Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 25, 1892, Image 4

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rWvi tl
ForThroat a&d Lungs
" T linvo been ill for
Hemorrhage "about five years,
1 "linfn llfifl flio ffcfr
fclve Years, "medical advice,
p;.. "and I took the first
I 4oe in some doubt. This result
? rlin n. few hours ensv sleeo. There
' was no further hemorrhage till next
'day, when I had a slight attack
"which stopped almost immediate
"ly. By the third day all trace of
" blood had disappeared and I had
"recovered much strength. The
"fourth day I sat up in bed and ate
"my dinner, the first solid food for
"two mouths. Since that time I
i"have gradually gotten better and
" am now able to move about the
"house. My death was daily ex
pected and my recovery has been
" a great surprise to my friends and
"the doctor. There can be no doubt
"about the effect of German Syrup,
"as I had an attack just previous to
'its use. The only relief was after
" the first dose." J.R. Louguhbad,
Adelaide, Australia
,UIJSKMC rain In Bide, Shoulder nnd
Ann.Short Breath, Oppression, Asthma,
Swollen Anlilea, Weill anil Htuotlierlntr
Spells. Dropsy, Wind In Stomach, etc., aro
cured I br Dll. K1ILES- NEW HEAHTCURB.
A now dlscovcrr by tlio eminent Indiana Special
u a. it. nnvi. mirer rrcck. Neb., niter talilne'
four bottle of IIEJlUT OUKE folt bettor
tbonhohadfortwolvo yonrs. "For thirty. ycrs
tronWe.1 with Itenrt l)leio tiro bottles of
Ltwnn, Buchanan. Mich," H. B. Bljitron. ;ffTi
BUtlon, Gb, has talon DR. MILEO' HEART
CURE for Heart troublo with prcnt revilts Mrs.
La Bar, Fltchbunc, Mich., was 111 for 15 yo irs with
Court Ohoase, hud to hlro homo belli, lived on
liquid foodt usod Dr. Miles' Hoart Curo nml
HI pnlns loft licrt ronstant uso cured her. Fine
Illustrated booh FItEU at druggists, or ncldrosi
Dr.Mlloo' Modlcal Co.,lkhart,ind.
Sold by D. J, Fry, iiiuiri?lst,.Sa on.
gi els. E
Act on a new pslnciple
rogalnto lb') liver, etoencu.
Rnd bownls l,V.A tht
nerves Dit. Hitm' Viua
tprediiy cure LI limsneeo,
torpid liver anil ci nstlpa
tino, mnllcat, p,IIJosr,
unrest I jpdoBei.KS'Jts.
krmiiltM iron at chili. i3te.
D - sH.d Co.. MKtMt. Int.
gold by D. J. Fry, druggist. Salem
A Tonic
A Pleasure:
That's the happy
combination found in
1 Hi C.& Beer
You drink it for pleasure, and get
physical benefit. A whole
some, refreshing, appetizing,
thirst quenching drink.
One package makes five gallons.
Don't be deceived If a dealer, for the sale
of larger profit, tells you some other Und
ls"juitnsEood" 'tlsf.ilse. No Imitation
Is as good as tlis genuine limits'.
Tho Chlneno prize, the Glnirng root,
much moro highly than Opium. 1 hejr
cull It Ginseng weaning the Tower
of Men. When scarce tho finest
quality 1ms been sold for IOO per
ouuee. Now, liy do tliay pay uch
a prlceT Hccninu tbey believe It elves
thvm the much desired ncrvo fores.
Jlow tuunr poopla sutler fiom weak
nrnf What a distressing allmcntr
You lack vim, nerve force, energy,
Jiower. Vou feci all gouo. You are
always praying for Mrcngth, jut get
ting weaker and weaker. Listen to
the voire of rmison. Place yonr cae
before Intelligent apeclallsti capable
of belplnir, ye, curing yon. lly tho
mere wilting of a letter you ran lima
your cam dloKiiosed free, absolulily
free ol all charges. V rito to-dajr.
Btookton, Harkot and Ellis Stroots,
500 XXvuNftrti
yf na 3J9 BJehau's
WAr- jUi
-: uidi la nautili
-?'? Kb
- K4 AilW
- uimm
J.e Illcliutl Golden llnlsuill X. 1
Cure Chancres, lint, and a.cond st:i:jci
Huron on the Lege and lledy; bore Vitt
Kyes, JJose. eta, Oopjier-colorid Blotches
Byiihllltla Catarrh, diseased tJealp, ard all
Silmary forms of tho disease known ai
jphlllt. 1'rlrn, S3 00 per Hoi tin.
I,o Iliclinn'e tiolileu HuUniii No, I
Curct Tertiary. Mercurial Hyhllklo lthon
nut Ism, Tains In tho llotua. Tains In tin
Head, hack of tho Keck. Ulcerated Sort
Throat, ilyphllltla luuh, Lumps and con
tracted UorJs, HtlCTncee of the Uuiba, ami
crullcatte all disease from the yatom,
whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse
of Mercury, leaving tho blood pure and
healthy, Vrlce $5 00 per Hot tie.
l,o ltlclinu'e Golden Npanlah Anil,
tloto for the cure et Uonorrhoja, CJeet,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or (lent
Ul dlsarraniremtnU, I'rlce t'i 50 tier
U Itlohnu'a Oolden Nntnltli In.
lection, foraovcro mseaot (lonorrliji,
InlUmmatory Gleet, Strlcturce.io. lrlt
1 50 ier Ilottle.
Co Hlvlinu'a Oolden Ointment
for the ellrttlvo heallntfof iit-nhllltta Bores
and eruption, l'rlrot Oil iter llox.
t,o ltlchau'a Golden l'llla-.Srrri
and Drain treatment; lose of physical jow
er. exeeu or overwork, I'rostraUon, etc.
Price V3 00 per Ilox
Toalo stuet Nervine.
" Beat erer)Thro, C O. IX, aoourelj packed
ief tapreaa,
eXW eV Sit MAHKliT NT.,
jftaafcUec, fjo.
I looked within tho oilorh h fnfc, last nlfihl,
Of ono for whom life pniitiiM.fl, wbeu ho
Tho allurlnR fmlt of l If h nccomiIIhment
Ono dowered to llnd nuu Irtvor i.i llicfliflit
Of nil who set their tiplrllit lowm'il tho lliclit:
Ono molded lt ho nnhly e ntnoiil.
Yet, nhl that In thin ftrrut wcet lii-nrt
should kIMo
Tho stihtlo nnd fntnl ctlrao, too Intf cspleill
Ho pressed tho pistol t lilshrow nnd illtil!
I meet nrald my wnlk, from dHy to tiny,
A llltlo fnded man, low hoivtil with juiiv.
From him tlmoV tjrnntilos Hint flUdnlii
men's tears,
tlralth, klndrt'il, wealth nnd friend limn
ii.. ..,,..
6nd yet to lt hopeli-ss, iichliiB, ertiinhllni? ( lny
Itlit tlrul out i-oul with stuhhorn flinch ml
hcrrs. O human Hfol Ihoti ephlni, nhimp Imiinhty
Forever throURh tho nftes rIvct lis wtlll
These hnfllliiB rlildlcs thnt we wilti- so lilt
Thcie cre two men, each irreatly loathlnR
Hccntiso of hnttllns Inlcrcsts nnd tlin KTi'fil
Force nU of rtilotlmt cither strnli.til torenrh,
And ihnlry of dUTcrln-rntm nnd ilerrl.
And doth won much, tliotiph cither fnllcd lo
And still each loathed hit fellow till tho Intt.
Nor did their tfrcat linttn pans nny at nil
Till cither's power to lonlho or lovu .ns past.
Andufter? Why. their tombV old hculptutcil
Rise In tho rcsnl nbhey, side liy side.
Where friends devoutly luld them w hen they
Tlicro was n mnn that loved a wen nn well,
i:ca locd with so all dominant u fno
That only linis could ho make l.mi'i'n.o lull
Tln depth and breadth nnd hf.1 flit of hla ile
sire: "When we nro dead, pray heaxeii Ihnt cither
In craves whoso mantllnKBraExeslntcrtwIncl
For were wo laid apart, my dust 'vuilrt rlsu
And dlo ncaln that It might rct by ihlticl"
And after? Why, tho woman shrp'i trdny.
Dreamless nnd easeful, unikrKT.iV'"l t-lty-Vhcio
sleeps her love? Tho Immense w-a does
Editor tan celt.
Helping Old Trci-s.
Old trees that begin t t.how tho
ravngi .4 of time may ho helped in
various ways. A lady who loves hur
trees as if they were human beings
says that when sho sees duo of her
favorites less flourishing than usual
sho always administers a tonic of
some land. To very old trees she
gives doses of sulphur by mraiis of
holes bored in. tho trunk which aro
filled with tho powder and thon
cemented. With younger ones sho
tries various lands of fertilizers ; and
in tho case of ono gigantic old oak
that was hollow with age sho tilled
tho decayed places with cement just
like a tooth, scraping out tho ac
cumulated rubbish and filling tho
cavity to tho surface. This sho said
was a great success and evidently
prolonged tho lifo of tho old mon
arch for many yetirs. Now York
Atmosphere In Colorado.
As tho railroads on tho plain bogin
to near tho Rocky mountains the
light atmosphere extends tho vision
and you can see farther than in tho
murky, moist weathor of tho east.
An engineer from an eastern road is
at first greatly deceived as to dis
tances. At ono section of tho Bur
lington, in eastern Colorado, a head
light can bo seon forty miles. A ten
derfoot would think it was not moro
than two or three miles away. "In
this clear atmosphoit'," said an on
gineor, "when it seems that I am
close to a headlight, 1 look to seo if
tho reflection of tho opposite light is
on tho rails." Don ver News.
To rrocut Suioliu In Stouni Generators.
Tho principlo followed by ill.
Thwaito in his appliance for tho pre
vention of smoko in steam genera
tor's consists in tho admission of a
secondary air supply through u wiro
gaugo of a specific mesh, adapted to
offer tho requisite fractional resist
ance to tho passago of bucIi air, so as
to accord accurately with tho "pull"
on tho grate, which remains unaf
fected. Now York Times.
Wood PucmentH ns florin Dcstiojorn.
Ono of tho objections against wood
pavements is that they form a nidus
for thoxisands of germs, but a foreign
sciontist Btatcs that from tho semi
absorbent and retentive naturo of tho
wood it can bo made to hold tho dis
infectant which will poison theso
microbes. Now York Journal.
AVoulsuoith's Stud),
Wordsworth did tho major part of
his writing in tho open air. A visitor
who called to seo tho poet's studio
was shown a tnnall room, homo of a
fow tattered books. "This," said tho
servant maid, "is master's library,
but his study is out of doors." Ily
Tho houFO of Jacques Flandroau,
built in Now Uochello in the year
1700, is standing, and is supposed to
bo ono of tho oldest Huguenot houses
in this country.
No Selene" of Hilttcullon.
There is no science of education.
Thoro aro many theories, and thcro
is an ait of education. Every truo
teacher is and must bo nn artist,
working on tho most plastic of ma
terials, and changing her methods as
tho state of tho material gives notico
to her practiced mental cyo that
change is needed. It is this fact
which makes cxpcricnco of so much
valuo in the profession, and this
which makes tho problem of normal
schools so difficult. It is only thi
quickened insight of a mind original
ly fit for llio work which can tieior
mino tho mental state to bo dealt
with at the moment, and can then
select, out of all tho means nt com
mand, tho very question or tho very
explanation that will onablo the
child's mind to take hold of tho truth
to bo conveyed.
Tho maker of Damascus blades
cannot tell you how ho knows that
tho steel has had exactly tho re
quired amount of heat. Ho sees tho
color and ho knows; that is all there
is of it: If you do not seo it, ho can
not help you any moro than tho
laundress can tell you how hot tho
iron must bo for tho material she is
going to put it on. She holds it to
her faco or touches it with wet linger
nnd decides. Tho cook puts her
hand into tho oven nnd Bays that wo
must wait a little longer beforo tot
ting tho bread in, nnd sho is right.
Tho problem of real teaching is of
this order, only moro complicated
because of tho material; for steel
and cloth and dough can be depended
on to answer a certain quantity of
heat with a certain reaction, whilo
tho human mind has left to it free
dom in its way of working, and no
two human minds aro alike. Anna
C. Brackott in Harper's.
Kstlmntlnp; Ago.
Two women, apparently returning
homo from a matinee performance,
bustled into tho car and seated them
selves near the door. Thoy were
carrying on an earnest conversation,
and tho radical difference in their
voices made tho conversation atnus
ing to tho other passengers. Ono of
tho women talked on a very high
koy and tho other scarcely spoke
aloud. Every word uttered by the
high keyed talker could bo heard in
any part of tho car, but not n sound
could bo heard from tho lips of the
whispering woman. Just after thoj'
had taken their seats every ear in
tho car was saluted with tho shrill
exclamation, "Well, let me tell you
that sho is sixty if 'sho is a day !"
Thoro was u whispered response, ac
companied by a deprecatory facial
expression. Thon camo another
sharp and clear cut sentence, "Well,
sho cortainly is fully forty-five 1"
Tho quiet woman shook her head
at this and said something in an un
dertone which elicited tho shrill dec
laration, "Pshaw! sho is thirty at
any rate." Tho passengers were
deeply interested by this timo and
thoy watched tho face of tho whis
pering woman to seo whether sho
was willing to subscribe to tho last
statement. No, sho was not, and al
though her remonstrance was in
audiblo it must have had weight, for
her loud voiced companion promptly
dropped off a fow moro years and as
serted, "Very well, you ought to
know, but I don't boliovo that sho is a
day mder twenty-five." New York
"I'ly Lllro WliUtlrJuckot."
In "Sho Stoops to Conquer," act
TV, occur tho words spoken by Tony,
"I havo got vou a pair of horses that
will Hy like Whistlejaeket." I havo
uover seen this explained, but have
ho doubt that tho reference is to
a race horse, famous in its day,
named Whistlejaeket, which be
longed to Lord Rockingham. It ran
at York and Nowmarkot iu 175-1. and
had a clean recoi d of victories. As
Goldsmith's play was not produced
till 1773, there would be ample op
portunity for tho name to becomo
tho typical designation of a fleet
horse, liko tho "Beeswings" and
"Donovans" of a later timo. Thoro
is u lifo bizo picture of "Whistlejaek
et," painted by O. Stubbs. at Wont
worth Woodhotiso. London Acad
emy. Tim (i.iiuit of Cliri'l.om.
Tho game of checkers was firsf
played in Egypt, so far as wo know,
about 4,00!) years ago; it is oldor
than chess. Tho niuno checkers was
given to tho gamo bocauso tho boaixl
is "cheeky," an horaldic term. Tho
old English namo is drafts. New
York Sun.
The Qitecn'a Mcsffnecn
Thirty or forty years ago, perhaps
oven moro than now, tho queen's
messenger was a personage of first
importanco on tho read, claiming
tho earliest attention from guards
and portt.i's, civility and expedition
at over customs frontier, and tho
best places m train nnd stoamlwat. I
In tho present day, traveling always
by train among tho over increasing
crowd of tourists, tho comfort and
prestige of n journey with dispatches
is somewhat on tho wnno, nnd ox- '
cept in times of war tho adventures
of tho queen's messenger nro re
duced to tho possihlo chance of a
railway smash.
Only a fow years havo passed,
however, since most of tho habitues
of the mail route botweon London
nnd Palis must havo been familiar
with tho bluff and burly prcsenco of
Major X., tho Ajax of tho corps of
queen's messengers, and horo of a
hundred tales. Wo can seo him now,
shading from tho train to tho boat
at Dover, followed hy two porters
bearing tho dispatch bags. Passen-,
gers seattcr right and left as ho calls
in loud, commanding tones, "R-room
for her majesty's dispatches 1" and
tho littlo procession, headed by tho
major, steps across tJio gangway and
finds its way to tho proper reserved
cabin. Quarterly Review.
Utiles for i;iif-llsh Judges.
Somo of tho rules proposed by nn
English judgo for adoption by tho
council of judges are: "That judges
shall commenco business at tho timo
appointed for tho sitting of tho
court, or at least not moro than fif
teen minutes after such timo; that a
judgo of t.io court of appeals shall
not interrupt counsel moro than six
times in tho space of fivo minutes,
other judges not more than threo
times hi the samo spaco of timo;
that judges when they adjourn in
tho middlo of tho day for a quarter
of an hour shall return to court at
tho end of a quarter of an hour, or
at least not more than half an hour
after that time. Tho judges shall
not sleep when on tho bench for
moro than half an hour in tho courso
of tho day; mid when two judges
aro sitting together thoy shall not
both sleep nt the samo time." Green
Uiithor Kmlmiiiis&hij;.
A comical mishap befell a young
lady at her first dinner party. Nat
urally sho was somewhat nervous at
first, but the awkwardness woro
away after a little, and sho was soon
quite at ease. Tho dessert was being
served, and tho stately colored wait
ers were passing pretty littlo pink
frosted cakes, to bo eaten with tho
iced creams. A plate of them was
hold before the young lady, who
looked them over and said, "I don't
care for any." Tho waiter was mov
ing away when sho saw, as sho
thought, an eclair on tho farther side
of tho plate. Sho was fond of choco
late. "Yes, I will, too," sho said,
reaching over for tho eclair; "there
is ono with chocolate on it." "Beg
pardon, miss," said tho waiter, as
sho tried to pick up the tempting
morsel; "beg pardon, miss, but that's
my thumb." Rochester Democrat.
now n, lilt of Now Started.
A Scarborough clergyman on open
ing his newspaper tho other day
found therein an utterly unfounded
statement to tho effect that his con
sort had presented him with triplets.
He immediately caused inquiry to bo
mado as to thobourcoof this astound
ing stoiy, and ho found it was as fol
lows : His married daughter and her
children had arrived at his house on
a visit; tho event had been described
by ono neighbor to another as an ad
dition of threo to tho minister's fam
ily, by tho natural law of evolution
that was transformed into a case of
triplets, ai'd a local correspondent
getting hr Id of tho story sont it in
thnt form to tho nowspapers." Eon
don News.
Where Cripples Abound.
In a littlo town of Connecticut
nearly every person ono meets is a
cripple. Men without arms or legs,
or with badly scarred and injured
faces, meet you at every turn, until a
visitor begins to feel as if visiting tho
grounds of somo great hospital after
a recent battlo. The secret of this
strange condition of the population
is that situated near by aro tho great
est powder mills hi tho world, and
all tho cripples havo been maimed
by explosions. Exchange.
imm'Mw ,! i,im,aw'
!M9j.vonv f r-Siti Iflf NESS. L0SSES.Pf?AIN5.lMPOTENCY OR,
lBSJbl s-i-T"" iJiiBp LST Manhood. Rheumatism, Lame
we have a relief and cure
In your Ignorance of effects
and vitality which is
system the elements thus
strength and vigor will fol
cure or nioney refunded.
Dr. Sandcn's Electric
after all other treatments
testify, msd from many of
l"" I J'rlw the effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. Fo si'ch sufferers
rv, n - t n
In our marvelous invention, which reouires but a trM tn coiv!nre the i lost skeptical.
orby excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your nystemof iu've force
oloctrlcltv and thus caused vour wenVness or lack ef fires. If vou rrn'are into vour
"71 ilralti,..! tutitt. nrt ,-,.n,,trw1 (tr .1.wm-s,,,i3 el,.nirfli itnti ., Ml r mi-M,, fltM fV.tif iiilil ,,.nltK
jt. ,,V,, IMII.II .l,,,V.. Vi . IjWl Vt 0,t,.ll,, .11, J..M ' ,.. , i,',. ,,,V V..M 'V, 'VM..,
5i low ai once nnu in n natural way, i ins is our plan anu treatment, ana v.c ;;uarun;ce a
hern! tor our illustrated l'amphlcts, free ; sent by mail, sealed.
Belt Is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust h:aU'.: &wl vigor,
failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after urngotr Belt,
Is a complete galvanic battery, made Into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and It gives soothing, p-olonged currents
wiiicli are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric 3uGtoi?ory, the
greatest boon ew.r given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or pjrts, or .
Money Rorundod. They are graded In strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and -w ill cute
the worst cases in two or inree tnontns, Auuress
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Tliclr fJn.M r Day nml Hit) 1 xirH.iritlnnry
C'lotik That Measured II.
Louir liofrro Japan was oiwnctl to
foivlgbcit) till tho Japaik-so iiosscss
cniinont nitronouiiual knowliilrro and
a Kodiac of their own. Th"tr year
bej?an wiih o.irlHol rebniavy and
a lv,'(-i .o moinliu. Tho day was
divided 1.1 difforont m.iuuor-; tho
wl'Jtary t mntcd, liko otir tilors, by
"witohcs:" tlio priosts hy "divisions,"
which were marlced by tho striking
of very largo bolls suspcudrd in tlieir
hifch luuiplcs, a custom which is still
in vogue; and finally tho lay elo
ment, tho population, reckoned by
Th(y began tho day, which was di
vided into twelve hours, nt suuriso
and ended it after sunrise. Since- tho
length of tho day is u constantly
varying ono each month was, for
simplification, calculated into a mean
length, and this longth of day estab
lished for tho wholo month. Tho
Japanese evinced n high degrco of
scienco by these calculations.
Their clocks were of two kinds
tho so called "long clock," with hand
fnstoned to tho descending weight,
and marking timo upon an upright
dial, and tho "round clock," with
movable dial and fixed hand, or fixed
dial and movable hand. To regulate
tho division of hours for tho varying
length of tho different months many
very ingenious contrivances and con
structions were used. Tho matter
was comparatively easy with tho
long clock.
Six dials, shortened according to
tho falling height of tho weight on
hand, were each divided into two
parts, corresponding to tho length of
day and night; euch of theso parts
into twelve subdivisions, tho hours.
Only sLx suqh dials woro necessary,
since, by rovorsiou, a dial used for a
summer month could bo used for tho
opposito winter month. At tho be
ginning of every month tho corre
sponding dial was inserted under tho
hand connected with tho falling
weight and replaced by tho next toi
lowing at tho end. Tho greatest
longth of tho day was fifteen and tho
shortest nino of our hours, and,
owing to tho contracted spaco of tho
falling weight, it had to bo wound
every morning.
To use the clock during tho night
timo, tho dial was roversed, and tho
weight wound up. It is singular
that tho Japanese, in spito of this
clock furnished with rachet wheel,
pendulum and weights, did not oui
ploy tho spring as a motive power,
but simply tisbd for striking on clock
bells. Tho round clocks were pro
vided with weights working upon
lovers, for retaining different length
of days. It is said that theso con
structions wero very excellent, and
veiy reliable clocks wero produced
therewith. Jewelors' Review.
Why Ho Did Not Sneak.
During tho first part of the session
of tho Fifty-second congress, speak
ing of tho rules governing dobato,
Genoral Hooker said:
"After being first elected to con
gress, I remained upon the floor of
tbo house two or threo months with
out opening my mouth. My distin
guished and lamented friend, Samuel
J. Randall, of Pennsylvania, was
chairman of the committee on appro
priations. Ho had introduced a cer
tain bill and it had been reported
back from his committee. I told
some friends that I would bo glad of
an opportunity to discuss tho bill.
They went to Mr. Randall and said,
'There is a member here who would
like to say a fow words on tho mat
ter which is under debate.'
"Mr. Randall turned around,
closed ono of his eyes, as was his
habit, and scrutinized mo very close
ly. Ho looked mo all over and asked,
'Is that tho man?'
" 'Yes,' said my friend, 'and he
wants to speak, Mr. Randall.1
" 'Well,' replies the great Pennsyl
vanian, shaking his head, 'ho is a
young member, and thero's no tell
ing what in thunder ho will say. 1
shall not let him speak.'
"And I did not speak." Washing
ton Letter.
A Put Mouse In tlio Cub.
A story is told of Engineer Hurd
and his pot mouso. Tlio mouse found
its way into tho engine and mado its
homo in tho wa&to box. Two or
threo times a day it would leave its
cozy nest and feed on the greaso of
tho swab of tho piston. Engineer nnd
fireman made a pet of it. The mouso
was with tins engino about three
mouths. It would ran and play
around tho cab and then seek its
placo in tho waste box. Denver
Teli'plioiio Urei'3.
Somo interesting and rather sur
prising statistics aro published on
tho uso of tho telephone. In Gor
many, Switzerland, Norway and
Sweden, from 100 to -100 persons in
oveiy 100,000 of tho population nro
subscribers. In Great Britain only
58 persons in 100,000 uso tho tele
phone. In Berlin 11, and in Paris
43 out of every 100,000 inhabitants
uso it.
Trust Not Moio Ali'iiriiii?es.
Fireflies give out no heat, tho owl
is not wise, tho tortoise often wins
tho race, tho keen eyed beggar at tho
door may bo a King Alfred, tho sim
ply dressed littlo btrauger in tho
street may bo a Napoleon, under tho
dullest exterior may dwell tho fair
soul of a Portia. Youth's Companion.
Those Afflicted
With thelhabltjol uMug lo exeef s,
Can obtain a
ireat Grove, Or., CaU write. BtricUr
Ssfin y-
U m, AAV
X T.K SMirti' 1 U 1 , u-mT
?nI J 6iritTic.A
-r- I J-- I I H ..L .
f- m jl5 lui uf ui iih rn
Has been popular with smokers everywhere for over twenty-five years.
It is Just as Good Now as Ever.
Its Flavor, Fragrance and Purity have contributed largely to the,
growing popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smoking is
giowing in favor because finer, sweeter and better tobacco can be had
in this form and at much less cost than in cigars.
State Trcasurer'n Third Notico
HAi.rM, Muy 10, 18DA
TllfAM'KY Urt'AUTilKNr.r
OTlOK Is hereby i'lvcu thnt sulllclent
fitndsnreonhamltoniiyiill cmtsUuid
luirNtatownrrtniainiltirKoa.l'i)ru'Giito 'imd
not inl(l for wimt of funds," nnd Unit thf
Mimowlll bn paid ui-on pieKtiitutloniit tills
nlllcn, tntiroi tlieronu ecusliiif with tuo
d.itoof this notico. I'JUL. AI KTHOUAN,
roposals for Supplies.
The Board ol Trusted of thoQiCKou bluto
ljisiinosjliiiii luieby Invito peiilcd pio
posalHlnr luiulshlni! nt the u.)uiii near
Saloin, Ongou, the lollowltig biippllfri lor
tho blx months ending January 1, Ib'J.I.
ICX'O rds cotton llannel (Nashua, XXXi
500 ds Atiiifktnir mariners stripes bluo
and white
MK Jds JjOumIuIo blrach sheeting Xti Inch.
."WO yns pcquot A bheetliiK, oil lneh.
1U0 yds peciuot A uublcjcliet shortly 43
tOO yd century elotli.datlc co'.ors.nfesmtcd.
160 yds continental chcrlc Ihinni'I, bluck
and vhlie,
300 yds led nnd bluo checlc glnis crash, 18
inch wide.
000 yds bleached I iuot and French ciaiili
18 Inch wide.
iiOO yds AiiiobKvdk bluo denims I) oz.
.'SU05 ds 0-1 bleached sln.etlr.ir. l'enuot.
i;0 jdJ superiors itln diiinnslc CH Inch wide
Idoz Wo ID whltn(CIurk'sinlleend)thiead.
IU ' Mi white ' ' '
JO ' ' :!tf black ' ' '
5 ' M) wulte ' '
;t ' ' 00 ' ' '
'(Iftross pantaloon buttons (nielal)
lb do, pis suspc mien', (Koclt ford)
U kioss shoe Uicts 5 I
of,0 yds Amuilivu slilitin.i prints llsjht col
ois us ined.
tt.OuO lbs t.pl bait.
100 ' cheese, Cranstou's or as good,
,'ioOO ' cracked wlicat,.lrcbhgrouudlbbls.
K000 ' rolled oats, ' '
300 ' diled. cuirtinls, fresh, good stoclt,
ax) ' U.tCo's A a H brand airb soda.
'SX0 ' choice Island lice.
iiOO cieam urlar, J. A. Kolger's prime,
or as good.
"() gro-s inatelief, Vulcan, superior Safety,
it) doz sciub brushes,
li ' clump mop sticks.
0 doz ha' h bi lckb.
3 ' dust luushes.
12 ' brooms.
2 doz whisk brooms.
ii-'j ' cuUHoysters l'ields,Fiuren'nornsgood
J0' coru,(Vlnslow's or as good)
30 bxs m iccaroni 15 lbs each.
:i2 doz concentrated lye, American.
ilo lbs elastiustaich.
1 gross clay jiipis with 2 gross stems,
iu lbs Stcadc wax candles, orasgood.
2 do Worcestershire sauce (qjiirts) Leu &
100 lbs Mploca.
i J ' corn starch, Oswego or us good.
0l.i0 ' golden C stifciir.
(IWO ' gianulaled
IjCO lb Gold 13ust commeal (or as good)
freah In bbls.
30D lbs buckwheat Hour, fresh, impioved
300 lbs black pepper, ground.
20-J lbs fresh dairy butter, (weekly) moro or
1000 lbs Japan, Columbia brand, or us good.
3000 lbs Costa Itlca, first grade.
2W) ' chicory.
M) ' got Java, ' '
100 luilAlocha, '
15C0 lb? Sledge Hammer brand, or ns good.
COO lbs per day more or less of beef and
million nt, rcqulicd In equal parts o!
io.u and hind quarleis.
roll sole, heavy atocktou, extra 25 to 27
lbs e.ichslde.
1 buckskin.
1 domestic enlf skin,
1 side harness leather.
50iJ bbls moroor less, best roller process,de
lltred as wanted.
2500 pounds Kirk's bavou or ns good.
10 boxes loiy soap, 100 cukes each,
10 lbs shaving soap (Palmer's barber or us
2 doz 12-inch platters,
1 ' 10 Inch platters.
1 ' blinker salts.
3 ' 7-inch plates.
2 ' 1 pint eieani pitchers.
1 1-K.tllou wuiei pllcheis.
3 ' l inch vegetable dishes,
tl ' l-qunrt soup bowls.
0 wash bow's.
0 ewers.
15 doz cups.
10 saucers.
10 ' tumblers.
12 ' f-lnch dinner plates.
2 ' IMueliboup plates.
1 ' 8 Inch vegetable dishes.
12 doz I'ny son's indelible Ink.
Uqts rianlord's pieiulum lluld,
3 ' Stallord's cupj ing
J ' toiuiuerclnl Ink,
1 icatnt, lefer paper,wedgewood half sheet,
or us good.
0 doz lead pencils, Dixon's graphite No P50
rub tip M'ri.
1 box Incandescent pens. No 7, Falcon.
2 ' Incandescent ' -1, London.
2 ' Union's ' ' sOI,
1I001S N0SHOllS.
10 doz btxes shoe blicking, patent wood
20 prs No. U ladies' tine shoes.
Smen's slippers.
7 3 ' ' U
21 ' K ' boots.
Kd ' tl ' '
12 ' 10 '
209 gallons coal oil, lYiu'i liratid, Iu tanks.
2,0 llusted all, boiled, In casts,
lft) ' turpentine, Iu enw.
ltOIb. paiall'me.
Mi Mil so1
50 ' bus wux.
2 doz dust n ns
5t' feel U-mvili u und Irou
2-j ' 4l '
Kll ' iu
60 ' Kl-sihurou.
I $4v-
lx -s
If lucU octugon tool steel
, -. . . .
2 pines 8 le-t e.ioh 1 li ch octagon ftxilslrel,
a . 1 1-2 ' '
li 'fe No. ' I" nt h' ts, llt.Lt, Ilurdeus.
JikiaNo. . ilc '
tins Nil 8 I'uiniiiii I one shoe nails,
10 lbs No. 2toei'UlKb.
KX)lbs-let blMcl-Mll'th'sconl.
1 11-Inch horse uisp, 1 Hitler's.
S doz L H nibt steel round polntH, jxilUlied
Mill sU(lsliiicls,
1 doz rlks, Hum's cast steel ax finish, 6 to
a lbs.
1 doz pick handles.
li doz K H barrows, dressed material, Iron
doz Hit barrows, plain mntorlu), li,
wht el.
li doz patent Herman handled hoes witl i
(i inches,
y, doz No. 1 solid socket, cast Bteol litis,
width 'J inches,
2 stono slertgo hammers of 23 Ihsand lot SJi
1 double fared striking hammer.
WX) lbs No. lo galvanized sheet iron,
tut) lbs No. 2 f ' ' '
IWlbs mi. IS ' ' '
UK) lbs 1-1 11 .lslnng hulls.
200 His fit!
100 lbs 10 1 '
ICOlbslOd '
!Mllbs20a '
SOU Ihs 4jtl '
100 lbs OOd '
200 feet 'i Inch galvanised Iron pipo,
2t.O foot, 1 inch ' '
leOlotUJ ' '
100 leet ' blaclc '
71 feet ii ' ' '
doz 1 Inch Ilango unions.
1 dof M Inch Keystone unions.
I do . inch tees.
,.w , IUUI UlC
2 doz 1 inch tees.
1 do Inch tics
Yi doz y Inch K es
1 doz yi inch lock nuts
1 doz i-f plugs
1 do. x
1 doz t '
1 do Ilushings 1 to 4
1 do llushingsJi tol
ldoz liushlngs y, Uifi
1 do llUbhlngs j lo i
1 doz sockets 4, lucli
Vt do elbows 1 Inch
1 do elbows l inch
1 di;i; elbows A .ncli
1 do elbows Inch
i doz elbows J4 inch
2 do. 1 inch snaljht eli's
1 doz J inch ' '
Mdo2-inehJ( nltlus'v nlv cs l emovabtc dli
J-a doz IK-lnch ' '
(io 1
remmnblo disks for.Ieul.l
a'2 IlUA k
X do
1 do '
1 do A Fuller bibbs plain
1 do 4 ' '
2 do Urapci 's sleel oilers, no 1 1 or ns g
1 do. lbow burner ci.cks
2 doz brass plllais
ldoz Iau tips
1 pair 10 Inch gas pllen
7o lbs soldtr y3 and y
5 lbs Ksin
1 do sink couplings
yt(i. lend H u aps li
21 ibs2-ply lubber picking, cloth Insert r
i in . viiicauizeuiiiuuer wasueis.iot jiotii'
2 do ' ' ' ' J-ilh
leath 1 Inch und IK inch drilt plugs i ,r
lead pipe
10)bs iinuaaiiimoula
1 gro-s bottles, bo
10 lbHitbaoibenl (o'tou
yt do sjuols nit bcr adhesive plnslei fi d i
5 lbs ether fort In 5 lbs cans
Ogtoss coilcs, No I
5 lbs choini h; drato cryst.
1 lb 11 o.t buthu 1' L) A Coor Wyi th ,.. llto's
31bs 11 ext inuuls vhgln, '
3 lbs ' sarsHpaillln ewmp. torsyrnp, '
lib ' ih'lHiimi, lor sjiup, '
lib ' Inuglbeils, 1' U iliooi Wje h
1 lb 11 ext aconite, '
lib ' cannalils led, '
2 lbs ' cnscira snaiada, ' '
lib ' opll, ' '
lib IIskI tolutanaforsviup '
2000 empty capsules No ,l'b ui.
-000 ' 2 '
1000 ' ' ' 0
too ' ' ' io '
1 lb balsmiperu.
1 lb llg potass aiseu.
iOOO hypodermic tablets hyoscyamt t nil fi
ltogr WjethiUio's
50 lbs iiiiigur slan sulph.
yt oz inoijililno Miipn.
1 lb pepsin sacch.
lOlbs polnss biom.
2 lbs potass 'orildo.
5 lbs potass nit,ci.vst.
lib potass cltias.
1 oz oleum inyrcine.
1 oz oleum tlglll.
lb pheuucetlno haver,
1 dobotttes 1'liiliis'EiiuilsonCortl i"Ct ti,.
25 o qululno sulpli. K &. Jl
fi lbs sodll blcurb
y. dcz syringes, Davidson's.
3 ibs sponges, huge eaulage.
1 2 lb si on,; en, suiglcal.
1-2 gal sjits net heils nit.
10 lbs Misellno XX, it fined
1 onigentl nit iu sticks.
1 lb comp. tlnct. cluchonln.
2 do btitnglueuing piasters, S A J.
2 doz Aleock's Porous plnsteis.
i hi podermlo syringes, Wyelh's A 1! oV.
0 lbs flax seed mull.
250 gallonsjHire elder vinegar, 10 gtal s.
t-arnples may bo seen at the oiiii o tu i he
board of trustees, goods must btln u i t ,
mice lbeiewitu.nnil must tome In oi ," i iu
packages when poi slble. 'Iheboan.,! e.
serves tho light to njeel an.v and ul li ds.
Uellvciycl supplies will bHrequne. w ti -Iu
ten iliijb' notlieot acceptance ot b d.
copy of tins adM'ittseiutnt iiuisi a inii'j
any each bid, and tho name ol tlu cl ss i
supiilles must be written on tLc n .,'t )
containing bid Euch bid must Inn ' taw
the Items of Iheclasbld upon nrn mil i
give items iindtutals in liill.witlio c ptli
ol meat and Hour. Auditing rtlceis ,i
piohlbittd lrom continuing nccouu s if
pnichasois when the advertlsemenl It h
not contain a fuil nndcomplete dett rip n i
of theartlc'u, lo bo ptuehasod,
lilds ill bo opened at 2 o'clock p in c
Tuesdav, Julyfi, ls2,
(3KO. IV. MfUHIlli:.
Wm. A. SliTNLV, lioaiiloftommi' t ,tr .
Cleric of Hoard.
Aild Oregon Devclonineril ct mpnuy's
steHinsblpliuo. Sii miles shot fei '.I'hoius
lotnueiImn b uny othei mu t 1 ;r i
oiiibs thioitgh passenger and in ht lir.i
Iimui t'mtluud and all points in ihcNili
iiimett.' vnllov to and fiom ban t-arcis,!
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Huuay)
LyueAlb'iiiy l.iX t' '
LuivoConullis 1:4 1' A
Arrive Yuqulnn ' " ' A'
l.flHve Vnqutn'u ill A
Lenvf1 Curvnllls .... pi i V i
Arrive Albany 11:10 A A
O. A O, trains connect nt AUmi" '
The nbnve trains toutxet nt Y.tl It'
with the Oiegon IK velopmoLt IVi li
of,Slfiiiikhiiis lintweeu Yanulnfl an '
Krnneim .
N. H. 1'assengers lrom Portland nr.d ul,
Willamette Vallej poluts ran inukt elo
connection with the train it t f
iAOUINA HOI; I'M nt Albanj ort'orvih
andlfdistlnel to Kan Francisco, sci u.n
dmingo io arrive ut Yaqmnn the on t
before date of calling,
I'Aj.xji.'r aiul I'ruirM Kites i.!a lit,
Uwe.t ForlnformnttMunpply to A'w '
UUUMAN 4 Co., Freight aud 'lil t
Agents auuaiid 202 Front M I'ortloud,( ,
O.C. IIOUIJK Ao't Gen'l rlt .'
!,6cAst..0rrKonI'iiiufiiR It .
C. H.UABWKLlJr.Ubu'l Frt; .v
ltus. Agt. Oregou l)evelopmeiit
Co., sh Monteomery kl.,
:f- Xg-JfV.p;r.Z.jaCt" . ' - - li'X.