so much tho first of July,
so much tho first of October, until tho
entire amount is paid, and I havo to tell
this nudienco that "you havo been
bought with a price," and that that
price was paid in different installments.
Tho first installment paid for tho
clearanco of our souls was tho igno
minious birth of Christ in Bethlehem.
Though wo may never bo carefully
looked after afterward, our advent into
tho world is carefully guarded. We
como into tho world amid kindly at
tentions. Privacy and silenco aro nf
forded when God launches nn immortal
soul into tho world. Even tho roughest
of men know enough to stand back.
But I havo to tell you that in tho vil
lago on tho sido of tho hill 'thero was n
very bedlam of uproar when Jesus was
In a village capablo of accommodating
only a few hundred peoplo many thou
sand people wero crowded, nnd amid
hostlers and muloteers nnd camol driv
ers yelling at stupid beasts of bunion
tho Messiah appeared. No silence. No
privacy. A hotter adapted plaeo hath
tho eaglet in tho oyrio hath tho whelp
in tho lion's lair. Tho cxilo of heaven
lieth down upon straw. Tho first night
out from the palaco of heaven spout in
nn outhouso! Ono honr after lnyiug
asido tho robes of heaven, dressed in a
wrapper of coarse linen. Ono would
havo supposed that Christ would havo
maclo n moro gradual descont, coming
from heaven first to a half wny world of
great magnitudo, then to Crosar's pal
ace, thon to n merchant's castlo in Gall
loo, then to n private homo in Bethany,
thon to n fisherman's hut, nnd last of all
to a stable. Not It was 0110 leap from
tho top to tho bottom.
Lot us open tho door of tho caravan
sary in Bothlehom and drivo away tho
camels. Pross on through tho group of
ldlors nnd loungers. What, oh, Mary!
no light? "No light," sho Bays, "savo
that which comos through tho door."
What, Mary I no food? "None," bIio
Bays, "only thnt which was brought in
tho sack on tho journoy," Lot tho Both
lehom woman who has como in hero
with kindly attentions put back tho cov
ering from tho babo that wo may look
upon it. Look! Look! Uncover your
head. Lot uh kneel. Lot nil voices bo
hushed. Son of Mary! Son of God!
Child of n day monarch of eternity!
In thnt oyo tho glanco of a God. Om
nipotence sheathed in that babu'n arm.
That voico to be changod from tho feo
bio plaint to tho touo that shall wake
tho doad. Hosannn! Hosannn!
Glory be to God that Jesus camo from
tlirono to manger that wo might riso
from manger to throne, and that ull tho
patoa aro open, and that tho door of
tieuven that onco swung this wny to let
Jesus out now swings tho other wny to
let as in. Lot all the bellmen of heaven
lay hold tho ropo nnd ring out tho news,
"Bohold, I bring you glad tidings of
great joy, which shall bo to all people;
for today is born iu the city of David a
Saviour, which is Christ tho Lord!"
The second installment paid for our
oul'B clearanco wus tho scene in Quar-
antania, a mountainous region fill of
.caverns, where thero aro to thin day
panthers and wild beasts of all sorts, bo
w yw wm go ffawe Mined with
Roman senate, ascribed to Je ns that
roso had scattered its petals. Abstinence
from food had thrown him into emacia
tion. A long abstinence from food re
ronlod in profano history is that of the
irew of the ship Juno; for twenty-three
days they had nothing to eat. But this
sufferer had fasted a mouth nnd ten days
before he broke fast. Hunger must have
surmized even fiber of the lxidy and
gnawed on tho stomach with teeth of
death. Tho thought of a morsel of
bread or meat must have thrilled the
body with something like ferocity.
Tnrn out a pack of men hungry as
Christ was a-lmngered, and if they had
strength, with ono yell the would de
vour you as a lion a kid.
It was in that pang of hurgrr that
Jesus was accosted aud -attn said,
"Now chango these stones, which look
liko bread, into nn nctual supply of
bread." Had tho temptation como to
vou and me, under those circumstances
we wcuiu nave cneu, "ureau it snan
bol" and been almost iinpatit ut at the
timo taken for masticatien: but Christ
.with ono hand beat back tho hunger,
nnd with tho other hand beat back the
monarch of darkness. Oh, yo tempted
ones! Christ was tempted. We are
told that Napoleon ordered a coat of
mail made, but he was not quite certain
that it was impenetrable, fo he said to
tho manufacturer of tho coat of mail,
"Put it on youi-itlf nnd let us try it,"
and with shot after shot from his own
pistol tho emperor found out thnt it
was just what it pretended to be a good
coat of mail. Then tho man received a
large reward.
I bless God that tho samo coat of mail
that struck back the weapons of tempta
tion from the head of Christ we may
now all wear: for Jesus comes nnd says:
"I havo been tempted and I know what
it is to be tempted. Tako this robe that
defended mo nnd wenr it for yourselves.
I shall seo you through all trials and 1
shall seo you through all temptation."
"But," says satan still further to
Jesus, "come and I will show you some
thing worth looking at;" nnd after n
half day's journey they camo to Jenisa-
as one might go up in tho tower of Ant
werp and look off upon Belgium, so
I satan brought Christ to tho top of tho
j temple. Some peoplo nt a great height
ffeol dizzy and a strange disposition to
' jump: so satan comes to Christ in that
I very crisis. Standing thero nt tho top
of tho templo they lookeil off. A mag
nificent reach of country. Grain fields,
vineyards, olivo groves, forests and
streams, cattlo in tho valloy, flocks on
tho hills, and villages and cities nnd
"Now," says satan, "I'll mnlco a bar
gain. Jnst jump off. I know it is a
great way from tho top of tho templo
to tho valloy, but if you are divine you
can fly. Jump off. It won't hurt you.
Angols will catch you. Your Father
will hold you. Besides, I'll malco you a
largo present if you will. I'll givo you
Asia Minor, I'll givo you China, I'll givo
you Ethiopia, I'll givo you Italy, I'll
givo you Spain, I'll givo you Germany,
I'll givo you Britain, I'll givo you all
tho world." What a temptation it must
havo been!
Go tomorrow morning nnd get in an
altercation with somo wretch crawling
up from a gin cellar in tho lowest part
of your city. "No," you say, "1 would
not bomean myself by getting into such
n contest." Then think of what tho
king of hcavon and earth endured when
ho came down nnd fought ha great
wrotch of hell, and fought nim in tho
wilderness and on top of tho templo.
But I bless God that in tho triumph over
temptation Christ gives us tho assur
nnco that wo also shall triumph. Hav
ing himself beon tempted, he is ablo to
Bucoor all those who aro tempted.
In a violent storm at Be.i tho mate told
a boy for tho rigging had becomo en
tangled at tho nuiht to go tip and right
it. A gontloinan standing on tho deck
said, "Don't send that boy up; ho will
bo dashed to death." Tho mate said, "1
know what I am about." Tho boy
raised his hat in recognition of tho ordor
and thon roo hand over hand and wont
to work; and as he swung in tho storm
tho passongera wrung their hands nnd
expected to seo him fall. Tho woik
dono ho camo down in safoty, and a
Christian man said to him, "Why did
you go down in tho forecastle beforo you
wont up."' "Ah!" said tho boy, "I went
down to pray. My niothor always
taught 1110 beforo I undertook anything
great to pray." "What is that you havo
in your vest?" said tho man. "Oh, thnt
is tho Now Testament," ho said; "1
thought 1 would carry it with 1110 if 1
really did go overboard." How well
tho boy was protected!
1 c ire not how great tho height or
how viiht tho depth, with Chri.st within
us aud Christ beneath us and Christ
above us aud Christ all around us noth
ing can befall us in tho way of harm.
Christ himsolf having been in tho tem
pest will deliver all tho.o who put their
trust iu him. Blesbod bo his glorious
nnmo forever.
Tho thinl installment paid for our re
demption wna tho Snviour'H 6ham trial.
I call it ft sham trial thero has never
been anything so indecent or unfair in
any criminal court aa was witnessed nt
tho trial of Christ. Why, they hustled
him into the courtroom at two o'clock
iu tho morning. They gavo him no time
for counsel. They gavo him no oppor
tunity fur subpeonaing witnesses. Tho
lufll.ins who worn wnndoriug around
through tho midnight, of course they
saw tho nrrest nnd wont luto tho court
room. But Je.us friends wero sober
meu, wero respectablo men, and at that
hour, two o'clock in tho morning, of
coiirso they woro nt home asleep. Con
Eequontly Christ entered Ike courtroom
with tho ruffians.
Oh, look at hlml No ono to speak a
woni for Urn, I tUt Uio lantern pnttl ) ,
There is a fjentle
Dyspepsia. matt at Mnldeu-011- '
the-Hudson, N. Y.,
natwd Captain A. G. Pareis, who ,
has written us a letter in which it
is evident that he has made up his
mind concerning some things,-and
this is what he says:
" I have used your preparation
called August Flower iu my family '
for seven or eight years. It is con
stantly iu tny house', and we consider '
courtroom, in every house, in every
store, nnd says: "Courage! By all my
hours of maltreatment nnd nbuse, I will
protect those who aro trampled upon."
And when Christ forgets that two o'clock
morning scene, and tho stroke of tho
ruffian on the month, and tho howling
of the unwashed crowd, then ho will
forget you nnd me in tho injustices of nnd oh! if now we
life that may lie inliicted upon us.
Further, I remark: Tho last great in
stallment paid for onr redemption was
tho demise of Christ. Tho world hns
seen many dark days. Many summers
ago there was a very dark day, when
tho sun was eclipsed. The fowl at noon
day went to their perch, nnd we felt a
gloom as we looked at tho astronomical
wonder. It was a dark day in London
when the plaguo was at its height, and tho
dead with uncovered faces wero taken
in open carts and dumped in tho
trenches. It was a dark day when the
earth opened nnd Lisbon sank; but the
darkest day since the creation of tho
world was when the carnage of Calvary
was enacted.
It was about noon when the curtain
began to bo drawn. It was not the com
ing on of a night that soothes and re
freshes; it was the swinging of a great
gloom nil around the heavens. God
hnng it. As when thero is n dead ono
in tho houso you bow the shutters or
turn the lattice, bo God in the afternoon
shut tho windows of the world. As it is
appropriate to throw n black pall upon the
coffin as it passes along, so it wa3 appro
priate that everything should be somber
that day as the great hearse of tho earth
rolled on bearing tho corpse of tho king.
A man's last hours aro ordinarily kept
sacred. However you may have hated
or caricatured n man, when you hear ho
is dying sileuco puts its hand on your
lips, and yow would havo a loathing for
the man who could stand by a deathbed
making faces and scoffing. But Christ
in his last hour cannot bo left alone.
Whnt! pursuing hhn yet after so long a
pursuit? You have been drinking his
tears. Do you want to drink his blood?
They como up closely, so that notwith
standing the darkness they can glut
their revengo with the contortions of his
countenance. They examino his feet.
They want to feel for themselves whether
thce feet are really spiked. They put
out their hands and touch the spikes,
nnd bring them back wet with blood,
and wipo them on their garments
Women staud there nnd weep, but can
do no good. It is no place for the ten
der hearted women. It wants a heart
that crimo has turned into granite.
Tho waves of man's hatred and of
hell's vengeance dash up against tho
mangled feet, and tho hands of sin nnd
pain and tortnro clutch tor ins holy
heart. Had ho not been thoroughly
fastened to tho cross they would have
torn him down and trampled him with
both feet. How the cavalry horses
arched their necks and champed their
bits and reared and snuffed nt tho blood!
Had a Roman officer called out for a
light, his voico would not havo been
heard in the tumult; but louder than
tho clash of spears and the wailing of
womanhood, and tho neighing of tho
chargers, and tho bellowing of tho cru
cifyers thero comes n voico crashing
through loud, clear, overwhelming,
terrific. It is tho groaning of the dying
son of God! Look! what a scene! Look,
world, nt what you have dono!
I lift the covering from tho maltreat
ed Christ to let you count tho wounds
and estimate the cot. Oh! when tho
nails went through Christ's right hand
and throngh Christ's loft hand, that
bought both your hands, with all their
power to work and lift nnd write; when
tho nails went through Christ's right
foot nnd Christ's left foot, that bought
your feet, with all their power to walk
or run or climb; when tho thorn went
into Christ's templo, that bought your
brain, with nil its power to think nnd
plan; when tho spear left Christ's sido,
that bought your heart, with all its
powor to lovo and repent and pray.
O sinner, como, como back! If a man
is in no pain, if ho is prospered, if ho is
well, and ho nsks you to come, you tako
your timo and you say: "I can't como
now. I'll como after nwhilo. Thero is
no haste." But if ho is in want and
trouble you say: "I must go right away.
I must go now." Today Jesus stretches
out before you two wounded hands, nnd
ho begs you to come. Go nnd you live.
Stay away and you dio. Oh, that to
him who bought us wo might give nil
our timo and all our prayers nnd nil our
successes! 1 would wo could think of
nothing else, but como to Christ. Ho is
so fair. Ho is so loving. Ho is so sym
pathizing. Ho is so good. I wish wo
could put our arms around his neck nnd
ny, "Thlno, Lord, will I he forever."
Oh, that you would begin to lovo him!
Would that I could tako this oudienco
and wreathe it around tho heart of my
Lord Josus Christ.
When tho Atlautio cable was lost, in
1803, do you remember that tho Great
Eastern, and tho Medwny, and tho Al
bany went out to find it? Thirty times
they sank tho grapnel two nnd ft half
miles deep in wnter. After awhllo they
found tho cable nnd brought it to the
surface. No sooner had it been brought
ngain wo have thought that you wero nt , it the best remedy for Indigestion,
and Constipation we
IndlgQstlon. have ever used or
known. My wife is
troubled w'th Dyspepsia, and at
times suffers very much after eating.
The August Flower, however, re
lieves the difficulty. My wife fre
quently says to me when I am going
to town, 'We are out
Constipation of August Flower,
and I think you had
better get onother bottle.' I am also
troubled with Indigestion, and when
ever I am, I take one or two tea-
spoonfuls before eating, for a day or
tho surfaco, nnd wo began to rejoice
over your redemption, but nt the mo
ment of our gladness yon sank back
again into tho world and back again
into sin. Today wo como with this Gos
liel searching for your soul. Wo apply
tho cross of Christ first .to see whether
thero is any life left in you, while nil
around the peoplo stand, looking to seo
whether the work will bo dono, and tho
angtds of God bend down and witness;
could see only one
spark of lovo and hope nnd faith, we
would send up a shont that would bo
heard on the battlements of heaven, nnd
two worlds would keep jubilee becnuso
communication is open between Christ
and the soul, nnd your nature that has
been sunken in sin has been lifted into
tho light nnd tho joy of the Gospel.
Vnllle ns u I'lro Kxtliigulshor.
Vulito is n chemical compound, the
invention of Mux Eberlmrdt, of Lucerne,
nnd is stated to bo nine times moro ef
fective than ordinary water in extin
guishing fire, nnd nmong its other qual
ities possesses tho remarkable faculty of
rendering individuals virtually fireproof.
Tho impunity with which tho exhibitors
approached great masses of flame, and
appeared to bo almost as if in their na
tive element, was not tho least remark
able feature of a display. With the
hands dipped in this solution burning
mnterials may be manipulated with per
fect safety. The first experiment was
supposed to represent tho upsetting" of a
paraffino lamp, tho oil flowing in a
stream over tho tablecloth nnd immedi
ately blazing up in n furious flame. By
simply passing tho hands over the bum
ing cloth this flanio wna speedily extin
guished, although tho table itself had
caught fire, and tho exhibitor appeared
to bo in no little danger.
In the next place a mass of pitch in n
small pit was ignited nnd allowed to get
thoroughly alight, tho smoke and flames
rising up in volumes. Tho application
of two buckets of vnlite had an almost
magical effect, the flames dying down
at once, while not only the fire but even
tho heat arising therefrom entirely dis
appeared. Tiio same result followed in
the case of a mass of burning rosin,
which, blazing up furiously, was in
stantaneously extinguished by a bucket
ful of tho vnlite. New York Telegram.
two, and all trouble is removed.""
A Delicious risli In tho Vast.
"One of tho queerest fishes in the
world is the gouramis," said an ichthyo
logist. "It is native to the fresh waters
of Cochin China, Farther India, Java,
Sumatra and Borneo. Specimens have
been known to attain a length of sis
feet nnd a weight of 110 pounds. The
flesh is so delicious that efforts have
been mado to acclimatizo the creatures
in many other countries, but thus far
these attempts havo been successful only
on tho island of Mauritius.
About thirty of them were imported
into tho island of Cuba and planted in
ponds somo years, ago, but, although
they grew and wero healthy, they did
not breed. Accordingly, nfter awhile
the prospects of propagating the species
became so hopeless that the governor
had them served up one by one upon his
table upon state occasions. Tho same
difficulty bas been met with elsewhere.
Washington Star.
A IIIc Owl.
F. A. Morton, who lives a mile or so
south of town, caught u honied owl in a
steel trap one night that was a giant of
its species, measuring 4 feet 8 inches
from tip to tip of the wings. This noc
turnal prowler had been making requi
sitions on his duck pen, so ho set
two steel traps for his owlship and suc
ceeded in capturing him. The trap was
tied with fiftc n feet of rope, and in his
desperate attempts to fly nway with it
tho owl had knocked several rail3 off tho
fence. Mr. Morton says it was th.e big
gest bird of tho kind he ever saw nnd
he believed it could have carried off n
pig or lamb. Farmington (Mo.) Times.
Creatures That Lay I'-ks.
Some silkworms lay from 1,000 to
8,000 eggs, the wasp a.000, the ant from
3,000 to C.OOO. The number 0 eggs laid
by tho queen bee has long been in dis
pute. Bunueister says from 5,000 to
0,000, but Spence and Kirhy both go him
several better, each declaring that the
queen of nverngo fertility will lay not
less thnn -10,000 and probably as high as
50,000 in ono scasou. St. Louis Repub
lic. Queer lilrds,
A flock of nbout twetity strange look
ing fowls, flying just nbove tho house
tops, passed over town Tuesday fore
noon. They came from tho west nnd
pursued a bee line east. Tho fowls wero
about tho sizo of ducks and wero trim
built, with long, pointed wings; breasts
wero white nnd wings woro gray colored.
Guess they were "Mother Carey's
chickens." Weston (Mo.) Journal.
Marriage In Portugal and Hungary.
Taking Europe, marriago appears the
least iwpular in Portugal, where, in
overy 1,000 inhabitants, 810 me married,
628 aro single nnd 02 nre widowed. In
Hungary marriago would appear to be
moro popular than in nuy other country
Out of overy 1,000 of tho population 407
nre married, 582 aro single nud 01 ara
Widowed. Philadelphia Times.
If you would bo clean nnd have your clothes Join.' uj
in tho neatest and dressiest manner, take them to tho
whore all work is dono by wliite labor and in tho moat
prompt manner, COLONEL J. OLMSTEJ
Xiborty Stieet
IE miles (fffeK
Org kki 4 h u B
form,, Pnlnltntlnm.
Kltlo. Shnnlder nnd
Arci.fcilioi t ISrrnth. Oppression. Anthnm,
Nwollcn AnUlea. WU nnd Smothering
Hnells. Dronsv, VlnU In fitornneh. etc.. nre
A uot discovery by tho eminent Indiana Special
ist. A. F. Darin, Silver creek. Neb., after taking
four bottles of IIKA.lt r CUKE felt better
tUanlioliadfortwolTO jevrs. "For thirty yean
troubled with Ilet-t V eje tiro bottles of
DR. MILES' HEART CURE cured mo.-Lerl
Los-in. ISuebanan. Jllca." n. B. frttitron. Wits
Station, Ua. bits taken DR. MILES' HEART
CURt: for Heart trouble with aroat remits Mrs.
I,e Bar. Fltchburp. Mich., was 111 for 15 years rrlth
Heart Di-oase, hud to hlro house help, lired on
liquid food; used Dr. Miles' Hoart Cure and
nil pains left her; constant use cured her. Fin
lllubtrntcd book FI4EK at druggists, or address
Dr.Miles' Modlcat Co., Elkhart, I nd.
Sold by T). J. Fry, druggist.Salem.
Act on new principle
rpprlE'e the llvor, stomach
end bowels through (he
neriet Da. JIilbs' Pills
ipttdll'j cure biliousness,
torpid liver and constipa
tion. Smallest, mildest,
eurf-Ptl 50doseH,2t5cts.
fef tinles free at flruaulsta.
S jJIed.Co.EUtart.lniJ.
Slold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Salem
f DOSES t&Jf
Do you
nn sjB m
K Buffer unnccciary. Don't you
know that exjunction, debility,
failing manhood, and general
weakness, brought on by early
lollle', dissipation and excesses,
can be cured. Don't uet discour
aged. Wo haTO cured hundreds
at their homes by mall treatment
Your case will be diagnosed ires.
Write to-day. No cojt to learn
your condition.
Market, Stockton and Ellis St.,
: rW "T " "cy
;.' j
i-A ' Ax'f
a j
Wm. ZWJ .'In
. I Vtif "-i. s.
-XfXO !
Lo Bichav.':
1.0 Rlchim'a Golden Balsam No. J
Cures Chancres, first, and second stamen
Sores en tho Lees and I)Jy; Sore tars
Kycs, Nose, etc., Copper-colored Blotches
Syphilitic I atanh, diseased Scalp, ard a)'
primary forms cf tl.o disease known at
Syphilis. Price, 5 00 per Uoltle.
Lo Klcliau's Golln lliilsam No. u
Cures Tertiary. Jlercurlalypldlltlo Uheu
matlun, 1'alns in the Bones, pains In th
Head, tuclt of tha Neik, Ulcerated Sor
Throat, Syphilitic Bash, Lumps and con
tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, anl
eradicates all disease from the system,
whether caused by Indiscretion or abutc
o! Mercury, leavlnj the blxd puro ano
healthy. Prlcs 5 00 per itottle.
Lo Hlclinu'n Golden Spanish Ami.
iloto for tha cure of Gonorrhoea, CJeet,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or GenI
tal disarrangements. Price S'i 50 per
Ulchau's Oolilsit Rpanlsli In.
lection, (ors)rere oasesof Gonorrhoea,
lrifl.imnutoryGlccLStrictures.ic Prlc
81 r.u ier Ilotlle.
Ca Itlctian's Golden Ointment
for the effeitie healln;of Syphilitic Bores,
and eruption j. Prlre$l 00 pr Dox.'
Lo Itlrhau's Golden PUIs.Vrrri
and Bran treatment; loss of physical pow
r. excess or orer-vork, rrostrstlon, etc.
Price S3 OO per Uox.
Tonic and Nervine,
Seat TfrrDcre, CUD., socurtlr cocked
609 A fill JUBKEt UT,,
Vsm mute, ,
1 P
5- O
5. W 2-
re T- Ep
- w p
-j '
w 03
Pr re
S3 -
2L o
H 2.
5 03
re J"
r1 1
Ui 2.
re -
P 3
C- "I
a; r
" 1
3 W
J re
p '
3 CC
3? L
5 "
3" P
t '
t3 2.
(s, JbJSgsn pu WA- "J
wBull Durham
!b Tobacco
Has been popular with smokers everywhere for over twenty-five years.
It is Just as Good Now as Ever.
Its Flavor,- Fragrance and Purity have contributed largely to the
growing popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smoking is
growing in favor because finer, sweeter and better tobacco can be had
in this form and at much less cost than in cigars.
State Treasurer's Third Xotico
Hat.km, May 10, lb91
VfOTIOK Is hereby Riven that suillclcnt
!. ftindsnrnon hnntltopnyull outntnud
lUBntJitewitrr.iutHetidort.ea,''procntc nnd
not paid for wnntof ninds,' nud Unit tlu
winiu will be paid upon prc-M ntntlon nt tu Is
oillce, Interest thereon ccimlni; ulth the
dateof this notice 1'llIIi. MKpSCHAN,
HtritB Treasurer.
Proposals for Supplies.
Tho Board ol Trustees of the Oregon Stnto
Insane Asylum hereby Invite sealed pro
IKjMilslor lurulsulng ut the iitliim near
Salem, Oregon, the following stipplh-H for
the hix nioutUH ending Jnnuuty I, lb'JJ:
1K0 3 ds cotton tlanncl (Nashua, XXX;
6(10 yds Amo-ktag mariuerti stripes bluo
and wlilto
(i00 yds ljonsdule bleach sheeting US Inch.
o00 jdspKiuot A slueting, ;id inch.
100 yd pto.uot A unbleached sheetlug 45
W0 yd - century cloth.dat k color.s.nssorttd.
150 yds continent a check llunnel, black
aud w hlte,
o00yd-.rc-d aud blue check glim, crash, lh
Inch wide.
IKW yds bleached liueo and IKrench crash
IS Inch wide
SOO yds Ainoslieng blue denims I) oz.
IIOOydslM bleached sheeting, l'eouot.
&0yds superior sallu damask .S Inch wide
:idoz"o itl white (Clark's mlleend) thread.
40 &ehlto ' . ' '
20 ' ' .is black ' ' '
5 ' ' 60 white ' ' '
3 ' ' W) '
ICgrois pant.iloon buttons (mclul)
15 do pr suspenders, (KocUlord)
U cross shoe luces 5-1
oUJ yds American shirting prints light col
ors assorted.
f!,(M) lbs l.pl miU
400 ' chcce, Cranslou's or as good.
U500 ' emeked wbt.it,iireshgrouud,bbls.
3000 ' rolled oats, '
300 ' dried eun ants, Irosh, goid stock,
200 ' C .t Co's A J. 11 brand curb soda.
1I5WI ' clione Island rice.
J.0J cieani tartar, J. A. Kolger'o prime,
oi as good.
'20 gross matches Vulcan, superior Safety.
0 ' clamp moti sticks.
(Jdoz bath bricks.
3 ' dust brushes,
12 ' bruiins.
2 doz w hlok bi ooms.
25 cuusoysterf.r'lelds.Farren'sorasgood
u0' corn, ( inflow's or us good)
30 bxs maccaronl 16 lbs each.
32 do concentrated lye, American.
251bs clustiostarcn.
1 gross clay pipes ith 2 gross stems.
40 lbs atuailc wax candles, or us good.
uoz worcesteisnire tunco mauris i.ta s
100 lbs tnploca.
4 ' corn starch, Oweo or us good.
dOiO ' golden u suur.
0000 gratuluted '
4'C0 lbs Gold ltist cornmeal (or as good)
fresh iu Obit,.
303 lbs buckwheat Hour, fresh, Improved
300 Vn black pepper, ground.
200 lbs fresh dairy butler, (weekly) more or
UMO lbs Jnpan, Columbia brand, or ns good.
doz 11 It barrows, plain material, It
1 14 doz patent Oennan handled hoes wldi li
U inches.
tloz No. 1 solid socket, cast steel ho .
width li Indies
2 stono sledge hammers of 25 lbs and 1 ol
1 double faced striking lrtimner.
s(X lbs .No. 20 galvanized sheet Iron.
4X1 lbs No. 21 '
iOOllis No. is ' ' '
100 lbs 4 I llulshlng nails.
JOOllisOd ' '
200 lbs M '
100 lbs 101 '
2X) lbs Kd nails.
1001bsl0.l '
Iw) lbs 20-1
-'00 lbs Ud '
lOJlbsOOd '
JW feet ii Inch galvanized Irou pipe.
200 feet I inch
100 reel ' black '
75ItelJ,4 ' '
K doz 1 Inch flange unions.
1 doz y. luili Keystono unions.
l do inch tecs.
do 1 luch tees.
1 iluzk inch lees
doz ly. inch tees
l doz y. incli lock nuts
1 do. lf plugs
1 do y '
1 do ys
l doz-Iiushlngs 1 tojf
I doz HtishlngsW to
ldoz Hushingsjs to'i
1 doz Hushing-, to
I do, sockeis inch
do elbows ti Inch
1 doz elbows 1 inch
1 dv. elbows M inch
1 do elbows Inch
1 doz elbows ii Inch
2 doz 1 Inch siraisbt ell's
1 duz H inch ' '
Jiilo'-'-mch Jenkins' valves removable dlsl:
y do lk-inch ' '
xa, do i I
i do y2 '
3000 lbs Costa HIca, first glade.
200 ' chicory.
200 ' got. Java, ' '
100 ' italilocha, ' '
15C0 Bj? Sledje Hammer brand, or as good,
COO lbs per day more or less of beef and
million as required In uiuul parts oj
lote and hind quarters.
Y roll sole, heavy btocktou, estrft 25 to 27
lbs each side.
1 buckskin.
1 domestic calfskin,
1 side harness leather.
500 bbls inoreor less, best roller process.de
llvered as wanted.
2500 Fuud Kirk's favon or nsgond.
10 boxts Isory soup, 100 cakes i-ach,
10 lbs shaving soap (I'almer's barber or iis
2 doz 12-Inch plutters.
iu men platters,
shaker salts.
7-inch plates.
1 pint cream pitchers.
1-gallou water pitchers.
1 J luch vegetable dishes.
1 -quart soup bowls
i bowls.
li wash
u cuers,
15 do cups.
10 ' sain era.
10 ' tumblers.
12 ' t-lnch dinner plates.
2 U-lnch soup plates.
1 S luch vegetable dishes,
12 doz 1 'ay son's Indelible Ink.
3qt riamord's premium lluld.
3 btallord's copy lug
3 ' commercial Ink.
4 reams lefcr paper.wedgewooil halfsheet,
or n g.Kid.
6 do lead pencils, Dixon's graphite No 560
rub tip '&
1 box Incandescent pens, No 7, Falcon.
J Incandescent ' l. London.
2 ' unions 40i,
10 doz boxeo bboe blacking, patent Mood
20 pre No, 0 ladles' fine shots.
No &
' fe men's slippers,
21 ' S
ij a
12 ' 10 ' ,
200 gallons ooal oil. roarl brand, In tanks.
3.0 ' l!il-d oil, nolk-d, In crises.
10J ' turpcatine, Incases.
UO tt parutline,
u)j ' h! sod
60 beu. vax.
2di.z dust ns ns.
6i feet iwuoh round Irtm.
25 6-10 '
removable disks for Jenklu
1 dox Ji l'uller bibbs plain
2 doz draper's steel oilers, No Horns go !
1 du elhow burner cocks
2 do brass pillars
ldoz lava tips
1 pair 10 Inch gns pliers
76 lbs solder y3 and JJ
5 lbs rtslu
1 doz sink coupllugs
y. d. 7 lead S traps J!f
24 tbs 2 ply rubber p icklug, cloth luser'i i
1 doz vulcaiiled lubber washers.iori jiI i .
2 do. Jin
lemli 1 inch and li inch drllt plugs f.r
lead pipe
lOlbs n qua ammonia
1 gros bottles, h o
10 lhs absorbent to'lou
yA doz spools lubber adhesive plnster,.1 j ds
5 lbs ether fort In M lbs cms
ogrins t-oras. o-i
5 lbs choral hj drate cryst
1 lb 11 r.xt liuehu P I) a tuor Wyeth A- llro
31bslloxt prunls virgin, '
3 lbs ' MirsiipiirillH cuinp. lor syrup, '
1 H) ' rhal mom, lor syrup, '
lib ' ziuuglberls, 1 U i Co or Wyc-'h
.t lira's.
1 lb U ext aconite, ' '
1 lb ' cann&Us Ind, '
2 lbs ' cascara sagrada, ' '
lib ' opll, ' ' '
lib ' 11 t-ol tolutunn for syrup '
JK.0 empty ip-,ulei No 1,1'i) Co.
-COO ' 'r 2
1000 ' ' ' 0
600 ' ' ' 11 '
1 tubals imperii.
1 lb llg potars ursen.
5000 hypodermic tablets hyocyaml s'llph
1 togr Wyeth v liro's
50 lbs inngucsiuv sulph,
o morphine suipn,
1 lb pepsin sacon.
10 lbs jHilass brom.
6 lbs jiolass nit, cryst.
1 lb potass clti-as.
1 oz oleum myrclae.
I nz oleum tlglll.
lb phen.ivtjtlue hnver.
1 dobottles I'nillps'EiuulFouCod LlverC II
2i oz qululno sulph. K it Jl
5 lbs sodll bicarb
IU do syringes, llavldou's.
3 ibs sponges, large carnage.
121b sponges, surgical.
1-2 gal spts aet lieris nit.
10 ibs asellue XX, mined
1 o nrgentl nit in sticks,
lib couip. tluct. cluchonlu.
2 doz strengthening plasters, RJ,
2 doz Alcock's l'oious plasters.
I hi iiodermlc syringes, yeth's a. IIhj's.
50 lbs tlux seed meal.
250 gallons pure cider vinegar, 10 groins.
bnmple s may bo seen nt the oiliee ol h
hoard of trustees, goods must be In a c-i.-nuceilieieulth.and
must come In oilj, jii
packages when possible. 'Iheboar i -serves
the right to nject any iHd a b.ds.
Dellveryof supplies win berequlic v I -In
ten days' notice of acceptance of tqrt.
copy of this advertisement must a csimi-
nny Mich bid, and the name of thee ss 1 1
supplies ji.ust bo written on tLc cl ui
comuiuing bid Each bid mustliu-iu ten
the items of the clns bid tiKn,a dun"
glveltetusand totulsinlull.wuheM- l. i
ofment and Hour. Auditing ntBcc s ,
Diolilblltd lrom connrmiin.' nra ui is f
purchasers when the adeilisimc it di'- s
not contain it full nndcompleto desir.p'u i
of thoaittc'es to be purchasod.
lllds will be opened at 2 o'clock p. i t
Tueday, July 5, lsyi.
SYLVEtsTfc.lt PENNO I it,
GEO. V. -McBHIl.r,.
Wm. A. S1UKI.Y, ;Hoardoftommis i ,a .
Uerk of Hoard .
And nregon Uevelorment cotnpr-uy'
stuumnhip line. 225 mile s shorter, Jo hour
! time t ban by any otuei mute, r r
ciass through jusstnger and freight lln
trom t'ortiaud aud nil points iu theW i
lumettf vnller to anil lrom San FraiicNi.
TIM SCHEDULE. (Except Sundays!.
fxl-1! tlaliron.
.'0 i;xk
0 INO-'.U
10 ' 6-s luch octagon tool sUal.
m . i -j - . . .
2 plecui Meet Citcb 1 lnou ocUrun to 1 steel.
l 1-3
i keg No. 5fninl shoes, Hut, llurdeiis.
J kfK.o, i iud ' '
MbNo.S fninnni horse iboo nails,
10 lbs No. 2 toe calks.
600 IDs best bliicksinlth's col,
1 U-lnch horse nup, llillkr's.
3 doz I. H cast steel round points, polished
ktlfl steel shoe'n.
I doz picks, Hunt', cast steel ax finish, 5 to
0 His.
1 doz pick haudles.
H doz H It barrows, dressed material, irou
I6 Aluam
Live CorvHlils
A rrlve YaqutUH
l.inve t'orvullls
Arr've Albany
O. c.
1:00 l' M
.1.40 1'i.I
6:1 M
. -e.-t. am
. 10 oAi'
- 11:10 A
trains connect at Athany and
Tho hImivo trains conuect at YAwl I V
with thf Oregon Development Cc, s U.
yrsTfjimshlnsliHiween Yanulna nn1 Sfl
N. II. P.uifongcrs trom rortland and ad
Willamette Valley points can inabe clc
ronnectlou wltli the trains of thf
VAOUINA HOUTEat Alhanj ort'orift'l!"
aud If disUned to San Kj-anclsco, sh u,d
arrange to arrive at Yaqulna tho en .
before date of sailing.
l'nwngrr vai rrtebi Kites Al) t"
I.owrtt For Information apply to J'ess
HULMAN A Co., Freight and 'il.'kil
Agent 20U and 202 Fnmt st., Portland, i
O.C. HOfll'rJ Ao't Gen'l Krl
ftiu. Agt., Ortgnn 1'kcIdcR. It. f j.
(..ii.UAbVl-.lA Jr. uen'J Frt;
106. Agt. Oregon Ueyelopp nt
Co., 301 Montgomery it;
r f., - "-" r
giyiiiainiirtmilfri.hVairiittMirtftrfiWf.iirriaiiiii iiWiif tin- "ivi
.au-lfay...... . ., ..Zr.-:M:-L. .i -- .tL.. - .-. -Ttt Kittn&itM4-