n C -,y' i-'C VENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. 'S v !'. h. 3 VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY. JTJjSTE 24, 1S92. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. i4. i JLj l w. ffll LUUivai yU NTO! 98 State She u. We toll you of some special bargains this week that are worth looking into. For instance: Photograph Albums 75 to $12 00 Family Bibles $2 00 to 10 00 Oxford Bibles 75c to $15 00 Testaments 10c to 2 50 Wo invite you all to call and see those goods, whether you wish to purchase or not, as we will take special pains in showing these to you. BJJlm 33$LC3 3E". jEjGk.3L?sJE?Cl!3'm PLEASANT- Aff sH i B 9 m a Mr My " B HflBBTN Hi I DIB Z H B I 1 1 II 1 1 1 3 1 You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street cars and city water. "Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffico or Court House. Over thirty lots sold tin's spring. Call on Wm B ELE &f W 8 51 Ul One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. IC3SjsrmamxspnzcKundcac37i2nsnMcS3atn I 3 2 r 51 PPlft Nfc . -SFCCESSOIW TO Mn ntirp. g v o n e q. a s s WELLBR BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOU RED STAR COMI3PK1SSSB13 w !gym w ibnwB 1TAPLB ADD Fill 'iftflBiMnltlliiifc Jftto m At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc, MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Rcarof iiOO CoiiiniiTcisil Stieet, Salem, Oregon. NAILS! LOCKS! HINGES! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i A.T & Peltl, HlSberiilld Tinners Barr 214 & 210 Commercial St., Biilcm. Gulden Hose ami Lawn Sprinklers. A complete lino of Ktovea und Tinv.nre, Tin roollnn and plumbing u specially. Estimates for Tlnuiuir and VlumblnK b urnlalied. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. All tiro invited to call nt 113 Couit stieet and look at all the Iut lutlerns In Wall Taper and got prices for Fame on the wall. ' EU. SNOW, Decorator, with E.E. SNOW, Hi use, Sign and Car- rlaue PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Only Firrt-ola" Work. h, E. SJSOW. Remember the plaee, 143 Couit htreet. F0UN The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery rig, Express, Dmy or Truck, "Wood, liny, f;il fi.rl nr o-ood well rotted Manure, load of D-irt or Gravel. Call on Kyan & Co back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. ItYAN & CO. Salem Truck & Bray Co. SHSS V lice ritato St., opposite Ba lem Iron works. Drays and truck may he found-.throughout the dav at th ftirmr of KUte and r.uiirm-rpUl tntw , ... F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, Gnr,! Superintendent, SALEM IRON WORKS, OREGON, PiiriC "nd Keel" Karin machinery mud and lepaired. P DltODnimilG S.N.CHl'RCHUL ' cnuncniLL & nvnnovGiis, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 I'hemekWft Street. -tm,A. :EB.K3ES Sash and Door Factory FronC Street, Salern, Oregon. The be8t class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. GETTHEJAM.LAWNMOWER In Three Sixes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AXD LIBERTY ST3., SALEM, OREGON Choice Meats. EDd. C. Cross, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats ol all Hinds, 3tif tfJXp&5 jTtHV7b5i i a viirNinJ Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets, C IdS Smith, -SUCCESSOR '1 0- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE ?A SPEOIALTY.s- Contractors and builders can find hero every article they need, in the most approved ana inoaeru pauerns. SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you Avell. 4jgZBL.er.m.wiafm j..wi 3 (1V D.C.SPIERTvIAN, U. H, 1'cnsion and Utiim agent. 1. O Hoi 231 Siilem, Oieo'i. Deputy fJoiint Clarl' Vrllo for lilaiikfl. w DUGAN BROS' i hi lljl'l J1UWV.II.. f J Wlioletule uud retail dialer In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS, CO Co m inerclal Rtroet. T, lpIno .No. SI For Sale. tI.ma1.i1j in Vnrtli H.ilcin Oil ftTCbt CUT line, alwi 21 ucres Irult land nboiil miles m. nut nf Wjilpfn. f!ltll llll . I. tiAKKIKLROX, Htat Insurance OUlco Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. JJRENTH, Modurit. Lock Bor 1210, Scuttle, Wash Sredrii ori'tioroughbred foullry of fol lowing VHrletle: H C. White L(.'liorn, H, C. lirown Uv horat, WUIte Plymouth Jlocki, llarred 1'ly mouth IUck, 1'ft tiarnci, llluck Ijidb ibatnii, i.lshf Hrtihainan, Hutr Coclilu.', rarTlrtge Coclilm, llronie Turkej . H( nd ;or t lrcular and l'rloe Ut. White's No. 60, HALEM'ri FINEST TRUCK, Nownady tor bulut. l3iyfW work Hclalty. J WlUiC, 248 Comuiurcial Street. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Trau'sacl a KnTal banking uuhlnunN In nil ltx brauclieH. GEO. WILLI A MH l'renlden Wm. KNGLANU Vice I'retililent IIUGU MfJNAKY Caslilir UIKISMTOKB- Geo. Wllllnin,Wlii. ns laud, Dr. J. A. Hiclmrditou, J. W. IIoaon. J, A. Itaker. lianlc In new Uxcbanuo block on Oom inarclal stieet. H:13-tl Authorized Capital 500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Hair 10, Oregon. W.A.flJHICK, VieuT W. W. MAHTIN, Vice I'niJ. J. It. AUiKIlT, Cimbler. Bute, County and City Warrant bought at I'.ir. dw MONEY TO LOAN. hporlul InduwiiK nU for the next .'W days on good farm loanx. FEAR k HAMILTON iktom 14, liiuli Hank block, & JAlv IMI'IIOVIU) OltUIMl OK HKI1 MKN. 1 Kiimlakiin 'IrlbeHo. 8, Halcm lloldH council rtvery Thurday evening, lit 7J0. Mwiii lu htatH Jnnumnrx hall. K. O.ll AK Kit, I'lopbtt. l'IlNi: O. WA'I KltH, Uhlf oflU-cord. J. M, Needham, JlOUijE PAINTINO, KAT.80- MINING, I'AI'EH IIANOINQ, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave ordem-J. Irwln't, rear of Smith a Kleiner1! drugtUiro. I'KOFESSIONAI. CAIUW. J J. SHAW, M. W. HUNT, HIIAW ft , HUNT, BttorupyH nt law. OUlco over Uipttal .Nntlonnl bauk,Unlcm, Oregon. GEO. H. BimNETT, Attorney nt law, Salem, Oregon. OUlco over Lndd A bush's bank. l T. ItlCllAllUSON, Attorney nt lnw, . otllcc up atalrH In front rooms of new ubu block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon, JOHN A. OAUSON, Attorney nt law. Hooms 3 and 4, Lnda ft lluhh's bank building, Salem, Orcgeu. 1 lyr IJ. F. BONHAM. W. II. HOLMKS. BONirAH ft IIoi.mem. Attorneys nt law. Ottlco In Hush's block, betweon SUito nud Court, on Com'lHt, mlLMON FOUU, attorney nt law, Salem, 1 Urcgou. Oilito up-stulrs In l'atton'c block. BH. UKAD4IIAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Burgeon, aleni, Oiegon. Dillco In JJdrldgo bHck. mutalrs oer WllUnliis ft England's bank Keslrtcnco corner SUito and w. K. corner Inter ttreet. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Office formerly , occuplod by I)r. Uoivlaud, coiner Court nnd Liberty fctruots. Telepliouo No. 15. Ofllce heurs: 8 a m, to 12; 2 to 4 p. in., nud 7 to tt p. ni. Kisldenco lth sln.it on electric car Hue. Tele phono No. . MCAKCK ft 13R001C8, 1'hyglcli.lis nud Hurgeons, aiurpuy blrtlc, up siairs, uommeruini sireei, hiucm, (jr. U. W. S. Jiorr, phjslcLm and sur creon. Office In Kldrldiro lllocii. Sa- em.Ureiron. Olllco hours 10 to 12 a.m. tO'tp. in. YH B.I'HILIlUOOK,M.).,HomropathisU 111. Olllco 153 Court street; Kesldeuco M7 High street. GeLcrnl pinctlco. HperUl nttentlou given to diseases of Women and chlldieu. JU. MINTA M. A. DAVI8. Olllco houre, U a. in. to 11 n. m.; 2 p. m. to 5 p. in. ly or night calls promptly attended to. dpeclnl nttcntlon given to diseases of Wom en and chlldieu. UlUco in New Haul; 111k., Wo Commerolnl stuot. Heshlencu same. ryt. T. U. HMITil, Uentlst.lU SUUo street, XJ Salem, Or. Finished dental opera tions ot eerydescilptlon. I'lUnle.-s opera tions a specialty. Wl). l'UGH, Architect, I'l'ins, Sped , llcalious and superlulendonco lor all class.es of buildings. OUlco 2"0 Coin inerclal St.. un stairs. uu l:lnML,s ui uuiiuii inerclal St., up stairs, c. A. KOISiniT, ArehlUit, loom 121, Mar quani building, i'ortlaud, Oregon. IIUBINKS1? OAUIW. HOKYEftMILLH, Proprietors tho l'oroe lain Until und Hh'ivlujfl'urlon, Hae lueouly rorcelain itutiriubs lu the city. liJ'J Commercial street, Milt-in, Uicgon. O I'll AGUE ft ALLEN, Blacksmiths nnd O horcshoelng and repairing. Only tho bcslwoikmcn employed, Opposito btnto Insuranco building A U, HMITH A CO., Contractors, Scwor A . lug, Cement Sidewalks, Exc.ivating, F-tc: All work promptly done, Snlem, Or. Leave ordtrs with Di:;e.u JJmi, 4-lo-lm n J.LAllHENftCO,, Manufacture of nil L , klndsofvelilclu.. HcpalrlniiUHOlnl. ,y. Hhop 45Htatosticol, C1AKPET-LAYING. I make n spoclnUy oi ; caiptt-sowing nnd laying; carpus tiken up ami relaidwlthgie.vtcait. Ijcavo orders with J. H. Luun, liuioii ft bm oi WhltoCormr. .1 G LUilKMA A. fOHN KNIGHT, Hlnclcsinlth. Hnrru i) shoelngaiidrepilrlngnspwlalty. Shop -tithe foot of Liberty stiuot, Salem, Oregon. 2.2MI For Sale. OOA A - of good lnnd, 80 acres .ll) Afirft um'er fence, with balance timber, will Kill nil or part, cheap, on reasonable terms. JAM L WAHNKU.Hnlem Or. I. O. Box 3.0. (M8.tl.dwr Capital City ltetayrmit Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Mca at All Hours ni the Day None but whlUi labor employed In thb establishment. A good substantial mccl cooked lu firsU class btyle Twenty-five cent per tni.il, RQD PKONT Ciwri strnet,; between Opoia , Home had Mlnto's Lively THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OJtJJGOiV. Kates, $2.50 tolT5.00 per J)ny. Tho host hi t'-'l b( tu ton I'oi Hand nHdHan Frnneisc. Flrit-clnss In ull Its npiiolnt. ments. 1U tables are served Willi thx Choicest Fruits Grown In tho WUIatnnlto Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. JAPAKBSW JU. IMBUB3M4 CURB A now and V inplctn Treatment, coiiklsl Ingiif HiiiiH)Mt.iilej, ointment lu (apnlow, also a box and pllli-; a ihmHIvo Liiru lor ex ternal. Internal, blind or blredlng, llthlng, chronic, reteut or heieditary 1'llu, nuf muny other dUenses unit lmnalii wnk dcm; It IsulwajHii icioiit liuicllt to tho general health 'ilia llrnt dlsooirry ol u inullc.il euro rendering an operation Ith the knlfo iiuiiKessary hernallcr. This remedy Inn never been ki.owu to fall, 11 per box.(lforr; sent by mall. Why nuiri.r trout this tcrrllilo dheane when a wrlllou guaranteo Is Rlvtn Willi li Iiokch, to refund the money II not curul Hind stamp for freo sample. Gii'ircnuxi Issued by WootiAiili, CmiKKft Co., wholesale and rfctill drug gUU, solo agents, I'ortlaud, Or, It 2-1) -d w J. H. HAAS, THE VATCmrAOK, 2l5HComm(rclil St,, - Salem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Hpeclalty ol Hpectocles, and repulrlnr Clocks, Wauthim uud Ji'wolry K. O. OI?08S, and Packor Htate tit. ani Court Ht. The brtit incut dellveiul to ull prtof theclty. K. K. I-IAXL, Paoer Hanccrand Decorator. Olilce at Clio real ctt's illlllonerv store. Bakm, Origou. AN EYE TO BUSINESS Wm A Ilnrso In the Kxprnas llusl: Moll 1'oited In Trlcks Tlioro is nn old, rnwboi fpay ined gray horao that stands ert ou Canal street, near Randolph, ovcry day, and what ho doesn't know about oats and tho express husinestj it would not bo worth whilo for n colt that contemplates hauling trunks at twonty-fivo cents a haul to bother about Tho corner of tho streets is a sort of waiting place for expressman, and a dozou wagons may bo found in lino there daily. Tho wnrjou at tho head of tho lino secures tho first busino&s that comes in sijrht, and when it moves away, as onlj express wagons can, tho others move up, tho wagon that went oil taking a placo on tho end of tho lino whou it roturns. Yesterday tho old gray horso was fourth in lino. The first wagon wa3 hired, and tho driver loft his com panions, who wore, as usual, congre gated on tho cornci', and drovo off. Horses Nos. 2 and 3 promptly moved up without having au informal in vitation from thoir respective own era. The old gray uover moved. Ho was quiotly munching his oats from a tub on the sidownlk. Tho horso b&hind him, a dilapida ted looldug bay, began to grow rest less and poked his head over tho end of tho old gray's wagon. After duo consideration ho camo to tho conclu sion tho old gray had no intention of moving just thon, and pulling out ho paaed him at a slow trot and took tho vacant placo ahead of him. Tho othors moved up in order. When tho old gray finished his noonday meal ho looked about and saw at a glanco that Bomothing was wrong. Ho probably discovered it boforo, but preferred to oat his oats and sottlo tho matter afterward. Ho lost no timo in pulling out of lino, and soon ho was standing besido tho old bay that took his placo. Ho com menced to bito at him, and tried to mako him back, but it was no uso. Ho was bound not to bo cheated, however, and ho quiotly marched along and took a placo at tho head of tho lino. Just then a call camo, and tho old gray started off with a neigh and bin tail in tho air, whilo tho other horses hung their heads in shamo. Chicago Tribune lho first F-tonni Ilullrond. In 1825, tho very year tho Erio canal wont into oporation, an event hardly to bo matched for its impor tance occurred tho successful appli cation on tho Darlington and Stock ton railway of steam to purposos of locomotion. Tho railway first un dertaken in tho United States was a short lino of about throo miles for tho transportation of granite to tho Noponsot river near Boston. Tlio first locomotive ovor used in tho United States wasono imported from England in 1820. Tho first experi mental trip was mado in August, 1829, but tho uso of tho locomotivo had to bo abandoned becauso it was found too heavy. Tho first locomo tivo built in this country was placod on tho South Carolina railroad in 1830. Tho ueo of locomotives, how ovor, was not firmly established un til 18112. Edward Rosewator's Omaha Address. Sho Know Women. Flossio, who is doing hor first year in school, albeit sho is a very bright child, camo in tho othor ovoning and began catechising hor mother, "JIamina,"Bho inquired, "is tlioro anybody in history named Timon Tydo'i" "I'vo heard of such a namo as Timon," ventured tho mother doubt fully, "Was Timon a man or a woman?" "A man, if I remember correctly." "1 guess that must bo tho samo ono, then." By this time tho mother was quito curious. "Why do you think so, whon you know so little about it?" sho queried. "Well," lesponded Flosbio, with confidence, "tho teacher said today that Timon Tyilo waits for no man, and I didn't think it could bo a wom an." Detroit Frco Press. On tho Iloiul to Wuulth. Now ways of making a living con tinuo to pre&ontthoinsolvos. Tho professional brass sign polisher dropped in to solicit a job from mo this week, Ho carried his kit undor his arm, and was willing to contract to keep tho brass sign which I might own, but do not, dazzling to tho oyo for a fixed sum per month. Ho looked its if tho trado was not a bad ono, for ho was dotently dressed and jingled some monoy in his pocket. I saw him noxt day busy on n store front which had sovon signs, and noticed that ho worked quito expedi tiously and effectively. As brass signs tarnish over night, and aro aa numorous as wooden ones onco wero hero, I should not bo astonished if my visitor died a millionaire Now York Cor. Pittsburg Bullotin. llimrgy Lucked Up, Professor Crookos says it has boon computed that in a single cubic foot of tho othor which fills all space tlioro aro locked up 10,000 feet of en ergy. Tho latest researches, ho says, warrant tho expectation that this vast storehouw) of power will, oro long, bo mado readily available. Ho also points to tho timo when wo may have our rooms illuminated by elec tricity without tho uso pf wires. Loudon Tit-Rita. Everybody knows what It la, nnd that In thu rutKoii they o to Hub lcubraml'ti fur Unit puro lSu cream god n, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food XepMtf msm , jsmm F OWCIvi ABSOLUTELY PURE STONE FIGrjrS IN COREA. A Ilemnrknblo Manner of Amusement Thnt Supersedes Kite Flying. Tho Coroan correspondent of n Ja pan paper gives an account of a curi ous popular practico In Corea. Kito flying, wldch is universal in that country, ceases suddenly on ttio 15th of tho first Coroan month, and tho next day stono fights tako its placo as tho chief public amusement. In tho oaBtorn part of Seoul, tho capital, tlioro aro largo open spaces that havo not been built upon, and hero occur the most Berious and interest ing fights. Ono section of tho city is pitted against another, but any ono can tako a hand on oithor eido at ploasuro. There aro no recognized leaders, but tho mass of fighters readilyfollows tho lead of any ono who shows him solf to bo a llttlo moro reckless than tho rest. Two mobs, consisting of fifty, soventy or a hundrod mon each, are drawn up against each othor with an interval of perhaps fifty yards bo twoonthem. Thoro is an incessant sliowor of stones, and each man's business is to hit a3 many men as ho can and especially to avoid all tho stones directed at him. From ton to twonty mon on each sido oro armed with stout clubs and wear thick wadded holmets. Thoso form tho skirmishing lino. Thoy sally out from thoir rospootivo sides and, mooting in mid career, strike out viciously at each othor's heads, each man holding up his cloak with his loft hand as a Bhiold to ward off tho blows of bis advorsary. After tho club fight has lastod about thirty seconds ono Bido or tho othor begins to givo way, which is tho signal for a rush of tho othors. Almost invari ably tho othor sido breaks and runs, and sometimes aro chased into thoir housos, but gonorally some of tho pursuing party press too closely upon tho fugitives. Then tho latter sud denly turn and deal a fow Btaggoring blows, which chock tho pursuers, and in a socond tho tables aro turned and thoso who a moment ago wore flushed with victory aro now in full flight from thoir onomies. Thus tho battlo goes back and forth across tho fields, whilo tho neighbor ing ombankmonts aro crowded with spectators. Tho effect of tho thun doring choors of tho spectators upon tho combatants is marvelous. Thoy chargo upon each other ns if in actual battlo, and show what would bo bravery if oxorted in somo usoful causo. Near tho river aro numerous villages, numbering from 100 to C00 houses each. Thoy aro Hituatod along tho banks at intervals of about half a milo. Tlieso keop up a con tinual soriesof fights among thoin solvos during tho season, ono villago being arrayed against another. Tho dofoated party fly across tho marshy fields to thoir own villago, followed by thoir enemies, who en ter af tor thorn, seizing anything on which thoy can lay their hands iron, files, doors tt mark thoir vic tory. Thon tho wholo villago risos against tho invadei'3 and thoy fly, glad if thoy can got back without brokon heads. Tho first stono fight of tho season was rathor moro disas trous than usual. It is roportod that six mon wero killod, but this is probably an exaggeration. A com pany of soldiors was ordored out to Btop it, which thoy found somo diffi culty in doing, ovon with fixed bayo nots. Dolly's Kicuo. Fivo-year-old Dorothy goes to Sun day school and always loams tho golden toxt. Sometimes hor mother is astonished at hor application of thoso bite of Scripture Sho was al lowed to go to ono of tho neighbors to play ono nftornoou, and looked very Bweet in hor fresh, dainty gown. It was only n littlo whilo, howovor, boforo sho ran homo, bo smeared with mud from tip to too. "Oh, Dorothy I" mamma exclaimed, in a discouraged tone "What shall I do with youi" "I'm sorry. I didn't moan to, mamma," "But just look at your clothes, child I What am I going to do with yout" "Well," rospondod Dorothy, ro momboring her toxt from thopro vious Sabbath, '"Man lookoth on tho outward apporanco, but tho Lord lookoth on tho heart."' And what could mamma do) Youth's Companion. Vhullng Is Dangerous. It is tho whalers who encounter most Berious iorils in tho Arctia ocean. Hardly a year passos whon somo whaling vcssols aro not lost. In 1871 only throo ships wero eavod out of a lloot of twenty-two. No lives wero lost, but tho natives on Bhoro havo boon using chronomotor cases for brasa kottles ovor since. Chicago Herald. i ' Uy tho Huron Indians tho moon k called tho creator of tho earth and tho grandmother of tho sun, in the myths of the Ottawaa it is an old woman with a plwu&nt white face, tho eister of the day star. Before Starting on a Joi A person usually desires to train noma : formation as to the most desirable roUMf uiio, ana win purchase tickets via tb i uiaiwillnllord him the quickest and service, lloforo stnrtlne on n trio .to cago or any point East, you should proTti yo dt yourself with n map ana time table of Wisconsin Central Line. The trains r; on tblsroutonro vestibule nndaroeautpps" vikui-uiimuu'ffiuiost.u rawing uoonis ers. clezant Ilav Coaches and Dlnlntf of latest design, built expressly for this vict), huu are exquisite in lurnisuings convenient, and comfortable In arm ment nnd k ixiinnlrto In pvprr rintnll i iney nave no superior in comfort and w-fw ganco. The dining car service Is pronoun-'!; ced by nil the most elegant ever lnaugiw.,. uieu, hdu is oporuieu in me mieiesi ei isfiw Fast trains via thn Whuvmnln Pftntrrt if T.lnna lAnva Kflnnfln.u.11. Hot, n, IQ .! - aa.!! and 0.25 p. m nnd Ht. l'aul nt UK! p. uu mo ii, iu., waning iavoraoie con tlon with all trains from the West Houthwest. For tickets, maps, pamphlet and lntormatlon nnnlv to Q. V. MnNelll. C and T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., and to J O. I'ond. General Passeneer and Tin Agent, Chicago, In. MO-ty . Summons. In tho Circuit Court or tho State of tmn fimtln nntintvnl Klnvlnn nwu uw svi-imii v uni wui . James Shirley, plaintiff; ? VS. "J A. L. Hudson. U. E. Hodson. J.W.Hi nolle Hodson, Jllancbe Hodson, 1' xucuorintcK. v. u. Mccormick, 8. j llnoton. G. W. Ulillneton.W. Ill Hod Ella Hodson, 1), 1', Thompson, and A. I AJiCjr, WlCUUCUMi f To A. O. Iirey, the defendant above na in me naino or mediate or uregon. are hereby required to aDDear and ana' the complaint mod ngatust you In UK above entitled suit, on or btloro ,the J" Aionupy in June, i&va lo-wit: June la.iowt tho same being the Urst day of the nexi'f term oi me nuovo eniiueu court, ana n: you fail so to answer lor want thereof niaintui win apply to the court ror tne re lief demanded therein, to-wlt: AJadfr ment ntmlnst dnfptiflanTii. A. r.. llrwtMm and O. K Hodson for tho sum of 51400, to-vl gamer wiui iniei est mereon atmoraiaof ten per cent, per annum from Novemba I), litM, less the following payments thereon. lo:wlt: SHU November 9, 18W: SUONovem- 18957: S.tj.50 Deccniber 12. 1888: SWAuruit a), 18MI; J17.'rj May S, 1801; J50 October 8, IsWtt uiso mat piainiiu nave juagment again said defendants lor $150 as attorney's fM In this suit, and that plalntlu have Juda. mnnt llLMllni.1 HJltlt dnfendnntja fnr nil ArtafM and dlsbursemonU of this snlt. Second, l a uocreororiiioioreciosureand salengauMl you and all of the above named defnsb ants, of tho lnorttratre proiwrty roenUoaMti in piaiutius' complaint, io-wu: xne trae tlonal H' K. yt. being the N. K of the s.X, W and lots 1 uud 3 of section & In t. 8; s. , 1 v.,vr. m, and the fractional w. i of tho . v.l of section UU. T. 8. 8. it. '1 w.. w. M.. as. copt 10 ucres oil or tho east side ot the & ;: tlonal w. K of vhow. Hot the b. w. Hat?' sociiun w iu iuo lorin oi a paroienotmuxw extending across wild land. There DOUkf lu till of this conveyance lSl.OlucresoflMMl less 17K acres oil of lot No. 3 deeded V John Wlttschem. All of said land sltuatM In Marlon county, Stato of Oregon. By Ut , nuunu ui aturiuu cuuniy, uretron, aooons ing to law ana the practico ot this court! that tho proceeds or said sale may be pllod Inpayment of the amount due M the plalutlir, and that said defondanhsUMl each or them, ana an pcrsonsoiatmlns of thom.or any of thi laisw or otherwlso may bo barred und forecJoeM derthom,and cache subscnutnt to said I Ises, either as purchasers, tncumbrano lom.or any of them.: subsequent to said mortgage on wildprenv of all rlchts. claim or coultv of redomutlo In the said premises and every part thereof and that the plain till' may have Judgment and oxecutlon against tho wild defendant O. K. Hudson uud A. L. Hodson for any de llolonoy which may remain after applying all the proceeds of tho sale of said premises proporly applicable to the satisfuctlon of saldjudgtuont. Third, that the platnttft or any other party to tho suit, may become n purchasser ut suld sale, that the sherU&T oxecuto a certlUcato of sala to the purchas er and that the said purchaser ho let Into possession or tho said premises produotlon, of tho BhorlU's certtflcato of sale thereol. ana that ut tho expiration of tho time ftrf rodomptlon, that tho sheriu oxoonte m deed to lho purchaser of suld premises, unless redeemed oh required by law; that tho platntlll may havo such other and fur ther rellof In the premises as to this) ooait may seem meet und equitable. You wttt nirthor tako notice that this hummons w served ou you by publication In the Vxru tal Jouhnai,. of Balom, Marlon county, Oregon, by order of Hon. 11. l'.Holse, Judge of the above entitled court, made at UluuiV ners m naiem, juanon county, ur April 21, IMM, ordei ins una directing suld summons be published therein onoe , week for six consecutive weeks. , H. T. HIOHAltUSON, 4-2S-71 Attorn ey for tlilnUsU Executrix Notice. ATOTIOK Is hereby given that tho ut JL1 siguea lias tuis any noen up od by tho Hon. County Court of h county, executrix of the last will and turnout of Charles l'lgler, deceased, all sons having bills against said estate reouesiea to present mem to ma at rcsldeuco corner D and llth streets. wood uddltlon to Ualem. properly verl .nil..... alv ..n..,..u T' ... ( t. . l. .(.& t...rt portions knowing thomseives Indebted, ' saia usiuie uro requesica to mane in uu) puymvni. ouawri nui Anrll 3X W2. Utrrit ll. llAMMKit. Attorney for AduL utrlx. i-Ww Vr Kngi Citation. In the County Court, for theCounly of 1 riuii, ouuu ui urvguu. In the matter of estate of) r,.,.,,n Kvoltno Cox, doccused Citation. uo uu ino ueirs or saia aooeauBt, I or unknown. UltL-t;l'lNU; lu tho namo of the Mtate of Orsfoeu tt aro hereby clttd and required to wipitleM inutxjuuix lajunui lun dwiq ui or cause. If anv there bewlur un order sli notboiiiuduuutliorltluirand eninowi Ihpuilmlulstralorof suld estate to sell! inii proiwrty belonging to said etti which Is described us follows to-wlt! 1 8. U. 10 uud 11 In block No. 8 as shown the amended plat of Capital lark adcUlsem j to tho City ol Salem in Afarloa iaanMl Oreiron. .. '' Witness, tho Hon. T.L. Davidson, Jb til liia lAJUUljr ivuil, ui tuuowunuiu for tho County ot Marlon with the suld court uttlx, this 16th day of Jane. U Attest: DiO. HiHiltMAN. CierST Jly Fit AN K V, WATKIW, DtflHltJ. 41 IsKAUl 1 Administrator Sie. NOTICE Is hereby given that by of an order und llcena osals made by the county court of itartoa i ty, Oregon, on the Md day ot May, uuiuuriftiug huu iuivwi.rtus; sue s mluUtrutorof the estate of Usury ueomtvu, tj pvii ma reui ripr untr dwcrlbed for thu satis clulms uyalusi tho estate o( said i i win on Saturday, Die 2J day of'JuJ, If at the hour of I o'olock n. in. in inn noon ofsuid day at the door ut te court uouso iu buisiu, aiuwu gou, swi ui puouo auoiion i uu me uuy oi sui. ui ms an tno rig nt, iitle, luv which saliTHeary OefaM. the limn of his dSMtfa. in lowing dssurlbed veal praaerty. I east half ot tho north west nnaj lion u, t. v s., k. s n or t Meridian and uontalalav situated in MaHon oouaiy. Admintstiator of Uw VIVSBBSD WVfSJSjsfsi